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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 114

WorldDX 114
WorldDX выходит с декабря 2004 года.
Редкатор: Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия.
Время везде UTC; Mосковское время = UTC +4 часа - летом, а зимой - +3 часа.
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Извиняюсь за возможные пропадания букв из текста сообщений - увы, но Yahoo сильно глючит и даже пропускает слишком много копий одних

и тех же ообщений... Также не работает ICQ последние два дня... (И. Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия, 04/03/2007)
Короткие Волны

CVC, 0833-0859*, March 27, OM DJ with "The Edge", a
program of pop/rock songs, gives address (The Edge, P.O. Box 6361,
Maroochydore, BC, Queensland), audio streaming at CVC.TV, mostly good,
off in mid-song (Ron Howard, Shanghai, China, Eton E5 - dxldyg 27/03/2007)

R. Tirana March 27, 2007 0145-0159 UT 6115 S9 +37 dB
peak. Severe QRM from RAI on 6110 via Ascension and another unID
station under R. Tirana on 6115. Overall poor. 7425 S9 +30 dB peak.
Slight QRM from, I believe, VOA on 7430. Overall fair to good.
(Kraig, KG4LAC, Manassas, VA, Usa - dxldyg 27/03/2007)

Un chequeo efectuado el 26 de Marzo a Radio Argelia a las 19:00 UTC en 9765 en paralelo por 11810 con emisin en rabe, este servicio se prolong hasta las 20:00

UTC, SINPO 55555. El servicio en espaol de Radio Argel slo en internet desde las 19:30 hasta las 19:58. En ingls desde las 19:00 hasta las 19:30. El programa en

espaol est conducido por una locutora con boletn de noticias nacionales e internacionales, pronostico del tiempo, locutor con noticias deportivas. Se identifica como

Radio Argelia Internacional, nuestra voz en el mundo. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 26/03/2007)

Non ci bastavano i marocchini, adesso dalle 1800 alle 2200 UTC su 15345 Khz la trasmissione speciale per i militari spagnoli in Libano... qui arriva soltanto 9+60...

altro che Argentina...(bclnews - playdx2003 26/03/2007)

REE claims to have used 15345 many years, and since RAE
doesn`t go to HFCC, tough. This is nonsense. I happen to have HFCC B-04 on
file, and guess what: No Spain registered for 15345, but ARGENTINA WAS, at that

15345 1200 1400 6-13 BUE 100 35 12345 311004 270305 D Spanish ARG RAE
15345 1800 2400 27,28,37 BUE 100 35 1234567 311004 270305 D EnFrGerSpa

In A-05, neither Spain nor Argentina showed on 15345, just Morocco, etc. Since
RAE`s usage doesn`t change perceptibly from season to season or year to year,
all they had to do was renew the old registrations, but they dropped the ball.
The above also displays the lamentable bureaucratic mentality reigning at too
many stations: if it`s not on paper, it doesn`t exist (Glenn Hauser - hard-core-dx 51, 33, 30/03/2007)

21.630 kHz, BBC, 23-03-07, 1825-1827 UTC. Noticias deportivas con referencias a Ronaldo, en frances. SINPO 34333.
17.660 kHzn WYFR Family Radio, 23-03-07, 1839-1841 UTC. Comentarios religiosos, en frances. SINPO 55333.
(Javier Robledillo Jaen, Alicante, Spain - FrecuenciaDX 26/03/2007)

R. Solh, 17700 via UK, audible from 1405, and coming in
well by 1420 with improving conditions, March 31 at 17700; mostly solh music,
but some speeches in Pashto lasting a few minutes. Their playback is still
skewed so that the Solh Theme once again did not start until 1458, and was
interrupted at 1500 for ID and then into other music. Still some enjoyable
music before then, always the same artist and group from day to day and it too
is getting to be familiar (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 52, 1, 31/03/2007)

На 7440 кГц обосновалось Р.Беларусь. Наблюдатели из-за рубежа сообщают,
что оно работает впритык к началу передач РУИ на этой частоте в 23.00.
А есть ли конкретное расписание для этой частоты? Они зарегистрировались
7440 0500 1200 29 MNS 25 0
7440 1355 2300 27,28,37 MNS 150 245
В Киеве сейчас днем они не прослушиваются. А кто-то слышит их?
(Александр Егоров, Киев, Украина - open_dx 27/03/2007)

Вчера мониторил, специально искал Р.Беларусь. Нашел на
частотах 7440, 7105, 1170 кГц. Есть наверное другие частоты, в том году
использовалась 11960, но на ней ничего не нашел. Начинает вещать с где-
то с 18.00 или 19.00 - на белорусском, русском, польском, немецком,
английском. Сегодня еще точно промониторю. Сообщу завтра.
(Александр Мядель, Минск, Беларусь - open_dx 27/03/2007)

Днем здесь ничего не слышал, а в 13.08 на 7440 включился Львов. В Киеве
его было слышно на 5, хотя антенна дожна быть направлена в другую
сторону. Минут 20 посвистел и выключился. В 14.00 включился Минск с
программой на бел.яз. Слышимость очень слабая.
На 7180 неплохо слышно белорусскую службу Польского радио. А на 7120
Р.России, как и в прошлом летнем сезоне, очень громко.
(Александр Егоров, Киев, Украина - open_dx 27/03/2007)

Мониторил Р.Беларусь вечером. Вот что услышал: время UTC
16.00-18.00 - русский 7440, 7390; 18.00-19.40 -немецкий - 7440, 7105
(параллельно работает Р.Фарда; 19.00 - передатчик отключился), 1170;
19.40 - польский - 7440, 7105, 1170; 20.00 - английский - 7440, 7105.
Вечером 1 программа Белорусского радио принимается на частотах - 6010,
6070, 6115, 7105. Также есть наверное передача утром, но во сколько не
проверял. (Александр Мядель, Минск, Россия - open_dx 31/03/2007)

6105.5, Radio Panamericana, 1034-1045 Listened for awhile with =
Religious comments in SP at tune in. This followed at 1038 with music. =
Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, March 31, 2007 - CumbreDX 1898)

17.895 kHz, Voice of America, 23-03-07, 1833-1835 UTC. Entrevista a futbolista del Newcastle Utd, con referencias a la liga inglesa de f€ ¦utbol y la iga de

Estados Unidos, en inges. SINPO 55544. (Javier Robledillo Jaen, Alicante, Spain - FrecuenciaDX 26/03/2007)

4845, Radio Cultura Ondas Tropicais, Manaus, 0125-0140, 28-03, locutor, portugu?s, comentarios, canciones. 25322.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 51, 31, 28/03/2007)

5030, Radio Burkina, *0527-0540+ March 30,
Sign on at 0527 with test tone. National Anthem at 0528. Afro-pops
at 0530. French announcements. Fair level but mixing with Gene
Scott?s University Network, Costa Rica. (Brian Alexander, PA - hard-core-dx 51, 33, 30/03/2007)

R. Vaticana has a new relay via Sackville, on 6100 at
0230-0400, 100 kW, 240 degrees daily in French, English and Spanish. Heard in
French at 0230, March 27 as I was checking out R. Rep?blica, with which this
collides, along with the jamming. Way to go. Catholix vs Commies again! (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 51, 30, 27/03/2007)

Vatican R. via Sackville on 6100 is still colliding with R.
Rep?blica from secret location. UT March 30 at 0230, VR IS and French could be
heard starting up, well underneath RR and jamming. Surely one of them will be
moving soon, most likely Vatican.

BTW, Joe Hanlon points out that there is another new VR relay via Sackville, on
9610 at 0030-0230 in Portuguese and Spanish (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 51, 33, 30/03/2007)

Prompted by Yimber Gaviria`s observations, I checked out R.
Rep?blica, UT March 28. Some changes have been made concerning the top-secret
VTC relays via Rampisham, UK, which are withheld from HFCC.

At 0020 UT, 6155 ex-6185 was already being jammed, but just in case, some
jammers were still running on 6185. After 0200 they were jamming something in
Spanish, presumably poor XEPPM. Cubans vs Mexicans!

At 0021, RR via RMI via Germany 5910 was free of jamming, which was still on
the vacated 5970. 5910 seemed to be // or almost // 6155, but with one receiver
in hand could not be certain.

At 0158, I tuned to 6100 to confirm Yimber`s report that RR was now opening
this frequency at 0200 instead of 0300. Yes, but collides with RCI in Mandarin
which runs until 0205; fast SAH between them. At least this rules out Sackville
as the current site for RR on 6100; I suppose it`s back to Rampisham for
summer. Recheck at 0232 found French mixing with RR on 6100! At first I thought
the French was another RCI broadcast, but instead it is a new relay via
Sackville of Vatican Radio at 0230-0400 in French, English presumably at 0250,
and Spanish, in exchange for RCI transmissions via Sta Maria di Galeria. O yes,
Cuban heavy jamming on 6100 thruout, vs. Canada and Catholix as well.

At 0202, RR via RMI via Sackville on 9735 was loud and clear, no jamming
audible, but some was still on vacated 9630, and now that`s hitting REE Costa
Rica // Spain 9620. Cuban commie collateral damage by jamming spreads wider and
wider against countries it ought to try to befriend (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 51, 30, 27/03/2007)

RNV CI relay via Cuba, 11705, March 27 at 1240 caught my
ear, since it was partly in English. A YL was consecutively translating Ch?vez
(who else??) talking about ethanol. Then at 1242-1246 Contacto con los
Diexistas, brief acknowledgments of reports, first from Torre-someone in Oslo,
who heard them on 1310 kHz at 0215; then Eike in Finland, at 1057 on 6180; then
someone in Hiroshima who heard 13680 at 2259, but the audio was cutting out
during this. Gave the age of each writer. Then explained very briefly what
SINPO stands for, and UTC, ex-GTM [sic], e-mail address once as
canalinternacionalrnv@ something.com; there was a continuous music bed, some of
it very bassy but well-reproduced; 1247 back to Ch?vez propaganda. Contacto was
obviously the very same program reported in DXLD 7-037 on March 18 also
mentioning 1310 kHz. Per WRTH 2007, R. Nacional has regional outlets in
Barcelona and Guri on 1310, so I seriously doubt it was the Canal Internacional
that Torre heard, so why are they acknowledging it here? (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 51, 30, 27/03/2007)

15.475 kHz, Africa N? 1, 26-03-07, 1855-1900 UTC. Comentarios sobre democratizaci€ ¦on en € ¦Africa, id emisora "le journal de Afrique n?1", noticias, musica y

fin de emision, en frances. SINPO 55444. (Javier Robledillo Jaen, Alicante, Spain - FrecuenciaDX 26/03/2007)

3291.14, Voice of Guyana, 0630-0700+ March 31,
BBC World Service programming with BBC World news. Program
about Zimbabwe conflict. "The World Today" BBC news program
at 0700. Good. (Brian Alexander, PA - hard-core-dx 52, 1, 31/03/2007)

12.015 kHz, Radio Liberty, 24-03-07, 1601-1607 UTC. Noticias, en uzbeko. SINPO 55454
(Javier Robledillo Jaen, Alicante, Spain - FrecuenciaDX 26/03/2007)

Add another DW transmission in English we can get, far from its
target: March 28 at 1905 fair on 15620 opening Newslink. This is Nauen at 150
degrees, so opposite direxion would be 330 toward NAm (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 51, 31, 28/03/2007)

15.630 kHz, Voz de Grecia, 23-03-07, 1847-1851 UTC. Entrevista con referencias a Montreal y Quebec, en griego. SINPO 55454.
(Javier Robledillo Jaen, Alicante, Spain - FrecuenciaDX 26/03/2007)

9935 seems the new morning frequency for ERA 5 relay via Olympia
Radio at Pyrgos. Still 4 seconds behind \\ Greek program on 9420 and 15630
kHz at 0700 UT. Today Tuesday is maintenance day at Avlis, break at
0800-1100 UT? (Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 27/03/2007)

11645 Voice of Greece again in German and Russian.
Way of living is something different in the Mediterranean.

Today Wed March 28th - 3rd day of new season - at 0900-1000 UT Voice of
Greece Athens started again relaying touristic information domestic service
Radio Filea of the local mediumwave odd666[not 665] and FM 107 MHz.
0900-0930 UT in German, and 0930-1000 UT in Russian.

Announcement is not perfect yet, station still announces winter frequency of
15630 kHz instead.

Is not clear yet whether Mon, Wed, Thur, Fri, - or at Saturdays too service.
On Tuesdays OFF, is maintenance day at tx site Avlis.

On Sundays bcasting usually Greek Orthodox Divine sce, in \\ to 9420 and
15630 kHz Avlis, and 9935 kHz via Olympia radio relay at Pyrgos maritime
station. Latter is 4 seconds behind Avlis transmissions. (Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany - hard-core-dx 51, 31, 28/03/2007)

After ``Time to Say Goodbye`` song, very surprised to hear ID for R.
Nikkei, on 9805, March 28 at 1321; nothing on 9750, 9595 and not parallel
Nikkei on 6055. Surely not really Nikkei. Kept listening to Japanese program
and at 1325 AWR ID in passing, 1328*. So it`s KSDA as scheduled. Maybe they
were mentioning R. Nikkei in a DX program or something (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 51, 31, 28/03/2007)

DATE: 31-03-2007
TIME: 13.15 - 13.30 UTC
(F. Cecconi, Italy - hard-core-dx 52, 1, 31/03/2007)

12.050 kHz, Radio Cairo, 24-03-07, 1552-1555 UTC. Locutores con comentarios, en arabe. SINPO 34333
(Javier Robledillo Jaen, Alicante, Spain - FrecuenciaDX 26/03/2007)

Checking 9460 for the previously noted collision between Cairo and
Tirana, March 28 at 2355, I heard only Cairo, and it was in English! With
program summary by YL, usual muddy modulation, and then some Arabic, probably
language lesson. So it appears this replaces 11950, where nothing was audible
and nothing is registered in A-07.

9460 should work better propagationally, and perhaps Tirana will not be staying
there at exactly the same time, 2300-2430 in Albanian.

I then looked up some more Cairo registrations concerning English or western
hemisphere targets:

ABS site:
6135 0045-0200 282 Spanish 12, 13NW
9745 2330-0045 241 Arabic 13
9990 1500-2245 325 French, English 27,28
[surely not from 1500, or if so, additional languages before French]
12050 0000-0300 325 Arabic 7-9, 27, 28

ABZ site:
7270 0045-0330 330 Spanish/English 7-9
9360 2215-2330 270 Portuguese 13,15
2330-0200 270 Arabic/Spanish 13-15
9460 2300-0430 330 Arabic 6,7 [but obviously English first]
11740 1600-1900 180 English 47, 52, 57
12050 1100-2400 315 Arabic 7-9, 27, 28
15375 1900-2030 250 English 46, 47, 52
17835 1215-1330 90 English 41, 49
(Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 51, 31, 28/03/2007)

9765, Radio Voice of the People,
0400-0459, March 30, Sign on with local music, opening announcements
in local language. Opening English ID announcements at 0401 followed
by talk in local language. Short breaks of local music. Numerous
English IDs throughout broadcast. Sign off with local music. Very good.
(Brian Alexander, PA - hard-core-dx 51, 33, 30/03/2007)

9345 KOL Israel, 18:15-18:30, escuchada el 26 de Marzo en espanol a locutor y locutora con noticias, ID, en paralelo por 7545, SINPO 44343.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 26/03/2007)

26 March 2007 at 1725 noted AIR Delhi again on it's old frequency 3365 instead of 5015.
(Jari Savolainen, Kuusankoski, Finland - dxldyg 26/03/2007)

4830, 1717, AIR Jammu, Kashmir Mar 26 Native mx, native lng male
inbetween songs. At 1730 timebeeps and nx by female. Later back to male
and end of transmission at 1743. SINPO 24222 (Jeroen Kloppenburg, the Netherlands - dxldyg 26/03/2007)

4840, AIR, Mumbai, 0125-0234 Program of music and comments by female.
Signal was poor during period. (Chuck Bolland, March 25, 2007 - CumbreDX 1894)

15020, AIR GOS, 1055-1100*, March 27, news in English, ID: AIR GOS, schedule given for their next broadcasts, fair
(Ron Howard, Shanghai, China, Eton E5 - dxldyg 27/03/2007)

After being couple of days, since 26 March, on 3365 during UT afternoon/evening, AIR was noted again on 5015 at 1524, March 29.
(Jari Savolainen, Kuusnkoski, Finland - hard-core-dx 51, 32, 29/03/2007)

4970, AIR Shillong, 1504-1545, March 30, YL DJ in English with
dedications of pop songs, news in vernacular followed at BoH with The
news at nine in English. Checked for parallels during the news, found
4775, 4850 and 9425 (Ron Howard, Shanghai, China - dxldyg 30/03/2007)

9525, Voice of Indonesia, 1105-1130 Noting pop music and comments from a woman. At about 1118 a canned English ID of, "Voice of Indonesia ..." According

to an older schedule I have, during this period, Mandurian is schedule on VOI and during comments it sounds as if that were what's being broadcasted. Signal was

fair. (Chuck Bolland, March 30, 2007 - hard-core-dx 51, 33, 30/03/2007)

VOI back on 9525.0 (not 9526), March 30 at 1354 with John
Denverish music, 1359 NA and off, but SAH, overlapping with CRI in Russian,
same as last A-season (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 51, 33, 30/03/2007)

15.545 kHz, IRIB Teheran, 24-03-07, 1535-1537 UTC. Locutor con noticias, en arabe. SINPO 44333.
(Javier Robledillo Jaen, Alicante, Spain - FrecuenciaDX 26/03/2007)

9495, Voice of Justice, *0126-0155+ March 30, Sign on with
English ID & lite instrumental music. Opening ID announcements at
0130 & National Anthem. Koran at 0132. News at 0138. Poor. Weak.
Much better on // 7235, but with some HAM QRM. (Brian Alexander, PA - hard-core-dx 51, 33, 30/03/2007)

REE via Costa Rica, 5965 with usual low and muffled modulation,
March 26 at 1240 starting Catalan news, so that confirms the new 1240-1255 M-F
timing for co-official language services, also on many other frequencies (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 26/03/2007)

REE service to peacekeeping forces in Lebanon, 15345, March
28 at 1838 in Spanish, weak with barely audible het on 15344.8, which would be
the unfortunate RAE, Argentina, trying to reach Europe. No sign of
Arabic/Morocco at this time, anyway. (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 51, 31, 28/03/2007)

Those Adventists expecting their regular dose of evangelism in Turkish
at 1500 on 15150 are now plied with Qur`an in Arabic service from Iran, as
usage of this frequency has transitioned from B-06 to A-07, noted March 31
(Glenn Hauer, OK - hard-core-dx 52, 1, 31/03/2007)

R. Farda no longer heard on 15410 in our mornings, but on 17510,
such as March 31 at 1400, first with multi-lingual R. Liberty IDs, then into R.
Farda programming, music before long. This is via Morocco, 14-17 UT (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 52, 1, 31/03/2007)

Rai service to Toronto in Italian (just for CHIN? Do they have any
need for SW feed any more??), March 28 at 1833 on 15380, G with no squeal! Must
have had to use a non-defective transmitter. At 1845 it was over but carrier
was still on, and then birdchirp IS until 1847* // 17780 which was not
squealing either tho it does during the 1400 UT broadcast. See also EUROPE for
sports special (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 51, 31, 28/03/2007)

15.365 kHz, Radio Canada Internacional, 23-03-07, 1902-1906 UTC. Noticias con referencias al protocolo de Kioto y Al Gore, a las 1905 programa Tam Tam

Canada, en frances. SINPO 54444 (Javier Robledillo Jaen, Alicante, Spain - FrecuenciaDX 26/03/2007)

RCI 9800 kHz DRM broadcast 2236-2300* UT March 22, 2007.
Talk on farming. 2 songs played. Slight decoding dropout. More
dropouts during songs. RCI ident signal at 2300 and into DW broadcast
(Kraig, KG4LAC, Manassas, VA, Usa - dxldyg 27/03/2007)

More problems at Sackville with the R. Sweden relay on 15240, March
28 at 1335, cutting off the air every few seconds. Finally at 1338 modulation
stopped, then carrier off and stayed off until 1340, when it came back and
stayed on. They fixed something in the meantime. And the CRI relay just up the
band at 15260 continued with no such interruptions (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 51, 31, 28/03/2007)

15.555 kHz, BBC, 24-03-07, 1532-1535 UTC. Musica con comentarios de locutor, en € ¦arabe. SINPO 45433.
(Javier Robledillo Jaen, Alicante, Spain - FrecuenciaDX 26/03/2007)

4750, CNR-1, at 1537 and also at 2103, March 30, Chinese
programming, // 4800 & 5030. Fair (Ron Howard, Shanghai, China - dxldyg 30/03/2007)

6065, CNR-2/CBR, 1301-1359, March 30, English Evening presented by
Michael and Cynthia, in English & Chinese, talking about film festivals,
gives business news, gives long list of cities in China with their FM
frequencies, segment Studio Classroom Worldwide, // 6155, 7130, 7140,
7150, 7245, 7315, 7375 and about 91.4 FM, most of them fair to good (Ron Howard, Shanghai, China - dxldyg 30/03/2007)

9820, Guangxi FBS at 1230, March 30, Chinese programming, //5050; mixing
with CNR-2/CBR ( // about 91.4 FM). Both about equal strength (Ron Howard, Shanghai, China - dxldyg 30/03/2007)

4920, 1748, Xizang PBS Mar 26 Coming in strong tonight.
Chinese style 'easy listening', the type of instrumental mx often heard at Chinese restaurants. // 4905.
(Jeroen Kloppenburg, the Netherlands - dxldyg 26/03/2007)

DGS via TIRWR, 9725, March 28 at 1852 was weak, but
also with a fast SAH from something. Not much from outside NAm was audible on
31m at this hour, but per schedules, this was likely V. of Vietnam via Austria,
at 17-19 on 9725 at 300 degrees, right at us tho intended for Europe (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 51, 31, 28/03/2007)


I noticed that RHC was missing from 13680 at 1300 UT Check March 28.
Carrier finally came on at 1305 and modulation a few seconds later, programming
joined in progress. I felt jipped, as would the programmers had they known. Not
unusual behaviour for RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 51, 31, 28/03/2007)

11670 Radio Nacional de Venezuela, 22:09-22:15, escuchada el 25 de Marzo en espa€ ¦nol, locutor con ID, Px Presidentes de Latinoamerica respaldan gestion de

presidente de Venezuela, SINPO 44333. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 26/03/2007)

15.505 kHz, Radio Kuwait, 23-03-07, 1852-1855 UTC. Locutor con oraciones, en arabe. SINPO 55544. En paralelo por 15.495 kHz xon SINPO 55544
(Javier Robledillo Jaen, Alicante, Spain - FrecuenciaDX 26/03/2007)

17725, Voice of Africa, 1403-1450+ March 30, Opening
English ID announcements & talk about African Union. Afro-pops.
Talk at 1422 about local geography in Libya. News at 1434. Readings
from the "Green Book" at 1440. Very good. Strong. Very weak on
// 21695. (Brian Alexander, PA - hard-core-dx 51, 33, 30/03/2007)

V. of Africa from the Great Jamahariyah, ID in English just as I
tuned 17725 in, March 31 at 1406, into Afropop music, rather like that heard on
17660 but not // (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 52, 1, 31/03/2007)

6050, Suara Islam, 1407-1443, March 30, in vernacular,
reciting from the Quran, IDs Radio Suara Islam FM, started out poor but
steadily improved to fair, moderate het present, just as noted in Calif.
(Ron Howard, Shanghai, China - dxldyg 30/03/2007)

15.220 kHz, Voice of America, 23-03-07, 1928-1930 UTC. Musica country, id emisora y comentarios de locutora, en frances. SINPO 45433.
(Javier Robledillo Jaen, Alicante, Spain - FrecuenciaDX 26/03/2007)

9599.31 R. Universidad 1302-1323 Mar 26. Last couple minutes of
classical piece; 1304 YL ancr with "Radio Universidad" ID and mention of
860 kHz; more mx to 1311, then short talk on drogas. Good at tune-in but
went downhill after 1300. (John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, Usa - CumbreDX 1894, 26/03/2007)

15.120 kHz, Voice of Nigeria, 23-03-07, 1932-1935 UTC. Musica, comentarios de locutora e id emisora, en ingles. SINPO 55444.
(Javier Robledillo Jaen, Alicante, Spain - FrecuenciaDX 26/03/2007)

Noted two weak signals producing a SAH on 15355, March 28 at
1838. Per registrations, these would be NHK via Gabon to South Africa, and R.
Oman to E Africa, which overlap on 15355 at 1800-1900. It`s hard to imagine
these two not in a big collision in their target areas (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 51, 31, 28/03/2007)

4485, Radio Frecuencia, 0021-30 With Huaynos music and comments, singal was poor but imrpoved slightly by 0030.
(Chuck Bolland, March 25, 2007 - CumbreDX 1894)

3172.67, Radio Municipal, 1023-1045 Not a steady signal, but fades in and out periodically. Noted a program of music and SP comments. As mentioned, signal

was threshold.
5939.29, Radio Melodia, 1050-1100 With the usual format of all talk, various persons in SP comments.
Signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, March 30, 2007 - hard-core-dx 51, 33, 30/03/2007)

5014.38 R. Altura(p) 1117-1125 Mar 30. Presumed with SP talk; poor
and rapidly disappearing. (J. Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado - CumbreDX 1898, 30/03/2007)

6115, Radio Union,(Pres) 1043-1055 Just music noted during =
period. By 1055, the conditions had deteriorated from fair to nil. =
(Chuck Bolland, March 31, 2007 - CumbreDX 1898)

7200, R. Rossii, 2010-2025, March 25, Russian programming
(songs, phone numbers given, talking, etc.). Heard with good audio (no
warble at all), so assume this is a different site at this time,
fair-good. March 27, 1002-1011, R. Rossii via Yakutsk/Tulagino, poor
to fair reception with poor audio (warble), similar to reception back
in Calif. (Ron Howard, Shanghai, China, Eton E5 - dxldyg 27/03/2007)

15.235 kHz, Radio Rumania Internacional, 24-03-07, 1542-1545 UTC. Locutor con noticias con referencias a Rumania, en arabe. SINPO 55444.
(Javier Robledillo Jaen, Alicante, Spain - FrecuenciaDX 26/03/2007)

Саудовская Аравия
15.435 kHz, BSKSA, 24-03-07, 1538-1541 UTC. Locutor con oraciones, en arabe. SINPO 44333. En paralelo por 15.425 kHz con SINPO 55454
(Javier Robledillo Jaen, Alicante, Spain - FrecuenciaDX 26/03/2007)

BSKSA must be opening 17660 earlier, despite almost daily
blockage by Afropop Music Distraxion, such as March 31 at 1421, SAH between the
two and bits of French detectable.

Holy Qur`an Service still to be heard on 15435, March 31 at 1506, but no longer
on 15425; instead found // 15225 (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 52, 1, 31/03/2007)

Северные Марианские о-ва
March 31 at 1515, found strong Mandarin talk,
speech by one perusasive guy, both on 12025 and 12005, but 12025 was about 3
seconds ahead of 12025. No jamming audible. These are Radio Free Asia:
12005 Tinian 250 kW at 309 degrees
12025 Saipan 100 kW at 325 degrees
(Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 52, 1, 31/03/2007)

Radio Serbia noted here, using USB to get away from the drm, March
26th 1730 with interval signal then going into Italian, fair signal,
nothing else co-channel, stronger than I would expect if only using 10kw
(Mike Barraclough, UK - dxldyg 26/03/2007)

Noted also here in south Italy
(Roberto Scaglione, Italy - dxldyg 26/03/2007)

12.045 kHz, NHK World Radio, 24-03-07, 1556-1607 UTC. Musica, comentarios de locutora e id emisora, en japones. SINPO 34333.
(Javier Robledillo Jaen, Alicante, Spain - FrecuenciaDX 26/03/2007)

6950 31/3 1804-1900* Radio Bay, Baidoa, Somalia, long talks man and woman in
Vn with some short afro mx, at 1857 Holy Quran, at 1900 short Hymn and
signal off, fair signal, sometimes better in LSB to avoid utility tx
(Giampiero Bernardini, Milano, Italy - hard-core-dx 52, 1, 31/03/2007)

R. Slovakia Int 5930 kHz March 27, 2007 0100-0126 UT.
Monday Edition of "Slovakia Today" with "Insight Central Europe".
Signal good, but several QRM from Dr. Gene Scott on 5935. Overall poor.
(Kraig, KG4LAC, Manassas, VA, Usa - dxldyg 27/03/2007)

While 15580 had been the afternoon Greenville frequency in B-06
season, putting great signal into CNAm off the back, now 15580 is Botswana 350
degrees at 1800-2100, and still audible but not so great. The big 94-degree
signal from GB has moved to 15445, the two // at 1918 March 28 with discussion
about Mali. 15445 is scheduled only at 1900-2100, so that misses the music hour
which follows. 15580 then remains on but at 2100-2200 switches to Morocco at
132 degrees (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 51, 31, 28/03/2007)

7340 Family Radio, 19:00-19:10, escuchada el 27 de Marzo es espanol con el programa Foro abierto, locutor con programa religioso, SINPO 44444
(J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 27/03/2007)

4635,03, Tajik Radio, 2344--0001 Noted music and talk by a female. Signal was very poor.
(Chuck Bolland, March 24, 2007 - CumbreDX 1894)

A pesar que la pgina web de Radio Taiwn en su servicio en espaol anuncia emitir por 3965 a las 20:00 UTC, hoy 26 de Marzo e podido escuchar el servicio en

francs, a las 21:00 UTC empieza el servicio en alemn, por otra parte nada en 5975 antigua frecuencia de sta emisora, quizs una emisin accidental??.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 26/03/2007)

R. Thailand on new 9835 in English, March 26 at 1252
with time check for 7:20, so must have been recorded half an hour earlier, news
of quake in Japan. Clear frequency for a change.

Here are the tentative frequencies for R. Thailand A-07 during English
broadcasts via Udorn, with azimuths:

0530-0600 17655 321 Eu
1230-1300 9835 132 SEAs/Au
1400-1430 9805 132 SEAs/Au
1900-2000 7155 329 Eu
2030-2045 9680 321 Eu
0000-0030 9570 276 Af

And the relays via USA remain as before:
0030-0100 5890 190 Greenville
0200-0230 5890 180 Delano
(Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 26/03/2007)

12.005 kHz, RTT Tunis, 24-03-07, 1608-1610 UTC. Tertulia, en arabe. SINPO 55444
(Javier Robledillo Jaen, Alicante, Spain - FrecuenciaDX 26/03/2007)

Looking for VOT`s 1230 UT morning English broadcast to NAm [non],
March 26 at 1311, 13685 was out of the question with super signal from Cuba on
13680; // 15450 was poor at 1314, presumed with Turkishish music. Maybe will be
listenable on better days (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 26/03/2007)

9.780 kHz, Voz de Turquia, 23-03-07, 1808-1826 UTC. Musica, Id emisora, curso de turco y fin de emision, en espanol. SINPO 45444.
15.195 kHz, Voz de Turquia, 24-03-07, 1546-1549 UTC. Comentarios de locutor, id emisora y direccion postal y musica, en arabe. SINPO 55433.
(Javier Robledillo Jaen, Alicante, Spain - FrecuenciaDX 26/03/2007)

VOT audible on 15450, March 30 at 1320 already wrapping up transmission with multilingual IDs, into several minutes of IS
(Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 51, 33, 30/03/2007)

DATE: 26-03-2007
TIME: 23.00 - 23.10 UTC
(F. Cecconi, Italy - CumbreDX 1894, 26/03/2007)

9615, Radio Veritas, (pres)1103-1115 Noted a steady =
program of possibly religious comments in Mandarin by male and female. =
Signal was good. (Chuck Bolland, March 31, 2007 - CumbreDX 1898)

6165, Croatian Radio, 2215-2230, March 30, 15 minute
English program with IDs. "Croatia Today" news program. Fair
level but overall poor reception due to co-channel QRM from Chad.
(Brian Alexander, PA - hard-core-dx 52, 1, 31/03/2007)

6109.78, Voz Cristiana, 0510-0610+ March 30, Thanks to
tip from Wolfgang Bueschel in HCDX & dxldyg. Heard here on this
odd frequency with Portuguese talk. Spanish & English contemporary
Christian music. Strong but difficult reception with NHK via Sackville
on 6110. Good reception after Canada signs off at 0559. (Brian Alexander, PA - hard-core-dx 51, 33, 30/03/2007)

It`s always, or at least often, something to mess up the R.
Sweden relay via Sackville. On 15240 March 30 at 1330 just as the English
broadcast was starting the modulation ceased and we had dead air until 1337
when a courtesy announcement in Swedish and English came on about technical
difficulties, then music fill. I listened for a few minutes and gave up until
1349 recheck when programming was back, but seemingly from the beginning with
news and weather, 1351 opening Inside Sweden, about Swedish involvement in the
slave trade, which I could swear I heard earlier this week, so it may be an old
program grabbed in an emergency; it was still in progress when rudely cut off
at 1359*. BTW, this frequency also suffered from periodic rapidly chirping data
burst QRM. Meanwhile, no such problems with the neighboring CRI relay on 15260,
except it had ACI from China itself on 15265, no doubt jamming Taiwan, same as
last A-season (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 51, 33, 30/03/2007)

Экваториальная Гвинея
5006, 1901, R Nacional, Bata Mar 26 Male Spanish lng.
Very bad propagation, fades in and out all the time. SINPO 13121
(Jeroen Kloppenburg, Deventer, Netherlands - dxldyg 26/03/2007)

3925 R. Nikkei 1238-1302 Mar 26. Symphonic music, Mozart, I
think, to 1258; an anmt by YL ancr was followed by a diffferent (talk)
pgm at 1300. Bending the meter at 30 dB over S-9, while // 6055 was
"only" 20 over. 9595 was absent today. (John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, Usa - CumbreDX 1894, 26/03/2007)

Japanese on 9835, March 28, at 1854 music, 1855 talk; poor signal in
NHK Warido service aimed eastward toward Hawaii; wonder how much of signal make
it on to secondary target area, the Southern Cone, over T-E daylight path
(Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 51, 31, 28/03/2007)


1380 26/03 0510- Ondas del Mar, Puerto Cabello (VEN) 2 Prg musica locale, annuncio e ID
(Saverio DE Cian - palydx2003 27/03/2007)

1470 26/03 0445- CPN Radio, Lima (PRU) 3/4 Prg religioso con slogan, commenti e predica accalorata, segnale a tratti forte verso le 0515.
(Saverio DE Cian - palydx2003 27/03/2007)

Vatican R. 7370 kHz DRM broadcast 2300-2329 UT March 22,
2007. Discussion on water. Reflection and a poem. Slight decoding dropout.
(Kraig, KG4LAC, Manassas, VA, Usa - dxldyg 27/03/2007)

Seppur sommersa da DRM e altro, la Radio Internazionale di Serbia attiva in lingua italiana su 6100 Khz fra le 1730 e le 1800 UTC. Ascolto tutt'altro che agevole,

possibile esclusivamente in USB con flitro stretto. La nostra lista delle trasmissioni in lingua italiana ormai quasi tutta verificata, come sempre disponibile su

http://www.bclnews.it. (bclnews - playdx2003 26/03/2007)
Неофициальное вещание

6245 Radio Zamaneh, 18:31-18:35, escuchada el 26 de Marzo en farsi a locutor con comentarios, fuertemente interferida por radio teletipo, emision musical,

locutora con ID Radio Zamaneh, SINPO 53443 (Jose Muguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 26/03/2007)

Real spring has arrived here in Denmark with nice sunshine and at present +10 C outdoors.

This is what my AOR AR7030PLUS brought me recently:

3279.6 0145-0155 EQA 24-03 R Maria, via La Voz del Napo, Tena Spanish religious talk 25222 AP-DNK

3815 USB 2118-2211* GRL 21-03 KNR, Tasiilaq Greenlandic talks, native songs, 2146 KNR jingle, 2200 news in Danish with interview of a local

politician 33333, QRM "Fog Horn" 2130-2207 and Russian utility talk AP-DNK

3930v 0410-0440 fade out CLA 19-03 R Voice of Kurdistan, No. Iraq Farsi talk by man and woman, jammed, so jumping to 3937 - 3906.6 - 3922.4

with jammer quickly following 21222 AP-DNK

4052.5 0155-0215 GTM 24-03 R Verdad, Chiquimula Spanish talk, instrumental music, 5 minutes break, continued with native Indian music and hymns

24333 AP-DNK

4790.0 0210-0215* PAK 24-03 R Pakistan, Islamabad Urdu news mentioning Pakistan several times 44444 Heterodyne from Peru AP-DNK

4790.1 0215-0€ ¦?310 PRU 24-03 R Visi€ ¦on, Chiclayo (t) Spanish religious talk, mentioned Amazonas, hymns and organ music 25232 AP-DNK

4805 2335-2350 B 15-03 R Difusora do Amazonas, Manaus, AM Portuguese talk 24333 QRM China 4800 AP-DNK

4815.0 0250-0305* B 24-03 R Difusora, Londrina, Paran€ ¦a Portuguese religious talk 25232 AP-DNK

4830 2340-2350 MNG 15-03 Mongoliin R, Altay Mongolian ann, classical Mongolian music and song 24333 heard // 4895 (35333) and 7260 (23222)


4974.8 0245-0255 PRU 18-03 R del Pacifico, Lima Quechoa phone-in programme mentioning "Quechoa", song between calls 23333 heterodyne


5005.06 2245-2259* GNE 21-03 R Nacional, Bata Spanish ann, Afropop, National Anthem 35343 AP-DNK

5009.77 2355-0003* DOM 19-03 R Pueblo, Santo Domingo Spanish talk and songs, CWQRM 13221 AP-DNK

6300 1850-1900 CLA 23-03 National R of SADR, Rabouni, Algeria Arabic poetry with string music 45444 AP-DNK

6700 1855-1915 AFG 23-303 R Solh, Bagram Air Base Vernacular ann, Afghan songs 25333. Also heard 0140 on 24-03 AP-DNK
(Anker Petersen, Denmark - playdx2003 26/03/2007)

5850 WHRA at 0526 UT, covered totally by European digital UTE signal on 5851-5852 kHz - I guess latter from Denmark.
v6109.78 CVI Santiago in Portuguese on odd frequency, heavily hit NHK Sackville at 0535 UT, terrible BUZZ tone of 220 Hertz.
9705.00 Strong Niger signal in French at 6-7 UT, Saharan like typical singer group, surprisingly S=3 signal. Another stn underneath from 9704.17 kHz ? ETH ?
9740 RRI German from Tiganesti, BAD DISTORTED SIGNAL. 6-630 UT.
9805 / 11995 Former RFI Hausa language section missed here. Only French programme could be heard. 6-630 UT. On RFI website http://www.rfi.fr/index.asp I

could find some satellite and local FM frequency information but but missed shortwave advice totally.
12150 hx of DWL Woofferton txion, 2 x 6075 kHz at 0625 UT.
13690 RA SHP in English in the clear, when clipping VRT Moscow left the air suddenly at 0636 UT. Solomon Isl report, \\15160 15415 at 0635 UT. Also from

0700 9580, 9710.
v15783.24 Galei Zahal Hebrew at 0652 UT.
21705 - the ONE AND ONLY station in 13 mb at this time. Opened IBB Udorn in Chinese at 0700 UT.
9935 ERA 5 program in Greek via Olympia Radio Pyrgos starts at 0702 UT.
9615 R NZL Internat in AM mode, 5-7 UT, S=2 weak signal these days here in Europe.
(Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany - hard-core-dx 51, 31, 28/03/2007)

1630,00 2303 2258 unid,Gr, talks, traditional mx, Anatolia mention 24332
1660,00 2303 2254 unid, Gr?, polka, 2254 ena, ena, dio, test, more polka +La bambola by Patty Pravo!!! 24322
1711,00 2303 2240 unid,Gr, talks, Alpha Kappa?, traditional music, echo effect voice 25442
3928,00 2303 2249 unid, instrumental, talks 24211
3940,00 2303 2225 Cupid R, E, dance, ID, email, jingles, live on MSN with me! 34232
3940,00 2503 0025 Cupid R, E, ID,qth,report from Jari,Eric,me myself on MSN,dedication to me:Dust in the wind 34222
5720,00 2503 0642 Orion R, E, polka, 0700 Crunchy Granola suite tune, ID, jingle, Universal soldier 24432
6220,00 2303 1715 Mystery R,disco music 35443
6220,00 2403 1605 Mystery R, disco funky, Celebrate 35443
6220,00 2503 0630 Mystery R, pops, jingle +2015 disco mix,jingle,Celebrate, sinpo: 35443 24432
6300,00 2303 2300 RN RASD,arabic pops 45544
6305,00 2403 1610 WCR?, Pops. Juanes: tengo la camisa nueva, electro dance 24211
6310,00 2503 0850 Quintus R, D,E,, schlager, hello guten morgen, ID, 24311
9290,00 2403 0800 Latvia Today,E, ID, rock, inteview with Parliament member 35443
15785,00 2503 0845 Kol Israel, pops, phone in show 24322
(Silveri Gomez, Fraga Catalunya Norte Ocidental, Spain - playdx2003 28/03/2007)

Following two signals from South Florida which may be Bolivian. Any help
from other locations appreciated.

3214.84 possibly Radio Virgen de Remedios, Tupiza noted from 0000 this
local evening, and also each morning in the last week about 1000 GMT.

3390.16 possibly Radio Emisoras Camargo, Camargo heard from 0000 with
the number stations absent.

4600.3, 4650.2, 4716.82, 4796.38 and 5580.17 all present this evening
from 2330
(Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1898, 30/03/2007)

6019.52 and 9720.02 (both very good) R Victoria 0600 religious Spanish
programming (Koutamanis, Holland - March 31 - CumbreDX 1898)

729 kHz 29/3 2255 Bayrischer Rundfunk Hof/Wrzburg - music px - SIO 322
729 kHz 29/3 2300 BBC R. Essex, Mannigtree, ID and BBC news SIO 222
729 kHz 30/3 0200 NET 1 Athinai - ID and news SIO 222
729 kHZ 30/3 0215 RNE 1 various - talk YL/OM SIO 333
729 kHz 30/3 0220 United Arab Emirat Radio, Sadiyat , Arabic usic and talk, SIO 222
(Friedhelm, Lunen, Germany - emwg 30/03/02007)

846 Mar 30 2058-2110 Italy: RAIUNO. ID"RAIUNO" SIO:344 not on the WRTH2007.
A frequency reactiveted ! Vincent L. - Poitiers - F

1170 Mar 31 0755-0805 England: Capital Gold, Portsmouth. ID"Capital Gold" //
1548 Khz SIO: 233. Vincent L. - Poitiers - F

1170 Mar 25 0600-0609 Slovenia: R?? Capodistria, Beli Kriz. ID" R??
Capodistria" Italian prog SIO:555. Vincent L. - Poitiers - F

1260 Mar 31 0650-0700 Spain: SER R?? ALGECIRAS, Algeciras. ID" Cadena SER
Andalucia..." reg prog from Cadena SER SIO: 455. Vincent L. - Poitiers - F

1260 Mar 31 0650-0700 Spain: SER R?? MURCIA, Murcia. ID" Region de Murcia..."
reg prog from Cadena SER SIO: 344. Vincent L. - Poitiers - F
1287 Mar 31 0620-0625 Spain: SER R?? CASTILLA, BURGOS. ID"R?? CASTILLA DE
BURGOS" REG PROG CADENA SER SIO: 555. Vincent L. - Poitiers - F

1566 Mar 31 0630-0640 England: COUNTY SOUND RADIO. ID"County Sound Radio"
Music. Vincent L. - Poitiers - F

North America

1470 Mar 30 0500-0530 USA: WLAM, Lewiston, ME. ID "ESPN Radio" following by
"you listen 14-70...ESPN LA sport" SIO: 233. Vincent L. - Poitiers - F
(Vincent L. - Poitiers - F - hard-core-dx 52, 1, 31/03/2007)

2485 31/3 2120 ABC VL8K Katherine, talks EE, at 2130 switched to 60 m, fair

4689,76v 1/4 0020-0110 Radio San Miguel, Bolivia, talks, some music and
songs, frequency drifting really slow (I have a picture made with SDR-14) At
0105 it was on 4689,70v poor/fair

4716,66v 31/3 2325 Radio Yura, Potos?, Bolivia, music, romantic songs, talks
woman & man, news, reports, great id at 0010 fair/good

4755,4 1/4 0142 Imaculada Conceicao, Brazil, Holy Rosary, talks, music, fair

4824,5 31/3 2306 La Voz de la Selva, Peru, talks, ids, commercials, fair

4826,5 31/3 2302 Radio Sicuani (pres), Cusco, Peru, tk mx, poor

4835 31/3 2130 ABC VL8A Alice Springs, Australia, EE, start bc on 60 meters,
report man & woman, fair/good signal

5014,4 1/4 0111 Radio Altura, Peru, nice music, fair

5470 31/3 2050 Radio Veritas, Liberia, EE, talks and s.off at 2056, good
(G. Bernardini - hard-core-dx 52, 1, 31/03/2007)

15340 (measured), March 26 at 1315 in Arabic, nothing on 15345 at
the moment, as Spain to Lebanon doesn`t open until much later on weekdays. HFCC
would lead one to conclude this is WYFR via UAE, at 1230-1330, but no language
specified and there are no Arabic-speaking countries at 85 degree azimuth from
Dhabayya! Perhaps it was really the unregistered RTM Nador, Morocco, as in WRTH
for B-season at 09-15 to Europe (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 26/03/2007)

7528 AM NO ID, hoy 26 de Marzo desde las 18:10 UTC estoy escuchando una emision en idioma desconocido y con musica estilo hindu, la senal es buena pero

distorsionada y acompanada de mucho ruido. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - CumbreDX 1894, 26/03/2007)

One of R Pakistan's faulty transmitters produces spurious
emissions tonight.
Nominal Urdu sce on 7530 and 9380 kHz at 1700-1900 UT. 7530 with terrible
modulation sets spurs like a fence at 111.5 kHz away on centered 7418
(7416-7421), 7641 (7639-7644), and also weaker on 7752-7753 kHz
(Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany - hard-core-dx 51, 31, 28/03/2007)

Powerhouse S=9+30 dB 15350 equipment of TRT Ankara at Cakirlar is
still faulty. Complaints in past 6 months show no improvement. Today March
27 at 0755 UT heard a spurious on 15323 to 15329 kHz range, on 3 separate
rxs, using longwire as well as telescopics. Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany - harmonics 27/03/2007)

10200 Firedrake Jamming, 18:30-18:35, se aprecia que la msica utilizada es mas meldica y menos estruendosa que la utilizada normalmente, SINPO 45433.
(J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 27/03/2007)

Voice of Russia English A07
0200-0300 603
0300-0400 1548 603
0400-0500 1575 1431 693 630 603
0500-0800 1575 1431 1323 693 630 603
0800-0900 15780* 12060* 1575 1431 1323 693 630 603
1200-1300 558 (except Saturday) English Hour in London
1400-1500 9450*
1500-1600 12040* 9810** 7370
1600-1700 9890 7370
1700-1800 (11675* Sat-Sun) 9890 (9820 Sat-Sun) 7370 (7320** Sat-Sun)
(1494 Sat-Sun)
1800-1900 11630* 9890 9480** 7370
1900-2000 12070* 9890 7310 7195
2000-2100 12070* 9890 7195**
(John Norfolk, UK - dxldyg 26/03/2007)

kHz Fecha UTC ITU Emisora, detalle Tipo SIO
11253 25-03-07 1233 G MVU RAF Volmet West Drayton Fonia 544
11345 25-03-07 1237 Converacion entre piloto y torre de control espanol Fonia 555
13170 25-03-07 1410 Olimpia Radio Fonia 544
13264 25-03-07 1417 G EIP Shannon Volmet Fonia 555
14487 25-03-07 1432 Emisi€ ¦on de n€ ¦umeros en ingl€ ¦es Fonia 544
14344 25-03-07 1440 Radioaficionados Fonia 544
17160 25-03-07 1450 Pescadores Fonia 444
27525 25-03-07 1540 Radioaficionados Fonia 433
(Javier Robledillo Jaen, Alicante, Spain - FrecuenciaDX 26/03/2007)

Just started to send reception reports to the airlines,
hope they will answer. But most only have web-feedback-formulars,
I'm afraid the chances are not very high. It's difficult to
find any direct email addresses for the "Operations" departments.
I think they would be the correct "person in charge" ?
Any good tips? Any "good QSLer" below them?

73, Tom

05541 JETSET 59: Air 2000 [AMM] (UK) 0414 J3E/USB wkg Stockholm
Radio, w/req wx fr LPLA, EGGD. 26/Mar/07 (ALF)

05598 KESTREL 513: My Travel [MYT] (UK) 1515 J3E/USB wkg Shanwick,
s/c PR-QS (G-BYTH, Airbus A320). 24/Mar/07 (ALF)

05598 EEZ 3512: Eurofly [EEZ] (Italy) 1520 J3E/USB wkg Shanwick,
s/c BM-DR (I-EEZL, Airbus A330). 24/Mar/07 (ALF)

05598 BLUE PANORAMA 1614: Blue Panorama Airlines [BPA] (Italy) 1525
wkg Shanwick, s/c JS-FM (EI-CXO, Boing 763). 24/Mar/07 (ALF)

05598 STARWAY 020: Star Airlines [SEU] (France) 1535 J3E/USB wkg
Shanwick, s/c EP-BL (F-GRSQ, Airbus A330). 24/Mar/07 (ALF)

05616 N728PH: BIZ Flight 1752 J3E/USB wkg Shanwick. 24/Mar/07 (ALF)

06748 3771: unid 1715 ALE/USB SND [TWS]. 25/Mar/07 (ALF)

06748 9850: unid 2220 ALE/USB SND [TWS]. 25/Mar/07 (ALF)

06748 206102: unid (Italian AF?) 1603, 2104 ALE/USB SND [TWS].
25/Mar/07 (ALF) ANY correct ID ??????

08843 OK0917: C.S.A. Czech Airlines 1345 HFDL [MPDU] to GS 1 (ARINC
GLOBALink Node Shannon), reg. OK-LEG, ICAO AID 420B92,
pos. 49N56 21E27. 25/Mar/07 (ALF)

08843 EY0007: Etihad Airways [ETD] 1415 HFDL [MPDU] to GS 1 (ARINC
GLOBALink Node Shannon), reg. A6-EYL, ICAO AID 068691, pos.
46N57 19E30. 25/Mar/07 (ALF)

08843 LM0266: Livingston Air [LVG] (Italy) 1435 HFDL [MPDU] to GS 1
(ARINC GLOBALink Node Shannon), reg. I-LIVA. 25/Mar/07 (ALF)

11300 AEY 533: Air Italy Flight 1225 J3E/USB wkg Tripoli. Boeing 757-200
from Mombassa to LIRF, ref. EI-IGA. 25/Mar/07 (ALF)
(Thomas Rosner, Germany - udxf 26/03/2007)

02187.5 UAOV: Volgo Don 5105-Russia 2304 DSC Safety RQ to AnkaraRadio
TAH. (25Mar07) (MPJ)

02187.5 V7LE7: Kerem D-Marshall Islands 2307 DSC Safety RQ to Lyngby
Radio/OXZ. (25Mar07) (MPJ)

02187.5 PBK: Netherlands Coastguard Ijmuiden/Den Helder 2308 DSC Pre-
liminary call for weather/MIB bcast on 2182 kHz. (25Mar07) (MPJ)

02187.5 LHAE3: Lys Skog-Norway 2310 DSC Safety RQ to Dover
Coastguard, England. (25Mar07) (MPJ)

02187.5 V2AM7: Emma-Antigua & Barbuda 2323 DSC Safety RQ to Falmouth
Coastguard, Cornwall. (25Mar07) (MPJ)

02804 : CIS Military 2112 MS-5/4800/USB In traffic. (24Mar07) (MPJ)

05407 AJSP: Russian Military 2123 CW Comms check with 3YKF VTZ8
VHIX and 3YKF. (26Mar07) (MPJ)

08453 FUG: French Navy Saissac 1053 STANAG-4285/300L/5N12 ...FAA DE
FUG VV TESTING RYs SGs 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 VOYEZ VOUS LE BRICK etc,
KKKKILO. Then working unid warship: ZBZ5s only. Frequency was
previously used by FUO/Toulon. (27Mar07) (MPJ)

08568 FUV: French Navy Djibouti 1947 STANAG-4285/330L/5N12 Idling:
etc. INT ZBZ. (24Mar07) (MPJ)

12755 EHVS: Ciudad de Sevilla-Spain 1015 DSC Safety RQ to Lyngby
Radio, Denmark/OXZ. (27Mar07) (MPJ)

12755 C4DI: Cape Cyros-Cyprus 1017 DSC Safety RQ to Lyngby
Radio/OXZ who BQs. (27Mar07) (MPJ)

12755 9VBH5: Bungan Kantan Dua-Singapore 1021 DSC Safety RQ to
Lyngby/OXZ and later to Madrid/ECA6. (27Mar07) (MPJ)

12755 3FTL6: Ever Unison-Panama Flag 1028 DSC Request simplex
telephone conversation on 8230 kHz with sister-ship 3FXN9-Ever Urban.
(27Mar07) (MPJ)

12755 D5EN5: Ivan Zhadanov-Korea 1033 DSC Safety RQ to MRCC
Piraeus. (27Mar07) (MPJ)

12577 C6CQ2: Admiral of Scandinavia-Bahamas Flag 1037 DSC Safety
RQ to MRCC Madrid/ECA6. (27Mar07) (MPJ)
(MPJ, UK - udxf 27/03/2007)

2039Z 11175.0 EXPLETIVE p/p via Andrews HF-GCS to 402-XXX-XXXX COURTYARD at Offutt AFB for Orderwire troubleshooting. Up on RF19, but

have wrong freq and can't pass on this circuit. Will get correct freq when on deck

2055Z 8301.6 ANDVT

2114Z 11232.0 PEACH 24 (E-8 JSTARS) p/p via TRENTON MILITARY to PEACHTREE. Ground party reports tanker is currently over Virginia

2119Z 8983.0 CG 2114 (HU-25, CGAS Miami) ops normal report to CAMSLANT

2139Z 7653.0 Link-11 data transmission with 6 stations being polled

2231Z 7527.0 CG 1707 (HC-130, CGAS Clearwater) wkg SERVICE CENTER reporting they are trying to contact Clearwater Air

2245Z 8199.7 COAST GUARD 63 wkg PJC (Dutch Navy, Curacao) with report of vessel fishing inside exclusive zone. No Joy raising vessel on VHF 16
(M. J. Cleary, Charleston, SC - udxf 27/03/2007)

here are some of ALF's aero loggings from the last night.

Would be nice to get a QSL for the P4-FSH. Tried it via
Ernest Angley Ministries. Hope that is the right way?
Who got any aero/aircaft QSLs in the last time?

73, Tom


05598 N77FK: K-Services, Inc. (Aircraft Charter Company) New York 0309
J3E/USB wkg New York, Gulfstream-IV SP a/c, s/c BQ-EL.
27/Mar/07 (ALF)

05598 P4-FSH: "Star Tripple Seven", carrier of Ernest Angley Ministries,
Akron, OH) 0313 J3E/USB wkg Santa Maria, s/c GH-KL,
Boeing B747SP-31. 27/Mar/07 (ALF)

05598 IBERWORLD 9802: Iberworld Airlines [IWD] (Spain) 0320 J3E/USB
wkg New York, s/c MR-GP. 27/Mar/07 (ALF)

05598 BEAUTY (?) 104: TUI Airlines [JAF] (Belgium) 0313 J3E/USB wkg
Santa Maria, SM IDed it as "JAF 104". 27/Mar/07 (ALF)

05598 FRENCH WEST 523: Air Caraibes [FWI] (France) 0355 wkg Santa Maria,
s/c GM-HR. reg. F-OPTP, Airbus A330. 27/Mar/07 (ALF)

05598 SKYTOUR 3048: Skyservice [SSV] (Canada) 0403 J3E/USB wkg
New York, s/c DG-MS, reg. C-GTBB, Boing B752. 27/Mar/07 (ALF)
(Thomas Rosner, Germany - udxf 27/03/2007)

11175.0 kHz USB 0736z: HF-GCS Station "Hickam" wkg "Biscayne 256" to relay
message: Departed MPDA (Enrique Malek IAP, David, Panama) at 0637z, currently
FL360, ETA Robins AFB at 0837z, ETA Orlando-Sanford IAP, Florida at 0950z;
Hickam advises no Selcal capability (Alan Stern, Satellite Beach, FL, Usa - udxf 28/03/2007)

Just a few the past couple days...the last one below is still active
as I'm typing this:

2899.0: Gander MWARA working Delta 46, and gave 5616.0 as secondary
frequency, in USB at 2346Z.

4011.0: NNN0FFN as NCS for USN/USMC MARS net passing traffic, then a
round robin session of comments from net participants before closing
net, in USB at 2300Z.

11175.0: TOPCAT 04 (presumed McGuire KC-135) calling MAINSAIL numerous
times with no joy, finally raised a ground station I could not hear
(possibly LAJES) as he moved out of range, in USB at 0034Z. (Regarding
this, anyone know if the USN VS-31 S-3 bunch at Cecil - which also
used to use TOPCAT at one time - is disestablished?)

4360.0: Apparent USN tactical net with various stations using one- and
two-letter callsigns (EW, HW, HF, O, Q, J, and others heard), numerous
requests to EW (apparent NCS) by a second station (often T, but also
heard O making these requests) to be passed to third station relative
to various track numbers; SITREP at top of the hour being given which
included the statement "Fire status is weapons hold," suggesting an
air defense net, in USB at 0130Z. Kudos to Jon in Florida for the tip
on this one via the #monitor IRC channel. (John KasupskiTonawanda, NY, USA - udxf 28/03/2007)

8414.5kHz UNID 2007MAR280658Z GMDSS/DSC

min NORTH LONGITUDE 63 deg 18 min WEST
TIME UTC: 6 : 56
TELECOMMAND: J3E telephone
DECODED AT: 2:58:58 AM 3/28/2007
(Albert P. Belle Isle - udxf 28/03/2007)

here are some of ALS's logs, sorry a bit late, but I got them
just now and had to edit before sending ;-))

73, Tom

05598 N247EM: BIZ Flight (NHL Team "Ottawa Senators", owned by "Wells
Fargo Bank Northwest NA Trustee") 2337 J3E/USB clg Santa Maria,
Gulfstream IV a/c. 27/Mar/07 (ALF)

05598 N765M: BIZ Flight (Federated Corporate Services Inc.,
Cincinnati, OH) 0135 J3E/USB wkg New York; Gulfstream 2 a/c,
28/Mar/07 (ALF)

05598 N203: BIZ Flight (Jacura Delaware Inc.) 0150 J3E/USB wkg Santa
Maria, Canadair CL-604 a/c. 28/Mar/07 (ALF)

05598 REACH 726: USAF Flight to Aviano 0126 J3E/USB wkg Santa Maria,
s/c DF-BS (#90-0300), Gulfstream IV-SP a/c. 28/Mar/07 (ALF)

05598 EXS 224: Channel Express (UK) 0129 J3E/USB wkg Santa Maria,
fl. to Leeds/EGNM. 28/Mar/07 (ALF)

05598 AZORES 220: Sata International [RZO] (Azores, POR) 0335 J3E/USB
wkg New York, s/c CS-JL, reg. CS-TGV, A310 a/c. 28/Mar/07 (ALF)

05598 ROYALAIR MAROC 201: Royal Air Maroc Flight 0340 J3E/USB wkg
New York. 28/Mar/07 (ALF)

05616 REACH 947: unid USAF Aircraft 0323 J3E/USB wkg Gander, s/c CS-FL.
28/Mar/07 (ALF)

06535 OO-ACT: Flying Service "Flying Group" [FYG] (Belgium) 0107
J3E/USB wkg Dakar, s/c PR-JM, Dassault Falcon 900C.
28/Mar/07 (ALF) (Thomas Rosner, Germany - udxf 29/03/2007)

What is interesting is the Malaysian navy on 5065 kHz.
"All looks wrong" ;-) RY-tape but n CW, 9MR and not 9MB,
5065 kHz and not 5065 kHz. Any idea whats going on?
Wrong button or really a second station of the MLA Ny just
1 kHz higher ?

73, Tom

05065 9MR19: Malaysian Navy 2213 CW marker "JULL JULL 9MR19 RMMJ
28/MARCH/2007 (DL8AAM)

05708 SENTRY 82: USAF E-3 Aircraft (#78-0576) 0528 J3E/USB clg MAINSAIL,
no joy, into ALE [TWS E30576][TO ADW]. 29/Mar/07 (ALF)

06532 EIP: ARINC GLOBALink Node Shannon, IRL 2145 HFDL [SPDU]], id as
GS #7, wkg UP0238, AY2964, EY0018, VS0025 etc. 28/Mar/07 (ALF)

06586 TVS 925: Travel Service Airline (Czech Rep.) 2240 J3E/USB
wkg New York, s/c PR-FM, reg. OK-TVF, Boing B738. 28/Mar/07 (ALF)

06585 TRANSAT 391: Air Transat [TSC] (Canada) 2240 J3E/USB wkg New York,
s/c KQ-DL, reg. C-GFAT, Airbus A310. 28/Mar/07 (ALF)

06586 CAJ 371: Air Caribes Atlantique (France) 2250 J3E/USB w/New York,
s/c GM-HR (?=F-OPTP, A330 of Air Caraibes/FWI?). 28/Mar/07 (ALF)

06586 RED COMET 901: Air Comet [MPD] (Spain) 2250 wkg New York,
s/c MR-FS, reg. EC-GMU, Airbus A310. 28/Mar/07 (ALF)

06661 KEA5: ARINC GLOBALink Node Riverhead, NY, USA 2124 HFDL [SPDU],
id as GS #4, wkg UP0238 etc. 28/Mar/07 (ALF)

06676 HSD: Bangkog Volmet 2112 J3E/USB YL/EE wx. 28/MARCH/2007 (DL8AAM)

06676 AXQ429: Airservices Australia, Ningi 2120 J3E/USB Robot-OM/EE
w/"Australia Volmet" from Brisbane. 28/MARCH/2007 (DL8AAM)

06712 TFW: ARINC GLOBALink Node Reykjavik, ISL 2135 HFDL [SPDU], id as
GS #3, wkg NCA088 etc. 28/Mar/07 (ALF)

06826 : Stockholm Radio 2115 J3E/USB wkg LTU flight. 28/Mar/07 (ALF)
(Thomas Rosner, Germany - udxf 29/03/2007)

[02:48:56][FRQ 05732000][TO ][LNT ][TIS][707 ][AL0] BER 30 SN 01 followed by CG 1707 (HC-130, CGAS Clearwater) ops normal report


1208Z 9122.5 Link-11 data transmission

[12:08:28][FRQ 05732000][TO ][LNT ][TIS][J42 ][AL0] BER 29 SN 01 followed by JULIET 42 (MH-60J, CGAS Clearwater) airborne for

training requests guard form CAMSLANT

1251Z 11175.0 REACH 150 p/p via Puerto Rico HF-GCS to Meteo for 1430z WX at Westover JRB

1258Z 5732.0 JULIET 14 (MH-60J, CGAS Elizabeth City) airborne with 3 POB for training requests guard from CAMSLANT

1305Z 5732.0 CG 1720 (HC-130, CGAS Clearwater) ops normal report to CAMSLANT

1317Z 8983.0 CG 2128 (HU-25, CGAS Miami) ops normal report to CAMSLANT

1318Z 5696.0 CG 1502 (HC-130, CGAS Elizabeth City) radio check with CAMSLANT

1408Z 8983.0 CG 2139 (HU-25) requests guard from CAMSLANT

1432Z 8983.0 CG 2121 (HU-25) requests guard from CAMSLANT

1527Z 11175.0 ? 22 p/p via Puerto Rico HF-GCS to DSN 650-3936 McGuire CP

[15:30:23][FRQ 05732000][TO ][LNT ][TIS][720 ][AL0] BER 28 SN 00 followed by CG 1720 (HC-130, CGAS Clearwater) airborne from Pope

AFB en route homeplate requests guard from CAMSLANT

1534Z 11175.0 REACH 328 radio check with Puerto Rico HF-GCS

1540Z 8983.0 CG 2120 (HU-25) on final to Borinquen

1540Z 11175.0 Puerto Rico HF-GCS clg SAM 1293

1543Z 11175.0 Puerto Rico HF-GCS wkg HOSER 12 (KC-135)

1633Z 8983.0 CG 2127 (HU-25, ATC Mobile) on final secures guard with CAMSLANT

1652Z 10588.0 WGY916 (FEMA, Denton, TX) wkg WGY908 (FEMA, Denver, CO) regarding unsuccessful digital transmission

1726Z 5732.0 CG 1503 (HC-130, CGAS Elizabeth City) airborne with 10 POV requests guard form CAMSLANT

1729Z 5732.0 JULIET 03 (MH-60J, CGAS Elizabeth City) wkg CAMSLANT reporting securing guard with AUXILIARY VESSEL 519. RTB ops normal

1751Z 11232.0 SENTRY 61 (E-3 AWACS) p/p via TRENTON MILITARY to RAYMOND 24


[19:12:25][FRQ 07527000][TO ][LNT ][TIS][J42 ][AL0] BER 23 SN 00 followed by JULIET 42 (MH-60J, CGAS Clearwater) airborne with 8

POV en route 27-02N 082-16W. Requests guard

[20:49:54][FRQ 05732000][TO ][LNT ][TIS][J36 ][AL0] BER 28 SN 00 followed by RESCUE 6036 (MH-60J, CGAS Elizabeth City) airborne

with 4 POV en route SAR case 300 miles southeast of E-City. Requests guard

2338Z 7527.0 CG 1501 (HC-130, CGAS Elizabeth City) wkg CAMSLANT to report RESCUE 6036 attempting hoist in position 31-49N 073-25W. Story

here: https://www.piersystem.com/go/doc/651/152576/

2340Z 8983.0 SECTOR NEW ORLEANS and CAMSLANT trying to make contact with CG 6042

2352Z 7527.0 CG 1504 (HC-130, CGAS Clearwater) reports to CAMSLANT that CG 6042 has patient on board and has 50 min. ETA

2359Z 7527.0 CG 6042 (MH-60J, CGAS Clearwater) p/p via SERVICE CENTER to Clearwater Air. Position 24-48N 083-10W. Reports en route Boca

Chica due to fuel state (MJ Cleary, Charleston, SC - udxf 29/03/2007)

04209.5 XSX chi-lung taiwan 1835 NAVTEX "PB" 28mar07

01916.7 gcg cuxhaven 1845 ARQ wx "deutsche bucht..." 28mar07

02671.3 gcg neustadt 1848>50] ARQ wx // 1616.7 ? 28mar07

04218.5 LZW24 varna 1851 FEC bulg 28mar07

04219.0 TAH istanbul 1855 ARQ 28mar07

04601.5 OA irish af 1912 ARQ encrypt?5 letters... 28mar07

05195.0 DRA5 kiel 1914 CW/PSK31 solar data...28mar07
(M. Lacroix, France - udxf 29/03/2007)

0007Z 7527.0 34C airborne from INDIA with 5 SOB requests guard from PANTHER

2124Z 11232.0 PEACH 33 (E-8 JSTARS) p/p via TRENTON MILITARY to PEACHTREE with line code report

2128Z 11232.0 SENTRY 81 (E-3 AWACS) p/p via TRENTON MILITARY to DSN 884-5473

2144Z 14362.0 JACKAL 84 clg KOKOMO (JIATF-South)

2231Z 5732.0 33C and PANTHER clg, but not hearing each other

[22:41:36][FRQ 05732000][TO ][LNT ][TIS][J23 ][AL0] BER 19 SN 00 followed by JULIET 23 (HH-60J, ATC Mobile) en route NSA

Pensacola requests guard from CAMSLANT

[23:07:34][FRQ 07527000][TO ][CRB ][TIS][D01 ][AL0] BER 17 SN 00 followed by OMAHA 1MR reporting on scene drop zone area 18-22N

071-20W and DEA helicopters on scene ((MJ Cleary, Charleston, SC - udxf 29/03/2007)

03881 : Broadcast Jammer 1913 AM-BROADBAND. (28Mar07) (MPJ)

03027.4 : Swiss Military 1918 SUI-MIL/220/300 until 1920 then
gone. (29Mar07) (MPJ)

03043.5 : Prob Swiss Air Defence 1922 UNID/100/200 Pair on 3044.5
and 3044.5. (28Mar07) (MPJ)

03480 : Pirates 1925 LSB Italian language. (28Mar07) (MPJ)

03161 : CIS Military 1931 81-81/81/250 In traffic. 3180.5 is
probably the QSX. (28Mar07) (MPJ)

03316 : Unid 1937 UNID/50/190 ACF=0. If Bee/36-50 the very long-
winded. (28Mar07) (MPJ)

03235 : CIS Military 1940 MS-5/4800/USB In traffic. (28Mar07) (MPJ)

14779.91 : Unid Cyprus 1409 OMFSK/195.5/600 Mobile is on 19843.91.
(30Mar07) (MPJ)

15959 : Unid 1308 UNID/75/850 Prob NATO-75. Continuous stream.
Bearing 360/180. (30Mar07) (MPJ)

16216 W3LD: Unid 1313 USB OM European accent: "OstendRadio this
is W3LD on frequency 16216, radio check, over". (30Mar07) (MPJ)

16331.9 S: Severomorsk Cluster Beacon 1319 CW With C-Moscow on
16332.0. (30Mar07) (MPJ)

16830.5 SVO: Olympia Radio, Athens ARQ Exchange rates in Greek ...
de SVO telos kala taxidia NNNN. (30Mar07) (MPJ - udxf 30/03/2007)

0019Z 8983.0 CG 2114 (HU-25, CGAS Miami) ops normal report to CAMSLANT

0048Z 5732.0 JULIET 03 (MH-60J, CGAS Elizabeth City) position report to CAMSLANT. 36-12N 076-04W

1545Z 8983.0 Q3D position report to CAMSLANT. Bearing 358T, 13 miles from benchmark CARDINAL

1556Z 10993.6 ANDVT

1712Z 8983.0 CG 2114 (HU-25, CGAS Miami) airborne with 5 POB requests guard from CAMSLANT

1724Z 11232.0 DARKSTAR QUEBEC (E-3 AWACS) p/p via TRENTON MILITARY to BEST DEAL with line code report. Followed by p/p to DSN

939-1852 ORE MINE to request freqs for connectivity check. Freqs are Z115 and Z155

1757Z 5732.0 JULIET 14 (MH-60J, CGAS Elizabeth City) airborne with 6 POB for boat ops requests guard from CAMSLANT

1807Z 11232.0 SENTRY 30 (E-3 AWACS) wkg TRENTON MILITARY for WX at Tinker AFB, McConnell AFB, and Amarillo, TX


line code report. NORTHERN LIGHTS states they will be monitoring AICC

1819Z 11232.0 CANFORCE 86 wkg TRENTON MILITARY for WX at Winnipeg, Brandon, Trenton, and Ottawa

1911Z 6790.0 Link-11 data transmission

1911Z 13206.0 Link-11 data transmission

1955Z 8156.0 CORAL HARBOR BASE (Royal Bahamas SDF) in comms with C6YH

2123Z 11232.0 PEACH 66 (E-8 JSTARS) p/p via TRENTON MILITARY to DSN 241-2313 PEACHTREE with line code report and request for 2200z

WX at Robins

2138Z 6715.0 HUNTER 25 (CP-140, 14 Wing) wkg HALIFAX MILITARY to pass off station at 2130z. ETA 2215z to Greenwood

2246Z 7527.0 38C position report to PANTHER. Bearing 184, 40.7 miles from O6

2254Z 7527.0 JULIET 14 (MH-60J, CGAS Elizabeth City) airborne with 4 POB for training requests guard from CAMSLANT

2256Z 5732.0 CG 1707 (HC-130, CGAS Clearwater) airborne with 7 POB en route Borinquen requests guard from CAMSLANT

2326Z 7527.0 CG 1707 (HC-130) position report to CAMSLANT. 26-48N 080-31W

2330Z 6694.0 RESCUE 320 (CC-130) p/p via HALIFAX MILITARY to HALIFAX SEARCH reporting helo has 0120z ETA to airport. Requests ambulance
(MJ Cleary, Charleston, SC - udxf 30/03/2007)


С 1 апреля 2007 года в СПБ началось вещание телеканала 2x2 на 22 канале вместо NBN/Rambler и пока без местных вставок
Также с 1 апреля возобновилось вещание радиостанции Монте-Карло, но на волне Радио Спутник (105.9 ФМ)
С 26/03/2007 TWR (17-20) и Радио Радонеж (20-23) перешли на 1323 кГц после того как закрылся Радио Нерсс на 684 кГц.
Вновь стали отключать Радио Маяк на 549 кГц и теперь он вещает с 0600 до 1500.
Скоро в СПБ начнет работу Бизнес-ФМ на волне радио Лениград (107.4 ФМ)
(И. Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия)

R.T.B.F. International. 9970 p/d 3" x 5"
blue & white logo cd. with 2 stickers & glossy
multi-page program sked in 21 days for French report,
CD recording, and mint Belgian stamps (which they
returned). Illegible V/s. (J.D. Stephens, Hampton Cove, AL, U.S.A - CumbreDX 1896, 29/03/2007)

Сегодня, 30/III/2007 получено QSL-письмо от "Varna Radio" (LZW) за
рапорт о приёме их SITOR-передачи 05/III/2007 на частоте 8421,5 кГц.
Рапорт отправлял по e-mail radio@navbul.com и varnarad@navbul.com .
QSL-письмо на 3 листах: первые 2 - приветствие, тема сообщения,
история станции, на 3-м листе - данные из рапорта о приёме и технические
данные передатчика. Подписано письмо Стефаном Димитровым и стоит печать станции.
(Иван Зеленый, Россия - open_dx 30/03/2007)

7.150 kHz, Radio Budapest.
Recibida Tarjeta QSL datos completos
Demoro 15 dias
No V/S
Informe enviado en Ingles al departamento en Ingles:
Magyar Radio (Radio Budapest)
English Department
Brody Sandor Utca 5-7
1800 Budapest
(Javier Robledillo Jaen, Alicante, Spain - FrecuenciaDX 26/03/2007)

Получил QSL от Hamburg Local Radio за электронный рапорт. Писал по адресу: redaktion@hamburger-lokalradio.de
(Владимир Рожков, Россия - open_dx 29/03/2007)

CHHA-1610, Toronto. P/d letter and large 48
page booklet about the San Lorenzo Latin American
Community Centre, which operates the station. All in
24 days. V/s: Michelle Maron - Executive Director.
(J.D. Stephens, Hampton Cove, AL, USA - hard-core-dx 51, 33, 30/03/2007)

XENK- Radio 6.20 - Mexico D.F. Personal letter via registered mail
in 2 months after f/up for October 2006 reception from Ma. Guadalupe Laris
Rodriguez, Gerente. Also included stickers, a lapel pin, web info and a CD
of music from the station. Gerente Rodriguez said they never received my
original report even though it was also sent registered mail. The f/up was
mailed from Cozumel by a friend who was visiting there. Address used was
Radio 6.20, S.A., Aten: Lic. Guadalupe Laris Rodriguez, Calle Durango #331;
Colonia Roma., M?xico, DF 06700, M?XICO (J. Pogue-TN - hard-core-dx 51, 32, 29/03/2007)

Трансмировое радио: 999 (Григориополь, Молдова). Рапорт на русском, но
за прием украинской программы, был отправлен на qsl@inbox.ru. Спустя
18 дней получил конверт от Василия Гуляева, в котором были QSL с
указанием передатчика - "Grigoriopol, Moldova", календарик на 2007-й
год и листовка-реклама евангельской газеты "Мирт". Эта QSL дала новую
для меня страну. (Владимир Дорошенко, Днепродзержинск, Украина - open_dx 28/03/2007)

Bangkok VOLMET 6676 and Bangkok Meteorological Radio for shipping
6765.1 f/d paper cards for each station plus personal letter from Ms.
Jantima Niyomchok for CD report and ms. for EE report in 24 days
(Jim Pogue, Memphis, Tennessee USA - CumbreDX 1894, 26/03/2007)

Jose Miguel Romero
Burjasot (Valencia)
Sangean ATS 909
Antena Radio Master A-108

Philips D2999 with pa0rdt Mini-Whip (Jeroen Kloppenburg, Deventer the

Javier Robledillo Jaen
Elche (Alicante) Espana
Rx: Sangean ATS909. Ant: Telescopica

В избранное