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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: SCC2012 and WMC2012, Spain

--------------------------------- SCC 2012 http://scc2012.unican.es

The third international conference on Symbolic Computation and Cryptography (SCC 2012) will take place at International Centre for Mathematical meetings (CIEM), Castro Urdiales, Spain, on 11-13 July 2012. The SCC 2012 conference is co-located with third Workshop on Mathematical Cryptology (WMC 2012), an event also organized by research group Algorithmic Mathematics And Cryptography (AMAC) of the University of Cantabria, which will be held on 9-11 July 2012.

SCC 2012 is the third edition of a new series of conferences, which have been established in response to the growing interest in applying and developing methods, techniques, and software tools of symbolic computation for cryptography. The first conference (SCC 2008) was held in Beijing, China, in April 2008 and the second one (SCC 2010) was held in Egham, UK, in June 2010.

SCC 2012 aims at providing an interactive forum for researchers to present recent results, exchange ideas, and learn and discuss the latest developments and emerging problems in the area of symbolic computation and cryptography. Typical areas of interest include:

++design, modeling, and analysis of cryptographic systems and protocols for which symbolic computation may be used or needed;

++design, implementation, and analysis of algorithms and software tools of symbolic computation that may have potential applications in cryptography.

---------------------------------- WMC 2012 http://wmc2012.unican.es

The third Workshop on Mathematical Cryptology (WMC2012) will take place at International Centre for Mathematical meetings (CIEM), Castro Urdiales, Spain, on 9-11 July 2012. The WMC 2012 meeting is co-located with third international conference on Symbolic Computation and Cryptography (SCC 2012), an event also organized by the research group Algorithmic Mathematics And Cryptography (AMAC) of University of Cantabria, which will be held on 11-13 July 2012.

WMC 2012 is the third edition of a new series of conferences, which have been established in response to the growing interest among mathematicians and cryptographers in cryptosystem based on algebraic problems and its related cryptanalysis. The main purpose is to learn and discuss recent developments and emerging open problems derived from cryptology and having mathematical interest.

Topics for WMC 2012 include, but are not limited to:

Primality and integer factorization.
Secure encryption schemes based on group theory.
Multivariate polynomial cryptosystems. Gro:bner Bases.
Elliptic and hyperelliptic curve cryptosystems.
Computational complexity.
Lattice-based cryptosystems.
Computational number theory in Cryptology.
Pseudorandom sequence generators for stream ciphers.
Public key cryptosystem based on algebraic coding theory.
Quantum Cryptography.
Information security with mathematical emphasis.

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