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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 118

WorldDX 117
WorldDX выходит с декабря 2004 года.
Редкатор: Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия.
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Короткие Волны

2485 VL8K Katherine 1213-1233 Apr 27. Sports roundup
w/details of games. Fair and // 2310 (poor) and 2325 (fair/poor).
(J. M. Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, USA - CumbreDX 27/04/2007)

R. Tirana has resolved the collision with Cairo 9460,
which has English to North America at 2300-2430, following recommendations by
Noel Green and myself, by switching to 9410, first noted UT April 24 at 0025
check, just before the end of the sesquihour broadcast in Albanian starting at
2300. Now both stations are in the clear. Tirana quite a bit weaker than Greece
on 9420, and than its own // 7425, but this situation may reverse as summer
progresses (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 24/04/2007)

13750 R Tirana 1300-1330 English wonderful signal S=9+20 dB in Germany at

Starts today new morning sce to North America.
(W. Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 25/04/2007)

Radio Tirana with really good signal here too at 1315 UT on 13750 KHz, SIO 444, on April 25th, 2007
Nice to have a morning service here from Tirana.
(Gilles Letourneau, Montrel, Canada - dxldyg 25/04/2007)

Unfortunately I missed this first broadcast, since it had not been not
confirmed to start today, even tho I picked the frequency 13750.

Word from R. Tirana is that another of our suggestions, a 13 MHz
frequency for the English broadcast at 2000-2030, is also starting
today, 13720, along with 7465 for Europe. We hope that 13720 will be
reaching North America well, at least on good propagaitonal days.
Please check and report from your location. If you can also hear 7465,
you may find that the programs are not the same, with 13720 carrying
the previous day`s show. Of course, both 13 MHz frequencies should be
much more reliable in Europe beyond the skip zone.

Furthermore, the 0145-0200 English to NAm is shifting from 6115 to
6120 to avoid Italy/Ascension on 6110. However at 0230-0300 Tirana
remains on 6115, both also on 7425 (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 25/04/2007)

At 1300 UT R Tirana started the new morning program to NoAM/[Great Britain +
IRL too] at 1300[Tue-Sun], and now at 1730-1800 UT also new additional
Italian and French services heard to Europe:

6125 Ital. S=9+10 dB non-dir
7430 French S=9+40 dB 310 degr
(W. Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 25/04/2007)

R. Tirana began a new broadcast in English April 25, at 2000-2030
on 13720 for North America, but also aimed across Western Europe and UK. Tuning
in early, I feared it would not be making it as there was no signal and nothing
else audible on 13 MHz band from European sites. But it popped on at 2000 with
a good S9+20 signal, which I would rate at SINPO 44444; everything on this band
has a problem with my neighbor`s TV set swish, but that is only my local
obstacle. The TVI only bothered during slight fades of R. Tirana.

Began by announcing English schedule as usual in local time of UT+2; sounded
like the first frequency mentioned for the ``2045`` broadcast was 7665 instead
of 7465, but I wasn`t taping and can`t be sure. After the usual broadcasts,
added brand-new schedule for ``Northern America, Tue-Sun 1500-1530 on 13750 and
2200-2230 on 13720``. Unfortunately, these times were specified as UTC, which
they are not.

Programming would consist of news, Albanian press review, Albania and New
European Integration Process (or something like that), lite entertainment.

Top news item was that Pres. Bush would be visiting Albania on June 10 as part
of a European trip. It would be the first visit ever by a US president to
Albania. (Well, acting president, anyway.)

Daily Press Review at 2010 was about the resignation of the Minister of Foreign
Affairs, causing a government crisis.

2014-2018 played Albania`s entry in the Eurovision Song Contest [more about
that elsewhere in DXLD], ``Hear My Plea``. At 2018 urged listeners to vote by
SMS, if they are in eligible countries outside Albania; then a comment about
NATO membership.

Suddenly at 2019 some adjacent QRM cropped up from a strong carrier on 13725
with a tone test. The carrier remained on until 2029:30, but unmodulated after
the brief tone. The QRM could be avoided by slight side-tuning. This was no
doubt VOA Greenville tuning up/warming up for the Creole broadcast on 13725
which does not start until 2100. Is this really necessary? Why not do it
starting at 2049?

At 2022 and 2025 R. Tirana played a couple more songs. 2028, Goodbye, and
anthem, but transmitter cut off before it finished, at 2028:30 or so.

Audio quality was as usual rather lo-fi, as if thru an old phone line, more of
a drawback during the music, but modulation levels were good.

If you can also hear 7465 (inaudible here, hence the suggestion to add a much
higher frequency), you may find that the programs are not the same, with 13720
carrying the previous day`s show, for logistical reasons.

All in all, this and the new morning broadcast should be good alternatives to
the evening broadcasts for North Americans to hear R. Tirana. Another change we
suggested should now be in effect, English at 0145-0200 on 6120 ex-6115, to
avoid Italy via Ascension on 6110; but at 0230-0300 still on 6115, both //

On this occasion, with the MUF cooperating, reception here at 2000 would
probably have been even better on the 15 MHz band, judging from a number of
European and Mideast signals coming thru there; but not sure if R. Tirana can
get a transmitter and antenna to go up to 15.7 MHz. Recently they have not had
any broadcasts above the 9 MHz band.

R. Tirana also started on April 25 a new morning broadcast to North America we
suggested at 1300-1330 on 13750, which got some good reports from ENAm and
Europe, and which I shall start monitoring on April 26. Of course, both 13 MHz
frequencies should be much more reliable in Europe beyond the skip zone
(Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 26/04/2007)

Further chex of R. Tirana`s new 13 MHz daytime broadcasts to NAm,
April 27: at 1300 on 13750, signal a bit weaker than before S9+10 with deep
fades into local TVI swish. Seemed to be playing same program as monitored in
detail Thursday at 1300, which was a replay of Wednesday at 2000, i.e. press
review about Minister of Foreign Affairs resigning, playing ``Hear My Plea``
song again; 1320 Focus on Albania. The 2000 broadcast April 27 on 13720 was too
far down in the noise to monitor (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 28/04/2007)

Заменена частота 7355 килоГерц (вещание на русском языке) с 11 до 12 часов
на новую:

7370 1100 1200 KNLS 100 315 32,33,34,35 1234567 250307
(Информация технич. отдела станции, через Василия Гуляева, Астрахань, Россия - open_dx 26/04/2007)

Василий, есть хорошие новости! ; )
1. Передача в 0900-1000 (русский в обоих случаях, разумеется) на 7355 принята с оценкой 55444.
2. Передача в 1100-1200 в данный момент (1143 и до этого) принимается так же на новой 7370
на 55444. Так же без помех, хотя фильтр стоит самый широкий, 9,5 кГц. Новая частота выглядит
очень удачной.

И общее качество звучания станции после всех этих перипетий на станции с антеннами и т.п. очень
хорошее, сигнал очень сильный и чистый. Станция в новом сезоне слышна как надо : )

Слава Богу! : )
(Игорь Ашихмин, Приморье - open_dx 26/04/2007)

15476.10 LRA 36 Radio Arcangel San Gabriel, 1942
- 1946, Apr 23, Spanish, comments by female announcer, , Argentine folk music, 24332, (Eramo, Argentina - playdx2003 29/04/2007)

15476.1, 2001-2059:35*, 4-24-07. Lively
ballads and folk music noted at tune-in w/ OM
announcer between selections. Early on was at S3 level
on peaks and would fade briefly to near inaudibility.
Some t-storm static noted. By 2020 the signal leveled
out with less severe fades and was S6 on peaks. Clear
mention of Esperanza at 2020. Continued mx pgm
until sign-off announcement began at 2057. Clear/ full
ID at 2058:30. One more ballad but pulled audio plug @
2059:35 and tx was off at 2102. Best reception ever
here (Jerry Strawman-IA, USA - CumbreDX 29/04/2007).

RAE still the victim of 3-way collision with Spain and
Morocco. Monitored 15345 April 25 from 1939, just as RAE`s DX program in
Italian was starting with ``DX`` in Morse a few times, really cutting thru the
QRM. Then several DX news items, including Omdurman, Latvia, Kurdistan
mentioned. This time, RAE was close to 15345, producing a rumble (low het)
rather than an audible het in the 100-200 Hz range. This was combined with
audio from the two other stations, Morocco in Arabic and Spain in Spanish, the
two of which seemed to be very close but not quite zero-beat. Should have
looked interesting on a scope. At first, RAE was actually on top, but still too
much QRM to get much out of the DX news. Most of the audible QRM was in Arabic.
At 1947 ``DX`` in Morse again as DX program concluded; tangos, including one
that sounded like Gardel, 1955 RAE IS.

Propagation now seemed to be favoring South America over Europe. So meanwhile I
checked 15820 for LTA in SSB, and indeed it was audible aside weak WWCR, at
1952 and later. Not even a carrier, however, from LRA36 on 15476. After
monitoring R. Tirana`s new 2000 UT broadcast, back to 15345 at 2032: RAE now in
French mixing with ``Allah Akbar`` at roughly equal level. 2054, RAE IS mixing
mainly with Arabic; 2103, Arabic was on top. And so it goes, as these three
insist on using the same frequency at the same time (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 26/04/2007)

R. Tirana apparently needs to close down one of its transmitters
earlier than the other. April 29 the 2300 Albanian broadcast on 9410 went off
at approx. 0027:30 before the music was over, while // 7425 stayed on until it
finished at 0028*.

In another matter of precise timing, new 6120 in English at 0145 goes off close
to 0158, just as REE is starting IS on 6125. 6115 in English at 0230 starts
just as Italy/Ascension is ending on 6110, so in both cases Albania has elbow
room on both sides now.

The 1300 broadcast on 13750 was inaudible April 29 due to propagation
disturbance, preventing anything from Europe making it at that time on 13 or 15
MHz (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 29/04/2007)

21.33 GMT. ASCENSION, 15400 - BBC World Service via South Atlantic Relay. "Instant guide" program about "political godfathers" in Nigeria. Conducted by

YL and featuring interviews. Very good signal. (Christian Diemoz, Italy - dxldyg 23/04/2007)

7105 Radio Belarus, 19:40-19:45, escuchada el 26 de Abril en polaco, sintonía, locutor y locutora con presentación, comentarios y noticias, SINPO 45444.
(J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - FrecuenciaDX 27/04/2007)

Bolivia 3214.90v. tent Radio Virgen de Remedios, Tupiza, still monitoring this frequency looking for good conditions, some audio,en espanol.
Looking for logs from America Latina. 1000 to 1040 on 24 April
Bolivia 3310.00 R Mosoj Chaski,Cochabamba 0900 to 1030 every morning, strong signal [Wilkner-FL]
Bolivia 4409.7 Radio Eco, Reyes 0050 to 0110, consistently good signal. 22,23,23,24 April [Wilkner-FL]
Bolivia 4556.96 t. Radio Paititi, Guayaramerin, Beni 1030 to 1040, weak en espanol, needs more work. 22 April [Wilkner-FL]
Bolivia 4600.77t. Radio Perla del Acre, Cobija, Pando noted only on 19 April, at 0910 to 0933 weak. Possibly a harmonic of Central American stations.
Bolivia 4650.20 Radio Santa Ana, Santa Ana del Yacuma 1000 on 19th, irregular rest of the week [Wilkner-FL]
Bolivia 4796.94 Radio Mallku, Uyuni, Strong signal all week
(R. Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 25/04/2007)

5967,82 Radio Nacional de Huanuni, Huanuni, 1035-1042, April 26, Spanish,
news programme, report from Sucre, 24432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 28/04/2007)

3310, Radio Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba, 0140-0201*,
April 28, local music, ballads, Quechua talk. Weak. (Brian Alexander, PA - dxldyg 28/04/2007)

Enjoying a lack of local noise-producers, just atmospherics, April
29 at 0052 I was pleased to hear some Andean music and Spanish talk on 4716.6.
Must be R. Yura on its distinctive frequency. Yes, they soon mentioned Yura two
or three times in passing, apparently calling listeners in various places
including Argentina. Best SINPO 35243, and 0100 had dual timecheck for 2101 or
9:01 pm; then at 0101 what I think as an axual ID followed by a neigh. Steadily
lost out to growing atmospheric noise level and gave up at 0109
(Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 29/04/2007)

3390.3, BOLIVIA, presumed R.Emisoras Camargo,
0011-0023, Apr 27, Spanish. 2 announcers w/ mx and
talk. QRN won out around 0023. Poor w/ no sign of ute
normally occupying frequency. (Barbour-NH)

4409.79, BOLIVIA, R.Eco, 0000-0012, Apr 26, Spanish.
ID at t/in, mx jingles. OM talk thru t/ouit.
Fair/poor. (Barbour-NH)

4716.8, BOLIVIA, presumed R.Yura, 0014-0037, Apr 26,
Spanish. Continuous YL talk interrupted for brief mx
bits. Poor. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 29/04/2007)

5579.97, BOLIVIA, R.San Jose, 0055-0108, Apr 26,
Spanish. Ballads and brief annmt at ToH. Solid ID at
0103 then mx thru t/out. Poor. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 29/04/2007)

4716.60 Radio Yura, Yura 1115 Excellent signal, om and yl with full IDs. 29 april (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 29/04/2007)

9900, Radio Varna, *2050-2110+, April 22, Abruptly
on with local pop music, ballads. Canned ID at 2054. Time pips &
National Anthem at 2100 followed by news in presumed Bulgarian.
ID at 2107 & into local pop music. Strong. Very good. Sundays only.
(Brian Alexander, PA - dxldyg 23/04/2007)

4875.58 Radio Difusora Roraima, Boa Vista 1000 to 1045 noted for last week, Portugese om, ID's; romantic series of songs 18 April
(R. Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 25/04/2007)

11670 Radio Nacional de Venezuela via RHC, 2235-2245, April 24, Spanish,
programme: “Contacto con los Diexistas” (¡!), -New tour-ex 2250 UTC-
ann. & ID as: “Radio Nacional de Venezuela presenta: -Contacto con los Diexistas”,
talk abt the differents reception reports received around the world for SW frequencies
and 1300 Khz in medium wave. Ann. email:
Other ID as: “El Canal Internacional de Radio Nacional de Venezuela presentó –Contacto con los Diexistas” (DX programme), 34333
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 28/04/2007)

DX Mix News says SW Radio Africa should be back on 11975
today Wednesday April 25, as it is scheduled Wed-Thu-Fri only, so I checked
that plus 12035, 11810, 11775, all around 1805 --- none audible here, tho
others in Europe were hearing all but 11975. It may not be until next week that
11975 comes back (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 26/04/2007)

Radio Africa again inaudible on any of the 25m
frequencies, April 27 at 1920 check. Am beginning to think the first day of the
expanded service, April 18, when I heard it on 12035 and even better on 11975,
was a lucky anomaly. But 11975 is probably not on the air again, yet (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 28/04/2007)

12035, SW Radio Africa, *1700-1720+, April 28,
Sign on with opening music & opening English announcements.
IDs. "Callback" interview program at 1703. Good. // 11810-very weak.
11775 blocked by Gene Scott on frequency. (Brian Alexander, PA - dxldyg 28/04/2007)

15784.52, Galei Zahal, Tel Aviv, 2030-2040+, April 22,
Hebrew talk. Lite instrumental music. Fair. Slightly weaker on
// 6972.33 (Brian Alexander, PA - dxldyg 23/04/2007)

INDONESIA 3344.85 RRI Ternate (Ternate), 1133-1135, 4/28/2007,
Bahasa. Man talking. Signal at noise threshold. (Jim Evans, TN)

INDONESIA 4604.9 RRI Serui (Serui), 1101-1110, 4/28/2007, Bahasa.
News by man and woman followed by pop music. Poor signal (SINPO
24222). Parallel to RRI Makassar (4749.96). (Jim Evans, TN)

INDONESIA 4749.96 RRI Makasar (Makassar), 1101-1110, 4/28/2007,
Bahasa. News by man and woman followed by pop music. Poor signal
(SINPO 24222). Parallel to RRI Serui (4604.9). (Jim Evans, TN - CumbreDX 29/04/2007)

3344.84 RRI Ternate(p) 1235-1250+ Apr 28. Wailing vocals,
sounding like Quran, but hard to tell because of the severely
undermodulated signal. A man (imam?) spoke briefly at 1240. The carrier
itself was of fair strength. (J. M. Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado - CumbreDX 29/04/2007)

You never know which station in the three-way collision on
15345 will be dominating. April 27 at 1924 check it was Castilian Spanish atop
a rapid SAH, so that`s REE. Meanwhile, nothing audible on 15330, 15335, 15340,
15350 or 15355 (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 28/04/2007)

21.38 GMT. CANADA, 15325. Radio Canada Internationale, phone-in by a listener in Dwala, Cameroun, talking in FF to host Stephane about a communications

tower in Toronto. At 21.43, "La lettre de la semaine", with a review of "questions mondiales" contained in listeners letters. At 21.49, break with questions on

reception by listeners. First one asks to keep 15325 in the winter too, but host explains it's a matter of propagation. Then, a french listener asks why he doesn't get

signal on 15325. Good signal. (Christian Diemoz, Italy - dxldyg 23/04/2007)

RCI IS and ID loop was running April 24 at 0533 on 6175, which is
after the end of the V. of Vietnam relay; why? Well, it`s the middle of the
night in Sackville so maybe no one turned off the transmitter, allowing the
program feed with that to continue (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 24/04/2007)

6160 CKZU 1333-1346 Apr 24. News, in progress, on "Early
Edition" program; then at 1339 some chatting and bragging about the
Canucks, who had just eliminated the Stars in NHL playoffs. Good signal.
(J. M. Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, USA - CumbreDX 25/04/2007)

6115, Voice of the Strait, 0955-1005 Noted females in Chinese Vernacular language comments. The PassPort says this is an Amoy language broadcast. On the

hour, time ticks. This is the last clear details because "everyone and his brother" start broadcasting at 1000 causing splatter and QRM. Until then, the signal was

good. (Chuck Bolland, April 23, 2007 - hard-core-dx 23/04/2007)

It seems all the DGS transmitter sites suffer from ``crackling``
to varying degrees, which I assume has something to do with the satellite
receivers being mistuned or off-target. A perennial problem which has been
going on for a long time; why don`t they fix it? The crackling on 9725, April
24 at 1345, extended to plus/minus 15 kHz, bothering neighboring stations
(Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 24/04/2007)

15 Abril 2007, la unica diferencia es en: 6030 22-12...yo la he notado a las
2300 UT y seria 23-12 UT. (Yimber Gaviria, Colombia 20 abril 2007).
1180 Radio Marti, abril 21, 0420- UT, 222, (con oleaje de Radio Super, Cali-1200).
En paralelo a 6030 y 7405 KHz. Recuerdo que en Santa Marta esta frecuencia se escuchaba bien, tambien Radio Mambi en 710 KHz. El 23 abril 2007 la onda

media, despues de las 0450 UT sin senal.
24 abril sigue llegando la senal de la onda media tambien en Cali, 0355-0405 UT esperado
algun mensaje diferente a los que se transmiten en la onda corta pero en realidad es lo
mismo en paralelo a 6030, 7365 y 7405 KHz. pero a las 0400 UT quedo 6030 y 7405 (7365 cerro a las -0400* UT) con Noticiero Radio Marti hablando sobre la

muerte de Boris Yelsin. (Yimber Gaviria, Colombia - playdx2003 24/04/2007).

6049.600, RTM. Malaysia, 1020-1030 Noted a man in comments followed with music. Between 1026 and 1030, a telephone caller is interviewed. At 1030

HCJB pops up on 6050 and blocks all. Until then, RTM was fair. (Chuck Bolland, April 23, 2007 - hard-core-dx 23/04/2007)

6049.65, RT Malaysia, 1000-1030 Until ten past the hour, heard news presented by a man. This followed with a program of music and comments from a female

between each musicial selection. Signal went from threshold to poor. At 1030, right on schedule, HCJB comes up and blocks everything on this frequency.
(Chuck Bolland, April 24, 2007 - CumbreDX 24/04/2007)

Still no sign of XEYU 9599v at various chex, especially during the
0500 and 1300 UT hours on April 23, 24. Nor XEXQ 6045. Wonder if that is still
on the air at all. Julian Santiago reported that XEYU was about to reactivate
(Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 24/04/2007)

6010, MEXICO, R.Mil, 0714-0733, Apr 26, Spanish. OM and YL talk b/w ballads. ID in passing. Fair/poor w/big het from co-channel Colombia.
(Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 29/04/2007)

vnov DX-programma V Guliaeva ne povezlo - v 14UTC na 9725khz gromko
zazvuchala Vatican in German izkazhennom zvukom poraziv etim vse
chastoti mezh 9700 i 9750 khz,a na 25m.nichego ne builo sluishno.
(Rumen Pankov, Bulgaria - open_dx 26/04/2007)

7255, Voice of Nigeria, 2145-2300*, April 27, French
talk, Afro-pops, IDs. Into listed Hausa at 2200. Sign off with
National Anthem at 2258. Did not switch to 9690 at 2200 as listed
elsewhere. Good. Strong. (Brian Alexander, PA - dxldyg 28/04/2007)

Новая Зеландия
21.58 GMT - NEW ZEALAND, 15720, Radio New Zealand International. Song in FF ("bonne nuit, mon amour"). At 22, time signal, followed by Yl id. Then into

world news in EE, opened by France elections. Then news mainly about south west Asia, including a bit of interview with Mr. Herman, Cook Islands minister of

education. Sports news, opened by an id YL, follows. Signal much faded, quite weak.
(Christian Diemoz, Italy - dxldyg 23/04/2007)

Hoy 26 de Abril estoy escuchando a Radio Pakistán desde las 18:20 en 9373 en su servicio en Urdu, locutor con comentarios en programa de música folklórica

local, se aprecia buena modulación, parece que el problema que arrastraban lo han solucionado, en Valencia con un SINPO 34433.
(J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 26/04/2007)

Папуа-Новая Гвинея
3275.02 R. Southern Highlands(p) 1219-1245+ Apr 27.
Island and other vocals, M ancr in Pidgin (I think); fair and fading;
still there, weakly, at 1245. (J. M. Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, USA - CumbreDX 27/04/2007)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA 3260 Radio Madang (Madang), 1125-1130, 4/28/2007,
Pidgin (?). Pop music. Signal at noise threshhold. (Jim Evans, TN)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA 3315 Radio Manus (Lorengau), 1120-1135, 4/28/2007,
English (?). Man and woman talking followed by 70s and 80s pop
music. Signal at noise threshold. (Jim Evans, TN)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA 3905 Radio New Ireland (Kavieng), 1105-1130,
4/28/2007, Pidgin. Man and woman talking followed by pop music.
Good signal (SINPO 34333), the best of the PNG and Indonesian
stations monitored this morning. (Jim Evans, TN - CumbreDX 29/04/2007)

3315 R. Manus(p) 1205-1215* Apr 28. Lite pop vocals; M
ancr with this ID at 1214: "You're listening to Karai National Radio, the
official broadcaster of the 2007 national election," then back to music.
Pulled the plug a minute later. Good signal. (J. M. Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado - CumbreDX 29/04/2007)

5939.32, Radio Melodia, 0935-0945 Noted steady Spanish comments by male. Canned TC by a woman at 0945. Plenty of splatter and general noise here.

Needed to notch out carrier from 5940 station to hear Melodia. Basically, Melodia was poor. (Chuck Bolland, April 23, 2007 - hard-core-dx 23/04/2007)

4857.47, Radio La Hora,(pres) 1004-1015 Have one of those faint signals that are difficult to hear and can result in being ones imagination. But think I hear a male

in Spanish comments here. There's definitely a carrier centered on 4857.47 KHz however. This is a KiloHertz up from my last logging of Radio La Hora on

February 19, 2007. Opened the WR-G305/PD and found it had more audio gain than the NRD545 with this signal. So the final estimate was a poor signal quality

today for Radio La Hora. (Chuck Bolland, April 23, 2007 - hard-core-dx 23/04/2007)

Peru 3173 Radio Municipal, Panao 1000 to 1040, threshold signal 22 April; useful check on band conditions [Wilkner-FL]
Peru 3234.9 Radio Luz y Sonido Huanuco, 1030 every morning with music, DJ chatter and ID's. [Wilkner-FL]
Peru 3329.71 Ondas del Huallaga Huanuco 1030 musica andina, ments de Peru and time check for Peru, 24 April [Wilkner-FL]
Peru 3375.1v R San Antonio Papuade Callalli possible at 0000 to 0100 not to be mixed the strong Brazil on this frequency 20, 21 April.
From 0900 to 1030 on Brazil here. [Wilkner-FL]

Peru 4857.48 Radio La Hora, Cusco. drifting higher in frequency 1030 to 1105 21 April [Wilkner-FL]
Peru 4886.59t. Radio Virgen del Carmen, Huancavelica seemingly from 1100 to 1120 with fading signal en espanol 21 April [Wilkner-FL]
Peru 4950.00 Radio Madre de Dios, Puerto Maldonado 1050 to 1105, weak om en espanol. 24 April [Wilkner-FL]
(R. Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 2504/2007)

4746.91, Radio Huanta 2000, Huanta, 0145-0209*, April 28,
Continuous Spanish talk. Sign off with National Anthem but pulled
plug midway through anthem. Poor with CODAR QRM. (Brian Alexander, PA - dxldyg 28/04/2007)

4835.4, PERU, presumed R.Maranon, 0206-0223, Apr 27,
Spanish. OM talk b/w ballads, including “Total Eclipse
of the Heart” in EG. Weak/poor. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 29/04/2007)

3329.53 Ondas del Huallaga, Huánuco with odd band opening at 1130 to 1140 good signal usual music and om dj. 29 April
(Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 29/04/2007)

5039.21 Radio Libertad, Junin 1103 with om music andina, good signal 29 April
(Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 29/04/2007)

5939.2 Radio Melodia (p), Arequipa, 0043 - 0053,
Apr 26, Spanish, comments by man announcer,
sports program, 24332, (Eramo, Argentina - playdx2003 29/04/2007)

Finally caught an entire edition of Caixa Postal & Dexismo on RDP
International, as scheduled precisely at 1748 UT Monday April 23, via webcast.
Indeed it was hardly worth all the trouble to make a point of listening to it.
Acknowledged a few letters, one apparently from Christer Brunstrom in Sweden,
something about practicing his Portuguese, and then, and then --- music fill
until the show officially ended after only 8 minutes, at least half of which
must have been music. Nothing about DX, at least not this week. I did see on
the date`s RDPI online program schedule that it has returned to the evening
repeat to the Americas, UT Mon 2330-2350 on 9715 and 13700, which gives them
even more time to fill with music (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 24/04/2007)

9480 VoR Sodruzhestvo, 18:55-19:01, escuchada el 26 de Abril en ruso a locutor con comentarios en programa musical, cuña de ID, locutora con comentarios,

SINPO 45444. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - FrecuenciaDX 27/04/2007)

06.06 GMT - ROMANIA, 7125, Radio Romania International. YL in D, reading
what sounded like news. Repeated mentions of "Bucarest", and other eastern
republics like "Moldova". At 06.08 clear ID "Radio Romania International".
Good and readable signal. (Christian Diemoz - dxldyg 28/04/2007)

7240v Radio Serbia International via Stubline Obreanovec observed
today with a fair signal. Noted German news between 1600 and 1612 UT and
politic & sports features til 1628 UT.

Language schedule given on website www.radioyu.org is wrong in UTC [subtract
1 hr more], but okay in CEST - Central European Summer Time in 2nd column.

TX is not stable and is wandering like a S - curve on SpecLaboratory
Moves from 7239.938 to 7239.943 - and back - within a single minute.

Had suffered co-channel interference by Lhasa-Tibet-CHN til 1730 UT;
and YFR Samara relay in English language at 1800-2000 UT
(Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 24/04/2007)

С. Корея
Reciban mi más cordial saludo, les paso un buen dato de radioescucha:
La Voz de Corea, se puede escuchar en los 11910 khz, primero en francés entre
las 1800 y 1900 hrs, y en inglés entre las 1900 y 2000 hrs. Por lo menos yo he
podido recibir estas transmisiones con un receptor SONY ICF 7601 y una antena
dipolo de 10 m de lado, con una calidad SINPO variable de 33333 a 22222.
Agradeciendo su atención y consideración, les saluda con un gran abrazo desde Temuco
(Patricio De los Ríos - playdx2003 27/04/2007)

3480.94 KCBS Wonsan 1212-1225 Apr 25. Man declaiming; into usual choral music at 1216. // 2850, 3320, 4450, and 4557; all freqs fair.
(J.M. Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, USA - CumbreDX 27/04/2007)

22.33 GMT - USA, 15130, WYFR (Tentative) - OM in PP about religious themes. At 22.36, an YL joined the broadcast. Back to OM at 22.38. "Mateus 24"

quoted at 22.39. After a short Yl talk, classical music at 22.42. Weak and faded (Christian Diemoz, Italy - dxldyg 23/04/2007)

22.14 GMT - USA, 15745, WEWN. Two OM talking about the way one chooses church. One of the two, probably a Minister, tells he had people coming to him

to ask to be "unbaptised". (Christian Diemoz, Italy - dxldyg 23/04/2007)

5.06 GMT - USA, 6145, World Harvest Radio. "Harvest mailbag" full of letters from listeners. A soldier will get a bible for his touching and soulful letter. Then, OM

host gives address for the station. Another letter, from Pakistan, follows. At 5.08, slow song by male voice in EE. Signal a bit faded, but readable without troubles.
(Christian Diemoz, Italy - dxldyg 27/04/2007)

Starting May 1st, Radio Taiwan Int'l regular broadcasts to Australia, New Zealand and the Philippines on 9610 KHz from 0800 to 0900 UTC will be changed to

11715 KHz. The new frequency can be heard from 1100 to 1200 UTC.
(Salahuddin Dolar, Bangladesh - CumbreDX 29/04/2007)

11735, ZANZIBAR, RTZ, 2002-2025, Apr 26, Vernacular.
Newscast at t/in. YL at 2010 w/ talk b/w AR and
Hindi-style mx. Fair. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 29/04/2007)

9620,77v 28/4 22,40 Emisora del Sur, Montevideo, Uruguay, talks serious in
SS, then songs poor, one id at 22,53. Stopped at 2258 by s.on REE
(G. Bernardini, Milano, Italy - playdx2003 28/04/2007)

9570 R. Blagovest via RVA Palauig *1500-1514 Apr 24.
Commenced at 1500 after RVA EG ID's; usual RS religious talks; occasional
ID's noted. Good signal. (J. M.ilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, USA - CumbreDX 25/04/2007)

21.15 GMT - CHILE, 15410, CVC La Voz. Mixed non stop music program. Pop song in EE by OM (21.15), then into track in PP. At 21.21, song in PP by yl. At

21.25, track in PP by Om. 21.29: male with echo "La sua Voz", followed by others commercials on station programs. A bit faded, but good signal.
(Christian Diemoz, Italy - dxldyg 23/04/2007)

5039.94 tentative Voz del Upano, Macas, very weak Latin on frequency for last few days 1000 to 1100. 29 April
(Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 29/04/2007)

Re previous report: ``NHK World, Radio Japan, April 19 at
1329 concluding Indonesian, and into Thai on 7200, with QRM not only from the
Yakutsk Warbler, but also splash from a much stronger NHK transmission in
Japanese on 7190! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)``

Re NHK on 7200: Per Aoki list it comes on at 1330 so must have crash-started
when Indonesian concluded; also the splatter you got from 7190 was from CRI in
Japanese (Joe Hanlon, NJ, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Ha, I hear Japanese just about any morning on 7190 and had assumed it was NHK
without looking it up. It`s aimed almost due east, 95 degrees, from JIN site in
CHINA at 0900-1500. Per NHK current schedule at
Indonesian on other frequencies ends at 1300, so perhaps the Indo ID on 7200
was just part of a multi-lingual ID cycle, not the end of an Indo broadcast
(Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 24/04/2007)

700 W Radio, Cali, 0135-0139, 555, abril 20, Slogan cantado "W Radio...siempre con tus exitos".
740 Radio Guatapuri, Valledupar, 0157-0206, 333, abril 20, TC por OM "Las 9 y 5 minutos en R. Guatapuri".
1570 Radio Sensacion, Manizalez, 0440- UT, 333, abril 23, con programa "Prisioneros de la Noche" dieron numero para enviar mensaje de texto: 312-5607100,

leyeron mi mensaje a las 0443 UT (Yimber, Colombia - playdx2003 24/04/2007)

1660 WQLR MI Kalamazoo 04/19 0256 Good signals over and under KQWB with ESPN sports and several Kalamazoo ads and info. NEW
(SA-MB - mwdx 23/04/2007)

680 WCTT KY, Corbin, received by 3rd QSL from the KNBR sp last Fall
from a tentative CD report sent to station. In 12d, I received a nice
handwritten letter from the PD: Terry Harris PD. I am really pleased
with this. Listed as 830 watts night. Kentucky #8, and MW QSL: 2953.
Address: 821 Adams Road, Corbin KY 40701. (PM-OR - hard-core-dx 24/04/2007)

1620 27/04 03.35 WHDP, US Virgin, in EE, poor-suff
1650 27/04 03.50 good, in EE, WHKT Portsmounth, "Good music? Radio Disney" dalle 04.05 a bomba: filtro largo AM senza banda laterale per godere anche i

1660 27/04 03.25 Gigante 16-60, Portorico, in SS, suff
1690 27/04 04.20 due unid in EE
1700 27/04 03.43 KVNS, Brownsville, Texas, USA, in SS, "La preciosa", mexican music, suff/good
(Fabrizio Carnevalini, Italy - playdx2003 27/04/2007)

OKLAHOMA. KGYN 1210, which has to stay in Guymon, tsk2, continues to forget
to switch to night pattern protecting Philly. UT April 29 at 0147 Patsy Cline,
Walking After Midnite, was inbooming at S9+20. Turned out to be in the
syndicated-sounding ``Cody`s Classic Country Countdown``, which later paused
for some local ``high plains`` weather. So once again easterners have a chance
to DX this station on day pattern .

OKLAHOMA. The TIS at Great Salt Plains State Park, NW of Enid on 1610 kHz is
still running the same loop as first heard a year or so ago, as we went up for
the adjacent NWR`s annual festival April 28; including breaks for robotic NWS
weather relays (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 29/04/2007)

I'm hearing pop music and an announcer in French on 1287 kHz, APR 27 0240
UTC. Is France on the air at 1287 kHz? (Bruce Conti - Nashua NH - mwdx 27/04/2007)
1650 27/04 03.37 WHKT Portsmounth, in EE, "Radio Disney", good.
1660 27/04 03.42 WCNZ, Marco Island, Florida, USA, in EE, suff-good
1660 27/04 04.02 WWRU, Jersey City, NJ, USA, in EE, Korean program, poor-suff
1700 27/04 04.08 WJCC, Miami Springs, FL, french/creole, suff
1470 27/04 04.18 unid USA, in EE, poor/insuff
(Fabrizio Carnevalini, Angera (Varese), Italy - playdx2003 28/04/2007)
Христианское вещание

The Christian station Dunamis Shortwave in Uganda has
finally started on 4750. Noted here 23 Apr 2007 at 1733
after CNR station had closed down. Dunamis Shortwave
signed off at 1902. Their schedule at the moment
is 1500-1900 UT. (Jari Savolainen, Kuusankoski, Finland - dxldyg 24/04/2007)

Just got back from a short trip to Fes in Morocco and here is a
bandscan from my hotel room. Listening was conducted on a Sangean ATS-
909 and overload from the local Fes transmitter was a problem.

88.8 - Chaine Nationale (mono), ZERHOUN
90.5 - Chaine Nationale (mono), AZOUGAR
91.7 - Chaine Nationale (mono), TAZAKKA
91.9 - Radio Sawa, MEKNES
93.3 - "RADIO_2M" (stereo), ZERHOUN
93.7 - "RADIO_2M" (stereo), FES
95.1 - Chaine Internationale, "CH.INTER" (mono), ZERHOUN
96.8 - Chaine Amazigh (mono), AZOUGAR
97.9 - Radio Sawa, "SAWA____" (stereo), FES
98.2 - Chaine International (stereo), TAZAKKA
98.4 - Radio Fes / Radio Mohammed VI du Saint Coran, ZERHOUN
101.4 - "_MEDI_1_" (stereo), FES
101.9 - Chaine Amazigh (mono), ZERHOUN
102.5 - MFM Saiss, "MFM_____" (stereo), FES
105.5 - "_MEDI_1_" (stereo), ZERHOUN

90.5 - Radio Andalucia Informacion, PECHINA
100.9 - RNE 1, PECHINA
102.8 - Los 40 Principales, MIJAS
103.8 - Central FM, MIJAS?
104.8 - Canal Sur Radio, PECHINA
Plus a few more unidentified Spanish stations.
(Samir - skywaves 23/04/2007)

Ieri sera, apprezzando alcuni segnali FM dalla Corsica nord-ovest, mi sono
accorto della presenza di una 'nuova' portante locale muta, modulante in
stereofonia, su 90.3 MHz. L'aggettivo è ovviamente tra virgolette perché la
frequenza anni orsono già era utilizzata da Radio Nostalgia, che ora per il
Tigullio è su 92.3 MHz.

In base ad una misurazione senza antenna fatta questa mattina con un
apparecchio portatile che misura in dB, l'emissione potrebbe provenire sia
da Rapallo-Saltincielo (la più probabile) che da Ruta di Camogli-Monte

Per quanto riguarda l'emittente che potrebbe iniziare ad operare su 90.3 per
il Tigullio - se mai ci sarà un'attivazione - le ipotesi fattibili sono:

BABBOLEO NEWS - Da ieri sera tra l'altro è in portante muta anche R.
Babboleo-CNR su 89 da Capo Vado-SV.

RADIO CUORE - Già si è riattivata a Genova.

RADIO KISS KISS - Su 104.9 ha appena acceso una nuova postazione per la
Valle Scrivia.

RADIO MARGHERITA - Poco alla volta in Liguria sta aumentando la propria

Sempre questa mattina, in concomitanza con l'accensione di R. Proposta da S.
Margherita Ligure su 87.7 per la S. Messa è stata attiva anche la frequenza
di 100.2 in portante muta monofonica, fino a qualche mese fa usata da R.
Pace-inBlu. E' probabile che l'impianto di alimentazione sia lo stesso, però
il segnale è notevolmente migliorato e quindi può darsi siano state fatte
delle variazioni tecniche. Si tratterà di vedere se la frequenza è stata
riacquisita da R. Proposta, magari in sostituzione di quella anomala 90.975
MHz che si sentiva fino a febbraio-marzo.

Per finire, qualche settimana fa sulle postazioni di Rapallo ci sono stati
degli interventi, sia perché una mattina per qualche ora varie stazioni
erano spente e sia perché - finalmente - è scomparsa una spuria di R.
Nostalgia che da troppo tempo si sentiva su 88.9 MHz.
(Luca Botto Fiora, Rapallo, Italy - playdx2003 26/04/2007)


На частоте 99,6 МГц заработало "Большое радио".
(Павел Михайлов, Москва, Россия - Media-DX 23/04/2007)

Same down my way. Yesterday morning was producing good results from Devon, coming in on the back of my East facing aerial. I logged:
87.8 Radio Courtoise, Cherbourg - weak but clear
87.9 Contact - Montreuil - weak but clear, flickering stereo
94.8 BBC R4 - Jersey, stereo with RDS
96.4 Gemini T - Beacon Hill, Torbay - fighting with Eagle Radio, Guildford
96.6 Spirit FM, West Sussex, above average (at side of Ocean 96.7)
96.9 Southern FM, Newhaven - weak but clear stereo
97.0 Invicta FM , Folkestone - weak but clear
101.2 South Hams Radio - Salcombe, Devon - weak but clear
103.4 BBC Devon - North Hessary Tor, above average with RDS
104.3 BBC Devon - Beacon Hill, Torbay, weak but clear, stereo
104.5 BBC Southern Counties - Heathfield very strong with RDS
106.4 Bright FM, Burgess Hill, West Sussex, hissy stereo (occasionally Kiss from Suffolk)
107.4 The Quay, Waterlooville Portsmouth, signals above average
(Darren Fernando, UK - skywaves 23/04/2007)

Boulogne at stereo levels, BBC Essex good on 95.3, Essex FM 96.3, Egem in on 98.6
weak but clear at times, and also trace levels of music on 87.6.

107.5 has a v weak signal on, possibly Sovereign Radio again as Heathfield is good
this morning again, and Time 106.8 also audible. Also Invicta in on 103.1, 95.9 (weak)
and 87.9 Contact FM fair. (Nick Gilly, UK - skywaves 24/04/2007)

tropo again to the london region ie 105.8 Virgin and rowridge at massive signal strength on the normal outlets also wrotham in as well ie 100.9
(Mark P, Devon, UK - skywaves 26/04/2007)

Norway and Holland on Band 2 NOW ... 16:00 GMT

Hovdefjell weak on 87.8 and 91.8.

91.8 has just NRK on the horizontal FM5 while Holland takes over on the
vertical FM5.(John Faulkner, UK - skywaves 27/04/2007)

Logg 27042007

99.3 Radio 1 Tacolneston
89.7 Radio 2 Tacolneston
91.9 Radio 3 Tacolneston
94.1 Radio 4 FM Tacolneston
101.5 classic FM Tacolneston
106.4 Kiss FM Mendlesham/Ipswich

Anyone receiving Norway at the following?

97.6 NRK P1
88.3 NRK P2
95.0 NRK P3
(Kai David Engejordet Lyngdal, Norway - skywaves 27/04/2007)

Новая Зеландия
R. New Zealand Int. April 27, 2007 0942 UTC 7145 kHz with DRM
transmission. Program about smart washing machines. Moderate decoding
dropouts during local heavy rain. Turned off rx and disconnected
antenna when I saw a flash of lightening. (KG4LAC - dxldyg 27/04/2007)

Французская Гвиана
DRM from TDF Montsinéry was missing again inexplicably,
April 25 at 1935 check, no sign of it on 17870-17875-17880, tho CVC Chile
17635-17640-17645 and HCJB 15675-15680-15685 DRM buzzes were audible. TDF
nominal schedule is 1300-2000. I often find them missing before 1400, and
apparently they also close earlier than 2000 when they feel like it (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 26/04/2007)
Неофициальное вещание

17563 Voice of Tibet, 12:15-12:20, escuchada el 24 de Abril en idioma asiatico, locutor y locutora con comentarios, cuna publicitaria y segmento de musica asiatica,

se aprecia jammer china en 17555, sin embargo a las 12:18 deja la frecuencia de 17555 y se aprecia en 17565, SINPO 23332
(J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 24/04/2007)

900 18/4 17.40 RAI - Milano IT pgm. Locale per elezioni provinciali
Varese ottimo
1620 21/4 04.20 WDHP - Christiansted EE talk OM suff.
1660 21/4 04.30 WCNZ - Marco Island EE predica suff.
3250 21/4 04.10 R. Luz y Vida - S. Luis SS predica suff.
3320 21/4 23.05 R. Sonder Grense - Meyerton Afrikaans MX buono
3927 21/4 22.00 R. Spaceman - Dutch ID e MX buono
4746.9 21/4 23.25 R. Huanta 2000 - SS ID suff.
4770 21/4 22.50 FRCN - Kaduna EE NX suff.
4790 21/4 04.45 R. Vision - Chiclayo SS predica buono
4915 21/4 23.15 R. Difusora - Macapa PP MX suff.
4955 21/4 23.30 R. Victoria - Lima SS avisos buono
6305 22/4 08.45 R. Polkawelle - Germania EE ID e MX buono
6310 21/4 22.20 R. ABC - EE ID e MX buono
6400 22/4 08.30 WMR - EE MX suff.
7295 21/4 14.45 Traxx FM - Kuala Lumpur EE MX suff.
7310 17/4 20.45 Voz de Rusia - Moscow SS Frecuencia RM intervista ad
Arnaldo Slaen buono
9980 15/4 17.40 KSDA - Guam EE Wavescan suff.

Prossimo week-end niente tips causa gita turistica - radiofonica a Parigi e Valle della Loira.
(Roberto Panvanello, Vercelli, Italy - bclnews 23/04/2007)

15410,0 1408 CHL CVC-Santiago Com +Mx Bisbal???? 23/04 Por 23322
15530,0 1418 CLN VOA-Irana Wila Com continuas ref a Pakistan 23/04 Urd 25222
15580,0 1423 STP VOA-Pinheira Entrevista 23/04 Ing 45444
15675,0 1120 UKR R UKRAINE-Kharkov Com;Mx 24/04 Ing 35232
15450,0 1305 TUR R TURQUIA-Emirler Mx 24/04 Ing 35333
17650,0 1313 USA WHRA-Greenbush Entr+Rlg 24/04 Ing 45444
(Tomas Mendez, Spain - FrecuenciaDX 24/04/2007)


Radio Hosanna 1660 Khz. : Charla religiosa por/Dante Gebel, ide, 05.40 UTC, Abril 10

J Doble K 840 Khz. Desde Neiva, musica, Ide por OM, 01.00 UTC Abril 10 .

La voz del Tomebamba 1070 Khz. , music variada, ide por OM, , promos, Abril 11.
Radio Aguila 1050 Khz. Baladas en espanol, ide por OM, 02.10 UTC Abril 12

Radio VEA, 1570 Khz., charla religiosa, ide por OM, 03.10 UTC Abril 11

Radio RED 1110 Khz., ide programa musical, noticias, ide por OM y jingle musical 04.05 UTC Abril 11
Radio Monitor 1320 Khz., full ide por OM, Himno Nacional, noticias, 04.00 UTC Abril 12

Radio Vilcanota 1570, Quillabamba, Cuzco, programa musical, ide por OM, promos, 03.40 UTC, Abril 09
Radio Luz y Vida 1610 Khz. Cajamarca, ide, promos, musica vernacular, 09.12 UTC, Abril 10.
Radio Ecologica de Cajamarca 1640 Khz.

Radio Preciosa 1700 Khz. ( Ex KVNS) musica mexicana, anuncios de cantantes, ide por YL y OM, 05.10 UTC, Abril 12



Radio UNAM- 9600 KHZ, 06.05 UTC, MUSICA CLASICA, IDE por OM, anuncio del Gobierno federal, abril 12.
XERTA Radio transcontinental de America, 4810 khz, programa sobre cultura mexicana, ide pro OM, musica variada, 03.50 UTC Abril 17.

KBC RADIO, 6255 Khz. Musica, ide por OM, 22.30 UTC Abril 14

Radio VARNA, 9900 khz. Charla por OM, ide por YL, idioma Bulgaro, 00.30 UTC Abril 02.

Radio Budapest, en Espanol 3975 khz, 03.40 UTC abril 17

Radio Buenas Nuevas, 4800 khz. Charla religiosa, , ide por OM, 03.45 UTC, Abril 17.

Radio KAIJ, 5755 Khz., charla religiosa en Ingles por Pastor, ide por OM, 04.05 UTC Abril 2

Radio SODRE, 9620 Khz. Musica de tangos, ide Radio Sodre Emisoras del Sur 1290 Khz., 11.20 UTC, Abril 20.


Tarjeta QSL conmemorativa por los 70 anos de la TRT, sticker, folleto de frecuencias, 9865 khz. Demoro 30 dias, IR enviado a spanol@trt.net.tr

Tarjeta QSL, full data , 9440 khz. Demoro 30 dias, IR enviado a rsi_spanish@slovakradio.sk .

CVC CHRISTIAN VOICE 4965, full data Tarjeta QSL, en 60 dias IR enviado a QTH: Private Bag E606, Lusaka, Zambia.

RADIO VERDAD, 4054 KHZ. Tarjeta QSL, sticker, banderin, demoro 30 dias, VRS. Dr. Edgar Amilcar Madrid, Director Gerente, IR enviado a Radio Verdad,

Apartado 5, Chiquimula, Guatemala..

XERF Radio La Poderosa 1570 AM , Carta QSL Full data, recibida en 30 dias VRS/ Herberto Perez Espin , Gerente de XERF, IR enviado a Madero # 600,

Ciudad Acuna, Coahuila CP 26200 , MEXICO

RADIO SHIOKAZE , 9950 khz. full data , tarjeta QSL, demoro 30 dias IR enviado a 2-3-8-401 Koraku Bunkyo Ward Tokyo 112-0004 Japan

RADIO DAMASCO: 9330 Khz. , Full data Tarjeta QSL , sticker, banderin, material promocional de Damasco, demoro 15 dias, IR Enviado a : P.O.Box 4702,

Damasco, Syria.

ALL INDIA RADIO – CHENNAI , 7270 khz, full data QSL,sticker, banderin, material promo de AIR, programa DX Radio World en Tamil language, demoro 4

meses, IR enviado a :
N.C. Gnanaprakasam,Program Executive,Vanoli Ulagam, Thiraikadal Adaivaram Thamiizh Naatham,All India Radio, Kamarajar Salai,Chennai 600004,Tamilnadu,


Radio Frecuencia VH , Celendin Cajamarca, 4485 Khz., full data Tarjeta QSL preparada, demoro 4 meses, VRS. Eleuterio Vasquez Castro, Director Gerente, IR ,

enviado a Jr. Arica , cuadra 5, Celendin , Cajamarca, PERU.

KBC Radio , 6255 khz. full data Tarjeta QSL, demoro 15 dias, IR enviado a info@k-po.com

Mistery Radio , 6220 khz. Full data QSL , en 30 dias, IR enviado por e-mail a : mysteryradio@googlemail.com, VRS Chris Ise


Full data Tarjeta QSL en 30 dias, IR enviado a PO Box 1636, Melbourne VIC 3001, Australia.

BANGKOK RADIO, 6676 khz. Tarjeta QSL full data y carta personal, demoro 30 dias, V/S: Jantima Niyomchok. QTH: 4353 Sukhumvit, Bangna, Bangkok

10260, Tailandia.

Full data tarjeta QSL, carta personal, demoro 30 dias ,VRS / Tim Rulon Officer in Charge IR enviado a Commanding Officer, US Coast Guard Camslant , 4720

Douglas A. Munro road, Chesapeake VA 23322-4399, USA.
(CESAR PEREZ DIOSES, CHIMBOTE, PERU - playdx2003 24/04/2007)

Monitoreo entre las 0300 a 0400 UT 23 + 24 abril 2007
5030 444 23+24 abril World University Network, Cahuita, // 6150, 7375

5910 --- 23 abril...solo jamming, 24 abril R.Republica con SIO de 333. no // a 6100

5965 222 23+24 abril RHC + REE, aun con colision entre estas dos.

6010 333 23+24 abril LV de Tu Conciencia

6020 322 REE + CRI en chino, dominando la frecuencia REE, cerro a las 0400* en esta frecuencia.

6030 --- 23 abril R. Marti, Greenville, fuera del aire desde las 0300 UT, 7365 y 7405 tambien sin senal. (23 abril 2007, Lunes dia UT, domingo dia local 22 abril

2007) pero el 24 de abril en 6030 (444), 7365 (444), 7405 (433 con burbujas de fondo).

6040 333 24 abril Radio Vaticano, hablando sobre el futuro de la iglesia catolica en la tierra santa. Sobre esta frecuencia no tengo ninguna informacion.


6050 555 23 abril HCJB, c/ "Encuentro Nacional de Danza Contemporaneo", 24 abril con SIO 333 parece que disminuyeron la potencia ya que ahora recibia

oleaje de REE en 6055.

6055 222 23 abril REE, Noblejas, en espanol con oleaje de HCJB. 24 abril recibida con buena senal

6060 222 24 abril RHC recibida con senal pobre

6100 444 23 abril Radio Republica WRMI, Sackville, Canada 0300-0400 ..34567, pero tambien escuchada el 24 abril con buena senal no en paralelo a los


6125 444 23 abril REE, Noblejas, en espanol, 24 abril ahora escuchada con senal pobre.

6150 555 23+24 abril World University Network, Cahuita, ver 5030

6165 444 23+24 abril RNW, Sines, Portugal, espanol, 0310 UT con Ciencia y Salud el dia 23 abril

6175 333 23 abril LV de Vietnam, Sackville, Canada, espanol, 0300-0330 UT, espanol, en ingles notada de 0330-0400 UT con mejor senal que en espanol. 24

abril 0300 UT con SIO de 222 en espanol

6190 555 RNW, Bonaire, en holandes

7315 444 WHRI, ingles, c/ -DXwCumbre-, 0330-0400 UT

7335 222 CHU, Ottawa, con time pip...solo hasta las 0315 UT, luego en silencio.

7365 444 24 abril Radio Marti ver 6030

7375 555 23+24 abril World University Network, Cahuita, ver 5030

7405 444 24 abril R. Marti, Greenville, con burbujas de fondo.

7440 444 23 abril R. Ukraine Intl, Lviv, Ucrania, 0300-0400, ingles, 24 abril con SIO de 333

7455 333 24 abril R. Catolica Mundial, Vandiver, espanol

9345 222 Vof Korea, Kujang, 0300-0357, ingles

9535 333 REE, Noblejas, 2300-0500, espanol

9550 444 RHC, La Habana, espanol

9600 555 RHC, la Habana, c/ -Radio Noticias Cuba-

9665 222 R. Intl de China, en espanol de 0300-0400, nueva frecuencia??

9745 222 HCJB, Quito-Pifo, en paralelo a 6050 KHz.

9780 333 HCJB, (-0330*) en aleman

11665 222 CVC, la voz, Santiago, Chile, // 11970

11970 222 CVC, la voz, ver 11665

Monitoreo entre las 0400 a 0500 UT 23 abril 2007
5030 444 World University Network, Cahuita, // 5935, 6150, 7375

5810 333 EWTN, Vandiver, USA, en ingles

5910 --- no hay senal

5935 222 World University Network, Nashville, USA, en Ingles ver 5030

5965 222 REE + RHC?, ahora REE dominando la frecuencia. // 6055, 6125

5975 555 RNW, Bonaire, 0400-0500, en holandes

6010 222 LV de Tu Conciencia, con musica

6050 555 HCJB, en espanol

6055 222 REE, Noblejas, en espanol aun con oleaje de HCJB.

6060 222 RHC, espanol, // 6140, 9550, 9600

6125 444 REE, Noblejas

6140 333 RHC, espanol, ver 6060

6150 555 World University Network, Cahuita, ver 5030

6165 444 RNW, Bonaire, en ingles

6175 222 LV de Vietnam, Sackville, Canada, en espanol, (0400-0427)

7315 333 WHRI, ingles, leyendo carta de los oyentes, con World Harvest Mailbag

7375 555 World University Network, Cahuita, ver 5030

7455 222 WEWN, Vandiver, USA, en espanol

9550 444 RHC, La Habana, ver 6060

9600 444 RHC, la Habana, ver 6060,

9660 333 NHK R.Japon, Montsinery, 0400-0430, en espanol

11665 222 CVC, la voz, Santiago, Chile, // 11970

11970 222 CVC, la voz, ver 11665
(Yimber, Colombia - playdx2003 24/04/2007)

4409,8 27/4 0011 Radio Eco Reyes, Bolivia, tk, songs, "Esta es Radio Eco",

4650,2 26/4 2350 Sant'Ana, Bolivia, talks, poor
4689,65 27/4 0002 San Miguel, Bolivia, tk woman & songs, fair
4716,7 26/4 2355 Yura, Bolivia mx, tk, fair
4746,9 26/4 2359 Huanta 2000, Peru, tk, fair
(G. Bernardini, Milano, Italy - playdx2003 26/04/2007)

25 abril 2007 de 2300 a 0000 UT
5910 222 Marfil Estereo,
6010 222 LV de Tu Conciencia,
6030 222 Radio Martí, *2300- , abriendo en este frecuencia, // 7365, 13820
6050 444 HCJB, con noticias en español
6135 222 Radio República, *2300-
7300 322 A Voz da Russia, Portugués, solo notada en esta frecuencia, alguién sabe que paso con el Programa -Onda DX- ???
7365 444 Radio Marti, // 6030, 13820
9535 333 REE español
11705 444 RHC, en portugués
11870 555 World University Network, E, (-0000*)
11990 333 RCI, español // 15455
13615 444 Radio Católica Mundial
13650 333 CRI en portugués
13680 222 R. Nal de Venezuela (via Cuba) // 15250
13820 222 R. Martí // 6030, 7365
15130 444 RTI (via WYFR, Okeechobee) español, 2325 con -la Hora Marcial- con Luis Ronsero
15155 222 WYFR, Okeechobee, español, // 15215, 17845
15215 555 WYFR, Okeechobee, español, // 15155
15250 222 R. Nal de Venezuela (via Cuba) splash de WYFR // 13680
15255 555 WYFR, Okeechobee, inglés, // 17750
15265 555 R. Japón (via Bonaire) en Japonés
15410 222 CVC A sua Voz, portugués
15455 555 RCI, Sackville, español // 11990
17605 555 RNW, Bonaire, en español
17680 555 CVC la Voz, español
17705 222 Radio Habana Cuba, Guarani o Quechua??!!
17725 333 WYFR, Okeechobee, portugués
17750 555 WYFR, Okeechobee, en inglés // 15255
17845 555 WYFR, Okeechobee, español, // 15155, 15250

26 abril 2007 de 0000 a 0100 UT (dia local 25 abril)
5910 222 Marfil Estereo, c/advs, ruido de fondo, RR?, slogan "la nueva onda es...Marfil Estereo"
5965 211 un ruido fuerte, RHC ??!!
6010 333 LV de Tu Conciencia
6020 322 REE español
6030 211 Radio Martí, // 7365, 11775
6035 222 LV del Guaviare
6050 444 HCJB, en Quechua
6135 222 Radio República
6140 222 RHC, español // 5965?, 9600, 11705, 11760, 11875
7300 222 LV de Rusia, español, // 9665, 9830
7365 444 Radio Marti, // 6030, 11775
7375 444 World University Network, E,
7455 433 Radio Católica Mundial // 13615
9535 333 REE español // 6020
9550 322 RHC en francés
9600 444 RHC, // 6140, 11705, 11760, 11875
9665 222 LV de Rusia, // 7300, 9830
9745 222 CRI (via Bonaire) español
9830 222 LV de Rusia, // 7300, 9665
11705 444 RHC, español // 6140, 9600, 11760, 11875
11760 222 RHC, español // 6140, 9600, 11705, 11875
11775 333 R.Martí // 6030, 7365
11875 333 RHC, español // 6140, 9600, 11705
11990 222 RCI, español // 13725
13615 444 Radio Católica Mundial // 7455
13725 333 RCI, español // 11990
15120 444 CRI (via Cuba), español
15130 444 WYFR, Okeechobee, portugués // 17725, 17750
15215 444 WYFR, Okeechobee, español, // 17845
15255 444 WYFR, Okeechobee, francés
15315 444 RNW, Bonaire, español
17680 444 CVC la Voz, español
17725 444 WYFR, Okeechobee, portugués // 15130, 17750
17750 555 WYFR, Okeechobee, portugués // 15130, 17725
17805 222 WYFR, Okeechobee, en inglés
17845 444 WYFR, Okeechobee, español, // 15215
(Yimber Gaviria, Cali, Colombia - playdx2003 26/04/2007)

4895 uniDed with talks in SP . Signal S1

[GTM ]4780 unIDed Spanish 0404 , talk by OM , short musical clip,
then again talks S3 max , Presume cultural Coatan

PERU ? 4790 R Atlantida 0406 talk by man seem as religious in
Spanish . S5 max

GUATEMALA 4799. 86 R Buenas Novas 0409 with local type music .
S1-2 0410 a carrier wiped it

BRAZIL 4915 CBN or Macapa with pop song on 0412 , S2 max

VoA 4930 S4 // 4960 S7 4930 has better audio

BRAZIL 5035 with Aparecida 0417 S3
(Z. Liangas, Greece - CumbreDX 26/04/2007)


21705 10.18 BSKSA RIYADH Arabic
21670 10.18 BSKSA RIYADH Indonesian
21495 10.20 BSKSA RIYADH Arabic
9510 10.22 IRRS English


4880 18.46 SW Radio Africa English
7155 19.30 R.THAILAND English
7190 19.36 RTV.TUNISIA Arabic


15140 16.18 AIR Russian
15150 16.19 VOICE OF INDONESIA Arabic
15165 16.21 R.FARDA Persian
15205 16.22 BSKSA RIYADH Arabic
15225 16.24 BSKSA RIYADH Arabic
15235 16.25 CHANNEL AFRICA French
13660 16.28 BBC Arabic
4820 17.09 AIR Kolkata Hindi
4830 17.12 AIR Jammu Hindi
9855 18.15 R.KUWAIT Arabic


9585 18.33 Christian Science
Monitor Russian


11530 8.58 Denge Mezopotamya Kurdish
6045 15.13 AIR Delhi Urdu
6065 15.16 R.SWEDEN Swedish
11585 15.10 AIR Delhi (Khampur) Baluchi
11675 15.32 R.CANADA INT. English
15120 17.00 VOICE OF NIGERIA English
15205 17.10 BSKSA RIYADH Arabic
15235 17.19 CHANNEL AFRICA English
15355 17.22 R.JAPAN English
15785 17.33 GALEI ZAHAL Hebrew
15715 17.36 CVC INTERNATIONAL English
15600 17.51 IBRA RADIO Somali
13820 18.00 CVC INTERNATIONAL English
11835 18.22 Voice of Africa French
11810 18.37 SW Radio Africa English
11810 19.00 R.ALGIERS Arabic
9510 19.40 TRANS WORLD RADIO Ewe
9905 20.10 AIR Aligarh French
9575 20.22 R.MEDITERRANEE Int. Arabic


15335 13.09 RTV MAROCAINE Arabic
13640 13.24 R.OMAN Arabic
9640 13.36 VOR
from Novosibirsk Japanese

17895 13.43 BSKSA RIYADH Arabic
11510 13.57 DEEWA RADIO from Sri Lanka Farsi
(Александр Мядель, Минск, Беларусь)

This is what I heard recently here in Skovlunde on my AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 metres of longwire:

2310 2010-2030 AUS 27-04 VL8A, ABC Alice Springs English interview 35343 heard // 2325 ( 35443) and 2485 (35443). Very good reception!


3396 0200-0210 ZWE 26-04 ZBC Guineafowl, Gweru Vernacular ann, Afropop 33333 AP-DNK

3905 2013-2035 PNG 24-04 R New Ireland, Kavieng (p) Vernacular ann, long native songs, no ID heard, best in USB due to CWQRM 23332


4409.80 0110-0150 BOL 26 and 27-04 R Eco, Reyes, Beni Spanish ann, romantic songs 25333 AP-DNK

4746.80 0115-0135 PRU 27-04 R Huanta 2000, Huanta Spanish talks, huaynos 24333 AP-DNK

4750 *0000-0020 fade out BGD 27-04 Bangladesh Betar, Dhaka Bengali news 15221 AP-DNK

4780.0 0125-0135 GTM 27-04 R Cultural Coatan, Huehuetenango Spanish talk, marimba music 25333 AP-DNK

4790.06 0210-0355 PRU 26 and 28-04 R VisiСn, Chiclayo Spanish religious talk, hymns and music 25222 AP-DNK

4825 0130-0140 B 27-04 R Cancao Nova, Cachoeira Paulista, SP Portuguese religious talk, hymn 34333 heard // 9675 (25232) AP-DNK

4845 0245-0300 CLA 23-04 Voice of Iranian Kurdistan Kurdish political talk about Iran by man and woman, short fanfares, song 35444. The Iranian

jammer stayed on 4870 this morning! Transmitter on 3970v was also off the air this morning. AP-DNK

4875.53 0220-0230 B 26-04 R Difusora, Boa Vista, Roraima Portuguese football report 25232 AP-DNK

4915 0225-0235 B 26-04 R Difusora, Macapa, AM Portuguese ID: "RАdio Difusora de Macapa a RАdio da Amazonia", Brazilian pop songs 35333


5010 *0023-0100 IND 27-04 AIR Thiruvananthapuram Malayalam/Hindi/English opening ann, ID, news, Indian songs 45444 AP-DNK

5010.0 0155-0315 fade out HND 26 and 27-04 R Misiones Int., ComayagЭela (p) Spanish (religious ?) talks, hymns at best 24333 CWQRM


5014.42 0340-0405* PRU 28-04 R Altura, Cerro de Pasco Spanish ann, huaynos 24232 AP-DNK

5952.5 0140-0150 BOL 26-04 R Pio Doce, Siglo Veinte Spanish conversation mentioning Siglo Veinte, Andean music, much sideband QRM 32343


6105.5 0135-0210 BOL 27-04 R Panamericana, La Paz Spanish report from football match, 0140 "Goooooooooal!, TA, ID 33443 AP-DNK

9290 1120-1202* LVA Sa 28-04 R Casablanca, via Ulbroka German request programme, pop music, postal address and web address, ann next

broadcast in February! 55555 AP-DNK

9610 2210-2230 THA 24-04 BBC, via Nakhon Sawan Chinese news mentioning Shanghai, report 44444 heard // Nakhon Sawan 11980 (22432)


9710 1124-1430 LTU Su 22-04 Laser Radio, via Sitkunai English ID's, ann, oldies 55545 deteriorating to 35333 AP-DNK

9765 2040-2100 G 22-04 R Algerienne Holy Koran, via Rampisham Arabic recitations, hymn, poetry, ann, ID, frequency ann 55444 heard //

Woofferton 12025 (55555) AP-DNK

13830 1745-1759* CLA Th 26-04 Voice of Democratic Eritrea, via Juelich Tigrinya talk, closing ann with music from Horn of Africa 35333

(Anker Petersen, DNK - playdx2003 28/04/2007)

The terribly distorted spur, or mistuned transmitter, as
previously reported on April 20, centred about 7313, was again heard April 24,
this time centred about 7311, from tune-in 0524. Talking but could not be sure
of language. 0527 rapid-fire talk and machine-gun FX; seemed Portuguese, maybe.
0530 into French talk, or so it seemed again at least from intonation. Looked
around 6, 7 and 9 MHz for possible parallels, but none found. It was definitely
not // ANU 9580 or RDPI 7240. 0544 broke for a bit of singing by a woman, 0545
back to male voice speaking. Was getting more and more distorted and weakening
somewhat. After some shouts, stopped at 0555, but ``carrier`` remained on
making its own noises including squeals, QRMing DW from its *0557 on 7310.0,
which is via Sines, 0600 that into English news. At 0558 the spur seemed to
resume talking. Soon I gave up for the night. This remains a total mystery.
Can`t find any clues in HFCC, EiBi, Aoki, or ADDX schedule of French
broadcasts. There are of course, quite a few at this hour on various
frequencies, but none which seem to have any relation with 7312v. Perhaps
someone can fiddle with audio processing, or with FM detection to make this
more readable, or at least identifiable (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 24/04/2007)

9735v, April 22 at 1406 – there was an oscillating jammer (?)
around this frequency --- the carrier was rapidly going up and down so you
could not really hear it tuned right on 9735, but certainly with the BFO on, or
as its pitch varied beating against BBC 9740; nothing on 9730. HFCC, EiBi and
Aoki have nothing at all scheduled on 9735 at this time, so no idea what or
against what (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 24/04/2007)

For the third time, I heard that extremely distorted squealing
spur during the 0500 UT hour. Unlike the previous occasions, RN Flevo in Dutch
was propagating, and thus was getting the brunt of the interference around 7310
at 0539 April 25 (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 26/04/2007)

11695,0 2145 AUS R AUSTRALIA-Shepparton Com 26/04 Ing 25232
11620,0 2152 IND AIR-Bgangalore Mx tipica 26/04 Ing 35333
9580,0 2206 KOR BBC-Kimjae Com 26/04 Chi 33333
11670,0 2222 CUB RN VENEZUELA-LaJulia Mx+Id+Dir 26/04 Esp 35333
9330,0 2233 SYR R DAMASCO-Adra Com polit 26/04 Esp 22222
6195,0 2242 TUR V TURQUIA-Emirler Correo+Mx POP 26/04 Ing 45444
9355,0 2253 USA WEWN-Vandiver Rlg 26/04 Esp 25332
9370,0 2257 USA WTJC-Newport Rlg 26/04 Ing 45444
9385,0 2259 USA WWRB-Manchester Rlg 26/04 Ing 25332
6190,0 2353 D DEUCHLANDFUNK-Berlin Mx boleros 26/04 Ale 25222
6145,0 0000 CAN NHK-Sackville Id+Nx 27/04 Ing 35333
(Tomas Mendez, Spain - playdx2003 27/04/2007)

24/07 21:27 11760 R.Havana Cuba 55533, dx progr. in eng. till 21:30
24/07 21:37 9500 R.Australia 54533, music, progr: breakfast club, in eng.
24/07 21:56 9950 All India Radio 55533, in eng. //9445, 9910 (54544), 11620 (55533)
24/07 22:00 11725 VOA 55533, in eng., news
24/07 22:10 9560 NHK 54533, in jp.
24/07 22:19 11930 R.Marti 34533
24/07 22:52 11840 R.Australia 55533, progr: breakfast club, interf. from CRI in eng. after 23:00
25/04 05:42 17655 R.Thailand 35533, in eng., business news, than sport news
25/07 06:01 15515 CVC The V.Asia 45533, in eng.
25/07 06:11 17560 RFE/RL 34533, in rus.
(Игорь Данилевич, Збараж, Украина - open_dx 28/04/2007)

Updated schedule for SW Radio Africa in English to SoAf:
1700-1900 on 4880 MEY 100 kW / 005 deg
1700-1900 on 11775 MSK 250 kW / 190 deg
1700-1900 on 11810 ARM 300 kW / 188 deg
1700-1900 on 11975 KVI 500 kW / 155 deg Wed/Thu/Fri only
1700-1900 on 12035 RMP 500 kW / 140 deg
(Ivo Ivanov via bclnews 25/04/2007)

09080 TNS: Algerian Embassy Tunis 1433 ALE/USB Calls MAE-MAE
Algiers who responds. (23Apr07) (MPJ)

09212 13252: Protection Civile Marocaine 1449 ALE/USB Sounding.
(23Apr07) (MPJ)

10066 VP-BQW: Aeroflot A320 Flt SU0143 1537 HFDL Logs on to Hat Yai
then QSYs to Kranoyarsk on 10087 kHz. (23Apr07) (MPJ)

10066 VP-BQP: Aeroflot A320 "A. Rubler" Flt SU0274 1538 HFDL Logs
on. (23Apr07) (MPJ)

10066 VP-BQV: Aeroflot A320 Flt SU0140 1539 HFDL Posn report 5553N
03654E. (23Apr07) (MPJ)

10066 VP-BWK: Aeroflot A319 Flt SU0220 1543 HFDL Posn report 5548N
03640E via Hat Yai. (23Apr07) (MPJ)

10087 B-6231: China Eastern A319 Flt MU2318 1551 HFDL Posn report
2836N 01644E via Krasnoyarsk Aero. (23Apr07) (MPJ)

10087 B-6217: China Eastern A319 1555 HFDL Logs on. (23Apr07) (MPJ)

11000 RIW: Naval HQ Moscow 1351 CW RMDZ de RIW QYT4 QDW 12414/12414
K. RIW QYT4 QLS K. RIW R K. Nothing found on 12414. (23Apr07) (MPJ)

11001.7 EURI: Algerian Customs Commcen (TELEMCEN) Algiers 1405
PACTOR-1/100/180 Relaying admin messages in French to Constantine,
Skikda and Algiers. Sent "de EURI" in Morse several times before
going into PACTOR. Some messages decode to graphics characters
despite good synch. Encrypted? Subordinate stations reply in turn
but are too weak to copy. (23Apr07) (MPJ)

11073 : CIS Military 1209 CW Vs + part of message: PchFBI aKLZL
AOJZT. Nothing further. (23Apr07) (MPJ)

16607 XKP: NATO NC3A Possibly 1027 ALE/USB Calls XSS. (23Apr07) (MPJ)
(Jim, UK - udxf 23/04/2007)

8912.0 USB : "1511" (sounds like) clg CAMSLANT Chesapeake w/no
joy [4/19/2007] [spc]

8912.0 USB : CAMSLANT clg 'Juliet 18' for pos report. "1708" replies,
askng if CAMSLANT was calling them. [4/19/2007] [spc]

8917.0 USB : 2x fishermen, "southern" accents, 'colorfully'
discussing their profession, relatives, and catch - no locations
discernible [4/19/2007] [spc]

8989.0 USB : CAMSLANT w/"Yankee Zero Mike" ops normal
report [14:20 utc 4/20/2007] [spc]

13927.1 USB : 'Reach 285' (not heard here) w/PP thru AFA3AD (sounds
like - weak here). AFA3AD adv. to try again when nearer Phoenix (?)
[4/23/2007] [spc]

13927.1 USB : 'Bison 86' w/PP thru AFA6PF to DSN xxx-2175 Base Ops
for wx est. 1930 arrival time [4/23/2007] [spc]
(Steve Carmin, Xenia, Ohio, USA - udxf 23/04/2007)

04721 IDR: Italian Navy HQ Roma 2130 J3E/USB clg MISSION 7100, no joy.
20/Apr/07 (ALF)

04724 ANDREWS: unid HF-GCS node 2131 J3E/USB relay of EAMs N25ZYB,
N2CFAP from Andrews. 20/Apr/07 (ALF)

04828 P: Russian Navy Kaliningrad [RMP] 1634 CW SLHFB P. 22/Apr/07 (ALF)

05051.3 L9CC: Chinese Military 2138 CW V-mkr to CP17. 20/Apr/07 (ALF)

05132 9850: unid 2035 ALE/USB SND. 22/Apr/07 (ALF)

05195 DRA5: DARC Solar Geomagnet Data Station, Scheggerott, D 1215
RTTY/ITA2-45/170/N radio propagation bulletin, 1218z into CW
"VVV DE DRA5 3/18/N/N", 1225z CW radio propagation bulletin.
22/APRIL/2007 (DL8AAM)

05402 FC6: FEMA Reg. 6 CM Denton, TX 0306 ALE/USB SND. 22/Apr/07 (ALF)

05470 XL18: unid 2143 ALE/USB to XL10. 22/Apr/07 (ALF) ALG MIL/MOI ?
05470 : unid 2150 ALE/USB to AC10. 22/Apr/07 (ALF) ALG MIL/MOI ?

05541 REACH 832: USAF Contract Flight by World Airways [WOA] 0132
J3E/USB wkg Stockholm, dep OKBK/Kuwait 0104, ETA EDDP/Leipzig
0645, s/c FS-PR. 21/Apr/07 (ALF)

05568 AVRORA: Volgograd Aero, RUS 0338 J3E/USB YL/RR sx wkg many stns
fr ra/chk. 23/Apr/07 (ALF)

05598 CABO VERDE 690: TACV Cape Verde [TCV] (Cape Verde) 2148 J3E/USB
wkg Santa Maria. 20/Apr/07 (ALF)

05598 C-FHPM: BIZ Flight (Barric Gold Corp.) 2214 J3E/USB wkg New York
(Gulfstream IV). 20/Apr/07 (ALF)

05598 HB-JEI: Dasnair [DGX] (Switzerland) 0110 J3E/USB wkg New York,
s/c HS-KP (Falcon 900). 23/Apr/07 (ALF)

05680 SIERRA 137: RAF Sea King HAR3 Heli (D Flight 202 Sqn, RAF
Lossiemouth) 2055 J3E/USB wkg Kinloss Rescue, pos. 57N48 002W37.
22/Apr/07 (ALF)

05680 SIERRA 169: RAF Sea King HAR 3A Heli (A Flight 22 Sqn,
RMB Chivenor) 1442 J3E/USB wkg Kinloss Rescue. 22/Apr/07 (ALF)

05680 RESCUE 125: RAF Sea King HAR 3A Heli (B Flight 22 Sqn,
RAF Wattisham)1642 J3E/USB wkg Kinloss Rescue. 22/Apr/07 (ALF)

05680 RESCUE 128: RAF Sea King HAR3 Heli (E Flight 202 Sqn, RAF
Leconfield) 2056 J3E/USB wkg Kinloss Rescue. 22/Apr/07 (ALF)

05698 : unid Spanish Airforce 0115 J3E/USB OM/SS wkg unid aircraft,
gave B1 as primary and B3 & B5 as alternative. 21/Apr/07 (ALF)

05732 ICB: USCG (Famous Class Medium-Endurance) Cutter Forward
(#WMEC 911; Portsmoth, VA) [NICB] 0315 ALE/USB SND.
22/Apr/07 (ALF)

05750 OMA: unid 0315 ALE/USB to GEI, which replyed; into voice (Balkan/
Greek? or Caucasus?) sx YL & OM, ID as OMEGA, then into
MIL-STD 188-110B/2400BPS/L. 23/Apr/07 (ALF)

05752 2011: Italian Caranbinieri 0100 ALE/USB to 2009 w/AMD DIAL4.
23/Apr/07 (ALF)

05755 2004: Italian Caranbinieri 0037 ALE/USB to 2028 w/AMD DIAL4.
23/Apr/07 (ALF)

05759 2052: Italian Carabinieri 2228 ALE/USB to ____4 w/AMD DIAL4.
22/Apr/07 (ALF)
05759 2013: Italian Carabinieri 0015 ALE/USB to 2049 w/AMD DIAL4.
23/Apr/07 (ALF)

05770 RGP: Saudi Arabian (MIL/MOI?) 0156 ALE/USB [TIS]. 21/Apr/07 (ALF)

05784 0000210188: Greek Police 0328 ALE/USB SND. 23/Apr/07 (ALF)

05833 13262: Moroccan Civil Protection 2155 ALE/USB SND. 20/Apr/07 (ALF)
Another frequency for them...

05881 RMP: Russian Navy Kaliningrad 1648 CW "REO(x3) de RMP(x2) QTC 337
142 22 2t17 337 = PRIP KALININGRAD 74 KARTA 23100 GDANXSKIJ
ZALIEM ...". 22/Apr/07 (ALF)

05897.4 WPUC469: SailMail Node South Daytona, FL 0328 PACTOR-x sx tfc
with CW-id at the end. 22/Apr/07 (ALF)

06505 2011: Italian Carabinieri 1727 ALE/USB to 2009. 22/Apr/07 (ALF)

06739 ANDREWS: HF-GCS USAF Andrews AFB, MD [AFA] 2126 J3E/USB with
a "SKYKING, SKYKING DO NOT ANSWER ..."-msg. 20/Apr/07 (ALF)

06748 TSM: unid 1539 ALE/USB SND. 22/Apr/07 (ALF) ISR AF related?

06800 1201: unid 0225 ALE/USB SND. 21/Apr/07 (ALF)

06902.5 2132: unid 0210 ALE/USB to 4920. 21/Apr/07 (ALF)

06905 2049: Italian Carabinieri 1807 ALE/LSB to 2013. 22/Apr/07 (ALF)
06905 2052: Italian Carabinieri 1808 ALE/LSB to 2028 w/AMD DIAL4.
22/Apr/07 (ALF)
06905 2011: Italian Carabinieri 1810- ALE/LSB to 2075, 2009 w/AMD DIAL4.
22/Apr/07 (ALF)
06905 2004: Italian Carabinieri 1810 ALE/LSB to 2009 w/AMD DIAL58,
2100z to 2028 w/AMD DIAL4. 22/Apr/07 (ALF)

06911.5 T4Z101: US Army 4/101 Avn Bn, QTH ? 0015 ALE/USB SND.
21/Apr/07 (ALF)

06925 AAA: Israeli Airforce Tel Aviv 1707 ALE/USB SND. 22/Apr/07 (ALF)

06926 2013: Italian Carabinieri 1712 ALE/USB to 2009 w/AMD DIAL4.
22/Apr/07 (ALF)
06926 2004: Italian Carabinieri 2255 ALE/USB to 2009 w/AMD DIAL4.
22/Apr/07 (ALF)

06934 TWVB1: Guardia Civil Burgos, E 1747 ALE/USB to TVVL2 (unid);
1753z unid [TO TZS]. 22/Apr/07 (ALF)

06936 2011: Italian Carabinieri 1739- ALE/USB to 2075, 2009 w/AMD DIAL4.
22/Apr/07 (ALF)

07000 2011: Italian Carabinieri 1732 ALE/USB to 2075 w/AMD DIAL4.
22/Apr/07 (ALF)

07710 DAMMAN: unid Saudia Arabian Net, Dammam 1758 ALE/USB to RIYADH,
into voice, too weak for details; 1911z SND. 22/Apr/07 (ALF)

07710 : unid 1915 ALE/USB [TO 110]. 22/Apr/07 (ALF)

10125 T2Z25: US Army 2/25 Aviation, QTH ? IRQ ? 1845 ALE/USB SND.
20/Apr/07 (ALF)

10125 T3Z25: US Army 3/25 Avn, Camp Speicher/Tikrit, IRQ 1847
ALE/USB SND & to R00930. 20/Apr/07 (ALF)

10125 T25: unid US Army Aviation, QTH ? IRQ ? 1940 ALE/USB SND.
20/Apr/07 (ALF)

10125 T1Z82: US Army 1/82 Aviation, QTH ? IRQ ? 2011 ALE/USB SND.
20/Apr/07 (ALF)
(Thomas Rosner, Germany - udxf 23/04/2007)

06852.0 RIYADH: Riyadh, ARS,prb E.R.D.A. 0126 USB/ALE snd (23/APR/07) (KK)

06852.0 DAMMAM: Dammam, ARS, prb E.R.D.A. 0113 USB/ALE clg RIYADH:
Riyadh, ARS (23/APR/07) (KK)

06852.0 RIYADH: Riyadh, ARS,prb E.R.D.A. 2226 USB/ALE snd (22/APR/07) (KK)

06852.0 DAMMAM: Dammam, ARS, prb E.R.D.A. 2213 USB/ALE snd (22/APR/07) (KK)

06873.5 XGV: unid 1609 USB/ALE clg XSS, ser.tone, after connect
(23/APR/07) (KK)

06873.5 XSS: unid 1606 USB/ALE clg XGV (23/APR/07) (KK)

06873.5 XSS: unid 1553 USB/ALE snd (23/APR/07) (KK)
(Kristian, Germany - udxf 24/04/2007)

07501.7 Unid: Algerian Customs Port Bejaia 0906 Pactor 1 200 baud tfc
(2007-04-24) (sw)

07890.0 CS001: Mkd-Mil 1004 ALE/USB clg RS002 (2007-04-24) (sw)

08000.0 2013: Ita-Corpo Carabinieri 1018 ALE/USB clg 2049 (2007-04-24) (sw)

08000.0 2013: Ita-Corpo Carabinieri 1022 ALE/USB clg 2009 (2007-04-24) (sw)

03161.0 XKW: Unid (XSS net) 1442 ALE/USB clg XSS (2007-04-24) (sw)

06873.5 XSS: Unid (XSS net) 1451 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-24) (sw)

05759.0 2013: Ita-Corpo Carabinieri 1508 ALE/USB clg 2049 (2007-04-24) (sw)

09200.0 2011: Ita-Corpo Carabinieri 1512 ALE/USB clg 2413 (2007-04-24) (sw)

09200.0 2013: Ita-Corpo Carabinieri 1522 ALE/USB clg 2049 (2007-04-24) (sw)

08000.0 2013: Ita-Corpo Carabinieri 1523 ALE/USB clg 2009 (2007-04-24) (sw)

09200.0 2001: Unid 1547 ALE/USB clg 2516 (2007-04-24) (sw)

09200.0 13122: Unid 1549 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-24) (sw)

13490.0 LESKOVIKU: Alb-Moi Leskovik, Korca province 1552 ALE/USB clg
SHEBENIKU (2007-04-24) (sw)

11480.0 LESKOVIKU: Alb-Moi Leskovik, Korca province 1554 ALE/USB clg
SHEBENIKU (2007-04-24) (sw)

10840.0 LESKOVIKU: Alb-Moi Leskovik, Korca province 1556 ALE/USB clg
SHEBENIKU (2007-04-24) (sw)

05379.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol Madrid 1557 ALE/USB clg TWCR2 Orense (2007-04-24) (sw)

03497.0 3771: Unid 2210 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-24) (sw)

07801.0 6101: Unid 2228 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-24) (sw)

07801.0 6901: Unid 2235 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-24) (sw)

03300.0 XA31: Alg-Mil 2308 ALE/USB clg RM30 (2007-04-24) (sw)

09190.0 TALOPS: TF Talon HQ at FOB Salerno (near Khost/Afghanistan) 2309
ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-24) (sw)
(Sam, UK - udxf 25/04/2007)

02232.0 H8A ff exercice? 0628 USB fr/eng c I7K 22avr07
02761.0 OSU ostende 0635 USB eng naws 22avr07
04420.0 ESA? tallinn 0645 USB rus d/x 22avr07
06510.0 unid 0710 CW 22avr07
06825.0 FAV22 0719 CW 22avr07
12745.5 JJC kyodo 1614 FAX jap news...22avr07
12877.5 UIW kaliningrad 1624 ITA2/50/170 cyril 22avr07
12594.5 A9M hamala bhr 1500 CW de 24avr07
12606.0 UIW kaliningrad 1502 ARQ c UDKS kapitan edemskiy 24avr07
12613.0 XSQ guangzhou 1506 CW de 24avr07
12637.5//12649.5 XSG shanghai 1508 CW de 24avr07
12916.5 //12923 HLF soul 1512 CW 24avr07
13197.0 UTT odessa 1514 USB ukr d/x 24avr07
04856.0 unid FDI? 1835 CW crypte 24avr07
04331.0 4xz navy haifa 2109 CW 24avr07
02436.0 FANNY ff? exercice? 0623 USB d/x c DV 25avr07
05616.0 atc nat shanwick 0648 USB c ACRS c-gfah aca a330 25avr07
(mic, France - udxf 25/04/2007)

07000.0 2013: Ita-Corpo Carabinieri 1540 ALE/USB clg 2009 (2007-04-25) (sw)
07500.0 2013: Ita-Corpo Carabinieri 1548 ALE/USB clg 2009 (2007-04-25) (sw)
05752.0 2013: Ita-Corpo Carabinieri 1621 ALE/USB clg 2009 (2007-04-25) (sw)
08000.0 2013: Ita-Corpo Carabinieri 1624 ALE/USB clg 2009 (2007-04-25) (sw)
10295.0 2052: Ita-Corpo Carabinieri 1626 ALE/LSB clg 2054 (2007-04-25) (sw)
07000.0 2013: Ita-Corpo Carabinieri 1631 ALE/USB clg 2049 (2007-04-25) (sw)
07000.0 2049: Ita-Corpo Carabinieri 1631 ALE/USB clg 2013 (2007-04-25) (sw)
10295.0 2013: Ita-Corpo Carabinieri 1632 ALE/LSB clg 2049 (2007-04-25) (sw)
09200.0 13082: Unid 1634 ALE/LSB sndg. (2007-04-25) (sw)
10295.0 2013: Ita-Corpo Carabinieri 1636 ALE/LSB clg 2009 (2007-04-25) (sw)
06926.0 2013: Ita-Corpo Carabinieri 1637 ALE/LSB clg 2009 (2007-04-25) (sw)
06936.0 2013: Ita-Corpo Carabinieri 1639 ALE/LSB clg 2009 (2007-04-25) (sw)
09200.0 2013: Ita-Corpo Carabinieri 1641 ALE/LSB clg 2049 (2007-04-25) (sw)
09200.0 13252: Unid 1649 ALE/LSB sndg. (2007-04-25) (sw)
09200.0 13011: Unid 1820 ALE/LSB sndg. (2007-04-25) (sw)
04830.0 2013: Ita-Corpo Carabinieri 1822 ALE/LSB clg 2049 (2007-04-25) (sw)
04830.0 2049: Ita-Corpo Carabinieri 1822 ALE/LSB clg 2013 (2007-04-25) (sw)
05752.0 389: Unid 1824 ALE/USB clg 272 (2007-04-25) (sw)
04830.0 2052: Ita-Corpo Carabinieri 1827 ALE/USB clg 2056 (2007-04-25) (sw)
04830.0 2056: Ita-Corpo Carabinieri 1827 ALE/USB clg 2052 (2007-04-25) (sw)
08038.0 2013: Ita-Corpo Carabinieri 1831 ALE/LSB clg 2009 (2007-04-25) (sw)
(Sam, UK - udxf 25/04/2007)

At 1801z, 15016.0 was active with DEDICATE calling MAINSAIL and
raising MCCLELLAN for phone patch to DSN 271-7190, for discussion of
bringing up RF-18 orderwire at station BLAZES. Called party referred
to by callword that sounded like TAPDECK or MAPDECK.

At conclusion of patch, DEDICATE told called party he would meet him
on the orderwire, and terminated the patch at 1809z.
(KC2HMZ, KNY2VS, Tonawanda, NY, USA - udxf 25/04/2007)

07810.0 2010: prb.Italian Carabinieri USB/ALE snd (23/APR/07) (KK)

08780.0 No Call: ISR Ny 1433 USB/Ser.Tone Hybrid Modem (23/APR/07) (KK)

05840.5 CO??C: unid 1050 P-I/100Bd@Cf=800Hz ,
no joy changed to 6814.5 kHZ (25/APR/07) (KK)

06814.5 CO??C: unid 1102 P-I/100Bd@Cf=800Hz
(25/APR/07) (KK)

06814.5 CO??C: unid 1103 P-I/100Bd@Cf=800Hz ,
P-III (6813.0kHzUSB@Cf=1500Hz) after connect (25/APR/07) (KK)

06859.5 No Call: unid prb.Italian 2055 LSB/R&S-PSK2400 Data exch.
after R&S-ARQ clg (25/APR/07) (KK)

Again the question. Any Ideas for the COxxC-Stations?
As there is much traffic the last days from the Italian Carabinieri.
Only a thought: C.O.C. Corpo or Corvo Carabinieri???
(Kristian, Germany - udxf 26/04/2007)

7160L HK5D-Juan Emilio, Cali, Colombia, 25 abril, +0240-0300, con señal potente, con 0.3 Kw, QSO
con HK8GG, HK4GRM, YV5KAJ-Pascuale, Caracas, y LU5DEM-Eduardo, a las 0300 UT paso a los 7085 también
en LSB.
7085L HK5D, 25 abril, 0300-0345+, con señal potente, anuncia que tiene un ICOM7600TY, ahora con
0.2 Kw, QSO con CM6BGA-Boris, Cuba; a las 0325 UT paso con QSO en inglés, UV5ECE, UA6HIS, OKWAS,
OK1AS, OZ1CJS, UTKZD, US8UA, y muchos más.
(Yimber Gaviria, Cali, Colombia - hard-core-dx 26/04/2007)

06881.5 1410: Unid 2220 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-25) (sw)

08061.0 COLASCOLAS1: Colas S.A. 2228 ALE/USB clg DJANETCOLAS1 Djanet Alg
(2007-04-25) (sw)

05807.0 LOKOJA: Nig-NNPC Loko 2253 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-25) (sw)

07759.0 LOKOJA: Nig-NNPC Loko 2254 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-25) (sw)

08086.0 LOKOJA: Nig-NNPC Loko 2255 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-25) (sw)

05374.5 BJ31: Alg-Mil 2304 ALE/USB clg RM30 (2007-04-25) (sw)

09200.0 13141: Unid 0914 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-26) (sw)

03155.0 11041: Unid 0925 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-26) (sw)

09200.0 2001: Unid 0926 ALE/USB clg 2202 (2007-04-26) (sw)

13499.0 1302: Unid 0929 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-26) (sw)

09200.0 1305: Unid 0930 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-26) (sw)

13499.0 1116: Unid 0934 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-26) (sw)

13499.0 2001: Unid 0936 ALE/USB clg 2516 (2007-04-26) (sw)

13499.0 1001: Unid 0938 ALE/USB clg 1105 (2007-04-26) (sw)

10390.0 1001: Unid 0939 ALE/USB clg 1105 (2007-04-26) (sw)

13499.0 1326: Unid 0939 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-26) (sw)

13499.0 1001: Unid 0948 ALE/USB clg 1107 (2007-04-26) (sw)

17435.0 2001: Unid 0950 ALE/USB clg 2516 (2007-04-26) (sw)

16240.0 2001: Unid 0951 ALE/USB clg 2516 (2007-04-26) (sw)

16240.0 1001: Unid 0954 ALE/USB clg 1109 (2007-04-26) (sw)
(Sam, UK - udxf 26/04/2007)

16240.0 2001: Unid 1059 ALE/USB clg 2405 (2007-04-26) (sw)

13499.0 2001: Unid 1101 ALE/USB clg 2405 (2007-04-26) (sw)

09200.0 2001: Unid 1103 ALE/USB clg 2405 (2007-04-26) (sw)

09200.0 LESKOVIKU: Alb-Moi Leskovik, Korca province 1104 ALE/USB clg
SHEBENIKU (2007-04-26) (sw)

16240.0 1001: Unid 1104 ALE/USB clg 1312 (2007-04-26) (sw)

10390.0 11032 Unid 1109 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-26) (sw)

13499.0 11032 Unid 1109 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-26) (sw)

09200.0 2052: Ita-Corpo Carabinieri 1109 ALE/USB clg 2056 (2007-04-26) (sw)

10390.0 2001: Unid 1110 ALE/USB clg 2407 (2007-04-26) (sw)

16240.0 2001: Unid 1114 ALE/USB clg 2201 (2007-04-26) (sw)

10840.0 LESKOVIKU: Alb-Moi Leskovik, Korca province 1117 ALE/USB clg
SHEBENIKU (2007-04-26) (sw)

09200.0 2001: Unid 1129 ALE/USB clg 2406 (2007-04-26) (sw)
(Sam, UK - udxf 26/04/2007)

16240.0 13082: Unid 1235 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-26) (sw)

13499.0 13082: Unid 1235 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-26) (sw)

16240.0 13052: Unid 1236 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-26) (sw)

13499.0 13052: Unid 1236 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-26) (sw)

13499.0 13122: Unid 1245 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-26) (sw)

16240.0 13122: Unid 1246 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-26) (sw)

09200.0 11142: Unid 1248 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-26) (sw)

16240.0 11142: Unid 1249 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-26) (sw)

16240.0 11111: Unid 1254 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-26) (sw)

09200.0 13262: Unid 1256 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-26) (sw)

13499.0 11111: Unid 1256 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-26) (sw)

09200.0 13051: Unid 1256 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-26) (sw)

13499.0 13051: Unid 1257 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-26) (sw)

10390.0 13051: Unid 1258 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-26) (sw)

16240.0 13081: Unid 1305 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-26) (sw)

13499.0 13081: Unid 1306 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-26) (sw)
(Sam, UK - udxf 26/04/2007)

all these idents are reported to be associated with
the net identified as "Moroccan Civil Protection".
One of largest (seen from the number of players
and monitored frequencies) and most active ALE-net
I ever read about....hi

E.g. found more then 100 different idents on 5792 kHz
Would be really nice if we could get more details about
them. It nearly looks like if each small Moroccan village
has it's own office with a high-end HF station...hi

73, Tom

PS: Send out today an eSWL-report to NATO NC3C The Hague, maybe 'll
get a QSL to confirm this XSS- "tent."-net ;-)

PS2: Last 2 days 2 Ute QSL arrived for the Global Link Network
today from Kiel Radio/DAO and yesterday from Manila Radio/DZO,
both for eRRs ;-)

BTW, do we have an up-to-date frequency list for the CE07
exercise. Do they oeprate in ALE? Sadly lost the details for
the last CE. Was in WUN, but as we start UDXF as a complete new
mailing list, no historic message search via yahoo is possible.

> 16240.0 13082: Unid 1235 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-26) (sw)
> 13499.0 13082: Unid 1235 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-26) (sw)
> 16240.0 13052: Unid 1236 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-26) (sw)
> 13499.0 13052: Unid 1236 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-26) (sw)
> 13499.0 13122: Unid 1245 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-26) (sw)
> 16240.0 13122: Unid 1246 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-26) (sw)
> 09200.0 11142: Unid 1248 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-26) (sw)
> 16240.0 11142: Unid 1249 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-26) (sw)
> 16240.0 11111: Unid 1254 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-26) (sw)
> 09200.0 13262: Unid 1256 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-26) (sw)
> 13499.0 11111: Unid 1256 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-26) (sw)
> 09200.0 13051: Unid 1256 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-26) (sw)
> 13499.0 13051: Unid 1257 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-26) (sw)
> 10390.0 13051: Unid 1258 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-26) (sw)
> 16240.0 13081: Unid 1305 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-26) (sw)
> 13499.0 13081: Unid 1306 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-26) (sw)
(Thomas Rosner, Germany - udxf 26/04/2007)

04721 DEJE1: unid, tent. US MIL's HF-GCS Net 1913 ALE/USB SND;
at 1911 unid [DAT E1@] (=DEJE1?) to DSMITH. 25/Apr/07 (ALF)

04810 2013: Italian Carabinieri 2130- ALE/USB to 2009. 23/Apr/07 (ALF)

05000 : ISR Intelligence 2115 AM YL 5LGs. 25/Apr/07 (ALF)

05020 : Algerian Military 2117 ALE/USB to VR40. 25/Apr/07 (ALF)

05266 : Algerian Military 2245- ALE/USB to VR40, VR46. 25/Apr/07 (ALF)

05708 DEJE1: unid, tent. US MIL's HF-GCS Net 1939 ALE/USB SND.
25/Apr/07 (ALF)

05730 611615: Nigerian Police 2300 ALE/USB to 611611. 25/Apr/07 (ALF)

06792 : unid 0121 ALE/USB to 2527. 26/Apr/07 (ALF)

06796 TYMR2: unid Guardia Civil, E 1906 ALE/USB to TXX2 (HQ).
25/Apr/07 (ALF)

06881.5 212: unid 2155 ALE/USB [TWS 212](complete?). 25/Apr/07 (ALF)
06881.5 0011: unid 0143 ALE/USB SND. 25/Apr/07 (ALF)
06881.5 1050: unid 0232 ALE/USB SND. 26/Apr/07 (ALF)
06881.5 1144: unid 2221 ALE/USB SND. 25/Apr/07 (ALF)
06881.5 1410: unid 2219 ALE/USB SND. 25/Apr/07 (ALF)
06881.5 1513: unid 0130 ALE/USB SND. 25/Apr/07 (ALF)
06881.5 1542: unid 0245 ALE/USB SND. 26/Apr/07 (ALF)
06881.5 1543: unid 0130 ALE/USB SND. 25/Apr/07 (ALF)
06881.5 1557: unid 2135 ALE/USB SND. 25/Apr/07 (ALF)
06881.5 1561: unid 0149 ALE/USB SND. 25/Apr/07 (ALF)
06881.5 1581: unid 0144 ALE/USB SND. 25/Apr/07; at 0015z to 1574.
26/Apr/07 (ALF)
06881.5 1912: unid 0200 ALE/USB SND. 25/Apr/07 (ALF)
06881.5 2132: unid 0139 ALE/USB SND. 25/Apr/07 (ALF)
06881.5 4024: unid 0149 ALE/USB SND. 25/Apr/07 (ALF)
06881.5 4920: unid 0124 ALE/USB SND. 25/Apr/07 (ALF)
06881.5 5000: unid 0248 ALE/USB SND. 26/Apr/07 (ALF)
06881.5 5111: unid 2359 ALE/USB SND. 24/Apr/07 (ALF)
06881.5 5112: unid 2127 ALE/USB SND. 25/Apr/07 (ALF)
06881.5 5305: unid 2130 ALE/USB SND. 25/Apr/07 (ALF)
06881.5 5500: unid 0156 ALE/USB SND. 25/Apr/07 (ALF)
06881.5 5501: unid 2155 ALE/USB SND. 25/Apr/07 (ALF)
06881.5 5502: unid 0153 ALE/USB SND. 25/Apr/07 (ALF)
06881.5 5512: unid 2145 ALE/USB SND. 25/Apr/07 (ALF)
06881.5 7004: unid 0120 ALE/USB SND. 25/Apr/07 (ALF)
06881.5 7010: unid 2355 ALE/USB SND. 24/Apr/07 (ALF)
06881.5 7012: unid 0155 ALE/USB SND. 25/Apr/07 (ALF)
06881.5 7101: unid 2225 ALE/USB SND. 25/Apr/07 (ALF)
06881.5 8010: unid 0233 ALE/USB SND. 26/Apr/07 (ALF)
06881.5 8040: unid 2130 ALE/USB SND. 25/Apr/07 (ALF)
06881.5 8042: unid 0233 ALE/USB SND. 26/Apr/07 (ALF)
06881.5 8111: unid 0244 ALE/USB SND. 26/Apr/07 (ALF)
06881.5 20101: unid 2221 ALE/USB SND. 25/Apr/07 (ALF)
06881.5 20103: unid 0138 ALE/USB SND. 25/Apr/07 (ALF)
06881.5 73111: unid 2157 ALE/USB SND. 25/Apr/07 (ALF)

06910 TF131: US Army NG Avn, Alabama 0238 ALE/USB SND.
25/Apr/07; 0110z to 04VUL into MIL-STD 188-110B.
26/Apr/07 (ALF)

06911.5 R00212: US Army Avn CH-47D Chinook Heli (#90-0212) 0101
ALE/USB to T5B159 (US Army 5-159th Avn of Felker AAF,
Fort Eustis, VA). 26/Apr/07 (ALF)
(Thomas Rosner, Germany - udxf 26/4/2007)

08298.3 VTP: Indian Naval Radio, Vishakhapatnam 1817 RTTY/50/850
VTP13/14 RBSL test tape. (26Apr07) (MPJ)

08462 9MR: RMN Johore Bahru, W.Malaysia 1827 RTTY/50/850 Sending
NNNN. (26Apr07) (MPJ)

08484 HLG: Seoul Radio, Korea 1837 CW CQ de HLG QSX 8 MHz K.
(26Apr07) (MPJ)

08500 VTH: Indian Naval Radio, Mumbai 1842 RTTY/50/850 RBSL1/4/5/7
test tape. (26Apr07) (MPJ)

08599 : CIS Military 1844 CW ... OAUZI chQVüGWOZchä ... enciphered
Morse sked in progress. (26Apr07) (MPJ)

08636 HLW: Seoul Radio, Korea 1846 CW CQ de HLW QSX 8 MHz K.
(26Apr07) (MPJ)

08646 VTP6: Indian Naval Radio, Vishakhapatnam 1722 CW 4FGs to
warships. (26Apr07) (MPJ)

09080 MAE: MAE Algiers 1712 ALE/USB Calls TNS-Tunis who responds.
(26Apr07) (MPJ)

09086 RHI: Poss Saudi Air Defence Net 1711 ALE/LSB Calls AAI.
(26Apr07) (MPJ)

09126.5 725: Canadian Military 1626 ALE/USB Calls 721, probably
CHM721-721 Comms Trp Canforce Glace Bay, NS. (26Apr07) (MPJ)

09200 LESKOVIKU: Albanian MOI/Military, Leskoviku, Corça Province
1704 ALE/USB Calls SHEBENIKU-Shebeniku. (26Apr07) (MPJ)

10618 055: Probably Chinese Net 1557 ALE/USB Sounding 10618 and on
9070 at 1634. (26Apr07) (MPJ)
(Jim, UK - udxf 26/04/2007)

13499.0 11132: Unid 1609 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-26) (sw)

13499.0 2011: Unid 1618 ALE/USB clg 2214 (2007-04-26) (sw)

13499.0 2214: Unid 1624 ALE/USB clg 2011 (2007-04-26) (sw)

05575.0 1142: Unid 1850 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-26) (sw)

06881.5 3559: Unid 1852 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-26) (sw)

04970.0 5830: Unid 1910 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-26) (sw)

05575.0 1581: Unid 1926 ALE/USB clg 1574 (2007-04-26) (sw)

05094.0 CY52: Alg-Mil/Moi 2102 ALE/USB clg CY40 (2007-04-26) (sw)

05300.0 CY52: Alg-Mil/Moi 2104 ALE/USB clg CY40 (2007-04-26) (sw)

05777.0 986: Unid 2108 ALE/USB clg 153 (2007-04-26) (sw)

05266.0 VR43: Alg-Mil/Moi 2104 ALE/USB clg VR40 (2007-04-26) (sw)
(Sam, UK - udxf 27/04/2007)

314 kHz GGU Prague NDB, Prague, OK f/d PFC in 6 days, v/s
illegible. Power 25 watts. Address: City of Prague, 1116 N. Jim Thorpe
Blvd., Prague, OK 74864. (Jim Pogue, Memphis, TN USA)

365 kHz PTS Pittsburg NDB, Pittsburg, KS f/d PFC in 7 days
from Gary Iori, Airport Manager. Power 25 watts. Address: Atkinson Airport,
3510 Airport Dr., Pittsburg, KS 66762-0688. (Jim Pogue-Memphis, TN USA)

382 kHz SP HUSKK NDB, Springfield, IL f/d PFC in 10 days
from Brian Smith. Power 25 watts. Address: FAA, SPI SSC, Suite 210, 2001
Capital Airport Dr., Springfield, IL 62707. (Jim Pogue-Memphis, TN USA)

388 kHz JUG JECCA NDB, Seagoville, TX f/d PFC in 9 days from
Cynthia Godfrey. Power 25 watts. Address: Mesquite Metro Airport, 1340
Airport Blvd., Mesquite, TX 75181. (Jim Pogue-Memphis, TN USA)

515 kHz PN Ponca NDB, Ponca City, OK f/d PFC in 8 days, v/s
illegible. Power 5 watts (according to the QSL). Address: Federal Aviation
Administration, Ponca City Regional Airport, Box 1450, Ponca City, OK 74602.
(Jim Pogue-Memphis, TN USA - udxf 27/04/2007)

05120.0 3BT: Geo-Mil 2125 ALE/USB clg GS1 (2007-04-26) (sw)

05443.0 VR43: Alg-Mil/Moi 2125 ALE/USB clg VR40 (2007-04-26) (sw)

08086.0 BENIN: Nig-NNPC Benin 2128 ALE/USB sndg (2007-04-26) (sw)

05268.5 XSS: Unid 2128 ALE/USB sndg (2007-04-26) (sw)

06486.0 T1Z82: Usa-Mil 1/82nd Avn 2223 ALE/USB sndg (2007-04-26) (sw)

05575.0 1513: Unid 2226 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-26) (sw)
(Sam, UK - udxf 27/04/2007)

03291.0 RMP? kaliningrad 0502 CW "p" 26avr07

03292.2 unid 0506 NATO75? 26avr07

02126.5 unid 0628 CW 5 letters groups 27avr07

04217.0 UIW kaliningrad 0705 CW/ARQ de 27avr07

04325.0 unid 0710 ITA2?/50/850/ous encrypt 27avr07

04760.0 6YT rn? 0724 USB eng c 5XZ 27avr07
(mic, France - udxf 27/04/2007)

2569.2 USN ship/ship
4138.5 Link Co-ord net (West coast?)
4140 Magic 65, Boulmer Links
4760 Link Co-ord net (East coast?)
(Geoff aka skyking, UK - udxf 27/04/2007)

7324.1 USB : MARS station AFA1YY in net ops with other stations (very
weak/not heard here) [14:41 UTC] [4/27/2007] [spc]

11232.0 USB : "Chalice Foxtrot" clg Trenton Military for signal
check. "Chalice Foxtrot" adv. they are in "sector 8" [15:09 UTC]
[4/24/2007] [spc]

11232.0 USB : "Bandsaw Kilo" w/PP thru Trenton Military to DSN xxx-
4466. "Bandsaw Kilo" calls "Fescue" (sounds like) with nothing
heard - terminates PP. "Bandsaw Kilo" adv. they will try again in 60
mins.[15:17] [4/24/2007] [Steve C, Xenia, Ohio, USA - udxf 27/04/2007]

04162.5 RCV: Russian Navy Black Sea Fleet HQ Sevastopol, UKR 0208 CW
simplex wkg RMGZ. 27/Apr/07 (ALF)

04721 MOBD14: unid, US MIL's HF-GCS Net 0310 ALE/USB SND.
27/Apr/07 (ALF)

05094 CY56: Algerian Military 2153 ALE/USB to CY40. 26/Apr/07 (ALF)

05120 3BT: Georgian Military Net 2125 ALE/USB to GS1; at 2120z unid
to 3BT (tent. GS1). 26/Apr/07 (ALF)

05129 BB2: unid Israeli Airforce 0228 ALE/USB SND. 27/Apr/07 (ALF)

05268.5 XJV: unid 0125 ALE/USB to XSS, which answered, into MIL-STD
188-110B. 27/Apr/07 (ALF)

05711 3113: unid 2238 ALE/USB SND. 26/Apr/07 (ALF) SHARES Net ??

05711 USDC2: unid SHARES Net 0000a ALE/USB [TWS]. 27/Apr/07 (ALF)

05871 : unid Guardia Civil 0156 ALE/USB [DAT E1@], to TZSE2.
27/Apr/07 (ALF)

06733 IDR: Italian Navy Roma 1045 J3E/USB wkg 0FH. 27/Apr/07 (ALF)

06739 ANDREWS: unid HF-GCS Node 2035 J3E/USB w/relay of Andrews's
EAM OVGKLC. 26/Apr/07 (ALF)
(Thomas Rosner, Germany - udxf 27/04/2007)

11130.0 Z2: Mrc-Mil 0935 ALE/USB clg C3 (2007-04-27) (sw)
07650.0 PIP: Unid 0935 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-27) (sw)
13499.0 2206: Unid 1929 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-27) (sw)
08180.0 4001: Unid 1932 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-27) (sw)
08045.0 RFP: Unid (poss Saudi net) 1936 ALE/USB clg JCP (2007-04-27) (sw)
08045.0 RFI: Unid (poss Saudi net) 1938 ALE/USB clg JCI (2007-04-27) (sw)
05770.0 RGP: Unid (poss Saudi net) 2031 ALE/USB clg JDP (2007-04-27) (sw)
(Sam, UK - udxf 28/04/2007)

08190.0 PRATICA01: Gd. di Finanza Pratica di Mare, I
1258 USB, clng vsl G.92 "ALBERTI" (24Apr07) (LDO)

09001.7 CNTD: Centre Nat. de transm. d. Douanes Algiers,
ALG 0847 PACTOR-I 100Bd/200Bd, tfc in French to
unlocated station (28Apr07) (LDO)

09241.0 no-call: UNID NATO Naval network, 0907 USB/
STANAG 4285/600 bps long interleaving, KG-84
crypto, at least 3 different stations on air,
one of them French Navy using THALES TRC-1752
modem (21Apr07) (LDO)

10114.5 no-call: UNID French Army station, F 0902 USB,
retransmission of audio from a Système 3000
TRC-3600 radio in scan mode, scan rate of 5
channels per sec + scanlist of 12 channels
(21Apr07) (LDO)

10682.5 no-call: UNID French Army station, F 1047 USB,
retransmission of audio from a Système 3000
TRC-3600 radio in scan mode, scan rate of 5
channels per sec + scanlist of 12 channels
(22Apr07) (LDO)

10934.0 LKK2: UNID Eastern European CE-2007 node, 0618
USB/MIL-STD 188-110A, testing STANAG 5066 with
Z94E, using Harris RF-67x0 SW (28Apr07) (LDO)

10934.0 Z94E: NATO CE-2007 node, 0618 USB/MIL-STD 188-
110A, testing STANAG 5066 with LKK2, using Harris
RF-67x0 SW (28Apr07) (LDO)

10958.0 no-call: SUI-MIL rapid deployment shelter Banja
Luka, BIH 0845 USB/MIL-STD 188-141B/MIL-STD 188-
110A ser. tone, sending endless encrypted e-mail
tfc to General staff (21Apr07) (LDO)

10961.0 S85MNET4: SVK Army CE-2007 node, SVK? 1408 USB/
MIL-STD 188-141A, clng YA69NET4 (27Apr07) (LDO)

12164.5 LO79: UNID Eastern European CE-2007 node, ???
0901 USB, tfc to Y8KT, discussing problems with
their domain (28Apr07) (LDO)

12201.0 no-call: UNID French Army station, F 0836 USB,
retransmission of audio from a Système 3000
TRC-3600 radio in scan mode, scan rate of 5
channels per sec + scanlist of 12 channels
(22Apr07) (LDO)

12220.0 120: UNID station (possibly CHN?), 1546 USB/MIL-
STD 188-141A/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone with
modified preamble, sending various encrypted msgs
to 121, stations using proprietary ARQ protocol
(24Apr07) (LDO)
(Leif Dehio, Munich, Germany - udxf 28/04/2007)

07358.0 E10 1442 USB yl 27avr07

08421.5 LZW4 varna 1459 FEC bul news? 27avr07

08709.0 unid "whale sounding" 1505 USB? 27avr07

08731.0 UAT? moscow 1512 USB rus d/x phone 27avr07

08888.0 novosibirsk? volmet 1513 USB rus 27avr07

04512.0 E5W unid mil belg? 0705 USB eng c I? 28avr07

04555.2 gcg cuxhaven 0715 ARQ 28avr07

04710.0 fishermen 0720 USB fra d/x 28avr07

04742.0 raf architect 0721 USB w unid wx 28avr07

06724.0 raf boulmer egqm "sea support" 1249 USB eng c unid sea king? 28avr07
(mic, France - udxf 28/04/2007)

04558 C: SLB Moscow 2213 CW // 5154 (27Apr07) (MPJ)

04675 : Unid MWARA/NAT-D Station 2216 USB Working UNITED 897 who is
to contact MAGADAN on 11390 or 8837 kHz. (27Apr07) (MPJ)

04860 NYZ: Enigma M89 2223 CW VVV Q2M de NYZ. (27Apr07) (MPJ)

05071 : NATO Air Defence Data System 2228 LINK-11/2250/USB Single
channel TADIL-A. Prob simplex. One of many on 3/4 MHz. (27Apr07)

05091 JSR: Enigma E10 Mossad 2232 USB+CARRIER YL with JSR call up.
(27Apr07) (MPJ)

05598 SPEEDBIRD 247: BA Flight 2241 USB Clearance via SANTA MARIA
on MWARA/NAT-A to climb to and maintain FL330. (27Apr07) (MPJ)

06418 VTP5: Vishakhapatnam Naval Radio, India 2259 CW Long 4LG
broadcast message. Loud, stable signal. (27Apr07) (MPJ)

06834 GYA: FWOC Northwood 2305 FAX/120/576 Poor chart. (27Apr07) (MPJ)

06996.5 : CIS Military 2318 CW Vs K Vs. No callsign. (27Apr07)

09134.9 : CIS Military 1515 81-81/40.5/500 In traffic. (28Apr07) (MPJ)

10011.7 : Unid. Prob French Secure Bcast 1510 UNID/50/850 ACF=0.
Bearing 095/N.France or 275/Martinique (?) (28Apr07) (MPJ)

11104 : Russian Military 1451 MS-5/4800/USB Traffic and tones.
(28Apr07) (MPJ)

11297 : Rostov VOLMET 1458 USB YL with presumably airfield fcasts
(QNHs mentioned). (28Apr07) (MPJ)
(Jim, UK - udxf 28/04/2007)

06832.0 AAB1: unid 1113 USB/ALE clg US11 (26/APR/07) (KK)

06832.0 AAB1: unid 1143 USB/ALE clg US11 (26/APR/07) (KK)

09001.7 No Call: unid prb CNTD 0943 P-I/100Bd@Cf=800Hz clg ALU
"...2/ PRIERE ANNULER LE 1 ER ERREUR D 12/00".. very weak,
bad readb. (28/APR/07) (KK)

20523.7 No Call: prb MfA Cairo 1030 Sitor-ARQ/100bd/170Hz clg TVXX:
EGY Emb; Prb.Sanaa (28/APR/07) (KK)

09090.7 No Call: prb Karlskrona, S. 1040 USB/Ser.Tone Modem encr. tx
(28/APR/07) (KK)

09135.3 No Call: unid prb UKR Mil 1125 Rtty/50Bd/270Hz encr (28/APR/07) (KK)

08920.0 3060: Italian Carabinieri 2038 LSB/ALE clg 3000 AMD:Dial4",
Ser.Tone after Connect (28/APR/07) (KK)

08920.0 2000: Italian Carabinieri 2039 LSB/ALE clg 1009 (28/APR/07) (KK)
(Kristian, Germany - udxf 29/04/2007)

XSS changed a lot of its frequencies. I'm not sure if any of the known frequencies stayed the same. I do not know when the changes were done. Here are some of

the changes.

2216.0 replaces 2217.4
3226.0 replaces 3227.4
4168.5 replaces 4166.3
4239.5 replaces 4226.5
5268.5 is new (thanks to Jim and Sam for reporting that one)
6251.0 replaces 6243.0
6416.5 replaces 6425.0
6873.5 is new (thanks again to Sam and Jim for that one)
8107.0 replaces 8108.5
10344.5 replaces 10360.0
12230.0 replaces 12333.0
14485.5 is new
14508.5 replaces 14510.0
16606.0 replaces 16553.5

I couldn't monitor the 2199.0, 3161.0, 8126.4, 10458.0, 12057.5. They were not active on Saturday. I suppose, they are dropped as well. Maybe without

replacement ? I had no short skip propagation above 17 MHz, so I can't say anything about 18405.0, 20300.0 and 20965.0, but I'll stay tuned.

Here are the logs for the monthly log file:

02216.0 XSS: unid 1959 ALE/USB sounding, replaces 2217.4 (28apr07) (AA)

03226.0 XSS: unid 2030 ALE/USB sounding, replaces 3227.4 (28apr07) (AA)

04168.5 XSS: unid 0444 ALE/USB sounding, replaces 4166.3 (29apr07) (AA)

04239.5 XSS: unid 0431 ALE/USB sounding, replaces 4226.5 (29apr07) (AA)

05268.5 XSS: unid 0447 ALE/USB sounding (29apr07) (AA)

06251.0 XSS: unid 0551 ALE/USB sounding, replaces 6243.0 (29apr07) (AA)

06416.5 XSS: unid 0603 ALE/USB sounding, replaces 6425.0 (29apr07) (AA)

06873.5 XSS: unid 0532 ALE/USB sounding (29apr07) (AA)

08107.0 XSS: unid 0611 ALE/USB sounding, replaces 8108.5 (29apr07) (AA)

10344.5 XSS: unid 0712 ALE/USB sounding, replaces 10360.0 (29apr07) (AA)

12230.0 XSS: unid 0845 ALE/USB sounding, replaces 12333.0 (29apr07) (AA)

14485.5 XSS: unid 0932 ALE/USB sounding (29apr07) (AA)

14508.5 XSS: unid 0936 ALE/USB sounding, replaces 14510.0 (29apr07) (AA)

16606.0 XSS: unid 0942 ALE/USB sounding, replaces 16553.5 (29apr07) (AA)
(Alex, Austria - udxf 29/04/2007)

4837.0 EMP, NG Emporia, VA 0049 USB ALE (29/APRIL/2007) (JLM)

4536.0 PRT, NG Portsmouth, VA: 0040 USB ALE (29/APRIL/2007) (JLM)

9143.5 NRK, NG Norfolk, VA: 0024 USB ALE (29/APRIL/2007) (JLM)

4562.0 PUL, NG Pulaski, VA: 2352 USB ALE (28/APRIL/2007) (JLM)

4837.0 GTC, NG Gate City, VA: 2323 USB ALE (28/APRIL/2007) (JLM)

8037.0 HAM, NG Hampton, VA 2320 USB ALE (28/APRIL/2007) (JLM)

5125.0 VAB, NG Virginia Beach, VA 2047 USB ALE (28/APRIL/2007) (JLM)
(J. L. Metcalfe, Stanford, KY - udxf 29/04/2007)

02216 XSS: Poss NATO NC3A 1655 ALE/USB Sounding 2216 3226 4168.5
4239.5 5268.5 6225 6251 6416.5 6873.5 8107 10344.5 12230 13077 13092
14508.5 14485.5 and 16402 kHz in new freq list. (29Apr07) (MPJ)

04168 : NATO Air Defence 1743 LINK-11/2250/ISB Two channel TADIL-A.
(29Apr07) (MPJ)

04168.5 XKD: Poss NATO NC3A 2005 ALE/USB Calls XSS who responds.
(29Apr07) (MPJ)

05268.5 XGF: Poss NATO NC3A 1848 ALE/USB Calls XSS. (29Apr07) (MPJ)

05268.5 XSS: Poss NATO NC3A 2018 ALE/USB Calls XJT who responds.
(29Apr07) (MPJ)

05544 A6-EYH: Etihad A330 1910 HFDL Logs on to Al Muharraq Air.
(29Apr07) (MPJ)

05544 G-VFIT: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Dancing Queen' 1915 HFDL Logs
on. (29Apr07) (MPJ)

05544 B-6051: China Eastern A340 1932 HFDL Logs on. (29Apr07) (MPJ)

06243 XSS: Poss NATO NC3A 1802 ALE/USB Sounding 6243 and 6425 kHz
in old frequencies list. (29Apr07) (MPJ)

08414.5 9MGM5: Vessel Eagle Venice-Malaysia 1926 DSC Safety check
with MRCC Capetown/ZSC. (29Apr07) (MPJ)

08414.5 P3LZ8: Cape Maria-Cyprus Flag 1957 DSC Safety RQ to MRCC
China via ShanghaiRadio/XSG. (29Apr07) (MPJ)

08414.5 UIBV: Volga-Balt-237-Russia 2004 DSC Safety RQ to Lyngby
Radio/OXZ. (29Apr07) (MPJ)

08414.5 USXH: Ivan Prokhorov-Ukraine 2006 DSC Safety RQ to vessel Sun
An/C6PX0-Bahamas (??) (29Apr07) (MPJ)

08414.5 ONAE: Methania-Belgium 2009 DSC Safety RQ to MRCC
Madrid/ECA6. (29Apr07) (MPJ)

10344.5 XJT: Poss NATO NC3A 1706 ALE/USB Calls XSS at 1706 and 1734.
(29Apr07) (MPJ) (Jim, UK - udxf 30/04/2007)

28042007 на 107.4 ФМ началось пробное вещание радиостанции Бизнес ФМ. Качество приема отличное.
(Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия)


VOA Kurdish Celebrates 15th Anniversary
By VOA News
26 April 2007

The Voice of America Wednesday marked its 15th
anniversary of Kurdish

broadcasts on radio and the Internet.

VOA Director Dan Austin said that the VOA Kurdish
service has

distinguished itself by providing native speakers in
Iraq and other

countries with a daily source of accurate, reliable
news and cultural


In a recent survey, nearly a third of Kurds
interviewed said they had

listened to VOA Kurdish in the prior week.

VOA's Kurdish language programming includes interviews
with experts

and newsmakers, stringer reports, panel discussions
and call-in

shows. The service also provides a popular children's

"Shining Star," listener mail and Kurdish and American

VOA Kurdish has listeners in the Middle East, Eurasia,
Europe and

North America. It can be reached online at

VOA first broadcast on short-wave radio to Europe in
1942. It has

since grown into a multimedia international
broadcasting service,

providing more than 1,000 hours of programming every
week to an

estimated worldwide audience of more than 115 million

(http://www.voanews.com/english/2007-04-26-voa4.cfm, Dragan Lekic, Serbia - dxldyg 26/04/2007)

Появилась группа fmdx_Russia, посвященная ФМ и УКВ России и СНГ.
(И. Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия)

on http://www.eibi.de.vu/ you may now download the current (A07) season shortwave schedule. You may choose the time-sorted and the frequency-sorted version.
Additions and corrections please always directly to me! (Eike Bierwirth, Germany - hard-core-dx 23/04/2007)

http://www.dirac.eng.br/ - бразильский dx-tuner? (И. Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия)

R. Baluarte 6214.2 Khz . Casilla 45 - Puerto Iguazu - Argentina con e-mail
da contatoarmoniafm@hotmail.com in 29 giorni. Si 1 IRC. v/s Pastor Paulo Lima
(Roberto Pavanello, Italy - bclnews 25/04/2007)

RADIO CLUBE DO PARA 4885 kHz, Lettera QSL e cartolina in 28 giorni. RP: 1 $.
QTH: Avenida Almirante Barroso 2190 - Belem - Para 66095-000. V/s: Camilo
Centeno. Inviato CD audio della ricezione (Luca B. Fiora, Rapallo, Italy - playdx2003 27/04/2007)

Marfil Estéreo /HJDH - 5910 kHz, via Bogotá (Pto. Lleras, Meta).
F/d color QSL card with photos of Colombia and work of the station, in 95
days via registered mail. V/s: Rafael Rodríguez R. Address: Marfil
Estéreo, Attn: Sr. Rafael Rodríguez, Apartado Aéreo No. 67751, Bogotá,
COLOMBIA. Also sent a fantastic interactive mini-CD with info about Marfil
Estéreo, La Voz de tu Conciencia and Alcaravan Radio. Thanks so much to
Rafael for his efforts on this. (Jim Pogue, Memphis, TN - hard-core-dx 26/04/2007)

680 WCTT KY, Corbin, received by 3rd QSL from the KNBR sp last Fall
from a tentative CD report sent to station. In 12d, I received a nice
handwritten letter from the PD: Terry Harris PD. I am really pleased
with this. Listed as 830 watts night. Kentucky #8, and MW QSL: 2953.
Address: 821 Adams Road, Corbin KY 40701. (PM-OR - hard-core-dx 24/04/2007)

1660 KQWB ND West Fargo 04/24 1955 Good signals now with ESPN sports programming. Non ID as 16-60 ESPN, not to be confused with WQLR

Kalamazoo who are ESPN 16-60. (Shawn Axelrod - mwdx 25/04/2007)

R. PRAGUE Yangi Yul 5830 kHz, Cartolina QSL, schede, adesivo e spugna in 7
giorni. E-rpt spedito a: cr@radio.cz (L. B. Fiora, Rapallo, Italy - playdx2003 27/04/2007)

RADIO POLONIA Issoudun 7130 kHz, Cartolina QSL e lettera in 38 giorni. No
RP. QTH: P.O. Box 46 - 00-977 Varsavia (Polonia). V/s: Aleksander
Kropiwnicki-Editor. (L. B. Fiora, Rapallo, Italy - playdx2003 27/04/2007)

Получил E-QSL от Голоса Хорватии за электронный рапорт; e-
mail:glas.hrvatske@hrt.hr 3 дня, QSL по этой ссылке
(Александр Мядель, Минск, Беларусь - open_dx 23/04/2007)

Очередная "порция" QSL за последнюю неделю.

AWR. Наконец-то подтвердили, это была 4-я попытка плюс рапорты на российский
адрес (писать по нему бесполезно уже довольно давно, они не устают повторять
о закрытии какого-то отдела). Писал я на адрес: info@awr.org, ответ пришёл
спустя 48 дней, а изображение QSL вот здесь:

RTBF. Довольно оперативно ответили, но то, что они прислали, QSL-карточкой
назвать никак нельзя, а жаль. Пожалуй, единственая возможность подтвердить
Бельгию. Адресок их: rtbfi@rtbf.be.

Magyar Katolikus Radio. Получил QSL-письмо спустя всего 19 дней, писал на

Radio Exterior de Espana. тут не совсем понятно, ответили ли они на рапорт
или просто прислали расписание и наклейку, но похоже, что рапорты они
по-прежнему не подтверждают. Адрес, который работает: ree.rne@rtve.es.

Кроме того.

RAI International, Raiway подтверждают не более одного рапорта за сезон (или
серии рапортов?, по крайней мере мне в прошлый раз прислали 3 незаполненных
и 1 заполненную).

FEBA рапорты о приёме не подтверждает.
(Сергей Винокуров, Россия - open_dx 28/04/2007)

Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg, PA
Equipment: TenTec RX-340, AOR-7030+, 100Б-? longwire

Jim Evans
Germantown, TN
TenTec RX-340, Drake R8B
90' random wire, 60' PAR EF-SWL, LFE H-800

Nicolas Eramo
Lat:34º34'49S Long:58º32'26W
Villa Lynch
Prov. Buenos Aires

Icom IC-R75, Kenwood R-2000, Sony ICF 2010

T2FD with balun 3.1
V Inverted 15 mts with balun 1.1
V Inverted 11 mts with balun 1.1
Longwire 15 metros

MFJ-959B Receiver Antenna Tuner/Preamplifier

В избранное