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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP - new conference announcements

Объявления о конференциях

We are pleased to invite you to the conference

Perspectives in Auslander-Reiten Theory

On the occasion of the 65th birthday of Idun Reiten

May 10-12, 2007 in Trondheim, Norway


Organizers: Aslak B. Buan, Dieter Happel, Bernhard Keller, Henning Krause, Oeyvind Solberg.






The Sceintific coimmittee will be chaired by Professor Efim Zelmanov (USA). The members of the Scientific  Committeee will be :
T.Arad (Israel), V.A. Artamonov (Russia), E.Bannai (Japan), M.Broue (France), K. Denecke (Germany), M.M.Deza (France), R.Gonchigdorzh (Mongolia), R. Graham (USA), M. Ito (Japan), T.Y. Lam (USA), V. Latyshev (Russia), L. Marki (Hungary), A. V. Mikhalev (Russia), H. C. Myung (S.Korea), M. Jambu (France), C. Procesi (Italy),C. Ringel (Germany), K. Saito (Japan), I. Shestakov (Brasil),L. Shevrin (Russia) , L. Small (USA), K.Ueno (Japan), Zhe-Xian Wan (China), B. Wegner (Germany),

The Organizing committee in Beijing 6-10 July 2007  will be :
Li Wei ( President of Beijhang University, China),   Zheng Zhiming ( Vice President, Beihang University), Li Shangzhi ( Dean of Science, Beihang University), Zhang Jiping ( Dean, College of Mathematical Science, Peking University), Zhang Wenling ( NSF, China).

The Organizing committee in Xian University of Architectural Technology & Science 11-14 July will be :

Xu Delong  ( President ), Wang Xiaochang ( Vice President),  Liu Junqing (Dean of Science), Ren Xueming ( Deputy Dean of Science), Zhao Xianzhong ( Vice Chairman, Northwest University in Xian), Guo Yuqi ( Director, Institute of Mathematics,Southwest University in Chongqing).

Co-ordinating Committee: K P Shum ( CUHK, Hong Kong), Guo Xiuyun (Shanghai University), Chen Yuqun ( South China Normal University,
Guangzhou), Guo Wenbin ( Xuzhou Normal University , Xuzhou), Liu Zhongkui ( Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou), Ng Shiu Hung ( Iowa State University, USA), Cheung Wingsum ( Hong Kong University ,Hong Kong), Song Guangtian ( China University of Science & Technology,Hepfei), Yu Bingjun ( Sichuen Normal University, Chengdu), Chen Guiyun ( Southwest University, Chongqing).

The  Registration fees in Beijing  Chapter will be US $120 including all meals.There will be three day conference and two day sight seeing (including the tickets to  visit the Great wall, Summer Palace and Forbidden city).The registration  fees for the Xian Chapter is also US$120 including all meals. There will be three day conference and one day sight seeing in Xian for  all participants  ( including the tickets to visit the famous Telle- Cotta and dinner). The other sight seeing program in Xian can be arranged by a chartered travel agent at reduced cost. For  students and accompanying persons, the registration fees will be US$ 100 including the tickets of  sight seeing and meals).

The accomodation for the participants will be in four star hotels in Beijing and in Xian. The price has been  negotiated to be not more than US$ 40 per person per twin room. Hostels will be available for students and  participants who want to have cheaper accomodation. The price will be around US $12-15 per person  per night. ( Since both Beijing and Xian are tourist cities in China, the price of a hotel cannot be lower than this  price). We encourage the participants to take a 12 hour night night train from Beijing to Xian ). The sleeping compartment will cost about US$ 120 return.( The OC will help to  book the train ticket at request).
The Proceedings of the ICAC, 2007  will be published by World Scientifice INC.
Please send your enquires to Professor Li Shangzhi at Beihang Uninversity and  Professor Ren Xueming at  Xian University of Architechectural Technology and Science. Also, You can send your enquires to Professor  K.P. Shum.

The second announcement will be sent in Spring of 2007.

 Call for Papers

         Sixth International Conference on
    Generative Programming and Component Engineering (GPCE'07)

                 October 1-3, 2007
                 Salzburg, Austria
            (co-located with ESWEEK'07)


Important Dates:

    * Submission of abstracts:            April 17, 2007
    * Submission:                         April 20, 2007
    * Notification:                       June 10, 2007

    * Tutorial and workshop proposals:    March 16, 2007
    * Tutorial and workshop notification: April 9, 2007


Generative and component approaches are revolutionizing software
development similar to how automation and components revolutionized
manufacturing. Generative Programming (developing programs that
synthesize other programs), Component Engineering (raising the level
of modularization and analysis in application design), and
Domain-Specific Languages (elevating program specifications to compact
domain-specific notations that are easier to write, maintain, and
analyze) are key technologies for automating program development.

GPCE provides a venue for researchers and practitioners interested in
foundational techniques for enhancing the productivity, quality, and
time-to-market in software development that stems from deploying
standard componentry and automating program generation. In addition to
exploring cutting-edge techniques for developing generative and
component-based software, our goal is to foster further
cross-fertilization between the software engineering research
community and the programming languages community. As GPCE is
co-located with ESWEEK this year, we also especially encourage papers
from the embedded systems community.


10 pages in SIGPLAN proceedings style (sigplanconf.cls) reporting
research results and/or experience related to the topics above (PC
chair can advise on appropriateness). We particularly encourage
original high-quality reports on applying GPCE technologies to
real-world problems, relating ideas and concepts from several topics,
or bridging the gap between theory and practice.

Please note that in contrast to last year, GPCE 2007 is not using a
double-blind reviewing process.


GPCE seeks contributions in software engineering and in programming
languages related (but not limited) to:

    * Generative programming
          - Reuse, meta-programming, partial evaluation, multi-stage and
          multi-level languages, and step-wise refinement
          - Semantics, type systems, symbolic computation, linking and
          explicit substitution, in-lining and macros, templates, and
          program transformation
          - Runtime code generation, compilation, active libraries,
          synthesis from specifications, development methods, generation of
          non-code artifacts, formal methods, and reflection
    * Generative techniques for
          - Product-line architectures
          - Distributed, real-time and embedded systems
          - Model-driven development and architecture
          - Resource bounded/safety critical systems.
    * Component-based software engineering
          - Reuse, distributed platforms and middleware, distributed
             systems, evolution, patterns, development methods, deployment
             and configuration techniques, and formal methods
    * Integration of generative and component-based approaches
    * Domain engineering and domain analysis
          - Domain-specific languages (DSLs) including visual and UML-based
    * Separation of concerns
          - Aspect-oriented and feature-oriented programming,
          - Intentional programming and multi-dimensional separation
             of concerns
    * Industrial applications
    * Applications in embedded systems

Reports on applications of these techniques to real-world problems are
especially encouraged, as are submissions that relate ideas and concepts
from several of these topics, or bridge the gap between theory and
practice. The program chair is happy to advise on the appropriateness of a
particular subject.

Submissions must adhere to SIGPLAN's republication policy. Please contact
the program chair if you have any questions about how this policy applies
to your paper.

General Chair

    * Charles Consel (LABRI/INRIA, Bordeaux)

Program Committee

Program Chair:

    * Julia Lawall (DIKU, University of Copenhagen)

Program Committee Members:

    * Edwin Brady (University of St Andrews, UK)
    * Johan Brichau (UniversitÈ Catholique de Louvain, Belgium)
    * Rastislav Bodik (UC Berkeley, USA)
    * Jacques Carette (McMaster University, Canada)
    * Albert Cheng (University of Houston, USA)
    * Remi Douence (Ecole des Mines de Nantes-Inria, Lina, France)
    * Lidia Fuentes (University of Mlaga, Spain)
    * Ian Gorton (Pacific Northwest National Lab)
    * Jean-Marc Jezequel (IRISA (INRIA & Univ. Rennes 1), France)
    * Kyo Kang (Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea)
    * Siau Cheng Khoo (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
    * Paul Kelly (Imperial College London, UK)
    * Anne-Francoise Le Meur (University of Lille 1, France)
    * Christian Lengauer (University of Passau, Germany)
    * Sandeep Neema (Vanderbilt University, USA)
    * Scott Owens (University of Cambridge, UK)
    * Jens Palsberg (UCLA, USA)
    * Renaud Pawlak (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA)
    * Zoltan Porkolab (Eotvos Lorand University, Hungary)
    * Robby (Kansas State University, USA)
    * Peter Sestoft (IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
    * Jeremy Siek (University of Colorado at Boulder, USA)
    * Tony Sloane (Macquarie University, Australia)
    * Kevin J. Sullivan (University of Virginia, USA)
    * Peri Tarr (IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, USA)

                            CALL FOR PAPERS

               22nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on
                      Automated Software Engineering
                               (ASE 2007)

                           November 5-9, 2007
                         Atlanta, Georgia, USA

          --------- IMPORTANT DATES for Submissions ---------

          Workshop Proposals:                  April 20, 2007
          Technical Papers (abstracts due):    June 4, 2007
          Technical Papers (paper submission): June 11, 2007
          Tutorial Proposals:                  July 9, 2007
          Doctoral Symposium:                  July 9, 2007
          Tool Demonstrations:                 July 9, 2007


The ASE conference brings together researchers and practitioners to
share ideas on the principles, techniques, tools, and applications of
automated software engineering. We invite long and short paper
submissions that address theoretical underpinnings, practical
techniques, software tools, applications, and/or experience reports in
software engineering with a specific focus on automation. ASE 2007
will include technical papers, invited talks, tutorials, workshops,
panel discussions, and a doctoral symposium.

General Chair
   Kurt Stirewalt
   Michigan State University, USA

Program Co-Chairs 
   Alexander Egyed
   Teknowledge Corporation, USA

   Bernd Fischer
   University of Southampton, UK

|       Call for Papers        |

Software engineering is concerned with the analysis, design,
implementation, testing, and maintenance of large software systems.
Automated software engineering focuses on how to automate or partially
automate these tasks to achieve significant improvements in quality
and productivity. ASE 2007 encourages contributions describing basic
research, novel applications, and experience reports. In all cases,
papers should carefully articulate the relevance of their
contributions to the automation of software engineering tasks. The ASE
On-line Bibliography can serve as a reference for potential
contributors: http://www.ase-conferences.org/olbib/index.html.

Solicited topics include, but are not limited to:
- Automated reasoning techniques
- Component-based systems
- Computer-supported cooperative work
- Configuration management
- Domain modeling and meta-modeling
- Human-computer interaction
- Knowledge acquisition and management
- Maintenance and evolution
- Model-based software development
- Modeling language semantics
- Ontologies and methodologies
- Open systems development
- Product line architectures
- Program understanding
- Program synthesis
- Program transformation
- Re-engineering
- Requirements engineering
- Specification languages
- Software architecture and design
- Software visualization
- Testing, verification, and validation
- Tutoring, help, and documentation systems

ACM Press will publish accepted papers in the conference proceedings.
In addition, authors of selected papers will be invited to revise and
re-submit extended versions of their conference papers for
consideration for a special issue of the Journal of Automated Software
Engineering, published by Springer.

ASE 2007 accepts two categories of paper submissions. LONG PAPER
submissions should report on a substantial contribution supported by
an appropriate evaluation. Each accepted long paper will be presented
in a plenary session of the main conference program. Long paper
submissions may be accepted as short papers if the program committee
finds the contribution or the evaluation not substantial enough. Long
paper submissions must not exceed 10 pages in the conference format.
SHORT PAPER submissions typically discuss exciting new work that is
not yet mature enough for a long paper and lacks evaluation. Each
accepted short paper will be presented in a poster session. Short
paper submissions must not exceed 4 pages in the conference format.

Papers submitted to ASE 2007 must not have been previously published,
and must not be under review for publication elsewhere. Papers must
STRICTLY adhere to submission guidelines. Papers exceeding the given
page limits or using condensed formatting will be administratively
rejected and will not be reviewed. All papers that conform to
submission guidelines will be peer-reviewed by program committee
members. All papers must be submitted electronically by June 11, 2007
(abstracts must be submitted by June 4, 2007). More details are
available at http://www.ase-conference.org/cfp/papers.

Important Dates for Technical Papers:
   Technical Papers (abstracts):        June 4, 2007
   Technical Papers (paper submission): June 11, 2007
   Notification:                        August 10, 2007
   Camera-ready version:                August 31, 2007

|      Call for Workshops      |

ASE 2007 invites submissions of workshop proposals. The workshops will
be co-located with the conference and should provide an opportunity
for exchanging views, advancing ideas, and discussing preliminary
results on topics related to software engineering research and
applications. Workshops should not be seen as an alternative forum for
presenting full research papers. The proceedings of each accepted
workshop will be archived in the ACM Digital Library. The workshops
will be held before the conference on November 5 and 6, 2007. A
workshop may last one or two days.

Workshop proposals should be written in English, not exceed 3 pages
(including a 1 page preliminary call for papers with tentative paper
submission and notification deadlines for the workshop) and submitted
in PDF format via email to both workshop co-chairs. Proposals for
organizing workshops should be prepared following the guidelines
available at http://www.ase-conference.org/cfp/workshops.

Important Dates for Workshops:
   Workshop proposal submission:   April 20, 2007
   Workshop proposal notification: May 7, 2007
   Workshops:                      November 5-6, 2007

Workshop Co-chairs:
   Neelam Gupta 
   University of Arizona, USA

   George Spanoudakis
   City University London, UK

|      Call for Tutorials      |

Tutorials are an integral component of the ASE conferences. They
should either provide an intensive introduction to an evolving or
emerging research topic or allow attendees to develop skill in
the application of some ASE technique or tool. ASE 2007 invites
proposals for half-day/full-day tutorials that address theoretical
foundations, practical techniques, software tools, and applications
related to any of the ASE topics.  The tutorials are scheduled
for November 5 and 6, 2007, at the beginning of the conference. Survey
papers and/or tutorial notes will be made available to the attendees.

Instructors are invited to submit proposals for half-day and full-day
tutorials and, upon selection, will be required to provide tutorial
notes or a survey paper on the topic of presentation. Both the
proposal and the notes/survey paper should be submitted in PDF.
Proposals should be submitted via e-mail to both Tutorials Co-Chairs.
For more information, see http://www.ase-conference.org/cfp/tutorials.

Please note: Tutorials are intended to provide independent instruction
on ASE-relevant themes. No commercial or sales-oriented presentations
will be accepted.

Important Dates for Tutorials:
   Tutorial proposal submission:   July 9, 2007
   Tutorial proposal notification: August 10, 2007
   Tutorials:                      November 5-6, 2007

Tutorials Co-Chairs:
   Marsha Chechik
   University of Toronto, Canada

   Virginie Wiels
   ONERA/CERT, France

| Call for Tool Demonstrations |

Tools are central to automated software engineering. Tool
demonstrations will thus have a prominent role in the conference.
Demonstrators will be expected to present their tools during one or
more sessions that will be integrated with the technical conference
program. In addition, a two-page paper will be published in the
conference proceedings for each accepted tool demonstration.

ASE 2007 solicits submissions for tool demonstrations related to
automated software engineering. Tools can range from alpha-versions to
fully developed systems that are being prepared for commercialization.
Products that are already commercially available will not be accepted
as subjects of demonstrations. Tool demonstrations are not intended to
be sales pitches, and should consequently highlight technical
contributions. For further clarification, see

Important Dates for Tool Demonstrations:
   Tool demonstration submission:   July 9, 2007
   Tool demonstration notification: August 13, 2007
   Camera-ready version:            August 31, 2007

Demonstrations Co-Chairs
   Michele Lanza 
   University of Lugano, Switzerland

   Andrian Marcus 
   Wayne State University, USA

| Call for Doctoral Symposium  |

The ASE 2007 Doctoral Symposium seeks to bring together PhD students
working on foundations, techniques, tools and applications of
automated software engineering and give them the opportunity to
present and to discuss their research with researchers in the ASE
community in a constructive atmosphere.  Specifically, the symposium
aims to provide a setting whereby students receive feedback on their
research and guidance on future directions from a broad group of
advisors, foster a supportive community of scholars and a spirit of
collaborative research, and contribute to the conference goals through
interaction with other researchers and conference events.

The Doctoral Symposium will be held on November 5, two days before the
main conference. Selected students will present their work and receive
constructive feedback from a panel of advisors and other Doctoral
Symposium students. Note that advisors of student presenters will not
be allowed to attend their student's presentations. In addition to
scientific matters, students will have the opportunity to seek advice
on various aspects of completing a PhD and performing research as a
young professional in automated software engineering. For more
information, see http://www.ase-conference.org/cfp/ds.

Important Dates for Doctoral Symposium:
  Deadline for submission:    July 9, 2007
  Notification of acceptance: August 10, 2007
  Camera-ready version:       August 31, 2007
  Symposium Presentations:    November 5, 2007

Doctoral Symposium Co-Chairs:
  Andrew Ireland 
  Heriot-Watt University, UK

  Willem Visser
  RIACS/NASA Ames Research Center, USA

For further information, please visit the conference website
or contact the Program Chairs

С уважением,

Коновалов А.Б.


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