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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 117
WorldDX 117 23/04/2007 -- WorldDX выходит с декабря 2004 года. Редкатор: Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия. Время везде UTC; Mосковское время = UTC +4 часа - летом, а зимой - +3 часа. Частоты указаны в кГц для ДВ, СВ, КВ и в МГц для ФМ и ТВ Редактор оставляет за собой право не включать в бюллетень информацию, не отвечающую его тематике. Архив предыдущих номеров бюллетеня можно найти по следующим адресам: http://worlddx.narod.ru/dx.html, http://worlddx.by.ru/dx.html Конференция бюллетеня: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/worlddx/ Подписка: worlddx-subscribe@yahoogroups.com и http://subscribe.ru/catalog/radio.worlddx/ Выходит во вторник или в среду. Адрес для писем: worlddx@yandex.ru -- Короткие Волны Австралия 4835, ABC-Alice Springs, 0805-0835* April 15, Live sports commentary. Talk about World Cup. Abrupt sign off. // 4910-Tennant Creek-signing off at 0830. Both frequencies weak. (Brian Alexander, PA - dxldyg 16/04/2007) Radio Australia, 13630 kHz Asia/Pacific Service (english) opening at 0659 (Waltzing Matilda id) Weak but usable (Giovanni Carboni - CumbreDX 18/04/2007) RA is still abruptly cutting off a 5-minute `Perspective` commentary in the middle of it at 1358* Thursdays on 9580, as monitored April 19. One must quickly retune to weaker // 9590 for the rest of it; no sign-off, no apology, no retune advice given (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 20/04/2007) Аляска Haven`t heard KNLS in quite a while, but the English broadcast was making it April 16 at 1419 on 7355, with music, parable on moneybag(?), 1420 ID, music; 1425 one-minute feature on American idioms: TGIF wherein G means Goodness. Propagation conditions have to be just right (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 18/04/2007) 7355, KNLS, 0909-0920+ Noted a male in Religious discourse in Russian Language. At 0917, notice a slight improvement of the signal quality. I checked the grayline position and saw that it was just approaching north of Alaska. At 0921, music with English lyrics Signal began to degrade by 0927 as the band seemed to change. (Chuck Bolland, April 21, 2007 - hard-core-dx 21/04/2007) Болгария 9900, Radio Varna, 2057-2205+, April 15, Tune-in to Dionne Warwick music. Time pips & National Anthem at 2100 followed by news in presumed Bulgarian. Radio Varna ID at 2107. A variety of local pop music, light instrumental music, & classical music. Talk. ID at 2201. Fair to good. Sunday only. (Brian Alexander, PA - dxldyg 16/04/2007) Боливия 6080, Radio Gabriel, (pres), 0905-0915 Hearing male in Spanish comments underneath HCJB on this freq. Periodically hearing music typical of Bolivia when Ecuador fades out slightly. Signal is very poor. (Chuck Bolland, April 18, 2007 - hard-core-dx) 4409.81, Radio Eco, Reyes, 0140-0155+, April 20, Spanish ballads, Bolivian music. Spanish announcements. Weak. (Alexander, PA - CumbreDX 20/04/2007) 5967.86 Radio Nacional de Huanuni (p), Huanuni, Potosi, 1026 - 1038, Apr 16, Spanish, music and comments by man announcer, News Programme, 24332, (Eramo, Argentina) 6165 Radio Logos (p), Santa Cruz de la Sierra, 1025 - 1039, Apr 20, Spanish, religious program, man preacher, 23332, (Nicolas Eramo, Argentina - CumbreDX 22/04/2007) Бразилия 2016-2115 11780 kHz R. Nac. de Amazonia , Brazil (portuguese lang.) S5-S9 poor to fair reception (Giovanni Carboni, Pisa, Italy - CumbreDX 21/04/2007) Великобритания/Япония NHK relay 5975 at 0509 e/end of nx. Fantastic signal, makes me wonder why the BBC doesn't use it. But I think I like NHK better. 20 April. (Liz Cameron, MI dxldyg 20/04/2007) Венесуэла/Куба Alo Presidente relay via Cuba, Sunday April 15 at 1409 check was VG on 13750, // much weaker 13680, and // 11875 which was a reverb apart from 13750; and // 11670 was way under WYFR. Before 1400, 13680 with RHC itself was VG, so must have switched antennas and/or transmitters. Tho the news was from or about Venezuela, they managed to make it about Posada Carriles. Meanwhile separate RHC programming continued on 11760 (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 18/04/2007) 11670 Radio Nacional de Venezuela via RHC, 2240-2300, April 15, Spanish, shorts programmes about Venezuela topics, many identifications as: “Estas escuchando la voz de de República Bolivariana de Venezuela en el exterior…. Radio Nacional de Venezuela-Canal Internacional” or “Somos el Canal Internacional de Radio Nacional de Venezuela, la voz de Venezuela en el Mundo”, 34433 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - playdx2003 22/04/2007) Гватемала 4779.97 GUATEMALA R Coatán, San Sebastián, 17 April *1029 - Transmitter on at *1028 with choral Guatemalan NA then sign-on announcements by male in Spanish at 1033, ID’ing as “Radio Coatán” into lively vocals with ID’s and TC’s by man until 1045 tune-out. [Brandon Jordan-TN - CumbreDX 19/04/2007] 4799.78 R. Buenas Nuevas 1201-1218 Apr 16. Kids' choir with local version of "Bringing in the Sheaves;" 1205 anmt or program note for an event on April 21, followed by another song from the kids; church news was next at 1210 in Spanish. Good with CODAR QRM. (J. M. Wilkins, Colorado, USA - CumbreDX 20/04/2007) Гондурас 3250.07 HONDURAS R Luz y Vida, San Luís, 16 April *1100 - Transmitter on at *1100 with sign-on announcements by man then into NA and directly into a religious program at 1104, woman speaking religious phrases in Spanish and male repeating them in English. [Brandon Jordan-TN - CumbreDX 19/04/2007] Доминиканская Республик 5009.79, Radio Pueblo, Santo Domingo, 2350-0001*, April 20-21, Presumed with Spanish talk. Could not catch an ID. Poor, weak in noise. Radio Pueblo heard here on this exact frequency back in March with a 0001 sign off. (Alexander, PA - CumbreDX 21/04/2007) Зимбабве 6045, Radio Zimbabwe? 0225-0229, April 20, Tentative with local African music but very weak & covered by adjacent channel splatter at 0229. Nothing heard on 3396. Perhaps ex-3396. (Alexander, PA - CumbreDX 20/04/2007) 11975, SW Radio Africa, *1700-1725+, April 20, English opening announcements with IDs. "Call Back" interview show. Strongest of all the frequencies but with a transmitter problem producing a slightly unstable carrier. Cleaner audio on // 12035. Weaker on // 11810. 11775 not heard due to Gene Scott on frequency. (Alexander, PA - CumbreDX 20/04/2007) 3396, Radio Zimbabwe, 0115-0225+, April 21, hi-life music, song by Josh Grobin, talk in vernacular & some English. Poor to fair. Not on this frequency April 20 but I had a tentative logging of them on 6045 on that date. (Alexander, PA - CumbreDX 21/04/2007) 12035, SW Radio Africa, *1700-1740+, April 21, Good signal with English programming. Nothing heard on 11975. 11810 came on the air around 1733 but with low modulation. 11775 totally blocked by Gene Scott, Anguilla. (Alexander, PA - CumbreDX 21/04/2007) Израиль KOL Israel 9345 at 0330 w/English nx. Not in their official sked. Very faint. 21 April. (Liz Cameron, MI via dxldyg 21/04/2007) Индонезия 4749.96 INDONESIA RRI Makassar, Sulawesi, 17 April 0835 - Carrier first noticed rising above noise floor at 0835 on 4749.96 kHz amidst weak CODAR QRN. Signal slowly increasing until first signs of audio beginning at 0925 UTC at which time CODAR was no longer audible. Koranic recitations audible at 0950 and continuing over the ToH. Talk by woman after 1030. Possible news at 1100 then into talks by various announcers. Signal peaking around 1130 UTC with female speaker giving RRI web site address. Man at 1145 with possible sports coverage until 1200 as signal was slowly weakening. [Brandon Jordan-TN - CumbreDX 19/04/2007] 9524.97, Voice of Indonesia, 1100-1130+, April 20, English ID & gave website address at 1100 followed by programming in unidentified language. English ID again at 1130. Poor to fair. (Alexander, PA - CumbreDX 20/04/2007) 3976.06 RRI Pontianak 1235-1302 Apr 21. Sub-continental vocal music; long chat by M&W past ToH; good signal but QRM'ed after 1300 by W0EXR up 1 kHz. (J. M. Wilkins, Colorado, USA - CumbreDX 21/04/2007) Китай 3280 V. of Pujiang 1200-1222 Apr 19. 6 pips to 1200:09, then ID as "Pujiang zhi sheng guangbo diantai," followed by apparent ads; heard the familiar EG phrase "SNV advertising, your better choice"; 1203-1215 M&W chatting in CH, then a vocal selection at 1215. Good signal // 5075 (good w/UTE QRM) and 4950 (fair). (J. M. Wilkins, Colorado, USA - CumbreDX 20/04/2007) 5060 Xinjian PBS (p), Urumqui, Xinjian, 0007 - 0015, Apr 16, Chinese, comments by man announcer, Musical programme, 24322 (N. Eramo, Argentina - CumbreDX 22/04/2007) Колумбия 6035.042v COLOMBIA LV de Guaviare, S.J. Guaviare, 18 April *1029 - Transmitter on at *1029 with sign-on announcements by man, then woman with ID, promos, “Musica, noticias, deportes... La Voz del Guaviare”. Many vocals. Possible Caracol promo. Steadily drifting downward with deteriorating signal, finally stabilizing around 6034.997 at 1200 UTC. [Brandon Jordan-TN - CumbreDX 19/04/2007] Курдистан V. of Mesopotamia, 11530 via Moldova, coming in well enough to enjoy the Kurdish music, April 16 at 1345; timesignal at 1401:20, 80 seconds late! Then talk, presumably news until 1416 back to music (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 18/04/2007) Литва A test transmission of "Laser Radio" will be carried at 1130-1430 on Sunday, 22 April via Sitkunai 9710 (100kW) with the 279 degrees antenna. Laser Radio is the label for a "new" relay service project by Andrew Yates. Some years ago his productions/relays were carried by the Ulbroka relay service in Latvia under the label "Laser Radio" and "Euronet Radio". The refurbished project website is: http://www.laserradio.net . Information about Laser/Euronet Radio transmissions & activities in earlier years can be found in the Internet Archive Mayback Machine: /http://www.laserradio.net" class="hft-urls">http://web.archive.org/web//http://www.laserradio.net and /http://www.euronetradio.com" class="hft-urls">http://web.archive.org/web//http://www.euronetradio.com (Bernd Trutenau, Ltu, dxld via Сергей Никишин, Москва, Россия - open_dx 16/04/2007) Мадагаскар 2040-2103 5010 Madagascar. Music and songs program. National anthem played before s/off @2104. . SINPO 33443 (The station suppresses the lower sideband). (Giovanni Carboni, Pisa, Italy - CumbreDX 22/04/2007) Малайзия 7295, RT Malaysia,(Tentative) 1001-1005 Been listening to a carrier here since 0945, but at 1001 a brief few moments of comments from a female were heard. This was followed with possible music. Signal was threshold to nil. (Chuck Bolland, April 18, 2007 - hard-core-dx) 7295, Traxx FM (RTM), 1518-1551, April 18, YL DJ in English with "Whatever Latin" program (scheduled for Wed., 1415-1700 UT), dedication of songs, sings Happy Birthday to some listeners in Kuala Lumpur, frequency given as 100.1 FM, plays ballads, salsa, etc. Their blog is: http://latin.lifelogger.com/blog . The Traxx FM website has been down for a while now. 15295, Suara Malaysia (RTM), 1552-1612, April 18, in vernacular, pop Middle Eastern type songs, gives RTM website, ToH 2 pips, news, fair-poor (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA - dxldyg 19/04/2007) 6049.64 MALAYSIA RTM Sarawak (p), 18 April 0847 - Carrier first visible at 0847 occasionally peaking above the noise floor, and strengthening until consistently above the noise floor by 0920. Threshold audio beginning by 1028 UTC but HCJB-6050 *1030 made matters difficult. By 1200 UTC consistent audio noted in LSB, with talk by man and woman in presumed Malaysian, then pop style vocal music beginning at 1215 with female announcer between songs until 1235 end of recording. [Brandon Jordan-TN - CumbreDX 19/04/2007] 6050, Asyik FM (RTM), 1111-1127, April 20, two men in conversation, in vernacular, 1120 Moslem call to prayers (Maghrib - sunset prayer, their fourth prayer of the day), Kuala Lumpur sunset at 1118, "Asyik FM" singing jingle, fair/moderate het (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA - dxldyg 21/04/2007) Монако TWR Europe 6235 at 0515 sign-on in Polish. Fair. Trace //7235. TWR Euro is not common here, and usually only weak at this time. 20 April. (Liz Cameron, MI dxldyg 20/04/2007) Мьянма 5985.81 R. Myanmar 1252-1332 Apr 17. Exotic Burmese vocals, YL ancr in Burmese lang. after each song; usual IS and chimes at 1329:40, followed by presumed news at 1330. Fairly good signal but deteriorating after 1330. (J. M. Wilkins, Colorado, USA - CumbreDX 20/04/2007) Нигерия 7275 Radio Nigeria, Abuja 0552 W talk En, 0557 Afropop, 0559 W ID, kalimba/drums, 0600 M ID, 5 tp's (4 short/1 long), M nx En, 0606 "Radio Nigeria" ID, promo, into morning talk program. Weak but in the clear, peaking around 0605. (April 17, Quaglieri-NY - hard-core-dx 17/04/2007) Папуа-Новая Гвинея 3260 R. Madang 1138-1158* Apr 16. Pop vocal mx, M ancr in Pidgin; YL anmt(s) at 1153 were followed by local music with lots of drumming; closing anmt and anthem at 1158; xmsn ended at 1159:20; carrier stayed on until 1206. Fair. (J. M. Wilkins, Colorado, USA - CumbreDX 20/04/2007) Перу 6019.49, Radio Victoria,(pres), 0823-0835 Heard what I refer to as the "Weeping Preacher", in Spanish chanting over and over again the same phrases. No one else on 6020, so Victoria's signal was at a good level. No break on the half hour. (Chuck Bolland, April 18, 2007 - hard-core-dx) 4716.65 PERU R Yura (p), Yura, 17 April *0918 - Transmitter on at *0918 with open carrier until NA at 0926 then announcements by male at 0930. Poor with unusable audio but improving towards 1000 with vocals and occasional good peaks. Female announcer discernible at 1003 with Spanish talk between vocals during the 1000 hour but no ID heard. Drifted up and stabilized around 4716.66 kHz by 1045 UTC when the signal began fading rapidly. Carrier below the noise floor by 1115 UTC. [Brandon Jordan-TN - CumbreDX 19/04/2007) 4746.87 PERU R Huanta 2000 (p), Huanta, 17 April *0944 - Transmitter on at *0944 amidst weak to moderate CODAR QRN. Very weak audio at sign-on but improving, peaking at fair to good levels with man and woman announcers giving greetings over music at 1044, by which time CODAR was not audible. Monologue by the man announcer from 1053 and across the ToH as signal intelligibility faded to unusable levels by 1110. No ID heard. [Brandon Jordan-TN - CumbreDX 19/04/2007] 4774.96 PERU R Tarma, Tarma, 17 April *0957 - Transmitter on at *0957 on 4774.98 kHz but only snippets of audio. Drifting slightly downward and stabilizing at 4774.96 kHz by 1030. Signal improving rapidly by 1045 with Spanish echo-effect talk by man until 1055, with mentions of Peru. Info music bridge with brief announcement by man and woman, possible R Tarma ID at ToH. Signal deteriorating rapidly by 1100. [Brandon Jordan-TN - CumbreDX 19/04/2007] 4790.11 PERU R Visión, Chiclayo, 17 April 0658 - Religious monologue by male continuing past the ToH, into another religious program at 0737 recorded in echoey hall. Canned “Radio Vision” ID and frequency announcements at 0800, mentioning slogan “La Voz de Salvación” and then into a variety of vocal selections until 0900. Fair with persistent but low level CODAR QRM. [Brandon Jordan-TN - CumbreDX 19/04/2007] 6193.40, Radio Cusco, 1025-1035 With a very weak signal, noted a female in comments. Although the carrier was always present, the audio kept fading in and out to threshold. (Chuck Bolland, April 19, 2007 - hard-core-dx 19/04/2007) PERU 4790.2 Radio Vision (Chiclayo), 0335-0345, 4/19/2007, Spanish. Religious talk by man. Poor signal with utility interference (SINPO 22332). (Jim Evans, TN) PERU 5014.35 Radio Altura (Cerro de Pasco), 0325-0345, 4/19/2007, Spanish. Local pop music with occasional short announcements by man. Poor signal (SINPO 24332). (Jim Evans, TN) PERU 5939.3 Radio Melodia (Ariquipa) (presumed), 0340-0358, 4/19/2007, Spanish. Slow vocal music with frequent talkover by man. Very poor signal (SINPO 22222). Faded below WWCR and Willie Nelson at 0358. (Jim Evans, TN - CumbreDX 19/04/2007) 4790.03 Radio Vision (p), Chiclayo, 2318 - 2324, Apr 15, Spanish. religious programme, man preacher, 24232 (N. Eramo, Argentina - CumbreDX 22/04/2007) Португалия RDP 7240 at 0455+ w/talk and mx. HFCC says 0500-0800 but this didn't sound like a sign-on, certainly not 5m early. Clear ID. Channel Africa alternating with it after 0505 or so. 20 April. (Liz Cameron, MI dxldyg 20/04/2007) Россия 9765, Radiostantsiya Tikhiy Okean, 0835-0900. Missed opening announcements due to poor signal, but after a more precise tuning, heard a female giving the news in Russian language. At 0849, music presented. Off the air at 0900. Signal was poor to fair during the period. (Chuck Bolland, April 18, 2007 - hard-core-dx) 7120 Radio Rossii, 19:08-19:15, escuchada el 19 de Abril en ruso a locutor con cuña de ID y cuñas publicitarias, comentarios, locutora con ID, “Musica..Radio Rossii”, segmento musical, 45444. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - NoticiasDX 20/04/2007) 9765, Radiostantsiya Tikhiy Okean, 0850-0900 Noted a female in Russian Language comments at tune in. Closer to the hour, a male in comments. Quick ID on the hour and off with time ticks. Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, April 21, 2007 - hard-core-dx 21/04/2007) 7320, GTRK Magadan,(pres) 0931-1000+ Initially noted a male in Russian Language comments until about 0935 when choral/Opera music presented. GTRK Magadan listed here, but not during this time period. At about 0957 heard an ID as, "Magadan ....vich" Second word ended with a vich sound. (Chuck Bolland, April 21, 2007 - hard-core-dx 21/04/2007) 9765 Radio St. Tikhy Okean, Vladivostok, 0841-0900, April 20, Russian, talks, music, talk, local song, short news, identification “...Radiostancia Tikhy Okean........”, s/off, 44444 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - playdx2003 22/04/2007) Румыния While monitoring SWRA on one radio, adequate signal on YB-400 with indoor longwire wrapped several times around the ceiling of one room, I allowed myself to do a bit of bandscanning on the FRG-7 with external longwire. April 18 at 1709 on 11735, something undermodulated in English. Must be RRI as recently reported. Yes, at 1743 introduced an excerpt from Don Juan played by Romanian musicians. If Zanzibar was there, it was way below RRI, and inaudible at 1800 after RRI was off (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 19/04/2007) Сербия As of today, Saturday April 21, 2007 International Radio Serbia will replace much interfered frequency 6100 kHz with a new frequency of 7240 kHz. This should improve reception in Europe, if 7240 kHz is free between 13.00 and 21.00 UTC. INTERNATIONAL RADIO SERBIA -------------------------- UPDATED A07 SCHEDULE, EFFECTIVE AS OF APRIL 21, 2007 All broadcasts are via mobile transmitter Stubline, Serbia, non-directional. [UTC] 1300-2100 7240 kHz 10 kW 1300-1330 ENGLISH 1330-1400 SERBIAN 1400-1430 SPANISH 1430-1500 ARABIC 1500-1530 RUSSIAN 1530-1600 FRENCH 1600-1630 GERMAN 1630-1645 MANDARIN 1645-1700 ALBANIAN 1700-1715 HUNGARIAN 1715-1730 GREEK 1730-1800 ITALIAN 1800-1830 RUSSIAN 1830-1900 ENGLISH 1900-1930 SPANISH 1930-2000 SERBIAN Sun-Fri 1930-2030 SERBIAN Sat 2000-2030 GERMAN Sun-Fri 2030-2100 FRENCH (Dragan Lekic, Subotica, Serbia - dxldyg 21/04/2007) Сингапур 6080 RSI 1311-1359* Apr 21. Reggae and quasi-reggae songs to 1329; TC for "9:30," at 1330, followed by 5 minutes of news; cmty and features rounded out the xmsn which ended at 1359 following closedown anmt. (J. M. Wilkins, Colorado, USA - CumbreDX 21/04/2007) США 9265.04, WMLK-Bethel, Pennsylvania, 1950-2000*, April 20, English religious talk about the teachings of Yahweh. Closing announcements at 1957 giving ID, (wrong) schedule, (wrong) frequency, & address. Frequency announced as 9465. I think they last used 9465 back in 2004. Reception was weak but readable. Monday-Friday only. Irregular. (Alexander, PA - CumbreDX 21/04/2007) Фр. Гайана RNW April 20, 2007 0201-0300* UT 9405 kHz via French Guiana. "Research File" and "Flatlander". "Research File" was very interesting and informative. "Flatlander" was extremely boring especially since a good portion of the program was the presenter and the guest looking at muscle magazines. The program almost put me to sleep. What was said in about 30 minutes, should have been said in 5. Perhaps, "Flatliner" is more appropriate. Transmission began with slight decoding dropouts. Around 0239 UT dropouts were moderate. By 0245 UT dropouts severe making understanding impossible. When I tuned to 9405 kHz at 0155 I was hearing moderate QRM from Kol Israel, positive ID, on 9400 kHz. When RNW's DRM transmission began, Kol Israel on 9400 kHz was not causing QRM to RNW. However, because of the DRM hash, RNW was probably causing severe QRM to Kol Israel. (Kraig, KG4LAC, VA - dxldyg 20/04/2007) Хорватия 6165, Croatian Radio-Voice of Croatia, 0600-0603, April 15, Three minute English program with IDs & English news. // 9470-via Germany. Both frequencies fair. (Brian Alexander, PA - dxldyg 16/04/2007) Voice of Croatia, 1200-1203 UTC on 6165 kHz, SIO 354, with news in spanish (Jean-Michel AUBIER, France - udxf 17/04/2007) After I listened to the recordings from M. Ritola and J.M. Romero, I can tell you the following: - Deanovec SW site is broadcasting Voice of Croatia feed on 6165 kHz (1200-0800 UTC) and on 9830 kHz (0800-1200 UTC) every day - Croatian Radio 1 no longer on SW (only some portions which are included in Voice of Croatia) - German service of Voice of Croatia is finally functional, but only one 5 minute transmission per day at 1900 UTC. Since this new language is still not in schedules on www.hrt.hr I can't tell if this is daily or just Mon-Fri. - It is possible that Voice of Croatia is broadcasting in French language also, because they planned it couple years ago. If this is true, possible airtime would be at 2100 UTC or at 1800 UTC. This is only my guess, because they replaced news feed from HR1-domestic at 1900 UTC with a German news program, and the next HR1 news feeds in the evening are at 1800 and 2100 UTC... Just to correct B. Trutenau: Yes, HRHB ((Hrvatski) Radio Herceg-Bosne) is a 24-hour program for Croatians in Bosnia-Herzegovina, but it's airs programs from Mostar, which is in Bosnia. It (till now ) can be heard on FM transmitters in Bosnia and 1 FM transmitter in Croatia (near border with Bosnia). Voice of Croatia regularly retransmits this program to entire world at 1430-1500 UTC Mon-Fri on SW, MW, satellite and over the internet. So, now with 100% certainty I can tell the following is the current frequency schedule of Voice of Croatia: VOICE OF CROATIA (Glas Hrvatske) A07 SCHEDULE ============================================= 2200-2300 783 1125 1134 1143, 6165 9925 2300-0300 1125 1134 1143, 6165 9925 0300-0400 783 1125 1134 1143, 6165 9925 0400-0500 783 1125 1134 1143, 6165 9470 9925 0500-0530 774 783 1125 1134 1143, 6165 9470 0530-0600 774 783 1125 1143, 6165 9470 0600-0700 774 783 1125 1143, 6165 9470 11610 0700-0800 774 783 1125 1143, 6165 11610 0800-1000 774 783 1125 1143, 9830 11610 1000-1200 774 783 1125 1143, 9830 1200-1300 774 783 1125 1143, 6165 1300-1730 774 783 1125 1134 1143, 6165 1730-2200 783 1125 1134 1143, 6165 2215-2230 ENGLISH 2230-2245 SPANISH 0200-0215 ENGLISH 0230-0245 SPANISH 0600-0603 ENGLISH 1000-1003 ENGLISH Mon-Fri 1200-1203 SPANISH Mon-Fri 1400-1430 ITALIAN Mon-Fri (Radio Pula) 1600-1615 ENGLISH Mon-Sat 1600-1605 ENGLISH Sun 1630-1700 HUNGARIAN Mon-Sat (Radio Osijek) // 1557kHz [Osijek 10kW] 1805-1815 ENGLISH Mon-Fri 1805-1810 ENGLISH Sat 1900-1905 GERMAN (Dragan Lekic, Subotica, Serbia - dxldyg 18/04/2007) .(via Germany), 9925, Croatian Radio-Voice of Croatia, 0200-0215, April 20, English broadcast with IDs & "Croatia Today" news program. Light music at 0215. Good. Listed // 6165 not heard due to a strong Radio Nederland-Bonaire on 6165. (Alexander, PA - CumbreDX 20/04/2007) Чили/Австралия 6109.77, Voz Cristiana, 0915-0930, With ordinary music and a Male in Portuguese comments between tunes. Signal was good and notice the freq variance. (Chuck Bolland, April 18, 2007 - hard-core-dx) Эквадор 6080, HCJB, 0905-0915 At tune in, noted Ecuadorian folk music followed by Spanish comments from a male. Mentions of "Quito". "Telefono en Quito ..." Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, April 18, 2007 - hard-core-dx) Эфиопия 6185, Voice of Tigray Revolution, 0357-0405+, April 20, Tune-in to their distinctive IS. Vernacular talk at 0400. Horn of Africa music at 0403. Weak under Vatican Radio. // 5970-only audible until 0359 when wiped out by Radio Nederland-Bonaire 5975 signing on. (Alexander, PA - CumbreDX 20/04/2007) Ю. Африка 1948-2115 3345 kHz Channel Africa in Portuguese up to 2000, followed by English. Int-sig: call of the Bokmakierie @ 2000 (as in the old times of RSA, but no longer "Ver in die Wereld Kitty"!!) (Giovannni Carboni, Pisa, Italy - CumbreDX 21/04/2007) Ю. Корея 7275, KBS World Radio, 0948-1000 Noted a comments by male and female persons in Japanese Language. Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, April 21, 2007 - hard-core-dx 21/04/2007) Япония NHK World, Radio Japan, April 19 at 1329 concluding Indonesian, and into Thai on 7200, with QRM not only from the Yakutsk Warbler, but also splash from a much stronger NHK transmission in Japanese on 7190! (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg20/04/2007) -- СВ/ДВ - 1010 15/04 0410- CFRB Toronto (CAN) 2/3 Notizie, commenti, ID in E 1030 15/04 0410- WBZ Boston MA (USA) 3 Interviste, Id "WBZ News" 1050 15/04 0410- WEPN New York NY (USA) 2/3 Notizie e Id "New York ... ESPN Radio" (Saverio Cian, Belluno, Italy - bclnews 16/04/2007) -- УКВ Германия FM air in Hannover, Germany (Vahrenwalder area). Apr.7, 2007 Radio Stations saved into memory by Sangean ATS-909 ATS system. RDS identification: 98,7 - NDR KULT (KULT - Kultur) 96,2 - NDR 2 94,0 - DLF 101,9 - FFN 90,9 - NDR 1 NDS (NDS - Niedersachsen) 103,8 - ANTENNE HITRADIO 104,9 - RADIO 21 92,6 - N-JOY 106,5 - FLORA 89,9 - NDR KULT (*) 101,4 - S A W 91,5 - MDR JUMP 89,0 - 89,0 RTL 103,5 - DLF 104,4 - NDR KULT 98,0 - NDR 1 NDS 102,4 - FFN 99,5 - NDR INFO ------------------------ other stations (RDS is shown): 88,6 - NDR INFO 90,6 - WDR 5 92,1 - NDR 2 93,0 - in english without RDS 93,2 - ? 94,6 - MDR S-AN (Sachsen-Anhalt) 95,5; 97,0; 97,4; 100,0 - ? 100,8 - NDR 1 NDS 103,1; 105,5; 106,3 - ? 107,8 - classical music (*) - Stations from 89,9 and below in this list are definitely not of local origin, although there are some exceptions, e.g. acc. WRTH 88,6 - local Strong daytime MW radio stations heard in Hannover Apr.8, 2007: 828 - NDR Info (only local radio stations, TX in the southern Hannover) S-5 756 - Deutschlandfunk S-3/4 630 - Golos Rossii (TX in Germany) S-3/4 1575 - Noise (DRM signal?) 936 - Bremen 1 S-3/4 http://dx-lt.livejournal.com/, Германас Политика, Лт - open_dx 19/04/2007) Россия http://victorcity.dxing.ru/Foto/SPb.jpg Башня в Петербурге крупно (1,2 Мб) 29.03.2007 Подписан предварительный договор с ФГУП ВГТРК на трансляцию программ радио Маяк в FM диапазоне в населенных пунктах Большие Полянки и Шемордан. Ввод в эксплуатацию радиовещательных передатчиков позволит в диапазоне 100,0-108,0 МГц охватить программой радио Маяк 14 районов Республики Татарстан с общей численностью населения 230,0 тыс.чел. http://tatariya.rtrn.ru/news.asp?view=6234 Справка о состоянии ввода РВ передатчиков для вещания республиканского радио НВК "Саха" По состоянию на 18 апреля 2007 года из планируемых 268 передатчиков установлено 179, в монтаже 21 передатчик. По окончании ввода 268 РВ передатчиков FM диапазона для вещания республиканского радио будет охвачено 99,8% населения республики. Средневолновой передатчик РВ-1006 мощностью 25 кВт на частоте 864 кГц на РС-1 в п. Тулагино ретранслирует радио НВК Саха с программой Куйаар Дуораана в центральной части республики. Охват населения составляет 56%. http://www.tctr.ru/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=50&Itemid=34 про Иваново http://www.ivanovonews.ru/tb/topic.tb?topicId=418 Нурлат 106,7 Love радио с 7 апреля Сарапул 98,9 Вулкан FM 99,4 Моя Удмуртия 100,3 Русское Радио 101,6 DFM 104,0 Авторадио Партизанск 103,9 Любимое радио http://www.partizansk.eu/index.php?page=article/organization_smi.php Находка 104,5 Шансон Тобольск 99,5 план Ретро FM 100,5 Авторадио 101,0 Радио Шансон 101,5 Европа+ с 14.03.07 103,7 Радио 7 (Москва) 104,2 Диполь FM с 30.12.06 105,3 Радио Экспресс 106,2 Радио 7 (Тюмень) 107,9 Красная Армия Саранск 102,0 Хит FM с 14 марта Курган 102,0 Маяк FM Залари 103,5 Радио Залари Братск 102,6 Авторадио с 19 марта Волгорад 101,1 Эхо Москвы с 17 марта Сызрань 98,7 Русское радио с 21 марта 101,4 DFM с 21 марта Орёл (Иван) 70,31 Радио России / Орловская ГТРК 72,05 Маяк 72,83 Народное Радио 100,0 Русское радио 100,4 Экспресс Радио 100,9 Наше Радио 101,8 ОРР 103,0 Европа+ / Истоки 104,3 Авторадио 104,8 Хит FM 107,4 Серебряный дождь с 23 марта Кинешма 105,6 Лайт Радио Владивосток 1476/107,7 Юмор FM с 1 марта Студия О`Кей почила Лянтор (Makaroff) 100,0 Европа+ 101,5 Радио Югра / Лянторское Радио 104,4 Максимум 105,0 Русское Радио 105,5 план Радио Рекорд Кемерово 107,3 Хит FM с 1 апреля Юмор FM Арзамас 67,37 Лукоянов 68,87 Азов 103,3/66,41 с 1 апреля Зверево 105,9 с 1 апреля Красноярск 100,3 Норильск 102,0 Пермь 100,7 Хит FM пока местный с 1 апреля 103,2 Максимум из Москвы с 1 апреля Красная Поляна 105,1 Макс FM с 1 апреля Псков 103,4 Русское радио с 1 апреля 71,99 Юность с 1 апреля местное Радио Пилот исчезло окончательно в конце 2006 Миасс 98,4 Авторадио Златоуст 106,0 Авторадио Новороссийск 107,4 Радио Звезда с начала апреля Выборг 95,6 Максимум с 1 апреля Ковров 70,67 Радио России / ГТРК Владимир КаневскАя 101,5 Русское Радио Темрюк 104,2 Шансон Березники 101,4 Максимум с апреля Димитровград 100,4 Русское Радио с 7 марта Жлобин (Женя) 101,0 Канал Культура с начала апреля Копыль (Женя) 102,3 Белорусское радио Белгород 103,2 Хит FM с 12 апреля Армавир 107,7 Ретро FM Геленджик 107,0 Русское радио Омск 103,0 Милицейская Волна с апреля Тамбов 69,86 Шансон с 1 апреля Камышин 101,2 Максимум с апреля 102,2 Европа+ 102,8 Ретро FM 103,7 Авторадио 104,2 Новая Волна 104,7 Радио Шансон 106,1 Русское Радио Норильск 103,5 Шансон с 1 марта? новые лицензии 87,8 Ретро FM, Новый Уренгой 107,3 [Радио Фрегат], Алексин 105,1 Милицейская Волна, Ленинск-Кузнецкий 105,2 Наше Радио, Магнитогорск 103,9 [Фаэтон] Избербаш 50 Вт 101,0 [Радио Торжок] Торжок 92,6 Радио Мария, Выборг 101,6 [Новоуральская мелодия] Новоуральск 102,9 Boom Box Новоуральск 10 Вт 100,6 Радио Звездопад, Назарово 99,4 Love Радио, Губкин 101,1 Love Радио, Мелеуз 101,8 Радио 7, Аша 100,0 Русское Радио, Ишим 100,4 СТВ-Радио, Ленск 101,1 МРК Фирово / Дорожное Радио, Фирово 101,5 Авторадио [Удомельская волна] Удомля 104,0 [Радио КАЭС] Удомля 105,9 Радио Монте-Карло [Питер FM] СПб -- с 1 апреля (Виктор Рутковский, Екатеринбург, Россия - open_dx 22/04/2007) - Тропо Yes, I'm back today from a lovely relaxing break in the New Forest. We stayed at a thatched cottage for 1 week in Brockenhurst. Whilst on holiday Hannah & I went to various places including Highcliffe and Mudeford on the coast. Mudeford in particular produced some interesting reception on the car radio this morning park at the Quay right next to the sea. This was the only radio I DXed on as the two radios in the cottage were totally unsuitable for FM DXing. Conditions throughout the week were quite good, apart from Tuesday morning immediately after the passage of a cold front. The glorious weather certainly helped! Stations that were regularly receivable on the car radio were 93.4 Tendance Ouest from Cherbourg although others were heard in Brockenhurst such as: 87.8 Radio Courtoisie Cherbourg weak-fair 88.0 France Culture weak 88.3 Europe 2 Cherbourg weak to clear 89.2 France Culture Cherbourg weak 89.9 France Musique Rennes weak to fair 91.0 France Musique Alençon weak 91.4 France Culture Le Havre likely weak (thanks Mark P) 91.9 Fun Radio Lessay weak 92.3 France Musique Cherbourg weak to fair 93.1 Radio Cymru Blaenplwyf weak 93.5 France Culture Rennes weak-clear 94.6 Fun Radio St Lo weak 94.8 BBC Radio 4 Les Platons weak to fair 94.9 BBC London Crystal Palace weak to fair 95.0 France bleu Cotentin St Vaasaint-la-Hougue weak 95.1 France Inter Laval weak 95.3 BBC SCR Whitehawk Hill weak to good 95.6 France Musique Caen poor 95.7 VRT 1 Egem weak 95.8 Capital FM Croydon weak 97.1 BBC Radio 1 Les Platon weak to clear 98.6 VRT 2 Egem weak 99.3 NRJ Cherbourg weak to fair 100.6 France bleu Picardie Abbeville? v weak 100.7 France bleu Cotentin Cherbourg weak to fair 101.8 France bleu Loire Ocean Nantes? v weak 102.6 France bleu Basse Normandie Caen poor 102.7 Mercury FM Reigate weak to fair 103.4 BBC Radio Devon North Hessary Tor weak to clear 103.5 BBC Essex Great Braxted? weak under BBC R Wiltshire 104.0 RFM Cherbourg weak to clear 104.6 BBC SCR Guildford fair 105.6 France Info Cherbourg v weak Locations like Highcliffe Castle car park and particularly Mudeford Quay were unsurprisingly much better for DXing. Several low power stations were getting in e.g. 99.8 France bleu Cotentin Cap de la Hague xfading with another French in Highcliffe. Other stations in France were at much better strength than at Brockenhurst. A surprise was the reception of Mount Leinster in Ireland on 94.0 at both coastal locations. At Mudeford 89.6 and 91.8 were also audible. North Hessary Tor and Wenvoe were both good signals on the coast. Also available at both coastal locations were Palm FM Torbay on 105.5. At Mudeford Les Platons was strong at times on 94.8, and Egem was often in on 98.6. It is interesting that areas such as Ireland come in often on the coast yet this was rarely heard inland. All in all a very relaxing break - DXing time was somewhat limited. (Nick Gilly, UK - skywaves 20/04/2007) -- DRM Китай China R. Int April 17, 2007 *2300 UT 9800 kHz DRM via Sackville, Canada with "CRI Nx & Report" and "People in the Know". Moderate decoding dropouts. DReaM screenshots. http://www.kg4lac.com/CRI_4-17-2007_2300UTC_9800DRM-1.jpg http://www.kg4lac.com/CRI_4-17-2007_2300UTC_9800DRM-2.jpg (Kraig, KG4LAC - dxldyg 18/04/2007) - 2200 - 2230 UTC DW 9800 kHz via Sackville, Canada. Audio did not begin until 2204 UTC with news in progress. "DW Newslink" and "Business News". Slight decoding dropout. Also, at time, a ringing noise in the audio. 2230 - 2300 UTC R. Sweden 9800 kHz via Sackville, Canada. "Network Europe". Slight decoding dropout with audio echo at times. "Network Europe" is an "Insight Central Europe" clone with some of the same contributing stations (R. Slovakia, R. Slovenia and Polish Radio). Why have 2 apparently identical programs with different names? I've asked R. Sweden this question and I'm awaiting their answer. *2300 UTC China R. Int 9800 kHz in English via Sackville, Canada. I can not find this broadcast listed in the various DRM schedules. (Kraig - dxldyg 17/04/2007) - Эквадор Checked HCJB`s new DRM test for WNAm on 15675-15680-15685, April 18 at 1715; rather weak, only S3-4 so doubt it would decode. Checked five different online DRM schedules and none of them give the azimuth for this, just the 4 kW power, and dates 4-17 to 4/29. (Axually they all may be derived from the same database.) By comparison, GUF DRM on 17870-17875-17880 was hitting 7 over S9, and the skeds finally show the latter as M-F only as we have been noticing (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 19/04/2007) -- Неофициальное вещание -- Наблюдения 15160,0 1307 AFS RFI-Meyerton, 15260,0 1312 CAN CRI-Sackville, 15265,0 1314 TWN CBS-Taipei, 15285,0 1318 SNG BBC-Kranji, 15420,0 1326 SEY BBC-Mahe, 15735,0 1334 S R SWEDEN-Horby, 15760,0 1346 ISR KOL ISRAEL-Tel aviv, 17585,0 1350 MDG RNW-Talata-Volondry, 17625,0 1353 CHL CRI-Santiago, (Tomas Mendez, Spain - FrecunciaDX 16/04/2007) 12040,0 1355 PHL VOA-Tinang Com+Nx 18/04 Chi 25422 1159 11690,0 1409 JOR R JORDAN-Al Karanah Mx Boney M 18/04 Ing 45444 1159 13590,0 1459 RUS FAMILY RADIO-Samara ident.fin 18/04 ver 25222 1159 13635,0 1502 AUS CVC-Darwin Com+Mx+id 18/04 Ing 35333 (Tomas Mendez, Spain - FrecunciaDX 18/04/2007) 15470,0 1359 RUS Sudan Radio Service-Krasnodar Id+Com+Mx 19/04 ing 35443 1159 13580,0 1414 TCH R PRAGA-Litomysl Prensa+Idm 19/04 Esp 45444 1159 17656,7 1422 GAB AFRO-POP ST-Moyabi Mx 19/04 Fra 45444 1159 11870,0 1435 PHL R VERITAS-Palauig Id+Com(referencia Pakistan+Rlg 19/04 Urd 25232 (Tomas Mendez, Spain - FrecunciaDX 19/04/2007) LOGS IN 14-4-07 [St Thomas date ] in Elati /Pertuli - central Greece See phos fromthe trip here : http://zlgr.multiply.com/photos/album/23 ...using Degen 1102 and abt 3 m of coiled wire Tecsun blogged in : http://zlgr.multiply.com/journal/item/62 together with picvture PIctures from the trip : http://zlgr.multiply.com/photos/album/23 There were two reception problems in our hotel : - A telecoms [telephonic] relay system was just 100 m from us . I found once that caused an uncommom kind of QRM -Quite much noise form the hotel caused ignition noise. Several bands were strongly affected AUSTRALIA 17820 0936 Christian VOice in Indonesian Sudden .Poor USA 17680 WWCR 1242 R Weather with DX program , reading letters. Good ??? 17700 Solh 1255 afghan songs 32x33 ID in Dari Fair USA 15825 WWCR semi religious rock song 1258 45544 , ID cland 7390 Open R 1402 talks in Korean by YL but signal is marginal 15180 tried to listen to R Saa but BBC was quite strong. But neither Tensae 15660 was audible .. ERITREA 5100 Bana , poor signal . Heard ID at 1619 with some music then talks in EG . Much QRM (Z. Liangas, Greece - CumbreDX 21/04/2007) 4409,8 22/4 0000 Radio Eco Reyes, Bolivia, talks and nice music, no id heard, poor 4650,24 21/4 2335 Radio Santa Ana (tent), Bolivia, talks, poor too much noise and QRM from 4648 utility 4689,6 21/4 2349 Radio San Miguel, Bolivia, talks, poor to fair 4716,65 21/4 2343 Radio Yura, Bolivia, nice songs, fair 4746,9 21/4 2354 Radio Huanta 2000, Peru, talks, good 4825,5 22/4 0007 La Voz de la Selva, Peru, songs, fair 5014,4 22/4 0014 Radio Altura, nice music, poor/fair 5939,3 22/4 0019 Radio Melodia, Peru, talks, poor but clear 5952,46 22/4 0024 Radio Pio Doce, Bolivia, music and talks, fair 6089,83 22/4 0035 Radio Nigeria Kaduna, long non stop slow afro song, extended schedule, active also on 4770 with the other channel. Id only at 0108 in EE, bad voice modulation. Good (in LSB to avoid QRM) 6105,5 21/4 2358 Radio Panamericana, Bolivia, talks, fair (G. Bernardini, Italy - dxldyg 22/04/2007) -- Неопознанное 3320, Radio Sonder Grense?, Meyerton, 0520-0557*, April 15, Tentative. Very distorted signal with talk & music. Too distorted to catch any further details. I guess this could be South Africa, although South Africa is scheduled to sign off at 0530. (Brian Alexander, PA - dxldyg 16/04/2007) 4955, 1016-1100 With a weak signal, noted a male in comments and music. I am listening to a threshold signal here and can't even make out the language being spoken. At 1050, the signal is beginning to fade into the noise. (Chuck Bolland, April 19, 2007 - CumbreDX 19/04/2007) Extremely distorted spur with squeal from something centered at approx. 7313, April 20 at 0511, mostly talk but some music. Language? Sounded sorta French, sorta Russian; At 0528 switch to a different announcer and definitely French intonation; 0529 repetitive music for a few seconds; IS? but unrecognized. Then into music with a beat. Did not find anything to match nearby on 41mb. During this hour I usually hear RN Flevo in Dutch on 7310, but not now (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 20/04/2007) -- Гармоники -- Глушение -- Пираты 1660,00 1404 2210 R.Barones,G,D,E, instrumental, country, ID, German song, 24322 3927,00 1404 2157 Antonio R, D, ID, hotmail, Chirpy Chirpy Cheep cheep, my report live on SMS! 24211 3929,00 1504 2130 WCR,D,E, hotline ID, email, Glam rock, greets to UK dxer, Sex Machine 34333 3940,00 1304 2205 R.Whitesnake+Antonio R, E,D, rock, ballad, Sweet Home Alabama, ID, email till 2231 end 34222 5730,00 1504 0653 Orion E, E, instrumental, polka,Crunchy Granola suite, ID, reports Make me smile 24422 6220,00 1204 1825 Mystery R.,Take on me: Aha, jingle 35443 6220,00 1304 2207 Mystery R, rock pops, jingle 35443 6220,00 1404 1445 Mystery R, disco dance 24332 6220,00 1504 0600 Mystery R, disco dance Candles in the wind 35443 6220,00 1604 1640 Mystery R, disco dance 35443 6255,00 1404 2200 KBC,E, jingle, ID, QTH Ede, Creedence, Last train in Georgia, my own report at 2252 45544 6280,00 1404 2100 R.Mazda, D, polka, schlager, ID, closing down at 2112 34443 6285,00 1404 0728 Orion R,E, good morning, schlager,rock, pops 24322 6295,00 1404 0801 R.Boomerang,D,E,testing, instr. Rock, closing down at 0810 24432 6308,00 1404 2305 unid, schlager, Candy, changing to 6306? 24311 6310,00 1404 0708 R,Valencia, D,E, Hawaiian mx, polka, ID, hotmail, sms, closing down at 0727 23322 6310,00 1504 1635 R.Malaysi, Gypsy kings, 34422 6311,00 1504 0725 R.Scotland,E, pops, Offshore echoes magazine promo, 24432 6325,00 1404 2240 R.Zodiac,rock, ID hotmail, ballad, jingle 24322 6374,00 1404 2235 WCR,E, rock, pops, 24311 6400,00 1404 2110 WMR,E, rock, girl, talks on pirates 34322 6400,00 1504 0602 WMR,E, rock, girl, talks on pirates 24432 9290,00 1404 0700 Latvia Today, E, rock, Bear's island info 45544 9290,00 1504 1525 EMR,E, ID, Caroline's memories, ballad, mailbag,email, website 44444 9290,00 1504 1705 Latvia Today, E, rock, Bear's island info 45444 9510,00 1504 1025 IRRS, via?, E, religious program from California 35443 9510,00 1504 1130 EMR,E, ID, Remembering R Caroline, pops, Oldies show 44444 (Silveri Gomez, Fraga, Catalunya, Spain - playdx2003 18/04/2007) -- Расписания Болгария/Италия IRRS-Shortwave A07 250307 281007 SUMMER 2007 Effective April 13, 2007 UTC UTC WKDAY FREQ START STOP TARGET ITU zones kW =================================================================== Fri 7285 16.00 18.30 EU 18-19, 27-30, 37-39 150 Sun 9510 09.30 12.00 EU 18-19, 27-30, 37-39 150 Sun 15750 13.00 13.30 FEast 30-31,40-43 150 Sun 6125 14.00 15.00 EU 18-19, 27-30, 37-39 150 Sun 7285 16.00 19.00 EU 18-19, 27-30, 37-39 150 All times, target zones and power (150 kW) will remain the same for each program. For more information you may also check our schedules online at : http://www.nexus.org/NEXUS-IBA/Schedules and: http://www.egradio.org (check here also for links to our Internet streaming channels featuring your programs) As usual we appreciate receiving reception reports for these new frequencies at: reports (at) nexus (dot) org These frequency changes are part of the regular seasonal changes that occur every 6 months on Shortwave (in April and October), and affect most broadcasters on the bands. Changes are made in order to compensate for the changing propagation conditions between summer and winter (i.e. longer day-light hours in summer), and to reduce interferences with other stations. Although we were able to keep the same frequencies for a number of seasons in the past, we are now forced to make these changes to assure the best reception quality in the target areas. It is possible that we will have to make additional adjustments to compensate last minute changes made by other broadcasters, that in turn may affect our own changes. If so we will notify you promptly or check the web pages above for last minute updates. (Ron via Antonio Schuler, Brazil - FrecuenciaDX 16/04/2007) -- Связь 06835.0 no-call: Rus. intel, RUS 2030 BAUDOT 200.33Bd/ 500Hz, broadcasting "null" msg (14Apr07) (LDO) 07986.5 CLB: Combat Logistics Bn. (26th MEU), 2247 USB/ MIL-STD 188-141A, clng MEU (14Apr07) (LDO) 08005.0 no-call: RAF Volmet, G 2047 USB, WX reports for various locations around the world, parallel with 5450 kHz (15Apr07) (LDO) 08058.6 KXV44M01: UNID US diplomatic mobile, 1009 USB/ MIL-STD 188-141A, calling KWA43 (15Apr07) (LDO) 08177.0 no-call: Rus. intel, RUS 2024 BAUDOT 200.33Bd/ 500Hz, auto broadcasting "null" message, then moving to 6835 kHz (14Apr07) (LDO) 09114.0 no-call: Algerian MIL net, ALG 0732 USB, secure VX tfc using HC-265 scrambler in HF-mode, 300Bd FSK with tactical msg tfc (15Apr07) (LDO) 10115.0 HWK: Marinens radio Karlskrona, S 0736 USB/MIL- STD 188-110A serial tone, transmitting encrypted tfc with ITA-2/5N1 coding (15Apr07) (LDO) 10733.6 KXV44M01: UNID US diplomatic mobile, 1017 USB/ MIL-STD 188-141A, calling KWA54 (15Apr07) (LDO) 12158.0 no-call: Turkish Navy network, TUR 1157 USB/MIL- STD 188-110A serial tone, e-mail tests using STANAG 5066 and HMTP protocols (15Apr07) (LDO) 16025.0 no-call: MFA Cairo, EGY 0826 USB/Codan 80 Bd Chirp+ Codan 16x75Bd QPSK modem, tfc to Egyptian Embassy Madrid (15Apr07) (LDO) (Leif Dehio, Munich, Germany - udxf 16/04/2007) here are the logs from ALF and some of mine. Interesting is the EYH66 in CW on 5871 kHz. Should be either russian military in Tadzhikistan or tadzhikish Military. Any idea? Found nothing refer the ALE ident R23608 ? No UH-60A with 81-23608 ? Please check the 7032 kHz ALE logging, any idea how to read? And the russian pp station on 9220 kHz is of special interest. That operation seems to be a "real" phone-patch network, like the coastal stations are/were. There are a lot of russian voice communications around, sadly my russian is too poor and my "inside" knowledge of the radio scene in Russia is poor as well. Do we have any Russian members out there who could explain whats/who/where and could spot some. Igor? I know you are more the CW SWLer, but maybe you stepped over some voice nets when searching for CW ? ;-)) Any more comments ? 73, Tom ------------------ 04250.5 HEB24: Global Link Network (GLN) Node Bern 1318 PACTOR-x idles only, no CW-id as reported in Notice to Mariners WK14/07! 15/Apr/07 (ALF) 04645 TALLINN AIRPORT: Tallinn Aero, EST 0022 J3E/USB OM/EE ATIS bulletin "This is Tallinn Airport, Information - Victor 0020 ... runway 26 in use ...", repeated many times. 15/Apr/2007 (DL8AAM) 05032 : unid 1648 CW "F16S ... F16S ii FRW2437 ... FRW2227 ar", s/off. 15/Apr/07 (ALF) 05260 DELTA03RS1006: Uzbek Military 0059 ALE/USB to RADAR90RS1006, KULON02RS1006. After calling on 5270.5 kHz. 14/Apr/07 (ALF) 05270 DELTA03RS1006: Uzbek Military 0059 ALE/USB to RADAR90RS1006. Next [TO]-calling on 5260 kHz. 14/Apr/07 (ALF) 05337 R23608: US Army Heli 2231 ALE/USB to T1Z108. 13/Apr/07 (ALF) * Is there maybe any UH-60A with 81-23608 out there ??? 05425 : Georgian Military "8GS-Net" 0011 ALE/USB to 3BR, 0114z to 2BR. 14/Apr/07 (ALF) 05439 CGA: Cuartel General de Armada (Venezualan Navy HQ) 0033 ALE/USB to DHN (Hydrographic & Navigation Directorate), PR1 (Puesto Naval Radio), F24 (? =Hull-Nr. for unid Frigate ?). 15/Apr/07 (ALF) 05596 ARCHANGELSK: Archangelsk Aero, RUS 0300 J3E/USB YL/RR sx wkg VORKUTA, UKHTA, ANDERMA, (TISKA ?) fr r/c. 14/Apr/07 (ALF) 05598 N240QS: unid BIZ 0310 J3E/USB wkg New York. 14/Apr/07 (ALF) * Not registered with the FAA ? 05598 CS-DKD: NetJets 0230 J3E/USB wkg New York, s/c AL-HR (Gulfstream G550). 15/Apr/07 (ALF) 05622 : unid British Aero Ground Stn 1900 J3E/USB OM/EE sx wkg unid aircraft abt technical problems. Any UK LDOC? 13/Apr/07 (ALF) 05717 XSS: tent. NATO NC3A Net 0017 ALE/USB SND. 14/Apr/07 (ALF) 05730 XNET: XNet Yachting Association Node Lakeland, FL (WQDT278) 0045 PACTOR-x idles & CW-id "XNET" each 6 mins. 14/Apr/07 (ALF) 05732 F12: USCG HU-25C Falcon (#2112; CGAS Miami, FL) 0240 ALE/USB to LNT (CAMSLANT Chesepeake, VA), which answered. 14/Apr/07 (ALF) 05778.5 B1Z171: US Army 1-171st Aviation 0022 ALE/USB SND. 14/Apr/07 (ALF) 05871 EYH66: unid Military, Tadzhikistan 0030 CW "VVV EYH66(x3) QSA? K". 14/Apr/07 (ALF) 06368.5 HEB26: Global Link Network (GLN) Node Bern 1315 PACTOR-x idles only, no CW-id as reported in Notice to Mariners WK14/07! 15/Apr/07 (ALF) 06583 : Georgian Military "8GS-Net" 0001 ALE/USB to 8GS. 14/Apr/07 (ALF) 06739 CANFORCE 2303: Canadian Airforce C-131 Aircraft 1325 J3E/USB wkg ARCHITECT (=RAF), dep Manchester (UK)/ETA Malta 1600. req wx fr LICZ (Sigonella), LIED (Decimomannu), LMML (Luqa), LIRN (Napoli); pp DSN (314) 624-2745 or +39-095-86XXXX (Sigonella Command Post) asks if possible to stop in Sigonella for fuel. 15/Apr/07 (ALF) 07032 UT1HZM: Amateur Radio Club Station, Kremenchug, UKR 1616 ALE/USB [ALTERNATE FRAME] CMDs, e.g. [CMD C0BC04] in unid "format" with OLIVIA-Mode-like bursts in 2-WAY QSO, ID in [NORMAL]. 15/Apr/07 (ALF) 08446.5 HEB28: Global Link Network (GLN) Node Bern 1319 PACTOR-x idles only, no CW-id as reported in Notice to Mariners WK14/07! 15/Apr/07 (ALF) 08484.5 HEB38: Global Link Network (GLN) Node Bern 1319 PACTOR-x idles only, no CW-id as reported in Notice to Mariners WK14/07! 15/Apr/07 (ALF) 09220 : unid Russian Phone-Patch 1224 J3E/USB professional operated styled pp with operator, like "Coastals", but simplex? 15/Apr/07 (ALF) 11175 REACH 274: USAF Aircraft 1355 J3E/USB wkg Croughton, req pp to DSN (314) 328-2247 (Mildenhall). 15/Apr/07 (ALF) 11345 REACH 0831: USAF Contract Flight 1543 J3E/USB wkg Stockholm, ETA OKBK/Kuwait 1634, gave reg N840DE & s/c FS-PR, MD-11 from Delta Airlines?. 15/Apr/07 (ALF) 11384 7: ARINC GLOBALing Node Shannon [EIP], IRL 1239 HFDL SPDUs, wkg LH8394, SU0113, SU0282 etc. 15/Apr/07 (ALF) (Thomas Rosner, Germany - udxf 16/04/2007) 05555.0 244: Unid 1747 ALE/USB clg 334 (2007-04-16) (sw) 06486.0 T2Z25: Usa-Mil 2nd Battalion 25th Avn 1753 sndg. (2007-04-16) (sw) 05321.0 11113: Unid 1807 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-16) (sw) 08188.5 437803: Unid 1835 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-16) (sw) 05065.0 2011: Ita-Corpo Carabinieri 1932 ALE/USB clg 2089 (2007-04-16) (sw) 05260.0 RADAR90RS1006: Uzb-Mil 1936 ALE/USB clg KULON02RS1006 (2007-04-16) (Sam, UK - udxf 16/04/2007) 03286.5 cis mil? 0659 BEE?/37/200 15avr07 04316.0 // 4426 NMN uscg 0521 USB eng yl "oceanic forecast...bahamas..." wx sectors 16avr07 02920.0 atc? cis ? 2038 USB rus d/x 16avr07 02935.0 atc? cis? 2041 USB rus d/x 16avr07 01915.0 gcg cuxhaven? 0630 ATQ wx pressures 17avr07 03258.5 gaf DHM91 0651 USB eng c VH6? KKNJ? XUJ 1AJI 17avr07 03258.5 gaf hcn DHJ83 0701 USB c 6LAF 17avr07 (mic, France - udxf 17/04/2007) 08000.0 2011: Ita-Corpo Carabinieri 0911 ALE/USB clg 2087 (2007-04-17) (sw) 09080.0 MAE: Alg-Mfa Algiers 0924 ALE/USB clg TNS Tunis (2007-04-17) (sw) 19309.0 055: Unid 0954 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-17) (sw) 02199.0 XSS: Unid 1000 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-17) (sw) 08108.5 XSS: Unid 1002 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-17) (sw) 03227.4 XSS: Unid 1002 ALE/USB clg XGV (2007-04-17) (sw) 03227.4 XGV: Unid 1002 ALE/USB clg XSS (2007-04-17) (sw) 08126.4 XSS: Unid 1008 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-17) (sw) (Sam, UK - udxf 17/04/2007) 07584.0 TWVS2: Spa-Pol Salamanca 1514 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (2007-04-17) (sw) 05319.0 TWVS2: Spa-Pol Salamanca 1523 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (2007-04-17) (sw) 05865.0 TWVS2: Spa-Pol Salamanca 1523 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (2007-04-17) (sw) 06796.0 TWVS2: Spa-Pol Salamanca 1525 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (2007-04-17) (sw) 07527.0 TWVS2: Spa-Pol Salamanca 1525 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (2007-04-17) (sw) 18320.0 TUD: Tun-Moi 1531 ALE/USB clg STAT22 (2007-04-17) (sw) 18320.0 STAT22: Tun-Moi 1531 ALE/USB clg TUD (2007-04-17) (sw) (Sam, UK - udxf 17/04/2007) 05077.5 WNU: Globe Wireless Node Slidell, USA 0111 GW-OFDM channel-free marker. 17/Apr/07 (ALF) 05121 XSS: tent. NATO NC3A 2151 ALE/USB SND. 16/Apr/07 (ALF) 05121.5 WNU: Globe Wireless Node Slidell, USA 0111 GW-OFDM channel-free marker. 17/Apr/07 (ALF) 05245.9 : unid Vessel 0118 GW-OFDM calling, QSX 5367 kHz/Globe Wireless Node WNU/Slidell. 17/Apr/07 (ALF) 05267 : unid 2140 ALE/USB to [TO 1DV] & [TO 5DV]. 16/Apr/07 (ALF) 05268 2016: unid 2141 ALE/USB SND. 16/Apr/07 (ALF) 05268 4017: unid 2139 ALE/USB SND. 16/Apr/07 (ALF) Maybe Turkish Red Crescent Net ? 05270.5 DELTA03RS1006: Uzbek Military 0140 ALE/USB to OSMON02RS1006, which replyed, into MIL-STD 188-141B/75BPS/L. 17/Apr/07 (ALF) 05289.4 : unid Vessel 0112 GW-OFDM calling, QSX XXXX kHz/Globe Wireless Node VCT/Tor's Cove. 17/Apr/07 (ALF) 05295 : unid Vessel 2110 GW-OFDM calling, QSX 5315 kHz/Globe Wireless Node SAB/Goteborg. 16/Apr/07 (ALF) 05315 SAB: Globe Wireless Node Goteborg, S 2059 GW-OFDM channel-free marker. 16/Apr/07 (ALF) 05367 WNU: Globe Wireless Node Slidell, USA 0117 GW-OFDM channel-free marker. 17/Apr/07 (ALF) 05388 : unid Vessel 2150 GW-OFDM calling, QSX 5433 kHz/Globe Wireless Node SAB/Goteborg. 16/Apr/07 (ALF) 05421 : unid Vessel 2055 GW-OFDM calling, QSX 5768 kHz/Globe Wireless Node LFI/Rogaland. 16/Apr/07 (ALF) 05433 SAB: Globe Wireless Node Goteborg, S 2058 GW-OFDM channel-free marker. 16/Apr/07 (ALF) 05521 : unid 0127 & 0242 PACTOR-I calling P2QM, no joy. 17/Apr/07 (ALF 05554.5 T01147: US Army NG 1147th Avn Bn 0130 ALE/USB short [TO ?@?] each 30 sec. 17/Apr/07 (ALF) ID correct?? Can't find any details about this unit ? 05768 LFI: Globe Wireless Node Rogaland, NOR 2105 GW-OFDM channel-free marker. 16/Apr/07 (ALF) 05837.5 : unid Vessel 2116 GW-OFDM calling, QSX 6396 kHz/Globe Wireless Node 9HD/Malta. 16/Apr/07 (ALF) 05837.5 : Russian Air Defence 2118 CW time-mkr "=99T118??8?????", UTC+4h. 16/Apr/07 (ALF) 05847 TXX2: Guardia Civil HQ (Madrid?) 2111 ALE/USB to TWVV2 (Valadolid). 16/Apr/07 (ALF) 05873 : unid Vessel 2123 GW-OFDM calling, QSX XXXX kHz/Globe Wireless Node ZSC/Capetown. 16/Apr/07 (ALF) 05873 : Russian Air Defence 2125 CW time-mkr "=99T125??8?????", UTC+4h. 16/Apr/07 (ALF) 05912 : unid Vessel 2128 GW-OFDM calling, QSX XXXX kHz/Globe Wireless Node 8PO/Barbados. 16/Apr/07 (ALF) 06721 UKE302: NATO E-3D / Boeing Sentry AEW1 (#ZH-102, RAF 8/23 Sqn Waddington) 1106 ALE/USB SND. 17/Apr/07 (ALF) 06884 : unid 1025 PACTOR-x (tent.) calling, no joy. 16/Apr/07 (ALF) 06945 BRASHKA: Chelyabinsk Aero, RUS 0204 J3E/USB YL/RR wkg many stations, e.g. KATYUSHA (Novosibirsk), MAKHAVIK (Kurgan) etc. 17/Apr/07 (ALF) 06955 : unid Gardia Civil 1034 ALE/USB [DAT L2@]; to TWVV2 (Valadolid). 17/04/2007 (ALF) (Thomas Rosner, Germany - udxf 17/04/2007) 07783.0 SOG933: POL Mil 1356 USB/ALE clg LCR154, Voice Calls ee after con- nect, flwd by short pol. Convers. and ALE conf. (13/APR/07) (KK) 05840.5 CO99C: unid 1441 P-I/100Bd clg CO04M (13/APR/07) (KK) 06905.0 2011: Italian Carabineri 1902 LSB/ALE clg 2087, AMD: Dial 4 (16/APR/07) (KK) 06852.0 DAMMAM: Dammam, ARS 2910 USB/ALE snd (16/APR/07) (KK) 06852.0 RIYADH: Riyadh, ARS 0122 USB/ALE snd (17/APR/07) (KK) 06852.0 DAMMAM: Dammam, ARS 0109 USB/ALE snd (17/APR/07) (KK) 06852.0 DAMMAM: Dammam, ARS 2139 USB/ALE clg ERDA (16/APR/07) (KK)* 06852.0 RIYADH: Riyadh, ARS 1922 USB/ALE snd (16/APR/07) (KK) *ERDA = ? Energy Research and Development Administration (Kristian, Germany - udxf 17/04/2007) 4.445 13-04-07 2120 Emisión en morse CW 343 5.450 13-04-07 2129 G MVU RAF Volmet London/ West Drayton Fonia 433 5.505 13-04-07 2133 IRL EIP Shannon Volmet Fonia 544 14.180 13-04-07 1832 Radioaficionados Fonia 544 14.243 13-04-07 1840 Radioaficionados Fonia 555 (Javier Robledillo Jaén, Elche (Alicante), Spain - FrecuenciaDX 18/04/2007) 04031.0 IADV: Italian navy trials frigate F581 "Carabiniere" 0837 USB/STANAG4285 wkg IDR [ItN Roma], voice coord for data traffic, HB1, qsy to CL15 = 6262.5. (17APR07) (RRE) 06262.5 IADV: Italian navy trials frigate F581 "Carabiniere" 0838 USB/STANAG4285 wkg IDR [ItN Roma], voice coord for data traffic. (17APR07) (RRE) 05687.0 KITE 20: Hohn Learjet 0845 USB wkg DHM91 [GAF LTKdo Münster], req phonepatch to Hohn duty officer, ext 2691, line count-check and terminating. (17APR07) (RRE) 05178.0 BOULMER: Royal AF CRC 0857 USB wkg R0A [RN ship], JAAWSC circuit, cross tell ops, all tracks southern UK. (17APR07) (RRE) 04516.5 DHM91: German AF LTKdo Münster 0900 USB/RATT wkg W949, 6LAF, 0KNJ, 1NM9, 9CG9, XU1J and DHJ83 [all GAF stations], collective callsign 1AJI, practice security messages via voice and data, at 0955z kicking to F38 = 5286.5. (17APR07) (RRE) 05286.5 DHM91: German AF LTKdo Münster 0956 USB/RATT wkg W949, 6LAF, 0KNJ, 1NM9, 9CG9, XU1J and DHJ83 [all GAF stations], collective callsign 1AJI, practice security messages via voice and data, later also DHO78 joining the net. (17APR07) (RRE) 06694.0 BOULMER: Royal AF CRC 1003 USB wkg R0A [RN ship], JAAWSC circuit, cross tell ops, all tracks southern UK. (17APR07) (RRE) 08810.5 B8D: Norwegian navy ship 1306 USB wkg JWT [RNoN Stavanger on 8430.5], message in nuco, req zdk on W8B = 8211.0 [STANAG4285]. (17APR07) (RRE) 05461.5 DHO78: German AF station 1526 USB/RATT wkg DHJ67, 07XW, IP51 and DHO91 [all GAF stations], collective callsign 1AQU, practice security messages via voice and data. (17APR07) (RRE) 10348.2 IDR: Italian navy Roma 1541 USB/STANAG4285 wkg IHMT [ItN minehunter M5555 "Termoli"], voice coord for data traffic. (17APR07) (RRE) 03217.0 DHM91: German AF LTKdo Münster 0625 USB/RATT wkg W949, 9CG9, 0KNJ, DHJ83, 6LAF and ZU1J [all GAF stations], collective callsign 1AJI, practice security messages via voice and data, at 0647z switching to F24 = 4516.5. (18APR07) (RRE) 03273.5 IP51: German AF station 0646 USB/RATT wkg DHJ67, DHJ77, DHO78, 07XW and TR6A [all GAF stations], collective callsign 1AQU, practice security messages via voice and data. (18APR07) (RRE) 04516.5 DHM91: German AF LTKdo Münster 0648 USB/RATT wkg W949, 9CG9, 0KNJ, DHJ83, 6LAF and ZU1J [all GAF stations], collective callsign 1AJI, practice security messages via voice and data. (18APR07) (RRE) 05455.0 FNY 50K1: French navy N-262 0727 USB wkg Nimes Ecole, reporting out of Nimes time 0720z, at 0741z reporting meteo conditions, position 4345N 00333E 0738z, ETA Brusc 0745z. (18APR07) (RRE) (Ronald Rensen, The Netherlands - udxf 18/04/2007) 05220.5 210: Sng-N Ship "Endeavour" L210 2044 ALE/USB clg CN3 (2007-04-17) (sw) 07801.0 6701: Unid 2047 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-04-17) (sw) 11130.0 Z2: Mrc-Mil 0845 ALE/USB clg C3 (2007-04-18) (sw) 14550.0 I2: Mrc-Mil 0857 ALE/USB clg C3 (2007-04-18) (sw) 08875.0 I2: Mrc-Mil 0859 ALE/USB clg C3 (2007-04-18) (sw) 07965.0 CS002: Mkd-Mil 0910 ALE/USB clg RS009 (2007-04-19) (sw) 07475.0 RS0014: Mkd-Mil 0921 ALE/USB clg CS003 (2007-04-19) (sw) 05121.0 J06: Unid 0934 ALE/USB clg J13 (2007-04-19) (sw) (Sam, UK - udxf 19/04/2007) 12622.5 kHz XSQ Guangzhou R 4/19/07 1311 tune in to channel free marker, 1318 into Sitor Weather bc. fair signal. (Martin Foltz, So Cal USA - udxf 19/04/2007) 5680 1423 RESCUE 169 Sea king RAF 22SQN A Flight Chivenor tfc with kinloss abt casulties are safe with coastguard rtb to chivenor. Mode usb (Ronny P, The Netherlands - udxf 19/04/2007) here are some of mine added by ALF's from the last two days. I did a short -TOR scanning of the 8 MHz range, after I got the recent Globe Wireless channel list, TNX agn Jim ! Any idea what is going on on 5093.5 kHz, for sure US according to the accent. Next question: REACH on 5616 kHz, operated by DHL ? The ALE net on 6873 kHz is also unid, some mentioned it as Serb some others as Polish military. From the signal and time of the day, it "could" (?) be more polish as serbian, but? 04244 DAO24: Global Link Network (GLN) Node Kiel Radio 1908 PACTOR-x channel-free idles only. 17/APRIL/2007 (DL8AAM) 05093.5 MIGHTY MOUSE: US Military Europe 2323 J3E/USB wkg 7LL, 8UD. 18/Apr/07 (ALF) 05204.5 6869: unid 2305 ALE/USB SND. 18/Apr/07 (ALF) 05616 C-GMGB: BIZ Flight (Image Air Charter Ltd.) 0114 J3E/USB wkg Gander, pos. 46N 43W27, req FL390, reported turbulences (Canadair CL-600-2B16). 19/Apr/07 (ALF) 05616 N247KB: BIZ Flight (KB Home, Los Angeles) 0116 J3E/USB wkg Gander, s/c DR-FK (Gulfstream IV). 19/Apr/07 (ALF) 05616 N594RJ: BIZ Flight (R.J. Corman Aviation Services) 0138 J3E/USB wkg Gander, s/c HJ-FL (CL600-2B16(CL601-3A). 19/Apr/07 (ALF) 05616 REACH 754: USAF Flight to Ramstein 0135 J3E/USB wkg Gander req fwd pos/rep to DHL. 19/Apr/07 (ALF) DHL is doing RCH flights? DHL: Astar Air Cargo ? 05732 719: USCG HC-130H Aircraft (#1719, CGAS Barbers Point) 0010 ALE/USB SND. 19/Apr/07 (ALF) 06435.5 DAO36: Global Link Network (GLN) Node Kiel Radio 1908 PACTOR-x channel-free idles only. 17/APRIL/2007 (DL8AAM) 06721 244129: USAF (tent. C-17 Aircraft, #04-4129) 2230 ALE/USB SND. 18/Apr/07 (ALF) 06873 RBYG: Polish Military ? 1024, 1036 ALE/USB to PGID. 18/Apr/07 (ALF) 06873 MJMD: Polish Military ? 1025, 1036 ALE/USB to PGID. 18/Apr/07 (ALF) 06873 PGID: Polish Military ? 1035 ALE/USB to AZWE. 18/Apr/07 (ALF) 06873 4N7R: Polish Military ? 1045 ALE/USB to AZWE. 18/Apr/07 (ALF) 07753 WNU: Globe Wireless Node Slidell, USA 2242 GW-OFDM ch-free idles. 18/APRIL/2007 (DL8AAM) 07793.3 WNU: Globe Wireless Node Slidell, USA 2241 GW-OFDM ch-free idles. 18/APRIL/2007 (DL8AAM) 08035 WQDT278: XNetMail Yachting Association Node Maryville, TN 2228 PACTOR-x ch-free idles & CW-id "XNET" each 6 minutes. 18/APRIL/2007 (DL8AAM) 08080 WQDT278: XNetMail Yachting Association Node Smithfield, TN 2222 PACTOR-x ch-free idles & CW-id "XNET" each 6 minutes. 18/APRIL/2007 (DL8AAM) 08277.5 LGB28: Global Link Network (GLN) Node Rogaland Radio 1905 PACTOR-x channel-free idles only. 17/APRIL/2007 (DL8AAM) 08418 IAR: Roma Radio, I 2151 -TOR ch-free idles & CW-id. 18/APRIL/2007 (DL8AAM) 08424 SVO4: Olympia Radio, GRC 2149 CW ch-free id "de SVO". 18/APRIL/2007 (DL8AAM) 08425.5 XSG: Shanghai Radio, CHN 2148 -TOR ch-free idles & CW-id. 18/APRIL/2007 (DL8AAM) 08427.5 A9M: Bahrain Radio, BHR 2147 -TOR ch-free idles & CW-id "de A9M TLX". 18/APRIL/2007 (DL8AAM) 08428 NMN: USCG Chesapeake, VA 2146 -TOR ch-free idles & CW-id. 18/APRIL/2007 (DL8AAM) 08431 TAH: Turk Istanbul Radio, TUR 2144 -TOR ch-free idles & CW-id. 18/APRIL/2007 (DL8AAM) 08431.5 UAT: Moscow Radio, RUS 2144 -TOR ch-free idles, CW-id "de UAT". 18/APRIL/2007 (DL8AAM) 08434 TAH: Turk Istanbul Radio, TUR 2143 -TOR ch-free idles & CW-id. 18/APRIL/2007 (DL8AAM) 08436 XSG: Shanghai Radio, CHN 2207 -TOR ch-free idles & CW-id. 18/APRIL/2007 (DL8AAM) 08446 ZSC: Globe Wireless Node Cape Town, AFS 2142 GW-OFDM ch-free idles. 18/APRIL/2007 (DL8AAM) 08446.5 HEB28: Global Link Network (GLN) Node Bern, SUI 2204 PACTOR-x ch-free idles. 18/APRIL/2007 (DL8AAM) 08468 8PO: Globe Wireless Node Barbados, BRB 2136 GW-OFDM ch-free idles. 18/APRIL/2007 (DL8AAM) 08473 HLF: Globe Wireless Node Seoul, KOR 2139 GW-OFDM ch-free idles. 18/APRIL/2007 (DL8AAM) 08474 9HD: Globe Wireless Node Malta, MLT 2138 GW-OFDM ch-free idles. 18/APRIL/2007 (DL8AAM) 08484.5 HEB38: Global Link Network (GLN) Node Bern, SUI 2210 PACTOR-x ch-free idles. 18/APRIL/2007 (DL8AAM) 08489 SAB: Globe Wireless Node Goteborg, S 2137 GW-OFDM ch-free idles. 18/APRIL/2007 (DL8AAM) 08497 HLF: Globe Wireless Node Seoul, KOR 2136 GW-OFDM ch-free idles. 18/APRIL/2007 (DL8AAM) 08517 9HD: Globe Wireless Node Malta, MLT 2134 GW-OFDM ch-free idles. 18/APRIL/2007 (DL8AAM) 08591 SAB: Globe Wireless Node Goteborg, S 2132 GW-OFDM ch-free idles. 18/APRIL/2007 (DL8AAM) 08594 LSD836: Globe Wireless Node Buenos Aires, ARG 2131 GW-OFDM ch-free idles. 18/APRIL/2007 (DL8AAM) 08597 HEC: Globe Wireless Node Bern, SUI 2130 GW-OFDM ch-free idles. 18/APRIL/2007 (DL8AAM) 08602 SAB: Globe Wireless Node Goteborg, S 21297 GW-OFDM ch-free idles. 18/APRIL/2007 (DL8AAM) 08615 VCT: Globe Wireless Node Tors Cove, CAN 2129 GW-OFDM ch-free idles. 18/APRIL/2007 (DL8AAM) 08617 XSV: Globe Wireless Node Tianjin, CHN 2127 GW-OFDM ch-free idles. 18/APRIL/2007 (DL8AAM) 08636 HLW: Seoul Radio, KOR 2124 CW "CQ(x3) de HLW(x3) QSX 8 MHZ". 18/APRIL/2007 (DL8AAM) 08717.5 DZO38: Global Link Network (GLN) Node Manila, PHL 2201 PACTOR-x ch-free idles. 18/APRIL/2007 (DL8AAM) (Thomas Rosner, Germany - udxf 19/04/2007) CISN Morse of 19.4.2007 14411//18.1 1240z VGK (General Staff) Moscow [uuu xxx xxx RKS RKS RDL RDL 11085 33878 kistewoj 5474 4254 k] FN 14411//18.1 1244z VGK (General Staff) Moscow [xxx xxx RDL RDL 77167 13403 glicina 4633 1481 k] FN 11155 1247z NF HQ Severomorsk [RLO RLO 13403 glicina 4633 1481 k] FN 14411//18.1 1313z VGK (General Staff) Moscow [uuu xxx xxx RKS RKS RDL RDL 46814 05722 Иrsted 3434 7953 k] FN 11155 1314z NF HQ Severomorsk [xxx xxx RLO RLO 13735 Иchinit 1225 9481 k] FN 14411//18.1 1316z VGK (General Staff) Moscow [RDL RDL 79901 13735 Иchinit 1225 9481 k] FN (Fritz Nusser - udxf 19/04/2007) 04527 unid? jammer? with large frequencies cover / / 4547 also but different tone 0535 19avr07 02643.0 A9M hamala 2115 CW de 19avr07 02657.0 CTQ? navy porto (santo?) 2118>34 USB por/eng c unid vol pos A4T,OB1,19avr07 02680.0 4XZ navy haifa 2137 CW de 19avr07 02720.0 SPS witowo 2139 USB pol yl wx 19avr07 02730.0 SVL limnos? 2142 USB eng wx '"black sea..." 19avr07 04373.0 fishermen 0702 USB fr d/x "lotte... lorient..." 21avr07 04411.0 FDY? 0706 CW crypté 21avr07 (mic, France - udxf 21/04/2007) 12591.5 UFL Vladivostok R 4/21 1210 UTC tuned in to Sitor bc, poor and only a few characters would decode. It was a list of their freqs, 4367.0/4065.0, 8731.0/8207.0, 8423/8383. That's all that was legible. Into channel free marker 1213 "DE UFL". (Martin Foltz, So Cal USA - udxf 21/04/2007) 05153,9 S : rus navy Severomorsk RUS 2132 cw Channel Marker 21Apr07 (wp3) 05154,0 C : rus navy Moscow RUS 2132 cw Channel Marker 21Apr07 (wp3) 07038,9 S : rus navy Severomorsk RUS 2128 cw Channel Marker 21Apr07 (wp3) 07039,0 C : rus navy Moscow RUS 2127 cw Channel Marker 21Apr07 (wp3) 05192,5 : unid (may be FDC) 2132 cw // 5200 Khz … zmcrt yrktv gkvus ejghw spnmm xjevk jfeab rfejj bt gr 39 a 18 23:46:41 1990 bt ywsca hsehi cpgpi kyyde … 21Apr07 (wp3) 05200,0 : unid (may be FDC) 2257 cw // 5192,50 Khz … jyapf kllau eduye sxtei bt err 54 a 19 01:20:19 1990 bt hncan jkpeg nsawl jkocs ozlno … 21Apr07 (wp3) (W. Palmberger, Germany - udxf 22/04/2007) 05786.0 AM: unid 1850 USB/ALE clg BM (19/APR/07) (KK) 04470.0 2049: Italian Carabineri 1854 USB/ALE clg 2013 [AMD]DIAL4 (19/APR/07) (KK) 04457.0 2004: Italian Carabineri 1856 USB/ALE clg 2033 [AMD]DIAL4 (19/APR/07) (KK) 04457.0 RHI: unid Saudi 1857 USB/ALE clg AAI (19/APR/07) (KK) 04457.0 2011: Italian Carabineri 1858 USB/ALE clg 2075 [AMD]DIAL4 (19/APR/07) (KK) 04481.5 No Call: unid French prb Gendarmes 1900 USB/8-FSK SkymasterALE (19/APR/07) (KK) 05759.0 2013: Italian Carabineri 1914 USB/ALE clg 2049 [AMD]DIAL4 (19/APR/07) (KK) 4322.0 MGJ: RNy Faslane, G. 1915 Rtty 150Bd/350Hz Marker: "02B 02K 3F 04B 04H 06G 08A 12X 12E 16A MGJ" (19/APR/07) (KK) 06836.7 No Call: unid FF 1417 ARQ-E3/200Bd/400Hz idles (20/APR/07) (KK) 06742.0 AAA: Israeli AF 1855 USB/ALE snd (20/APR/07) (KK) 05752.0 2013: Italian Carabineri 1908 USB/ALE clg 2009 [AMD]DIAL4 (20/APR/07) (KK) 06936.0 2011: Italian Carabineri 1858 USB/ALE clg 2009 [AMD]DIAL4 (21/APR/07) (KK) 10543.2 No Call: unid Saudi 1707 ARQ-E/46,2Bd idles (21/APR/07) (KK) 10557.2 No Call: unid 1713 P-I/200Bd (Kristian, Germany - udxf 22/04/2007) -- Соревнования На сайте www.air-radio.it опубликованы результаты соревнований "Attilio Leoni", которые регулярно проходят в январе. Результаты впечатляют, скажу я вам, давно такого не было: на первых четырех местах (из 25) расположились представители бывшего СССР: 1. Роландс Страутмалис (Латвия) 2. Владимир Рожков (Россия) 3. Дмитрий Мезин (Россия) 4. Сергей Колесов (Украина) И еще на 17-м месте -- наш Евгений Конюшенко. Поздравляю всех с успешным выступлением! На самом деле любое место в таких мероприятиях почетно (хотя первое -- вдвойне. (Дмитрий Мезин, Казань, Россия - open_dx 16/04/2007) -- Северо-Запад -- Новости Германия Saarländischer Rundfunk issued an invitation of tenders for new 1422 transmitters. See http://www.sr-online.de/dersr/2251/621408.html and in the linked .zip archive the LV Mittelwellensender.pdf file. Summary: The current 1422 transmitters were installed in the early seventies, the facility has been designed for a maximum carrier power of 1200 kW. Since the late eighties this equipment is used in DAM mode in passive reserve configuration with a maximum carrier power of 600 kW. A separate back-up facility exists as well, consisting of a 100 kW PDM transmitter and an aux antenna. During daytime the aux antenna is now in use for another program on 1179, carried by a 10 kW solid-state transmitter. To be installed is new 400 kW transmission equipment, consisting of two DRM-ready transmitters of 200 kW each in an active reserve configuration. The antenna facilities are to be kept as they are, with an option to make it possible to switch the 100 kW transmitter to the main antenna (two masts, 120 metres tall) as well. The new transmitters are to be switchable to the aux antenna, too, with automatically reducing the output to the maximum power the 60 Ohms coax cable to this antenna can handle (about 100 kW), but not when the 1179 transmitter is on air (1179 has priority over 1422 back-up for this antenna). The existing EMT limiter/compressor is to be replaced by "an audio processor (OPTIMOD)" [I don't think that they intentionally specify Orban products here], the other audio equipment is to be kept and wired to the new transmitter facility accordingly. The new facility has to be installed without disrupting the service. Inavoidable breaks have to be agreed and are restricted to a window between midnight and 5 AM. First the existing transmitter #2 has to be removed to make room for the new facility, with ensuring that the 100 kW transmitter can always be used as back-up. It is possible to reuse the transformer cell of old transmitter #2 for parts of the new facility (power supply, fans). So the output on 1422 will be limited to 400 kW with the new transmitters. Probably this is already the case with 1539 at Mainflingen, reportedly the new facility there is rated at 400 kW, too (old transmitters were 2 x 350 kW = 700 kW output). Perhaps "passive reserve" and "active reserve" are unknown terms outside Germany: The first one designates a back-up concept with a separate stand-by transmitter, usually not on air (hence passive). "Active reserve" means that there are no idle transmitters, any two transmitters set-up (or any complete unit consisting of a "married" transmitter pair) is the classical example of active reserve: If one transmitter fails the other one will stay on air, just the power will be reduced by half. Btw, a typical concept for FM is passive reserve in n+1 configuration: n are as much transmitters as frequencies are on air from the particular facility, added is another transmitter which in cases of a transmitter failure will be tuned up on the affected frequency and fired up with the belonging modulation. (Kai Ludwig, Germany - dxldyg 20/04/2007) Иран Голос Исламской Республики Иран восстановил частоту 3985 кГц, отменённую 1,5 года назад, для передач на русском языке 1700-1800 и 1930-2030. Полное скорректированное частотное расписание выложено в разделе "файлы": http://groups.yahoo.com/group/open_dx/files/summer%202007-2.doc (Сергей Никишин, Москва, Россия - open_dx 16/04/2007) Украина С 18 апреля на ВСРУ/РУИ добавляются еще 4 часовых передачи в день на английском языке за счет сокращения украинских передач в 0500, 0700, 1400, 1900. Изменение касается всех видов вещания: КВ, Интернет, спутник. Частотное расписание остается без изменений. (Александр Егоров, Киев, Украина - open_dx 16/04/2007) -- Интернет Опубликовано на странице www.hfcc.org/data/index.html новое расписание А07 (Анатолий Клепов, Москва, Россия - open_dx 20/04/2007) -- QSL КВ/СВ/ДВ Германия Сегодня получил письмо от AWR "Голос Надежды". К сожалению, в ответе сообщалось, что станция больше не подтверждает рапорта о приеме, в связи с закрытием отдела координации коротковолнового вещания. Очень жаль! Хотя может быть не подтверждает только русская редакция. Если кто-то что-то знает по этому вопросу сообщите. Буду очень благодарен! (Александр Мядель, Минск, Беларусь - open_dx 20/04/2007) Израиль Получил QSL от Galei Zahal через 27 дней. RR посылал по e-mail:glz@galatz.co.il. Частота 6973 кГц. Паралельная частота 15785 кГц. (Александр Мядель, Минск, Беларусь - open_dx 21/04/2007) Канада 1050 CKSB Canada, Winnipeg, MB, received a very friendly letter and fridge magnet in 45df from: Paul Barnabe, CKSB CBC/Radio Canada. Address: 607 Langevin Street, Winnipeg MB Canada R2H 2W2. MW QSL: 2952. I am pleased with this, as for some reason I totally overlooked CKSB in QSLing it for over 40 years. I guess once in a while one will drop down into the cracks. (PM-OR - hard-core-dx 20/04/2007) Литва Пришла карточка от Mighty KBC (передатчик в Литве). Писал почти месяц назад по e-mail, но не по тому адресу, который дан на сайте (info @ k-po.com), а по тому, который объявляется в программе (kbc @ planet.nl). Значит, работают оба адреса. Карточка стандартная, о ней в конференции уже писали. Жаль, наклейки не досталось... Т.к. я дал им качество приема на обеих используемых частотах -- 1386 и 6255, в карточке написаны и та, и другая. (Дмитрий Мезин, Казань, Россия - open_dx 17/04/2007) Нидерланды Radio Nederland ha confermato l'ascolto della trasmissione speciale (elezioni) del 22 novembre 2006 su 1314 kHz da Kvitsoy, Norvegia. QSL full data in due mesi. Indirizzo solito: POBox 222, 1200 JG Hilversum, Olanda (Giampiero Bernardini, Milano, Italy - playdx2003 18/04/2007) - Связь Reciban mi mas cordial saludo. Acabo de recibir dos (2) nuevas QSL: 1- Radio Free Europe: programa en bielorruso escuchado el 28 de Febrero de 2007, en los 11925 khz. Tiempo de demora: 50 dias. Transmision desde Marruecos. Informe enviado por correo electronico. 2- Radio Sweden: programa en ingles escuchado el 22 de Marzo de 2007, en los 11550 khz. Tiempo de demora: 20 dias. Informe enviado por correo electronico. Junto con la QSL fueron enviados los esquemas de transmision y una revista conmemorativa de Carl von Linne. Estamos en contacto, agradeciendo su atencion y consideracion, les saluda con un gran abrazo desde Temuco (Patricio De los Rios Spain - NoticiasDX 18/04/2007) 366 kHz YMW Maniwaki NDB, Quebec, Canada f/d PFC in 17 days. Power 500 watts. Address: NAV Canada, Centre de ContrТle AИrien, 1750, Chemin St-FranГois, Dorval, QC H9P 2P6. (Jim Pogue-Memphis, TN USA) 380 kHz UMB CULVR NDB, Milledgeville, GA f/d PFC from ??? Lazarus in 9 days. Power 15 watts. Address: Milledgeville Aviation Inc., 216 Airport Rd., Milledgeville, GA 31061. (Jim Pogue-Memphis, TN USA) 400 kHz UWI Whitfield NDB, Dalton, GA f/d PFC from Harvey Halman, Airport Manager in 10 days. Power 25 watts. Address: Carpet Capital Aviation Inc., P.O. Box 831, Dalton, GA 30722. (Jim Pogue-Memphis, TN USA) 506.1 kHz WD2XSH/6 experimental radio station, Long Beach, MS f/d QSL card from Patrick E. Hamel/W5THT in 5 days. Power 7.9 watts ERP for e-mail report and mp3 clip to pehamel@cableone.net. (Jim Pogue-Memphis, TN USA - udxf 17/04/2007) QSL received the last days: N729KP: BIZ Jet (Challenger 604) of Novartis Corportation. (Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, Aviation Division, Hangar #5, 5 Airport Road, Morristown, NJ 07960 - v/s Ross Volk, Vice President, Corporate Security and Aviation (N2EIB) - Email: ross.volk # group.novartis.com): 5616 kHz with Gander Radio Full detailed QSL-letter. Paper QSL after a first eQSL. That QSL came with a document FEDEX courier, needed less then 24 hours from the US to Germany! A NICE ONE !! ZSC: Cape Town Radio (Telkom SA Ltd., Maritime Services, Private Bag X01, Milnerton 743, South Africa - Email: maritimeradio # ixmail.co.za DSC 8414.5 kHz Full detailed card sized QSL-paper & historical info sheet about Cape Town Radio Paper QSL after a first eQSL. UIW: Kaliningrad MRCC (Kaliningrad Maritime Port Administration, Ul. Portovaya 59, Kaliningrad 236003, Russia; v/s Vitaly Tsykhotsky, Head of MRCC Kaliningrad - Email: mrcc # mapkld.ru) DSC 2187.5 kHz Full detailed QSL-letter (1kW into V-type antenna) needed more then 1 month according to the postmark from Kaliningrad HSD: Bangkok Volmet (Meteorological Department, 4353 Sukhumvit, Bangna, Bangkok 10260, Thailand; v/s Jantima Niyomchok, for Director of Meteorological Information Communication Div.; Email: tmd # metnet.tmd.go.th) 6676 kHz Full detailed QSL-folder and letter with many interesting background information SVO: Olympia Radio (153 42 Agia Paraskevi, Athens; v/s I. Flitouris, Manager of Olympia Radio; email: shipsva # otenet.gr) 5865 kHz (temporary relay for public Greek broadcaster ERA) Full detailed letter, info-brochure about Olympia Radio N80Q: BIZ Jet (Gulfstream G450) of United States Steel Corp., Pittsburgh, PA (v/s James M. Tuck, PIA, P.O.Box 12345, Hangar 8, Hangar Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15231; 5616 kHz Full detailed US-letter-sized picture-"card" of N80Q Paper QSL after a first eQSL. VOLARE 2948: Volare (Airlines) (Volare S.p.A., Aeroporto Malpensa 2000, S.P. 52, Terminal 1, Area Tecnica Sud, 21010 Ferno (VA); v/s Giovanni Sanseverino, Manager H24 OPS CONTROL, MXP T1 - Area Tecniche Sud) 5550 kHz with New York Radio (I-AIMQ, a B767-300ER from Montigo Bay/Jamaica to Milan Malpensa/Italy) Full detailed QSL-letter with picture of the aircraft on it. All RRs were send via email to addresses found on their websites or typed into feedback forms on their websites. Even some webmasters forwarded my report to the right person ;-)) The QSL rate is lower as 10% .... but I have still hope, still waiting ;-) (Thomas Rosner, Germany = udxf 19/04/2007) -- Аппараиура -- 73! |
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