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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: EACA 2012


The series of Meetings on Computer Algebra and Applications (EACA) are primarily addressed to
provide a meeting frame for researchers in the fields of Computer Algebra and Symbolic Computation
and for those who use these techniques as essential techniques in their research.

EACA 2012 is a meeting hosted by the research network RedEACA
(http://www.unirioja.es/dptos/dmc/RedEACA/presentacionEACA.html): Red Tema'tica de Ca'lculo Simbo'lico,
A'lgebra Computacional y Aplicaciones.

This time the Meeting will take place in the Colegio de San Ildefonso (Rectorado) of the University
of Alcala' de Henares, Plaza de San Diego s/n, Alcala' de Henares (Madrid) from June 13th to 15th,
2012, including the following Invited Plenary Speakers:

* Alicia Dickenstein, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
* Jose' Go'mez Torrecillas, Universidad de Granada, Spain.
* Mari'a Isabel Gonza'lez Vasco, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain.
* Willem A. de Graaf, Universidad de Trento, Italy.
* Pedro Real Jurado, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain.
* Franz Winkler, RISC-Linz, Johannes Kepler Universita:t, Austria.

Information and web page

Information about the conference will be updated on the web page of EACA 2012. The address


* Effective Methods in Algebra, Analysis, Geometry and Topology.
* Algorithmic Complexity.
* Scientific Computation by means of Symbolic-Numerical Methods.
* Symbolic-Numeric Software development.
* Analysis, specification, design and implementation of symbolic computation systems.
* Applications to Science and Technology

Important Dates

* Deadline for submissions: February 3, 2012.
* Notification of acceptance: March 28, 2012.
* Conference: June 13-15, 2012.

Call for Participation:

The participation, through presentations, is open to all researchers interested in the topics of
the Meeting. The papers should present a recent research work.
This is a Spanish Congress that usually includes a selected group of foreign colleagues.
Accordingly, the working language is Spanish, but presentations in English are also common. In any
case, we encourage participants to use English in the writing presentation documents to facilitate
the communication among the participants.
The authors must send an abstract with no more than 4 pages, before February 3th, 2012, following
the instructions that appear in the web pagehttp://www2.uah.es/eaca2012/submission.html

After the corresponding review by the Scientific Committee, two types of contributions will be
accepted: those related to standard mathematical results on the topics of the Congress and, also,
those related to the more experimental aspects of mathematics (new implementations of known
algorithms, experimental study of efficiency of algorithms or programming environments,
computer-aided found conjectures, etc.).

Authors will receive notification on the acceptance/rejection of their communication as well as on
the possible changes requested by the Scientific Committee, before the 28th of March, 2012.
Moreover, a final version of the accepted abstracts will be requested for inclusion in the
Proceedings, that will be distributed at the meeting as internal working document. Accepted papers
must be presented by an author during a time of 20 minutes plus 5 minutes for discussion.

Registration/Financial support to attend the Congress:

As usual, a number of financial aids, provided by the "Real Sociedad Matema'tica Espan~ola", to
partially cover the participation of students to the conference, is being considered. Registration
forms and financial support applications will be soon activated in the EACA 2012 website.

Scientific Committee :

* Mari'a Emilia Alonso (Universidad Complutense)
* Isabel Bermejo (Universidad de La Laguna)
* Jose' Luis Bueso (Universidad de Granada)
* Francisco J. Castro-Jime'nez (Universidad de Sevilla)
* Joan Eli'as (Universidad de Barcelona)
* Philippe Gime'nez (Universidad de Valladolid)
* Jose' Go'mez Torrecillas (Universidad de Granada)
* Laureano Gonza'lez Vega (Universidad de Cantabria)
* Manuel Ladra Gonza'lez (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela)
* Antonio Montes (Universidad Polite'cnica de Catalun~a)
* Toma's Recio (Universidad de Cantabria)
* Julio Rubio (Universidad de La Rioja)
* J. Rafael Sendra (Universidad de Alcala')

Local Organizers:

* Juan Gerardo Alca'zar, Universidad de Alcala'.
* Sonia Luisa Rueda, Universidad Polite'cnica de Madrid.
* Sonia Pe'rez-Di'az, Universidad de Alcala'.
* Juana Sendra Pons, Universidad Polite'cnica de Madrid.
* Juan Rafael Sendra, Universidad de Alcala'.
* Carlos Villarino, Universidad de Alcala' (Chairman).


J.Rafael Sendra
Departamento de Matematicas
Universidad de Alcala
Ap. Correos 20
28871 Alcala de Henares
Madrid, Spain


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