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WorldDX 161
WorldDX 161 01/04/2008 -- WorldDX выходит с декабря 2004 года. Редактор: Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия. Время везде UTC; Mосковское время = UTC +4 часа - летом, а зимой - +3 часа. Частоты указаны в кГц для ДВ, СВ, КВ и в МГц для ФМ и ТВ Редактор оставляет за собой право не включать в бюллетень информацию, не отвечающую его тематике. -- http://worlddx.narod.ru/ http://worlddx.by.ru/ http://subscribe.ru/catalog/radio.worlddx/ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/worlddx/ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/fmdx_Russia/ -- Выходит: не регулярно. Адрес для писем: worlddx@yandex.ru -- Короткие Волны Англия 6195 only 1800-2000 UT RMP 500 kW 62deg in B07. But 1700-1900 12095 in A08. So I'll hear BBCWS two hours daily also here in Germany in coming summer. (W. Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 15/02/2008) Ангола 4950 RNA-Canal "A", Mulenvos, 1940-2020, 09 Feb, sports news followed by music prgr "Discolandia", so no newscast at 08PM; 45343. (Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 12/02/2008) 4950, R Nacional de Angola, 0220-0500+, 02/14/08, Portuguese. Mostly music ranging from Afropop to easy listening, time pips/ID/presumed news on the hour. Still audible as late as 0600. Fair/good at peak. (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 14.02.2008) Афганистан 14 Jan past 1400 UT noted two different programs of Afghan music and talks on 6700. Both sidebands with possibly somewhat reduced carrier. At times interfered by Greek LSB "operators" splattering also on USB. Mauno Ritola measured these two AFG transmitters to be 2Hz apart. I wonder why I haven't seen any monitoring reports of these AFG stations from the listmembers around India etc. Maybe these stations on 6700 do have a local id. (Jari Savolainen, Finland = dxldyg 14/02/2008) Бангладеш 7250, Bangladesh Betar, 1254-1300*, 02/13/08, English. A couple of western-sounding tunes (complete w/wailing electric guitar), some closing announcements, and off. Signal was of decent strength, but hampered by low audio and a strong hum, making speech very difficult to understand, and ham QRM not helping. Fair/poor. (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 14/02/2008) 7250, Bangladesh Betar, *1229-1242, Feb 11, English. IS, whisper-quiet anncr at 1230. Wind instrumental into news; too weak to detail; only an occasional word here and there. More wind instrument at 1237 and more news. Poor. (S. Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 15/02/2008) Бенин 1566 TWR, Parakou, 1831-1932, 09 Feb, Vernacular, talks & music; 54444, QRM from the tiny G stns which despite their vy. small power are the only regular ones on the channel, sometimes even at mid day propagation allowing that is. (Carlos Goncalves - POR) 5025 ORTB, Parakou, 1532-..., 09 Feb, Vernacular, talks; 25342; audible around noon too. (Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 12/02/2008) Боливия Bolivia, 5996.43, Radio Loyola, 1024-1100 Initially noted music until 1029 when a female comments and gives ID. This is followed with a fanfare type musical segment. At 1030, she and a male present news in Spanish. This continues until 1050 when music is presented again. At 1058 a gentleman comments briefly. The female returns at 1100 with ID and brief comments. Signal has deterioated from a fair to threshold by 1100. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 11/02/2008) 6134.81, Radio Santa Cruz, 1015-1030 Noted a lively period of music with a male commenting between selections. Canned ID at 1026 "... Radio Santa Cruz". This is followed with canned ADs or Promos. And then another ID, "... Radio, Santa Cruz." Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 12/02/2008) 4796KHz Bolivia R Mallku, Uyuni 02/12 SS 2230-2231 female talks alternating local pop music, "estay hoyendo, R. Mallku". Partial readable 32232 (Lucio O.B., Embu, Brasil - dxldyg 14/02/2008) 4716.7, R. Yura, 0036-0048, Feb 13, Spanish. Lite music, ID annmt at 0040. Musical bits w/ talk, ballad. Poor. (S. Barbour Jr, NH, USA = dxldyg 15/02/2008) 5996.9, presumed R. Loyola, 0951-1001, Feb 14, Spanish. Music and talk; YL at 0955 until crushed by 6000-WYFR s/on at 1000. Poor/weak under band noise. (S. Barbour Jr, NH, USA = dxldyg 15/02/2008) Бразилия 3255 R.Educadora 6 de Agosto, Xapuri AC, 0006-0015, 10 Feb, songs; 35332. 4845.2 R.Cultura Ondas Tropicais, Manaus AM, 2358-0015, 08 Feb, end of A Voz do Brasil natl. newscast, full ID, infos. messages, songs; 45444, so no mess from MTN. 4885 R.Club do Para, Belem PA, 1900 f/in-1945, 09 Feb, talks, f/ball match rpt, advertisements; 25332. 4915 R.Dif?, Macapa AP, 2007-2029, 09 FEb, talks, Carnaval (Carnival in English) like songs, chatter; 33342, QRM de B. 9505 R.Record, Sao Paulo SP, 2231-2247, 09 Feb, f/ball match rpt. Palmeiras v Guarani; 44433, co-ch. QRM. 9515 R.Novas de Paz, Curitiba PR, 2232-2249, 09 Feb, religious prgr & songs to match; 45444. 9565 R.Tupi, Curitiba PR, 2235-2245, 09 Feb, pathetic live show presenting miraculous healings like on 12 Jan at the same time, all with brief translation into Castilian; I think the presenter is the one & only David Miranda...; 34433. 9615 R.Cultura, Sao Paulo SP, 237-2305, 09 Feb, Braz. oldies, infos, prgr announcements; 35433, bad audio, then adj. QRM de REE opening transmission on 9620 at 2259. 9675 R.Cancao Nova, Cachoeira Paulista SP2239-2255, 09 Feb, folk songs prgr; 35433. 9675 R.Cancao Nova, 1144-1325, 10 Feb, sermon during mass, religous prgr, ID+list of affiliated stns, music prgr at 1300; 35433 at first, then got worse, and better again like at the start of the obs.. 11735 R.Transmundial, St? M? RS, 1310-..., prgr abt. "missionarios", missionaries till 1312, then into songs; 24432. 11784.6 R.Guaiba, Pt? Alegre RS, 2241-2258, 09 Feb, f/ball interview; 34433, adj. QRM de B 11780. 11815 R.Brasil Central, Goiania GO, 1550-1610, 0 Feb, newscast, weather rpt.; 34433, bad audio. It was vy. strong earlier in the day at noon. (Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 12/02/2008) Буркина Фасо 7230 R.Burkina, Ouagadougou, 1131-1315, 09 Feb, French, talks on water resources, news at noon; 45444; fluttery & weaker at 01PM. (Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 12/02/2008) 7230, R.Burkina, 0814-0832, Feb 11, French. Talks w/ indigenous & hilife music. Tentative ID at 0830. Fair tho weakening by BoH. (S. Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 15/02/2008) Ватикан 5885 Vatican Radio; *2120, 14-Feb; Tuned in @2118 to one cycle of strong Vatican bells iS, long pause, then came back much weaker. S/on sounded like SS, as listed in Passport, but very weak. (Frodge-MI) 5910 Vatican Radio; 2117, 14-Feb; Somber music, ID & RR talk. SIO=222, best in LSB. (Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 15/02/2008) Венгрия 17690. R. Budapest. 1219-1258. Feb.12/Tue. Hungarian. Jingle and OM said assumed as "It's Budapest"followed by conversation in a crowded place on photography, documentation and film. Another long talk on Kosovo, Serbia and Yugoslavia followed by women conversation mentioning Slovakia and Maria Theresia. Before signed off, I heard again ". .Budapest" SIO 443.(Tony Ashar, Depok, Indonesia - dxldyg 12/02/2008) 5970 Radio Budapest, 20:58-21:01, escuchada el 12 de febrero con identificacion en varias lenguas, entre ellas el espanol, a las 21:00 comienza el servicio en arabe de Family Radio y Radio Budapest queda anulado, me ha llamado la atencion que esta emisora mantenga su identificacion de los servicios internacionales despues de haberlos cancelado meses atras. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 13/02/2008) Вьетнам 12020. Voice of Vietnam. 1006-1010. Feb.12/Tue. English. World news: Palestinian Hamas, Russian Gasprom, US Robert Gates, Pakistan election rally. //9840. SIO 344.(Tony Ashar, Depok, Indonesia - dxldyg 12/02/2008) Габон 7270, Radio Gabon, *0759-0815, Feb 16, sign on with local music. French talk at 0800. ID. Poor. Weak. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 16/02/2008) Гватемала 4779.98, R. Buenas Nuevas, 1139-1146, Feb 11, Spanish. Anncr w/ talk , full ID at 1141. Anthem-like music at 1142, brief anncr at 1145 then silence. Stayed on frequency to hear imagination level music at 1150. I can't imagine they would be s/off at 6:00 AM Guatemala time. (S. Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 15/02/2008) 4799.78, Radio Buenas Nuevas, 0345-0435*, Feb 16, local music. Spanish talk. Closing announcements with IDs at 0433, 0434. Fair level but weak CODAR QRM & slight het from presumed Mexico 4800 (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 16/02/2008) Гвинея 7125 Radio Nationale; 2248-2302+, 12-Feb; Cmtrys in FF re Guinea & Conakry w/native music bumpers; cmtry continued thru 2300 w/o break; ID'd as RNat. once. SIO=2+33-, best in USB. (H. Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 13/02/2008) 7125, R Conakry, 02/13/08, 2335, French. Afropop tunes, in between one nice long ID beginning "Ici Conakry...". Pestered by strong test tones at 2352, presumably from V of Russia (via Moldova) warming up, then wiped out at 0000 by Russian broadcast of same. Fair/good otherwise. (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 14/02/2008) Германия DW Amharic service has been coming in well in the 1400 UT hour, such as Feb 11 at 1450 on 15620 via Rwanda, discussion of Barack Obama, clips in English and German into Amharic voice-over. So this is of some interest in Ethiopia? No jamming heard on this frequency, but I wonder if that is the case inside Ethiopia (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 12/02/2008) Гондурас 3250 R.Luz y Vida, San Luis, 0010-0020, 10 Feb, Castilian, religious songs; 25332. (Carlos Goncalves - POR) 3340 LV de Misiones Internacionales, Comayaguela, 0014-0024, 10 Feb, Castilian, hymn like songs; 25332. (Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 12/02/2008) 3340 HONDURAS Radio Misiones Internacional, Comayaguela; 1153-1159 12 February, 2008. English male preacher with Spanish female translation repeater. Very good. (Terry Krueger, Cleawater, FL, USA - dxldyg 13/02/2008) 3249.92, R.Luz y Vida, 1116-1131, Feb 12, English/Spanish. OM w/ EG preaching; YL w/ SP translation thru BoH. Fair, beginning to fade by BoH. (S. Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 15/02/2008) Египет UT Feb 11 checked again for R. Cairo in 48 mb, which frequency in use? No signal audible on 6225, and only a very weak signal on 6290, presumably Cairo back to where it is scheduled. As for 6225, it is in EiBi schedule for Cairo at 16-18 in Turkish 18-19 in Russian; but in Aoki at 16-19 Turkish, 19-20 Russian. They do not agree either on the sites. EiBi says both are via Abis, while Aoki says Turkish is Abis, and Russian Abu Zaabal. Anyhow, this partially explains how RC could appear on 6225 by mistake at a later hour. And see DXLD 8-006, where 6225 was reported last November at 1733 in Turkish with ``horrible audio`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 12/02/2008) a las 20:15 estoy escuchando en 6225 una emision sin identificar, probablemente Radio Cairo, la senal muy debil y mucho ruido, se aprecia voz de mujer (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 12/02/2008) 9465 Radio Cairo; 2320-2335+, 12-Feb; News to 2324 & into cmtry re Israel/Palestine; ID @2334 & into pgm Egypt & ? Horizons. All in EE. SIO=3+53- (H. Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 13/02/2008) 9250, Radio Wadi el Nile, 2150-2259*, Feb 13, local pop music. Mid-eastern style instrumental music. Even a Beethoven tune. Arabic talk. Koran. Time pips at 2230 & Arabic talk. Sign off with National Anthem. Good signal. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 14/02/2008) Зимбабве 4828KHz Zimbabwe Voice of Zimbabwe Gweru 02/15 Vernacular 2343-2356 long hilife african music. Strong and clear 43344 (Lucio O.B., Embu, Brasil - dxldyg 16/02/2008) Израиль 6973 Galei Zahal, 1855-19:00, escuchada el 14 de febrero en hebreo con emision de musica melodica, SINPO 24332. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 14/02/2008) Индия 9470, AIR-Aligarh, 1321, 02/13/08, listed Sindhi. Subcontinental music, then time pips at 1330 and into a presumed newscast before going back to the tunes. Fair. (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 14/02/2008) 9705 INDIA (GOA). All India Radio (Panaji) (presumed), 2248-2251, 2/13/2008, English (per schedule). Music of the Indian subcontinent fading up briefly from a very marginal signal at noise level. Similar poor parallel signal noted on 9950 (Aligarh). AIR has been very difficult to log at this time for the last couple of months. (Jim Evans, TN, USA - CumbreDX 14/02/2008) Индонезия 11785.87v VoIndonesia was off air on Feb 9th and 10th totally. But appeared again today Feb 11th in Korean on HIGH side of 11785 mess, smooth Indonesian "south sea" like music, ID in Korean at 1326 UT. Switch your rx on USB mode and you'll overcome the co-channel mess. 0800-1500 UT. Increased condition from East Asia noted also this morning Yamata on 12000 kHz was powerhouse here at 0900 UT too. (W. Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 11/02/2008) 21670. Saudi Radio. 0935-0945. Feb.12/Tue. Indonesian. OM questioned an Indonesian immigrant worker. SIO 344. (Tony Ashar, Depok, Indonesia - dxldyg 12/02/2008) 9525.98v, Voice of Indonesia, Jakarta-Cimanggis, 0836-0902, Feb 13, in English, pop songs/ballads, news (Indonesian embassy in Shanghai will hold a fashion show, development of gold deposits, etc.), fair. Between the announcer's accent and her usually talking over prominent background music, is difficult to understand what is said. 11784.90v also heard but very weak (Ron Howard, Monterey, Canada - dxldyg 13/02/2008) Иран 5955 IRAN Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Sirjan; 0122-0150 12 February, 2008. Mid-east language female talk with frequent snippets of Pink Floyd's "Breathe In the Air" fills. VoIRI chimes at 0130, male with simple "Radio Iran" ID and into talk and mid-east vocal fills. Fair and best in LSB to avoid bigger things above 5955. Listed as Tajik from 0100-0230. (Terry Krueger, Cleawater, FL, USA - dxldyg 13/02/2008) 7320, VOIRI, 1934-2030*, Feb 13, tune-in to Koran. English news at approx 1938. Lite instrumental music. News features. Talk about US politics. ID. News in brief at 2025-2027. Poor in noise. // 11695-very weak. // 6010-threshold signal. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 14/02/2008) Канада 9625, CBC N Quebec, 1431, 02/12/08, English. Weather report for various locations in Nunavut (with temperatures ranging from -30s to -40s!), ID as "CBC North Radio 1" and into Sounds Like Canada. Best signal here in a while. Very good. (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 14/02/2008) Китай 3950 Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi, 1622-1631, 10 Feb, Mandarin (t), talks; 24432, adj. QRM de HCJB in Low German via DTK, D. (Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 12/02/2008) 5965, China Radio International, 0945-1000 Noted a female in Chinese Language comments for awhile with bridge music. This is the broadcast that begins at 0900 in Chinese out of Beijing, and it is suppose to run until 1100 UTC. Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 13/02/2008) 5860, Voice of Jinling, 02/14/08, 1250, Mandarin. Female announcer with Chinese pop, followed by a string of apparent commercials/promos. Fair. (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 14/02/2008) Колумбия 5910, Feb 14 at 0639, ``Están escuchando HKI79, Marfil Estéreo,`` lively songs; lite splatter de WBOH 5920. That`s the FM callsign, HJDH being listed in WRTH for both 5910 and 6010 (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 15/02/2008) Коста Рика 9725 University Network, Cahuita, 1145-1258, 10 Feb, English, religious propaganda; 34433, QRM de VoA in Bahasa Indonesia via THA till 1230. (Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 12/02/2008) Куба 5025 R.Rebelde, Bauta, 1010-f/out 1230, 09 Feb, the usual prgr "Haciendo Radio", with infos., news, chat & music; 35444. (Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 12/02/2008) Мавритания 783 R.Mauritanie, Nouakchot, 2355-0012, 08 Feb, Arabic related Vernacular, phone-ins & tunes, then prgr in Arabic; 54444. They're active on this fq, not on 7245 day time or 4845 night time. (Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 12/02/2008) Мадагаскар 5010 MADAGASCAR Radio Madagasikara; 0240-0306 12 February, 2008. Clear and very good with nice local highlife and local reggae-ish vocals, smoking hot-sounding Malagasy female jock, live and canned ID's 0300 and 0301. Now in carrier + USB mode, as reported by others. (Terry Krueger, Cleawater, FL, USA - dxldyg 13/02/2008) Мали 9635 R.Mali, Kati, 1154-1309, 01 Feb, Vernacular, interview, newscast, French at 1300 for news; 45444. They're still silent on 25, 41 & 60 m. (Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 12/02/2008) 9635, RTV Malienne, Bamako,(Tentative) 1133-1145 Don't know if this is true? Noted music at tune in, which sounded very much like African. The music(?), more like chanting, continued while the signal began to fade. No other details were gleaned. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 15/02/2008) Мексика 6010 R.Mil, Cd. de Mej[x]ico, 1015-f/out 1045, 09 Feb, Castilian, chat, TCs, advertisements; 25432. (Carlos Goncalves - POR) 6185 R.Educacion, Cd. de Mej[x]ico, 1014-f/out 1135, 09 Feb, Castilian, several sorts of music; 34433, adj. QRM. (Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 12/02/2008) Нигер 9705 LV du Sahel, Niamey, 1147-1302, 10 Feb, French, tribal songs, advertisements, then between 1159 6 1202, they aired a weather rpt. mixed with TS+ID+jingle prior to news,...,Vernacular at 1300; 44433. (Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 12/02/2008) 7275 R.Nigeria, Abuja, 1121-1250 (barely audible at 1300), 09 Feb, English, talks,..., music; 15431. (Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 12/02/2008) Нигерия 9690, Voice of Nigeria, 1150-1200 Noted a female in English language news, with some mentions of places in Africa. (Mombasa, Kenya, Niarobi, Nigeria, West African) "We end this edition of African Press ... Nigeria..." "This is Voice of Nigeria ....". After the hour, English programming continues. Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 15/02/2008) Новая Зеландия 3935KHz New Zealand R.Reading Service Levin 02/16 EE 0753 andean music without flute, 0756 male talks, 0757 instr. lite music, 0800 time pips, male talks, canned anmts, 0805 pop music sung in Opera style. Stronger than usual, short pieces readable 23232 (Lucio O.B., Embu, Brasil - dxldyg 16/02/2008) Перу Peru, 4774.97, Radio Tarma, 1107-1115 Noted a male in Spanish comments at tune in. At 1109 canned promos followed with live comments again. Heard ID during this barrage as, "Tarma Radio". Signal remained at a fair level. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 11/02/2008) 4486KHz Peru R Frecuencia VH, Celendin(tent.) 02/11-12 SS 2345-0002 short male anmts alternating andean and local pop music. 22222 (Lucio O.B., Embu, Brasil - dxldyg 12/02/2008) Peru, 5939.24, Radio Melodia, 1057-1105, Barely audible here, but noted a male in Spanish comments during period. Too much fading for any more copy, while the signal was threshold. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 12/02/2008) PERU, 4485.9, R. Frecuencia VH, 0005-0028, Feb 13, Spanish. Anncr b/w lite musical selections. Poor/weak. (Barbour-NH) PERU, 4991.1, presumed R. Manantial, 1004-1013, Feb 14, Spanish. Anncr w/ talk until signal was lost at 1013 under increased band noise. Poor. Since this station was first reported, all I've ever heard here is a huge carrier rubbing up against 4990-Suriname. (Barbour-NH) PERU, 5039.3, presumed R. Libertad, 1036-1050, Feb 12, Spanish. Music and talk noted. Poor under band noise. (S. Barbour, NH, USA - dxldyg 15/02/2008) Peru, 4857.46, Radio La Hora, 2323-0003 Noted two males talking to us and to each other. At 2329 they are joined by a female briefly. Talking continues during the period. Signal was fair but dropped down by the top of the hour.(Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 16/02/2008) Peru, 4955, Radio Cultural Amauta, 2338-2359 Noted male in steady Spanish comments. At 2341 male gave ID as, "... Amauta..." during live comments. Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 16/02/2008) Россия 5905 Radio Rossii, 18:30-18:40, escuchada el 14 de febrero en ruso con emision de musica rock duro, locutor con comentarios e identificacion, “..Radio Rossii program..”, SINPO 45444. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 14/02/2008) Руанда 6055, Radio Rwanda, 2010-2100*, Feb 13, local Afro-pop music. Vernacular talk. Abrupt sign off. Weak but in the clear. No longer bothered by co-channel QRM from Turkey since Turkey moved to 6050 for their 1930-2020* time period. (Brian Alexander, PA - dxldyg 14/02/2008) Румыния Вторые выходные наблюдаю ИнтерРадио Румыния с 14.30utc на 11755кГц. Как и в прошлые - сейчас принимаю их на 35533 P.S. Новую Зеландию по-английски принимал сегодня так же в 11 по Гринвичу на 13840кГц. Общая оценка 2-3 балла (RN3GF - open_dx 16/02/2008) С. Аравия Have been enjoying the music on BSKSA, 15435 just after 1500 UT Feb 11 and 12, a.k.a. Call of Islam, but it starts fading out by 1515 or 1520 as they get back to talk (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 12/02/2008) Сингапур 6150. Mediacorp Radio. 0910-0913. Feb.12/Tue. English. YL informing stock market followed by promo on Angmoko Industrial Park (938LIVE program). SIO 343. (Tony Ashar, Depok, Indonesia - dxldyg 12/02/2008) 3915 BBC, Kranji relay, 1620-1642, 10 Feb, WS in English to SEAsia, news, prgr announcements prior to the half hr followed by news headlines and the "Interview" prgr, this time abt. Islamism; 33432. (Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 12/02/2008) Сирия 12085 SYRIA. Radio Damascus (Adra), 2007-2024, 2/13/2008, English. Talk by man followed by local music selection. News by man at 2010. Music from 2021 to 2024 tune out. Moderate signal with fading and sub-par audio (SINPO 33222). Also heard possible parallel on 9330 occasionally breaking through under WBCQ. (Jim Evans, TN, USA - CumbreDX 14/02/2008) США 3185 WWRB, Manchester TN, 1055-f/out 1125, 10 Feb, English, religious propaganda, ID+address & web info; 25342. This was alone on the band at that time. (Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 12/02/2008) Reciban mi mas cordial saludo, les cuento que escuche programacion en frances de la VOA en los 11775 y 15225 khz, segun la ultima edicion del WRTH y el sitio en internet de esta radioemisora hay transmision en frances en estas frecuencias entre las 2030 y 2100 UTC. El problema fue que estas transmisiones las escuche a las 2220 UTC (con un SINPO de 33333)!! Alguien tiene informacion sobre estas transmisiones? (Patricio De Los Rios, Temuco, Chile - domesticasytropicales 13/02/2008) 9430 WYFR Okeechobee FL; 2309-2318+, 12-Feb (presumed QTH); Harold Kamping discussing fornication--got choked up at one point and had to cough; brought up spiritual fornication (Is that like Jimmy Carter lusting in his heart about hot babes?) and cere- monial uncleanness (There's a ceremony?!). And this gem, "God divorced Israel." This stuff is just ever so entertaining! S30 sig (Frodge-MI) 11930 Radio Marti; 1705-1710+, 10-Feb; SS news features; ID @1708+ S20 sig & no jamming! //13820, S10 sig w/bubbler jammer. (H. Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 13/02/2008) Таджикистан Broadcasting disrupted by energy crisis caused by worst winter for 25 years. Severe power cuts in force since last week. No sign of 7245 today (11 February) though it was heard for some periods yesterday. 4635 and longwave 252 still heard. (Chris Greenway, U.K. - dxldyg 11/02/2008) 15260. Haiv Hmoob Radio? 0100-0130. Feb.12/Tue. Hmong. Signing on with a song by duo male & female followed by long talk with many mention of "Hmong". SIO 443. (Tony Ashar, Depok – Indonesia) Турция Checking the VOT webcast, Tue Feb 12 at 2337 allegedly also on 5960, for possible replay of 2000`s Live from Turkey, not so, but instead Question of the Month, and the announcer axually spelt out rather slowly Yenisehir with a cedilla! Progress (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 15/02/2008) Уганда 4976 UGANDA. Radio Uganda (Kampala), 0418-0430, 2/14/2008, English. Music followed by news read by woman. Weak signal with very heavy CODAR interference. First log of Uganda this year. Normally only the hint of a carrier on this frequency. (Jim Evans, TN, USA - CumbreDX 14/2/2008) Филиппины 9615, Radio Veritas Asia, 1120-1130 Signal was good, with a female in Mandarin (Scheduled), language comments. At 1128 she is joined by a male who is using the English language. Signal was poor to good depending on the antenna being used. Heard a good signal while using Landfords Noise Reducing Antenna and a lot of noise with my others. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 15/02/2008) Франция Hoy 13 de febrero he chequeado a RFI observando que en los diferentes servicios de Onda Corta estan emitiendo el mismo programa musical, 6175, 7315 y 9790, esta ultima hasta las 21:00 UTC, de vez en cuando una cuna de identificacion, ausencia de informativos, tan solo tonos horarios a las 21:00 UTC, se identifica en frances y espanol, “RFI toda la diversidad del mundo”. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 13/02/2008) Хорватия 6165 Voice of Croatia (p); 2054-2105+, 14-Feb; M in LL w/pop tunes to 2100 them M&W in LL--news? SIO=322 w/hiss QRM--USB took it out--till 2100; multiple tones then 2nd audio came up almost =. (Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 15/02/2008) Чад 4905 RD.Natle. Tchadienne, Grevia, was noted silent on 08, 09 & 10 Feb, i.e. at least during my own evening obs., then obs'ed. 2112-2124*, 11 Feb, French, talks, natl. anthem; 55444. I did try this one on the day time fq of 6165, but no signal was detected. 4905 ditto, 0714-f/out 0740 (f/out time would be later if observed on the SW coast), 12 Feb, French, talks abt. the country's situation; 25332. (Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 12/02/2008) 4905 Radio N?Djamena, 20:17-20:25, escuchada el 12 de febrero en frances, se aprecia un locutor con entrevista a invitado, conversacion, la emision va acompanada de mucho ruido, a las 20:23 comienza emision musical, musica pop local con ritmos africanos, SINPO 44343. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 12/02/2008) 4905 Radio N?Djamena, 18:40-18:45, escuchada el 14 de febrero en dialecto africano sin identificar a locutor con comentarios, especie de proclamas politicas, SINPO 44343 (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 14/02/2008) RNT, 4905, Feb 14 at 0634 check, singing and talking in Arabic? Unseemed French; CODAR QRM. Fadeout should be getting a bit earlier as solstice approaches (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 15/02/2008) Чехия 5930 Radio Prague; 2114, 14-Feb; EE feature on Valentine's Day customs to ID @2114+ then EE feature on the 1938 Sudeten criis. SIO=3+43+ (Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 15/02/2008) Экв. Гвинея 6250.0, R. Nacional, Malabo, 0602+ Feb 14 heard what sounded like timesignal, but surely not that far off; fair with ute QRM. 0604 R. Malabo ID, frequency 6250, news. 0607 mentioned 6250 again and 20 kW power, something about ``emisiones de prueba`` -- test transmissions; news sounders frequently, timecheck at 7:08, news of EqG, 0611 TC for 7:12 ``hora oficial de la República de Guinea Ecuatorial`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 15/02/2008) 6250, Radio Nacional-Malabo, *0505-0520, Feb 16, sign on with quick 10 second announcement & into 2 minute National Anthem. Lively music at 0507. Spanish announcements with Radio Malabo ID at 0518. Afro-pop music. Fair to good. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 16/02/2008) Эфиопия 7110, Radio Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, 2035-2100*, Feb 13, nice local Horn of Africa music. Amharic talk. Sign off with vocal National Anthem. Good signal. No //s heard. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA = dxldyg 14/02/2008) Япония 9595. R. Nikkei. 1013-1018. Feb.12/Tue. Japanese. Conversation and jingle. SIO 342. (Tony Ashar, Depok, Indonesia - dxldy -- СВ/ДВ 1240 unID testing - 2/12 0001 - Noted 5-second test tones with about 2 seconds between tones, continued through 0002 EST (UTC-5). An interesting night as semi-auroral conditions continued. Cuba national anthems at midnight EST on 1070, 1080, and 1100 kHz. The 1080 and 1100 were parallel R.Cadena Habana, the 1070 unID through WINA. Last night Nicaragua surfaced on 620 kHz momentarily during a SDR ToH sweep, and 730 XEX was strong with La Hora Nacional. Also logged Jamaica's Nationwide News Network on 700 and 720 playing non-stop soft rock. 560 WQAM and 670 WWFE were strong. It's fascinating what geomagnetic activity can cause despite a spotless sun. (Bruce Conti, NH, USA - mwdx 12/02/2008) 1390 12/02 0430- YVZA, Radio Fe y Alegria, Caracas (VEN) 3 Px mx,ID "Radio Fe y Alegria" alle 0442 in S 1500 13/02 0515- XEDF, Radio Formula, Ciudad del Mexico (MEX) 2/3 Infiniti slogan, pubblicita, mx e vari ID "Radio Formula" (Saverio De Cian, Spain - playdx2003 13/02/2008) Из-за выборов на целый месяц местные передачи уральского пояса перенесены на 2 часа вперед. Вечерние сам наблюдал сегодня, утренние тоже, как пишут. Редкий случай, когда после 18 мск можно послушать местные программы из очень многих мест сразу. Пермь (585), Челябинск (738), Оренбург (936/1053/1314/1395), Екатеринбург (279), Тюмень вроде бы (на 225 в 1855 МСК шла программа на хантыйском или мансийском языке), Омск (639). Ижевск и Уфа, к сожалению, с ДВ/СВ ушли. Были слышны и обычные местные передачи европейской части после 18 МСК: Волгоград (567), Пенза (855), Сыктывкар (621), Архангельск (918), Саранск (1080)... Удивительно был услышать слабо Канал Культура на белорусском на 1197. (Victor Rutkovsky, Ekaterinburg, Russia - open_dx 13/02/2008) 920 ZYH519 R Novo Tempo, Salavador. “Radio Novo Tempo, A Voz Do Esperanza” ID following rousing gospel singing! W 0056 12/02 JF 1420 YVNZ R Marabina, Maracaibo. OM shouting “Marabina” IDs between Latin songs. W 0137 13/02 JF (John, Sutton-in-Ashfield, U.K. - skywavesmw 15/02/2008) Main news to report from this visit to Tashkent is that Uzbekistan has closed almost all of its mediumwave transmitters. The only MW transmitter heard is 756 (UZR4), which is a strong local signal. Nothing else is heard, including the listed Tashkent frequencies of 576, 666 and 1062, so they are definitely off. It's harder to prove for certain that sites elsewhere in the country have closed, but that seems likely too, unless someone else can confirm otherwise. LW 162 is also definitely gone. So, another country heads to being FM only. (Chris Greenway, U.K. - mwdx 16/02/2008) -- Тропо gtfm clear on 107.9 trying stereo.104.1 bbc berks clear,107.7 star clear,107 and 105.1 atantic fm clear,101.00 kiss 101 with RDS! 104.7 bbc glouc stereo,94.7,bbc h and w clear, so not bad (Mark P, Devon, U.K. - skywaves 11/02/2008) 87.60 09:02:00 2008-02-10 F Africa No1 Mantes-la-Jolie/Les Barbottes (78) News/Voice ID 238Km 105.50 09:30:00 2008-02-10 G Palm FM Beacon Hill (Devon) Music/Voice ID C7B3 __PALM__ 257Km 102.80 09:43:00 2008-02-10 G Pirate FM Caradon Hill (Cornwall) Music//102.8 C486 PIRATE__ 372Km 102.10 09:45:00 2008-02-10 G Swansea Bay Radio Kilvey Hill Music//Web stream 283Km (Mike Fallon, U.K. - FM 12/02/2008) You're probably getting RTE Lyric from Clermont Carn - check it against 95.2, 97.0, 102.7 and 105.5 - as RTE1, 2, RNAG and Today FM transmit on these freqs from this tx. (Marc, U.K. - skywaves 13/02/2008) I`ve got something now on 87.8Mhz. Just in the background. Im surprised to pick up so many Itish stations considering Im in a valley. South is good though just the sea in front of me. (Mark P, Devon, U.K. - skywaves 13/02/2008) Listening between about 2100-2300 last night I had: 90.6 WDR 5 Teutoburger Wald weak but sometimes clear 95.1 WDR 3 Langenberg weak but sometimes clear 99.2 WDR 2 Langenberg weak to clear 100.5 WDR 4 Teutoburger Wald weak to clear 100.8 WDR 2 Aachen-Stolberg weak, sometimes clear 101.1 Pure FM Wavre fair perfect mono/hissy stereo with a rock show 101.9 WDR 5 Aachen-Stolberg weak Plus Lille up to good levels. Still a bit about this morning with WDR 4 faint on 100.5 and Langenberg floating around but not as good as last night. (Nick Gilly, U.K. - skywaves 14/02/2008) 06:14 87.90 841B Goes HOL 17:44 87.90 F217 Yvetot-Autretot F 18:01 92.00 F203 MUSIQUE_ Rouen F 19:13 88.00 8202 Smilde HOL 19:16 91.80 8201 Smilde HOL 20:06 87.60 83D2 Smilde HOL 20:11 87.70 83D2 Lelystad HOL 20:52 87.60 D363 Biedenkopf D 21:00 87.90 D3C3 Inselsberg D 22:24 107.20 D391 Ederkopf D (W. Kitching, U.K. - skywaves 15/02/2008) 88.6 RNE R 5 La Isleta 20kW 88.8 RNE R 5 La Montaneta 10kW 89.2 RNE R 3 Pozo de las Nieves 40kW 92.8 RNE R 1 Canarias La Isleta 20kW 93.6 RNE R Clasica Pozo de las Nieves 40kW 94.8 RNE R 1 Canarias La Montaneta 10kW 95.1 RNE R Clasica La Isleta 20kW 97.7 RNE R 5 Pozo de las Nieves 40kW 98.5 RNE R 3 La Isleta 20kW 102.1 RNE R Clasica Ls Montaneta 10kW 103.8 RNE R 1 Pozo de las Nieves 40kW 104.2 unlisted Santa cruz de Tenerife 10kW 105.7 RNE R 3 La Montaneta 10kW (Nick Gilly, U.K. - skywaves 16/02/2008) -- Digital Radio -- Неофициальное вещание -- Наблюдения 5905 ALEMANHA: Deutsche Welle, via Rampisham, 12/02/2008 0300-0305, em russo c/boticiario 35343 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB, Brasil) 5915 ZAMBIA: Zambia NBC Radio, Lusaka, 12/02/2008 0305-0313, em vernacular, mx; OM c/comentario; mx 25443 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB, Brasil) 5920 USA: WBOH Newport, Newport, 12/02/2008 0315-0320, em ingles, OM c/comentario 25443 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB, Brasil) 9675 BRASIL: Radio Cancao Nova, Cachoeira Paulista, 12/02/2008 1244-1249, YL c/entrevista de cunho religioso 35333 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB, Brasil) 9690 NIGERIA: Voice of Nigeria, Ikorodu, 12/02/2008 1250-1255, em hausa, mx de ritmo afro; YL c/comentario 25332 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB, Brasil) 9750 LONDRES: BBC, via Montsinery, 12/02/2008 1256-1259, em ingles, OM c/comentarios esportivos; ID e freq. 45444(Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB, Brasil) 11735 BRASIL: Radio Transmundial, Santa Maria, 12/02/2008 1302-1307, em port.; advs; OM c/comentario de cunho religioso 25332 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB, Brasil) 11740 USA: Family Radio, Okeechobee, 12/02/2008 1308-1315, OM c/comentario de cunho religioso 24332 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB, Brasil) 11780 BRASIL: Radio Nascional da Amazonia, Brasilia, 12/02/2008 1316-1321, em port.; YL (Sula) atende ouvintes ao telefone 35343 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB, Brasil) 11805 CUBA: Radio Habana Cuba, 12/02/2008 1322-1327, em esp.; OM c/entrevista, ident.QRM Radio Globo, 33333 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB, Brasil - hard-core-dx 12/02/2008) 17605 JAPAO: Radio Japan, via Bonaire, 12/02/2008 2310-2322, em japones, OMs por sup. c/comentario; mx 45333 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB - BRASIL) 17775 USA: Kvoh Rancho Simi, 12/02/2008 2323-2328, em esp.; OM c/comentario de cunho religioso 35333 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB - BRASIL) 15245 TAIWAN: CBS Taiwan, Taipei, 12/02/2008 2329-2334, em mandarim, OM p/sup. c/entrevista 35333 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB - BRASIL) 15315 HOLANDA: Radio Nederland, via Bonaire, 12/02/2008 2335-2340, em esp.; OM c/entrevista a convidado 45444 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB - BRASIL) 15410 CHILE: CVC a Sua Voz, Santiago, 12/02/2008 2340-2345, em port.; mx orquestrada, prog. "Sem Limites" 45444 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB - BRASIL) 15430 ASIA: Radio Free Asia, via Ilha Mariane do Norte, 12/02/2008 2346-2351, em mandarim, YL e OM p/sup. c/entrevista 45434 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB - BRASIL) 11550 USA: Radio Catholic Network, Vandiver, 12/02/2008 2354-2356, em esp.; OM c/comentarios, ID, fim tx 45444 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB, Brasil - hard-core-dx 13/02/2008) 17640 2042 10/02 ESTADOS UNIDOS WHR, ee, mx gospel em tom pop, com excelente sinal(como local).id por OM " you're listening the World Harvest Radio", 55555. 7400 2135 10/02 BULGARIA R. Bulgaria, frances, mx popular bulgara, sinal fraco, sob constante ruido, estatica e fading, 14121. 9400 2141 10/02 BULGARIA R. Bulgaria, frances, talk por OM em tom de news, sinal melhor que do log anterior, 35322. 9455 2155 10/02 PORTUGAL Deutschwelle, arabe, px curso de alemao, por OM/YL, bom sinal, 45433. (Arthur Antonio Raimundo, Aracatuba, Brasil - radioescutas 13/02/2008) 3329.71 Peru, Ondas del Huallaga, Huanuco 1100 ; 1110 to 1120 weak with om as conditions to Latin America have deteriorated in the last few days. 12 Feb [Wilkner-FL] 4045 usb Crooked Island, Bahamas, 1153-1156 with comments on travel plans 9 February [Wilkner-FL] 4814.93 Ecuador, Radio El Buen Pastor 1110 to 1115 "..en las constitution ..mucho mas directo y la .... grande .." two men in rapid Spanish...strong signal. 12 Feb [Wilkner-FL] (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, FL, USA - CumbreDX 13/02/2008) 3310 02/02 2345 BOL R. Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba, px rlgx w/ yl em Quechua 44433 MMP 3320 02/02 2347 AFS R. Sondergrense, Meyerton, om/yl tlk afrikaner, mx pop 33333 MMP 4743 03/02 2254 VTN (tent.) Son La Radio & TV, Son Lai, Om/yl com possivel ntx em vv ??? 43343 MMP 4775 03/02 0302 PRU R. Tarma, Tarma, ..." 1550 AM, Onda curta tropical...Transmite.Radio.Tarma...Tarma, Peru...America del Sur... 33333 MMP 4775 03/02 0409 SWZ TWR, Mpangela Range, Mxl rlgx, mencao a Biblia 44444 MMP 4790 03/02 0255 PRU R. Vision, Chiclayo, px rlgx em SS entrevistas w/ fieis 34333 MMP 4800 03/02 2259 CHN Central PBS, Geermu, Tlks CC possivel reporter via fone 33333 MMP 4815 03/02 0244 EQA R. Buen Pastor (tent.), Saraguro, om SS rlgx ..."px entre otras palabras"mx rlgx 24222 MMP 4826 03/02 0236 PRU R. Sicuani, Sicuani, om SS avisos a campesinos id "...Sicuani" em meio a mx andina 34333 MMP 4885 03/02 0220 B R. Clube do Para, Belem/PA, selecao de mx "brega" id "Radio Clube" 23222 MMP 4930 03/02 0414 BOT VOA via Botswana, Mopeng Hill, Yl EE nx abt Kenia ...VOA news... 44444 MMP 4950 03/02 0416 ANG R. Nal. de Angola, Mulenvos, px "Agenda Nacional, sao cinco horas e dezesseis minutos, Hora certa a voz das forcas armadas Angolanas 44343 MMP 4960 03/02 0425 STP VOA via S. Tome e Principe, Pinheira, Om EE nx 44444 MMP 4965 03/02 0428 ZMB The Voice of Africa, Lusaka, id EE mxl rlgx 44444 MMP 6035 03/02 0038 CLM La Voz de Guaviare, San Jose del Guaviare, Jornada esportiva mencao a Colombia 23232 MMP (Marcio Martins Pontes, Sorocaba, Spain - radioescutas 13/02/2008) UNID 17565 1124 10/02 Unid (Voice of Tibet??), mx instrumental chinesa, idioma?? ????? (Rubens Ferraz Pedroso; Bandeirantes - Parana - Brasil) CHINA 17570 1124 10/02 Radio Internacional da China, Kashi, YL, mx CC, tx em chaozhou ????? (Rubens Ferraz Pedroso; Bandeirantes - Parana - Brasil) 9745 1943 10/02 Radio Internacional da China, Urumqi, OM, nxs, esperanto, id YL: "Cina Radio Internacia" 44243 (Rubens Ferraz Pedroso; Bandeirantes - Parana - Brasil) REINO UNIDO VIA SEYCHELLES 17640 1142 10/02 BBC, via Mahe, OM/OM, entrevista, nxs do Paquistao, EE ????? (Rubens Ferraz Pedroso; Bandeirantes - Parana - Brasl) JAPAO VIA EMIRADOS ARABES UNIDOS 17585 1203 10/02 R. Japan, via Dhabbiya, YL, nxs, depois px musical, EE 45233 (Rubens Ferraz Pedroso; Bandeirantes - Parana - Brasil) HUNGRIA 17690 1210 10/02 R. Budapest, Jaszbereny, YL, nxs, hungaro 35233 (Rubens Ferraz Pedroso; Bandeirantes - Parana - Brasil) ESTADOS UNIDOS 17555 1422 10/02 WYFR, Okeechobee, OM, relg, SS 45233 (Rubens Ferraz Pedroso; Bandeirantes - Parana - Brasil) VATICANO 7305 0037 13/02 R. Vaticana, Santa Maria di Galeria, OM, nxs, PP 45333 (Rubens Ferraz Pedroso; Bandeirantes - Parana - Brasil - radioescutas 15/02/2008) 10.02- 15545- 17.20- Voice of America- португальский- 44444 10.02- 15120- 17.25- Voice of Nigeria- английский- 34333- разговор жен.голос, песня 10.02- 15785- 17.30- Galei Zahal- иврит- 44333 10.02- 11735- 17.40- 17.50- Radio Tanzania Zanzibar- местный- 34333- муж. голос, афр. песня 10.02- 9460- 17.52- Bible Voice Broadcast.- английский- 43444 10.02- 7185- 18.03- Bangladesh Betar- английский-32332- помеха от МРК на русском 10.02- 9980- 18.30- Voice of America- фарси- 44344 10.02- 9950- 18.35- AIR- английский- 34333 11.02- 15285- 06.00- Saudi Radio- суахили- 34333 11.02- 11995- 06.20- RFI- английский- 34343 11.02- 15360- 06.25- CVC Int.- английский- 24332 11.02- 15220- 06.32- China Radio Int.- французский- 45444 11.02- 11970- 06.35- Radio Japan- французский- 34433 11.02- 9575- 06.40- Radio Medi 1- французский- 44444 11.02- 15425- 06.45- VOIRI- французский- 44434 11.02- 7170- 07.00- 1 пр. Белорусского радио- белорусский- 55455 11.02- 7345- 07.05- Radio Prague- французский- 34433 11.02- 11785- 08.10- Voice of Indonesia- английский- 34333 11.02- 12010- 08.15- AWR via Julich- французский- 35333 11.02- 17785- 08.25- Saudi Radio- французский- 45444 12.02- 6035- 06.05- Voice of America- албанский- 44444 12.02- 15620- 06.20- China Radio Int.- итальянский- 55545 12.02- 15135- 06.25- China Radio Int.- испанский- 45444 12.02- 11690- 14.45- Radio Jordan- французский- 44444 Прием в деревне 150 км. от Рязани. Приемник: Tecsun R818 (Дмитрий Кутузов, Рязань, Россия - open_dx 15/02/2008) Korea, Republic of KBS World Service February 7, 2008 1200 - 1259 9650 via Sackville, Canada. News and "Seoul Calling" with many items on Lunar New Year. SIO 554. Albania R. Tirana February 8, 2008 1530 - 1557 13640 kHz. News, "Press Review", "Albanian Outstanding Personalities Profile" and "Opinion". SIO 353. Australia Northern Territory Shortwave Service February 9, 2008 1225 fade in until 1245 UTC fade out VL8A (Alice Springs) 2310 kHz and VL8T (Tennant Creek) 2325 kHz. Song by Coldplay, "ABC News" at 1230, "Saturday Night Country" at 1236 UTC. VL8A SIO 252 VL8T SIO 151 Turkey VOT February 10, 2008 1330 - 1421 12035 kHz. News, "Review of Turkish Press", "View Point", "The Women of the Sultans". Signal off abruptly at 1357 UTC. Returned with music at 1400 UTC. SIO 353 (KG4LAC - dxldyg 15/02/2008) 11990,0 2044 KWT R KUWAIT-Sulaibiyah Mx pop 15/02 Ing 35333 11865,0 2047 CAN RCI-Sackville Mx 15/02 Fra 35433 11855,0 2050 ASC BBC-Ascension Entrevista a YL 15/02 Por 45444 11845,0 2053 AFS AWR-Meyerton Rlg 15/02 Yor 35333 11665,0 2102 USA WYFR-Okeechobee Mx Rlg 15/02 Ara 25222 9950,0 2106 IND AIR-Delhi (Khampur) Nx//9910-9445 15/02 Ing 35333 9460,0 2117 SLK SLOVAK RADIO-Rimavska Sobota Pieza musical +Historia 15/02 Esp 45444 9385,0 2124 MRA RFA-Tinian Is.6 Com OM 15/02 Kor 35222 6265,0 2204 LTU KBC-Sitkunai Mx pop 15/02 Ing 45444 6135,0 2206 G R REPUBLICA-Rampisham Revista de prensa 15/02 Esp 35333 6100,0 2225 BIH R SERBIA INT-Bjeljina Mx sintonia S/off a 2228 15/02 Ing 45444 (Tomás Méndez - playdx2003 16/02/2008) AUSTRALIA 2485 VL8K Katherine NT 1040 to 1045 noted with orchestral music and very strong signal while the other two Northern Territory frequencies were at threshold level 14 February; same 15 February [Wilkner-FL] AUSTRALIA. 6230U, VMW 1004 weather information by om, thanks Terry Krueger Log 15 February [Wilkner-FL] GUATEMALA 4799.828 Radio Buenas Nuevas 0040 to 0100 ID and R B N with nothing on 4800. 13 February [Wilkner-FL] MEXICO 4800 XERTA 0820 to 0830 with weak signal, Latin American music. 11 February [Wilkner-FL] PAPUA NEW GUINEA 3290, Radio Central, Boroko 1130 instrumental music, 1131 om in language, slow vocal duet om and yl till 1134, 1136 back to om briefly, 1140 to 1145 one song, 1145 Island music, 1152 back to om, 1159 orchestral music then lost signal. 14 February. Other 90 meter band PNGs present. This was by far the strongest. [Wilkner-FL] PERU 3172.7v. Radio Municipal, Panao - 11 February noted at 0920; Off the air 2300 on the 11th and 12 February. At 0930 tune in om with"...escuchando... Radio Municipal..." ID , with stronger that usual signal on 14 February. Heard 1030 and 2353 on 15 February. [Wilkner-FL] PERU 5005.9 Radio LTC Juliaca. Reject my previous tentative log of this, per Dan Sheedy "makes me wonder about Nepal off-freq". I would agree as no reports of the OA station in quite a while. Thanks Dan![Sheedy- CA] (Robert Wilkner, FL, USA - CumbreDX 16/02/2008) -- Неопознанное 5898.00 Spanish digit number station came across between 0815 and 0844.40 UT on Feb 11th. S=4-5 signal, probably from Latin America. Spanish accent of some numbers sounded like smooth Brazil Portuguese. Many groups, a short break at 0828:54 UT. Then again started til 0841:54 UT, followed by 3 times "final" ? 0842 end of transmission, 0844:40 tx off.(W. Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 11/02/2008) -- Гармоники January 1 2008 30.670 0753 BBCWS H2 2 x 15335, ex 30.720 ex 15360, 250kw to Sth East Asia and Australia, Mx Px, best in AM-N, and off 0759* per sched, been chasing this for some time since they, were practically forced off the old frequency by Chinese QRM ie they just landed completely by accident right on top of a BBC frequency that they had been using for decades, I presume the Foreign Office had a word or two with CRI !!! Anyway very good day for F2 propagation, and Sporadic E. 30.570 0802 Carrier only, just above weak level, 2 x 15285 BBCWS via Singapore, will have to keep an eye on this, only 100kw, EE to Sth East Asia. 23.480 0812 R. Japan via Singapore, Carrier only, just above weak, another one to watch, H2 2 x 11740 to Sth East Asia 250kw. 19.640 0822 CPBS, Xian, Chinese, Domestic Svce 2, 150kw H2 2 x 9820. Mx Px and // 9820khz which was weaker, only on Thu-Tue. CC FA 0825, peaked on 19.640 4x4, checked H3 29.460 and only had S3 Carrier. 19.950 0828 DPRK VO Korea to East Asia, H2 2 x 9975, Carrier only, better than weak, another one to watch. 22.740 0836 DPRK VO Korea, H3 3 x 7580, peaked 4x5 to East Asia, but had distorted audio, and Marshall mx, Ho Hum !!, 7580 was 5x6, nothing heard on H4 30.320, been the hint of a Carrier since then. January 25 2008 15.005 0746 Chinese Spur, 5x6, with Chinese MA, few of these popping up in the lower part of the band, off and on, have a hard time pinning any of these down, 15Mhz is packed with many powerfull Chinese Txers I've lost the log of this because their all mixed up with my Sporadic E Log from our Summer, I mix all my logs in one notebook, and can't find it, but of the top of my head, 14.270 H2 2 x 7135 BBCWS via Singapore, around 1100-1130z time frame, heard recently, around end of January, Service to Sth East Asia, 100kw on 7235khz, wasn't to strong and H3 worth a look. (VK5001SWL - harmonics 12/02/2008) 13 Feb at 1352 noted AIR Nepali Service on 7890 with strong signal. Was // 11775 and weak 3945. Must be harmonic 2x3945. (Jari Savolainen, Kusankoski, Finland - dxldyg 13/02/2008) -- Глушение 15710, jamming against nothing, presumably from Cuba, still here, but unlike the previous solid wall of grinding noise, Feb 12 at 1425 check was merely pulsing at exactly two times per second, allowing one to be sure that there was really nothing else on the frequency. Same at 1518 recheck. Cannot pin down a carrier frequency but fortunately, not wideband, and no problem for Bulgaria on 15700 (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 12/02/2008) -- Пираты 1627,00 0702 2156 unid,Gr, male song 24332 1639,00 0702 2154 unid,Gr, folk song, talks 24332 1642,00 0802 2218 unid,Gr, traditional song 24322 1655,00 0802 2305 unid, D, polka, schlager 24322 1670,00 0702 2157 unid,Gr, song, talks 24322 1700,00 0802 2255 unid,Gr, song, talks 24432 4025,00 1002 0713 LHH,E, rock 24332 4025,00 1002 2215 LHH,E, light song 24232 5815,00 1002 0804 Orion R,E,D, music is the future, good morning, Summer meeting promo,ID,QTH Olderbroek 24432 6140,00 1002 1303 R.Joystick,G, funky Ids, DJ Charlie Prince 45444 6205,00 1002 0934 R.Borderhunter,E, disco, good morning,ID, Men at work,Telstar,promo Summer meeting 08 24322 6265,00 0702 2200 KBC,E, ballad, Wolfman Jack show, I will follow you, ID, Qth Ede,Corina Corina,For your love 34433 6265,00 0802 2205 KBC; E, The Carpenters, Wolfman Jack show, You are the lonely to love,I wanna hold you 35443 6265,00 0902 2220 KBC,E, rock and roll, Jingle, ID, BRI promo, MW.info 35443 6265,00 1002 2205 KBC,E, Fever, Richard Marks:Waiting for you, George Michael: Guilty,ID, K-po promo 35443 6275,00 0902 1555 LHH,E, We don't need another heroe,jingle ID. 24422 6290,00 1002 0920 R.Mazda,D,G,E, Senorita, greets to Baro, ID, email hotline 0031 622957457, schlager,polka 24332 6305,00 0908 1100 unid, dance, light music 24232 6305,00 0902 1530 Orion R, D,E, disco, Televisie polka, ID, closing down, email till 1534 34433 6305,00 0902 1802 R.Oscar Zulu?,ballad, rock, pop rock, splash from Polisario 6300 33232 6308,00 0802 2230 Double Kilo R, E, polka, greets to Dave in Penn. Kim Wilde,Take it easy ID Box Ruurlo 35443 6310,00 1102 1708 unid, (not Barretina), dance, ballad, electro dance 24322 6311,00 0902 1232 R.Barretina,Cat, relay of local FM, America by Nino Bravo, talks +1540 classical music 24332 6311,00 1002 0925 R.Barretina,Cat, relay of local FM, Julio Iglesias: Hey, Singing in the rain, El gato que esta.. 35433 6400,00 0902 2225 WMR,E, rock,Tgis is tight instrumental 34232 6400,00 1002 0740 WMR,E, Pogues, White Christmas!!,talks, jingle pops 34333 6400,00 1002 2230 WMR,E, rock. ID WMR Scotland, Down town, jingle, Carpenters 35443 6882,00 0902 1515 R.PlayBack Int, E,It, Sade Adu: Smooth operator, jingle, ID, 35433 6882,00 1002 0710 R.PlayBack Int,E,It,Pretenders, jingle, ID,Nena:99 red balloon, lettura alle 1534 del rapporto di Pavanello 24332 6882,00 1102 1655 R.PlayBack Int, funky, no Ids, no jingles 24332 6925,00 0802 2225 Spider R, pops on USB 24311 6925,00 0902 1735 Spider R, rock, on USB 24322 (Silveri Gomes, Spain - playdx2003 11/02/2008) The many Greek stns keep plagueing the 1600~1700 kHz range. 1654.4 R.Tijdebreker (t), HOL, 2306-..., Dutch, mostly German farm (?) songs; 35433. (Carlos Goncalves - POR) 6311 R.Barretina, Catalunya, E, 1615-..., 10 Feb, Catalan, chat, music; 44343. They seem to relay local stn Radio L'Arboc. (Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 12/02/2008) 080204 6421 09 10 Laser Hot Hits 24333 7 080204 6211 13 28 Radio Carneval 23322 5 G 080204 4025 15 04 Laser Hot Hits 54444 9 G 080204 1655 20 38 UNID 43433 9 G 080204 1660 20 39 Zender Digital 23433 7 G 080204 1660 20 50 UNID 33433 8 G 080204 1665 21 15 Zender Tasmania 34433 8 G 080204 6265 21 30 KBC Radio 33333 8 080205 6421 14 24 Laser Hot Hits 24322 5 080205 6211 14 51 Radio Carneval 24333 7 G 080205 6310 15 03 Radio Condor 24333 7 G 080205 4025 15 15 Laser Hot Hits 34433 9 G 080206 6421 14 14 Laser Hot Hits 34333 8 080206 6211 14 20 Radio Carneval 34333 8 080206 6211 14 32 Radio Carneval 43433 9 G 080206 4025 14 34 Laser Hot Hits 54444 9 G 080206 1650 19 54 UNID 43433 9 G 080206 1650 20 44 Radio Hawai 34433 8 G 080206 1645 20 57 Radio Barones 44433 9 G 080206 1645 21 08 Radio Hawai 34433 8 G 080206 6925 21 19 Spider Radio 24333 7 080206 6265 21 30 KBC Radio 54434 9 G 080207 6421 15 57 Laser Hot Hits 33433 8 080207 4025 16 07 Laser Hot Hits 54444 9 G 080207 6265 21 30 KBC Radio 54444 9 G 080207 1650 21 40 Zender Meteor 54444 9 G 080207 1650 21 46 Radio Alibaba 34433 8 G 080207 1642 22 00 Zender Skadejager 33433 8 G 080207 1650 22 10 Zender Flamingo 24333 7 G 080208 4025 13 59 Laser Hot Hits 44444 9 G 080208 6882 15 37 Playback International 34433 8 G 080208 6421 15 41 Laser Hot Hits 23322 5 080208 6882 19 59 Playback International 23322 5 G 080208 1635 21 16 UNID 34433 8 G 080208 6265 21 31 KBC Radio 44433 9 080208 6925 21 40 Spider Radio 24322 5 080208 1650 22 33 Zender Digital 23322 5 G 080208 1655 22 35 Radio Orient 34433 8 G 080208 1655 22 50 Radio Toekomst 54444 9 G 080208 1635 22 58 Radio Tijdbreker 34433 8 G 080208 6308 23 04 Radio Double Kilo (tent) 23322 5 G 080208 1650 23 30 Zender Alpenjager 34433 8 G 080208 1655 23 38 Zender Klaas Snoek 54444 9 G 080209 6421 08 07 Laser Hot Hits 24322 5 080209 6309 08 12 Radio Cochiguaz (tent) 23322 6 G 080209 6265 08 57 Radio Altrex 34433 8 G 080209 6311 09 15 Radio Barretina (tent) 23333 7 G 080209 6216 10 02 King Shortwave 24333 7 G 080209 6275 10 08 Laser Hot Hits 34333 8 G 080209 6882 10 25 Playback International 24333 7 G 080209 4025 10 30 Laser Hot Hits 54444 9 G 080209 3935 13 14 Radio Rainbow (tent) 23322 5 G 080209 6300 15 39 Zender Shadow 24333 7 G 080209 3935 16 07 UNID 23333 7 G 080209 6882 16 14 Playback International 34433 8 G 080209 6265 21 41 KBC Radio 54444 9+5dB G 080209 1620 21 45 Zender Stroper 34433 8 G 080209 1645 21 55 Radio Driland 34433 8 G 080209 1660 22 01 Zender Viking 34433 8 G 080209 1630 22 25 Radio Uniek (tent) 44433 9 G 080209 1655 23 04 Radio Toekomst 54444 9 G 080209 1645 23 32 Zender Monte Carlo 34433 8 G 080209 1645 23 33 Radio Euromast 43433 9 G 080209 1645 23 38 Radio Tubantia 34433 8 G 080209 1640 23 41 Radio Barcelona 33433 8 G 080209 1645 23 52 Radio Sonnenschein (tent) 34433 8 G 080210 1650 00 01 Radio Santana 23322 5 G 080210 1640 00 05 Zender Colin (tent) 43443 9 G 080210 1645 00 12 Radio Concordia 54444 9 G 080210 1645 00 16 Zender Spakenburg 24433 7 G 080210 1645 00 23 Radio Barcelona 33433 8 G 080210 1645 00 32 Radio Driland 34433 8 G 080210 1655 00 36 Radio Toekomst 34433 8 G 080210 1655 00 40 Zender Jan Schnabel 54444 9 G 080210 6882 07 16 Playback International 32332 7 080210 1620 07 20 UNID 44444 9 G 080210 4025 07 29 Laser Hot Hits 44433 9 G 080210 6400 07 31 WMR 34433 8 080210 6200 07 50 UNID 23433 7 G 080210 6186 07 52 UNID 23433 8 G 080210 6421 08 00 Laser Hot Hits 24333 7 080210 6326 08 09 UNID 34433 8 G 080210 6250 08 20 Radio Queen (tent) 34433 8 080210 5815 08 34 Orion Radio 54444 9 G 080210 6310 08 50 Radio Cochiguaz 24333 7 G 080210 6205 08 57 Radio Borderhunter 34444 8 080210 6281 09 03 Radio Caroline Eifel 24433 7 080210 6295 09 05 Grensstad Radio 24333 6 080210 6288 09 25 Radio Mazda 43443 9 G 080210 6280 09 30 Radio Caroline Eifel 23322 5 G 080210 6325 09 45 Premier Radio 44444 9 G 080210 6310 10 00 Radio Condor 54444 9 G 080210 6882 10 15 Playback International 34433 8 080210 6216 10 21 King Shortwave 23322 5 G 080210 6325 10 42 Zender Quintus 34433 8 G 080210 6285 10 51 Radio Zodiac 54444 9 G 080210 6287 11 25 Radio Zodiac 44444 9 080210 6140 13 02 Radio Joystick 54444 9+5dB 080211 6421 13 54 Laser Hot Hits 23322 5 080211 6310 14 04 UNID 23322 5 080211 4025 14 21 Laser Hot Hits 24333 7 G 080211 1655 19 56 Radio Hawai 43433 9 080211 6265 21 30 KBC Radio 34433 8 080211 6925 21 34 Spider Radio 24322 5 080212 6421 14 25 Laser Hot Hits 23322 5 080213 6421 15 07 Laser Hot Hits 23322 5 (Achim B., Germany - playdx2003 13/02/2008) -- Связь yesterday ALF stepped over an unknown Norwegian PACTOR net on 7778 kHz. Callings to LM5TR / LM1TR without any joy, at the end the calling station gave it's ID in PACTOR-I as "de la5ria". LA5RIA is a callsign of a well known Norwegian amateur radio OP from Kristiansund, who was active from different locations in the Svalbard region too (private? on the job?). As both callsigns are "Norwegian" (but with a different prefix) I don't think that they are "tactical" calls. That they choose two different Norwegians prefixes by "luck" is possible but not very likely. Another idea was that this was a spurious transmission from nearby the "40m band", but LM5TR and LM1TR are not known in the amateur community. If so, on "40m" it would be (most likely) a mailbox, but no google match could be found which support this idea. So, my best guesses are: A) a net with amateur radio OPs as members using their amateur radio callsign, like the Italian Civil Protection net etc. B) LA5RIA sold his PACTOR equipment to someone or to some "network" in Norway and they do not changed the MYCALL field. Maybe it's related to his stays on different islands of the Svalbard archipegalo. He used PACTOR e.g. from Bear Island, see: http://la7dfa.com/la5ria/ "The only inhabitable houses are the Bjornoya Radio and meteorological station located on the northern tip of the island." Maybe he left his equipment up there? So, it could be that this 7778 kHz is a link from Svalbard to Norway (Meteo ?), but why the "de la5ria" is the MYCALL as he used JW5RIA when he was active from these islands ? LA5RIA is also active in radio jamborees of the Norwegian scout movement, maybe they have a kind of "Scout Ute network". Norway has at least one such "club Ute" network. You know that in Norway a surplus radio collectores club ("Norsk Radiohistorisk Forening" (NRFH) - Norwegian Historical Radio Society, see http://www.nrhf.no/index.html) has got special HF frequencies for their members to play with their antique equipment. But I never saw any loggings in WUN/UDXF or somewhere else !? BTW, their website gave: "NRHF Radiohistorisk Nett (Antique Radio Net)" with frequencies ("for test of old antique equipment") as 3965 kHz and 6775 kHz (6 kHz bandwidth) on HF and 30,700 & 45,950 MHz (18 kHz bandwidth) on VHF. Their Norwegian language pages gave much more details about this net as the English version, but my Norwegian is like Zero ;-)) Anyone? Note: 3965 kHz is far outside the European "80m amateur radio band", which ends here at 3800 kHz, while in the US at 4000 kHz - I think. Anyone else maybe has logged this PACTORlink before or has any other idea?? 07778 LA5RIA: unid net, Norway 1341 PACTOR-I clg LM5TR (LM1TR), no joy & end with "de la5ria". 10Feb08 (ALF) (dl8aam - udxf 11/02/2008) 08414.5 EBYF: Vessel Murillo-E 1043 DSC Safety RQ LyngbyRadio-OXZ. OXZ-DNK BQs. (11Feb08) (MPJ) 08414.5 UZRO: Maria-UKR 1050 DSC Safety RQ LyngbyRadio-OXZ-DNK. (11Feb08) (MPJ) 08414.5 EQWC: IRNA Tabatabaei-Iran 1054 DSC Safety RQ LyngbyRadio- OXZ-DNK. (11Feb08) (MPJ) 08414.5 VRVZ7: Joyous World-PRC 1057 DSC Safety RQ MadridRadio-ECA6. OXZ BQs. (11Feb08) (MPJ) 08414.5 3FHJ7: Bella III-Panama Flag 1100 DSC Telephone call request, no frequencies. (11Feb08) (MPJ) 08414.5 C4JY2: Baltic Mariner-Cyprus Flag 1110 DSC Safety RQ to ValentiaRadio/EJK-IRL. Then tries CROSS Corsen-F. (11Feb08) (MPJ) 08414.5 OXZ: LyngbyRadio-DNK 1144 DSC Safety BQ to FMFR-CMA CGM Medea-Crozet. (11Feb08) (MPJ) 08414.5 OYGH2: Gjertrud Maersk-Denmark 1338 DSC RQs simplex telephone call on 8291 kHz via LisbonRadio/CUL. (11Feb08) (MPJ) 08414.5 S6AQ: Nara-Singapore 1340 DSC 3 Safety RQs to CAMSLANT/JRCC Norfolk/NMN fail. Then tries Halifax, NS, Canada/VCS without apparent success. (11Feb08) (MPJ) 08414.5 MZZW8: BBC Germania-UK 1402 DSC Safety RQ to MRCC Finisterre/EAF. Then tries MRCC Delgada-CTH and MRCC Madrid-ECA6. (11Feb08) (MPJ) (Jim, U.K. - udxf 11/02/2008) 1.678,20 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/USB 07-feb 2344 TFC KRY - (BC) 2.020,00 - ..... - MILITARE STANAG-4285/USB 07-feb 1903 TFC KRY - (BC) 2.212,00 7X.. ALR Ali Bel Rida ALG AO&G ALE/USB 08-feb 0004 SOUND 0112 SOUND (BC) 2.212,00 7X.. HAMRA Hamra ALG AO&G ALE/USB 07-feb 1949 SOUND 2045,2146,2354 SOUND (BC) 2.212,00 7X.. HR Hassi R'Mel ALG AO&G ALE/USB 07-feb 1935 SOUND 2045 SOUND (BC) 2.461,50 EIL.. 65 - SHIP - IRL IrN SITOR 100/170 07-feb 1938 WKG "0A" - (BC) 2.571,20 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/USB 07-feb 1910 TFC KRY - (BC) 2.600,00 IQQ - Mazara del Vallo I RADIO J3E/USB 06-feb 2130 AV - (BC) 2.618,50 GYA NORTWOOD London G RN FAX 120/576 05-feb 2133 CDT 2145,2157,2209,2233,2245,2258,2309,2321 CDT (BC) 2.658,50 F... - ..... F FF CW 06-feb 2133 GR(A) //5765.5 'BT NR 09 F 06 19:44:08 1980 BT' (BC) 2.720,00 SPS - Witowo POL RADIO J3E/USB 06-feb 2135 WX/AV ING - (BC) 2.730,00 SVL2 OLIMPIA RADIO Limnos GRC RADIO J3E/USB 06-feb 2135 WX/AV GRE - (BC) 2.745,00 ..... - ..... - [...] J3E/USB 07-feb 1916 TFC RUS - (BC) 2.756,40 - ..... - JEAC BR6028: ARQ-E 46,2/170/6CH/USB 07-feb 1919 IDLE ON BOTH CHANNELS - (BC) 2.759,20 - ..... - MIL STANAG 4285/USB 07-feb 1931 TFC KRY - (BC) 2.797,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL CIS 81-81 81/250 07-feb 2350 N-D - (BC) 2.798,60 - ..... - MIL STANAG 4285/USB 07-feb 1934 TFC KRY - (BC) 2.828,00 ..... - ..... - [...] J3E/USB 07-feb 1936 TFC RUS MALE VOICE (BC) 2.830,00 SVK OLIMPIA RADIO Kerkyra GRC RADIO J3E/USB 06-feb 2135 WX/AV GRE - (BC) 2.860,00 ..... - ..... - [...] J3E/USB 07-feb 1937 TFC RUS FEMALE VOICE (BC) 3.235,00 7U.. CY45 ..... ALG POLICE ALE/USB 07-feb 2248 CLG "CY40 RM50" - (BC) 3.242,00 7X.. HAMRAGPL Hamra ALG AO&G ALE/LSB 08-feb 1951 SOUND 2021,2051,2122,2152,2222,2252 SOUND (BC) 3.268,00 7U.. VR53 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 08-feb 2327 CLG "RM40" - (BC) 3.300,00 7U.. BJ30 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 08-feb 2056 CLG "RM30" - (BC) 3.300,00 7U.. BJ31 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 07-feb 2243 CLG "RM30" - (BC) 3.300,00 7U.. CM30 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 07-feb 2139 CLG "RM30" - (BC) 3.300,00 7U.. RM30 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 07-feb 2129 CLG "BJ30" - (BC) 3.300,00 7U.. XA30 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 08-feb 2100 CLG "RM30" - (BC) 3.300,00 7U.. XA33 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 08-feb 2125 CLG "RM30" - (BC) 3.300,00 7U.. XA35 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 08-feb 2125 CLG "RM30 RM30PY" - (BC) 3.328,40 ..... P20 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 08-feb 1941 SOUND 2007,2040,2059,2117,2130,2146,2210,2236,2300SOUND (BC) 3.360,00 4X.. FTJ Tel Aviv ISR MOSSAD H3E/USB 07-feb 1958 QRA - (BC) 3.735,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL FSK 50/500 07-feb 1954 N-D - (BC) 3.745,00 4L.. 1BR ..... GEO GeoF ALE/USB 07-feb 2016 CLG "8GS" - (BC) 3.745,00 4L.. 1BR ..... GEO GeoF J3E/USB 07-feb 1958 TFC GEO - (BC) 3.745,00 4L.. 2BR ..... GEO GeoF ALE/USB 07-feb 2129 CLG "KBT" - (BC) 3.745,00 4L.. 8GS ..... GEO GeoF ALE/USB 07-feb 2315 SOUND - (BC) 3.745,00 4L.. BRN ..... GEO GeoF ALE/USB 07-feb 2233 CLG "BRN" - (BC) 3.745,00 4L.. KBT ..... GEO GeoF ALE/USB 07-feb 2228 CLG "1BR" - (BC) 3.745,00 4L.. MHE ..... GEO GeoF ALE/USB 08-feb 0109 CLG "8GS" - (BC) 3.745,00 7U.. BD23 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 07-feb 2321 CLG "RM20" - (BC) 3.745,00 7U.. BD25 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 07-feb 2314 CLG "RM20" - (BC) 3.745,00 7U.. RM20 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 07-feb 2321 CLG "BD23" - (BC) 3.745,00 7U.. VK20 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 07-feb 2318 CLG "RM20" - (BC) 3.745,00 7U.. ZT20 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 07-feb 2133 CLG "RM20" - (BC) 3.814,50 FDI22 - Narbonne F FAF BAUDOT 50/100 08-feb 1934 RY+TEST - (BC) 4.010,00 7U.. RM10 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 08-feb 0037 CLG "XL21" - (BC) 4.010,00 7U.. XL18 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 08-feb 0019 CLG "XL21" - (BC) 4.010,00 7U.. XL21 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 08-feb 0011 CLG "RM21" - (BC) 4.032,50 F... - ..... F FF CW 04-feb 0632 GR(A) 'BT NR 03 F T4 17:42:33 1980 BT ZGJGZ .....' (BC) 4.035,00 7U.. AM50 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 07-feb 2325 CLG "RM50" - (BC) 4.035,00 7U.. CY55 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 07-feb 2324 CLG "RM50" - (BC) 4.149,00 U... - ..... CIS [...] J3E/USB 04-feb 0638 WX RUS - (BC) 4.174,00 AA.. T1Z ..... - USARMY ALE/USB 06-feb 2204 SOUND INCOMPLETE CALL (BC) 4.174,00 AA.. T2Z147 ..... - USARMY ALE/USB 06-feb 2151 SOUND - (BC) 4.174,00 AA.. T2Z159 ..... - USARMY ALE/USB 06-feb 2218 SOUND - (BC) 4.197,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL CW 07-feb 2323 TFC RUS/GR(A) - (BC) 4.199,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/250 04-feb 0644 N-D - (BC) 4.262,00 LFI - Rogoland NOR GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 04-feb 0648 N-D/CH MARKER - (BC) 4.306,00 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/USB 04-feb 0651 TFC KRY - (BC) 4.317,90 NMG - New Orleans,LA USA USCG FAX 120/576 04-feb 0650 CDT - (BC) 4.338,00 FUE - Brest F FN FSK 50/850 04-feb 0655 N-D - (BC) 4.350,60 IDR - Roma I IN STANAG-4285/USB 04-feb 0657 TFC KRY - (BC) 4.378,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/250 08-feb 1928 N-D - (BC) 4.410,00 F... - ..... F FF CW 04-feb 0705 GR(A) 'BT NR 08 F 0 18:13:35 1980 BT 'ZCZC KAA700 WKA700 88 18094.' (BC) 4.422,00 - ..... - MILITARE NATO 100/850 08-feb 1922 N-D - (BC) 4.455,80 - ..... - JEAC ARQ-E 46/160 08-feb 2049 TFC ARA 2115,2153,2238 TFC ARA ' (BC) 4.509,70 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/USB 04-feb 0710 TFC KRY - (BC) 4.527,00 F... - ..... F FF CW 08-feb 1918 GR(A) 'BT NR 62 F 05 10:33:05 1980 BT SUZMR XOTIY' (BC) 4.545,00 HBD20 - Bern/keneried SUI MFA MIL STD 188-110A/USB 04-feb 0713 TFC KRY SIMPLEX (BC) 4.555,20 DH.. - Cuxhaven D GCG SITOR 100/170 07-feb 0807 TFC TED SIMPLEX (BC) 4.616,00 BMF - Taipei TWN METEO FAX 120/576 05-feb 1856 CDT 1946 CDT (BC) 4.640,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL BAUDOT 50/500 04-feb 0719 TFC KRY - (BC) 4.663,00 RFFQ - Kiev/Borispol UKR VOLMET (VNCA) J3E/USB 08-feb 1910 WX ING 1940 WX ING (BC) 4.663,00 RSKP - Novosibirsk RUS VOLMET (VNCA) J3E/USB 08-feb 1915 WX ING - (BC) 4.675,00 AWB MUMBAI RADIO Mumbai IND AIR (R6E) J3E/USB 06-feb 2125 WKG "INDIA 252" - (BC) 4.716,00 IL.. 55 ..... I IAF ALE/USB 07-feb 0715 CLG "CHARLY46" - (BC) 4.716,00 IL.. 64I ..... I IAF ALE/USB 07-feb 0706 CLG "CHARLY46" - (BC) 4.795,00 HA.. 035 ..... HNG HngF ALE/USB 08-feb 1817 CLG "082" - (BC) 4.795,00 HA.. 082 ..... HNG HngF ALE/USB 08-feb 1917 CLG "035" - (BC) 4.844,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/250 04-feb 0723 N-D - (BC) 4.876,00 F... - ..... F FF CW 06-feb 2158 GR(A) //5765,5 'BT NR 42 F CH6 23:08:58 1980 BT' (BC) 4.930,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL BAUDOT 50/500 07-feb 0750 TFC KRY - (BC) 4.930,50 DH.. 77F ..... - GN J3E/USB 06-feb 2215 CLG "2TC" 2216 CLG "K9S" 2217 CLG/WKG "6GC" (BC) 4.930,50 ID.. 6QF ..... - IN J3E/USB 06-feb 2217 WKG "77F" - (BC) 4.930,50 ..... 2TC ..... - NAVY J3E/USB 06-feb 2220 CLG/WKG "6QF" - (BC) 5.077,50 WNU - Sliddel,LA USA GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 04-feb 0733 N-D/CH MARKER - (BC) 5.094,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/250 06-feb 2223 N-D - (BC) 5.133,00 ..... BRAVO JULLIET ..... - [...] J3E/USB 07-feb 0744 CLG/WKG .... TFC ARA/FRA - (BC) 5.133,00 ..... MIKE ..... - [...] J3E/USB 07-feb 0745 WKG "BJ" - (BC) 5.133,00 ..... VT ..... - [...] J3E/USB 07-feb 0745 WKG "BJ" - (BC) 5.185,00 U... - ..... CIS PTT RUS-ARQ 100/500 06-feb 0636 N-D - (BC) 5.220,00 7U.. HJ40HM90 ..... ALG DRS ALE/USB 06-feb 0700 CLG "ZB40HM90" - (BC) 5.220,00 7U.. QS40HM90 ..... ALG DRS ALE/USB 06-feb 0825 CLG "HJ40HM90" - (BC) 5.220,00 7U.. ZB40HM90 ..... ALG DRS ALE/USB 06-feb 0659 CLG "HJ40HM90" - (BC) 5.220,00 SP.. ASKAR99 ..... - PoF ALE/USB 06-feb 0906 CLG "LCR152" - (BC) 5.220,00 SP.. ELIT14 ..... - PoF ALE/USB 06-feb 0654 CLG "LCR152" - (BC) 5.220,00 SP.. ELIT14 ..... - PoF MIL STD 188-110A/USB 06-feb 0654 SEND MSGS TO "LCR152" - (BC) 5.220,00 SP.. IG4 ..... - PoF ALE/USB 06-feb 0742 CLG "LCR152" - (BC) 5.220,00 SP.. IG4 ..... - PoF MIL STD 188-110A/USB 06-feb 0743 SEND MSGS TO "LCR152" - (BC) 5.220,00 SP.. LCR152 Janki POL PoF ALE/USB 06-feb 0742 CLG "IG4" - (BC) 5.220,00 SP.. LCR152 Janki POL PoF MIL STD 188-110A/USB 06-feb 0701 SEND MSGS "IG4" - (BC) 5.243,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/250 04-feb 0738 N-D - (BC) 5.268,00 ..... 3261 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 08-feb 0106 SOUND - (BC) 5.268,40 M... XJV ..... - BF ALE/USB 08-feb 0106 SOUND - (BC) 5.268,40 M... XSS Forest Moor G BF ALE/USB 08-feb 0112 SOUND - (BC) 5.285,00 ZA.. DIAMANTI ..... ALB POLICE ALE/USB 06-feb 1935 CLG "DRINI" - (BC) 5.286,00 EHO7 TZSG2 Granada E GC ALE/USB 06-feb 1827 CLG "TXX1" - (BC) 5.297,70 F... - ..... - FF ARQ-E3 192/400 05-feb 2204 IDLE - (BC) 5.300,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL/METEO CIS-14 96/500 06-feb 0646 TFC KRY - (BC) 5.306,00 ..... - ..... - [...] FSK 50/850 06-feb 2225 N-D - (BC) 5.329,45 ..... - ..... - [...] FSK 100/600 08-feb 0104 N-D - (BC) 5.346,00 ..... ZD5M ..... - [...] CW 05-feb 2152 GR(N) - (BC) 5.356,00 7U.. CB01 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 06-feb 0650 CLG "CB02" - (BC) 5.356,00 7U.. CB01 ..... ALG ANG MIL STD 188-110A/USB 06-feb 0651 SEND MSGS TO "CB02" - (BC) 5.356,00 7U.. CB02 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 06-feb 0650 CLG "CB01" - (BC) 5.356,00 7U.. CB02 ..... ALG ANG MIL STD 188-110A/USB 06-feb 0654 SEND MSGS TO "CB01" - (BC) 5.370,25 U... - ..... CIS PTT RUS-ARQ 100/1000 06-feb 0658 N-D - (BC) 5.400,00 ..... - ..... - [...] J3E/USB 07-feb 0741 TFC ARA SIMPLEX BEEP (BC) 5.406,00 ..... 51 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 06-feb 2244 SOUND - (BC) 5.416,00 ..... 2000 ..... - [...] ALE/LSB 06-feb 2120 SOUND 2121 CLG "3006" (BC) 5.416,00 ..... 2000 ..... - [...] J3E/LSB 06-feb 2121 TFC ??? - (BC) 5.440,00 RWD59 - Moskwa RUS PTT RUS-ARQ 100/500 06-feb 0702 N-D - (BC) 5.446,50 W... - ..... - AFRTS FEEDER J3E/USB 08-feb 0100 PX - (BC) 5.450,00 SZ.. - ..... GRC HF J3E/USB 04-feb 0743 TFC GRE SIMPLEX (BC) 5.452,00 SZ.. - ..... GRC HF NATO 100/850 04-feb 0740 N-D @5450,0 USB (BC) 5.470,00 7U.. AC10 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 04-feb 0957 CLG "AC11" - (BC) 5.470,00 7U.. AC11 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 04-feb 0957 CLG "AC10" - (BC) 5.470,00 7U.. ND10 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 04-feb 1034 CLG "RM10" - (BC) 5.470,00 7U.. RM10 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 04-feb 0900 CLG "XL12" - (BC) 5.470,00 7U.. RM10 ..... ALG ANG MIL STD 188-110A/USB 04-feb 0900 SEND MSGS TO "XL12" - (BC) 5.470,00 7U.. WA10 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 04-feb 1036 CLG "RM10" - (BC) 5.470,00 7U.. XL10 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 04-feb 0744 CLG "XL12" - (BC) 5.470,00 7U.. XL12 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 04-feb 0744 CLG "XL10" - (BC) 5.470,00 7U.. XL14 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 04-feb 0910 CLG "RM10" - (BC) 5.470,00 7U.. XL15 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 04-feb 0909 CLG "RM10" - (BC) 5.470,00 7U.. XL17 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 04-feb 0906 CLG "RM10" - (BC) 5.470,00 7U.. XL18 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 04-feb 1301 CLG "RM10" - (BC) 5.470,00 7U.. XL20 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 04-feb 1331 CLG "RM10" - (BC) 5.470,00 7U.. XL21 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 04-feb 1259 CLG "RM10" - (BC) 5.470,00 7U.. XL21 ..... ALG ANG MIL STD 188-110A/USB 04-feb 1300 SEND MSGS TO "RM10" - (BC) 5.470,00 7U.. XV10 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 04-feb 1542 CLG "RM10" - (BC) 5.520,00 KEA5 NEW YORK Riverhead,NY USA AIR (CAR-B) J3E/USB 08-feb 0057 WKG "UNITED ....' - (BC) 5.589,00 EC.. 17 Telde CNR AIR ACARS 06-feb 2312 SQUITTERS - (BC) 5.590,70 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/USB 06-feb 2233 TFC KRY - (BC) 5.598,00 CSY - Santa Maria AZR ACC (NAT-A) J3E/USB 06-feb 0708 TFC ING - (BC) 5.652,00 KEA5 04 Riverhead,NY USA AIR ACARS 07-feb 0109 SQUITTERS - (BC) 5.716,00 - ..... - MILITARE NATO 75/850 06-feb 0714 N-D - (BC) 5.719,35 ..... - ..... - [...] COQUELET-8 26,6 07-feb 0729 TFC KRY - (BC) 5.762,00 HG.. 035 ..... HNG HngF ALE/USB 06-feb 1846 CLG "100" 2047,2147,2347,0047 CLG "100" 1916,2117,2317,0017 CLG "'082" (BC) 5.765,50 F... - ..... F FF CW 06-feb 1842 GR(A) 'BT NR 09 F 06 19:44:08 1980 BT VVZNF FLFCB .....' (BC) 5.770,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL BAUDOT 50/500 07-feb 0712 TFC KRY - (BC) 5.770,00 ..... R13 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 07-feb 0720 CLG "A15" - (BC) 5.780,00 4L.. 1BR ..... GEO GeoF ALE/USB 06-feb 2311 CLG "8GS" - (BC) 5.780,00 4L.. 8GS ..... GEO GeoF ALE/USB 06-feb 2311 CLG "1BR" - (BC) 5.780,00 4L.. KBT ..... GEO GeoF ALE/USB 06-feb 2136 CLG "KB1" - (BC) 5.784,00 SV.. 0000210001 ..... GRC POLICE ALE/USB 06-feb 0740 CLG "0000210601" - (BC) 5.784,00 SV.. 0000210503 ..... GRC POLICE ALE/USB 06-feb 1158 SOUND - (BC) 5.784,00 SV.. 0000210688 ..... GRC POLICE ALE/USB 07-feb 0729 SOUND - (BC) 5.817,00 ..... - ..... - [...] J3E/USB 07-feb 0714 TFC ING/??? SIMPLEX (BC) 5.860,50 R... - ..... RUS CISAF CW 07-feb 0710 TFC '991T19' (BC) 5.892,00 EH.. TZSE2 Melilla E GC ALE/USB 08-feb 0824 CLG "TXX1" - (BC) 5.898,00 CLP.. ATENCION Habana CUB INTEL A3A 08-feb 0800 GR(N) SPA - (BC) 6.002,70 7U... - ..... ALG PREFECTURE PACTOR 07-feb 0857 CLG "KARIM1" - (BC) 6.260,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/250 04-feb 0748 N-D - (BC) 6.496,40 CFH - Halifax,NS CAN CF FAX 120/576 04-feb 2001 CDT 2025,2222 CDT (BC) 6.501,00 UWY - Yalta UKR RADIO J3E/USB 04-feb 0753 TLF - (BC) 6.507,00 UXO - Sevastopol UKR RADIO J3E/USB 07-feb 0710 TLF - (BC) 6.544,00 8CR2 BALI Bali/Denpasar INS AIR (R6C) J3E/USB 04-feb 1843 WKG "....6565" - (BC) 6.551,00 4L.. KBT ..... GEO GeoF ALE/USB 07-feb 2304 CLG "2BR" - (BC) 6.551,00 4L.. MHE ..... GEO GeoF ALE/USB 07-feb 2331 CLG "MHE" - (BC) 6.552,20 ..... - ..... - [...] PACTOR-? 08-feb 1841 N-D? - (BC) 6.556,00 AWC CALCUTTA RADIO Calcutta IND ACC (SEA-1) J3E/USB 08-feb 1839 WKG "IRANIAN 861" - (BC) 6.617,00 RFNV - Moskva RUS VOLMET J3E/USB 07-feb 0710 WX RUS - (BC) 6.622,00 VFG GANDER RADIO Gander,NFLD CAN AIR (NAT-F) J3E/USB 04-feb 1832 WKG "AIR CANADA 11" - (BC) 6.628,00 KEA5 NEW YORK Riverhead,NY USA AIR (NAT-E) J3E/USB 08-feb 0049 WKG "TSO445" - (BC) 6.631,00 4X.. AA1 Ben Gurion ISR IsAF ALE/USB 08-feb 0100 SOUND - (BC) 6.631,00 4X.. AAA Tel Aviv ISR IsAF ALE/USB 08-feb 0051 SOUND - (BC) 6.649,00 PRJ3 ATLANTICO Recife/Guararapes B ACC (SAM) J3E/USB 07-feb 0004 WKG 'SPEEDBIRD 346' 0007 WKG "IBERIA1016" (BC) 6.664,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL CIS 81-81 40,5/500 04-feb 0800 N-D - (BC) 6.673,00 KMA7 - San Francisco,CA USA AIR (CEP-1/3) J3E/USB 08-feb 0017 TFC ING - (BC) 6.688,00 FDX CAPITOL Paris F FAF J3E/USB 08-feb 0813 TFC FRA/WX - (BC) 6.690,00 DHN66 - Geilenkirchen D GAF J3E/USB 08-feb 0815 WKG "MAGIC 77' - (BC) 6.692,00 DHN66 - Geilenkirchen D GAF NATO 75/850 08-feb 0817 SEND MSGS TO "MAGIC 77' - (BC) 6.706,00 M... DEFAULT ..... - BF ALE/USB 08-feb 1833 CLG "XSS" - (BC) 6.706,00 M... XSS Forest Moor G BF ALE/USB 08-feb 1920 SOUND - (BC) 6.739,00 NSY SIGONELLA Sigonella I USN J3E/USB 06-feb 1808 EAM BROADCAST 'THIS IS SIGONELLA MESSAGE IS FOLLOWS' (BC) 6.742,00 ..... - ..... - [...] J3E/USB 04-feb 0802 TFC ARA/FRA SIMPLEX (BC) 6.748,00 4X.. BB1 Palachim ISR IsAF ALE/USB 04-feb 1926 SOUND - (BC) 6.748,00 4X.. C44 - AIRCRAFT - ISR IsAF ALE/USB 04-feb 2037 CLG "BB1" - (BC) 6.748,00 4X.. OAA - AIRCRAFT - ??? ISR IsAF ALE/USB 04-feb 2038 CLG "AAA" - (BC) 6.748,00 4X.. TSB ..... ISR IsAF ALE/USB 04-feb 1845 SOUND - (BC) 6.754,00 CHR - Trenton,ONT CAN CF MCAS VOLMET J3E/USB 06-feb 2350 WX 0015 WX (BC) 6.759,00 - ..... - MIL NATO 75/850 06-feb 2358 N-D - (BC) 6.769,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL BEE/36-50 50/200 06-feb 2354 TFC KRY - (BC) 6.769,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL CW 06-feb 2355 TFC - (BC) 6.791,70 SSE.. YFG Berne SUI AMB. EGIZIANA SITOR 100/170 08-feb 1934 WKG Cairo - (BC) 6.805,20 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/USB 06-feb 2352 TFC KRY - (BC) 6.813,80 - ..... - JEAC ARQ-E 46,2/170 06-feb 2349 IDLE - (BC) 6.840,00 ..... NYZ ..... - [...] CW 04-feb 1820 CLG "Q2M" - (BC) 6.841,00 AA.. T2Z238 - USARMY ALE/USB 06-feb 2011 SOUND - (BC) 6.841,00 AA.. T2Z3MED - USARMY ALE/USB 06-feb 2043 SOUND - (BC) 6.841,00 AA.. TC2Z3 ..... - USARMY ALE/USB 06-feb 1808 SOUND - (BC) 6.841,00 AA.. TC7101 - USARMY ALE/USB 06-feb 1828 SOUND - (BC) 6.844,00 ..... - ..... - [...] FSK 50/250 08-feb 1826 N-D - (BC) 6.865,00 U... - ..... CIS PTT RUS-ARQ 100/500 04-feb 0816 N-D - (BC) 6.872,00 - ..... - MIL NATO 100/850 04-feb 0818 N-D - (BC) 6.873,50 M... XFY ..... - BF ALE/USB 08-feb 0805 CLG "XSS" - (BC) 6.873,50 M... XJK ..... - BF ALE/USB 08-feb 0825 CLG "XSS" - (BC) 6.873,50 M... XKB ..... - BF ALE/USB 08-feb 0833 CLG "XSS" - (BC) 6.873,50 M... XKK ..... - BF ALE/USB 08-feb 0837 CLG "XSS" - (BC) 6.873,50 M... XKK ..... - BF MIL STD 188-110A/USB 08-feb 0835 SEND MSGS TO "XSS" - (BC) 6.873,50 M... XSS ..... - BF ALE/USB 08-feb 0841 SOUND - (BC) 6.873,50 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/USB 08-feb 1824 N-D - (BC) 6.884,00 5A.. GHADAMES Ghadames LBY GMRA ALE/USB 05-feb 0803 CLG "HQ3" - (BC) 6.884,00 5A.. TUBRUK Tobruk LBY GMRA ALE/USB 05-feb 0727 CLG "BENGAZI" - (BC) 6.884,00 5A.. ZWARA Zwara LBY GMRA ALE/USB 05-feb 0858 CLG "HQ3" - (BC) 6.904,00 ..... 601 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 08-feb 0010 SOUND - (BC) 6.915,00 ..... - ..... - [...] J3E/USB 05-feb 1726 TFC ING/ARA SIMPLEX (BC) 6.938,00 Z3.. CS001 ..... MKD MkdF ALE/USB 05-feb 0850 CLG "RS004" - (BC) 6.938,00 Z3.. CS001A ..... MKD MkdF ALE/USB 05-feb 1109 CLG "RS009A" - (BC) 6.938,00 Z3.. CS001A ..... MKD MkdF MIL STD 188-110A/USB 05-feb 1109 SEND MSGS TO "RS009A" - (BC) 6.938,00 Z3.. RS009A ..... MKD MkdF ALE/USB 05-feb 1108 CLG "CS001A" - (BC) 6.938,00 Z3.. RS009A ..... MKD MkdF MIL STD 188-110A/USB 05-feb 1109 SEND MSGS TO "CS001A" - (BC) 6.946,00 YP.. ARAB10 Arad ROU POLICE ALE/USB 04-feb 0908 CLG "MIRB10" - (BC) 6.946,00 YP.. ARAB10 Arad ROU POLICE MIL STD 188-110A/USB 04-feb 0909 SEND MSGS TO "MIRB10" - (BC) 6.946,00 YP.. MIRB10 Miercurea Ciuc ROU POLICE ALE/USB 04-feb 0838 CLG "RAMB10" - (BC) 6.946,00 YP.. MIRB10 Miercurea Ciuc ROU POLICE MIL STD 188-110A/USB 04-feb 0843 SEND MSGS TO "RAMB10" - (BC) 6.946,00 YP.. RAMB10 Ramnicu Valcea ROU POLICE ALE/USB 04-feb 0821 CLG "MIRB10" - (BC) 6.946,35 ..... - ..... - [...] FEC 100/170 04-feb 1815 TFC KRY - (BC) 6.950,00 F... - ..... F FF CW 05-feb 1722 GR(A) //6963,0 'NR 47 F 05 18:41:58 1980 BT PQYYB ......' (BC) 6.963,00 F... - ..... F FF CW 05-feb 1722 GR(A) //6950,0 'NR 47 F 05 18:41:58 1980 BT PQYYB ......' (BC) 6.988,00 ..... F4H1 ..... - [...] CW 04-feb 0827 TFC 'HHXA DE F4H1 QTC K' (BC) 7.000,00 UZ.. D Sevastopol UKR CISN BEACON CW 08-feb 0045 QRA - (BC) 7.000,00 ..... 2422 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 05-feb 2316 SOUND - (BC) 7.000,00 ..... 2427 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 05-feb 1814 SOUND - (BC) 7.010,00 Z3.. CS002 ..... MKD MkdF ALE/USB 08-feb 0833 CLG "RS008" - (BC) 7.010,00 Z3.. RS008 ..... MKD MkdF ALE/USB 08-feb 1207 CLG "CS002" - (BC) 7.425,00 ..... - ..... - [...] FSK 100/495 04-feb 0832 N-D - (BC) 7.455,00 ..... - ..... - [...] FSK 50/850 06-feb 2345 N-D - (BC) 7.545,00 4L.. 1BR ..... GEO GeoF ALE/USB 04-feb 1530 CLG "GEO" - (BC) 7.545,00 4L.. BRN ..... GEO GeoF ALE/USB 04-feb 0840 CLG "2BR" - (BC) 7.545,00 4L.. MHE ..... GEO GeoF ALE/USB 04-feb 0841 CLG "8GS" - (BC) 7.545,00 4L.. SJS ..... GEO GeoF ALE/USB 04-feb 0908 SOUND - (BC) 7.547,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/250 08-feb 0900 N-D - (BC) 7.594,50 OEY51 - Wien AUT AuA ALE/USB 06-feb 0704 CLG OEY71 0930,1030,1109,1141 CLG OEY71 (BC) 7.594,50 OEY71 - Golan Heigts SYR AuA ALE/USB 06-feb 0930 CLG OEY51 - (BC) 7.617,00 ..... 3061 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 06-feb 0947 SOUND - (BC) 7.617,00 ..... 3161 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 06-feb 0959 SOUND - (BC) 7.617,00 ..... 3341 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 06-feb 1224 SOUND - (BC) 7.617,00 ..... 8351 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 06-feb 0946 SOUND - (BC) 7.625,00 U... - ..... CIS PTT RUS-ARQ 100/500 04-feb 0908 N-D - (BC) 7.635,00 U... - ..... CIS PTT RUS-ARQ 100/500 04-feb 0911 N-D - (BC) 7.635,00 ..... ELFY ..... - [...] ALE/USB 07-feb 0723 CLG "MMLE" - (BC) 7.635,00 ..... MMLE ..... - [...] ALE/USB 07-feb 0735 CLG "ELFY" - (BC) 7.661,70 SSE... - Rabat MRC AMB. EGIZIANA SITOR 100/170 07-feb 2000 WKG Cairo (8023,7) (BC) 7.670,00 IE.. ERMES61 ..... - IF J3E/USB 04-feb 0914 CLG/WKG "ZEFFIRO" - (BC) 7.670,00 IE.. ZEFFIRO ..... - IF J3E/USB 04-feb 0914 WKG "ERMES61" - (BC) 7.678,00 ..... AA3P ..... - [...] CW 04-feb 0918 CLG/WKG "IE2L" /GR(N) 0920 CLG/WKG "ASKW" (BC) 7.725,00 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA CODAN 16 TONES 04-feb 1812 SEND MSGS TO Algier - (BC) 7.726,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA SITOR 100/170 04-feb 1810 CLG/WKG Algier - (BC) 7.730,00 7U.. HJ40HM90 ..... ALG DRS ALE/USB 06-feb 1745 CLG "ZB40HM90" - (BC) 7.730,00 7U.. HJ40HM90 ..... ALG DRS MIL STD 188-110A/USB 06-feb 1739 SEND MSGS TO "ZB40HM90" - (BC) 7.753,00 WNU - Slidell,LA USA GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 06-feb 2344 N-D/CH MARKER - (BC) 7.767,90 ..... - ..... - [...] BAUDOT 50/200 05-feb 0743 TFC KRY - (BC) 7.768,00 ..... NVS ..... - [...] J3E/USB 05-feb 1714 WKG "NZF" - (BC) 7.768,00 ..... NZF ..... - [...] J3E/USB 05-feb 1714 CLG "NVS" - (BC) 7.770,00 ..... 2525 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 05-feb 1713 CLG "2526" - (BC) 7.772,00 5O.. KANO Kano NIG NNPC ALE/USB 05-feb 1709 SOUND - (BC) 7.772,00 5O.. YOLA Yola NIG NNPC ALE/USB 05-feb 1739 SOUND - (BC) 7.792,60 ..... - ..... - [...] FSK 250/170 04-feb 0921 N-D - (BC) 7.793,30 WNU - Slidell,LA USA GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 06-feb 2342 N-D/CH MARKER - (BC) 7.795,00 JMH - Tokyo J METEO FAX 120/576 04-feb 1803 CDT - (BC) 7.803,00 ..... - ..... - [...] ARQ-E 184,5/800 04-feb 0925 IDLE - (BC) 7.811,00 W... - ..... - AFRTS FEEDER J3E/USB 06-feb 2240 PX - (BC) 7.814,30 CN.. C3ALE2 ..... MRC MrcA J3E/USB 04-feb 0945 CLG "R301" - (BC) 7.823,00 ..... - ..... - [...] J3E/USB 04-feb 0946 TFC ING SIMPLEX 'FLIGHT LEVEL ....' (BC) 7.833,00 ..... WOXN ..... - [...] CW 08-feb 0037 GR(A) 0019 CLG/WKG "QPZM" (BC) 7.838,70 ..... - ..... - [...] FEC 100/170 04-feb 0950 IDLE - (BC) 7.850,00 I... ERMES 80 ..... - IA J3E/USB 06-feb 1727 TFC ITA - (BC) 7.889,00 B... - ..... CHN INTEL J3E/USB 06-feb 2338 GR(N) CHN - (BC) 7.938,00 Z3.. CS001B ..... MKD MkdF MIL STD 188-110A/USB 04-feb 0954 TFC KRY SIMPLEX (BC) 7.957,00 ..... SSC5 ..... - [...] CW 06-feb 2335 TFC - (BC) 7.980,00 5O.. AUCHI Auchi NIG NNPC ALE/USB 06-feb 2358 SOUND - (BC) 7.980,00 5O.. SULEJA Suleja NIG NNPC ALE/USB 07-feb 0024 SOUND - (BC) 7.980,00 5O.. YOLA Yola NIG NNPC ALE/USB 06-feb 2333 SOUND - (BC) 7.981,40 KZN508 - Rock Hill,SC USA SAILMAIL PACTOR-III 06-feb 2229 N-D - (BC) 7.990,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL CIS 81-81 40,5/1000 05-feb 0747 N-D - (BC) 8.001,00 5O.. 611611 ..... NIG POLICE ALE/USB 05-feb 1913 CLG "611615" - (BC) 8.001,00 5O.. 611612 ..... NIG POLICE ALE/USB 05-feb 2012 SOUND - (BC) 8.001,00 5O.. 611615 ..... NIG POLICE ALE/USB 05-feb 1908 CLG "611611" - (BC) 8.001,00 5O.. 6114 ..... NIG POLICE ALE/USB 05-feb 1912 SOUND 1934 CLG "6111" (BC) 8.001,00 ..... 211217 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 05-feb 2056 SOUND - (BC) 8.014,00 ..... 822 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 06-feb 1726 CLG "549" - (BC) 8.014,00 ..... DMN ..... - [...] ALE/USB 04-feb 1906 CLG "ABC" - (BC) 8.014,00 ..... XYZ ..... - [...] ALE/USB 04-feb 1856 CLG "ABC" 1726,1736,1756,1916,2016,2106,2304,2354 CLG "ABC" (BC) 8.028,50 R... - ..... - FAPSI CROWD/USB 08-feb 1815 TFC - (BC) 8.065,00 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA CODAN 16 TONES/USB 05-feb 1737 N-D - (BC) 8.079,00 U.. - ..... CIS PTT RUS-ARQ 100/500 08-feb 0904 N-D - (BC) 8.104,75 U... - ..... CIS PTT RUS-ARQ 100/1000 05-feb 0750 N-D - (BC) 8.117,50 OEY52 - Wien AUT AuA ALE/USB 06-feb 0720 CLG OEY41 - (BC) 8.120,00 SSE... - Pyongyang KRE AMB. EGIZIANA CODAN 16 TONES/USB 06-feb 2337 N-D - (BC) 8.121,70 SSE... - Pyongyang KRE AMB. EGIZIANA SITOR 100/170 06-feb 2335 WKG Cairo - (BC) 8.124,00 ..... - ..... - [...] FSK 50/250 04-feb 1022 N-D - (BC) 8.130,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL BEE/36-50 50/250 07-feb 0650 TFC KRY - (BC) 8.152,50 ..... - ..... - [...] PACTOR-? 05-feb 1746 N-D - (BC) 8.170,20 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/USB 05-feb 1747 TFC KRY - (BC) 8.190,00 IER149 TARANTO Taranto I IGF ALE/USB 06-feb 1004 CLG "BARLETTA" - (BC) 8.220,20 ..... - ..... - [...] PACTOR-? 05-feb 1750 N-D - (BC) 8.278,10 ..... - ..... - [...] BAUDOT 75/850 08-feb 0920 TFC KRY - (BC) 8.402,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/250 04-feb 1025 N-D - (BC) 8.450,00 ..... 102 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 05-feb 1803 CLG "101" - (BC) 8.504,00 NMG - New Orleans,LA USA USCG FAX 120/576 04-feb 0655 CDT 0705,0715,0735 CDT (BC) 8.743,00 HSA - Bangkok THA RADIO J3E/USB 05-feb 1800 WX ING SINTESIZED 1807 V-M THAI 1810,2140 WX THAI (BC) 8.764,00 NMN - Chesapeake,VA USA USCG J3E/USB 06-feb 2320 WX ING - (BC) 8.825,00 KEA5 NEW YORK Riverhead,NY USA AIR (NAT-E) J3E/USB 07-feb 0040 TFC ING - (BC) 8.828,00 VRK - Cape d'Aguilar HKG VOLMET (VPAC) J3E/USB 05-feb 1815 WX - (BC) 8.867,00 KMA7 - San Francisco,CA USA AIR (SP) J3E/USB 05-feb 1847 TFC ING - (BC) 8.867,00 AA.. R26003 - HELO - - USARMY ALE/USB 05-feb 1845 SOUND - (BC) 8.867,00 AA.. T1Z52 ..... - USARMY ALE/USB 05-feb 1917 SOUND - (BC) 8.867,00 AA.. T2Z147 ..... - USARMY ALE/USB 05-feb 1902 SOUND 2121 CLG "R26883" (BC) 8.867,00 AA.. T2Z159 ..... - USARMY ALE/USB 05-feb 1902 SOUND - (BC) 8.888,00 RQCI - Kuybyshev/Samara RUS VOLMET (R2C) J3E/USB 05-feb 1815 WX RUS - (BC) 8.891,00 TFW ICELAND RADIO Reykjavik ISL ACC (NAT-D) J3E/USB 05-feb 1825 WKG "AIR CANADA 87" - (BC) 8.894,00 ..... - ..... - [...] FSK 75/500 07-feb 0025 N-D - (BC) 8.906,00 KEA5 NEW YORK Riverhead,NY USA AIR (NAT-A) J3E/USB 05-feb 2125 WKG "CABO VERDE ..' - (BC) 9.016,00 M... TASCOM ..... - RAF? J3E/USB 06-feb 2310 CLG/WKG "ASCOT 845" - (BC) 9.066,00 AA.. T1Z3 ..... IRQ USARMY ALE/USB 06-feb 2050 SOUND - (BC) 9.075,00 RCV26 - Moskva RUS PTT RUS-ARQ 100/1600/2CH 05-feb 0754 N-D (9140,0) (BC) 9.085,00 - ..... - MILITARE NATO 75/850 06-feb 0032 N-D - (BC) 9.115,00 WQDT278 XNET Lakeland,FL USA Xnet PACTOR-III 07-feb 2357 CH MARKER/QRA - (BC) 9.140,00 U... - ..... CIS PTT RUS-ARQ 100/1600/2CH 05-feb 0754 N-D (9075,0) (BC) 9.184,35 ..... - ..... - [...] FEC 100/170 06-feb 1013 TFC KRY - (BC) 9.192,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/200 05-feb 0757 N-D - (BC) 9.235,00 - ..... - MILITARE STANAG-4285/USB 07-feb 0036 TFC KRY - (BC) 9.239,75 U... - ..... CIS PTT RUS-ARQ 100/1000 05-feb 0759 N-D - (BC) 9.321,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/200 05-feb 0800 N-D - (BC) 9.360,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL BAUDOT 50/500 05-feb 0802 TFC KRY - (BC) 9.380,00 U... - ..... CIS MILITARE BAUDOT 50/500 06-feb 1019 TFC KRY - (BC) 9.923,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/200 05-feb 0804 N-D - (BC) 9.936,10 U... - ..... CIS MIL BAUDOT 50/200 05-feb 0806 TFC KRY - (BC) 10.008,30 7U.. - Illizi ALG PREFECTURE PACTOR 05-feb 0808 TFC FRA 'RCE A ILLIZI NR:148/112/143/160/264/178/062/107/097/114/101.' (BC) 10.066,00 HS.. 06 Hat Yai THA AIR ACARS 07-feb 1608 SQUITTERS - (BC) 10.160,00 ..... 2010 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 04-feb 1550 SOUND 1556 CLG "1020" (BC) 10.160,00 ..... 2014 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 04-feb 1628 CLG "1020" - (BC) 10.160,00 ..... 3012 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 04-feb 1610 SOUND - (BC) 10.171,80 ..... - ..... - [...] MFSK 6PEAKS 05-feb 0811 N-D SPACED 500 HZ (BC) 10.175,00 ..... 3061 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 04-feb 1743 SOUND - (BC) 10.175,00 ..... 3421 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 04-feb 1644 SOUND - (BC) 10.175,00 ..... 3811 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 04-feb 1600 SOUND - (BC) 10.175,00 ..... 8211 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 04-feb 1747 SOUND - (BC) 10.175,00 ..... 8551 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 04-feb 1757 SOUND - (BC) 10.277,00 ..... - ..... - [...] FSK 100/500 05-feb 0813 N-D - (BC) 10.417,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/200 05-feb 0816 N-D - (BC) 10.548,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL CIS 81-81 40,5/250 05-feb 0818 N-D - (BC) 11.032,00 UDG - ..... CIS MIL CW 06-feb 0729 GR(N) ' UDG UDG UDG 15766 15766' (BC) 11.066,70 ..... - ..... - [...] BAUDOT 50/200 08-feb 0755 TFC KRY - (BC) 11.145,00 LFI - Rogoland NOR GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 05-feb 0712 N-D/CH MARKER - (BC) 11.170,00 ..... 7 ..... - [...] CW 08-feb 0743 RPT '7' - (BC) 11.282,00 4X.. - Tel Aviv ISR EL-AL J3E/USB 05-feb 0821 TFC EBR - (BC) 11.288,00 KKY7 - Agana GUM AIR ACARS 07-feb 0700 SQUITTERS - (BC) 11.318,00 RVPE - Yeniseysk/Tyumen RUS VOLMET (R3) J3E/USB 05-feb 0820 WX RUS - (BC) 11.354,00 KBA29 09 Barrow ALS AIR ACARS 07-feb 0805 SQUITTERS - (BC) 12.058,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/250 05-feb 0824 N-D - (BC) 12.136,70 FKK4 RFTPA N'Djamena TCD FAF ARQ-E3 200/379 07-feb 1800 IDLE - (BC) 12.334,70 SSE... - Rabat MRC AMB. EGIZIANA SITOR 100/170 07-feb 1702 WKG Cairo (8023,7) (BC) 12.687,00 HEB04 - Bern SUI GLN PACTOR-II 07-feb 1900 TL - (BC) 12.750,00 NIK - Cape Cod,MA USA USCG FAX 120/576 07-feb 1810 ICE CHART 'CQ CQ DE NIK' 'THE 2008 ICE SEASON HAS NOT OPENED' (BC) 12.750,00 NMF - Cape Cod,MA USA USCG FAX 120/576 05-feb 1955 CDT 1824,1905,1925,1935,2005 CDT (BC) 13.002,00 HEC - Bern SUI GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 07-feb 1806 N-D/CH MARKER - (BC) 13.510,00 CFH - Halifax,NS CAN CF BAUDOT 75/850 07-feb 1850 WX - (BC) 13.882,50 DDK8 - Pinneberg D METEO FAX 120/576 06-feb 1133 TEST CHART 1146,1205,1220 CDT (BC) 14.415,70 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/USB 07-feb 1836 TFC KRY - (BC) 16.056,70 SSE.. - Kuala Lumpur MLA AMB. EGIZIANA SITOR 100/170 06-feb 1108 WKG Cairo (19026,7) (BC) 16.189,70 SSE.. - Kuala Lumpur MLA AMB. EGIZIANA SITOR 100/170 06-feb 1039 WKG Cairo (19026,7) (BC) 16.868,00 SAB - Goeteborg S GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 08-feb 1506 N-D/CH MARKER - (BC) 16.966,00 F... - ..... - FN FSK 50/850 07-feb 1826 N-D - (BC) 17.024,00 SAB - Goeteborg S GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 08-feb 1508 N-D/CH MARKER - (BC) 17.041,50 HEB - Berna SUI GLN PACTOR-III 07-feb 1810 CH MARKER/QRA - (BC) 17.063,40 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/USB 07-feb 1813 TFC KRY - (BC) 17.121,00 EB.. - ..... E SN STANAG-4285/USB 07-feb 1815 TFC KRY - (BC) 17.146,40 NMG - New Orleans,LA USA USCG FAX 120/576 07-feb 1810 CDT - (BC) 17.237,60 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/USB 07-feb 1816 TFC KRY - (BC) 17.402,40 VCT - Tors Cove,NFLD CAN GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 07-feb 1820 N-D/CH MARKER - (BC) 17.408,40 HEC - Bern SUI GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 07-feb 1818 N-D/CH MARKER - (BC) 17.435,00 ..... 1001 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 08-feb 1112 CLG "1104" - (BC) 17.435,00 ..... 10111 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 08-feb 1149 SOUND - (BC) 17.435,00 ..... 1118 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 08-feb 1134 SOUND - (BC) 17.435,00 ..... 2001 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 08-feb 1113 CLG "1109" - (BC) 17.976,00 AFE81 HAWSPR Wideawake ASC USAF ALE/USB 05-feb 0943 SOUND - (BC) 17.976,00 AIE GUASPR Barrigada GUM USAF ANDERSEN AFB ALE/USB 05-feb 0942 SOUND - (BC) 17.976,00 CUW PLASPR Lajes AZR USAF ALE/USB 05-feb 1053 SOUND - (BC) 17.976,00 NKW JDGSPR Diego Garcia DGA USN ALE/USB 05-feb 0949 SOUND - (BC) 17.976,00 NSY ICZSPR Sigonella I USN ALE/USB 05-feb 1217 SOUND - (BC) 17.976,00 NRR JNR Rosvelt Roads PTR USN SALINAS AB ALE/USB 05-feb 1254 SOUND - (BC) 18.042,00 OT.. - Bruxelles BEL MSF PACTOR-III 07-feb 0905 CLG/WKG "PACMPH" '1003 CLG/WKG "PACMPI" (BC) 18.241,70 SSE... - ..... - DIPLO EGIZIANA SITOR 100/170 05-feb 0843 TFC ARA - (BC) 18.261,00 GYA - London G RN FAX 120/576 04-feb 1051 CDT - (BC) 18.281,00 ..... I-4QEV ..... - [...] ALE/USB 05-feb 1308 SOUND - (BC) 18.281,00 ..... PHT7CZ ..... - [...] ALE/USB 05-feb 1308 SOUND - (BC) 18.529,40 7R.. - Muscat OMA AMB. ALGERINA COQUELET-8 13,3 06-feb 1047 WKG ALGER - (BC) 19.020,00 OT.. - Bruxelles BEL MSF PACTOR 06-feb 1030 CLG "PAMZGB" - (BC) 19.026,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA FEC 100/170 06-feb 1030 TFC ARA 1108 TFC ARA (BC) 19.026,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA SITOR 100/170 06-feb 1028 CLG/WKG Kuala Lumpur (16189,7) (14966,7) (16056,7) (BC) 19.036,40 7R.. - Brazzaville COG AMB. ALGERINA COQUELET-8 26,6 08-feb 1604 CLG/WKG Alger - (BC) 19.426,70 SSE... - ..... - [...] SITOR 100/170 06-feb 1032 TFC ARA - (BC) 19.698,50 ..... - ..... - [...] PACTOR-?? 06-feb 1039 N-D/CH MARKER - (BC) 19.726,00 A9M - Hamala BHR GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 06-feb 1041 N-D/CH MARKER - (BC) 19.770,00 ..... - ..... - RADIO J3E/USB 06-feb 1043 TFC CIN/TLF - (BC) 19.830,00 ..... F9TM ..... - [...] CW 07-feb 1830 CLG "F5OJN" - (BC) 21.955,00 EC.. 17 Telde CNR AIR ACARS 08-feb 1501 SQUITTERS - (BC) 21.997,00 CPMB 13 Santa Cruz/Viru Viru BOL AIR ACARS 08-feb 1522 SQUITTERS - (BC) 22.380,50 CBV - Valaparaiso Playa Anca CHL RADIO FEC 100/170 08-feb 1500 AV SPA - (BC) 22.471,00 ..... - ..... - [...] FSK 50/850 08-feb 1440 N-D - (BC) 22.950,00 ..... - ..... - [...] FSK 50/850 08-feb 1443 N-D - (BC) (Bruno Casula, Italy - udxf 11/02/2008) 06521.5 : CIS Military 1807 MS-5/4800/USB In traffic. (11Feb08) (MPJ) 08495 C: MX Beacon, Moscow 1714 CW With D-Odessa on 8494.7 and P-Kaliningrad on 8494.8 kHz. (11Feb08) (MPJ) 08552 : French Navy Bcast 1717 FSK/50/850 ACF=0. Not FUB. Bearing 110/290. (11Feb08) (MPJ) 08812 TAH: Istanbul Radio 1801 USB OM with MIBs/weather in Turkish. (11Feb08) (MPJ) 10984 : CIS Military 1709 CIS-75/75/200 In traffic. (11Feb08) (MPJ) 12732 9HD: Globe Wireless, Malta 1707 GW-OFDM Idling. (11Feb08) (MPJ) 15959 : Unid NATO 1600 NATO-75/75/850 Continuous cipher. Bearing 100/280. Possibly from N.America. (11Feb08) (MPJ) 16804.5 HOXP: Vessel Amana-Panamanian Flag 1517 DSC Telecommands not decoded. BQ'd by OlympiaRadio-SVO-Greece. (11Feb08) (MPJ) 16804.5 ZSC: MRCC Capetown-AFS 1501 DSC Safety BQ to Symphonic-SVIQ- Greece. (11Feb08) (MPJ) 16804.5 A8NJ2: Diamond Seas-Liberian Flag 1529 DSC Safety RQ to MRCC Cape Verde, W.Africa. (11Feb08) (MPJ) 16804.5 V7DD6: Tamar-Marshall Is 1538 DSC Safety RQ to TemaRadio/9HX- Ghana. (11Feb08) (MPJ) 16731.5 : Unid Vessel 1551 GW-OFDM In traffic to SAB-GoteborgRadio, Sweden. (11Feb08) (MPJ) In my last log I wrote: >08414.5 VRVZ7: Joyous World-PRC 1057 DSC Safety RQ MadridRadio-ECA6. >OXZ BQs. (11Feb08) (MPJ) Which should have read: 08414.5 VRVZ7: Joyous World-PRC 1057 DSC Safety RQ MadridRadio-ECA6. ECA6 BQs. (11feb08) (MPJ) (Jim, U.K. - udxf 11/02/2008) 020208 1818 248 MCW MI Miami, FL NDB 020208 1820 8097 MCW Cuban M8a w/ 5F grps 020308 2001 10426 USB 'Lincolnshire Poacher' YL/EE w/ 87666 callup & 5F msg 020308 2013 10621 CW Unid stn w/ 5L grps 020308 2041 11330 USB 'New York' Wking Continental 1883 w/ posn rpt 020308 2050 11387 HFDL HFDL signal 020308 2059 12133.5 USB AFN feeder 020308 2114 13110//13152 USB WLO WX, kept running words "knots" and "seas" together to sound like "nazis" 020308 2124 5550 USB 'New York' Wking American 1582 w/ selcall check 020308 2130 6925 SSTV Pirate sending SSTV signals, was also on 6950 at 2133 020408 1446 13354 USB 'New York' Wking American 69 for posn rpt & selcall check 020408 1451 8918 USB 'New York' Wking American 1019 020408 1504 391 MCW DDP San Juan, PR NDB 020408 1538 13089 USB NMN WX 020608 1858 330 MCW SJ San Juan, PR NDB 020708 1336 14487 USB 'Lincolnshire Poacher' 5F msg in progress 020708 1345 8918 USB 'New York' Wking American 1325 w/ posn rpt 020708 1400 14487 USB 'Lincolnshire Poacher' 23049 callup & 5F msg, also on 15682 & 16084 020708 1415 11330 USB 'New York' ATC wking American 891 for secall check 020708 1422 232 MCW GT NDB, Grand Turk Is. 020708 1457 11175 USB 'Cardfile 711' Phone patch to 'Fiddle' 020708 1503 14893 CW 5F msg, cut 0's & signed down w/ 000 000 020708 1637 10242 USB 'Camslant' Wking J41 for flight ops 020708 1832 8097 MCW Cuban M8a w/ 5F msgs 020708 1842 12603//14487 USB 'Lincolnshire Poacher' 5F msg 020708 1900 8097 MCW Cuban M8a w/ 5F msgs 020708 1944 5711 USB 'Freedom Star' Wking BRD & Cape Radio ref booster recovery ops ref STS-122 shuttle launch (N2UHC - udxf 12/02/2008) and here some M51 (aka FAV22) loggings from the last days. They use frequencies on daily change. I hoped to find out if they choose their frequencies from a limited "table of possible" channels. Some of the channels active over the days were active before, but so far I can't definitively say if they have a such a table of possible frequencies or if they just choose a new one in a daily lottery...hi Refering to the actual location/s: A REF paper (from 2005): "ContrA?lAs depuis le Mont ValArien jusqu'au 1er mai 1982, elles le furent depuis le Fort de BicA?tre (94) jusqu'en juillet 2005. Le contrA?le se fait actuellement depuis le CSTEI (28)." If my French is OK, I understand: - Til May 1982 "Mont ValArien" - Til July 2005 "Fort de BicA?tre" - Now (since 2005) [til today?] it's controlled by CSTEI (Dept.28 "Eure-et-Loir") FaviA?res is mentioned on http://utf.webamat.org/skeds/skeds1.htm#3 (2005) and about the transmitting location: "... rAception dApartement 28, Amission dApartement 27" & "... que les Ametteurs FAV 22 (1 kW) sont situAs dans le dApartement 27" (= 27: Dept. Eure) is given in this document. Another paper from 2005 said "Les Ametteurs sont situAs A Vernon (27)" According to the "mistakes" seen over the last months (FAV22 = F9TM = M51) all should (??) be from the same orign: TX at Vernon (27) and controlled all 3 by CSTEI at FaviA?res (28) ?!? Right?? Any further info? 73, Tom ====================================================== 03838 FAV22: CSTEI (Centre SpAcialisA des TAlAcommunications et de la€™Informatique): French Military Spooky CW Training Stn "M51" 2148 CW "NR nn F 06 22:mm:ss 1980 BT...", 5LGs. 09/FEB/2008 (DL8AAM) 03882 FAV22: CSTEI French Military Spooky CW Training Stn "M51" 2053 CW "NR 05 F 11 21:53:48 1980 BT", 5LGs. 10/FEB/2008 (DL8AAM) 05400 FAV22: CSTEI French Military Spooky CW Training Stn "M51" 0318 CW "NR nn F 06 04:mm:ss 1980 BT...", 5LGs. 09/FEB/2008 (DL8AAM) 05897.5 FAV22: CSTEI French Military Spooky CW Training Stn "M51" 0500 CW "NR 83 F 12 06:00:29 1980 BT", 5LGs. 11/FEB/2008 (DL8AAM) 06862.5 FAV22: CSTEI French Military Spooky CW Training Stn "M51" 1518 CW "NR 61 F 06 16:18:40 1980 BT", 5LGs. 09/FEB/2008 (DL8AAM) 06882 FAV22: CSTEI French Military Spooky CW Training Stn "M51" 1216 CW "NR nn F 06 13:mm:ss 1980 BT", 5LGs. 09/FEB/2008 (DL8AAM) 06887 FAV22: CSTEI French Military Spooky CW Training Stn "M51" 1323 CW "NR 23 F 11 14:23:55 1980 BT", 5LGs. 10/FEB/2008 (DL8AAM) 06888.5 FAV22: CSTEI French Military Spooky CW Training Stn "M51" 1516 CW "NR nn F 06 16:mm:ss 1980 BT", 5LGs. 09/FEB/2008 (DL8AAM) 06914 FAV22: CSTEI French Military Spooky CW Training Stn "M51" 1631 CW "NR 53 F 11 17:31:44 1980 BT", 5LGs. 10/FEB/2008 (DL8AAM) 06924.5 FAV22: CSTEI French Military Spooky CW Training Stn "M51" 1330 CW "NR 24 F 11 14:30:14 1980 BT", 5LGs. 10/FEB/2008 (DL8AAM) 06931 FAV22: CSTEI French Military Spooky CW Training Stn "M51" 1211 CW "NR 37 F 06 13:14:29 1980 BT", 5LGs. 09/FEB/2008 (DL8AAM) 06941.5 FAV22: CSTEI French Military Spooky CW Training Stn "M51" 1512 CW "NR 60 F 06 16:12:26 1980 BT", 5LGs. 09/FEB/2008 (DL8AAM) 09200 FAV22: CSTEI French Military Spooky CW Training Stn "M51" 1311 CW "NR nn F 06 14:mm:ss 1980 BT", 5LGs. 09/FEB/2008 (DL8AAM) 10132 FAV22: CSTEI French Military Spooky CW Training Stn "M51" 1137 CW "NR 31 F 06 12:27:06 1980 BT", 5LGs. 09/FEB/2008 (DL8AAM) (dl8aam - udxf 12/02/2008) 06514.5 LCR152: Pol-Mil Janki, n/Warsaw, Pol 1133 ALE/USB clg JCAYNA37 (2008-02-12) (sw) 07872.0 ASKAR99: Pol-Mil 1141 ALE/USB clg LCR152 Janki, n/Warsaw, Pol (2008-02-12) (sw) 07872.0 LCR152: Pol-Mil Janki, n/Warsaw, Pol 1141 ALE/USB clg ASKAR99 (2008-02-12) (sw) 14824.0 LCR152: Pol-Mil Janki, n/Warsaw, Pol 1149 ALE/USB clg IGIELT14 (2008-02-12) (sw) 06514.5 LCR152: Pol-Mil Janki, n/Warsaw, Pol 1201 ALE/USB clg MONA34 (2008-02-12) (sw) 08117.5 OEY52: Aut-Mil 1407 ALE/USB clg OEY41 (2008-02-12) (sw) 12110.0 9857: Tur-Red Crescent Emergency Operations net 1414 ALE/USB clg 123456 (2008-02-12) (sw) 10182.0 RAT038: Pol-Mil 1433 ALE/USB clg OLI021 (2008-02-12) (sw) 10182.0 MIX026: Pol-Mil 1434 ALE/USB clg ZAT025 (2008-02-12) (sw) (Sam, U.K. - udxf 12/02/2008) 02187.5 J8B3372: Vessel Ugra-Grenadines 2052 DSC Safety RQ to Lyngby Radio/OXZ, Denmark. OXZ BQs. (12Feb08) (MPJ) 02187.5 H9GX: Hannes-Panamanian Flag 2058 DSC Safety RQ to MRCC Las Palmas. MRCC BQs. (12Feb08) (MPJ) 02187.5 UIYL: Dvina-Russia 2100 DSC Safety RQ to LyngbyRadio/OXZ. (12Feb08) (MPJ) 02815 : Unid NATO 2137 NATO-75/75/850 21 second long messages in KG-84. Tests? (12Feb08) (MPJ) 03171 P5DJ: Russian Military 2313 CW Bcasts message to collective 4PS8: 4PS8 de P5DJ QTC 521 36 12 0159 521 = 784 = AAAAA DDDDD LBBNW ... AoFLK ABKWG = (repeats message) ... AR. (11Feb08) (MPJ) 03826 G7F8: Ukranian Military 2301 CW Comms checks with ZMQY 7M3V APIB BTWE KGGY O4NC and BDMO. (11Feb08) (MPJ) 04207.5 9VBJ2: Pacific Amber-Singapore 2119 DSC Safety RQ to RCC Jeddah/HZH-Saudi Arabia. (12Feb08) (MPJ) 04207.5 MRSS8: Suffolk-GB 2120 DSC Safety RQ to LyngbyRadio/OXZ who BQs. (12Feb08) (MPJ) 04951.5 : Russian Air Defence 2146 CW Plots =990044??0????? ... =990047??0????? (12Feb08) (MPJ) 05410.5 FAV22: M51 French CSTEI via Vernon 2155 CW NR 45 F 12 22:50:26 1980 = WWSKT DBEZV ... // 3334. (12Feb08) (MPJ) (Jim, U.K. - udxf 13/02/2008) 02608,4 fuo: F Navy Toulon F 2125 stanag4285/300L/5n2 FE FE FE FE FE DE FUO FUO FUO QRV QRV QRV QRV QRV KKKKKKKKKKKKK FE FE FE FE FE DE FUO FUO FUO QSM .1. KKKKKKKKKKKKK FE FE FE FE FE DE FUO FUO FUO QSL P .122138.Z FEB .08 12Feb08 (wp3) 02608,4 fuo: F Navy Toulon F 1649 stanag4285/300L/5n2 FAAA DE FUO VV TESTING RYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRY SGSGSGSGSGSGSGSGSGSGSGS .0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 .VOYEZ VOUS LE BRICK GEANT QUE J EXAMINE PRES DU GRAND WHARF INT ZBZ NNNN 12Feb08 (wp3) The next rtty station seems to have been gone to heaven, heard them last in rtty on 19 jan 2008 in 150/850. For Jim N2NXZ: most stanag tfc is encrypted. You can look at the synch-display at your Skysweeper. It is not very reliable, but if you get a synch rate of more than, say, 85 % you are sure on the right way. (W. Palmberger, Germany - udxf 13/02/2008) 13503.6 KWS95: Us-Dept of State "Emergency and Evacuation network" 0933 ALE/USB clg KWX57 (2008-02-13) (sw) 13503.6 KWS96: Us-Dept of State "Emergency and Evacuation network" 0933 ALE/USB clg KWX57 (2008-02-13) (sw) 16283.6 KWS96: Us-Dept of State "Emergency and Evacuation network" 0934 ALE/USB clg KWX57 (2008-02-13) (sw) 16283.6 KWX96: Us-Dept of State "Emergency and Evacuation network" 1026 ALE/USB clg KWX95 (2008-02-13) (sw) 11168.6 KWX96: Us-Dept of State "Emergency and Evacuation network" 1027 ALE/USB clg KWX95 (2008-02-13) (sw) 08058.6 KWX96: Us-Dept of State "Emergency and Evacuation network" 1027 ALE/USB clg KWX95 (2008-02-13) (sw) 11168.6 KWX96: Us-Dept of State "Emergency and Evacuation network" 1031 ALE/USB clg KWX94 (2008-02-13) (sw) 08058.6 KWX96: Us-Dept of State "Emergency and Evacuation network" 1031 ALE/USB clg KWX94 (2008-02-13) (sw) 16283.6 KWX96: Us-Dept of State "Emergency and Evacuation network" 1034 ALE/USB clg KWA22 (2008-02-13) (sw) 11168.6 KWX96: Us-Dept of State "Emergency and Evacuation network" 1034 ALE/USB clg KWA22 (2008-02-13) (sw) 11168.6 KWA22: Us-Dept of State "Emergency and Evacuation network" 1035 ALE/USB clg KWX96 (2008-02-13) (sw) 10733.6 KWX57: Us-Dept of State "Emergency and Evacuation network" 1036 ALE/USB clg KWR86 (2008-02-13) (sw) 10733.6 KWX96: Us-Dept of State "Emergency and Evacuation network" 1036 ALE/USB clg KWA22 (2008-02-13) (sw) 08058.6 KWX57: Us-Dept of State "Emergency and Evacuation network" 1036 ALE/USB clg KWR86 (2008-02-13) (sw) 10733.6 KWX57: Us-Dept of State "Emergency and Evacuation network" 1049 ALE/USB clg KWS95 (2008-02-13) (sw) 08058.6 KWX96: Us-Dept of State "Emergency and Evacuation network" 1053 ALE/USB clg KWA22 (2008-02-13) (sw) 11168.6 KWX57: Us-Dept of State "Emergency and Evacuation network" 1053 ALE/USB clg KWS92 (2008-02-13) (sw) 11168.6 KWS92: Us-Dept of State "Emergency and Evacuation network" 1053 ALE/USB clg KWX57 (2008-02-13) (sw) (Sam, U.K. - udxf 13/02/2008) 08414.5 ECA6: Madrid Radio 1322 DSC BQs setup for simplex telephone call on illegal frequency 10094.8 kHz with unlisted mobile station (MMSI 311907000-Bahamas). (13Feb08) (MPJ) 08414.5 ECA6: MRCC Madrid 1359 DSC Sends self-addressed safety category message. (13Feb08) (MPJ) 08414.5 TAH: MRCC Ankara, Turkey 1404 DSC Safety BQ to TCHY/Kaptan Yasar Aysoy-Turkey. (13Feb08) (MPJ) 08414.5 VRBR8: Saga Discovery-PRC 1409 DSC Safety RQ to MRCC Australia, Charleville/Wiluna/VIC. (13Feb08) (MPJ) 08414.5 TAH: IstanbulRadio, Turkey 1413 DSC BQs duplex telephone call on channel 811 with Barbaros/TBGN-Turkey. (13Feb08) (MPJ) 08414.5 P3QM9: Agios Emilanos-Cyprus Flag 1423 DSC Safety RQ to CROSS Corsen/FRC, France. (13Feb08) (MPJ) 12577 SXOO: Poetic-Greece 1606 DSC Requests simplex telephone call on 12353 kHz USB with Majestic/SWPM-Greece. (13Feb08) (MPJ) 12577 WGAH: Alliance Norfolk-USA 1542 DSC Safety RQ to Bermuda Harbourmaster/ZBM. (13Feb08) (MPJ) 16804.5 V7IM9: Maria V-Marshall Is 1332 DSC Requests simplex telephone call on 16540 kHz USB with ZSC/CapeRadio, S.Africa. (13Feb08) (MPJ) 16804.5 SVO: OlympiaRadio, Athens 1335 DSC BQs Safety category message giving frequency 8291 kHz to unlisted MMSI 422055000-Iran. (13Feb08) (MPJ) (Jim, U.K. - udxf 13/02/2008) 08532.5 XGG: UK-DHFCS 1108 ALE/USB clg XSS UK-DHFCS (NCS Forest Moor) (2008-02-13) (sw) 10182.0 OLI021: Pol-Mil 1119 ALE/USB clg ZAT025 (2008-02-13) (sw) 07310.0 ABEL60: Pol-Mil 1129 ALE/USB clg DIAKON55 (2008-02-13) (sw) 07720.0 ATENA6: Pol-Mil 1132 ALE/USB clg DIAKON55 (2008-02-13) (sw) 07720.0 ABEL60: Pol-Mil 1132 ALE/USB clg DIAKON55 (2008-02-13) (sw) 07435.0 OLI021: Pol-Mil 1135 ALE/USB clg ODM036 (2008-02-13) (sw) 10182.0 WIE028: Pol-Mil 1138 ALE/USB clg OLI021 (2008-02-13) (sw) 10182.0 OLI021: Pol-Mil 1138 ALE/USB clg WIE028 (2008-02-13) (sw) 10182.0 OLI021: Pol-Mil 1138 ALE/USB clg MAP024 (2008-02-13) (sw) 07890.0 ABEL60: Pol-Mil 1150 ALE/USB clg DIAKON55 (2008-02-13) (sw) 06775.5 OLI021: Pol-Mil 1151 ALE/USB clg MAP024 (2008-02-13) (sw) 06775.5 MAP024: Pol-Mil 1151 ALE/USB clg OLI021 (2008-02-13) (sw) 08097.0 PLEBAN70: Pol-Mil 1155 ALE/USB clg "unid" (2008-02-13) (sw) 10182.0 OLI021: Pol-Mil 1212 ALE/USB clg MIX026 (2008-02-13) (sw) 07435.0 WIE028: Pol-Mil 1223 ALE/USB clg OLI021 (2008-02-13) (sw) 06775.5 AKT037: Pol-Mil 1230 ALE/USB clg OLI021 (2008-02-13) (sw) 12183.8 GAGOL35: Pol-Mil 1232 ALE/USB clg WADLEZ32 (2008-02-13) (sw) 10182.0 AKT037: Pol-Mil 1234 ALE/USB clg OLI021 (2008-02-13) (sw) 07720.0 PLEBAN70: Pol-Mil 1235 ALE/USB clg DIAKON55 (2008-02-13) (sw) 07310.0 PLEBAN70: Pol-Mil 1236 ALE/USB clg DIAKON55 (2008-02-13) (sw) 07435.0 AKT037: Pol-Mil 1236 ALE/USB clg OLI021 (2008-02-13) (sw) 07720.0 ATENA66: Pol-Mil 1238 ALE/USB clg BERKEL57 (2008-02-13) (sw) 07310.0 ATENA66: Pol-Mil 1240 ALE/USB clg BERKEL57 (2008-02-13) (sw) 07890.0 DIAKON55: Pol-Mil 1251 ALE/USB clg PLEBAN70 (2008-02-13) (sw) 05179.5 MIX026: Pol-Mil 1256 ALE/USB clg OLI021 (2008-02-13) (sw) 05179.5 MCK041: Pol-Mil 1300 ALE/USB clg OLI021 (2008-02-13) (sw) 07890.0 ATENA66: Pol-Mil 1245 ALE/USB clg ASTMA72 (2008-02-13) (sw) 07641.0 YTFE: Unid 1230 ALE/USB clg S300 (2008-02-13) (sw) 07701.5 LCR153: Pol-Mil 1628 ALE/USB clg LACHTA (2008-02-13) (sw) 04608.5 LCR153: Pol-Mil 1634 ALE/USB clg LACHTA (2008-02-13) (sw) 07872.0 LACHTA: Pol-Mil 1647 ALE/USB clg LCR153 (2008-02-13) (sw) 05056.0 1PSPECNET212: Unid 1651 ALE/USB clg ZGRGORNET212 (2008-02-13) (sw) 07872.0 TEKLA35: Pol-Mil 1659 ALE/USB clg LACHTA (2008-02-13) (sw) 07872.0 LACHTA: Pol-Mil 1659 ALE/USB clg TEKLA35 (2008-02-13) (sw) 10713.0 LCR154: Pol-Mil prob. "Lucerna" in Janki n/Warsaw 1708 ALE/USB clg SPI324 (2008-02-13) (sw) 10370.0 SPI324: Pol-Mil 1711 ALE/USB clg LCR154 prob. "Lucerna" in Janki n/Warsaw (2008-02-13) (sw) (Sam, U.K. - udxf 13/02/2008) 3167 7AI WKG 6HA How do you receive my timber neg don't have you in my playground. USB 107 (13FEB08) CC (CHRIS CORLEY, WEST CENTRAL GA, USA - udxf 14.02.2008 07938.0 CS001: Mkd-Mil 0934 ALE/USB clg RS005 (2008-02-14) (sw) 07435.0 RIE039: Pol-Mil 0946 ALE/USB clg OLI021 (2008-02 14) (sw) 06200.0 CS003: Mkd-Mil 0950 ALE/USB clg RS0012 (2008-02-14) (sw) 06775.5 OLI021: Pol-Mil 0954 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02 14) (sw) 08060.0 CS003: Mkd-Mil 0954 ALE/USB clg RS0012 (2008-02-14) (sw) 07975.0 CS003: Mkd-Mil 0958 ALE/USB clg RS0012 (2008-02-14) (sw) 06514.5 GAGOL35: Pol-Mil 1010 ALE/USB clg WADLEZ32 (2008-02 14) (sw) 06514.5 JACYNA37: Pol-Mil 1012 ALE/USB clg LCR152 (2008-02 14) (sw) 06514.5 LCR152: Pol-Mil 1012 ALE/USB clg JACYNA37 (2008-02 14) (sw) 07435.0 OLI021: Pol-Mil 1016 ALE/USB clg WIE028 (2008-02 14) (sw) 11475.0 MAE: Alg-Mfa Algiers, Alg 1042 ALE/USB clg RBT Rabat, Mrc (2008-02 14) (sw) 10375.0 RBT: Alg-Mfa Rabat, Mrc 1043 ALE/LSB clg MAE Algiers, Alg (2008-02 14) (sw) 04924.0 P20: Unid (pos Pol-Mil) 1119 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-14) (sw) 05684.0 P20: Unid (pos Pol-Mil) 1121 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-14) (sw) 04924.0 M10: Unid (pos Pol-Mil) 1122 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-14) (sw) 06724.0 P20: Unid (pos Pol-Mil) 1128 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-14) (sw) 05684.0 MWT: Unid (pos Pol-Mil) 1150 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-14) (sw) 06724.0 MWT: Unid (pos Pol-Mil) 1151 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-14) (sw) 06724.0 P20: Unid (pos Pol-Mil) 1203 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-14) (sw) (Sam, U.K. - udxf 14/02/2008) 6761.0 USB : GASSER67 (sounds like) clg GERONIMO for radio check. GERONIMO not heard here - no other tfc from GASSER after iniital call. in USB. (15:15utc) (14 Feb 2008) (spc) (Steve, Xenia, Ohio, USA - udxf 14/02/2008) 19.29 315 QF Roschino/Tyumen Northwest RSE 1811 18.33 345 YaT Tula/Klokovo RUS 175 -new- 19.05 395 TBS Tabas IRN 2915 18.52 403 NM Mora/Siljan SWE 1398 -new- 18.36 409 NCS Nagy Cserkesz HNG 1301 (Victor Puzanov, Mozhaysk, Russia = ndblist 15/02/2008) Logged today on 8942 kHz. Reg: B6099 ICAO: 3829DA Flight: AP0916 (Dick - udxf 15/02/2008) 08521.0 AAA: Isr-Af Tel Aviv 1420 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-14) (sw) 06902.5 5201: Unid (Arab voice net) 1911 ALE/USB clg 1706 (2008-02-14) (sw) 06881.5 1914: Unid (Arab voice net) 1918 ALE/USB clg 1912 (2008-02-14) (sw) 05600.0 TIF: Unid 1919 ALE/USB clg STR (2008-02-14) (sw) 05667.7 4020: Unid (Arab voice net) 1940 ALE/USB clg 3600 (2008-02-14) (sw) 05575.0 4020: Unid (Arab voice net) 1941 ALE/USB clg 3600 (2008-02-14) (sw) 05002.0 4020: Unid (Arab voice net) 1942 ALE/USB clg 3600 (2008-02-14) (sw) 05575.0 1912: Unid (Arab voice net) 2132 ALE/USB clg 7010 (2008-02-14) (sw) (Sam, U.K. - udxf 15/02/2008) 4.260 gw dataplex call:cc station :HEC,Bern,Switzerland 4.567 mhz Call 5E station :Santa Cruz , Bolivia (claup, France - dxuti 15/02/2008) At 0300 UTC on February 15, 2008 I've got a good copy on the Russian cluster beacon "D" in Odessa on 7039.000 kc. It is at S9+ or SIO 455 (kn4lf - udxf 15/02/2008) 06754.0 MWT: Unid (pos Pol-Mil) 2152 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-02-14) (sw) 03086.0 MEF: Unid Gbr-Raf A/c 1027 ALE/USB clg XSS UK-DHFCS (NCS Forest Moor) [[AMD]DE MEF REQUEST WX FOR EGXW]] (Waddington) (2008-02-15) (sw) 03086.0 XSS: UK-DHFCS (NCS Forest Moor 1027 ALE/USB clg MEF Unid Gbr-Raf A/c (2008-02-15) (sw) [10:28:25][FRQ 03086000][AMD][XSS][HI ] [10:28:46][FRQ 03086000][AMD][XSS][ROGER ST/BY ] [10:30:31][FRQ 03086000][AMD][XSS][EGXW 0950Z 07008KT 9999 OVC018 04/01 Q1040 WHT NOSIG ] 03086.0 XSS: UK-DHFCS (NCS Forest Moor 1031 ALE/USB clg MEF Unid Gbr-Raf A/c [AMD][XSS][DO YOU REQ FURTHER WX] (2008-02-15) (sw) (Sam, U.K. - udxf 15/02/2008) 06514.5 JACYNA37: Pol-Mil 1028 ALE/USB clg LCR152 (2008-02 15) (sw) 06251.0 XSS: UK-DHFCS (NCS Forest Moor) 1127 ALE/USB clg XKP (2008-02-15) (sw) 06251.0 XKP: UK-DHFCS 1127 ALE/USB clg XSS UK-DHFCS (NCS Forest Moor) (2008-02-15) (sw) 11415.0 HJ40HM90: Unid Algerian DRS Station, ALG 1128 ALE/USB clg ZB40HM90 (2008-02-15) (sw) 06873.5 XGV: UK-DHFCS 1141 ALE/USB clg XSS UK-DHFCS (NCS Forest Moor) (2008-02-15) (sw) 05295.0 XFY: UK-DHFCS 1146 ALE/USB clg XSS UK-DHFCS (NCS Forest Moor) (2008-02-15) (sw) 10575.0 XSS: UK-DHFCS (NCS Forest Moor) 1149 ALE/USB clg XKB (2008-02-15) (sw) 16402.0 XKB: UK-DHFCS 1151 ALE/USB clg XSS UK-DHFCS (NCS Forest Moor) (2008-02-15) (sw) (Sam, U.K. - udxf 15/02/2008) 06812.0 437815: arab.Net 1856 USB/ALE clg 437804 (06/FEB/08) (KK) 06812.0 XYZ: unid Test Station 1710 USB/ALE clg ABC (06/FEB/08) (KK) 06812.0 437815: arab.Net 1621 USB/ALE clg 437808 (06/FEB/08) (KK) 06812.0 XYZ: unid Test Station 1511 USB/ALE clg ABC (06/FEB/08) (KK) 07840.0 KE10: Swed.Mil prb. Homeguard 1410 USB/ALE clg VH00 (06/FEB/08) (KK) 07840.0 GB2: Swed.Mil prb. Homeguard 1405 USB/ALE clg GB1 (06/FEB/08) (KK) 07840.0 GB2: Swed.Mil prb. Homeguard 1403 USB/ALE clg VH00 (06/FEB/08) (KK) 04879.0 AN2: Swed.Mil prb. Homeguard 1449 USB/ALE clg VK00 (06/FEB/08) (KK) 04879.0 AN24: Swed.Mil prb. Homeguard 1452 USB/ALE clg VK00 (06/FEB/08) (KK) 07840.0 CN02: Swed.Mil prb. Homeguard 1504 USB/ALE clg CN02 (06/FEB/08) (KK) 04924.0 M10: unid 1551 USB/ALE snd, every 15Min (14/FEB/08) (KK) 04924.0 P20: unid 1549 USB/ALE snd (14/FEB/08) (KK) 04924.0 MWT: unid 1600 USB/ALE snd (14/FEB/08) (KK) 06754.0 M10: unid 1622 USB/ALE snd (14/FEB/08) (KK) (Kristian, Germany - udxf 15/02/2008) 05500 DESTNY: US Army - Task Force Destiny, Bagram Air Base, AFG 2330 ALE/USB SND. 8 Feb08 (ALF) 05500 DSTOFF: US Army - unid Task Force, AFG 2142 ALE/USB SND. 8Feb08 (ALF) 05500 EAGOPS: US Army - unid Task Force, AFG 2215 ALE/USB SND. 8Feb08 (ALF) 05500 OUTFRT: US Army - unid Task Force, AFG 0118 ALE/USB SND; 2355 to DESTNY. 8Feb08 (ALF) 05500 SHAOPS: US Army - unid Task Force, AFG 0115 ALE/USB SND. 8Feb08 (ALF) 05500 MEROPS: US Army - unid Task Force, AFG 2142 ALE/USB SND. 8Feb08; 0000a to DESTNY. 14Feb08 (ALF) 05500 R05130: US Army Aviation AH-64D Lot 4 Longbow Apache Helicopter #99-5130 0020 ALE/USB to DESTNY. 14Feb08 (ALF) 05500 R26440: US Army Aviation Sikorsky UH-60L Blackhawk Helicopter #92-26440, AFG 2345 ALE/USB to SHAOPS (unid TF). 8Feb08 (ALF) 05500 R26830: US Army Aviation Sikorsky UH-60L Lot 23 Blackhawk Helicopter #99-26830, AFG 0330 ALE/USB to SHAOPS (unid TF). 10Feb08 (ALF) (dl8aam - udxf 15/02/2008) 00412 DAK: NDB Dakovica-Amiko KFOR Military Airport; operated by Italian Air Force, Kosova 1905 CW ID. 10/FEB/08 (DL8AAM) 04031 IHMO: Italian Navy Minehunter "ALGHERO (M5556)" 1701 J3E/USB OM/EE sx wkg IDR (Roma) fr data coord. 9Feb08 (ALF) 05276 : unid 2120 CW "... ZYL ZOQ ZXB ZOB ZOO ZXH QSW 3 K", s/off. 8Feb08 (ALF) 05276 IKP1: Russian Military 1513 CW 5FGs/T=0 "... 10026 QTC K" & "IKP1 778 31 10 1810 778 = 957 = ... YaPPWO (=10030) K", s/off. 10Feb08 (ALF) 05308.5 QI6U: Russian Military 1526 CW 5FGs/T=0 "QI6U 908 35 10 1814 908 = ... 10029 K". 10Feb08 (ALF) 05393 RBIZ: Russian Navy Vessel 0412 CW sx wkg RCV (Black Sea Fleet HQ) fr QSA. 8Feb08 (ALF) 05393 RMGB: Russian Navy Vessel 0453 CW sx wkg RCV (Black Sea Fleet HQ) "RCV DE RMGB OK FM RJT22 QSS K". 12feb08 (ALF) 05436.5 L9CC: Chinese Military 0205 CW v-kr "v CP16(x3) de L9CC(x2)" 11Feb08 (ALF) 05520 N345LC: US BIZ Flight (JetDirect Aviation) 2304 J3E/USB wkg New York (CAR-B) fr pos/rep; Gulfsteam G550. 10Feb08 (ALF) 05526 SAZ 467: Swiss Air Ambulance Flight 0225 J3E/USB wkg Piarco Radio (SAM-2), Port of Spain, TRD fr pos/rep. 11Feb08 (ALF) 05577 : unid Arab Aero 0210 J3E/USB OM/AA+EE mixed aero tfc & s/c. 11Feb08 (ALF) 05598 N4NR: US BIZ Flight (Global Mission, Wilmington, DE) 1915 J3E/USB wkg Santa Maria (NAT-A) req s/c for FG-CM but always negative; Gulfstream V. 10Feb08 (ALF) 05598 N404HS: US BIZ Flight (H & S Air I) 0235 J3E/USB wkg Santa Maria (NAT-A) fr pos/rep; Gulfstream IV-SP. 14Feb08 (ALF) 05616 REACH 6006: USAF Aircraft, maybe the „mystery“ #98-6006 (Boeing C-32B, a converted 757-23A; s/n 00-9001) of US State Dept Foreign Emergency Support Team ?? 1456 J3E/USB wkg Shanwick (NAT-B) fr s/c EQ-KS. 10Feb08 (ALF) 05616 REACH 279: USAF Flight 1456 J3E/USB wkg Shanwick fr s/c HM-CG. 10Feb08 (ALF) 05680 RESCUE 51: RAF SAR Nimrod MR2 Helo 1430 J3E/USB wkg Kinloss Rescue "no further tasks, cleared to return to base". 10Feb08 (ALF) 05680 RESCUE 137: RAF SAR Sea King HAR3 Helo (D Flight 202 Sqn, Lossiemouth) 1428 J3E/USB wkg Kinloss Rescue, "all military & CG operations are terminated now". 10Feb08 (ALF) 05680 RESCUE 177: Royal Navy SAR Sea King HAS6 Helo (819 Sqn, RNAS Prestwick) 1428 J3E/USB wkg Kinloss Rescue. 10Feb08 (ALF) 05680 SIERRA 169: RAF SAR Sea King HAR 3A Helo (A Flight 22 Sqn, Chivenor) 1433 J3E/USB wkg Kinloss Rescue "Ops normal" & pos rep. 10Feb08 (ALF) 05736 : CIS Military 1415 CW 5LGs "... AKKDK (=10050) K", s/off. 10Feb08 (ALF) 05774 : unid 0500-0502 CW nonstop "1SJ6", end w/"1SJ6 ar". 10Feb08 & 12Feb08 & 15Feb08; daily since weeks??? (ALF) 05813 : unid 2253 CW nonstop "QUXF". 10Feb08 (ALF) 06771.7 : Egypt Diplo 1753 ARQ s/c TVVX (Algiers to Rabat circuit ?) into short ATU80 simplex tfc, s/off & back with duplex link "... LRGK WDSF HUxd". 10Feb08 (ALF) 06820 CUO: Polish Military 1150 J3E/USB OM/PP sx wkg VES w/short msg, using NATO-spelling for c/s. 14Feb08 (ALF) 06881 : unid USN MARS 0308 PACTOR-I clg NN0MDR & NN0MUA, no joy. 8Feb08 (ALF) 06929 FAV22: CSTEI Favieres, "Spooky CW Stn M51" via Vernon, F 1148 CW "NR 35 F 14 14:48:27 1980 BT", 5LGs. 14/FEB/2008 (DL8AAM) 06998.5 : unid 1100 CW msg "... =RNR=ChH=MORE=UUU=WID=NH=AH=TEMP=HSH= MINUS=NNN=DNEM=UUU=TTT=PDP=UARK==ChBTCh=ChBTCh= ..." (Ch:----) into sx OP-chat (Z-grps), end "SK", s/off. 11Feb08 (ALF) 07748 : CIS Military 1338 CW 5FGs/T=0 "... 10023 879 K", s/off. 10Feb08 (ALF) 08066.7 SSE: MFA Cairo, EGY 1740 ARQ s/c XBVP (Rome) into ATU80 tfc "kdud kbs kdukXD LRGK 22222 LDSM KTMKN 7 L 8 /2 HUxd", "skvkds lky ky rks gqfy ky ky", s/off. 9Feb08 (ALF) 08728 3AC8: NAYA Monaco Radio, MCO 1302 J3E/USB YL/EE w/list of wx bcast skeds. 09/FEB/2008 (DL8AAM) 08970 FAV22: CSTEI Favieres, "Spooky CW Stn M51" via Vernon, F 0012 CW "NR 60 F 15 01:12:33 1980 BT", 5LGs. 15/FEB/2008 (DL8AAM - udxf 15/02/2008) 04906 EK9: unid 0508 ALE/USB to GEF w/LQA, answer to LQA (duplex?). 10Feb08 (ALF) 05045 XA33: Algerian Military 2330 ALE/USB to RM30. 10Feb08 (ALF) 05138 3000: unid 2355 ALE/LSB to 3060 w/LQA who replied into vy short phone (unid slavic language ?) between "YN [Control ?]" & " XXXX 3". 9Feb08 (ALF) 05172 248: unid 0102 ALE/USB to unid/later unid to 297. 11Feb08 (ALF) 05361.5 PR013: unid 0432 ALE/USB SND. 9Feb08 (ALF) 05361.5 PR017: unid 0441 ALE/USB SND. 9Feb08 (ALF) 05500 IBADAN: NNPC Ibadan, Oyo State, NIG 2330 ALE/USB SND. 9Feb08 (ALF) 05708 170028: USAF Lockheed C-5B Galaxy Aircraft (#87-0028, Travis AFB) 0518 ALE/USB SND. 11Feb08 (ALF) 06412 3251: unid Turkish Net 2142 ALE/USB SND. 14Feb08 (ALF) 06412 3261: unid Turkish Net 2215 ALE/USB SND. 14Feb08 (ALF) 06412 3341: unid Turkish Net 2025 ALE/USB SND. 14Feb08 (ALF) 06412 3351: unid Turkish Net 0244 ALE/USB SND. 14Feb08 (ALF) 06412 3421: unid Turkish Net 0100a ALE/USB SND. 14Feb08 (ALF) 06412 3561: unid Turkish Net 0100a ALE/USB SND. 14Feb08 (ALF) 06412 8011: unid Turkish Net 0201 ALE/USB SND. 14Feb08 (ALF) 06412 8651: unid Turkish Net 0304 ALE/USB SND. 14Feb08 (ALF) 06412 9857: unid Turkish Net 2215 ALE/USB SND. 14Feb08 (ALF) 06543 653391: unid United Nations Agency 0415 ALE/USB SND. 12Feb08 (ALF) 06681 1117: unid 2300 ALE/USB SND. 14Feb08 (ALF) 06810 XYZ: unid 1533 ALE/USB to ABC w/LQA. 9Feb08 (ALF) 06845 CS002: unid 1117 ALE/USB to RS009. 13Feb08 (ALF) 06880 RS0017: unid 1112 ALE/USB to CS003. 11Feb08 (ALF) 07000 ASD: unid 1645+ ALE/USB to DKJ & EKK w/LQA both replied. 10Feb08 (ALF) 07092 2015: Turkish Red Crescent Emergency Ops 0300 ALE/USB SND. 15Feb08 (ALF) 07092 4016: Turkish Red Crescent Emergency Ops 0215 ALE/USB SND. 15Feb08 (ALF) 07092 4017: Turkish Red Crescent Emergency Ops 0215 ALE/USB SND. 15Feb08 (ALF) 07450 ATASTA1: PEMEX Atasta, MEX 0245 ALE/USB SND. 9Feb08 (ALF) 07450 REBOM1: PEMEX Rebombeo Platform Complex, Cantarell Field Complex; Campeche Basin, Gulf of Mexico 0245 ALE/USB SND. 9Feb08 (ALF) 07839 T4Z6: US Army 4th Sqn, 6th Cavalry Reg "4-6 CAV (Red Catchers)" from Fort Lewis, WA - belongs to Combat Aviation Brigade, 1st Infantry Division; deployed to Northern Iraq, Mosul Area - on support mission for Task Force Iron, IRQ 2313 ALE/USB SND. 10Feb08 (ALF) 07839 T1CAB: US Army Combat Aviation Brigade, 1st Infantry Division from Fort Riley, KS; deployed to Iraq 2316 ALE/USB SND. 10Feb08 (ALF) 08143 TSULTAN: Pakistani Navy Vessel "PNS Tippu Sultan (F187)" 1629 ALE/USB to NRS (Karachi Naval Radio; =AQP). 9Feb08 (ALF) 10120 177: unid 1350 ALE/USB to 112. 10Feb08 (ALF) 10125 TRP: Algerian Emb. Tripoli, LBY (=7RX40) 1229 ALE/USB to MAE (MFA Algies). 9Feb08 (ALF) 10125 : unid 1228 ALE/USB "[DATA] S01" only. 9Feb08 (ALF) (dl8aam - udxf 15/02/2008) 08484.5 HEB38: Global Link, Berne, Switzerland 1903 PACTOR? with Morse ID CQ de HEB. (15Feb08) (MPJ) 08541 A9M: Globe Wireless, Manami, Bahrein 1858 GS-OFDM Channel free idler. (15Feb08) (MPJ) 08942 B-6117: Air China A330 Flt AP903F 1310 HFDL Posn report 4338N 00121E via Shannon Probable delivery flight. (15Feb08) (MPJ) 08948 D-ABBP: Air Berlin B737 Flt AB0000 1816 HFDL Logs on to Las Palmas. (15Feb08) (MPJ) 10066 VP-BWO: Aeroflot A321 Flt SU0847 1418 HFDL Logs on to Hat Yai. (15Feb08) (MPJ) 11184 VP-BUM: Aeroflot A321 1406 HFDL Logs on to Reykjavik. (15Feb08) (MPJ) 13270 GANDER RADIO: VOLMET, NF, Canada 1424 USB OM with Canadian wx actuals. (15Feb08) (MPJ) 21955 CS-TOM: TAP A330 1340 Logs on to Las Palmas. (15Feb08) (MPJ) 21955 N14121: Continental B757 1342 HFDL Logs on. (15Feb08) (MPJ) 21955 CC-CWN: LAN Chile B767 1342 HFDL Logs on. (15Feb08) (MPJ) 21955 G-VFIT: Virgin Atlantic A340 "Dancing Queen" 1343 HFDL Logs on. (15Feb08) (MPJ) 21955 G-VMEG: Virgin Atlantic "Mystic Maiden" A340 1344 HFDL Logs on. (15Feb08) (MPJ) 21955 G-VBLU: Virgin Atlantic A340 "Soul Sister" 1350 HFDL Logs on to Las Palmas. QSYs 11184/Reykjavik at 14:11. (15Feb08) (MPJ) (Jim, U.K. - udxf 15/02/2008) 02899.0 reach1064? 0628 USB c atc nat 16fev08 02971.0 reach338 0640 USB c atc nat / > kinga 16fev08 02971.0 BDPS g-ezjj? 737 ezy 0641 USB c atc nat 16fev08 02971.0 CMHP n362aa 767 aal 0641 USB c atc nat 16fev08 02971.0 air india140 0642 USB c atc nat 16fev08 (Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 16/02/2008) 6637 kHz USB 0820z: Miami Radio wkg "Big-A 158" over Santiago, Chile re "TBPB," Barbados. (16Feb2008) (ALS) 6637 kHz USB 0823z Miami wkg "Giant 48" over Bogota, Columbia to pass msg to company; QSYs to freq 10033. (16Feb2008) (ALS) 10033 kHz USB 0826z Miami wkg "Giant 48" over Bogota, Columbia to pass msg to company. (16Feb2008) (ALS) (AL STERN, Satellite Beach, FL, USA - udxf 16/02/2008) 14,383.5 NNN0TWT Citra,FL working NNN0CNZ (USCGC Tahoma - WMEC 908) for pp traffic 15.36(14/Feb/08)(EG) (Edward, Geneva, Switzerland - udxf 16/02/2008) 09121.0 BRIMARMANDO: HQ Spanish Marine Inf. Bde. San Fernando, E 0936 USB/MIL-STD 188-141B, calling Spanish Navy amph. assault vessel L51/"Galicia" (06Feb08) (LDO) 09185.0 ----: Swiss embassy Moscow, RUS 0640 USB/MIL- STD 188-141B/MIL-STD 188-110B serial tone, rcvng. crypto e-mail tfc. from Bern, net using ALE with linking protection (16Feb08) (LDO) 09308.0 ----: Swiss embassy Moscow, RUS 0629 USB/MIL- STD 188-141B/MIL-STD 188-110B serial tone, rcvng. crypto e-mail tfc. from Bern, net using ALE with linking protection (16Feb08) (LDO) 10500.0 HFOUT1: UNID Romanian MIL station, ROU? 0706 USB/MIL-STD 188-141B/MIL-STD 188-110B serial tone modem, encrypted tfc. to HFOUT2 (07Feb08) (LDO) 10500.0 HFOUT2: UNID Romanian MIL station, ROU? 0706 USB/MIL-STD 188-141B/MIL-STD 188-110B serial tone modem, encrypted tfc. to HFOUT1 (07Feb08) (LDO) 10695.0 XSS: UK DHFCS Net Control Station, G? 1023 USB/ MIL-STD 188-141B, sounding (16Feb08) (LDO) 11235.0 ----: Italian AF C-130J/MM62189, 1400 USB/MIL- STD 188-141B, SITREP to CHARLY46 - OPS normal, VX-ID as 'I2180', flight from Kinloss to Cervia (07Feb08) (LDO) 11235.0 ----: Italian AF C-130J/MM62176 1257 USB/MIL- STD 188-141B, working CHARLY46 (08Feb08) (LDO) 11434.0 ----: Italian AF C-130J/MM62191 1155 USB/MIL- STD 188-141B, working CHARLY46 (08Feb08) (LDO) (Leif Dehio, Munich, Germany - udxf 16/02/2008) - NDB 11 00:02 415 RUS 416.018 2068 Russe, BUL 10 23:58 416 V 417.078 984 Vodochody, CZE 11 00:05 416 KUN 414.969 1224 Kunovice, CZE / 416.989 10 23:59 417 HDL 415.936 597 Heidelberg, DEU 11 00:10 418 PW 419.013 1406 Tatry, SVK 11 00:15 420 HM 418.971 1413 Budapest/Ferihegy, HNG / 421.013 11 00:13 420 GS 418.954 1187 Pula, HRV 11 00:20 422 OSJ 423.025 1489 Osijek, HRV 11 00:12 420 GO 418.971 1706 Podgorica, MNE 10 23:26 425 KE 426.041 1501 Kosice, SVK 10 23:25 425 DNC 424.595 1564 Mostar, BIH 10 23:40 426 TJA 427.027 1189 Torrejon, ESP 10 23:43 427 LUE 427.404 1684 Y Kramfors/Lunde, SWE 10 23:39 427 AUB 427.006 774 Aubenas/Vals-Lanas, FRA 10 23:28 428 TGM 428.986 1804 Targu Mures/Vidrasau, ROU 10 23:48 428 MNF 429.050 1590 Moron, ESP 10 23:39 428 GC 426.976 2580 Santa Cruz de Graciosa, AZR 10 23:49 428 BS 429.029 1835 Bondsteel, SRB 10 23:45 429 LOS 429.972 1257 Losinj, HRV 10 23:47 429 D 429.402 974 Praha/Ruzyne/Dejvice, CZE 10 23:52 431 SAY 430.598 924 Stornoway, SCT 10 23:51 432 IZD 430.921 1880 Y Ohrid/Izdeglavlje, MKD 10 23:57 432 G 431.592 1754 Amari, EST 10 23:53 432 BB 430.984 1684 Bibrka, UKR 10 23:55 433 JER 431.967 1649 Jerez, ESP (g3ufi - ndblist 11/02/2008) 09-02-2008 2304 392 0 AS FRA y (#499) 09-02-2008 2305 350 +4 LAA FIN 09-02-2008 2314 360 +1070 SL ISL 09-02-2008 2319 360 +370 ULV NOR 09-02-2008 2336 346 -400 LHO FRA 09-02-2008 2341 349 +390 TAR NOR 10-02-2008 1901 322 0 RL FRA 10-02-2008 2248 393 -1075 VL ESP Y 10-02-2008 2322 365 -1020 VR CNR 10-02-2008 2326 365 +1050 VGD ESP (g0fyd - ndblist 11/02/2008) 10/02 19.15 454 YM UNID (15 sec., 2-ID, 5 sec. gap) -new- 10/02 19.04 476 RP Malacky-Kuchyna SVK 1505 -new- 10/02 18.32 490 WAK Vakarel BUL 1689 -new- 11/02 19.47 525 WRW Wroclaw POL 1357 -new- (Victor Puzanov, Mozhaysk, Russia - ndblist 11/02/2008) 2008-02-10 19:45 659 DO 1034 Y Moscow / Domodedovo, RUS 2008-02-11 18:30 311.5 ML 745 Y Cewice, POL 2008-02-11 18:38 318 LP 649 Y RONNEBY, SWE 2008-02-11 18:41 325 DH 520 Y OSKARSHAMN, SWE 2008-02-11 18:44 329 VX 400 629 Y Vaxjo, SWE 2008-02-11 18:47 336 LT 723 Y HALMSTAD, SWE 2008-02-11 18:53 351 NS 410 400 789 Y Malmo / Sturup, SWE 2008-02-11 19:01 370.5 LB 410 410 757 Y Angelholm / Barkakra, SWE 2008-02-11 19:02 375 KD 400 736 Y Kristanstad / Everod, SWE 2008-02-11 19:24 385 NJ ? Y UNID, XUE 2008-02-11 20:37 345 BN 375 380 881 Y Kristiansand / Kjevik / Birkel, NOR 2008-02-11 20:55 369 OS 474 Y SKELLEFTEA, SWE 2008-02-11 21:04 404 VNG 400 400 902 Y Vangsnes , NOR (Jarmo Heittokangas, Pertteli, Finland - ndblist 12/02/2008) 11 19:30 370 OHT +400 1420kms SWE 11 19:41 368 UW +420 238kms Y SCT 11 19:44 368 FN +380 975kms NOR 11 19:54 366 UTH +400 1319kms NOR 11 19:56 366 SF +390 1120kms SWE 11 21:33 356 SGO +1165 1580kms ESP 11 21:54 395 B +1015 1158kms Y ESP 11 22:00 397 CHE -1045 1951kms Y ALG 11 2204 397 OL -1030 1183kms POL 11 2248 407 PN +1030 1557kms LTU 11 2254 408 BRK +1030 1516kms AUT 11 22:58 410 SI +390 1301kms Y AUT 11 2303 413 DLS -400 1099kms DEU 11 2305 414 HD +400 1609kms NOR 11 2310 416 BCS +400 1520kms Y SWE (g0fyd - ndblist 12/02/2008) 2008-02-11 21:14 370 OHT 1703 Stockholm / Arlanda, SWE 2008-02-11 21:13 348 ATF 893 Aberdeen / Dyce, SCT 2008-02-11 21:09 345 ATR 1235 Murcia / Alcantarilla, ESP 2008-02-11 21:05 322 KOR 2092 Helsinki / Malmi / Korso, FIN 2008-02-11 20:57 416 BCS 1881 Y Baccus , SWE 2008-02-11 20:55 427 HDY 844 Halfdan Platform / Maersk, XOE 2008-02-11 20:54 427 LUE 1935 Y Kramfors / Lunde, SWE (Dominique Kremp, Coutances/Normandy/France - ndblist 12/02/2008) 260 NF NFK 1359 poor -403 275 TVL AUS 1401 poor -1037 +1026 327 VYI HWA 1407 very poor -1043 332 POA HWA 1408 weak/medium -1019 353 LLD HWA 1412 medium/loud -400 366 PNI FSM 1502 very poor +1019 373 HHI HWA 1415 poor +1053 399 SRI ALS 1421 very poor -1054 412 SON VUT 1422 poor +1022 530 ADK ALS 1425 weak -1036 (Steve, Oregon, USA - ndblist 12/02/2008) 11 23:50 392.5 TOP 393.518 859 Torino, ITA 11 23:49 393 BX 392.985 749 Mende/Brenoux, FRA 11 23:53 394 IZA 395.022 1336 Ibiza, BAL 11 23:51 395 LAY 394.600 697 Islay, SCT 11 23:52 395 FOY 394.609 696 Foynes/Shannon, IRL 11 23:54 398 OK 396.978 711 Connaught, IRL 11 23:56 398 LRN 398.009 524 Lorquin, FRA 11 23:57 398 LPD 398.033 529 Montlucon/Gueret, FRA 11 23:59 398 ESS 398.407 1939 Kokkola-Pietarsaari/Esse, FIN 11 23:58 398 D 398.391 914 Plzen-Line, CZE 11 23:55 399 MTN 397.984 1193 Salamanca, ESP 12 00:04 399 LEZ 399.003 947 Nice, FRA 12 00:05 400 MO 399.970 601 Macon/Charnay, FRA 12 00:01 400 BRZ 398.969 1188 Rijeka/Krk/Breza, HRV 12 00:07 402 DA 401.980 807 Ales/Deaux, FRA 11 23:26 403 LPS 403.404 623 Les Eplatures, SUI 11 23:25 405 JST 403.969 1789 Nis/Justic, SRB 11 23:35 407 SRT 405.984 2560 Sirte, LBY 11 23:46 412 HUM 410.957 1481 Humac, HRV 11 23:47 412 DAK 410.979 1589 Amiko/Dakovica, SRB 11 23:48 414 ILB 412.975 1168 Bistrica, SVN (g3ufi - ndblist 12/02/2008) 12 1511 1025 US Muravlyanka, RUS 1535 km new 12 1521 975 GD Maloe-Skuratovo, RUS 1434 km new 12 1526 910 GE Hel'miaziv, UKR 1040 km new 12 1615 580 KC Kacha, UKR 1314 km new 12 1622 518 HQ unid, XUE new (OK2PXJ - ndblist 12/02/2008) 20080209 2330 317 PPD Poprad / Tatry SVK 20080210 2024 1285 SW Savelovo RUS 20080210 2140 1060 NM Nemirov UKR 20080212 0553 408 CHI Chioggia (VE) ITA 20080212 2036 396 ROC Rochefort / St Agnant FRA 20080212 2127 327 POR Porto POR 20080212 2144 331 TUR Tours / Val De Loire FRA (Joachim Rabe, Germany - ndblist 13/02/2008) 12 18:31 375 TR +417 513kms XOE 12 18:43 382 SBG -1020 1285kms AUT 12 19:24 388 LOU 0 833kms Y FRA 12 19:36 390 BBM +1030 1271kms Y POL 12 19:40 392 GDY +400 1555kms FIN 12 20:02 408 BRK +1020 1516kms AUT 12 20:10 410 K +1040 1520kms Y KAL (QRM BPL) 12 20:18 413 KTI -1010 1230kms AUT 12 20:31 418 LI -1030 721kms 12 20:35 416 ULT 0 998kms Y FRA 12 20:54 323 ONC 633kms Y BEL 12 21:00 321 VO 812kms Y DNK 12 22:12 468 FTZ 886kms DEU 12 22:20 412 GRN 1376kms ESP 12 22:23 420 UR 1351kms CZE 12 22:27 424 RUS 1438kms ESP 12 22:47 401 COA 1220kms ESP (G0FYD - ndblist 13/02/2008) 2008-02-11 22:17 310 C 457 Y OULU 'Charlie', FIN 2008-02-11 21:27 351 NS 798 Y Malmo / Sturup, SWE 2008-02-11 21:38 357 I 228 Y TALLINN ULEMISTE LMM INDIA, EST 2008-02-11 21:49 377 KN 441 Y NORRKOPING/KUNGSANGEN, SWE 2008-02-11 22:19 381 SIB 1702 Y SIBIU, ROU 2008-02-11 22:19 382 IJ 183 Y SEINAJOKI 'India-Juliett', FIN 2008-02-12 15:40 565 KS 1042 Y Opalikha, RUS 2008-02-12 16:00 615 OM 1217 Y Gorm C Platform, XOE 2008-02-12 16:06 617 SV 1407 Y Stebliv, UKR 2008-02-12 16:10 618 FT 788 Y Pruszcz / Gdanski, POL 2008-02-12 16:25 642 KN 1031 Y Moscow / Kostino, RUS 2008-02-12 16:33 645 RO 1076 Y Radom, POL 2008-02-12 16:42 659 N 1900 Y Rostov-na-donu / Rostov East, RUS 2008-02-12 16:39 659 DO 1110 Y Moscow / Domodedovo, RUS 2008-02-12 16:55 672 RS 1401 Y Rashivka, UKR 2008-02-12 19:02 688 IP 1096 Y Zakharovka, RUS 2008-02-12 19:47 770 LR 1232 Y Krakow / Balice, POL (Teijo M, Finland - ndblist 13/02/2008) 20080211 1915 236 FOR -1035 MT Forsyth 20080211 1918 251 FW -1045 1045 IN Fort Wayne 20080209 1850 258 ZSJ 407 ON sandy Lake 20080209 1909 266 DU 998 WI Marshfield 20080209 1920 266 ZHM 350 ON Hamilton 20080210 1935 272 HNR -1028 1040 IA Harlan 20080211 1920 272 MLK -1010 MT Malta 20080210 1855 282 ROS 1015 MN Rush City 20080211 1845 320 HTN 1028 MT Miles City 20080211 1939 326 ETH 1005 MN Wheaton 20080212 1920 336 MA 1022 MI Cadillac 20080211 1906 371 AZ -1054 1033 MI Kalamazoo (k9qu - ndblist 13/02/2008) 12 19:30 390 SO 391.027 1115 Santiago, ESP 12 20:48 390.5 ITR 390.489 885 Istres/Le Tube, FRA 12 17:22 395 GSG 395.003 431 Gourin, FRA 12 22:37 395 B 396.013 881 Bilbao, ESP / 393.989 12 17:21 396 ROC 396.018 570 Rochefort/St Agnant, FRA 12 17:20 396.5 PY 396.101 334 Plymouth/City, ENG 12 23:55 397 ZR 397.026 868 Beziers/Vias, FRA 12 17:19 397 BLB 397.003 363 Blois/Le Breuil, FRA 12 17:17 398 MT 398.004 441 St Nazaire/Montoir, FRA 12 23:52 403 M 401.986 1410 Y Budapest, HNG 12 23:46 404 BMR 403.012 1684 Baia Mare, ROU 12 23:42 407 KA 407.389 1283 Karlskoga, SWE 12 23:40 411 M 410.594 1948 Kokkola-Pietersaari/Kruunupy, FIN (g3ufi - ndblist 13/02/2008) 13 1514 1030 NI Mikolaivka, UKR 1095 km new 13 1529 907 PA Parutyne, UKR 1107 km new (OK2PXJ - ndblist 13/02/2008) 275-VG-Haugesund / Karmoy / Vaga-NOR-2019-925 296-MG-Ljubljana-SVN-1911-751 316-TEA-Teano (CE)-ITA-2114-1190 347-DBR-Berlin Tempelhof Helmholtz-DEU-2004-438 347-MSK-Morskogen-NOR-2010-1074 349-KSL-Kassel-DEU-2003 153 352-LAA-Niederrheim-DEU-1959-57 381-ESP-Helsinki / Vantaa / Espoo-FIN-2057-1488 386-LK-Tallinn / Ulemiste-EST-2101-1444 396-HYV-Hyvinkaa-FIN-2050-1506 (Dietmar Birkhahn, Cologne, Germany - ndblist 14/02/2008) 2008-02-13 19:48 318 LE Luxembourg-Est, LUX 2008-02-13 19:47 318 BE Bordeaux / Merignac, FRA 2008-02-13 19:49 319 VAR Stavanger / Sola / Varhaug, NOR 2008-02-13 20:06 320 HA Hannover / East, DEU 2008-02-13 19:49 320 DO Djupivogur, ISL 2008-02-14 00:31 416 V Vodochody, CZE 2008-02-14 00:30 416 MAR Algiers / Houari Boumedienne, ALG 2008-02-14 00:34 417 SNO Santiago, ESP 2008-02-14 00:30 418 ORA Oradea, ROU 2008-02-14 00:39 419 WUN Wunstorf, DEU 2008-02-14 01:05 419 RD Vasteras / Hasslo, SWE 2008-02-14 00:44 419 RA Tyra East A Platform, XOE 2008-02-14 00:56 419 EMT Epinal / Mirecourt, FRA 2008-02-14 00:54 420 SPP Sevilla / San Pablo, ESP 2008-02-14 00:52 420 GS Pula, HRV 2008-02-14 01:01 420 BAZ Bayreuth, DEU 2008-02-14 01:16 422 OSJ Osijek, HRV 2008-02-14 01:18 423 ZO Nis / Zitorada, SRB 2008-02-14 01:18 423 FOR Forli, ITA 2008-02-14 01:27 424 PIS Zagreb / Pleso / Pisarovina, HRV 2008-02-14 01:25 425 MMP Y Gallarate / Malpensa, ITA 2008-02-14 01:21 425 ERT Erfurt, DEU 2008-02-14 01:31 425 DNC Y MOSTAR, BIH 2008-02-14 01:32 426 HWQ Hewett A Platform, XOE 2008-02-14 01:28 426 GBG Gleichenberg for Graz, AUT 2008-02-14 01:37 427 FER Ferrara (FE), ITA 2008-02-14 01:41 428 MNF Sevilla / Moron De La Frontera, ESP 2008-02-14 01:41 429 SSD London / Stansted, ENG 2008-02-14 01:42 429 LOS Losinj, HRV 2008-02-14 01:43 430 NOT Nottingham, ENG 2008-02-14 01:44 430 BUG Bugac, HNG 2008-02-14 01:46 431 ONT Kleine Brogel, BEL 2008-02-14 01:48 431 KBA Y KARLSRUHE BADEN BADEN, DEU 2008-02-14 01:51 435 GHT Ghat, LBY 2008-02-14 01:52 436 SME Sarmellek / Balaton, HNG 2008-02-14 01:58 438 PE Tatry, SVK 2008-02-14 01:56 438 KO Rijeka, BIH 2008-02-14 01:59 438 K Praha Kbely / Kalda, CZE 2008-02-14 01:59 438 B Barka, SVK 2008-02-14 02:00 441 CK Prerov, CZE (G1NXS - ndblist 14/02/2008) 20080206 1814 281 CA 408 1074 Cartwright, NL, CAN 20080206 1838 280 QX 407 1009 Gander, NL, CAN 20080206 1657 257 YR 1062 953 Goose Bay, NL, CAN 20080206 1549 233 UM 408 865 Churchill Falls, NL 20080207 0359 327 FXC 0 0 2931 Cayenne, GUF 20080208 0249 209 HCD 1040 1037 Hutchinson, MN, USA 20080209 2232 402 MQ 405 402 898 Grande Miquelon, SPM 20080209 1205 347 PNJ 1019 128 Patterson, NJ, USA 20080209 1027 210 IOB 1020 1020 629 Mt. Sterling, KY,USA 20080209 0234 209 HOE 1017 950 Homerville, GA, USA 20080210 2222 386 SP 400 400 9.95 903 St. Pierre, SPM 20080210 1148 219 TO 1023 528 Toledo, OH, USA 20080212 1624 221 RQM 1034 1037 211 Rangeley, ME, USA 20080214 0358 428 SYW 1018 1387 Greenville, TX, USA 20080214 0640 411 SDA 1044 1123 Shenandoah, IA, USA 20080214 0644 411 HDL 1021 1325 Holdenville, OK, USA 20080214 0445 410 PEL 1027 3287 Point Pelada, BRA 20080214 0659 410 EGQ 1029 1059 Emmetsburg, IA, USA 20080214 0321 380 UCY 1482 1518 1472 Cayajabos, CUB 20080214 0425 278 HOC 1012 568 Hillsboro, OH, USA 20080214 0533 256 UNV 676 673 1491 Nuevas, CUB (Craig LeRoy, Albany, NY, USA - ndblist 14/02/2008) 214 XA JPN 1410 poor/weak -1011 257 CI OGA 1432 very poor/poor +1022, very long DAID; under HCY 281 CRN ALS 1439 poor -1037 (but no VIR) 332 POA HWA 1441 weak -1022 353 LLD HWA 1420 medium -402 366 PNI FSM 1447 very poor/poor +1020 398 SRI ALS 1424 weak -1050 403 TUT SMA 1425 poor -1030 530 ADK ALS 1456 loud -1038 (Steve, Oregon, USA - ndblist 14/02/2008) 2008 02 12 2115 360.0 LA UNID, ID+tone, cycle 10” XUE ? 2008 02 14 2048 375.0 SP UNID, IDx1, cycle 10” XUU ? Y (Franti?ek Muller, Praha, Czech Republic - ndblist 15/02/2008) 12.02.2008 0117 274,00 SAL Sal/Amilcar Cabral 0 CBV 12.02.2008 0120 283,00 BIS Biskra 0 ALG new 10.02.2008 0109 335,00 PAN Pantelleria -1020 I 10.02.2008 0118 350,00 DF Deer Lake 400+ CAN 10.02.2008 0113 350,00 GM Malaga +1020 E 10.02.2008 2210 360,00 BD Bogdanovo +1020 RUS new 10.02.2008 0115 363,00 PI Poitiers/Biard 0 F 10.02.2008 0111 372,00 KSO Kastoria/Aristotelis 400 GRC 10.02.2008 0116 372,00 OZN Prins Christian Sund 400+ GRL 12.02.2008 0129 378,00 KLY Killiney 400+ IRL 10.02.2008 0113 379,00 KRA Krakow/Balice -1020 POL 10.02.2008 0111 383,00 EN Debrecen 1020+ HNG 10.02.2008 2214 385,00 K Kosice-Haniska 1020+ SVK 10.02.2008 0117 425,00 DNC Mostar 400+ BIH 13.02.2008 2137 425,00 MMP Gallarate / Malpensa -1020 I new 10.02.2008 0120 425,00 OU Umea 400+ S 10.02.2008 0601 452,00 GP Grodno/Obukhovo -1020 BLR new 10.02.2008 0558 452,00 WF Grodno/Obukhovo -1020 BLR new 10.02.2008 0121 454,00 YM UNID -1020 XUU 10.02.2008 2115 475,00 ZG Petrovskoye 1020+ RUS 10.02.2008 0118 478,00 MF Larionovo -1020 RUS 10.02.2008 0132 489,00 SIL Siegerland 1020 D 10.02.2008 0134 490,00 KO Koshany 1020+ UKR 10.02.2008 0126 510,00 BL UNID -1020+ ? (Matthias Zwoch, Germany - ndblist 15/02/2008) 13 23:15 349.5 SZA 349.501 1205 Solenzara, COR 13 23:57 350 STM 348.982 7897 Santarem, BRA 13 23:16 350 LAA 349.592 2108 Laanila, FIN 13 23:22 351 POM 349.978 1537 Pomligiano, ITA / 352.019 13 23:26 352 LAA 353.019 396 Niederrheim, DEU 13 23:24 353 KRW 351.940 1368 Krakow/Balice, POL 13 23:25 354 PAD 352.973 567 Paderborn/Lippstadt, DEU 13 23:30 354 CGC 353.980 587 Cognac, FRA 13 23:29 355 KNG 353.973 619 Bad Konig for Frankfurt/Main, DEU 13 23:32 358 HW 356.988 643 Hannover/West, DEU 13 17:29 367 VAT 367.002 342 Chalons/Vatry, FRA 13 17:30 369 GL 369.002 459 Nantes/Atantique, FRA 13 17:31 372 CSM 372.009 763 Castelsarrasin, FRA (g3ufi - ndblist 14/02/2008) 14 07:26 530 ADK AK ALS -1035 14 07:28 233 ALJ AK ALS +406 14 07:30 245 ANR TX USA +1020 14 07:38 266 ICK AK ALS +1035 14 07:40 283 DUT AK ALS -1035 14 07:42 341 ELF AK ALS -1037 14 08:01 414 IME AK ALS -1070 14 08:06 391 DDP PR PTR -1033 14 08:07 390 HBT AK ALS +1033 14 08:14 281 CRN AK ALS -1035 14 08:15 277 V2 SK CAN -1035 14 08:21 407 CHD AZ USA +1049 14 08:22 394 RWO AK ALS +1030 (ke7msu - ndblist 15/02/2008) 2008-02-14 20:25 455 BK 1366 Y Lipetsk-2, RUS 2008-02-14 20:27 455 AZ 1348 Y Lipetsk-2, RUS 2008-02-14 21:03 512 KT 2402 Y KOSTANAY, KAZ 2008-02-14 21:10 515 BU 2915 Y BAKU/BINA, AZE 2008-02-14 21:23 520 LF 2733 Y BAZHENOVO, RSE 2008-02-14 22:01 642 KN 950 Y KOSTINO, RUS 2008-02-14 22:12 659 DO 1041 Y DOMODEDOVO, RUS (OH6JKN - ndblist 15/02/2008) 2008-02-14 20:18 316 TNJ Tounj, HRV 2008-02-14 20:19 316 RE Reykjanesskoli, ISL 2008-02-14 20:20 318 KLP Dubrovnik / Kolocep, HRV 2008-02-14 20:26 318 AGB Augsburg, DEU 2008-02-14 20:24 319 C Prerov, CZE 2008-02-14 20:28 321 VO Vojens / Skrydstrup, DNK 2008-02-14 20:29 321 CRN Galway / Carnmore, IRL 2008-02-14 20:31 321 ABT Albacete, ESP 2008-02-14 20:38 326 YW Tyra West (dan.), XOE 2008-02-14 20:42 328 IVR Inverness, SCT 2008-02-14 20:42 328 BLK Blackbushe, ENG 2008-02-14 20:45 329 JW Jersey, ENG 2008-02-14 20:46 330 ZRA Zadar / Kakman, HRV 2008-02-14 20:47 330 SO Eelde / Groningen, HOL 2008-02-14 20:48 331.5 TLF Toulouse / Francazal, FRA 2008-02-14 20:49 333.5 VOG Voghera (PV), ITA 2008-02-14 20:54 334 MOS Y Mostaganem, ALG (G1NXS - ndblist 15/02/2008) 06/02 23:00 392.0 0 AS FRA Angers 834 tone 17" 19.97 06/02 23:00 393.0 0 BD FRA Bordeaux 551 tone 17" 19.97 06/02 23:10 404.0 +980 LW LUX Luxemburgo 1265 gap 4" 06.79 06/02 23:10 405.0 0 BIC FRA Briare 938 (*) 18.40 07/02 02:10 425.0 +450 EVR POR Evora 437 (*) 05.07 New 07/02 02:15 402.0 ±400 AML MRC Agadir 1250 gap 5" 08.96 07/02 02:20 274.0 0 SAL CPV Sal 3239 tone 5" 07/02 02:20 396.0 ±400 ALS MRC Agadir 1245 gap 7" 10.61 07/02 02:20 406.5 +1020 BOT DEU Bottrop 1474 (*) 06.75 New 07/02 02:30 400.0 0 MO FRA Macon/Charnay 929 (*) 17.05 New 07/02 02:50 408.0 +1020 BRK AUT Bruck 1808 gap 6" 10.09 New 07/02 03:05 389.0 ±1020 CP POR Caparica 533 gap 4" 07.16 07/02 03:05 391.0 ±1050 DDP PTR San Juan 6420 gap 5" 11/02 21:00 375.0 ±400 GLA SUI Gland 1024 gap 6" 10.23 11/02 22:30 375.0 -400 SP ??? ??? ??? gap 8" 10.08 12/02 23:00 368.5 +1040 ELU LUX Luxemburgo 1280 gap 2" 04.84 12/02 23:05 374.0 0 BGC FRA Bergerac 588 tone 15" 12/02 23:55 372.0 ±400 OZN GRL P.Kristian Sund 3479 gap 4" 08.13 13/02 20:15 338.0 ±1020 PST MDR Porto Santo 1409 gap 3" 07.14 14/02 20:25 321.0 0 TL FRA Tarbes 428 tone 16" 19.97 New 14/02 21:10 320.0 ±400 BBS ALG Beni Abbes 1168 gap 3" 06.76 14/02 22:00 320.0 0 LSU FRA Limoges ??? (*) 19.97 New 14/02 22:20 323.0 0 AB FRA Albi 595 New 14/02 22:50 333.5 -1020 VOG ITA Voghera 1130 gap 6" 10.08 14/02 23:25 335.0 -390 BER SUI Berna 1134 (*) 10.15 New 15/02 00:05 339.0 ±400 BIA ENG Bournemouth 1153 gap 6" 09.36 15/02 01:15 375.0 +1070 VM ISL Vestmannaeyar 2779 tone 3" 07.81 (Manuel Carbonell - ndblist 15/02/2008) 14 19:21 345 YAT 977 Y Tula / Klokovo, RUS 12 00:28 372 OZN 3653 Prins Christian Sund / Kitaa, GRL 13 00:15 379 VEN 1958 VENEZIA TESSERA, ITA 13 01:15 379 PIS 2211 Y PISA, ITA 13 02:00 445 ZG 1677 Y SZEGED, HNG 12 23:30 445 AAW ? , XUF (Libya?) 13 21:48 446 SAH ? Y , XUF (Algeria?) 13 22:05 450 PDV 2096 Plovdiv, BUL 13 23:00 450 NZ 2623 NIZHNEVARTOVSK, RSE 14 18:33 452 GG ? Y , XUE 13 17:39 452 ANS 1636 ANSBACH, DEU 14 20:05 455 BK 1207 Lipetsk-2, RUS 15 06:32 455 AZ 1191 Lipetsk-2, RUS (OH5YW - ndblist 15/02/2008) 20080215 04:43 209 ITR 1018 1015 8.5 25 920 Kit Carson County Apt - Burlington CO, USA (#515) 20080214 12:59 278 BLE 1020 7.0 25 1522 Lake Providence - Byerley Apt, LA, USA (#514) *1 20080212 10:00 411 RD 1062 1020 6.0 400 728 Bodey - Roberts Field Apt Redmond, OR, USA *2 20080212 10:15 414 ATS 1008 1008 4.5 25 763 Artesia Municipal Apt, NM, USA 20080212 10:37 414 SKX 1022 1020 5.3 25 692 Ski - Taos Municipal Apt, NM, USA 20080212 11:20 428 POH 1000 1022 6.5 25 1374 Pocahontas Municipal Apt, IA, USA *3 20080212 11:10 434 SLB 1015 1051 5.4 25 1342 Storm Lake Municipal Apt, IA, USA *4 20080214 12:32 526 ZLS 1040 990 10.2 500 2644 Stella Maris - Long Island, BAH *5 (Don, Canada - ndblist 15/02/2008) 10-02-2008 21:56 345.0 VTA 1020 343.980 / ----------- ESP 1064 Vitoria NEW 11-02-2008 22:45 344.0 MN 1020 342.957 / 345.065 BAL 1297 Minorca 11-02-2008 21:43 397.0 CHE 1020 395.951 / 398.031 ALG 1659 Cherchell 11-02-2008 21:52 400.0 BC 1020 ------------ / 401.034 HNG 1387 Békéscsaba NEW 11-02-2008 22:23 402.0 ORW 400 401.618 / 402.415 FRA 330 Paris/Orly 12-02-2008 21:48 417.0 LI 1020 415.984 / 418.020 DEU 230 Düsseldorf 12-02-2008 21:50 417.0 SNO 1020 415.983 / 418.027 ESP 1317 Santiago 13-02-2008 21:36 330.0 LNA 400 329.597 / 330.403 SWE 1243 Lena 13-02-2008 21:49 334.0 MOS 1020 ---------- / 335.033 ALG 1754 Mostaganem 14-02-2008 20:38 330.0 BER 1020 328.972 / 331.039 UNID 14-02-2008 19:46 330.0 ZRA 1020 329.591 / 330.414 HRV 1219 Zadar/Kakman * 14-02-2008 22:09 336.0 HWB 400 335.598 / 336.410 XOE 541 Harald B (pa0rdt - ndblist 15/02/2008) 2008-02-15 11:34 423 CKP 1045 1041 'Pilot Rock' Cherokee, IA, USA 2008-02-15 11:35 353 LLD 410 409 LANAI, HWA 2008-02-15 11:37 335 CNK 1033 Y Concordia, KS, USA 2008-02-15 11:43 337 FF 1045 Y 'Hamre' Fergus Falls, MN, USA 2008-02-15 11:46 530 ADK 1035 1032 MOUNT MOFFETT, ALS 2008-02-15 11:46 390 HBT 1038 1028 BORLAND, ALS 2008-02-15 11:47 385 EHM 1036 1034 CAPE NEWENHAM, ALS 2008-02-15 11:49 389 CSB 1020 'Harry Strunk' Cambridge, NE, USA 2008-02-15 11:54 341 OIN 1031 OBERLIN, KS, USA 2008-02-15 11:54 339 MKR 1021 MILK RIVER, MT, USA 2008-02-15 11:57 350 RG 1050 1020 'Gally' Oklahoma City, OK, USA 2008-02-15 12:16 269 YK 405 BRILLIANT, BC, CAN 2008-02-15 12:22 380 OEL 955 1027 Oakley, KS, USA 2008-02-15 12:24 414 SU 1069 Y 'Salix' Sioux City, IA, USA 2008-02-15 12:31 230 PD 1044 1026 FORIS, OR, USA 2008-02-15 13:24 305 ONO 1030 1020 ONTARIO, OR, USA 2008-02-15 13:28 260 AP 1050 1017 DENVER, CO, USA 2008-02-15 14:05 389 TW 1023 1015 STRIK, ID, USA 2008-02-15 14:06 383 PI 1046 1056 TYHEE, ID, USA 2008-02-15 14:06 363 IOM 1048 1025 MC CALL, ID, USA 2008-02-15 14:07 359 BO 1024 1053 USTIK, ID, USA 2008-02-15 14:07 350 SWU 1023 1016 SWEDEN, ID, USA 2008-02-15 14:12 333 STI 1014 STURGEON, ID, USA (ku7z - ndblist 15/02/2008) 14 23:41 371 JER 369.963 2067 Zarzis, TUN 14 23:28 379 CZ 379.014 323 Charleville, FRA 14 23:27 380 VNV 378.977 1082 Villanueva, ESP 14 23:32 380 KN 381.018 1599 Beograd/Krnjesevci, SRB 14 21:31 382 CAA 382.004 718 Cazaux, FRA 14 23:36 383 MAR 383.018 895 Marseille/Provence, FRA 14 23:35 384 ADX 382.975 1272 Andraitx, BAL 14 21:27 387 BGP 387.005 449 Brest Guipavas, FRA 14 21:25 388 BR 388.004 674 Y Lyon/Bron, FRA 14 21:10 423 FOR 421.985 1127 Forli, ITA 14 21:12 426 SOR 427.017 1564 Sorrento, ITA (g3ufi - ndblist 15/02/2008) 2008-02-12 17:03 615 OM 400 400 1239 Y Gorm C Platform, XOE 2008-02-12 17:17 625 SU 1285 Y Sumy, UKR 2008-02-12 17:21 635 GH 788 Y Minsk 2, BLR 2008-02-12 17:23 635 KO 315 Y Kotly, RUS 2008-02-12 22:01 400 NTD 400 787 Y Notodden, NOR 2008-02-13 21:21 458 LP 1020 1020 ? Y , XUU 2008-02-14 16:03 340 W 1020 1020 248 Y Kuressaare, EST 2008-02-14 21:06 1285 SW 943 Y Savelovo, RUS 2008-02-14 21:15 1080 AR 934 Y Buzharovo, RUS 2008-02-14 21:20 700 AD 971 Y Moscow / Sheremetievo, RUS 2008-02-14 21:36 348 SAD 400 375 968 Y Leknes / Sandsund, NOR 2008-02-14 21:41 308.5 HLN 1190 Y Honningsvåg / Helnes, NOR 2008-02-14 21:58 345 US ? 3780 Y UST-KAMENOGORSK, KAZ 2008-02-15 15:58 377 SM 400 474 Y Mora / Siljan, SWE 2008-02-15 20:49 1290 TU 764 Y Bely, RUS 2008-02-15 20:55 1185 D 1028 Y Ramenskoe, RUS 2008-02-15 20:59 1055 IN 1057 Y Sukhotino, RUS 2008-02-15 21:04 1046 UR 941 Y Vologda, RUS 2008-02-15 21:10 1025 US 1180 Y Muravlyanka, RUS 2008-02-15 21:12 1020 DK 1041 Y Glotaevo, RUS 2008-02-15 21:13 1010 PT 606 Y Petrozavodsk/Besovets/Dalna, RUS 2008-02-15 21:19 985 FK 880 Y Gagarin, RUS 2008-02-15 21:25 960 RP 1270 Y Sosnovkoye, RUS 2008-02-15 21:29 940 UD 493 Y Chudovo, RUS 2008-02-15 21:32 900 NE 933 Y Nerl, RUS 2008-02-15 21:38 885 KR 502 Y Kirishi, RUS 2008-02-15 21:44 825 YK 1596 Y Buinsk (Tatarstan), RUS 2008-02-15 21:49 791 SU 799 Belozyorsk / Ozyorsk, RUS 2008-02-15 21:52 778 GR 1450 Y Krasnograd, UKR 2008-02-15 21:56 760 R 1035 Y Ramenskoe, RUS 2008-02-15 22:02 735 KW 1404 Y Koviagi, UKR 2008-02-15 22:05 718 SL 1206 Y Soloviivka, UKR 2008-02-15 22:09 705 KP 855 Y Kargopol, RUS 2008-02-15 22:11 700 MR 959 Y Moscow / Sheremetievo, RUS 2008-02-15 22:29 565 KS 967 Y Opalikha, RUS (Jarmo Heittokangas, Pertteli, Finland - ndblist 16/02/2008) 20080213 1838 341 CCJ -1043 OH Springfield 20080213 1905 347 ANQ -1027 1022 IN Angola 20080215 1704 351 YKQ 405 QC Waskaganish 20080215 1846 359 DO -1015 MO Kansas City 20080215 1849 359 GYG -1052 MI Grayling 20080215 1853 359 SDY -1027 MT Sidney 20080215 1915 371 LTD 1016 IL Litchfield (k9qu - ndblist 16/02/2008) 15-02-2008 18:53 333.5 VOG 1020 332.480 / 334.521 ITA 829 Voghera 15-02-2008 19:58 339.0 V 400 338.605 / ------------ FIN 1777 Kokkola-Pietarsaari/Kruunupyy 15-02-2008 21:50 349.5 SZA 0 349.503 / 0 offset COR 1151 Solenzara 15-02-2008 18:47 425.0 RC 1020 423.982 / 426.028 EST 1542 Pärnu NEW (pa0rdt - ndblist 16/02/2008) 15 20:10 315 LV 316.038 1662 Lviv, UKR 15 23:25 320 OL 320.401 1845 Lycksele, SWE 16 00:40 320 JPS 321.034 7297 Y Joao Pessoa (PB), BRA 15 22:45 320 DO 318.972 1753 Djupivogur, ISL 15 23:15 321 GL 322.012 904 Berlin/Tegel/East, DEU 15 23:24 322 OU 322.404 1445 Bromma, SWE 15 19:35 323 ONC 321.984 285 Charleroi/Gosselies, BEL 15 23:22 324 ON 323.597 1321 Norrköping/Saab, SWE 15 19:40 326 LLS 325.567 385 Lelystad, HOL 15 23:20 329 HA 330.022 1399 Budapest, HNG (g3ufi - ndblist 16/02/2008) - GMDSS On 8414.5. Got 3 snags re this distress off (northern)east coast of USA little less than half way across. Category: Distress MMSI self-identifier: 357110000 (m/v SEA EPOCH from Panama) Telecommand 1: Distress relay MMSI self-identifier: 372285000 ( m/v GEORGE from Panama) Nature of distress: Undesignated distress Distress coordinates: 4000'N 05000'W Distress coordinates time acquisition: 05h52mn UTC Subsequent communications: J3E TP Check Sum: OK Date and time of decoding: 02/14/08 21:32:17z (Alec L, Washington DC, USA - udxf 15/02/2008) MMSI:247147600-I Name:NORD FARER Region:Europe Message:DISTRESS Location: N35.55 / E26.2333333 Range/Bearing: 5218.4 nm / 51 Received:08-02-11 07:06:31UTC The NORD FARER position is 20nm north of the Isle of Crete in the Sea of Crete. DSC messages: all ships;(distress);from;[COMMSTA Portsmouth]-USA;DISTRESS relay NORD FARER-I undesignated N35 33' E026 14' 06:56UTC J3 ACK;08-02-11 07:05:46;[1715Hz] all ships;(distress);from;[COMMSTA Portsmouth]-USA;DISTRESS relay NORD FARER-I undesignated N35 33' E026 14' 06:56UTC J3 ACK;08-02-11 07:06:07;[1715Hz] all ships;(distress);from;[COMMSTA Portsmouth]-USA;DISTRESS relay NORD FARER-I undesignated N35 33' E026 14' 06:56UTC J3 ACK;08-02-11 07:06:31;[1715Hz] Followed by relay from COMMSTA Portsmouth from vessel MOL INNOVATION, reporting "listing". MMSI:563858000-SNG Name:MOL INNOVATION Call Sign:9VVP Region:Pacific Message:DISTRESS Location: N40.6833333 / W74.15 Range/Bearing: 910 nm / 18 Received:08-02-11 07:23:21UTC The MOL INNOVATION position is in Elizabeth Channel, in port in Newark Bay, Newark, New Jersey, USA. DSC message: all ships;(distress);from;[COMMSTA Portsmouth]-USA;DISTRESS relay MOL INNOVATION,9VVP-SNG listing N40 41' W074 09' 22:55UTC J3 ACK;08-02-11 07:23:21;[1713Hz] (W. Curt Deegan, Boca Raton, (southeast) Florida, USA - udxf 11/02/2008) Distress message relayed by COMMSTA New Orleans, from vessel AL JIRNASS, cause unknown. MMSI:470624000-UAE Name:AL JIRNASS Call Sign:A6E2817 Region:Asia Message:DISTRESS Location: N24.9 / E52.5666667 Range/Bearing: 6681.5 nm / 46 Received:08-02-11 07:51:39UTC The AL JIRNASS position is in the Persian Gulf, 65nm southeast of Ad Dawhah, Qatar. DSC message: all ships;(distress);from;[COMMSTA New Orleans]-USA;DISTRESS relay 470624000-UAE undesignated N24 54' E052 34' 07:46UTC J3 ACK;08-02-11 07:51:39;[1714Hz] (W. Curt Deegan, Boca Raton, (southeast) Florida, USA - udxf 11/02/2008) My radio must be running slow today! I saw Al's post and then some time later got the following two distress relay messages on the vessel George, located in the Atlantic, 600nm southeast of the Nova Scotia, CA, coast. The coordinates are a bit suspicious. The ship can be seen plotted on my Google Map web site, link in my signature. MMSI:372285000-PNR Name:GEORGE Call Sign:3EHY3 Region:N&C America/Caribbean Message:DISTRESS Location: N40 / W50 Range/Bearing: 1708.1 nm / 54 Received:08-02-14 22:50:51UTC DSC messages: all ships;(distress);from;SAFMARINE ILLOVO,A8HJ8-LBR;DISTRESS relay GEORGE,3EHY3-PNR undesignated N40 00' W050 00' 05:52UTC J3 REQ;08-02-14 22:48:17;[1722Hz] all ships;(distress);from;[USCG San Juan, PR]-USA;DISTRESS relay GEORGE,3EHY3-PNR undesignated N40 00' W050 00' 05:52UTC J3 ACK;08-02-14 22:50:51;[1717Hz] And they're not through yet... all ships;(distress);from;SEA EPOCH-PNR;DISTRESS ack GEORGE,3EHY3-PNR undesignated N40 00' W050 00' 05:52UTC J3 EOS;08-02-14 23:15:42;[1732Hz] all ships;(distress);from;EURUS LISBON,A8MI2-LBR;DISTRESS relay GEORGE,3EHY3-PNR undesignated N40 00' W050 00' 05:52UTC J3 REQ;08-02-15 00:10:50;[1719Hz] (W. Curt Deegan, Boca Raton, (southeast) Florida, USA - udxf 15/02/2008) 2008-02-08 12:42 518 $12D Prince Rupert, BC, CAN 2008-02-09 05:09 518 $04E Savannah, GA, USA 2008-02-09 07:15 518 $04U Yarmouth, NS, CAN 2008-02-12 06:19 518 $04R San Juan (Isabella), PTR 2008-02-12 07:41 518 $04G New Orleans, LA, USA 2008-02-13 00:06 518 $12C San Francisco, CA, USA 2008-02-13 00:51 518 $12Q Long Beach, CA, USA 2008-02-13 01:20 518 $12H Tofino, BC, CAN 2008-02-13 01:38 518 $12W Astoria, OR, USA 2008-02-13 03:11 518 $12J Kodiak, ALS 2008-02-13 03:52 518 $12X Kodiak, ALS 2008-02-13 04:39 518 $04A Miami, FL, USA 2008-02-13 06:30 518 $04P Thunder Bay, ON, CAN 2008-02-13 08:43 518 $12O Honolulu, HWA 2008-02-13 09:30 518 $11K Kushiro, JPN 2008-02-14 09:23 518 $11I Yokohama, JPN 2008-02-15 13:11 424 $11K Kushiro, JPN (ku7z - ndblist 15/02/2008) - Navtex 20080208 233536 518 $03V SUK Quseir,EGY 20080209 002821 518 $03D TAH Istanbul,TUR 20080209 011009 518 $01H SAH Bjuroklubb,SWE 20080209 011824 518 $03I TAN Izmir,TUR 20080209 022838 518 $03O 9HD Malta,MLT 20080209 032654 518 $03L SVL Limnos,GRC 20080210 001647 518 $03P 4X0 Haifa,ISR 20080210 002601 518 $03C UTT Odessa,UKR 20080210 003841 518 $03D TAH Istanbul,TUR 20080210 011823 518 $03I TAN Izmir,TUR 20080210 014935 518 $03L SVL Limnos,GRC 20080210 023746 518 $03K SVK Corfu,GRC 20080210 025024 518 $03R CTV-251 Monsanto,POR 20080211 002923 518 $03D TAH Istanbul,TUR 20080211 005023 518 $17F UGE Arkhangelsk,RUS 20080211 011241 518 $03H SVH Heraklion,GRC 20080211 023821 518 $03L SVL Limnos,GRC 20080211 041635 518 $03P 4X0 Haifa,ISR (Dirk C, Belgium - ndblist 11/02/2008) 11 18:00 518 $11M "Sanya Radio", Sanya, China, new 11 18:09 518 $11N "Guangzhou Radio", Guangzhou, China, new 11 19:59 518 $11X "Hochiminhville Radio", Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, new (KA1DGL - ndblist 12/02/2008) 14 14:41 518 $11Q Shanghai CHN New (ke7msu - ndblist 14/02/2008) 20080211 222600 518 $02I EAL Las Palmas,CNR 20080211 220936 518 $01X TFA Grindavik,ISL 20080211 222827 518 $03O 9HD Malta,MLT 20080212 002220 518 $03C UTT Odessa,UKR 20080212 002815 518 $03D TAH Istanbul,TUR 20080212 011819 518 $03I TAN Izmir,TUR 20080212 014611 518 $03K SVK Corfu,GRC 20080212 032514 518 $03U IQX Trieste,ITA 20080212 033338 518 $03V IQA Augusta,ITA 20080212 041815 518 $03P 4XO Haifa,ISR 20080213 012212 518 $03I TAN Izmir,TUR 20080214 045047 518 $17F UGE Arkhangelsk,RUS 20080215 003753 518 $03D TAH Istanbul,TUR 20080215 004448 518 $03E TAF Samsun,TUR 20080215 013229 518 $03J LZW Varna,BUL 20080215 042051 518 $01X TFA Reykjavik,ISL (Dirk C, Belgium - ndblist 15/02/2008) -- Северо-Запад -- УКВ Латвия новые радиостанции в Латвии: Radio LNR, 93.5 МГц, Лиепая Юмор ФМ, 88.6 МГц, Рига аудиофрагменты на http://www.travelradio.lv (Владимир Казгунов, Лиепая, Латвия = open_dx 16/02/20080 -- Интернет -- Новости Англия Хочу привлечь Ваше внимание к сообщению о прекращении трансляции английской службы BBC WS для Европы на коротких волнах. Как сообщается, последние коротковолновые передачи, направленные на южную Европу, будут прекращены с 18 февраля: www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/help/2008/02/080208_sw_changes_euro.shtml Слушателям предлагается переходить к другим способам радиоприема: через местные станции, по кабелю, через интернет или со спутников. В Западной и Северо-Западной Европе сохраняется возможность приема из Англии передач BBC WS на средних (648 кГц) и длинных (198 кГц) волнах. Энтузиастам коротких волн предлагается ловит передачи, направленные на Ближний и Средний Восток, а также на запад России: http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/help/2007/12/071204_western_euro.shtml (В. Харитонов, СПБ, Россия - Media-DX 14/02/2008) No surprise, a report about the HFCC conference for B07 already hinted that a certain broadcaster (not specified, but it was really easy to guess) plans to cancel shortwave for Europe entirely. Back in 2005 the BBC muddied the water by relabelling the target area of various frequencies to North Africa in order to maintain that they have considerably reduced the use of shortwave for Europe. So it remains to be seen what they will really turn off. I guess that at least 12095 (0700-1000) and 9410 (entirely) will go. And definitely no other BBC language service to Europe (except FSU) on shortwave will close as well. They are already gone, with the exception of Romanian and Serbian not just from shortwave but entirely. In particular Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Greek, Hungarian, Polish, Slovak and Slovenian were broadcast for the last time (already no longer via shortwave) on March 26 2005. (Kai Ludwig, Germany - dxldyg 12/02/2008) Венесуэла Media Network by Andy Sennitt February 14, 2008 A new shortwave transmitting station is now under construction for the International Service of Radio Nacional de Venezuela, Antena Internacional*. The new installation will include a 50 kW transmitter to be operated on the 60 metre Tropical Band, and five 100 KW shortwave transmitters to be operated with several antenna arrays. The new transmitting station is located in the State of Guarico, and the antenna systems will include several high gain curtain arrays and also quadrant type omnidirectional antennas for short and medium range coverage. The new transmitters are of the pulse step modulation type, and very efficient from the point of view of energy conversion, that is that they are capable of producing a 100 percent modulated signal with much less electricity than what is required for a high level plated modulated transmitter. The Radio Nacional de Venezuela engineering department is in charge of the project and it is expected that the first transmitter may be on the air pretty soon. The new Venezuelan international broadcasting facility is going to be one of the most modern and energy efficient installations in the Americas, and its antenna systems were designed with coverage of the Americas as the prime target area, but as expected, it may be heard around the world when propagation conditions are good. (Source: Arnie Coro, RHC DXers Unlimited via DX Listening Digest) * Antena Internacional (also known as Canal Internacional) currently leases shortwave airtime from Radio Habana, Cuba. http://blogs.rnw.nl/medianetwork/new-sw-station-for-venezuelas-antena-internacional (Mike Terry, U.K. - dxldyg 15/02/2008) -- QSL 15315 Radio Nederland - via Bonaire, Antilhas Holandesas - Recebido belo QSL em holandes e espanhol, retratando um jardim holandes pela manha(serie'manhas holandesas'), "Guia de programacion de inverno", com a programacao em espanhol para o A08, dois calendarios de bolso e tres adesivos comemorativos dos 60 anos da emissora. 50 dias. V/S: ???.Informes enviados por e-mail: cartas@rnw.nl . QTH: Radio Nederland Wereldomroep - POBox 222, 1200 JG, Hilwersum, Netherlands. 9490 Radio Sweden - via Canada- Recebido cartao QSL com todos os dados da escuta retratando um radiofarol na costa sueca e boletim de horarios e frequencias em sueco. 21 dias. V/S: ??. Informes enviados por e-mail: radiosweden@sr.se . QTH: Radio Sweden, SE-105 10 Stockholm. (Arthur Antonio Raimundo, Aracatuba, Brasil - radioescutas 13/02/2008) 7130, 7225, 9680 Voz da Republica Islamica do Ira - Kamalabad - IRN, Kamalabad - IRN e Kamalabad - IRN - Recebido bonito cartao QSL no data (The main porch of Masjid-e Imam (Mosque) - Esfahan), livro (La gloria del martirio), revista islamica Kauzar, revista islamica Kauzar (edicao especial sobre o Imam Jomeini), carta pessoal, boletim de horarios e frequencias, formulario para informes de recepcao e relacao dos programas em espanhol. ?? dias. V/S: N. Edalat Manesh (Director de la redacion espanola). Informes enviados por e-mail: spanishradio@irib.com . QTH: Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting, Valiasr Ave. jam e jam St., P.O. Box: 19395/6767 - Iran (Rubens Ferraz Pedroso; Bandeirantes - Parana - Brasil). 15220 Radio Japao - Ilha de Ascencao - ASC - Recebido belissimo cartao QSL com todos os dados confirmatorios (Sprinkled with frost - Ryugasaki City, Ibaraki Prefecture), boletim de horarios e frequencias e formulario para informes de recepcao. 23 dias. V/S: ??. Informes enviados por e-mail: nhkworld@nhk.jp . QTH: Nippon Hoso Kyokai, Jinnan, Shibuya-Ku, Tokyo - Japan, 150-8001 (Rubens Ferraz Pedroso; Bandeirantes - Parana - Brasil - radioescutas 13/02/2008). Вот и я получил электронное QSL от Voice of Kurdistan в виде моего оригинального рапорта, к которому сверху прикреплена небольшая справка об истории радиостанции и интернет координаты партии ДПК. Сейчас эта станция называется именно Voice of Kurdistan (так звучит в эфире и указано в подтверждении), а не Voice of Iraqi Kurdistan, как она называлась ранее и как до сих пор её именуют в некоторых ДХ изданиях. Нынешнее расположение передатчика не указано, и вряд ли совпадает с историческим (на дне пещеры). Станция на английском в эфире с16 до 17 ЮТС на 6335, подтверждение с адреса party (Андрей Волошко, Полтава, Украина - open_dx 14/02/2008) Seichas est dve rsr/ii nazivaiushchiesia "Voice of Kurdistan" - odna na 6335 0345-0745 & 1600-1900 - eto bivshaia VOIraqi Kurdistan,a drugaia na 3930 khz priblizitelno nachinaet v 0245 UTC - v proshlom eto bila VOIranian Kurdistan,no ona imeet i programmi na persidskom , potomu i Iran glushaet ee i // 4860 khz (Rumen Pankov, Bulgaria - open_dx 14/02/2008) 5005 R. Bata, Bata-GNE, Recebido carta QSL, partial datas, 373 dias, V/S Julian Esono Ela ( apresentador do px "Carta del oyente"), QTH Radio Bata, Apartado 749, Rep. de Guinea Ecuatorial (Marcio Martins Pontes - radioecutas 16/02/2008) Station: - Radio Sweden Date: - 17-01-2008 Frequency: - 6065 kHz Time: - 1830 UTC Language: - English Description: - Grand Hotel Stockholm Sweden. Station: - AWR Asia/Pacific Date: - 20-01-2008 Frequency: - 11675 kHz (Germany) Time: - 1500-1530 UTC Language: - Nepali Description: - QSL Card verified by Rhoen. The Voice of Hope. Adventist World Radio QSL. , The Voice of Hope “Do not fear for behold I give to you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.” Luke 2:10 MKJV. Station: - NHK World Radio Japan Date: - 30-09-2007 Frequency: - 11780 kHz (Singapore) Time: - 0100-0130 UTC Language: - English Description: - Verified by T. Sato. “Flying Kites” (Aso City, Kumamoto Prefecture). Station: - KBS World Radio Date: - 05-01-2008 Frequency: - 7275 kHz Time: - 1800-1900 UTC Language: - English Description: - 2007 Inter-Korean Meeting. South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun and North Korean leader Kim Jong-il held summit talks in Pyongyang, North Korea between Oct. 2 and 4, 2007. The two heads issued a 10-point joint declaration on October 4, summarizing their meetings. It was the second encounter between the chiefs of the two Koreas since the historic inter-Korean summit between South Korean President Kim Dae-jung and his North Korean counterpart Kim Jong-il in 2000. Station: - Radio Netherlands Wereldomroep Date: - 19-01-2008 Frequency: - 12080 kHz (Madagascar) Time: - 1430 UTC Language: - English Description: - QSL 7. A Dutch Morning. Card Seven: Dam Square, Amsterdam. Station: - TRT Voice of Turkey Date: - 21-01-2008 Frequency: - 11735 kHz (EMR) Time: - 1330-1425 UTC Language: - English Description: - Uzunbacak/Black-White Sitilt. Station: - Radio Slovakia International Date: - 13-12-2007 Frequency: - 13715 kHz Time: - 0700 UTC Language: - English Description: - Bratislava. Radio Slovakia International. Station: - CVC Date: - 15-12-2007 Frequency: - 15270 kHz (Cox Peninsula Transmitter Site Via Darwin NT Australia, 20kW, 4*4 Curtain Arry) Time: - 1000-1030 UTC Language: - English Description: - CVC, All About Real Life! Station: - Voice of America Date: - 13-12-2007 Frequency: - 7430 kHz Time: - 1600 UTC Language: - Hindi Description: - Alaska. Magnificent LeConte Glacier near Wrangell, Alaska. Station: - Radio Praha Date: - 23-01-2008 Frequency: - 15710 kHz Time: - 1000-1029 UTC Language: - English Description: - Vera Caslavska (1942), Czech gymnast. Vera Caslavska won her first gold medal at the World Championships in Prague in 1962. She won three gold medals at the Tokyo Olympics Games in 1964 and four gold medals at the 1968 games in Mexico, after which she ended her sporting career. She was president of the Czech Olympic Committee in the first half of the 1990s. Station: - HCJB Global Australia Date :- 31-01-2008 Frequency:- 15540 kHz (Transmitting from Kununurra in the northwest of Australia) Time: - 1300-1330 UTC Language:- English Description: - e-QSL. Olive Python These snakes live in the tropical areas of Australia. They are not poisonous and grow to over two metres in length. Their prey is small green frogs. (Mukesh Kumar, India - dxldyg 16/02/2008) -- Аппаратура -- 73! |
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