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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP - Sage Days 10

                 #        Sage Days 10       #
                 #   Call for Registration   #

from 10 to 15 October, Sage Days 10 (SD10 for short) will take place at LORIA
(Nancy, France). It will consist of three scientific days:

   * October 10: Linear Algebra (chair Clément Pernet)
        Invited Speakers:
           Arne Storjohann (Waterloo, Canada)
           Jean-Guillaume Dumas (Grenoble, France)
   * October 11: Elliptic Curves (chair Laurent Fousse)
        Invited Speakers:
           John Cremona (Warwick, United Kingdom)
           David Lubicz (Rennes, France)
   * October 12: Groebner Bases (chair Ludovic Perret)
        Invited Speakers:
           Carlo Traverso (Pisa, Italy)
           Éric Schost (London, Ontario, Canada)

followed by three "Coding Sprints" days, which consist of discussions about
the code (bug fixes, improvements, new code). The Coding Sprints will also
include a session about *-Combinat, its history, purpose, design, and future

Sage is a new mathematics software tool, which is open-source (GPL),
combines several software tools like GMP, Maxima, R, NTL, PARI/GP, and
attempts to be an alternative to Maple, Mathematica and Magma (which become
more and more expensive, especially for teaching, and are not all open to
external contributions).

After SD6 in Bristol in November 2007, this will be the 2nd Sage Days edition
in Europe: a unique opportunity to discuss and meet Sage developers in person,
to see which computations Sage can perform, but also a real scientific event,
and last but not least an opportunity to contribute to Sage during the
"Coding Sprints".

Registration is now open for SD10, and will be closed after ***October 3rd***.

SD10 web page: http://wiki.sagemath.org/days10 (with link to the on-line
  registration site)
Sage web page: http://sagemath.org/
*-Combinat web page: http://wiki.sagemath.org/combinat/

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