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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 125 часть 2


.05.2007 53 730 MPEG2 Vilnius Lithuania
1.05.2007 ? H.264
15.05.2007 37 602 MPEG2 Visby Sweden
15.05.2007 41 634 MPEG2 Visby Sweden
15.05.2007 51 714 MPEG2 Visby Sweden
15.05.2007 58 770 MPEG2 Visby Sweden
20.05.2007 770 MPEG2
06.06.2007 29 538 MPEG2 Stralsund (?) Germany
06.06.2007 40 626 MPEG2 Stralsund (?) Germany
08.06.2007 ???? Lithuania
09.06.2007 53 730 MPEG2 Stockholm Sweden
09.06.2007 28 530 MPEG2 Emmaboda Sweden
09.06.2007 55 746 MPEG2 Stockholm Sweden
09.06.2007 59 778 MPEG2 Kisa Sweden
09.06.2007 40 626 MPEG2 Vastervik Sweden
09.06.2007 40 626 MPEG2 Vastervik Sweden
09.06.2007 53 730 H.264 Stockholm (?)Sweden
(Владимир Казгунов, Латвия - open_dx 12/06/2007)
Неофициальное радио

9525 Cotton Tree News (t), transmission to Sierra Leone,

0735-0740/0750-0759, June 16, English,

news by female in english, talk by female at 0740+, 24222

At 0750 talk by male, talk or news by female and s/off, 24222

(Arnaldo Slaen Argentina - NoticiasDX 17/06/2007)

15660 Ethiopia Voice of Unity, 15:02-15:06, escuchada el 10 de Junio en amharico a locutor con comentarios y segmento musical, SINPO 24232.
(J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 11/06/2007)

17560 Voice of Tibet, 12:21-12:25, escuchada el 9 de Junio en idioma asiatico a locutor con comentarios, fuertemente interferida por emision de Firedrake Jamming, hay

que templar a 17563 para escuchar la emision, SINPO 33433. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 11/06/2007)

3940 9/6 22.00 R. Underground - ?? EE ID e MX suff.
4985 9/6 22.50 R. Brasil Central - Goiania PP MX buono
5910 9/6 22.10 Marfil Estereo - Bogota SS MX buono
6010 9/6 22.40 Voz de tu Conciencia - Bogota SS MX buono
6035 9/6 22.25 Voz del Guaviare - S. Jose del Guaviare SS
MX buono
6150 9/6 01.40 R. Bayrak Int. - Lefkosa EE MX suff. ( mixed
with University Network - Costarica )
6185 9/6 01.50 R. Educacion - Mexico D.F. SS talk OM suff.
6245 10/6 08.20 R. Borderhunter - Postbus 2702 - 6049 ZG
ten - Olanda EE ID e MX buono
6260 10/6 08.35 Sallandse Boer R. - Postbus 139 - 7890 AC
Klazienaveen - Olanda EE ID e MX buono
6290 10/6 09.20 R. Shadowmen - Postbus 578 - 7900 AN Hooge-
ven - Olanda EE ID e MX buono
6310 9/6 22.20 R. Condor - ?? EE ID e MX buono
(Roberto Pavanello, Vercelli, Italy - playdx2003 11/06/2007)

Captaciones DX por Yimber Gaviria, Cali, Colombia
Rx. Sony 7600G
Antena AN61
Las horas son en UT (Tiempo Universal)

11610 Family Radio, Wertachtal, junio 10, 2156-2200*, 433, en arabe.

Arabia Saudita
9555 BSKSA, Riyadh, junio 10, 2144 UT, 322, conversacion en arabe, \\ 9870 (433).
11820 BSKSA, Riyadh, junio 10, 2157 UT, 444, con el sagrado coran en arabe, \\ 11915 (444).

5910 Marfil Estereo, junio 10, 0403 UT, 433, con musica variada, Stn ID.

6010 LV de Tu Conciencia, junio 10, 0405 UT, 222, con programa religioso en espanol.

Costa Rica
5965 R. Exterior de Espana, Cariari de Pococi, junio 10, 0404 UT, 222, aun chocandose
con Radio Habana Cuba en la misma frecuencia, solamente una hora (de 0400 a 0500 UT).

Ciudad del Vaticano
9860 Voz de Rusia, Santa Maria di Galeria, junio 10, 0415 UT, 444, notada en idioma ingles.

15630 Voz de Grecia, Avlis, junio 10, 0436 UT, 433, emitiendo musica griega, luego conversaciones en griego por locutor.

9855 R. Kuwait, Sulaibiyah, junio 10, 2215 UT, 444, YL en idioma arabe.
15495 R. Kuwait, Sulaibiyah, junio 10, 0430 UT, 444, OM + YL con noticias en arabe.

11880 R. Rumania Int., Galbeni, junio 9 + 10, 2300-2400, 433, espanol, inicia bien pero se
va perdiendo la senal.

Escuchando la emision de La Voz de Rusia para Brasil en portugues de 2300-2400 UT el dia 10 de Junio del 2007,
7300 (c/500 kw via Serpukhov, RUS) recibiendola con senal pobre. seran 500 Kw ???
7330 (c/250 kw via Moskva, RUS) aqui la senal es muy pobre.
11510 (c/200 Kw via Dushanbe-Orzu, TJK) y en esta frecuencia llega demasiado debil.
12010 (c/500? Kw via Samara ?, RUS ?) es la mejor frecuencia hasta ahora.

Y ahora la Voz de Rusia, en espanol, notada el 10 Junio del 2007 entre las 0000-0100 UT
7300 (250 Kw via Serpukhov, RUS)...senal pobre
7330 (250 Kw via Moskva, RUS)......senal muy pobre
9665 (500 Kw via Kishinev-Grigoriopo, MDA)...llega con senal regular
9830 (500 Kw via Krasnodar, RUS)...con senal regular
11510 (200 Kw via Dushanbe-Orzu, TJK)...muy debil
12010 (500?Kw via Samara?, RUS?)...llega con senal buena a regular.
Queda pendiente el monitoreo de 0100-0200 UT de la Voz de Rusia.

Estan informando que el proximo 1 de agosto del 2007, la Voz de Rusia cumplira
75 anos e invita a los oyentes a participar de este gran evento para ese dia.

Siria, Republica Arabe
12085 R. Damasco, Adra, junio 10, +2300-2330 UT, 222, en espanol, YL con noticias, despues
de las 2330 en idioma arabe.

Blog Diexista
El colega puertorriqueno, Michael Ramos, tiene su blog sobre nuestro hobby, El Diexismo.
(Yimber Gaviria, Cali, Colombia - playdx2003 11/06/2007)

CANADA 6030 CFVP hrd 6/11 during R. Marti silent period from 0507 tune w/ “Grand Ol Opry Top 40” C&W mx program w/ man host. Signal gradually improved after 0600

but marred by static crashes. SINPO 34343 w/ peak sigs 0615-0715. Frequent anmts for songs, local events, commercials and references to 1060 AM.

LAOS 4677.5 Sam Nuea hrd 6/10 from 1158.5 tune w/ local inst/vocal mx to 1200, woman ann 1200, program tune 1200-01, woman ann to 1201.5 then
short mx and into a man ann alternating w/ woman ann and a few short music spots (just a few sec each) at 1202. May have been some remote
reports, but couldn't be sure. Believe 1200 prgm is a relay of National Service news. Woman ann w/ s/off at 1231.5 and carrier off at 1232.5. SINPO 25432 w/ ocnl peak to

S3 after 1215. Signal gradually improved after 1215.

VIETNAM 4739.75 Son La hrd 6/11 w/ inst mx from 1200 tune in to 1201, man and woman anns & inst mx to 1201.5, man ann to 1209. Local mx 1209-1210.5, woman ann

1210.5-1214, inst mx fol by man ann, then woman ann 1214-1216.5, indigenous vocal mx (a capella, sing-song rhythm) by man 1216.5-1222.5. Woman ann 1222.5-1225,

more indigenous vocal mx to 1227, prog inst mx, man ann, inst mx to 1228.5, woman fol by man ann to 1230+. SINPO 2+4333 w/ traces of CODAR QRM and ocnl Ute

SSB. Programming appears to be in indigenous language (Hmong?). (Bruce Churchill - CumbreDX 12/06/2007)

13720 10/6/2007 17:00 Voice Of Turkey/TUR SS, OM em pronunciamento apos musica, retorno com YL apresentando programa, 33333
13970 10/6/2007 17:08 Xi Wang Zhi Sheng SOH/TWN musica folclorica chinesa, 33333
6173v 12/6/2007 01:56 R.Tawantinsuyo/PRU OM talks em SS, musica folclorica, muito interferida, sinal variavel, melhor sintonia em 6.171,7, 22232
(Alexandre Sailer, Viamao/RS - radioescutas 13/06/2007)

Captaciones DX por Yimber Gaviria, Cali, Colombia
Rx. Sony 7600G
Antena AN61
Las horas son en UT (Tiempo Universal)

13710 BSKSA, Riyadh, junio 12, 1506 UT, 222, en arabe con el sagrado Coran, aun escuchada despues de las 1735 UT con SIO de 444 y emision del sagrado Coran.

5910 Marfil Estereo, Puerto Lleras, junio 12, 1724 UT, 433, retransmitiendo programacion de La Voz de Tu Conciencia, a las 1800 hs UT siguio con programacion diferente a

los 6010 KHz. Con anuncio comerciales despues de las 1802 UT SIO de 333. Aun despues de las 2228 UT (SIO 2) con musica variada. Pero a las 2325 UT (322) con

comentarios religiosos, tambien con ruido de fondo. NO \\ 6010.

6010 LV de Tu Conciencia, Puerto Lleras, junio 12, 1725 UT, 433, con programa religioso, creo que ambas usas 1 Kw de Potencia ? a veces escucho los 5910 mas fuerte

que 6010. Despues de las 1800 UT siguio con otro programa religioso con SIO de 222, NO \\ 5910, a las 2230 UT (SIO: 2) con mas programas religiosos. A las 2326 UT

(222) con musica evangelica, NO \\ 5910.

6035 LV del Guaviare, SJ del Guaviare, junio 12, 1804 UT, 222, con prgma local no relay Bogota. Despues de las 2231 UT con muy baja senal.

9765 R. Exterior de Espana, via Cariari de Pococi, junio 12, 1805 UT, 444, con noticias en espanol, en paralelo a 11845 (tambien via Cariari de Pococi, SIO de 544)

9820 NO IDENTIFICADA, o Radio Rebelde ???, junio 12, 2237 UT hasta aun despues de las 2335 UT que se hacia mas dificil de identificar, con senal pobre, creo que se

debe tratar de Radio Rebelde ??

11780 R. Nal da Amazonia, Brasilia DF, junio 12, 1730 UT, 333, P, con musica brasilena.

13740 R. Japon, via Dhabbaya, junio 12, 1737 UT, 222, OM en Japones.

NF! 17595 R. Exterior de Espana, Noblejas, junio 12, 1800 UT, 333, con el programa ESPANOL EN BRASIL, presentado por Cinthya Florian, edicion en portugues,

reportajes en espanol, va de martes a viernes a las 1800 UT.....x21700 KHz ?

13620 R. Kuwait, Sulaibiyah, junio 12, 1733 UT, 222, OM en arabe, luego colocaron musica arabe.

11670 R. Nal de Venezuela, via Cuba, junio 12, 2240 UT, 433, Yl con identificacion de la emisora en espanol.

13680 R. Nal de Venezuela, via Cuba, junio 12, 2350 UT, 333, programa bilingue, OM en espanol y YL traducia al ingles, en paralelo a los 15250 (322), senal de cierre en


11845 Radio Marti, Greenville, 1300-1700, junio 12, 1505 UT, 222, espanol, \\ 11930 (2), 13820 (2).
13800 WYFR, Okeechobee, Fl, junio 12, 1520 UT, 444, espanol ,con prgma religioso
(Yimber Gaviria, Cali, Colombia - playdx2003 13/06/2007)

Captaciones de Ernesto Paulero desde 34?31?56.55 Sur 58?30^22.67Oeste.

LBY : 01 Junio 2007 , 16.10 UTC por 15 660 KHz R.Voz de Africa idioma
SINPO 54444
ASC : 01 Junio 2007 , 17.00 UTC por 17 585 Khz R. Dafur Salam (BBC)
idioma arabe
SINPO 55555 (Calidad de emisora local)
POL : 01 Junio 2007 , 21,35 UTC por 7 140 KHz R.Polonia idioma polaco,
SINPO 54344
POR : 03 Junio 2007, 17.55 UTC por 21 655 KHz R. Portugal
Internacional Portugues
SINPO 54454
ALG : 03 Junio 2007, 23.00 UTC por 6 300 KHz R . Nacional Saharaui
SINPO 43233
EGY : 04 Junio 2007, 01.30 UTC por 9 360 KHz . R. El Cairo idioma
SINPO 33233
BOL : 04 Junio 2007 , 10.30 UTC por 4 797 KHz R.Malki idioma espanol.
SINPO 43333
PRU : 04 Junio 2007 , 23.45 UTC por 5 939 KHz R Melodia en espanol,
SINPO 43333
UKR : 05 Junio 2007 , 23.45 UTC por 7 140 KHz R. Ucrania Int. Idioma
SINPO 43233
BOL : 07 Junio 2007 , 02.40 UTC por 6 135 KHz R. Santa Cruz en espanol
SINPO 54344
PRU : 07 Junio 2007 , 00.50 UTC por 4 745/7 Khz R. Huanta 2000 espanol
SINPO 43233
BOL : 09 Junio 2007 , 21.50 UTC por 5 952 KHz R. Pio Doce espanol SINPO 54344
(Ernesto Paulero - FrecuenciaDX 13/06/2007)

7300 La Voz de Rusia, Serpukhov, RUS, junio 14, 0105 UT, (221), espanol, \\
7330 (via Moskva, RUS), con SIO de 211,
9830 (via Krasnodar, RUS), SIO de 444,
9945 ((via Dushanbe-Orzu, TJK), inaudible
11510 (via Dushanbe-Orzu, TJK) SIO de 111
12010 (No esta anotado en el AOKI list junio 8/07 ni version anterior, pero en el BC A07 Time Version (http://www.eibi.de.vu/) la reporta desde Samara, RUS) con SIO de


9770 TRT LV de Turquia, Emirler, junio 14, 0130-0145, senal regular, en espanol con el programa EL BUZON.

6040 Voice of America, Greenville, junio 14, 0130-0200 UT, buena senal, x6000, \\ 13740 (pobre), con Special English.(martes a sabados)

9885 Voz de America, Greenville, junio 14, 0030-0200, buena senal, en espanol, los 9560 (pobre) y 11815 (muy pobre
(Yimber Gaviria, Cali, Colombia - playdx2003 14/06/2007)

9525 CTN talks abot Mr tilo , president of Liberia offenist S7 4444

11785 CNR 0802 at 0922 RRI Indonesia and ID, hymn , gamelan
music > fair

17875 WADR , a discussion ended abut a filmmaker . ID on 0813

15190 R E Africa 0840 a pastor with seemingly spiritual program S4
max. Nearly no signal at 0850 but there was very strong QRM from
15180 . At 0957 with S and spiritual talks . possibly change of power
/beam on 1000 but with lower audio level

11985 TWR Africa? 0844 OM in unknown language , possibly Hausa ,
0846 a boy singing with a stringed instrument . S off at 0914?

15135 UNMEE 0924 talks in Tigre with short announcement by several
listeners ['my name is .'] followed immedaitely by talks from the
speakers in lang Bob Mohamaad Shoraj , a mention in Kenya ,
interview , ID as `radio UNMI' Asmara 0933 a hymn cut immdaitely by
YL for more talks in ethipoian ? . Enlish program heard on 0948 Good

11860 RRI Jakarta back?? 1026 talks by YL ,signed off 1031 . Poor
Also today 14th on 1342 with S5 35232 under strong local noise.
(Z. Liangas, Greece - CumbreDX14/06/2007)

07.13 UTC - 5725 kHz
Musica dance olandese.
Segnale insufficiente-buono
07.15 UTC - 5700 kHz
EE/NL, ids OM e s/off.
Segnale sufficiente-molto buono
07.21 UTC - 6209.8 kHz
Segnale insufficiente
07.23 UTC - 6399.8 kHz
Musica rock.
Segnale insufficiente-sufficiente
07.43 UTC - 6280.5 kHz
Segnale insufficiente
(Luca Botto Fiora, Genova, Italy - bclnews 16/06/2007)
9.725 kHz, Voice of Vietnam, 15-06-07, 1817-1820. Música local con comentarios de locutora, en vietnamita. SINPO 54444

9.815 kHz, Voice of America, 15-06-07, 1809-1811. Comentarios de los partidos de clasificación para la copa de África y noticias sobre la franja de Gaza, en portugués.

SINPO 55555

9.665 kHz, Radio Exterior de España, 15-06-07, 1821-1824. Comentarios de la liga de futbol y baloncesto en España, partidos de las copas de África y América, anuncio en

español y comentarios de toros con referencias a José Tomás, en francés. SINPO 54433

9.805 kHz, Radio France Internacional, 15-06-07, 1811-1813. Noticias con referencias a Nicolas Sarcozy, en ruso. SINPO 55433

9.880 kHz, Radio Kuwait, 15-06-07, 1806-1808. Locutora con comentarios y música de fondo, en árabe. SINPO 55444

9.590 kHz, Radio Vlaanderen Int, 15-06-07, 1824-1844. Música pop con comentarios de locutor, en holandés. SINPO 55433

9.480 kHz, VoR Sodruzhestvo, 15-06-07, 1846-1850. Música pop con comentarios de locutor, en ruso. SINPO 44333
(Javier Robledillo Jaén, Elche (Alicante) España - bclnews 16/06/2007)
4915 PERU (t): R. Cora, Lima, SS, 13/06 0115. OM: talks em SS, mx típica
andina, 25222 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil).

5960 CHINA: PBS Xinjiang, Urumqi, Ch, 13/06 0022. OM/YL: talks, mx
instrumental, 25432 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil).

6165 PORTUGAL: R. Nederland, via Sines, SS, 13/06 0013. OM: dramatização
baseado em um conto (tema juvenil), 35443 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil).

6195 SINGAPURA: BBC, via Kranji, EE, 13/06 0007. OM/YL: talks, entrevista,
25332 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil).

7115 ALEMANHA: IBC Tamil, via Wertachtal, Tamil, 13/06 0036. OM/YL: talks,
mx instrumental em estilo asiatico, YL: phone-in, 25322 (Rudolf Grimm,

7300 RUSSIA: Voz de Rusia, Serpukhov, SS, 13/06 0100. Interval signal, OM:
abertura de tx, id, homepage, 35433 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil).

7375 COSTA RICA: World of University Network, via Cahuita, EE, 13/06 0043.
YL: talks, referencias à Biblia, 35433 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil).

7455 ESTADOS UNIDOS: WEWN, Vandiver, SS, 13/06 0051. OM + grupo de pessoas:
rezas sucessivas, 35333 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil).

7490 ESTADOS UNIDOS: WHRI, Cypress Creek, EE, 13/06 0108. OM: talks sobre a
vida cristã diária, 35333 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil).

9280 TAIWAN: WYFR, via Taiwan, Ch, 09/06 2235. Mx instrumental. Canção
cristã em Ch, 25222 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil).

9330 SYRIA: R. Damascus, Adhra, SS, 09/06 2242. YL: talks, politica de meio
ambiente, união europeia (excelente portadora, audio pobre), 45433 (Rudolf
Grimm, Brasil).

9435 FILIPINAS: FEBC, Bocaue, Ve, 09/06 2250. Canção cristã por YL, OM:
talks, mx ao piano, 35333 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil).

11550 SUECIA: R. Sweden, Horby, Sw, 10/06 1516. OM: talks, YL: cançao, 25442
(Rudolf Grimm, Brasil).

11560 TAIWAN: WYFR, via Taiwan, Ch, 10/06 1521. OM: talks, mensagem cristã,
25442 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil).

11590 ISRAEL: Kol Israel, Tel-SAvia, He, 09/06 1912. OM: talks continuos em
hebraico, 25222 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil).

11600 REP. CHECA: R. Praga, Litomysl, Cz, 09/06 1931. OM: talks, mx
instrumental, 25222 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil).

11630 RUSSIA: Voice of Russia, Moscow, RR, 09/06 1918. YL: talks, mx
instrumental, 35443 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil).

11640 MALI: R. China Internacional, via Bamako, PP, 09/06 1924. YL: talks
sobre armas de destruição em massa, referencias sobre os governos do Chile e
Peru (QRM 11650 unid), 34443 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil).

11655 HOLANDA: R. Nederland, Flevo, EE, 09/06 1936. OM/YL: talks sobre ondas
curtas, menção à India, 44544 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil).

11675 CHINA: R. China International, via Kunming, EE, 10/06 1502. OM/YL:
talks sobre politica asiatica, Iraque, conflitos, 354443 (Rudolf Grimm,

11680 REINO UNIDO: BBC, via Cumkbria, AA, 09/06 1941. OM: talks, reportagem
(phone-in), 44444 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil).

11695 ALBANIA: R. China Internacional, via Cerrik, FF, 19/06 1946. Mx
chinesa, OM: talks, id, 45444 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil).

11725 NOVA ZELANDIA: R. New Zealand, Rangitaiki, EE, 09/06 1958. YL: talks,
time pips (2000 UTC), OM: "Good morning, New Zealand" (melhor recepçao em
LSB, por QRM 11720 VoA Briech), 34443 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil).

11785 MARIANAS DO NORTE: R. Free Asia, via Tinian, Mandarin, 09/06 2006. OM:
talks, entrevista, YL: talks, (acentuado jamming), 33443 (Rudolf Grimm,

11795 ALEMANHA: DW, Nauen, EE, 09/06 2013. OM/YL: talks, Tony Blair, Europe,
entrevista (phone-in). QRM 11785 jamming contra RFA 11785, 33433 (Rudolf
Grimm, Brasil).

11815 BRASIL: R. Brasil Central, Goiania-GO, PP, 09/06 2019. OM: nx sobre
roubo ocorrido em Goiania, time checking, mx Flavio Venturini, 45554 (Rudolf
Grimm, Brasil).

11815 COSTA RICA: R. Exterior de España, via Cariari, SS, 10/06 1526. OM:
talks, entrevista (phone-in), 25422 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil).

11860 SEYCHELLES: BBC, via seychelles, Ve, 10/06 1531. OM/YL: talks, boletim
de nx (?), 25222 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil).

11910 JAPÃO: R. Japan, Tokyo-Yamata, JJ, 09/06 2028. OM/YL: talks. YL:
phone-in, muitas risadas por parte da YL no estudio, 35543 (Rudolf Grimm,

11915 ARABIA SAUDITA: BS of the Kingdom, Riyadh, AA, 09/06 2035. Cânticos em
AA, 35543 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil).

11925 CHINA: Central People's BS, Linshi, Ch, 09/06 2042. YL: talks (total
ausencia de sinal da Radio Bandeirantes SP 11825), 45544 (Rudolf Grimm,

11970 JAPÃO: R. Japan, Tokyo-Yamata, JJ, 09/06 2048. OM: talks, 35433
(Rudolf Grimm, Brasil).

11985 ASCENSÃO: WYFR, via Ascensão, FF, 09/06 2055. OM: mensagem e leitura
biblica, 45544 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil).

13605 INDIA: All India Radio, Aligarh, Hi, 10/06 1602. Canções tipicas
indianas, OM: talks, 35543 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil).

13675 MARIANAS DO NORTE: R. Free Asia, via Tinian, Mandarim, 10/06 1542. OM:
talks, mx instrumental (pouca incidencia de jamming), 34443 (Rudolf Grimm,

13740 EMIRADOS ÁRABES UNIDOS: R. Japan, via Dhabayya, JJ, 10/06 1843. OM:
talks com outros OMs, 35543 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil).

13755 IRAN: Voice of the Islamic Republic, Tehran, FF, 10/06 1838. YL:
talks, menções ao Iran, prioridades no país, 45444 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil).

13760 CHINA: R. China INternational, Kashi, EE, 10/06 1830. OM: info sobre
endereço eletronico, talks aobre como ligar por gtelefone para a emissora,
45544 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil).

13780 REINO UNIDO: WYFR, via Rampisham, EE, 10/06 1827. OM: talks sobre
judaismo, talks do Mr. Harold Camping, presidente da Organização Family
Radio, 35443 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil).

13800 ESTADOS UNIDOS: WYFR, Okeechobee, SS, 10/06 1536. OM/YL: Px 'Preguntas
y respuestas', 35443 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil).

13820 ALEMANHA: CVC Australia, via Wertachtal, EE, 10/06 1813. Canções
cristãs, YL: talks em um EE bastante carregado (diferente do habitual, bem
caracteristico australiano), 35443 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil).

13820 ESTADOS UNIDOS: R. Marti, Delano, SS, 12/06 2355. OM: talks sobre
Cuba, canção cubana, 45544 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil).

15120 CUBA: R. China Internacional via Havana, SS, 13/06 0001. YL: boletim
de nx, notas sobre a China, 35433 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil).

15125 MALI: R. China INternacional, via Bamako, AA, 10/06 1607. OM: talks,
boletim de nx, 25432 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil).

15150 IRAN: Voice of the Islamic Republic, Sirjian, AA, 10/06 1613. YL:
talks, OM: talks (phone-in), 35443 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil).

15245 REINO UNIDO: BBC, Wooferton, RR, 10/06 1619. OM: talks sobre politica
internacional, 35443 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil).

15275 ALEMANHA: Deutsche Welle, Nauen, GG, 10/06 1625. OM: entrevista,
boletim de nx, id, 25422 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil).

15300 FRANÇA: R. France International, Issoudun, FF, 10/06 1631. YL: boletim
de nx, OM: comentario sobre aspectos internacionais, 35543 (Rudolf Grimm,

15420 SEYCHELLES: BBC, via Seychelles, EE, 10/06 1636. OM/YL: talks, px de
entrevistas, 35443 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil).

15445 ESTADOS UNIDOS: WYFR, Okeechobee, PP, 10/06 1642. Mx cristã, OM/YL:
programas sobre perguntas feitas por ouvintes à Family Radio, 45444 (Rudolf
Grimm, Brasil).

15495 KUWAIT: R. Kuwait, Kabd, AA, 10/06 1801. OM: talks, mx instrumental,
45444 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil).

15510 MARIANAS DO NORTE: R. Free Asia, Tinian, Mandarin, 10/06 1806. YL/OM:
talks, severo jamming, 22322 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil - radioescutas 17/06/2007).
4835 VL8A Alice Springs, EE, 0748UT, June 15, Phone talk OM/OM, Fair (Aragão)

4910 VL8T Tennant Creek, EE, Phone talk OM/OM, 0754UT, June 15, Fair (Aragão)

5025 VL8K Katherine, EE, news review national, mx, 0815UT, June 15, Fair, QRM R.Rebelde (Aragão)

6095 RNZI, Rangitaiki, EE, pacific mx’s, This is RNZI…, RNZI news YL, 0800UT, June 15, Good (Aragão)
(Rogildo F. Aragão, Quillacollo-Bolivia - radioescutas 17/06/2007)
12045 17.29 NHK Radio Japan Japanese Singapore
11960 17.34 RTV du Mali French Mali
9720 17.43 RTT Tunis Arabic
6350 17.40 Echo of Hope Korean

9745 2.40 Radio Bahrain Arabic
9725 2.45 Dr.Gene Scott English Costa Rica
17670 13.43 Adventist World Radio Vietnamese Madagascar
17650 13.45 WHRA World Harvest R.5 English
17585 13.50 Radio Nederland Dutch Madagascar
15470 14.00 Sudan Interact.Radio English Armavir
15410 14.10 CVC Voz Cristiana Portuguese Chile
15205 14.20 PanAmerican Broadcasting English Nauen
6400 17.35 PBS Pyongyang Korean
6700 17.40 Radio Solh Pashto and Dari Bagram
3927 19.49 Radio Spaceman Pirate
6400 20.02 Weekend Music Radio Pirate
11298 9.27 Rostov-метео russian SSB
15135 9.45 Radio UNMEE English United Arab Emirates
15150 9.51 Voice of Indonesia Malay Indonesia
13635 13.34 CVC International English Austria

1. Radio Lyberty,частота 9725 кГц, (через Juelich), RR посылал
по почте, ответ пришел через 28 дней, частоту 15215 кГц (Марокко)
не подтвердили, ссылка http://vizin3.narod.ru/card/R_Liberty.pdf
2. Radio Free Afghanistan (подразделение Radio Lyberty)
частота 17685 кГц, RR посылал по почте, ответ пришел через 28 дней
ссылка http://vizin3.narod.ru/card/Free_Afghanistan.pdf
3. RCI, частота 11675 кГц (через Kunming, China), RR посылал
Через сайт http://www.rcinet.ca раздел RR, ответ пришел через
42 дня, также прислали ручку,брелок, карабин с компасом
ссылка http://vizin3.narod.ru/card/RCI_China.pdf
4. Radio EAST AFRICA,частота 15190 кГц (через Эквториальную Гвинею),
RR посылал через страницу сайта http://www.radiopanam.com/qslreports.htm,
ответ пришел через 24 дня
ссылка http://vizin3.narod.ru/card/R_East_Africa.pdf
5. All India Radio Kollkata, частота 4820 кГц,RR посылал по почте,
ответ пришел через 38 дней (E-QSL-letter),
ссылка http://vizin3.narod.ru/card/AIR_Kollkata.pdf
(Александр Мядель, Минск, Беларусь, 20/06/2007)
ZIMBABWE 4828 ZBC 2128 with afro pops > nice sognal at S9
or 43333 but after 2246 wit 43322
Also 3396 at 2131 with S4-5 max and male singer. In between
talks by the speaker, Liangas 15-6

Greek pirate 4913.5 . Did not fond anything gon the
fundamental on 1637. Old song of 60s-70s .IDed later as R
Stylida and was full of listeners song dedications (talks about
them ). Signal S7 Liangas 15-6

UGANDA 4976 R Uganda Kampala 2137 with Latin songs S9,
44434 later on 2158 with S9+ 10-20 Liangas 15-6

GREECE (harmonic? ) 6210 Third prg @2208 -17 , piano plays
S 6-8 max, 34333 Was //666 Liangas 15-6

NIGERIA 4770 R Nigeria Kaduna 2225 with actually no
modulation despite the nice signal of S9 max Liangas 15-6

BAHRAIN 9745 R Bahrain 2233 heard on USB with classical
Arabic songs S7 334X3 mixed with Taiwan. On the LSB part
Taiwan is mixed with HCJB Equador Liangas 15-6

BRAZIL 4915 RD de Macapá 2255 with news prog .It seems
they were transmitting the Radio de Brazil that passes 2300 but
on 2308 it seems there is a religious program Liangas 15-6

PHILIPPINES? 9505 RPilipinas? 2319 with news in a
Indonesian S0 , 05331 no signal on 2331 Liangas 15-6

BRAZIL 4805 RN Amazonas 2323 songs S5 max 24233
Liangas 15-6

BRAZIL 4955 R C Amauta? 2329 talks by man S0 0x2x1
Liangas 15-6

CUBA 5025 Rebelde 2339 YL mentioning Cuba, Latin song
followed, S5 32322 QRM by a carrier on -100 Hz and Uganda
on USB Liangas 15-6

NEW ZEALAND 9615 RNZI 0658 a continuous talks between
two men signal was marginal on 0640 and faded out on 0658 .
ON Sunday 17 signal was sub marginal on 0611 or S2-3 with
preamplifier ! Liangas 16-6

INDONESIA 11860 RRI Jakarta 0707 with news followed by
hymn then ID and a pop song S7 33423 QRM by the same power
TWR on 11865 . about S3 on 0755 Liangas 16-6

MALAYSIA 9750 VoM 0717 with Malaysian hip hop songs on
the English program Max signal on s2 < 5% of the time but
signal is generally marginal in my headphone . Kuwait after 0750
Liangas 16-6

[LIBERIA] 9525 CTN ? , theme on Liberian constitution . Hard
a double or audio mixed program. And a speaker saying ‘this is
the news bulleting coming from the Star Radio” 0743 talks bout
corrosion in Uganda 35423 Liangas 16-6

NIGERIA 9690 on 0806 in presumably Hausa with news and
external reports . Very many times mentioning ‘Nigeria’ Signal
S0-1 or 25432 Liangas 16-6 (Z.Liangas, Greece - hard-core-dx 17/06/2007)

3279.6 16/6 03.30 Voz del Napo/R. Maria - Tena SS predica suf
3905 15/6 20.20 Boemerang R. - EE ID e MX buono
3928 15/6 20.00 Spaceman R. - Dutch ID e MX buono
4799.8 16/6 03.40 R. Buenas Nuevas - S. Sebastian SS MX buono
4805 16/6 22.20 R. Dif. Amazonas - Manaus PP sport buono
4827 16/6 22.25 Zimbawe BC - Harare EE MX afro suff.
4919 16/6 03.45 R. Quito - SS NX buono
4925 16/6 22.30 R. Educ. Rural - Tefè PP predica suff.
5035 16/6 23.10 R. Aparecida - PP predica suff.
6210 17/6 09.15 R. Perfekt - Tedesco ID e MX suff.
6260 17/6 08.50 R. Dr. Tim - Tedesco ID e MX buono
6310 15/6 19.50 R. Condor -EE ID e MX buono
6700LSB 16/6 23.10 R. Solh - Bagram Air Base Pushto MX suff
(Roberto Pavanello, Italy - bclnews 17/06/2007)

15265//15285 Emisora en chino sin identificar, 13:50-13:55, escuchada el 10 de Junio, probablemente algun servicio domestico con el fin de interferir a CBS Taiwan

emitiendo en 15265 y la BBC en chino en 15285, SINPO 44444. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 11/06/2007)
6270 Jun 10 1615-1650 HOL: SPACEMAN RADIO. ID"SPACEMAN" Music and said
thanks to Jerry...SWL from Finland who called the station. SIO: 244. Vincent L. - Poitiers - F

6311 Jun 10 0715-0730 HOL: Radio BONOFOX. ID"radio BONOFOX" Music and telephone number SIO:233. (Vincent L. - Poitiers - F - hard-core-dx 12/06/2007)

unid, light music

WMR,E, ID, pops,

WMR, E, mx, ID, pops // 6400 sinpo 34443

unid,D, talks, mx, interview

R.Underground,E, talks, ballad

KBC,E, jingle, ID, Dutch music show

unid,Gr, traditional mx, coments in Gr

unid, Dance

RDP, Port, news Abraco de domingo, at 0830 changing to

RDP, Port, Abraco de domingo live from Sydney

R.Borderhunter,E, dance, ID,

R.Spaceman+R.Tina,E,D,G, oldies show, Ids, greets to Ober
Casanova,Marcel in F 24432

Mystery R, jingle Only the best music, Offra Hazza

unid, rock, lots of cracking
(Silveri Gomez - playdx2003 13/06/2007)

CRYSTAL SHIP: 6875/AM, 0153-0200+, 13-June; Weird tunes & weird stuff.
SIO=443, occasional ute bursts. (Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 13/06/2007)

TWR Swaziland на английском языке до 27.10.07 работает по следующему
расписанию ( время указано UTC ):
03.00-03.30- 3200 кГц только в вск.
04.30-06.00- 3200 пн.-пт.
04.30-08.00- 4775 пн.-пт.
05.00-08.00- 4775 сб.-вск.
06.00-09.00- 6120
05.00-09.00- 9500
16.00-16.30- 4760 сб.-вск.
16.00-16.30- 1170 кГц
17.00-20.35- 1170
16.45-17.15- 6130 пн.-пт.
16.30-17.00- 6130 сб.-вск.
17.30-19.00- 9500
17.00-20.30- 3200
( из расписания станции ) (Дмитрий Кутузов, Рязань, Россия - open_dx 17/06/2007)


11175.0 LOST DIME phone patch through McClellan to DSN 884 9928. Passed
AKAC 274 message to MAMA BEAR. 1953z June 10.

8776.0 LOST DIME 28 character EAM at 2219z, 2250z, and 2320z. June 10.
(Matt Cawby, Seattle, Washington, USA - udxf 11/06/2007)

06981.0 ALR:SONATRACH Alrar,ALG 1804 ALE/USB snd(10Jun07)(ZE)
06981.0 HR:SONATRACH Hassi R?mel,ALG 1832 ALE/USB snd(10Jun07)(ZE)
(Zdenek Elias, Chech Republic - udxf 11/06/2007)

10295.0 2011: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 1330 ALE/LSB clg 2106 (2007-06-10)

12230.0 XJT: UK-DHFCS 1330 ALE/USB clg XSS (2007-06-10) (sw)

05393.0 4102: Unid 2250 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-06-10) (sw)

07965.0 CS002: Mkd-Mil 0902 ALE/USB clg RS009 (2007-06-11) (sw)

07622.0 CS002: Mkd-Mil 0903 ALE/USB clg RS009 (2007-06-11) (sw)

07622.0 RS009: Mkd-Mil 0903 ALE/USB clg CS002 (2007-06-11) (sw)

07890.0 CS001: Mkd-Mil 0903 ALE/USB clg RS002 (2007-06-11) (sw)

12197.0 SPF219: Pol-Mil 0908 ALE/USB clg LCR154 poss. "Lucerna" in Janki

(2007-06-11) (sw)

14824.0 LCR152: Pol-Mil Janki, n/Warsaw 0911 ALE/USB clg ABRYNA
Garnizonowego Wetzka, Lacznosc/Szczecin (2007-06-11) (sw)

13368.0 SPF219: Pol-Mil 0914 ALE/USB clg LCR154 poss. "Lucerna" in Janki

(2007-06-11) (sw)

14824.0 LCR152: Pol-Mil Janki, n/Warsaw 0916 ALE/USB clg GLINA (2007-06-11)

08060.0 RS0014: Mkd-Mil 0923 ALE/USB clg CS003 (2007-06-11) (sw)

07475.0 RS0014: Mkd-Mil 0925 ALE/USB clg CS003 (2007-06-11) (sw)
(Sam, UK - udxf 11/06/2007)

07410.0 2004: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 1220 ALE/USB clg 2033 (2007-06-11) (sw)

10295.0 2004: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 1233 ALE/LSB clg 2033 (2007-06-11) (sw)

08000.0 2065: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 1235 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-06-11) (sw)

10295.0 2010: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 1235 ALE/LSB clg 2065 (2007-06-11)

7590.0 2010: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 1243 ALE/USB clg 2065 (2007-06-11) (sw)

7590.0 2065: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 1243 ALE/USB clg 2010 (2007-06-11) (sw)

05257.5 Unid: M51 A1A 1338 Bt nr 64 j 11 15:39:20 1984 bt and 1345 Bt nr 65
j 11 15:45:36 1984 bt tongn.... and 1350 bt nr 66 j 11 15:51:56 1984 bt
yklwc.. (2007-06-11) (sw)

06721.0 UKE303: GBR-RAF E-3D Boeing Sentry AEW1 ZH103 RAF 8 Sqn/No23 Sqn
Waddington 1336 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-06-11) (sw)

18248.6 WNG779: Usa-Dept. of State 1359 ALE/USB clg KSN21 (2007-06-11) (sw)

04721.0 E30557: USAF E-3B 75-0557 1402 ALE/USB clg CRO USAF Croughton AB,
UK (2007-06-11) (sw)

04721.0 CRO: USAF Croughton AB, UK 1402 ALE/USB clg E30557 USAF E-3B
75-0557 (2007-06-11) (sw)

09025.0 E30557: USAF E-3B 75-0557 1411 ALE/USB clg CRO (2007-06-11) (sw)

04721.0 UKE303: GBR-RAF E-3D Boeing Sentry AEW1 ZH103 RAF 8 Sqn/No23 Sqn
Waddington 1422 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-06-11) (sw)
(Sam, UK - udxf 11/06/2007)

Cluster Beacons
11 June 2007 21:20utc
51538 khz P
70387 khz D
70388 khz P
70390 khz C
108717 khz D
108718 khz P
108720 khz C
135289 khz C
163320 khz C
(David Towers - udxf 12/06/2007)

5901.0 USDAEOC2, US Department of Agriculture alternate EOC, likely
the Animal Plant Health Inspection Service at Riverdale, MD: 2104 USB
ALE (11/JUNE/2007) (JLM - udxf 12/06/2007)

06362.0 MGJ: GBR-RN Faslane 1507 Rtty 75/850 availability msg 02h 03c 03f
04b 06a 06g 08a 12b 16a 22c mgj (2007-06-11) (sw)

10914.5 GWPWB33: Bra-N Naval Station Belem 2021 ALE/USB clg GWPWMM G28
"MATTOSO MAIA" (2007-06-11) (sw)

17010.0 GWPWB33: Bra-N Naval Station Belem 2022 ALE/USB clg GWPWMM G28
"MATTOSO MAIA" (2007-06-11) (sw)

20535.0 BR1: Bra-N Naval Brasilia 2027 ALE/USB clg PE1 (2007-06-11) (sw)

16607.0 GWPWB33: Bra-N Naval Station Belem 2043 ALE/USB clg GWPWMM G28
"MATTOSO MAIA" (2007-06-11) (sw)

12437.0 GWPWB33: Bra-N Naval Station Belem 2053 ALE/USB clg GWPWMM G28
"MATTOSO MAIA" (2007-06-11) (sw)

10295.0 2011: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 0923 ALE/LSB clg 2511 (2007-06-12) (sw)

10390.0 2011: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 0935 ALE/USB clg 2511 (2007-06-12) (sw)

07600.0 2011: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 0935 ALE/USB clg 2511 (2007-06-12) (sw)

08000.0 2011: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 0937 ALE/USB clg 2511 (2007-06-12) (sw)

07590.0 2010: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 0943 ALE/USB clg 2065 (2007-06-12) (sw)

10390.0 2011: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 0944 ALE/USB clg 2609 (2007-06-12) (sw)

07600.0 2011: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 0945 ALE/USB clg 2609 (2007-06-12) (sw)

07000.0 2010: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 0947 ALE/USB clg 2065 (2007-06-12) (sw)

08000.0 2010: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 0954 ALE/USB clg 2065 (2007-06-12) (sw)

10295.0 2011: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 0955 ALE/LSB clg 2609 (2007-06-12) (sw)

12230.0 XGV: UK-DHFCS 1002 ALE/USB clg XSS (2007-06-12) (sw)

12230.0 XSS: UK-DHFCS NCA 1002 ALE/USB clg XGV (2007-06-12) (sw)

04168.5 XHZ: UK-DHFCS 1006 ALE/USB clg XSS (2007-06-12) (sw)

04168.5 XSS: UK-DHFCS NCA 1006 ALE/USB clg XHZ (2007-06-12) (sw)

14485.5 XKD: UK-DHFCS 1008 ALE/USB clg XSS (2007-06-12) (sw)

09371.0 3333: Unid 1023 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-06-12) (sw)

10390.0 2011: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 1045 ALE/USB clg 2091 (2007-06-12) (sw)

13499.0 1321: Unid 1053 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-06-12) (sw)
(Sam, UK - udxf 12/06/2007)

14776.0 WGY908, FEMA Denver, CO & WGY911, FEMA MERS Unit Maynard, MA:
1436 USB Voice, ALE & 850 Hz Shift/75 Baud/Baudot. WGY911 sent RTTY
from USB rather than "lowers". Part of copied message follows:





11108.0 WGY908, FEMA Denver, CO & possibly WGY955, State EOC
Springfield, IL: 1444 USB Voice & Phone Patch Test (12/JUNE/2007) (JLM)

5821.0 WGY901, FEMA Maynard, MA calling "any station this net" &
raising WGY963, State EOC Richmond, VA, WGY941, State EOC Augusta, ME
& a very weak WGY902, New York, NY: 1501+ (12/JUNE/2007) (JLM - udxf 12/06/2007)

10168.0 LONDON: UNID British MIL HF node, G 0804 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, interoperability tests with R&S HQ Munich (12Jun07) (LDO)

10168.0 MUNICH: Rohde & Schwarz HQ Munich, D 0857 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, interoperability tests with XFU (12Jun07) (LDO)

10168.0 XFU: UNID British MIL HF node, G 0857 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, interoperability tests with R&S HQ Munich (12Jun07) (LDO)

10375.0 GHADAMES: GMRA Ghadames, LBY 0729 USB/voice tfc. in Arabic to GMRA Zwara (11Jun07) (LDO)

10375.0 DARAG: GMRA Dirj, LBY 0746 USB/voice tfc. in Arabic to GMRA Zwara (12Jun07) (LDO)

10375.0 ZWARA: GMRA Zwara, LBY 0746 USB/voice tfc. in Arabic to GMRA Dirj (12Jun07) (LDO)

10375.0 HQ3: GMRA HQ Tripoli, LBY 1049 USB/calling ZWARA and later GHADAMES (12Jun07) (LDO)

11260.0 HWK: Marinens radio Karlskrona, S 0857 USB/MIL- STD 188-110A serial tone, transmitting encrypted tfc with ITA-2/5N1 coding (07Jun07) (LDO)

11424.0 no-call: Dep. of State Comms Moscow, RUS 0909 calling unlocated embassy using 6-tone alerting device (09Jun07) (LDO)
(Leif Dehio, Munich, Germany - udxf 12/06/2007)

16804.5 VRCC4: Vessel Front Shanghai-PRC 1350 DSC Safety test with
LyngbyRadio/OXZ, Denmark. (10Jun07) (MPJ)

16804.5 OXZ: LyngbyRadio, Denmark 1354 DSC BQs safety test with
Inga/ELQH3-Liberian flag. (10Jun07) (MPJ)

16804.5 SVO: OlympiaRadio, Greece 1413 DSC BQs request for simplex
telephone call on 4125 kHz. (10Jun07) (MPJ)

04239.5 XSS: UK DHFCS NCS Forest Moor 1916 ALE/USB Sounding 4168.5,
4239.5, 6251 and 6146.5 kHz. (10Jun07) (MPJ)

04530 V1S: Lithuanian Air Force 2044 ALE/USB Calls S4S000OGBMRM1.
(10Jun07) (MPJ)

05071 : NATO Modem 1908 LINK-11/2250/USB TADIL-A single-channel.
(12Jun07) (MPJ)

05339 KPA2: E10 Mossad 1919 USB+CARRIER YL with KPA2 callup.
(12Jun07) (MPJ)

05398.5 GW0VMZ: Merthyr Tydfil, Wales 1920 USB Wkg G0HMW-Unid in
NVIS tests. (12Jun07) (MPJ)

05819.5 : M51 Fort Valerian, France 1916 CW NR 69 J 12 21:16:58 1984
= AXUNR PZVWI ... Spurii on 5197.5 kHz. (12Jun07) (MPJ)

05805 : CIS Military 1904 MS-5/4800/USB In traffic. (12Jun07) (MPJ)

06631 AA1: Israeli AF 1810 ALE/USB Sounding. (12Jun07) (MPJ)

07895.5 RFVI?: FF Le Fort, Reunion 1836 ARQ-E3/100/350 Idling. No
traffic. Bearing 150. (12Jun07) (MPJ)

10872 C: MX Beacon Moscow 1842 CW With P-Kaliningrad on 10871.9
and D-Odessa on 10871.8 (12Jun07) (MPJ)
(Jim, UK - udxf 12/06/2007)

04214.0 IDR2: Ita-N Rome 1425 Rtty ITA2 75/850 ch-mkr
idr2/igj42/igj43/idr4/idr3/igj44 (2007-06-12) (sw)

04280.0 PBB: DN Goeree Is 1439 Rtty ITA2 75/850 availability msg 02a 04b 06a
08a 120 16a pbb (2007-06-12) (sw)

04322.0 MGJ: RN Forest Moor 1448 Rtty ITA2 75/850 availability msg 02b 03c
03foo 04b 06a 06g 08a 12b 16c 22c (2007-06-12) (sw)

04583.0 DDK2: Hamburg Meteo 1501 Rtty ITA2 50/400 gale wngs. (2007-06-12)

04610.0 GYA: RN London 1505 Fax 120/576 Fleet wx chart (2007-06-12) (sw)

05189.5 M51 1959 A1A bt nr 76 j 12 22:00:41 1984 bt bogoq gdeuq xzuay.....
bt nr 77 j 12 22:06:56 1984 bt lhdzb mdrjj ykccy... (2007-06-12) (sw)

04050.5 JWT: Nor-N Stavanger 2020 J3e USB wkg unid station (2007-06-12) (sw)

04051.0 5KN9: Unid 2029 a1a call-up (de 5kn9 k) (2007-06-12) (sw)
(Sam, UK - udxf 13/06/2007)

00044,2 sas2: SN Varberg SWE 0811 rtty 50/71 nx swed. : granater har
skjutits mot z†de president mahmud abbas kacsli ochipremi„rminisoe
ismailn haniyas bostd (Wolfgang Palmberger, Munich, Germany - udxf 13/06/2007)

05786.5 MUNICH: Rohde & Schwarz HQ Munich, D 0810 USB/
MIL-STD 188-141A sounding (13Jun07) (LDO)

06770.0 MUNICH: Rohde & Schwarz HQ Munich, D 0810 USB/
MIL-STD 188-141A sounding (13Jun07) (LDO)

07512.0 MUNICH: Rohde & Schwarz HQ Munich, D 0810 USB/
MIL-STD 188-141A sounding (13Jun07) (LDO)

08165.0 MUNICH: Rohde & Schwarz HQ Munich, D 0810 USB/
MIL-STD 188-141A sounding (13Jun07) (LDO)

09212.0 MUNICH: Rohde & Schwarz HQ Munich, D 0849 USB/
MIL-STD 188-141A/MIL-STD 188-110B serial tone,
STANAG 5066 interoperability tests with XFU
(13Jun07) (LDO)

09212.0 XFU: UNID British MIL HF node, G 0849 USB/MIL-
STD 188-141A/MIL-STD 188-110B serial tone waveform,
STANAG 5066 interoperability tests with R&S HQ
Munich (13Jun07) (LDO)

10220.0 no-call: UNID Bulgarian embassy, ??? 1111 USB/
ITA-5 75Bd 11-bit/240.81Bd MFSK/modified MIL-STD
188-110A App. B 39-tone waveform, tfc. to unloc.
embassy, QSX 12165 kHz (13Jun07) (LDO)

10867.0 no-call: UNID British MIL network, G? 1102 USB/
MIL-STD 188-110A serial 2400bps/short interleaving,
net using STANAG 4538 FLSU for link maintenance,
encrypted data traffic (13Jun07) (LDO)

12165.0 no-call: MFA Sofia, BUL 1111 USB/ITA-5 75Bd
11-bit/240.81Bd MFSK/modified MIL-STD 188-110A
App. B 39-tone waveform, tfc. to unloc. embassy,
QSX 10220 (13Jun07) (LDO)

12412.0 no-call: UNID NATO HF node, ??? 1231 300Bd/850Hz
FSK, encrypted tfc. to unloc. station, not using
KG-84 encryption (13Jun07) (LDO)

14633.0 no-call: German Forces Battleforce e-Mail system,
D+??? 1027 USB/TFK-RACOMS FARCOS 2400Bd proprietary
burst PSK waveform, lengthy tfc. bursts, waveform
based on S4285 (13Jun07) (LDO)

16240.0 85: UNID F-MIL Station, F 0722 USB/SKYMASTER
8-FSK ALE/SYSTEME 3000, calling 01, strong short
skip signal (13Jun07) (LDO)

16409.0 HWK: Marinens radio Karlskrona, S 0740 USB/MIL-
STD 188-110A serial tone, transmitting News in
Swedish, ITA-2/5N1 coding (13Jun07) (LDO)

20413.0 no-call: German Forces Battleforce e-Mail system,
D+??? 1135 USB/TFK-RACOMS FARCOS 2400Bd proprietary
burst PSK waveform, lengthy tfc. bursts, waveform
based on S4285 (13Jun07) (LDO)

20847.5 85: UNID F-MIL Station, F 0725 USB/SKYMASTER
8-FSK ALE/SYSTEME 3000/2400Bd Thales proprietary
PSK waveform, tfc. to 101, station using TRC3600
radio, strong short skip signal (13Jun07) (LDO)

20847.5 01: UNID F-MIL Station, ??? 0725 USB/SKYMASTER
8-FSK ALE/SYSTEME 3000/2400Bd Thales proprietary
PSK waveform, tfc. to 185, station using TRC3600
radio, weak signal (13Jun07) (LDO)
(Leif Dehio, Munich, Germany - udxf 13/06/2007)

02474.0 PBB: Nld-N Goeree Is. 1213 Rtty ITA2 75/850 availability msg 04b 04z
06aoo 08a 12a 16a pbb (2007-06-13) (sw)

02789.0 FUE: Fra-N Brest 1221 Rtty ITA2 75/850 "all de fue" (2007-06-13)

02846.0 M51 Fort Valerian Fra 1235 a1a Bt nr 42 j 13 14:35:33 1984 bt wpdxx
yrrjh vcaep…. (2007-06-13) (sw)

14621.7 Egy-Mfa London 1543 Sitor-a 100/170 msgs 5 Alpha/Num groups:

from : london

to : 71

time & date: 16:23, wednesday, june 13, 2007

number of groups: 421



3200b 8411b 0074d 54953 88d94 a9586 9edb1 02ebf ad06f 9958e ......... nnnnnn

(2007-06-13) (sw)

02267.5 M51 Fort Valerian Fra 1732 a1a 5lg msgs: bt n r90 j 13 19:34:27
1984 bt slbyx hpvgv ikruq qnfid zlgoc….

Bt nr 01 j 13 19:40:39 1984 bt slugfa wtuob qnkln bggx….. (2007-06-13) (sw)

02598.0 M51 Fort Valerian Fra 1742 a1a 5lg msgs: bt nr 02 j 13 19:47:01
1984 bt ejxii clitg wenbw ogbha….. bt nr 03 j 13 19:53:16 1984 bt przfv
vuslr pdijf ntfvy….. // txm 02267.5 and 02603.0 (2007-06-13) (sw)

03855.0 DDH3: Hamburg Meteo Ger. 1808 Fax 120/576 wx chart. (2207-06-13)

04209.5 TAH: Istanbul R. 1816 Fec tfc. (2207-06-13) (sw)

04331.0 4XZ: Isr-n Haifa 1827 a1a tfc. (2207-06-13) (sw)
(Sam, UK - udxf 13/06/2007)

03455 : FishFone 1631 USB 2 boats. Dutch/Flemish complete with
engine-noise. (14Jun07) (MPJ)

03766 : CIS Military 1634 MS-5/4800/USB In traffic. (14Jun07)

05680 RESCUE 11: Unid. Wkg ARCC Kinloss 1433 USB Poor. Casualty
... oil-rig ... weather ... Aberdeen ... Later works SRG169-Sea King
22 Sqn RAF Chivenor, then RESCUE 198-Sea King RNAS Culdrose, Cornwall.
(14Jun07) (MPJ)

06358.5 PBB: RNethNavy Goree Is 1509 RTTY/75/850 CARBs O2A O4BOO O6A
O8A 12A 16A. (14Jun07) (MPJ)

06697 MKL: AMCC Northwood 1518 USB Called by AT1 without apparent
success. Nothing further. (14Jun07) (MPJ)

07934 : CIS Military 1530 MS-5/4800/USB In traffic. (14Jun07) (MPJ)

08109 : CIS Military 1523 CW Ends 11-group message ... VJNYL FBGchP
aRPaa K. (14Jun07) (MPJ)

09202 : NATO Modem 1556 LINK-11/2250/ISB 2-channel TADIL-A.
(14Jun07) (MPJ)

09360 OXT: Danish Meteo Skamlebaek 1025 FAX/120/576 Cape Farewell
Ice Chart. (14Jun07) (MPJ)

12149.8 : Unid. Prob French Navy 1605 UNID/50/850. Weak. Bearing 225
Cayenne, Guiana? (14Jun07) (MPJ)

12603 08713: Enigma E03 1602 USB OW with 08713 callup. (14Jun07) (MPJ)

13406.37 : Unid Diplo/Military 1621 FEC Enciphered. (14Jun07) (MPJ)
(Jim, UK - udxf 14/06/2007)

05788.0 JPQ: LTU Ny HQ Klaipeda 1640 USB/ALE clg FRA: Fregatte F12
„Aukstaitis", flwd by 39tone/75Bps/SLN:384 (08/JUN/07) (KK)

20843.6 FDI22: FAF Narbonne 1650 Rtty 50Bd/75Hz Marker:
"Test de FDI22... (08/JUN/07) (KK)

06767.5 No Call: unid 1725 USB/Stanag-4285/300Bps/L.Int./8N1 encr.

09349.5 FDI22: FAF Narbonne 1215 Rtty 50Bd/80Hz Marker:
"Test de FDI22... (10/JUN/07) (KK)

06974.8 No Call: 1230 Rtty 50Bd/250Hz encr.Txt after "zzzzzzzzzz
zzzzzzzzzZZZZ"-lines ""zcc vcct &933385538"(10/JUN/07) (KK)

14653.0 HQ703N: NG Arlington 1303 USB/ALE clg R010IN: NG Rhode Isl.
(11/JUN/07) (KK)

06856.5 No Call: prb Italian 1307 USB/R&S-PSK2400 after ALIS-1 S/C
(11/JUN/07) (KK)

06755.0 No Call: germ.Mil 1220 3xFec-A/192Bd encr.traffic
(11/JUN/07) (KK)

07832.5 No Call: unid F Mil 1235 USB/8-FSK-ALE (11/JUN/07) (KK)

08164.0 430: unid 1825 USB/ALE clg 464 (11/JUN/07) (KK)

09225.0 No Call: unid MRC Mil-Station 1900 USB 39tone/
75BdL/Int./11bit (11/JUN/07) (KK)

08218.0 No Call: unid MRC Mil-Station 1904 LSB 39tone/
75BdL/Int./11bit (11/JUN/07) (KK)

08139.0 C43: unid 1916 USB/ALE clg C90 (11/JUN/07) (KK)

08097.0 C43: unid 1917 USB/ALE clg C90 (11/JUN/07) (KK)
(Kristian, Germany - udxf 14/06/2007)

14984.7 No Call: Egy-Mfa ? 1100 Sitor-a 100/170 msgs. 5AN grps.

Msg ends:.... 01da0 0b168 40303 b9999 6f37d dc112 c5c68 e57ba 7642


hjkj kphkms 33333/11111 lrks lkdu zwf kphkms huxd (2007-06-14) (sw)

12295.0 Unid: Unid 1210 A1a 5fg t=0 msg i/p ....84548 84548 91t82 91t82 = =
8t 8t 41 41 39t 39t 39t 82 82 19 19= = t581t t581t 5247t 5247t ....83546
83546 = = 82 82 19 19 t t t msg end 1217 (2007-06-14) (sw)

12244.7 No Call: Egy-Mfa ? 1224 Sitor-a 100/170 msgs. (2007-06-14) (sw)

10001.0 4XZ: Isr-N Haifa a1a 1547 vvv de 4xz (2007-06-14) (sw)

08467.5 JJC: Tokyo R 1621 Fax 120/576 (2007-06-14) (sw)

06748.0 BB1: Isr-Af 124 Sqn Palmachin 1836 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-06-14) (sw)

08000.0 2004: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 1838 ALE/USB clg 2033 (2007-06-14) (sw)

06936.0 2004: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 1840 ALE/USB clg 2033 (2007-06-14) (sw)

05343.0 Z51A: Unid 1912 J3e USB wkg Z58 (2007-06-14) (sw)

05295.0 XHR: UK-DHFCS 1914 ALE/USB clg XSS (NCA)(2007-06-14) (sw)

05295.0 XFT: UK-DHFCS 1919 ALE/USB clg XSS (NCA) (2007-06-14) (sw)

05295.0 XSS: UK-DHFCS NCA 1919 ALE/USB clg XGV (2007-06-14) (sw)

06416.5 XHR: UK-DHFCS 1926 ALE/USB clg XSS (NCA) (2007-06-14) (sw)

06379.0 4XZ: Isr-N Haifa 1933 a1a vvv de 4xz (2007-06-14) (sw)

07038.8 P: Rus-N Kaliningrad 1945 a1a ch-mkr (2007-06-14) (sw)

07039.0 C: Rus-N Moscow 1946 a1a ch-mkr (2007-06-14) (sw)

07664.0 RIW: Rus-N Moscow 1958 a1a de riw riw qtc tfc (2007-06-14) (sw)
(Sam, UK - udxf 15/06/2007)

147.3 14-6 1109 DDH47 D RTTY 50/85 (AB)
Deutsche Wetterdienst. Wx.

129.1 14-6 1120 DCF49 D ASCII 200/300 inverted (AB)
Europäische Funk-Rundsteuerung GmbH. Ripple control. Tx: Mainflingen

135.6 14-6 1634 HGA22 HNG ASCII 200/300 inverted (AB)
Europäische Funk-Rundsteuerung GmbH. Ripple control. Tx: Lakihegi

139 14-6 1118 DCF39 D ASCII 200/300 inverted (AB)
Europäische Funk-Rundsteuerung GmbH. Ripple control. Tx: Burg
(Ary Boender, Holland - udxf 15/06/2007)

Вчера (13.06.2007) мониторил МКС (143.625 МГц) и записал три витка:
В 1647, 1824, 1959 UTC. На последнем витке был наиболее насыщенный радио обмен.
Запись выложил на DX-портал: http://www.dxing.ru/index.php?option=com_docman&task=down&bid=346
(Вячеслав, Кишинев, Молдавия - open_dx 15/06/2007)

6950.2 5 letter groups: 0133 CW (13/JUNE/2007) (JLM)

ELKHART: 1302 LSB Voice. Indiana Joint Forces HQ Emergency Radio Net
(13/JUNE/2007) (JLM)

4789.5 US Army MARS net: 1319 USB Voice (13/JUNE/2007) (JLM)

7527.0 COAST GUARD 1501 airborne from HOMEPLATE w/12 POB en route to
St. Johns: 1337 USB Voice (13/JUNE/2007) (JLM)

10202.0 WGY9030 & WGY9438, FEMA stations, unid locations: 1624 USB
Voice & ALE. To 8023.0 kHz USB Voice & ALE at 1626 (14/JUNE/2007) (JLM)

12167.0 WNG897, Texas Public Health Station at El Paso calling
WNG893, Texas Public Health Station at Houston: 1644 LSB Voice &
ALE. ALE calls ELPASO & HOUSTON (14/JUNE/2007) (JLM)
(JLM - udxf 15/06/2007)

8951 Ашхабад-радио 11:30 UTC, связь с бортом "фокстрот 426"
(Андрей Бурлака, Симферополь, Украина - open_dx 15/06/2007)

04721 580100: USAF Boeing KC-135R Stratotanker (717-148) Aircraft
(#58-0100, 100th ARW) 2136 ALE/USB to CRO w/LQA. 11Jun07 (ALF)
Photo: http://www.airliners.net/open.file/1202804/L/

05207 : unid Saudi Arabian MOI/MIL 2352 ALE/USB to RHP. 10Jun07 (ALF)

05823 11043: Moroccan CP 0010 ALE/USB SND. 11Jun07 (ALF)
05823 1112: Moroccan CP 0003 ALE/USB SND. 11Jun07 (ALF)
05823 11121: Moroccan CP 0005 ALE/USB SND. 11Jun07 (ALF)
05823 1305: Moroccan CP 2357 ALE/USB SND. 10Jun07 (ALF)
05823 13061: Moroccan CP 0000 ALE/USB SND. 11Jun07 (ALF)
05823 13161: Moroccan CP 2356 ALE/USB SND. 10Jun07 (ALF)
05823 2401: Moroccan CP 0000 ALE/USB SND. 11Jun07 (ALF)
05823 2527: Moroccan CP 0001 ALE/USB SND. 11Jun07 (ALF)
05823 3001: Moroccan CP 0010 ALE/USB SND. 11Jun07 (ALF)
05823 8001: Moroccan CP 2359 ALE/USB SND. 10Jun07 (ALF)
05823 9001: Moroccan CP 2359 ALE/USB SND. 10Jun07 (ALF)

05865 TWVS2: Guardia Civil Salamanca, E 2345 ALE/USB to TXX2, later
on 6955 kHz. 10Jun07 (ALF)

06690 9IX: Royal Moroccan Gendarmerie 1941 ALE/USB to 2EN w/LQA.
07Jun07 (ALF)

06721 255139: USAF Boeing C-17A Globemaster III Aircraft (#05-5139;
452nd AMW, March AFB) 1015 ALE/USB SND. 13Jun07 (ALF)
Photo: http://www.airliners.net/open.file/1099333/L/

06721 UKE306: RAF AWACS Boeing E-3D Sentry AEW1 (707-300) Aircraft
(#ZH-106; RAF 8/23 Sqn, Waddington) 1140 ALE/USB to CRO. 15Jun07 (ALF)
Photo: http://www.airliners.net/open.file/1182192/L/

06796 TWVA2: Guardia Civil Leon, E 2245 ALE/USB to TWVS2 (Salamaca).
13Jun07 (ALF)
06796 TWVS2: Guardia Civil Salamanca, E 2303 ALE/USB to TWVE2.
13Jun07 (ALF)

06878 AAA: Israeli Air Force Tel Aviv 0318 ALE/USB SND. 11Jun07 (ALF)

06878 YN2: unid 0250 ALE/USB SND. 11Jun07 (ALF)
06878 YN1: unid 0252 ALE/USB SND. 11Jun07 (ALF)
* YN1/YN2 (& M46, AA1 logged here before) Israeli AF ??

06894 PNP: Venezuelan Navy 2350 ALE/USB to BRIFFRI5 (Brigada Fluvial
"Franz Risquez Iribarren 5"). 08Jun07 (ALF)
* PNP: PN = Puesta Navale Fluvial ?? & P= Rio Portuguesa ???

06921 : unid 1939 ALE/USB to WXC. 11Jun07 (ALF)
06921 : unid 0200a ALE/USB to YDZ. 12Jun07 (ALF)

06921 2011: unid 2240 ALE/USB SND. 11Jun07 (ALF)
06921 2012: unid 2232 ALE/USB SND. 11Jun07 (ALF)
06921 2013: unid 2229 ALE/USB SND. 11Jun07 (ALF)
06921 2014: unid 2010 ALE/USB to 2012. 11Jun07 (ALF)

06921 9850: unid 2130 ALE/USB SND. 12Jun07 (ALF)
06921 5046: unid 0200a ALE/USB SND. 12Jun07 (ALF)

06921 AAA: Israeli AF NCS 2059 ALE/USB SND. 11Jun07 (ALF)

06936 2101: Corpo Carabinieri 2108 ALE/USB to 2011 fr LQA. 08Jun07 (ALF)

06955 TWVS2: Guardia Civil Salamanca, E 0025 ALE/USB to TXX2.
11Jun07 (ALF)

07531.5 WAROPS: US Army "Winged Warriors Operations", 1-228 Avn Bn Soto
Cano AB, HND; US Military Joint Task Force-Bravo (JTF-B) /
„SKYWATCH“-Net 0013 & 0113 ALE/USB SND. 14Jun07 (ALF)

07532 0000210401: Hellenic Police (EL.AS.) 0057 ALE/USB SND.
14Jun07 (ALF)
07532 0000210504: Hellenic Police (EL.AS.) 0113 ALE/USB SND.
14Jun07 (ALF)

07532 2004: Corpo Carabinieri, I 0022+ ALE/USB to 2033, 2508 w/AMD DIAL4
& LQA. 14Jun07 (ALF)

07590 2010: Corpo Carabinieri, I 1857 ALE/USB to 2065 w/AMD DIAL4 & LQA
who replied. 13Jun07 (ALF)

07805 OMFUF: French Navy OMAR (Organisation maritime des transmissions
haute frÃquence) HF System, Fort de France, MRT 2358 ALE/USB to
2OMFUM (Papeete, Tahiti) w/LQA. 12Jun07 (ALF)

07954 9113: Nigerian Police 0310 ALE/USB to 9111 w/LQA. 12Jun07 (ALF)

08000 TC2135: US Army C/2-135 Aviation 2300 ALE/USB SND. 12Jun07 (ALF)

08010 01001: unid 0225 ALE/LSB SND. 09Jun07 (ALF) See 8064 kHz LSB

08020 2528: unid 2301 ALE/USB to 2527 for LQA who replied. 07Jun07 (ALF)

08020 2525: unid 2130a ALE/USB [THIS WAS]. 13Jun07 (ALF)

08020 CHARLY46: Italian AF 46 Bde HQ Pisa-San Giusto AB 2130a ALE/USB
to 53 (tent. Commando 53 Stormo "Guglielmo Chiarini", Milano).
13Jun07 (ALF)

08020 59: Italian Air Force 2319 ALE/USB to CHARLY46 short clg
after sx voice J3E/USB comms OM/II. 08Jun07 (ALF)

08048.5 T2Z147: US Army 2-147 (Air Assault) Avn 0240 ALE/USB to R26321.
13Jun07 (ALF)
* QTH??
08048.5 R23909: US Army Avn Sikorsky UH-60A Blackhawk Heli (#83-23909)
0235 ALE/USB to T2Z147. 13Jun07 (ALF)
08048.5 R26321: US Army Avn Sikorsky UH-60L Blackhawk Heli (#91-26321)
0239 ALE/USB to T2Z147. 13Jun07 (ALF)
08048.5 R23499: US Army Avn Sikorsky UH-60A Blackhawk Heli (#80-23499)
0240 ALE/USB to T2Z147. 13Jun07 (ALF)

08060 RS0013: Makedonian Military 1606 ALE/USB to CS003, who replied.
09Jun07 (ALF)

08063 0000: unid 2200 ALE/USB SND. 08Jun07 (ALF)
08063 9046: unid 2230 ALE/USB SND. 08Jun07 (ALF)
08063 9641: unid 2210 ALE/USB SND. 08Jun07 (ALF)

08064 01002: unid 0001 ALE/LSB SND. 09Jun07 (ALF) See 8010 kHz LSB

09025 290170: USAF Boeing C-17A Globemaster III Aircraft (#99-0170;
62nd/446th AW, McChord) 2200+ ALE/USB to ADW, CRO. 10Jun07 (ALF)
Photo: http://www.flugzeugbilder.de/show.php?id=305803

09025 F29: USCG HU-25 Falcon (#2129) 2312 ALE/USB to OFF, JNR fr LQA &
w/AMD "CCCCD9,9918666854486NNNN", JNR replied. 10Jun07 (ALF)

10470 GS1: Georgian Military 2143 ALE/USB to MB1 w/LQA. 11Jun07 (ALF)
(Thomas Rosner, Germany - udxf 15/06/2007)

05343 Z58: UK ACF/CCF Station, unid location 1910 J3E/USB wkg Z51A,
C29D. 07Jun07 (ALF)

06688 VANDAL (?): unid French Air Force 2000 J3E/USB FF/OM sx wkg
CYRANO (FAF AWACS Aircraft). 12Jun07 (ALF)

06967.5 IGTZ: Italian Coastguard Patrol Vessel "O. Corsi" (#CP906) 2155
J3E/USB clg ICI, wkg IGSS. 14Jun07 (ALF)
Photo: http://www.battleships-cruisers.co.uk/images/ocorsidpd272.jpg

06967.5 IGSS: Italian Coastguard Patrol Vessel "U. Diciotti" (#CP902)
2155 J3E/USB clg ICI, wkg IGTZ. 14Jun07 (ALF)
Photo: http://media.shipspotting.com/uploads/photos/249950.jpg

08095 FABRIKAT: Salechard Aero, RUS 0255 J3E/USB RR sx wkg AGURCHIK
(Moscow) fr r/c. 09Jun07 (ALF)

08095 RADAN: St. Petersburg Aero 0300 J3E/USB YL/RR sx wkg ADULIAR
(Ukhta), KAYOMKA (Syktyvkar), KONSTIN (?) r/c. 09Jun07 (ALF)

08115 FOXTROTT VICTOR: unid, South American Net 0125 J3E/USB SS wkg
sx with WD, QH, KU, WV, EP fr ra/checks. 09Jun07 (ALF)
Regular Net Sounded not like military but good "formal"
(Thomas Rosner, Germany - udxf 15/06/2007)

04271.0 CFH halifax 0528 FAX wind chart 2jun07

06317.0 WLO mobile 0603 ARQ no joy then marker CW 2jun07

06781.0 unid 0556 CW encrypted 3jun07

08806.0 WLO mobile 0507 USB eng yl wx forecast 4jun07

09215.0 unid mil 0513 NATO-75 - 75/850 4jun07

04177.0 unid ship to cumbria service? YJQV6? 0507 ARQ sp? 6jun07

13510.0 CFH halifax 1842 FAX winds chart 7jun07

13528.0 C moscow beacon 1951 CW 7jun07

02310.0 fishermen 0450 USB fre d/x 8jun07

02707.0 fishermen 0453 USB sp d/x 8jun07

04675.0 REACH509 0546 USB w atc nat shanwick 9jun07

04870.0 fishermen 0925 USB fr d/x 9jun07

06362.0 MGJ rn 0936 ITA2/75/850 carbs 9jun07

08776.0 SVO olympia 1154 USB greek d/x 9jun07

12594.5 A9M hamala bhr 1209 CW 9jun07

02525.0 UWT taganrog? 0202 USB rus d/x 10jun07

02598.0 VON st john canadian coastguards 0207 USB eng wx 10jun07

02598.0 VOK cartwright canadian coastguards 0210 USB eng wx 10jun07

08709 unid "whale sounding".... 0813 ??? 10jun07

05616.0 atc nat gander 0547 USB w DQGR n328bx cl600 biz 11jun07 >

05616.0 atc nat gander 0548 USB w ADCS c-gfaj a330 air canada 11jun07 >

08023.7 egy embass at madrid?? 1955 ARQ > USB arab> DIG unid...12jun07

08431.0 TAH istanbul 2008 FEC eng wx bulletin 12jun07>

11175.0 usaf andrews 2033 USB yl eam 12jun07

04583.0 DDK2 hamburg 0519 ITA2/50 ger /eng naws elbe 16jun07>

05193.5 unid 0547 CW encrypt 16jun07

05255.0 unid 0549 CW encrypt 16jun07

06523.0 fishermen 0700 USB fr d/x 16jun07

06820.0 unid 0712 ITA2/75/170 = nato75? 16jun07

06868.0 pirates? 0716 USB sp 16jun07

07595.8 carabinieri ? 0722 ITA2/50/150 16jun07 >
(mic, France - udxf 16/06/2007)

04207.5 A87T4:Maaersk Jakarta,LBR 0109 GMDSS to Lyngby R.(10Jun07)(ZE)
04207.5 LZDD:Liliana Dimitrova,BUL 2142 GMDSS to Las Palmas,CNR(10Jun07)(ZE)
04207.5 OJHS:BIRKA Express,FIN 2146 GMDSS to OJHU-Birka Trader(10Jun07)(ZE)
04207.5 H9ZN:Magnate,PNR 2206 GMDSS to Lyngby R.(10Jun07)(ZE)
04207.5 SXPR:Aegean Angelo,GRC 2224 GMDSS to 9HXR5-TK
04207.5 UALK:Amour-2512,RUS 2310 GMDSS to Lyngby R.(10Jun07)(ZE)
04207.5 ZDHZ9:Bremer Elena,GIB 2317 GMDSS to Lyngby R.(10Jun07)(ZE)
04207.5 OXZ:Lyngby R.,DNK 0009 GMDSS to C6OA8-Mint Action,BAH(11Jun07)(ZE)
04207.5 P3DV8:Monneron,CYP 0016 GMDSS to Lyngby R.(11Jun07)(ZE)
04207.5 V7DS8:CMA CGM Azteca,MHL 0027 GMDSS to Lyngby R.(11Jun07)(ZE)
04207.5 OXKO2:Olivia Maersk,DNK 0112 GMDSS to Dover CG,(11Jun07)(ZE)
04207.5 MFAU5:Zim Pusan,G 0116 GMDSS to USCG Boston,USA(11Jun07)(ZE)
04207.5 MFAU5:Zim Pusan,G 0132 GMDSS to USCG Portsmouth,USA(11Jun07)(ZE)
04207.5 A86W7:NS Consul,LBR 0138 GMDSS to Olympia R.,GRC(11Jun07)(ZE)
04207.5 ELYP7:Luise Oldendorff,LBR 0209 GMDSS to Madrid R.,E(11Jun07)(ZE)
04207.5 MDKG9:Maersk Rye,G 0218 GMDSS to Olympia R.,GRC(11Jun07)(ZE)
04207.5 UDGZ:Nadym,RUS 0243 GMDSS to Olympia R.,GRC(11Jun07)(ZE)
04207.5 VRCJ2:Nord Rio,HKG 0319 GMDSS to Unid:318928000(11Jun07)(ZE)
04207.5 TAH:Istanbul R.,TUR 0326 GMDSS to P3VZ9-CSCL
04207.5 Unid:267710000,Slovak Republic 0342 GMDSS to Lyngby R.(11Jun07)(ZE)
04207.5 OXZ:Lyngby R.,DNK 0513 GMDSS to 2FOP3-Blazing River,PNR(11Jun07)(ZE)
(Zdenek Elias, CZE - udxf 17/06/2007)

00283.5 481:Dziwnow,POL 2319 DGPS/100,RefID:741(16Jun07)(ZE)
00285.5 443:Stirling(Earls Hill),Scotland 2221
00286.5 339:Porquerolles,F 2317 DGPS/100,RefID:469(16Jun07)(ZE)
00287.0 406:Klamila,FIN 2224 DGPS/100,RefID:606(16Jun07)(ZE)
00287.5 454:Torshavn,FRO 2320 DGPS/100,RefID:716(16Jun07)(ZE)
00290.5 447:Flamborough Head Lt,England 2343 DGPS/100,RefID:687(16Jun07)(ZE)
00292.0 460:Holmsjo,S 2250 DGPS/100,RefID:720(16Jun07)(ZE)
00293.5 494:Iffezheim,D 2333 DGPS/100,RefID:764(16Jun07)(ZE)
00296.0 453:Skagen West Lt,DNK 2231 DGPS/100,RefID:710(16Jun07)(ZE)
00296.5 469:Goteborg,S 2256 DGPS/100,RefID:736(16Jun07)(ZE)
00297.0 446:Girdle Ness Lt,Scotland 2359 DGPS/100,RefID:686(16Jun07)(ZE)
00297.5 465:Hoburg,S 2331 DGPS/100,RefID:730(16Jun07)(ZE)
00298.0 468:Nynashamn,FIN 2232 DGPS/100,RefID:734(16Jun07)(ZE)
00299.5 463:Skutskar,S 2234 DGPS/100,RefID:726(16Jun07)(ZE)
00301.0 482:Rozewie,POL 0002 DGPS/100,RefID:744(17Jun07)(ZE)
00302.0 467:Hjortens Udde,S 2336 DGPS/100,RefID:733(16Jun07)(ZE)
00302.5 490:Koblenz,D 2236 DGPS/100,RefID:493 (16Jun07)(ZE)
00303.5 493:Zeven,D 2237 DGPS/100,RefID:763(16Jun07)(ZE)
00304.0 503:Lista Lt,NOR 2238 DGPS/100,RefID:813(16Jun07)(ZE)
00304.5 535:Klaipeda Rear Lt,LTU 2337 DGPS/200,TX-ID:535(16Jun07)(ZE)
00307.0 530:Ristna Lt,EST 2302 DGPS/100,TX-ID:530(16Jun07)(ZE)
00307.5 464:Kapellskar Lt,S 2240 DGPS/100,RefID:728(16Jun07)(ZE)
00307.5 374:Kumkale,TUR 2306 DGPS/200,RefID:547(16Jun07)(ZE)
00308.0 491:Gross Mohrdorf,D 2241 DGPS/100,RefID:761/16Jun07)(ZE)
00309.5 449:Nash Point,Wales 2304 DGPS/100,RefID:689(16Jun07)(ZE)
00310.5 500:Faerder Lt,NOR 2242 DGPS/100,RefID:810(16Jun07)(ZE)
00311.5 461:Bjuroklubb,S 2307 DGPS/100,RefID:722/16Jun07)(ZE)
00312.5 425:Hoek van Holland,HOL DGPS/200,TX-ID:425(16Jun07)(ZE)
00313.0 505:Utsira Lt,NOR 2316 DGPS/100,RefID:815(16Jun07)(ZE)
00313.5 496:Mauken,D 2245 DGPS/100,RefID:766(16Jun07)(ZE)
00314.0 507:Utvaer Lt,NOR 2315 DGPS/100,RefID:787(16Jun07)(ZE)
00314.5 495:Bad Abach,D 2247 DGPS/100,RefID:765(16Jun07)(ZE)
(Zdenek Elias, CZE - udxf 17/06/2007)

12035 SW Radio Africa responded in 23 days to my postal
report to the UK address. F/D letter (but wrong date), no site given
("transmitter location is restricted for security reasons"). V/S looks
like "J. Jackson", Station Manager. Presume this is Gerry Jackson. The
only e-mail address listed on the letterhead is tech@swradioafrica.com
(J. M. Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, USA - CumbreDX 13/06/2007)

Radio Nacional de Espana. 855 via Murcia,
f/d cd picturing RNE mobile broadcast truck
plus 6 small stickers in 20 ds. for a Spanish
report, CD recording, and 1 IRC. No V/s, but
card was rubber-stamped "Direccion Tecnica".
(J.D.Stephens, AL, USA - CumbreDX 14/06/2007)

Today on 12th of June, I received a nice detailed QSL
verification card depicting National Indoor Stadium
from China Radio International for my email
(ger@cri.com.cn) reception report on 24th of April
2007 at 1800 UTC on the frequency of 7170 kHz of their
German language broadcast. The card is commutated to
Beijing Olympics 2008 with the slogan – One World One Dream.
(Mukesh Kumar, India - dxldyg 12/06/2007)

о-в Святой Елены
Station Name:Radio St.Helena
Reception Date and Time:04 Nov,2006 at 2020(Z)
Type of QSL:QSL
Days of reply:219
Language used in reception report:English
Comments:QSL No.360
(Yasuhiro Kubo, Kobe-city, Japan - hard-core-dx 12/06/2007)

KAL Vo Russia 7330 kHz, f/d QSL + sticker, after 2813 days (sic)
V/s Mikhail Timofeyev (Enzio Gehrig, Denia, Spain - hard-core-dx 13/06/2007)

28230 KHz IQ8CZ/Beacon. QSL card 30 days. Report sent to:
ARI Catanzaro c/o Protezione Civile Calabria. Viale Europa. 88100 Catanzaro.
V/S IK8WJP Tommaso (F. Cecconi, Italy - udxf 16/06/2007)

Jack L. Metcalfe Stanford, KY
Icom IC-R75 (x2), IC-R8500 & IC-R5
Uniden BCD996T & AOR AR8200
200' Longwire & 45' EF-SWL Sloper
Diamond D-130J Discone & SAMCO UHF Yagi

Mukesh Kumar
The Cosmos Club

Rafael Rodriguez R.
Winradio G303i
Sony ICF 2010
Antena de hilo largo 25-30 metros
Ant.tuner MFJ-956

Scott R. Barbour Jr.-Intervale,NH-USA
R8, R75, MLB-1, 200' Beverages

Zdenek Elias, (JO70OR), CZE
RX: RFT-EKD 511 ANT: MiniWhip 11 m up
SW: Hoka Code 300-3.20

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