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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 120 часть 1

WorldDX 120
WorldDX выходит с декабря 2004 года.
Редактор: Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия.
Время везде UTC; Mосковское время = UTC +4 часа - летом, а зимой - +3 часа.
Частоты указаны в кГц для ДВ, СВ, КВ и в МГц для ФМ и ТВ
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Короткие Волны

6230 VMW Wiluna, W.A. 1200-1211 May 7. Assorted weather
warnings, mostly for strong winds, for northern, western, and southern
Australia. Fairly good signal but significant QRN. Came back on at 1230
with another weather bcst (J. M. Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado - CumbreDX 10/05/2007)

R. Tirana, 13750, May 2 at 1300 was too weak to overcome the local
TVI, but when rechecked at 1319 it had improved to a fair signal, during
mailbag (?) segment which was about the theatre in Albania. Now I could hear
the hum on the audio which others with stronger signals have reported.

R. Tirana chex May 4: 1300 on 13750 not audible; but at 2001, good on 13720
with usual opening schedule announcement claiming local time is UTC (Glenn Hauser,
OK - dxldyg 10/05/2007)

KNLS never answered my inquiry about their conflicting frequencies
for English at 1200: 7355 & 9780 or 7355 & 9920 --- but rechecking May 5 I see
that now their English, Chinese and Russian schedule versions all agree it is
9780. Recheck prompted by Joe Hanlon`s log of PHILIPPINES at 1200 on 9920
(Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 10/05/2007)

Now`s the time to DX something else on Caribbean Beacon
frequencies. 6090 was missing around 0540 UT May 11; and so was 11775 around
1247 and 1606 recheck. (But DGS was still to be heard via Costa Rica at 1249
11870v, with a het of about 200 Hz, so 11869.8? Did not determine whether high
or low. No crackling!)

11775 looks open for SW Radio Africa today at 1700-1900; what else is there of
possible interest? Nothing really on 11775, but if 6090 is still off overnight,
there are low power stations in Brazil, Chile, Peru, Colombia(?), Liberia, and
not so low power in Nigeria, not all of which may be active (Glenn Hauser, OK
- dxldyg 11/05/2007)

LRA36 on 15476 kHz,
time beginning 1905 UT with female local news in Spanish. At 1910 nice pop
music in Spanish. I was missing Radio Arcangel, and now it is back; the audio
is super and the signal is strong, 34333, best with LW25m. Also good with the
ala1530, clear 100m LW. Minimum with the Kaz antenna (normal to 12 MHz best).
RX NRD545. Gr (Maurits van Driessche, Belgium - dxldyg 08/05/2007)

Estimados colegas he cazado el Dx que nunca esperaba. Aprovechando un
comunicado de un colega belga sobre su escucha de Radio Arcangel San
Gabriel (15.476 Mhz)y que era de las 19:10 UTC y dado que eran las
19:55 UTC me he puesto a buscarla como quien juega a la loteria,
sabiendo que no te va a tocar, pero te hace ilusion. Mi sorpresa es
que a las 19:58 escucho una cancion de Gloria Stephan y, al terminar,
se identifica como Radio Arcangel San Gabriel.
(Jorge Trinado, Cordoba, Spain - dxldyg 09/05/2007)

LRA 36 was not so folkish today Tuesday May 8, with
their musical selections, rather more pop-oriented.
After playing Mexican group Mana's "Mariposa de Amor",
2051z, came this lady with sort of tip for rational
living about forgiveness. One more song and at 2055
our Antartic Lady of the Airwaves gave a weather
forecast for tomorrow. Strange that today they sounded
highly animated and not so through-musically. Kind of
institutional male announcer ended transmission by
2059, somehow in a more formal way not heard before.

Let's wait til tomorrow for another LRA 36 day. This
has been a one-of-a-kind that smells like upgraded
power. Coincidentally I can't attribute this to
propagation, while the 15820 LSB feeder for Radio
Continental/Radio 10, was hardly listenable by 2100.
(Raul Saavedra, Costa Rica - dxldyg 09/05/2007)

15476 Radio Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel (Esperanza
Base) (presumed), 1812-1820, 5/10/2007, Spanish. Ballad music with
talk by woman. Very poor signal, occasionally strong enough to
break through the noise. First signal heard on this frequency since
2003. (Jim Evans, TN - CumbreDX 11/05/2007)

Антильские о-ва
15315 khz, Radio Netherlands Worldwide, 2250 UTC. Program in Dutch with local
notices. SINPO: 44444. (P. De los Rios, Temuco, Chile, 11/05/2007).

15345 Radiodifusión Argentina al Exterior, 22:20-22:25, escuchada el 11
de Mayo en español a locutor con noticias, SINPO 33433.
(J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 12/05/2007)

21.46 GMT, USA [non], 15195 khz, WYFR Family Radio from Ascension/South Atlantic
relay. Ad with OM inviting listeners to dial 1-800-322-5385 to place

live questions relating to Bible. A different OM voice then, with very relaxing
tone, analyzing biblical verses. (Chris Diemoz, Italy - dxldyg 08/05/2007)

R. Solh, finally audible again, just barely, via UK, 17705, May 11 at 1350 check
with distinctive music (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 11/05/2007)

11930 Belaruskoje Radio 1, 06:33-06:45, escuchada el 5 de Mayo en Bielorruso
a locutora con comentarios y musica pop melodica, SINPO 34333
(J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - NoticiasDX 08/05/2007)

9900, R.Varna, 0030-0102, May 7,
Bulgarian/English. Romantic pop ballads b/w several
IDs. R.Varna jingle at ToH followed by newscast. Fair
w/ 9905-VOIRI splatter. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 13/05/2007)

6134.83 Radio Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, 0020 -
0030, May 2, Spanish, comments by man announcer, 33333, (Eramo, Argentina - hard-core-dx

4796.34, Radio Mallku, 1023-1030 Initially heard either an AD or
promo, then live comments by both a male and female. At this point in time,
the window for Bolivia was closing here in Central Florida and consequently,
Radio Mallku was at a threshold level. (Chuck Bolland, May 11, 2007 - CumbreDX

6105,56 Radio Panamericana, La Paz, 1116-1120, May 06, Spanish, short local news
by male, 22432
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - dxldyg 12/05/2007)

6134.81, Radio Santa Cruz, 0905-0915 Spanish comments between
musical selections. Announcer takes phone calls from listeners also.
Signal was fair with dropouts every once in awhile. (Chuck Bolland, May 13,
2007 - hard-core-dx)

4716.7, R.Yura, 0039-0049, May 10, Spanish.
YL b/w musical selections. Several IDs. Fair.
Consistently the best Bolivian logged at my QTH.
(Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - dxldyg 13/05/2007)

6135 Radio Aparecida, 0930 - 0945, May 4,
Portuguese,Musical Programme, tc, Id "Radio
Aparecida, Rede Catolica do Radio", 44343, (Eramo, Argentina)

6170 Radio Cultura, Sao Paulo, 0958 - 1003, May
4, Portuguese, Clasical Music, ID " Radio Cultura
Sao Paulo" "Cultura Bom Dia", 24322, (Eramo, Argentina)

6180 Radio Nacional da Amazonia, 2350 - 0000, May
4, Portuguese, Musical Programme, man
announcement, lottery results, ads,"Radio
Nacional da Brasilia......." "Radio Nacional da
Amazonia emisora Radiobras" "Nacional informa a
noticiario da Radiobras", 34333, (N. Eramo, Argentina - hard-core-dx 07/05/2007)

6000 khz, Radio Guaiba, 2220 UTC. Program in portuguese with sports notices.
SINPO: 33333. (P. De los Rios, Temuco, Chile, 11/05/2007).

11735 khz, Radio Transmundial, 1510 UTC. Program in Portuguese with Christian
lessons. SINPO: 33333. (P. De los Rios, Temuco, Chile, 11/05/2007).

3375 Radio Nacional; 0851-0904+, 7-May; Pacific Island-sounding
music till RN ID @0857+. Very easy to mistake for PNG. M in PP to
0903+ then tropical music. SIO=352 (H. Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 09/05/2007)

4845.27, Radio Cultura Ondas Tropicais, (pres)1014-1025 With a male
in steady Portuguese comments. Occasion RTTY pops up for a could of seconds
than drops out. Signal was poor to fair. (Chuck Bolland, May 10, 2007 - hard-core-dx

6089.95, Radio Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo, 0605-0640,
May 12, local music, Portuguese talk, announcements, ads. Some
weak co-channel QRM but an overall fair signal with Anguilla 6090
off the air. (Brian Alexander, PA - dxldyg 12/05/2007)

Принимал ночью 5.05.07 в 22.18 Radio Republica на
испанском на частоте 6135; 6.05.07 на частоте 6155 кГц в 0.03. У меня
вопрос: где находятся передатчики этих частот. Заранее спасибо.
(Александр Мядель, Минск, Беларусь - open_dx 10/05/2007)

Время не перепутали?

> Radio Republica на испанском на частоте 6135; 6.05.07 на частоте
6155 кГц в 0.03. У меня
> вопрос: где находятся передатчики этих частот. Заранее спасибо.
> С наилучшими пожеланиями,
> Александр Мядель,

6135 2300-2400
6155 0000-0200
6100 0200-0400
Рэмпишем 500 кВт 285

5910 2300-2400 пн-пт
5910 0000-0400 вт-сб
Вертахталь 100 кВт 285
(Сергей Никишин, Москва, Россия - open_dx 10/05/2007)

05.05 GMT - JAPAN [non], 11970, NHK Radio Japan via Gabon relay. OM and YL reading
news in SS. No reportages, nor interviews, plain studio reading.

Among featured news: french president Sarkozy election, Dow Jones performance,
and USD change. Then, YL states the end of "El programma informativo de

Radio Japon". (Chris Diemoz, Italy - dxldyg 08/05/2007)

Сегодня вдруг обнаружилась новая помеха Немецкой волне на 9715 кГц: с 17.00
(а может быть, и раньше) и до 19.00 эту же частоту занимало Радио Японии.
Язык до 18.30 был не знаю какой (редко подходил к приемнику), а где-то в
18.57 услышал знакомое "Кучеряво Эн-Эйч-Кей...". Сигнал японцев ненамного
слабее "Волны", так что помеха серьезная.

Ни в каких базах данных, а также в летнем обновлении WRTH, 9715 кГц за
Японией не значится.

Возможно, это проблемы с передатчиками в Великобритании или Эмиратах, через
которые в указанное время идут и Волна, и Япония. Японцы должны работать на
6175 через Скелтон, 13740 через Дабайю (ОАЭ).
(Дмитрий Мезин, Казань, Россия - open_dx 07/05/2007)

22.09 GMT, USA [non], 9620 khz, WYFR Family Radio via Werchtal relay. Same biblical
program of previous entry. Phone call of a listener, with OM host

commenting about II Peter, chapter 1, verse 5. (Chris Diemoz, Italy - dxldyg

4915, CVC, 0054-0102, May 12, English.
Contemporary religous music w/ usual CVC IDs and
promos. Poor, gave up at 0102 due to relentless
CODAR. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - dxldyg 13/05/2007)

12050 R CAIRO 2020 In AR. Trad mx w/ an african call-response
format over lutes and drums. OM DJ. Interview w/ performer. Very
good (Prez 4/22 - dxldyg 07/05/2007)

11585 KOL ISRAEL TEL AVIV 2305 In HB. Two OMs in thoughtful
dicussion of regional politics. Refs to "Haifa" "Iran" and (of
course) "Israel". The word "Shalom" (peace) was used many times.
excellent (Prez 5/6 - CumbreDX - 07/05/2007)

15790 Galei Zahal, 18:55-19:03, escuchada el 3 de mayo en Hebreo con ID, cunas
publicitarias y locutora con boletin de noticias, SINPO 45433.
(J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - NoticiasDX 08/05/2007)

At 1927 May 3, I put Galei Zahal at about 15789.8; at 2007 recheck,
it was gone, so I suppose on this occasion back to 6973v, but Kol Israel was
now strong on 15615, unlike earlier (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 10/05/2007)

04.50 GMT - INDIA, 15075, All India Radio via Bangalore transmitter. Mx program.
Long indian tracks with very short OM announcements in between. At 05.10,

OM talking for a longer while, then mx again (male singing) at 05.15. Heavily
faded, good peaks during mx, quite unreadable in spoken parts (I presume, after

checking schedules, it was HI). (Chris Diemoz, Italy - dxldyg 08/05/2007)

17705 All India Radio, 13:05-13:29, escuchada el 8 de Mayo en Chino, cunas publicitarias,
locutora con titulares separado de segmento musical a forma de sintonia,

locutora con invitado en entrevista, SINPO 34333. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain
- NoticiasDX 08/05/2007)

11785, VOI, 0849-0900, May 8, English segment, pop music, news
in brief, light QRM from sporadic open carrier (a few spoken Chinese words,
so assume China). 9525 not on the air today and 15150 had Firedrake (Ron Howard,
Monterey, CA, Eton E5 - dxldyg 09/05/2007)

21540 khz, Radio Exterior de Espana, 1410 UTC. Notices and notes in Spanish
from Africa. SINPO: 33333. (P. De los Rios, Temuco, Chile, 11/05/2007).

On the A-07 program schedules of REE is another repeat of La Banera
de Ulises, Thursdays at 21-22 on 15110. Could it also be on the 15345
transmission to Lebanon which does not specify program content? May 3 it was
neither, but instead some talk program in //. Maybe it was something sportive
taking priority. 15345 was deeply mixed with Morocco in Arabic, and perhaps RAE
Argentina in there too (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 10/05/2007)

Checking again the following Thursday, May 10 at 2105, for La Bañera
de Ulises on REE as scheduled --- no, on 15110 a different program began
``Actualidad ---`` something, a roundtable discussion from the studio, and also
on 15345, barely parallelable buried under Morocco in Arabic. Must be ``La
actualidad al debate`` as scheduled Thursdays at 1305, but yes, LBU still shows
during the Thursday 2100 hour at
http://www.rtve.es/archivos/70-2721-FICHERO/Progra_01.pdf --- would it be too
much to ask for the programs axually broadcast to match those on the published
schedule? (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 11/05/2007)

4877.5, Radio Canada International, 0250-0259*, May 11,
Thanks to Rich D'Angelo's tip. Weak sub-harmonic of 9755 with
Spanish programming. (Brian Alexander, PA - dxldyg 12/05/2007)

9490 khz, China Radio Internacional, 2200 UTC. Program in Spanish with local
notices. SINPO: 54555. (P. De los Rios, Temuco, Chile, 11/05/2007).

9570 khz, , China Radio Internacional, 1615 UTC. Local notices in Mandarin.
SINPO: 33333. (P. De los Rios, Temuco).
9800 khz, China Radio Internacional, 1503 UTC. Local notices in English.
SINPO: 33333. (P. De os Rios, Temuco, Chile, 11/05/2007).

4820 PBS Xizang, 22:00-22:05, escuchada el 11 de Mayo en Mandarín a locutor
y locutora con comentarios, música pop occidental, SINPO 24332.
(J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - plyadx2003 12/05/2007)

6937 Yunnan PBS Kunming 1211-1236+ May 12. Presumed with a
variety of vocal music to 1230, then into talk in unknown lang. No Ute
today, but still rather poor copy. (J. M. Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado - CumbreDX

Коста Рика
7375.08 University Network; 1126-1142+, 9-May; Sister
Melissa preaching. SIO=322; //5935 via WWCR, S20-30; //9725 via Costa
Rica, S30. 11775 & 13845 missing. (H. Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 09/05/2007)

5930, Radio Exterior De Espana, 1000-1300 Noted Opening
ID at 0955. On the hour (1000 UTC), a period of news in the Spanish
language. Signal was good. The schedule in WRTH says this broadcast is on
until 1300 UTC, I didn't listen that long.(Chuck Bolland, May 8, 2007 - dxldyg

11705 khz, Radio Habana Cuba, 2240 UTC. Program in Spanish with sports
notices. SINPO: 33333. (P. De los Rios, Temuco, Chile, 11/05/2007).

9505, Radio Rebelde, 1000-1400 With opening ID at 1000 followed by
news and comments in Spanish. Checked 5025 and wasn't exactly in sync with
9505. Both were steady and good. (Chuck Bolland, May 9, 2007 - hard-core-dx

6000 Radio Rebelde, Bauta (¿?), 0650-0700, May 12, Spanish,

local music, ann. & ID as: "Estas son las radionoticias por Radio
Rebelde....", in // with 5025 Khz, 24332
At 0715 the transmission wasn´t in paralel with 5025 Khz
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - вчдвнп 12.05.2007)

15505 R KUWAIT 2039 In AR. Religious radio skit, followed by
cmntry by YL and two OMs. Refs to "Arabia Saudia" "Internet" ,
"MicroSoft" and "Islam". excellent (Prez 5/6 - dxldyg 07/05/2007)

7555, VOA relay, 0018-0030*, May 12, English.
VOA Special English w/ "Focus on Business". Strong
co-channel carrier comes on at 0029. If I heard
correctly "To learn more visit dynet.com" was
mentioned at 0030. URL takes you to an Austin,TX based
company. Poor/fair. Per Eibi listing, VOA in Pashto
via Sri Lanka takes over at 0030 with good signal.
(Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - dxldyg 13/05/2007)

17725, Voice of Africa, 1400-1600*, May 11, Noted
back on this frequency for English. (At least for today). ex-21695.
English programming, IDs, news, commentary. Poor to fair.
Poor on // 17870-must use ECSS-LSB to avoid DRM mess on high
side. (Brian Alexander, PA - dxldyg 12/05/2007)

4845 Radio Mauritania, 21:55-22:00, escuchada el 11 de Mayo en árabe a
locutor con invitados con comentarios, locutora y segmento musical, SINPO 34433.
(J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 12/05/2007)

5964.92 Klasik Nasional via Kajang not heard for several days
in the 1200 UTC time frame. (J. M. Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado - CumbreDX

6049.65 Asyik FM 1229-1250 May 8. Pop mx, jingle, then Call to
Prayer at 1231; YL ancr at 1235 taking phone calls; finally some more mx
at 1249. Good signal. (J. M. Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado - CumbreDX 10/05/2007)

5965v Klasik Nasional FM via Kajang still off the air as of
today, 13 May. First noted off about a week ago.
(J. M. Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado - CumbreDX 13/05/2007)

7135 RTV MAROCAINE BRIECH 2255 In AR. Trad mx: OM chorus
over lutes, and percussion. Smooth tlking OM DJ w/ stn id @ 2300
and into YL and OM w/ nx. References to "Iran" "Iran", and
"Ameriki". Good (Prez 5/6 - dxldyg 07/05/2007)

6089.85, Radio Nigeria, Kaduna, 2115-2300*, May 11,
Talk in local language. Mentions of Lagos, Kaduna, Nigeria. Variety
of Afro-pop, local folk music. Sign off with short National Anthem.
Poor reception around 2129-2205 due to DRM QRM, but good
reception after 2205. Anguilla off the air making Nigeria an easy
target. (Brian Alexander, PA - dxldyg 12/05/2007)

Новая Зеландия
9870 RNZI; 1136, 9-May M&W in EE w/NZ sports. SIO=4+33+
(H. Frodge, Mi, USA - CumbreDX 09/05/2007)

9515 R SULTANATE OF OMAN SEEB 0527 In AR. YL and OM in
spirited political discussion. Many refs to "Alemania" (Germany). @
0530 IS and stn id. YL w/ email addr. good (Prez 5/6 - dxldyg 07/05/2007)

15310 khz, BBC, 1430 UTC, Notices and comments in English (relay from A'seela,
Oman). SINPO: 43333. (P. De os Rios, Temuco, Chile, 11/05/2007).

4990.91, Radio Ancash, 1027-1038, With a female in steady and rapid
Spanish comments. Sounded as if she was reading from a script. At 1034,
promos or ads presented. At 1033, the signal seemed to peak slightly from
very poor to fair, but the improvement didn't last more than a minute or
two. (Chuck Bolland, May 10, 2007 - hard-core-dx 10/05/2007)

5939,30 Radio Melodía, Arequipa, 1045-1052, May 06, Spanish
talk about Apurimac river and a ecological project, ID & ann. as:
"Melodia en la Noticia.....", 24422 (best reception on LSB mode)
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - dxldyg 12/05/2007)

6173,79 Radio Tawantinsuyo, Cusco, 1055-1100, May 06, Spanish,
huaynos, ann. & ID as: ".....el microfono de Radio Tawantinsuyo....", 23422 (best
reception on LSB mode)
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - dxldyg 12/05/2007)

6019.51, Radio Victoria, 0848-0900 Noted a male and female discussing
in Spanish, a social condition in Peru. Sounded like an on the scene
interview with background sounds heard. Signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, May
13, 2007 - hard-core-dx)

4485.9, presumed R.Frecuencia VH, 0250-0305*,
May 12, Spanish. OM b/w musical selections. Abruptly
gone at 0305. Poor/weak. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - dxldyg 13/05/2007)

9765, Radio Tikhiy Okean, 0835-0900 Opening with Interval Signal,
then man and woman with ID and opening remarks. This followed with news all
in Russian Language. The remain time was filled with features and music.
and canned ID's. Checked 12065 KHz for parallel and noted the same with a
poor signal while 9765 KHz was good. (Chuck Bolland, May 13, 2007 - hard-core-dx)

21.34 GMT, GERMANY [non], 11865, Deutsche Welle, Rwanda relayed. Programme "Eurovox"
in EE, with reportage on the "Luis Vuitton Cup", inclusive of

interviews to some skippers (main voice YL). At 21.36 a bit of U2 Vertigo gets
played as background for the story. ID at the end of the report, at 21.39.
Chris Diemoz, Italy - dxldyg 08/05/2007)

Саудовская Аравия
11715 BSKSA RIYADH 2227 In AR. Preacher w/ searing
sermon. @ 2230 OM w/ stn id. Into a "singing" Gulf State style
recitation of the Holy Quran. // 11820 and 11915 all very good
copies. (Prez 5/6 - dxldyg 07/05/2007)

C. Корея
6398 Pyongyang Bc Stn, 1110-1114, May 06, Korean, news or talk by male & female,
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - dxldyg 12/05/2007)

11710, Voice of Korea, 1020-1035,
May 12. English programming with talk about Korean history. Local
music. Fair to good. Very weak // 13650, 15180.02. (Brian Alexander, PA - dxldyg

3320 K.C.B.S. Pyongyang 1141-1202 May 12. Vocal music, YL
ancr; 4 pips to ToH, then possibly news in Korean. Fair at best.
(J. M. Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado - CumbreDX 13/05/2007)

17875 West African Democracy Radio, 10:30-10:55, escuchada el 12 de Mayo en francés
a locutor con entrevista a un miembro de la federación de voleibol del

Senegal, comentarios sobre la sección femenina, cuña de ID y segmento
musical con temas de Bob Marley, SINPO 45444.
(J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 12/05/2007)

9525, Cotton Tree News (CTN) via Ascension, 0743-0758* May 10, OM & YL in African
language (assume news), 0757 drums, sign-off announcement by YL in

English, goes something like: This is CTN with news and information from Freetown,
Sierra Leone and mentions Media for Freedom and a UN agency, more drums

and off, mostly fair. Also thanks to tip from Jerry Berg. Article at


(Ron Howard, Monterey, CA - dxldyg 10/05/2007)

9525, Cotton Tree News (CTN) via Ascension, 0734-0800* May 13, news in English
& African languages, items about: HIV/AIDS (soundtrack of the Sierra

Leone National AIDS Director); "This news comes to you from CTN, Freetown"; the
United Nations Development Program Goodwill Ambassador (soundtrack of I

assume Adisa Jelani Andwele, who was visiting Freetown this past week and held
a workshop at the Fourah Bay College branch), drums, "This is CTN", drums,

followed by the same news items in their "local languages", no sign-off announcement,
mostly fair (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA - dxldyg 13/05/2007)

Skelton relays 6185 RTI German / 6045 RTI French 1900-2000 UT.
What's going on with their signal?

RTI suffered audio feeder cuts very often after earthquake on Dec 27, 2006.
Similar happened on May 9/10th via their relays at VTMC Skelton Cumbria.
Nobody takes care at the very terrible disturbed RTI feeder signal in VTMC
control room in Bush House, London.

Similar cuts via French Issoudun tx site result in a repeat of older RTI
touristic reserve programs...

Dietrich Hommel wrote in A-DX ng on May 9th "Chinese Jamming against RTI?"
"Heute war ab 19 UTC auf 6185 kHz nur ein "gepflegtes Jamming" statt des
Deutschprogrammes aus Taiwan zu hoeren. Wundern wuerde es mich nicht, wenn
die chinesischen Kommunisten die Stimme aus Taiwan unhoerbar machen wollen."

WB: Dietrich, Was ist gepflegtes Jamming? Auf 6185 habe ich in A07 noch nie
Jamming - auch nicht aus China - gehoert. In den vergangenen Wochen hat sich
dort auch 6185 Voice of the Revolution of Tigray, Mek'ele, Tigrinya (ex9650)
angesiedelt. Vielleicht hast Du bei guter Ausbreitung "Jamming" aus dem
Bereich ETH/ERI aufgenommen.

[later] So, jetzt habe ich mir das "chinesische Jamming" mal angehoert. Ich
hoere keine weiteres Nutzsignal auf beiden Kanaelen aus U.K. - wie z.B.
jetzt die DWL auf 6075 kHz - , also ist das schlicht und einfach das aus
Taiwan heran gefuehrte Unterseekabel Signal.

Die Probleme mit der gestoerten Kommunikation per ISDN und Internet mit
Taiwan nach dem schweren Erdbeben am 27. Dezember hat ja RTI schon selbst
ausreichend diskutiert und selbst seinerzeit mit einer Grafik belegt.
(73 wb, wwdxc BC-DX May 9/10 - dxldyg 11/05/2007)

7190 RTV TUNISIENNE SFAX 0518 In AR. OMs doing torch
ballads over large string and percussion orchestras w/ background
singers too. Excellent (Prez 5/6 - dxldyg 07/05/2007)

Contrary to WRTH Update sked, RTT does cut 7275 off at
0530, as checked May 11: a few sex after that minute, went to open carrier, and
off around 0530:21, while same program continued on 7190, which has a better
signal here anyway; also contrary to HFCC which shows both at 0400-0800, 265
degrees on 7190, 340 degrees on 7275.

BTW, FRCN Abuja, Nigeria, is supposed to open at 0430 on 7275, but I seldom
hear any trace of it before or after 0530; may operate only sporadically. Per
WRTH; not in HFCC (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 11/05/2007)

Original reports about RUI`s additional English broadcasts said
that of the four, one of them, at 1400 would not be on SW. Yet we see schedules
including that as if it does exist, e.g. in BDXC-UK Communication for May, 7530
kHz to Eu, 55 degrees from Kharkiv; not much English-speaking Europe in that
direxion! So is RUI in English at 14 on 7530, or not? (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg

9615, RVA, 1139-1200*, May 11,
Mandarin/English. Language lesson at t/in. YL w/ talks
b/w classical music bits. YL w/ EG ID and schedule at
s/off. Poor/fair. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 13/05/2007)

The 1200-1230 English broadcast from RFI moves from 21620 to 17800
for May-August, but what is the site? 21620 was surely Issoudun, but in past
RFI has used Ascension for the 17 MHz frequency. WRTH A-07 update shows all the
sites, and 17800 is Issoudun too now. No Asc at all for RFI broadcasts, nor in
the morning (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 10/05/2007)

The extremely distorted signal around 7312 has finally been identified
as RNT, somewhat off-frequency from 6165. Here are previous reports leading up
to the solution.

UNIDENTIFIED. Extremely distorted spur on 7312v: On UT May 2 I was finally
waiting for it early enough to hear it pop on at 0429 with music; 0433 some
talk, 0437 back to music. Just too distorted and too much ChAf from 7310 to
make any more of it. But that scheduling does point to Chad. Of course, 6165
blocked here at that hour by Bonaire. If it were a mixing product with MW there
would have to be something on 1148, unlisted and unlikely. Could be 6165
transmitter is very badly mistuned. Is anyone currently hearing it at any other
time? Or maybe they have tried to retune it to a 41mb frequency. Or maybe none
of the above. Note: I can`t get a precise measurement on the frequency since
there does not seem to be a detectable carrier in all the garbage; but on
different dates it has seemed to vary slightly from 7311 to 7314 (Glenn Hauser,

Noted again in quick check around 0505 UT May 3 QRMing Flevo 7310 (Glenn

UT May 4 around 0520, only audible as some bad noise QRMing Flevo 7310. UT May
5 there were only traces of the spur before and after 0600 vs Flevo and Sines

The extremely distorted spur(?) is still there between 7310 and 7315, but we
are sure getting tired of trying to pull out a definite ID, when hardly a word
can be comprehended. Such as UT Monday May 7 at 0457 check, causing more of a
problem to WHRI 7315 than Flevo 7310 due to relative strengths and frequency
variation at the moment (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Wolfgang Buschel reported this to Deutsche Welle monitoring and direction
finding station at Bockhacken, audible from 0426 past 0715 UT. They got a
bearing of 165 degrees from Koln, which does cut across Chad (as well as
several other African countries). Also to Ehard Goddijn of R. Nederland
monitoring, who also heard it and recognized it as RNT which he had previously
heard on 6165, but missing from there now. Andy Sennitt remarks that now we
know what it is, the problem is contacting RNT and getting them to fix it,
since their e-mail and fax number don`t work, according to Ehard (Glenn Hauser,

There was heavy T-storm QRN, May 8 at 0545 check, but with BFO on I could still
hear this mess in the 7310-7315 area.

May 10 did not tune in until 0620, and found no sign of the extremely distorted
RNT transmitter around 7312v; fixed, or faded out by then? (Glenn Hauser, OK
- dxldyg 10/05/2007)

RNT emetteur OC sur 7313 kHz variable --- RNW Flevoland in Dutch
distortion from Chad station on 7309 to 7315 kHz.

Noted a very good signal today May 8th around 0430 til 0500 UT, when the bells
of R Netherlands started. Sent a report to Ehard Goddijn and Andy Sennitt at
RNW already. (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 08/05/2007)

6109.77, Voz Crista, (Pres) 1000-1010 Noted Portuguese comments until
1002. This followed with Orchestral music. More comments follow. Signal
was poor to fair. (Chuck Bolland, May 10, 2007 - hard-core-dx 10/05/2007)

Экваториальная Гвинея
5005 Radio Nacional de Guinea Ecuatorial, 22:05-22:08, escuchada el 11 de Mayo
con emisión musical, se aprecia mala modulación y sufre constantes

SINPO 23322. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playx2003 12/05/2007)

15190, R.Africa, 1044-1104, May 12,
English. Religous program w/ YL reading listener mail
to OM pastor for comment. Poor w/ constant "hum". Weak
co-channel RHC IS at 1056. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 13/05/2007)

A friend in East Africa who listens to Eritrea every day says that the
7100 signal disappeared at the end of last week, although 7175
continues on air.

It might just be a simple technical problem, though amateur "intruder
watch" reports often complain that 7100 is in their band, so I wonder
if the Eritreans have decided to move it to an in-band channel.

Any observations welcome.
(Chris Greenway, UK - dxldyg 07/05/2007)

7090 NF, VOBME, Asmara-Program 1, 0358-0425, May 11,
Tune-in to IS, talk in local language at 0401. Horn of Africa music at
0422. New Frequency. ex-7100. Weak in noise. (Brian Alexander, PA - dxldyg 12/05/2007)

9704.2, R.Ethiopia, 0347-0404, May 6,
Vernacular. OM and YL b/w HoA musical bits. Presumed
newscast at 0400. Weak but clear. // 7110-poor.
(Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 13/05/2007)

Ю. Арфика
11890 Radio Okapi, 16:31-1640, escuchada el 3 de Mayo con emision de musica folklorica
local y locutor con comentarios en idioma vernacula. SINPO 33432
(J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - NoticiasDX 08/05/2007)

Mediumwave listeners in Europe have been puzzled by the appearance of
Vatican Radio on 702 kHz for a couple of days. Although not mentioned on the
website of Vatican Radio, we found an explanation on www.italradio.org. A
report dated 5 May says "Vatican Radio will test Medium Wave 702 kHz from
Monte Carlo on May 8 and 9 at 1900-2200 UTC relaying the European Programme
in Italian (1900 and 2200 UTC) French, English (1950 UTC) Spanish, Arabic.
Transmitter will use 400 kW power and directive aerials (65). Reception
reports are welcome."

In an update on 12 May, the site notes that "Listeners from various Italian
locations reported to Italradio good reception in Central Italy but problems
both in the South and especially in Northern Italy where interferences from
693 kHz RAI DRM transmitter in Milan were rather strong."

(Source: www.italradio.org via Media Network)
(Mike Terry, UK - dxldyg 13/05/2007)


Новый проект "Студии Город"
Сегодня начинается регулярное вещание на средних волнах радио Казани и Екатеринбурга.

"Студия Город" и телерадиокомпания "Новый век" представляют совместный
межнациональный эфирный проект "Даира". Новости, музыкальные и
развлекательные программы на татарском и русском языках будут звучать
по будням на частоте 909 кГц с 19 до 22 часов. Цель нового радиопроекта -
сблизить культуры народов Урала и Поволжья, дать национальным диаспорам
Екатеринбурга прямой доступ к эфиру Татарстана, а в дальнейшем и Башкортостана.


Сегодня в 20.30 ничего не было.
UTC 1300-1600
(Виктор Рутковский, Екатеринбург, Россия - open_dx 10/05/2007)

Ю. Корея
Расписание полученное от радиостанции HLAZ из Южной Кореи:

на китайском языке 11.00-12.30 UTC- 1566 кГц
13.45-17.30 UTC- 1566 кГц
на японском языке 12.30-13.45 UTC- 1566 кГц
на русском языке 17.30-18.00 UTC- 1566 кГц
на корейском языке 19.00-11.00 UTC- 1566 кГц
также станция вещает на FM 101.1 MHz, но в каком городе Кореи не указано.
(Дмитрий Кутузов, Рязань, Россия - open_dx 09/05/2007)
05 May 2007

1370 2258- B R.Super Iguatem?,Sao Paulo-mx e ID QRK 2 GR/FC
1660 2302- PIR Radio Titanic-ID e E-mail address QRK 3/4 GR
1380 2320- CHL CB138,R.Corporaci?n,Santiago-numero tel., px rel. in

06 May 2007

1030 0043- ARG LS10,R.del Plata,Buenos Aires-news in S QRK 2/3
1690 0059- USA WPTX,Lexington Park,MD-talkshow in E QRK 2 GR/FC
1680 0103- USA WLAA,Winter Garden,FL-ID "LA QUE BUENA!", mexican mx
1660 0110- USA WWRU,Jersey City,NJ-Px talk in Korean and E QRK 2
1510 0121- USA WWZN,Boston,MA-ID ""WWZN Boston", sports QRK 2
1190 0219- ARG LRA9,R.Am‚rica,Buenos Aires-px in S QRK 2 GR/FC
1700 0230- USA KVNS,Bronwnsville,TX- mex. mx various ID "LA
1640 0235- USA WTNI,Biloxi,MS-sports and "ESPN Radio Sports", ID in
1520 0241- USA WWKB,Buffalo,NY-talkshow in E, ID "WWKB" QRK 2
1620 0242- VIR WDHP,Frederiksted-Carribean songs QRK 2 GR
1650 0255- CAN CJRS,Montreal,QC-talkshow in F QRK 2 GR
1650 0305- CAN CJRS,Montreal,QC-ID "Radio Shalom" QRK 1-3 VC/FC
1670 0317- USA WVVM,Dry Branch,GA-mx e ID "VIVA 16-70" QRK 2 GR
1610 0332- CAN CJWI, Montreal-talk in F and hebrew QRK 2 VC
1320 0332- CAN CKEC,New Glasgow,NS- talk in E, ID trough the QRM QRK
2 VC
(F. Clemente, Italy - CumbreDX 08/05/2007)

yesterday and tonight I observed the 1125 kHz.

7/5 2100 UTC Glas Hrvatske Deanovec, ID and news SIO 333
7/5 2300 UTC RTBF Vivacite Houdeng, French ID and news SIO 322
7/5 2320 UTC Radio Jamahiriyah, El Baide, Arabic talk and music SIO 121
8/5 0200 UTC RNE 5 various, Spanish ID, Spanish news SIO 333
(Friedhelm, Lunen, Germany - emwg 08/05/2007)

now I observed the 1152 kHz. Here my results:
8/5 2300 UTC LBC News 1152, News (OM) SIO 333
8/5 2305 UTC Classic Gold, ID (YL/OM) Music "step by step" SIO 322
9/5 0159 UTC Romania Actiualitata Cluj, Romania National anthem, ID, News and
then music prgroam SIO 4444 (in emwg from 0330 to 2200 UTC)
(Friedhelm, Lunen, Germany - emwg 09/05/2007)


Sunday, May 6, 2007 While watching news on local WRC NBC 4 at 6PM
Eastern Time, noticed wavy lines usually indicating TV DX. Checked
channel 3 (closest 3 to me is WHSV, Harrisonburg, VA. Rarely
received.) Tornado and thunderstorm warnings. Clear ID KSN. Searched
the 'net. Was KSNW in Wichita, KS. Approximately 1,085 miles. I was
able to watch for over 30 minutes. At times reception better than
local channel. At times reception was poor. After storm warnings KSNW
carried NBC programming, but quickly returned to storm warnings. Using
regular outside antenna on roof, however pointed North toward DC
transmitters. Surprised to get Kansas with antenna not facing in the
direction of Kansas.
Noticed wavy lines, usually indicating TV DX interfering with local
channel 5 (WTTG Fox 5), channel 7 (WJLA) and WMAR channel 2 in
Baltimore. Unfortunately, could not determine origin of DX signals
(KG4LAC, VA - dxldyg 07/05/2007)

09.05.07 10.30 Есть ДХТВ!!!
На каналах Е2, Е3, R1 наблюдаются картинки. Судя по звуку, на Е2 (48,25
МГц) Иран.
На 50 МГц работает ТЛФ и ТЛГ радиолюбитель UT4UO (киевский, мой сосед -
его антенну вижу со своего окна).
(Александр Егоров, Киев, Украина - open_dx 09/05/2007)

Ch E2 at 1200 GMT good pictures from Germany I guess with a news
program 'Das Erst'. Very strong for about 10Mins then faded out.
(Paul Hutchison, Amersham, Bucks UK - skywaves 09/05/2007)

9 May 07
17:07 87.60 B206 SLAGER Gyor HNG
17:20 87.60 B996 Csongrad HNG
17:27 89.90 AC0C _*RADIO* Wien AUT
17:29 87.70 5340 FUNRADIO Kosice SVK
17:31 92.00 A201 __OE_1__ Wien AUT
17:35 89.90 B203 KOSSUTH_ Budapest HNG
17:37 88.10 FF00 Zalau-Mezes ROU
(William Kitching, UK - skywaves 09/05/2007)

17:40z 87.6 SLAGER Hungary
Andy, M0CYP - Telford - skywaves 10/05/2007)

Первый Es, ионосфера спокойна. Станций всего несколько слабо, но
стабильно по полчаса и дольше с плавными замираниями присущими КВ.

time_from_to freq mode itu name, location, power, comments
11:35~12:10 70.52 FM RUS R.Rossii, Naltschik KB, 17.000, военные патриотические
11:42~12:05 72.23 FM RUS R.Mayak, Nalchik KB, 17.000, анекдоты о Штирлице
и т.п.
11:55- 67.19 FM RUS R.Mayak, Novorossiysk KD/Pyatigorsk ST
12:10- 67.04 FM RUS R.Rossii, Kochubey DA, 20.000
12:10~13:00-~68.97 FM RUS R.Mayak, unknown
13:27~13:35 71.63 FM RUS R.Yunost, Aleksandrov Gay SR
13:40~14:05 68.00 FM RUS R.Yunost, Perelyub SR, strong signal
14:19- 28.506 SSB RUS UA4LU Владислав, strong signal
(Игорь Данилевич, Збараж, Украина - open_dx 10/05/2007)

a few logs here today - very welcome short skip
opening to the Nantes area of France - just some 840
km away. Thats like someone in London getting E skip
to the Orkney's!. This was mixed with some Catalan
stations and later there was a short opening to

The later opening to central Europe didnt materialise
here but I was watching its progress on the qso
loggers. Looked like a big one.

Here's what was logged:

88.5 1155 09/05/2007 E Radio Tele Taxi Montserrat
88.0 1155 09/05/2007 E Radio Union Catalunya
Barcelona/Monte Carmelo R,UNION_ E0FC
89.1 1157 09/05/2007 E Radio Marca/Radio Salud
Terrassa/Torre de Collserola
87.6 1205 09/05/2007 F Orion 87,6 - La Voix de la
vallee Bergerac/Marsol ORION___ FD47
87.7 1205 09/05/2007 E RAC 1 Terrassa/Torre de
Collserola RAC1____ E251
88.7 1211 09/05/2007 E Radio RM Collserola E289
87.6 1212 09/05/2007 F France Culture Angouleme
88.7 1213 09/05/2007 F RTL 2 Toulouse/Jolimont F215
87.6 1223 09/05/2007 E Catalunya Informacio
Soriguera/Pic de l'Orri CATINFO_ E234
88.6 1225 09/05/2007 E Catalunya Musica Soriguera/Pic
de l'Orri CAT_MU__ E232
88.0 1227 09/05/2007 F France Culture
89.7 1228 09/05/2007 F R.Muret Muret/av.
Vincent-Auriol F648
88.4 1233 09/05/2007 F Rire et Chansons Nantes
RIRE_& F226
88.6 1235 09/05/2007 F Europe 2 Chateaubriant F219
89.6 1237 09/05/2007 F R.Presence Lourdes Pyrenees
Auch/la Tuilerie F644
92.8 1239 09/05/2007 F Alouette Pouzauges/Les
Herbiers ALOUETTE FA61
88.0 1242 09/05/2007 F RCF en Berry
Chateauroux-St.-Maur RCF_23__ F851
90.1 1300 09/05/2007 F RFM Nantes/Haute-Goulaine
_RFM____ F212
91.9 1313 09/05/2007 F Fun R. Bressuire F_U_N___ F217
87.6 1321 09/05/2007 F Europe 1
Argenton-sur-Creuse/Malicornay EUROPE_1 F213
94.0 1340 09/05/2007 E RNE R.Clasica Tajo de las
Escobas RNE-CLAS E212
88.5 1343 09/05/2007 E Cadena Dial de la Frontera
Arcos de la Frontera CAD-DIAL FRONTERA E274
87.7 1348 09/05/2007 E Kiss FM Jerez de la Frontera
90.0 1349 09/05/2007 E RNE R.5 Sevilla Valencina del
Concepcion RNE_5___ E215
87.9 1353 09/05/2007 E Canal Extremadura Radio Merida
Canal_EX E30A
87.6 1401 09/05/2007 E Radio Castilla La Mancha
Almaden-Cerro de la Virgen del Castillo E396
(Paul Logan, Lisnaskea, N. Ireland - skywaves 10/05/2007)

i had spain at huge signal levels on e3 but the tx on e2 wasnt as
strong also noted some unid carriers both showing 50 hz on e2 beaming
to africa 48.249.745 and 48.249.928 which i did ask my friend CT1FFU
in portugal if he has seen these carriers before which he has and is
80% sure they are coming from east africa! so another couple of unids
to find out what they are.

b2 was just a mess with spain no morocco or tunisa were noted and
this year i am not going to log spain or italy as there is really no
need as i have rx most of what i need from there. e2 r1 bubbling away
at the moment so hopefully more Es today ... david h cumnock ayrshire

hauppauge wintv usb2
45-1300 mhz log periodic 5 element e3 yagi 10 element b3 yagi
icom pcr 1000 spectrum lab for offsets
(David, UK - skywaves 10/05/2007)

0906 E2 TVE weak video spotted, MS?
0930 E2 unid First of the unid carriers
1151 E2 ZDF News and weather. 800km short skip!
1202 R1 M1 Hungary. vids under QRM.
1354 E2 RTP1 Studio discussion
1357 E3 RTP1 Studio discussion
1359 E2 RTP2 music video
1453 E2 unid carrier 1 again
1516 E2 unid carrier 2
1704 R2 Mol.1 Moldova. Football match
1707 R3 Mol.1 Moldova. Football match
1708 R2 1+1 weather forecast.
1715 R1 M1 Tesco's advert!
1718 R1 Nova News
1754 R2 STV1 T mobile advert.
1836 IA TLA shopping
1840 IA RAI1 general px.

Grunten faded from nothing to S9+ within seconds, to suddenly have very
short skip or intense Es forming with nothing else being received is
most unusual.

Between 1700-1730 a number of carriers were logged on R4 and two on R5.
The new unid station on E2- reappeared but not sufficiently strong
enough to see, it's reception coincided with other Monte Faito signals.
1801 a carrier was logged on E2, almost certainly from Syria.

Unid carriers
Both had slow fading unlike typical 1x or 2x Es and were from a similar
southerly direction, the first appeared from an otherwise dead band and
remained the only signal, unlikely to be TEP so early in the day.
http://www.ukdx.org.uk/tv/e2unids_249_comp.gif This composite shot shows
both the unids below centre slot of E2, the long trace shows the entire
reception period during the morning and the Digipan display demonstrates
the sidebands as well as the other mystery 100Khz above the first.
Switzerland and Spain can be seen on there usual frequencies, a weak
Portuguese carrier is above them on .200
http://www.ukdx.org.uk/tv/unstablertp.gif shows how unstable the RTP
signal is. (Paul, Sussex, UK - skywaves 11/05/2007)

12 May 07:
15:17 87.60 7205 TATAOUIN Zarzis TUN
(William Kitching, UK - skywaves 12/05/2007)

Громобойно слышно Валеру из Санкт-Петербурга, 200 Вт, позывной
президент Линкольн :) связывался с:

10:10 27.200 NFM Чехией
10:11 27.190 USB Виктором из Тернополя (10 Вт), слышно обоих
10:15 27.220 NFM Буржуем из Львова
10:20 27.200 NFM Рубином из Львова

Потом прохождение закрылось.


Мой первый Es в fm-диапазоне 12/05 15:40~16:10.
Всего 2-3 станции, открывалась Франция и, вероятно, северная Африка.
87,6 сильно станция на фр.
К сожалению, идентифицировать ничего не удалось.
(Игорь Данилевич, Збараж, Украина - open_dx 13/05/2007)

My logs for 13 May 2007.

12:26 87.50 51CC R.MARIA_ Sant'Antioco I
12:29 92.40 54A4 SINTONY_ Sant'Antioco I
12:38 87.70 5264 RDS. Punta Badde UrbaraI
12:40 89.90 5495 STUDIONE Cori I
12:54 88.00 F203 MUSIQUE_ Ajaccio F

15:53 87.80 C081 _ZABOK__ Zabok HRV
15:55 88.00 F04E ORASJE Orasje/Bok BIH
16:00 90.90 9201 _SLO_1__ Trdinov Vrh SVN
16:01 87.60 945B EUROPA Unknown SVN
16:02 88.00 9201 _SLO_1__ Krim SVN
16:06 87.70 6341 HRT-HR_1 Licka Pljesivica HRV

One unknown:
16:01 87.60 945B EUROPA I assume from Slovenia?

One new one for me:
15:55 88.00 F04E ORASJE Orasje/Bok BIH
(William Kithcing, UK - skywaves 13/05/2007)
Цифровое вещание

All India Radio has installed 2 more DRM txers :

New DRM transmitter at Nangli, Delhi (replacing the old txer)
Thomson TSW 2100D
Power : 100 kw
Operating frequency : 666 kHz
Txer came in March 2007 but was installed in late April 2007,
tested on 6th May for 30 minutes in DRM mode with power
output of 2 kw.

New DRM transmitter at Kingsway Camp, Delhi
Hitachi TS 1102 (RF exciter & DRM modulator supplied by Thomson)
Power : 10 kw
Operating freqs : 26100 kHz, 3315 kHz
Installation started from 3rd May.

Photo's of txer's available at :

(Alokesh Gupta, New Delhi, India - dxldyg 08/05/2007)

In connection with the DRM ABU AIR Showcase Project
Digital Radio Transmission Workshop, the follwing
tests in DRM is scheduled on SW.

9 May 2007 6100 150 kw 0230-0730 UTC AIR Khampur (Delhi)

9 May 2007 15650 90 kW 0403-0600 UTC Deutsche Welle, Trincomalle, Sri Lanka.

10 May 2007 26100 0230-0730 UTC 500 W AIR Kingsway (Delhi)

11 May 2007 26100 kHz 0230-0730 UTC 500 W AIR Kingsway (Delhi)

11-12 May 2007 3315 Evening & Night 2 KW AIR Kingsway (Delhi)

There are tests on 666 kHz also on 9 & 10 May with 100 kw at 0230-0730 UTC
from AIR Nagli (Delhi) (Jose Jacob, New Delhi, India - CumbreDX 08/05/2007)

Media Network Newsletter May 10, 2007

Special RNW DRM transmission for NASB Conference

In connection with the conference of the National Association of
Shortwave Broadcasters in Elkhart, Indiana Radio Netherlands Worldwide
will be broadcasting a special DRM transmission via Montsinery, French
Guiana at 2200-2300 UTC today and tomorrow (May 10+11) on 15375 kHz,
beamed 320 degrees (150 kW). The regular RNW programme in English will
be carried. (Kraig - dxldyg 10/05/2007)

Vatican Radio 10 и 11 мая транслировал две тестовые программы для Северной Америки
с 20 до 21 часа на частоте 15525 кГц, 11 мая удалось

принять окончание программы, 14.56 kbps, mono, аудио сигнал принять не удалось.
HCJB с 30 апреля по 26 мая с 4 до 6.30 проводит тестовые

трансляции для Европы на частоте 9815 кГц, принимал эту программу 12 мая, похоже,
что техническая служба решила сделать все для

достижения максимального расстояния радиоприема - битрейт трансляции составляет
всего 9.18 kbps (наблюдал такой только два раза - в 2004

году у Немецкой волны и Радио Кувейт) при моносигнале. Надо признать, что это,
несомненно, дает результаты - аудио начинает

декодироваться уже с уровнями приема 6-8 dB, однако при этом пришлось пожертвовать
аудиоспектром - максимальная частота не превышает 3

кГц, и все равно это положения не спасает, условия приема к началу второго часа
вещания в Европе значительно ухудшились, вместе с тем

аудиосигнал, и до того нестабильный, каждые 2-3 секунды прерывающийся дропаутами,
совершенно перестал декодироваться. В данном случае,

по-моему, несомненно преимущество обычной амплитудной модуляции над навороченными
дрмовскими АЦП сигнала, в результате не

дающими ничего, кроме демонстрации названия радиостанции - HCJB GlobalVoice и
тишины в радиоприемнике.
Еще принимал Немецкую волну на частоте 9495 кГц из Moosbrunn (в феврале 2004
года эту частоту использовал Голос России) и BVB-DRM из

Wertachtal на частоте 9655 кГц, в марте эта программа транслировалась на частоте
5945 кГц.

Полная информация как всегда на http://www.travelradio.lv
(Владимир Казгунов, Лиепая, Латвия - open_dx 13/05/2007)
Христианское вещание
Неофициальное вещание

YL (what must the Taliban think!) and OM nx readers. Live field rpt
w/ crowd noises. Agitated OM speaker. Many refs to "Iraq" and
"Iran". Fair (Prez 5/4 - dxldyg 05/07/2007)

12/05/2007, 1824 1900 UTC, SW Radio Africa, talk about students, in english,
ID, song, good signal, some fading, but nothing on 12035, on 11775 - CRI in

german. (Ivan Lebedevsky, Pushkin, Russia)

SW Radio Africa chex: Something barely audible here on 12035
around 1802 May 2.

May not be Rampisham any more. 12035 audible here, fair peaking at S9+10 in
discussion of regime, May 3 at 1816. Something else on 11810, seemed Arabish,
mixing with second signal, maybe SWRA. Don`t find anything else listed on 11810
at this time (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 10/05/2007)

I tuned SW Radio Africa soon after 1730 on the 10th of May via 12035. The
signal at my location about 360kM north of Rampisham was peaking 9+20dB.
Normally, signals from this station struggle to get anywhere near the 9 mark
on my S meter, so either there was a lot of back radiation from their
antenna and short skip, or it isn't RMP. It stayed at this strength
throughout the transmission, by which time MEY 4880 was becoming audible -
didn't hear the jamming. The two Russian outlets on 11775 and 11810 were
less strong, and CRI German wiped out 11775 entirely after 1800.
(Noel Green, UK - dxldyg 11/05/2007)

Tonight the SWRA frequencies were brought up only with some trouble.
11775 switched at 1658 from local test tones to what appeared to be the
VTC feed, carrying unid. programming in presumed Arabic (probably
something else than just BBC WS). After a few seconds this had been
replaced by pairs of one low-pitched and one higher pitched test tones,
presumably originating from either the Bush House control room or SWRA
itself, since I already heard these tone sequences on SWRA frequencies

11810 switched at 1659 from local test tones to a VOR feed, probably in
Arabic, until they finally corrected it and brought SWRA up at 1701. No
signs of any co-channel signals, so probably the Arabic heard by Glenn
was the result of both audio sources being mixed up.

12035 is very weak here. Carrier, apparently with no modulation, first
traced at 1658. Later I could make out during a peak that it indeed run
// 11775 and 11810. Impossible to tell anything more, since it got
almost buried in the sidebands of the huge VOR signals on 12030 and
12040, but it could well be the case that 12035 originates from a site
outside England now (Ascension or whatever). (Kai Ludwig, Germany - dxldyg 11/05/2007)

SW Radio Africa ( via RMP- left this site as of May 1)
12035 ,1700-1900 daily, in favour of another European site.

11810 & 11775 are from Russian outlets but "new" 12035 probably
is not.

No jamming of all the three 25m frequencies, all heard in Zimbabwe
although 4880 is jammed.

(David Pringle-Wood,Zimbabwe - dxldyg 11/05/2007)

SW Radio Africa (between 1700 and 1900 UTC on May 11, lousy condition):

11775 - Moscow tx S=8, and

11810 - Armavir tx S=9, latter feed 1/8th second behind Moscow.

12035 - Rampisham 500 kW usual poor Rampisham signal strength at my location
in Germany, S=3 only today.
Adjacent powerful VoRUS signals on both 12030 and 12040 kHz
with S=9+40dB !
(W. Bueschel, May 11 - dxldyg 11/05/2007)

Here SW Radio Africa 12035 khz (between 17:30 and 17.40 UTC) good signal=3 but
whith very strong interference from Voice of Russia 12030khz (arabic) and

12040khz (french). (Jorge Trinado, Cordoba, Spain - dxldyg 12/05/2007)

12035, SW Radio Africa, 1720-1859*, May 12,
"Callback" interview program. Local music. IDs. "Health Beat" program.
Good signal. // 11810-weak. // 11775-threshold signal with Anguilla
still off the air. (Brian Alexander, PA - dxldyg 13/05/2007)

11640 Radio Xoriyo Ogadenia, 16:50-17:00, escuchada el 8 de Mayo en Somali con
emision de musica folklorica local, SINPO 45444.
15455 Mustaqbal Radio, 06:03-06:18, escuchada el 5 de Mayo en Somali a locutor
y locutora con comentarios, segmento musical, referencias a Ogadenia, SINPO

45444. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - NoticiasDX 08/05/2007)

16 m was open to Asia Saturday evening (GMT Sun May 6).
A bandscan revealed at least 18 different channels in use between
0300z and 0400z.

China: CRI in Chinese 17540 @ 0350z (via Beijing)

China: CRI in Russian 17710 @ 0327z (via Xian)

Hawaii: KWHR World Harvest Radio 17655 @ 0330z Cumbre DX

India: AIR in Hindi, 17715 @ 0325z

Japan: R Japan in Japanese 17825 @ 0315z //17685 //17810 //17560

UK (non): BBC WS 17760 @ 0310z (via Thailand)

USA (non): VOA in Persian 17855 @ 0320z (via Sri Lanka) off at 0330z

USA (non) R Free Asia 17880 @ 0345z (via Saipan) with jamming.
I heard either RFA or the jammer program (or both) on the following
channels in parallel 17550, 17565, 17580, 17595, 17605, 17615, 17890

Also, on 19m

Sri Lanka: SLBC in English 15745 @ 0355z, listed as only 30kw

(Jerry Lenamon, Waco Tx, Drake R8B with sloper - dxldyg 07/05/2007)

05.05.2007 1150-1210 11720 2 5 4 2 2 FIN Scandinavian Weekend Radio
05.05.2007 1900-1905 6170 3 3 4 3 3 FIN Scandinavian Weekend
Radio: в 1903 прозвучали ID и контактная информация
05.05.2007 1905-1916* 6310 3 4 4 3 3 I Radio Malaisy: попса и
клубная музыка нон-стопом; джингл с идентификацией в 1907; в 1916
внезапно выключились
06.05.2007 ~0125-0230~ 6310 2 4 3 2 2 I? возможно, то же самое: по
совпадению замираний можно было подумать, что станция работает из
того же места, что и Mystery Radio на 6220, но у последней был более

06.05.2007 0140-0143 4885 2 4 3 3 2 B Clube do ParA
06.05.2007 0143-0155 4915 2 3 3 3 2 B : португальский язык -
возможно, Аньянгера
06.05.2007 0230-0300 5850 4 3 4 3 3 USA WHRA: программа "DXing
With Cumbre"
06.05.2007 0318-0328 7440 4 5 4 3 3 UKR RUI: программа "The Whole
World on the Radio Dial" нашего дорогого Александра Егорова :)

07.05.2007 0157-0300 7335 2 2 2 2 2 CAN CHU: тональные сигналы
точного времени пробивались из-под Радио Ватикана (работающего на
этой частоте до 0200 и с 0230)

07.05.2007 0207-0215 5025 3 3 3 3 3 CUB Radio Rebelde
07.05.2007 0215-0220 5950 4 5 4 4 4 USA RTI via WYFR: "Week in
Review"; почему-то не ощущалось присутствия Radio Pio XII на 5952,5

А теперь - самое интересное
07.05.2007 0159-0235 5030 2 3 4 3 2 BFA?: африканская музыка до
0200, затем OM ID "... radiO" (т.е. как бы по-французски), затем
разговоры OM/YL на непонятном языке; к 0225 приём улучшился до SINPO
33433, но после 0235 сигнал стал постепенно ослабевать. Согласно
расписаниям, Буркина-Фасо здесь работает до 2400 и с 0600. Увеличили
время вещания? (днём раньше на 5030 в это время ничего слышно не было.
(Сергей Никишин, Москва, Россия - open_dx 07/05/2007)

Подтверждаю. Я сегодня ночью, примерно в 00.10, также слышал речь на 5030, и
язык был точно французским. Кроме Буркины Фасо, на французском тут работать

Может, у них праздник какой-нибудь, или военный переворот?
(Дмитрий Мезин, Казань, Россия - open_dx 07/05/2007)

Тон разговоров был слишком спокойным для какого-либо из этих случаев :)
Я в dxldyg и в HCDX тоже запустил эту загадку. Может, там что-то знают.
(Сергей Никишин, Москва, Россия - open_dx 07/05/2007)

17665,0 1311 MDA Sawt al-Amal-Kishinev Com+Mx 07/05 Ara 34443
17705,0 1320 IND AIR-Bangalore Com+Mx 07/05 Chi 45444
17550,0 1422 MDG VOICE OF TIBET-Talata-Volondry QRM firedrake solo aud en pausa
Mx 07/05 Tib 32322
15245,0 1441 KRE V KOREA-Kujang Mx tipica Kor+Com +Qrm BBC en Ruso 07/05 Fra
15265,0 1509 TWN RFI-Taipei Nx+Com 07/05 Vie 35333
11690,0 1552 JOR R JORDAN-Al Karanah Mx pop-disco 07/05 Ing 45444
17630,0 1555 MLI CRI-Bamako Id+Fin 07/05 Ing 35333
11800,0 1633 BUL R BULGARIA-Plovdiv Nx+com 07/05 Esp 45444
(Tomas Mendez, Spain - FrecuenciaDX 07/05/2007)

Several new logs May 6th 2007

NEth pirate 6310 R Lev.... [did not catch the full ID clearly 1915 with
rock songs and a S7 signal 1950*

pirate 6220 MYstery radio with their usual pop songs and S10 45544

ISRAEL 6973.5 at 1940 with phone ins S9 34423

AFGHANISTAN? 6700 this station has been heard again on 1957 with
a marginal signal. Sporadic maximum level to S2.Also audible at 1846
on 7th with up to S1 and songs

BRAZIL 11805 and 11815 were heard at moderate level on 2033 with
S5 for 11805 and S7 for 11815 R BC however with QRM from another station
(Z. Liangas, Greece - CumbreDX 07/05/2007)

6173.85Khz R.Tawantinsuyo ,Cusco PRU 6/5 0035utc Primitieve music
Sp. 23222

6134.82Khz R.Lider ,Bogota CLM 6/5 0047utc Nice guitar music and
Sp. talks 23332
(Maurits from Belgium - hard-core-dx 07/05/2007)

4409.83Khz R.Eco,Reyes BOL 5/5 2333utc Cont. panflutte music and Sp. talks
4746.90Khz R.Huanta 2000 ,Huanta PRU 5/5 2347utc Instrumental music
good 33222
4796.36Khz R.Mallku ,Uyuni BOL 5/5 2357utc Female talks
cont. in Sp. qrm 22222
4826.56Khz R.Sicuani,Sicuani PRU 6/5 0055utc Sp. speech (Male)
(Maurits from Belgium - hard-core-dx 07/05/2007)

9565,0 2123 USA R MARTI-Greenville Com polit 07/05 Esp 34333
9610,0 2127 D FAMILY RADIO-Wertachtal Rlg+Dir 07/05 Ing 55444
15720,0 2136 NZL R N ZEALAND-Rangitaiki Entrevista 07/05 Ing 25222
9755,0 2151 ROU RRI-Galbeni Entrevista 07/05 Esp 45333
9870,0 2159 KOR RCI-Kimjae Is+Id+Inicio QRM BSKSA 07/05 Chi 22332
11535,0 2205 KRE V KOREA-Kujang Mx tipica de V KRE+Com 07/05 Chi 25332
11765,0 2217 GUM KTWR-Agana Com 07/05 Chi 24332
11770,0 2219 CLN NHK-Ekala Com 07/05 Jap 24432
11840,0 2222 AUS R AUSTRALIA-Darwin Nx+Com+id a2230 07/05 Ing 35433
11990,0 2237 CAN RCI-Sackville Ent 07/05 Esp 25332
12120,0 2241 GUM KSDA-(AWR)-Agat Com 07/05 Chi 25332
9370,0 2249 USA WTJC Newport, NC Mx relig 07/05 Ing 35333
9385,0 2251 USA WWRB Manchester Predicador 07/05 Ing 35222
(Tomas Mendez, Spain - FrecuenciaDX 08/05/2007)

PIA31 05-06 May 2007. At Piancada, Laguna Friulana (Udine), N-E Italy
by/from Mosquito Coast DX Team.
DXers: EF Elio Fior, FC Francesco Clemente, GR Graziano Rigo, VC Valter
Comuzzi. Guest: VD Valdi Dorigo.
ANT: Beverages 240Ь of 700m, 310Ь of 300m.
RX: Ten-Tec RX-340, JRC NRD-545 (3), JRC NRD-535, Icom R-75, RF-Space SDR-14
Splitters and PreAmplifiers (Scandinavian style, ELAD products and
AMoroni) at usual.

05 May 2007

5005 2105- GNE R.Nacional,Bata-Px tall in S QRK 2/3 GR/FC
4965 2107- ZMB Christian Voice,Lusaka- EE relg chants, LSB only
4770 2109- NIG R Nigeria,Kaduna-Mx QRK 2/3 FC
11815 2109- B ZYE440,R.Brasil Central,Goi=nia-ID, jingle,advs., mx
in P //4985 kHz QRK3 GR
9704.6 2118- NGR RTV Niger,Niamey-FF talk QRK 2 FC
11925 2114- B ZYE958,R.Bandeirantes,SЦo Paulo-Mx, Px talk in P
mentions Fortaleza e Salvador QRK 2 GR
2485 2116- AUS VL8K,Katherine-talkshow in E QRK 2/3 GR
3396 2122- ZWE ZBC Gweru-mx afro, px in vernacular ID QRK 2 GR
11784.5 2128- B ZYE853,R.Guaiba, Porto Alegre. PP talk QRK 4 FC
4835 2136- AUS VL8A,Alice Springs-talk in E, Advs.,mx QRK 2+ GR
11780 2143- B ZYE365,R.Nacional da Amazonia,Brasilia-Nxs in P,mx
4985 2128- B ZYF690,R.Brasil Central,Goi=nia-mx e ID in P
//11815 kHz QRK 2+ GR
5025 2151- BEN R.Parakou. FF talk and afro mx QRK 3/4 FC
5952,46 2211- BOL CP60,R.Pio XII,Siglo Veinte-female talk in quechua
QRK 2/3 GR
4775 2232- PRU OCX4W,R. Tarma,Tarma-talk in S, ID QRK 2 VC
6155,20 2237- BOL CP12, R.Fides,La Paz-talk in S,T/S "6y37 de la
noche", mx QRK 2 GR
4746,85 2240- PRU OAZ5B,R.Huanta 2000,Huanta-Px in S QRK 2 GR
5910,40 2244- CLM HJDH, Marfil Est-reo,Pto Lleras-mx in S QRK 2+ GR
6035 2250- CLM HJOY,LV del Guaviare,San Jos--Cumbia mx QRK 2 FC
6180 2255- B ZYE 365,R Nac. do Amazonia,Brasilia- PP talk QRK
4 FC
9515 2305- B ZYE726,R.Novas da Paz,Curitiba-px rel. in P QRK 4
9530 2306- B ZYE858,R.Transmundial,Santa Maria-talk in PP QRK
4 FC
9675 2307- B ZYE971,R.Can+ao Nova,Cachoeira Paulista-px talk in P
4955 2310- PRU OAX5S R Cultural Amauta,Huanta-Local talk QRK 2
6105 2316- CHN Voice of China-CC talk in //4800 QRK 4 FC
5035.1 2325- B ZYG853,R Aparecida, Aparecida- Bras. mx QRK 2 FC
4409,98 2347- BOL CP.., R.Eco,Reyes-Andean mx QRK 2 GR
3310 2348- BOL CP..,R.Mosoj Chaski,Cochabamba-female talk in
Quechua QRK 2 GR
4825 2354- B ZYG364,R.Educadora,Bragan+a-mx , ID QRK 2 GR
6090 2355- AIA Caribbean Beacon,The Valley-University Network
sermon program in EE QRK 2+ FC
6173,86 2359- PRU OAX7C,R. Tawantinsuyo,Cusco-mx huaynos e ID QRK 3

06 May 2007

4716,65 0011- BOL CP..,R.Yura,Yura-mx , ID QRK 2/3 GR
4896 0026 XXX UNID LA in SS! QRK 1/2 FC
4920 0040- IND AIR Chennai- EE news QRK 3 FC
5040 0045- IND AIR Jeypore- Local talk QRK 2+ FC
4810 0050- IND AIR Bhopal-Local mx with QRM Ute QRK 2 FC
6000 0202- CUB RHC,R Habana Cuba, La Habana- EE px QRK 4 FC
4790,1 0357- PRU R.Visi-n,Chiclayo-Relg. px in S QRK 2 GR
3365 0418- B ZYG855,R.Cultura,Araraquara-Bras. mx, ID
"Culturaaaa! ... Culturaaaa!" (first for PIA) QRK 2/3 FC/GR
3279.6 0420- EQA HCVN7,LV del Napo/R Maria,Tena- SS talk QRK 2 FC
4915 0427- B ZYF360,R.Difusora,Macap=-ID e mx in P QRK 2 GR
5000 0435- VEN YVTO, Observatorio Naval Cagical, Caracas-Pips and
SS Ann under Fort Collins QRK 1+ FC
4896 0437- B ZYR200,R Novo Tempo, Campo Grande-Bras talk with ID
QRK 2/3 FC
(F. Clemente, Italy - CumbreDX 08/05/2007)

6005 02/4 2149 BBC World Service. Seychelles Relay . EE
6110 19/4 0130 RAI. Ascensione relay. IT
6155 06/5 0401 OE1. Vienna. GG mx
6155 16/4 2140 R.Fides. La Paz. SS adv
7250 21/4 2153 R.Budapest. SS
7260 15/4 0545 R.Algeria. VМa Skelton AA
7315 15/4 0030 WHRI. Cypress Creek. EE px "Radio Weather" 44444
7315 23/4 0330 WHRI. Cypress Creek. EE px "Dxing w/Cumbre" 44343
11695 21/4 2100 R.Australia. EE // 9500 & 11660
11850 22/4 2139 AWR. KSDA. Guam. EE px "Wavescan" 44444
12025 14/4 2100 R.Algeria. Via Wooferton. AA
13580 05/5 1240 R.Sweden Int. EE
13680 17/4 2320 R.Nac. de Venezuela. VМa RHC
15355 14/4 1700 NHK. GabСn relay. EE px "World Interactive"
15475 05/4 1803 Africa N¦1 GabСn.FF
(Claudio Perdomo, Italy - bclnews 09/05/2007)

11760,0 2150 CUB RHC-La Julia Entrevista 08/05 Fra 35323
11800,0 2155 BUL R BULGARIA-Plovdiv correo del oyente 08/05 Esp 25332
11815,0 2200 B Radio Brasil Central-Goiania Nx+com 08/05 Por 23322
9550,0 2228 CUB RHC-La Julia Nx 08/05 Esp 23422
9620,0 2237 D Bible Voice-Wertchtal Rlg -charla dos predicadores 08/05 Ing
9925,0 2241 D V CROACIA-Wertchtal Nx 08/05 Esp 45444
11705,0 2301 CUB RHC-La Julia Id+inicio en portugues 08/05 Por 35333
11920,0 2324 EQA HCJB-Pifo Rlg 08/05 Por 24442
5910,0 2330 CLA R REPUBLICA-Wertchtal Com 08/05 Esp 35333
(Tomas Mendez, Spain - FrecuenciaDX 09/05/2007)

Сегодня 09.05.07 с утра заметил прохождение на 28 МГц. А сначала в 06.00
на 9945 РУИ на 4-5.
08.00 28527 кГц РЖ9ВХЬ Владислав, Стерлитамак
08.40 27210 кГц (СВ-связь) Уфа, Юрий. Разговаривал с Кубанью. Также
кричал кто-то типа итальянца или грека (не разобрал).
08.45 27205 кГц : "Россия, брэйк! На приеме Братислава, Джузеппе..."
Разговаривал с Центральной Украиной. В Это время на 21745 в полный рост
слышна была Прага.

Пришлось отключить приемник от антенны, т.к. насунула гроза.
Александр Егоров, Киев, Украина - open_dx 09/05/2007)

C R 5030 University Net 0407 with signal S7 and religious prg 34333

USA 5070 WWCR 0406 with news S8 44334 Back On 0414 with
religious prg

S TOME 4960 VoA 0409 with phone ins S9 45434

BRAZIL 4885 R C Para 0413 sing : spanish version of a well known
russian song!! [Kremlin chimes?] S6 (Z. Liangas, Greece - CumbreDX 09/05/2007)

Ох, как обрадовался вчера, услышав на 7355 кГц (любимая вечерняя частота
KNLS с Аляски) голос со знакомыми славянскими словами...

Насторожился, когда некоторые из этих слов оказались очень уж похожи на

Разочаровался. TWR через Албанию, действительно, вещает на польском языке в
15-15.30 с понедельника по пятницу. Это не KNLS.

Настраиваемся на дальнейший DX. Будем следить за KNLS, будем щупать и другие
редкие станции. Вот, с 1 июня нам обещают CVC через Замбию с нового
передатчика. 5030 кГц тоже интересная частота по ночам (Буркина Фасо круглые
сутки???). (Дмитрий Мезин, Казань, Россия - open_dx 09/05/2007)

Подождем лучше до следующего года. Антенны сейчас транспортируют на
Мадагаскар, в начале июня начнется их монтаж, затем настройка.
Там и будет новый передающий центр станции для вещания на Ближний
Восток и страны бывшего СССР. Запуск - в следующем году
(Василий Гуляев, Астрахань, Россия - open_dx 09/05/2007)

9725,0 0041 CTR UNIVERSITY NETWORK-Cahuita Rlg predicador. 09/05 Ing 25332
17725,0 1425 F VOICE OF AFRICA-Issoudun Com+Id+Nx 09/05 ing 44444
15335,0 1446 MRC RTV du Maroc-Nador retransmision acto publico 09/05 Ara 45444
15245,0 1454 KRE V KOREA-Kujang Com+Mx +id 09/05 Fra 24222
15235,0 1457 CVA R VATICANA-St M de Galeria bonita musica de Sri Lanka+Com 09/05
Tam 35333
15105,0 1505 CLN VOA-Irana Wila Id+Mx pop 09/05 Ing 45544
13810,0 1513 D Brother Stair-Julich Rlg 09/05 Ing 35333
13635,0 1526 AUS CVC International-Darwin Mx+Entrevista+Id(QRM +5 kHz. CRI)
09/05 Ing 32332
(Tomas Mendez, Spain - FrecuenciaDX 09/05/2007)

3927,00 0405 2201 R.Sensation, D,E,G, country, schlager, hallo, ID, box Neede
3945,00 0705 2125 WMR, E; ID, rock 34333
6220,00 0105 1625 Mystery R, rock, jingle, disco girl 35433
6220,00 0205 1605 Mystery R, funky,disco, jingle 34333
6220,00 0305 1750 Mystery R, dance, disco 35543
6220,00 0405 1905 Mystery R, dance, disco, jingle 35543
6220,00 0605 0755 Mystery R, disco dance, 1724 Bee Gees 25442
6220,00 0705 1825 Mystery R, disco 35443
6300,00 0205 1830 RN.RASD, local pops 35443
6300,00 0305 1745 RN.RASD, Sp, cultural news 35443
6300,00 0605 1720 RN RASD,Sp, mx, cultural news 35443
6310,00 0105 0920 R.Malaysi, dance, pops, Eros Ramazotti, jingle 24422
6311,00 0405 2200 R.Lowland+R.Marconi, E, Brown sugar, ID, testing micros, pops,
6311,00 0605 1902 R.Lowland, D,E;, rock, pops, dedication to Jari in Finland,
ID 35443
6374,00 0405 2213 RWC,E, hello, pops, rock, jingle ballads 24322
6400,00 0605 1705 WMR,E, jingle, rock, ID, website, 23432
6878,00 0105 1730 Pirate Music-Planet FM, It, party on studio, publ. ID, jingle
12257,00 0605 0820 WR Int, E, dance, dj coments 24411
(Silveri Gomez, Catalunya, Spain - playdx2003 10/05/2007)

0130-0200 Heard VOA under Radio Habana Cuba. News in Special English
and other Special English Programming Under DX Mailbag on RHC.

Tuned into CHU on 7335 and didn't hear the interference of WHRI about 115 GMT
(Richard Lewis, Forest, Ms - dxldyg 10/05/2007)

> 0130-0200 Heard VOA under Radio Habana Cuba. News in Special English
> and other Special English Programming Under DX Mailbag on RHC.

Yes, VOA is currently scheduled there from Greenville. One can only wonder
whether VOA doesn`t know about Habana, or deliberately is throwing away a
frequency to annoy them. (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 10/05/2007)

9620,0 2300 E REE-Noblejas inicio 09/05 Esp 35333
7425,0 2302 ALB R TIRANA-Cerrik id+frec 09/05 Alb 35333
13680,0 2303 CUB R N VENEZUELA-La Julia Id+Nx 09/05 Esp 25332
6000,0 2316 SNG City Sounds(Singapore)- Mx asiatica+Com apenas QRM RHC 09/05
Chi 24232
15120,0 0655 NIG Voice of Nigeria-Ikodoru Mx+Id 11/05 Ing 45444
15170,0 0715 AFS Radio France Int.-Meyerton Nx 11/05 Fra 35333
15640,0 0737 G CVC International-Wertchtal Mx+ id+dir 01/05 Ing 35333
(Tomas Mendez, Spain - playdx2003 11/05/2007)

Not strong signals at present ...

Noted Sawt Al-Amal - the Libyan opposition station via Grigoriopol on
17667.50 kHz, S=5-7.

17705 CHN jamming S=8-9 Mandarin.

17660 WeAfrican music station via Moyabi-GAB, lovely melodies,
deeeep fades. S=7.

17635 tentat IRIB Italian! progr, wrong feed to Sirjan instead of Mandarin,
S=5, 500kW 60degr.
\\ scheduled IRIB 13735, 15190, 17535 carryied all the right Chinese
program feed.

17625 CRI Santiago in Mandarin, S=7.
(W. Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 11/05/2007)

20.24-21.00 UTC (R7)
Stazioni pirata greche
1618.8 Musica romantica greca anni 60
1625.0 Si sente cantare un uomo
1629.2 Musica popolare greca
1636.0 Musica pop greca anni 60
1645.3 Parlato maschile
1650.5 Musica popolare greca
1653.5 Musica pop greca
Altre emissioni, fino a circa 1725 kHz,
andavano, venivano, su e giù, qua e là.
Una prima di staccare ha messo Ramazzotti!
Tutti segnali insufficienti/sufficienti.


08.21 UTC
15295 kHz (DE1103)
Servizio in lingua inglese
Ballata romantica USA anni 70.
Segnale insufficiente-buono

08.51 UTC
15335 kHz (DE1103)
CVC INT. - Darwin (Australia)
Servizio in lingua inglese
Brano dei Backstreet Boys!
Segnale sufficiente-buono

09.07 UTC
13665 kHz (DE1103)
R. ROSSII - Mosca
"Reklama" (pubblicità).
Segnale ottimo

20.33 UTC
6300 kHz (DE1103)
RN DE LA RASD - Tindouf (Algeria)
Musica pop saharawi.
Segnale sufficiente-buono

20.37 UTC
6970 kHz (DE1103)
GALEI ZAHAL - Tel Aviv (Israele)
Musica pop israeliana anni 70.
Segnale sufficiente-buono
Si sposta spesso nella stagione calda.


*15.59 UTC
15260 kHz (S500)
Programma politico in amarico
Flauto e parlato maschile.
Segnale buono
(Luca Botto Fiora, Rapallo, Italy - playdx2003 11/05/2007)

11625,0 1422 TCH R PRAGA-Litomsl Entrevista+correo 11/05 Esp 45333
11600,0 1428 SLK R ESLOVAQUIA-Rimavska Sobota Id+Fx+Nx 11/05 Esp 45444
11690,0 1434 JOR R JORDAN-Al Karanah Mx Michael Jackson 11/05 Ing 45444
11805,0 1443 PHL VOA-Tinang 2 señales simultaneas VOA y CNR 11/05 Chi
11830,0 1450 RUS VOR-Kalinigrad Mx melódica 11/05 Rus 35333
11840,0 1454 CLN NHK-Ekala Nx 11/05 Ing 25322
11995,0 1508 SNG BBC-Kranji Nx ref a BBC yKatmandu QRM KWT -5k 11/05 Nep 32332
12025,0 1512 MRA RFA-Agingan Point Com QRM Firedrake 11/05 Chi 23332
12045,0 1515 SNG NHK-Kranji Entrevista 11/05 Jap 35333
13570,0 1525 BOT VOA-Selebi-Phikwe Mx //12120 11/05 Ing 35333
15375,0 1542 OMA Radio Sultanate Oman-Seeb Com+Mx 11/05 Ara 35333
15345,0 2155 ARG RAE-Gral.Pacheco Si,Id 11/05 Esp 24222
(Tomas Mendez, Spain - FrecuenciaDX 12/05/2007)

1008 9/5 20.58 R.Alicante - SS ID e pubblicità locale suff.
1467 11/5 05.30 R. Zone 80 - FF MX buono
1566 11/5 19.00 A.I.R. - Nagpur Hindy nenia suff.
3396 11/5 21.45 Zimbawe B.C. - Harare Vern. MX afro buono
3928 12/5 21.30 R. Spaceman - EE ID e MX buono
4605 11/5 21.30 R.R.I. - Serui Bahasa MX suff.
4965 12/5 22.05 The Voice Africa - Lusaka EE predica suff.
5470 11/5 18.50 R. Veritas - Monrovia EE MX suff.
5910 12/5 22.15 Marfil Estereo - Bogotà SS MX suff.
6160 12/5 22.50 CKZN - St. Johm's EE NX suff.
6199.2 6/5 08.30 R. Zodiac - EE ID e MX suff.
6210 13/5 08.40 R. Borderhunter - EE ID e MX buono
6293 12/5 21.50 R. Victoria - EE ID e MX buono
6305 13/5 09.00 R. Shadowman - Dutch ID e MX buono
6878 13/5 09.30 Pirate Music - EE MX buono
6970 12/5 22.20 Galei Tzahal - Tel Aviv Ebraico !" Cuore Matto " di Little
Tony buono
7255 8/5 21.00 Voice of Nigeria - Lagos FF ID e NX suff.
9675 11/5 21.10 R. Cançao Nova - Cachoeira Paulista PP visita Benedetto
XVI suff.
9680 8/5 20.30 R. Thailand - Bangkok EE ID e NX buono
(Roberto Pavanello, Italy - playdx2003 13/05/2007)

If the usual targets aren't propagating try 20 meter
SSB. Recently the band has been wide open. In the past
6 weeks Kazakhstan, San Marino, Moldova, Singapore,
Russia, Slovak Republic, and Nicaragua, among others,
heard on 20 meters.

THAILAND. 11685, R. Thailand (p) 1346, 5/13/07.
Presumed Thai vocals under the almost ever-present
RTTY ute 1.5khz higher. Tough copy (Strawman-IA).

NORTH KOREA. 11710, VOK, 1342, 5/13/07. Classical mx
pgm suffered significant splatter from 11705 NHK via
Sackville (Strawman-IA).

INDIA. 15050, AIR, 1332, 5/13/07. Listed Sinhalese
service via Delhi. Not much above noise level w/ vocal
mx pgm. Much interference from nearby data burst
transmission (Strawman-IA)

SOUTH AFRICA. 15160, RFI via Meyerton, 1338, 5/13/07.
French service to SAF listed. Nx feature format with
splatter from 15170, REE Costa Rica. Fair signal

SINGAPORE. 15285, BBC, 1420, 5/7/07. Mandarin service
reached S7 signal level. Slight flutter w/ excellent
audio (Strawman-IA).

ANTARCTICA. 15476.01, LRA 36, RN Arcangel, 2035.
5/9/07. Usual mx pgm w/ YL in studio today. Reached S3
on peaks around 2055. Faded quickly before sign-off
(J. Strawman, Des Moines, IA - CumbreDX 13/05/2007)

9153.0, spy letters replacing numbers, in groups of 5 in Morse on
A3, 1000 Hz tones easily determined by stepping up and down 1 kHz on YB-400,
1305 May 11 (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 11/05/2007)

6009.43, 0930-1030 With steady religious comments in Spanish from
a male. This isn't Radio Mil. Confirmed Radio Mil on 6010 KHz, this
morning. I suspect this might be Colombia, but can't be sure since Colombia
is on 5910v with different programming at this time. This Unident just does
not break for ID's! Finally at 1011, religious music presented. Heard
possible ID as "Radio Libre Ventura" or something simular? Signal was
poor with splatter. (Chuck Bolland, May 13 2007 - hard-core-dx)

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