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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 125 часть 1
WorldDX 125 22/06/2007 -- WorldDX выходит с декабря 2004 года. Редактор: Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия. Время везде UTC; Mосковское время = UTC +4 часа - летом, а зимой - +3 часа. Частоты указаны в кГц для ДВ, СВ, КВ и в МГц для ФМ и ТВ Редактор оставляет за собой право не включать в бюллетень информацию, не отвечающую его тематике. Архив предыдущих номеров бюллетеня можно найти по следующим адресам: http://worlddx.narod.ru/dx.html, http://worlddx.by.ru/dx.html Конференции бюллетеня: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/worlddx/ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/fmdx_Russia/ Подписка: http://subscribe.ru/catalog/radio.worlddx/ Выходит: ??? Адрес для писем: worlddx@yandex.ru -- Короткие Волны Австралия Radio Australia 11660 June 9,2007 1634 E talks on wind energy Хорошее время и частота для приема R Australia (Germanas Politika, Литва - open_dx 11/06/2007) 5995, Radio Australia, 0920-0935 Just tuning around and happen to pause on 5995 KHz. While reading my email, I suddenly noticed that I was hearing African Hilife music. Was this an African station? At 0930 a woman comments. At that point I realized I was hearing Radio Australia in Tok Pisin language, but why the African Hilife music? I checked 9710 KHz for parallel just to make sure. Both freqs were at fair level. (Chuck Bolland, June 12, 2007 - hard-core-dx 12/06/2007) CVC The Voice Asia via Tashkent: Hindi to India 0000-0400 on 9975 TAC 100 kW/153 deg (ex 0100 - 0400 UTC) (Alokesh Gupta, India - dxldyg 12/06/2007) Болгария 9510 IRRS Milano, 11:25-11:35, escuchada el 10 de Junio en ingles a locutor con ID, presentacion “Today program...”, emision musical, SINPO 45444. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 11/06/2007) Бразилия 3325 10/06 0448 Radio Mundial, Sao Paulo (SP), identificacao: "Voce sintoniza a Radio Mundial, ZYG 867, 3325 kHz ...", 45343 3365 10/06 0456 Radio Cultura, Araraquara (SP), identificacao entre musicas sertanejas, 35232 4785 09/06 2243 Radio Brasil, Campinas (SP), hora certa e musica Soleado, com Francisco Cuoco, 45343 4825 09/06 2232 Radio Cancao Nova, Cachoeira Paulista (SP), programa Alem Fronteiras, com apresentacao de Douglas e Francisco, 45333 4935 09/06 2106 Radio Capixaba, Vitoria (ES), pregacao religiosa, 45343 6010 09/06 2304 Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte (MG), inicio de programa: "Esta no ar o programa Tiao Moreno ...", 45444 (Celio Romais, Porto Alegre, Brasil - radioescutas 12/06/2007) 5035 RADIO EDUCACAO RURAL. Coari, Brasil *0958-1010 Junio 10 Himno nacional y senal de apertura: "... Voce esta es sintonia com a Radio Educacao Rural de Coari, que transmite a sua programacao en nas seguentes frequencas, en AM amplitud modulada na frequenca de 560 Khz, ondas tropicais ZYF272, 5035 Khz na faixa de 62 metros, Radio edicacop Rural de Coari uma emisora catolica da Fundacao Santisimo redentor a servicio da evangelicao..." (Rafael Rodrigez, Bogota, Colombia - playdx2003 13/06/2007) Буркина Фасо 5030 Radio Burkina, 23:46-23:51, escuchada el 9 de Junio en frances a locutor en programa musical con conversaciones telefonicas con los oyentes, ID, SINPO 34433. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 11/06/2007) 5030 09/06 2335 Radio Burkina, Ouagadougou, locutor em frances com varios ouvintes por telefone, 25332 (Celio Romais, Porto Alegre, Brasil - radioescutas 12/06/2007) 5030.01, Radio Burkina, *0529-0545, June 15, Sign on with instrumental National Anthem. Openng French announcements at 0530. Local tribal music, French talk. Fair. Burkina in the clear tonight with Costa Rica 5030 off the air. Slight splatter from Cuba on 5025. (Brian Alexander, PA - dxldyg 16/06/2007) Великобритания/Зимбабве 12035 Voice of the (Zimbabwe) People; 1856-1859*, 12-June; M cmtry in EE re Zimbabwe/SW Africa; close w/native song. Presumed relay site. SIO=353. Hi/Low tones continued to 1900:10. (Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 13/06/2007) Венгрия (hot!) Radio Budapest was supposedly going to make an official announcement June 13 about its reported June 30 close-down. But I can find nothing at all about this situation via http://www.english.radio.hu/index.php?rovat_id=1059 And it is already June 14 in Budapest. If anyone finds any additional info about this, please let us know ASAP. (Glenn Hauser, Enid, OK, USA - dxldyg 14/06/2007) R. Budapest *0100 UT 6040 kHz June 15, 2007. Sign on with program of news and "Hungary Today" in English. Overall good. (KG4LAC - dxldyg 15/06/2007) Венесуэла 4939.6 RADIO AMAZONAS. Puerto Ayacucho, Venezuela. 2228-2330* Junio 10 Promos de los programas : Al grano, y, Agenda legislativa. "...Radio Amazonas, poder popular; 6 y 30 minutos..." Id: "...Radio Amazonas Internacional1130 AM senal internacional 4940 khz onda corta transmitiendo dedsde Puerto ayacucho para Amazonas, Venezuela y el mundo..poder popular..." Volviendo a su frecuencia habitual luego de ser notada con senal distorisonada en los 5125v Khz, pero saliendo del aire muy temprano hacia las 2330 (Rafael Rodrigez, Bogota, Colombia - playdx2003 13/06/2007) 4939.82, presumed R.Amazonas, 0019-0037, June 14, Spanish. OM w/ talk, each time preceded by snippet of "Godfather" theme, b/w musical selections. Several presumed ID's but all at reduced audio level compared to rest of b/c. Poor/fair. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, Nh, USA - dxldyg 16/06/2007) 4939.66, Radio Amazonas? Pt Ayacucho, 0915- 0933, June 15, Tentative with Spanish talk, LA music. Strong carrier but very weak modulation. Too weak to catch any ID. Also heard at 0105-0120 on June 16. (Brian Alexander, PA - dxldyg 16/06/2007) Габон 4777 RADIO GABON. Libreville, Gabon. *0459-0510 Junio 11 Aperturando emision con el Himno nacional, luego corta Id. "Ici Radio Gabon" de inmediato al servicio de?noticias " Radio Gabon, Gabon en direct" Fuerte heterodino con TWR desde Swazilandia en 4775 Khz (Rafael Rodrigez, Bogota, Colombia - playdx2003 13/06/2007) Греция Hoy 16 de Junio me a llamado mucho la atención no encontrar ningún servicio de la Voz de Grecia en 11645, no e podido captar el servio en francés, ni el español ni el alemán. ¿Mala propagación o servicios cancelados?. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 17/06/2007) Египет 6225 ERTU Radio Cairo, 17:50-18:00, escuchada el 15 de Junio en árabe a locutora con comentarios en programa musical, música folklórica local árabe, locutor anunciando una página web, tonos horarios, SINPO 55444. Se trata de un nuevo servicio? 6225 ERTU Radio Cairo, 18:00-18:03, escuchada el 15 de Junio en ruso, locutor con presentación, comentarios, ID “Radio Cairo”, canto del Corán, SINPO 45444. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hhard-core-dx 16/06/2007) Замбия 5915 10/06 0432 Zambia NBC Radio 1, Lusaka, locutora em vernacular, musicas africanas, 45343 (Celio Romais, Porto Alegre, Brasil - radioescutas 12/06/2007) 13650 CVC Cristian Voice (p), 0745-0750, June 16, English, long talk by male, 24232 (Arnaldo Slaen Argentina - NoticiasDX 17/06/2007) Израиль Galei Tzahal 15777 June 9,2007 1345 (entire daytime) Heb Это новая частота Galei Tzahal'a. До этого они были на 15785. Видимо для избежания какого-то, судя по всему, DRM сигнала, который <глушит> все вокруг (Germanas Politika, Литва - open_dx 11/06/2007) 15615 Kol Israel, 19:52-19:59, escuchada el 11 de Junio en espanol a locutora con un reportaje sobre una exposicion de Picasso en Tel Aviv, ?Nuevo servicio?, al final de la emision no anuncian esta frecuencia, SINPO 55444. 15785 Galei Zahal, 19:15-19:20, escuchada el 11 de Junio en hebreo a locutor con comentarios y musica de piano de fondo en programa musical, emision en paralelo por 6973, SINPO 45343. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 12/06/2007) Индонезия 4789.98 RRI Fak-fak 1212-1240 Jun 13. Jak news in progress, then local programming at 1219, with M ancr and vocal music. Pretty good signal but the local soft-voiced ancr was very hard to understand, compounded by the CODAR presence. (J. M. Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, USA - CumbreDX 13/06/2007) 4790, RRI Fak Fak, 1006-1045 A steady format of Indonesian comments and music. Both a male and female shared the microphone during the period. Signal started out poor, but faded in to good by 1033. No sign of Radio Vision this morning allowing for the good copy of Fak Fak. (Chuck Bolland, June 14, 2007 - hard-core-dx 14/06/2007) 4869.91, RRI Wamena, 1035-1045 Noted a woman n Indonesian comments briefly. This was followed by music. Signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, June 14, 2007 - hard-core-dx 14/06/2007) VOI language schedule change: Korean hour at 1300+ June 12, and wondering what had happened; formerly in Indonesian when on. Tuned in 9525 at 1301 to hear gamelan and ID in English, but then Korean ID and talk, still Korean at 1333 check. At 1400 clashing with CRI in Russian, but VOI was on top with Japanese ID, website; the rest of the hour may have been in Indonesian (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 16/06/2007) 9680.06 RRI Jakarta, 1054-1104 mid-east like mx, rapid-speaking M anncr pgm host, soft Lgu, M again, then 1100 fanfare and diff. M w/ID and nx anmnt, and into nx read by W. Not very strong and co-channel QRM. (Valko, 16/06/2007 - hard-core-dx 17/06/2007) Канада 6160 CKZU Vancouver BC 1304-1315 Jun 13. Nat'l and int'l news to 1312, then M&W chatting, weather. Good signal. (J. M. Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, USA - CumbreDX 13/06/2007) Китай 4800 09/06 2247 China National Radio 1, Geermu, locutor em mandarim, 25232 4905 09/06 2259 PBS Xizang, Lhasa, musicas tipicas, 25332 4920 09/06 2302 PBS Xizang, Lhasa, musicas, 25232 5240 09/06 2256 PBS Xizang, Lhasa, musicas, 45343 (Celio Romais, Porto Alegre, Brasil - radioescutas 12/06/2007) Лаос Following the arrest of Vang Pao, I made a point of checking Hmong Lao Radio, Sat June 16 at 1301 via WHRI 11785. Opening news segment mentioned FBI, California, homosex, Fresno, Sacramento, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Warren Russelman(?), US Attorney – Scott, etc., etc. So this is no doubt still the number one story for HLR. More: http://www.startribune.com/484/story/1225057.html and there have been several follow-up stories; search the site on vang, such as: http://www.startribune.com/462/story/1230389.html PDF: Complaints against Vang Pao [90 pages, double-spaced typed, tilted, photocopied] http://media.startribune.com/smedia/2007/06/04/20/jackcomplaint.source.prod_affiliate.2.pdf (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 16/06/2007) Литва Starting 18 June, the Poland-based Radio Racja (broadcasting in Belarusian for Belarus) will be relayed via Sitkunai on 6225 (100kW) from 1530-1730 UTC. (Bernd Trutenau, LTU - CumbreDX 15/06/2007) Мали 5995 09/06 2344 RTV du Mali, Bamako, excelentes musicas tipicas africanas, locucao em frances, 25232 (Celio Romais, Porto Alegre, Beasil - radioescutas 12/06/2007) Нигерия 9690 Voice of Nigeria, 11:38-11:59, escuchada el 10 de Junio en ingles a locutor y locutora con comentarios, se aprecia acento africano, referencias al “..futbol..numbers..”, musica de sintonia, fin de emision, se aprecia mala modulacion, SINPO 33432. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 11/06/2007) 9690, VO Nigeria, 1256-1313, June 12, English. Afro music and YL until ID at 1300. News until 1305 then African Safari music program. Weak but clear. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 16/06/2007) Новая Зеландия RNZI, Rangitaiki, in English on 9615 at 0535 utc, June 12, M w/"National Radio" ID, south Pacific sports nx, M & W w/ piece about proposed conduct rules in the New Zealand parliament. sio 343+, good (Mike Bryant, Icom R75, Fern Creek, KY - dxldyg 12/06/2007) There is now a collision on 13730 between RNZI and Ö1, opposite worldsides, but capable of much overlap. RNZI atop here, but can hear Austria underneath, around 0445 chex June 13 and 16. The overlap is for only one hour at 0400-0500, but could have been avoided (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 16/06/2007) Палау 9965, T8BZ, 1035-1102, June 16, Mandarin. OM w/ long talk, YL at 1057 followed by brief ballad. OM and YL over music until fanfare/ID at ToH. This is the exact same format I've logged at this time/frequency over the past few years. Weak but clear. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 16/06/2007) Перу 4655 RADIO CENTINELA DEL NORTE. Cortegana, Peru. 0020-0050 Junio 10 al dar la hora: "...7 de la noche con 23 minutos en los estudios de Centinela del Norte, vamos hasta las 9 de la noche en Centinela tu radio..." Luego en un servicio de mensajes enviaron saludos a la colegas de la emisora "hermana" en Celendin Frecuencia VH (4486 Khz) ya que el dueno propietario es el mismo. Aunque no mencionaron el nombre, debe tratarse del Sr. Fernando Vasquez Castro. (Rafael Rodrigez, Bogota, Colombia - playdx2003 13/06/2007) 4940 RADIO SAN ANTONIO. Villa Atalaya, Peru.0120-0201* Junio 09 Transmision de la Misa. "...manana domingo continuamos con el 7mo dia de la novena a San Antonio..." A las 0133 con Id: "...Radio San Antonio una radio catolica y misionera en los 95.50 FM y en la onda corta 49-40 Radio San Antonio una radio diferente..." Continuaron canticos hasta su salida del aire sin cierre a las 0201 (Rafael Rodrigez, Bogota, Colombia - playdx2003 13/06/2007) 5120.4 RADIO ONDAS DEL SURORIENTE. Quillabamba. Peru. 0035-0106 Junio 09 Pgm: Sabados calientes. Anuncios de botica San juan de Dios. musica tropical con Id a las 0101 "...integrando a nivel nacional en internacional Radio Ondas del Suroriente, amplitud modulada 1400 Khz onda corta 5070 khz banda de 60 metros y la gran cadena nacional; via satelite, 96.5 frecuencia modulada estereo..." (Rafael Rodrigez, Bogota, Colombia - playdx2003 13/06/2007) 5039.20, Radio Libertad, 1041-1055 In here with Hauynos music. This followed with Spanish comments from a male. Signal was fair but dropped to poor by 1050. Radio Libertad is usually threshold at my location. (Chuck Bolland, June 14, 2007 - hard-core-dx 14/06/2007) Peru, 6193.31, Radio Cuzco(pres), 1025-1030 Noted a faint signal here with a female in Spanish comments. Splatter and other interference diminished the signal which was threshold. (Chuck Bolland, June 16, 2007) Peru, 6173.80, Radio Tawantinsuyo, 1015. This station was up also, but was too weak to copy. Could hear just the carrier this morning.(Chuck Bolland, June 16, 2007 - hard-core-dx 16/06/2007) 3905, R. New Ireland (pres.), 1017 long period of native drums and vcls. Hrd M anncr several times after 1030 but impossible to copy. Usual Ham wx net right on top of the freq. (Valko 16 June - hard-core-dx 17/06/2007) Россия 12070 Voice of Russia; 1904-1910+, 12-June; News to 1908 then feature on Russia Day commemorating the 12-June-1990 formation of the Russian Federation; VoRWS IDs. All in EE. SIO=353 (Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 13/06/2007) С. Корея 09650, Voice of Korea, 1008-1015 Noted a female in Japanese language comments. At 1011, a male joins in with Japanese comments. Signal was good. (Chuck Bolland, June 12, 2007 - hard-core-dx 12/06/2007) Судан Altho Sudan Radio Service still has no SW frequency sked on its website, http://www.sudanradio.org/index.php the Time Table page in UT +3 indicates there are more English broadcasts than shown in the WRTH A-07 update. Besides M-F 0300-0330 on 5985 via Kigali, and Sat/Sun 1500-1530 9840 via Moscow: 0530-0600 M-F on 15325 via UAE; 1530-1600 M-F 9840 via Moscow. This is combining the SRS site program/language time table, with the WRTH frequency schedule, so the above needs to be confirmed. The Time Table also shows numerous additional languages not indicated by WRTH (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Perhaps Eastern Hemispherians can check today Friday whether there is English at 1530 on 9840. (Glenn Hauser, Enid, OK, USA - dxldyg 15/06/2007) Sudan Radio Service is on the air here at 15.15 on 9840 in an UNKNOWN language. IDs heard. Shall return after 15.30. (Erik Koie, Copenhagen - dxldyg 15/06/2007) 9840 1500-1700 47E,48W MSK 200 190 RUS MNO There is a continues service acc to the HFCC entry see above. No English sce yet on Fri June 15th. Noted female Sudanese Arabic language like at 1500-1530 UT, then at 15.30:30 UT change over to male announcer in supposed to be Swahili like language. At 15.59:30 UT back to female Sudanese Arabic announcer with ID schedule, satellite channel ID and nx on Pres. Bush headline ... a repeat of 1500 UT bc. Signal from Moscow is only fair, S=4-5 strength in southern Germany. My location is 265 degr from Moscow, so I get a signal side lobe only. (W. Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 15/06/2007) Танзания Voice of Tanzania Zanzibar on 11735 noted on June 14 with news in English from Spice FM at 2000 UT which apparently is a new time (Christer Brunström, Sweden via Thomas Nilsson, Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 16/06/2007) Турция VOT transmitter engineer asleep at the switch again: June 10 at 1329 I tuned past 15450 and was still hearing the VOT IS following the English broadcast which ended at 1320-1325. Then opening in a Slavic language, but mixing with BBC [see U K]. Finally VOT cut off at 1331. This must have been Bosnian scheduled on 9655, or maybe Kyrgyz scheduled on 9575, with some Russian elements. BTW, I just saw an Armenian farce, ``Big Story in a Small City``, in which some of the characters spoke Armenian, others spoke Russian, or a mixture (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 16/06/2007) Украина 7440 Radio Ukraine Int'l; 0010-0018+, 12-June; Ukraine Today, M&W news & cmtry in EE; ID @0011. SIO=4+34-, wind howl QRM--USB takes it out. (Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 13/06/2007) Уругвай 9620 09/06 2016 Emisora del Sur, Montevideu, anuncio de programa da emissora apresentado por Sampaio Claro, 45343 (Celio Romais, Porto Alegre) Филиппины FEBC Philippines 15325 June 9,2007 1000-1030 E SIO 353 "Leading the Way" хорошая возможность слушать FEBC в Европе на понятном языке (Germanas Politika, Литва - open_dx 11/06/2007) 9615, Radio Veritas Asia,(Pres) 1003-1015, Noted a female in Mandarin language comments. At 1005 music presented. Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, June 12, 2007 - hard-core-dx 12/06/2007) 9430, FEBC, 1035-1045 Noted a female in Mandarin language comments(pres). At 1039 music presented which sounded religious. Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, June 16, 2007 - hard-core-dx 16/06/2007) Чад 7312 to 7318 Checked this distorted audio station (Chad?) today June 11 again. S=7 signal noted this morning on 'unpleasant' time for European audience. 7290 kHz was free channel at 0440 UT, so I checked the 41 mb in total. But a highly distorted audio signal observed wandering in 7312 to 7318 kHz range between 0440 and 0510 UT. 7309-7314 at 0440 7311-7316 at 0455 7313-7318 at 0505 7315-7320 kHz at 0510 UT. Hit heavily WHRI program in English on 7315 kHz, but let nearby RNW Flevo in Dutch on 7310 kHz in the clear from 0500 UT. (wb, wwdxc BC-DX June 11 - dxldyg 11/06/2007) Чехия Guess what: checked at 2357 UT June 8, nothing on 9685, but R. Prague IS still on 6000 under RHC Spanish. R. Prague was audible on 11665 at 0002 check, fair. 6000 should have moved to avoid the RHC collision, but has not. Both 6000 and 11665 show on the RP website sked; DX Mix News in Bulgaria had reported a change to 9685 (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 16/06/2007) Эквадор 4918.98, Radio Quito, LV de la Capital, 0045-0105, June 16, Spanish anmts, ads, jingles, talk. Spanish pop music. "La Voz de la Capital" ID. Irregular. Good signal strength but slight CODAR QRM & adjacent channel splatter. Audio a little distorted. (Brian Alexander, PA - dxldyg 16/06/2007) Япония 9595, Radio Tampa, 0955-1005 With chamber music heard prior to the hour. At 0958 male in Japanese comments. On the hour, tone, ID, and comments in Japanese. Signal was good. (Chuck Bolland, June 12, 2007 - hard-core-dx 12/06/2007) 9695, Radio Japan, 1019-1030 Male and female in English conversation dealing with magnets and their characteristics. Signal was very good. (Chuck Bolland, June 12, 2007 - hard-core-dx 12/06/2007) 9695, Radio Japan, 0950-0959, With a program of music and Indonesian Language comments between musical selections. Signal was good. (Chuck Bolland, June 17, 2007 - hard-core-dx 17/06/2007) -- СВ/ДВ at the last evening an nigth I observerd the 1296 kHz. 11/6 2300 UTC COPE Valencia, News in Spanish - SIO 333 11/6 2305 UTC Radio Christo Botev, Bulgarian talk - SIO 222 12/6 0203 UTC Radio XL 1296 AM Birmingham, news in English - SIO 333 12/6 0215 UTC Sudan National Broadcasting Corporation ???? , Arabic music, SIO 222 (no ID) (Friedhelm, Lunen, Germany - emwg 12/06/2007) -- УКВ Россия 13 июня Роланд Страутмалис из Латвии принял на 94,0 МИЛИЦЕЙСКУЮ ВОЛНУ, Калининград, KAL, с 0532 до 0542. " Это второй случай, когда мне удалось поймать радиостанцию из Калининградской области на FM. К сожалению, не слышал местной рекламы или ID, если она вообще есть. Станция начала вещание 30 мая. " (Роланд Страутмалис, Юрий Дымбовский,Рига, Латвия - open_dx 16/06/2007) Москва 16 июня началось тестирование передатчика "Классического радио" на 95,2 МГц. Программа пока смешанная - от инсценировок на тему "Из зала суда" (?) до поп-музыки. Идентификация: - "Классическое радио 95,2 FM", - "95,2 FM - Все будет <<рок-н-ролл>>!", - "95,2 FM - Классика рока!". Музыка имеет явно выраженный "телефонный" призвук, присущий "зарезанному" (узкополосному) сигналу, речевые записи звучат нормально. (Павел Михайлов, Москва, Россия - open_dx 17/06/2007) Украина Только что прочитал в гостевой книге на сайте Виктора Рутковского http://www.narod.ru/guestbook/?owner=488765 о том, что "Вместо Радио 5 в Украине теперь РЕТРО-ФМ". Просьба - кто из Украины - повключайте частоты, подскажите - правда ли что ли? Неужели вся гигантская радиосеть из передатчиков от Радио-5, так стремительно развивавшаясь - теперь отдана РЕТРО-ФМ?? а ведь кое-где вроде были обе станции.... Например хотя бы в Киеве (92.4 и 99.4). Расскажите, кто что знает. В мае я слышал оба этих радио (будучи в Украине), радио 5 как раз чем-то приглянулось, будет ужасно обидно, если его не станет. Расскажите, кто что знает?.. Большое спасибо за информацию! (Евгений Токарь, Минск, Беларусь - open_dx 15/06/2007) Подтверждаю, в Симферополе на частоте 90.10 работает Ретро FM (Андрей Бурлака, Симферополь, Украина - open_dx 15/06/2007) Тернополь 101,5; Хмельницкий 102,1 - Ретро FM. Из Киева недавно принимал на 99,4 (Игорь Данилевич, Збараж, Украина - open_dx 15/06/2007) 100,4 Ивано-Франковск - Ретро FM. В эфире также звучала заставка "Радио 5 представляет Ретро FM". (Игорь Данилевич, Збараж, Украина - open_dx 16/06/2007) В Одессе тоже на 88.5 теперь идёт Ретро ФМ! Плей-лист тот же самый, что и на 91.4, но сдвинут по времени: то отстаёт на 3-15 секунд, то опережает на несколько минут... И ещё 88.5 часто прерывается местными рекламными блоками, в которых иногда проскакивает "Радио 5". (Ярослав, Одесса, Украина - open_dx 16/06/2007) - Тропо this is a bandscan from Tarifa (not definitive: the receptions by tropo from Canarias are not included). With the radio car only 23 radio: 13 from Spain, 10 from Morocco, Fabrizio Carnevalini, E-20144 Tarifa 05w06/36n01 Degen 1103 modified (1x110 and 1x80 Murata filters) telescopic MHz ITU Program Location Reg QRB Remarks 87,60 E RNE R.5 Marbella Marbella/Sierra Elvira and 65 87,70 E Kiss FM Jerez de la Frontera and 116 87,90 MRC RTM International Rabat rsz 281 88,00 E RNE R.5 Malaga Sierra de Mijas/Monte Viego and 80 88,10 E Canal Fiesta Radio Jerez-San Cristobal and 117 88,30 E Canal Fiesta Radio Sierra de Luna and 41 PI E 330 88,50 E Cadena Dial de la Frontera Arcos de la Frontera and 106 88,50 E Europa FM Almunecar Almunecar and 151 88,70 E Kiss FM Marbella-Montes and 65 88,70 MRC RTM Regional/Quran Tanger/Cap Spartel ttn 77 88,80 CNR RNE R.5 La Montaneta tnf 1353 via tropo 88,80 E Radio Marca Sevilla and 176 88,80 MRC RTM Arabic National Meknes/Djebel Zerhoun mkt 224 88,90 E Radiole de la Frontera Arcos de la Frontera and 104 88,90 POR RDP Antena 1 Monchique/Foia agv 344 89,00 CNR Radio Tinamar Vega de San Mateo gc 1326 con tropo 89,00 E RNE R.1 Andalucia Antequera and 121 89,10 E Canal Fiesta Radio Alcala la Real-La Camuna and 195 89,10 E Onda Cero Radio Algeciras and 35 89,10 E RNE R.1 Andalucia Velez de Malaga and 119 89,20 CNR Radio Cibelio Telde gc 1321 con tropo 89,20 E Onda Melodia Sevilla Sevilla and 176 89,20 E Radiole Costa de la Luz Cartaya and 229 89,20 MRC RTM Arabic Regional Rabat rsz 281 PI E2DA 89,30 E Radio Maria Roquetas de Mar and 235 89,40 E COPE Cartagena Cartagena mur 409 annuncio Cope e programma EL TIRACHINAS. Canarie? 89,40 E Cadena 100 Malaga Sierra de Mijas/Monte Viego and 80 89,40 E Los 40 Principales San Fernando and 120 89,40 GIB BFBS Radio 2 North Mole gib 26 89,50 E Canal Fiesta Radio Almonaster la Real and 255 89,50 POR TSF Radio Jornal Lisboa Lisboa lis 470 89,60 POR RFM Faro/Sao Miguel-Goldra agv 272 89,70 E Canal Fiesta Radio Ronda/Sierra Hidalga and 77 89,80 E COPE Ceuta Ceuta-Tajo ceu 28 89,80 E COPE Malaga Sierra de Mijas/Monte Viego and 80 90,00 E RNE R.5 Sevilla Valencina del Concepcion and 178 90,00 MRC RTM International Casablanca (Dar-el-Beida) gcb 359 90,20 E Cadena Dial Gibraltar La Linea de la Concepcion and 30 90,40 E RNE R.Clasica Sierra de Lujar and 177 90,50 MRC SNRT Arabic Regional Azrou-Azougar mkt 291 90,60 MRC SNRT Chaine Nationale Tetouan-Hafa Safa ttn 63 90,80 E Onda Cero Malaga Sierra de Mijas/Monte Viego and 80 PI e E239 90,80 E R. Andalucia Informacion Valencina del Concepcion and 176 Pi e E239 90,80 E SER Puerto Puerto de Santa Maria and 120 90,90 E Radio Los Barrios Los Barrios and 40 Sembrava pero Radio Ole e parlava di Sanlucar 90,90 POR TSF Radio Noticias Faro/Sao Miguel-Goldra agv 272 91,00 MRC SNRT Chaine Nationale Rabat rsz 281 91,10 E Canal Fiesta Radio Pico del Reales and 53 91,20 E RNE R.1 Andalucia Valencina del Concepcion and 178 91,30 GIB Radio Gibraltar Gibraltar gib 28 91,40 E Onda Cero Cadiz Rota and 130 91,50 ALG Chaine 3 Nador 369 91,50 E Canal Fiesta Radio Sierra de Lujar and 177 91,50 POR RDP Antena 2 Monchique/Foia agv 344 91,60 Onda Marina 0 C'e una Onda Marina alle Canarie 91,60 UNID Onda Cero? (PI E2EE) 0 il PI ricevuto e E2EE 91,60 UNID con ID RNE 5 0 Possibile ripetuto da altra rete? 91,60 E RNE R.3 Ronda/Sierra Hidalga and 77 91,60 E Sevilla F.C. Radio Valencina del Concepcion and 178 91,80 MRC SNRT Chaine Inter Tanger/Cap Spartel ttn 77 91,80 TUN RTT R. Gafsa Biadha 1313 91,90 E Cadena 100 Huelva Huelva and 220 91,90 E REM FM Marbella and 65 92,10 MRC SNRT Arabic Regional El Hoceima-Palomas tht 138 92,20 E Canal Sur Radio Sierra de Luna and 41 92,40 E Cadena 100 Cadiz Jerez de la Frontera and 115 92,50 E Punto Radio Motril Motril and 171 PI E1E2 92,60 GIB Radio Gibraltar Gibraltar gib 28 92,70 Punto Radio Cadiz 0 PI E1E2 92,70 ALG Radio El Bahia Oran (Chaine 3) Tessala 399 92,70 E Onda Cero Montilla Montilla and 179 92,80 E Radio Planeta Torremolinos and 130 92,90 E Radio Sintonia El Ejido del Mar and 220 93,10 E Cadena Dial Malaga Sierra de Mijas/Monte Viego and 80 93,10 MRC Radio 2M Casablanca (Dar-el-Beida) gcb 357 93,20 E M80 Cadiz San Fernando and 120 PI E230 93,30 E SER Costa del Sol Estepona and 48 93,30 MRC Radio 2M Rabat rsz 281 93,40 POR RDP Antena 2 Faro/Sao Miguel-Goldra agv 272 93,50 E Onda Cero Radio Motril and 172 PI e E2DA 93,50 MRC Radio 2M Sidi Bounouara dka 429 93,60 E Holiday FM Sierra de Mijas/Monte Viego and 80 93,60 MRC SNRT Chaine Nationale Azrou-Azougar mkt 291 93,70 UNID arabo Corano 0 93,70 MRC Radio 2M Tetouan-Hafa Safa ttn 63 93,80 E Radiole Malaga Sierra de Mijas/Monte Viego and 80 93,80 MRC Radio 2M Marrakech/Oukaimedene mth 594 PI e 120A e la frequenza 93.9 94,00 E RNE R.Clasica Tajo de las Escobas and 40 94,10 UNID arabic 0 94,20 E RNE R.3 Sierra de Lujar and 177 94,20 MRC SNRT Regional/Qu'ran Rabat rsz 281 // 88.7 94,40 E Radio Oro Marbella Marbella and 65 94,50 E RNE R.Clasica Jerez-San Cristobal and 117 94,70 E COPE Campo Gibraltar La Linea de la Concepcion and 30 94,90 E R. Andalucia Informacion Sierra de Mijas/Monte Viego and 80 95,10 E Radio Vida La Linea and 30 95,20 UNID arabic 0 95,30 MRC Medi 1 Tanger/Cap Spartel ttn 77 95,50 MDR RDP Canal 1 R.Provincial Pico do Arieiro md 1146 95,60 MRC Medi 1 Tanger ttn 68 95,70 E Los 40 Principales Algeciras and 34 95,90 E Onda Cero Radio Sevilla and 176 96,00 E RNE R.3 Sierra de Almaden and 237 96,00 MRC SNRT Chaine Nationale Casablanca (Dar-el-Beida) gcb 359 96,10 POR Radio Comercial Faro/Sao Miguel-Goldra agv 272 96,20 E SER Radio Ceuta Ceuta-Tajo ceu 22 PI E239 96,50 E Global FM Sierra de los Castillejos and 84 96,70 E RNE R.1 Andalucia Sierra de Lujar and 177 96,70 E RNE R.3 Jerez-San Cristobal and 117 96,80 MRC SNRT Chaine Inter Azrou-Azougar mkt 291 96,90 E Malaga FM - Radio Marca Sierra de Mijas and 79 <> 97,10 E Los 40 Principales Sevilla Valencina del Concepcion and 176 97,20 E RNE R.1 Ceuta Ceuta-Tajo ceu 27 97,20 MRC SRNT Chaine Inter 0 // 96.8 97,40 E Onda Cero Marbella Marbella-Montes and 65 97,50 MRC Medi 1 Rabat rsz 281 97,60 E RKM Sierra de Mijas/Monte Viego and 80 97,60 POR RDP Antena 1 Faro/Sao Miguel-Goldra agv 272 97,80 E Los 40 Principales Jerez-San Cristobal and 117 97,80 GIB BFBS Radio 1 O'Hara gib 25 97,90 MRC Radio Sawa Fes fbm 217 98,00 E COPE R.Sierra Norte Guadalcanal and 234 98,10 E RNE R.Clasica Sierra de Mijas/Monte Viego and 80 98,30 MRC SNRT Chaine Nationale Tanger/Cap Spartel ttn 77 98,40 MRC SNRT Regional/Qu'ran Meknes/Djebel Zerhoun mkt 224 98,50 UNID, corano (Quran) 0 pessima modulazione (bad modulation) 98,50 E Canal Sur Radio Marbella and 62 98,60 E Central FM Sierra de Mijas and 79 Pi E01C 98,70 UNID Corano (Qran) 0 98,70 E RNE R.3 Velez de Malaga and 120 98,90 E Radio Andalucia Informacion Sierra de Luna and 41 99,00 UNID Malaga, no Amistad 0 99,00 E RNE R.3 Punta Umbria and 217 99,10 E Radio La Janda Medina Sidonia and 89 99,20 ALG Radio Sidi Bel Abbes (Chaine 1) Tessala 399 99,20 E Music Station Marbella and 65 99,30 E Cadena Energia Costa del Sol Velez de Malaga and 119 99,30 E RNE R.Clasica Ronda/Sierra Hidalga and 77 99,40 E Radio Andalucia Jerez-San Cristobal and 117 99,50 GIB BFBS Radio 2 O'Hara gib 25 99,60 MRC Medi 1 Casablanca (Dar-el-Beida) gcb 359 99,70 POR Cidade FM Algarve Loule agv 290 99,80 E RNE R.3 Sierra de Mijas/Monte Viego and 80 99,90 E Cadena Dial Bahia San Fernando and 120 99,90 MRC Medi 1 Boukhouali otl 296 100,00 Radio Ciudad ??? Roquetas de Mar??? 0 100,00 E tentativo Radio Aljibe Alcala de los Gazules and 76 100,00 ESP Hot FM Marbella 0 100,00 MDR TSF Noticias 2000 FM Funchal-Monte md 1143 iD: TSF 100,10 UNID religiosa 0 100,10 E Radio Aroche FM Aroche and 269 100,10 POR Super FM-Sao Braz Sao Braz de Alportel agv 304 100,20 E Radio La Linea La Linea de la Concepcion and 30 100,20 MRC SNRT Chaine Inter Tetouan-Hafa Safa ttn 63 100,30 E Kiss FM Sevilla and 176 100,40 E SER Malaga Sierra de Mijas/Monte Viego and 80 100,50 GIB Radio Gibraltar North Mole gib 26 100,60 E Canal Sur Radio Sierra de Almaden and 237 100,70 E Hitradio Malaga Torremolinos and 86 100,70 POR RDP Antena 3 Algarve Faro/Sao Miguel-Goldra agv 272 100,80 E RNE R.Clasica Ceuta-Tajo ceu 27 100,90 E Los 40 Principales Huelva Rociana del Condado and 198 100,90 E Radio Municipal Manilva Manilva and 42 Publicidad: Restaurante La Cazola, carni argentine 101,00 MRC Medi 1 0 101,10 E M 80 Malaga Malaga and 95 101,20 E Onda Cero Huelva Huelva and 215 101,40 E Onda Cero Radio Ceuta-Tajo ceu 27 101,50 MRC Radio Sawa Casablanca (Dar-el-Beida) gcb 359 101,60 E Onda Cero International R. Fuengirola and 73 101,60 E Radio Marca Cadiz Cadiz and 122 PI B002 101,70 MRC Radio Sawa Marrakech/Oukaimedene mth 594 101,80 MRC Radio Sawa Tanger/Cap Spartel ttn 77 PI FFFF 101,90 ESP UNID Cope 0 101,90 POR RDP Antena 3 Algarve Alcoutim agv 267 102,00 E COPE Radio Cadiz FM Puerto Real and 120 102,00 E SER 1 Motril Motril and 171 102,20 E COPE Sierra Blanca Ojen and 65 PI C064 102,30 E RNE R.5 Malaga Ronda/Sierra Hidalga and 77 102,30 ESP UNID religiosa: RKM? 0 102,40 E - Sierra de Mijas/Monte Viego and 80 102,40 E Radio Atunara La Linea and 30 102,50 E AFTRS-AFN FM 102 Rota and 130 102,50 E Hitradio Malaga Marbella and 65 px in tedesco 102,70 ALG Chaine 1 Tessala 0 102,70 ESP Canal Fiesta Mijas? 0 102,70 POR UNID id "Erreu FM"??? 0 102,80 E Los 40 Principales Malaga Sierra de Mijas/Monte Viego and 80 102,90 E Radio Lebrija - Punto Radio Lebrija and 132 103,00 ESP RKM 0 103,10 E RNE R.3 Tajo de las Escobas and 40 103,20 E SER 2 Sevilla FM Castilleja de la Cuesta and 176 103,30 POR Radio Santo Antonio Castro Marim agv 248 103,40 E Radio Costa del Sol Antequera and 121 103,50 E Canal Sur Radio Sierra de Lujar and 177 103,50 E RNE R.1 Andalucia Jerez-San Cristobal and 117 103,70 MRC Medi 1 Tetouan-Hafa Safa ttn 63 103,80 E Canal Sur Radio Vejer de la Frontera and 82 103,80 E Central FM Marbella-Montes and 65 103,80 POR Radio Renascenca Faro/Sao Miguel-Goldra agv 272 103,90 E Canal Fiesta Radio Valencina del Concepcion and 176 104,10 E Kiss FM Algeciras and 35 104,30 ESP Intereconomia Marbella 0 104,40 ESP Radio Bahia Campo de Gibraltar 0 ID y publicidad: Centro de Formacion, La Linea 104,50 E Canal Sur Radio Aljaraque and 220 104,60 E Canal Sur Radio Sierra de Mijas/Monte Viego and 80 104,60 MRC Medi 1 Agadir-Biougra smd 761 104,80 E Canal Sur Radio Jerez-San Cristobal and 117 104,80 E REM FM Torre del Mar-Velez Malaga and 119 105,00 ESP UNID in Ingles, Olandes La Linea?? (escuchada en Gibraltar) 0 105,20 E RNE R.1 Andalucia Tajo de las Escobas and 40 105,40 E Onda Prisma Radio Balerma and 214 Publicidad Balerma 105,50 E Spectrum FM Marbella and 65 105,50 MRC Medi 1 Meknes/Djebel Zerhoun mkt 224 105,70 MRC SNRT Arabic El Hoceima-Palomas tht 138 105,80 E Canal Fiesta Radio Sierra de Mijas/Monte Viego and 80 105,80 E Radio Occidental Sanlucar de Barrameda and 138 PI e E279 105,80 ESP Cadena SER no identificada ? 0 106,00 E Radio Le Cadiz San Fernando and 120 106,00 ESP No identificada, en ingles // 105 0 106,10 E RNE R.1 Andalucia Ronda/Sierra Hidalga and 77 106,30 E RNE R.5 Jerez-San Cristobal and 117 106,40 ESP RDS "MUSIC ARTS" "106.4" 0 106,60 E RNE R.1 Andalucia Sierra de Mijas/Monte Viego and 80 106,80 E RNE R.3 Ceuta-Tajo ceu 27 106,90 E Radio Marca Malaga and 97 106,90 ESP Europa FM 0 107,00 E Radio Ejido El Ejido del Mar and 219 107,10 E Radio Juventud de Conil Conil de la Frontera and 93 ID "Radio Juventud de Conil" 107,30 E Radio Tarifa Tarifa and 45 107,30 ESP UNID PI E0A4, no Tarifa 0 107,40 E Radio Barbate Barbate de Franco and 68 107,40 ESP UNID 0 programa "La puerta grande" y publicidad Floridea 107,60 E RNE R.Clasica Melilla mel 211 107,60 ESP Radio Television Marbella 0 Anuncio de indentificacion 107,70 E Emisora Sanlucar Sanlucar la Mayor and 181 107,70 E Radio Chiclana FM Chiclana de la Frontera and 103 107,70 E Radio Velez Malaga Velez de Malaga and 120 108,00 E Onda Joven Radio La Linea and 30 Punto Radio??? (Fabrizio Carnevalini, Tarifa, Andalucia - skywaves 11/06/2007) Mando direttamente in lista il bandscan di La Spezia, fatto il 5/6/2007 in centro citta, con il Sony SA3ES e antenna verticale. Il documento completo con PI, PS, frequenze parallele ecc. potete scaricare qui: http://www.myradiobase.de/fmlist/export/Bandscan_LaSpezia_20070605.pdf MHz Program Location Reg RDS Remarks 87,70 RAI Radiouno Liguria Val di Vara (Zignago-Monte) (RAI) sp 87,80 Radio Margherita Buti-Monte Serra pi X 88,00 Radio Toscana Network-inBlu Capannori-Monte Serra lu X 88,25 RAI GR Parlamento Calci-Monte Serra pi X 88,50 RAI Radiouno Toscana Calci-Monte Serra pi X 88,70 Radio Maria La Spezia-Monte Parodi sp X 89,00 RAI Radiouno Liguria La Spezia-Monte Parodi sp X 89,30 Radio 105 Network Carrara-Santa Lucia ms 89,55 Contatto Radio-Popolare Network La Spezia-Monte Parodi sp X 89,75 Contatto Radio-Popolare Network Carrara-Santa Lucia ms 90,00 Radio 19 La Spezia-Monte Parodi sp X 90,20 Radio Deejay Buti-Monte Serra pi 90,50 RAI Radiodue Calci-Monte Serra pi 90,70 Radio Nostalgia (Radio Italia Piu La Spezia-Monte Parodi sp X 91,00 Radio Kiss Kiss Campocecina ms X 91,10 Radio Capital Monte Carchio ms 91,30 RMC - Radio Monte Carlo Buti-Monte Serra pi X 91,50 RTL 102.5 La Spezia-Monte Parodi sp X 91,80 Radio Cuore La Spezia-Monte Parodi sp X 92,10 Radio Deejay La Spezia-Monte Parodi sp X 92,60 Radio Nostalgia (CNR) La Spezia-Monte Parodi sp X 92,90 RAI Radiotre Calci-Monte Serra pi X 93,10 Rete Toscana Classica Buti-Monte Serra pi X 93,20 RAI Radiodue La Spezia-Monte Parodi sp X 93,40 Radio Italia Solo Musica Italiana Capannori-Monte Serra lu X 93,65 Radio Subasio Monte Carchio ms 93,80 RAI GR Parlamento La Spezia-Monte Parodi sp X 93,90 Radio Mater Buti-Monte Serra pi X 94,20 R101 Capannori-Monte Serra lu X 94,50 Radio Subasio Capannori-Monte Serra lu 94,70 Radio Massarosa Sound La Spezia-Monte Parodi sp X 94,90 Radio Massarosa Sound Capannori-Monte Cascetto lu X 95,20 Radio Deejay Massa-San Carlo ms 95,40 RDS - Radio Dimensione Suono La Spezia-Monte Parodi sp X 95,60 RDS - Radio Dimensione Suono La Spezia-Monte Parodi sp X 95,80 Radio Kiss Kiss La Spezia-Monte Parodi sp X 96,00 RDS - Radio Dimensione Suono Camaiore-Monte Meto lu 96,20 Radio Studio 3 La Spezia-Monte Parodi sp no RDS 96,30 RAM Power Calci-Monte Serra pi 96,50 RAM Power La Spezia sp X 96,80 Radio Capital Carrara-Santa Lucia ms X Radio Dimensione Suono off 97,00 Radio Maria La Spezia-Monte Parodi sp X 97,10 Radio Kiss Kiss Capannori-Monte Serra lu X 97,30 Radio Capital La Spezia-Monte Parodi sp X 97,50 Babboleo News Sarzana-Cappuccini sp X 98,00 RDS - Radio Dimensione Suono La Spezia-Monte Parodi sp X 98,20 RDS - Radio Dimensione Suono Carrara-Santa Lucia ms 98,30 Doctor Dance Buti-Monte Serra pi X 98,40 Fantastica Carrara-Santa Lucia ms X 98,60 m2o Buti-Monte Serra pi X 98,90 R101 La Spezia-Monte Parodi sp X 99,20 Babboleo News La Spezia-Monte Parodi sp 99,40 Radio Maria Campocecina ms X 99,50 Radio Mater La Spezia-Monte Parodi sp X 99,70 Radio Deejay Buti-Monte Serra pi X 99,80 RAI Radiotre La Spezia-Monte Parodi sp X 100,00 Radio Fiesole 100 Carrara-Santa Lucia ms X 100,40 m2o La Spezia-Monte Parodi sp X 100,70 Radio Deejay La Spezia-Monte Parodi sp X 100,90 RTL 102.5 Capannori-Monte Serra lu X 101,00 Radio Apuana-inBlu Fivizzano ms X 101,20 Fantastica La Spezia/Cadimare sp X 101,50 Radio Italia Solo Musica Italiana La Spezia-Monte Parodi sp X 102,00 Radio Bruno Monte Carchio ms 102,10 Radio Sei Sei Buti-Monte Serra pi 102,25 RTL 102.5 La Spezia-Monte Parodi sp X 102,50 RTL 102.5 La Spezia sp X 102,70 RDF Radio Diffusione Firenze Carrara-Santa Lucia ms X 102,80 RTL 102.5 Campocecina ms 103,00 Radio Bruno Portovenere/Le Grazie sp X 103,30 RAI Isoradio La Spezia-Monte Parodi sp X 103,60 Radio Relax La Spezia-Monte Parodi sp X 103,90 Radio 24 Capannori-Monte Serra lu X 104,00 Radio 24 La Spezia/Cadimare sp X 104,30 Radio 105 Network La Spezia-Monte Parodi sp X 104,50 Rock FM Capannori-Monte Serra lu 104,70 Play Radio La Spezia-Monte Parodi sp X 104,90 Radio Radicale La Spezia-Monte Parodi sp X 105,20 Radio Subasio La Spezia-Monte Parodi sp X 105,80 Radio Padania Libera La Spezia-Monte Parodi sp X 106,30 Radio Zeta La Spezia-Monte Parodi sp X 106,60 RMC - Radio Monte Carlo La Spezia-Monte Parodi sp X 106,90 RTL 102.5 Calci-Monte Serra pi X 107,10 R101 La Spezia-Monte Parodi sp X 107,40 Radio Capital La Spezia-Monte Parodi sp X 107,70 Play Radio La Spezia-Monte Parodi sp X 108,00 Astroradio La Spezia-Monte Parodi sp X (Gunter Lorenz, Germany - fmdx_Italy 12/06/2007) Some unexpected tropospheric enhancement in the evening of Monday 11 June and the morning of Tuesday 12 June 2007. Below my loggings, time of reception 21.00-23.00 UTC (Monday) and 05.30-06.30 UTC (Tuesday). Local time is UTC + 2 hours. Best regards, Janpeter van Dijk, Zoetermeer, The Netherlands. Monday 11 June 2007 Tropospheric Band II Loggings: 87.7 D NDR Info Flensburg (Engelsby-Fuchsberg) 88.7 DNK DR P1 A?lgod/BavenshA?j 89.6 D NDR 1 Welle Nord Flensburg (Engelsby-Fuchsberg) 90.9 D NDR 1 Welle Nord Sylt (Morsum-NA¶sse) 92.3 DNK DR P3 A?lgod/BavenshA?j 93.2 D NDR 2 Flensburg (Engelsby-Fuchsberg) 94.6 D NDR Kultur Cuxhaven (Holter HA¶he) 96.1 D NDR Kultur Flensburg (Engelsby-Fuchsberg) 97.7 DNK DR P4 Radio Midt & Vest A?lgod/BavenshA?j 98.5 DNK DR P4 Radio Midt & Vest Holstebro/Mejrup 98.7 D NDR 2 Sylt (Morsum-NA¶sse) 99.0 DNK DR P4 Radio Syd A?lgod/BavenshA?j 100.3 D DR P2 Musik Holstebro/Mejrup 101.4 D RSH Flensburg (Freienwill-Kl.Wolstrup) 102.8 D RSH Sylt (DTAG Westerland) 103.3 D Deutschlandfunk Flensburg (Freienwill-Kl.Wolstrup) 104.2 D DeutschlandRadio Kultur NiebA?ll (SA?derlA?gum) 104.5 D Radio 21 Leer (NA?ttermoor) 104.8 D delta radio Sylt (DTAG Westerland) 105.6 D delta radio Flensburg (Freienwill-Kl.Wolstrup) 107.9 D AFN Power Network Bremerhaven (Friedrich-Ebert-StraAYe) Tuesday 12 June 2007 Tropospheric Band II Loggings: 87.6 D NDR 2 Hamburg (Moorfleet) 88.7 D Deutschlandfunk Hamburg (Moorfleet) 89.2 D NDR Kultur Schwerin (Zippendorf-Neu Zippendorf) 90.3 D NDR 1 Hamburg Welle 90.3 Hamburg (Moorfleet) 91.9 D NDR 2 Bungsberg/Eutin (NDR Turm) 92.3 D NDR Info Hamburg (Moorfleet) 94.5 D N-Joy (NDR) Kiel (Kronshagen-Heischberg) 95.3 D DeutschlandRadio Kultur Schwerin (Zippendorf-Neu Zippendorf) 98.3 D NDR 2 Kiel (Kronshagen-Heischberg) 98.5 D NDR 2 Schwerin (Zippendorf-Neu Zippendorf) 99.2 D NDR Kultur Hamburg (Moorfleet) 100.2 D RSH Bungsberg/Eutin (Elisabethturm) 101.1 D Radio NORA Kaltenkirchen (Kisdorf-Kisdorfer Wohld) 101.3 D Antenne M-V Schwerin (Zippendorf-Neu Zippendorf) 101.9 D Deutschlandfunk Bungsberg/Eutin (Elisabethturm) 102.9 D RSH Kaltenkirchen (Kisdorf-Kisdorfer Wohld) 103.6 D Radio Hamburg Hamburg (Moorfleet) 104.1 D delta radio Bungsberg/Eutin (Elisabethturm) 104.5 D NDR 1 Welle Nord MA¶lln (Talkau-Lehmberg) 105.3 D NDR Info Schwerin (Zippendorf-Neu Zippendorf) 105.9 D delta radio Kiel (Innenstadt-Amselsteig) 106.4 D NDR 1 Welle Nord NeumA?nster (Armstedt-Hasenkrug) 106.8 D 106!8 pop'n rock Hamburg (Rahlstedt-HA¶ltigbaum) 107.3 D Ostseewelle Schwerin (Zippendorf-Neu Zippendorf) 107.4 D delta radio Kaltenkirchen (Kisdorf-Kisdorfer Wohld) 107.9 D delta radio MA¶lln (Berkenthin-Klosterberg) Also some TV DX Loggings (received on Tuesday): E07 DNK DR 1 Rangstrup E10 DNK DR 1 Holstebro E22 DNK TV 2 Tommerup E27 DNK TV 2 Aabenraa E33 DNK TV 2 Varde E40 DNK TV 2 VidebA¦k E56 DNK TV 2 Viborg Vest (Janpeter Dijk, Holland - skywaves 13/06/2007) Loggings 2007 06 12 UTC Freq PI PS Cty Station ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1545 66.68 MDA: RM 1,Balti (1325 kms) 1547 66.68 UKR: UR 1,Oktyabrske (KR) (1743 kms) 1549 66.98 UKR: UR 1,Kirovohrad (KG) (1653 kms) 1553 67.79 MDA: Vocea Basarabiei,Soroca (1365 kms) ID 1607 67.88 UKR: UR 1,Buky (CK) (1552 kms) 1559 68.00 MDA: RM 1,Ungheni (1302 kms) 1600 68.48 MDA: BBC WS,Straseni (1428 kms) 1601 68.93 MDA: Radio Micul Samaritean,Hincesti (1340 kms) 1602 69.53 MDA: RM 2/RFE/RL,Ungheni (1302 kms) 1605 69.92 UKR: UR 1,Pervomajsk (MY) (1546 kms) 1609 70.73 UKR: UR 1,Zaporizhzhya (ZP) (1859 kms) 1603 71.63 UKR: UR 1,Kryvyy Rih (DN) (1720 kms) (F. Carnevalini, Italy - skywaves 13/06/2007) 87.60 13.6. 1041- ESP: Los 40 Principales,Ourense-Seminario (GAL). PI E235. (1352 km). 87.90 13.6. 1037- POR: RDP Antena 1,Lousa/Trevim (COI). (1567 km). 89.30 13.6. 1037- POR: RDP Antena 2,Lousa/Trevim (COI). (1567 km). 91.00 13.6. 1048- POR: RLO-Radio Litoral Oeste,Obidos (LEI). PI 8091. (1680 km). 91.90 13.6. 1101- POR: Radio Local de Barcelos,Barcelos (BRA). PI 80B7. (1463 km). 94.40 13.6. 1043- POR: RDP Antena 2,Lisboa/Monsanto (LIS). PI 8202, PS " TENA_2". (1742 km). 94.50 13.6. 1144- ESP: RNE R.Clasica,Jerez-San Cristobal (AND). PI E212. (1811 km). 95.20 13.6. 1045- POR: RDP Antena 1,Serra de Marao (VRL). PI 8201. (1446 km). 97.10 13.6. 1145- ESP: Los 40 Principales,Valencina del Concepcion (AND). PI E035. (1732 km). (Herman Wijnants, UK - skywaves 13/06/2007) Late Afternoon log 88.0 Radio Cinco Todas Noticias (RNE) Sierra de Mijas 1,525 km 88.9 Radiole Arcos de la Frontera 1,547 km 89.7 Unid Spanish, musical programme (Patrice Privat, France - skywaves 14/06/2007) Not a lot of es lately, but still some logs today. 87.60 13.6. 1041- ESP: Los 40 Principales,Ourense-Seminario (GAL). PI E235. (1352 km). 87.60 13.6. 1204- ESP: Kiss FM,Plasencia (EXT). PI E2EC, PS "KISS_FM_". (1478 km). 87.60 13.6. 1314- POR: RDS,Seixal (Lisboa) (SET). PI 8042, PS " _D_S__". (1746 km). 87.70 13.6. 1213- POR: RDP Antena 1,Serra do Mendro (BEJ). PI 8201. (1719 km). 87.90 13.6. 1037- POR: RDP Antena 1,Lousa/Trevim (COI). (1567 km). 89.30 13.6. 1037- POR: RDP Antena 2,Lousa/Trevim (COI). (1567 km). 91.00 13.6. 1048- POR: RLO-Radio Litoral Oeste,Obidos (LEI). PI 8091. (1680 km). 91.40 13.6. 1206- ESP: SER Placensia,Placensia (EXT). PI E239. (1474 km). 91.90 13.6. 1101- POR: Radio Local de Barcelos,Barcelos (BRA). PI 80B7. (1463 km). 91.90 13.6. 1206- ESP: Cadena 100,Huelva (AND). PI E2CE. (1780 km). 92.00 13.6. 1216- POR: Radio Comercial,Serra do Mendro (BEJ). PI 8203. (1719 km). 94.40 13.6. 1043- POR: RDP Antena 2,Lisboa/Monsanto (LIS). PI 8202, PS " TENA_2". (1742 km). 94.40 13.6. 1207- ESP: SER Caceres,Caceres (EXT). EXT ID. PI E239, PS "__SER___". (1545 km). 94.50 13.6. 1144- ESP: RNE R.Clasica,Jerez-San Cristobal (AND). PI E212. (1811 km). 95.20 13.6. 1045- POR: RDP Antena 1,Serra de Marao (VRL). PI 8201. (1446 km). 96.90 13.6. 1212- ESP: Los 40 Principales,Badajoz (EXT). Badajoz ID. PI E235, PS "CUARENTA". (1626 km). 97.10 13.6. 1145- ESP: Los 40 Principales,Valencina del Concepcion (AND). PI E035. (1732 km) (Herman Wijnants, UK - skywaves 14/06/2007) Good prolonged opening into E, POR and MRC today. One interesting observation...Morocco's Radio 2M was logged on 93.3 with PI Codes 120A and 1005, so presumably 2 different TXs. There are several TX sites listed on this frequency, but this is the first time I have seen PI:1005 in use. As usual, any help with the ???s greatly appreciated. 87.60 11:58 2007-06-13 POR RDS-Radio Seixal Seixal Music 8042 _R_D_S__ 87.70 11:52 2007-06-13 POR RDP Antena 1 Serra do Mendro Talks 8201 ANTENA_1 87.70 12:58 2007-06-13 POR RDP Antena 1 Serra do Mendro Music/Talks 8201 ANTENA_1 87.70 13:01 2007-06-13 POR Voz da Raia Penamacor Unattended rx 80AC VOZ-RAIA 87.70 13:07 2007-06-13 E Kiss FM Jerez de la Frontera Unattended rx E200 KISS_FM_ 87.70 16:54 2007-06-13 E Europa FM multiple TXs Unattended rx E2ED EUROPAFM 87.90 11:59 2007-06-13 POR RDP Antena 1 Lousa/Trevim Talks 8021 ANTENA_1 87.90 12:00 2007-06-13 E Canal Extremadura Radio Merida/Cerro de San Servan Music E30A Canal_EX 87.90 12:07 2007-06-13 MRC Chaine Inter Rabat Talks 1002 SNRT-Int 88.00 18:14 2007-06-13 E RNE R5 multiple TXs News/Voice ID 88.90 12:00 2007-06-13 POR RDP Antena 1 Monchique/Foia News 8201 ANTENA_1 90.40 12:01 2007-06-13 E Onda Cero Radio Merida News E2EE ONDACERO 91.00 12:03 2007-06-13 POR RLO-Radio Litoral Oeste Obidos Music 8091 _R_L_O__ 91.10 18:16 2007-06-13 E RNE Radio Clasica multiple TXs Music E212 RNE-CLAS 93.20 12:04 2007-06-13 POR RFM Lisboa/Monsanto Music 8231 __RFM___ 93.30 18:18 2007-06-13 E Kiss FM Jaen Music E2EC KISS_FM_ 93.30 18:50 2007-06-13 MRC Radio 2M multiple TXs Music 120A RADIO_2M 93.30 19:03 2007-06-13 ??? ??? ??? Unattended rx FFFF PUNT?? 93.30 19:31 2007-06-13 E COPE? ??? Unattended rx E0CA ??SE-??? 93.30 19:35 2007-06-13 MRC Radio 2M multiple TXs Unattended rx 1005 RADIO_2M Poss different tx, as diff PI code 93.70 12:06 2007-06-13 POR Radio Renascenca Porto/Monte da Virgem Religious px 8221 ___RR___ 94.70 12:08 2007-06-13 POR RDP Antena 1 Guarda/P.Vento Music 8201 ANTENA_1 94.80 12:08 2007-06-13 POR Radio Festival Porto/Monte da Virgem Music 8018 FESTIVAL 95.80 12:10 2007-06-13 POR Radio Fundacao Guimaraes Music 8056 FUNDACAO 95.90 12:10 2007-06-13 E Onda Cero Radio multiple TXs Music/Talks E2EE ONDACERO (Mike Fallon, Saltdean, East Sussex, UK - fmdx_Italy 14/06/2007) Getting a few E's but quite fluttery. 94.5 RNE Radio Clasica 1100 UTC and Italian which is the stronger now 1154UTC (David Onley, Rijswijk, Holland - skywaves 14/06/2007) Today very good Es openings in Revfulop at lake Balaton in Hungary. First Russia in the morning, lasted about 2 hours, mainly Krasnodar area. Then Turkey, Lebanon, Cyprus, Greece. In the afternoon France (e.g. Noirt-Melle lasted more than 1 hour, Puy de Dome, Gueret, Bayonne) and Spain and a few from Greece again. (Joerg Moscher, Germany - skywaves 14/06/2007) two weak openings Oirt, in center Italy, from Kaliningrad, Moldova and Belarus, Fabrizio Carnevalini UTC Freq PI PS Cty Station ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1444 66.02 BLR: BR Novaye Radio Mahileu,Babruysk/Yasny Les (MA) 1450 66.32 BLR: BR 1,Pinsk (BR) 0727 66.74 RUS: Radio Yunost (RSY),Kanevskaya (KD) (2114 kms) 1522 66.74 BLR: BR 2 Kanal Kultura,Ushachy (VI) (1826 kms) 1510 67.10 BLR: BR 2 Kanal Kultura,Pinsk (BR) (1460 kms) 1522 67.25 BLR: BR Novaye Radio Mahileu,Kascjukovicy (MA) (1867 kms) 0758 67.46 MDA: RM 2,Edinti (1304 kms) 0624 68.00 MDA: RM 1,Ungheni (1302 kms) 1451 71.18 BLR: Radyjo Stalica,Mahileu/Polykovici (MA) (1806 kms) (Fabrizio Carnevalini, Terni, Umbira, Italy - skywaves 15/06/2007) good opening Oirt, in center Italy, Fabrizio Carnevalini Loggings 2007 06 14 UTC Freq PI PS Cty Station ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0733 65.93 UKR: UR 1,Shostka (SU) (1866 kms) 0551 66.02 UKR: UR 1,Kovel (VO) (1313 kms) 0733 66.05 UKR: UR 1,Buchach (TE) (1216 kms) 0548 66.08 UKR: UR 1,Shepetivka (KM) (1383 kms) 0732 66.20 BLR: BR 2 Kanal Kultura,Hrodna (HR) (1481 kms) 0600 66.32 BLR: BR 1,Pinsk (BR) (1460 kms) 0601 66.56 BLR: BR 1,Slonim (HR) (1488 kms) 0732 66.59 UKR: UR 1,Kamyanske (OD) (1368 kms) 0733 66.68 UKR: UR 1,Oktyabrske (KR) (1743 kms) 0550 66.80 UKR: UR 1,Krasnoperekopsk (KR) (1721 kms) 0602 66.98 BLR: BR 1,Hrodna (HR) (1481 kms) 0604 67.10 BLR: BR 2 Kanal Kultura,Pinsk (BR) (1460 kms) 0542 67.10 BLR: BR 2 Kanal Kultura,Pinsk (BR) (1460 kms) 0549 67.13 UKR: UR 1,Kharkiv (KA) (1982 kms) 0732 67.22 BLR: BR 1,Smyatanichy (GO) (1595 kms) 0529 67.25 UKR: UR 1,Sevastopol (KR) (1696 kms) 0730 67.25 UKR: UR 1,Kotovsk (OD) (1441 kms) 0732 67.28 UKR: Svitle Radio Emmanuyil,Kyiv (KY) (1613 kms) 0734 67.28 UKR: UR 1,Berezhany (TE) (1213 kms) 0731 67.37 BLR: BR 1,Bragin (GO) (1664 kms) 0736 67.37 MDA: RM 1,Cahul (1292 kms) 0603 67.58 MDA: Antena C,Straseni (1428 kms) 0731 67.70 UKR: UR 1,Khmelnytskyy (KM) (1337 kms) 0603 67.76 BLR: BR 1,Gomel (GO) (1748 kms) 0546 68.00 BLR: BR 2 Kanal Kultura,Smyatanichy (GO) (1595 kms) 0731 68.00 MDA: RM 1,Ungheni (1302 kms) 0735 68.24 MDA: RM 2,Balti (1325 kms) 0609 68.24 UKR: Radio Krai-2 (R.Nova khvylia - Ri,Rivne (Antopil) (RI) (1371 kms) 0608 68.36 UKR: UR 1,Dnipropetrovsk (DN) (1854 kms) 0731 68.38 UKR: UR 1,Nikopol (DN) (1795 kms) 0712 68.39 BLR: BR 2 Kanal Kultura,Geranyony (HR) (1588 kms) 0610 68.45 BLR: Radio Express-Homielskaya khvylya,Zhlobin (GO) (1721 kms) 0730 68.51 UKR: UR 1,Kyiv-Brovary (KY) (1613 kms) 0712 68.69 BLR: BR 1,Myadzel/Telyaki (MI) (1710 kms) 0610 68.72 UKR: UR 1,Volochysk (KM) (i) (1294 kms) 0730 68.75 UKR: UR 1,Trostyanets (SU) (1904 kms) 0611 68.97 UKR: UR 1,Zhovten (OD) (1481 kms) 0614 68.99 UKR: UR 1,Komysh-Zorya (ZP) (1963 kms) 0730 69.08 UKR: UR 1,Rovenky (LU) (2165 kms) 0616 69.11 BLR: Radyjo Stalica,Bragin (GO) (1664 kms) 0618 69.14 BLR: BR 2 Kanal Kultura,Obukhovo (Vorsa) (VI) (1851 kms) 0735 69.14 MDA: BBC WS,Cahul (1292 kms) 0612 69.23 UKR: UR 1,Vasylivka (KE) (1719 kms) 0708 69.26 BLR: Radyjo Stalica,Geranyony (HR) (1588 kms) 0730 69.38 BLR: Radyjo Stalica,Kascjukovicy (MA) (1863 kms) 0612 69.47 UKR: UR 1,Chernihiv (CH) (1713 kms) 0706 69.53 UKR: UR 1,Uzhhorod (ZK) (1003 kms) 0612 69.59 UKR: UR 1,Novodnistrovsk (CV) (1328 kms) 0523 69.80 UKR: UR 1,Mykolayiv (MY) (1602 kms) 0522 69.80 BUL: BNR 3 REG.Turkish,Shumen - Venez (SHM) (1164 kms) 0739 69.80 UKR: UR 1,Mykolayiv (MY) (1602 kms) 0706 69.83 UKR: UR 1,Ternopil/Lozova (TE) (1260 kms) 0617 70.10 UKR: UR 1,Bershad (VI) (1456 kms) 0617 70.28 BLR: Radyjo Stalica,Smyatanichy (GO) (1595 kms) 0702 70.31 BLR: BR 2 Kanal Kultura,Myadzel/Telyaki (MI) (1710 kms) 0701 70.43 BLR: BR 2 Kanal Kultura,Minsk-Kalodzishchy (MI) (1655 kms) 0620 70.52 UKR: UR 1,Odesa (OD) (1497 kms) 0628 70.73 UKR: UR 1,Zaporizhzhya (ZP) (1859 kms) 0639 70.94 BLR: Radyjo Stalica,Ushachy (VI) (1826 kms) 0635 71.03 BLR: BR 2 Kanal Kultura,Zhlobin (GO) (1721 kms) 0802 71.12 UKR: Radio Zhytomyrska khvylia,Zhytomyr (Andriivka) (ZH) (1491 kms) 0626 71.24 MDA: RM 1,Causeni (1403 kms) 0641 71.24 UKR: UR 1,Ivano-Frankivsk (IF) (1164 kms) 0802 71.24 MDA: RM 1,Causeni (1403 kms) 0641 71.30 UKR: UR 2 Promin,Kyiv-Brovary (KY) (1613 kms) 0622 71.33 HNG: MR 1 Kossuth R.,Tokaj (BAZ) (C) (913 kms) 0627 71.33 BLR: BR 1,Minsk-Kalodzishchy (MI) (1655 kms) 0641 71.57 MDA: Vocea Basarabiei,Chisinau (P) (1363 kms) 0642 71.69 BLR: BR 2 Kanal Kultura,Brest (BR) (1338 kms) 0642 71.81 BLR: Radyjo Stalica,Zhlobin (GO) (1721 kms) 0643 71.90 UKR: UR 1,Zhytomyr (Andriivka) (ZH) (1491 kms) 0649 72.35 UKR: Radio Melodiya,Chernihiv (CH) (1713 kms) 0833 72.65 BLR: BR 1,Ushachy (VI) (1826 kms) 0652 72.86 UKR: UR 3 Radio Kultura,Kyiv (KY) (1613 kms) (Fabrizio Carnevalini, Terni, Umbira, Italy - skywaves 15/06/2007) Freq. Date Time, z Stn, Site, Language QTH RDS/mode 69.47 13/06 0842 Radio Era, Chernigov, Ukrainian 72.35 13/06 0901 Melodia, Chernigvo, Ukrainian 72.86 13/06 0905 Kultura, Kiev, Ukrainian 95.6 13/06 0714 JAM FM, Kiev, Ukrainian yes 96.0 13/06 0715 Radio Era FM, Kiev, Russian, Ukrainian 96.4 13/06 0727 Hit FM, Kiev, Ukrainian 96.8 13/06 0730 Radio Renessans, Kiev, Ukrainian 99.4 13/06 0740 Retro FM, Kiev 100.0 13/06 0740 Gala Radio, Kiev 100.6 13/06 0744 AVTO RADIO, Chernigov, Russian yes 101.3 13/06 0745 Melodia, Chernigov, Ukrainian 101.8 13/06 0747 Shanson, Chernigov, Russian, Ukrainian 102.4 13/06 0752 Radio 5, Chernigov yes 103.0 13/06 0756 Lux FM, Chernigov, Ukrainian 103.5 13/06 0800 RADIO ERA FM, Chernigov, Ukrainian yes 104.0 13/06 0822 Radio Sharmanka, Kiev, Ukrainian 104.3 13/06 0826 Nashe Radio, Chernigov, Russian 104.7 13/06 0831 Hit FM, Chernigov yes 106.3 13/06 0833 LOVE, Chernigov yes 106.5 13/06 0835 Kiss FM, Kiev, Ukrainian 106.8 13/06 0837 Kiss FM, Chernigov yes 107.2 13/06 0839 Russkoye Radio, Chernigov, Ukrainian yes 107.7 13/06 0840 MFM, Chernigov, RUssian (Sergey Kolesov, Kiev, Ukraine - open_dx 15/06/2007) Es only just reached the bottom of Band 2 today, although Band 1 was open for many hours to S & E Europe plus the Middle East 87.60 09:07 2007-06-16 ALG Chaine 3 Kef El Akhal Sport 87.60 12:20 2007-06-16 ALG Radio Laghouat Aflou Talks 87.70 13:19 2007-06-16 ALG Radio Chlef Chlef Talks/Music 87.60 15:20 2007-06-16 ALG Radio Laghouat Aflou Talks 87.60 16:20 2007-06-16 POR RDS-Radio Seixal Seixal Music 8042 _R_D_S__ 87.60 18:40 2007-06-16 POR RDS-Radio Seixal Seixal Music 8042 _R_D_S__ 87.60 20:00 2007-06-16 E Kiss FM Plasencia Music E2EC KISS_FM_ 88.00 20:03 2007-06-16 E RNE R5 Sierra de Mijas/Monte Viego News/Voice ID 87.70 20:09 2007-06-16 POR RDP Antena 1 Serra do Mendro Soccer commentary 8201 ANTENA_1 87.60 20:22 2007-06-16 E Los 40 Principales Ourense-Seminario Music E235 87.70 20:40 2007-06-16 ALG Radio Chlef Chlef Phone-in 87.70 21:08 2007-06-16 E Kiss FM Jerez de la Frontera Music E200 KISS_FM_ (Mike Fallon, UK - FM 17/06/2007) Yesterday morning I briefly got RTR very stong on R2 59.257.632 (stable) (Jurgen Bartels, Germany - skywaves 17/06/2007) -- Digital |
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