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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: Conferences on Intelligent Computer Mathematics (CICM) 2009

Conferences on Intelligent Computer Mathematics (CICM) 2009

6-12 July 2009, Grand Bend, Ontario (CANADA)

First Announcement and Call For Workshops


This summer past, the Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Computation
Calculemus and Mathematical Knowledge Management (MKM) conferences
were co-located
in Birmingham, together with a number of related workshops.

This combined event was named the "Conferences on Intelligent Computer
(CICM), and allowed attendees to conveniently attend a number
conferences and workshops.

The second CICM will take place next summer in Grand Bend, Ontario
from July 6 to July 12.
This follows shortly after the Applications of Computer Algebra
conference in Montreal.

The scheduled events for CICM 2009 include the

* 9th International Conference on Mathematical Knowledge Management
(MKM 2009)

* 16th Symp. on the Integration of Symbolic Computation & Mechanised
(Calculemus 2009)

* 2nd Workshop Towards a Digital Mathematics Library
(DML 2009)

* 4th Mathematical User Interfaces Workshop
(MathUI 2009)

* 2nd Compact Computer Algebra Workshop
(CCA 2009)

* 3rd Pen-Based Mathematical Computation
(PenMath 2009)

There is a limited opportunity to hold additional events as part of
CICM 2009.
Proposals for additional workshops are invited. Please sumit proposals

Stephen M. Watt, CICM 2009 General Chair, <Stephen.Watt@uwo.ca>.

Proposals received by Monday, 15 December 2008 will receive priority.

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