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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: ISSAC 2012


ISSAC 2012
Second Announcement

IMPORTANT NOTE: the deadline for full paper submissions
has been extended to January 16. Abstracts should still
be submitted before January 9.
International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation
Grenoble, France, July 22-25, 2012


The International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation
(ISSAC) is the premier conference for research in symbolic computation
and computer algebra. ISSAC 2012 is the 37th meeting in the series,
started in 1966 and held annually since 1981, in North America, Europe
and Asia. The conference presents a range of invited speakers,
tutorials, poster sessions, software demonstrations and vendor
exhibits with a centerpiece of contributed research papers.

A satellite MaGiX workshop on language and graphical interface design
for computer algebra systems will be organized after the conference,
on July 26-27.

A second satellite workshop on Categorical Computer Science (CaCoS)
will also take place after the conference, on July 26.

Important Dates

Abstract submission deadline: Monday, January 9, 2012, 23:59 PST
Full paper submission FIRM DEADLINE: Monday, January 16, 2012, 23:59 PST
Notification of acceptance/rejection: Friday, March 16, 2012
Camera-ready copy due: Monday, April 30, 2012

Invited speakers

The conference features three invited talks by the following speakers:

Frits Beukers, University of Utrecht, Netherlands
Marie-Francoise Roy, University of Rennes, France
Volker Strassen, Retired, Germany


Three tutorial sessions are organized on Sunday, July 22,
by the following speakers:

Viktor Levandovskyy, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Pascal Koiran, ENS de Lyon, France
Seth Sullivant, North Carolina State University, USA

Submission Instructions

ISSAC 2012 invites the submission of original research contributions
to be considered for publication and presentation at the conference.
Papers should not duplicate work published or submitted for
consideration elsewhere prior or in parallel to the ISSAC submission.

Papers must be in English and shall be reviewed by the Program
Committee and external referees. Submissions
cannot exceed 8 pages in the ACM sig-alternate.cls style
(see http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates)
or the acmconf style if you are using TeXmacs; if necessary,
they can have an appendix that may be read by the reviewers
and PC members, but which is not part of the Proceedings paper.
Papers labeled "extended abstracts" will not be accepted. Submission is
exclusively via EasyChair. At least one author of each accepted paper
must register for the conference to present the paper.

Conference Topics

All areas of computer algebra and symbolic computation are of
interest. These include, but are not limited to:

Algorithmic aspects: Exact and symbolic linear, polynomial and
differential algebra. Symbolic-numeric, homotopy, and series methods.
Computational geometry, group theory, number theory, quantifier
elimination and logic. Summation, recurrence equations, integration,
ODE & PDE. Theoretical and practical aspects, including algebraic
complexity, and techniques for important special cases.

Software aspects: Design of packages and systems, data representation.
Parallel and distributed algebraic computing, considerations for
modern hardware. User-interface issues, and use with systems for,
e.g., digital libraries, courseware, simulation and optimization,
automated theorem-proving, computer-aided design, and automatic

Application aspects: Applications that stretch the current limits of
computer algebra, use it in new ways, or apply it in situations with
broad impact, in particular to the natural sciences, life sciences,
engineering, economics and finance, and education.

Organizing Committee

General Chair: Joris van der Hoeven (CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique)
Program Committee Chair: Mark van Hoeij (Florida State U.)
Local Arrangements Chair: Jean-Guillaume Dumas (U. Grenoble)
Tutorials Chair: Agnes Szanto (North Carolina State U.)
Poster Chair: Bernard Mourrain (INRIA Sophia-Antipolis)
Software Exhibits Chair: Francois Boulier (U. Lille 1)
Treasurer: Clement Pernet (INRIA, U. Grenoble)
Publicity Chair: William Turner (Wabash College)
Webmaster: Pascal Giorgi (U. Montpellier 2)

Program Committee

Saugata Basu (Purdue U., USA)
Laurent Buse' (INRIA, France)
Frederic Chyzak (INRIA, France)
Harm Derksen (U. Michigan, USA)
Ioannis Emiris (U. Athens, Greece)
Patrizia Gianni (U. Pisa, Italy)
Mark Giesbrecht (U. Waterloo, Canada)
David Harvey (U. New South Wales, USA)
Mark van Hoeij (Florida State U., USA) - Chair
Michael Monagan (Simon Fraser U., USA)
Franc,ois Lemaire (U. Lille, France)
Ziming Li (Chinese Academy of Science, China)
Luis M. Pardo (U. Cantabria, Spain)
Veronika Pillwein (RISC-Linz, Austria)
Gabriel Dos Reis (Texas A&M U., USA)
Damien Stehle (CNRS, France)
Arne Storjohann (U. Waterloo, Canada)
Jean-Claude Yakoubsohn (U. Paul Sabatier, France)
Chee Yap (New York U., USA)

Local Arrangements Committee

Sophie Azzaro (INRIA Grenoble, France)
Jean-Guillaume Dumas (U. Grenoble, France)
Laurent Fousse (U. Grenoble, France)
Antoine Girard (U. Grenoble, France)
Danie`le Herzog (INRIA Grenoble, France)
Aude Maignan (U. Grenoble, France)
Cle'ment Pernet (U. Grenoble/INRIA, France)
Jean-Louis Roch (U. Grenoble/INRIA, France)


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