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Пресс-релизы. Семинары, конференции, выставки International Youth Diplomacy League NGO established G-20Y Summit International Organising Committee (IOC) to hold and prepare the civil society project G-20Y Summit.

Заголовок: International Youth Diplomacy League NGO established G-20Y Summit International Organising Committee (IOC) to hold and prepare the civil society project G-20Y Summit.

Компания: IYDL (NGO)

G-20Y Summit IOC is in cooperation with Foreign Affairs and International Trade of Canada and follows its advice preparing the G-20Y Summit.
G-20Y Summit IOCs primary goal is the organisation and hosting of the first G-20Y Summit in Canada in April 2010, that will gather over 200-300 aspiring business leaders from the G20 countries and observer states for a week of discussions that will build up to a final Communique to be presented to the G20 leaders.
G-20Y Summit participants: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, United Kingdom, and United States of America. The representatives of the European Union, the European Central Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank will be present at the Summit.
The idea of the G-20Y Summit was formulated in the circles of young international business leaders on the base of the NGO International Youth Diplomacy League, who strive not only to make their companies profitable in times of a global recession, but also care about the fate of their communities, countries and dream about bringing about a positive change to the world. The global meltdown affects all countries of the world and its implications are feasible for all groups of population. The crises showed the instability
of a current financial system and the need to develop a new and effective one. It demands decisive solutions.
New Y generation of people emerged. These people are smart, fast and creative. They know what they are looking for in the future, think one step further, dream about contributing to the prosperity of their communities and of the whole world and have passion to fulfill these dreams. They have a global vision and know that for our future to be bright we need to abandon borders and work together. The future of our world rests on this people.
Accreditation for the press will be open Feb. 1, 2010.
Detailed information on the official website G-20Y Summit: www.g20ys.org
Contact person: German Gorshkov, Head of PR Department G-20Y Summit IOC.
E-mail: g20@g20ys.org
Tel.: +7-909-955-07-40

Контактная информация:
Сайт компании: www.g20ys.org
Контактное лицо: Герман Горшков
PR Director
E-mail: g20@g20ys.org
Телефон: +7 909 9550740

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