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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP - 6th International Algebraic Conference in Ukraine

6th International Algebraic Conference in Ukraine
dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Professor Dmitriy Konstantinovich Faddeev
July 1-7, 2007, Kamyanets-Podilsky, Ukraine

Second Announcement

1. General Information

The 6th International Algebraic Conference in Ukraine dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Professor Dmitriy Konstantinovich Faddeev will be held on July 1-7, 2007 in Kamyanets-Podilsky State University. The Conference is organized jointly by Institute of Mathematics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University and Kamyanets-Podilsky State University.

2. Organizers

Organizing committee

Zavalnyuk O. (Chairman),

Vice-chairmen: Gnatyuk V., Fedorchuk V., Keba O. and Savchuk V.

Members of Organizing committee are Babych V., Bezushchak O., Chernousova Zh., Khibina M., Teplinsky Yu., Tsiganivska I. and Zhuravlev V.

Program committee

Kirichenko V. (Chairman),

Andriychuk V. (Ukraine), Arnautov V. (Moldova), Artamonov V. (Russia), Bodnarchuk Yu. (Ukraine), Bondarenko V. (Ukraine), Chernikov N. (Ukraine), Dlab V. (Canada), Drozd Yu. (Ukraine), Gardner B. (Australia), Grigorchuk R. (USA), Gubareni N. (Poland), Gudivok P. (Ukraine), Hazewinkel M. (Netherlands), Kashu A. (Moldova), Katai I. (Hungary), Kolyada S. (Ukraine), Komarnyts’kyi M. (Ukraine), Kurdachenko L. (Ukraine), Latyshev V. (Russia), Laurinchikas A. (Lithuania), Lyubashenko V. (Ukraine), Mikhalev A. V. (Russia), Monakhov V. (Belarus), Novikov B. (Ukraine), Ol’shanskii A. (Russia/USA), Parasiuk I. (Ukraine), Perestiuk M. (Ukraine), Petravchuk A. (Ukraine), Pratsovytyi M. (Ukraine), Protasov I. (Ukraine), Samoilenko A. (Ukraine), Samoilenko Yu. (Ukraine), Semko M. (Ukraine), Sergejchuk V. (Ukraine), Sharko V. (Ukraine), Shemetkov L. (Belarus), Shestakov I. (Brazil), Stanzhitski A. (Ukraine), Sushchansky V. (Ukraine/Poland), Sysak Ya. (Ukraine), Teplinsky Yu. (Ukraine), Tsiganivsky M. (Ukraine), Ustimenko V. (Ukraine), Varbanets P. (Ukraine), Zaicev M. (Russia), Zarichnyi M. (Ukraine), Zelmanov E. (USA).

3.Topical Sections

The conference will include the following topical sections:

Algebraic Dynamics and Groups
Algebraic and Topological Methods in the Theory of Differential Equations
Analytical and Algebraic Theory of Numbers
Computer Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Rings and Modules
Semigroups and Algebraic Systems
Theory of Groups
Theory of Orders and Integral Representations
Theory of Representations and Linear Algebra
Topological Methods in Algebra

4. Talks

We plan plenary talks (45 min), section talks (25 min) and short communications (15 min).

The official languages of the conference are Ukrainian, Russian and English.

5. Registration and Abstracts

Persons interested in participating in the conference are kindly asked to register by e-mail as well as to send one page abstract in English, which should be prepared in LaTeX, till May 1, 2007.

The registration fee is 50 USD (for accompanying persons 25 USD). The registration fee is to be paid upon arrival in Kamyanets-Podilsky. The fee covers organization costs: abstracts, coffee-breaks and cultural program.

We regret that travel and daily expenses cannot be paid by the Organizing Committee.

6. Deadlines

The deadline for registration and sending abstract is May 1, 2007.

7. Passport and Visa Requirements

Please, inform us if you need an official invitation of Organizing Committee. The official invitation of Organizing Committee is not enough to the visa, in general. You can get the visa through a tourist company or through the Ukrainian Embassy nearest to you.

Please, arrange your visa in advance, keeping in mind that a design period may be durable .

8. Insurance

The Organizing Committee does not provide insurance of a travel to or from the meeting place and a week's stay there. It is therefore the responsibility of participants to check their health insurance requirements.

9. Social Events

Monday, July 2, 18:00 - Welcome party

Thursday, July 5 – Excursion day & Conference Dinner

10. Passage information

The conference will be held in Kamyanets-Podilsky State University, Department of Physics & Mathematics (Kamyanets-Podilsky, vul. Uralska, 1). Organizing committee is located on Department of Physics & Mathematics, room 25 (2nd floor, dean's office). Contact phone +380384931601.

You may get Department of Physics & Mathematics by minibus No.27 from raiway station, by minibus No.29 or 20 from hotel "Podillya", by minibus No.28 from hotel "Xenia".
The fare of minibus is 0.80–1.25 Hrn. ($0.16-0.25).

You may also take a taxi. In the town the fare is 6-10 Hrn. ($1.2-2).

Passage from Kyiv to Kamyanets-Podilsky

You may get Kamyanets-Podilsky from Kyiv railway station by train No.623 Kyiv–Kamyanets-Podilsky: departure from Kyiv at 20:36, arrival to Kamyanets-Podilsky at 8:14. The fare is 200 Hrn. ($40) for first class, 56 Hrn. ($12) for compartment and 41 Hrn. ($8) for reserved seat.

Passage from Airport “Boryspil” to Kyiv railway station

You may get Kyiv railway station (Southern terminal) by bus Atass-Polyot (twice per hour). The fare is 24 Hrn. ($5).

You may also take a taxi. In the city the fare is 1.20–4.00 per kilometer. We do not recommend taking a taxi in Airport “Boryspil” and Central Railway Station because of appreciably overstated fare.

11. Accomodation

Accommodation is possible in hotels of Kamyanets-Podilsky and the university guest house.

Organizing Committee can book in hotels "Podillya", "Xenia" and "7 days":

double, triple and four-seated rooms with conveniences in general use – 35 Hrn ($7) for person per night;
double and triple rooms with conveniences (including breakfast) – 75-250 Hrn ($15-50) for person per night.
Please, indicate your accomodation preferences in corresponding line of registration form. Booking of rooms is possible till May 1, 2007.

For further information or specific requests please contact the Organizing Committee by e-mail iacu@univ.kiev.ua.

Organizing Committee

6th International Algebraic Conference in Ukraine
July 1-7, 2007, Kamyanets-Podilsky, Ukraine

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