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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP - new conference announcements

Объявления о конференциях

                   Call For Papers

           Fourth International Workshop on
                     (HLPP 2007)

          The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
                   July 23-24, 2007



Bill McColl's post Sequential Computing Considered Harmful is an
excellent summary of today's situation
(http://www.computingatscale.com). Sequential computing cannot go
further. Major companies in the computing industry now recognizes the
urgency of reorienting an entire industry towards massively parallel

The trend is towards the increase of cores in processors and the need
for scalable computing everywhere. But parallel and distributed
programming is still dominated by low-level techniques such as
send/receive message passing. Thus high-level approaches should play a
key role in the shift to scalable computing in every computer.

This workshop follows the first three HLPP workshops held in 2001,
2003 and 2005. It is aimed at:

- computer science researchers, practitioners, graduate students
- scientific computing researchers, practitioners, graduate students
- high-performance application developers (e.g. in DBMS, data-mining,
parallel model checking, virtual reality)


We welcome submission of original, unpublished papers in English on
topics including (but not limited to) the following aspects of
multi-core, concurrent, parallel, distributed, meta and grid

- high-level algorithms for parallel, communication-efficient and
external-memory computation
- high-level programming models (BSP, CGM, LogP, MPM, etc.) and tools
- high-level programming models, tools and algorithms for
multi-threaded, reconfigurable and multi-core computing
- parallel programming methodologies
- algorithmic skeletons and constructive methods
- performance models and performance evaluation
- high level resource-aware approaches object, functional,
logic, constraint programming (semantics and implementation)
- verification of parallel and distributed programs
- security in high-level approaches
- applications using high-level languages and tools (scientific
computing, DBMS, model-checking, virtual reality, ...)
- teaching experience with high-level tools and methods

Accepted papers should be presented at the workshop. Revised versions
will be published in a special issue of an international journal
(previous HLPP workshops were published in Parallel Processing
Letters, World Scientific Publishing) provided revisions suggested by
the referees are made.


15 April 2007: Full paper due
28 May 2007: Notification
2 July 2007: Camera-ready paper due
23-24 July 2007: Workshop
17 September 2007: Journal version due


Manuel Chakravarty (Univ. of New South Wales, Australia)
Murray Cole (Univ. of Edinburgh, UK)
Alexandros Gerbessiotis (NJIT, USA)
Sergei Gorlatch (Univ. of Muenster, Germany)
Zhenjiang Hu (Univ. of Tokyo, Japan)
Christoph Kessler (Linkopings Universitet, Sweden)
Herbert Kuchen (Univ. of Muenster, Germany)
Rita Loogen (Univ. of Marburg, Germany)
Frederic Loulergue (Univ. of Orleans, France)
Quentin Miller (Somerville College, Oxford, UK)
Susanna Pelagatti (Univ. of Pisa, Italy)
Alexander Tiskin (Univ. of Warwick, UK)
Kazunori Ueda (Waseda University, Japan)


Zhenjiang HU
Information Processing Laboratory
Department of Mathematical Informatics
Department of Mathematical Engineering and Information Physics
The University of Tokyo

Laboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale d'Orleans
Faculty of Sciences
Computer Science Department
University of Orleans


HLPP 2005 was held in Coventry (July 4-5, 2005).

HLPP 2003 was held in Paris (June 16-18, 2003). Parallel Processing
Letters (Volume 13, issue 3) contains 14 revised papers presented at
the workshop.

HLPP 2001 was held in Orleans (March 26-27, 2001). Parallel Processing
Letters (Volume 11,issue 4) contains 8 revised papers presented at the

We are pleased to announce the fourth Summer School on Finite Groups and Related Geometrical Structures.

This year the school will take place in Venice from September 5th to September 15th.
The speakers will be

Donna Testerman from the  Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne


Gunter Malle from the University of Kaiserslautern.

The arguments of the courses will be:

Subgroup structure and representations of semisimple algebraic groups


Subgroup structure and maximal subgroups of finite groups of Lie type.

We have reserved about 33 beds (in single or double room) at the Patriarch's Seminar Guesthouse (a beautiful palace at the entrance of the Grand Canal).

Prices are:

(per night, breakfast included)

30 euros for a bed in a room without bathroom (there are 15 single rooms and 6 double rooms);

36 euros for a bed in a double room with bathroom (there are three rooms)

meals (lunch and dinner) are also available for 11 euros each.

Due to the International Film Festival, in this period it is quite difficult to find a hotel room in Venice and prices are much higher.
So, if you wish to come, hurry up!

Looking forward to see you all again
If you wish to participate, please contac Mario at the following e-mail address

mainards at dimi . uniud . it

The organizers

Clara Franchi, Maria Silvia Lucido, Enrico Jabara, Mario Mainardis, John van Bon

Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences


Programme name: Algebraic Lie Theory

Programme dates: 12/01/2009 - 26/06/2009

Organisers: Professor M Geck (University of Aberdeen), Professor A Kleshchev (University of Oregon), Professor G  Roehrle (University of Southampton)

Further information can be found on the Institute website at: http://www.newton.cam.ac.uk/programmes/ALT/index.html

С уважением,

ведущий рассылки Коновалов А.Б.

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