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WorldDX 162 часть 1
WorldDX 162 08/04/2008 -- WorldDX выходит с декабря 2004 года. Редактор: Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия. Время везде UTC; Mосковское время = UTC +4 часа - летом, а зимой - +3 часа. Частоты указаны в кГц для ДВ, СВ, КВ и в МГц для ФМ и ТВ Редактор оставляет за собой право не включать в бюллетень информацию, не отвечающую его тематике. -- Архивы старых номеров бюллетеня можно найти: http://worlddx.narod.ru/, http://worlddx.by.ru/ http://subscribe.ru/catalog/radio.worlddx/, http://groups.yahoo.com/group/worlddx/ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/fmdx_Russia/ -- Выходит: не регулярно. Адрес для писем: worlddx@yandex.ru -- Короткие Волны Албания R. Tirana, 13640 to NAm, Tue Feb 19 at 1539 with reports about independence of Kosovo, US recognition thereof, etc. Good S9+20 signal reaching SINPO 45444 but somewhat overmodulated and distorted; better than being undermodulated. 1549 music break, 1552 mailbag reading several reception reports with their SINPOs; 1558 theme, open carrier, 1558:30 bit of IS, open carrier again until off at 1559* (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 20/02/2008) 13640 Radio Tirana; *1530-1544+, 20-Feb; OC up @1525, IS tune on @1527 alternating in various instruments; 1530 start EE pgm. W gave EE sked as: 1945-2000 on 6135 & 7440; 2100-2130 on 7430; 1530-1600 on 13640; 2100-2130 on 9915; 0115-0145 on 6110; 0245-0300 on 7425; 0330- 0400 on 6110; 0430-0500 on 7425. M with news to 1540 then Albanian Daily Press Review--needless to say, much on Kosovo. SIO=3+44-, QRM sounds like random tones. Tnx Glenn Hauser. (H. Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 21/02/2008) Аляска The second transmitter seems to be operating again: heard on 7355 kHz at 1000. But seemingly the frequency change for the Chinese transmissions from 7355 to 6915 kHz hasn't taken place. (Mauno Ritola, Finland - CumbreDX 19/02/2008) Ангола 4950 Radio Nacional de Angola, Mulenvos, 2308-2312, February 09, Portuguese, talk by male, report, 24242 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina = dxldyg 17/02/2008) Бангладеш 7250, Bangladesh Betar, 1230-1259, Feb 17, sign on with IS. Opening English ID announcements at 1230. Short bit of local music & into English news. 10 seconds of local music at 1237 and more news. Local music at 1243-1259. Abrupt sign off. Back at *1313 with IS & into listed Nepali programming at 1315. Surprisingly strong signal but hum & low, muffled audio made reception difficult & hard to understand. Occasional HAM QRM also. (B. Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 17/02/2008) 4750 Bangladesh Betar (via DX Tuner Hong Kong) 1110 with a good signal and talk by woman. This was perhaps a lesson of some sort. ID by man at 1130. Co-channel China which was well underneath this. A third station, perhaps also from China, was audible starting at 1120 or so. (Hans Johnson, Naples, FL, USA - CumbreDX 19/02/2008) Боливия 4716.7 R. Yura (tent.) 1047-1056 13 Feb. Weak but clear with tele-chat in Spanish, passing reference to some event "en Yura", and then possibly into Quechua. (Dan Sheedy, Canada - dxldyg 17/02/2008) 5952.46 R. Pio XX 0210-0230* Feb 26. Presumed with SP(?) talk to 0223, then a bit of mx. Apparent closedown anmt at 0228; thought I heard the River Kwai signature mx but could not be sure due to severe splash from WYFR-5950 (J. M. Wilkins, Co, USA - CumbreDX 17/02/2008) 4699.3, R. San Miguel, 1007-1033, Feb 19, Spanish. EZL music at t/in, OM at 1012 w/ appeared to be listener phone calls. YL w/ echo effects at 1030 and fanfare bit (ID?), presumed ads thru t/out. Fair/poor. (Scott Barbour Jr, NH, USA - hard-core-dx 21/02/2008) Бразилия 11735, Radio Transmundial, Santa Maria, 1110-1118, 16-02, comentarios religiosos en portugues, locutor, identificacion: "Radio Transmundial". 34333. (Mendez) 11780, Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, 1105-1110, 16-02, comentarios en portugues, locutor. 34333. (Mendez) 11815, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 1058-1103, 16-02, locutor, comentarios y noticias de Brasil, identificacion: "Brasil Central". 34333. (Mendez) 11830, Radio Anhanguera, Goiania, 1103-1105, 16-02, locutor, portugues, comentarios. 24322. (Mendez) (M. Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 17/02/2008) Буркина Фасо 5030, R Burkina, 2302, 2/15/08, French. Two men in a lively conversation in-studio. R Rebelde was initially missing on 5025, allowing nice QRM-free reception, but came back a few moments later at 2307. Fair/good otherwise. (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 17/02/2008) 5030 Radio Bourkina, Ouagadogou, 2315+, February 09, French, local songs, short annmt., 23332 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina = dxldyg 17/02/2008) Вьетнам 12019.6 VOV 1140-1155 13 Feb. End of the news into "VoV Letterbox":interview with Gary Newman, visiting from the UK, e-mails read from Gavin and Michael in Australia, info on Vietnamese Spring Festivals, more letters from Bangladesh, Philippines. Closed program with VoV ID and URLs for comments/information.(Dan Sheedy, Canada - dxldyg 17/02/2008) 7280KHz Vietnam Voice of Vietnam Hanoi-Sontay 02/17 RR 2015 male talks, female anmts on flute music, 2024 maybe local pop music, 2028 female anmts, s/off. 23322 (Lucio O.B., Brasil - dxldyg 20/02/2008) Гватемала 4780, R. Cultural Coatan, *1030-1047, Feb 18, Spanish. S/on w/ choral music, ID annmt at 1034, brief OM at 1035 followed by ballads and up-beat music. More OM at 1042, back to ballads by t/out. Poor/fair. (Scott Barbour Jr, NH, USA - hard-core-dx 21/02/2008) 4799.79, Radio Buenas Nuevas, 0407-0432*, Feb 22, religious programming in local language. Spanish ballads. Spanish talk. Closing Spanish ID announcements at 0429 & 0431. Weak but readable. Weak CODAR QRM. No het from 4800. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 22/02/2008) Гондурас 3340, HRMI (presumed), 0916-0936, Feb 20, non-stop preaching by OM in English, with YL giving translation in Spanish, weak (Ron Howard, Monterey, Canada - dxldyg 20/02/2008) Египет R. Cairo, 9465 to NAm, at 2320 Feb 16, last part of news by YL. It was fairly intelligible, but modulation not up to par; went into feature program at 2325, which was much less intelligible, so moved on (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 18/02/2008) 9250, R. Wadi el Nile, 2135-2203, Feb 19, Arabic. OM and YL w/ talks b/w contemporary and traditional AR music. Instrumental filler loop from 2157-2202 followed by "..al Kahira.." and "..Kahira wen Khartum.."ID. Fair. (S. Barbour Jr, NH, USA - hard-core-dx 21/02/2008) Замбия 4965, CVC, 0026, 2/16/08, English. Contemporary gospel music, chorus ID jingle as "Radio Christian Voice" between songs. Good aside from CODAR. (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 17/02/2008) 5915, ZNBC, 0243, 2/16/08, English/vernacular. Looped interval signal to 0250 signon, opening messages, followed by lots of Afropop music and occasional announcer commentary/talk. Otherwise decent signal pestered by strong QRM from WBOH on 5920. Abruptly off at one point in mid-song, then reappeared a few minutes later. Fair/good when in the clear. (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 17/02/2008) 13590 CVC; 2058-2105+*, 18-Feb; Pop tune to ID @2059 into Arabic pop tune; 2101 CVC Network News in EE. Off abruptly in mid-news 2105:13, back briefly & gone again--no OC. SIO=454. Presume from Zambia. (H. Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 19/02/2008) 5915, ZNBC/Radio One, 0308-0342, Feb 22, in vernacular, African high-life music/singing, local time check (5:18), numerous IDs ("Radio One, Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation"), mostly fair or better. Enjoyable listening! (Ron Howard, Monterey, Canada - dxldyg 22/02/2008) Зимбабве 3396, ZBC, 0014, 2/16/08. Afropop, with occasional talk from a male announcer between songs. 4828 also noted w/better signal, but not // (just nonstop music). Mostly poor. (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA = dxldyg 17/02/2008) 3396, R. Zimbabwe, 0252-0306, Feb 21, in vernacular, African high-life music/singing, 0300:00 the usual format for their four minute English ID (drums for about a minute, "This is the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation, Radio Zimbabwe shortwave", drums again, repeat of ID, list of cities and frequencies, back into vernacular, fair-poor. On 4828, from 0307-0317 heard soul/gospel singing in vernacular, fair, not parallel to 3396 (Ron Howard, Monterey, Canada - dxldyg 21/02/2008) Израиль 20080216, 2220 utc, 7545 kHz, Israel, Voice of Israel, music, comment. (Ivan Lebedevsky, Pushkin, Russia) 6973.0 Galei Zahal (p); 2116-2121+, 19-Feb; M in HB w/pop tunes, phone calls & speech excerpts. SIO=2+32+ Seems to be more consistently on 6973.0 lately; has been noted between 6970-75. (Frodge-MI) 7545 Kol Israel; 2140-2146+, 19-Feb; EZL EE pop tune; M in HB w/ID @2143 into ad string in HB, including Golden Piano (recorded music); News in HB @2145+. SIO=554 (Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 21/02/2008) Индонезия 9680 RRI-Jakarta 1007-1028 13 Feb. KGRE mixing with (& eventually dominating) WYFR, hosts (unID guy and Maggie) presenting information on the CAC program, 2-week old report from Kupang by Augie of "KGRE-Indonesia", a couple of Aussie pop songs sprinkled through the program, closing at 1020, then partial RRI ID and IN pop music.(Dan Sheedy, Canada - dxldyg 17/02/2008) 3995.03 RRI Kendari 1404-1435 Feb 17. Indo vocal mx with occasional canned anmts (ads? program notes?). Peaked at S9+10 dB around 1410. (J. M. Wilkins, Co, USA - CumbreDX 17/02/2008) Иран 7380, Feb 18 at 1432 Qur`an with long pauses, 1434 into M&W talk in S Asian language. Qur`an on the half-hour is a clew toward Iran, and indeed when uplooked later, it`s IRIB Kamalabad in Bengali (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 20/02/2008) 6067.744 IRAN Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Sirjan; 2330-2355 18 February, 2008. Arabic, mostly talk with some presumed Iranian filler music. Pretty good via USB and using the passband, in fact actually better audio on the R75 vs. the NRD-535. Thanks Wolfgang Buschel, Germany, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Feb. 16 harmonics yg, via DXLD 8-021 (who then measured to 6067.45). (Terry Krueger, Clearwater, FL, USA - dxldyg 20/02/2008) 9897.5v, VOIRI, 0253-0305, Feb 22, strong but very unstable transmitter with Koran. Nominal 9895. Must be same unstable transmitter that is heard on 6066v. Stable at 0400 check on 9897.47. // 6065-stable. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 22/02/2008) Казахстан 7560, WYFR-Almaty, 1208-1225, Feb 19, listed Vietnamese. OM and YL w/ talk and musical bits. Poor. //7175-Irkutsk (S. Barbour Jr, NH, USA - hard-core-dx 21/02/2008) Канада Rod Hembree via WBCQ 9330, as I tuned by, UT Feb 17, 2008 at 0003 with weather warning for southern Ontario, dated Sunday June 3 around 8:30 pm --- very, very useful, now. Checking the perpetual calendar, Sunday June 3 could have been as recently as 2007! (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 18/02/2008) Китай 4820, Xizang PBS, 2355, 2/14/08, Mandarin. A string of promos/commercials, including one that sounded like it was voiced by a child, then ID amid dramatic theme at 0000 and into a presumed newscast with M/F presenters and correspondent reports. Poor at tune-in, building to fair under CODAR and a bit of adjacent-channel SSB. (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 17/02/2008) 7195 XPBS, Urumqi 0132-1046 16 Feb. Caught tail-end of ID "khalk radio stanshi..", mostly yak in Uighur (listed), with occ. instrumental background music, 1 more ID at 0137, //6120, 4980. (Dan Sheedy, Canada - dxldyg 17/02/2008) 7375, CNR-2/China Business Radio, 1215-1230, Feb 17, local pop music. Chinese talk. Quick English ID at 1223. Fair signal. Weaker on // 6065, 6155, 7130, 7245, 7315, 9810, 9820. (B. Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 17/02/2008) 9540, China Radio International, 1145-1157, Noted a female in Vietnamese Language comments until 1156 when a male joins her. Noted a partial ID which sounded like "China Radio..." At 1157 signal went off the air. However a minute later Firedrake type music pops up and plays until the hour. Signal of both were fair. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 22/02/2008) Колумбия Hadn`t heard much on 6010 lately, but Feb 16 at 0733, YL English ID as ``The Voice of Your Conscience``, then guitar music, dominating frequency, SAH maybe from XEOI under; but at 0741 HJDH to open carrier audiblizing weak music station under, presumably Radio Mil (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 18/02/2008) Корея 9940, CMI Voice of Wilderness-Tianan, *1300-1314, Feb 19, Korean. Music and brief anncr at s/on; talk and ballads from 1303. Ballad at 1308 w/ exotic, wailing vocals; sounded prayer-like at times. Lost the signal under increasing band noise at 1314. Poor. (S. Barbour Jr, NH, USA - hard-core-dx 21/02/2008) Коста Рика 5954, ELCOR transmitter test, checked Sat Feb 16 at 2315 with nondescript music amid heavy QRM; recheck at 2335, no carrier detectable (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 18/02/2008) 5954.11 COSTA RICA unidentified "ELCOR transmitter" station; 2304-2330 18 February, 2008. Finally logged here! Tune-in to nonstop soft Spanish female vocals (Sarah McLaughlin-like, only in Spanish), all seemingly non-Christian. Seriously squished from 5955, but decent copy on the JRC NRD-535 with passband and notch deployed, whereas it was barely audible in the slop on the ICOM R75. Still there at 2330, but virtually impossible to copy by then. (Terry Krueger, Clearwater, FL, USA - dxldyg 20/02/2008) Мавритания 4845, ORTM (tentative), 0733-0836, Feb 22, programming in what sounded like Arabic, fair to poor. Had hoped to catch the change over to 7245, but gave up (Ron Howard, Monterey, Canada - dxldyg 22/02/2008) Мадагаскар 5010, Radio Madagasikara, 2140-0200+, Feb 16-17, variety of Afro-pop, local pop music. Many different styles of music. Malagasy talk. Possible religious program at 2303. Suppressed carrier USB. Weak at tune-in but improved to a good level by 2200. On all night again. (B. Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 17/02/2008) ORTM must be back, after missing a few weeks: 4845, Feb 18 at 0633, Arabic talk and characteristic string music; QRM from ute pulsing 40 times a minute, but no CODAR on this frequency. At this hour was somewhat stronger than Chad 4905 in French. Also Feb 19 at 0719 check, French talk still audible on 4845 (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 20/02/2008) 5010, RTV Malagasy, 0202-0220, Feb 22, tune-in to choral National Anthem. Malagasy talk at 0204. Instrumental music. Local music. Good. Reduced carrier USB. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 22/02/2008) Малайзия 11884.8 VOM 0956-1003, 1028-1040, 1225-1232 13 Feb. Chimes IS, multi-language IDs, "This is the Voice of Malaysia, Suara Malaysia", 1+1 pips and national anthem at TOH, then Bahasa Malaysia or Indonesian lang. programming, recheck at 1028 brought multi- language IDs, 1 pip and "warta berita" with world news items (Australia, Pakistan, USA), orchestral bridge and more IDs at 1037 into EG pops, final check at 1225 had NA, IDs, 1 pip and "warta berita" beginning until abruptly off at 1232..signal vy gd to excellent, but audio somewhat distorted..WRTH has CH scheduled here 1000-1230, and Indonesian 1000-1400 on 6175/9750 (neither audible here), new schedule or just a temporary change? (Dan Sheedy, Canada - dxldyg 17/02/2008) 6049.64 Asyik FM via Kajang 1405-1440+ Feb 14. Presumed with Quran to 1411, then low-key talk to 1429; two vocal selections were followed by more low-key talk in lang. Good for a while but fading after 1430. (J. M. Wilkins, Co, USA - CumbreDX 17/02/2008) 6049.64, Suara Islam/Voice of Islam via RTM, 1531-1549, Feb 18, in vernacular, promo for "USM" ("Universiti Sains Malaysia"), with numerous mentions of "USM", "Universiti", "Technology", "Science", etc., promo started and ended with nice singing "Malaysia" jingle, followed by talk about Islam. Well above the usual reception (Ron Howard, Monterey, Canada - dxldyg 19/02/2008) 7295, Traxx FM via RTM, 1550-1615, Feb 18, in English, DJ with program "R&B Selecta" playing R&B songs, public service announcement about teens being addicted to smoking, especially in developing countries and Traxx support for the current anti-smoking campaign, ToH two pips, "Here is the midnight news update from the RTM News Center, Kuala Lumpur", with local, world and sports news, back to R&B songs (Ryan Leslie singing "Diamond Girl", etc.), fair. In the past Traxx FM had a good website (< http://www.traxxfm.net/ >) but recently most of the links within the site did not work. Now it is down and "Under Construction", so I hope it will again become an interesting site (Ron Howard, Monterey, Canada - dxldyg 19/02/2008) 7270, Wai FM via RTM, Kuching, 1021-1109, Feb 21, YL DJ in vernacular, playing pop songs, their usual singing "Wai FM" jingle, no news at ToH, decent signal against PBS Nei Menggu, not too hard to differentiate the two stations, fairly rare for me to hear Wai FM at this level, clearly parallel with live streaming at < http://www.radiokitai.com/portal/ >. (Ron Howard, Monterey, Canada - dxldyg 21/02/2008) Мали 9635 RTM-Bamako (presumed) 0804-0910 t/out 13 Feb. Long discussion in French/Vernacular with several references to Bamako, kalimba bridge at 0814, brief "Radio Bamako" (more a passing reference than an ID) at 0828, more yak and a couple of very enjoyable local music selections with kalimba/drums/horns/vocals, past 0856 mostly Vernacular yak with gongs/guitar/droning vocals to t/out..signal fair to very good..(Dan Sheedy, Canada - dxldyg 17/02/2008) 5995 RTV Malienne; 2214-2232+, 18-Feb; M in LL w/plucked instr. accompaniment--like Kabuki w/o the screeching; jazzier music @2223; RTVM ID @2230+ & into FF news. SIO=443 (H. Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 19/02/2008) 5995, RTVM, Bamako, *0556-0620, Feb 22, sign on with guitar IS. National Anthem at 0559 followed by opening French ID announcements. Mentions of Bamako. Koran at 0602. Vernacular talk. Fair but some adjacent channel splatter from Cuba 6000. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 22/02/2008) Молдавия 22 февраля, 17:40 UTC, 7540 кГц. 35343 По расписанию должен быть "Голос Месопотамии" на курдском через Григориополь, но в эфире, как я понял, внутреннее вещание "Радио ПМР" на русском (информация о подготовке к выборам в РФ). Сильные шумы, но слушать можно. (Александр Дядищев, г. Днепрорудный, Украина - open_dx 22/02/2008) Мьянма MYANMAR - 5040.59 R. Myanmar(p) 1347-1402 Feb 14. Mostly talk in lang with an occasional song thrown in. Poor u/local noise. (J. M. Wilkins, Co, USA - CumbreDX 17/02/2008) MYANMAR - 5985.83 R. Myanmar(p) 1325-1346 Feb 14. Burmese vocal mx to 1329; then YL with brief anmt followed by the familiar IS of Burmese instrumental mx and chimes; OM & YL alternating with apparent news at 1330; back to mx at 1343. Fair and building but ruined by *1400 Shiokaze on 5985. (J. M. Wilkins, Co, USA - CumbreDX 17/02/2008) 5770, Myanmar Defense Forces BC (presumed) via Taunggyi, 1525-1529*, Feb 18, in vernacular, pop Asian song, brief sign-off announcement, indigenous instrumental music played for about 5 seconds at sign-off, weak (Ron Howard, Monterey, Canada - dxldyg 19/02/2008) Нигерия Waiting in the car at a grocery parking lot, I tuned around on the portable DX-375 with its intermittent whip antenna connexion, and found only a few strong signals on 19m, including, going off the air just a few seconds after I tuned in, V. of Nigeria, 15120, 2058 UT Feb 18, sign-off in English with address, adequate modulation. Not the place for WBCQ to be in A-08 (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 20/02/2008) 7255 La Voix du Nigeria; 2126-2132+, 19-Feb; M in FF w/native vocal, cmtry & ID; brief EE ID @2130 & into cmtry pgm by W in FF. SIO=544 (Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 21/02/2008) Нидерланды 7380, Feb 16 at 2325 Indonesian talk over constant bed of music from the 20s or 30s; thought I briefly heard a hint of the RNW IS, but program continued past 2330, music having changed at 2332 to ``Winter wonderland``. This is via Madagascar, and I suppose the Indonesians must be longing for snowy Holland (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 18/02/2008) Оман 15245 OMAN. BBC (A'Seela), 1435-1445, 2/16/2008, Hindi. Man interviewing second man. Good signal with significant fading (SINPO 34323). Parallel 11955 (Singapore). (Jim Evans, TN, USA - CumbreDX 22/02/2008) 15140, Radio Sultanate of Oman, 1425-1442, Feb 22, tune-in to pop music. Chimes/gongs & ID at 1430 followed by English news at 1431-1439. Techno-pop music at 1439. Weak but readable. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - CumbreDX 22/02/2008) Папуа Новая Гвинея 3205, R West Sepik, 1235, 2/16/08, Vernacular. Island/reggae music with male and female announcers between tunes, song by a chorus, national anthem, then after a few moments of dead air at 1301 the tunes resumed (perhaps picking up a relay of the national network). Fair w/lightning QRN. (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA = dxldyg 17/02/2008) 3315, R Manus, 1313, 2/16/08, Vernacular. Typical island pop tunes with a male announcer between. Seemed to be // to 3205. Nice clear signal. Fair. (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA = dxldyg 17/02/2008) Перу Corrections and additions to this list are solicited! Las correcciones y las adiciones a esta lista se solicitan! As correcoes e as adicoes a esta lista sao dadas boas-vindas! Peru is best logged at this QTH from 0900 to 1130 and 2300 to 0300 3172.5v. Peru, Radio Municipal, Panao 3234.9 Peru, Radio Luz y Sonido, Huanuco 3329.53 Peru Ondas del Huallaga, Huanuco 3375.1 XXX Peru R San Antonio Papuade Callalli [Only the Brazil being heard here] 4484. Peru Radio Frecuencia VH, Celendin 4746.94 Peru Radio Huanta 2000 Huanta Ayacucho 4774.9 Peru Radio Tarma, Tarma 4790.1 Peru Radio Vision, Chiclayo 4824.49 Peru La Voz de la Selva, Iquitos 4826.45 Peru Radio Sicuani, Sicuani 4835.6 Peru Radio Maranon, Jaen 4857.39 Peru Radio La Hora, Cusco 4887 Peru Radio Virgen del Carmen, Huancavelica 4950 Peru Radio Madre de Dios, Puerto Maldonado 4955 Peru, Radio Cultural Amauta, Huanta 4974.82 Peru Radio del Pacifico, Lima 4990.67 Peru, Radio Manantial, Huancayo 5014.5 Peru, Radio Altura Cerro de Pasco, Irregular- heard 1100 and 0100 time periods 5039.21 Peru Radio Libertad Junin 1000 to 1130; not heard here at 2300 to 0200. 5120.4v Peru, Ondas del Suroriente, Quillabamba 5460.1 Peru, Radio Bolivar, Cd. Bolivar 5470.80 Peru Radio San Nicolas, San Nicolas,Rodriguez de Mendoza, Amaz 5486.7 Peru Radio Reyna de la Selva, Chachapoyas 1040-1055 (Robert Wilkner, FL, USA - CumbreDX 17/02/2008) 5039.3, presumed R. Libertad, 1055-1108, Feb 18, Spanish. Quecha-like music followed by presumed ad string at 1059, music resumes at 1105. No discernible ID noted. Poor/weak under band noise. (S. Barbour Jr, NH, USA - hard-core-dx 21/02/2008) Сан Томе 6080 Voice of America; 2109-2126+, 18-Feb; American Gold EE oldies pgm; ID @2126. SIO=333 w/roar QRM up freq. Nothing audible on 4930 or 4940. (H. Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 19/02/2008) Сербия Наконец-то принял Радио Сербии. На частотах 7240 и 6100 кГц их услышать просто нереально. В первом случае передатчик слабоват, и даже если на этой же частоте помех нет, будут мешать соседние. На 6100 поселился Китай. Остаётся вариант - программа для Америки на частоте 7115 кГц с 0.30 до 2.30 на сербском, английском, итальянском (зачем?) и снова на английском языке. Я принимал 20.02.08 примерно с 0.30 до 1.05 на 34443. Остаётся попробовать получить подтвердение... (Sergrey Vinokurov, Russia - open_dx 21/02/2008) Сингапур 6150, Mediacorp Radio, 1514-1602, 16-02, canciones en ingles, multiples identificaciones: "93.8 Live". A las 1530 "93.8 Live headline news". Noticias por locutora, noticias de Singapore y del mundo. Mas canciones. A las 1600 nueva identificacion: "You are listening to Mediacorp Radio, Singapore". Interferencia de Radio Austria en 6155 kHz. 32332. (M. Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 17/02/2008) 11955 SINGAPORE. BBC (Kranji), 1435-1445, 2/16/2008, Hindi. Man interviewing second man. Poor signal (SINPO 22222). Parallel 15245 (Oman) with better signal (Jim Evans, TN, USA - ndblist 22/02/2008) Словакия 9825, Miraya 101 FM, via IRRS, *1458-1505+, Feb 22, sign on with vernacular talk. Local African music at 1459. IDs & English news at 1500. Poor, difficult copy with co-channel QRM. Covered by apparent jammer at 1505. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - CumbreDX 22/02/2008) Таджикистан 4635 Tajik Radio, Dushambe (Yangi Yul),0027-0032, February 10, Vernacular, local music, short ann. by male in vernacular, 24232 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - dxldyg 17/02/2008) Танзания 11735, Radio Tanzania-Zanzibar, 1800-1820, Feb 16, English news at 1800-1809. "Spice FM" IDs. Swahili talk at 1809. Local music at 1814. Fair. (B. Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 17/02/2008) 11735, Radio Tanzania-Zanzibar, 1800-1809:30, Feb 20, drums, 5+1 pips, "9:00 East Africa Time", Spice FM news in English ("This news comes to you from Spice FM"), fair-poor (Ron Howard, Monterey, Canada - dxldyg 21/02/2008) Тунис 7275KHz Tunisia RTV.Tunisia Sfax 02/17 Arabic 0543-0600 male and female talks alternating arabic music, 0600 time pips, presumed news. 23432 (Lucio O.B, Brasil - radioescutas 17/02/2008) Узбекистан 7365 UZBEKISTAN. FEBA Radio (Tashkent), 1400-1405, 2/16/2008, Hindi. Theme, announcements by man, religious talk and music. Poor signal (SINPO 24222). (Jim Evans, TN, USA - CumbreDX 22/02/2008) Чад *CHAD. 4904.97, RNT, 2131-2132, Feb 16, Just caught end of transmission signing off with National Anthem. Good. (Alexander-PA) **CHAD. 4904.97, RNT, *0430-0445, Feb 17, sign on with National Anthem. French opening announcements. Local tribal music. Afro-pop music. Fair. (B. Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 17/02/2008) 4904.97, RNT, *0429-0435, Feb 22, Sign on with National Anthem. Talk. Strong carrier but very weak modulation. Barely audible. Much better signal at 0532 check. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 22/02/2008) Эквадор 11960, HCJB, La Voz de los Andes, 1145-1201, 16-02. Programa "Galapagos", que se emite todos los sabados a esta hora. "Galapagos, las ultimas islas encantadas, mavarilla viviente de la creacion de Dios a las que HCJB dedica este programa". Hoy comentario sobre proteccion ambiental de las islas y delitos ambientales en el Parque Nacional de Galapagos, contaminacion. "Laguna El Junco, en la Isla de San Cristobal", desaparicion de especies que viven en esa Isla. "En el proximo programa, nuevos e inquietantes problemas sobre este privilegiado lugar del planeta". A las 1200 fin del programa e identificacion: "Seis horas, esta es HCJB, La Voz de los Andes". 33333. (M. Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 17/02/2008) 12000 HCJB (p); 2200-2217+, 15-Feb; Rlgs news w/rousing music in to 2203 then rlgs pgm; all in SS. SIO=453+; not //9745 in PP, SIO= 453+ (H. Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 19/02/2008) Экв. Гвинея 6250KHz Guinea Ecuatorial RN Guinea Ecuatorial Malabo 02/17 SS 0604-0614 male "igualdade entre naciones y racas...el govierno de Sudan ai condenado... delegacion del GNE participa en Congo con la primera dama del 6? Conferencia de las Primeras Damas del Africa...integracion del GNE...evento del Cruz Roja, concierto musical religioso y torneo del futebol entre las paroquias Presbiterianas...colegas, feliz domingo!...".Very good 44444 (Lucio O.B, Brasil - radioescutas 17/02/2008) 6250, Radio Nacional-Malabo, *0536-0645 Feb 17, sign on with ballad & into Afro-pop music. Spanish talk. Euro-pop & rap music. Weak at tune-in but improved to a fair level by 0615. (B. Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 17/02/2008) -- СВ/ДВ Венесуэла 1200 18/02 0555- YVOZ R. Tiempo, Caracas (VEN) 2/3 Px musicale, ID in S alle 0601 (Saverio De Cian, Sedico - playdx2003 19/02/2008) Косово RTK (both radio programs and a satellite version of their TV program, which presumably means cleared of content they are not allowed to put on satellite) is supposed to be on Eutelsat W2 at 16 East, a satellite in use for many services from the Balkans. Some commercial stations from Pristina are listed here and on Intelsat 10-02 (1 West) as well. Somebody with a steerable dish would have to check this out further. 1413 kHz: Perhaps "under construction" is a paraphrase for "wish list entry"? But the actual question is: What happened to the 1000 kW / 1413 kHz facility which used to exist at or near Pristina and could be well heard also in Germany in the nineties if I recall correct? A discussion in the A-DX list suggests that the situation could well be such as given in WRTH 2008: 549 kHz on air at modest power, maybe 10 kW as listed there (at least definitely nothing close to 100 kW, as run in the past, also in Austria only DLF and Slovenia can be heard on this frequency). Anything else appears to be off, including 1377 from Prizren which came around 2000 to some fame due to a show Radio Andernach (the German forces broadcasting service) run on this station: http://www.ratzer.at/QSL_Andernach.php Technically it was indeed just a show on Radio Prizren (one of the many local stations which had been set up in the former Yugoslavia). The Radio Andernach staff went to their studio, had to deal with the local engineer there and the equipment of this studio, limited to only a single CD player and so on. This acc. a newspaper report from this time, including a photo of a Bundeswehr officer in the announcers room (a rather small one, with an MD 441 mic). Apparently not just the 10 kW transmitter on 1377 is off but Radio Prizren in its entirety no longer exists at all? At least WRTH does not mention it anymore. (Kai Ludwig, Germany - dxldyg 18/02/2008) --- In dxld@yahoogroups.com, Glenn Hauser > > KOSOVO. Are there any international broadcasts from the newest country on > Earth, Kosovo? (B. Thom, Feb 17, DX LISTENING DIGEST) > > Certainly not on SW. WRTH 2008 shows a 1000 kW under construxion on MW 1413. > How is that coming? > There are some streams here, but seemingly nothing in English. > http://www.rtklive.com/ > > RTK1 and RTK2 are linked here, still as SERBIA: > http://www.publicradiofan.com/cgibin/statsearch.pl?country=Serbia > (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) A public service broadcaster RTK is Kosovo’s public service broadcaster. It consists of the television service, broadcast on the terrestrial transmitter network and digital satellite, and two Radio stations, ‘Radio Kosova’ and ‘Radio Blue Sky’. RTK is editorially independent. It has no editorial opinions of its own and is impartial and unbiased. It is committed to fair, balanced and accurate news and information and to serving all the communities of Kosovo. RTK operates under UNMIK Regulation 2001/13 as a self-managing organization led by a Director General who is answerable to a non-political Board of Directors. Terrestrial network: Prishtine: channel 37 UHF Zatriq: channel 9 VHF Maja e Gjelbert: chan. 12 VHF Crnusha: channel 7 VHF Digital satellite: Eutelsat W2 16 degrees East Frequency: 12633 Polarity: Vertical FEC: 1/2 Symbl Rate: 4.883 PCR PID 101 Video PID: 308 Audio TVK Audio PID: 256 Audio Radio Kosova Audio PID: 257 Annual report 2006 http://www.rtklive.com/eng/2006_en.pdf Radio Koha http://www.radiokoha.com/ Pagesa per Marketing Identiteti : Sebahate Ahmeti - Zeqa 8 chemin paul valery 69120 vaulx en velin FRANCE IBAN : FR76 1780 6004 8774 3561 6000 066 BIC : AGRIFRPP878 Ju Faliminderojme Stafi: Radio Koha E-mail : online@rkoha.com Radio Kosova http://blueskylive.radio-kosova.com/live.php (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 19/02/2008) Чили Reciban mi mas cordial saludo, me encuentro en Antofagasta, tratando de hacer uso de mis vacaciones y hacer escuchas. Me he llevado la sorpresa que en Antofagasta segun el WRTH solo quedan dos radioemisoras en AM, Radio Antofagasta (1460 khz) y Radio Santa Maria de Guadalupe (590 khz), de igual modo figura todavia la Radio de la Universidad de Antofagasta (1210 khz), si bien esta ultima transmite en frecuencia modulada en los 99.9 mhz (esto ultimo esta confirmado en el WRTH) y por internet . Bien, yo revise el dial en AM hoy domingo por la manana y estaba totalmente silenciado. De las tres radioemisoras, entonces, deberian haber dos radioemisoras, pero en internet supe que Radio Santa Maria de Guadalupe ya no transmite, y al parecer similar situacion sucedio con Radio Antofagasta. Es curioso, yo cuando vivi en Antofagasta hace muchos anos atras habian muchas radios locales en AM y al parecer ya no quedan. ?como esta la situacion de radioemisoras en AM en sus ciudades?, en Temuco, donde vivo, al parecer quedan pocas, pero mas al sur (Valdivia, Puerto Montt, Punta Arenas, ciudades donde he viajado periodicamente), todavia quedan algunas radioemisoras en AM, las que al parecer tienen la ventaja de poder llegar mas lejos, a zonas rurales (las que siempre necesitan los mensajes y avisos comunitarios), y probablemente no reciben bien las transmisiones en FM. (Patricio De Los Rios, Temuco, Chile - FrecuenciaDX 18/02/2008) - Here are monitoring observations from my temporary location at Bhubaneswar, East coast of India: Yours sincerely, Jose Jacob, VU2JOS Bhutan: BBS noted sign on many days at 0000 UTC on 6035. On other days its heard fade in later, may be due to propagation conditions. India: Monitoring observations by me in Bhubaneswar, East Coast of India, show that the following SW stations of AIR is not currently heard. Itanagar: 4990, 6150. Kohima : 4850, 6065 (They seem to broadcast on SW only during important occasions) Ranchi: 4960, 5985. Myanmar: Defence Forces Broadcasting Network noted on 5770 at 1130-1630 (WRTH 2008 lists as from 1330). Also at 0130-0430, 0630(?)-0930. Radio Myanma (?) noted *sign on at 2300 on 576, 594 & 5986. The SW channel 5986 is noted sign off at 0130.* 594 is unlisted in WRTH 2008 but reported by Alan Davis in DXLD at 2240-0240. 594 heard in local evening also around 1300-1330 but not in parallel to 5986. 576 is blocked by Radio Nepal from 2315 and in evenings. Nepal: 1143 Khz is heard at 2315 sign on (reported as inactive in WRTH 2008) Parallel to 576,648,684,792. Also on 810 which is very weak. (VU2JOS - dxldyg 19/02/2008) 1440 UNID Can't hear a damn thing because of the buzzing. Signal too weak. 0110 19-02-08 JF 1470 UNID Some stations struggling to get through the buzz. Not strong enough. 0112 19-02-08 JF 1670 UNID Something here too but the damn buzz is blocking it. Still far too Weak 0114 19-02-08 JF (John Faulkner, U.K. - skywavesmw 19/02/2008) Заработали снова 909 Яна Гасыр, Екатеринбург 1197 BBC, Астана После 18 мск местные прг 225 Ханты-Мансийск 252 Казань 270 Новосибирск 279 Екатеринбург 567 Волгоград 585 Пермь 621 Сыктывкар 639 Омск 729 Звезда, Самара 738 Челябинск 765 Петрозаводск 846 Подмосковье 855 Пенза 873 Самара (РРоссии из Москвы гораздо лучше) 909 Яна Гасыр, Екатеринбург 936 Оренбург 1053 Оренбург 1080 Саранск 1314 Оренбург 1395 Оренбург 1485 Тюмень после 1915 мск 1044 Свобода, Москва 1341 Казахское радио на рус, Актау 1476 Приднестровье? на рус, отлично (Victor Rutkovsky, Ekaterinburg, Russia - open_dx 20/02/2008) -- Тропо Sat 2300z Holland very strong from Goes on 87.90MHz. Also 91.80MHz Smilde not too bad at times (W. Kitching, U.K. - skywaves 17/02/2008) 97.1 Metro FM 16/2 2159UTC 100.7 Century FM 16/2 2200UTC 107.7 Smooth Radio,16/2 2220UTC Smooth Radio------------------------------------ surprise that was a new for me, I can se it started in November, does anyone now the transmitter site Eston Nab 96.6 TFM 17/2 0640UTC 102.2 Lincs FM 17/2 0650UTC Lincs FM with RDS and PI code, very strong here. (John Vinther Nielsen, Herning, Denmark - skywaves 17/02/2008) Spain was audible for much of the afternoon/evening here, but not quite at RDS level. 105.00 11:48:00 2008-02-16 E RNE 5 Lierganes/Pena Cabarga News E515 RNE_5___ 875Km Fair T 104.40 12:38:00 2008-02-16 E RNE 5 Gamoniteiro Talks ED15 RNE_5___ 955Km Fair T 97.80 16:15:00 2008-02-16 F France Culture Brest/Roc Tredudon (29) Talks F202 _CULTURE 386Km Good T 89.40 16:16:00 2008-02-16 F France Musique Brest/Roc Tredudon (29) Talks F203 MUSIQUE_ 386Km Good T 95.40 16:18:00 2008-02-16 F France Inter Brest/Roc Tredudon (29) Talks F201 INTER 386Km Good T 93.00 16:19:00 2008-02-16 F France Bleu Briez Izel Brest/Roc Tredudon (29) Talks FF05 BLEU.BRE 386Km Good T 102.50 19:19:00 2008-02-16 E RNE 1 Gamoniteiro Talks 955Km Poor T (Mike Fallon, Saltdean, U.K. - FM 17/02/2008) Most of the below has been in at RDS levels since I arose from my slumber this morning and are still in now at 2155. The only exception is Denmark & Germany. Eire has also been at RDS levels all day from ML, Kippure and 87.80MHz Clermont Carn. TIME FREQ PI PS TRANSMITTER ITU 07:40 91.80 8201 RADIO_1_ Smilde HOL 07:43 88.00 8202 RADIO_2_ Smilde HOL 07:44 96.80 8203 __3FM___ Lopik HOL 07:46 87.70 83D2 __ROCK__ Lelystad HOL 07:48 95.00 8201 Wieringermeer HOL 07:49 87.90 841B Goes HOL 07:50 92.20 8411 Fryslan_ Smilde HOL 07:51 94.30 8204 RADIO4NL Lopik HOL 07:52 94.80 8204 RADIO_4_ Smilde HOL 09:05 87.60 83D2 Smilde HOL 09:15 93.80 Haarlem HOL 09:30 97.50 9902 N?stved-Kobanke DNK 11:01 100.40 Smilde HOL 11:09 87.60 D382 Hamburg D 11:11 101.00 83C6 Smilde HOL 11:13 101.20 83C6 Hilversum HOL 11:14 101.60 8204 RADIO4NL Wieringermeer HOL 11:22 102.50 83C7 Tjerkgaast HOL (W. Kitching, U.K. - skywaves 18/02/2008) 102.80 09:34:00 2008-02-17 G Pirate FM Caradon Hill (Cornwall) Music//102.2 C486 PIRATE__ 372Km 102.20 09:35:00 2008-02-17 G Pirate FM Caradon Hill (Cornwall) Music//102.8 C486 PIRATE__ 372Km 106.30 11:22:00 2008-02-17 D Deutschlandfunk Hornisgrinde Music//Web stream D210 __DLF___ 639Km 106.30 11:24:00 2008-02-17 G Bridge FM Bridgend/Mynydd Baedon Music//Web stream C59F 264Km 106.30 17:11:00 2008-02-17 F France Info Verdun/Septsarges (55) Talks F206 __INFO__ 404Km 106.00 17:13:00 2008-02-17 BEL RTBF La Premiere Tournai/Froidmont Talks 6351 PREMIERE 233Km 102.10 17:19:00 2008-02-17 BEL VRT Studio Brussel Egem Music/Voice ID 227Km (Mike Fallon, U.K. - skywaves 18/02/2008) Truskmore + Clermont at silly levels but SE Irish weak. HOL still audible on 88.7 87.9 96.8. At 02:00 also 101.2 good*, Germany was on 92.5 93.2 98.0 100.0 101.4 106.7 but these had gone at 08:00. No sign of Scotland. Why can't I hear Divis? - very localised prop. *with Holme Moss on 101.1 same bearing! (Julian, Stockport, U.K. - skywaves 18/02/2008) 06:40 87.60 841C Mierlo HOL 06:45 87.90 841B Goes HOL 06:46 94.30 8204 R4_NPS__ Lopik HOL 06:47 90.20 83D3 Roosendaal HOL 06:50 87.70 83D2 __ARROW_ Lelystad HOL 06:53 95.00 8204 RADIO4NL Goes HOL 17:03 90.70 82A8 Lopik HOL Holland, especially Goes on 87.90MHz gave RDS nearly all the way to work this morning. It was good at work on a outdoor horizontal halo, hence wrongly polarised. This is how strong Goes has been and still is now. It is still at RDS levels now, 1816utc. This means I have had continious reception of this station since 14 February. This is quite something really. No sign of any let up here, except Smilde has gone. (W. Kitching, U.K. - skywaves 18/02/2008) 189.249.968,(-88.17dB) and i know theres a 1000kw tx on that freq same prop signature as E9, they're both fading out now, i think i missed the peak i have to go out now anyway (Tim Bucknall, U.K. - skywaves 19/02/2008) WDR 4 on 100.5 in here with some fading but peaking virtually noise free. Weak Lopik 92.6 and 100.7 audible on car radio parked outside the house. (Nick Gilly, Whitchurch, U.K. - skywaves 19/02/2008) Its been foggy here in Burton on Trent all day. I've had lots of UK local radio stations that I do not normally get. Mainly from North East and South Easterly directions. Some are firsts for me here. Most notable the high strength of Radio Oxford 95.2 Radio Lincolnshire 94.9 Radio York 104.7 Radio Humberside 95.9, Viking FM (hull), Horizon Radio (Milton Keynes is Very strong on 103.3 Lots of National transmitters well up in strengh. (Chris T, U.K. - skywaves 20/02/2008) Неплохо проходил Донецк. В певый раз слышал: 1 101,60но на 101,6 "Radio ONE" рок музыка ид "RADIO ONE" 2 105,10 KISS FM танцевальные тэки и.д "KISS FM" @DANSE RADIO KISS FM" 3 103.10 Класне Радио но не шансон Русские песни ид "КЛАСНЕ РАДИО" 4 100,60 Туретская песня - но это то откуда? (Константин, Украина - open_dx 22/02/2008) -- Digital Radio Эквадор 11975 DRM, HCJB, 2352, 2/16/08. 4kW stereo DRM broadcast in Portuguese to Brazil, just enough signal to decode station ID and broadcast data, but no audio. (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 17/02/2008) -- Неофициальное вещание Алжир 6300 Radio Arabe Sahuari Democratica (t); 2218-2237+, 15-Feb; vocals/chants in AR & LL; Anmts in AR by M&W @2229 w/music bumpers-- mentioned Sahuari. SIO=332 w/data bursts (H. Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 19/02/2008) Афганистан R. Solh, 15265 via UK, 1452 UT Feb 18, exactly same music as always, and rather poor signal today, but with additional problem: Spanish 2-way SSB on 15266.5, probably drug runners or poachers (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 20/02/2008) Корея 7510, Open Radio for North Korea (t), 2120-2130, February 16, Korean, transmission to No. Korea via Armenia, (300 kw), long talk by male, 24432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - dxldyg 17/02/2008) Куба 6100, R. República, 0347-0357, Feb 22, political talk in Spanish, sound of rooster crowing, IDs, garbled audio due to jamming (Ron Howard, Monterey, Canada - dxldyg 22/02/2008) -- Наблюдения 9480 USA: Voice of. America, Greenville, 15/02/2008 0443-0448, em port. OMs c/noticiario 35433 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB - BRASIL) 9535 ESPANHA: Radio Exterior de Espanha, Noblejas, 15/02/2008 0449-0455, em esp.; OMs c/comentarios esportivo; fim TX 45333 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB - BRASIL) 9755 ALEMANHA: Deutsche Welle, Via Ruanda, Kigali, 15/02/2008, em ingles, OMs c/noticiario 45433 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB - BRASIL) 6075 ALEMANHA: Deutsche Welle, Via Portugal, Sines, 15/02/2008 2304-2309, em alemao, YL e OM c/noticiario 35343 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB - BRASIL) 5915 ARGELIA: Radio Algeriers Holy Qur'an, Via Reino Unido, 15/02/2008 2309-2314, QRM RTTY, em arabe, mx tipica da regiao 43443 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB - BRASIL) 11775 USA: Voice of America, Via Sao Tome e Principe, Pinheira, 16/02/2008 1728-1733, em port.; OM c/noticiario 34333 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB - BRASIL) 11995 FRANCA: Radio France Inter.; Issoudun, 16/02/2008 1735-1740, em frances, OMs c/noticiario 45333 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB - BRASIL) 12015 FRANCA: Radio France Inter.; Issoudun, 16/02/2008 1742-1747, em port.; OM c/entrevista; mx; coment.; mx 45444 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB - BRASIL) 17680 CHILE: CVC La Voz, Santiago, 16/02/2008 1748-1756, em esp.; prog. musical 35333 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB - BRASIL) 11625 VATICANO: Vatican Radio, Santa Maria Galeria, 16/02/2008 2808-2813, em port. OM c/pregacao religiosa 44444 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB - BRASIL) 11735 BRASIL: Radio Transmundial, Santa Maria, 16/02/2008 1817-1822, em port.; OM c/pregacao religiosa 35333 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB - BRASIL) 11815 BRASIL: Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 16/02/2008 1825-1830, em port.; mx; advs; ID; mxs 35333 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB, BRASIL - hard-core-dx 17/02/2008) 16 February 2008 AUSTRALIA 2485 VL8K Katherine NT 1040 to 1045 noted with orchestral music and very strong signal while the other two Northern Territory frequencies were at threshold level 14 February; same 15 February [Wilkner-FL] AUSTRALIA. 6230U, VMW 1004 weather information by om, thanks Terry Krueger Log 15 February [Wilkner-FL] GUATEMALA 4799.828 Radio Buenas Nuevas 0040 to 0100 ID and R B N with nothing on 4800. 13 February [Wilkner-FL] MEXICO 4800 XERTA 0820 to 0830 with weak signal, Latin American music. 11 February [Wilkner-FL] PAPUA NEW GUINEA 3290, Radio Central, Boroko 1130 instrumental music, 1131 om in language, slow vocal duet om and yl till 1134, 1136 back to om briefly, 1140 to 1145 one song, 1145 Island music, 1152 back to om, 1159 orchestral music then lost signal. 14 February. Other 90 meter band PNGs present. This was by far the strongest. [Wilkner-FL] PERU 3172.7v. Radio Municipal, Panao - 11 February noted at 0920; Off the air 2300 on the 11th and 12 February. At 0930 tune in om with"...escuchando... Radio Municipal..." ID , with stronger that usual signal on 14 February. Heard 1030 and 2353 on 15 February. [Wilkner-FL] (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, FL, USA - hard-core-dx 17/02/2008) 1008 12/2 21.58 R. Extremadura - Badajoz SS ID e pubblicita locale suff 1080 14/2 18.30 R. Mallorca - Palma de Mallorca SS " La ventana de Mallorca " buono 1143 15/2 18.45 COPE - Reus Catalano sport locale suff. 1413 14/2 18.45 R.N.E. R.5 - Jaen SS NX reg. Andalucia suff. 1510 16/2 04.30 WWZN - Boston EE sport suff. 1566 11/2 20.50 TWR - Parakou FF predica buono 1680 16/2 04.45 WLAA - Winter Garden SS MX suff. 4905 11/2 21.00 R. Tchad - N'Djamena FF NX buono 4985 16/2 23.00 R. Brasil Central - Goiania PP talk OM suff 5815 17/2 10.00 R. Spaceshuttle Int. - EE ID e MX buono 5910 16/2 23.30 Marfil Estereo - Bogota SS MX buono 6281 10/2 09.30 R. Caroline Eifel - EE ID e MX buono 6290 17/2 09.35 R. Mazda - EE ID e MX buono 7165 16/2 17.45 R. Ethiopia - Addis Ababa FF talk su foreste buono 7245 16/2 16.30 R. Mauritania - Nouakchott Arabo MX buono 9460 16/2 16.45 Bible Voice Broad. - Toronto EE predica buono 9565 12/2 21.40 R. Tupi - Curitiba PP A Voz do Brasil buono 9645 16/2 23.05 R. Bandeirantes - Sao Paulo PP talk su cioccolato buono 9675 16/2 23.10 R. Cancao Nova - Cachoeira Paulista PP predica buono 11925 15/2 20.10 R. Bandeirantes - Sao Paulo PP ID e MX buono 15120 16/2 17.50 Voice of Nigeria - Lagos EE talk su Zimbawe buono 17680 16/2 17.00 Voz Cristiana - Santiago de Chile SS predica suff. (Roberto Pavanello, Vercelli, Italia - bclnews 17/02/2008) 189 16/02 2241 RIKISUTVARPID PX, ID IN ISLANDESE 133 4965 16/02 2013 CHRISTIAN VOICE - LUSAKA MX RELIGIOSA 444 6240 16/02 2037 WYFR - VIA GRIGORIOPOL PX SACRE SCRITTURE E 534 6280.1 16/02 2056 R. MAZDA ID, MX VENUS E-MAIL 544 6311.1 16/02 2120 R. BARRETINA MX TECNO 333 6882 16/02 2015 PLAYBACK R. PX MX ID E 444 (bclnews - bclnews 17/02/2008) 15.300 khz - Radio France Internacional, via Issaudun. Musicas fricanas com noticiario sobre o processo de independencia do Kosovo. Em 17/02/08, entre 15:30 e 15:45 UTC.Sinpo: 23232. 15.410 khz - Chile. CVC, Santiago. Programa em portugues. Em 17/02/08, entre 15:30 e 15:45 UTC. Sinpo: 45454. 21.460 khz - Arabia Saudita. Bs of The Kingdon, Riad. Citacoes do Corao. Em 17/02/08, entre 15:30 e 15:45 UTC. Sinpo: 22222. 21.470 khz - BBC, via Ascension. Noticiario em Ingles. Em 17/02/08, entre 15:30 e 15:45 UTC. Sinpo: 34433. 21.570 khz - Espanha. Radio Exterior de Espanha, Noblejas. Entrevista com cidadao espanhol que mora no Brasil.Em 17/02/08, entre 15:45 e 16:00TC. Sinpo: 44544. 21.655 khz - Portugal, Lisboa. Radio Difusao Portuguesa. Apresentacao de musicas africanas em lingua portuguesa. Em 17/02/08, entre 15:45 e 16:00TC. Sinpo:: 45554. 11.735 khz - Brasil. Radio Transmundial, Santa Maria. Programa evangelico. Em 17/02/08, entre 15:45 e 16:00TC. Sinpo: 54444. (George, Brasil - radioescutas 17/02/2008) 17 February 2008 BOLIVIA 4451.20 kHz Which may prove to be Radio Santa Ana, Santa Ana de Yacuma, per Lucio Otavio Bobrowiec. Heard at 2330 to 2345 with om and list of numbers, not frequencies or dates, possibly telephone numbers on 11 Feb., noted from 1010 on the 13 with fair signal, 1050 on the 14th. The 4650.2 R S A de Y frequency has not been heard in several weeks. The 4451.20 signal is significantly stronger than the signal I was hearing on 4650.2 in January. [Wilkner-FL] BOLIVIA 5967.80 Radio Nacional, Huanuni has not heard for over two weeks [Wilkner-FL] PAPUA NEW GUINEA 3260, Radio Madang, Madang good signal from 0930 tune in with popular music, one mention of "Kilohertz" by hyper announcer, 0955 a slow song, 1000 om till music at 1006. 17 February [Wilkner-FL] 3204 8; 3315; 3325 and 3335 noted at same time period. 3365 Silent and 3290 had same strong signal as on the 16th of February. (R. Wilkner, FL, USA - CumbreDX 17/02/2008) 3320 Radio Sonder Grense, SOUTH AFRICA. 02-17 0345 Afrikaans, classical music. 22332 4770 Radio Nigeria Kaduna, NIGERIA. 02-17 0440 English. 32432 4885 Radio Clube do Para, BRAZIL. 02-17 0425 Portuguese, songs. 32432 4905 Radio Ndjamena, CHAD. 02-17 0430 French, sign-on with national anthem, frequencies, African pop music. 44433. Went off abruptly at 0445. 5025 Radio Rebelde, CUBA. 02-17 0400 Spanish, news, followed by Cuban music. 34433 5030 Radio Burkina, Ouagadougou, BURKINA FASO. 02-17 0530 Sign-on in French and African language. 33433 5915 Radio Zambia (tent.), ZAMBIA. 02-17 0415 African language. 22432 5995 Radio Mali, Bamako, MALI. 02-17 0615 West African string music. 33433 6250 Radio Malabo, EQUATORIAL GUINEA. 02-17 0540 Spanish, Afro-pop music, song "ella no me quiere mas". Time signal at 0600. 33433 7100 Voice of the Broad Masses of Eritrea (tent.), ERITREA. 02-17 0420 Horn of Africa music. 35433 7125 Radio Conakry, GUINEA. 02-17 0658 West African music. Fairly strong signal but low modulation. 35433 15120 La voix du Nigeria, Lagos, NIGERIA. 02-17 0740. French. Very good. 55555 15255 Channel Africa, SOUTH AFRICA. 02-17 0635 English, interview about malaria. 35543 15345 Radio Nacional, ARGENTINA. 02-16 2040. Spanish, talk about cinema. 35433 (Kai Willner, Munich, Germany - hard-core-dx 17/02/2008) 13600,0 1200 BUL R BULGARIA-Plovdiv Id+Nx+Correo 17/02 Esp 45444 13635,0 1510 AUS CVC-Darwin Mx pop 17/02 Ing 35433 15410,0 1518 CHL CVC-Santiago ( MX id "a sua voz" 17/02 Por 35443 15425,0 1523 AUS HCJB Australia-Kununurra Com+Mx tipica final Id en ingles S/off a1530 17/02 Hin 25332 7160,0 1749 TUR V TURQUIA-Emirler Turismo 17/02 Esp 35333 7165,0 1755 ETH R.ETHIOPIA-Addis A.-Gedja (tent) Mx (apenas audible,a 1800 QRM +5kHz 17/02 Fra 14221 15345,0 1811 ARG RN ARGENTINA-Gral Pacheco Com+Pub+Futbol 17/02 Esp 25332 (Tomas Mendez, Spain - playdx2003 18/02/2008) 9620,0 1920 D VO Ethiopian Unity-Juelich Com por OM 17/02 Ahm 44444 9550,0 1935 RRW FEBA RADIO-Kigali Com Rlg Om+YL 17/02 Ara 35333 9535,0 2058 THA R THAILAND-Udon Thani Com YL 17/02 Tai 45444 5850,0 2116 S RCI-Hoerby Mailbag 17/02 Ing 55444 5885,0 2119 CVA R VATICANO-Sta M. de Galeria Id+Nx (px en Esp para Europa) 17/02 Esp 55444 7105,0 2147 RUS Golos Rossi-? Mx pop-disco no listado Aoki- Eibi 2200 Id 17/02 Rus 55444 (Tomas Mendez, Spain - playdx2003 18/02/2008) 5990 18/02 2056 R.Senador - Brasilia, DF - Discurso do Sen. Pedro Simon (Obs. 01)- 43333 - AMA 6010 18/02 2054 R.Inconfidencia - Belo Horizonte, MG - Px Inconfidencia e nx. - 55444 - AMA 6080 18/02 2050 R.Novas da Paz - Curitiba, PR - 43433 - AMA 6090 18/02 2058 R Bandeirantes - Sao Paulo, SP - Px Jornal em tres tempos. - 54544 - AMA 6100 18/02 2105 R. Internacional da China - Beijing - Tx de 500 Kw, em chines para a Europa - 43433 - AMA 6135 18/02 2108 R. Aparecida - Aparecida do NOrte, SP - ...a hora do causo no px... -32322 - AMA 6185 18/02 2102 R.Nacional da Amazonia - Brasilia, DF - Px Nacional informa. - 55444 - AMA 15540 18/02 1238 Central People`s BS - Beijing - Tx em chines, 100 kW - 33232 - AMA 21570 18/02 1242 R. Exterior de Espanha - Noblejas - SS, tx de 350 kW para a America do Sul - 43343 - AMA (Adalberto Marques dre Azevedo, Barbacena, MG, Brasil - radioescutas 19/02/2008) I've just returned from a short vacation in Maui, Hawaii. In my possession, I brought along my Kaito/Degen 1103 portable receiver along with about 20' of random wire. As is so often the case, my monitoring recaptured some of the thrill that has been lost in recent years as tropical band stations drop out one by one. The norm in the Pacific north west, where I live, is to hear virtually no stations in the dawn period on 60 meters, apart from a few Chinese power houses. Gone are the days when the band would be full of PNG, Indonesian, and other Asian stations. Well, I found where they all went. Where do you ask? Hawaii is the simple answer! For many of us, Hawaii can represent a relatively easily accessible DXer's paradise. All that one needs is a handy portable SW receiver, and preferably some random length of wire. For the really serious DXers out there, why not take along a real communications receiver. In the past, I've taken along a Kenwood R5000 and dx'd some p retty amazing stations, including the old Taliban radio station from Afghanistan on 41 meters with a wildly drifting signal in English and later in Russian as well. These days, there's an excellent alternative, and that is Software Defined Radios, or SDR for short. These nimble little units measure no larger than small portables, but one does need a laptop to use with them. I would have really loved to have brought by Dell laptop and SDR-IQ or Perseus receiver, but alas, I didn't. Still, I had a lot of fun. Over two mornings (from about 06:30 to 08:15 AM local or 16:30 to 18:15 UTC), I sat on the lanai scanning the tropical bands. Sunrise occured at 7:03 AM during this time of the year, so no need for super early rising. Here's what I heard on Friday February 15th and Saturday the 16th: 4635 Tajik Radio, Dushanbe fair to good 4750 Probable Chinese at 16:45 on Sat. CC programming with weak cochannel (which might have been Radio Peace in Sudan) 4760 Sat only. May have been TWR Swaziland at fair level. 4775 Sat only at fair level with weak music. ?AIR Imphal. 4800 Music at good to very good level. CC. 4810 talk at poor level. ?AIR Bhopal or Armenia. 4820 CC talk at good level and s/off at 18:00. Lhasa, Tibet. 4828 Zimbabwe fair with music. 4835 fair to good level. Thought this was an African, but who? Possibly too Alice Springs still on their day frequency instead of 2310. 4840 fair talk AIR Mumbai? 4860 Koran at 16:52 AIR Delhi with Northern Service. Fair. 4880 Good level with a het. Seems on the high side of 4880. Middle eastern sounding music. Presumably AIR Lucknow with Northern service. 4895 fair reception on Saturday. Probably AIR Kurseong, although couldn't absolutely rule out Sarawak (but doubt the latter). 4900 fair to good with Firedrake style music. Voice of the Strait, Fuzhou listed. 4905 Very good reception with EZL music. Again, Lhasa, Tibet. 4910 Indian music at 16:54. Presumed AIR Jaipur. 4920 Very good reception of EZL music. Again, Lhasa, Tibet. 4930 Very good reception with African accented English. News at 17:25 noticed on Saturday. VOA, Botswana. 4940 English news between 17:30 to 17:35 only followed by Indian music at fair level. Improved to fair to good reception by 16:55. This is AIR Guwahati, in Assam. Heard on Saturday. 4950 lively Portuguese talk at 17:20 at fair to good levels. This is Angola. Either has weak modulation, or was cochannel with a stronger OC station. Not sure. Very rarely heard on the west coast for sure! 4965 poor to fair. Possibly Tajikistan. 4975 poor reception. Again,perhaps Tajikistan. About the right strength to come from that part of the world. 4980 fair talk at 16:57 on Saturday. ?Xinjiang PBS. 4990 poor to fair again on Saturday. Either AIR Itanagar, or Hunan PBS. 5000 WWVH and cochannel Chinese time signal station. 5010 Good reception on Saturday with AIR English news at 17:30. This is AIR Thiruvananthapuram. Don't hear this one very often back home. 5015 fair reception on Saturday with music. Presumably Turkmen Radio, in Asgabat. 5030 Usual power house Chinese station at very good level, just like home! 5040 fair to good on Saturday except for splatter from 5030 presumably AIR Jeypore with their Eastern service. 5060 poor reception of presumed Xinjiang PBS. Now, on Saturday, I also did a short bandscan on 90 meters at 17:00 UTC: 3200 poor/fair TWR Swaziland 3250 fair to good reception North Korea. 3320 poor/fair reception North Korea. Sounds jammed. Not much to be heard, but perhaps I listened too late in the morning. Now switching to 49 meters, I found the band absolutely alive with stations on virtually every channel. A nice improvement after 17:00 in strength, too. 6055: French talk which is presumably Radio Rwanda. Generally well heard based on past visits to Hawaii. 6250 North Korea with strong signal. 6260 Not sure who this was. Sounded kind of Middle eastern or even African. 6270 someone here as well. 6285 North Korea in Russian at good level. 6915 someone here at poor to fair strength. I was handicapped with having no internet access (no computer with me), and only an older 2005 WRTH as a resource. Still, I think that you can see that the potential exists for some pretty exciting DX from Hawaii. As for the random wire....I simply tossed it from the lanai to a close tree. I have to admit that the noise is pretty bad in a lot of the resorts owing to energy saving lights, TV sets in the proximity, etc., at least in the Kaanapali area of Maui. While MW dxing, I did on occasion move down (after sunset) to the beach and DX'd just using the internal ferrite core with very quiet conditions. By the way, I had the opportunity to DX just about every Hawaiian AM station, along with recording IDs from them on my Edirol R-09 mp3 recorder. For distant DX, though, at least on the MW band, one needs a little more than simply using the internal ferrite core antenna. I would definitely suggest using a portable loop, or even a Beverage antenna if room exists. I just dreamed of laying out 500 or more feet of wire along the beach at night, but never had the chance to do this. (Walt Salmaniw, Victoria, BC, Canada - dxldyg 19/02/2008) Thanks Walt for this interesting post. But I wonder if it was Turkmenistan that you heard on 5015, or AIR? Listening in Tashkent last week I did not hear Turkmenistan on 5015 at all. In the evening on that frequency is AIR, which signs on at 1220 as scheduled in WRTH with strong signals. Checking the DXLD and WoR archives I don't see any mention of anyone hearing Turkmenistan on 5015 (or 4930) so far this year. Is it still on SW? (Walt reported hearing the following while listening in Hawaii around 1630-1815 UTC: "5015 fair reception on Saturday [16 Feb] with music. Presumably Turkmen Radio, in Asgabat.") (Chris Greenway, U.K. - dxldyg 19/02/2008) I think both Turkmen freqs 5015 and 4930 are still active. Just a day or two ago I recall hearing them. 4930 is mostly running LSB with maybe reduced carrier and usually has two Turkmen programs mixed, a problem at the tx site which has been there for couple of years. 5015 is rather weak even when AIR is off. 4930 is no powerhouse either.(Jari Savolainen, Kuusankoski, Finland - dxldyg 19/02/2008) Today advanced propagation condition occured in afternoon from Africa and Americas. INDIA 12025 Also distorted audio signal and heavy BUZZ occured on Hindi/Malayalam sce via Panaji Goa on 12018.5 to 12030 kHz range. Scheduled 1600-1830 UT. CUBA 17515.00 The lady from Cuba (with slight Brazilian accent) noted again reading 5digit numbers in Spanish around 1615 UT. GABON 15475.00 Likely R AF1(tent) noted with proper S=9+10 dB signal in 16-17 UT range. News in French at 1600-1610 UT. UNID 15905 DWL German audio program reported approx. 1530-1557 UT on this OOB frequency. Seemingly some technician tested tx equipment real 'on air'. No spur of Kigali 15275 kHz. Audio delay fit with Trinco 13780 kHz signal, but NOT with \\ Skelton 6075, 9545, Moosbrunn 13730, Kigali 15275. ROMANIA 11870 RRI Galbeni in Romanian 1600-1657 UT noted with heavy distorted audio today Feb 19th. (W. Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 19/02/2008) 4985 20/2 0225 Brasil Central, religious talks and music, fair 5000 20/2 0220 Observatorio Naval Cagigal, Venezuela, pips and ids, fair 6009,96v 20/2 0150 La Voz de tu Conciencia (pres.), Colombia, talks, under another station, poor 6035 20/2 0055 La Voz del Guaviare, Colombia, ids, nice signal, QRM from Bhutan 6035 20/2 0058 BBS Bhutan, slow songs, talks at 0100, clear even if under Guaviare! 6047,21v 20/2 0205 Radio Santa Rosa, Peru, (presumed), too low modulation! Only some music traces... just a tent. 6067,12v 20/2 0200 IRIB, Iran, Holy Kuran and short talk mentioning Iran, strong but low modulation and splatter. It would be prg to Africa 9720 20/2 0215 Radio Victoria, Peru, usual rel. program, fair (Giampiero Bernardini, Milano, Italy - playdx2003 20/02/2008) 15:40 - 9570 - R.Veritas Asia - Russian - Palauig-Zambales - 54454 15:46 - 9635 - R.Canada Int. - English - Xian - 43444 (Алексей Зиневич, Минск, Беларусь - open_dx 20/02/2008) 5935 USA: World Univers. Network, Nashville, 20/02/2008 0137-0142, em ingles, OM c/pregacao religiosa 35333 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB, Brasil) 6065 SUECIA: Radio Sweden, Hoerby, 20/02/2008 1940-1946, pos. em russo, OMs c/falas sem. entrevista 15321(Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB, Brasil) 6090 BIELORUSSIA: Radio Belarus, Minsk, 20/02/2008 1953-2000, ID YL c/falas em alemao 24332 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB, Brasil) 6100 KOREIA: KCBS Pyongyang, Kanggye, 20/02/2008 2000-2005, em koreano, YL c/falas sup. noticiario 23343 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB, Brasil) 6130 RUSSIA: Voice of Russia, Moskva, 20/02/2008 2010-2015, forte QRM emissao digital, em frances, YL c/noticiario 23332 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB, Brasil) 6100 CHINA: China Radio Inter., Kashi, 20/02/2008 2127-2132, em arabe, OM c/falas sem. a noticiario 43443 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB, Brasil) 6135 CHINA: China Radio Inter., Beijing, 20/02/2008 2133-2138, em ingles, OMs c/comentarios, musica ao fundo 44444 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB, Brasil) 6175 FRANCA: Radio France Inter., Issoudun, 20/02/2008 2139-2144, em frances, OM e YL c/noticiario 45444 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB, Brasil) 6265 LITUANIA: KBC Radio, Sitkunai, 20/02/2008 2147-2152, em ingles, mx country; ID 25333 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB, Brasil) 5915 VATICANO: Vatican Radio, Santa Maria Galeria, 21/02/2008 0100-0105, em tamil, OM c/falas; mx breve 25342 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB, Brasil) 5940 USA: Voice of America, Greenville, 21/02/2008 0118-0113, em esp., OM c/entrevista 35343 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa, Brasil - hard--core-dx 21/02/2008) 5995 MALI: Radio Mali, Bamako, 21/02/2008 2103-2117, mx voz feminina 34433 (Antonio Garcia, João Pessoa-PB, Brasil) 5990 PHILIPINAS: FEBC Manila, Bocaue, em iu mien, OM c/ID, mx p/crianças 35443 (Antonio Garcia, João Pessoa-PB, Brasil) 5960 USA: Family Radio, Wertachtal-Alemanha, 21/02/2008 2234-2239, em árabe, OM c/falas 45444 (Antonio Garcia, João Pessoa-PB, Brasil) 5915 ARGÉLIA: R. Algiers Holy Qur'an, Rampisham-Reino Unido, 21/02/2008 2247-2252, em árabe, OM c/falas 35333 (Antonio Garcia, João Pessoa-PB, Brasil) 7105 CHINA: PBS Nei Menggu, Hohhot, 21/02/2008 2255-2259, em mandarim, OM c/falas, mx típica ao fundo 45334 (Antonio Garcia, João Pessoa-PB, Brasil) 7135 MARROCO: RTV Marocaine, Tanger, 21/02/2008 2302-2306, em árabe, OM e YL c/falas, forte QRM da CRI 32432 (Antonio Garcia, João Pessoa-PB, Brasil) 7190 TUNISIA: RTV Tunisia, Sfax, 21/02/2008 2307-2308, em árabe, YL c/falas, 2308 fim tx 35333 (Antonio Garcia, João Pessoa-PB, Brasil) 7240 CHINA: PBS Xizang, Lhasa, 21/02/2008 2311-2316, em mandarim, várias falas de OMs, prog. de humor 35333 (Antonio Garcia, João Pessoa-PB, Brasil) 7285 CROACIA: Croatian Radio, Wertachtal-Alemanha, 21/02/2008 2319-2324, em inglês, OM e YL c/noticiário 45444 (Antonio Garcia, João Pessoa-PB, Brasil - hard-core-dx 22/02/2008) -- Неопознанное I kept on tuning to 4640 kHz on daily basis ..trying to figure out which station is that...or where it's coming from. today 19/2/08 I noticed that accent of the speaker was 100% morocco Arabic. mainly the speech is about religious issues taking about some verses from the holly Quran or prophet Mohamed -PBUH- and other religious issues. no current affairs or political issues. no ID giving. around 4.46 UTC I was checking Radio Morocco on 5980kHz and found the same guy talking about religious issues as well - I'm positive he's the same guy - 4640 was silent around that time. a carrier freq for radio Morocco......I wonder. will keep listening and will keep ypu posted. 5980 kHz is having Radio Tangier they sign off at 5.00 UTC. so what I was hearing on that freq wasn't radio Morocco from Rabat, it was the local network from Tangier . (Tarek Zeidan, Cairo, Egypt - dxldyg 19/02/2008) Примерно в 03.20 (сегодня) принята станция на русском языке на частоте 6040 кГц. Были сильные помехи от 2 станций, одна из которых была на вроде бы арабском языке. Ощущался частый фединг. Русский язык был без акцента. Станция затухла в помехах через 20 минут. (Сергей Алексейчик, Гродно, Беларусь - open_dx 21/02/2008) -- Гармоники -- Глушение -- Пираты **EURO-PIRATE. Denmark. 5814.98, World Music Radio relaying Radio Space Shuttle, 2125-2325+, Feb 17, "Radio Space Shuttle" IDs. Oldies pop music. Techno-pop dance music. Echo announcements impossible to understand but did catch "WMR" ID. This is suppose to to a 7 kw transmitter in Denmark. Threshold signal at tune-in but slowly improved from a very weak signal to fair to good signal by 2310. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 18/02/2008) **EURO-PIRATE. (Spain), Catalonia, 6311.14, Radio Barretina relaying Radio L' Arboc, 2150-2325+, Feb 17, pop music. Rock music. Talk in unidentified language. Tentative ID. Very weak signal. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 18/02/2008) A lot of stations were on the air this Sunday, with a good propagation. Saturday, February 16 0757 6421 35433 Laser Hot Hits 0810 6882 45544 Playback Int 0816 6280 35433 Radio Calypso 1210 6311 44544 Radio l'Arboc - via Radio Barretina Sunday, February 17 0815 5815 45444 Orion Radio 0829 6250 33443 Unid 0851 6258 34443 Radio Waves Int 0916 6280 44444 Radio Merlin Int 0927 6265 35333 Antonio Radio 0947 6290 43443 Radio Mazda 1030 5815 34433 Radio Spaceshuttle Int - via World Music Radio - Denmark 1035 6205 45434 Radio Borderhunter 1042 6524 24432 Radio Ramona 1054 6325 34433 Unid - 1109 : end 1113 6299 43443 Paardenkracht 1120 6272 35443 Magic Radio 1131 6882 45544 Playback Int 1143 6305 45544 Unid - test - 1146 : end 1147 6220 45444 Mystery Radio 1157 6311 44444 Radio l'Arboc - via Radio Barretina 1300 6140 55545 European Music Radio - via Wertachtal Germany 1635 6220 44444 Mystery Radio 1649 6421 23432 Laser Hot Hits 2004 4025 34433 Laser Hot Hits 2035 5815 44343 Radio Spaceshuttle Int - via World Music Radio - Denmark 2039 6925 23432 Spider Radio - USB - Greece 2100 6220 44444 Radio RWE Radio Waves Europe - via Mystery Radio (toutatis - shortwaveworld 18/02/2008) 1626,00 1502 2236 unid,Gr, instrumental local style 24322 1629,00 1502 2213 R.Anatolia?,Gr, jingle sounding like Anatolia, DJ coments on Thessaloniki, voice with echo 24432 1664,00 1502 2208 unid,Gr, song, and talks 24432 1670,00 1502 2210 unid, Gr, talks, song by man 24422 1670,00 1602 2340 unid, Gr,song by man 24232 1690,00 1502 2233 unid,Gr, song, talks Megaloniko? The name? 24422 1709,00 1502 2234 unid,Gr, traditional song 24432 3935,00 1602 2330 Radio Rainbow? via LHH, E, There is something in the air, DJ coment, Man of action tune, 24322 4025,00 1602 1755 LHH,E, My heart will go on by Celine Dion from Titanic soundtrack, dj coment, jingle promo 25432 5815,00 1702 0810 Orion R, E, pop dance, Good morning, Duran duran, Greets to Marco,rock and roll 24422 5815,00 1702 2025 R.Spaceshuttle Int via WMR-DK,E, Finnish rock, ID, QTH Herten for reports, 24232 5815,00 1702 2300 R.Spaceshuttle Int via WMR-DK,E, disco dance, ID, QTH Herten for reports, 35443 6140,00 1702 1300 EMR via Wertachtal,E; ID, All my love, mailbag program, my own report, also Rafael,Artur.. 35443 6200,00 1702 0945 R.Scotland Int, E, jingle, IT's magic, ID, Man of action, asking for reports QTH Beilen.byebye 24322 6220,00 1702 0915 Mystery R, jingle, disco all day long 24332 6220,00 1702 2140 RWE via Mystery R, E, classical piano from Poland, ID, QTH Eisenach 34333 6265,00 1502 2200 KBC,E, pops, Wolfman Jack show, jingle, K-po promo, Rod Steward song, Galveston rock 34443 6265,00 1602 2205 KBC,E, Knocking at door, ID, country rock, jingle, BRI promo, Wanderwar pop, MW.info. 45544 6265,00 1702 2200 KBC-Big L, E, The days of wine and roses by Andy Williams, Stevie Wonder, Celine Dion 45544 6280,00 1702 0800 R.Merlin Int, E, Nena: 99 red balloon, jingle, more pops 24222 6290,00 1702 0920 R.Mazda,rock, 24311 6311,00 1602 0955 R.Barretina,Cat, relay of local FM,Radio L'Arboc, live program, hotline 977 167713 35443 6311,00 1702 0750 R.Barretina,Cat, relay of local FM,Radio L'Arboc, promo Reciclatge,rock,la Guerra del frances a l'Arboc… 35443 6325,00 1702 0725 R.Lowland, E, Body language, ID, asking for emails,Rocking babe, pop country, Queen 24432 6400,00 1702 1010 unid, D, disco dance, coments informatie, break at 1013 24332 6882,00 1602 0730 R.PlayBack Int, E,It, pops DJs on studio,jingle, DJ JJ Clarence,Midnight cowboy tune 24332 6882,00 1702 0735 R.PlayBack Int, E,It,disco, ID from the Island of nowhere, dj JJ Clarence, Message in a bottle 24432 6925,00 1702 2200 Spider R, Greek Pirate, pops, Dancing in the dark, Queen, on USB 24322 9290,00 1602 1000 R.City,E, jingle, ID la estacion de los autos, Simon&Garfunkel songs, Surf rock,Sandie Shaw 35443 (Silveri Gomez, Fraga, Catalunya, Spain - playdx2003 19/02/2008) -- Связь Pecheurs Francais sur 5630 khz a 21h33z. NMF (A verifier) a 21h40z sur 8764 khz en USB. Olympia Radio (Grece) sur 8734 khz en USB a 21h41z. FUE Brest toujours "plein pot" sur 2788 khz en RTTY a 2143z. OTAN unid sur 2814 khz en RTTY a 21h47z. Pecheurs Francais en USB sur 2900 khz a 21h48 z. (Yves-Marie (Vendee), France - dxuti 17/02/2008) 021208 1600 17515 AM Cuban V2a w/ 13642 60612 04828 callup & 5F msgs 021208 1620 11494 ALE LNT Linking w/ J36, came up in voice for posn rpt 021208 1740 17435 AM Cuban V2a w/ 5F msg 021208 1758 8416.5 Sitor-B MSI bdcst 021208 1807 8097 MCW Cuban M8a w/ 5F msgs, late start 021208 1900 8097 MCW Cuban M8a w/ 5F msgs 021208 1902 13091 FAX NMG On wrong frequency passing NOAA WX charts. Frequency is in between USB ship channels. 021208 2001 7887 AM Cuban V2a w/ 31302 85235 58434 callup & 5F msgs, weak audio 021208 2002 7554 CW Cuban M8a w/ 5F msgs 021208 2004 13380 USB Cuban V2a w/ 5F msgs 021208 2106 6855 AM Cuban V2a w/ 5F msgs 021308 1555 10207 USB Warbling signal, stopped after a few seconds 021308 1512 10945 RTTY 75/850 CFH NAWS tape 021308 1540 14000 USB Unid repeating rising tone 021308 1600 17515 AM Cuban V2a w/ 5F msgs 021308 1600 10345 RDFT AM carrier up at 1600, at 1604 RDFT signal. Passed file 16694437.txt 021308 1635 11565 RDFT RDFT signal underneath WYFR 021308 2042 14000 USB Unid signal consisting of repeating rising tone, slower than at 1540 021408 0440 3413 USB 'Shannon Volmet' WX 021408 0443 3446 CW Unid stn sending 5F grps to another stn 021408 0511 4271 FAX CFH WX charts 021408 0547 4610 FAX GYA Northwood, England w/ WX chart 021408 0607 5800 MCW Cuban M8a w/ 5F msgs 021408 0610 6826 MCW Cuban M8a w/ 5F msgs 021408 1810 8097 MCW Cuban M8a w/ 5F msgs (n2uhc - udxf 17/02/2008) 06810.0 Unid: Can-Mil 2254 ALE/USB clg VEW474 (2008-02-16) (sw) 06810.0 Unid: Can-Mil 2310 ALE/USB clg VEJ306 (2008-02-16) (sw) 06810.0 CIP66A: Can-Mil 2318 ALE/USB clg CFR787 (2008-02-16) (sw) 06810.0 CHM721: Can-Mil Canadian Army 721 Comm Troop, Glace Bay 2327 ALE/USB clg CIP68A (2008-02-16) (sw) 06810.0 CIP66A: Can-Mil 2353 ALE/USB clg VEO202 (2008-02-16) (sw) 06809.0 FC6: Unid 0009 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-17) (sw) 06810.0 CIP66A: Can-Mil 0013 ALE/USB clg VEW470 (2008-02-17) (sw) 06810.0 CIP67A: Can-Mil 0024 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-17) (sw) (Sam, U.K. - udxf 17/02/2008) 05412.5 unid 0737 50/850? 17fev08 05450.0 raf vm 0739 USB 17fev08 06362.0 MGJ rn 0745 ITA/75/850 carbs 17fev08 (Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 17/02/2008) 06560.0 pirates 0751 USB fr qso sud france "charlie,joseph..." 17fev08 06973.0 unid 0800 50/200?? 17fev08 08250.0 unid navire 0808 USB rus 17fev08 08386.0 kapitan edemskij chalutier 0811 ARQ c udks? murmansk? 17fev08 (Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 17/02/2008) 00518 OXJ: D-Thorshaven, Faroe Is 2030 NAVTEX Gale warnings. (16Feb08) (MPJ) 00518 UGE: F-Arkhangelsk, Russia 2050 NAVTEX MIBs. (16Feb08) (MPJ) 02187.5 GXUW: Sun London-GB 2252 DSC Safety RQ to MRCC Capetown/ZSC. (15Feb08) (MPJ) 02187.5 SUH: SAR Centre Cairo 2300 DSC Safety BQ to Ocean Favour/ VRWM5-PRC. (15Feb08) (MPJ) 02187.5 : Unlisted Vessel (MMSI 275254000)-Latvia 2304 DSC Undefined category message to MRCC Tallinn. (15Feb08) (MPJ) 02187.5 PHMN: Viking Diep-Netherlands 2307 DSC Undefined category message to unlisted Algerian authority (MMSI 006052110-Algeria. (15Feb08) (MPJ) 04581 : Unid Numbers Stn 1947 CW ... 21747 42316 42904 ... 22728 57660 0 0 0 0 0 0. (15Feb08) (MPJ) 04611 WNL5: Russian Military 2228 CW Bcasts 4FG message: WNL5 470 29 17 0120 470 = 984 = = 2002 3276 0288 ... 8038 1726 778 AR. (16Feb08) (MPJ) 10066 SU-GCH: EgyptAir A330 Flt MS0800 1543 HFDL Logs on to Hat Yai. (17Feb08) (MPJ) 10066 EI-LVA: Livingstone A321 Flt LVG548 1546 Position 3026N 05126E (17Feb08) (MPJ) 10066 VT-INM: IndiGo A320 Flt IGO131 1546 HFDL Postion 2830N 07701E. (17Feb08) (MPJ) 10066 B-2292: China Eastern A321 Flt MU2788 1531 HFDL Logs on to Hat Yai. (17Feb08) (MPJ) 10066 VT-INI: IndiGo A320 Flt 6E0412 1551 HFDL Logs on. (17Feb08) (MPJ) (Jim, U.K. - udxf 17/02/2008) 2719.0 7TO : Oran radio ALG 19:05 J3E/USB English and French navigational warnings (12 Feb)(PPA) 12789.9 NMG : USCG New Orleans USA 14:00 Fax/F3C/120/576 GOES Satellite picture Caribean sea (16 Feb)(PPA) 12783.5 9MR : MN Lumut MLA 14:05 ITA2/50/850R jull jull 9mr 5/9/10/13 rmmj mrb mrb ryryry (16 Feb)(PPA) 3881.0 FAV22 : FA Favieres F 08:00 CW/A1A start of CW excercise with VVV DE FAV22 QLH 3881/6825 vitesses annoncees legerement superieure. (17 Feb)(PPA) 17205.0 VIE : Globe wireless Darwin AUS 13:22 GW-dataplex channel free marker also on 17217 17220 but strongest on this frequency (17 Feb)(PPA) 6873.5 --- : unid station 08:18 Mil-std 188-110 serial/2400S/3K several crypto messages (17 Feb)(PPA) 12745.5 JJC : KYODO Tokyo J 15:19 FAX/F3C/60/576 Japanese newspaper print (17 Feb)(PPA) 12332.0 --- : unid station 15:57 USB/Clover 2000 no decode (17 Feb)(PPA) (Peter Poelstra, Holland - udxf 18/02/2008) 08532.5 XFY: UK-DHFCS 0913 ALE/USB clg XSS UK-DHFCS (NCS Forest Moor) (2008-02-18) (sw) 07641.0 BS1: Unid 0934 ALE/USB clg BS109A (2008-02-18) 07641.0 BP9: Unid 1006 ALE/USB clg BS108B (2008-02-18) 07641.0 BS1: Unid 1007 ALE/USB clg WR110B (2008-02-18) 07641.0 BS109A: Unid 1013 ALE/USB clg WR110A (2008-02-18) 07641.0 BS109A: Unid 1017 ALE/USB clg WR110B (2008-02-18) (Sam, U.K. - udxf 18/02/2008) 06583.0 KBT: Geo-Mil 2343 ALE/USB clg 4BR (2008-02-15) (sw) 08180.0 7012: Unid (Arab Voice net) 2357 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-15) (sw) 08180.0 7028: Unid (Arab Voice net) 2359 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-15) (sw) 08045.0 RFI: Unid (pos Saudi net) 0000 ALE/USB clg JCI (2008-02-16) (sw) 06724.0 P20: Unid (pos Pol-Mil) 1459 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-16) (sw) 04924.0 MWT: Unid (pos Pol-Mil) 1501 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-16) (sw) 06860.0 RS004: Mkd-Mil 1932 ALE/USB clg CS001 (2008-02-16) (sw) 07954.0 911913: Nig-NPF (Nigerian National Police Force) 1941 ALE/USB clg 911911 (2008-02-16) (sw) 04600.0 RS004: Mkd-Mil 1945 ALE/USB clg CS001 (2008-02-16) (sw) 08153.0 437815: Unid (437xxx net) 1948 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-16) (sw) 06789.5 437815: Unid (437xxx net) 1951 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-16) (sw) 07729.0 437817: Unid (437xxx net) 2008 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-16) (sw) 08067.5 437817: Unid (437xxx net) 2009 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-16) (sw) 06810.0 Unid: Can-Mil 2014 ALE/USB clg CIP (2008-02-16) (sw) 06810.0 CHM723: Can-Mil Canadian Army 723 Comm Sqdn, Halifax 2016 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-16) (sw) (Sam, U.K. - udxf 18/02/2008) 04578.0 V47: unid prb.ROU Mil 1719 USB/ALE clg PDT, again @1723UTC, no resp. (15/FEB/08) (KK) 04578.0 V47: unid prb.ROU Mil 1722 USB/ALE clg JFF (15/FEB/08) (KK) 04490.0 EK9: unid prb EST Mil 1826 USB/ALE clg GEF, short Voice conv. ALE Confirm @1831UTC (15/FEB/08) (KK) 04136.0 No Call: prb 4XZ: ISR Navy 1642 USB/Ser.Tone Hybrid Modem paralell on 3162kHz (16/FEB/08) (KK) 04755.0 B: prb. ROU MOD 1721 USB/ALE clg K: prb.ROU KFOR Kosovo (16/FEB/08) (KK) 04520.0 No Call: prb 4XZ: ISR Navy 1659 USB/Ser.Tone Hybrid Modem paralell on 3815, 5512, 6618 and 8780kHz (17/FEB/08) (KK) 02860.0 No Call: ISR Navy? 1811 USB/Ser.Tone Hybrid Modem, short Modem Bursts (17/FEB/08) (KK) 04952.0 035: HNG Mil Station 1847 USB/ALE clg 100, while 100 calls 035 on 4795kHz (17/FEB/08) (KK) 05146.0 No Call: prb 4XZ: ISR Navy 1857 USB/Ser.Tone Hybrid Modem paralell on 3815, 4520, 5512, 6618 and 8780kHz (17/FEB/08) (KK) 03805.0 2011: unid prb MRC Mil 1928 USB/ALE+Codan clg 2211 and 2518 many times, no joy (17/FEB/08) (KK) 05500.0 SHAOPS: unid TF 1939 USB/ALE clg R05130: AH-64D #99-5130 Hs flwd by SerTone Modem (17/FEB/08) (KK) 05500.0 SHAOPS: unid TF 2003 USB/ALE clg R05195: AH-64D #99-5195, Hs flwd by SerTone Modem (17/FEB/08) (KK) (Kristian, Germany - udxf 18/02/2008) 18403.5 XGF: UK-DHFCS 1031 ALE/USB clg XSS UK-DHFCS (NCS Forest Moor) (2008-02-18) (sw) 14485.5 XSS: UK-DHFCS (NCS Forest Moor) 1035 ALE/USB clg XGF (2008-02-18) (sw) 04168.5 XSS: UK-DHFCS (NCS Forest Moor) 1047 ALE/USB clg XKW (2008-02-18) (sw) 04168.5 XKW: UK-DHFCS 1047 ALE/USB clg XSS UK-DHFCS (NCS Forest Moor) (2008-02-18) (sw) 13378.0 055: Unid 1410 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-18) (sw) 14913.0 055: Unid 1422 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-18) (sw) 18275.0 CENTR6: Rom-Mfa Bucharest, Rom 1424 ALE/USB clg KNY25 (Romanian Embassy Washington DC) (2008-02-18) (sw) (Sam, U.K. - udxf 18/02/2008) 3327 WOXN:M89 17:35utc cw QPZM QPZM QPZM de WOXN WOXN V (17Feb08) 4860 NYZ:unid 18:25 cw also active on 6840khz (17Feb08) 3755 RTS:Magadan 03:32 cw msg's for RBN3 (17Feb08) 7542 4RLC:unid 04:00 cw net chatter with: TWMB (17Feb08) 7982 F4F:unid 04:02 cw calling SRX (17Feb08) 3755 RTS:Magadan 04:40 cw calling UGU2 (17Feb08) 5154 M:MX 17:22 cw Magadan (18Feb08) (Alex, Anchorage, Ak, USA - udxf 18/02/2008) 1906z 18 Feb 08 11175.0 was active at 1851z with 2-tone data tones with no voice id. Also at 1856z, 1859z and brief burst at 1906z. (Jeff H, Texas, USA - udxf 18/02/2008) 5711.0 AAT3BF : Army MARS station, Newark, DE sounding in ALE/USB (18 Feb 2008) (19:17utc) (spc) 8912.0 NAS : USCGC ESCANABA sounding in ALE/USB (14:22utc) (16 Feb 2008)(spc) 8912.0 F04 : "Foxtrot04" (USCG HU-25 #2104 CGAS Corpus Christi TX) secures guard w/ LNT : CAMSLANT after callup in ALE/USB. F04 adv. 6 pob enrt 'environmental response', adv. Homeplate is final destination. (14:26utc) (16 Feb 2008) (spc) 8912.0 D44 : US Customs/Border Patrol P-3 AEW&C #N144CS/BuNo 153446, Corpus Christi,TX sounding in ALE/USB (15:16utc) (16 Feb 2008) (spc) 10242.0 D03 : Border Pat'l. Q400 a/c #N803MR clg EST : AMOC Eastern Regional Communications Node in ALE/USB (17:51utc) (18 Feb 2008) (spc) (Steve, Xenia, Ohio, USA - udxf 19/02/2008) 06733,0 1sg: unid ac 1457 usb qso with idr 18Feb08 (wp3) 06733,0 m4b: unid ac 1411 usb/ratt qso with idr - operations normal - 1414z request from idr: ops normal every one hour - 1510z off task, time 1505z over 18Feb08 (wp3) 06733,0 b2w: unid (F?) ac F 1340 usb (french accent) qso with idr, gives his position as 36.41.11N 01.60.56e 18Feb08 (wp3) 06771,7 : MFA Kairo EGY 1453 sitor-a rq: tvxk – no qso, selcalling agn, then 1516z Codan-16 tfc (6770.0/usb) 18Feb08 (wp3) (W. Palmberger, Germany - udxf 19/02/2008) 06583.0 KBT: Geo-Mil 2343 ALE/USB clg 4BR (2008-02-15) (sw) 08180.0 7012: Unid (Arab Voice net) 2357 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-15) (sw) 08180.0 7028: Unid (Arab Voice net) 2359 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-15) (sw) 08045.0 RFI: Unid (pos Saudi net) 0000 ALE/USB clg JCI (2008-02-16) (sw) 06724.0 P20: Unid (pos Pol-Mil) 1459 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-16) (sw) 04924.0 MWT: Unid (pos Pol-Mil) 1501 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-16) (sw) 06860.0 RS004: Mkd-Mil 1932 ALE/USB clg CS001 (2008-02-16) (sw) 07954.0 911913: Nig-NPF (Nigerian National Police Force) 1941 ALE/USB clg 911911 (2008-02-16) (sw) 04600.0 RS004: Mkd-Mil 1945 ALE/USB clg CS001 (2008-02-16) (sw) 08153.0 437815: Unid (437xxx net) 1948 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-16) (sw) 06789.5 437815: Unid (437xxx net) 1951 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-16) (sw) 07729.0 437817: Unid (437xxx net) 2008 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-16) (sw) 08067.5 437817: Unid (437xxx net) 2009 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-16) (sw) 06810.0 Unid: Can-Mil 2014 ALE/USB clg CIP (2008-02-16) (sw) 06810.0 CHM723: Can-Mil Canadian Army 723 Comm Sqdn, Halifax 2016 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-16) (sw) (Sam, U.K. - udxf 19/02/2008) 05240.0 BD25 moi algerie 2002 ALE USB to RM20 19fev08 07003.0 T01204 us army irak ?? 2005 USB ALE snd 19fev08 07740.0 unid pecheurs? 2009 USB jap? d/x 19fev08 08906.0 atc nat 2012 USB c unid vol 19fev08 (Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 20/02/2008) 8957.0 SA0530 (ZS-SFJ) S. African Airways, position downlink (over S. Africa) at 0513 (11 Feb 08) 10084.0 Auckland, NZ, several squitters decoded and uplink to G-VATL (Virgin Atlantic A346) at 0710 (12 Feb 08) (Hiugh S, Texas, USA - udxf 20/02/2008) 05251.0 MALI: Alb-Moi/Mil 1626 ALE/USB clg DRINI (2008-02-19) (sw) 09200.0 2011: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1642 ALE/USB clg 2412 (2008-02-19) (sw) 09200.0 13041: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1643 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-19) (sw) 09200.0 2011: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1646 ALE/USB clg 2418 (2008-02-19) (sw) 09200.0 2418: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1646 ALE/USB clg 2011 (2008-02-19) (sw) 05379.0 DRINI: Alb-Moi/Mil 1649 ALE/USB clg MALI (2008-02-19) (sw) 07792.0 DRINI: Alb-Moi/Mil 1651 ALE/USB clg MALI (2008-02-19) (sw) 05355.0 DRINI: Alb-Moi/Mil 1652 ALE/USB clg MALI (2008-02-19) (sw) 05002.0 1912: Unid (Arab Voice net) 1702 ALE/USB clg 1918 (2008-02-19) (sw) 05002.0 1704: Unid (Arab Voice net) 1703 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-19) (sw) 06789.0 8810: Unid (Arab Voice net) 1706 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-19) (sw) 05575.0 1912: Unid (Arab Voice net) 1711 ALE/USB clg 1918 (2008-02-19) (sw) 08600.0 13111: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1712 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-19) (sw) 10390.0 2514: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1714 ALE/USB clg 2515 (2008-02-19) (sw) 06881.5 1706: Unid (Arab Voice net) 1717 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-19) (sw) 10390.0 2204: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1721 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-19) (sw) 06789.0 1581: Unid (Arab Voice net) 1724 ALE/USB clg 1587 (2008-02-19) (sw) 04900.5 JCP: Unid (pos Saudi net) 1718 ALE/USB clg RFP (2008-02-19) (sw) 10390.0 2402: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1727 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-19) (sw) 08600.0 2402: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1729 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-19) (sw) 10390.0 1118: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1729 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-19) (sw) 10390.0 1101: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1737 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-19) (sw) 04900.5 1918: Unid (Arab Voice net) 1738 ALE/USB clg 1912 (2008-02-19) (sw) 06902.5 1474: Unid (Arab Voice net) 1742 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-19) (sw) 06881.5 1918: Unid (Arab Voice net) 1743 ALE/USB clg 1912 (2008-02-19) (sw) 06881.5 1581: Unid (Arab Voice net) 1749 ALE/USB clg 1587 (2008-02-19) (sw) 10390.0 1325: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1750 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-19) (sw) 05002.0 1581: Unid (Arab Voice net) 1753 ALE/USB clg 1587 (2008-02-19) (sw) 04900.5 1581: Unid (Arab Voice net) 1755 ALE/USB clg 1587 (2008-02-19) (sw) 10390.0 13151: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1755 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-19) (sw) 06902.5 1919: Unid (Arab Voice net) 1756 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-19) (sw) 04900.5 JCU: Unid (pos Saudi net) 1758 ALE/USB clg RFU (2008-02-19) (sw) 06881.5 1912: Unid (Arab Voice net) 1802 ALE/USB clg 1966 (2008-02-19) (sw) 08600.0 2213: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1803 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-19) (sw) 05575.0 1912: Unid (Arab Voice net) 1806 ALE/USB clg 1000 (2008-02-19) (sw) 06522.0 CS001: Mkd-Mil 1810 ALE/USB clg RS002 (2008-02-19) (sw) 10390.0 11041: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1813 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-19) (sw) 10400.0 11041: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1814 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-19) (sw) 05321.0 11041: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1815 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-19) (sw) 06881.5 1914: Unid (Arab Voice net) 1817 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-19) (sw) 08600.0 1326: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1817 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-19) (sw) 10390.0 2517: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1820 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-19) (sw) 06902.5 1461: Unid (Arab Voice net) 1823 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-19) (sw) 06789.0 1579: Unid (Arab Voice net) 1827 ALE/USB clg 1542 (2008-02-19) (sw) 06789.0 1542: Unid (Arab Voice net) 1833 ALE/USB clg 1579 (2008-02-19) (sw) 06522.0 CS001A: Mkd-Mil 1834 ALE/USB clg RS009A (2008-02-19) (sw) 05575.0 1912: Unid (Arab Voice net) 1841 ALE/USB clg 1917 (2008-02-19) (sw) 04600.0 CS001A: Mkd-Mil 1843 ALE/USB clg RS009A (2008-02-19) (sw) 06789.0 1506: Unid (Arab Voice net) 1847 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-19) (sw) 05075.0 DRINI: Alb-Moi/Mil 1949 ALE/USB clg MALI (2008-02-19) (sw) 06921.0 2012: Tur-Red Crescent Emergency Operations net 2026 ALE/USB clg 2013 (2008-02-19) (sw) 05575.0 4066: Unid (Arab Voice net) 2037 ALE/USB clg 1541 (2008-02-19) (sw) 05575.0 1581: Unid (Arab Voice net) 2042 ALE/USB clg 1587 (2008-02-19) (sw) 04507.0 035: Hng-Mil 2048 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-19) (sw) 07390.0 BB3: Isr-Af 2054 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-19) (sw) (Sam, U.K. - udxf 20/02/2008) 04470.0 E??: unid Numberstation 1930 USB male Voice, repeating: Six-Nine-Zero", at 1935 starting with 5NG?s repeating every group. Ends at 1950UTC (18/FEB/08) (KK) 04625.0 No Call: unid GEO Mil Station 1953 USB/ALE clg KB1, disturbed by "The Buzzer" (18/FEB/08) (KK) 03035.0 ZT21: ALG Mil Station 2246 USB/ALE clg RM20 (18/FEB/08) (KK) 03172.0 P20: unid 1845 USB/ALE snd (19/FEB/08) (KK) * 02784.0 XKP: UK-DHFCS NCS 1850 USB/ALE clg XKP (19/FEB/08) (KK) 02446.0 CAPPELLETTI: GdF G94 "Cappelletti" 1853 USB/ALE clg TARANTO: SEZIONE OPERATIVA NAVALE TARANTO Comando Regionale Puglia, Voice Conv.after Hs (19/FEB/08) (KK) 04102.4 No Call: unid ALG Mil/ Intel Station 1928 Coquelet-8/ 37,5ms encr.traffic after "CODE" (19/FEB/08) (KK) 03029.7 HWK: Swed Ny Karlskrona 1930 USB/MIL STD 188-110/ Ser.Tone/1200Bps/L.Int. Msgs? every half+full Hour (19/FEB/08) (KK) (Kristian, Germany - udxf 20/02/2008) 08300,0 6ww: F Navy Dakar SEN 0755 stanag4285/300L/5n2 FAAA FAAA DE 6WW 6WW 6WW TESTING TERTNG RYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRY SGSGSGSGSGSGSGSGSGSGSGSSGSGSGSGSGSGSGSGSGSGSGS 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 20Feb08 (wp3) 08453,0 fuo: F Navy Toulon F 0801 stanag4285/300L/5n1 FAAA DE FUO VV TESTING RYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRY SGSGSGSGSGSGSGSGSGSGSGS.0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1.VOYEZ VOUS LE BRICK GEANT QUE J EXAMINE PRES DU GRAND WHARF INT ZBZ NNNN 20Feb08 (wp3) 12857,0 6ww: F Navy Dakar SEN 0818 stanag4285/300L/5n2 FAAA FAAA DE .6WW.6WW.6WW. TESTING TESTING. .RYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRY. .SGSGSGSGSGSGSGSGSGSGSGSSGSGSGSGSGSGSGSGSGSGSGS. 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 20Feb08 (wp3) 13042,5 fuv: F Navy Djibouti DJI 0821 stanag4285/300L/5n2 VZCZC. OO FAAA DE FUV ZNR UUUUU .1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 . TESTING RYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRY SGSGSGSGSGSGSGSGSGSGSGSG .0 9 8 7 6 5 20Feb08 (wp3) 02608,4 fuo: F Navy Toulon F 2140 stanag4285/300L/5n2 FL FL FL FL FL DE FUO FUO FUO QSM QSM QSM NNNN.................. 19Feb08 (wp3) 06348,0 fue: F Navy Brest F 2136 stanag4285/600L/5n2 VZCZCABC.001 .ALL DE FUE AW DE FUE ALL DE FUE TESTING TESTITG TESTING RYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRY 19Feb08 (wp3) 08478,5 rflie: F Navy Fort de France MRT 2127 stanag4285/600L/5n2 OO FAAA DE RFLIE ZNR UUUUU ZUI TESTING RYRYRYRYRYRYRYRY SG..SGSGSGSGSGSG NNNN 19Feb08 (wp3) 12587,0 6ww: F Navy Dakar SEN 2154 stanag4285/300L/5n2 FAAA FAAA DE 6WW6WW6WW TESTING TESTING RYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRY SGSGSGSGSGSGSGSGSGSGSGSSGSGSGSGSGSGSGSGSGSGSGS 19Feb08 (wp3) 12666,5 fug and 16905 fuv heard, but too weak to copy. (W. Palmberger, Germany - udxf 20/02/2008) 07641.0 MJMD: Unid (Pos Serbia Military) 0933 ALE/USB clg 4XKM (2008-02-20) (sw) 07641.0 GZ8W: Unid (Pos Serbia Military) 0933 ALE/USB clg S300 (2008-02-20) (sw) 07641.0 PGID: Unid (Pos Serbia Military) 0933 ALE/USB clg GZ8W (2008-02-20) (sw) 07641.0 RBYG: Unid (Pos Serbia Military) 0933 ALE/USB clg GZ8W (2008-02-20) (sw) 07641.0 MJMD: Unid (Pos Serbia Military) 0937 ALE/USB clg JHBD (2008-02-20) (sw) 07641.0 MJMD: Unid (Pos Serbia Military) 0940 ALE/USB clg AZWE (2008-02-20) (sw) 07641.0 MJMD: Unid (Pos Serbia Military) 0956 ALE/USB clg NET1 (2008-02-20) (sw) 07641.0 MJMD: Unid (Pos Serbia Military) 1003 ALE/USB clg 8WU5 (2008-02-20) (sw) 07641.0 MJMD: Unid (Pos Serbia Military) 1008 ALE/USB clg YVBZ (2008-02-20) (sw) 07641.0 MJMD: Unid (Pos Serbia Military) 1010 ALE/USB clg HS7W (2008-02-20) (sw) 07641.0 BROMIAN26: Unid (Pos Polish Military)1021 ALE/USB clg ZATONIK34 (2008-02-20) (sw) 06873.0 BROMIAN26: Unid (Pos Polish Military)1022 ALE/USB clg ZATONIK34 (2008-02-20) (sw) 07641.0 4XKM: Unid (Pos Serbia Military) 1034 ALE/USB clg 4N7R (2008-02-20) (sw) 07641.0 MJMD: Unid (Pos Serbia Military) 1036 ALE/USB clg JHBD (2008-02-20) (sw) 07641.0 JHBD: Unid (Pos Serbia Military) 1036 ALE/USB clg MJMD (2008-02-20) (sw) 07641.0 H4TR: Unid (Pos Serbia Military) 1121 ALE/USB clg JHBD (2008-02-20) (sw) 07641.0 JHBD: Unid (Pos Serbia Military) 1121 ALE/USB clg H4TR (2008-02-20)(sw) (Sam, U.K. - 20/02/2008) 6294 UNID CW station 2/13/08 0723-0724UTC s/off. Strong signal. Tuned back at 0746 and they were on again with another station until 0800 s/off. 4079 Pirate Beacon "TMP 49" 2/13/08 0733UTC, poor signal. Does anyone know a contact for a QSL? 4191 UNID CW two stations 2/20/08 1041-1049UTC. One strong and one weak. 5807 ZKLF Wellington NZ, 2/20/08 1105-1110 caught the end of their WEFAX schedule, 120/576, good signal. 7535 VMW Wiluna AUSTRALIA, 2/20/08 1120-1130UTC late again, last 10 minutes of a 15 minute WEFAX chart, 120/576, fair signal. (Martin Foltz, USA - udxf 20/02/2008) 04924.0 MWT: Unid (Pos Pol-Mil) 1029 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-20) (sw) 05684.0 MWT: Unid (Pos Pol-Mil) 1118 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-20) (sw) 06724.0 MWT: Unid (Pos Pol-Mil) 1119 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-20) (sw) 06754.0 MWT: Unid (Pos Pol-Mil) 1120 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-20) (sw) 03172.0 MWT: Unid (Pos Pol-Mil) 1124 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-20) (sw) 07641.0 LK3S: Pol-Mil 1205 ALE/USB clg MJMD (2008-02-20) (sw) 07641.0 MJMD: Pol-Mil 1205 ALE/USB clg LK3S (2008-02-20) (sw) 07641.0 MJMD: Pol-Mil 1206 ALE/USB clg RBYG (2008-02-20) (sw) 07641.0 PGID: Pol-Mil 1541 ALE/USB clg MJMD (2008-02-20) (sw) 07641.0 MJMD: Pol-Mil 2210 ALE/USB clg AZWE (2008-02-20) (sw) 07641.0 MJMD: Pol-Mil 2220 ALE/USB clg S300 (2008-02-20) (sw) 06874.0 TZSH1: Spa-Pol Huelva, Spa 2305 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-20) (sw) (Sam, U.K. - udxf 21/02/2008) - I am currently hearing an UNID DGPS beacon on 306.5 kHz. This is probably the one that Kari reported as 307 kHz recently, and rough bearings would indicate south east/east as the likely bearing. I measured the baud rate as 100bps, and since North American DGPS beacons don't operate on .5 kHz channels, Europe or Russia is the most likely destination. It would be helpful if any members in central Europe and Italy could take a look for this one and see how strong it is there. This callsign block is usually allocated to Russia, though as we've seen in the past, other countries have used low numbers as well. There is a beacon planned for Italy on this channel at San Vito Lo Capo, as well as the Austrian beacon heard using #001 in the past, all may be possible suspects. It appears to be coming up in strength right now (0420utc), so any other reports would be appreciated. Station ID 077 msg typ 09 tim 12.87 seq 5 len 2 health 0 [08-02-21 04:12:48] Station ID 077 msg typ 09 tim 12.83 seq 4 len 5 health 0 [08-02-21 04:12:46] Station ID 077 msg typ 09 tim 12.75 seq 1 len 2 health 0 [08-02-21 04:12:41] Station ID 077 msg typ 09 tim 12.55 seq 3 len 5 health 0 [08-02-21 04:12:29] Station ID 077 msg typ 09 tim 12.52 seq 2 len 5 health 0 [08-02-21 04:12:27] Station ID 077 msg typ 09 tim 11.95 seq 0 len 5 health 0 [08-02-21 04:11:53] Station ID 077 msg typ 09 tim 11.27 seq 2 len 5 health 0 [08-02-21 04:11:12] Station ID 077 msg typ 09 tim 11.25 seq 1 len 2 health 0 [08-02-21 04:11:11] Station ID 077 msg typ 09 tim 11.20 seq 0 len 5 health 0 [08-02-21 04:11:08] Station ID 077 msg typ 09 tim 11.13 seq 6 len 5 health 0 [08-02-21 04:11:04] Station ID 077 msg typ 09 tim 11.08 seq 4 len 5 health 0 [08-02-21 04:11:01] (Alan Gale, U.K. - ndblist 21/02/2008) 11490.0 0000210001: Grc-Ministry of Public Order (Hellenic Police) 1130 ALE/USB clg 0000210488 (2008-02-21) (sw) 11147.0 2001: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1141 ALE/USB clg 2404 (2008-02-21) (sw) 11490.0 0000210001: Grc-Ministry of Public Order (Hellenic Police) 1147 ALE/USB clg 0000210302 (2008-02-21) (sw) 11490.0 0000210001: Grc-Ministry of Public Order (Hellenic Police) 1159 ALE/USB clg 0000210301 (2008-02-21) (sw) 05295.0 XSS: UK-DHFCS (NCS Forest Moor) 1547 ALE/USB clg XGV (2008-02-21) (sw) 05295.0 XGV: UK-DHFCS 1547 ALE/USB clg XSS UK-DHFCS (NCS Forest Moor) (2008-02-21) (sw) 07990.0 JCP: Unid (Pos Saudi net) 1617 ALE/USB clg RFP (2008-02-21) (sw) 05662.7 T01204: Us-Mil 1642 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-21) (sw) 08003.0 T01204: Us-Mil 1645 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-21) (sw) 06954.0 R24537: Us-Mil A/c 1649 ALE/USB clg TC7101 (2008-02-21) (sw) 08714.0 AA214: Unid (pos Us-Mil) 1652 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-21) (sw) 07372.0 AA214: Unid (pos Us-Mil) 1654 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-21) (sw) 06850.0 2BT: Geo-Mil 1656 ALE/USB clg 4BR (2008-02-21) (sw) 06583.0 8GS: Geo-Mil 1700 ALE/USB clg 2BR (2008-02-21) (sw) 08003.0 T01185: Us-Mil 1st Assault Battalion, 185th Avn (deployed) 1706 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-21) (sw) 07045.0 1BR: Geo-Mil 1710 ALE/USB clg 8GS (2008-02-21) (sw) 07545.0 8GS: Geo-Mil 1712 ALE/USB clg ART (2008-02-21) (sw) 05439.0 AA214: Unid (pos Us-Mil) 1720 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-21) (sw) 07759.0 212: Unid 1721 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-21) (sw) 04419.0 T5Z158: Us-Mil 1722 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-21) (sw) 08000.0 AA214: Unid (pos Us-Mil) 1724 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-21) (sw) 07003.0 T01185: Us-Mil 1st Assault Battalion, 185th Avn (deployed) 1724 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-21) (sw) (Sam, U.K. - udxf 22/02/2008) 3455.0 REACH 517 w/ NY Radio in USB. Reach 517 adv. at 'Danner', flt. lvl 300,.83 mach, next is "Gage' (01:39UTC) (19 Feb 2008) (spc) 4000.0 BSG : Un-Id station (poss. Nat'l Guard) sounding in ALE/USB (01:11utc)(19 Feb 2008) (spc) 4000.0 NGTROOPCMD : Nat'l Guard, Columbus, OH sounding in ALE/USB (16:39utc)(21 Feb 2008) (spc) 5696.0 CG 1502 (HC-130H CGAS Elizabeth City) w/Pos rpt. TO CAMSLANT. 1502 adv.37.11N, -76.08W (over Chesapeake Bay, N. of Norfolk, VA) (16:03utc)(20 Feb 2008) (spc) 8294.0 2x Males in SS / Possibly fishermen. In USB. (14:38utc) (20 Feb 2008)(spc) 8912.0 J29 : USCG MH-60J #6029 CGAS Clearwater w/ OPB : OPBAT Service Center, Nassau, Bahamas after callup in ALE/USB. J29 passes pos. rpt. of 20.8nm bearing 306deg from "X-ray 1". (15:10utc) (21 Feb 2008) (spc) 8912.0 "29 Charlie" secures guard w/ PANTHER. PANTHER adv. contact your ground crew after landing on 'Bravo' (15:28utc) (21 Feb 2008) (spc) 8912.0 J42 : USCG MH-60J #6042 CGAS Clearwater w/CAMSLANT passing pos rpt. J42 adv. 27.50N, -82.17W (Just E. of Bradenton, FLA) (16:15utc) (21 Feb 2008) (spc) 8912.0 J42 : USCG MH-60J #6042 CGAS Clearwater w/CAMSLANT. J42 secures guard, adv.is at homeplate. (16:35utc) (21 Feb 2008) (spc) 8912.0 CR5 : Un-ID sta (poss. remote COTHEN comm. console) sounding in ALE/USB (16:36utc) (21 Feb 2008) (spc) (Steve, Xenia, Ohio, USA - udxf 21/02/2008) 02187.5 UFRT: Vessel Baltyskyiy-109-Russia 2231 DSC Safety RQ to MRCC Novorossiysk/UFN. (19Feb08) (MPJ) 02187.5 MJVC7: Euro Skye-GB 2243 DSC Safety RQ to MRCC Turku/OFK, Finland. (19Feb08) (MPJ) 04714 COKL: Unid CIS 2300 CW COKL K. QRV K. K. R 274 230 2 K. SLV K. (Nothing further) (19Feb08) (MPJ) 06418 VTP5: Vishakhapatnam Naval Radio, India 2310 CW Bcast 4FG message to VWGZ: ... - PP - 171958 - GR38 = EIGHT THREE NINE TWO MIKE TWO FIVE TWO ZERO 7723 3517 7409 ... Dreadful note! (17Feb08) (MPJ) 08020 2528: Protection Civile Marocaine 1759 ALE/USB Calls 2527. (21Feb08) (MPJ) 08062 207: Rep Singapore Navy Amphibious Vsl "Endurance" (L-207) 1801 ALE/USB Calls TES-unid. (21Feb08) (MPJ) 08143 TAR: Pakistan Navy Frigate Tariq (F-181) 1819 ALE/USB Calls NRS-Pakistan Naval Radio, Karachi. (21Feb08) (MPJ) 08162 035: Hungarian Army 1816 ALE/USB Calls 082. (21Feb08) (MPJ) 08165 190: Unid 1756 ALE/USB Calls 191. (21Feb08) (MPJ) 08190 TARANTO: Italian Guardia di Finanza Taranto 1828 ALE/USB Calls FUSCO-Bigliani Class, Fast Patrol Boat, Fusco (G-125). (21Feb08) (MPJ) 10168 : NATO TADIL Modem 1555 LINK-11/2250/ISB Two channels or duplex USB/ISB system. (21Feb08) (MPJ) 10344.5 XSS: UK DHFCS NCS 1551 ALE/USB Sounding. (21Feb08) (MPJ) (Jim, U.K. - udxf 21/02/2008) 05374.5 123: Alg-Mil 1938 ALE/USB clg XA33 (2008-02-21) (sw) 05045.0 123: Alg-Mil 1939 ALE/USB clg XA33 (2008-02-21) (sw) 05374.5 XA30: Alg-Mil 1946 ALE/USB clg XA35 (2008-02-21) (sw) 05374.5 XA35: Alg-Mil 1946 ALE/USB clg XA30 (2008-02-21) (sw) 04970.0 5810: Unid 1950 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-21) (sw) 05410.0 5810: Unid 1952 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-21) (sw) 05470.0 XV10: Alg-Mil 1955 ALE/USB clg RM10 (2008-02-21) (sw) 05410.0 5830: Unid 1956 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-21) (sw) 05443.0 VR60: Alg-Mil 2006 ALE/USB clg VR57 (2008-02-21) (sw) 04415.0 VK23: Alg-Mil 2008 ALE/USB clg VK20 (2008-02-21) (sw) 05365.0 VK23: Alg-Mil 2010 ALE/USB clg VK20 (2008-02-21) (sw) 03105.0 VR40: Alg-Mil 2027 ALE/USB clg VR46 (2008-02-21) (sw) 03105.0 VR48: Alg-Mil 2043 ALE/USB clg VR50 (2008-02-21) (sw) 06838.0 XL19: Alg-Mil 2047 ALE/USB clg AC10 (2008-02-21) (sw) 05470.0 XL19: Alg-Mil 2053 ALE/USB clg AC10 (2008-02-21) (sw) 03105.0 VR56: Alg-Mil 2055 ALE/USB clg VR53 (2008-02-21) (sw) 08086.0 KANO: Nig-NNPC Kano, Nig 2115 ALE/USB clg KADUNA Kaduna NNPC Kaduna, Kaduna State, Nig (2008-02-21) (sw) 08086.0 ABAJI: Nig-NNPC Abaji, Abuja/Federal Capitol Territory, Nig 2122 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-21) (sw) 08086.0 MINNA: Nig-NNPC 2126 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-21) (sw) 04970.0 5880: Unid 2140 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-21) (sw) 05410.0 5880: Unid 2141 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-21) (sw) 08086.0 IBADAN: Nig-NNPC 2141 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-21) (sw) 08086.0 SARKINA: Nig-NNPC Pumping Station Sarkin Pawa, Shiroro, Niger State 2143 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-21) (sw) 08086.0 YOLA: Nig-NNPC Yola, Hong, Adamawa State 2144 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-21) (sw) 08086.0 MOSIMI: Nig-NNPC Mosimi 2144 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-21) (sw) 08086.0 AUCHI: Nig-NNPC Auchi 2152 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-21) (sw) 08086.0 SULEJA: Nig-NNPC Suleja 2155 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-21) (sw) 05439.0 AA214: Unid (pos Us-Mil) 2224 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-21) (sw) (Sam, U.K. - udxf 22/02/2008) 5590 USB seems to be heavy in ALE TO DIA -THIS IS D36 TO DIAMANTE - THIS IS D-36 TO ACE - THIS IS AZ4 Is this Mexican army? 3023 ENGLISH ships cussing up a storm. USB 1:17 (21FEB08) CC (CHRIS CORLEY, USA - udxf 22/02/2008) 05762.0 035: Hng-Mil 2217 ALE/USB clg 082 (2008-02-21) (sw) 05337.0 T2Z159: Us-Mil 2234 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-21) (sw) 07839.0 T2Z159: Us-Mil 2235 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-21) (sw) 05823.0 3001: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 2235 ALE/USB clg 2205 (2008-02-21) (sw) 05823.0 2001: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 2237 ALE/USB clg 2402 (2008-02-21) (sw) 07372.0 AA214: Unid (pos Us-Mil) 2228 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-21) (sw) 08000.0 T2Z238: Us-Mil 2nd Bn 238th Avn 2236 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-21) (sw) 08714.0 T2Z238: Us-Mil 2nd Bn 238th Avn 2236 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-21) (sw) 11490.0 0000210001: Grc-Ministry of Public Order (Hellenic Police) 0945 ALE/USB clg 0000210402 (2008-02-22) (sw) 15000.0 CCS: Unid 0948 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-22) (sw) (Sam, U.K. - udxf 22/02/2008) 02784.0 XSS: UK-DHFCS (NCS Forest Moor) 0933 ALE/USB clg XKD (2008-02-22) (sw) 02784.0 XKD: UK-DHFCS 0933 ALE/USB clg XSS UK-DHFCS (NCS Forest Moor) (2008-02-22) (sw) 12230.0 XFY: UK-DHFCS 0949 ALE/USB clg XSS UK-DHFCS (NCS Forest Moor) (2008-02-22) (sw) 10160.0 4015: Tur-Red Crescent Emergency Operations net 1027 ALE/USB clg 1020 (2008-02-22) (sw) 11500.0 2010: Tur-Red Crescent Emergency Operations net 1032 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-22) (sw) 14550.0 C2: Mrc-Mil Royal Morrocan Forces 1032 ALE/USB clg A2 (2008-02-22) (sw) 10160.0 2013: Tur-Red Crescent Emergency Operations net 1035 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-22) (sw) 10160.0 4015: Tur-Red Crescent Emergency Operations net 1037 ALE/USB clg 2010 (2008-02-22) (sw) 12110.0 4015: Tur-Red Crescent Emergency Operations net 1050 ALE/USB clg 2010 (2008-02-22) (sw) 14550.0 C2: Mrc-Mil Royal Morrocan Forces 1054 ALE/USB clg J5 (2008-02-22)(sw) (Sam, U.K. - udxf 22/02/2008) here are ALF's ALE loggings from the last days ;-) Any confirmation that the "214 MedCo (AA)" is currently deployed to IRQ. They would be my ID idea for the new AA214 ident? Before these AA MedCo's using TnnnAA -> T214AA, but maybe they changed the rules? Who is running this new UNID net on 6690 kHz (IZ1, AC3, AS3, OX2, SR5)? Only ALE reported so far. 6690 kHz is a known freq for the Royal Moroccan Gendarmerie, but they used so far an other format for their trigraph idents, e.g. L2L or 2LL, no LL2. The other known freqs for this MRC net did not show any similar activity that time, so it could be an absolut new net? The ident "10250" on 6748 kHz is also absolutely new for me. This freq is active by the Italian AF, Israeli AF and by a sub-net of the "UNID Turkish 3771/9850-Net". BTW, anyone has a "good idea" who are these Turkish guys? They (3771/9817/9850/9857) appear on the frequencies of the Turkish Red Crescent Emergency Operations Net too. Any who is the LION and the TIGER on 4855 kHz. The MEX MIL do/did used animal names as idents, but when I remember well only the Spanish language versions? And the last question is refering to these SNG Navy loggings on 5220.5 and 7449 kHz. Monitored idents were 68 & 69 with CN3. 68 and 69 are the hull numbers while CN3 should stand for their main naval harbour of "Changi Naval Base". In November 2007 a similar pair of idents could be seen on 6697.5 kHz with 70 & DL4. 70 could be the hull for the "RSS Steadfast", but according to Wikipeadia "commissioned in 2008". Maybe on a testing session? Who could be DL4, from the format a "SNG Navy-looking" ident, but I can't find any matching "station". Since then no further loggings seen on UDXF or anywhere else.... ideas?? And please feel free to do any further comments, corrections, ideas etc... ;-) 73, Tom ======================================================================== 03500 2010: Turkish Red Crescent Emergency Operations Net 2013 ALE/USB SND. 21Feb08 (ALF) 03770 CY5_: Algerian Military 2055 ALE/USB to RM50 w/LQA & scrambled voice. 17Feb08 (ALF) 04494 AA214: US Army Aviation, prob. "214 MedCo (AA)", IRQ 0143 ALE/USB SND. 22Feb08 (ALF) 04855 LION: unid 0003 ALE/USB to TIGER w/out LQA, who replied. 21Feb08 (ALF) 05220.5 68: Singapore Navy Formidable Class multi-mission frigate "RSS Formidable (#68)" 2140 ALE/USB to CN3 (Changi Naval Base) w/LQA, who replied. 20Feb08 (ALF) 05296.5 AA214: US Army Aviation, prob. "214 MedCo (AA)", IRQ 2353 ALE/USB SND. 21Feb08 (ALF) 05296.5 R23282: US Army Aviation Sikorsky UH-60A Blackhawk Helicopter #79-23282, IRQ 0006 ALE/USB to T2Z238 (Indiana Army NG 2-238 Aviation). 22Feb08 (ALF) 06522 1126: unid 2122 ALE/USB SND. 15Feb08 (ALF) 06690 IZ1: unid 2139 ALE/USB to AC3 w/LQA. 16Feb08 (ALF) 06690 AC3: unid 2145 ALE/USB to AS3 w/LQA. 16Feb08 (ALF) 06690 OX2: unid 2225 ALE/USB to MC2. 17Feb08; 2100a to SR5, w/LQA. 18Feb08 (ALF) 06690 SR5: unid 2300 ALE/USB to OX2 w/LQA. 17Feb08 (ALF) 06748 : unid Italian Air Force 2359a ALE/USB to CHARLY46 (46 Aerial Brigade HQ, Pisa-San Giusto AB) w/LQA. 19Feb08 (ALF) 06748 10250: unid (Ital. AF ?) 1900a ALE/USB SND. 19Feb08 (ALF) 06748 9817: Turkish UNID "3771-Net" 0300a ALE/USB SND. 20Feb08 (ALF) 06748 9857: Turkish UNID "3771-Net" 2359a ALE/USB SND. 19Feb08 (ALF) 06809 FC6: FEMA (Region 6 Communications Manager) Denton, TX [WGY906]; FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) 0208 ALE/USB SND. 18Feb08 (ALF) 06840 311315: Nigerian Police 2103+ ALE/USB SND, to 311311 w/LQA. 21Feb08 (ALF) 06841 AA214: US Army Aviation, prob. "214 MedCo (AA)", IRQ 2130 ALE/USB SND. 21Feb08 (ALF) 06906.5 R26003: US Army Aviation Sikorsky UH-60A Blackhawk Helicopter #87-26003 ("A/5-158 AVN"), IRQ 0037 ALE/USB SND. 17Feb09 (ALF) 06905.5 T2Z159: US Army 2-159 (Attack Reconnaissance) Aviation, IRQ 0038 ALE/USB SND. 17Feb09 (ALF) 06918 MOD: Iraqi MoD Baghdad 1900a ALE/USB to MODNET (collective c/s). 17Feb08 (ALF) 06918 IGF: Iraqi Ground Forces Command (IGFC) "Camp Victory", Baghdad 1721+ ALE/USB to 4DV (Army 4th Division [Mech], Tikrit area), 1DV (1st Division [Iraqi Intervention Force], Fallujah) w/LQA. 17Feb08 (ALF) 06918 4DV: Iraqi Army 4th Division (Mech), Tikrit, IRQ 0420 ALE/USB to IGF (Iraqi Ground Forces HQ) w/LQA. 22Feb08 (ALF) 06918 8DV: Iraqi Army 8th Division (Infantry), Al Kut 1745 ALE/USB to IGF (Iraqi Ground Forces HQ, Baghdad) w/LQA. 17Feb08 (ALF) 06918 11V: Iraqi Army 11th Division, East Baghdad Region 1900a ALE/USB to MOD (MoD Baghdad) w/LQA. 17Feb08 (ALF) 06964 R24408: US Army Aviation Sikorsky UH-60A Blackhawk (S-70A) Helicopter #85-24408 (50th Med Co/8-101st AVN; Fort Campbell, KY), IRQ 1614 ALE/USB to TC7101 (US Army "C/7-101 Avn", IRQ). 16Feb08 (ALF) 06964 AA214: US Army Aviation, prob. "214 MedCo (AA)", IRQ 2200 ALE/USB SND. 21Feb08 (ALF) 07449 69: Singapore Navy Formidable Class multi-mission frigate "RSS Intrepid (69)" 0008 ALE/USB to CN3 (Changi Naval Base) w/LQA. 19Feb08 (ALF) 09013.3 T01185: Mississippi Army National Guard 1st Assault Battalion, 185th Aviation Regiment "1-185 Avn" (Hawkins Field, Jackson, MS) on KFOR deployment, Camp Bondsteel, Kosova 1552 ALE/USB SND. 16Feb08 (ALF) 09120 MAE: MFA Algiers [=7RQ20], ALG 1401 ALE/LSB to RBT (Emb. Rabat, MRC) w/LQA, who replied. 16Feb08 (ALF) (dl8aam - udxf 22/02/2008) - NDB I am receiving a weak station KDR on 430.028 kHz. Cycle time is 8 second. It is not in REU and Michael's magnificent European NDB Handbook has one listed at 314 kHz. This KDR-314 is Kadra from Libya.Could it be possible that KDR-314 has changed frequency to 429 kHz? (pa0rdt - ndblist 17/02/2008) Yes I can hear KDR-429 on 430.027 a with fairly good signal, and nulling with my loop gives about 320 / 140 - with 148 deg being the bearing for KDR-314, so maybe ?? I can also the lower offset on 427.972 - but much weaker and suffering a little from LOS-429 on 427.963 (g3ufi - ndblist 17/02/2008) 16 22:42 324 ML 324.402 886 Aarhus, DNK 16 22:43 325 PG 325.411 1116 Trollhattan/Vanersborg, SWE 16 22:44 325 OF 325.401 229 Filton Bristol, ENG 16 22:40 325 JOE 324.601 2163 Joensuu, FIN 16 22:46 326 OG 326.396 1484 Gavle/Sandviken, SWE 16 21:01 327 MVC 327.012 148 Merville/Calonne, FRA 16 22:48 329 IB 329.407 1781 Tallinn, EST 16 22:50 331 TUR 331.004 373 Tours, FRA 16 22:52 333 LE 332.602 1403 Vasteraas/Hasslo, SWE 16 22:08 429 KDR 430.027 ? Y ?, XUF / 427.972 (g3ufi - ndblist 17/02/2008) |
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