Обращение Джулио Приско, нового исполнительного директора ВТА

Обращение Джулио Приско, нового исполнительного директора ВТА:
Если кратко:
1. О наших идеях уже знают. Будут знать ещё больше. Трансгуманизм несёт
счастье миллиардам разумных существ.
2. У нас пока мало ресурсов, а у наших оппонентов их больше. Подумать
только, что мы могли бы достичь, если бы у нас было больше добровольцев и
хотя бы немного оплаченных сотрудников. Деньги мы продолжим искать, а
добровольцы (ТЫ!) пусть сделают шаг вперёд.
3. Сами мы понимаем рациональные аргументы, но как знает любой рекламщик -
этого мало. Поэтому надо следить за имиджем.
4. У нас есть прекрасное видение будущего мира. Но, конечно, нам не надо
игнорировать сегодняшние проблемы. Мы планируем получить статус НКО с
консультативным голосом в ООН и других организациях. В Италии есть
отличные политические результаты у Рикардо.
5. У меня тоже есть политические предпочтения, но вообще я сторонник
прагматического подхода к политике как инженерной деятельности - поиск
работающих и гибких решений конкретных проблем.
Forwarded message From: "Giulio Prisco" <direct***@t*****.org>
To: "WTA Voting-Members' Decision-Making Forum"
<wtaha***@t*****.org>, wta-talk@t*****.org
This is my first message to the list after taking over as Executive
Director of the WTA. I will do my best to continue the hard and
excellent work of James - please send me a friendly, or even
unfriendly reminder If you think I am not doing so.
This is a short outline of how I see things at this moment:
Thanks to the work of all transhumanists, our worldview is now much
better known than a few years ago, and we should keep working to make
it even better known. I firmly believe that transhumanism can give
hope and happiness to billions of conscious beings on our planet and
We are still severely limited by human and financial resources.
Unfortunately some groups active in the opposite camp of the human
enhancement debate do not have such severe limitations. I cannot even
begin to imagine what we could achieve if we were much better funded
and had many more volunteers and a few paid staff. On the funding
side, we plan to dedicate more effort and organization to fundraising.
On the activism side, we need more volunteers. So, please, if you
(YES, YOU) are not already active in some WTA project, think what you
can and wish to do for the WTA and drop us a line.
Most of us are comfortable with clean rational arguments, but every
advertiser know that rational arguments alone do not sell. So I
believe we should pay a lot of attention to clever marketing,
developing a sexy image, being fashionable and in tune with the
zeitgeist etc. If they use advertising to sell disgusting drinks, why
shouldn't we use it to sell beautiful ideas?
We have a powerful vision of pristine beauty for a future world. Of
course, the problems of today's world get in the way of our dreams. I
think we cannot and should not avoid getting our hands greasy with
today's big issues. On the contrary, we must make sure that our voice
is heard by policy-makers. We wish to achieve the status of a NGOs in
consultative status with the UN and other global organizations, and
also (through Chapters) play a role in national policy debates. I am
proud of what Riccardo has achieved in this respect in Italy and hope
to repeat the experience in other nations (pragmatism: I am all for
global governance, but today's system is build on nations and we must
work within the system).
Since I am mentioning politics: I cannot and do not want to hide that,
like everyone, I do have my own political ideas. At the same time, I
have stated on occasions that I believe politics should be more like
engineering: finding workable and flexible solutions to specific
problems in view of practical constraints and within a loosely stated
ethical framework (e.g. basic human rights). So I hope that we
transhumanists can, without of course giving up our own individual
political preferences, demonstrate how rational people can find
win-win solutions to actual problems.
Best to all,
wta-talk mailing list