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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP - new conference announcements

Объявления о конференциях


Dear all,

We are happy to announce the

                      AXIOM WORKSHOP 2007:

                             Symmetric Functions

It will take place at the RISC institute near Linz from Thursday, June
14 to Saturday, June 16.

Axiom is a Computer Algebra System with a long tradition.  It recently
became free software, see http://www.axiom-developer.org

The workshop aims at a cooperation of Axiom developers with developers
of packages written for other Computer Algebra Systems, and
mathematicians that would like to use a computer algebra system to perform experiments.

One goal of the workshop is to learn about the mathematical theory,
the design of packages written for other CAS and to make those functionalities
available in Axiom.

If you would like to attend the workshop, please send mail to
<axiom...@yahoo.de>.  There will be time for a very limited number of
contributed talks.  If you would like to give a talk, please send us
title and a short abstract as soon as possible.

There will be no conference fee, but it is expected that participants
pay accommodation and meals themselves.  There is a limited number of
rooms available in Hagenberg for approximately 28 EUR/night including

The following talks are planned:

François Descouens and Nicolas Thiéry

         Symmetric functions and Hopf algebras

         Usage and design in MuPAD-Combinat

Bertfried Fauser

         Calculations in character Hopf algebras using SCHUR and Maple

Harald Fripertinger


Axel Kohnert

         Symmetric functions in MAGMA

First Announcement:

LMS Workshop on Motives, quadratic forms and algebraic groups,

27-31 August, Queen's University Belfast.



N. Karpenko (Jussieu): Motives and quadratic forms
B. Totaro (Cambridge): Quadrics and Birational Geometry
C. Weibel (Rutgers): Motivic Cohomology

Speakers and invited participants (as of 20 Feb)

A. Bak (Bielefeld)
E. Bayer-Fluckiger (Lausanne)
R. de Jeu (Durham)
D. Hoffmann (Nottingham)
M. Karoubi (Paris 7)
B. Koeck (Southampton)
D. Lewis (Dublin)
J.-P. Tignol (Louvain-la Neuve)
N. Vavilov (St. Petersburg)
A. Vishik (Moscow)
A. Wadsworth (UC San Diego)
K. Zainoulline (Muenchen)

Sponsor: London Math. Society.

The workshop is planned to bring together experts, young and old, on various aspects of research in Chow motives, quadratic forms and algebraic groups, as well as graduate students, postdocs and others who wish to learn about the subject areas. Please let your students and other interested people know about this workshop.

Roozbeh Hazrat

PACT '07

16th International Conference on
Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques
Brasov, Romania, September 15-19, 2007
Sponsors: IEEE Computer Society/ACM SIGARCH/IFIP

The submission site is http://pactconf.org.
Manuscripts should be submitted for blind review.
Submission issues for papers should be directed to rwerger@cs.tamu.edu.
Workshop submissions are also solicited.

Important dates:

- Abstracts due: March 26, 2007, 11pm CST
- Papers due: April 1, 2007, 11pm CST
- Workshop proposals due: April 2, 2007, 11pm CST

The purpose of PACT is to bring together researchers from architecture,
compilers, applications and languages to present and discuss innovative
research of common interest. PACT solicits novel papers on a broad
range of topics that include, but are not limited to:
- Parallel architectures and computational models
- Compilers and tools for parallel computer systems
- Multicore, multithreaded, superscalar, and VLIW architectures
- Compiler/hardware support for hiding memory latencies
- Support for correctness in hardware and software (esp. with
- Reconfigurable computing
- Dynamic translation and optimization
- I/O issues in parallel computing and their relation to applications
- Parallel programming languages, algorithms and applications
- Middleware and run time system support for parallel computing
- High performance application specific systems
- Applications and experimental systems studies
- Non-traditional computing systems topics

Abstract submissions are due March 26, 2007 and paper submissions are
due April 1, 2007. No extensions will be granted. Detailed instructions for
electronic submission and other important dates will be posted on the
PACT conference web site (http://pactconf.org) For
additional information regarding paper submissions, please contact the
Program Chair, Lawrence Rauchwerger.

Proposals are solicited for tutorials and workshops to be held immediately
before the conference. Interested individuals are invited to submit
proposals to the Workshops Chair, Guang Gao
and the Tutorials Chair, Avi Mendelson.

PACT '07 will take place in Brasov, the largest of the seven Saxon cities
of the Transylvania province. Dracula's castle, the citadel of Sighisoara,
the royal summer palace and scores of medieval fortified churches are all
within short driving distance. The country side's unspoiled nature and
traditional customs have changed little over the last centuries,
making it an outdoor museum of living history.

General Chair
Marc Snir UIUC

Program Chair
Lawrence Rauchwerger, Texas A&M University

Local Arrangements Chairs
Nicolae Tapus, Politechnica Bucharest
George Toacse, Transilvania University

Publicity Chairs
Americas: Silvius Rus, Google
Asia/Pacific: Manish Gupta, IBM India
Europe: Francois Bodin, IRISA

Publication Chair
David Bernstein, IBM Israel

Registration Chair
Emil Slusanschi

Tutorials Chair
Avi Mendelson, Intel Israel

Workshops Chair
Guang Gao, University of Delaware

Finance Chair
Calin Cascaval, IBM USA

Web Chair
Nancy Amato, Texas A&M University

Steering Committee
Jean Luc Gaudiot (Chair), UC Irvine
Erik Altman, IBM USA
Michel Cosnard, INRIA
Kemal Ebcioglu, Global Supercomputing
Kathryn McKinley, UT Austin
Gabby Silberman, Computer Associates
Kevin Skadron, University of Virginia
Josep Torrellas, UIUC
Ben Zorn, Microsoft

Program Committee
Bilha Mendelson, IBM Israel
David Callahan, Microsoft
Albert Cohen, INRIA
James Dehnert, Google
Michel Dubois, USC
Thomas Gross, ETH Zurich
Michael Gschwind, IBM USA
Maurice Herlihy, Brown University
Michael Huang, University of Rochester
Christos Kozyrakis, Stanford University
William Ludwell Harrison, UIUC
Ken Kennedy, Rice University
Jens Knoop, TU Vienna
Jaejin Lee, Seoul National University
Margaret Martonosi, Princeton University
Sam Midkiff, Purdue University
Jose Moreira, IBM USA
Alex Nicolau, UC Irvine
Michael O¹Boyle, University of Edinburgh
Andrea Pietracaprina, University of Padova
Keshav Pingali, UT Austin
André Seznec, IRISA
Per Stenström, Chalmers UT
Stamatis Vassiliadis, TU Delft
Mateo Valero, UPC Barcelona
Alex Veidenbaum, UC Irvine
Pen-Chung Yew, University of Minnesota
Hans Zima, University of Vienna & JPL

С уважением,

ведущий рассылки Коновалов А.Б.


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