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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP - ISPDS 2009

September 2008 Update:

IPDPS 2009 - 23rd IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium

*October 3rd Deadline for Submission of Regular Symposium Papers (see full Call for Papers)
**23 Workshops Planned for IPDPS 2009 in Rome (see Web Workshops page to link to each)
***November 17th Deadline for Proposals for Symposium Tutorial
****TCPP PhD Forum 2009 to be held in Rome (see IPDPS Web for full Call for Posters)
IPDPS 2009
Monday, May 25 - Friday, May 29
Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Parallel Processing
In cooperation with ACM SIGARCH, IEEE Computer Society Technical
Committee on Computer Architecture, and IEEE Computer Society
Technical Committee on Distributed Processing
Join us in the city of Rome to enjoy a favorite tourist destination,
easily accessible from Europe and the Mediterranean. IPDPS serves as a
forum for engineers and scientists from around the world to present
their latest research findings in the fields of parallel processing and
distributed computing. The five-day program will follow the usual format
of contributed papers, invited speakers, panels, tutorials, and
commercial participation mid week, framed by workshops held on the first
and last days. A PhD Forum will be presented on Thursday. For details
and updates on all events, visit the IPDPS Website at www.ipdps.org.

Alessandro Mei, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
David A. Bader, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Per Stenstrom, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Alan Sussman, University of Maryland, USA
Juergen Becker, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Yves Robert, Ecole Normale Sup=E9rieure de Lyon, France
Yuanyuan Yang, State University of New York, Stony Brook, USA

*IEEE IPDPS 2009 Call for Papers
Submissions due October 3, 2008
Authors are invited to submit manuscripts that present original
unpublished research in all areas of parallel and distributed
processing, including the development of experimental or commercial
systems. Work focusing on emerging technologies is especially welcome.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

**Parallel and distributed algorithms, focusing on issues such as:
stability, scalability, and fault-tolerance of algorithms and data
structures for parallel and distributed systems, communication and
synchronization protocols, network algorithms, and scheduling and load

**Applications of parallel and distributed computing, including web
applications, peer-to-peer computing, grid computing, scientific
applications, and mobile computing. Papers focusing on applications
using multicore and/or GPUs, or discussing scalability to the Petascale
level are encouraged.

**Parallel and distributed architectures, including architectures for
instruction-level and thread-level parallelism; special-purpose
architectures, including graphics processors, signal processors, network
processors, media accelerators and other special purpose processors and
accelerators; impact of technology on architecture; network and
interconnect architectures; parallel I/O and storage systems;
architecture of the memory hierarchy; power-efficient architectures;
dependable architectures; and performance modeling and evaluation.

**Parallel and distributed software, including parallel programming
languages and compilers, runtime systems, operating systems,
virtualization, resource management, fault tolerance, middleware,
libraries, data mining, scalability, and programming environments and tools

Best Papers Awards
Awards will be given for one best paper in each of the four conference
technical tracks: algorithms, applications, architectures, and software.
The selected papers also will be considered for possible publication in
a special issue of the Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing.

What/Where to Submit
Submitted manuscripts may not exceed 15 single-spaced, single-column
pages using 12-point size font on 8.5x11 inch pages, including figures,
tables, and references. Please use the standard 1-inch margin. Please
use the standard 1-inch margin. Authors may submit additional material
as an appendix to their submission, but there is no guarantee that this
material will influence the review process. Files should be submitted in
PDF format. Authors must ensure that electronically submitted files are
formatted for 8.5x11 inch paper. Submission procedures for uploading
manuscript are available from the IPDPS Web site. Authors who have
e-mail access, but not web access, should send an e-mail message to
cfp@ipdps.org for an automatic reply that will contain detailed
instructions for submission of manuscripts. They should also contact the
Program Chair at: ipdps09@ipdps.org. Authors who have no electronic
access (e-mail or web) should contact the Program Chair at: Department
of Computer Science and Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology,
S-412 96, Goteborg, Sweden.

Review of Manuscripts
All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed. Submissions will be judged
on correctness, originality, technical strength, significance, quality
of presentation, and interest and relevance to the conference scope.
Submitted papers may NOT have appeared in, nor be under consideration
for, another conference or workshop, nor for a journal. Manuscripts must
be received by October 3, 2008, by 11:59 PM, U.S. Eastern Daylight Time.
This is a final, hard deadline; to ensure fairness, no extensions will
be given. Notification of review decisions will be mailed by December 5,
2008 (typically electronically). Camera-ready papers will be due
February 15, 2009.

Per Stenstrom, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Christian Scheideler, Technical University of Munich, Germany
Horst Simon, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and UC Berkeley, USA
Antonio Gonzalez, Intel and Univ. Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain and
Grigorios Magklis, Intel Corp., Spain
SOFTWARE Vice Chair:
Frank Mueller, North Carolina State University, USA

**23 Workshops Planned for IPDPS 2009 in Rome
(see IPDPS Website for links to workshops)

Monday Workshops - 25 May 2009 - Rome
(HCW) Heterogeneity in Computing Workshop
(WPDRTS) Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Real-Time Systems
(RAW) Reconfigurable Architectures Workshop
(HIPS) Workshop on High-Level Parallel Programming Models & Supportive
(JAVAPDC) Workshop on Java and Components for Parallelism, Distribution
and Concurrency
(NIDISC) Workshop on Nature Inspired Distributed Computing
(HiCOMB) Workshop on High Performance Computational Biology
(APDCM) Advances in Parallel and Distributed Computing Models
(CAC) Communication Architecture for Clusters
(HPPAC) High-Performance, Power-Aware Computing
(HPGC) High Performance Grid Computing
(SMTPS) Workshop on System Management Techniques, Processes, and Services

Friday Workshops - 29 May 2009 - Rome
(PDSEC) Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Scientific and Engineering
(PMEO) Performance Modeling, Evaluation, and Optimisation of Ubiquitous
Computing and Networked Systems
(DPDNS) Dependable Parallel, Distributed and Network-Centric Systems
(SSN) International Workshop on Security in Systems and Networks
(HOTP2P) International Workshop on Hot Topics in Peer-to-Peer Systems
(PCGRID) Workshop on Large-Scale, Volatile Desktop Grids
(MTAAP) Workshop on Multi-Threaded Architectures and Applications
(PDCoF) Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Computing in Finance
(LSPP) Workshop on Large-Scale Parallel Processing
(JSSPP) Workshop on Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing
(SSPS) Workshop on Scalable Stream Processing Systems - New!

IPDPS 2009 will offer a tutorial, open to all attendees, on Tuesday
evening. The objective is to provide attendees the opportunity to survey
the latest developments in a key emerging area of our field. Proposals
are solicited for organizing and presenting this all symposium tutorial.
Interested individuals should submit a proposal by November 20, 2008 to
the Tutorials Chair Juergen Becker (becker@kit.edu). Visit the IPDPS
Website at www.ipdps.org for detailed instructions.

(Held in conjunction with IPDPS 2009; see Web for details)
The TCPP PhD Forum is an opportunity for current graduate students in
the broad area of parallel and distributed processing to present posters
describing their ongoing dissertation and to discuss their research with
experts in academia and industry. To apply for the 2009 Forum, students
must submit a 4-page summary of their PhD research or dissertation
proposal prior to December 15th (firm deadline). Each submission will
have a PhD student as the sole author or as the primary author with
his/her thesis advisor(s) and should contain the following points:
description of the problem, of the proposed approach, and of the
research methodology adopted; significance of the research and its
relevance to parallel and distributed processing in the broader sense
(see TCPP Website); related work and their shortcomings; and results
obtained so far, remaining objectives and challenges. Submissions will
be evaluated by a committee chaired by Yves Robert, ENS Lyon, and
decisions will be sent by January 15, 2009. Successful students may, if
they wish, submit a one-page, camera-ready summary, which will appear in
the conference proceedings. Students who presented last year are asked
not to submit to this year's forum.

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