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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP - new conference announcements

Объявления о конференциях

Workshop "Support Varieties in Representation Theory"

University of Paderborn, February, 22-23, 2007


First Announcement:

Spring School  "Hall algebras and their applications"

Wuppertal, 19 March - 23 March 2007

Organizers: Andrew Hubery (Paderborn), Markus Reineke (Wuppertal)

Hosted and funded by:

Graduiertenkolleg "Darstellungstheorie und ihre Anwendungen in Mathematik und Physik" (BU Wuppertal)

International Research Training Group  "Geometry and Analysis of Symmetries" (Univ. Paderborn)

Further details: http://wmaz.math.uni-wuppertal.de/reineke/springschool07/


March 19-23, 2007

Dear Colleague,

This is the first announcement of the


   Max Planck Institute for Mathematics

         Bonn, March 19-23, 2007

  Matilde Marcolli (MPIM Bonn)
  Walter D. van Suijlekom (Nijmegen)
  Kurusch Ebrahimi-Fard (MPIM Bonn)

We would be very happy if you could forward
this message to your colleagues.

For further information:

We are looking forward to seeing you in Bonn.

with kind regards
  Matilde Marcolli
  Walter D. van Suijlekom
  Kurusch Ebrahimi-Fard


9th Postgraduate Group Theory Conference

The Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics at the

University of Cambridge is holding the 9th annual Postgraduate Group

Theory Conference from the 11th to the 13th April 2007.

Invited speakers:
    Robert Wilson (QMUL)
    Peter Neumann (Oxford)

The principal aim of the conference is to give a forum for postgraduate
students currently researching groups (algebraic, amenable, finite, green&furry...) and related objects (amalgams, buildings, representations...) to present and discuss their research in a group of peers.
It also serves as a means of introducing graduate students to unfamiliar
topics within group theory, in the hope of catalysing future research.  The
conference provides a safe environment for those new to speaking at
conferences, and helps to establish and preserve communication between
different departments. We hope that our invited speakers will stimulate,
inspire and provide some insight into their subject.

Registration and further details are available at the conference
website (to register click on "Pre-registration"): http://www.pgtc2007.org

Ben Fairbairn, Alex Frolkin, Darren Kenneally, PGTC2007 organisers

          Differential Algebra and Related Topics
            Workshop II and AMS Special Session

                    April 12-15, 2007

                 First Joint Announcement

The Kolchin Seminar in Differential Algebra of The City
University of New York and the Department of Mathematics
at Rutgers University at Newark are pleased to announce
the second joint International Workshop and AMS Special
Session on Differential Algebra and Related Topics. The
joint conferences will bring together experts from
different areas related to differential algebra. The
purpose is to disseminate the methods and results of
differential algebra to other areas, to encourage
potential collaborations, and to attract graduate
students and new researchers. During the workshop,
invited speakers will give expository or survey talks on
their fields. The Special Session at the AMS Eastern
Section Meeting for Spring 2007 will bring the
participants further up to date on the most current
research through invited research reports.

Topics: Including but not limited to: Differential and
difference algebra, differential Galois theory,
differential algebraic geometry, differential algebraic
groups, computational differential algebra, Rota-Baxter
type algebras, and applications to combinatorics,
arithmetic geometry, control theory, dynamical systems,
and integrability theories.


Date:           April 12-13, 2007
Location:       Rutgers University at Newark
URL:            newark.rutgers.edu/~liguo/DARTII/diffalg.html
Confirmed Speakers (alphabetical order):

      Marcelo Aguiar (Texas A\&M University)
      Peter A. Clarkson (IMSAS, University of Kent)
      Andy R. Magid (University of Oklahoma)
      David Marker (University of Illinois at Chicago)
      B. Heinrich Matzat (Universität Heidelberg)
      Michael F. Singer (North Carolina State University)

AMS Special Session

Date:           April 14-15, 2007
Location:       Stevens Institute of Technology
URL:            www.sci.ccny.cuny.edu/~ksda/ams.html
Confirmed Speakers (alphabetical order):

      Primitivo Acosta-Humane   Andy Magid
      Alexandru Buium           B. Heinrich Matzat
      Lucia Di Vizio            Claude Mitschi
      Anne Duval                Alexey Ovchinnikov
      Oleg Golubitsky           Eugueny Pankratiev
      Charlotte Hardouin        Sylvie Paycha
      Julia Hartmann            Wai Yan Pong
      Lourdes Juan              Michael Singer
      Arne Ledet                Franz Winkler
      Aleksandr B. Levin        Yang Zhang


      Phyllis Cassidy (CCNY and Smith College, emerita)
      Richard Churchill (Hunter College and Graduate Center of CUNY)
      Li Guo (Chair for Workshop, Rutgers University at Newark)
      William Keigher (Rutgers University at Newark)
      Jerry Kovacic(Chair for AMS Special Session, City College of CUNY)
      William Sit (City College of CUNY, emeritus)

Conference "Representations, Cohomology and Support Spaces"

University of Bielefeld, April 29 - May 1, 2007


                        CALL FOR PARTICIPATION

                              AWFS 2007
            Fifth Asian Workshop on Foundations of Software
                     Xiamen, China, June 1-3, 2007

Asian Workshop on Foundations of Software (AWFS) addresses foundational
problems in current and future software design, development, and analysis.
The previous four AWFS were held in Hangzhou in 2002, Nanjing in 2003,
Xi'an in 2004, and Beijing in 2005. The scope of the 5th AWFS is extended
to include artificial intelligence methodologies and the design and
implementation of symbolic computation software. It is expected that this
workshop will further stimulate various activities leading to formation
of new forums for Asian researchers in the area of software science and

* Topics

Specific topics for AWFS 2007 include (but are not limited to):

  - Logics of programs, program generation, transformation, evolution,
    and reasoning
  - Formal methods and artificial intelligence for software development
  - Programming methodologies and paradigms
  - Programming language design and semantics
  - Software development methodologies, tools, and environments
  - Software specification, verification, testing, analysis, refinement,
    and model checking
  - Software architectures, software reuse, and user interface design
  - Software for distributed, parallel, web/Internet-based, and mobile
  - Design and implementation of symbolic computation software
  - Empirical studies of software tools and methods
  - Database theory and data mining

* Invited Speakers

Main invited talks will be given by:

  - Jifeng He (East China Normal University)
  - Wei Li (Beihang University, China)
  - Masahiko Sato (Kyoto University, Japan)
  - Jingzhong Zhang (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Other invited speakers include: Huacan He (Xi'an), Zhenjiang Hu (Tokyo),
Shigeru Igarash (Tsukuba), Andres Iglesias Prieto (Santander), Tomoaki
Kawaguchi (Tsukuba), Shilong Ma (Beijing), Atsushi Ohori (Sendai),
Zongyan Qiu (Beijing), Renaud Rioboo (Paris), Taiichi Yuasa (Kyoto),
Jian Zhang (Beijing).

* Submission

Potential participants of AWFS 2007 are invited to submit (extended)
abstracts of 1-3 pages for presentation at the workshop. Abstracts should
be prepared using LaTeX (preferably with the LNCS style files) and sent
in PDF or PS format as e-mail attachments to Professor Dongming Wang
by March 15, 2007. The submitted abstracts will
be reviewed by the program committee, and the authors will be notified of
acceptance or rejection of their abstracts by April 15, 2007. Accepted
(extended) abstracts or full papers will be printed in the informal
proceedings of AWFS 2007 for distribution at the workshop. Selected papers
of AWFS 2007 will be published in a book after the workshop.

* Dates

  - Deadline for abstract submission: March 15, 2007
  - Notification of acceptance or rejection: April 15, 2007
  - Workshop taking place: June 1-3, 2007

* Organization

Workshop Chair

    Wei Li, Beihang University, China

Program Co-Chairs

  - Tetsuo Ida, University of Tsukuba, Japan
  - Qiangshan Jiang, Xiamen University, China
  - Dongming Wang, Beihang University, China and UPMC-CNRS, France

Local Arrangements

    Tongtao Zheng, Xiamen University, China


  - NLSDE and LMIB, Beihang University
  - Software School, Japanese Research Institute, and Foundation College,
    Xiamen University
  - Asian Association for Foundation of Software

Dear Colleagues,

we are pleased to invite you to our conference Groups and Topological Groups

which will take place in Debrecen on Friday, June 15 and Saturday, June 16 2007.

Please distribute this information in your group and tell us as soon as possible who is planning to contribute a talk of 40'.

You find a homepage of the conference with more detailed information under http://www.math.klte.hu/~figula/gtg2007.html.

The conference will be placed in the Regional Centre of the Hungarian Academy of Science, Debrecen (DAB), see: http://www.dab.hu.

There are some possibilities to book rooms in the student’ hostels in the university campus or in the DAB building. For this wishes please contact organisers.

Of course there is also a possibility to reserve a hotel room. For information and a list of suitable hotels, visit the website at
http://www.aquaticum.hu, http://www.civishotel.hu, http://www.hunguest.hu, http://www.szallasinfo.hu/parkhotel, http://www.panziocentrum.huhttp://www.hotels.hu/koronapanzio1.

Best wishes,
Peter T. Nagy, Agota Figula, Viktor Bódi

International Conference on Rings and Things
Dedicated to Carl Faith on his 80th birthday and Barbara Osofsky on her 70th birthday

June 15-17, 2007, Ohio University, Zanesville Campus

Supported by:

National Security Agency, Center of Ring Theory and Applications at Ohio University, and Ohio University regional campuses at Chillicothe, Lancaster, and Zanesville

Invited Speakers include:

        Victor P. Camillo (University of Iowa, USA)
        Alberto Facchini (University of Padova, Italy)
        Kent R. Fuller (University of Iowa, USA)
        Jose Luis Gomez Pardo (University de Santiago de Compostela, Spain)
        Charudatta Hajarnavis (University of Warwick, UK)
        Birge Huisgen-Zimmermann (University of California Santa Barbara, USA)
        T.Y. Lam (University of California Berkeley, USA)
        Patrick F. Smith (University of Glasgow, UK)
        Agata Smoktunowicz (The University of Edinburgh, UK)
        Jan Trlifaj (Charles University, Czech Republic)
        Robert Wisbauer (University of Dusseldorf, Germany)

The conference will also have contributed talks. The main topics covered at the conference include Structure Theory of Rings and Modules, Representation Theory, and Group Rings, among others.

For registration, submission of an abstract, and other information, please go to

Deadline for submitting abstract: April 30, 2007

Organizing Committee:

Nguyen Viet Dung, Ohio University, Zanesville Campus
Franco Guerriero, Ohio University, Lancaster Campus
Lakhdar Hammoudi, Ohio University, Chillicothe Campus
Pramod Kanwar (Coordinator), Ohio University, Zanesville Campus

                Symbolic-Numeric Computation 2007 (SNC 2007)

                    July 25-27, 2007 -- London Canada


                      C A L L   f o r   P A P E R S


  Algorithms that combine ideas from symbolic and numeric computation have
  been of increasing interest over the past decade.  The growing demand for
  speed, accuracy and reliability in mathematical computing has accelerated
  the process of blurring the distinction between two areas of research that
  were previously quite separate.

  The goal of the present workshop is to support the interaction and
  integration of symbolic and numeric computing.  Earlier meetings in this
  series include the SNAP 96 Workshop, held in Sophia Antipolis, France,
  and the SNC 2005 meeting, held in Xi'an, China.  Following the tradition,
  Symbolic-Numeric Computation 2007 will be held July 25-27 in London, Canada.

  SNC 2007 is affiliated with the 2007 International Symposium on Symbolic and
  Algebraic Computation (ISSAC 2007).  Co-located with this workshop will be
  PASCO 2007, the 2007 International Workshop on Parallel Symbolic Computation.
  SNC and PASCO will be held immediately prior to the ISSAC 2007 meeting, both
  at the University of Western Ontario, Canada.  ISSAC 2007 will be held
  nearby in Waterloo, Canada.

Call for Papers:

  The program of SNC 2007 will include invited presentations, contributed
  research papers and posters.   Specific topics include, but are not
  limited to:

  * Hybrid symbolic-numeric algorithms
  * Approximate polynomial GCD and factorization
  * Symbolic-numeric methods for solving polynomial systems
  * Resultants and structured matrices for symbolic-numeric computation
  * Differential equations for symbolic-numeric computation
  * Symbolic-numeric methods for geometric computation
  * Symbolic-numeric algorithms in algebraic geometry
  * Symbolic-numeric algorithms for nonlinear optimization
  * Numeric computation of characteristic sets and Gröbner bases
  * Implementation of symbolic-numeric algorithms
  * Model construction by approximate algebraic algorithms (e.g. numerical
    sparse interpolation, the approximate Buchberger-Moeller algorithm)
  * Applications of symbolic-numeric computation

  The conference invites submission of papers presenting original research,
  either in the form of extended abstracts (3 pages) or full papers
  (up to 16 pages in 11 point font).  A paper template is available at
  http://www.orcca.on.ca/conferences/snc2007/site/submission/submission.html .

  To submit a paper, visit http://www.easychair.org/SNC2007 .

Important Dates:

  Submission deadline:       April 2, 2007
  Notification:              May 28, 2007
  Camera ready version due:  June 15, 2007
  Workshop:                  July 25-27, 2007

Conference Organization:

  General Chair:       Stephen Watt    
  PC Chair:            Jan Verschelde 
  Local Arrangements:  Oleg Golubitsky
  Proceedings Editor:  Marc Moreno Maza
  Publicity:           Francois Lemaire
  Administration:      Meg Borthwick

Program Committee:

  Dario Bini, Universita di Pisa, Italy
  Robert Corless, University of Western Ontario, Canada
  James Demmel, University of California Berkeley, USA
  Ioannis Emiris, University of Athens, Greece
  Marc Moreno Maza, University of Western Ontario, Canada
  Bernard Mourrain, INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France
  Victor Pan, Lehman College CUNY, USA
  Greg Reid, University of Western Ontario, Canada
  Tateaki Sasaki, University of Tsukuba, Japan
  Andrew Sommese, University of Notre Dame, USA
  Jan Verschelde (PC Chair), University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
  Dongming Wang, Beihang University, China and UPMC-CNRS, France
  Zhonggang Zeng, Northeastern Illinois University, USA


  Support from the following organizations is gratefully acknowledged:

  The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences
  The MITACS Network of Centers of Excellence
  The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
  The University of Western Ontario
  The Ontario Research Centre for Computer Algebra


  SNC 2007    http://www.orcca.on.ca/conferences/snc2007
  PASCO 2007  http://www.orcca.on.ca/conferences/pasco2007
  ISSAC 2007  http://www.cs.uwaterloo.ca/conferences/issac2007

  Submission  http://www.easychair.org/SNC2007

Topics in Geometric Group Theory

Beldewo (near Poznan), Poland, June 25-29, 2007


Third Announcement and Call for Papers

 ISSAC 2007 (Waterloo, Canada, July 29 - August 1, 2007)

* Submission deadline extended to January 24, 2007 (Midnight [24:00 EST])

The International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation
(ISSAC) is the premier annual conference to present and discuss new
developments and original research results in all areas of symbolic
mathematical computation. Planned activities include invited
presentations, research papers, poster sessions, tutorial courses,
vendor exhibits and software demonstrations.

Original research results and insightful analyses of current concerns
are solicited for submission.

* Paper submission details can be found at:

* Paper submission page:  http://www.easychair.org/ISSAC2007/

* ISSAC 2007 web site:    http://www.cs.uwaterloo.ca/issac2007/

* Notification of acceptance/rejection:  March 28, 2007
* Camera-ready copy to the publisher:    April 27, 2007


Bedlewo (near Poznan), Poland, July 1-7, 2007


with a special session "Groups acting on trees" dedicated to Prof. Vitaliy Sushchanskyy on the occasion of his 60-th birthday

SARA '07: The Seventh International Symposium on Abstraction, Reformulation and Approximation

                Whistler, Canada, July 18-21, 2007
 (organised in cooperation with AAAI and co-located with AAAI'07)


It has been recognised since the inception of Artificial Intelligence
that abstractions, problem reformulations and approximations (AR&A)
are central to human common-sense reasoning and problem solving and to
the ability of systems to reason effectively in complex domains. AR&A
techniques have been used in a variety of problem-solving settings,
including (but not limited to):

  * Automatic programming.
  * Automated reasoning.
  * Cognitive modelling.
  * Constraint programming.
  * Design.
  * Diagnosis.
  * Machine learning.
  * Model-based reasoning.
  * Planning.
  * Scheduling.
  * Search.
  * Theorem proving.
  * Tutoring.

The primary use of AR&A techniques in such settings has been to
overcome computational intractability by decreasing the combinatorial
costs associated with searching large spaces. In addition, AR&A
techniques are also useful for knowledge acquisition and explanation
generation in complex domains.

The aim of the symposium is to provide a forum for intensive
interaction among researchers in all areas of Artificial Intelligence
with an interest in the different aspects of AR&A techniques. The
diverse backgrounds of participants of previous symposia has led to a
rich and lively exchange of ideas, allowed the comparison of goals,
techniques and paradigms, and helped identify important research
issues and engineering hurdles. We expect that the upcoming symposium
will include an equally diverse group of participants.

Important Dates (provisional)

Submission:           March 11th
Notification:         April 18th
Final Versions:       May 18th

Please see the website for details and submission procedures.


Conference Chairs:      Ian Miguel, University of St Andrews, UK.
                      Wheeler Ruml, Palo Alto Research Center, USA.
Publicity Chair:        Karen Petrie, University of Oxford, UK.
Sponsorship Chair:      Peter Nightingale, University of St Andrews,

Programme Committee:

J. Christopher Beck     University of Toronto, Canada.
Berthe Choueiry         University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA.
Stefan Edelkamp         Universitat Dortmund, Germany.
Ariel Felner            Ben-Gurion University, Israel.
Alan Frisch             University of York, UK.
Hector Geffner          Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain.
Mike Genesereth         Stanford University, USA.
Fausto Giunchiglia      University of Trento, Italy.
Brahim Hnich            Izmir University, Turkey.
Daniel Kayser           Universite Paris-Nord, France.
Sven Koenig             University of Southern California, USA.
Michael Lowry           NASA, USA.
Peter Revesz            University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA.
Marie-Christine Rousset University of Grenoble, France.
Lorenza Saitta          Universita del Piemonte Orientale, Italy.
Bart Selman             Cornell University, USA.
Barbara Smith           Cork Constraint Computation Centre, Ireland.
Miroslav Velev          Carnegie Melon University, USA.
Toby Walsh              University of New South Wales, Australia.
Weixiong Zhang          Washington University, USA.
Rong Zhou               Palo Alto Research Center, USA.
Robert Zimmer           Goldsmiths College, University of London, UK.
Jean-Daniel Zucker      Universite Paris 6, France.

 First Announcement

The International Conference “Algebraic systems and their applications in differential equations and other domains of mathematics” will be held from 21st to 23rd of August 2007  in Chisinau (Republic of Moldova). The Conference is dedicated to the memory of two world-known mathematicians of Moldova Vladimir Andrunakievici (1917-1997) and Konstantin Sibirsky (1928-1990). The Conference is organized by the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science  of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, in collaboration with: the Mathematical Society of Moldova, the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of Moldova State University (MSU), Tiraspol State University (Chisinau), Center of Education and Research  in Mathematics and Computer Science  of  MSU, Technical University of Moldova.
The program of the Conference involves 30 minutes survey talks and short communications (15 minutes), on recent results in Algebra and the Theory of Differential Equations, and their applications in other scientific domains.
Publication of abstracts and communications of the Conference is planed. People interested in participating at the Conference, are kindly asked to send the following information:
Registration form (see below), before the 1st May of 2007;
Abstract (no more than one page) in English, in LaTeX form, before June 15th, 2007 (see Abstract example).
The Registration Form and the Abstract should be sent to the Organizing Committee by e-mail.
We will be very grateful if you inform other specialists in the mentioned domains about the Conference.
Plenary lectures as well as lectures within two sections – Algebra and Differential Equations  – are scheduled for the Conference.
Detailed information can be found on site of conference  http://www.math.md/asade2007
The Second Announcement with personal invitations and detailed information about accommodation and registration fee will be sent later.

Organizing Committee
Co-President, dr.hab. Popa Mihail
Co-President, cor.membr. Arnautov Vladimir
Vice President, dr.hab. Casu Alexei,
Vice President, dr.hab. Vulpe Nicolae
Secretari dr. Naidenova Elena
dr.Cuznetzov Evghenii
ac. Ciobanu Mitrofan (Tiraspol State University)
ac. Reabuhin Iurii (Institute of Mathematics and Computer Sciences)
dr.h. Bunu Ion (Academy of Economy Sciences of Moldova)
dr.h. Ciocanu Gheorghe (State University of Moldova)
dr.h. Gaindric Constantin (Institute of Mathematics and Computer Sciences)
dr.h. Jitarasu Nicolae (State University of Moldova)
dr.h. Suba Alexandr (State University of Moldova)
prof. Valuta Ion (Technical University of Moldova)
dr. Braicov Andrei (Tiraspol State University)
dr. Cozma Dumitru (Tiraspol State University)
dr. Dragan Valeriu (Technical University of Moldova)
dr. Damian Florin (State University of Moldova)
dr. Gutu Valeriu (State University of Moldova)
dr. Izman Mihail (Technical University of Moldova)

At the present following persons have confirmed their participation at the Conference:

Prof. Kiricenko V. (Ukraine), Prof. Boularas D. (France), Prof. Laszlo M. (Hungary), Prof. Burdujan I. (Roumania), Prof. Mihalev A. (Russia), Prof. Cherkas L. (Belorussia), Prof. Plotkin B. (Israel), Prof. Georgescu A. (Roumania), Prof. Puczylowski E. (Poland), Prof. Grebenikov E. (Russia), Prof. Stefanescu M. (Roumania), Prof. Sadovski A. (Belorussia), Prof. Wiegandt (Hungary), Prof. Samoilenko A. (Ukraine), Prof. Schlomiuk D. (Canada), Prof. Zoladek H. (Poland)

Address of Organizing Committee
Institute of Mathematics and Computer Sciences
5, Academiei str., Chisinau city, Republic of Moldova, MD-2028   
Secretaries of the Committee: dr. Naidenova Elena, Phone (373 22) 73-81-07
and dr.Cuznetzov Evghenii, Phone (373 22) 73-80-29, Fax: (373 22) 73-80-27


 FCT 2007
 16th International Symposium on Fundamentals of  Computation Theory
 Budapest, Hungary,  August 27-30, 2007
 URL: http://www.conferences.hu/fct2007
 Computer and Automation Research Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
 Department of  Computer Science, University of Szeged
 The Symposium on Fundamentals of Computation Theory was established in
 1977  for researchers interested in all aspects of theoretical computer
 science, in particular in algorithms, complexity, formal and logical
 methods. It is a biennial series of conferences previously held in Poznan
 (1977), Wendisch-Rietz (1979), Szeged (1981), Borgholm (1983), Cottbus
 (1985), Kazan (1987), Szeged (1989), Gosen-Berlin (1991), Szeged (1993),
 Dresden (1995), Kraków (1997), Iasi (1999), Riga (2001), Malmö (2003), and
 Lübeck (2005).
 Authors are invited to submit papers presenting original unpublished
 research in all areas of theoretical computer science.
 Topics of interest include (but not limited to):
 automata and formal languages
 design and analysis of algorithms
 computational and structural complexity
 logic, algebra and categories in computer science
 circuits and networks
 learning theory
 specification and verification
 parallel and distributed systems
 concurrency theory
 cryptography and cryptographic protocols
 approximation and randomized algorithms
 computational geometry
 quantum computation and information
 bio-inspired computation
    Ahmed Bouajjani (Paris, France)
    Oscar H. Ibarra (Santa Barbara, CA, USA)
    László Lovász (Budapest, Hungary)
    Philip Scott (Ottawa, Canada)
    Bogdan Chlebus (Warsaw/Denver, Poland/USA)
    Zoltán Ésik  (Szeged, Hungary)
    Marek Karpinski (Bonn, Germany) - chair
    Andrzej Lingas (Lund, Sweden)
    Miklos Santha (Paris, France)
    Eli Upfal (Providence, RI, USA)
    Ingo Wegener (Dortmund, Germany)
    Jiri Adamek (Braunschweig, Germany)
    Giorgio Ausiello (Rome, Italy)
    Jean Berstel (Marne-la-Vallée, France)
    Flavio Corradini (Camerino, Italy)
    Erzsébet Csuhaj-Varjú (Budapest, Hungary) - co-chair
    Zoltán Ésik  (Szeged, Hungary) - co-chair
    Jozef Gruska (Brno, Czech Republic)
    Masahito Hasegawa (Kyoto, Japan)
    Juraj Hromkovic (Zurich, Switzerland)
    Anna Ingolfsdottir (Reykjavik, Iceland)
    Masami Ito (Kyoto, Japan)
    Frederic Magniez (Paris, France)
    Catuscia Palamidessi (Palaiseau, France)
    Gheorghe Paun (Bucharest/Seville, Romania/Spain)
    Jean-Eric Pin (Paris, France)
    R. Ramanujam (Chennai, India)
    Alexander  Rabinovich (Tel-Aviv, Israel)
    Grzegorz Rozenberg (Leiden, The Netherlands)
    Wojciech Rytter (Warsaw, Poland)
    Arto Salomaa (Turku, Finland)
    David A. Schmidt (Manhattan, KS, USA)
    Alex Simpson (Edinburgh, UK)
    Michael Sipser (Cambridge, MA, USA)
    Colin Stirling (Edinburgh, UK)
    Howard Straubing (Boston, MA, USA)
    György Turán (Chicago, IL, USA)
    Thomas Wilke (Kiel, Germany)
 Authors are invited to submit a draft of a full paper  with at most 12
 pages in LNCS style.
 The paper should provide sufficient detail to allow the Programme Committee
 to evaluate its validity, quality, and relevance. If appropriate, then
 detailed proofs can be attached as an appendix. Simultaneous submission to
 other conferences with published proceedings is not allowed.
 Only electronic submissions are accepted,  PLEASE FOLLOW the INSTRUCTIONS
 on the CONFERENCE WEB SITE: http://www.conferences.hu/fct2007
 Deadline for submissions:    March 5, 2007
 Notification to the authors:    April 20, 2007
 Final version :                       May 20, 2007
 Symposium:                          August 27-30, 2007
 The proceedings will be published in  the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series of    Springer Verlag and it will be distributed at the conference. We anticipate that a special  issue of Theoretical Computer Science will be devoted to  selected papers presented at the  conference.
 Dr. Erzsébet Csuhaj-Varjú
 Computer and Automation Research Institute
 Hungarian Academy of Sciences
 H-1111 Budapest
 Kende u.13-17, Hungary
 Mrs. Mariann Kindl
 Computer and Automation Research Institute
 Hungarian Academy of Sciences
 H-1111 Kende u.13-17, Hungary
 Phone: +36-1-279-6188
 Fax: +36-1-386-9378


"From Higman-Sims to Urysohn: a random walk through groups, graphs,
designs, and spaces."

A conference in honour of the 60th birthday of Peter Cameron

This meeting will be held at St. Martin's College, Ambleside (Lake
District), UK, from Thursday August 23 (afternoon) to Sunday August 26
(morning).  On the Sunday, there will not be lectures, but we plan to
organise a walk from Ambleside. There will be a celebration dinner on the

The following have provisionally agreed to speak.

Prof. R.A. Bailey (Queen Mary, University of London, UK)
Prof. P.J. Cameron (Queen Mary, University of London, UK)
Prof. P. Diaconis (Stanford University, USA)
Dr. D.M. Evans (University of East Anglia, UK)
Prof. D. Fon-der-Flaass (Novosibirsk, Russia)
Prof. J.I. Hall (Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA)
Dr. C.Y. Ku (Caltech, USA)
Prof. E.S. Lander (MIT and Harvard, USA)
Dr. P.M. Neumann (Oxford, UK)
Prof. C.E. Praeger (University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia)
Dr. C.M. Roney-Dougal (St. Andrews University, UK)
Prof. J. Saxl (Cambridge, UK)
Prof. A. Sokal (New York University, USA)
Prof. S. Thomas (Rutgers University, USA)

The organisers are:
Dugald Macpherson (Leeds), Sarah Rees (University of Newcastle), Leonard
Soicher (QMUL), and Robert Bailey (QMUL).

Website: http://www.maths.qmul.ac.uk/~rfb/pjc60/

Registration for this meeting will start around March/April.

           Call for Papers

The 8th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Grid Computing

(Grid 2007, http://www.grid2007.org )

Austin, Texas, USA, September 19-21, 2007

Grid computing is evolving from the sharing of powerful computers for
widely distributed applications to service orientation, open standards
integration, collaboration, and virtualization. The ongoing development of
the Grid as a service-oriented architecture for transparent and reliable
distributed computing allows the reuse of existing components and
information resources, and the assembly of these components in a flexible
self-organizing manner. Hiding the complexity and technical details of the
Grid from end users and application developers is going to play a crucial
role in the future, for which issues related to security, provenance,
automatic recovery, machine-interpretable metadata, QoS and SLA
negotiation, etc. will have to be carefully addressed.

The Grid conference series is an annual international meeting with the
objective to serve as both, the premier conference presenting best Grid
research and as a forum for free exchange of ideas. Grid 2007 will feature
invited talks, workshops, tutorials, and refereed paper presentations where
new concepts are introduced and explored.

Topics of interest (in no particular order) include, but are not limited to:

*    Applications, including eScience and eBusiness Applications
*    Distributed and Large-Scale Data Access and Management
*    Computing and Programming Models
*    Programming Tools and Environments
*    Distributed Problem Solving
*    Creation and Management of Virtual Enterprises and Organizations
*    Information Services
*    Resource Management, Scheduling, and Runtime Environments
*    Architectures and Fabrics
*    Scientific, Industrial and Social Implications
*    Monitoring, Management and Organization Tools
*    Middleware and Toolkits
*    QoS and SLA Negotiation
*    Grid Economy and Business Models
*    Autonomic and Utility Computing on Global Grids
*    Cluster and Grid Integration Issues
*    Networking and Security
*    Performance Measurement and Modeling
*    Metadata, Ontologies, and Provenance

Important Dates

January 26, 2007        Deadline for workshop proposal submission
February 5, 2007        Workshop acceptance notification

February 15, 2007       Deadline for tutorial proposal submission
April 2, 2007           Tutorial acceptance notification

April 7, 2007            Deadline for full paper submission
May 31, 2007        Acceptance notification
June 22, 2007            Camera-ready copy due

News: Tony Hey from Microsoft and Carole Goble from University of Manchester
will give keynote presentations in Grid2007.

Technical Papers

Grid 2007 invites authors to submit original papers. Papers should be no
more than 8 pages in length and be submitted as a PDF file. Submission
implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register and
present the paper. A separate conference proceedings will be published
and will also be a part of the IEEE Xplore and the CS digital library.
For detailed submission information, please see Grid2007 website
(www.grid2007.org ).

From more information, please contact Program Chair: Thomas Fahringer


Grid 2007 will also host a small number of high quality workshops on September
Workshops are intended to provide a forum for the discussion of a specific
topic from the field of Grid computing. Full day workshops should have at least
10 papers, half day workshops at least six papers. The workshop organizer will
be responsible for advertising the workshop, reviewing and selecting the
papers, and for publishing proceedings. There will be a separate workshop fee
for each workshop participant which will be determined by the conference
organizers. It will cover the room rate and coffee breaks. Proposals to
organize workshops should include the following information: Workshop title,
name, affiliation, mailing and e-mail address of the proposer(s),names of at
least three PC members, a description of the topic of the workshop plus a
short description on how the workshop will be advertised so as to ensure a
sufficiently wide range of authors, a description of the organization, e.g.,
schedule, reviewing, publisher of the proceedings and a brief introduction of
the proposer, explaining his/her qualifications.

Proposals in PDF format should be submitted to the Workshops Chair: Michael


Grid 2007 will also host a small number of high quality tutorials on September
Tutorial proposals have to include title, presenter(s), abstract (300 words),
duration (harf-day or full-day), detailed description (maximum of 3 pages),
short vita of presenters (1 pages), intended audience, assumed background of
attendees, relevance to Grid2007 (300 words). Each tutorial presenter will be
provided with free registration to the conference, and also provided an

Proposals in PDF format should be sent to the Tutorials Chair: Omer F. Rana

Conference Organization

General Co-Chairs
Warren Smith, University of Texas, USA
Valerie Taylor, Texas A&M University, USA

Program Chair
Thomas Fahringer, University of Innsbruck, Austria

Program Vice Chairs
Thilo Kielman, Vrije Universiteit, The Netherlands

Data Management
Kurt Stockinger, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, USA

Knowledge Management and Semantic Grid
Jacek Kitowski, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland

David Chadwick, University of Kent, UK

Scheduling/Resource Management/Runtime Environments
Ewa Deelman, USC Information Sciences Institute, USA

Gregor von Laszewski, Argonne National Lab, USA

Proceedings Chair:
Rajkumar Buyya, University of Melbourne, Australia

Finance Chair:
Janet McCord, University of Texas, USA

Local Arrangements Chair:
Faith Singer-Villalobos, University of Texas, USA

Tutorial Chair:
Omer F. Rana, Cardiff University, UK

Workshop Chair:
Michael Gerndt, TU Munich, Germany

Poster/Research Demonstrations Chair:
Edward Walker, University of Texas, USA

Publicity Chair:
Xingfu Wu, Texas A&M University, USA

Steering Committee:

Chair: Craig Lee, Aerospace Corp., USA
Rosa Badia, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain
Mark Baker, University of Portsmouth, UK
Rajkumar Buyya, University of Melbourne, Australia
Dennis Gannon, Indiana University, USA
Wolfgang Gentzsch, D-Grid, Germany
Daniel S. Katz,LSU & JPL, USA
Manish Parashar, Rutgers University, USA
Heinz Stockinger, Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, Switzerland 

International Conference on

20th and 21st September 2007

Edinburgh, Scotland


The CMSB (Computational Methods in Systems Biology) conference series
was established in 2003 to help catalyze the convergence of modellers,
physicists, mathematicians, and theoretical computer scientists from
fields such as language design, concurrency theory, program
verification, and molecular biologists, physicians, neuroscientists
interested in a systems-level understanding of cellular physiology and

CMSB'07 solicits original research articles (including significant
works-in-progress), surveys of current research and posters. These may
cover theoretical or applied contributions that are motivated by a
biological question and can demonstrate either actual or potential
usefulness towards answering that question. They may also cover models
of computation inspired by biological processes; the motivation may be
as much computational as biological. Particularly relevant case
studies and open issues from the biological side that demands modeling
of systems are of interest as well.  The introduction of formal models
should be supported by theoretical arguments about the model and/or on
the analyses that they enable, by comparisons with other network
models, and/or by examples of representation and analysis of a
biological system.

Topics of interest include, among others:

1.  Biological systems and networks: inference, properties, modeling,
   dynamics, simulation and reverse engineering
2.  Formal methods for drug discovery and design
3.  Methods to predict biological network behavior from incomplete
4.  Models including symbolic evolution and learning
5.  Models of self-assembly
6.  Detailed case-studies on how a biological question was successfully
   addressed using formal models
7.  Emergence of properties in complex biological systems
8.  Theoretical comparisons between different formal models of cellular
9.  Differential, discrete and/or stochastic modeling-language frameworks
10. Quantitative formal languages
11. Biologically-inspired extensions to concurrency theory, constraint
   programming, logical methods or language equivalences
12. Computer models in nano-sciences applied to biological domains
13. Definition and study of theoretical properties of
   biologically-inspired formal languages
14. Biological data bases and exchange formats for biological data and


2006 held in Trento, chaired by Corrado Priami
2005 held in Edinburgh, chaired by Gordon Plotkin.
2004 held in Paris, co-chaired by Vincent Danos and Vincent Schachter
2003 held in Trento, chaired by Corrado Priami

Paper and poster submission guidelines

Authors are invited to submit original research papers or survey
papers of no more than 15 pages in PDF format using the LNCS
templates, available at the url below


We also accept poster proposals in the form of a text-only abstract
describing the poster contents.

All submissions will be reviewed by the program committee. Accepted
papers will be included in the proceedings available at the
conference. Publication as an LNBI volume by Springer is under

Important Dates (deadlines are strict):

Submission of papers:                    May, 7
Notification of paper acceptance:        June, 4
Revised version of papers due:           July, 2
Submission of posters:                   July, 10
Notification of poster acceptance:       July, 30


The conference will be held in Edinburgh (Scotland) at the e-Science
Institute.  The dates are 20th and 21st September 2007.

Steering Committee

   * Finn Drabløs, Norwegian University of Science and Technology,
       Trondheim (Norway)
   * Monika Heiner, TU Cottbus (Germany)
   * Patrick Lincoln, Stanford Research International (US)
   * Satoru Miyano, University of Tokyo (Japan)
   * Gordon Plotkin, University of Edinburgh (UK)
   * Corrado Priami, The Microsoft Research -- University of Trento
       Centre for Computational and Systems Biology (Italy)
   * Magali Roux-Rouquié, CNRS-UPMC (France)
   * Vincent Schachter, Genoscope, Evry (France)
   * Adelinde Uhrmacher, University of Rostock (Germany)

Program Committee

   * Alexander Bockmayr, Freie Universität Berlin (Germany)
   * Muffy Calder (co-chair), University of Glasgow (UK)
   * Luca Cardelli, Microsoft Research Cambridge (UK)
   * Vincent Danos, CNRS, Université Denis Diderot (France)
   * Pierpaolo Degano, Universitá di Pisa (Italy)
   * Finn Drabløs, Norwegian University of Science and Technology,
       Trondheim (Norway)
   * François Fages, INRIA Rocquencourt (France)
   * Anthony Finkelstein, University College London (UK)
   * Stephen Gilmore (co-chair), University of Edinburgh (UK)
   * David Harel, Weizmann Institute (Israel)
   * Monika Heiner, TU Cottbus (Germany)
   * Walter Kolch, Beatson Institute for Cancer Research (UK)
   * Ina Koch, Technische Fachhochschule Berlin (Germany)
   * Gethin Norman, University of Birmingham (UK)
   * Corrado Priami, The Microsoft Research -- University of Trento
       Centre for Computational and Systems Biology (Italy)
   * Stephen Ramsey, Institute for Systems Biology, Seattle (USA)
   * Adelinde Uhrmacher, University of Rostock (Germany)

Organising committee

   * Muffy Calder, University of Glasgow (UK)
   * Stephen Gilmore, University of Edinburgh (UK)

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