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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP:

XXII Brazilian Algebra Meeting
Salvador - Bahia, Brazil - July 15 to 20, 2012

First Announcement Letter

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We have great pleasure in inviting you and your colleagues to participate in the forthcoming XXII Brazilian Algebra Meeting, which will be held in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil from July 15th to July 20th of 2012.

This is the largest biennial meeting in Brazil, and one of the most important in Latin America, entirely devoted to Algebra and related topics. Its main objective is to provide an opportunity for researchers and students to exchange ideas, to communicate and discuss research findings in all branches of Algebra. In order to bring together leading experts and new researchers, such as graduate students, post-docs and young faculty members, the meeting will offer plenary talks, mini-courses (in diverse levels),
as well as sections of communications and posters. So, we encourage you to present your recent research.

We will be celebrating the 40th anniversary of this event, affectionately called Escola de A'lgebra by the Brazilians. Before long, the system for registration will be open. A large attendance is expected, so mark it in your calendars and register as soon as possible!

It will be a pleasure to receive you at the meeting in the mesmerizing city of Salvador in Bahia, Brazil.

Thierry Petit Lobao

Chair of the organising committee

Scientific Committee:

Fla'vio Ulhoa Coelho USP, Sa~o Paulo
Eduardo Esteves IMPA, Rio de Janeiro
Miguel Ferrero UFRGS, Porto Alegre
Francisco Ce'sar Polcino Milies USP, Sa~o Paulo
Ivan Shestakov USP, Sa~o Paulo
Said Sidki UnB, Brasi'lia
Aron Simis UFPE, Recife

For more details, please look for our upcoming 2nd announcement.

Additional information also can be found at www.algebra2012.ufba.br or email to algebra2012@ufba.br

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