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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 124

WorldDX 124
WorldDX выходит с декабря 2004 года.
Редактор: Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия.
Время везде UTC; Mосковское время = UTC +4 часа - летом, а зимой - +3 часа.
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Короткие Волны

June 8 at 0525, 19m was hopping solstitially, with various
signals from Asia and Pacific, especially R. Australia on 15160 // 15240 in
English, but absent from the usual third // which is strongest, 15515.
Transmitter trouble at Shep? (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 08/06/2007)

R. Australia, Brandon, 12080 at 0545 utc in English with
post-game Rugby interviews and background crowd noise. Later coverage of Tigers vs.
New Castle Knights rugby. Announcer IDs as "ABC" sio252 weak (though improving
to 343+ by 0710 utc)., initially much weaker than //'s 15515, 15240, 15160,
and 13690 (all Shepp, I think). At 0640 utc //9660 (Brandon) sio343+, 13630
(Shepp) on at 0700 utc, also sio343+. Seems like Australia is everywhere on
the bands tonight, good early Pacific opening. (Mike Bryant, Sat800 w/ whip, Fern Creek, KY - dxldyg 10/06/2007)

6090 University Network (p); 2240, 4-June; Pastor Melissa-
Barbi pontificating again...she's been on a lot lately...running out
of Dr. Gene tapes? SIO=2+33 (Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 07/06/2007)

More irregularity from DGS, or rather Pastor Melissa Scott who
seems to be devoting most of the airtime to herself these days: June 8 at 1525
check, nothing on 11775 aside Brasil 11780, but at 1544 she was back (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 08/06/2007)

11440/L Radio Continental; 2254-2307+, 4-June; Baladas at
tune-in; break @2301+ after tune ended; News to 2303, ID promo @2304
then cmtry. All in SS. SIO=152. Nothing audible on 15820/L; 1st time
I've hrd the 11440 feeder. (Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 07/06/2007)

4717 BOLIVIA: R. Yura, Yura, SS, 06/06 0025. Mx instrumental boliviana, YL:
‘...comunidad andina, platos typicos, desde Aurora, embajador de Francia,
folclore’. TC, id: ‘El informativo de La noche, Radio Yura...’
(surpreendente sinal!), 45444 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil).

4796 BOLIVIA: R. Mallku, Uyuni, SS, 06/06 0010. YL: cancao boliviana, outra
cancao apresentada por uma crianca. OM: referencias a ‘Uyuni’, 35522 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil - radioescutas 09/06/2007)

4930 BOTSWANA: Voice of America, via Botswana, EE, 08/06 0413. OM/YL: talks
sobre política norte-americana (// 4960, via São Tomé), 25542 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil - radioescutas 09/06/2007)

15325 Radio Mundial, Sao Paulo, 1936-1945, June 05, Portuguese,
ann. & ID as “Radio Mundial AM….a sua emisora….”, tlk by male,
ID by female as: “...Radio Mundial......lo que aconteceu.....nosso povo....”, 23432
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - dxldyg 10/06/2007)

9610 VATICANO: R. Vaticano, Sta. Maria di Galeria, SS, 03/06 0200. OM:
identificação ‘Radio Vaticano, la radio del papa’, leitura da Bíblia,
Mateus, capítulo 14, 45544 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil - radioescutas 09/06/2007).

Radio Nacional de Venezuela; 2220, 5-June; SS cmtry &
speech excerpts re Venezuela & Revolucion de Bolivariano, also worked
in a comment re Pancho Villa; ID as El Canal Nacional & RNdV. S20-25
sig. (Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 07/06/2007)

The VOV Sackville relay 6175 is getting blown away by Cuba
6180, commies vs commies! Noted once again UT Friday June 1 at 0524 with
Vietnamese lesson for English-speakers, yes --- within the Vietnamese-language
hour where English-speakers are not likely to be listening, anyway. 6175 is at
240 degrees from Sackville, close to our azimuth, rather than the 277 you might
expect for the west coast at this hour, but the signal is way weaker than RHC
which I think is also blasting pretty much right at us, but of course not in
HFCC. Such neighbors! (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK - dxldyg 05/06/2007)

R. Japan/NHK, Moyabi, 11970 at 0550 in Swedish. OM w/ news, quotes in
Japanese, correspondent IDs. W w/ ID at start of German pgm at 0600. sio343,
good. (Mike Bryant, Sat800, Fern Creek, KY, Jun 10)
Netherlands, RN, Flevo, 11935 at 0605 in Dutch. Classical mx, YL announcer
with discussion about the history of the mx. sio343+, good. (Mike Bryant, Sat 800, Fern Creek, KY - dxldyg 10/06/2007)

3291v. GBC off the air; occasional 0100+ carrier (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 10/06/2007)

7200 ALEMANHA: R. Free Europe/R. Liberty, via Lampertheim, Kazakh, 06/06
0045. OM: talks, ‘Europa’, canção por YL, ‘Radio Svoboda’, 35533 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil - radioescutas 09/06/2007).

R. Zambia/R. One, 5915, 0238-0310 June 8, Fish Eagle IS, 0250
choral anthem(?), drums, usual excited OM talking in vernacular with sound
of crowd in background and clear mention of Lusaka. First time I heard this
I thought it was a political rally or something but seems to be a regular
portion of their sign-on, more drums, pop African songs, poor-fair (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA - dxldyg 08/06/2007)

6971.16 Galei Zahal (p); 0057-0102+, 7-June; Low key pop tune; news
by M in HB @0100. SIO=332, USB takes out buzz QRM (Frodge-MI)
15780.05-.18 Galei Zahal (p); 2151-2234+, 4-June; Call-in pgm;
news 2200-02 then call-in pgm resumed; Pop music bumpers. All in
HB except BeeGee's tune. SIO=2+33- at 1st, trill QRM & cleanest
in LSB; much improved by 2220, SIO=343 w/one clatter burst. Freq
drifted steadily upward. Nothing on 6973-75 (Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 07/06/2007)

15777.78v, Galei Zahal, 2150-2220+, June 8, US pop music
by Back Street Boys & others. DJ chatter. Fair to good signal but
slowly drifting up to 15777.80 by 2220. Noted on 15777.74 at 2352
check. Weak // 6971.24v with an unstable, wobbly carrier. (Brian Alexander, PA - dxldyg 09/06/2007)

9400 Kol Israel, 19:45-19:55, escuchada el 4 de Junio en español a
locutor con boletín de noticias y segmento musical, cortan el transmisor
bruscamente a las 19:55, sin embargo se observa que sigue emitiendo en 9345, dos
minutos después realizan otro corte brusco y reaparece con pobre señal y
acompañado de un fuerte zumbido, SINPO 34343.

15779 Galei Zahal, 20:18-20:26, escuchada el 4 de Junio en hebreo a locutora
en conversación telefónica con oyente, emisión en paralelo por 6973, segmento de
música pop, SINPO 45433. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 05/06/2007)

3987.04 RRI Manokwari 1150-1217 Jun 4. Lite vocal mx; YL ancr spoke briefly at 1158, then SCI to 1200 Jak berita; back to local pgmg at 1217. Generally fair. (Wilkins-CO)
4749.96 RRI Makassar 0952-1020+ Jun 6. Quran to 1003, then a variety of vocal music. Good signal. (Wilkins-CO)
(J. M. Wilkins, Colorado, USA - CumbreDX 10/06/2007)

6110 ITALIA: RAI, Roma, II, 09/06 0211. OM: talks sobre esportes, com ênfase
ao ciclismo. Entrevista, 45554 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil - radioescutas 09/06/2007).

9625 CANADA: CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation), Sackville, EE, 03/06
0216. Mx blues, OM: talks sobre as musicas apresentadas, id ‘CBC’, 35443
(Rudolf Grimm, Brasil - radioescutas 09/06/2007).

6010 CANADA: R. Sweden, via Sackville, EE, 03/06 0150. OM/YL: talks, id
‘Radio Sweden’ (Radio Inconfidencia desativada neste horário), 25211 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil - radioescutas 09/06/2007).

5960 CANADA: R. Japan, via Sackville, JJ, 09/06 0201. OM: boletim de
notícias, 35443 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil - radioescutas 09/06/2007).

9525, CRI, 1357, 6/10/07. Looking for Indonesia
at tune-in but heard CRI IS at 1400 with Mandarin ID
followed by Russian ID into Russian service of mx and
commentary. Listed as 50KW tx via Shijiazhuang, Hebei

11875, CRI, 1636, 6/10/07. Russian service to
CIS via Urumqi presumed. Very noisy frequency YL
comment and occasional vocal selection.
(Jerry Strawman, IA, USA - CumbreDX 10/06/2007)

Firedrake, 18180 against Sound of Hope, which kindly has again moved
just outside the ham band, fair with flutter at 1353 June 2 (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 05/06/2007)

6009.48 La Voz de tu Conciencia 1031-1103 Jun 6. Religious
vocals, ranchera-style, to 1039, then EG religious talk or speech w/SP
translation after every phrase; ID at 1057, then music past ToH. Good
signal but fading after 1100. (J. M. Wilkins, Colorado, USA - CumbreDX 10/06/2007)

Costa Rica, DGS, Cahuita, 7375 (probably the least heard DGS outlet from
here in KY) at 0700 in English w/ Melissa Scott's persistent attempts to
maintain her dead husband's ministry. She speaks of Dr. Scott as a prophet. sio343,
a little weaker than //9725. (Mike Bryant, Sat800, Fern Creek, KY - dxldyg 10/06/2007)

6125 COSTA RICA: R. Exterior de España, via Cariari, SS, 09/06 0216. OM:
talks sobre poetas e poemas escritos em Cordoba, sul da Espanha. Leitura de
um poema, 35543 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil - radioescutas 09/06/2007)

6049.59, RTM, 1020-1030 A mixture of Islamic type music and
local(?) language comments. So far, this freq is in the clear, but expect
Ecuador to block it shortly. At 1027, a male in chanting. While this is
going on, heavy signal pops up at 1029 with opening remarks from
Ecuador. Malaysia is completely covered. (Chuck Bolland, June 7, 2007 - CumbreDX 07/06/2007)

7295, RT Malaysia, 1036-1045 Noted mainly pop music with brief
comments between tunes by a male. Believe I heard a female too, but can't be sure.
Signal was threshold. (Chuck Bolland, June 9, 2007 - CumbreDX 09/06/2007)

5964.92 Klasik Nasional 1215-1222 Jun 9. Fair at best with sub-continental vocals, YL ancr. (Wilkins-CO)
6049.64 Asyik FM 1139-1202 Jun 9. Regional pop music, hosted by M ancr; 1200 news bulletin following an Asyik FM ID. Good signal.
(J. M. Wilkins, Colorado, USA - CumbreDX 10/06/2007)

9690, Voice of Nigeria, *0814-0900+, June 9, Abruptly on
with talk in listed Hausa. Local tribal music. Voice of Nigeria theme
music at 0857. Talk in listed Fulfulde at 0900. Poor to fair. (Brian Alexander, PA - dxldyg 09/06/2007)

6165 HOLANDA: R. Nederland, Flevo, SS, 09/06 0152. OM: entrevista com uma
cantora espenhola, e em seguida a apresentação de uma canção interpretada
pela mesma, em ritmo de bolero, 35333 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil - radioescutas 09/06/2007).

Новая Зеландия
3935.06 Radio Reading Svce(p) 1154-1200 Jun 10. Scraps of
audio, seemingly music and YL ancr, but nothing useable. Maybe
someday... (J. M. Wilkins, Colorado, USA - CumbreDX 10/06/2007)

6536.06, Radiodifusora LV del Rondero, Huancabamba,
0210-0224*, June 8, Peruvian folk music, Spanish talk. ID. Mentions
of Huancabamba. Sign off with National Anthem. Weak. (Brian Alexander, PA - dxldyg 09/06/2007)

4949,99 Radio Madre de Dios (p), Puerto Maldonado, 1038-1045, June 05, Spanish, melodic songs, TC by male, 24232
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - dxldyg 10/06/2007)

3172.1 Peru Radio Municipal, Panao 0930, with om ID at 0945. 7 June. Improved signal for one day [Wilkner-FL]
3329.6 Peru Ondas del Huallaga Huánuco Sign on at 1006 with yl ID; no National Anthem, music began at 1011. June 7th [Wilkner-FL]
5039.3 Peru Radio Libertad, Junin 1102 on with music, fair to good signal [Wilkner-FL]
(Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 10/06/2007)

RDPI, weak but audible on 21830, June 2 at 1355. Only on weekends
is this frequency on this late, per Eibi listings.

RDPI, weak but audible on 21655, and slightly stronger than // 21830,
June 2 at 1355. Only on weekends is this frequency on this early, per Eibi
listings (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 05/06/2007)

3200 SWAZILANDIA: Trans World Radio, via Manzini, GG, 08/06 0408. OM: talks
(pregacao), cancao crista por coral (// 4775), 35322 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil - radioescutas 09/06/2007).

С. Корея
9335, VOK, 1345, 6/10/07. Usual patriotic
vocals and propaganda commentary. English service.
Noisy band at this time. gave schedule at 1355 and ID,
"This is the Voice of Korea, Pyongyang". Audio out at
1356. French service on 11710 at 1625, 6/10 much
better at S7 with similar pgm. Slight hum on tx
(Jerry Strawman, IA, USA - CumbreDX 10/06/2007)

KWHR, Naalehu, 11565 at 0615 in English w/ Christian vocals. M w/
World Harvest Radio ID, URL, explanation of how to receive a free bible.
sio253, weak, but clear. (Mike Bryant, Sat800, Fern Creek, KY, Jun 10)
Japan, R. Japan/NHK, Tokyo-Yamata, 11715 at 0630 in English w/ pgm abt "Tree
of Life" designed by Okomoto for the Osaka Expo. sio444, v gd. , much better
than //13630. (Mike Bryant, Sat800, Fern Creek, KY - dxldyg 10/06/2007)

7200 SUDÃO (t): Rep. of Sudan Radio, Omdurman, AA, 08/06 0425. OM: talks,
entrevista em estúdio, 35543 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil - radioescutas 09/06/2007).

BBCWS, 21660 via Nakhon Sawan, is a prime propagation beacon at
Solstice, scheduled all the way from 03 to 11 in English at 25 degrees, so also
toward NAm. June 8 at 0529, around midnight here (really 11 pm LMT), was good
with some flutter, airing programme prommos, then back to World Today. Must
also look for R. Thailand`s English to Europe at same hour scheduled via Udorn
on 17655 (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 08/06/2007)

Not sure why I keep listening to the Live from Turkey webcast,
Tuesdays 1850-1920+ which is also on 9785, but something to distract me while I
am putting the finishing touches on preparing to record WORLD OF RADIO. LFT is
usually just three or two announcers chatting, about how bad the traffic is in
Istanbul, how hot it is in the studio at 10 pm, or the current political
situation, or how Turkey ought to go after the nasty Kurds across the border in
Iraq (which they reportedly did the next day). This time, June 5, they
mentioned that they now know why they have not been getting any calls for
several weeks. It turns out both the phone they had been using and the phone
line are out of order. Some people e- mailed to tell them they tried to call
but could not get thru. The German sexion finally traced the problem, so a
repair order is pending. This time the IS did not start until 1924, assuming
the usual webcast delay of half a minute, so VOT remains flexible about whether
broadcasts last anywhere from 50 to 55 minutes (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 08/06/2007)

6125 Radio Uruguay (SODRE), Montevideo, 1920-1933, June 05, Spanish,
ann. communications programme called “Radioactividades” (on Saturday & Sunday at 14 & 0200 UTC)
ID as: “Radio Uruguay.....para todo el país”, local songs, 33322
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - dxldyg 10/06/2007)

The extremely distorted signal which has been traced to RNT being over
1 MHz off-frequency from 6165 is still there: June 6 at 0510 check, it was
pretty much centered on 7290 causing severe QRM to BBC in Portuguese, which is
via South Africa, 500 kW at 335 degrees, 0430-0530 and M-F only. Does BBC care?
RNW, DW and our team tracked down the source already when it was on 7312v
(Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 08/06/2007)

6089,99 Radio Esperanza, Temuco, 1220-1230, June 09, Spanish,
cristian songs selection, TC & ID as:
“En Radio Esperanza, las 8 de la mañana con 27 minutos”, local advs by male:
“venga a……calle Rodríguez…..en el exterior del Mercado Municipal de Temuco”, 34322
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - dxldyg 10/06/2007)

5039.9 Ecuador, seemingly Voz del Upano, Macas with om en espanol , weak 1020 - 1050
(Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 10/06/2007)

Ю. Африка
3320 AFRICA DO SUL: R. Sondergrense, via Meyerton, ??, 08/06 0348. OM:
talks, intervalos musicais, instrumental, 35543 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil - radioescutas 09/06/2007).

3345 AFRICA DO SUL: Channel Africa, via Meyerton, EE, 08/06 0402. OM/YL:
talks, mencoes a Africa, 25332 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil - radioescutas 09/06/2007).

7185 AFRICA DO SUL: R. Sondergrense, via Meyerton, ??, 08/06 0429. OM: talks
(// 3320), 35543 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil - radioescutas 09/06/2007).

R. Japan, NHK Warido, really goes after the
language-learners. UT Thu June 7 at 0623 I was hearing Japanese lessons for
Germans on 11970 via Gabon, and at the same time on very strong 11715 direct,
Japanese LL for English-speakers. I wonder how many people actually learn a
language this way? 11715 tho for NE Siberia following the Russian broadcast at
0530 is on a 35 degree beam so might as well be designated for NAm too like
13630. Program is Brush Up Your Japanese, Thu 0620-0654 among other times,
while on Tue at same hours it is Basic Japanese For You (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 08/06/2007)

Two notable catches. At this time of the year, between Middle East
and my QTH part of North America, there's a time of the day when we
both are in our respective "grey zone", Here, we are just before
sunset meanwhile, in the Persian Golf, they are just before sunrise.
This is a good opportunity, thanks to favorable geomagnetic
conditions, to live some memorable DX. Time in UTC.

1548 KUWAIT, Radio Sawa, Kuwait City. Arabic pop music. Fair.
Parralel to radiosawa.com (06/09/2007, 01:10)

1575 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, Radio Farda, Al Dhabiya. Arabic music,
fair (00:56), arabic pop music, fair (01:22). Parralel to

I've got a check with those 1000kw from Egypt but nothing there. On
1431 Djibouti, a strong het but nothing to cheer about.
(Sylvain Naud, Portneuf (near Quebec City), Quebec, Canada - mwdx 09/06/2007)

Сегодня (08.06.) после 0400 UTC обнаружил в традиционно пустынном местном FM-эфире наконец-то,
похоже, первую станцию!: ) И ей оказалась ретрансляция волгоградской
Радио Спутник 105.1FM. Приём на 88.1. Сигнал не местный. Так же, как, по всей видимости,
и не владивостокский или уссурийский, поскольку диапазон, как всегда, девственно чист и
ни следа ни тропо, ни спорадиков. Ибо в первом случае принимались бы все станции Владивостока, коих
в FM уже, пожалуй, добрая дюжина, и Уссурийска. По единственному
присутствующему у нас каналу аудиосопровождения трансляции 1-го канала ТВ (Спасск-
Дальний, 4-й метровый канал) на 91,75, к тому же идущему примерно с тем же качеством,
удалось приблизительно установить направление: то же самое. Вероятно, эта ретрансляция
так же работает в Спасске-Дальнем.
Опробовал приём на 4-х РПУ: Sangean ATS-909, МУЗ.Центр SONY MHC-RX90, смартфоне
SONY Ericsson Walkman W950i и PCI ТВ-тюнере Behold TV M6Extra. Лучший приём на
Sangeanе: SINPO 45433, моно и без RDS. На смарт SINPO 45422 при приёме на улице, притом
сила сигнала резко меняется при движении и впечатление, что очень зависит от конкретных
местных э/магнитных условий в каждой отдельной точке :-)) И - так же в моно и без RDS-
идентификации. На муз.центре (антенна внутренняя) сигнал слаб. ТВ-тюнер, хотя и обладает
режимом высокой чувствительности, однако в этом случае чувствителен так же и к шуму
самого компьютера, в который установлен, отчего слабый сигнал банально глушится шумом :-(

Содержание передачи: поп-музыка, как отечественная, так же и зарубежной много.
Ещё больше рекламы, вся - местная: Волгоград, Волжский :-))

Так что вопрос о местоположении данного ретранслятора на 88.1 остаётся открытым! ;-)
Вопрос к Вам, Роман Назаров: это не в Вашем ли городе?
(Игорь Ашихмин, Приморье - open_dx 08/06/2007)

Включил станцию 7 utc , ничего нет.
Трансляция была длительной?
(Роман Назаров, Приморье - open_dx 08/06/2007)

Знаете, история имела так же и несколько неожиданное продолжение.

Да, трансляция была достаточно длительной. Примерно в 0730 попробовал ещё раз.
И обнаружил сильный сигнал, однако - просто музыка нон-стоп без всяких объявлений и в
монорежиме. Принимал на Sangean, мобилу и муз.центр. Впечатление, что тестовое вещание
здесь, в Арсеньеве: на телефон и центр сигнал "капризничал", реагируя даже на приближения
к ним :-)) На SG с вертикально поставленной антенной (телескопом) приём как местной станции.
SINPO 54554. А то самое Спутник 105.1 всё же едва пробивалось сквозь этот сигнал.
После ~ 0900 ни одной из станций уже не слышал.

Впечатление: в Арсеньеве тестируется FM-передатчик, а Спутник 105 если не у вас в Спасске-Дальнем,
то где-нибудь в другом месте в радиусе ближайших 100 км. Кстати, большинство владивостокских станций
слышны, например, в Ивановке, а это ровно 100 км. радиорасстояния.
Так же и у нас они идут в восточной, возвышенной части города, хотя и с большим федингом
(160 км.).

Ну что ж, посмотрим, точнее - послушаем ещё в ближайшие дни ; ))
(Игорь Ашихмин, Приморье - open_dx 08/06/2007)

> В самых последних файлах ITU впервые поминается Арсеньев:
> 102,1 и 104,1 по 43 дБВт (20 кВт ЭИИМ)

Спасибо, Виктор.
Буду за ними следить. А пока на обоих каналах чисто.

Мощность что-то для FM очень уж: 20 кВт. Как правило, обычно
так кВт по 5 или даже меньше. Охват хотят расширить?
Вообще-то у нас ТВ/УКВ ретранслятор имеет очень удачное расположение:
на 700-метровой возвышающейся недалеко от города сопке : )
Вот только, правда, рельеф сам по себе не самый простой, мёртвых зон
будет немало... (Игорь Ашихмин, Приморье - open_dx 08/06/2007)

Сегодня утром, едя на работу в автобусе, увидел на большом биг-борде
"NEW! 102,4 FM Радио РЕТРО-FM"
Сразу же достал наушники, настроил в мобильном эту частоту.
Там по прежнему шло РАДИО-5.
И так до 19 часов по местному времени (далее уже не мониторил).
Думаю, что с понедельника уже новую станцию включат (это только моё мнение).
(Сергей, Чернигов, Украина - open_dx 08/06/2007)

Wednesday 6 June 2007
Band II Sporadic E Loggings:
87.7 ALG Radio Chlef Bou Kadir/Djebel Ain N'sour
87.7 E Kiss FM Jerez de la Frontera (CA), PI: E200
87.8 ALG Chaine 1 Mecheria/Djebel Antar
87.9 POR RDP 1 / Antena 1 Lousa/Trevim
87.9 E Onda Cero Gredos Tiemblo (AV), PI: E2EE, PS: ONDACERO, AF: 98.0 98.5
88.0 POR RDP 2 / Antena 2 3 txs listed
88.0 E COPE Talavera Talavera de la Reina/Segurilla (TO), PI: E2CA
88.2 E ?? ??, PI: E396
88.3 POR RDP 1 / Antena 1 Muro/Serra do Geres
88.8 E Radio Marca Sevilla, PI: B002, PS: MARCA___
89.5 POR M80 - Matosinhos Matosinhos, PI: 8009, PS: _M80_MA_
90.4 E Onda Cero Merida Merida, PI: E2EE
90.8 ALG Chaine 1 Bou Kadir/Djebel Ain N'sour
90.8 E Radio Andalucia Informacion Sevilla/Valencina de la Concepcion, PI: E333
90.9 ALG Radio Naama Mecheria/Djebel Antar
90.9 E RNE Radio Clasica La Muela (Z)
91.1 E RNE Radio Clasica 3 txs listed
91.1 E Cadena Dial Asturias Oviedo/El Naranco, PI: E274
91.5 ALG Chaine 3 Tlemcen/Djebel Nador
92.4 E Inerzia FM Murcia, PI: 307D, PS: INERZIA_
92.5 E RNE Radio Clasica Cuarte Torrero (Z)
92.5 ALG Radio Tiaret Tiaret
95.9 E Onda Cero Sevilla Sevilla
96.7 POR RDP 1 / Antena 1 Porto/Monte da Virgem
97.0 E OM Radio Cartagena/Sierra de Carrascoy (MU), PI: 3043, AF: 92.5
97.1 E Cadena 40 Sevilla Sevilla, PI: E035, PS: CUARENTA
99.9 MRC Medi 1 Zaio
(Janpeter Dijk, The Netherlands - skywaves 07/06/2007)

5 June 2007:

16:30 87.60 Aflou ALG
16:31 87.80 Mecheria ALG
16:32 90.00 Mecheria ALG
16:33 87.70 Ain N'sour ALG
16:34 88.10 Metlili ALG
16:37 94.70 Tlemcen ALG
16:51 90.90 Mecheria ALG
17:10 87.50 A03C __danira Huelva E
17:12 88.00 E215 RNE_5___ Sierra de Mijas E
17:13 87.90 E30A Canal_EX MИrida E
17:16 87.60 E2EC KISS_FM_ Plasencia E
17:23 90.20 E237 __DIAL__ Monte Herrera E
17:24 87.70 E200 KISS_FM_ Jerez de la Frontera E
17:25 90.80 E333 R.A.I. Valencina del ConcepciСnE
17:29 92.20 E213 RNE_3___ Valladolid E
17:31 94.00 E212 RNE-CLAS Tajo de las Escobas E
17:33 95.20 E211 RNE_1___ Punta UmbrМa E
17:38 91.90 E2CE CAD-100_ Huelva E
17:43 99.80 EDCB SOL_XXI_ Tres Aguas E
17:44 99.70 E30A Canal_EX Guadalcanal E
17:45 106.30 E215 RNE_5___ Todo Noticias E
17:52 92.00 FFFF ___TV___ Tomares E
17:57 88.70 E2EE ONDACERO Monte Bartolo E
18:00 106.70 8332 R_CLUB_P Portalegre POR
18:01 92.00 8203 COMRCIAL Serra do Mendro POR
18:07 101.40 80B0 BИja POR
18:08 90.90 Mecheria ALG
18:09 87.70 8201 ANTENA_1 Serra do Mendro POR
18:11 95.10 E256 ECONOMIA Madrid-TorrespaЯa E
18:19 89.60 8231 __RFM___ Faro POR
18:20 89.80 E2CA MALAG___ Ceuta-Tajo E
18:21 90.00 8097 Vidigueira POR
18:24 91.30 E2EC KISS_FM_ Badajoz E
18:31 94.90 E214 R:SURCO_ AlcАzar de San Juan E
18:32 94.80 E21E M80RADIO Sevilla E
18:33 95.10 E332 CANALSUR Cerro JabalcСn E
18:36 99.70 E211 RNE_1___ La Puebla de Almenara E
18:39 90.00 E215 RNE_5___ Valencina del ConcepciСnE
18:48 87.60 E396 RCMRADIO AlmadИn E
18:52 87.50 E0E1 EVO_____ Valdemoro E
18:58 91.90 E396 LAMANCHA Cerro de los Palos E
19:04 94.90 E333 R.A.I. Mijas E
19:07 90.10 E429 MADRID PolМgono Valdonaire E

Unknown TX Sites:
18:14 104.60 E333 Unknown E
17:19 90.00 5158 ????ESTA Unknown E
(William Kitching, Telford, UK - skywaves 07/06/2007)

After a quiet few days I had another good opening to the South lasting
several hours. Many E & POR stations logged plus a couple of North
Africans. One interesting find was Morocco's Medi-1 on 87.6. I have no
listing for this outlet and it does not feature on the Medi-1 site. Any
ideas? As usual, any help with the ???s appreciated.

87.60 14:29 2007-06-05 MRC Medi-1 ??? Unattended rx
F001 _Medi_1_
87.60 16:21 2007-06-05 E Candil Radio Hu?rcal de
Almer?a Unattended rx EB02 Candil__
87.70 16:35 2007-06-05 ALG Radio Chlef Ain N'sour
87.80 16:35 2007-06-05 ALG Chaine 1 Mecheria Talks

90.70 16:38 2007-06-05 ALG Chaine 1 Aflou Talks

90.80 16:38 2007-06-05 ALG Chaine 1 Ain N'sour Talks

90.90 16:39 2007-06-05 ALG Radio Soummam Bejaia
92.60 16:41 2007-06-05 TUN Radio Jeune Ghomrassen
Music 7201 JEUNES__
88.10 16:48 2007-06-05 I Play Radio ??? Music
5241 _PLAY___
88.10 16:52 2007-06-05 ALG Radio Aures Metlili Talks

87.80 16:55 2007-06-05 TUN Radio Gafsa Kebili
Talks/voice ID 7206 GAFSA___
89.00 16:56 2007-06-05 I Radio Dimensione Suono multiple
TXs Music 5264 *RDS*_
91.20 16:58 2007-06-05 ALG Radio Zibane Metlili
92.50 16:59 2007-06-05 E SER Radio D?nia Daya Nueva
Music E274 CAD._SER
87.90 17:12 2007-06-05 POR RDP Antena 1 Lous?/Trevim
Talks 8201 ANTENA_1
87.60 17:14 2007-06-05 POR RDS-Radio Seixal Seixal
Music 8042 _R_D_S__
87.90 17:15 2007-06-05 MRC Chaine Inter Rabat PX in
Spanish 1002 SNRT-Int
90.20 17:17 2007-06-05 POR R?dio Renascen?a
Guarda/P.Vento Religious px 8221 ___RR___

90.90 17:19 2007-06-05 POR R?dio Altitude Guarda
92.50 17:22 2007-06-05 POR RCB-R?dio Cova da Beira
Fund?o/Serra da Gardunha Music/Talks/Voice ID

87.70 17:25 2007-06-05 POR RDP Antena 1 Serra do Mendro
Talks 8201 ANTENA_1
88.10 17:26 2007-06-05 POR R?dio Comercial
Monchique/F?ia Music 8203 COMRCIAL
87.60 17:35 2007-06-05 E Kiss FM Plasencia Music
88.00 17:35 2007-06-05 E RNE R5 Marbella/Sierra Elvira
News E215 RNE_5___
91.40 17:38 2007-06-05 E SER Placensia Plasencia
Music E239 __SER___
92.00 17:39 2007-06-05 POR R?dio Comercial Serra do
Mendro Talks 8203 COMRCIAL
93.40 17:40 2007-06-05 POR RDP Antena 2 Serra da Marofa
Talks 8202 ANTENA_2
95.90 17:43 2007-06-05 POR R?dio Sines Sines Talks
96.50 17:44 2007-06-05 POR R?dio Renascen?a Serra do
Mendro Religious px 8221 ___RR___
96.70 17:45 2007-06-05 POR R?dio Tagide Abrantes
Talks/Ads 80DB R_TAGIDE
98.60 17:47 2007-06-05 POR R?dio Renascen?a multiple
TXs Religious px 8221 ___RR___
102.70 17:51 2007-06-05 POR Antena Mir?briga Santiago do
Cac?m Music 8045 A_M_R___
88.30 17:53 2007-06-05 E RNE Radio Cl?sica
Pontevedra/Monte Tomba News E212 RNE-CLAS

89.50 17:55 2007-06-05 POR TSF R?dio Not?cias Lisboa
News 8343 _T_S_F__
90.40 17:59 2007-06-05 E Onda Cero Radio multiple TXs
90.40 18:01 2007-06-05 POR RFM Muro/Serra do Ger?s
Music 8231 __RFM___
91.00 19:04 2007-06-05 POR RLO-R?dio Litoral Oeste
?bidos Music 8091 _R_L_O__
87.60 19:05 2007-06-05 E Kiss FM Plasencia Music
87.50 19:06 2007-06-05 E Hispanidad Radio Huelva
Music A03C Dyn PS: Hispanidad radio*HR* 87-5FM HUELVA

87.60 19:07 2007-06-05 POR R?dio Clube de Matosinhos
Matoshinhos Talks 80C4 Part PS: MT????OS

87.90 19:08 2007-06-05 E Canal Extremadura Radio
M?rida/Cerro de San Serv?n Music/Voice ID E30A Canal_EX

88.00 19:09 2007-06-05 E RNE R5 multiple TXs News
E215 RNE_5___
89.30 19:09 2007-06-05 E Radiol? Linares Music
90.40 19:10 2007-06-05 E Onda Cero Radio multiple TXs
87.60 20:25 2007-06-05 E Kiss FM Plasencia Music
(Mike Fallon, UK - skywaves 07/06/2007)

some more loggings from Germany:
05 June 2007:
1515 R1 MDA TVR1 Cahul, Show
1526-1555 E2 IRN IRIB-TV oriental music followed by words in Farsi, vision
on 48.24 MHz

06 June 2007
1452 55.00 + 53.00 MHz Jonica Radio
1453 56.00 R. Telesia
1454 53.20 R. Riviera Sound, PI: 53FB
1455 50.056 I8EMG Cozzo Cervello
1522 50.000 IZ1SPI
1530 65.40 unid. STL from Italy
1532 IA TLA Monte Faito in colour
1535 IB Rai Uno in colour
1540 52.50 Lattemiele (tent.), according to PI Code 5000
1543 88.40 RTA Chrea, Algeria, programme in Berber
1552 50.065 GB3IOJ Jersey 10 W, 730 kilometres only
1600 50.023 SR5FHX Skubianka, Poland
1604-1617 88.40 RTA Chrea, news in Berber
1619 94.70 unid. in Arabic
1622 50.043 GB3MCB St.Austell
1626 50.065 GB3IOJ Jersey
1637 50.022 S55ZRS
1730 50.013 LZ1JH Stara Zagora, Bulgaria
1732 50.035 YU1EO Belgrade
1735 50.070 LZ1SIX
1737 E2 RTP1 Muro, Portugal
1810 E2 TVE1 Navacerrada, Spain
1821 E3 RTP1 Lousa
now I'm hearing Spain on FM
(Juergen Lohuis, Luenen, Germany - TV 06/06/2007)

Brief afternoon opening into Iberia and North Africa again today.
87.60 14:30 2007-06-06 POR RDS-Radio Seixal
Seixal Unattended rx 8042 _R_D_S__
87.60 14:55 2007-06-06 POR Radio Popular Afifense
Viana do Castelo Unattended rx 80AB AFIFENSE
87.60 16:09 2007-06-06 E Candil Radio Huercal de
Almeria Unattended rx EB02 Candil__
87.60 16:27 2007-06-06 MRC Chaine Inter Nador
Talks/voice ID
90.50 16:29 2007-06-06 MRC Chaine Nationale
Azougar Music/Talks
90.70 16:30 2007-06-06 ALG Chaine 1 Aflou
90.80 16:31 2007-06-06 ALG Chaine 1 Ain N'sour
87.70 16:33 2007-06-06 ALG Radio Chlef Ain
N'sour Talks
87.60 19:16 2007-06-06 I Radio Dimensione Suono
multiple TXs Unattended rx 5264 *RDS*_
(Mike Fallon, UK - FM 06/06/2007)

Just a short log here from Denmark,

around 16.00 UTC, heard on the car radio.

88.8 RDS: "RNE_5___"

99.8 RDS: "COPE____" + "PALENCIA"

91.1, 92.2 and 93.0 Classical Music - RNE clas presummed
(Niels Host, Denmark - skywaves 07/06/2007)

First opening into Middle East couple of hours ago.
Between 17 and 1830UTC Irib TV2 was in with a very strong signal (both 8M and 7,5P offset). Logo was in the upper right corner.
On the Digipan spec.analyser also saw the carriers of
Iran unid on 4824985
Syria TV2 on 4825015
Iran unid with wide carrier on 482510 (many times heard via F2).
(Ruud, Holland - skywaves 08/06/2007)

Freq. Date Time, z Stn, Site, Language QTH RDS/mode
67.76 27/2 1203 1st National channel of BR, Gomel,
Belorussian Novobelitskaya
68.00 14/2 0634 Avtoradio, Moscow, Russian Sheremetievo
68.12 27/2 0524 1st National channel of BR, Slonim, Belorussian Yurtsevo
69.25 27/2 1204 Kanal Kultura, Gomel, Belorussian Novobelitskaya
68.30 27/2 1401 Kanal Kultura, Bragin, Belorussian Gornostaevka
68.45 27/2 1507 Kiss FM, UNID location, Ukrainian Chernigov YES
69.47 27/2 1428 NRCU, Chernigov, Ukrainian Oleshnya
~69.60 27/2 1205 Radio BA, UNID location, Russian Novobelitskaya
69.80 14/2 0640 Europa Plus, Moscow, Russian Sheremetievo
69.92 27/2 0525 Kanal Kultura, Vitebsk, Belorussian Mazheevka
70.10 27/2 0739 Radio Mogilev, Mogilev, Russian Mogilev
70.13 27/2 1206 Kanal Kultura, Smarhon, Russian Novobelitskaya
71.03 27/2 0959 Kanal Kultura, Zlobin, Belorussian Zlobin
71.45 27/2 1000 1st National channel of BR, Bobruysk, Bel. Zlobin
71.81 27/2 1006 Radio Stolitsa, Zlobin, Belorussian Zlobin
72.26 27/2 1010 Radio Ekspress, qth?, Russian Zlobin
72.35 27/2 1207 Radio Melodia, Chernigov, Russian Novobelitskaya
73.01 27/2 1012 Radio Stolitsa, Bobruysk, Belorussian Zlobin
73.40 14/2 0644 Radio 7, Moscow, Russian Sheremetievo
87.50 14/2 0648 Radio Arsenal, Moscow, Russian Sheremetievo
87.60 19/2 2101 Links FM, London pirate, English London
87.60 28/3 1540 2 programa Hrvatskego Radio, Ugljan, Croatian Sibenik
87.80 23/5 1215 SINAR FM, Johor Bahru, Malay Singapore yes
87.90 14/2 0652 City Fm, Moscow, Russian Sheremetievo
87.90 19/2 2106 Shine, London pirate, English London yes
http://www.shine879fm.moonfruit.com/ info@shine879.com
88.00 16/2 1242 Retro FM, St. Petersburg, Russian St. Petersburg
88.10 11/4 2200 Yemen Radio from San'a, ?, Arabic Aden
88.20 19/2 2112 Rude FM, London pirate, English London yes
www.rudefm882.co.uk rudefm882@ntlworld.com
88.30 14/2 0658 Yumor FM, Moscow, Russian Sheremetievo
88.30 23/3 0611 C.FIESTA, Algeciras, Spanish Ceuta yes
88.30 23/5 1216 Dongli FM, Singapore, Chinese Singapore
88.40 16/2 1244 Avtoradio, St. Petersburg, Russian St. Petersburg
88.40 20/2 1809 Vision, London pirate, English London
www.vision884.co.uk tel 07930 996584 info@vision884.co.uk
88.40 27/2 1014 Radio Ranak, Svetlogorsk, Russian Metallurg
88.50 09/3 1408 XPN, Philadelphia, English Fairless Hills
88.60 20/2 1814 House FM, London pirate, English London yes
www.housefm.net +44 7050 617 301 INFO@HOUSEFM.NET
88.60 28/3 1541 SIBENIK, ?, Croatian Sibenik yes
88.80 20/2 1815 BBC R2, Crystal Palace, English London yes
88.90 16/2 1234 Yumor FM, St. Petersburg, Russian St. Petersburg
88.90 23/5 1219 BBC WS, Singapore, English Singapore yes
89.10 20/2 1815 BBC R2, Wrotham, English London yes
89.30 16/2 1246 Radio Kultura, St. Petersburg, Russian St. Petersburg
89.30 28/3 1543 Novi Radio, Zadar, Croatian Sibenik
89.30 23/5 1219 TV Mobile Radio, Bukit Batok, English Singapore
89.40 20/2 1815 Sweet FM, London pirate, English London yes
www.sweet894fm.co.uk sweet894fm@hotmail.co.uk +447983 235938
89.60 14/2 1026 Pere, Tallinn, Estonian Tallinn yes
89.60 20/2 1816 Selectuk, London pirate, English London yes
+44 (0)7951 006 724
89.70 23/5 1220 RIA 897, Bukit Batok, Malay, English Singapore yes
89.80 20/2 1817 Station FM, London pirate, English London
www.stationfm.org +44 (0)7950 809 037
90.00 20/2 1836 Hot FM, London pirate, English London
90.00 28/3 1644 HRT-HR 2, ?, Croatian Sibenik yes
90.10 16/2 1247 Radio Hermitage, St. Petersburg, Russian St. Petersburg
90.10 09/3 1425 WRTI, Philadelphia, English Fairless Hills
90.10 23/5 1221 Hot FM, Johor Bahru, Malay Singapore
90.20 14/2 1026 DFM, Tallinn, Russian Tallinn
90.20 20/2 1849 Unknown FM, London pirate, English London yes
http://www.unknownfm.net/ +44 7930 800 904 intouch@unknownfm.net
90.40 20/2 1851 Whoa FM, London pirate, English London
+44 (0)7944 469 015
90.50 21/5 0659 GOLD 905, Bukit Batok, English Singapore yes
90.60 14/2 1027 RR, Tallinn, Russian Tallinn yes
90.60 16/2 1248 Radio Hit, St. Petersburg, Russian St. Petersburg
90.60 20/2 1858 Y2K, London pirate, English London
90.70 31/5 0734 Arrow Jazz FM, Lopik, Dutch Schiphol
90.80 20/2 1947 Lightning, London pirate, English London yes
www.lightningfm.co.uk Email: info@lightningfm.co.uk Tel: Station Manager:
90.90 09/3 1418 BBC WS via PRI, WHYY, Philadelphia, English Fairless Hills
91.00 20/2 1952 BBC R3, Crystal Palace, English London yes
91.00 27/2 1019 Radio BA, Gomel, Russian Metallurg
91.10 14/2 1034 Groove FM, Helsinki, Finnish Tallinn
91.10 16/2 1250 Canal Melodia, St. Petersburg, Russian St. Petersburg
91.10 31/5 0748 Slam FM, Hilversum, Dutch Schiphol
91.20 20/2 1953 BBC R3, Bilsdale, English London yes
91.30 20/2 1953 BBC R3, Wrotham, English London yes
91.30 28/3 1644 Hrvatski Radio 1 program, Labinstica, Coratian Sibenik
91.30 09/5 1211 Radio 91.3 FM, Singapore, English Singapore
91.50 14/2 1047 Elmar, Kuresaare, Estonian Tallinn yes
91.50 16/2 1253 Ekho Peterburga, St. Petersburg, Russian St. Petersburg
91.50 27/2 1024 Kanal Kultura, Gomel, Belorussian Metallurg
91.60 28/3 1655 Hrvatski Radio 1 program, Ugljan, Croatian Sibenik
91.60 31/5 0751 Radio Veronica, Amsterdam, Dutch Schiphol
91.80 20/2 1953 Passion, London pirate, English London
www.passion918fm.com info@passion918fm.com
91.90 14/2 1048 YLEX, Espoo, Finnish Tallinn
92.30 14/2 1049 Radio Rock, Haamenlinna, Finnish Tallinn
92.30 20/2 2031 Deja Vu, London pirate, English London yes
www.vulive.co.uk info@vulive.co.uk +44 (0)7930 894 183
92.30 28/3 1659 NARODNI, ?, Croatian Sibenik yes
92.40 21/5 0703 SYM 903, Bukit Batok Singapore yes
92.50 20/2 2036 Metrolove, London pirate, English London
http://www.metroloveradio.com/ management@metroloveradio.com 07960 228465
92.50 09/3 1430 XTU, Philadelphia, English Fairless Hills
92.60 31/5 0752 Radio 2, Lopik, Dutch Schiphol
92.70 20/2 2045 Freeze, London pirate, English London yes
www.freezefm.co.uk info@freezefm.co.uk 07766 058 107
92.80 21/5 0705 RED 104.9, Johor Bahru, English Singapore yes
92.90 20/2 2056 Klimaxx Radio, London pirate, English London
93.20 14/2 1606 Energy, Tallinn Tallinn yes
93.20 20/2 2058 BBC R4, Crystal Palace, English London yes
93.30 09/3 1432 WMMR, Philadelphia, English Fairless Hills yes
93.30 21/5 0710 YES 933, Bukit Batok Singapore yes
93.30 31/5 0800 Ujala Radio, Amsterdam, Hindi, Dutch Schiphol
93.50 20/2 2059 BBC R4, Wrotham, English London yes
93.60 28/3 1659 Novi Radio, ?, Croatian Sibenik
93.70 09/3 1433 WSTW, Wilmington, English Fairless Hills
93.80 20/2 2059 Vibes FM, London pirate, English London yes
93.80 21/5 0711 938 LIVE, Bukit Batok, English Singapore yes
93.90 03/3 1900 LOVE94, Miami Beach, English Ft.Lauderdale
94.00 14/2 1606 YLE SUOMI, Espoo, Finnish Tallinn yes
94.00 20/2 2145 Touch, London pirate, English London yes
http://www.touchfm.com/ admin@touchfm.com +44 (0)7852 505 246
94.00 28/3 1706 HRT-HR 1, ?, Croatian Sibenik yes
94.10 09/2 1436 WYSP, Philadelphia, English Fairless Hills yes
94.20 20/2 2146 Blues FM, London pirate, English London
+44 (0)7939 398 095
94.20 21/5 0712 WARNA 942, Bukit Batok, Malay Singapore yes
94.40 20/2 2148 Flames FM, London pirate, English London yes
94.50 14/2 1607 Raadio 4, Tallinn, Russian Tallinn yes
94.50 09/3 1437 PST, Trenton, English Fairless Hills yes
94.60 21/5 0712 Lite FM, Johor Bahru, English Singapore yes
94.90 20/2 2149 BBC London, Crystal Palace, English London yes
95.00 21/5 0721 CLASS 95, Bukit Batok, English Singapore yes
95.10 28/3 1714 Hrvatski Radio 1, Celavac, Croatian Sibenik
95.20 20/2 2149 Origin FM, London pirate, English London
http://www.originfm952.com/ info@originfm952.com +44 (0)7816 619 065
95.30 21/2 1846 BBC Essex, South Benfleet, English London
95.40 14/2 1607 Skyplus, Tallinn, Estonian Tallinn yes
90.50 21/5 0722 MY FM, Johor Bahru, Chinese Singapore yes
95.50 21/2 1856 Ontop Radio, London pirate, English London yes
Ontopfm955@Yahoo.co.uk +44(0)7984 086 315
95.50 28/3 1720 HKR, Ugljan, Croatian Sibenik
95.70 09/3 1440 BEN-FM, Philadelphia, English Fairless Hills
95.80 21/2 1903 Capital, Croydon, English London yes
95.80 21/5 0722 CAPTL 958, Bukit Batok Singapore yes
96.10 28/3 1722 Hrvatski Radio 2 program, Labinstica, Croatian Sibenik
96.30 21/5 0723 INTER FM, Bukit Batok, French Singapore yes
96.40 21/2 1904 Surprise FM, London pirate, English London
+44 (0)7985 135 050
96.40 27/2 1025 Radio Mogilev, Mogilev, Russian Metallurg
96.50 09/3 1443 WRDW-FM, Philadelphia, English Fairless Hills yes
96.60 14/2 1608 Star FM, Maardu Tallinn yes
96.60 21/2 2040 Heat-966, London pirate, English London yes
96.70 21/2 2042 BBC Radio Across South, Wrotham, English London
96.80 21/5 0724 OLI 968, Bukit Batok, Tamil Singapore yes
96.90 21/2 2101 Choice FM, Crystal Palace, English London
97.10 21/2 2104 Energy FM, London pirate, English London
tel. 07985 747072
97.20 14/2 1608 Uuno, Tallinn, Estonian Tallinn yes
97.20 21/5 0725 LOVE 972, Bukit Batok, Chinese Singapore yes
97.30 21/2 2116 LBC, Croydon, English London yes
97.50 21/2 2117 Boasey, London pirate, English London
97.50 09/3 1503 WJJZ, ?, English Fairless Hills
97.60 21/2 2125 Bounce, London pirate, English London
+44 (0)7940 055 311
97.60 21/5 0726 HITZ.FM, Johor Bahru, English Singapore yes
97.80 14/2 1609 Raadio 3, Tallinn, Estonian Tallinn
97.80 23/3 0700 BFBS Radio 1, O'Hara Battery, English Ceuta
98.00 09/5 0002 Power, Singapore, English Singapore
98.10 21/2 2129 Mystic, London pirate, English London
+44 (0)7930 629 490
98.10 27/2 1030 Radio Minsk, Mogilev, Russian Metallurg
98.10 09/3 1510 WOGL, Philadelphia, English Fairless Hills
98.10 28/3 1725 2 program, Celavac, Croatian Sibenik
98.40 14/2 1612 Skyradio, Tallinn, Russian Tallinn yes
98.40 28/3 1726 OTVORENI, ?, Croatian Sibenik yes
98.40 21/5 0729 XFresh FM, Johor Bahru, English Singapore yes
98.50 21/2 2132 Radio 1, Crystal Palace, English London yes
98.70 21/5 0730 987FM, Bukit Batok, English Singapore yes
98.80 21/2 2133 Radio 1, Wrotham, English London
98.90 09/3 1510 Power WUSL, Philadelphia, power99.com, English Fairless
99.00 11/4 2150 Yemen Radio,
?,Arabic,www.yemenradio.net//102.5 Aden s/off 2210z
99.10 18/2 1542 Have it, London pirate, English London
Management: 07985140577 Studio: 07946323535 Email:
99.10 09/3 1515 Star, New York, English Fairless Hills
99.10 21/5 0731 MIX FM, Johor Bahru Singapore yes
99.30 18/2 1546 Polskie Radio w Londynie London yes
Radio Hey Now Marketing I Reklama Westgate House London W5 1YY UK. Tel.:
(0044) 02087990343
Email: reklama@radioheynow.com
99.40 27/2 1039 Radio Mogilev, Kostuykovichi, Russian Metallurg
99.50 21/5 0732 LUSH99,5, Bukit Batok Singapore yes
99.90 03/3 1817 Kiss Country, Boca Raton, English Ft.Lauderdale
99.90 21/5 0733 988, Johor Bahru c, Chinese Singapore yes
100.0 18/2 1547 KISS, Croydon, English London
100.1 27/2 1042 Radius FM, Gomel, Russian Cheretok
100.2 18.2 1549 True FM, London pirate, English London
100.3 10/5 0000 Radio 100.3 FM, Singapore, Chinese Singapore
100.5 16/2 1256 Europa Plus, St. Petersburg, Russian St. Petersburg
100.5 27/2 1049 Radius FM, Grodno, Russian Cheretok
100.5 23/3 0633 Radio Gibraltar, English Ceuta
100.6 27/2 1440 Avtoradio, Chernigov, Russian Oleshnya yes
100.6 23/3 0733 Canal Sur Radio, Jaen, Spanish Ceuta
100.7 27/2 1052 Europa Plus, UNID location, Russian Cheretok
100.7 02/3 1153 WHYI Y100, F.Lauderdale, English Ft.Lauderdale yes
100.7 28/3 1727 Radio Sibenik, Zirje, Croatian Sibenik
100.7 21/5 0737 Batam FM, Sekupang, Indonesian Singapore
100.6 18/2 1613 Classic, Crystal Palace, English London yes
100.8 27/2 1224 Radius FM, Bragin, Russian Lisichnik
100.8 23/3 0749 RNE-CLASICA, Ceuta Ceuta yes
100.9 16/2 1300 Piter RS, St. Petersburg, Russian St. Petersburg yes
100.9 18/2 1613 Classic, Wrotham, English London yes
101.0 28/3 1728 Radio Split, Labinstica, Croatian Sibenik
101.1 18/2 1615 Naija FM, London pirate, West African London
101.1 09/3 1515 B101, Philadelphia, English Fairless Hills
101.1 23/3 0750 M80, Malaga, Spanish Ceuta
101.1 23/5 0428 RTM6, Johor Bahru, Tamil Singapore
101.3 18/2 1616 Eruption, London pirate, English London
www.eruptionhardcore.co.uk eruption@eruptionhardcore.co.uk
101.3 27/2 1054 Express, Gomel, Russian Uza
101.3 27/2 1518 Radio Melodia, Chernigov, Ukrainian Chernigov
101.4 16/2 1301 Eldoradio, St. Petersburg, Russian St. Petersburg yes
101.4 0757 0757 ONDACERO, Ceuta, Spanish Ceuta yes
101.5 18/2 1639 Power, London pirate, English London
101.5 02/3 1207 Lite FM, Miami (Dade), English Ft.Lauderdale
101.5 09/3 1749 WKXW, Trenton, English Fairless Hills yes
101.9 23/5 0501 Zoo FM, Batam, English, Indonesian Singapore
101.7 18/2 1641 Xtreme, London pirate, English London
101.8 27/2 1442 Khoroshee Radio Shanson, Chernigov, Ukrainian Oleshnya
101.8 29/3 0555 HRT Radio Zadar, Ugljan, Croatian Sibenik
101.9 23/3 0758 RNE5, ?, Spanish Ceuta yes
101.9 23/5 0512 Johor FM, Johor Bahru, Malay Singapore
102.0 18/2 2007 Chillin FM, London pirate, English London yes
http://www.chillin102fm.com/news.php tel. 07910 485948
102.0 16/2 1302 Radio ROKS, St. Petersburg, Russian St. Petersburg yes
102.1 09/3 1800 WIOQ, Philadelphia, HD, English Fairless Hills
102.2 18/2 2008 Smooth, Croydon, English London yes
102.2 27/2 1104 ROKS, Oktyabrskiy?, Russian Uza
102.2 27/2 1520 Radio 5, UNID location, Ukrainian Nezhin
102.3 23/3 0758 Radio 5, ?, Spanish Ceuta
102.3 29/3 0600 HRT-HR 3, ?, Croatian Sibenik
102.3 23/5 0516 Kei FM, Batam, Indonesian Singapore
102.4 18/2 2009 Wax FM, London pirate, English London
+44 (0)7952 450 804
102.4 27/2 1453 Radio 5, Chernigov, Ukrainian Oleshnya yes
102.5 11/4 2150 Yemen Radio, ?,Arabic,www.adenradio.net//99.0 Aden s/off
102.5 23/3 0758 Radio Malaga, German Ceuta
102.5 23/5 0518 Fly FM, UNID tx site?, English Singapore
102.6 27/2 1106 Radio ROKS, Gomel, Russian Svetoch
102.6 29/3 0621 Novi Radio, ?, Croatian Sibenik
102.7 18/2 2041 Saus? FM, London pirate, English London
102.7 02/3 1210 MAGIC, Pompano Beach, English Ft.Lauderdale yes
102.8 16/2 1303 Maximum, St. Petersburg, Russian St. Petersburg yes
102.8 23/3 0800 40 Principales, ?, Spanish Ceuta
102.9 09/3 1802 MGK, Philadelphia, English Fairless Hills
102.9 23/5 0524 Traxx, Johor Bahru, English Singapore
103.0 27/2 1456 Radio Lux FM, Chernigov, Russian, Ukrainian Oleshnya
103.0 18/2 2048 Ice Cold Radio, London pirate, English London
103.0 27/2 0454 Roks, Vitebsk, Russian Yurtsevo
103.0 29/3 0629 HR Zadar, Celovac, Croatian Sibenik
103.1 23/3 0804 RNE 3, Tajo, Spanish Ceuta yes
103.3 18/2 2117 LGR, Alexandra Palace London yes
103.3 27/2 1226 BR1, Bragin, Russian Lisichnik
103.3 09/3 1803 WPRB, Princeton, English Fairless Hills
103.4 16/2 1304 DFM, St. Petersburg, Russian St. Petersburg
103.5 27/2 1457 Radio Era FM, Chernigov, Ukrainian Oleshnya yes
103.5 02/3 1211 The Beat, Ft.Lauderdale, English Ft.Lauderdale
103.5 28/3 1529 Narodni Radio, ?, Croatian Sibenik
103.6 18/2 2126 Raw Flex, London pirate, English London
103.7 23/5 0526 THR, Johor Bahru Singapore yes
103.8 18/2 2129 BBC 3 counties Radio, Zouches Farm, English London
104.0 16/2 1306 Nashe Radio, St. Petersburg, Russian St. Petersburg
104.1 23/5 0527 Best104, Johor Bahru, Malay Singapore
104.2 18/2 2136 Bizim FM, London pirate, Turkish London
104.3 27/2 1458 Nashe Radio, Chernigov, Ukrainian Oleshnya
104.4 16/2 1309 Shanson, St. Petersburg, Russian St. Petersburg yes
104.4 18/2 2141 Resonance FM, London/Guys Hospital Tower, Eng. London
104.5 09/3 2147 WUBA, Philadelphia, Spanish Fairless Hills yes
104.5 28/3 1530 HKR, ?, Croatian Sibenik yes
104.5 23/5 0530 ERA FM, Johor Bahru, Malay Singapore yes
104.6 27/2 0455 Radio Ljuks, Vitebsk, Russian Yurtsevo
104.7 19/2 0706 SubJam, London pirate, English London yes
http://www.subjam.com/ tel. 07932 747572
104.7 27/2 1501 Hit FM, Chernigov Oleshnya
104.7 02/3 1213 Rix? FM, UNID location, English Ft.Lauderdale
104.8 16/2 1310 Radio Baltika, St. Petersburg, Russian St. Petersburg
104.9 19/2 0707 XFM, Crystal Palace, English London yes
104.9 23/5 0531 RTM AI FM, Johor Bahru, Chinese Singapore yes
105.0 27/2 0455 Kanal Kultura, Orsha, Belorussian Yurtsevo
105.1 27/2 1107 1st National channel of BR, Gomel, Belorussian Svetoch
105.1 02/3 1221 HOT 105, Coral Gables, English Ft.Lauedrdale yes
105.15 19/2 0708 Itch FM, London pirate, English London
http://www.itchfm.com/ Info@itchfm.com
105.3 16/2 1311 Love Radio, St. Petersburg, Russian St. Petersburg
105.3 09/3 2151 WDAS-FM, Philadelphia, English Fairless Hills yes
105.4 19/2 1912 Magic, Croydon, English London yes
105.5 27/2 0501 Radius FM, Vitebsk, Russian Yurtsevo
105.5 27/2 1115 1st National channel of BR, UNID location, Bel. Svetoch
105.7 09/3 2155 The Hock WCHR-FM, Manahawkin, English Fairless Hills
105.7 23/5 0533 Muzik FM, Johor Bahru, English Singapore
105.8 19/2 1914 Virgin, London London yes
105.8 27/2 1323 Kanal Kultura, Bragin, Belorussian Gornostaevka
105.9 16/2 1315 RS Sputnik, St. Petersburg, Russian St. Petersburg yes
105.9 27/2 0504 1st National channel of BR, Mogilev, Rus, Bel. Yurtsevo
105.9 27/2 1116 Radio Express, UNID location, Russian Gomel North
105.9 02/3 1222 Big, Ft.Lauderdale, English Ft.Lauderdale
106.1 09/3 2200 My WISX, Philadelphia, English Fairless Hills
106.2 19/2 1916 Heart, London London yes
106.2 23/5 0534 IKIM.FM, Johor Bahru, English Singapore
106.3 16/2 1316 Radio Record, St. Petersburg, Russian St. Petersburg
106.3 27/2 1325 Love Radio, Chernigov, Ukrainian Gornostaevka yes
106.4 28/3 1531 R-RITAM, ?, Croatian Sibenik yes
106.5 19/2 1916 Force, London pirate London yes
www.forcefm.net tel 07840 443869
106.7 02/3 1249 Romance, Ft.Lauderdale, Spanish Ft.Lauderdale
106.7 23/5 1135 Klasik Nasional, Johor Bahru, Malay Singapore
106.8 19/2 1917 Time, Shooters Hill/Thameshead London yes
106.8 27/2 1331 Kiss FM, Chernigov, English Gornostaevka yes
106.9 19/2 1918 Consious? FM, London pirate London yes
tel. 065-076 07940
106.9 10/3 0301 WKDN, Camden, English Fairless Hills
107.0 27/2 0522 1st National channel of BR, Orsha, Rus, Bel. Yurtsevo
107.0 23/5 1144 Studio FM, Batam, English, Indonesian Singapore
107.1 19/2 1948 Choice FM, Alexandra Palace London yes
107.2 27/2 1337 Russkoye Radio, Chernigov, Russian,
Ukrainian Gornostaevka yes
107.3 19/2 1948 Time, SE London, English London yes
107.4 14/2 0630 Hit, Moscow, Russian Sheremetievo
107.4 19/2 1949 Attitude FM, London pirate, English London yes
+44 (0)7908 995 292
107.4 27/2 1121 107.4FM, Gomel, Russian Gomel
107.5 19/2 2003 Time, Romford, English London
107.5 02/3 1351 Amor FM, Miami (Dade), Spanish Ft.Lauderdale
107.7 19/2 2010 Dream, Chelmsford, English London
107.7 27/2 1340 MFM, Chernigov, Russian, Ukrainian Gornostaevka
107.8 14/2 0632 Radio Militseyskaya Volna, Moscow, Russian Sheremetievo
107.8 19/2 2011 Radio Jacki, London/Tolworth Tower, English London
107.9 09/3 1237 WRNB, Philadelphia, English Fairless Hills
108.0 19/2 2014 Unknown FM.net, London, English London
(Sergey Kolesov, Kiev, Ukraine - fmdx_Italy 09/06/2007)

Just received an alert via the chat room that Mongolia is currently
being received on 6m. R1 has about twenty v weak carriers around 0
offset. R2 is similar but with a dominant unstable carrer (rapid
movement of about 100 Hz) at the centre too.
(John Faulkner, UK - skywaves 09/06/2007)

two weak openings Oirt in north Italy. The first, at 07.20 utc, from
Russia and Belarus, the second, from 18.20 utc, from Belarus.
Fabrizio Carnevalini

Loggings 2007 06 09

UTC Freq PI PS Cty Station
1825 66.02 BLR: BR Novaye Radio Mahileu,Babruysk/Yasny
Les (MA) (1691 kms)
0732 66.08 UKR: UR 1,Krasnohorivka (PO) (1799 kms)
1826 66.20 BLR: Radyjo Stalica,Gomel (GO)
1832 66.32 BLR: BR 1,Pinsk (BR) (1460 kms)
0726 66.35 RUS: Radio Shanson,Smolensk RTPC (SM) (1948 kms)
0722 66.50 UKR: UR 1,Bilopillya=Belopolye (SU) (1889 kms)
1820 67.10 BLR: BR 2 Kanal Kultura,Pinsk (BR) (1460 kms)
0730 67.13 RUS: Radio Mayak (RSM),Yartsevo-Smogiri (SM)
(1981 kms)
1822 67.34 BLR: BR 2 Kanal Kultura,Slonim (HR) (1488 kms)
1834 67.37 BLR: BR 1,Bragin (GO) (1664 kms)
0741 67.64 BLR: Radio Vitsebsk,Myadzel/Telyaki (MI)
(1710 kms)
1835 68.30 BLR: BR 2 Kanal Kultura,Bragin (GO) (1664 kms)
1843 69.08 BLR: Radio Brest,Pinsk (BR) (1460 kms)
1846 69.11 BLR: Radyjo Stalica,Bragin (GO) (1664 kms)
1844 69.68 BLR: BR 1,Zhlobin (GO) (1721 kms)
1840 71.03 BLR: BR 2 Kanal Kultura,Zhlobin (GO) (1721 kms)
1842 71.45 BLR: BR 1,Babruysk (MA) (1691 kms)
(Fabrizio Carnevalini, Angera, Verse, Italy - skywaves 10/06/2007)

Not in the shack much today and tomorrow, Sunday, I shall be out all day. Still I did manage the following:

9 June 2007




Vaasa (Mustasaari)







(William Kitching, UK - skywaves 10/06/2007)

Tuesday 5 June 2007
Band II Sporadic E Loggings:
87.5 E Radio Pinomar Los Montes (MA)
87.9 POR RDP 1 / Antena 1 Lousã/Trevim
88.0 POR RDP 2 / Antena 2 3 txs listed
88.2 E RNE Radio Clásica Páramo (LU)
88.7 POR Rádio Comercial Lamego, PI: 8203
88.8 POR Rádio Voz de Vagos Vagos
89.5 E Kiss FM Cáceres/Sierra de la Mosca, PI: E2EC
89.5 POR TSF - Rádio Notícias Lisboa, PI: 8343
89.6 E Cadena Dial Palencia Palencia
90.4 POR Rádio Europa Lisboa Lisboa/Monsanto
90.4 E Onda Cero MÃrida MÃrida, PI: E2EE
90.8 POR Rádio Comercial Lousã/Trevim, PI: 8203
90.9 E Cadena 40 Valladolid Valladolid/Cerro del Águila
91.1 E RNE Radio Clásica 3 txs listed
91.1 POR RDP 2 / Antena 2 Bornes/Chaves
92.1 POR Maiorca FM Figueira da Foz
92.3 E RNE Radio Clásica 2 txs listed
92.4 E RNE Radio Clásica 3 txs listed
92.4 POR Mega FM Lisboa, PI: 844E
92.5 POR RDP 2 / Antena 2 Porto/Monte da Virgem
92.8 POR RDP 1 / Antena 1 Bornes/Chaves
93.0 POR Central FM Leiria, PI: 803C
93.2 POR RFM Lisboa/Monsanto, PI: 8231
94.0 POR 94 FM Leiria
94.4 POR RDP 2 / Antena 2 Lisboa/Monsanto
94.9 POR RDP 1 / Antena 1 2 txs listed
95.1 POR Rádio Renascença Leiria/Maunça
96.4 POR RDP 1 / Antena 1 Fundão/Serra da Gardunha
96.9 E Cadena 40 4 txs listed
97.2 POR RDP 1 / Antena 1 Serra da Marofa
97.3 E Radio Andalucía Información Huelva/Aljaraque, PI: E333
97.4 POR Rádio Comercial Lisboa/Monsanto
98.3 POR RDP 1 / Antena 1 Serra de Montejunto
98.7 POR RDP 1 / Antena 1 Leiria/Maunça
99.7 E Onda Cero Zamora Zamora, PI: E2EE
99.8 POR Rádio Comercial Serra de Montejunto, PI: 8203, PS:
99.9 E Cadena Dial Bahía Cádiz/San Fernando, PI: E237, PS:
100.0 POR Rádio Jornal do Fundão Fundão/Serra da Gardunha
100.3 POR RDP 3 / Antena 3 Lisboa/Monsanto
101.3 POR RDP 3 / Antena 3 Fundão/Serra da Gardunha
101.7 POR Rádio Beira Litoral Montemor-o-Velho, PI: 80F0
103.0 POR RFM Serra da Marofa
103.4 POR Rádio Renascença Lisboa/Monsanto, PI: 8221
104.0 POR RFM Guarda/P. Vento, PI: 8231, PS: __RFM___
104.1 POR Rádio Renascença Porto/Monte da Virgem
104.2 POR RDP 2 / Antena 2 Leiria/Maunça
104.3 POR Rádio Clube Português Lisboa/Monsanto
104.8 POR Rádio Batalha Batalha, PI: 80E9
104.9 POR Rádio Bonfim Chamusca, PI: 80F4, PS: R.BONFIM
105.1 POR TSF - Rádio Notícias Fundão/Serra da Gardunha
105.4 POR Química FM Cascais
105.4 POR TSF - Rádio Notícias Serra da Marofa, PI: 8343
106.0 POR Rádio Renascença Lousã/Trevim
106.4 POR RDP 3 / Antena 3 Leiria/Maunça
106.6 POR TSF - Rádio Notícias Guarda/P. Vento
106.8 POR RFM Serra de Montejunto
107.4 POR TSF - Rádio Notícias Lousã, PI: 8343
107.7 POR RFM Leiria
107.9 POR R. Universidade de Coimbra Coimbra, PI: 8051, PS: __RUC___, AF: 106.7 (unknown)
(Janpeter Dijk, The Netherlands - skywaves 06/06/2007)
Неофициальное вещание

9365 Radio Free Asia (presumed), 0140-0145, 6/6/2007,
Tibetan. Talk by man. Very poor signal, just above the noise, but
readable. SINPO 24222. Parallel noted on 11695 (UAE) with weaker
signal. Other scheduled parallels not heard. (Jim Evans, TN - CumbreDX 07/06/2007)

Star Radio, 9525, 0707 - 0729, in EE. Article on trial(s)
in Liberia, another article (topic not clear due to QRN), "This is Star
Radio, Monrovia, Liberia", "Contact" program - listing of people trying to
get word about or contact others "since the end of the war" being the most
common reason. Off mid sentence 0729. No further programming as of 0736 as
I write this. (No repeat or Cotton Tree News.) (Mark Taylor, Madison, Wi, USA - dxldyg 05/06/2007)

9525, Cotton Tree News (CTN) via Ascension, 0731-0738
June 5, following the STAR Radio programming ("STAR Contact"), drums,
followed by news in English (report of a Russian made helicopter that
crashed while it was ferrying passengers to the Freetown International
Airport, item by Mr. Farah about leprosy in Sierra Leone, etc.), seems they
are back on a regular basis now, fair even with QRM from VOI (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA - dxldyg 05/06/2007)

С. Корея/Япония
9485, Shiokaze - Sea Breeze via Taiwan, *1300-1330, June 9 (Sat.). Seems there might be the start of a pattern emerging for English, as noted over the past two weeks on

Tue. and Sat. Piano IS, many ID's: "This is Shiokaze Sea Breeze, from Tokyo, Japan", YL started with details of an Oct. 1977 abduction and ended with the profile of a 1984

abduction, fair/poor, light QRM from 9480, no jamming heard (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA - dxldyg 10/06/2007)

860 no identificada, Sao Paulo?, junio 7, 0833 UT, SIO de 222, duro solo dos minuticos,
locutora (en idioma portugues) con noticias sobre brasil, luego con corresponsal en Brasilia
...se fue la senal por fading...pero dandole vuelta a la loop experimenta, volvio la senal
y la locutora dio chequeo de la hora "5 horas e 37 minutos" (solamente), la senal se volvio
mas debil, tambien tenia la presencia de emisora de venezuela y colombiana.

Junio 7 monitoreo desde las 0725-0935 UT, las frecuencias de las emisoras calenas que no
estuvieron en el aire a esa hora (620, 780, 940, 1030, 1160, 1350, 1470, 1500, 1550 KHz)
u las que estuvieron en el aire fueron: 660, 700, 820, 900, 980, 1080, 1110, 1200, 1230,
1260 y 1290 KHz)
Las emisoras de Palmira ninguna estuvo en el aire (1050, 1320, 1380).

1010 Radio Reloj, Junio 7, 0844 UT, 222, la que domina la frecuencia se identifico
como Radio Relo 1010...luego la de fondo, solo como Radio Reloj.

1060 Radio Litoral, junio 7, 0847 UT, 333, musica sin parar, como vallenato, salsa,
reggeton, pero ID positivo por locutora como "estas escuchando -Radio Litoral- (dos veces)"

1160 -?- Dios es Amor, Bogota, junio 7, 0849 UT, 333, emisora religiosa, pastor hablando en portugues (dije, outra do brasil ??!!) pero no es asi sino desde bogota, segun

me informo
Rafael Rodriguez se enlanza con programacion de Sao Paulo...Deus e Amor, 45 anos da Voz da Libertacao (nombre del programa religioso).

1340 La Carinosa 13-40 AM, Bogota, junio 7, 0800 UT, 444!, slogan "en los 13-40 AM,
donde tu vives la musica, la Carinosa 13-40 AM".

1510 Radio Monumental, junio 7, 0810 UT, 222, ID por Locutor "Radio Monumental..."

590 RPC Radio, Chitre, Herrera, junio 7, 0735 UT, 222, termino boletin de noticias
y siguio con "DEBATE ABIERTO atraves de RPC Radio".

1390 Radio Fe y Alegria, junio 7, 0857 UT, 222, ID "de oriente a occidente..Radio Fe
y Alegria"...lo que me parecio curioso era el jamming de fondo, ya habia escuchado anteriormente
en los 1510 KHz, y ahora en los 1390 KHz. Hacia quien ???
Rx. Sony 7600G
Antena AN61
Las horas son en UT (Tiempo Universal)

5960 CVC, la Voz, junio 7, 0920 UT, 444, con programa religioso.

5980 Radio Marti, junio 7, 0922 UT, 333, con noticias, escuchada tambien en los 6030 KHz
con SIO de 333.

6000 WYFR, junio 7, 0924 UT, 444, programacion religiosa en espanol.
6175 WYFR, junio 7, 0925 UT, 444, pgma religioso en portugues.
7335 WHRI, junio 7, 0928 UT, 444, en ingles, se sigue escuchando a CHU de fondo con el time pip.
(Yimber Gaviria, Cali, Colombia - playdx2003 07/06/2007)

9620 07/06 1710 IND All India R. Aligarh mx indu 43343
9630 07/06 1720 UK BBC via Seichelles EE nx abt Africa 43333
9930 07/06 1730 USA World Harvest R. EE px abt drugas e alcool, mx 34331
11500 07/06 1750 USA VOA via Sri Lanka ?? nx mundiais 54444
11585 07/06 1805 IND All India R. Delhi AA talks, mx 44343
11630 07/06 1813 Voice of Russia Moscow EE nx 33232
11715 07/06 1822 ?? ?? ?? AA talks 55454
11820 07/06 1830 SAB BS of Kingdon Riyadh AA tlaks 44333
(Alexis Maldonado, Sorocaba-SP - radioescutas 09/06/2007)

R. Rebelde, Havana, Cuba – 17555 – 1615utc Jun 9 – sio454+, strong –
(Spanish) – YL w/ ID, several Bob Marley songs in a row. M w/ “R Rebelde” ID at
:28 after the hour, into more Cuban vocal music. Several mentions of “Salvador.”
(Mike Bryant, Eton E5, Hillview, KY)

Africa Number One, Moyabi, Gabon – 15475 – 1635utc Jun 9 – sio444, good –
(French) – M w/ ID in French w/ clear African accent, over start of American
rap music w/ gangsta lyrics. Next rap song in French, sounded interesting.
(Mike Bryant, Eton E5, Hillview, KY)
R. Taiwan Int'l, Issoudun, France - 15515 – 1645utc Jun 9 – sio243, poor to
fair. - (English) – M & YL w/ NHK-style chit-chat about Taiwan. (Mike
Bryant, Eton E5, Hillview, KY)

WYFR, Wertachtel, Germany – 15650 - 1655utc Jun 9 – sio343 – (English) –
Bible stories in the form of a dialogue between a man and a boy. “Family Radio”
ID by M. (Mike Bryant, Eton E5, Hillview, KY)

DW, Sines, Portugal – 15620 -1850utc Jun 9 – sio444, strong - Classical mx,
M w/ clear DW ID, into interview of YL. (Mike Bryant, Sony 7600G, Hillview,

RTV Marocaine, Nador, Morocco – 15345 – 2105 utc, Jun 9 - sio434, best in
upper sync to escape het from below. YL w/ ID, while talking on top of modern
ME music. Eventually, some Spanish coming along with het, probably Argentina.
(Mike Bryant, Sony 7600G, Hillview, KY)

CRI, Kashi, China – 9640 – 2230utc Jun 9 – sio433 – (Spanish)
Latin music up to BOH, then M & YL both with IDs “Radio Internationale Cheena
” (Mike Bryant, Sony 7600G, Hillview, KY)

Galei Zahal, Tel Aviv, Israel – 15778 – 0020 Jun 10 – sio 243, all alone. -
(Hebrew) – US pop songs from the '60's. Weaker than //6973. (Mike Bryant,
Sony 7600G, Hillview, KY)

R. Prague, Litomysl, Czech Republic – 9440 – 0025utc Jun10 -
sio444, strong. - End of “Inside Central Europe” pgm, Man w/ ID, pgm URL.
Couple of IS with horn, M w/ ID, abrupt s/off mid-ID. (Mike Bryant, Sony 7600G, Hillview, KY - dxldyg 10/06/2007)

BRAZIL 4885 Clube do Para 0409 with ads and songs S6 , 24333, on
6.6 . On 7.6 same prg with 34344 and S8 On 8.6 S3 Liangas 6,7,8 Jun

BOTSWANA 4930 {s2}and S Tome 4960 {S10} VoA with diferent
programs on 0410 Liangas 6.6.7

BRAZIL 4915 Diffusora MAcapa? 0412 music S2-3 on 7.6 S1 on 8.6

BRAZIL 4825 cancao Nova? 409 marginal Liangas 7.6.7

BRAZIL 5035 [aparecida?] 0414 talks by YL in portuguese. S 2 max
Liangas 7.6.7

N ZEALAND 9615 presume RNZI 0620 discussions between two
people , On 0642 mentioned Australia 15331 S0 Liangas 9 Jun
Retziki THS greece

S AFRICA 15255 Channel Africa 0649 ID inside talsk . with local
political news and comments,a phone in S3 25433 Liangas June 9th Retziki THS
(Z. Liangas, Greece - CumbreDX 10/06/2007)

Firedrake, 14520 (new frequency?), 1622-1654 June 8, not heard on
14620. All against SOH: parallel with 7300 (weak), 9200 (good), 10300 (good)
and 18180 (good). Noted firedrake against RFA on 11795 (very strong) with
weak station under them. Also firedrake on 15210 (weak), mixing with a
station in English, against who? (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA - dxldyg 08/06/2007)




R.Spaceman,Schlager and pops





WMR,E, rock, ID, ballad, jingle // 6400 sinpo 35443





The Bogusman,E, rock, Echo and the bunnymen, talks about
canadian dxers





R.Scotland Int, E, rock, talk, announcing the 6290 freq





WCR,E, rock, closing down at 2141





R.Underground,E, talks and dx info





WMR, E, pops, ID; No more I loveyous // 6400 sinpo: 35443





KBS,Sp, Seul en contacto, ID





MV Baltic R, G, ID, website, jingle rock





Mystery R, G,E, DJ Chris Ise live, dance, jingle Bob





Mystery R, disco dance, jingle





Mystery R, dance





DW, rock, ID





KBC,E, rock, jingle ID. Come onoo Alice by Dexies Midnight
Runners ,my report at 2252





R.Brandaris Int, E; ID; freq. Hotline 0031630965772 and
hotline, inst.





unid, D, slow song, interview





R.Scotland Int, E, rocik, hallo, dj coment, ID, closing down
at 2208





WMR,E, Bob Dylan, jingle from Madrid to Vladivostock





LHH via Pirate Music, E, blues





LHH,pops at 1555 pops sinpo: 35443





R.Joystick, G, dance, funky, ID, Charlie Prince, repeat of
the 27-5, show





Latvia Today,E, ID, pop song, Curland info

(Silveri Gomez - playdx2003 08/06/2007)

16014.2 RFQPM: Fra-Mil FF Djibouti 1035 ARQ-E3 100 baud mixed tfc. Plain
language ( wx fcst for Atlantic/Indian and Pacific Oceans) and encrypted tfc
5l groups) (2007-06-06) (sw)

10100.8 DDK9: Ger-Meteo Hamburg 1245 Rtty ITA2 50/400 wx synop. (2007-06-06)

11039.0 DDH9: Ger-Meteo Hamburg 1258 Rtty ITA2 50/400 ch-mkr (2007-06-06)

11086.5 GYA: RN-London (Northwood) 1613 Fax 120/576 Fleet wx bcst
(2007-06-06) (sw)

14485.5 XSS: UK-DHFCS NCA 0830 ALE/USB sndg (2007-06-07) (sw)

16606.0 XSS: UK-DHFCS NCA 0839 ALE/USB sndg (2007-06-07) (sw)

08107.0 XSS: UK-DHFCS NCA 0841 ALE/USB sndg (2007-06-07) (sw)

08108.5 XSS: UK-DHFCS NCA 0841 ALE/USB sndg (2007-06-07) (sw)

06873.5 XFT: UK-DHFCS 0845 ALE/USB clg XSS (2007-06-07) (sw)

12230.0 XSS: UK-DHFCS NCA 0845 ALE/USB sndg (2007-06-07) (sw)

08182.0 XFT: UK-DHFCS 0848 ALE/USB clg XSS (2007-06-07) (sw)

08182.0 XSS: UK-DHFCS NCA 0848 ALE/USB clg XFT (2007-06-07) (sw)

09019.0 XSS: UK-DHFCS NCA 0850 ALE/USB sndg (2007-06-07) (sw)

06251.0 XJK: UK-DHFCS 0850 ALE/USB clg XSS (2007-06-07) (sw)

03226.0 XSS: UK-DHFCS NCA 0855 ALE/USB sndg (2007-06-07) (sw)

15000.0 CCS: Unid 0918 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-06-07) (sw)

04168.5 XFT: UK-DHFCS 0928 ALE/USB clg XSS (2007-06-07) (sw)

06251.0 XSS: UK-DHFCS NCA 0928 ALE/USB sndg (2007-06-07) (sw)

06416.5 XSS: UK-DHFCS NCA 0928 ALE/USB sndg (2007-06-07) (sw)

14550.0 C3: Mrc-Military 0955 ALE/USB clg S3 (2007-06-07) (sw)
(Sam, UK - udxf 07/06/2007)

07646.0 DDH7: Ger-Meteo Hamburg 1253 Rtty ITA2 50/400 air wx fcst.
(2007-06-07) (sw)

07855.5 FDI22: Fra-Af Narbonne 1306 Rtty ITA2 50/170

test de fdi22

voyez le brick geant quesjexamine pres du grand wharf 0123456789



(2007-06-07) (sw)

08040.0 GYA: RN-London (Northwood) 1317 Fax 120/576 Fleet wx bcst schedule.
Freq's 2618.5 4610.0 8040.0 and 11088.5 (2007-06-07) (sw)

08100.0 Unid 1324 Rtty 50/538 encrypted tfc 5fg. 32 grps of 100 5fg. Group
23 shown below

23 : =

03429 57020 71728 46673 74780 02797 79655 01735 34330 12459

01268 15464 93315 21285 45735 82435 27406 00726 82246 03116

27221 47699 98609 42953 53936 65088 72127 12040 31463 90428

42442 06008 35836 34917 36717 72522 95765 26513 29292 51953

55503 27035 32143 19741 12538 33894 45783 28226 26981 30186

(2007-06-07) (sw)
(Sam, UK - udxf 07/06/2007)

M51, CW signal, groups of 5 letters, with for example

BT NR 03 M 09 02:13:35 ???? BT
BT NR 12 M 01 04:37:03 1984 BT
BT NR 24 M 01 02:19:21 1984 BT
BT NR 70 M 14 16:54:03 1989 BT

seperating segments.

checking UDXF, e2k and Spooks for mentions in the last 18 months
offer reports on the following freqs.
3881, 4051, 4411, 4439, 4526, 4857, 4963/4964, 5192.5, 5200,
5286, 5892, 6723.5, 6825, 6914, 6950, 7536, 7623, 7789,
9123.5, and 9450 kHz.

a French mil CW training system.
see also mentions of "FAV22"
So not really spook activity.

Ary has a sked of M51 at http://home.luna.nl/~ary/

Sometimes with very strong signals into Florida
(Jon, Fl - udxf 08/06/2007)

0120z 08 Jun 07

11175.0 was active at 0115z with RENT A CAR (weak/sometimes
unreadable) working OFFUTT (good) with a phone patch to a common DSN
OFFUTT number for orderwire coordination with WASHTUB (GEP controller
alias). RENT A CAR requested RF17 7B. WASHTUB advised that
"technically with that callsign you can't get 7B" and suggested 7C or
7D. RENT A CAR accepted 7D, said he would come up in station [faded;
GEP alias] and terminated patch and gone. (Jeff Haverlah, Texas - udxf 08/06/2007)

5820.0 WGY9030, FEMA, unid location, WGY9025, FEMA, unid location &
OH5, OH State EOC, Columbus: 1426 USB ALE on the NPHRN (National
Public Health Radio Network) (07/JUNE/2007) (JLM)

9414.5 KFD905, USDA HQ, Washington D.C. & WGY9030, FEMA, unid
location: 1641 UTC USB Voice, ALE & AMD text check-in to the
NPHRN. USB ALE calls USDAHQ1 & WGY9030, respectively (07/JUNE/2007) (JLM)

20659.0 WNG920, New York State Department of Health, Albany, NY &
WGY9030, FEMA, unid location: 1844 UTC USB Voice, ALE & AMD
text. USB ALE calls 001CDCS36 & WGY9030 (07/JUNE/2007) (JLM)
(JLM, Stanford, KY - udxf 08/06/2007)

Some unid ALE nets:

Frequencies: Calls:
8966 / 10468 LSB BA1 / MGELUGOR / MKEMAMAN /
PX2 / PX3 / PX18 / PX30

5341 / 6800 LSB UJ9DM4QM / C7R2I8CS / JW8FM1EZ /

6800 / 11536 USB S05 / S06

8050 LSB 21A / 21D

6798 / 10398 / 10533 / 10738 / 12272 / 14233 USB
A01 / B01 / B61 / C01 / C61 / C81 /
D01 /
D61 / K61

7839 / 7865 / 7926 / 8048 / 9355 USB
9011 / 9021 / 9031 / 9041 / 9051 /
9071 /
9081 / 9351 / 9381 / 9391


7839 / 9335 / 14418 / 14930 USB

(Igor Buhtiyarov, Russia - udxf 08/06/2007)

Igor, these would appear to all in Taiwan. There are counties/provinces in
Taiwan called Hsinchu, Chiayi and Hualien. I have no idea who they
may be in those provinces (Government, military, civil?), but it's a start.
(Graham Tanner, London, UK - udxf 08/06/2007)

Igor, Gelugor, Kemaman and Sandakan are places in Malaysia.
(Matti Nemeia, Finland - udxf 08/06/2007)

02671,3 dlvp : ZB Kniepsand D 0639 sitor-a #60566 rq:tpcr got
"Lagemeldung" from Kuewaz (38461 zoll cux) 8Jun07 (wp3)

03829,3 dlvh : ZB Emden D 0655 sitor-a #89836 rq:fdkr got
"Lagemeldung" and wx from Kuewaz (65509 zoll o) 8Jun07 (wp3)

03829,3 dlvy : ZB Hamburg D 0650 sitor-a #99573 rq:spze got
"Lagemeldung" and wx from Kuewaz (38461 zoll cux) 8Jun07 (wp3)

04555,2 dlvz : ZB Bremerhaven D 0812 sitor-a #99889 dlvz position
report to kuewaz 8Jun07 (wp3)

04555,2 dlvb : ZB Schleswig-Holstein D 0727 sitor-a #88298 rq:fusd
"Versto?meldung" to kuewaz 8Jun07 (wp3)

04555,2 dlvf : Gluckstadt D 0635 sitor-a #65212 rq:iqxu got
"Lagemeldung" and wx from Kuewaz 8Jun07 (wp3)

01915,0 dial : BMS Oceanic D 2006 sitor-a so nochmaliges hallo von
der oceanic ~hier ist immernoch alles im lot..dann bis 7Jun07 (wp3)

02608,0 fuo : F Navy Toulon F 1615 rtty 150/850 FAAA DE FUO VV

02671,3 dbfc : FSB Seeadler (fsbs) D 1747 sitor-a dbfc x 07.06.2007
(17:46) nochmals guten abend, +++ eee seeadler nr.10 01 msz-
cuxhaven pos sea 20:00 lt q 28 c kontrollfahrt ne 3 7Jun07 (wp3)

02671,3 dbfo : FSB Seefalke D 1741 sitor-a dbfo x 07.06.2007 (17:42)
einen schoenen guten abend +++ eee dbfo nr. 06 01 cux msz p~s ~e~
20:00 lt v 24 a kontrollfahrt 7Jun07 (wp3)

03593,3 dlvd : ZB Kalkgrund D 1558 sitor-a Positionsrapport 7Jun07

07644,2 rfvi : FF Le Port REU 1823 arq-e3/100/386 vzczcrun274 uu
oo rfqpt znr uuuuu/iiiii/ooooo zoy rffkcqs zoe oo rfqpt znr uuuuu/
iiiii/oooo zoy rffkcqs oo rf~~ajc rfqp 6Jun07 (wp3)
(W. Palmberger, Munich, Germany - udxf 08/06/2007)

08424.0 SVO: Grc-Mms Olympia R. Athens 1437 Sitor 100/170 tfc. (2007-06-07)

08551.5 CTP: Nato Lisbon 1444 Rtty ITA2 75/850 naws de ctp. (2007-06-07)

06251.0 XSS: UK-DHFCS NCA 0914 ALE/USB sndg (2007-06-08) (sw)

06873.5 XSS: UK-DHFCS NCA 0915 ALE/USB sndg (2007-06-08) (sw)

06416.5 XSS: UK-DHFCS NCA 0922 ALE/USB sndg (2007-06-08) (sw)

04239.5 XSS: UK-DHFCS NCA 0925 ALE/USB sndg (2007-06-08) (sw)

07535.0 XSS: UK-DHFCS NCA 0930 ALE/USB sndg (2007-06-08) (sw)

12230.0 XSS: UK-DHFCS NCA 0934 ALE/USB sndg (2007-06-08) (sw)

18403.4 XSS: UK-DHFCS NCA 0949 ALE/USB sndg (2007-06-08) (sw)

05121.0 XSS: UK-DHFCS NCA 0955 ALE/USB sndg (2007-06-08) (sw)

04168.5 XSS: UK-DHFCS NCA 1013 ALE/USB sndg (2007-06-08) (sw)

04226.5 XSS: UK-DHFCS NCA 1013 ALE/USB sndg (2007-06-08) (sw)

06721.0 UKE301: GBR-RAF E-3D Boeing Sentry AEW1 ZH101 RAF 8 Sqn/No23 Sqn
Waddington 1028 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-06-08) (sw)

13215.0 UKE301: GBR-RAF E-3D Boeing Sentry AEW1 ZH101 RAF 8 Sqn/No23 Sqn
Waddington 1029 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-06-08) (sw)

13499.0 11142: Unid 1046 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-06-08) (sw)

13499.0 1001: Unid 1048 ALE/USB clg 1311 (2007-06-08) (sw)

13499.0 13041: Unid 1050 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-06-08) (sw)

13499.0 11111: Unid 1051 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-06-08) (sw)

23337.0 15008: USAF C-5b 85-0008 60th AMW Travis AFB Ca 1054 ALE/USB sndg.
(2007-06-08) (sw)
(Sam, UK - udxf 08/06/2007)

(Chris Corley, Gambia - udxf 08/06/2007)

03593.3 DLVD: ZB "Kalkgrund" 1455 Sitor-ARQ/100Bd Position Rep
for DQZ28: Kuewaz Neustadt (05/JUN/07) (KK)

04507.5 No Call: unid GAF 1256 USB/EADS-Mahrs S/C-Burst
QSY to 4831.5, connect (05/JUN/07) (KK)

04531.5 No Call: unid GAF 1301 USB/EADS-Mahrs S/C-Burst (05/JUN/07) (KK)

04831.5 No Call: unid GAF 1301 USB/EADS-Mahrs S/C-Burst with connect
(05/JUN/07) (KK)

04487.5 No Call: unid GAF 1322 USB/EADS-Mahrs Bursts (05/JUN/07) (KK)

03593.3 DLVD: ZB "Kalkgrund" 1430 Sitor-ARQ/100Bd "FRAGE. DAS SPERRGEBIERT
(05/JUN/07) (KK)

04483.0 DHO91: GAF 1515 USB Drill Msg?s with DHO78 and DHJ83 and DHJ67
(05/JUN/07) (KK)

05840.0 No Call: unid 1238 Rtty 50Bd/500Hz "SF CFM NIL KSK" after 5LGs to
unid. No cnf heard. Prb QSX (06/JUN/07) (KK)

09075.0 SXIJ: unid 1319 USB/ALE clg SUAQ (06/JUN/07) (KK)

09075.0 SXIJ: unid 1312 USB/ALE clg RCDJ, Handshake. No Voice,
no Data. (06/JUN/07) (KK)

04879.5 WSPAN: Water Safty Pol HQ Oldenburg, D. 1258 USB/ALE snd
(07/JUN/07) (KK)

04537.5 WSPAN: Water Safty Pol HQ Oldenburg, D. 1258 USB/ALE snd
(07/JUN/07) (KK)

05788.0 ALJ: LTU Mil 1400 USB/ALE clg JPQ (07/JUN/07) (KK)

04537.5 WSPAN: Water Safty Pol HQ Oldenburg, D. 1559 USB/ALE snd
(07/JUN/07) (KK)

04372.0 XSS: UK-DHFCS 1709 USB/ALE snd (07/JUN/07) (KK)

04372.0 XSS: UK-DHFCS 1600 USB/ALE snd (07/JUN/07) (KK)
(Kristian, Germany - udxf 08/06/2007)

09360.0 OXT: Dnk-Meteo Skamlebaek 1300 Fax 120/576 Cape Farewell Ice Chart
(2007-06-08) (sw)

09230.0 0000210288: Grc-Moi/Pol 1615 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-06-08) (sw)

08045.0 RFP: Unid (poss Saudi Net) 1920 ALE/USB clg JCP (2007-06-08) (sw)

07839.0 T2Z25: Us-Mil 2nd Battalion 25th Avn 2021 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-06-08)

07839.0 T1Z3: Us-Mil 2025 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-06-08) (sw)

06881.5 1050: Unid 2040 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-06-08) (sw)

06881.5 1542: Unid 2043 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-06-08) (sw)

08016.0 4102: Unid 2045 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-06-08) (sw)

05295.0 XSS: UK-DHFCS NCA 2048 ALE/USB sndg (2007-06-08) (sw)

08180.0 9001: Unid 2050 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-06-08) (sw)

05065.0 2011: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 2051 ALE/USB clg 2101 (2007-06-08) (sw)

08180.0 3021: Unid 2101 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-06-08) (sw)

09200.0 13221: Unid 2105 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-06-08) (sw)

13499.0 11031: Unid 2105 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-06-08) (sw)

13499.0 13261: Unid 2105 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-06-08) (sw)

05792.0 131411: Unid 2112 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-06-08) (sw)

13499.0 13111: Unid 2115 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-06-08) (sw)
(Sam, UK - udxf 09/06/2007)

09200.0 2212: Unid 2150 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-06-08) (sw)

09200.0 2204: Unid 2150 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-06-08) (sw)

09200.0 1112: Unid 2155 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-06-08) (sw)

09200.0 2401: Unid 2156 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-06-08) (sw)

09200.0 13161: Unid 2156 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-06-08) (sw)

09200.0 1111: Unid 2158 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-06-08) (sw)

07801.0 6701: Unid 2207 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-06-08) (sw)

08859.0 LD2: Agl-Moi Luanda 2225 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-06-08) (sw)
(Sam, UK - udxf 09/06/2007)

04239.5 XSS: UK-DHFCS NCA 0929 ALE/USB sndg (2007-06-09) (sw)

06251.0 XSS: UK-DHFCS NCA 0930 ALE/USB sndg (2007-06-09) (sw)

03226.0 XSS: UK-DHFCS NCA 0935 ALE/USB sndg (2007-06-09) (sw)

14485.5 XSS: UK-DHFCS NCA 0937 ALE/USB sndg (2007-06-09) (sw)

06416.5 XSS: UK-DHFCS NCA 0945 ALE/USB sndg (2007-06-09) (sw)

06425.0 XSS: UK-DHFCS NCA 0945 ALE/USB sndg (2007-06-09) (sw)

07535.0 RS002: Mkd-Mil 0958 ALE/USB clg CS001 (2007-06-09) (sw)

07535.0 CS001: Mkd-Mil 0958 ALE/USB clg RS002 (2007-06-09) (sw)

06873.5 XSS: UK-DHFCS NCA 0959 ALE/USB sndg (2007-06-09) (sw)

07535.0 XSS: UK-DHFCS NCA 0959 ALE/USB sndg (2007-06-09) (sw)

12230.0 XSS: UK-DHFCS NCA 1003 ALE/USB sndg (2007-06-09) (sw)

18403.4 XSS: UK-DHFCS NCA 1004 ALE/USB sndg (2007-06-09) (sw)

08182 XSS: UK-DHFCS NCA 1014 ALE/USB sndg (2007-06-09) (sw)

08126.4 XSS: UK-DHFCS NCA 1014 ALE/USB sndg (2007-06-09) (sw)

08060.0 CS003: Mkd-Mil 1020 ALE/USB clg RS0016 (2007-06-09) (sw)
(Sam, UK - udxf 09/06/2007)

06668.0 205: Unid 2004 ALE/USB clg 762 (2007-06-09) (sw)

06668.0 762: Unid 2004 ALE/USB clg 205 (2007-06-09) (sw)

16607.0 GWPWB33: Bra-N Naval Station Belem 2103 ALE/USB clg GWPWMM
(2007-06-09) (sw)

17010.0 GWPWB33: Bra-N Naval Station Belem 2103 ALE/USB clg GWPWMM
(2007-06-09) (sw)

12437.0 GWPWB33: Bra-N Naval Station Belem 2110 ALE/USB clg GWPWMM
(2007-06-09) (sw)

12370.0 GWPWN33: Bra-N 2110 ALE/USB clg GWPWBL Escola (2007-06-09) (sw)

10914.5 GWPWB33: Bra-N Naval Station Belem 2116 ALE/USB clg GWPWBL Escola
(2007-06-09) (sw)

13101.0 GWPWN33: Bra-N 2126 ALE/USB clg GWPWCO (2007-06-09) (sw)

15932.0 GWPWN33: Bra-N 2128 ALE/USB clg GWPWBL Escola (2007-06-09) (sw)
(Sam, UK - udxf 10/06/2007)

04357.5 W03:prb WSP3 Police Patrolboat1=DJ3238,D 0856 ALE/USB
04357.5 WSPAN:Water Safety Police HQ Oldenburg,D 0838 ALE/USB
05410.0 OHT30P: SONATRACH Ohanet,ALG 2041 ALE/LSB snd (05Jun07)(ZE)
05410.0 RNOUSLR1:SONATRACH Rhoudre Nouss LR1 pipeline,ALG 2048 ALE/LSB
05410.0 INAS30P:SONATRACH In Amenas,ALG 2049 ALE/LSB snd(05Jun07)(ZE)
05410.0 MEDER30P:SONATRACH Medera,ALG 2104 ALE/LSB snd(05Jun07)(ZE)
07739.0 OHT30P: SONATRACH Ohanet,ALG 1720 ALE/LSB snd(05Jun07((ZE)
07739.0 RNOUSLR1:SONATRACH Rhoudre Nouss LR1 pipeline,ALG 1751 ALE/LSB
10275.0 OHT30P:SONATRACH Ohanet,ALG 1526 ALE/LSB snd(06Jun07)(ZE)
09315.0 ALR:SONATRACH Alrar,ALG 2022 ALE/USB snd(07Jun07)(ZE)
10275.0 INAS30P:SONATRACH In Amenas,ALG 1528 ALE/LSB snd(06Jun07)(ZE)
10275.0 RNOUSLR1:SONATRACH Rhoudre Nouss LR1 pipeline,ALG 1542
(Zdenek Elias, Chech Republic - udxf 10/06/2007)

> 16607.0 GWPWB33: Bra-N Naval Station Belem 2103 ALE/USB clg GWPWMM
> (2007-06-09) (sw)
> 17010.0 GWPWB33: Bra-N Naval Station Belem 2103 ALE/USB clg GWPWMM
> (GWPWBL Escola (2007-06-09) (sw)

Hi Sam,


Some Sites for quick Identifing of ALE-Id´s

(Kristian, Gernany - udxf 10/06/2007)

06881.5 50403: Unid 2234 ALE/USB Calls 1050. (08Jun07) (MPJ)

07610 1319: Prob Protection Civile Marocaine 2216 ALE/USB Sounding.
(08Jun07) (MPJ)

08000 2010: Italian Carabinieri 2132 ALE/USB Calls 2065 [AMD]
"DIAL4. (08Jun07) (MPJ)

08600 13041: Protection Civile Marocaine 2048 ALE/USB Sounding.
(08Jun07) (MPJ)

13499 1318: Protection Civile Marocaine 1721 ALE/USB Sounds.
(08Jun07) (MPJ)

19602 AA1: Israeli AF 1645 ALE/USB Sounding 19602 and 8234 later.
(08Jun07) (MPJ)

16804.5 MFAU5: Zim Pusan-GB 1312 DSC Safety RQ to CAMSLANT, VA USA.
(10Jun07) (MPJ)

16804.5 C6BB3: Mermoz-Bahamas Flag 1316 DSC Safety RQ to Lyngby
Radio/OXZ, Denmark. (10Jun07) (MPJ)

16804.5 ZCSP6: Stolt Effort-Cayman Is 1320 DSC Safety RQ to Lyngby
Radio/OXZ. OXZ BQs. (10Jun07) (MPJ)

16804.5 HOZL: Ace Bulker-Panama Flag 1321 DSC Safety RQ to MRSC Las
Palmas. (10Jun07) (MPJ)

16804.5 A8GV6: Argentina Star-Liberian Flag 1327 DSC Safety RQ to
JRCC Piraeus, Greece. (10Jun07) (MPJ)

16804.5 VRAX7: Ennerdale-PRC 1345 DSC Safety RQ to Lyngby Radio/OXZ.
(10Jun07) (MPJ) (MPJ, UK - udxf 10/06/2007)

14831.7 --- : unid 06:05 Pactor1 /100/200 calling ZPRAGA05 (PPA)(1 June)

14800.0 --- : USN Honolulu HWA 07:33 F1B/50/850 encrypted rtty (PPA)
(1 June)

12165.0 --- : unid Bulgarian diplo 12:17 Bulgarian 8FSK/240,18/1680 no
decode (PPA) (6 June)

13988.6 JMH : Tokyo meteo J 13:22 FAX F3C/120/576 MTSAT satellite
picture (PPA) (6 June)

14428.4 --- : unid DPRK diplo 12:39 DPRK-ARQ/600/600 no decode (PPA)(6

8120.0 RCH84 : Russian Naval Aviation Transport control station
Eastern sector RUS 03:21 CW/A1A Simplex traffic with RJF94 (PPA)(9 June)

8120.0 RJF94 : Russian Naval Aviation Transport control station Moscow RUS
03:21 CW/A1A Simplex traffic with RCH84 (PPA)(9 June)

11415.0 NF40HM90 : unid 07:30 USB/ALE Calling HJ40HM90 (PPA)(9 June)

11415.0 ZB40HM90 : unid 06:30 USB/ALE calling ZD40HM90 (PPA)(9 June)

6953.2 --- :unid 05:44 STANAG 4529 /300L/1200 short KG84C encrypted
msgs (PPA) (10 June)

16553.5 --- :unid Japanese fishery station J 15:55 Japanese 8 tone
BPSK/800/2300 no decode (PPA)(10 June)
(Peter Poelstra, The Netherlands - udxf 10/06/2007)

The Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Information
and Publicity, Cde George Charamba officiated at the
switch testing ceremony of the new channel based in
the Midlands city of Gweru.

General manager of the new station, Voice of Zimbabwe/
TV Channel 104, Cde Happison Muchechetere, told The
Sunday Mail that the test would run for the next three
weeks during which time management will be fine tuning
programming and receiving feedback from listeners from
all over the world.

He said while the station would initially begin with
radio broadcasts, television broadcasts were expected
to begin before the end of the year.

Listeners will during day time from 7:30am to 6:30pm,
be able to receive broadcasts on 5 975 kilohertz or 49
metre band while in the evening from 6:30pm to 7:30am
the following day they can tune in on 60 metre band or
4 828 kilohertz.

Those wishing to air their opinions can contact the
station on 011 870 558.

Cde Muchechere said the test run had been highly
successful and the station had received feedback not
only from Zimbabwe but also from as far as Botswana
and South Africa.

"We want to encourage Zimbabweans both at home and in
the Diaspora to tune in to this station for them to
get first hand information about the true Zimbabwe.

"During the test run, we will be fine tuning our
programes, which will include news, music, sports,
political debates and our cultural heritage," he said.

He said Voice of Zimbabwe, the country's first world
station would broadcast on short wave band, which is
powerful enough to reach all parts of the world.

Broadcasts are intended to reach target audiences as
far afield as Australia, Europe and the United


Most worldwide broadcasting stations such as the Voice
of America, BBC World Service and Radio China
International utilise short wave electronic
transmission to reach listeners across the globe.

Cde Muchechetere is a veteran journalist and
broadcaster who has held several senior positions at
both the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Holdings and New
Ziana's electronic media division.

He said Zimbabwe's first world broadcasting services
mandate would not be to spread propaganda, but to give
a balanced account of events in the country through
unbiased news reports, analyses and discussions.
(The Sunday Mail, Harare, May 27, 2007 via Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - dxldyg 08/06/2007)

Edition No. 50 (released Jun 10, 2007) of the Electronic DX Press internet
audio magazine AUSTRALIAN DX REPORT is now available at

It runs to 14 mins and 18 secs, containing lots of professionally
researched and sourced shortwave updated schedules and news, unavailable in
the public domain. Extracts from schedules for the A07 period are included.

Some hi-tech music is included!

This is our 50th anniversary edition!

Feed subscriptions are active, via RSS/XML - details are at the site!

You are invited to distribute this message in your own monitoring community!

Thank you and best regards from Melbourne, Australia!
(Bob Padula, Melbourne, Australia - CumbreDX 10/06/2007)

SW RADIO AFRICA via RAMPISHAM, 12035. Full-data (except site) multi-color QSL letter signed by station manager (signature not legible) in 17 days. This was for an

e-mail report. I had no response to previous reports, via both post and e-mail, to SWRA the past few years and would have been satisfied with an e-mail verification, so it

was a very pleasant surprise to receive the letter. (Craighead-Kansas, USA - dxldyg 08/06/2007)

RADIO FREE CHECHNYA/RADIO CHECHNYA SVOBODNAYA: via SAINT PETERSBURG (KRASNY BOR), 7330. Full-data (including site; power; and “Radio Chechnya

Svobodnaya”) long Saint Petersburg Regional Center transmitter and antenna scenes card in 7.5 years with no follow-up reports. No response yet to slightly more recent

reports although I sent follow-ups for them. (Craighead-Kansas, USA - CumbreDX 08/06/2007)
Сегодня, 07/VI/2007 получена eQSL от любительской станции RX3AGD
(Москва, Россия) за приём
её SSB QSO 03/VI/2007 в диапазоне 20 метров.
Ссылка: http://img251.imageshack.us/img251/3026/rx3agdkh9.jpg
SWL eQSL отправлял через www.eqsl.cc
(Иван Зеленый, Нижневартовск, Россия - open_dx 07/06/2007)

Radio Bana, tx in Asmara, Eritrea, 5100 kHz, confirmed my report in
40 days with a full data QSL-letter. I sent an audio clip. v/s not

The address I used: Radio Bana, Department of Adult and Media
Education, P.O. Box 609, Asmara City, Eritrea
(G. Bernardini, Milano, Italy - dxldyg 05/06/2007)

Jerry Strawman
Des Moines, IA
Drake R-8A - 60 Meter Dipole

Giampiero Bernardini
Milano, Italy

Rx: Drake SPR-4 & R-4C (with DDS4); RFT EKD 315; RFSpace SDR-14;
CiaoRadio H101; Winradio G33EM Marine; AOR AR7030+ AR5000+ AR3000A-
DX; TenTec RX320 & RX321; Icom R7000 & R71E (both mod. by Capra),
PCR1000; Lowe HF150; Kenwood R5000 & tuner KT-6040; Grundig Satellit
700 & 500; Yamaha T-85; Sangean ATS 909 mod. & DT-220; Degen DE1103;
Alinco DJ-X3 (In all FM rx I use 110/80/53 kHz filters)- Ant: wires
30 m.; RKB 5, 9 & 10 elements FM; RF Systems T2FD 15 meters;
Wellbrook LFL 1010, loops by A.Capra, PA0RDT Mini Whip, Magnetic Loop

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