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WorldDX 163 часть 1
WorldDX 163 17/04/2008 -- WorldDX выходит с декабря 2004 года. Редактор: Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия. Время везде UTC; Mосковское время = UTC +4 часа - летом, а зимой - +3 часа. Частоты указаны в кГц для ДВ, СВ, КВ и в МГц для ФМ и ТВ Редактор оставляет за собой право не включать в бюллетень информацию, не отвечающую его тематике. -- Архивы старых номеров бюллетеня можно найти: http://worlddx.narod.ru/ http://worlddx.by.ru/ http://subscribe.ru/catalog/radio.worlddx/ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/worlddx/ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/fmdx_Russia/ http://liveinternet.ru/users/worlddx/ http://privet.ru/user/worlddx/ -- Выходит: нерегулярно. Адрес для писем: worlddx@yandex.ru -- Короткие Волны (Shortwaves) Австралия (Australia) 9580, R Australia, 1803, 02/21/08, English. World and regional news headlines, then a longer story about Fiji elections. Rather surprised to come across this at local noon, though no other // freqs audible. Poor w/frequent deep fades. (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 24/02/2008) Австрия (Austria) 9870 10/02 2335 Radio Austria Internacional, Moosbrunn, em ingles, reportagem em parceria com outras estacoes internacionais, 45444 (Celio Romais, Bombinhas, Brasil - radioescuats 26/02/2008) Ангола (Angola) 4950 ANGOLA Radio Nacional; 0043-0049 22 February, 2008. Tune-in to instrumental jazz, Portuguese male announcer. Good. (Terry Krueger, Clearwater, FL, USA - dxldyg 24/02/2008) 4950 11/02 2111 Radio Nacional, Mulenvos, programa Agenda Nacional, com anuncios funebres, avisos de assembleias em escolas e documentos perdidos; "Agenda Nacional, servico de utilidade publica da Radio Nacional d'Angola!", 45232 (Celio Romais, Bombinhas, Brasil - radioescutas 26/02/2008) Аргентина, Argentina 15820L LS4 Radio Continental, Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires, //590 Khz, 1045-1052, February 24, Spanish, announcement and ID as: ".....seguimos en esta manana por Continental......", local advs, movies talk, 34443 in LSB mode (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - dxldyg 24/02/2008) Бангладеш (Bangladesh) 7250, R Bangladesh (presumed), 1231, 02/21/08. On about a minute late, audible only as a strong hum with occasional weak audio of speech making it through, ham QRM near/atop 7250 especially strong. Poor. (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 24/02/2008) 7250, Bangladesh Betar, 1229-1247, Feb 25, tune-in to IS. Time pips at 1230 followed by opening English ID announcements & short bit of local music. English news at 1231. 30 seconds of local music at 1239 then back to more news programming. Strong carrier but with weak hum & low modulation making reception very difficult. Occasional HAM QRM also. I lost them at 1247 when signal abruptly dropped way down into the noise. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 25/02/2008) Беларусь (Belarus) 6090 Radio Belarus, 21:08-21:11, escuchada el 25 de febrero en bielorruso a locutor con noticias, locutora con cuna de ID acompanada de musica de flauta de fondo, comentarios, referencias al “Parlamentun”, SINPO 44444 Болгария 15700 10/02 1249 Radio Bulgaria, Plovdiv, emissao em ingles para a Europa, programa com informacoes dexistas; interferencia: Free Asia, 32332 (Celio Romais, Bombinhas, Brasil - radioescutas 26/02/2008) Боливия (Bolivia) 4699.32, Radio San Miguel, 1015-1030 Noted Spanish Comments from a male during period with ID as "Radio San Miguel", mentioned often. When not talking, music is presented. Signal comes up slightly to a fair level at 1024 UTC, but generally it's poor. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 23/02/2008) 4716.51, Radio Yura, 1025-1035 At tune-in noted traditional local music. The music had a lot of flutes playing. It was so mundane that I thought at times the music could be a weird signal causing QRM. Every once in awhile a fellow would give out a yell. That made the difference it seemed. The signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 23/02/2008) 4699KHz Bolivia R San Miguel Riberalta 02/23 Spanish 2306-2333 messages programme, male "visitan siete de la noche...atencion para Miriam...apresar lo dinero porque tengo enfermo con gravidad...para los ermanos no hay ocorrido nada...situacion ahora stay algo enfermo...atencion, mensaje para Norton...", announcer made some long breaks, it seems for check something around or in the script. CODAR QRM since at 2326, 32322 (Lucio P.B., Embu, Brasil - hard-core-dx 24/02/2008) 6025KHz Bolivia R Patria Nueva(tent.) La Paz 02/24 Spanish 0010 studio and outside reportage about donations campaign for a inundated victims, male and female "estamos con ustedes con la solidaridad en todos los rincones del pais, toda la gente, todo lo pueblo Boliviano...solidaridad, amor y carino en la campana de la solidaridad...", 0015 local pop music, 0033 "...La Voz del Estado Boliviano...", andean music. Almost readable 33333 (Lucio P.B., Embu, Brasil - hard-core-dx 24/02/2008) Bolivia, 5996.39, Radio Loyola, 1015-1030 At tune in noted a male in Spanish comments. Heard place name, "Santa Cruz". At 1020 comments continued, but the signal dropped radically into the noise to threshold. 4451.26, Radio Santa Ana de Yacum, Tentative, 1035-1045 Hearing a male in Spanish comments. Think I missed the window for this station, since the signal is being erased by noise and there is no reason to think it will get better or be easier to hear today for us in South Florida. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA - 25/02/2008) 4545 11/02 0142 R. Virgen de Remedios, Tupiza, locutor fala sobre o cristianismo, 45232 (Celio Romais, Bombinhas, Brasil - radioescutas 26/02/2008) 6134.80, Radio Santa Cruz, 1024-1030 Noted Spanish language comments from individuals. At 1025, canned ID as, "Radio Santa Cruz ... en Bolvia". More live comments follow. Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 26/02/2008) Бразилия (Brasil) 4775 12/02 2206 Radio Congonhas, Congonhas (MG), anuncio informando que a Radio Congonhas apoia a Campanha da Fraternidade da Igreja Catolica, 35232 (Celio Romais, Bombinhas, Brasil) 4785 09/02 0015 Radio Brasil, Campinas (SP), Palmeiras versus Guarani, direto de Rio Preto, 45232 (Celio Romais, Bombinhas, Brasil) 4895 13/02 0609 Radio Novo Tempo, Campo Grande (MS), vinheta de identificacao, 45343 (Celio Romais, Bombinhas, Brasil) 5035 10/02 2127 Radio Aparecida, Aparecida (SP), emissao completa do programa dominical da Radio Vaticano; programa A Correspondencia da Semana, com Manoel Tavares respondendo ao informe de recepcao de Joao Guedes de Faria, 45444 (Celio Romais, Bombinhas, Brasil) 5045 16/02 1205 Radio Guaruja FM, Guaruja (SP), anuncios do "Pedagio Guaruja" e "Rodeio 104", 45444 (Celio Romais, Bombinhas, Brasil) 5970 10/02 0029 Radio Itatiaia, Belo Horizonte (MG), programa de Robson Laureano, 45343 (Celio Romais, Bombinhas, Brasil - radioescutas 26/02/2008) Буркина Фасо (Burkina Faso) 7230, Radio Burkina, *0805-0840, Feb 23, abrupt sign on with vernacular talk. Off the air at 0807. Back on the air at 0819 with vernacular talk. Local tribal music. French talk. Good signal. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 23/02/2008) 5030 Radio Burquina, 21:55-22:00, escuchada el 25 de febrero en frances a locutor con comentarios y musica de fondo, locutor con cuna acompanada de musica “Le program..”, emision de musica pop melodica en dialecto africano, SINPO 45444. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 26/02/2008) Ватикан (Vatican) 4004.65v, Vatican Radio, 0559, 02/23/08, English. Vatican Radio IS, to ID and program of theological discussion w/male and female presenter. Frequency a little approximate, tough to pin down under relentless RTTY QRM, but was definitely below 4005. Seemed to perhaps be running reduced-carrier USB like Madagascar, no signal noted on LSB side. Poor. (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 24/02/2008) Габон (Gabun) Africa # 1 9580 use to dedicate its 2100 + slot to a different artist everyday. This time a female group covering Otis Redding's The Fa Fa Fa Song, followed by an answer to the Percy Sledge classic now named When a Woman Loves a Man. Fair signal. Best African on 31m at this time of the day. (Raul Saavedra, Costa Rica = dxldyg 23/02/2008) 7270, Radio Gabon, *0759-0820, Feb 23, sign on with French talk. ID. Weak. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 23/02/2008) Гвинея (Guinea) Have been noticing for the past four years that RTG Conakry tends to enhance signal while March is on the horizon. 7125 at treshold level by 2130 but stronger by 2230. Once the A-08 arrives, RMR doesn't allow RTG goes further than 2300. (Raul Saavedra, Costa Rica - dxldyg 23/02/2008) Гондурас (Honduras) 3340, HRMI/R Misiones Intl, 0855, 2/20/08, English/Spanish. Male preacher delivering an English-language sermon with running translation into Spanish by a woman, continued through top of hour w/o pause. Fair. (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 24/02/2008) Замбия (Zambia) 5915, ZNBC, 0243-0300, Feb 25, tune-in to Fish Eagle IS. Choral National Anthem at 0250. Vernacular talk at 0252. Local choral music. Poor, difficult copy with splatter from 5920. (Brian Alexander, USA - dxldyg 25/02/2008) 5915, ZNBC, 0320, 02/25/08, Vernacular. Male DJ in vernacular playing African tunes and taking calls from listeners, occasionally answering "Hello!" Best in LSB. Fair. (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA = dxldyg 26/02/2008) Индонезия (Indonesia) 4750, RRI Makassar, 1100-1110 Noted a female presenting news in Indonesian language and a male joining in with live segements. Signal was getting hit by crashes and CODAR. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 26/02/2008) 9680, RRI Jakarta, 1043-1056, Feb 26, in BI, mixing with WYFR in French (till 1045 sign-off), in the clear till a strong sign-on at 1055 from CNR-1 (// 5030), which was getting an early start on jamming Taiwan. Glenn has a good analysis of 9680 in DXLD 8-023 (Indonesia). At least the KGRE program here on Sun. & Wed. (1000-1020) only has to contend with QRM from WYFR till the end of March, when they change schedules (Ron Howard, Monterey, Canada - dxldyg 27/02/2008) Indonesia, 4605.50E, RRI Serui, 1035-1045 Noted two males in Indonesian Language comments. Occasionally someone calls in on the telephone to be interviewed and to comment. No music heard during the period. Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, February 27, 2008) Indonesia, 4750, RRI Makassar, 1045-1100 Initially heard a male in Indonesian Language comments. Judging from the tone and nuances of the comments, the male is presenting an informational discourse, possibly political. Music presented at 1058. At 1100 ID given by male. Signal was good except for the CODAR interference, which at this point in my DX experiences, is being blanked out by my brain. A Cerebral noise blanker. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 27/02/2008) Китай (China) 7250, CRI (via Urumqi), 2321, 02/22/08, Spanish. Female presenter w/some sort of report on the economy of China. Maybe 1/3rd of second behind // 7210 (via Albania) w/similar strength signal. Nice and clear overall. Good. (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 24/02/2008) 3950 11/02 0125 PBS Xinjiang, Urumqi, anuncios comerciais em mandarim, 45232 (Celio Romais, Bombinhas, Brasil) 3990 11/02 0130 PBS Xinjiang, Urumqi, locutor em uighur, 45232 (Celio Romais, Bombinhas, Brasil) 4330 08/02 0038 PBS Xinjiang, Urumqi, locutor provavelmente em kazak, emissao em paralelo com 6015 kHz, 25232 (Celio Romais, Bombinhas, Brasil) 4460 11/02 2124 China National Radio 1, Pequim, musica tipica, 25232 (Celio Romais, Bombinhas, Brasil) 4500 08/02 0033 PBS Xinjiang, Urumqi, locutor provavelmente em mongol, 25232 (Celio Romais, Bombinhas, Brasil) 4750 08/02 0028 China National Radio 1, Xian, locutor e locutora em mandarim, 45444 (Celio Romais, Bombinhas, Brasil) 4800 10/02 2153 China National Radio 1, Geermu, em mandarim, 25332 (Celio Romais, Bombinhas, Brasil) 4820 10/02 2148 PBS Xizang, Lhasa, em mandarim, 42332 (Celio Romais, Bombinhas, Brasil) 4905 10/02 0114 PBS Xizang, Lhasa, locutora em tibetano, 25332 (Celio Romais, Bombinhas, Brasil) 4920 10/02 0116 PBS Xizang, Lhasa, locutor em tibetano; interferencia: AIR, 32232 (Celio Romais, Bombinhas, Brasil) 4980 07/02 2331 Xinjiang Peoples BC STN, Urumqi, inicio da emissao com sinal de intervalo, locutor e locutora em uighur, musica de Vangelis, 25232 (Celio Romais, Bombinhas, Brasil) 5050 10/02 0005 Guangxi FBS, Nanning, locutora em vernacular, 45343 (Celio Romais, Bombinhas, Brasil) 5240 10/02 2123 PBS Xizang, Lhasa, musicas orquestradas, 45444 (Celio Romais, Bombinhas, Brasil) 6015 08/02 0039 PBS Xinjiang, Urumqi, locutor provavelmente em kazak, 44343 (Celio Romais, Bombinhas, Brasil) 6080 13/02 0004 China National Radio 1, Geermu, locutora em mandarim, 43443 (Celio Romais, Bombinhas, Brasil) 6110 10/02 0111 PBS Xizang, Lhasa, locutora e locutor em tibetano, 32332 (Celio Romais, Bombinhas, Brasil) 6180 12/02 2153 China National Radio 1, Lingshi, entrevista em mandarim, 42332 (Celio Romais, Bombinhas, Brasil) 9720 10/02 0137 CNR 2 China Business R., Xian, musica de Elton John (a China virou pop!), 45343 (Celio Romais, Bombinhas, Brasil) 9755 10/02 0131 CNR 2 China Business R., Xian, musica de Stevie Wonder (a China virou pop!), 35232 (Celio Romais, Bombinhas, Brasil) 9775 10/02 0132 CNR 2 China Business R., Pequim, musica de Stevie Wonder, 45343 (Celio Romais, Bombinhas, Brasil) 11610 10/02 0133 CNR 2 China Business R., Pequim, musica de Stevie Wonder, 45232 (Celio Romais, Bombinhas, Brasil) 11835 10/02 0139 CNR 2 China Business R., Xian, musica de Elton John, 45343 (Celio Romais, Bombinhas, Brasil) 11845 10/02 0138 CNR 2 China Business R., Xian, musica de Elton John, 45343 (Celio Romais, Bombinhas, Brasil - radioescutas 26/02/2008) Корея (Korea) 3960KHz Korea, North KCBS Pyongyang Kanggye 02/24 Korean 0902-0909 nationalistic music sung by female. Signal declined to S1 at 0909, 22222 (Lucio O.B., Embu, Brasil - hard-core-dx 24/02/2008) 3320, KCBS-Pyongyang, 1250, 02/25/08, Korean. Male presenter with an extended dialogue, followed by martial orchestral music. Fair/poor. (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 26/02/2008) Коста Рика (Costa Rica) 5955.11 COSTA RICA unidentified "ELCOR transmitter", 2312-2348 21 February, 2008. Cycling the same Spanish pop vocal after a few seconds gap between, until the last play ended at 2331, then open carrier through tune-out. Best in USB today, and quite strong despite big signals on both sides, though still a messy place to be. If this is a new transmitter (Radio Casino was 1 kW), why would the new one be on virtually the same off-frequency channel as Casino was? Shades of 1980's Central America. (Terry Krueger, Cleawater, FL, USA - dxldyg 24/02/2008) REE relay, Cariari de Pococi, nominal 5965, axually on 5964.0 putting a big het on Vatican Radio 5965.0, with which it normally mixes a few Hz apart, Feb 24 at 0620. I had first noticed the het a couple nights earlier but at first assumed one of them was running a tone test instead. So this collision has gone from bad to worse (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 25/02/2008) Куба (Cuba) Trying to sort out the RHC and RNV relay frequencies was more confusing than ever Feb 24, since RHC extended transmission to carry the who-will-succeed-Fidel parliamentary session. I am too busy monitoring other stuff on Sunday mornings to devote undivided and prolonged attention to this, but here are my notes as far as they go: 1435 UT, 11875 with Hugo speaking, mixing about 4 Hz apart with choral music // 7540, so the collision at 14-15 with WEWN has resumed. Hugo // weak 11670, no 11680. But at 1441 recheck 11670 // 11875 program identified as ``Entre Cubanos``, presumably one of the run-up fillers before Alo, Presidente. 1438, RHC programming on 13680, 13760, 11760. Did not check again until 1531, when RHC was still on, prolonged schedule, // 11760 and 15370 VG, weaker 11805, 12000, 13760. I suspect the Esperanto show at 1500-1530 was pre-empted from 11760, but failed to check then. 1534, 17750 with Fidel speaking but not // RHC frequencies above, so this must have been within the Alo, Presidente service. Since both Fidel and Hugo may be heard at times on both services, you can`t rely on voice identification to distinguish them (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 25/02/2008) Мавритания (Mauritania) 4845 Radio Mauritarie, 21:52-21:55, escuchada el 25 de febrero en idioma arabe a locutor con comentarios, intervencion de oyentes por telefono, se aprecia mala y baja modulacion, SINPO 44343. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 26/02/2008) Мадагаскар (Madagaskar) 5010, R Madagascar, 0155-0340+, 02/19/08, French/vernacular. Apparently on all night again in reduced-carrier USB with Afropop, radio dramas, news, more programming, occasional ID jingles interspersed, but no obvious ID break at the hour. Strong, clear signal. Very good. (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 24/02/2008) Малайзия (Malaysia) 7130, Sarawak FM via RTM, Kuching, 1537-1600, Feb 23, assume in Malay, pop songs, several distinctive singing "Radio Sarawak" jingles (different from the "Sarawak FM" jingles I have heard in the past), almost fair, // 5030 (poor, under strong CNR-1), some QRM from CNR-1 and under that possibly CNR-2/CBR (very weak). Seemed that Sarawak signed-off at 1600, at which time it sounded like the Firedrake/jamming started, assume against Taiwan, which I believe would be a change in schedule. Sarawak held up well against the QRM, as their format is pop songs, opposed to CNR-1's mostly talking. Very good day for Asia: Myanmar on 5770 had decent signal at their 1529 sign-off and Laos was doing well on 6130 (Ron Howard, Monterey, Canada - dxldyg 23/02/2008) Мали (Mali) 9635, RTVM, Bamako, *0800-0840, Feb 23, opening French ID announcements & local string music. Vernacular talk at 0802. Local string music & other exotic local music after 0814. Good signal. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 23/02/2008) Нигерия (Nigeria) Me again here lamenting VON doesn't have an English service in place of Hausa on 41m after 2200. Strong and not distorted in the clear signal on 7255. Maybe I'm asking too much. (Raul Saavedra, Costa Rica = dxldyg 23/02/2008) 4770 Radio Nigeria Kaduna, 21:48-21:52, escuchada el 25 de febrero en idioma sin identificar a locutor con comentarios en programa musical, musica pop local, SINPO 32342. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot , Spain - playdx2003 26/02/2008) Польша (Poland) Checked for two Polish radio relays as per DX Mix #507, dated 12 Feb. Didn't hear either, scheduled for 2200 on 9660 via GUF and 6050 via WER. 25 Feb. (Liz Cameron, MI, via dxldyg 26/02/2008) Папуа Новая Гвинея (Papua New Guinea) 3290, R Central, 1140-1201*, 02/24/08. Female announcer with easy-listening and light island music, longer announcement at 1159 to national anthem and off. Poor. (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, Перу (Peru) Peru, 3375, Radio San Antonio, (tentative)1043-1100 Noted a male in Spanish comments between music selections. Long comments at 1055 with a female. Audio was very muffled making difficult listening. Music at 1058 again. Signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, February 23, 2008) Peru, 4826.48, Radio Sicuani, 1105-1120 At first with a male in steady Spanish comments. This station is always covered with interference from CODAR, the Brazilian that is here and just noise. To get some details from this weak signal the following settings were needed on the NRD545: Noise Reduction, Notch, LSB Narrow, PBS +70 KHz. The ECSS was tried, but the above settings resulted in the better signal intelligence. Overall the signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, February 23, 2008) Peru, 4834.93, Radio Maranon, 1116-1130 In here with music. At 1117 canned promos and ADs which included an ID at 1120 as, "Radio Maranon..." Signal was fair this morning. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 23/02/2008) 5039.23, Radio Libertad, 1043-1055, Signal was very tenuous by fading in and out. But details consisted of a male in Spanish language comments, supplemented with music. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 26/02/2008) о-в Вознесения (ASCENSION) BBCWS 15400, via Ascension, has been putting nice backwards signal over Tica land with that azimuth pointing 27?, all the way till sign off at 2300. Must be another time of the year related propagation. Different stream from that on 9525 Caribbean service. (Raul Saavedra, Costa Rica - dxldyg 23/02/2008) Россия (Russia) 12075 Radio Rossii, 09:25-09:30, escuchada el 24 de febrero en ruso a locutor en programa musical, musica pop melodica, SINPO 55544. (J. M. Romero, Bujrasot, Spain - playdx2003 25/02/2008) С. Аравия (Saudi Arabia) 17660 15/02 1419 BSKSA Riad, Riyadh, emissao em frances; simpatica apresentadora responde varias cartas de ouvintes de paises como Gana, Togo e Costa do Marfim; cortina musical com tema em espanhol; divulgacao de endereco e e-mail para contato, 45444 (Celio Romais, Bombinhas, Brasil - radioescutas 26/02/2008) Сан Томе (Sao Tome) 4960, VOA, 0405, 02/19/08, English. VOA Daybreak Africa programming with world/African news headlines and longer reports. Fair/good w/CODAR and a little QRM from CVC-Zambia on 4965. (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 24/02/2008) Свазиленд (Swasilend) 4775, Trans World Radio, 0359, 02/19/08, English. IS, ID in English and summary of upcoming language programs, then into German-language broadcast at 0400. Fair/good under CODAR. (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 24/02/2008) Тайвань (Taiwan) 6085, Radio Taiwan International, 1030-1040 With Chinese music as background, noted persons in Mandarin language comments. Family Radio is on the freq too in Spanish, so got a mixing of both stations here. Taiwan is bouncing against itself with "great circle" fading. Overall Taiwan was fair. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 26/02/2008) Хорватия (Croatia) 3984.85, Croatian Radio-Voice of Croatia, 0300-0315, Feb 25, English ID announcements & "Croatia Today" news program to 0307. Euro-pop music at 0308. Weak but readable. Much better on // 7285-via Germany. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 25/02/2008) Чад (Chad) 4904.97, RNT, 2100-2131*, Feb 22, French talk. Afro-pop music. Sign off with National Anthem. Fair to good signal. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 23/02/2008) 4905 Radio N?Djamena, 20:45-20:55, escuchada el 22 de febrero con emision de musica, temas regae africano y musica ritmica africana, SINPO 45444. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 25/02/2008) 4905 11/02 2128 Rdiff.Nat. Tchadienne, Ndjamena, em frances, locutor menciona a democracia e a radio nacional do pais, 42332 (Celio Romais, Bombinhas, Brasil - radioescutas 26/02/2008) Экв. Гвинея (Equatorual Guinea) 6250, Radio Nacional-Malabo, 0550-0625, Feb 23, Afro-pop music. Radio Malabo IDs at 0600, 0602, 0603. Spanish talk. Good signal. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 23/02/2008) Эритрея (Eritrea) 7100, VOBME, Asmara, program 1, *0355-0415, Feb 25, IS/vernacular announcement sequence. Vernacular talk at 0400. Very weak. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 25/02/2008) Ю. Африка (South Africa) 3320 11/02 2144 Radio Sonder Grense, Meyerton, musicas tipicas, 45444 (Celio Romais, Bombinhas, Brasil - radioescutas 26/02/2008) -- СВ/ДВ (Medium Waves) Люксембург (Luxemburg) Сегодня услышал RTL(Luxembourg) на немецком на 1440 кГц в 0430 ЮТС с нормальным АМ сигналом. Последнее время они вещали только в цифре по-моему, или я что-то пропустил? Звучали песни на английском и религиозная программа на немецком, ровно в 5 сигнал стал очень слабым и через пару минут пропал совсем. (Андрей Волошко, Полтава, Украина - open_dx 23/02/2008) Россия (Russia) Александр Бровкин принял 23 февраля 2008 года на частоте 1440 кГц в Москве станцию "Семейное радио" на русском языке. Объявили что программа в эфире с 15.00-21.00 UTC. Александр спрашивает - знает ли кто-нибудь подробности по использованию этой частоты в Москве. До нового года здесь вещало Международное Французское радио (Александр Бровкин, через Анатолия Клепова, Москва, Россия - open_dx 24/02/2008) Тестовое вещание Радиогазеты "Слово" начнется 1 марта с 9-00 до 13-00 и с 21-00 до 01-00, "Православного радио СПб" с 17-00 до 21-00 и 05-00 до 09-00. 1 и 2 марта передачи чисто музыкальные ввиду выборной компании, с понедельника в обычном режиме. (В.П. Суворов, СПБ, Россия через Sergei Popov и Victor Rutkovsky, open_dx 25/02/2008) США (USA) WBIX, Boston, MA 1060 kHz February 24, 2008 0500-0540 UTC. Several stations mixing on 1060 kHz. Positive KYW ID. Also, Spanish station playing music, hiss (IBOC?) and another unID station. However, was able to hear WBIX DX test. Morse code and sweep tones several times during when I listened. Also announcement about the DX test. Overall barely heard to poor. (KG4LAC - dxldyg 25/02/2008) Украина (Ukraine) >Здравствуйте! >А давно на 1377 кГц. УР-1 (без местных вставок) вместо УР-2? Если мне не изменяет память, УР-1 на 1377 только с Нового года, со времён "возрождения" СВ-вещания, до этого передатчик молчал наряду с "Проминями" 549 КГц и Культурой 837 (кстати тоже бывший Проминя). Кстати на этой частоте (1377) не так давно проходило РМР откуда-то, время вечернее. Удивился, раньше там этого не замечал ни разу. Кстати Александру Егорову спасибо за информацию про УР-2 и 3 на спутнике "Сириус"!! Настроился в тот же день. Наконецто я Проминя наслушался ;-) Ностальгия взяла в каком то смысле) Интересно работают ли там ещё Александр Ефимов и Олег Горский, я помню они вели программу, похожую на хит-парад из украинских исполнителей. Называлась помоему "5х5", есть ли она сейчас кто знает? Я пока не натыкался. Так же уже услышал в эфире парочку знакомых фамилий звукорежиссёров и тд) Приятно, это радио в своё время стало родным.. так что спасибо за вещание на более популярном спутнике (раз уж по СВ не выловить, что для меня кстати имеет разницу и "мобильность"...), а то на Хеллас Сат у меня повернуть тарелку возможности не было. (Евгений Токарь, Минск, Беларусь - open_dx 23/02/2008) 830 WCRN Worcester MA. Ref to “or visit us at wcrnradio.com” after news. F 0106 23/02 JF 1580 CKDO Oshawa ON. Oldies and CKDO IDs W 0055 23/02 JF 1630 KRND Cheyenne WY. Lively ID on the half hour mentioning “La Grande” and lively Mexican music. Personal First from home W 0230 23/02 JF 1640 WKSH Sussex WI. Radio Disney programme. W 0340 17/02 JF (John Faulkner, U.K. - skywavesmw 23/02/2008) -- Тропо (Es) 3 103.10 Класне Радио но не шансон Русские песни ид "КЛАСНЕ РАДИО" Передатчик из Горловки. 100Вт. В Донецке станция на 102.1 http://www.proradio.org.ua/regions/horlivka-fm2.php - спасибо Борису за сайт!! (Евгений Токарь, Минск, Россия - open_dx 23/02/2008) got the station on 100.7Mhz at good level (did'nt know it was Luxembourg though) Also got lots of French Stations at RDS level Culture on 91.5,92.3,96Mhz Musique on 92,92.7, 95.6Mhz Inter 99.6Mhz Bleu B.N 102.6Mhz Info 105.6Mhz Un Id French on 103.1Mhz On Band III Belgium on 196.25Mhz just popping up ocasionally. (Paul H, U.K. - skywaves 23/02/2008) METEOR SCATTER 106.30 06:56:00 2008-02-23 E Punto Radio Madrid/Plaza de Castilla Talks E1E2 PUNTO_R. 1183Km TROPO 106.30 15:56:00 2008-02-23 D Deutschlandfunk Hornisgrinde Talks D210 __DLF___ 639Km 100.40 16:04:00 2008-02-23 D Radio Regenbogen Hornisgrinde Ads/Voice ID 639Km 105.60 17:52:00 2008-02-23 D SWR4 Rheinland-Pfalz Donnersberg Music//Web stream 576Km 105.50 20:52:00 2008-02-23 D WDR Eins Live Barbelkreuz (Eifel) Music 458Km 101.70 20:57:00 2008-02-23 D Radio Salu Saarbrucken/Schoksberg Music/Voice ID D3B8 _SALUE__ 520Km 101.50 21:00:00 2008-02-23 D RPR 1 Koblenz/Kuhkopf Music//Web stream 536Km 100.10 21:10:00 2008-02-23 D Radio Regenbogen Blauen Music 653Km (Mike Fallon, Saltdean, U.K. - skywaves 24/02/2008) 87.6 Classic 21 Leglise 87.6 hr3 Biedenkopf 87.9 Contact FM Montreuil 88.7 France Musiques Lille 88.9 RTL Radio Letzebuerg Dudelange-Ginsterburg 89.4 France Musiques Boulogne 90.2 France Musiques Neufchatel-en-Bray 90.5 Vivacite Liege Liege 91.0 hr1 Biedenkopf 91.1 unid music, prob. SWR 1 Eifel 91.2 Musique 3 Bruxelles 91.5 France Culture Caen 91.6 German pop st, prob. SWR 3 Koblenz 92.0 France Musiques Rouen 92.7 France Inter Neufchatel-en-Bray 92.8 Musique 3 Profondeville 93.8 classical music, suspect SWR 2 Waldenburg 94.0 France Culture Rouen 94.7 France bleu Nord Lille 95.1 WDR 3 Langenberg 95.6 Classic 21 Liege 98.0 France Culture Lille 99.2 WDR 2 Langenberg 99.6 hr2 Biedenkopf 100.5 WDR 4 Teutoburger Wald 100.7 Soziokulturelles Radio Dudelange-Ginsterburg 101.1 Pure FM Wavre 101.8 Vivacite Hainault Tournai 102.6 Musique 3 Tournai 103.3 France Inter Boulogne 103.7 France Inter Lille 104.3 hr4 Biedenkopf 105.2 France Info Lille 105.5 WDR 1Live Dahlem/Barbelkreuz 107.4 weak German music, prob. SWR 4 Koblenz All gone today, with some light rain now. (Nick Gilly, Whitchurch, Hampshire, U.K. - skywaves 24/02/2008) -- Digital Radio -- Неофициальное вещание (Clandestine) Украина (Ukraine) 11530 Dengue Mezopotamya, 09:30-09:35, escuchada el 24 de febrero en kurdo a locutor en conversacion con invitado, SINPO 45444. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 25/02/2008) -- Наблюдения (Monitoring) TANZANIA 11735 R Tanz Zanzibar 1842 with afro pops At 1855 ID by YL with very old hilife wirth posibly arabic origin. Signal S9 ,35434 Liangas 17.2 9635 R Okapi : 0525? with talks and discussions by YL in French . Abouty Pasteur , cafe cacao and economies . ID at 0554 inbetween song clips . The news heads and music ID . S off 0600 Liangas 19.2 ? no exact time recorded Also on 21.2 on 0505 with prg in vernacular and signal S7 35333 EQ GUINEA 6250 Malabo?(p) 0528 with talks . Pop song on 0532 . Mention of christina names 22232 , S3-4 Liangas 19.2 MALI 9635 R mali Kati (p) 0931 talks by 2 OM , 0935 with afro pops , Discissions betweeen two men then back to afropops till 1000 w2ith short talks then back to music until fade out sin al max S4 24433 Liangas 19.2 5950 V tigray rev'n 1537 with ethiopian kind of songs At 1555 man with talks in ethip langauge 'Sarpise ...Tigrai' . S7 Liangas 19.2 Please read my aricle on SINPO at http://zliangas.blogspot.com/2008/02/sinpfemo-better-signal-tech-analysis-by.html (Z. Liangas, Greece - hard-core-dx 23/02/2008) PERU 4790 R Vision ID at 0538 A song follws Liangas 19.2 ZWE 4828 with songs on 0401 S4 2x332 Liangas 20.2 BRAZIL 4885 Para 0403 with interview /discussion nS6 33433 Liangas 20.2 BRAZIL 4915 0404 songs S6 34433 Liangas 20.2 BOTSWANA 4930 VOA 0406 news heads S9 44434 Liangas 20.2 S TOME 4960 VOA 0407 news heads S9 44434 Liangas 20.2 ZAMBIA 4965 CVC 0408 songs talks S5 Liangas 20.2 CUBA 5025 rebelde 0409 public adress mention names S9 44444 Liangas 20.2 USA 5111.15! WBCQ with AM+C with political talks Liangas 20+21.2 9595 Br Stair from and on 19.2 , via Pori S9 and clear, 1633 . OM shouting abt J Christ Russian pirate MW on 1733 on 0410 , S7 on the 16H antenna Liangas 20.2 4941 Serbian pirate , posibly harmonic . NOthing on fundamenttal on 1600- 1750 Liangas 19.2 http://zlgr.multiply.com/journal/item/146 CUBA 5025 Rebelde 0535 with news headlines . 44434 . very rare to hear so clear Liangas 19.2 PERU 4790 R Vision ID at 0538 A song follws Liangas 19.2 ZWE 4828 with songs on 0401 S4 2x332 Liangas 20.2 BRAZIL 4885 Para 0403 with interview /discussion nS6 33433 Liangas 20.2 BRAZIL 4915 0404 songs S6 34433 Liangas 20.2 BOTSWANA 4930 VOA 0406 news heads S9 44434 Liangas 20.2 S TOME 4960 VOA 0407 news heads S9 44434 Liangas 20.2 ZAMBIA 4965 CVC 0408 songs talks S5 Liangas 20.2 CUBA 5025 rebelde 0409 public adress mention names S9 44444 Liangas 20.2 USA 5111.15! WBCQ with AM+C with political talks Liangas 20+21.2 9595 Br Stair from and on 19.2 , via Pori S9 and clear, 1633 . OM shouting abt J Christ Russian pirate MW on 1733 on 0410 , S7 on the 16H antenna Liangas 20.2 4941 Serbian pirate , posibly harmonic . NOthing on fundamenttal on 1600- 1750 Liangas 19.2 (Z. Liangas, Greece - hard-core-dx 23/02/2008) Приблизительно с 23.00 на 5111 кГц (не точно на 5110) слышно было ДХ-программы типа Qumbre DX и World of Radio. Сигнал слабый, но без интерференций, в отличие от 5070 WWCR, на которой постоянно периодически с частотой около 2 Гц работает какая-то "пшикалка". Утром в 06.00 на 3675 кГц - круглый стол российских радиолюбителей. Слышно очень хорошо. Все друг друга поздравляют. По префиксам 3Е понял, что это Орловская обл. (Александр Егоров, Киев, Украина - open_dx 23/02/2008) 4845KHz Mauritanie R.Mauritanie Nouakchott 02/21 Arabic 0816-0826 male talks presumed news alternating short music. 33433 (LOB-B). 4770KHz Nigeria R.Nigeria(pres.) Kaduna 02/22 Hausa 2255-2300 male talks, maybe local music, s/off. 33433 (LOB-B). 6300KHz Algeria Nat.R.of Sahara ArabD Rep.(tent.) Rabouni 02/23 Arabic 0711-0718 male reciting, short Arabic music, male talks. 23232 (LOB-B). 7200KHz Russia R.Rossii Yakutsk 02/23 Russian 0820 female anmts alternating instr. music, 0826 male and female talks maybe news, 0832 musical bridge, 0833 female "Radio Rossi". 33233 (LOB-B). (Lucio Otavio Bobrowiec, Embu, Brasil - dxldyg 23/02/2008) 3250.03khz radio Luz Y Vida,San Luis Honduras 23/2 , 0058utc waek talks in sp. 1470khz mediumwave radio Vibracion,Carupano Venezuela 23/2 0030utc in sp. Full id as radio Vibracion good! 33333 This morning on 9599.30khz. Radio UNAM Mexico city Mexico 23/2 0905utc Classical music fair Maurits V.D., Belgium - hard-core-dx 23/02/2008) 3995.04 2145-2200 INS 21-02 RRI Kendari Indonesian dialect talk, 2159 "Song of the Coconut Islands" 25232 no DRM QRM from DW until *2200 when it started and totally spoiled the signal AP-DNK 4716.70 0045-0100 BOL 20-2 R Yura, Yura Spanish ann, ID, live tropical music 34333 AP-DNK 4746.8 2315-2330 fade out PRU 21-02 R Huanta 2000, Huanta (t) Spanish talk 23322 CODAR QRM AP-DNK 4775.0 0100-0110 IND 20-2 AIR Imphal Hindi talk, Indian music 24232 CODAR QRM AP-DNK 4828 0050-0105 ZWE 23-02 Voice of Zimbabwe, Guineafowl, Gweru Vernacular Afropop and British pop songs 34333 AP-DNK 4835.0 0105-0115 IND 20-02 AIR Gangtok Vernacular talk 35333 AP-DNK N4835 1610-1758* PAK 22-02 R Pakistan, Islamabad English/ Farsi(p) news about the political situation in Pakistan, talks, 1700 Vernacular, probably Farsi, very strong signal, but terrible voice modulation 45342 AP-DNK N4845.0 2325-0100* 21 and 23-02 R Mauritania, Nouakchott Arabic Back on the air after being off some weeks, talks, heterodyne from Brazil 4845.2 53444 AP-DNK 4904.98 *0437-0645 fade out TCD 09+10-02 Rdif. Nat. Tchadienne, Gredia, N'Djamena National Anthen, French ID, ann, Afropop - when best 35233 AP-DNK 4904.97 1755-2126* TCD 11+12+21-02 Rdif. Nat. Tchadienne, Gredia, N'Djamena Vernacular/French talk, Afropop, 1900 French news and programme, QRM Xizang until 1806* and from *2100, in between: 45434 AP-DNK 4930 0220-0230 TKM 21-02 Turkmen R, Asgabat By accident they did transmit both HS-1 (woman talking // 5015) and HS-2 (man talking) in AM/LSB on this channel 33333 AP-DNK 4950 2345-2400 AGL 21-02 R Nacional de Angola, Mulenvos Portuguese ann, light music 34333 CWQRM AP-DNK 4974.79 0135-0210 B 22-02 R Mundial, Osasco, SP (p) Portuguese religious talk, short music and hymns 24333 CODAR QRM AP-DNK 5030.02 2210-2310 BFA 21-02 Rdiff. du Burkina, Ouagadougou French news, 2225 Afropop, drums and long talk on international politics 45343 AP-DNK 5050 *0025-0045 IND 21+22-02 AIR Aizawl This very rare station was heard very weak, but fading in and out under WWRB (playing swinging music) and Guangxi FBS (Vietnamese talk // 9820, fading out) Hindi/English news 0035 definately // AIR Shillong 4970 and AIR Thiruvananthapuram 5010), thanks to tips from Victor Goonetilleke. Not propagating 23-02 12111 AP-DNK 5075 1525-1600* CHN 07-02 Voice of Pujiang, Shanghai Wu ann, Chinese songs 25242 AP-DNK 6035 0010-0045 CLM 20+22-02 La Voz del Guaviare, San Jose del Guaviare Spanish talk, Colombian pop songs, 0025 QRM from Bhutan until then 35333 AP-DNK 6035 *0025-0100 BTN 18+22-02 Bhutan Broadcasting Service, Sangaygang Dzongkha ann, intoning Buddhist mongs, talks - seems to have severe modulation problems with this noisy transmitter 24331 AP-DNK 7280 *1600-1630 VTN 09-02 Voice of Vietnam, Son Tay English news, ID, modern and traditional Vietnamese songs, talk about politics, QRM VOA Udon Thani in Bengali 43443 // 9730 (32332) AP-DNK (Anker Petersen, Denmark - playdx2003 24/02/2008) 936 21/2 18.45 R.N.E. R.5 - Zaragoza SS NX reg. Aragon buono 1026 21/2 18.30 R. Asturias - Oviedo SS intervista ad Alonso buono 1224 20/2 21.45 R. Popular - S. Sebastian SS sport locale buono 1269 19/2 18.30 COPE - Ciudad Real SS NX locali suff. 4805 23/2 22.50 R. Dif. Amazonas - Manaus PP NX buono 5010 23/2 22.55 R. Madagascar - Antananarivo Malgascy ID e MX, later program. buono ( why at this time ??? ) 5805 17/2 10.15 Orion R. Postbus 9 - 8096 ZG Oldebroek - Olanda EE MX buono 6300 17/2 09.35 R. Saturnus - radiosaturnus@hotmail.com EE MX buono 11815 23/2 22.40 R. Brasil Central - Goiania PP MX buono 11925 23/2 22.45 R. Bandeirantes - Sao Paulo PP sport buono (Roberto Pavanello, Italy - playdx2003 24/02/2008) 24 February 2008...... from South Florida BOLIVIA 4732. Radio. Uniersitaria, Cobija Not heard this one for several days [Wilkner-FL] BOLIVIA 6105.31 Radio Panamericana, La Paz 1050 to 1110, using very narrow filter, weak and difficult to tune. 17 Feb. [Wilkner-FL] GUATEMALA 4045U Sailing vessel checking in for weather condition on its way to Belize at 1200GMT. 20 February [Wilkner-FL] HONDURAS 3250.00 Radio Luz y Vida, San Luis 1117 - 1125 om and yl in English- Spanish Bible reading. 14 February [Wilkner-FL] PERU 5460.1v Radio Bolivar, Cd. Bolivar heard on 14 February and several days since with transmitter drifting wildly [Wilkner-FL] PERU 6173.902 Radio Tawantinsuyo, Cusco noted 1000 to 1020, om "en Peru...frecuencia de ...en la manana...." most mornings; have not heard 6193.5 Radio Cusco for several weeks. [Wilkner-FL] MEXICO seems absent from 4800 and old frequency of 4810.- 0900 to 1230; 20 to 22 February. [Wilkner-FL] (R. Wilkner, FL, USA - hard-core-dx 24/02/2008) 3965 1800-1858 F 23-02 R Taiwan International, via Issodun English ID, news, comments, songs, "Groupzone" 55555 AP-DNK 4052.47 0330-0340 GTM 25-02 R Verdad, Chiquimula Spanish religious talk, hymns 25232 AP-DNK 4790.03 0240-0315 PRU 25-02 R Vision, Chiclayo (p) Spanish ann, hymns by choir, screaming priest, hymns, talk 24232 CODAR QRM AP-DNK 4835 1558-1720 PAK 23+24-02 R Pakistan, Islamabad Urdu/English Current Affairs programme ex 5080 heard with varying signal strength and terrible modulation, English news 1600, ID: "Radio Pakistan", QRM AIR Gangtok which often is stronger 34331 - 35333 AP-DNK 4835 1510-1600* IND 24-02 AIR Gangtok Nepali/English Nepali talk, 1530-1545 English news heard // AIR Thiruvananthapuram 34232 Stronger than Pakistan that day AP-DNK 4974.77 0315-0325 B 25-02 R Mundial, Osasco, SP (p) Portuguese talk, 22332 CODAR QRM AP-DNK 5010.02 0320-0335 MDG 25-02 R Nasionaly Malagasy, Ambohidrano Malagasy ann, talk, local songs, Afropop 25222 AP-DNK 6035 0010-0040 BTN 24-02 Bhutan Broadcasting Service, Sangaygang Dzongkha ann, native rhythmic music with drums, Buddhist Monks intoning. Early s/on tonight, 34333 weak QRM Colombia 6035. From *0030 strong QRM 6030 BVB, Canada via Wertachtal in English AP-DNK 6140 *1300-1345 D Su 24-02 R Gloria International, via MV Baltic R, via Wertachtal English/German ID, schedule, address, modern music, first from Japan 45544 AP-DNK 9290 1455-1500* LVA Su 24-02 Latvia Today, via Ulbroka English talk, song covered by heavy (local ?) noise throughout the band with QSA 4 35131 AP-DNK (Anker Petersen, Denmark - playdx2003 26/02/2008) 4775 RADIO TARMA. Tarma, Perú. 0001-0012 Febr. 24 Pgm: El Tribunal de la Vida con Lorena de la Paz. Luego la usual y completa ID: "...OCX4J 1510 KHz onda media; OCX4E 4775 Khz onda corta tropical, banda de 60 metros en amplitud modulada; OCW4A 93.9 Mhz frecuencia modulada estereo transmite Radio Tarma; desde Tarma, Perú en America del Sur..." 4940 RADIO SAN ANTONIO. Atalaya, Perú. 0330-0345 Febr. 24 Pgm: Agua Viva con el tema sobre el bautismo catolico. Luego largas tandas de música con alabanzas. Anuncios de Intercom Atalaya.- 5460.4 RADIO BOLIVAR. Bolivar, Perú. 2340-2355 Febr. 23 Comunicados y complacencias telefonicas. "...Radio Bolivar la primera y la mejor..." "...esta es la señal arrasadora de Radio Bolivar gracias por estar con la No. 1 de la provincia..." 5470.7 RADIO SAN NICOLAS. Rodriguez de Mendoza, Perú. 2331-2339 Febr.23 Pgm: La Voz de la Liberacion. Mencionan aniversario de la Iglesia Dios es Amor. "...estamos a traves de Radio San Nicolas y sus dos frecuencias..." 6250 RADIO MALABO. Malabo, Guinea Ecuatorial. 0535-0620 Febr.24 Reflexion religiosa de la mañana. Luego musica con inconfundibles notas africanas. A las 0600 señal horario y corta Id; "Radio Malabo" con las noticias locales sobre el desarrollo de proyectos turisticos y deportivas con los informes del Comite Olimpico de Guinea Ecuatorial para la proxima participacion en Beijing. luego de las 0615 complemento de las noticias desde Radio Bata. (Rafael Rodriguez - playdx2003 26/02/2008) just when checked 7540 Mesopotamia Kurdish service channel, I came across of an anoying distortion signal, seemingly from Radio Pakistan on 7520 kHz, signal strength about S=9 +40 dB tremendously. (schedule 1330-1615 UT,) but listened 1600-1615 UT portion only. Covered about 70 kHz both sideband like from 7453 to 7590 kHz space. Firedrake Jamming noted on 7474 around 1620 UT. Against RFA Tibetan 7470 ? This morning, I woke up much much early around 0450 UT, and noted 0450-0545 UT as follows: Cariari de Pococi CTR REE progr on odd 5963.98...99 around 0450 UT, Feb 26. Co-ch RHC Sp even 5965.00 til 0500 UT. Tentat. WORLD UNIVERS.NETWORK Cahuita on odd 6149.98 at 0514 UT. Abkhazian Radio on odd 9494.75. Yemen radio Sanaa on odd 9780.05 12025 S=9+10 dB at 0527 UT in Russian IRIB Kamalabad, from 0530 UT in Arabic, also IRIB - but not scheduled yet 530-6 UT!? 12060.10 odd IRIB Kamalabad Turkish at 0529 UT [0430-0600 UT]. 13670.02 PBS Xinjiang in Uighur tentat. at 0533 UT. 13801.16 odd frequency at 0537 UT, IRIB Zahedan in Arabic. 15170 - noisy BUZZ tx of BSKSA HQuran on 15169 to 15178 kHz at 0540 UT.0300-0555 UT. (W. Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 27/02/2008) 9535 кгц 4-5 ч. Еще с начале сезона давали РС, а здесь слышно было только Испания и около 4.25, и Абхазия // 9495,1350, но на 9535 изредко, а в ето время пользуем 7220 и 7305, а 17770 вообще нет. среди старшего, а и не, РС очень популярное, а в некоторых газет регулярно печатаються статы Довлатова, Померанцева, выдержки Тольца и др. К сож-ю не можем доставлять регулярно превосходное издание Р-вещание на рус.языке и составлем наше из двух частей: то что услышали наши друзья и мы: то что объявили по Интернету и печ. расписаний. Греческие пираты существуют уже давно. Их можно делить на СВ, Х-СВ и КВ. СВ : передают на 1304,1384,1565 и 1601 кгц -достаточно,чтобы слушать свист, гудение и подобное. Х-СВ:между 1615 и 1700 иногда можно услышать 7-8 станций, вкл. и сербские пираты/за многих слишних лет никогда не было пиратов из Турции, Македонии, Румынии и Болгарии. КВ : есть некоторые меж 1700 и 1900, но главная наша забота - гармоники, из-за которыми 90 метров невозможно слышать. Молдова уже на 6 частот идет,вместо на 2 ! (Rumen Pankov, Bulgaria - open_dx 27/02/2008) По-моему ничего удивительного нет, что РС с 4 до 5 у Вас зимой бывает не слышно - согласно списку HFCC передатчик находится близко к Вам и к нам, в Ясберень, Венгрия, в мертвой зоне в столь ранний час: 9535 0400 0500 29 JBR 250 65 0 218 1234567 281007 290308 D HNG IBB IBB 450 А в 5-6 РС переключается на Марокко, что более логично для наших территорий: 9535 0500 0600 29 MOR 250 43 0 217 1234567 281007 290308 D 8750 MRC IBB IBB 451 А вообще-то я не понял частотных менеджеров РС - почему они проигнорировали в этом сезоне диапазон 6 МГц или даже 4 МГц??? (Александр Егоров, Киев, Украина - open_dx 27/02/2008) 15110 Radio Kuwait in English on 15110 seems two hours on air in our mornings at 0500-0700 UT. R Kuwait noted today Febr 27th, took over of FM 99.7 MHz local radio station. Weak signal at 0515 UT, but gets increasingly stronger S=6 at 0535 UT, and at 0555 UT similar strong as adjacent Samara-RUS in Tatar on 15105 kHz approx. S=8-9 signal. Before Kuwait got stronger I used small 2.6 kHz filter or used even Eton E1 SYNC option in USB mode. Kuwait's transmission is aimed in direction of 100degr towards Indian subcontinent, and remaining backward side lobe into Europe [315degr] is not as strong as the Kuwait 15495 kHz Arabic channel. At 0540 UT noted on fair level, English political commentary. S=8 at 0546 UT, shortly after nice lively melodic pop music singer till 0600 UT. After a piece of soul music at 0600 UT started at 06.01:30 UT with nx in English. Items: Invasion of Turkish Army in Northern Iraq, Butto's dead, Iranian Non-Atomic program, Kenya uproar, BIH Banja Luka uproar on Kosovo independence separation, USA Clinton-Obama. Weather forecast for Kuwait: increasingly rain the whole day, 12 to 23 cC temperature. At 0604 UT S=9, ID local FM 99.7 MHz station, popmusic. Unter dem Kuwait Signal darunter auf dem gleichen Kanal hörte ich noch eine chinesisch sprachige Station, die eigentlich um diese Zeit nirgends gelistet ist. Um 0525 UT 15100 Islambad S=5-6, 15105 Samara in Tatarisch? S=7-8, 15120 CNR Beijing in Chinesisch. (W. Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 27/02/2008) ALGERIA 666 R.Algérienne, Tindouf, 1945-2020, 15 Feb, French, news, English 2000, weather rpt. 2015; 32441, QRM de POR local. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR) 702 R.Algérienne, Laghouat, daytime log, 1316-1345, 24 Feb, local prgr, Arabic, talks; 15342 but noiser at recheck at 1445. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR) 1422 R,Algérienne, Ouled Fayet, also daytime log, 1319-1347, 24 Feb, Arabic songs; 15341. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR) AUSTRALIA 2310 VL8A, Alice Springs NT, 1946-2045, 23 Feb, chatter, songs & phone-ins; 35342; \\ VL8T & VL8K. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR) 2325 VL8T, Tennant Creek NT, 1947-2042, 23 Feb, cf. \\ VL8A; 25342. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR) 2485 VL8K, Katherine NT, 1948-2032, 23 Feb, cf. \\ VL8A; 35342. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR) BENIN 1566 TWR, Parakou, /1658-1722, 23 Feb, loop ID "you are tuned to the int'l voice of TWR", songs, Vernacular prgr, talks; 35443, then much better. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR) 5025 ORTB, Parakou, is still being detected (i.e. the carrier) in the middle of the day. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR) BOLIVIA 4699.4 R.San Miguel, Riberalta, 0102-0115, 23 Feb, Cast., advertisements, IDs, songs prgr seemingly called "Aire de Nuestra Gente"; 33332, CODAR QRM. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR) 4716.6 R.Yura, Yura, 0100-0111, 23 Feb, Quechua, Indian songs; 24332. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR) 4865 R.Logos via R.Centenario, Stª Cruz de la Sierra, 0039-0052, 23 Feb, Cast., religious prgr; 343422, QRM de B. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR) BRAZIL 4805 R.Difusora do Amazonas, Manaus AM, 0050-0059, 23 Feb, religous prgr with preacher; 24432, CODAR QRM. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR) 4825.1 R.Educadora, Bragança PA, 0045-0058, 23 Feb, songs; 44433, CODAR QRM. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR) 4985 R.Brasil Central, Goiânia GO, 2232-2247, 23 Feb, music prgr "Brasil Central - Sucessos!"; 55333. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR) 5035 R.Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 2220-2235, 23 Feb, music, end of prgr at 2230, ID, religious prgr after that; 34332. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR) 5045 Guarujá FM, Presidente Prudente SP, 2213-2230, 23 Feb, advertisements, phone-ins for music requests; 24331, adj. uty. QRM, better on LSB. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR) 11815 R.Brasil Central, Goiânia GO, 2233-2252, 123 Feb, music prgr "Brasil Central - Sucessos!"; 35423. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR) 11855 R.Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 2236-2250, 23 Feb, religous prgr; 24432. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR) 11925 R.Bandeirantes, São Paulo SP, 2339-2253, 23 Feb, f/ball match rpt. São Caetano vs. Palmeiras; 25432. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR) CHAD 4905 RD.Natle. Tchadienne, Grevia, /1600-1651, 23 Feb, Vernacular, news, tribal songs; 35444 and improving of course. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR) 7120 RD.Natle. Tchadienne (?), Grevia, 1309-1350, 24 Feb, Vernacular (t), talks; 15431, sporadic amateur QRM. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR) CLANDESTINE 1550 Polisario Front, Rabouni, near Tindouf, ALG, /1701-2327, 21 Feb, Arabic, prgr started immediately with prayer, music,..., Castilian prgr 2302; 35443, then improving to 55544 as typical, even up here in the capital - and even better when observed from the SW coast. Also obs'ed. 0705-..., 22 Feb, Arabic, talks, music; 55444 and gradually fading out. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR) EQUATORIAL GUINEA 5005 RNGE, "R. Bata", Bata1717-..., 23 Feb, Vernacular (t), Afr pops; weak signal with a dreaful & feeble audio; 25442; not parallel to 6250. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR) 6250 RNGE, "R.Malabo", Malabo, 1603-1736, 23 Feb, Cast., rpt on f/ball African Cup in the RSA,..., ID, Vernacular 1711; 35443, later covered by EGY, and again good at 2255. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR) 6250 R.Malabo, 1303-1407, 24 Feb, Cast., sermon, Afr. music; 15341. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR) EUROPirates 3904 Blue Star R, HOL, 1922-1955, 23 Feb, Dutch/English, music; 24332. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR) 4025.2 Laser Hot Hits (t), G (or IRL?), 1952-..., 23 Feb, English, music; 15321. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR) GABON 7270 RD.TV Gabonaise, "R.Gabon", Melen, 1051-1320, 24 Feb, French, talks, Afr. pops, drum beat jingle,..., talks; 15341, mixed with CHN at 1430. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR) ICELAND 189 RÚV, Gufuskálar, another great signal, 0017-0048, 23 Feb, music & phone-ins; 54454, this time w/o QRM de D 183 which was off. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR) INDIA 4840 AIR, Mumbai, 0042-0057, 23 Feb, Vernacular, chanting, talks, refs. to Mumbai; 34443, splatter de MTN 4845. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR) 4895 AIR, Kurseong, 1642-1655, 24 Feb, Vernacular, Indian songs; 35433, vy. powerful audio. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR) MADAGASCAR 5010 R.Nasionaly Malagasy, Ambohidrano, 1715-1943, 23 Feb, Malagasy, talks, local pops; 44433, QRM de IND till 1735. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR) MAURITANIA 7245 R.Mauritanie, Nouakchott, back in good shape, 1309-..., 23 Feb, Arabic, newscast, chanting,..., Vernacular at 1530; 45444. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR) MOROCCO 1638 RTM-"A", Rabat, 1545-..., 23 Feb, Arabic, talks; Harmonic of 819, with vy. bad audio; 15441. This is now QRM free since the weird 1643 kHz RTM signal is gone... apparently that is. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR) NEW ZEALAND 15720 R.NZi, Rangitaiki, 0011-0035, 23 Feb, talks; 25433, vy. weak & fluttery after 0030. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR) NIGERIA 4770 R.Nigeria, Kaduna, 1524-1607, 23 Feb, English, int'l pops, drum beat jingle prior to the 4PM TC, news; 34343, good audio only during the music prgr. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR) RSA 3230 BBC (yes, not Family R.! - read on), Meyerton, 1854-1909, 23 Feb, loop with announcement explaining unavailability of BBC WS on this HF channel, then abrupt feed of Family R in English at /1900; 55343. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR) 9625 Channel Africa, Meyerton, 1137-1245, 24 Feb, English/Nyanja/Lozi to SAfr, chat & music; 25443. Vy. unusual catch. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR) 9650 SAUK/R.Sonder Grense, Meyerton, 1139-1155, 24 Feb, Afrikaans, talks & phone-ins; 15442, blocked by KBS via CAN, then f/out. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR) SINGAPORE 6150 Mediacorp, Kranji, 1550-1600*, 23 Feb, English, pops, chat; 44433, adj. QRM. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR) ZIMBABWE 3396 ZBC, Guineafowl, 1954-..., 23 Feb, Vernacular, music; 33341, adj. uty. QRM. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR) 4828 VoZimbabwe, Guineafowl, 1940-..., 23 Feb, the usual menu of non-stop music; 55343. (Carlos Gonçalves, Portugal - dxldyg 27/02/2008) India: AIR DS, Kolkata 4820 @ 1305z, music and voices. China: V of Pujiang, Shanghai 4950 @ 1310z, //5075 China: V of the Strait, Fuzhou 5050 @ 1325z PNG : (presumed) Wantok Radio Light, 7325 @ 1330z, with music and English (but no specific ID). Heavy QRM from 7330. (Jerry Lenamon, Waco Texas, USA - CumbreDX 27/02/2008) -- Неопознанное (Unknown) 5990, R Prague/China Radio Int'l, 0416, 02/25/08. Radio Prague in English (via Sackville) battling it out with an equally strong broadcast in Cantonese w/mention of www.chineseradio.cn (aka CRI). CRI-Cantonese via Havana is listed from 04-05 on 9790, but nothing there. Havana also relays CRI in Spanish on 5990 from 00-01; forgot to switch freqs? (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 26/02/2008) -- Гармоники (Harmonics) February 26 2008 30.670 H2 2 x 15335khz BBCWS via Singapore, 250kw to Sth East Asia and Australia, heard 0717 with EE Px, readable, and nice to hear it so soon after the last reception, January 1st, MUF peaking around 35Mhz to SE Asia 23.690 H2 2 x 11845 CPBS Xian PRC China, carrier only at 0748, between weak and fair level, maybe a better chance in the next 6-8 weeks or so. 23900 H2 2 x 11950 Xizang PBS Lhasa PRC China, carrier only at 0751, just above weak level, but distinctive when you hear it, having a lot of trouble with local birdies, hampering harmonic hunting, baby monitors etc, harder to hear the carriers, then in previous years. 19060 H2 2 x 9530 CPBS Xian PRC China or Vietnam DS1 50kw, carrier only at 0757, another to watch, have to watch your step, around here, as an active international b/cast band, may lead to a wrong conclusion ! Active Sporadic E at the time of reception on Six Metres and Band 1 TV, in VK, noted 50.046 VK8RAS/b, and 46.172 RTQ0 strength S7. 10 Metres open to Hong Kong and Japan, and VK4 > VK6 and VK5, so worth a look on the lower bands for some Harmonics !! (VK5001SWL - harmonics 27/02/2008) -- Глушение (Jamming) -- Пираты (Pirates) 080218 6421 14 05 Laser Hot Hits 24333 7 080218 4025 14 10 Laser Hot Hits 54444 9 G 080218 3935 15 17 Radio Rainbow 34433 8 G 080218 6265 21 30 KBC Radio 54444 9 080219 6421 13 58 Laser Hot Hits 24322 5 080219 6421 14 14 Laser Hot Hits 24433 8 G 080219 4025 14 20 Laser Hot Hits 54444 9+30dB G 080219 3935 14 32 Laser Hot Hits 34433 8 G 080220 6421 16 02 Laser Hot Hits 23322 5 080220 4025 16 07 Laser Hot Hits 23333 7 080220 3935 16 12 Radio Rainbow 23322 5 080220 4025 16 47 Laser Hot Hits 34433 8 G 080220 3935 16 51 Laser Hot Hits 34433 8 G 080220 1640 19 30 Radio Nova 4 44444 9 G 080220 6925 21 10 Spider Radio 24322 5 080220 6265 21 30 KBC Radio 44433 9 080221 6421 14 45 Laser Hot Hits 23322 5 080221 4025 14 57 Laser Hot Hits 54444 9 G 080221 3935 15 02 Radio Rainbow 34433 8 G 080221 1652 20 44 Zender Meteor 34433 8 G 080221 1650 21 09 UNID 34433 8 G 080221 1652 21 11 Zender Digital 54444 9 G 080221 1639 21 14 Zender Veronica 34433 8 G 080221 1653 21 30 UNID 24333 7 G 080221 6925 21 37 Spider Radio 24322 5 080221 6265 21 44 KBC Radio 23322 5 080221 6265 21 59 KBC Radio 54444 9 G 080221 1650 22 12 Zender Spakenburg 34433 8 G 080223 6276 12 32 Laser Hot Hits 24333 7 080223 6307 12 35 Radio Delta 34433 8 080223 6882 12 43 Playback International 34433 8 080223 6300 14 05 Radio Calypso 34433 8 G 080223 4025 14 41 Laser Hot Hits 34433 8 G 080223 3935 14 45 Laser Hot Hits 22332 7 G 080223 6275 15 10 Laser Hot Hits 34433 8 G 080223 3910 16 14 UNID 23322 5 G 080223 3905 19 13 Bluestar Radio (tent) 34433 8 G 080223 1645 19 43 Radio Happy Miner 24433 7 G 080223 1655 19 48 Radio Barones 44444 9 G 080223 1660 19 57 Tante Foek Zender Viking 34433 8 G 080223 1620 20 14 UNID 33433 8 G 080223 1655 20 40 Zender Klaas Snoek 54444 9 G 080223 6925 21 04 Spider Radio 23322 5 080223 6265 21 30 KBC Radio 24333 7 080223 1645 21 38 Radio Blauwe Ster 44433 9 G 080223 1645 21 47 Zender Mobby Dick (tent) 24333 7 G 080223 1645 21 49 Zender Nordzee 24333 7 G 080223 1645 21 58 Zender Ocean Storm 24333 7 G 080223 1636 22 23 Radio Tijdbreker (tent) 34433 8 080224 6882 07 59 Playback International 34433 8 080224 6250 08 10 Radio Queen 24433 7 080224 5815 08 17 Orion Radio 54444 9 G 080224 7471 08 32 UNID 24333 7 G 080224 6260 09 39 Zender Paardenkracht (tent) 24333 7 G 080224 6290 09 43 UNID 43443 9 G 080224 6295 11 30 Radio Northpole 23322 5 G 080224 6280 10 35 VOTN 34433 8 G 080224 6254 11 24 BRI 24333 7 080224 6524 11 39 Radio Ramona 34433 8 G 080224 6325 12 34 UNID 34433 8 G 080224 6220 12 47 Mystery Radio 32332 7 080224 6140 13 00 Radio Gloria International 54444 9 080224 6220 13 10 Mystery Radio 34433 8 G 080224 4025 14 15 Laser Hot Hits 34433 8 G 080224 6220 15 01 Radio Marabu 23433 7 G 080225 4025 17 27 Laser Hot Hits 23322 6 080225 6925 21 17 Spider Radio 23322 5 080225 6265 21 42 KBC Radio 45434 9 080226 4025 13 48 Laser Hot Hits 34433 8 G 080226 3935 14 01 Laser Hot Hits 23333 7 G (Achim Brueckner, Germany - playdx2003 27/02/2008) -- Связь (Ham Radio etc) 07890.0 RS0013: Mkd-Mil 1124 ALE/USB clg CS001B (2008-02-22) (sw) 06690.0 OX2: Mrc-Gendarmerie Royale1910 ALE/USB clg MC2 (2008-02-22) (sw) 05439.0 AA214: Usa-Mil 1913 ALE/USB sndg. (TC-net) (2008-02-22) (sw) 08000.0 AA214: Usa-Mil 1915 ALE/USB sndg. (TC-net) (2008-02-22) (sw) 08000.0 T2Z238: Us-Mil 2nd Bn 238th Avn (TC-net) 1919 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-22) (sw) 07801.0 4101: Irq-Kellog, Brown and Root (KBR Inc.) 1920 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-22) (sw) 05439.0 TC7101: Us-Mil 7-101 AVN of Fort Campbell, KY (deployed) (TC-net) 1925 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-22) (sw) 06964.0 TC7101: Us-Mil 7-101 AVN of Fort Campbell, KY (deployed) (TC-net) 1926 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-22) (sw) 06841.0 TC7101: Us-Mil 7-101 AVN of Fort Campbell, KY (deployed) (TC-net) 1926 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-22) (sw) 08000.0 TC7101: Us-Mil 7-101 AVN of Fort Campbell, KY (deployed) (TC-net) 1927 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-22) (sw) 04494.0 TC7101: Us-Mil 7-101 AVN of Fort Campbell, KY (deployed) (TC-net) 1930 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-22) (sw) 07668.0 437806: Unid (437* net) 1930 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-22) (sw) 07698.0 911913: Nig-NPF (Nigerian National Police Force) 1947 ALE/USB clg 911911 (2008-02-22) (sw) 04494.0 AA214: Usa-Mil 2236 ALE/USB sndg. (TC-net) (2008-02-22) (sw) 08000.0 TC2Z3: Us-Mil C/2-3 AVN (based Hunter AAF, Fort Stewart, GA) (TC-net) 2245 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-22) (sw) 05750.0 T3Z158: Us-Mil 2246 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-22) (sw) 05750.0 T2Z3: Us-Mil 3rd Infantry Division/3rd Aviation Brigade's "2nd Battalion, 3rd Aviation Regiment (2-3 AVN)" of Hunter AAF, Fort Stewart, GA; deployed to Iraq 2248 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-22) (sw) 06964.0 T2Z238: Us-Mil 2nd Bn 238th Avn (TC-net) 2251 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-22) (sw) 07905.4 T2Z3: Us-Mil 3rd Infantry Division/3rd Aviation Brigade's "2nd Battalion, 3rd Aviation Regiment (2-3 AVN)" of Hunter AAF, Fort Stewart, GA; deployed to Iraq 2253 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-22) (sw) 08714.0 T2Z238: Us-Mil 2nd Bn 238th Avn (TC-net) 2254 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-22) (sw) 05296.5 TC7101: Us-Mil 7-101 AVN of Fort Campbell, KY (deployed) (TC-net) 2256 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-22) (sw) 05296.5 AA214: Usa-Mil 2307 ALE/USB sndg. (TC-net) (2008-02-22) (sw) (Sam, U.K. = udxf 23/02/2008) 02884.0 pirates? 0848 USB esp d/x 23fev08 04039.0 0851 CW tfc 23fev08 04112.0 navire unid 0853 USB rus d/x 23fev08 04140.0 pecheurs 0855 USB fr d/x 23fev08 04347.0 SAB 0857 GW-FSK nd 23fev08 (Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 23/02/2008) 04440.0 unid 0905 CW tfc 23fev08 04583.0 DDK2 0911 ITA2/50/400 wx prev vent vague "haltenbank..." 23fev08 04610.0 GYA 0913 FAX 23fev08 04647.0 pecheurs 0918 USB esp d/x bilan de peche :salmonete,congrios,calamares...23fev08 05133.8 pecheurs 0920 USB fr d/x audio moyenne 23fev08 (Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 23/02/2008) 06910.0 TWCG5: Spa-Pol Gijon 1024 ALE/USB clg TXXX1 (extra X in Id)? Madrid (2008-02-23) (sw) 05871.0 TWCG1: Spa-Pol Gijon 1035 ALE/USB clg TZSA1 Almeria (2008-02-23) (sw) 07584.0 TYMT2: Spa-Pol Toledo 1036 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (2008-02-23) (sw) 06955.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 1037 ALE/USB clg TYMV2 Cuenca (2008-02-23) (sw) 07584.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 1037 ALE/USB clg TYMV2 Cuenca (2008-02-23) (sw) 05778.0 TWCG1: Spa-Pol Gijon 1038 ALE/USB clg TZSA1 Almeria (2008-02-23) (sw) 07527.0 TYMT2: Spa-Pol Toledo 1039 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (2008-02-23) (sw) 05379.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol Madrid 1040 ALE/USB clg TYVC2 Castellon (2008-02-23) (sw) 05379.0 TYVC2: Spa-Pol Castellon 1040 ALE/USB clg TXX1 Madrid (2008-02-23) (sw) 06874.0 TWCG1: Spa-Pol Gijon 1040 ALE/USB clg TZSA1 Almeria (2008-02-23) (sw) 05319.0 TYMT2: Spa-Pol Toledo 1041 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (2008-02-23) (sw) 04988.0 TYMT2: Spa-Pol Toledo 1043 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (2008-02-23) (sw) 05865.0 TWCO2: Spa-Pol Oviedo 1049 ALE/USB clg TWVS1 Salamanca (2008-02-23) (sw) 06874.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol Madrid 1051 ALE/USB clg TZSA2 Almeria (2008-02-23) (sw) 06934.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol Madrid 1053 ALE/USB clg TZSA2 Almeria (2008-02-23) (sw) 05352.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol Madrid 1054 ALE/USB clg TZSE2 Melila (2008-02-23) (sw) 06955.0 TWCO2: Spa-Pol Oviedo 1055 ALE/USB clg TWVS1 Salamanca (2008-02-23) (sw) 05892.0 TWCO2: Spa-Pol Oviedo 1056 ALE/USB clg TWVS1 Salamanca (2008-02-23) (sw) 05871.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol Madrid 1059 ALE/USB clg TZSE2 Melila (2008-02-23) (sw) 05352.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol Madrid 1104 ALE/USB clg TZSG2 Granada (2008-02-23) (sw) 05379.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol Madrid 1105 ALE/USB clg TZSH2 Huelva (2008-02-23) (sw) 07512.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol Madrid 1106 ALE/USB clg TZSH2 Huelva (2008-02-23) (sw) 05871.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol Madrid 1106 ALE/USB clg TZSH2 Huelva (2008-02-23) (sw) 08151.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol Madrid 1109 ALE/USB clg TZSH2 Huelva (2008-02-23) (sw) 06874.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol Madrid 1112 ALE/USB clg TZSH2 Huelva (2008-02-23) (sw) 06934.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol Madrid 1114 ALE/USB clg TZSH2 Huelva (2008-02-23) (sw) 06934.0 TWCG1: Spa-Pol Gijon 1119 ALE/USB clg TZSA1 Almeria (2008-02-23) (sw) (Sam, U.K. - udxf 23/02/2008) 08190.0 PAOLINI: Gd. di Finanza vessel G.7 "Gian Maria Paolini", 1027 USB/R&S 2400Bd proprietary burst waveform, working Pratica di Mare (19Feb08) (LDO) 08190.0 PRATICA01: Gd. di Finanza Pratica di Mare, I 1027 USB/R&S 2400Bd proprietary burst waveform, working vessel G.7 "Paolini" (19Feb08) (LDO) 09019.0 XSS: UK DHFCS/TASCOMM SVC - NCS Forest Moor, G 1148 USB/MIL-STD 188-141B, working "DEFAULT" (19Feb08) (LDO) 09019.0 DEFAULT: RAF C-17 ZZ17x, 1148 USB/MIL-STD 188-141B, short AMD exchange with "XSS" (19Feb08) (LDO) 09019.0 200201: RAF C-17 ZZ171, 1452 USB/MIL-STD 188-141B, clng Croughton "CRO", wrong network! (23Feb08) (LDO) 09160.0 -----: Department of State Comms Moscow, RUS 1435 BAUDOT 50Bd/500Hz manually typed 5 figure groups and automated 5 LG offline crypto (23Feb08) (LDO) 10119.0 ----: Algerian MIL net, ALG 1325 USB, secure voice tfc using HC-265 scrambler in HF-mode (23Feb08) (LDO) 11235.0 ----: Italian AF C-130J/MM62195, 1602 USB, calling CHARLY46 - no response (23Feb08) (LDO) (Leif Dehio, Munich, Germany - udxf 23/02/2008) 5737.3 --- : Israel Military/intel ISR 05:00 4 VFT PSK/75/75 on channel 1 encrypted traffic (22 Feb)(PPA) 7839.0 R23499 : US army Helicopter IRQ 19:02 USB/ALE sounding (22 FEB)(PPA) 7839.0 T1CAB : Combat Aviation Brigade,1st Infantry division IRQ 18:44 USB/ALE sounding(22 Feb)(PPA) 7839.0 T1Z52 : 1st Batalion 52nd Aviation regiment IRQ 18:50 USB/ALE sounding (22 Feb)(PPA) 7839.0 T1Z6 : 1st Batalion 6th Aviation regiment IRQ 18:42 USB/ALE sounding (22 Feb)(PPA) 7839.0 T2Z147 : 2nd Batalion 147th Aviation regiment IRQ 18:44 USB/ALE sounding (22 Feb)(PPA) 7839.0 T2Z159 : 2nd Batalion 159th Aviation regiment IRQ 18:41 USB/ALE sounding (22 Feb)(PPA) 7839.0 T3CAB : 3rd Infantry Division Combat Aviation Brigade IRQ 19:04 USB/ALE sounding (22 Feb)(PPA) 5370.0 CODRU : unid Net control station 06:48 USB/ALE calling ACORD and at 06:50 VITEAZ ; 06:55 AZURIA ; 07:03 IZVOR ; 07:35 GRANIT (23 Feb)(PPA) The frequency is in use by Lithuanian airdefence GRANIT do I have listed as Polish military and a Google search with the calls gives links to Roumanian places 17967.0 LX-UCV : Cargolux flight 749 PAK 11:14 HFDL/300/2400 B744 from Bangkok to Baku ; Position over Lahore report to AL-Muharraq (23 Feb)(PPA) 16922.0 VTH9 : IN Mumbai IND 12:17 Baudot/50/800E 4F msgs or vth 5/7/9 rbsl ryryryryry vth 5/7/9 rbsl bnr sgsgsgsgsg (23 Feb)(PPA) 14614.0 --- : Russian intel RUS 12:30 Baudot/200/500 18+4 multifigure groups e.g. 422140226144418178=8496 (23 Feb)(PPA) 13444.2 FUV : FN Djibouti DJI 13:50 Arq-e3/100/400 idling on DJI circuit to Reunion on QSX 13846.7 (23 Feb)(PPA) 13846.7 RFVI : FN Le Port REU 13:50 Arq-e3/100/400 idling on RUN circuit to Djibouti on QSX 13444.2 (23 Feb)(PPA) 13200.0 --- : USAF Andrews USA 14:45 J3E/USB EAM msg of 263 characters (23 Feb)(PPA) 12402.0 --- : NATO defence force 15:03 USB/Link-11/1364/1850 no decode (23 Feb)(PPA) 12392.0 --- : unid Maritime station 15:41 J3E/USB several family phone calls in unid Asian language (Thai/vietnamese/Chinese) (23 Feb)(PPA) The Spezial-frequenzliste from Michael Marten gives for this frequency DZE Las Pinas radio in the Philippines with J3E but the traffic I heard was not in Tagalog. (Peter Poelstra, Netherlands - udxf 23/02/2008) 06400 T1Z3: Prob 1/3 Air Cavalry US Army, Camp Taji, IRQ 2018 ALE/USB Sounding. (21Feb08) (MPJ) 06502.5 437815: The Arabic Voice Net 2021 ALE/USB Calls 437806. (21Feb08) (MPJ) 06514.5 LCR152: Centralny Wezel Lacznosci, Warsaw 2011 ALE/USB Calls WADLEZ32-WA2. (21Feb08) (MPJ) 06551 KBT: Georgian Army 2007 ALE/USB Calls BRN. KB1 calls ZEN. (21Feb08) (MPJ) 06581 KBT: Georgian Army 1952 ALE/USB Calls 4BR. (21Feb08) (MPJ) 06690 XSS: NCS UK DHFCS Via UK South-Penhale Sands 1949 ALE/USB Sounds. Also sounds on 3226 kHz from UKS at 20:01. (21Feb08) (MPJ) 08003 T01204: US Army 1740 ALE/USB Sounding. (23Feb08) (MPJ) 08005 T01: US Army 1740 ALE/USB Sounding. Abbreviated ID for T01204 seen on 8003 at the same time? Ghost hit on 8007.5. (23Feb08) (MPJ) 08234 BB1: 124 Sqn Israeli Air Force Palachim 1741 ALE/USB Calls AA1-103 Sqn Ben Gurion, who responds. (23Feb08) (MPJ) 09200 11043: Moroccan Civil Defence or Egyptian Border Guard 1652 ALE/USB Sounding. (23Feb08) (MPJ) 10211 GASSI30P: Sonatrach Pumping Station, Gassi Touil, Algeria 1601 ALE/LSB Sounding. (23Feb08) (MPJ) 11218.4 XSS: NCS UK DHFCS 1514 ALE/USB Sounding with one ghost hit on 11218.4. (23Feb08) (MPJ) 18003 440189: USAF KC-10 84-0189 1317 ALE/USB Sounding. (22Feb08) (MPJ) (Jim, U.K. - udxf 23/02/2008) 021708 0026 2789 RTTY 75/850 FUE RY test tape 021708 0039 3325 USB NNN0AVS MARS net 021708 0112 4271 FAX CFH satellite photo 021708 0125 4873.5 MFSK16 AFA1DA MARS net 021708 0145 5450 USB 'RAF Volmet' WX 021708 0205 6925 USB 'Wolverine Radio' Pirate, played parodies & Jimi Hendrix music 021908 2310 6956 CW Unid stn passing 5L grps 021908 2330 6925 USB Pirate, played music, long monologue about the band Black Flag, then off air 022008 0519 4316//4426 USB NMN Live OM w/ WX 022008 0609 4820 ALE TC189 Unid stn sounding 022008 0642 5565 USB 'Dakar' Wking Speedbird 234 w/ posn rpt 022008 0712 6350 USB AFN feeder w/ rock music 022008 0859 8186 MCW Cuban M8a w/ 5F msgs 022008 1630 17515 AM Cuban V2a w/ 5F msgs 022008 1700 17435 AM Cuban V2a w/ 84455 77310 85410 callup & 5F msgs 022008 1800 8097 MCW Cuban M8a w/ 5F msgs 022008 2111 6855 AM Cuban V2a w/ 5F msgs 022008 2119 13200 USB 'Andrews' Passing EAM 022108 0147 4271 RTTY 75/850 CFH WX 022108 0215 4318 FAX NMG WX chart 022108 0224 4513 USB AAR0NM Northwest SHARES net, giving WGY9498 permission to make a net call. WGY9498 took over net & took check-ins. 022108 0404 3270 USB ULX YL/EE Mossad stn w/ 5L msg 022108 0409 5505 USB 'Shannon Volmet' WX 022108 0410 5516 USB Fishing vessels, informal chat 022108 0428 4477 ALE AVS National CAP headquarters sounding 022108 0433 3270 USB ULX Mossad stn rpting ULX2 022108 0514 6000 AM 'Radio Havana Cuba' Program about Fidel Castro stepping down as dictator 022108 0521 4316//4426 USB NMN Live YL reading WX 022108 0538 6323.5 Sitor-A NMC Wking unid ship 022108 0545 6389 RTTY 75/850 CTP NAWS tape 022108 0547 6450 RTTY 75/850 PWZ33 Rio De Janerio naval sending QRU/ZKM QRU/ZKM then off air. Came back up w/ RY's & quick brown fox test msg. 022108 0610 6503 FAX NMG Fax signal on wrong freq sending WX charts 022108 0620 6501 USB NMO COMMSTA Honolulu w/ WX, interfered with by NMG fax signal on wrong freq 022108 0623 6826 MCW Cuban M8a w/ 5F msgs 022108 0624 5800 MCW Cuban M8a w/ 5F msgs 022108 0653 6679 USB 'Auckland Volmet' WX, replaced by Honolulu Radio at 0655 022108 0702 6786 MCW Cuban M8a w/ 5F msgs 022108 1040 5500 AM Empty carrier, has been up for about 6 hours 022108 2251 4077 CW MO Pirate beacon 022108 2325 8734 USB 'Olympia Radio' YL/EE & Greek w/ voice mirror (Tom Sevart, Frontenac, KS, USA - udxf 24/02/2008) 04090.0 pecheurs 0715 USB fr d/x 24fev08 04252.5 pecheurs 0718 USB fr d/x / qrn stanag genant 24fev08 04259.0 SAB 0722 GW-FSK nd 24fev08 (Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 24/02/2008) 05768.0 LFI rogaland 0800 GW FSK tentative decod avec g tor? 24fev08 (Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 24/02/2008) 02064.0 HWN? fn 0801 50/850 nd 23fev08 02657.0 portugal lisbon? 2116 USB eng por yl naws 21fev08 02789.0 FUE brest 0820 ITA2/75/850/inv "testing... all de fue" 23fev08 04039.0 unid 0851 CW tfc 23fev08 04090.0 fishermen 0715 USB fr d/x 24fev08 04252.5 fishermen 0718 USB fr d/x / qrn stanag 24fev08 04140.0 fishermen 0855 USB fr d/x 23fev08 04647.0 fishermen 0918 USB sp d/x day's outcome :"salmonete,congrios,calamares..." 23fev08 05133.8 fishermen 0920 USB fr d/x / bad snd 23fev08 05240.0 BD25 moi algeria 2002 ALE USB to RM20 19fev08 07003.0 T01204 us army irak ?? 2005 USB ALE snd 19fev08 (Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 24/02/2008) 2.142,00 ..... - ..... - [...] FSK 50/250 19-feb 1814 N-D SIMPLEX (BC) 2.142,50 - ..... - MIL NATO 75/170 19-feb 1814 N-D SIMPLEX (BC) 2.665,00 HZ.. - ..... ARS ArsAF ALE/USB 19-feb 2048 CLG "JPD" - (BC) 2.730,45 - ..... - JEAC BR6028: ARQ-E 46,2/170/6CH/USB 19-feb 1050 IDLE ON BOTH CHANNELS - (BC) 2.835,00 SP.. P20 ..... - PolF ALE/USB 19-feb 2135 SOUND 2149 SOUND (BC) 2.847,00 - ..... - MIL NATO 75/850 19-feb 2106 N-D - (BC) 3.000,00 ..... 4101 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 18-feb 2104 SOUND - (BC) 3.183,10 - ..... - JEAC ARQ-E 46,2/168 20-feb 2125 IDLE - (BC) 3.263,00 ..... - ..... - [...] FSK 50/200 20-feb 2128 N-D - (BC) 3.268,00 7U.. VR46 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 13-feb 1917 CLG "VR51 - (BC) 3.268,00 7U.. VR51 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 13-feb 1919 SOUND 1940 CLG "VR46" (BC) 3.268,00 7U.. VR52 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 13-feb 1941 CLG "VR51 - (BC) 3.301,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/250 20-feb 2130 N-D - (BC) 3.332,00 - ..... CIS - NATO 100/850 20-feb 2131 N-D - (BC) 3.702,00 7U.. BJ31 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 13-feb 1731 CLG "RM30" - (BC) 4.035,00 7U.. CY40 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 20-feb 1909 CLG "CY43" - (BC) 4.035,00 7U.. CY47 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 20-feb 2009 CLG "CY40" - (BC) 4.042,00 - ..... - MIL NATO 100/850 20-feb 1857 N-D - (BC) 4.060,35 ..... - ..... - [...] FEC 100/170 20-feb 2043 TFC KRY - (BC) 4.181,70 ..... - ..... - [...] SITOR 100/170 22-feb 2116 CLG {MKCV} - (BC) 4.209,50 XSX - Chilung TWN RADIO FEC 100/170 19-feb 2230 RPT NAVTEX 'TAIWAN NAVTEX N.W.NR0091/2008' (BC) 4.209,50 XS.. - Tungkang TWN RADIO FEC 100/170 19-feb 1830 RPT NAVTEX - (BC) 4.213,10 IDR4 - Roma I IN BAUDOT 75/850 20-feb 1852 AVAILABILITY - (BC) 4.447,35 ..... - ..... - [...] FEC 100/170 20-feb 1846 TFC KRY - (BC) 4.550,00 ..... - ..... - [...] FSK 50/850 20-feb 1841 N-D - (BC) 4.597,35 ..... - ..... - [...] FEC 100/170 20-feb 1838 TFC KRY - (BC) 4.601,50 EIL.. 99 - SHIP - IRL IrN SITOR 100/170 18-feb 1738 CLG/WKG "50" - (BC) 4.648,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/250 20-feb 1834 N-D - (BC) 4.786,50 CN.. - Hahioui MRC MrcAF FEC 100/400 20-feb 1830 TFC FRA - (BC) 4.850,00 IEA711 - Viadana I CC J3E/LSB 20-feb 0926 WKG IEA20 - (BC) 4.855,00 FAV22 - Mont Valerien F FA CW 22-feb 2110 GR(A) 'BT NR 71 F 19 22:20:33 1980 BT GWNJU ....... ' (BC) 4.907,10 - ..... - JEAC BR6028:USB: ARQ-E 46,2/170 6CH 20-feb 2115 IDLE ON BOTH CH - (BC) 4.923,50 ..... 4101 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 22-feb 1928 SOUND 1959 SOUND (BC) 4.923,50 ..... 6101 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 22-feb 1930 SOUND 2001 SOUND (BC) 4.923,50 ..... 6701 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 22-feb 1931 SOUND 1942 SOUND (BC) 4.923,50 ..... 6869 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 22-feb 1956 SOUND - (BC) 4.951,50 R... . ..... RUS CISAF CW 20-feb 1823 TFC '=99228TT' (BC) 5.002,00 ..... 1912 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 18-feb 1734 SOUND - (BC) 5.007,00 EHC2 TZSM1 Malaga E GC ALE/USB 20-feb 0736 CLG "TZSE2" - (BC) 5.007,00 EHD TXX1 Madrid E GC ALE/USB 19-feb 0907 CLG "TWLA2" 1842 CLG "TWLN2" 1852 CLG "TWCP2" (BC) 5.007,00 EHG9 TWS1 Salamanca E GC ALE/USB 19-feb 0716 CLG "TWCG2" - (BC) 5.007,00 EHK TYMM1 Madrid E GC ALE/USB 20-feb 0814 CLG "TWLA2" - (BC) 5.007,00 EHM2 TWCP2 Pontevedra E GC ALE/USB 19-feb 1852 CLG "TXX1" - (BC) 5.007,00 EHN2 TWLA2 Alava-Vitoria E GC ALE/USB 20-feb 0814 CLG "TYMM1" - (BC) 5.007,00 EH.. TWCG2 Gijon E GC ALE/USB 19-feb 1822 CLG "TXX1" - (BC) 5.035,00 7U.. CY40 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 20-feb 2116 CLG "CY47" - (BC) 5.035,00 7U.. CY47 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 20-feb 2116 CLG "CY40" - (BC) 5.035,00 7U.. CY51 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 20-feb 2057 CLG "CY52" - (BC) 5.058,50 KAG98 OM2 Omaha,NE USA FBI ALE/USB 23-feb 0413 CLG "HQ1" - (BC) 5.058,50 KGG85 HQ1 Washington,DC USA FBI ALE/USB 23-feb 0413 CLG "OM2" - (BC) 5.058,50 KII50 CO1 Columbia,SC USA FBI ALE/USB 23-feb 0506 CLG "CL1" - (BC) 5.058,50 KII66 NF1 Norfolk,VA USA FBI ALE/USB 23-feb 0304 CLG "NY1" - (BC) 5.058,50 KQC67 CL1 Cleveland,OH USA FBI ALE/USB 23-feb 0506 CLG "CO1" - (BC) 5.058,50 KSC81 SI1 Springfield,IL USA FBI ALE/USB 23-feb 0428 CLG "SI1" - (BC) 5.107,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/250 19-feb 1714 N-D - (BC) 5.135,00 AA.. R23285 - HELO - - USARMY ALE/USB 22-feb 0430 CLG "T2Z147" - (BC) 5.135,00 AA.. R23499 - HELO - - USARMY ALE/USB 22-feb 0425 SOUND - (BC) 5.135,00 AA.. R26003 - HELO - - USARMY ALE/USB 22-feb 0416 SOUND - (BC) 5.135,00 AA.. T2Z147 ..... - USARMY ALE/USB 23-feb 0005 SOUND - (BC) 5.135,00 AA.. T2Z159 ..... - USARMY ALE/USB 22-feb 2348 SOUND - (BC) 5.135,00 WGY9.. NA1SH Nashua,NH USA FEMA/EOC ALE/USB 23-feb 0244 SOUND - (BC) 5.135,00 WGY9.. PL1YM ..... USA FEMA/EOC ALE/USB 23-feb 0317 SOUND - (BC) 5.135,00 WPHM628 SEMOHQ Albany,NY USA SEMA ALE/USB 22-feb 2359 SOUND - (BC) 5.135,00 WPHM631 SEMO03 Glen Falls,NY USA SEMA ALE/USB 22-feb 2346 SOUND - (BC) 5.135,00 WPHM636 SEMO02 Poughkeepsie,NY USA SEMA ALE/USB 22-feb 2355 SOUND - (BC) 5.135,00 WPHM... SEMO01 Hauppauge,NY USA SEMA ALE/USB 22-feb 2341 SOUND - (BC) 5.135,00 WPHM... SEMO05 Newark,NY USA SEMA ALE/USB 23-feb 0042 SOUND - (BC) 5.135,00 4L.. KBR ..... GEO GeoF ALE/USB 23-feb 0036 CLG "NET4" - (BC) 5.135,00 4L.. SJS ..... GEO GeoF ALE/USB 23-feb 0036 CLG "KBR" - (BC) 5.181,00 FAV22 - Mont Valerien F FA CW 19-feb 0750 GR(A) //5407,0 //5417.0 (BC) 5.198,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL CIS 81-81 81/250 20-feb 2110 N-D - (BC) 5.205,80 - ..... - JEAC ARQ-E 46/170 18-feb 1759 TFC ARA 1800 TFC ARA 'ZCZZ AKA980 YLR KPO+07 .......... NNNNNNN' (BC) 5.213,00 FAV22 - Mont Valerien F FA CW 18-feb 1744 GR(A) //5272,0 'BT NR 07 F 18 18:51:29 1980 TITXT ....... ' (BC) 5.268,00 ..... - ..... - [...] J3E/USB 19-feb 0744 TFC FRA/CLG "TROIS" - (BC) 5.272,00 FAV22 - Mont Valerien F FA CW 18-feb 1744 GR(A) //5213.0 'BT NR 09 F 18:19:03: 1980 BT SYGFM ......' (BC) 5.285,00 ZA.. BORA Bora ALB POLICE ALE/USB 19-feb 2120 CLG "BORA" - (BC) 5.285,00 ZA.. DRINI Drini ALB POLICE ALE/USB 19-feb 1719 CLG "MALI" 1805 CLG "BORA" (BC) 5.286,00 FAV22 - Mont Valerien F FA CW 18-feb 0725 GR(A) /5272,0 //5410,0 'BT NR 12 F 18 O 18:38:41 1980 BT JFTQH....... ' (BC) 5.295,00 M... XJP ..... - DHFCS ALE/USB 19-feb 2108 CLG "XSS" - (BC) 5.295,00 M... XKP ..... - DHFCS ALE/USB 19-feb 1851 CLG "XSS" - (BC) 5.295,00 M... XSS Forest Moor G DHFCS ALE/USB 19-feb 1752 SOUND - (BC) 5.351,00 4L.. 1BR ..... GEO GeoF ALE/USB 19-feb 1844 CLG "KBR" - (BC) 5.351,00 4L.. 8GS ..... GEO GeoF ALE/USB 19-feb 1740 CLG "KBT" - (BC) 5.351,00 4L.. KB1 ..... GEO GeoF ALE/USB 19-feb 1725 CLG "CQB" - (BC) 5.351,00 4L.. KBR ..... GEO GeoF ALE/USB 19-feb 2144 CLG "1BR" - (BC) 5.351,00 4L.. KBT ..... GEO GeoF ALE/USB 19-feb 1944 CLG "KB1" - (BC) 5.351,00 4L.. SJS ..... GEO GeoF ALE/USB 19-feb 1902 CLG "1BR" - (BC) 5.407,00 FAV22 - Mont Valerien F FA CW 19-feb 0738 GR(A) //5417,0 //5181,0 'BT NR 09 F 18:19:03: 1980 BT SYGFM ......' (BC) 5.410,00 FAV22 - Mont Valerien F FA CW 18-feb 1757 GR(A) //5286,0 //5272,0 'BT NR 09 F 18:19:03: 1980 BT SYGFM ......' (BC) 5.417,00 FAV22 - Mont Valerien F FA CW 19-feb 0738 GR(A) //5407,0 //5181,0 (BC) 5.465,90 R... M Magadan RUS CISN BEACON CW 18-feb 1806 QRA - (BC) 5.470,00 ..... - ..... . [...] J3E/USB 18-feb 1857 TFC FRA/ARA - (BC) 5.542,00 AA.. T1CAB ..... - USARMY ALE/USB 18-feb 1855 SOUND - (BC) 5.542,00 AA.. T1Z6 ..... - USARMY ALE/USB 18-feb 1912 SOUND - (BC) 5.542,00 AA.. T3C ..... - USARMY ALE/USB 18-feb 2052 SOUND - (BC) 5.542,00 AA.. T4Z6 ..... - USARMY ALE/USB 18-feb 1938 SOUND - (BC) 5.598,00 EIP SHANWICK Shannon IRL AIR (NAT) J3E/USB 18-feb 1808 WKG "SPEEDBIRD ....' - (BC) 5.634,00 5ST TANA RADIO Antanamarivo MDG ACC/FIC (INO-1) J3E/USB 18-feb 1840 TFC ING/FRA - (BC) 5.634,00 S7Z SEYCHELLES RADIO Mahe SEY ACC/FIC (INO-1) J3E/USB 20-feb 1752 TFC ING - (BC) 5.634,00 AWB MUMBAI RADIO Mumbai IND AIR (INO-1) J3E/USB 18-feb 1842 WKG "SAUDIA 85" - (BC) 5.649,00 EIP SHANWICK Shannon IRL AIR (NAT-C) J3E/USB 20-feb 1745 WKG "CARGO118" - (BC) 5.649,00 VFG GANDER RADIO Gander,NFLD CAN AIR (NAT-C) J3E/USB 18-feb 1846 TFC ING - (BC) 5.658,00 ARB LAHORE RADIO Lahore PAK ACC/FIC (MID) J3E/USB 18-feb 1821 TFC ING - (BC) 5.680,00 MQS KINLOSS RESCUE Kinloss G SAR/RCC J3E/USB 18-feb 1825 TEST 'THIS IS KINLOSS RESCUE TEST OVER' (BC) 5.687,00 DHM91 - Muenster D GAF J3E/USB 19-feb 1730 TFC ING - (BC) 5.747,00 FAV22 - Mont Valerien F FA CW 20-feb 1743 GR(A) 'BT NR 88 F 20 18:50:48 1980 BT WYXNU ...........' (BC) 5.750,80 U... - ..... CIS MIL CIS 81-81 40,5/250 20-feb 1740 N-D - (BC) 5.751,20 DHJ59 - Wilhelmshaven/Sengwarden D GN STANAG-4285/USB 18-feb 1810 TFC KRY - (BC) 5.751,20 DHJ59 - Wilhelmshaven/Sengwarden D GN STANAG-4285/USB 18-feb 1813 CLG/WKG "DR..." - (BC) 5.762,00 HG.. 100 ..... HNG HngF ALE/USB 22-feb 1756 CLG "035" - (BC) 5.795,00 SW.. - ..... GRC [...] J3E/USB 19-feb 1046 TFC GRE SIMPLEX (BC) 5.851,70 ZA.. ARCTIR Tirana ALB ARC PACTOR-II 19-feb 1044 SEND MAILS - (BC) 5.865,00 EHD TXX2 Madrid E GC ALE/USB 20-feb 0730 CLG "TWBG2" - (BC) 5.865,00 EHD8 TYMR2 Ciudad Real E GC ALE/USB 20-feb 1107 CLG "TXX2" - (BC) 5.865,00 EH.. TZSE2 Melilla E GC ALE/USB 20-feb 0817 CLG "TXX1" - (BC) 5.891,70 SEE - Cairo EGY MFA FEC 100/170 22-feb 1757 TFC ARA - (BC) 5.891,70 SEE - Cairo EGY MFA SITOR 100/170 22-feb 1755 CLG Algier QSX 9106,7 (BC) 6.000,00 I... - ..... - IA J3E/USB 19-feb 1042 TFC ITA SIMPLEX RADIOCECKS (BC) 6.200,00 Z3.. CS003 ..... MKD MkdF ALE/USB 20-feb 0711 CLG "RS0012" - (BC) 6.200,00 Z3.. CS003 ..... MKD MkdF MIL STD 188-110A/USB 20-feb 1224 TFC KRY - (BC) 6.200,00 Z3.. CS003B ..... MKD MkdF ALE/USB 20-feb 1238 CLG "RS004B" - (BC) 6.200,00 Z3.. RS0012 ..... MKD MkdF ALE/USB 20-feb 0712 CLG "CS003" - (BC) 6.200,00 Z3.. RS0013 ..... MKD MkdF ALE/USB 20-feb 0819 CLG "CS003" - (BC) 6.200,00 Z3.. RS0016 ..... MKD MkdF ALE/USB 20-feb 0940 CLG "CS003" - (BC) 6.200,00 Z3.. RS0017 ..... MKD MkdF ALE/USB 20-feb 1142 CLG "CS003" - (BC) 6.200,00 Z3.. RS004B ..... MKD MkdF ALE/USB 20-feb 1238 CLG "CS003B" - (BC) 6.243,50 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/USB 19-feb 0924 TFC KRY - (BC) 6.251,00 M... XSS Forest Moor G DHFCS ALE/USB 19-feb 1054 SOUND - (BC) 6.256,00 - ..... - MIL NATO 75/850 19-feb 1055 N-D - (BC) 6.256,70 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/USB 19-feb 0928 TFC KRY - (BC) 6.277,20 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/USB 19-feb 1000 TFC KRY - (BC) 6.430,50 ..... - ..... - [...] CW 20-feb 1702 VVV - (BC) 6.596,00 RBDP 14 Krasnoyarsk RUS AIR ACARS 19-feb 2238 SQUITTERS - (BC) 6.617,00 UTD - Sankt Peterburg RUS VOLMET J3E/USB 20-feb 1735 WX RUS - (BC) 6.630,00 ..... 963 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 19-feb 2244 SOUND - (BC) 6.655,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL CIS 81-81 40,5/500 19-feb 0731 N-D - (BC) 6.693,00 RSKP - Novosibirsk RUS VOLMET J3E/USB 19-feb 2310 WX RUS 1650 WX RUS (BC) 6.694,00 M... XSS Forest Moor G DHFCS ALE/USB 18-feb 2303 SOUND - (BC) 6.715,00 AFA ADWSPR Camp Springs,MD USA USAF ANDREWS AFB ALE/USB 20-feb 2135 SOUND - (BC) 6.715,00 AFE81 HAWSPR Wideawake ASC USAF ALE/USB 20-feb 2104 SOUND - (BC) 6.715,00 AFS OFFSPR Omaha,NE USA USAF OFFUT AFB ALE/USB 20-feb 2232 SOUND - (BC) 6.715,00 AF.. MOBD34DAT - AIRCRAFT ?- - USAF/USN ? ALE/USB 21-feb 0648 SOUND - (BC) 6.715,00 AIE2 GUASPR Barrigada GUM USAF ANDERSEN AFB ALE/USB 20-feb 2152 SOUND - (BC) 6.715,00 AIF80 JTYSPR Yokota J USAF ALE/USB 20-feb 2143 SOUND - (BC) 6.715,00 AJE CROSPR Croughton G USAF ALE/USB 20-feb 2148 SOUND - (BC) 6.715,00 CUW PLASPR Lajes AZR USN ALE/USB 20-feb 2139 SOUND - (BC) 6.715,00 NKW JDGSPR Diego Garcia DGA USN ALE/USB 20-feb 2136 SOUND - (BC) 6.715,00 NRR JNRSPR Roosvelt Roads PTR USN SALINAS AB ALE/USB 20-feb 2117 SOUND - (BC) 6.715,00 NSY ICZSPR Sigonella I USN ALE/USB 20-feb 2142 SOUND - (BC) 6.720,00 U... MASTER ..... CIS MIL J3E/USB 20-feb 1645 CLG "BORIS03" - (BC) 6.748,50 P7.. - ..... - DIPLO COREANA FSK 600/600 19-feb 2257 N-D - (BC) 6.770,00 U... - ..... CIS PTT RUS-ARQ 100/500 19-feb 0936 N-D - (BC) 6.772,00 .... - ..... - [...] FSK 50/250 20-feb 1641 N-D - (BC) 6.776,50 AF.. - ..... - USAF MARS PACTOR 19-feb 2228 CLG AFD1MC - (BC) 6.778,70 SSE.. - ..... - DIPLO EGIZIANA SITOR 100/170 20-feb 1642 TFC ARA - (BC) 6.786,70 SSE.. - Beirut LBN AMB. EGIZIANA SITOR 100/170 20-feb 1710 CLG/WKG Cairo - (BC) 6.790,00 SSE.. - Conakry GUI AMB. EGIZIANA SITOR 100/170 20-feb 1655 N-D - (BC) 6.791,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA FEC 100/170 22-feb 1753 TFC ARA - (BC) 6.791,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA SITOR 100/170 22-feb 1703 CLG/WKG Paris - (BC) 6.792,00 ..... - ..... - [...] FSK 200/1000 20-feb 1716 N-D - (BC) 6.795,00 ..... 201 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 18-feb 2221 SOUND - (BC) 6.795,00 ..... 212 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 18-feb 2334 SOUND - (BC) 6.795,00 ..... 3651 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 18-feb 2224 SOUND - (BC) 6.795,00 ..... 511 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 18-feb 2330 SOUND - (BC) 6.795,00 ..... 728 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 18-feb 2340 CLG "593" - (BC) 6.795,00 ..... 8541 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 18-feb 2157 SOUND - (BC) 6.796,00 EHD TXX2 Madrid E GC ALE/USB 20-feb 0915 CLG "TWVB2" - (BC) 6.812,00 ..... 437815 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 20-feb 1713 CLG "437808" - (BC) 6.821,70 SSE.. - ..... - DIPLO EGIZIANA SITOR 100/170 20-feb 1637 TFC ARA/S-OFF - (BC) 6.825,00 FAV22 - Mont Valerien F FA CW 19-feb 0934 CQ DE - (BC) 6.835,00 ..... - ..... - [...] ALE/USB 20-feb 1656 N-D PROTECTED LINK SIMPLEX (BC) 6.838,00 ..... 401 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 20-feb 2146 SOUND - (BC) 6.838,00 ..... 402 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 20-feb 1737 SOUND - (BC) 6.838,00 ..... WA10 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 20-feb 1709 CLG "WA11" - (BC) 6.838,00 ..... WA11 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 20-feb 1710 CLG "WA10" - (BC) 6.860,00 5O.. 7114 ..... NIG POLICE ALE/USB 13-feb 2029 SOUND - (BC) 6.860,00 Z3.. RS009A ..... MKD MkdF ALE/USB 13-feb 1745 CLG "CS001A" - (BC) 6.880,00 Z3.. CS003 ..... MKD MkdF ALE/USB 19-feb 1118 CLG "RS0017" - (BC) 6.880,00 Z3.. CS003B ..... MKD MkdF ALE/USB 19-feb 1355 CLG "RS005B" - (BC) 6.880,00 Z3.. RS0016 ..... MKD MkdF ALE/USB 19-feb 1630 SOUND - (BC) 6.880,00 Z3.. RS0017 ..... MKD MkdF ALE/USB 19-feb 1117 CLG "CS003" - (BC) 6.881,50 ..... 1120 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 22-feb 1737 SOUND - (BC) 6.881,50 ..... 1912 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 22-feb 1740 CLG "1918" - (BC) 6.881,50 ..... 5111 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 22-feb 1745 SOUND - (BC) 6.883,00 FAV22 - Mont Valerien F FA CW 18-feb 2158 GR(A) //6954,0 'BT NR 49 F 18 23:13:23 1980 BT UFNDL .......' (BC) 6.910,00 R... - ..... - INTEL H3E/USB 20-feb 1634 GR(N) RUS - (BC) 6.916,00 ..... - ..... - [...] FSK 50/250 20-feb 1733 N-D - (BC) 6.920,60 - ..... - JEAC BR6028. ARQ-E 46,2/170/6CH/USB 20-feb 1630 IDLE ON BOTH CH - (BC) 6.926,00 U... - ..... CIS [...] RUS-SYS 75/250 20-feb 0919 N-D - (BC) 6.954,00 FAV22 - Mont Valerien F FA CW 18-feb 2158 GR(A) //6883,0 (BC) 6.956,00 FAV22 - Mont Valerien F FA CW 18-feb 0725 GR(A) //5286.0 //7371,0 (BC) 6.964,00 AA.. AA214 ..... - USARMY ? ALE/USB 20-feb 1705 SOUND - (BC) 6.964,00 AA.. P2Z ..... - USARMY ALE/USB 20-feb 2302 SOUND - (BC) 6.964,00 AA.. T2Z238 ..... - USARMY ALE/USB 20-feb 1713 SOUND - (BC) 6.964,00 AA.. T2Z3MED ..... - USARMY ALE/USB 20-feb 1736 SOUND - (BC) 6.964,00 AA.. TC2Z3 ..... - USARMY ALE/USB 20-feb 1706 SOUND - (BC) 6.964,00 AA.. TC7101 ..... - USARMY ALE/USB 20-feb 1742 SOUND - (BC) 6.965,00 FAV22 - Mont Valerien F FA CW 18-feb 0734 GR(A) 'BT NR 13 F 18 08:44:53 1980 BT JFFXZ ......' (BC) 6.977,60 - ..... - JEAC BR6028. ARQ-E 46,2/170/6CH/USB 20-feb 1722 IDLE ON BOTH CH - (BC) 7.371,00 FAV22 - Mont Valerien F FA CW 18-feb 0750 GR(A) //5286.0 //6856,0 'NR 19 F 18 09:22:24 1980 BT TTAQV .......' (BC) 7.390,00 4X.. AAA Tel Aviv ISR IsAF ALE/USB 19-feb 1135 SOUND - (BC) 7.390,00 4X.. B27 - AIRCRAFT - ISR IsAF ALE/USB 19-feb 1341 SOUND - (BC) 7.390,00 4X.. BB1 Palachim ISR IsAF ALE/USB 19-feb 1211 SOUND - (BC) 7.390,00 4X.. BB3 ..... ISR IsAF ALE/USB 19-feb 1153 SOUND - (BC) 7.390,00 4X.. DAS ..... ISR IsAF ALE/USB 19-feb 1235 SOUND - (BC) 7.390,00 4X.. DD2 ..... ISR IsAF ALE/USB 19-feb 1204 SOUND - (BC) 7.392,00 4X.. AA1 Ben Gurion ISR IsAF ALE/USB 19-feb 1324 SOUND - (BC) 7.392,00 4X.. AAA Tel Aviv ISR IsAF ALE/USB 19-feb 1144 SOUND 1208 CLG "BB1" (BC) 7.392,00 4X.. BB1 Palachim ISR IsAF ALE/USB 19-feb 1137 SOUND 1208 CLG "AAA" (BC) 7.392,00 4X.. BB2 ..... ISR IsAF ALE/USB 19-feb 1140 SOUND - (BC) 7.408,00 FAV22 - Mont Valerien F FA CW 19-feb 0723 GR(A) 'NR 48 F 19:18:29 1980 BT BSEAI................... ' (BC) 7.512,00 EHD TXX1 Madrid E GC ALE/USB 19-feb 0903 CLG "TWLA2" 0914 CLG "TWLC2" (BC) 7.512,00 EHD2 TWLG2 Guipzcoa E GC ALE/USB 19-feb 1253 CLG "TXX2" - (BC) 7.512,00 EHG9 TWVS1 Salamanca E GC ALE/USB 19-feb 0721 CLG "TWCG2" - (BC) 7.512,00 EHG9 TWVS1 Salamanca E GC MIL STD 188-110A/USB 19-feb 0722 TFC KRY - (BC) 7.512,00 EHM2 TWCP2 Pontevedra E GC ALE/USB 19-feb 1253 CLG "TXX1" - (BC) 7.512,00 EHO2 TWCC1 La Coruna E GC ALE/USB 19-feb 0935 CLG "TWCG1" - (BC) 7.512,00 EHQ5 TZSC2 Cadiz E GC ALE/USB 19-feb 1127 CLG "TXX1" - (BC) 7.512,00 EH.. TZSL2 Algeciras E GC ALE/USB 19-feb 1455 CLG "TXX1" - (BC) 7.512,00 EH.. TZSU2 Ceuta E GC ALE/USB 19-feb 1518 CLG "TXX1" - (BC) 7.527,00 K... D02 - BOMBARDIER Q400 - USA CPB ALE/USB 27-feb 0123 SOUND - (BC) 7.527,00 K... D03 - BOMBARDIER Q400 - USA CPB ALE/USB 27-feb 0209 SOUND - (BC) 7.527,00 K... I52 - CESSNA 550 - USA CPB ALE/USB 23-feb 0142 SOUND - (BC) 7.527,00 NM.. 701 - HC-130H - USA USCG ALE/USB 22-feb 2313 SOUND - (BC) 7.527,00 NM.. 720 - HC-130H - USA USCG ALE/USB 22-feb 2344 SOUND - (BC) 7.527,00 NM.. F04 - HU-25 - USA USCG ALE/USB 23-feb 0142 SOUND - (BC) 7.527,00 NM.. J39 - MH-60J - USA USCG ALE/USB 22-feb 2141 SOUND - (BC) 7.538,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/250 19-feb 1138 N-D - (BC) 7.592,80 IEA20 - Roma I CC BAUDOT 50/170 19-feb 1143 TFC KRY - (BC) 7.598,00 IEA23 - Milano I CC J3E/LSB 20-feb 0857 CLG IEA73 - (BC) 7.598,00 IEA23L LABOR IEA23 Milano I CC J3E/LSB 19-feb 1009 WKG IEA26 - (BC) 7.598,00 IEA500 - Sarajevo BIH CC J3E/LSB 20-feb 0840 CLG IEA20 - (BC) 7.598,00 IEA600 - ..... - CC J3E/LSB 20-feb 0910 CLG/WKG IEA20 - (BC) 7.598,00 IEA63 - Monza I CC J3E/LSB 20-feb 0902 CLG/WKG IEA85 - (BC) 7.598,00 IEA633 - Rho I CC J3E/LSB 20-feb 0903 WKG IEA85 - (BC) 7.598,00 IEA66 - Como (PROVINCIA) I CC J3E/LSB 20-feb 0905 WKG IEA20 - (BC) 7.598,00 IEA661 - ..... I CC J3E/LSB 20-feb 0905 WKG IEA20 - (BC) 7.598,00 IEA67 - Varese I CC J3E/LSB 20-feb 0906 WKG IEA85 - (BC) 7.598,00 IEA670 - Busto Arsizio I CC J3E/LSB 20-feb 0917 CLG/WKG IEA20 - (BC) 7.598,00 IEA671 - Luino I CC J3E/LSB 20-feb 0919 CLG/WKG IEA20 - (BC) 7.598,00 IEA68 - Pavia I CC J3E/LSB 20-feb 0912 WKG IEA20 - (BC) 7.598,00 IEA681 - Voghera I CC J3E/LSB 20-feb 0913 WKG IEA20 - (BC) 7.598,00 IEA682 - Stradella I CC J3E/LSB 20-feb 0921 WKG IEA20 - (BC) 7.598,00 IEA692 - ..... I CC J3E/LSB 20-feb 0922 WKG IEA20 - (BC) 7.598,00 IEA71 - Mantova I CC J3E/LSB 20-feb 0923 WKG IEA20 - (BC) 7.598,00 IEA711 - Viadana I CC J3E/LSB 20-feb 0932 CLG IEA20 - (BC) 7.598,00 IEA72 - Cremona I CC J3E/LSB 20-feb 0920 WKG IEA20 - (BC) 7.598,00 IEA73 - Bergano I CC J3E/LSB 20-feb 0850 WKG IEA85 0911 WKG IEA20 (BC) 7.598,00 IEA731 - ..... I CC J3E/LSB 20-feb 0901 WKG IEA73 - (BC) 7.598,00 IEA732 - Clusone I CC J3E/LSB 20-feb 0859 WKG IEA23 - (BC) 7.598,00 IEA74 - Sondrio I CC J3E/LSB 20-feb 0856 WKG IEA20 - (BC) 7.598,00 IEA740 - Tirano I CC J3E/LSB 20-feb 0852 CLG IEA20 - (BC) 7.598,00 IEA741 - ..... I CC J3E/LSB 20-feb 0856 WKG IEA20 - (BC) 7.598,00 IEA85 - Lecco I CC J3E/LSB 20-feb 0838 CLG IEA20 - (BC) 7.598,00 IEA850 - Merate I CC J3E/LSB 20-feb 0855 WKG IEA20 - (BC) 7.598,00 IEA.. CC806 - MOTOVEDETTA - I CC J3E/LSB 19-feb 0845 WKG IEA20 - (BC) 7.598,00 IET681 - B... I CC J3E/LSB 19-feb 1024 WKG IEA20 - (BC) 7.598,00 IEU64 LABOR BARI Bari I CC J3E/LSB 20-feb 0916 CLG/WKG IEA20 - (BC) 7.641,00 SP.. GZ8W ..... - PoF ALE/USB 20-feb 1653 CLG "MJMD" - (BC) 7.641,00 SP.. H4TR ..... - PoF ALE/USB 20-feb 1427 CLG "YTFE" - (BC) 7.641,00 SP.. MJMD ..... - PoF ALE/USB 20-feb 1229 CLG "YTFE" - (BC) 7.641,00 SP.. MJMDS3 ..... - PoF ALE/USB 20-feb 1451 CLG "YTFE" - (BC) 7.641,00 SP.. YVBZ ..... - PoF ALE/USB 20-feb 1727 SOUND - (BC) 7.641,00 ..... LK3S ..... - [...] ALE/USB 20-feb 1621 SOUND - (BC) 7.641,00 ..... WR110A ..... - [...] ALE/USB 20-feb 1451 SOUND - (BC) 7.716,00 FAV22 - Mont Valerien F FA CW 19-feb 1154 GR(A) 'NR N 6 F 19 12:55:45 1988 BT MFDHJ ' (BC) 7.772,00 5O.. ABUDU Abudu NIG NNPC ALE/USB 18-feb 2358 SOUND - (BC) 7.809,00 YP.. 8QM ..... ROU RouF ALE/USB 18-feb 0839 CLG "YLF" - (BC) 7.809,00 ..... - ..... - [...] ALE/USB 18-feb 0856 N-D PROTECTED LINK SIMPLEX (BC) 7.818,00 7X.. ALR Ali bel Rida ALG AO&G ALE/USB 18-feb 2357 SOUND - (BC) 7.818,00 7X.. HR Hassi R'Mel ALG AO&G ALE/USB 18-feb 2356 SOUND - (BC) 8.006,70 - ..... - MIL NATO 75/850 19-feb 1156 N-D - (BC) 8.012,00 KIG449 RIC Richmnod,VA USA CAP ALE/USB 23-feb 0306 SOUND 0500 SOUND (BC) 8.012,00 K... 101NERCAP .....,NE USA CAP ALE/USB 23-feb 0500 SOUND - (BC) 8.054,00 ..... 2114 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 19-feb 2216 SOUND - (BC) 8.054,00 ..... 9201 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 19-feb 2303 SOUND - (BC) 8.074,50 R... - ..... - FAPSI CROWD/USB 20-feb 2106 TFC - (BC) 8.096,00 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/USB 18-feb 2250 TFC KRY - (BC) 8.103,50 ..... - ..... - [...] CW 18-feb 2254 VVVV 1800 VVVV (BC) 8.118,30 ..... - ..... - [...] PACTOR 18-feb 2347 CLG "ELFASH" - (BC) 8.155,00 FAV22 - Mont Valerien F FA CW 19-feb 2219 GR(A) 'NR 6 J 19 12:55:45 1988 BT YKADF ............ ' (BC) 8.172,00 EHP2 TWBA1 Barcelona E GC ALE/USB 18-feb 0912 CLG "TZSH2" - (BC) 8.172,00 EH.. TZSL2 Algeciras E GC ALE/USB 18-feb 1259 CLG "TWCG1" - (BC) 8.181,00 CLP.. - Habana CUB INTEL CW 18-feb 0813 GR(A) - (BC) 8.182,00 M... XJF ..... G DHFCS ALE/USB 18-feb 0812 CLG "XSS" - (BC) 8.182,00 M... XKW ..... G DHFCS ALE/USB 18-feb 1008 CLG "XSS" - (BC) 8.182,00 M... XSS Forest Moor G DHFCS ALE/USB 18-feb 0934 SOUND - (BC) 8.321,00 - ..... - MIL NATO 75/850 18-feb 0816 N-D - (BC) 8.419,00 WLO - Mobile,AL USA RADIO SITOR 100/170 18-feb 2259 TLX - (BC) 8.421,50 LZW44 - Varna BUL RADIO FEC 100/170 19-feb 0845 TL - (BC) 8.426,00 UIW - Kaliningrad RUS RADIO SITOR 100/170 19-feb 1400 TLX - (BC) 8.428,00 NMN - Pungo,VA USA USCG SITOR 100/170 18-feb 2311 CH MARKER - (BC) 8.429,50 NMN - Pungo,VA USA USCG SITOR 100/170 18-feb 2344 CH MARKER - (BC) 8.446,00 ZSC - Cape Town AFS GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 18-feb 2340 N-D/CH MARKER - (BC) 8.467,50 JJC - Tokyo J RADIO FAX 60/576 19-feb 1730 JAP TXT - (BC) 8.474,00 9HD - La Valletta MLT GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 19-feb 1216 N-D/CH MARKER - (BC) 8.526,00 4X.. AAA Tel Aviv ISR IsAF ALE/USB 19-feb 0034 SOUND - (BC) 8.526,00 4X.. BB1 Palachim ISR IsAF ALE/USB 19-feb 0024 SOUND - (BC) 8.526,00 4X.. BB3 ..... ISR IsAF ALE/USB 18-feb 2350 SOUND - (BC) 8.526,00 4X.. DAS ..... ISR IsAF ALE/USB 19-feb 0024 SOUND - (BC) 8.526,00 4X.. DD2 ..... ISR IsAF ALE/USB 19-feb 0001 SOUND - (BC) 8.532,50 M... XFY ..... G DHFCS ALE/USB 18-feb 1844 CLG "XSS" - (BC) 8.532,50 M... XSS Forest Moor G DHFCS ALE/USB 18-feb 1745 SOUND 1844 SOUND (BC) 8.538,20 PJK - Suffisant/Curacao ATN HoN STANAG-4285/USB/600L 18-feb 2329 TFC KRY - (BC) 8.541,00 A9M - Hamala BHR GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 18-feb 2331 N-D/CH MARKER - (BC) 8.615,00 VCT - Tors Cove,NFLD CAN GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 18-feb 2326 N-D/CH MARKER - (BC) 8.622,00 4X.. AA1 Ben Gurion ISR IsAF ALE/USB 18-feb 2241 SOUND - (BC) 8.622,00 4X.. AAA Tel Aviv ISR IsAF ALE/USB 18-feb 2241 SOUND - (BC) 8.622,00 4X.. BB1 Palachim ISR IsAF ALE/USB 18-feb 2336 SOUND - (BC) 8.622,00 4X.. BB2 ..... ISR IsAF ALE/USB 18-feb 2338 SOUND - (BC) 8.672,40 WNU - Slidell,LA USA GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 18-feb 2324 N-D/CH MARKER - (BC) 8.675,50 VCS - Halifax,NS CAN GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 18-feb 2323 N-D/CH MARKER - (BC) 8.696,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL BEE/36-50 50/250 19-feb 0710 TFC KRY - (BC) 8.759,50 ..... - ..... - [...] PACTOR-3 19-feb 0019 N-D/CH MARKER 'NAVIDATA' ? (BC) 8.762,40 KPH - San Francisco,CA USA GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 19-feb 0017 N-D/CH MARKER - (BC) 8.765,80 NMN - Chesapeake,VA USA USCG FAX 120/576 19-feb 0010 CDT - (BC) 8.788,00 WLO - Mobile,AL USA RADIO J3E/USB 19-feb 0000 WX - (BC) 8.806,00 WLO - Mobile,AL USA RADIO J3E/USB 19-feb 0000 WX - (BC) 8.816,00 RCB - ..... RUS RNAT CW 20-feb 1801 CLG "47487" 'VVV 47487 47487 47487 DE RCB RCB QSA K' (BC) 8.816,00 RJF94 - ..... RUS RNAT CW 20-feb 1742 TFC 'DE RJF94 RPT K K' (BC) 8.855,00 9YC PIARCO CONTROL Piarco TRD ACC (SAM-2) J3E/USB 18-feb 2226 WKG "SPEEDBIRD154" 2336 CLG/WKG "IBERIA ..." (BC) 8.855,00 PRQ5 - Santarem B AIR (SAM) J3E/USB 18-feb 2229 TFC L-A - (BC) 8.861,00 6VU DAKAR INFO Dakar/Leopold Sedar Senghor SEN AIR (SAT-1/2) J3E/USB 20-feb 1756 WKG "AIR AFRIQUE 881" - (BC) 8.873,00 TNL BRAZZAVILLE INFO Brazzaville COG ACC/FIC (AFI-4) J3E/USB 18-feb 2319 TFC ING - (BC) 8.912,00 K... D03 - BOMBARDIER Q400 - USA CBP ALE/USB 23-feb 0209 SOUND - (BC) 8.912,00 K... D48 - P-3 AEW&C - USA CPB ALE/USB 20-feb 2158 SOUND - (BC) 8.912,00 NM.. 720 - HC-130H - USA USCG ALE/USB 22-feb 2344 SOUND - (BC) 8.912,00 NM.. F04 - HU-25 - USA USCG ALE/USB 23-feb 0141 SOUND - (BC) 8.912,00 NM.. J01 - HH-60J - USA USCG ALE/USB 20-feb 2300 SOUND - (BC) 8.912,00 NM.. J19 - HH-60J - USA USCG ALE/USB 20-feb 2312 SOUND - (BC) 8.912,00 NM.. J39 - HH-60J - USA USCG ALE/USB 20-feb 2200 SOUND - (BC) 8.918,00 9YC PIARCO CONTROL Piarco TRD ACC (CAR-A/B) J3E/USB 18-feb 2214 TFC ING - (BC) 8.918,00 KEA5 NEW YORK Riverhead,NY USA AIR (CAR-A) J3E/USB 18-feb 2209 TFC ING - (BC) 8.933,00 KEA5 NEW YORK Riverhead,NY USA ARINC J3E/USB 18-feb 2221 TFC ING - (BC) 8.965,00 AFA ADWNPR Camp Springs,MD USA USAF ANDREWS AFB ALE/USB 19-feb 1932 SOUND 2303 CLG "OFFNPR" (BC) 8.965,00 CUW PLANPR Lajes AZR USAF ALE/USB 19-feb 1721 SOUND - (BC) 8.983,00 NMN - Chesapeake,VA USA USCG J3E/USB 19-feb 0002 TFC ING - (BC) 9.047,00 K... 043MERCAP ..... USA CAP ALE/USB 23-feb 0127 SOUND - (BC) 9.047,00 K... AVS ..... USA CAP ALE/USB 23-feb 0246 SOUND 0439,0633 SOUND (BC) 9.056,70 SSE... - ..... - DIPLO EGIZIANA SITOR 100/170 18-feb 2204 TFC ARA - (BC) 9.062,00 PTO BR1 Brasilia B BrA ALE/USB 18-feb 2251 CLG "BA1" - (BC) 9.062,00 PT.. BA1 Bahia B BrA ALE/USB 18-feb 2243 CLG "BR1" - (BC) 9.067,70 SSE... - ..... - DIPLO EGIZIANA SITOR 100/170 18-feb 2204 TFC ARA - (BC) 9.106,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA SITOR 100/170 18-feb 1832 TFC ARA - (BC) 9.110,00 5O.. 511511 ..... NIG POLICE ALE/USB 22-feb 1810 CLG "511515" - (BC) 9.110,00 5O.. 511512 ..... NIG POLICE ALE/USB 22-feb 1902 CLG "511515" - (BC) 9.110,00 5O.. 511515 ..... NIG POLICE ALE/USB 22-feb 1810 CLG "511511" - (BC) 9.122,00 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA CODAN 16 TONES/USB 20-feb 2047 N-D - (BC) 9.123,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA SITOR 100/170 20-feb 2049 CLG/WKG Habana - (BC) 9.126,70 SSE... - ..... - DIPLO EGIZIANA SITOR 100/170 22-feb 2125 TFC ARA - (BC) 9.189,70 SSE... - ..... - DIPLO EGIZIANA SITOR 100/170 22-feb 2129 TFC ARA - (BC) 10.051,00 KEA5 NEW YORK RADIO Riverhead,NY USA VOLMET (VNAT) J3E/USB 20-feb 1806 WX - (BC) 10.152,00 - ..... - [...] NATO 100/850 19-feb 0802 N-D - (BC) 10.201,00 RCV - Moskva RUS CISN CW 18-feb 0824 VVV DE/CLG RBIZ - (BC) 10.375,00 5A.. ZAWIA Zawia LBY GMRA ALE/USB 21-feb 0650 CLG "HQ3" - (BC) 11.297,00 RLAP - Rostov na Donu RUS VOLMET (R2C) J3E/USB 20-feb 1025 WX RUS - (BC) 11.424,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/250 20-feb 0846 N-D - (BC) 11.521,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/250 18-feb 1138 N-D - (BC) 11.644,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/250 20-feb 1029 N-D - (BC) 11.918,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL CIS 81-81 81/250 20-feb 1031 N-D - (BC) 12.152,00 ..... QNSD ..... - [...] CW 20-feb 1033 GR(A) 'QTC C QNSD QNSD QNSD 218 26 2T 14 T T 218 = 153 175 116 173 = DDDDD' (BC) 12.153,00 ..... 252/00 ..... - [...] J3E/USB 20-feb 0848 RPT "252/00" 'TWO FIVE TWO OBLIT ZERO ZERO' (BC) 12.256,00 ..... - ..... - [...] FSK 50/250 20-feb 1037 N-D - (BC) 13.428,80 - ..... - JEAC ARQ-E 46,2/170 20-feb 1202 TFC ARA 'ZCZC KNA39# NKA190 88 98092. 46099KRM@ GCY MANF%' (BC) 13.490,50 - ..... - JEAC VFT: ARQ-E/46,2/170/6CH 20-feb 1049 IDLE ON BOTH CH - (BC) 13.493,00 HZ.. RFI ..... ARS ArsAF ALE/USB 20-feb 1113 CLG "JCI" - (BC) 13.493,00 HZ.. RFP ..... ARS ArsAF ALE/USB 20-feb 1119 CLG "JCP" - (BC) 13.560,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL CIS 81-81 81/250 20-feb 1055 N-D - (BC) 13.579,50 R... - ..... - FAPSI CROWD/USB 20-feb 1058 TFC - (BC) 13.974,40 ..... - ..... - [...] PACTOR-III 20-feb 1100 N-D ICRC ???? (BC) 13.978,00 WU.. SFAMN ..... USA ARCOE ALE/USB 20-feb 1809 SOUND - (BC) 13.985,00 ..... - ..... - [...] FSK 100/500 20-feb 1105 N-D - (BC) 14.381,50 ..... - ..... - [...] PACTOR-III 20-feb 1107 N-D - (BC) 14.485,50 KAG98 OM2 Omaha,NE USA FBI ALE/USB 22-feb 1820 CLG "CL1" - (BC) 14.485,50 KQC67 CL1 Cleveland,OH USA FBI ALE/USB 22-feb 1819 CLG "OM2" - (BC) 14.493,50 KII66 NF1 Norfolk,VA USA FBI ALE/USB 22-feb 1953 CLG "RH1" - (BC) 14.621,70 SSE... - Conakry GUI AMB. EGIZIANA SITOR 100/170 18-feb 0933 WKG Cairo (16146,7) (BC) 14.779,90 M... - ..... - BF MFSK4 195 20-feb 1250 N-D - (BC) 16.056,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA SITOR 100/170 18-feb 0915 CLG/WKG Kinshasa - (BC) 16.146,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA FEC 100/170 18-feb 0904 TFC ARA - (BC) 16.146,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA SITOR 100/170 18-feb 0905 CLG/WKG Conakry (16251,7) (14621,7) (BC) 16.155,00 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA CODAN 16 TONES/USB 18-feb 0915 N-D - (BC) 16.156,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA SITOR 100/170 18-feb 0903 CLG/WKG Alger - (BC) 16.158,00 U... - ..... CIS PTT RUS-ARQ 100/1000 20-feb 0938 N-D - (BC) 16.206,00 5O.. 991993 ..... NIG POLICE ALE/USB 19-feb 0941 CLG "991991" - (BC) 16.211,50 P7.. - ..... - DIPLO KOREANA FSK 600/600 20-feb 0843 N-D - (BC) 16.251,70 SSE... - Conakry GUI AMB. EGIZIANA SITOR 100/170 18-feb 0905 WKG Cairo (16146,7) (BC) 16.270,00 OLZ76 - ..... CZE AMB. CECA ALE/USB 18-feb 1006 CLG OLZ88 - (BC) 16.270,00 OLZ88 - Praha CZE MFA ALE/USB 18-feb 0936 CLG OLZ76 - (BC) 16.284,90 OZU.. - Accra GHA AMB. DANESE TWIMPLEX E/NOT 18-feb 1300 SEND TEST MSG TO Khoebenhavn {TPRP} (BC) 16.284,90 OZU.. - Roma GHA AMB. DANESE TWIMPLEX E/NOT 18-feb 1322 SEND TEST MSG TO Khoebenhavn {TPOK} (BC) 16.318,00 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA CODAN 16 TONES/USB 18-feb 0842 N-D - (BC) 16.319,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA SITOR 100/170 18-feb 0847 TFC ARA/S-OFF - (BC) 16.433,20 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/USB 19-feb 0944 TFC KRY - (BC) 16.528,00 VMW - Wiluna,WA AUS METEO J3E/USB 19-feb 0945 WX - (BC) 16.812,50 NRV - Apra Harbur GUM USCG SITOR 100/170 18-feb 1012 CH MARKER - (BC) 16.815,50 9MG17 - Penang MLA GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 19-feb 0948 N-D/CH MARKER - (BC) 16.820,00 IAR - Roma I RADIO SITOR 100/170 19-feb 0950 CH MARKER - (BC) 16.822,50 UDK2 - Murmansk RUS RADIO SITOR 100/170 19-feb 0952 TLX - (BC) 16.892,00 XSG - Shanghai CHN RADIO SITOR 100/170 19-feb 0953 CH MARKER - (BC) 16.913,50 HEB07 - Bern SUI GLN PACTOR-III 19-feb 0954 N-D/CH MARKER - (BC) 16.922,00 VTG RBSL Mumbai IND InN BAUDOT 50/850 18-feb 1007 RY+QRA - (BC) 16.926,00 LFI - Rogoland NOR GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 19-feb 0956 N-D/CH MARKER - (BC) 16.951,50 6WW - Dakar SEN FN STANAG-4285/USB 19-feb 0957 TFC KRY - (BC) 16.978,60 DHJ59 - Wilhelmshaven/Sengwarden D GN STANAG-4285/USB/600L 19-feb 0959 TFC KRY - (BC) 17.020,00 UDK2 - Murmansk RUS RADIO BAUDOT 50/170 18-feb 1000 RY/CLG 4LS/TFC RUS - (BC) 17.048,00 DAO17B - Kiel D GLN PACTOR-III 19-feb 1005 N-D/CH MARKER - (BC) 17.359,00 SVO OLIMPIA RADIO Athinai GRC RADIO J3E/USB 19-feb 1010 V-M - (BC) 17.404,70 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/USB 18-feb 0957 TFC KRY - (BC) 17.435,00 ..... 11064 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 21-feb 1318 SOUND - (BC) 17.435,00 ..... 11152 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 21-feb 1351 SOUND - (BC) 17.435,00 ..... 11161 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 21-feb 1329 SOUND - (BC) 17.435,00 ..... 11162 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 21-feb 1337 SOUND - (BC) 17.435,00 ..... 11163 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 21-feb 1328 SOUND - (BC) 17.976,00 AJE CROSPR Croughton G USAF ALE/USB 21-feb 1136 SOUND - (BC) 17.976,00 AFA ADW Camp Springs,MD USA USAF ANDREWS AFB ALE/USB 21-feb 1326 SOUND - (BC) 18.326,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA SITOR 100/170 20-feb 1135 CLG Alger - (BC) 18.330,00 SSE.. - ..... - DIPLO EGIZIANA CODAN 16 TONES/USB 20-feb 0955 N-D - (BC) 18.331,70 SSE.. - ..... - DIPLO EGIZIANA SITOR 100/170 20-feb 1001 TFC ARA - (BC) 18.365,00 FUB - Paris F FN STANAG-4285/USB 18-feb 1147 TFC KRY - (BC) 18.378,70 SSE... - ..... - DIPLO EGIZIANA SITOR 100/170 18-feb 1143 TFC ARA - (BC) 18.529,40 7RW70 - Kuwait City KWT AMB. ALGERINA COQUELET-8 26,6 18-feb 1022 TFC FRA/ARA 'VCI OFF KOWEIT NR 115 LE 18?0@/@008J' (BC) 18.529,40 7RX60 KHTM Khartoum SDN AMB. ALGERINA COQUELET-8 26,6 18-feb 1150 TFC FRA/ARA - (BC) 18.591,00 9HD - La Valletta MLT GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 18-feb 0925 N-D/CH MARKER - (BC) 18.765,00 CN.. 10111 ..... MRC MRC ALE/USB 21-feb 1341 CLG "1322" - (BC) 18.765,00 CN.. 11064 ..... MRC MRC ALE/USB 21-feb 1319 SOUND - (BC) 18.765,00 CN.. 11162 ..... MRC MRC ALE/USB 21-feb 1339 SOUND - (BC) 18.765,00 CN.. 13052 ..... MRC MRC ALE/USB 21-feb 1324 SOUND - (BC) 18.765,00 CN.. 13181 ..... MRC MRC ALE/USB 21-feb 1344 SOUND - (BC) 18.765,00 CN.. 22054 ..... MRC MRC ALE/USB 21-feb 1331 SOUND - (BC) 18.765,00 CN.. 2401 ..... MRC MRC ALE/USB 21-feb 1322 SOUND - (BC) 18.765,00 CN.. 2408 ..... MRC MRC ALE/USB 18-feb 1306 SOUND - (BC) 18.765,00 CN.. 24191 ..... MRC MRC ALE/USB 21-feb 1343 SOUND - (BC) 18.765,00 CN.. 2514 ..... MRC MRC ALE/USB 18-feb 1226 SOUND - (BC) 18.765,00 CN.. 25141 ..... MRC MRC ALE/USB 18-feb 1054 SOUND - (BC) 18.765,00 CN.. 2517 ..... MRC MRC ALE/USB 18-feb 1221 SOUND - (BC) 18.765,00 CN.. 2519 ..... MRC MRC ALE/USB 18-feb 1229 SOUND - (BC) 18.844,90 M... - ..... - BF MFSK4 195 20-feb 1140 N-D - (BC) 19.701,50 ..... - ..... - [...] PACTOR-?? 18-feb 0933 N-D/CH MARKER - (BC) 19.722,00 ..... - ..... - [...] PACTOR-?? 18-feb 0936 N-D/CH MARKER - (BC) 19.843,90 M... - ..... - BF MFSK4 195 20-feb 1230 N-D - (BC) 20.047,90 UZ.. D Odessa UKR CISN BEACON CW 19-feb 1030 QRA - (BC) 20.048,00 ROT C Moskva RUS CISN BEACON CW 19-feb 1030 QRA - (BC) 20.107,00 9A.. PACMZGB Zagreb HRV MSF PACTOR-III 19-feb 1035 SEND MSG TO Bruxelles - (BC) 20.107,00 OT.. PACMKBP Bruxelles BEL MSF PACTOR-III 19-feb 1034 CLG Zagreb - (BC) 20.474,00 M... - Nicosia CYP BI J3E/USB 19-feb 1025 GR(N) ING - (BC) 20.536,00 U.. - ..... CIS MILITARE BEE/36-50 50/199 19-feb 1021 IDLE - (BC) 20.835,00 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/USB 18-feb 0941 TFC KRY - (BC) 22.436,00 VJS - Perth,WA AUS GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 19-feb 1017 N-D/CH MARKER - (BC) 22.447,00 FUV RFQPME Djibouti DJI FN STANAG-4285/USB 19-feb 1013 TFC KRY - (BC) 22.456,00 A9M - Hamala BHR GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 19-feb 1015 N-D/CH MARKER - (BC) 22.910,00 ..... - ..... - [...] FSK 50/850 18-feb 0947 N-D - (BC) 23.337,00 AFE81 HAW Wideawake ASC USAF ALE/USB 20-feb 1549 SOUND - (BC) 23.337,00 CUW PLA Lajes AZR USAF ALE/USB 20-feb 1226 SOUND - (BC) 23.337,00 NKW JDG Diego Garcia DGA USN ALE/USB 20-feb 1208 SOUND - (BC) (Bruno Casula, Italy - udxf 24/02/2008) 10182.0 60: Unid (pos Sng-Navy) 1442 ALE/USB clg 69V (2008-02-23) (sw) Previously monitored "60" on 07815.0 (16 Oct 07 0803) clg 79V. 05823.0 13011: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1706 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-23) (sw) 04237.0 T4Z6: Us-Mil 4th Bn 6th Cavalry Regt. IRQ 1908 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-23) (sw) 05118.0 T5Z158: Us-Mil 5th Bn 158th (General Support) Avn. 1914 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-23) (sw) 07905.4 T2Z3: Us-Mil 2nd Bn 3rd Avn 1921 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-23) (sw) 08714.0 T2Z238: Us-Mil 2nd Bn 238th Avn (TC-net) 1922 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-23) (sw) 07839.0 T1CAB: Us-Mil 1st Inf Div Combat Avn Bgd IRQ 1928 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-23) (sw) 04707.0 T01185: Us-Mil 1st Bn 185TH Avn KSV 1933 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-23) (sw) 07003.0 T01185: Us-Mil 1st Bn 185TH Avn KSV 1949 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-23) (sw) 06964.0 AA214: Usa-Mil (pos 214 Med Co.) (TC-net) 1957 ALE/USB sndg. (TC-net) (2008-02-23) (sw) 08056.0 R26332: Us-Mil A/c 1958 ALE/USB clg T5Z158 5th Bn 158th (General Support) Avn. (2008-02-23) (sw) 05554.5 T01185: Us-Mil 1st Bn 185TH Avn KSV 2004 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-23) (sw) 05662.7 T01185: Us-Mil 1st Bn 185TH Avn KSV 2007 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-23) (sw) 04419.0 T5Z158: Us-Mil 5th Bn 158th (General Support) Avn. 2028 ALE/USB clg R26686 (2008-02-23) (sw) 05662.7 T01204: Us-Mil 1st Bn 204TH Avn KSV 2038 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-23) (sw) 05542.0 T4Z6: Us-Mil 4th Bn 6th Cavalry Regt. IRQ 2040 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-23) (sw) 06543.0 650008: Unid 2042 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-23) (sw) 05575.0 3002: Unid (Arab Voice net) 2049 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-23) (sw) 06881.5 1706: Unid (Arab Voice net) 2051 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-23) (sw) 10390.0 2405: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 2055 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-23) (sw) 08600.0 2405: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 2055 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-23) (sw) 06412.0 9857: Unid (pos Tur-net) 2112 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-23) (sw) (Sam, U.K. - udxf 24/02/2008) 04721.0 100454: USAF C-5 70-0454 97th AMW Altus AFB Ok 1440 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-24) (sw) 07839.0 T2Z159: Us-Mil 2nd Bn 159th Avn IRQ 1532 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-24) (sw) 08521.0 AAA: Isr-Af Tel Aviv Isr 1541 ALE/USB clg AA1 103 Sqn Ben Gurion, Isr (2008-02-24) (sw) 085211.0 AA1: Isr-AF 103 Sqn Ben Gurion, Isr 1541 ALE/USB clg AAA Tel Aviv Isr (2008-02-24) (sw) 08521.0 C21: Isr-AF (pos A/c) 1542 ALE/USB clg C17 (2008-02-24) (sw) 08521.0 C21: Isr-AF (pos A/c) 1546 ALE/USB clg C42 (2008-02-24) (sw) 08521.0 BB1: Isr-AF 124 Sqn Palmachin 1600 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-24) (sw) 08521.0 C17: Isr-AF (pos A/c) 1554 ALE/USB clg C21 (2008-02-24) (sw) 05581.0 AA1: Isr-AF 103 Sqn Ben Gurion, Isr 1602 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-24) (sw) 08521.0 C42: Isr-AF (pos A/c) 1615 ALE/USB clg C17 (2008-02-24) (sw) 06631.0 AAA: Isr-Af Tel Aviv Isr 1630 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-24) (sw) 04681.0 BB1: Isr-AF 124 Sqn Palmachin 1643 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-24) (sw) 08162.0 035: Hng-Mil 1646 ALE/USB clg 100 (2008-02-24) (sw) (Sam, U.K. - udxf 24/02/2008) 1855 USB 23/02/08 23:10 UNID, “Papa Wiskie...”, S-2 3413 USB 22/02/08 21:10 IRL EIP Shannon Volmet, S-4 6407 USB 24/02/08 18:43 UNID, Stanag 4285, S-4 6441 USB 23/02/08 20:55 UNID, Stanag 4285, S-4 6478 USB 24/02/08 18:48 SWE SAB Goeteborg R.,GW-FSK S-3 6493 USB 24/02/08 18:50 SWI HEC Berne R., GW-FSK S-4 5237 USB 24/02/08 18:57 UNID, PSK. S-4 5314 USB 24/02/08 18:59 SWE SAB Goeteborg R.,GW-FSK S-3 5450 USB 24/02/08 19:00 GBR MVU RAF London. S-3 5505 USB 24/02/08 19:02 IRL EIP Shannon VOLMET. S-4 10100 USB 24/02/08 19:06 D DDK9 Hamburg Meteo,ITA2 S-3 10112 USB 24/02/08 19:07 UNID, PSK. S-4 10244 USB 24/02/08 19:09 ALG HR SONATR Hassi R?mel ALE S-3 (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003) 18765.0 2011: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1507 ALE/USB clg 2519 (2008-02-24) (sw) 16240.0 2011: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1508 ALE/USB clg 2519 (2008-02-24) (sw) 13499.0 2011: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1517 ALE/USB clg 2518 (2008-02-24) (sw) 10390.0 2011: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 15179ALE/USB clg 2518 (2008-02-24) (sw) 08622.0 BB1: Isr-AF 124 Sqn Palmachin 1700 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-24) (sw) 05337.0 R26883: Us-Mil 1945 ALE/USB clg T2Z147 2nd Bn 147th Rgt IRQ (2008-02-24) (sw) 05337.0 R23975: Us-Mil 1946 ALE/USB clg T2Z147 2nd Bn 147th Rgt IRQ (2008-02-24) (sw) 07839.0 R23975: Us-Mil 1948 ALE/USB clg T2Z147 2nd Bn 147th Rgt IRQ (2008-02-24) (sw) 08867.0 R23285: Us-Mil 1954 ALE/USB clg T2Z147 2nd Bn 147th Rgt IRQ (2008-02-24) (sw) 07839.0 R26883: Us-Mil 2000 ALE/USB clg T2Z147 2nd Bn 147th Rgt IRQ (2008-02-24) (sw) 09013.3 T01204: Us-Mil 1st Bn 204TH Avn KSV 2005 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-24) (sw) 07003.0 T01204: Us-Mil 1st Bn 204TH Avn KSV 2005 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-24) (sw) 08521.0 C21: Isr-AF (pos A/c) 2006 ALE/USB clg C42 (2008-02-24) (sw) 06841.0 AA214: Usa-Mil (pos 214 Med Co.) (TC-net) 2012 ALE/USB sndg. (TC-net) (2008-02-24) (sw) 05135.0 R23909: Us-Mil 2015 ALE/USB clg T2Z147 2nd Bn 147th Rgt IRQ (2008-02-24) (sw) 04707.0 T01204: Us-Mil 1st Bn 204TH Avn KSV 2019 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-24) (sw) 07003.0 T01185: Us-Mil 1st Bn 185TH Avn KSV 2025 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-24) (sw) 05554.5 T01185: Us-Mil 1st Bn 185TH Avn KSV 2028 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-24) (sw) 06841.0 T2Z3MED: Us-Mil 2nd Bn 3rd Avn Med IRQ 2032 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-24) (sw) 07839.0 R23909: Us-Mil 2039 ALE/USB clg T2Z147 2nd Bn 147th Rgt IRQ (2008-02-24) (sw) 06486.0 T4Z6: Us-Mil 4th Bn 6th Cavalry Regt. IRQ 2041 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-24) (sw) 06964.0 AA214: Usa-Mil (pos 214 Med Co.) (TC-net) 2043 ALE/USB sndg. (TC-net) (2008-02-24) (sw) 08867.0 R23909: Us-Mil 2052 ALE/USB clg T2Z147 2nd Bn 147th Rgt IRQ (2008-02-24) (sw) 09013.3 T01185: Us-Mil 1st Bn 185TH Avn KSV 2056 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-24) (sw) 04494.0 TC7101: Us-Mil 7th Bn 101st Avn IRQ 2056 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-24) (sw) 05439.0 TC7101: Us-Mil 7th Bn 101st Avn IRQ 2058 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-24) (sw) 08000.0 TC7101: Us-Mil 7th Bn 101st Avn IRQ 2100 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-24) (sw) 08056.0 T2Z147: Us-Mil 2nd Bn 147th Rgt IRQ 2105 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-24) (sw) 06400.0 T2Z3: Us-Mil 2nd Bn 3rd Avn IRQ 2107 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-24) (sw) 04419.0 T5Z158: Us-Mil 5th Bn 158th (General Support) Avn. 2108 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-24) (sw) 04237.0 T4Z6: Us-Mil 4th Bn 6th Cavalry Regt. IRQ 2109 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-24) (sw) 07839.0 T4Z6: Us-Mil 4th Bn 6th Cavalry Regt. IRQ 2111 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-24) (sw) 08950.5 T4Z6: Us-Mil 4th Bn 6th Cavalry Regt. IRQ 2113 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-24) (sw) 05554.5 T01204: Us-Mil 1st Bn 204TH Avn KSV 2119 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-24) (sw) 08003.0 T01204: Us-Mil 1st Bn 204TH Avn KSV 2124 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-24) (sw) 08003.0 T01185: Us-Mil 1st Bn 185TH Avn KSV 2126 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-24) (sw) 07839.0 T3CAB: Us-Mil 3rd Inf Dvn IRQ 2133 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-24) (sw) 08056.0 T5Z158: Us-Mil 5th Bn 158th (General Support) Avn. 2144 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-24) (sw) 05296.5: Usa-Mil (pos 214 Med Co.) (TC-net) 2147E/USB sndg. (TC-net) (2008-02-24) (sw) 08000.0 T2Z238: Us-Mil 2nd Bn 238th Avn IRQ (TC-net) 2148 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-24) (sw) 05750.0 T2Z3: Us-Mil 2nd Bn 3rd Avn IRQ 2159 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-24) (sw) 06841C7101: Us-Mil 7th Bn 101st Avn IRQ 220 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-24) (sw) 04073.0 T2Z159: Us-Mil 2nd Bn 159TH Avn IRQ 2202 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-24) (sw) 078392Z159: Us-Mil 2nd Bn 159TH Avn IRQ 2205ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-24) (sw) 05542.0 T1Z6: Us-Mil 1st Sqdn 6th Cav IRQ 2211 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-24) (sw) 07839.0 Us-Mil 1st Inf Div Combat Avn Bgd IRQ 2213 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-24) (sw) 05085.0 T3Z158: Us-Mil 3rd Bn 158th Avn IRQ 2215 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-24) (sw) 05662.7 T01185: Us-Mil 1st Bn 185TH Avn KSV 2229 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-24) (sw) 05602.0 T2Z147: Us-Mil 2nd Bn 147th Rgt IRQ 2238 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-24) (sw) 06985.0 T12: Us-Mil 2244 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-24) (sw) 08171.5 T12: Us-Mil 2253 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-24) (sw) (Sam, U.K. - udxf 25/02/2008) 06514.5 GAGOL35: Pol-Mil 0839 ALE/USB clg LCR152 Janki, n/Warsaw, Pol (2008-02-25) (sw) 06514.5 MO4: Pol-Mil (prob MONA34) 0851 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-25) (sw) 07641.0 BS109A: Unid 0853 ALE/USB clg WR110B (2008-02-25) (sw) 05220.0 ASKAR99: Pol-Mil 0857 ALE/USB clg LCR152 Janki, n/Warsaw, Pol (2008-02-25) (sw) 18403.5 XKK: UK-DHFCS 0923 ALE/USB clg XSS UK-DHFCS (NCS Forest Moor) (2008-02-25) (sw) 06414.5 LCR152: Pol-Mil Janki, n/Warsaw, Pol 0924 ALE/USB clg JACYNA37 (2008-02-25) (sw) 06416.5 XKP: UK-DHFCS 0925 ALE/USB clg XSS UK-DHFCS (NCS Forest Moor) (2008-02-25) (sw) 07872.0 ASKAR99: Pol-Mil 0930 ALE/USB clg CUKIERNIA (2008-02-25) (sw) 08182.0 XGV: UK-DHFCS 1006 ALE/USB clg XSS UK-DHFCS (NCS Forest Moor) (2008-02-25) (sw) 15880.5 LCR152: Pol-Mil Janki, n/Warsaw, Pol 1008 ALE/USB clg IGIELIT14 (2008-02-25) (sw) 05268.5 XFY: UK-DHFCS 1013 ALE/USB clg XSS UK-DHFCS (NCS Forest Moor) (2008-02-25) (sw) 15880.5 IGIELIT14: Pol-Mil 1016 ALE/USB clg CUA (CUKIERNIA) (2008-02-25) (sw) 06414.5 JACYNA37: Pol-Mil 1019 ALE/USB clg WADLEZ32 (2008-02-25) (sw) 06251.0 XGV: UK-DHFCS 1022 ALE/USB clg XSS UK-DHFCS (NCS Forest Moor) (2008-02-25) (sw) 06416.5 XJP: UK-DHFCS 1026 ALE/USB clg XSS UK-DHFCS (NCS Forest Moor) (2008-02-25) (sw) 10713.0 BS001B: Unid 1040 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-25) (sw) 06416.5 XJE: UK-DHFCS 1048 ALE/USB clg XSS UK-DHFCS (NCS Forest Moor) (2008-02-25) (sw) 04168.5 XSS: UK-DHFCS (NCS Forest Moor) 1058 ALE/USB clg XGG (2008-02-25) (sw) 04168.5 XGG: UK-DHFCS 1058 ALE/USB clg XSS UK-DHFCS (NCS Forest Moor) (2008-02-25) (sw) 07641.0 BS1: Unid 1059 ALE/USB clg WR110B (2008-02-25) (sw) 04168.5 XJE: UK-DHFCS 1100 ALE/USB clg XSS UK-DHFCS (NCS Forest Moor) (2008-02-25) (sw) (Sam, U.K. - udxf 25/02/2008) Did a special "IRQ MIL" scan. Note: 7824.6 kHz could be 7824.7 kHz, my dial meter do not show it accurately enough (2 decimals). Interesting is that 7DV did call IGF with a LQA command, IGF answered, but (!!) IGF called 7TW and not 7DV !! Any idea why ? What's the meaning ? Another interesting interception was a TO-frame from 11DV (East Baghdad) addressed to MODNET (Collective callsign) which was directly answered by the IGF, followed by 6DV and MOD (all in Baghdad region). No other station came after these 3. Maybe MODNET means ALL BAGHDADians ? (BTW, NAYI also did a MODNET call) But later 6DV send a TO-frame to "BAG". BAG is absolutely new for me, BAG seems to be a short for BAGhdad. But who? Maybe another collective callsign for ALL BAGHDADians ?? Any further ideas about the ident MN6. Saw this one only in loggings from 2007, nothing in 2008 (but maybe I overseen any?). MN.. seems to be a short-cut for MNF-I (Multinational Forces in Iraq)? Maybe a MNF-I unit (a kind of interservice/co-operation bureau between IA and MND-I ??) in the "divisional area 6" (=Baghdad) - or maybe - a pre-"IA Division 6" commissioned unit ?? BTW, XSS came on a new channel (for me) of 9022 kHz. Any idea for the unid on 3865 kHz ? 6LKV ? 3865 kHz is an ISR AF channel, but 6LKV do not follow any of their ident formats... 73, Tom ====================================================================== 03865 : unid 2036 ALE/USB to "[TO] 6LK" & "[DATA] V". 23Feb08 (ALF) 05267 7DV: Iraqi Army 7th Division (Infantry), West Al Anbar Province 0419 ALE/USB to IGF (IGFC "Camp Victory", Baghdad) w/LQA, IGF answered LQA w/"[TO] 7TW" not 7DV ? 24Feb08 (ALF) 05267 3DIV: Iraqi Army 3rd Division, Al Kasik 0430 ALE/USB to MOD (MoD Baghdad); Note: 3DIV not 3DV! 25Feb08 (ALF) 05267 IGF: IGFC "Camp Victory", Baghdad 0420 ALE/USB answered LQA to 8DV (Iraqi Army 8th Div (Infantry), Al Kut). 24Feb08 (ALF) 06918 MOD: MoD Baghdad, IRQ 0230 ALE/ZSB to 5DV (Army 5th Division, Balad) w/LQA. 25Feb08 (ALF) 06918 NAYI: Iraqi Navy - Naval HQ, Naval Base Umm Qasr, Basrah 0330 ALE/USB to MODNET (Collective callsign) w/LQA. 25Feb08 (ALF) 07824.6 MOD: Iraqi MOD Baghdad 1529 ALE/USB to 1DV (Army 1st Division/ Iraqi Intervention Force, Fallujah) w/LQA. 24Feb08 (ALF) 07824.6 IGF: Iraqi Ground Forces Command (IGFC) "Camp Victory", Baghdad 1545 ALE/USB to 2DV (Iraqi Army 2nd Division, Mosul) w/LQA; 1649z to 3DV (3rd Division, Al Kasik) w/LQA; 1717z to 1DV (Army 1st Division/Iraqi Intervention Force, Fallujah) w/LQA. 24Feb08 (ALF) 07824.6 1DIV: Iraqi Army 1st Division (Iraqi Intervention Force), Fallujah 1718 ALE/USB to IGF (IGFC "Camp Victory", Baghdad) w/LQA; Note 1DIV not 1DV! 24Feb08 (ALF) 07824.6 5DV: Iraqi Army 5th Divison (Iron), Balad 1615 ALE/USB to IGF (IGFC "Camp Victory", Baghdad). 24Feb08 (ALF) 07824.6 6DV: Iraqi Army 6th Division, Baghdad 1925 ALE/USB to BAG (unid or collective callsign "all Baghdad"?) w/LQA. 24Feb08 (ALF) 07824.6 7DV: Iraqi Army 7th Division, West Al Anbar Province 2100 ALE/ USB to IGF (IGFC "Camp Victory", Baghdad) w/LQA. 24Feb08 (ALF) 07824.6 11V: Iraqi Army 11th Division, East Baghdad Region 1800 ALE/USB to MODNET (Collective call) w/LQA, answered by IGF (IGFC "Camp Victory", Baghdad), by 6DV (Army 6th Division, Baghdad) & by MOD (MOD Baghdad) w/LQAs. 24Feb08 (ALF) 09022 XSS: TASCOMM NCS Forest Moor, G 1403 ALE/USB SND. 23Feb08 (ALF) (dl8aam - udxf 25/02/2008) 03299 8HSE: Russian Military 2340 CW sx wkg 5P8H "QTC 014 43 25 0103 014 = 871 = AAAAA DDDDD ... BDKGA QLN K"; T=0. 24Feb08 (ALF) 03508.5 : unid 2118 "100% synchro on FEC/100Bd/200Hz" online encrypted, "sounds like NAVTEX" (...). 22/FEB/08 (DL8AAM) 03699.5 RMP: Russian Navy Baltic Sea Fleet HQ Kaliningrad, RUS 2100 CW SLHFB "P", often misskeyed as "PE", into RTTY/50/200Hz online encrypted msgs, back into "P" in CW, s/off at 2110. 22/FEB/08 (DL8AAM) 03814.5 FDI22: FAF Narbonne, F 1947 RTTY-ITA2/50/85 RY-mkr "LE BRICK". 23/FEB/2008 (DL8AAM) 03815 AMBA: Samara Aero, RUS 1950 J3E/USB YL/RR sx ra/checks between SHPORA (Rostov-na-Donu, RUS), TRENOGA (Charkov, UKR), KAZACHOK (Nizhni-Novgorod, RUS) & ASSISTENT (unid). 23Feb08 (ALF) 03875.5 RJD56: Russian Navy 2010 CW to RCP (unid) "RCP(x3) de RJD56(x2) QTC 518 15 23 2200 518=SML=OPOWEQENIE NR 3O6 SEWERO/WOSTOTshNYJ SEWERNYJ WETER PORYWAH 12/15 M/S BELOM MORE SOHRANSYa 6/8 TshASOW =" & msg repeated "...TshASOW ar"; 0=0. 23Feb08 (ALF) 04557 FDI22: FAF Narbonne, F 0436 RTTY-ITA2/50/85 RY-mkr "LE BRICK". 24/FEB/2008 (DL8AAM) 05402.5 5EQB: PVO/Russian Air Defence "M41" variant 0553 CW track/reps end "... ABV 19499965498414128711900747 5EQB 5EQB 5EQB ar"; 0=T. 23Feb08; 0533z nonstop "clg" 5EQB, s/off 25Feb08 (ALF) 05403.5 MFJ04: SCC M.F./H.F. National Net Controller, Epsom Downs, G 1307 J3E/USB wkg G4HPE w/cfm RSGB bulletin. 24/FEB/08 (DL8AAM) 05416 LTA: unid 0211 CW clg LTP, badly handkey given. 24Feb08 (ALF) 05803 : unid FAF 2150 J3E/USB OM/FF vmm "day- & month names, 301-306", w/new ID as "CECI EST UNE EMISSION DE (PATICIEUL?)"; NOT the ".. DE CALORIE" as usual. 22/FEB/08 (DL8AAM) 07602.9 3A7D: Chinese Military "M89-Stn" 1503 CW V-mkr "V DKG6(x3) DE 3A7D(x2). 23Feb08 (ALF) 09043 OLKU: unid CIS Military 1426 CW "MNBW(x3) de OLKU(x2) QSA NO QSY 3271T 32710 K"; 0=T. 23Feb08 (ALF) 09160 : Russian "Governmental" 1530 FSK-CW/500Hz & RTTY-ITA2/50/500 RYRYs & 5FGs-msg (102 & 150 grps) "11100 00102 34512 23046 02509=" & 5LGs-msg (148 grps) after "11100 00102 45632 23045 01509=", end "QRU KY" & short dx FSK-CW OP-chat. 23Feb08 (ALF) (dl8aam - udxf 25/02/2008) 1855z 25 Feb 08 11175.0 was active at 1639z with SCRANTON (good/fair levels here) working ANDREWS (weak/often unheard) with a phone patch to POINT MAN (GEP coordinator alias) to request the 7C on RF17 and gone. 11175.0 is active with player traffic in the post 1800z time period. At 1833z BANKRUPT (or sounds like; weak) briefly worked MCCLELLAN (weak). The freq has been bumped a number of times by a player with no voice audio, and occasionally calling another player "on 11175.0" Can't make out the IDs. (Jeff Haverlah, Texas, USA - udxf 25/02/2008) 05667.7 73222: Unid (Arab voice net) 2240 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-25) (sw) 06881.5 1404: Unid (pos Arab voice net) 2242 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-25) (sw) 06881.5 5112: Unid (pos Arab voice net) 2243 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-25) (sw) 06881.5 0020: Unid 2246 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-25) (sw) 06789.0 1404: Unid (Arab voice net) 2247 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-25) (sw) 06881.5 2505: Unid 2247 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-25) (sw) 05817.0 5305: Unid (Arab voice net)2250 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-25) (sw) 06789.0 0111: Unid 2253 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-25) (sw) 06881.5 1912: Unid (Arab voice net) 2255 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-25) (sw) 06789.0 2505: Unid 2257 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-25) (sw) 05575.0 8810: Unid (Arab voice net) 2302 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-25) (sw) 06881.5 1706: Unid (Arab voice net) 2302 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-25) (sw) 06902.5 1131: Unid 2306 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-25) (sw) 06921.0 9817: Unid (pos Tur-net) 2307 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-25) (sw) 06881.5 216: Unid 2312 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-25) (sw) 09198.0 3RO: Unid 2324 ALE/LSB clg TAC (2008-02-25) (sw) 09198.0 no call: Unid 2328 ALE/LSB clg ALF (2008-02-25) (sw) 06881.5 7012: Unid (Arab voice net) 2334 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-25) (sw) 05575.0 7012: Unid (Arab voice net) 2336 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-25) (sw) 06789.0 8800: Unid (Arab voice net) 2343 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-25) (sw) 06412.0 8351: Unid (pos Tur-net) 2345 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-25) (sw) (Sam, U.K. - udxf 26/02/2008) 06850.0 2BT: Geo-Mil 1604 ALE/USB clg 4BR (2008-02-26) (sw) 06522.0 CS001: Mkd-Mil 1614 ALE/USB clg RS006 (2008-02-26) (sw) 08003.0 T01185: Us-Mil 1st Bn 185TH Avn KSV 1618 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-26) (sw) 08867.0 T2Z147: Us-Mil 2nd Bn 147th Rgt IRQ 1618 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-26) (sw) 06486.0 T4Z6: Us-Mil 4th Bn 6th Cavalry Regt. IRQ 1638 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-26) (sw) 10000.0 70: Sng-N RSS Steadfast 1622 ALE/USB clg CN3 (2008-02-26) (sw) 09200.0 70: Sng-N RSS Steadfast 1637 ALE/USB clg CN3 (2008-02-26) (sw) 08386.0 70: Sng-N RSS Steadfast 1638 ALE/USB clg CN3 (2008-02-26) (sw) 08062.0 207: Sng-N RSS Endurance L-207 1647 ALE/USB clg CN6 (2008-02-26) (sw) 08062.0 CN6: Sng-N 1647 ALE/USB clg 207 RSS Endurance L-207 (2008-02-26) (sw) 05220.5 CN3: Sng-N 1648 ALE/USB clg 70 RSS Steadfast (2008-02-26) (sw) 05220.5 70: Sng-N RSS Steadfast 1648 ALE/USB clg CN3 (2008-02-26) (sw) (Sam, U.K. - udxf 26/02/2008) 08107.0 XJT: UK-DHFCS 1618 ALE/USB clg XSS UK-DHFCS (NCS Forest Moor) (2008-02-26) (sw) 14485.5 XFY: UK-DHFCS 1643 ALE/USB clg XSS UK-DHFCS (NCS Forest Moor) (2008-02-26) (sw) 10344.5 XJT: UK-DHFCS 1655 ALE/USB clg XSS UK-DHFCS (NCS Forest Moor) (2008-02-26) (sw) 07954.0 911911: Nig-NPF (Nigeria National Police Force) 1729 ALE/USB clg 911914 (2008-02-26) (sw) 07954.0 911914: Nig-NPF (Nigeria National Police Force) 1729 ALE/USB clg 911911 (2008-02-26) (sw) 07759.0 203: Unid 1738 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-26) (sw) 07954.0 911913: Nig-NPF (Nigeria National Police Force) 1839 ALE/USB clg 911911 (2008-02-26) (sw) 07759.0 201: Unid 1842 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-26) (sw) 09200.0 25211: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1855 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-26) (sw) 06668.0 762: Unid 1913 ALE/USB clg 00 (2008-02-26) (sw) 06565.0 244: Unid 2000 ALE/USB clg 334 (2008-02-26) (sw) 07070.0 244: Unid 2005 ALE/USB clg 571 (2008-02-26) (sw) 04540.0 244: Unid 2006 ALE/USB clg 571 (2008-02-26) (sw) 05565.0 244: Unid 2008 ALE/USB clg 587 (2008-02-26) (sw) 04540.0 244: Unid 2010 ALE/USB clg 514 (2008-02-26) (sw) 07759.0 213: Unid 2054 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-26) (sw) (Sam, U.K. - udxf 27/02/2008) 12855 XSG:Shanghai Radio 0200 cw navigational warnings S. China Sea (27Feb08) (Greg, Anchorage, USA - udxf 27/02/2008) 11292.0 XSS: UK-DHFCS NCS 1205 USB/ALE snd (26/FEB/08) (KK) 03116.0 DHM42: Gluecksburg Rescue 1806 USB wkg DRCN: P6126 S80 "HYÄNE" (6.SG Warnemünde) (26/FEB/08) (KK) 05788.0 JPQ: LTU Ny HQ Klaipeda 1820 USB/ALE clg ALJ: N42 "Jotvingis", 39tone after Hs (26/FEB/08) (KK) (Kristian, Germany - udxf 27/02/2008) 08280.0 6E78: Ven-N 2121 ALE/LSB clg T5L1 (2008-02-26) (sw) 14550.0 E401: Mrc-Mil Royal Moroccan Army 0946 ALE/USB clg C3 (2008-02-27) (sw) 14550.0 J501: Mrc-Mil Royal Moroccan Army 0947 ALE/USB clg J5 (2008-02-27) (sw) 14550.0 J501: Mrc-Mil Royal Moroccan Army 0959 ALE/USB clg C3 (2008-02-27) (sw) 14550.0 N5ALE1: Mrc-Mil Royal Moroccan Army 1019 ALE/USB clg C3 (2008-02-27) (sw) 14550.0 N5ALE1: Mrc-Mil Royal Moroccan Army 1023 ALE/USB clg F3 (2008-02-27) (sw) 14550.0 F301: Mrc-Mil Royal Moroccan Army 1044 ALE/USB clg C3 (2008-02-27) (sw) (Sam, U.K. - udxf 2702/2008) 02182 MKBK2: British Stand-by Emergency Response and Rescue Vessel "GRAMPIAN COMMANDER" (North Star Shipping, Aberdeen) 0229 J3E/USB clg GRAMPIAN HAVEN. 27Feb08 (ALF) 04930 FAV22: CSTEI Favieres, "Spooky CW Stn M51" via Vernon, F 0410 CW "NR 30 F 27 05:10:47 1980 BT", 5LGs. 27/FEB/2008 (DL8AAM) 05268 2014: Turkish Red Crescent, Emergency Operations Net 0040 ALE/ USB to 2010 w/LQA who replied, into short Turkish voice clg. 27Feb08 (ALF) 05295 XJP: UK Military 0010 ALE/USB to XSS w/LQA who replied. 27Feb08 (ALF) 05295 XFY: UK Military 0014 ALE/USB to XSS w/LQA. 27Feb08 (ALF) 05425 SJS: Georgian Military 0357 ALE/USB to 1BR w/LQA who replied, into short voice contact in "local language". 27Feb08 (ALF) 05517 7T-WHO: Algerian Air Force (Lockeed C-130H-30 Hercules [L-382]) Aircraft 2328 J3E/USB wkg Tripoli (AFI-3) fr pos/rep & s/c GK-EH. 26Feb08 (ALF) 05740 FAV22: CSTEI Favieres, "Spooky CW Stn M51" via Vernon, F 2343 CW "NR 77 F 28 00:43:12 1980 BT", 5LGs. 26/FEB/2008 (DL8AAM) 05765 FAV22: CSTEI Favieres, "Spooky CW Stn M51" via Vernon, F 2345 CW "NR nn F 28 00:mm:ss 1980 BT", 5LGs. 26/FEB/2008 (DL8AAM) 06807 301: unid (complete?) 0255 ALE/USB SND. 27Feb08 (ALF) 07560.5 3A7D: Chinese Military "M89-Stn" 1947 CW V-mkr "V DKG6(x3) DE 3A7D(x2). 25Feb08 (ALF) (dl8aam - udxf 27/02/2008) - N.D.B. Hearing ETV on 320 +1020 with solid tone with abt 8 sec ID (g0fyd - ndblist 23/02/2008) This is ABT – Albacete (ESP) negative IDent. (Patrice Privat, France - ndblist 23/02/2008) 22 19:12 208 PK Shanghai/Hongqiao/Nanxiang, China, -1052 Hz, +1057 Hz, medium 22 19:32 212 DJ Danang, Vietnam, -1030 Hz, +1030 Hz, medium, new 22 19:35 210 RP Lijia, China, +1045 Hz, medium, new 22 19:38 214 XA Oshima, Japan, -1020 Hz, +1020 Hz, medium, DAID, new 22 19:43 219 UR Unid, -1008 Hz, medium, new 22 19:45 219 SK Shinoda, Japan, -1020 Hz, +1020 Hz, medium, DAID 22 19:51 225 CB Pondok Cabe, Indonesia, -1004 Hz, medium, occasionally miskeys as ?CH?± and ?CD?±, new 22 20:07 226 DP Dangjiazhuang, China, +1023 Hz, medium 22 20:11 232 SB Luogang, China, repeats twice, 15-second cycle, -1038 Hz, strong, new 22 20:24 233 NO Unid, +1065 Hz, repeats twice, medium 22 20:17 235 OC Xingtang, China, +1027 Hz, medium 22 20:19 237 KQ Unid, -1034 Hz, medium, new 22 20:39 376.5 NA Naganuma, Japan, -1010 Hz, DAID, medium, new 22 20:44 369.5 NI Sado, Japan, -1010 Hz, +1010 Hz, DAID, medium, new 22 20:47 342.5 JB Omura/Nagasaki, Japan, -1019 Hz, repeats twice, DAID, medium, new (KA1DGL - ndblist 23/02/2008) 21.02 21:02 330 MR XUU UNID *new 21.02 21:05 332 MR RUS Ulyanovsk/Vostochny *new 21.02 21:31 334 SRS IRN Sarakhs 332.970/335.030 *new 21.02 21:36 345 SR RUS Syktyvkar IDx2 345.955 *new 21.02 21:37 346 BRD IRN Bojnurd 21.02 21:42 365 HC RUS Makhachkala / Uytash 16.02 23:00 378 D FIN Kauhava / Maenpaa *new 21.02 21:47 390 DO UKR Donetsk *new (Wolff H, Germany - ndblist 23/02/2008) 2008 02 22 2309 289.0 AP Chertovitskoye RUS 1746 Y 2008 02 22 2300 332.0 LS Ulyanovsk/Vostochny RUS ? Y 2008 02 22 2307 332.0 NV Amsterdam-Schiphol HOL 712 Y (Frantiek Muller, Praha, Czech Republic - ndblist 23/02/2008) 2008-02-23 01:02 444 NRD 405 ? Nova Ruda, POL 2008-02-23 01:05 470 VI 18 ? , XUU 2008-02-23 01:09 433 JER 1030 4774 Jerez, ESP 2008-02-23 01:12 428 MNF 1051 4787 Moron De La Frontera, ESP 2008-02-23 01:12 428 GC 1026 2949 Graciosa, POR 2008-02-23 01:14 420 PI 1020 2945 Pico, POR 2008-02-23 01:29 422 PAM 1053 4804 Pamplona, ESP 2008-02-23 01:32 428 BST 4369 Lanveoc / Poulmic, FRA (Vernon M, Canada - ndblist 23/02/2008) 1720.0 10/02 2039 OKN Kandahar AFG id 5141 515.0 11/02 2230 BU Baku/Bina AZE id 3405 405.0 22/12 1714 IL Sarajevo/Ilidza BIH id+tone 988 475.0 22/02 2044 ZG Petrovskoye RUS id 2274 497.0 22/02 2101 BZ Bolshaya Murta RUS id 5387 (M. Oexner, Germany - ndblist 23/02/2008) 23 00:22 198 DIW 1045 1040 2245 Dixon, NC, USA 22 20:53 200 YJ 400 331 Victoria, BC, CAN 22 20:52 200 UAB 400 571 Anahim Lake, BC, CAN 23 01:31 200 5M 1040 1040 324 Sparwood/Elk Valley, BC, CAN 23 03:00 201 ZXD 409 580 Edmonton, AB, CAN 23 03:05 201 ZWN 393 1000 Winnipeg, MB, CAN 22 20:59 201 PEN 1030 1030 274 Astoria, OR, USA 23 06:28 201 GV 1020 1444 Greenville, TX, USA 22 21:02 203 ZKI 405 752 Kitimat, BC, CAN 22 21:00 203 YBL 385 458 Campbell River, BC, CAN 22 23:32 203 TCY 1020 577 Tracy, CA, USA 22 21:01 203 RED 1040 1020 421 Red Lodge, MT, USA 23 03:08 203 AB 1034 948 Aberdeen, SD, USA 22 21:03 204 ZQR 395 396 702 Regina, SK, CAN 22 21:05 204 RMD 1022 249 McDermitt, OR, USA 23 02:49 205 XZ 404 1566 Wawa, ON, CAN 22 21:07 205 COR 1017 665 Sayler Farms, CA, USA 23 02:45 206 XBE 384 1321 Bearskin Lake, ON, CAN 23 03:16 206 SOW 1032 889 Show Low, AZ, USA 22 21:10 206 PWT 1015 263 Bremerton, WA, USA 22 21:08 206 GLS 1040 1687 Galveston, TX, USA 22 21:06 206 EF 410 252 Castlegar, BC, CAN 23 03:20 207 YNE 400 1061 Norway House, MB, CAN 22 21:13 207 PY 405 952 Fort Chipewyan, AB, CAN 23 03:25 208 YSK 403 1812 Sanikiluaq, NU, CAN 23 06:59 208 BDQ 1023 1504 Morrillton, AR, USA 23 03:30 209 ITR 1015 1020 910 Burlington, CO, USA 22 21:21 209 IB 402 1251 Atikokan, ON, CAN 23 03:29 209 HGT 1048 1040 689 Hunter Liggett, CA, USA 23 06:53 209 HCD 1042 1144 Hutchinson, MN, USA 23 07:05 209 GDW 1010 1633 Gladwin, MI, USA 23 14:10 209 CYT 1036 1416 Yakataga, ALS 22 21:18 209 AEC 1035 1032 629 Warm Springs, NV, USA 23 03:41 210 F6 410 714 Chetwynd, BC, CAN 22 21:22 211 HDG 1035 1020 247 Gooding, ID, USA 23 03:47 212 YGX 409 1244 Gillam, MB, CAN 23 07:23 212 JX 1037 1673 Y Jackson, MI, USA 23 07:13 212 HMQ 1041 1593 Homer, LA, USA 23 14:13 212 CGL 1035 1127 Coghlan Island, ALS 22 21:24 212 BY 395 602 Beechy, SK, CAN 23 14:14 214 XA 1010 5094 Oshima, JPN 22 21:26 214 LU 405 304 Abbottsford, BC, CAN 23 03:56 215 ZWW 385 1001 Winnipeg, MB, CAN 23 03:54 215 ZAB 397 563 Edmonton, AB, CAN 23 07:37 215 CSZ 1023 1501 Athens, TX, USA 23 07:29 215 BFK 1020 1022 1124 Buffalo, OK, USA 23 03:57 216 YFA 404 1689 Fort Albany, ON, CAN 22 21:29 216 GR 1040 1042 246 Fort Lewis, WA, USA 23 00:20 216 CLB 1040 2238 Wilmington , NC, USA 22 21:36 217 RI 1025 1043 510 Riverton, WY, USA 22 21:34 217 EC 1030 1024 597 Cedar City, UT, USA 22 21:38 218 RL 410 1165 Red Lake, ON, CAN 22 21:36 218 PR 410 813 Prince Rupert, BC, CAN 22 21:40 219 ZRS 396 695 Regina, SK, CAN 23 04:00 219 YMG 404 1508 Manitouwadge, ON, CAN 22 21:30 219 OMK 788 788 210 Omak, WA, USA 23 01:42 219 GAV 1038 1156 Gustavus, ALS 23 07:51 220 RBJ 1028 1000 Tucson, AZ, USA 22 21:39 220 HLE 1032 1026 241 Hailey, ID, USA 22 21:43 221 QU 406 659 Grande Prairie, AB, CAN 23 01:44 221 9A 385 498 Hanna, AB, CAN 23 00:35 222 WY 410 1235 Wrigley, NT, CAN 23 00:38 223 YYW 405 1368 Armstrong, ON, CAN 22 21:47 223 YKA 404 367 Kamloops, BC, CAN 23 08:04 223 AFE 1040 1037 1040 Kake, ALS 23 00:42 224 MO 410 1735 Moosonee, ON, CAN 22 21:49 224 DN 385 901 Dauphin, MB, CAN 23 04:13 225 X5 414 606 Vegreville, AB, CAN 22 21:48 225 LWG 1048 1045 269 Corvallis, OR, USA 23 02:26 227 YAC 389 1256 Cat Lake, ON, CAN 23 08:13 227 TNZ 1042 1040 1544 Walnut Ridge, AR, USA 22 21:55 227 MPR 1075 1151 McPherson, KS, USA 23 08:10 227 CPC 1023 2195 Whiteville, NC, USA 22 21:52 227 CG 401 265 Castlegar, BC, CAN 23 02:35 227 9X 385 444 Brooks, AB, CAN 23 08:21 229 AKW 1040 952 Klawock, ALS 23 04:21 230 ZUC 350 1245 Ignace, ON, CAN 22 21:59 230 YD 395 749 Smithers, BC, CAN 23 00:52 230 VG 410 622 Vermilion, AB, CAN 23 08:28 230 SM 1034 507 Sacramento, CA, USA 23 00:54 230 RDK 1000 1180 Red Oak, IA, USA 22 21:56 230 PD 1032 39 Pendleton, OR, USA 22 21:57 230 NRN 1029 996 Norton, KS, USA 23 01:57 230 HPT 1025 1236 Hampton, IA, USA 23 04:18 230 BI 1030 1035 829 Bismarck, ND, USA 23 04:22 232 GP 400 2472 Gaspe, QC, CAN 23 01:06 233 W6 1023 254 Creston North, BC, CAN 23 01:00 233 QN 405 1473 Nakina, ON, CAN 22 22:05 233 OKS 1013 832 Oshkosh, NE, USA 23 01:08 233 GAK 1019 1020 1091 Sioux City, IA, USA 23 08:33 233 CV 1035 446 Eureka, CA, USA 23 04:33 233 BWP 1023 1023 Whapeton, ND, USA 22 22:03 233 BR 385 879 Brandon, MB, CAN 23 04:29 233 AZN 395 394 1229 St. Joseph, MO, USA 22 22:04 233 ALJ 412 408 1550 Johnstone Point, ALS 23 04:26 233 7V 382 532 Jasper-Hinton, AB, CAN 23 04:39 235 CN 411 1731 Cochrane, ON, CAN 23 04:38 235 9H 390 1918 La Grande 3, QC, CAN 22 22:11 236 YZA 401 384 Ashcroft, BC, CAN 22 22:08 236 HQ 1030 1027 295 Hoquiam, WA, USA 23 01:20 236 FOR 1035 1028 550 Forsyth, MT, USA 22 22:13 238 MPA 1025 1017 155 Nampa, ID, USA 23 01:24 239 VO 409 1884 Val-d' Or, QC, CAN 23 08:44 239 PWY 1052 1645 Hebronville, TX, USA 22 22:17 239 OJ 406 895 High Level, AB, CAN 23 05:07 239 LNC 1020 1444 Lancaster, TX, USA 23 01:53 239 BBB 937 1077 Benson, MN, USA (Steve Ratzlaff, Oregon, USA - ndblist 23/02/2008) 23 11:21 316 IN 0.4 1-- (8sec) Sonderborg DNK 694 23 10:58 321 VO 0.4 1-- (5sec) Vojens Skrydstrup DNK 682 23 10:56 324 ML 0.4 1-- (6sec) Aarhus Tirstrup DNK 776 23 10:59 328 VJ 0.4 1--- (8sec) Stauning DNK 645 23 11:01 330 SB 0.4 1-- (9sec) Sonderborg DNK 700 23 11:06 339 SD 0.4 1-- (4.5sec) Sindal DNK 812 23 11:07 341 LO 0.4 1--- (12sec) Billund DNK 686 23 11:08 346 AU 0.4 1-- (4.5sec) Stauning DNK 639 23 11:09 351 KP 0.4 1-- (5.5sec) Karup DNK 689 23 11:10 357 KD +0.4 1-- (4sec) Kolding Vamdrup DNK 681 23 11:11 368 RK 0.4 1-- (9sec) Copenhagen Roskilde DNK 848 23 11:13 374 TU +0.4 1-- (4sec) Tirstrup DNK 793 23 11:14 376 HP 0.4 1-- (4sec) Esbjerg DNK 626 23 11:15 395 GE 0.4 1-- (9.5sec) Billund DNK 670 23 11:16 398 GL 0.4 1-- (5sec) Aalborg DNK 765 23 11:17 400.5 EJ 0.4 1-- (3.5sec) Esbjerg DNK 645 23 11:18 423 FE +0.4 1-- (4sec) Odense DNK 752 (Brian Keyte, Messingham, U.K. - ndblist 23/02/2008) Rather poor conditions last evening and this am. Lots of QRN that only let up after about 1200 (6 am local). 98 of 316 previously heard. 20080222 1854 198 DIW -1050 NC Dixon 20080222 1854 200 HXF -1015 1022 WI Hartford 20080223 1123 200 UAB 405 BC Anahim Lake 20080223 1126 200 YAQ 384 ON Kasabonika 20080223 1124 201 GV 1022 TX Greenville 20080223 1127 201 MNE -1031 LA Minden 20080223 1210 201 YKX 411 ON Kirkland Lake 20080223 1211 201 YVZ 390 ON Deer Lake 20080222 1836 201 ZXU 383 ON London 20080222 1855 203 MWM -1040 MN Windom 20080222 1856 203 PVB -1020 1018 WI Platteville 20080223 1130 203 RED 1020 MT Red Lodge 20080222 1857 205 CQA 1020 OH Celina 20080222 1858 205 XZ 405 ON Wawa 20080223 0023 206 GLS -1035 TX Galveston 20080223 0241 206 QI 409 NS Yarmouth 20080222 1858 206 RA -1020 1020 WI Racine 20080222 1859 206 TEL 1020 IN Tell City 20080223 0247 206 VNC 373 FL Venice 20080222 1900 207 FD 392 ON Brantford 20080222 1901 207 YNE 400 MB Norway House 20080223 1135 208 BDQ 1025 AR Morrilton 20080223 1138 208 YSK 406 NU Sanikiluaq 20080222 1903 209 EY -1040 1034 IN Indianapolis 20080222 1904 209 GDW 1010 MI Gladwin 20080222 1903 209 HCD -1040 1040 MN Hutchinson 20080223 0249 209 HOE -1017 GA Homerville 20080222 1907 209 IB 407 ON Atikokan 20080222 1906 209 RN 1019 TN McMinnville 20080223 1143 209 SYS 1018 PA Somerset 20080223 1145 210 IOB 1021 KY Mount Sterling 20080223 1146 211 AN -1044 1045 AL Anniston 20080222 1906 212 BY 393 SK Beechy 20080222 1917 212 DCY -1033 1025 IN Washington 20080222 1915 212 JX -1030 1040 MI Jackson 20080223 1149 212 OZ -1038 AL Fort Rucker 20080222 1914 212 TS 400 ON Timmins 20080222 1916 212 UC -1035 TN Obion 20080222 1914 212 VP -1029 1030 IN Valparaiso 20080222 1914 212 YGX 408 MB Gillam 20080223 1152 215 DLZ -1035 OH Delaware 20080223 0026 216 CLB -1035 1033 NC Wilmington 20080222 1920 218 AL -1017 1020 IL Alton 20080222 1920 218 RL 410 ON Red Lake 20080223 1220 219 EV -1030 1036 IN Evansville 20080223 1454 219 MK -1020 MI Muskegon 20080223 0029 221 ARV 1005 WI Minocqua 20080223 1455 221 HM 378 ON Hamilton 20080223 1200 221 QU 404 AB Grand Prairie 20080223 0029 221 RP -400 400 WI Rice Lake 20080223 1258 223 DM -1020 MI Detroit 20080223 1205 223 FS -1045 AR Fort Smith 20080223 1207 223 MW -1025 1024 OH Middleton 20080223 0030 223 YYW 405 ON Armstrong 20080223 1203 224 DN 385 MB Dauphin 20080223 1210 224 FSE 992 MN Fosston 20080223 0033 224 II 1035 WI Sturgeon Bay 20080223 0033 224 MO 409 ON Moosonee 20080223 1226 227 CG 400 BC Castlegar 20080223 1428 227 FZ -1020 1020 MO St. Louis 20080223 0035 227 GW -1035 IN Auburn 20080223 1429 227 SQ -1040 1037 IN Connersville 20080223 1430 227 YAC 389 ON Cat Lake 20080223 0039 230 AT -1018 1020 WI Appleton 20080223 1435 230 BI -1030 ND Bismarck 20080223 0039 230 BU -1030 OH Columbus 20080223 0036 230 HPT 1020 IA Hampton 20080223 1431 230 HSB -1017 1035 IL Harrisburg 20080223 1432 230 NRN -1031 KS Norton 20080223 0038 230 RDK 1007 IA Red Oak 20080223 1226 230 VG 411 AB Vermillion 20080223 1227 230 YD 397 BC Smithers 20080223 0040 232 CO 1020 IN Indianapolis 20080222 1840 233 AZN -395 392 MO St. Joseph 20080222 1842 233 BR 385 MB Brandon 20080222 1843 233 BWP -1031 1048 ND Wahpeton 20080222 1844 233 GAK -1029 IA Sioux City 20080222 1844 233 OEO 1023 WI Osceola 20080222 1842 233 QN -410 407 ON Nakina 20080222 1845 235 CN 410 ON Cochrane 20080222 1847 236 4L 1017 ON Chatham 20080223 1441 236 CTK -1012 IL Canton 20080222 1846 236 DEH 1023 IA Decorah 20080222 1848 236 FOR -1033 MT Forsyth 20080222 1847 236 GY -1028 1010 IN Gary 20080223 0043 236 OW 408 ON Ottawa 20080223 1228 236 YZA 405 BC Ashcroft 20080223 1514 236 ZHT 405 MB Winnipeg 20080223 0230 236 ZRJ 390 ON Round Lake 20080223 1423 239 BBB -935 MN Benson (30s) 20080223 0229 239 BPW 1022 AR Osceola 20080222 1851 239 EA -1050 1042 WI Eau Claire 20080223 1448 239 FNZ 1020 IN Huntingsburg 20080222 1850 239 HKF 1024 OH Middleton 20080223 1230 239 OJ 404 AB High Level 20080222 1852 239 TN -1045 1045 MI Menominee 20080223 1448 239 VO 410 QV Val D’Or 20080223 1207 414.5 RPB 1025 KS Belleville (Daivd Tomasko, k9qu - ndblist 23/02/2008) I ended up listening from 11 p.m. until nearly 4 a.m. local since propagation seemed pretty good, although QRN was bothersome at times. In my experience you really should grab all you can the first night because the other nights may not be that hot. I'm still missing quite a few that should have been heard. 22 0014 402 CAR +1025 1888kms Y SAR Correction 22 1735 372 ODR +370 838kms NOR 22 1739 384 SLG +410 369kms IRL 22 1800 403 OJ +400 1151KMS swe 22 1822 432 G +400 1765kms EST 22 1832 428 BST 0 620kms FRA 22 2004 424 RUS +1030 22 2028 435 GHT +1020 3361kms LBY 22 2034 426 MIQ +1020 1175kms Y DEU 22 2138 419 HY +400 1755kms Y FIN 22 2243 350 DF +400 3709kms CAN 22 2249 362 JAN +400 1932kms Y JMY 22 2257 427 LUE +400 1571kms Y SWE 22 2307 452 ANS +1000 1095kms DEU 22 2315 396 JC +400 3529kms CAN 22 2319 390 JT +400 3828kms CAN 22 2338 345 STM +370 1674kms NOR 22 2339 346 GS +390 1414kms SWE 23 0007 356 AY +400 3512kms CAN 23 0015 404 KG +400 1911kms NOR 23 0020 416 TOR +400 2113kms Y FIN 23 0027 432 AKU +400 2287kms FIN 23 0034 391 DDP+1030 6618kms PTR (Ian, g0fyd - ndblist 23/02/2008) 20080223 0410 198 DIW 1046 1032 Dixon, NC 20080223 0415 199 GAO --- 1038 Galliano, LA 20080223 0407 200 YAQ --- 391 Kasabonika, ON 20080223 0408 200 UAB --- 405 Anahim Lake, BC 20080223 0411 200 HXF 1024 1026 Hartford, WI 20080223 0412 201 MNE 1029 1031 Minden, LA 20080223 0416 201 ZXU --- 383 London, ON 20080223 0418 201 YVZ --- 392 Deer Lake, ON 20080223 0419 201 YKX --- 412 Kirkland Lake, ON 20080223 0422 201 GV --- 1021 Greenville, TX 20080223 0827 201 RI --- 405 Riviere-du-Loup, QC 20080223 0828 201 GL --- 414 La Grande Riviere, QC 20080223 0426 203 KL --- 409 Schefferville, QC 20080223 0431 203 PVB --- 1017 Platteville, WI 20080223 0830 203 MWM 1044 1047 Windom, MN 20080223 0424 204 TWL 1028 --- Monroe/Wesley, NC 20080223 0438 204 ZQR --- 395 Regina, SK 20080223 0428 205 CQA 1025 1020 Celina, OH 20080223 0428 205 LNH 1020 --- Millen, GA 20080223 0446 205 XZ --- 407 Wawa, ON 20080223 0837 205 GM 1041 --- Wilmington, NC 20080223 0439 206 GLS 1035 1035 Galveston, TX 20080223 0441 206 AP 1020 1020 Alpena, MI 20080223 0442 206 RA 1020 --- Racine, WI 20080223 0448 206 VNC 381 373 Venice, FL 20080223 0451 206 XBE --- 384 Bearskin Lake, ON 20080223 0452 206 QI --- 411 Yarmouth, NS 20080223 0456 206 TEL --- 1020 Tell City, IN 20080223 0500 207 FD --- 392 Brantford, ON 20080223 0503 207 YNE --- 402 Norway House, MB 20080223 0844 207 CL --- 408 Charlo/Dundee, NB 20080223 0512 208 YSK --- 407 Sanikiluaq, NU 20080223 0506 209 HCD 1039 --- Hutchinson, MN 20080223 0516 209 GDW --- 1012 Gladwin, MI 20080223 0845 209 EY 1038 --- Indianapolis, IN 20080223 0848 209 HOE 1016 --- Homerville, GA 20080223 0850 209 IB --- 408 Atikokan, ON 20080223 0518 212 JX 1028 1036 Jackson, MI 20080223 0518 212 VP 1028 1028 Valparaiso, IN 20080223 0528 212 TS --- 400 Timmins, ON 20080223 0529 212 YGX --- 414 Gillam, MB 20080223 0535 213 YRC --- 392 Chicoutimi/St-Honore, QC 20080223 0541 214 K8 --- 394 Nemiscau, QC 20080223 0543 214 YIO --- 413 Pond Inlet, NU 20080223 0538 215 YTR 1037 --- CFB Trenton, ON 20080223 0539 215 DLZ 1031 1035 Delaware, OH 20080223 0550 215 ZWW --- 390 Winnipeg, MB 20080223 0544 216 CLB 1036 1040 Carolina Beach, NC 20080223 0554 216 YFA --- 406 Fort Albany, ON 20080223 0556 216 ME --- 415 Matane, QC 20080223 0605 218 RL --- 415 Red Lake, ON 20080223 0607 218 DRM --- 1018 Drummond Island, MI 20080223 0601 219 AY 1035 1030 Waycross, GA 20080223 0602 219 MK 1020 1020 Muskegon 20080223 0602 219 TO 1019 1021 Toledo, OH 20080223 0603 219 EV 1030 --- Evansville, IN 20080223 0614 219 YMG --- 405 Manitouwadge, ON 20080223 0621 220 BX --- 409 Blanc Sablon, QC 20080223 0627 220 DCM --- 1023 Chester, TN 20080223 0615 221 BO 1036 --- Bristol, TN 20080223 0628 221 HM --- 378 Hamilton, ON 20080223 0629 221 RP --- 402 Rice Lake, WI 20080223 0632 221 QU --- 407 Grande Prairie, AB 20080223 0637 221 BJT --- 1029 Athens, GA 20080223 0639 221 RQM --- 1039 Rangeley, ME 20080223 0635 223 DM 1019 --- Detroit, MI 20080223 0635 223 MW 1021 1025 Middletown, OH 20080223 0646 223 YYW --- 409 Armstrong, ON 20080223 0649 223 AZW --- 1048 Mount Airy, NC 20080223 0643 224 BH 1042 1037 Birmingham, AL 20080223 0650 224 DN --- 386 Dauphin, MB 20080223 0651 224 MO --- 410 Moosonee, ON 20080223 0655 224 II --- 1038 Sturgeon Bay, WI 20080223 0707 226 OYI --- 1021 Orangeburg, SC 20080223 0658 227 GW 1037 1034 Auburn, IN 20080223 0659 227 SQ 1039 --- Connersville, IN 20080223 0701 227 CPC 1024 --- Whiteville, NC 20080223 0704 227 FZ 1015 --- Chesterfield, MO 20080223 0709 227 YAC --- 388 Cat Lake, ON 20080223 0713 227 TNZ --- 1041 Walnut Ridge, AR 20080223 0715 230 AQE 1038 1037 Greenville, NC 20080223 0718 230 BNZ 1037 --- Abbeville, LA 20080223 0721 230 AT 1020 --- Appleton, WI 20080223 0722 230 HSB 1018 --- Harrisburg, IL 20080223 0730 230 ZUC --- 353 Ignace, ON 20080223 0731 230 YBM --- 376 St-Bruno-de-Guigues, QC 20080223 0732 230 AC --- 393 Yarmouth/Pleasant Lake, NS 20080223 0734 230 QB --- 408 Quebec, QC 20080223 0739 230 HPT --- 1024 Hampton, IA 20080223 0735 232 GT 1038 --- Grand Turk, TCA 20080223 0736 232 CO 1023 --- Indianapolis, IN 20080223 0745 233 QN --- 409 Nakina, ON 20080223 0746 233 HEM --- 1009 Sparta, TN 20080223 0748 233 OEO --- 1024 Osceola, WI 20080223 0753 235 9H --- 389 La Grande Trois, QC 20080223 0754 235 CN --- 414 Cochrane, ON 20080223 0751 236 GY 1027 --- Gary, IN 20080223 0756 236 ZRJ --- 393 Round Lake, ON 20080223 0757 236 OW --- 409 Ottawa, ON 20080223 0800 236 DEH --- 1025 Decorah, IA 20080223 0801 236 4L --- 1016 Chatham, ON 20080223 0807 237 EZF --- 1026 Fredericksburg, VA 20080223 0803 239 HKF 1018 1024 Middletown, OH 20080223 0805 239 TN 1042 --- Menominee, MI 20080223 0808 239 CFX 1037 --- Cadiz, OH 20080223 0811 239 FE --- 414 Forestville, QC (Andy Robins, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA - ndblist 24/02/2008) 2008-02-23 19:33 215 UW 1394 Y Shumerlya, RUS 2008-02-23 19:24 222 WJ 1023 Y Moscow/ Bykovo, RUS 2008-02-22 20:26 230 WZ 1020 Y KAMENKA, RUS 2008-02-23 20:34 284.5 LVK 761 LEIRVIKA, NOR 2008-02-23 20:41 299.5 KN 824 Skrova, NOR 2008-02-23 21:00 308.5 HLN 961 Honningsvag/Helnes, NOR 2008-02-23 21:24 371.5 U 242 HELSINKI-VANTAA 'Uniform', FIN 2008-02-23 21:16 333 PI 1291 Y PARCHIM, DEU (Raimo Karjalainen, Laukaa, Finland - ndblist 24/02/2008) >Europe listeners won't hear many from part 1 You said it ...!!! 70 % of my main log for nnn.5 NDB, that's my best relative score so far, yet no credit deserved, for most of them are daytimers or regular ones. ;-( BTW could some of you Excel experts help me : On my 2000 version I can't select/copy separated lines . A [CTRL] left -click on the line numbers does select the different lines , but then Excel copies all the lines between the first and the last selected ones , whether or not I keep the Ctrl key pressed on , and whichever the way I do copy/paste...!? 23/02/08 16:40 284.5 DY Dusseldorf 23/02/08 16:38 286.5 TA Villacoublay 23/02/08 16:38 288.5 AVD Avord 23/02/08 16:37 300.5 LW Koln 23/02/08 00:26 331.5 TLF Toulouse 23/02/08 00:25 335.5 VOG Voghera 23/02/08 04:51 342.5 NW Norwich 24/02/08 04:50 347.5 TD Teesside 23/02/08 00:18 348.5 LG Liege 23/02/08 00:18 349.5 SZA Solenzara 23/02/08 00:10 350.5 ROT Rotterdam 23/02/08 00:09 352.5 DD Oostend 23/02/08 04:55 353.5 EME East Midland 23/02/08 00:03 356.5 OU Ouargla 23/02/08 00:04 356.5 SHU Bern 23/02/08 04:57 356.5 SM St Mawgan 22/02/08 23:57 357.5 FAL Ancona 22/02/08 23:56 360.5 CDN Chateaudun 22/02/08 23:54 360.5 MAK Mackel 23/02/08 05:01 362.5 SDN Southend 23/02/08 21:10 363.5 BRD Brindisi 22/02/08 23:54 363.5 CT Coventry 22/02/08 23:52 363.5 LXI Luxeuil 23/02/08 05:05 365.5 BC Brasschaat 22/02/08 23:47 366.5 CAR Carnane 22/02/08 23:46 367.5 OX Oxford 22/02/08 23:45 367.5 PNZ Ponza 22/02/08 23:42 368.5 ELU Luxemburg 23/02/08 16:22 368.5 WHI Whitegate 22/02/08 23:40 370.5 AP Aberport 22/02/08 23:37 370.5 LB Angelholm 22/02/08 23:35 371.5 NH Norwich 24/02/08 04:45 376.5 ORI Bergame 22/02/08 23:27 388.5 CDF Cardiff 22/02/08 23:32 383.5 GUL Guippen Maast 24/02/08 04:45 386.5 SLV Spa 23/02/08 16:18 388.5 CH Amsterdam 22/02/08 23:24 390.5 ITR Istres 23/02/08 05:15 391.5 EAS Southampton 23/02/08 05:18 392.5 TOP Topolino 22/02/08 23:20 396.5 PY Plymouth 22/02/08 23:16 399.5 ONO Oostend 24/02/08 04:41 400.5 COD Codogno 23/02/08 20:56 401.5 BET Bentlage 22/02/08 23:13 402.5 LBA Leeds 22/02/08 23:04 404.5 RR Rotterdam 22/02/08 23/01 406.5 ROT Rotterdam 23/02/08 20:54 406.5 BOT Bottrop 22/02/08 23:01 413.5 DLS Lubars Berlin 23/02/08 05:25 433.5 HEN Henton (Jean Jacquemin, France - ndblist 24/02/2008) 22 17:58 318 AK 2920 ASTANA, KAZ 22 17:58 322 VH 3071 DASHOGUZ, TKM 24 00:08 335 RIM 2092 RIMINI, ITA 22 20:16 339 HOS 1275 Hamburg, DEU 23 20:30 343 HBC 1398 Y Halfdan B / Maersk, XOE 23 23:10 353 BT 2373 ALI, GEO 24 02:57 375 TR 1426 TOR, XOE 23 21:30 385 MSD 3579 MASHHAD, IRN 23 20:42 391 SIR 1351 Siri Platform, XOE 23 20:56 394 DND 1781 Y Dundee, SCT 23 20:49 423 CWL 1852 Y Cranwell, ENG (Kari Syrjanen, Aitomaki, Finland - ndblist 24/02/2008) I won't have any time for NDBing this evening so I would say: I'm finished. Nothing special heard. Loc: JN78TP, North of Austria, Niederoesterreich province RX: SDR-14 Ant: GAP Eagle DX (=ham antenna) on the roof of a 6-floor apartment block 22/02/08 1919 301.5 CMP 22/02/08 1924 309.5 Eya 22/02/08 1928 309.5 TR 22/02/08 1929 309.5 SW 22/02/08 1946 333.5 VOG 22/02/08 1954 341.5 R 22/02/08 1958 345.52 CF 22/02/08 2000 349.5 SZA 22/02/08 2002 351.5 PLA 22/02/08 2008 356.5 OU 22/02/08 2010 357.5 FAL 22/02/08 2014 363.5 BRD 22/02/08 2017 367.5 PNZ 22/02/08 2019 368.5 ELU 22/02/08 2023 370.5 LB 22/02/08 2035 390.5 ITR 22/02/08 2037 392.5 TOP 22/02/08 2042 400.5 COD 22/02/08 2045 401.5 BET 23/02/08 1932 406.5 BOT 23/02/08 1938 413.5 DLS 23/02/08 2021 514.55 LA (Alex, Austria - ndblist 24/02/2008) I'm not far here from 338 FNY Doncaster Robin Hood and I found earlier in the week that it has a negative ident, 'IAAIE' with long dash. A bit unexpected and it is a relatively new airport and beacon. Also, the negative was clearly heard on about 339.0 instead of being on the carrier frequency, 338.0. Maybe that's different if the negative can be heard from greater distances. (Brian Keyte, Messingham, U.K. - ndblist 24/02/2008) 2008-02-22 20:07 276.5 BW 746 Bremen, DEU 2008-02-22 20:09 283.5 NA 2954 Y Punta Lantailla, CNR 2008-02-22 20:14 300.5 LW 724 Koln / Bonn, DEU 2008-02-22 20:19 306.5 AV 824 Avord, FRA 2008-02-22 21:13 315.5 SS 786 Scatsta, SHE 2008-02-23 17:27 320.5 SWN 227 Swansea, WLS 2008-02-22 21:16 328.5 EGT 350 Derry/Eglinton, NIR 2008-02-22 23:38 331.5 TLF 1126 Toulouse / Francazal, FRA 2008-02-22 20:59 332.5 CAM 227 Cambridge, ENG 2008-02-22 21:22 333.5 VOG 1254 Voghera (PV), ITA 2008-02-22 21:01 342.5 NWI 269 Norwich, ENG 2008-02-22 20:32 345.5 CF 1298 Caslav / Chotusice / Centograf, CZE 2008-02-22 20:49 347.5 TD 148 Teeside, ENG 2008-02-22 20:52 348.5 LG 628 Liege / Bierset, BEL 2008-02-23 20:05 349.5 SZA 1554 Solenzara, COR 2008-02-22 20:50 349.5 LPL 16 LIVERPOOL, ENG 2008-02-22 20:50 350.5 ROT 506 Rotterdam, HOL 2008-02-22 20:35 350.5 FU 820 HAMBURG WEST, DEU 2008-02-22 20:35 352.5 DD 444 Oostende, BEL 2008-02-22 20:47 353.5 EME 112 East Midlands, ENG 2008-02-22 20:42 356.5 SM 372 St Mawgan, ENG 2008-02-22 20:40 356.5 SHU 1001 Schupberg For Bern / Belp, SUI 2008-02-22 21:09 356.5 OU 2472 Y Ouargla, ALG 2008-02-22 20:25 359.5 CDN 657 Chateaudun, FRA 2008-02-22 20:25 360.5 MAK 491 Mackel for Brussels Ntl, BEL 2008-02-22 20:52 362.5 SND 302 Southend-On-Sea, ENG 2008-02-22 20:56 363.5 LXI 885 Luxeuil / St Sauveur, FRA 2008-02-22 20:55 363.5 CT 139 Coventry, ENG 2008-02-22 20:23 363.5 BRD 2099 Brindisi (BR), ITA 2008-02-23 20:28 365.5 BC 527 Brasschaat, BEL 2008-02-22 21:12 366.5 CAR 151 Carnane, IOM 2008-02-22 20:27 367.5 PNZ 1812 Ponza (LT), ITA 2008-02-22 20:21 367.5 OX 198 Oxford / Kidlington, ENG 2008-02-22 20:22 368.5 WHI 27 Whitegate for Hawarden, ENG 2008-02-22 20:22 368.5 ELU 742 Luxembourg-Berg, LUX 2008-02-22 20:20 370.5 LB 1030 Angelholm / Barkakra, SWE 2008-02-22 20:20 370.5 AP 200 Aberporth, WLS 2008-02-22 20:55 371.5 NH 275 Norwich, ENG 2008-02-22 20:36 372.5 KTN 3765 KARIATAIN, SYR 2008-02-22 21:15 378.5 NN 170 Northampton / Sywell, ENG 2008-02-22 20:54 383.5 LE 136 Leicester, ENG 2008-02-22 21:10 388.5 CH 495 Amsterdam, HOL 2008-02-22 20:40 388.5 CDF 233 Cardiff, WLS 2008-02-23 20:21 390.5 ITR 1231 Istres / Le Tube, FRA 2008-02-22 20:59 391.5 EAS 288 Southampton / Eastleigh, ENG 2008-02-22 21:24 392.5 TOP 1207 Pinerolo (TO), ITA 2008-02-22 20:54 396.5 PY 350 Plymouth / City, ENG 2008-02-22 20:39 399.5 ONO 446 Oostende, BEL 2008-02-22 21:03 400.5 EJ 762 Esbjerg, DNK 2008-02-22 20:37 400.5 COD 1260 Codogno (LO), ITA 2008-02-22 20:47 401.5 BET 677 Rheine Bentlage, DEU 2008-02-22 20:48 402.5 LBA 76 Leeds / Bradford, ENG 2008-02-22 21:19 403.5 LNL ? Y Lancelot A Platform, XOE 2008-02-22 21:07 404.5 RR 517 Rotterdam Locator, HOL 2008-02-22 20:33 406.5 BOT 680 Bottrop, DEU 2008-02-23 20:19 413.5 DLS 1066 Berlin / Tempelhof / Lubars, DEU 2008-02-22 20:46 433.5 HEN 219 Henton, ENG 2008-02-22 23:24 514.5 LA ? Namest, CZE (Brian Martlew, Warrington, U.K. - ndblist 24/02/2008) FNY-338 is a solid daytimer here at 382 km. The carrier is about 21 dB over my noise floor; the modulation approx. 12 dB. There is an other carrier beating with FNY-338, probably GU-338 from France, 687 km away. I cannot find a negative ID and watching the carrier with ARGO gives the same result. Regarding your nice log from DNK, FAU-334 is missing. Though recently logged by Joze Konda and Peter Conway, this one is very difficult from here. It was last logged in November 2004! (Roelof Bakker, Netherlands = ndblist 24/02/2008) 24/02 0207 299.0 #946 Rigolet, NL CAN #345 200 3577 N(1) (Alan Gale, Whitworth, U.K. - ndblist 24/02/2008) 214 XA JPN 1347 poor -1014 DAID 260 NF NFK 1405 very poor -402 270 FA SMO 1404 very poor +926 281 CRN ALS 1413 weak/medium -1035 281 VIR ALS 1414 poor/weak -1037 332 POA HWA 1359 weak -1022 353 LLD HWA 1356 medium/loud 366 PNI FSM 1354 poor +1020 373 HHI HWA 1353 poor +1055 373 PQ JPN 1351 poor/weak +1019 DAID 375 TKK FSM 1426 very poor/poor +1019 412 SON VUT 1349 weak/medium! +1025 530 ADK ALS 1432 weak/medium -1037 (Steve Ratzlaff, Oregon, USA - ndblist 24/02/2008) 23 00:22 198 DIW 1045 1040 2245 Dixon, NC, USA 22 20:53 200 YJ 400 331 Victoria, BC, CAN 22 20:52 200 UAB 400 571 Anahim Lake, BC, CAN 24 03:53 200 HXF 1028 1457 Hartford, WI, USA 23 01:31 200 5M 1040 1040 324 Sparwood/Elk Valley, BC, CAN 23 03:00 201 ZXD 409 580 Edmonton, AB, CAN 23 03:05 201 ZWN 393 1000 Winnipeg, MB, CAN 22 20:59 201 PEN 1030 1030 274 Astoria, OR, USA 23 06:28 201 GV 1020 1444 Greenville, TX, USA 22 21:02 203 ZKI 405 752 Kitimat, BC, CAN 22 21:00 203 YBL 385 458 Campbell River, BC, CAN 22 23:32 203 TCY 1020 577 Tracy, CA, USA 22 21:01 203 RED 1040 1020 421 Red Lodge, MT, USA 24 03:57 203 MWM 1015 1043 1123 Windom, MN, USA 23 03:08 203 AB 1034 948 Aberdeen, SD, USA 22 21:03 204 ZQR 395 396 702 Regina, SK, CAN 22 21:05 204 RMD 1022 249 McDermitt, OR, USA 24 04:15 204 LCQ 1020 2179 Lake City, FL, USA 23 02:49 205 XZ 404 1566 Wawa, ON, CAN 22 21:07 205 COR 1017 665 Sayler Farms, CA, USA 23 02:45 206 XBE 384 1321 Bearskin Lake, ON, CAN 23 03:16 206 SOW 1032 889 Show Low, AZ, USA 22 21:10 206 PWT 1015 263 Bremerton, WA, USA 22 21:08 206 GLS 1040 1687 Galveston, TX, USA 22 21:06 206 EF 410 252 Castlegar, BC, CAN 23 03:20 207 YNE 400 1061 Norway House, MB, CAN 22 21:13 207 PY 405 952 Fort Chipewyan, AB, CAN 23 03:25 208 YSK 403 1812 Sanikiluaq, NU, CAN 24 04:10 208 BDQ 1023 1504 Morrillton, AR, USA 23 03:30 209 ITR 1015 1020 910 Burlington, CO, USA 22 21:21 209 IB 402 1251 Atikokan, ON, CAN 23 03:29 209 HGT 1048 1040 689 Hunter Liggett, CA, USA 23 06:53 209 HCD 1042 1144 Hutchinson, MN, USA 23 07:05 209 GDW 1010 1633 Gladwin, MI, USA 23 14:10 209 CYT 1036 1416 Yakataga, ALS 22 21:18 209 AEC 1035 1032 629 Warm Springs, NV, USA 23 03:41 210 F6 410 714 Chetwynd, BC, CAN 22 21:22 211 HDG 1035 1020 247 Gooding, ID, USA 23 03:47 212 YGX 409 1244 Gillam, MB, CAN 24 04:46 212 UCF 1057 2658 Y Cienfuegos, CUB 23 07:23 212 JX 1037 1673 Y Jackson, MI, USA 23 07:13 212 HMQ 1041 1593 Homer, LA, USA 23 14:13 212 CGL 1035 1127 Coghlan Island, ALS 24 04:44 212 CFV 1021 1295 Coffeyville, KS, USA 22 21:24 212 BY 395 602 Beechy, SK, CAN 23 14:14 214 XA 1010 5094 Oshima, JPN 22 21:26 214 LU 405 304 Abbottsford, BC, CAN 23 03:56 215 ZWW 385 1001 Winnipeg, MB, CAN 23 03:54 215 ZAB 397 563 Edmonton, AB, CAN 23 07:37 215 CSZ 1023 1501 Athens, TX, USA 23 07:29 215 BFK 1020 1022 1124 Buffalo, OK, USA 23 03:57 216 YFA 404 1689 Fort Albany, ON, CAN 24 05:02 216 ME 412 2332 Matane, QC, CAN 22 21:29 216 GR 1040 1042 246 Fort Lewis, WA, USA 23 00:20 216 CLB 1040 2238 Wilmington , NC, USA 22 21:36 217 RI 1025 1043 510 Riverton, WY, USA 22 21:34 217 EC 1030 1024 597 Cedar City, UT, USA 22 21:38 218 RL 410 1165 Red Lake, ON, CAN 22 21:36 218 PR 410 813 Prince Rupert, BC, CAN 22 21:40 219 ZRS 396 695 Regina, SK, CAN 23 04:00 219 YMG 404 1508 Manitouwadge, ON, CAN 22 21:30 219 OMK 788 788 210 Omak, WA, USA 23 01:42 219 GAV 1038 1156 Gustavus, ALS 24 05:09 219 AY 1035 1028 2138 Waycross, GA, USA 24 05:29 220 VI 1035 651 Visalia, CA, USA 23 07:51 220 RBJ 1028 1000 Tucson, AZ, USA 22 21:39 220 HLE 1032 1026 241 Hailey, ID, USA 24 05:27 221 RP 400 401 1261 Rice Lake, WI, USA 22 21:43 221 QU 406 659 Grande Prairie, AB, CAN 23 01:44 221 9A 385 498 Hanna, AB, CAN 23 00:35 222 WY 410 1235 Wrigley, NT, CAN 23 00:38 223 YYW 405 1368 Armstrong, ON, CAN 22 21:47 223 YKA 404 367 Kamloops, BC, CAN 24 05:44 223 FS 1049 1048 1427 Fort Smith, AR, USA 23 08:04 223 AFE 1040 1037 1040 Kake, ALS 23 00:42 224 MO 410 1735 Moosonee, ON, CAN 24 05:56 224 FSE 985 1058 Fosston, MN, USA 22 21:49 224 DN 385 901 Dauphin, MB, CAN 23 04:13 225 X5 414 606 Vegreville, AB, CAN 22 21:48 225 LWG 1048 1045 269 Corvallis, OR, USA 23 02:26 227 YAC 389 1256 Cat Lake, ON, CAN 23 08:13 227 TNZ 1042 1040 1544 Walnut Ridge, AR, USA 22 21:55 227 MPR 1075 1151 McPherson, KS, USA 23 08:10 227 CPC 1023 2195 Whiteville, NC, USA 22 21:52 227 CG 401 265 Castlegar, BC, CAN 23 02:35 227 9X 385 444 Brooks, AB, CAN 23 08:21 229 AKW 1040 952 Klawock, ALS 23 04:21 230 ZUC 350 1245 Ignace, ON, CAN 22 21:59 230 YD 395 749 Smithers, BC, CAN 23 00:52 230 VG 410 622 Vermilion, AB, CAN 23 08:28 230 SM 1034 507 Sacramento, CA, USA 23 00:54 230 RDK 1000 1180 Red Oak, IA, USA 22 21:56 230 PD 1032 39 Pendleton, OR, USA 22 21:57 230 NRN 1029 996 Norton, KS, USA 23 01:57 230 HPT 1025 1236 Hampton, IA, USA 23 04:18 230 BI 1030 1035 829 Bismarck, ND, USA 23 04:22 232 GP 400 2472 Gaspe, QC, CAN 23 01:06 233 W6 1023 254 Creston North, BC, CAN 23 01:00 233 QN 405 1473 Nakina, ON, CAN 22 22:05 233 OKS 1013 832 Oshkosh, NE, USA 23 01:08 233 GAK 1019 1020 1091 Sioux City, IA, USA 23 08:33 233 CV 1035 446 Eureka, CA, USA 23 04:33 233 BWP 1023 1051 1023 Whapeton, ND, USA 22 22:03 233 BR 385 879 Brandon, MB, CAN 23 04:29 233 AZN 395 394 1229 St. Joseph, MO, USA 22 22:04 233 ALJ 412 408 1550 Johnstone Point, ALS 23 04:26 233 7V 382 532 Jasper-Hinton, AB, CAN 23 04:39 235 CN 411 1731 Cochrane, ON, CAN 23 04:38 235 9H 390 1918 La Grande 3, QC, CAN 22 22:11 236 YZA 401 384 Ashcroft, BC, CAN 22 22:08 236 HQ 1030 1027 295 Hoquiam, WA, USA 23 01:20 236 FOR 1035 1028 550 Forsyth, MT, USA 22 22:13 238 MPA 1025 1017 155 Nampa, ID, USA 23 01:24 239 VO 409 1884 Val-d' Or, QC, CAN 24 06:46 239 UBC 1023 1361 Ballinger, TX, USA 23 08:44 239 PWY 1052 1645 Hebronville, TX, USA 22 22:17 239 OJ 406 895 High Level, AB, CAN 23 05:07 239 LNC 1020 1444 Lancaster, TX, USA 23 01:53 239 BBB 937 1077 Benson, MN, USA 24 03:44 414.5 RPB 1025 1101 Belleville, KS, USA (Steve Ratzlaff, Oregon, USA - ndblist 24/02/2008) 23 1938 407 PN +1020 1557kms LTU 23 1940 408 BRK +1020 1516KMS AUT 23 2019 422 UR -950 1351kms CZE 23 2151 343 HBC -930 555kms XOE 23 2206 349 TAR +400 1324kms NOR 23 2302 322 KOR +400 1831kms FIN 24 0005 490 TFR +1020 ? ALG 24 0008 488 ILM +1020 1040kms DEU 24 0028 376 HIE +1020 3130kms CNR 24 0040 389 BX +1070 3045kms CNR 24 0043 365 VR +1060 3055kms CNR 24 0047 283.5 NA 0 2976kms Y CNR #527 (g0fyd - ndblist 24/02/2008) 23 01:42 198 DIW 1050 1040 1035 Dixon, NC, USA 23 05:02 199 GAO 1040 351 Galliamo, LA, USA 23 06:08 200 UAB 405 2042 Anahim Lake, BC, CAN 22 18:36 201 MNE 1030 1030 114 Minden, LA, USA 22 18:41 201 GV 1060 1020 79 Greenville, TX, USA 23 09:27 203 RED 1020 1170 Red Lodge, MT, USA 23 06:02 203 PVB 1020 766 Y Platteville, WI, USA 24 10:23 204 TWL 1030 854 Y Wesley, NC, USA 23 04:56 204 LCQ 1020 760 Lake City, FL, USA 24 00:43 204 ESU 1015 458 Summerdale, AL, USA 23 06:01 205 XZ 405 1218 Wawa, ON, CAN 23 09:24 205 LNH 1020 772 Millen, GA, USA 23 08:49 206 VNC 390 847 Venice, FL, USA 23 08:47 206 TEL 1015 623 Y Tell City, IN, USA 24 10:15 206 SOW 1030 865 Y Show Low, AZ, USA 23 05:57 206 QI 410 1759 Yarmouth, NS, CAN 22 18:48 206 GLS 1040 1035 205 Galveston, TX, USA 23 05:55 207 YNE 400 1505 Norway House, MB, CAN 23 05:50 208 YSK 405 1844 Y Sanikiluaq, NU, CAN 24 11:14 208 CHQ 1020 459 Charleston, MO, USA 22 20:50 208 BDQ 1020 245 Morrilton, AR, USA 23 04:49 209 RN 1015 592 McMinnville, TN, USA 23 07:07 209 ITR 1030 1020 624 Burlington, CO, USA 23 04:50 209 IB 405 1160 Atikokan, ON, CAN 23 05:54 209 HOE 1020 736 Y Homerville, GA, USA 23 05:53 209 HCD 1040 871 Hutchinson, MN, USA 23 07:11 209 AEC 1030 1222 Warm Springs, NV, USA 24 03:03 210 CLO 1040 1030 2338 Cali, CLM 23 08:43 211 AN 1040 1040 545 Anniston, AL, USA 24 03:40 212 OZ 1040 557 Y Fort Rucker, AL, USA 22 18:48 212 HMQ 1035 1035 134 Homer, LA, USA 24 01:23 212 CFV 1020 334 Coffeyville, KS, USA 23 08:38 212 BY 400 1427 Beechy, SK, CAN 22 19:28 215 TQH 950 253 Tahlequah, OK, USA 24 02:57 215 DLZ 1040 871 Delaware, OH, USA 22 18:52 215 CSZ 1020 46 Crossroads, TX, USA 23 06:23 215 BFK 1025 1025 405 Buffalo, OK, USA 23 05:46 216 YFA 405 1536 Fort Albany, ON, CAN 23 01:28 216 CLB 1035 1030 1004 Carolina Beach, NC, USA 23 04:36 218 RL 405 1301 Red Lake, ON, CAN 23 04:35 219 YMG 400 1256 Manitouwadge, ON, CAN 24 09:47 219 LB 1035 397 Y Lubbock, TX, USA 23 04:38 219 AY 1040 755 Waycross, GA, USA 23 05:45 220 BX 405 2323 Lourdes-de-Blanc-Sablon, QC, CAN 23 06:31 221 QU 405 1952 Y Grande Prairie, AB, CAN 24 02:46 221 HS 1020 362 Bay St. Louis, MS, USA 24 02:49 221 CHI 970 1612 Los Chiles, CTR 23 04:31 221 BJT 1025 703 Athens, GA, USA 24 03:56 222 CUW 1020 1020 691 Chihuahua, MEX 23 04:23 223 YYW 405 1286 Armstrong, ON, CAN 23 08:27 223 FS 1050 221 Fort Smith, AR, USA 24 03:33 223 ES 1025 188 Alexandria, LA, USA 24 03:32 223 AZW 1045 1045 883 Mt Airy, NC, USA 23 04:20 224 DN 390 1324 Dauphin, MB, CAN 23 02:13 224 BH 1040 1035 493 Birmingham, AL, USA 23 04:22 224 MO 410 1507 Moosonee, ON, CAN 24 01:45 226 REN 1015 201 Warren, AR, USA 23 08:21 227 TNZ 1045 1045 366 Walnut Ridge, AR, USA 22 20:02 227 MPR 1070 443 McPherson, KS, USA 24 03:21 227 LCE 1010 1256 La Ceiba, HND 24 01:47 227 FZ 1020 514 Y St. Louis, MO, USA 24 03:26 227 CPC 1030 962 Camp, NC, USA 23 06:39 227 CG 400 1654 Y Castlegar, BC, CAN 24 01:51 230 VRT 1015 271 Vernon, TX, USA 24 10:38 230 VG 410 1648 Y Vermilion, AB, CAN 23 06:47 230 RDK 1005 604 Red Oak, IA, USA 24 01:56 230 QB 410 1603 Quebec, QC, CAN 24 01:53 230 NRN 1030 586 Norton, KS, USA 23 06:46 230 HPT 1025 731 Hampton, IA, USA 23 01:13 230 BNZ 1040 1040 ? Abbeville, LA, USA 24 02:23 232 GT 1035 1030 1656 Cockburn Town, TCA 23 08:11 232 CO 1020 717 Y Colfa, IN, USA 23 04:04 233 QN 405 1314 Nakina, ON, CAN 23 06:52 233 OKS 1010 744 Y Oshkosh, NE, USA 23 08:04 233 HR 1035 1035 295 Harrison, AR, USA 23 06:53 233 GAK 1020 704 Sioux City, IA, USA 23 06:49 233 BWP 1020 1055 969 Breckenridge & Wahpeton, ND, USA 23 05:28 233 BR 385 1244 Brandon, MB, CAN 23 07:25 233 AZN 390 526 St. Joseph, MO, USA 22 20:07 234 TX 1040 1025 115 Texarkana, AR, USA 23 04:06 234 EQQ 1055 1015 614 Y Coweta County, GA, USA 23 05:37 235 9H 390 1747 Y La Grande 3, QC, CAN 23 06:57 236 YZA 405 1839 Ashcroft, BC, CAN 23 03:58 236 OW 410 1385 Ramsayville, ON, CAN 23 06:56 236 FOR 1035 1138 Forsyth, MT, USA 23 07:55 236 DEH 1025 784 Decorah, IA, USA 23 07:44 239 VO 405 1420 VAl-d'Or, QC, CAN 22 20:12 239 UBC 1015 282 Ballinger, TX, USA 23 07:00 239 PWY 1045 ? Hebbronville, TX, USA 23 05:31 239 OJ 400 2083 High Level, AB, CAN 22 20:14 239 LNC 1020 91 Lancaster, TX, USA 24 04:03 239 HKF 1020 782 Middletown, OH, USA 23 07:52 239 CFX 1030 962 Y Cadiz, OH, USA 23 07:03 414.5 RPB 1005 1025 539 Belleville, KS, USA (Douglas Springfield, New Chapel Hill, TX, USA - ndblist 24/02/2008) 2008-02-22 23:37 330 HA 2676 Kharkiv / Osnova, UKR 2008-02-22 23:42 334 AR 1617 Akureyri, ISL 2008-02-23 17:48 338 MNW 1156 Munchen, DEU 2008-02-22 22:42 370 OHT 1418 Stockholm / Arlanda, SWE 2008-02-22 22:43 370 GR 4134 Grindstone (Iles de la Madele, QC, CAN 2008-02-22 22:50 372 ODR 839 Kristiansand / Kjevik / Oddero, NOR 2008-02-22 22:47 372 CE 1749 Osijek / Cepin, HRV 2008-02-22 22:37 468 VTN 2013 Y Kraljevo / Vitanovac, SRB 2008-02-22 21:31 470 UZ 1948 Uzice / Ponikve, SRB 2008-02-22 21:25 473 FHA 1063 Friedrichshafen / Lowental, DEU 2008-02-22 21:29 474 RZ 1728 Rzeszow / Jasionka, POL 2008-02-22 21:28 475 ZG 2850 Y PETROVSKOYE, RUS 2008-02-22 23:21 508 Z 1534 Zilina, SVK 2008-02-22 23:26 518 TM 2669 Tomakivka, UKR 2008-02-22 23:32 525 CH 2148 Y CHERNIAKHIV, UKR (Brian M., ndblist 24/02/2008) 24 09:46 201 GV TX USA 1020 New 24 09:43 201 PEN OR USA 1030 24 09:47 201 ZXD AB CAN 411 24 09:42 203 TCY CA USA -1020 24 09:38 204 RMD OR USA 1021 24 09:37 205 XZ ON CAN 405 New 24 09:33 206 EF BC CAN 412 24 09:29 206 GLS TX USA -1027 24 09:29 206 PWT WA USA 1022 24 09:32 206 SOW AZ USA -1030 New 24 09:28 207 PY AB CAN 405 24 09:22 209 AEC NV USA -1032 24 09:25 209 IB ON CAN 404 24 09:19 211 HDG ID USA -1030 24 09:18 212 BY SK CAN 396 24 09:15 214 LU BC CAN 404 24 09:12 215 ZAB AB CAN 392 24 09:07 216 GR WA USA -1045 24 09:04 218 RL ON CAN 412 24 09:02 219 GAV AK ALS 1034 24 09:02 219 OMK WA USA 790 24 08:58 220 HLE ID USA 1031 24 08:56 221 QU AB CAN 408 24 08:52 222 WY NT CAN 410 24 08:50 223 YKA BC CAN 409 24 08:46 224 DN MB CAN 385 24 08:40 225 LWG OR USA 1044 24 10:19 225 X5 AB CAN 414 24 08:36 227 CG BC CAN 400 24 08:28 230 PD OR USA 1035 24 08:29 230 SM CA USA -1035 24 08:30 230 VG AB CAN 413 24 08:32 230 YD BC CAN 392 24 08:23 233 ALJ AK ALS -408 24 08:24 233 BR MB CAN 381 24 08:14 236 FOR MT USA -1034 24 08:13 236 HQ WA USA -1030 24 08:15 236 YZA BC CAN 410 24 08:11 238 MPA ID USA -1022 24 08:07 239 OJ AB CAN 406 (KE7MSU - ndblist 24/02/2008) 20080224 1154 208 CHQ 1021 --- Charleston, MO 20080224 0509 212 CFV --- 1021 Coffeyville, KS 20080224 0513 212 BY --- 394 Beechy, SK 20080224 1210 212 VG --- 410 Vermillion, AB (NEW) 20080224 0558 221 HYE --- 1044 Hanchey/Fort Rucker, AL 20080224 0600 221 RBW --- 1017 Walterboro, SC 20080224 0548 227 CG --- 401 Castlegar, BC 20080224 0421 230 VQ 1020 --- Detroit, MI 20080224 0407 230 BU 1032 1023 Columbus, OH 20080224 0537 232 GP --- 407 Gaspe, QC 20080224 0530 236 FOR 1034 --- Forsyth, MT 20080224 0344 239 VO --- 410 Val d'Or, QC 20080224 0346 239 BPW --- 1022 Osceola, AR (Andy Robins, Michigan, USA - ndblist 24/02/2008) 2008 02 24 2032 343.0 HBC Halfdan B/Maersk XOE 862 Y (Franti?ek Muller, Praha, Czech Republic - ndblist 25/02/2008) 2008-02-25 01:09 221 RQM 1041 598 Rangeley, ME, USA 2008-02-24 02:21 198 DIW 1050 1040 1706 Dixon, NC, USA 2008-02-24 02:22 204 YFY 394 2072 Iqaluit, NU, CAN 2008-02-24 02:22 203 KL 410 1088 Schefferville, QC, CAN 2008-02-24 02:23 207 CL 407 388 Charlo, NB, CAN 2008-02-24 02:23 206 QI 410 293 Yarmouth, NS, CAN 2008-02-24 02:23 206 GLS 1027 3282 Galveston, TX, USA 2008-02-24 02:24 208 YSK 415 1670 Sanikiluaq, NU, CAN 2008-02-24 02:25 211 K7 409 492 Ste Anne des Monts, QC, CAN 2008-02-24 02:25 210 CLO 1030 4841 Cali, CLM 2008-02-24 02:25 209 MT 406 983 Chibougamau (Chapai, QC, CAN 2008-02-24 02:26 216 CLB 1035 1030 1775 Wilmington / Carolina Beach, NC, USA 2008-02-24 02:26 213 YRC 390 703 'St. Honore' Chicoutimi, QC, CAN 2008-02-24 02:26 212 SJ 410 209 Saint John, NB, CAN 2008-02-24 02:27 219 W7 400 400 354 Pierce, QC, CAN 2008-02-24 02:27 218 YUY 412 1241 Rouyn, QC, CAN 2008-02-24 02:27 216 ME 404 511 Matane, QC, CAN 2008-02-24 02:28 220 BX 405 804 Blanc Sablon, QC, CAN 2008-02-24 02:29 224 QM 406 140 Moncton, NB, CAN 2008-02-24 02:29 221 YAS 408 1694 Kangirsuk, QC, CAN 2008-02-24 02:29 220 Y9 420 227 Digby, NS, CAN 2008-02-24 02:31 229 PD 390 150 Port Hawkesbury, NS, CAN 2008-02-24 02:31 227 SZO 1031 626 Fryeburg, ME, USA 2008-02-24 02:32 230 QB 410 660 Quebec, QC, CAN 2008-02-24 02:32 230 AC 390 283 Pleasant Lake, NS, CAN 2008-02-24 02:33 230 YBM 378 1268 ST-BRUNO DE GUIGUES QUE, QC, CAN 2008-02-24 02:34 235 URT 1070 5927 Uruburetama, BRA 2008-02-24 02:34 233 UM 400 919 Churchill Falls, NL, CAN 2008-02-24 02:34 232 GP 400 391 Gaspe, QC, CAN 2008-02-24 02:35 236 OW 410 969 Ramsayville (Ottawa), ON, CAN 2008-02-24 02:36 239 VO 405 1155 Val-d' Or, QC, CAN 2008-02-24 03:05 227 TAN 1015 742 Taunton, MA, USA 2008-02-24 03:07 235 CN 410 1403 Cochrane, ON, CAN 2008-02-24 03:08 235 9H 390 1310 La Grande 3, QC, CAN 2008-02-24 03:10 201 RI 406 560 Riviere Du Loup, QC, CAN 2008-02-24 03:15 232 GT 1032 2758 Grand Turk, TCA 2008-02-24 08:43 209 GDW 1010 1689 Gladwin, MI, USA 2008-02-24 08:45 212 TS 405 1431 Timmins, ON, CAN 2008-02-24 08:46 214 K8 390 1185 Nemiscau, QC, CAN 2008-02-24 08:47 216 YFA 406 1552 Fort Albany, ON, CAN 2008-02-24 08:48 223 YYW 410 1998 Armstrong, ON, CAN 2008-02-24 08:51 234 7H 400 633 Marystown, NL, CAN 2008-02-24 08:55 236 ZRJ 400 2199 Y Round Lake, ON, CAN 2008-02-24 08:56 200 YAQ 387 2040 Kasabonika, ON, CAN 2008-02-24 08:58 200 UAB 400 4462 Y Anahim Lake, BC, CAN 2008-02-24 08:59 201 YIF 393 729 St. Augustin, QC, CAN 2008-02-24 09:02 216 LRG 1047 422 Lincoln, ME, USA 2008-02-24 09:27 205 XZ 407 1669 Wawa, ON, CAN 2008-02-24 09:46 201 GL 411 1393 La Grande Riviere, QC, CAN 2008-02-24 23:18 205 ORE 1041 788 Orange, MA, USA 2008-02-24 23:24 220 TUI 1030 5624 Tucurui, BRA (Vernon Matheson, Canada - ndblist 25/02/2008) 230 10/02 2310 - SATC 559 260 10/02 2323 - MAT 559 285 10/02 2325 - TLB 539 285 10/02 2326 - DOU 539 315 10/02 2330 - D 519 313 10/02 2333 - URP 529 341 10/02 2335 - PTP(?) 519 355 10/02 2342 - PAI 559 360 10/02 2343 - BRT 569 380 10/02 2345 - BKO(?) 539 380 10/02 2346 - BRU 569 395 10/02 2347 - PNC 519 428 10/02 2350 - TBE 539 515 10/02 2356 - CPN 599 520 10/02 2357 - BHZ 579 525 10/02 2358 - EMB 549 (PY2OC - ut-br 25/02/2008) 22 19:29 306.5 AV 0 316 Avord, FRA 22 19:36 320.5 SWN 400 400 159 SWANSEA, ENG 23 07:42 332.5 CAM 400 400 102 CAMBRIDGE, ENG 23 12:56 342.5 NWI 400 400 152 Norwich, ENG 23 13:06 348.5 LG 1020 1020 266 LiOge - Bierset, BEL 23 13:09 350.5 ROT 410 390 235 ROTTERDAM, HOL 23 13:10 352.5 DD 1020 1020 152 OOSTENDE, BEL 23 13:12 353.5 EME 400 400 141 East Midlands, ENG 23 13:17 356.5 SM 400 400 194 ST MAWGAN, ENG 23 13:19 360.5 MAK 1020 1020 179 Mackel, BEL 23 13:25 363.5 CT 400 400 115 Coventry, ENG 23 14:18 367.5 OX 400 400 76 Oxford-Kidlington, ENG 23 14:25 371.5 NH 400 400 154 Norwich, ENG 23 15:08 388.5 CDF 400 400 125 CARDIFF, WLS 23 15:25 391.5 EAS 400 400 34 SOUTHAMPTON, ENG 23 15:39 396.5 PY 400 400 156 Plymouth, ENG 23 15:42 399.5 ONO 1020 1020 159 Oostende, BEL 23 16:29 433.5 HEN 400 400 65 Henton, ENG 23 16:47 402.5 LBA 400 400 215 Leeds / Bradford, ENG 23 20:13 286.5 TA 0 186 VILLACOUBLAY, FRA 23 20:26 331.5 TLF 0 506 Toulouse, FRA 23 20:27 359.5 CDN 0 210 Chateaudun, FRA 23 20:39 390.5 ITR 0 567 Istres, FRA 23 20:44 383.5 GUL 400 400 284 GULL, HOL 23 20:49 388.5 CH 400 242 AMSTERDAM, HOL 23 20:51 404.5 RR ? 246 ROTTERDAM LOCATOR, HOL 23 20:54 362.5 SND 400 400 77 SOUTHEND, ENG 23 21:00 349.5 LPL 400 400 196 LIVERPOOL, ENG 23 21:05 347.5 TD 400 400 260 Teeside, ENG 23 21:07 368.5 WHI 400 400 185 WHITEGATE, ENG 23 21:08 378.5 NN 400 400 102 Northampton/Sywell, ENG 23 21:15 356.5 OU 0 0 1340 Y Ouargla, ALG 23 21:25 367.5 PNZ 1020 1025 943 PONZA, ITA 23 21:37 333.5 VOG ? 600 VOGHERA, ITA 23 21:41 363.5 BRD 1020 1025 1137 BRINDISI, ITA 23 21:45 376.5 ORI 1020 1020 599 ORIO AL SERIO, ITA 23 21:48 392.5 TOP 1020 1018 565 Y TORINO, ITA 23 21:50 400.5 COD 1020 1020 607 CODOGNO, ITA 23 21:55 368.5 ELU 1020 317 Luxembourg, LUX 23 22:55 276.5 BW ? 424 BREMEN, DEU 23 23:02 349.5 SZA 0 776 SOLENZARA, COR 23 23:03 401.5 BET 1035 1035 358 RHEINE BENTLAGE, DEU 23 23:04 406.5 BOT 1020 1020 334 Bottrop, DEU 24 19:12 370.5 AP 400 192 Aberporth, WLS 24 19:35 366.5 CAR 400 400 282 Carnane, IOM 25 00:28 220 BX 400 2393 Y Blanc Sablon (Lourdes de Blan, QC, CAN 25 02:14 345.5 CF 1045 1080 709 CASLAV, CZE 25 02:23 357.5 FAL 1020 1020 821 FALCONARA, ITA (Mike, U.K. - ndblist 25/02/2008) 20080223 0410 198 DIW 1046 1032 Dixon, NC 20080223 0415 199 GAO --- 1038 Galliano, LA 20080223 0407 200 YAQ --- 391 Kasabonika, ON 20080223 0408 200 UAB --- 405 Anahim Lake, BC 20080223 0411 200 HXF 1024 1026 Hartford, WI 20080223 0412 201 MNE 1029 1031 Minden, LA 20080223 0416 201 ZXU --- 383 London, ON 20080223 0418 201 YVZ --- 392 Deer Lake, ON 20080223 0419 201 YKX --- 412 Kirkland Lake, ON 20080223 0422 201 GV --- 1021 Greenville, TX 20080223 0827 201 RI --- 405 Riviere-du-Loup, QC 20080223 0828 201 GL --- 414 La Grande Riviere, QC 20080223 0426 203 KL --- 409 Schefferville, QC 20080223 0431 203 PVB --- 1017 Platteville, WI 20080223 0830 203 MWM 1044 1047 Windom, MN 20080223 0424 204 TWL 1028 --- Monroe/Wesley, NC 20080223 0438 204 ZQR --- 395 Regina, SK 20080223 0428 205 CQA 1025 1020 Celina, OH 20080223 0428 205 LNH 1020 --- Millen, GA 20080223 0446 205 XZ --- 407 Wawa, ON 20080223 0837 205 GM 1041 --- Wilmington, NC 20080223 0439 206 GLS 1035 1035 Galveston, TX 20080223 0441 206 AP 1020 1020 Alpena, MI 20080223 0442 206 RA 1020 --- Racine, WI 20080223 0448 206 VNC 381 373 Venice, FL 20080223 0451 206 XBE --- 384 Bearskin Lake, ON 20080223 0452 206 QI --- 411 Yarmouth, NS 20080223 0456 206 TEL --- 1020 Tell City, IN 20080223 0500 207 FD --- 392 Brantford, ON 20080223 0503 207 YNE --- 402 Norway House, MB 20080223 0844 207 CL --- 408 Charlo/Dundee, NB 20080223 0512 208 YSK --- 407 Sanikiluaq, NU 20080224 1154 208 CHQ 1021 --- Charleston, MO 20080223 0506 209 HCD 1039 --- Hutchinson, MN 20080223 0516 209 GDW --- 1012 Gladwin, MI 20080223 0845 209 EY 1038 --- Indianapolis, IN 20080223 0848 209 HOE 1016 --- Homerville, GA 20080223 0850 209 IB --- 408 Atikokan, ON 20080223 0518 212 JX 1028 1036 Jackson, MI 20080223 0518 212 VP 1028 1028 Valparaiso, IN 20080223 0528 212 TS --- 400 Timmins, ON 20080223 0529 212 YGX --- 414 Gillam, MB 20080224 0509 212 CFV --- 1021 Coffeyville, KS 20080224 0513 212 BY --- 394 Beechy, SK 20080223 0535 213 YRC --- 392 Chicoutimi/St-Honore, QC 20080223 0541 214 K8 --- 394 Nemiscau, QC 20080223 0543 214 YIO --- 413 Pond Inlet, NU 20080223 0538 215 YTR 1037 --- CFB Trenton, ON 20080223 0539 215 DLZ 1031 1035 Delaware, OH 20080223 0550 215 ZWW --- 390 Winnipeg, MB 20080223 0544 216 CLB 1036 1040 Carolina Beach, NC 20080223 0554 216 YFA --- 406 Fort Albany, ON 20080223 0556 216 ME --- 415 Matane, QC 20080223 0605 218 RL --- 415 Red Lake, ON 20080223 0607 218 DRM --- 1018 Drummond Island, MI 20080223 0601 219 AY 1035 1030 Waycross, GA 20080223 0602 219 MK 1020 1020 Muskegon 20080223 0602 219 TO 1019 1021 Toledo, OH 20080223 0603 219 EV 1030 --- Evansville, IN 20080223 0614 219 YMG --- 405 Manitouwadge, ON 20080223 0621 220 BX --- 409 Blanc Sablon, QC 20080223 0627 220 DCM --- 1023 Chester, TN 20080223 0615 221 BO 1036 --- Bristol, TN 20080223 0628 221 HM --- 378 Hamilton, ON 20080223 0629 221 RP --- 402 Rice Lake, WI 20080223 0632 221 QU --- 407 Grande Prairie, AB 20080223 0637 221 BJT --- 1029 Athens, GA 20080223 0639 221 RQM --- 1039 Rangeley, ME 20080224 0558 221 HYE --- 1044 Hanchey/Fort Rucker, AL 20080224 0600 221 RBW --- 1017 Walterboro, SC 20080223 0635 223 DM 1019 --- Detroit, MI 20080223 0635 223 MW 1021 1025 Middletown, OH 20080223 0646 223 YYW --- 409 Armstrong, ON 20080223 0649 223 AZW 1040 1048 Mount Airy, NC 20080223 0643 224 BH 1042 1037 Birmingham, AL 20080223 0650 224 DN --- 386 Dauphin, MB 20080223 0651 224 MO --- 410 Moosonee, ON 20080223 0655 224 II --- 1038 Sturgeon Bay, WI 20080225 0249 224 GVA --- 1014 Geneva/Henderson, KY 20080223 0707 226 OYI --- 1021 Orangeburg, SC 20080223 0658 227 GW 1037 1034 Auburn, IN 20080223 0659 227 SQ 1039 1037 Connersville, IN 20080223 0701 227 CPC 1024 1022 Whiteville, NC 20080223 0704 227 FZ 1015 --- Chesterfield, MO 20080223 0709 227 YAC --- 388 Cat Lake, ON 20080223 0713 227 TNZ --- 1041 Walnut Ridge, AR 20080224 0548 227 CG --- 401 Castlegar, BC 20080223 0715 230 AQE 1038 1037 Greenville, NC 20080223 0718 230 BNZ 1037 --- Abbeville, LA 20080223 0721 230 AT 1020 --- Appleton, WI 20080224 0421 230 VQ 1020 --- Detroit, MI 20080223 0722 230 HSB 1018 --- Harrisburg, IL 20080223 0730 230 ZUC --- 353 Ignace, ON 20080223 0731 230 YBM --- 376 St-Bruno-de-Guigues, QC 20080223 0732 230 AC --- 393 Yarmouth/Pleasant Lake, NS 20080223 0734 230 QB --- 408 Quebec, QC 20080223 0739 230 HPT --- 1024 Hampton, IA 20080224 0407 230 BU 1032 1023 Columbus, OH 20080224 1210 230 VG --- 410 Vermillion, AB (NEW) 20080223 0735 232 GT 1038 --- Grand Turk, TCA 20080223 0736 232 CO 1023 --- Indianapolis, IN 20080224 0537 232 GP --- 407 Gaspe, QC 20080223 0745 233 QN --- 409 Nakina, ON 20080223 0746 233 HEM --- 1009 Sparta, TN 20080223 0748 233 OEO --- 1024 Osceola, WI 20080223 0753 235 9H --- 389 La Grande Trois, QC 20080223 0754 235 CN --- 414 Cochrane, ON 20080223 0751 236 GY 1027 1013 Gary, IN 20080223 0756 236 ZRJ --- 393 Round Lake, ON 20080223 0757 236 OW --- 409 Ottawa, ON 20080223 0800 236 DEH --- 1025 Decorah, IA 20080223 0801 236 4L --- 1016 Chatham, ON 20080224 0530 236 FOR 1034 --- Forsyth, MT 20080223 0807 237 EZF --- 1026 Fredericksburg, VA 20080223 0803 239 HKF 1018 1024 Middletown, OH 20080223 0805 239 TN 1042 --- Menominee, MI 20080223 0808 239 CFX 1037 1037 Cadiz, OH 20080223 0811 239 FE --- 414 Forestville, QC 20080224 0344 239 VO --- 410 Val d'Or, QC 20080224 0346 239 BPW --- 1022 Osceola, AR 20080225 0456 381.5 SJX --- 1028 Beaver Island, MI 20080223 0820 414.5 RPB 1005 --- Belleville, KS (Andy Robins, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA - ndblist 25/02/2008) 2008 02 22 2223 267.5 OPW Bucuresti-Otopeni ROU 1060 2008 02 22 2325 276.5 BW Bremen DEU 519 2008 02 22 1957 300.5 LW Koln/Bonn DEU 515 2008 02 22 1958 301.5 CMP Campagnano ITA 893 2008 02 22 1959 301.5 TRE Treviso ITA 520 2008 02 22 1723 309.5 EYa Mys Yevpatoriyskiy UKR 1508 2008 02 22 1722 309.5 SW Mys Khersones UKR 1547 2008 02 22 1727 309.5 TR Mys Tarkhankutskiy UKR 1445 2008 02 22 2305 331.5 TLF Toulouse-Francazal FRA 1229 2008 02 22 2311 332.5 CAM Cambridge ENG 1020 Y 2008 02 22 2016 333.5 VOG Voghera ITA 695 2008 02 22 2020 341.5 R Rzeszow/Jasionka POL 544 2008 02 22 1252 345.5 CF Easlav CZE 74 2008 02 22 2023 348.5 LG Liege-Biersat BEL 638 2008 02 22 2028 349.5 SZA Solenzara COR 979 2008 02 22 2025 350.5 FU Hamburg-West DEU 502 2008 02 22 2031 351.5 PLA Pula HRV 574 2008 02 22 2032 352.5 DD Oestende BEL 826 2008 02 22 2034 355.5 PAL Palermo SCY 1337 Y 2008 02 22 2036 356.5 OU Ourgla ALG 2143 2008 02 22 2039 356.5 SHU Shupberg SUI 616 2008 02 22 2040 357.5 FAL Falconara ITA 723 2008 02 22 2041 357.5 KG Sarajevo-Butmir BIH 740 2008 02 22 2044 359.5 CDN Chateaudun FRA 974 2008 02 22 2047 360.5 MAK Mackel BEL 778 2008 02 22 2050 363.5 BRD Brindisi ITA 1085 2008 02 22 2053 363.5 LXI Luxevil FRA 636 2008 02 22 2100 367.5 PNZ Ponza ITA 1019 2008 02 22 2102 368.5 ELU Luxembourg/Berg LUX 579 2008 02 22 2106 370.5 LB Angelholm SWE 710 2008 02 22 2115 371.5 U Helsinky-Vantaa FIN 1318 Y 2008 02 22 2115 372.5 KTN Kariatain SYR 2554 2008 02 22 2121 376.5 ORI Bergamo ITA 594 2008 02 22 2132 383.5 ARF Arifiye/Topel TUR 1593 2008 02 22 2134 383.5 GUL Gulpen HOL 609 2008 02 22 2141 386.5 SLV Spa/La Sauveniere BEL 605 2008 02 22 2143 388.5 CDF Cardiff WLS 1255 2008 02 22 2146 390.5 ITR Istres Le Tube FRA 1019 2008 02 22 2157 392.5 TOP Torino-Caselle ITA 751 2008 02 22 2200 399.5 ONO Oestende BEL 814 2008 02 22 2201 400.5 COD Codogno ITA 645 2008 02 22 2203 400.5 EJ Esbjerg DNK 723 2008 02 22 2205 401.5 BET Rheine-Bentlage DEU 550 2008 02 22 2210 404.5 RR Rotterdam HOL 708 2008 02 22 2214 406.5 BOT Bottrop DEU 546 2008 02 22 1300 413.5 DLS Berlin-Tempelhof DEU 296 2008 02 22 1304 514.5 LA Nami?» CZE 161 (Franti?ek Muller, Praha, Czech Republic - ndblist 25/02/2008) 24 20:20 222 WJ 877 Moscow Bykovo, RUS 24 18:06 230 WZ 866 KAMENKA, RUS 24 18:02 267.5 OPW 1813 OTOPENI, ROU 22 20:26 276.5 BW 1394 BREMEN, DEU 23 20:16 284.5 LVK 884 LEIRVIKA, NOR 23 20:12 299.5 KN 995 Skrova, NOR 22 17:56 308.5 HLN 1135 Honningsvag/Helnes, NOR 24 16:29 309.5 TR 1764 CAPE TARCHANKUT, UKR 24 15:02 309.5 EYA 1800 Mys Yevpatoriyskiy, UKR 23 20:21 333.5 VOG 2119 Y VOGHERA, ITA 22 16:19 341.5 R 1232 Rzeszow/Jasionka, POL 23 20:32 345.5 CF 1409 CASLAV, CZE 23 17:13 350.5 FU 1295 HAMBURG WEST, DEU 23 18:54 352.5 DD 1820 OOSTENDE, BEL 23 18:42 355.5 PAL 2710 Y PALERMO, SCY 23 18:41 356.5 OU 3572 Ouargla, ALG 23 23:30 357.5 FAL 2113 FALCONARA, ITA 23 18:42 360.5 MAK 1806 Mackel, BEL 23 18:48 367.5 PNZ 2410 PONZA, ITA 23 18:46 368.5 ELU 1781 Luxembourg, LUX 22 20:16 370.5 LB 952 Angelholm, SWE 22 15:28 371.5 U 120 HELSINKI-VANTAA 'Uniform', FIN 23 18:55 372.5 KTN 3053 KARIATAIN, SYR 24 01:20 383.5 GUL 1705 Y GULL, HOL 23 18:52 383.5 ARF 2249 TOPEL, TUR 24 06:43 392.5 TOP 2163 TORINO, ITA 23 20:46 400.5 COD 2072 Y CODOGNO, ITA 22 20:22 406.5 BOT 1589 Bottrop, DEU 22 16:34 413.5 DLS 1225 Lubars, DEU 23 20:05 514.5 LA 1463 Namest Nad Oslavou, CZE (OH5YW - ndblist 25/02/2008) 2008-02-25 02:27 370.5 AP 404 Aberporth , WLS 2008-02-25 02:29 357.5 FAL 1283 Falconara Marittima (AN), ITA 2008-02-25 02:31 356.5 OU 1988 Ouargla, ALG 2008-02-25 02:05 406.5 BOT 664 Bottrop, DEU 2008-02-25 02:10 401.5 BET 717 Rheine / Bentlage, DEU 2008-02-25 02:30 400.5 COD 932 Codogno (LO), ITA 2008-02-25 02:34 368.5 ELU 570 Luxembourg-Berg, LUX 2008-02-25 02:35 367.5 PNZ 1447 Ponza (LT), ITA 2008-02-25 02:37 333.5 VOG 908 Voghera (PV), ITA 2008-02-25 02:40 388.5 CH 551 Y Amsterdam / Schiphol, HOL 2008-02-25 02:43 368.5 WHI 468 Whitegate for Hawarden, ENG 2008-02-25 02:44 349.5 LPL 487 Liverpool, ENG 2008-02-25 02:45 347.5 TD 614 Teeside, ENG 2008-02-25 06:00 433.5 HEN 306 Henton, ENG 2008-02-24 20:20 399.5 ONO 397 Oostende, BEL 2008-02-25 02:47 396.5 PY 247 Plymouth / City, ENG 2008-02-25 06:49 390.5 ITR 787 Istres / Le Tube, FRA 2008-02-25 02:50 391.5 EAS 210 Southampton / Eastleigh, ENG 2008-02-25 02:08 388.5 CDF 295 Cardiff, WLS 2008-02-25 02:55 367.5 OX 308 Oxford / Kidlington, ENG 2008-02-25 02:57 363.5 CT 372 Coventry, ENG 2008-02-25 06:21 360.5 MAK 411 Mackel for Brussels Ntl, BEL 2008-02-25 06:23 352.5 DD 389 Oostende, BEL 2008-02-25 06:25 348.5 LG 526 Liege / Bierset, BEL 2008-02-25 06:30 320.5 SWN 339 Swansea, WLS 2008-02-25 07:00 306.5 AV 406 Avord, FRA 2008-02-25 01:33 404.5 RR 551 Rotterdam Locator, HOL 2008-02-25 01:31 383.5 GUL 559 Gulpen, HOL 2008-02-24 19:54 350.5 ROT 529 Rotterdam, HOL 2008-02-22 20:30 359.5 CDN 235 Chateaudun, FRA 2008-02-22 20:29 331.5 TLF 638 Toulouse / Francazal, FRA 2008-02-22 20:21 371.5 NH 451 Norwich, ENG 2008-02-22 17:01 362.5 SND 319 Southend-On-Sea, ENG 2008-02-22 17:00 353.5 EME 419 East Midlands, ENG 2008-02-22 16:58 356.5 SM 296 St Mawgan, ENG 2008-02-22 15:47 286.5 TA 263 Villacoublay / Velizy, FRA (D. Kremp, France - ndblist 25/02/2008) |
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