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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: packages updates and overview

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Обновлены архив пакетов на сайте
системы GAP:


и дистрибутив GAP для Windows


Ниже приводится список всех 75 пакетов
для GAP, включенных
в этот архив, в хронологическом
порядке по дате последнего

С уважением,
Коновалов А.Б.

19/11/2002 : GrpConst 2.0 -- Constructing the Groups of a Given Order

19/11/2002 : AutPGrp 1.2 -- Computing the Automorphism Group of a p-

19/02/2003 : FORMAT 1.1 -- Computing with formations of finite
solvable groups.

01/10/2003 : AClib 1.1 -- Almost Crystallographic Groups - A Library
and Algorithms

17/11/2003 : FPLSA 1.1 -- Finitely Presented Lie Algebras

06/01/2004 : ITC 1.4 -- Interactive Todd-Coxeter

25/02/2004 : ParGAP 1.1.2 -- Parallel GAP

26/02/2004 : TomLib 1.1.2 -- The GAP Library of Tables of Marks

05/03/2004 : SONATA 2.3 -- System of nearrings and their applications

31/03/2004 : CTblLib 1.1.3 -- The GAP Character Table Library

22/05/2004 : XGAP 4.21 -- a graphical user interface for GAP

16/11/2004 : unipot 1.2 -- Computing with elements of unipotent
subgroups of Chevalley groups

27/05/2005 : FGA -- Free Group Algorithms

24/01/2006 : ANUPQ 3.0 -- ANU p-Quotient

26/01/2006 : ACE 5.0 -- Advanced Coset Enumerator

31/01/2006 : Example 2.0 -- A Demo for Package Authors

03/02/2006 : Sophus 1.23 -- Computing in nilpotent Lie algebras

02/03/2006 : openmath 06.03.02 -- OpenMath functionality in GAP

19/03/2006 : if 06.03.19 -- The GAP InterFace to other Computer
Algebra Systems

30/06/2006 : GRAPE 4.3 -- GRaph Algorithms using PErmutation groups

23/07/2006 : singular 06.07.23 -- The GAP interface to Singular

01/09/2006 : EDIM 1.2.3 -- Elementary Divisors of Integer Matrices

13/09/2006 : IRREDSOL 1.1.2 -- A Library of irreducible solvable
linear groups over finite fields

08/11/2006 : DESIGN 1.3 -- The Design Package for GAP

06/02/2007 : nq 2.2 -- Nilpotent Quotients of Finitely Presented Groups

07/02/2007 : LAGUNA 3.4 -- Lie AlGebras and UNits of group Algebras

25/02/2007 : Repsn 2.1.0 -- A GAP4 Package for constructing
representations of finite groups

23/03/2007 : UnitLib 2.1 -- Library of normalized unit groups of
modular group algebras

07/06/2007 : Guarana 0.92 -- Applications of Lie methods for
computations with infinite polycyclic groups

08/06/2007 : CRISP 1.3.2 -- Computing with Radicals, Injectors,
Schunck classes and Projectors

17/06/2007 : Polenta 1.2.7 -- Polycyclic presentations for matrix groups

10/07/2007 : Alnuth 2.2.5 -- Algebraic number theory and an interface

24/07/2007 : Forms 1.0 -- Sesquilinear and Quadratic

10/08/2007 : Nilmat 1.2 -- Computing with nilpotent matrix groups

28/08/2007 : liealgdb 2.0.2 -- A database of Lie algebras

26/09/2007 : ResClasses 2.5.3 -- Set-Theoretic Computations with
Residue Classes

26/09/2007 : FactInt 1.5.2 -- Advanced Methods for Factoring Integers

26/09/2007 : RCWA 2.5.4 -- Residue-Class-Wise Affine Groups

03/10/2007 : IO 2.3 -- Bindings for low level C library IO

08/10/2007 : gpd 1.03 -- Groupoids, graphs of groups, and graphs of

08/10/2007 : XMod 2.010 -- Crossed Modules and Cat1-Groups

09/10/2007 : kan 0.95 -- including double coset rewriting systems

09/10/2007 : idrel 2.03 -- Identities among relations

17/10/2007 : QuaGroup 1.3 -- a package for doing computations with
quantum groups

22/10/2007 : Cubefree 1.08 -- Constructing the Groups of a Given
Cubefree Order

23/10/2007 : kbmag 1.4 -- Knuth-Bendix on Monoids and Automatic Groups

01/11/2007 : Crime 1.3 -- A GAP Package to Calculate Group Cohomology
and Massey Products

17/01/2008 : Circle 1.3.1 -- Adjoint groups of finite rings

20/01/2008 : qaos main-1.0.28 -- Interfacing the QaoS database from GAP

22/01/2008 : RadiRoot 2.4 -- Roots of a Polynomial as Radicals

26/01/2008 : RDS 1.0 -- A package for searching relative difference sets

28/01/2008 : Wedderga 4.3.2 -- Wedderburn Decomposition of Group

29/02/2008 : toric 1.4 -- toric varieties and some combinatorial
geometry computations

06/03/2008 : loops 2.0.0 -- Computing with quasigroups and loops in GAP

23/04/2008 : linboxing 0.5.1 -- access to LinBox linear algebra
functions from GAP

27/05/2008 : SgpViz 0.998 -- A package for semigroup visualization

17/06/2008 : GAPDoc 1.2 -- A Meta Package for GAP Documentation

19/06/2008 : Browse 1.2 -- ncurses interface and browsing applications

22/06/2008 : orb 2.0 -- orb - Methods to enumerate Orbits

23/06/2008 : cohomolo 1.6 -- Cohomology groups of finite groups on
finite modules

23/06/2008 : AtlasRep 1.4.0 -- A GAP Interface to the Atlas of Group

28/07/2008 : HAP 1.8.8 -- Homological Algebra Programming

13/08/2008 : polymaking 0.7.5 -- Interfacing the geometry software

13/08/2008 : HAPcryst 0.1.7 -- A HAP extension for crytallographic

19/09/2008 : AutomGrp -- Automata groups

26/10/2008 : GUAVA 3.8 -- a GAP package for computing with error-
correcting codes

07/11/2008 : MONOID 3.1.3 -- Computing with transformation semigroups
and monoids

09/11/2008 : Polycyclic 2.4 -- Computation with polycyclic groups

10/11/2008 : NQL 0.05 -- Nilpotent Quotients of L-Presented Groups

12/11/2008 : Carat 2.1 -- Interface to CARAT, a crystallographic
groups package

12/11/2008 : CrystCat 1.1.3 -- The crystallographic groups catalog

12/11/2008 : Cryst 4.1.6 -- Computing with crystallographic groups

14/11/2008 : Automata 1.12 -- A package on automata

14/11/2008 : FR 0.857142p7 -- Computations with functionally recursive

18/11/2008 : NumericalSgps 0.96 -- A package for numerical semigroups

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