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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 111 часть 1
WorldDX 111 14/03/2007 -- WorldDX выходит с декабря 2004 года. Редкатор: Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия. Время везде UTC; Mосковское время = UTC +4 часа - летом, а зимой - +3 часа. Частоты указаны в кГц для ДВ, СВ, КВ и в МГц для ФМ и ТВ Редактор оставляет за собой право не включать в бюллетень информацию, не отвечающую его тематике. Архив предыдущих номеров бюллетеня можно найти по следующим адресам: http://worlddx.narod.ru/dx.html, http://worlddx.by.ru/dx.html Конференция бюллетеня: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/worlddx/ Подписка: worlddx-subscribe@yahoogroups.com и http://subscribe.ru/catalog/radio.worlddx/ Выходит по вторникам или по средам Адрес для писем: worlddx@yandex.ru -- Короткие Волны Австралия 4910, VL8T, 2135-2140 ABC nx and sports by W, promo/ID at 2140. Discussion pgm after. Nice ID at 2200 by M. Shocked to hear this decent signal, //4835 VL8A both about equal strength. 4910 had some CODAR QRM, and 4835 QRMed from Mali. 5025 blocked by Rebelde and Benin. Of course 4910 faded out and last hrd around 2250. Looks like the path with least amount of daylight would follow through the Indian Ocean, diagonally across Africa, and across the Atlantic. Although seemingly possible is a north polar path closely following the terminator, it should be in too much daylight. At the start, Tennant Creek was 31 minutes past sunrise and it was 1:41 before sunset here. By fade-out, we were 26 minutes before sunset but Tennant Creek was 1:46 after sunrise. VL8T was already in and readable when I tuned in, so I don't know when fade-in was. Will have to keep checking this. (Dave Valko 10 March - CumbreDX 1871, 11/03/2007) 6230U VMW Wiluna. W.A. Mar.8.07 1300-1314 Came on in mid-sentance with WX rpt for Northern Territory, Western Coastal Areas and the Islands/Capes. Off with ID as 'end of transmission from VMW' (Kusalik-ALB) 6230U Mar.8.07 1330 - 13:53 Another weather report with short tone clips interspersed during the broadcast. Off with NO ID (Kusalik-ALB) 6507 U // 8176 U VMC Charleville, Queensland Mar.9.07 1330-13:54 WX Report for the Queensland region, which included the Northern Coastal Areas, Cape York, Cooktown , Reefs and Islands. Off with ID as 'end of transmission from VMC for this part of this program' (Edward Kusalik, ALB - CumbreDX 1871, 10/03/2007) Алжир/Англия 6055 Radio Algerienne, via Wooferton, 2121-2130, March 03, Arabic, local songs, 22232//9850 Khz via Rampisham with 34433 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1867, 08/03/2007) Антарктида 15476 LRA36 Radio Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel, Base Antartica Esperanza, 2020-2038, March 08, spanish, Argentinean folk songs selection, ID by male at 2038 UTC, 35433 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - hard-core-dx 51, 10, 08/03/2007) 15476 LRA36 Radio Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel, Base Antartica Esperanza, 2020-2038, March 08, spanish, Argentinean folk songs selection, ID by male at 2038 UTC, 35433 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1867, 08/03/2007) Аргентина 15345, R. Nac., 0105-0202, March 11, live coverage of a futbol game, YL with many time checks and often mentions "rosa blanca"(?), mostly fair (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA, Eton E5 - dxldyg 1235, 11/03/2007) Афганистан R. Solh, 15265 via UK, March 7 from tune-in at 1454 until 1457 again playing our favorite song as in previous report. Maybe they run it every day around 1450, some sort of station staple or theme? Propagation was poor today, however (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 51, 9, 07/03/2007) The Solh Theme, as we may as well call it, is indeed appearing every day at the same time, it seems; at least on March 8, there it was again starting at 1451, until 1457, on 15265 via Rampisham UK (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 51, 10, 08/03/2007) Another day in a row that R. Solh plays our favorite tune at exactly the same time on 15265 via UK, March 10 at 1451-1457, but poor reception compared to March 8 and 9. Olle Alm suspects that the entire broadcast replays the same recording every day. That sure must cut down on produxion, and feed costs. All they have to do is spin the same CDs at Rampisham. We must admit we`re hooked on this tune, but what about the intended audience? Surely it`s not effective PsyOp to play the same stuff every day without variation, or is there some kind of mind-control theory to the contrary? But the audience presumably is not captive, forced to listen. Or do they pipe it into the prisons? (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 51, 12, 10/03/2007) Африка/Австрия 7/03/2007 с 20.45 до 22.00 принимал Radio Africa Int. на частоте 1476 кГц с сигналом на 4. Скорее всего это ретрансляция через ORF, потому- что в 21.00 шли новости на ORF, потом в 21.15 опять принималась Radio Africa Int (Александр Мядель, Минск, Беларусь - open_dx 09/03/2007) Бельгия 9970 kHz, RTBFi, 03-03-07, 1503-1508 UTC, Musica y entrevista a invitado, en frances, SINPO 55444 (Javier Robledillo Jaen, Elche -Espana - FrecuenciaDX 410, 06/03/2007) Боливия 6105.49, Radio Panamericana, 1050-1100 Noting two malesin Spanishcomments. With mentions of "Bolivia" during same. Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, Florida - CumbreDX 1863, 06/03/2007) 5952.35, Radio Pio Doce, 1038-1048 With a number of persons in Spanish discourse. Signal at this end was fair. (Chuck Bolland, March 9, 2007 - CumbreDX 1867) 5952.49 Radio Pio XII, Siglo XX, Llallagua, Potosi, 0220 - 0230*, Mar 08, Aymara mixed with Spanish, comments and Comunicados by man and female announce ID AND s/off "...transmitimos desde.....710 KHz y 5950 KHz banda internacional de 49 metros.....Radio Pio XII, Siglo XX....Potosi....telefonos...." SINPO 24332, (Nicolas Eramo, Argentina - CumbreDX 1871, 11/03/2007) 4409.8, Radio Eco, Reyes, Beni, 2307-2320, 10-03, locutor, comentarios, español: "Continúen con nosotros en este programa", saludos a los oyentes, canciones andinas. 25322. (Méndez) 4650.2. Radio Santa Ana, Santa Ana del Yacuma, Beni, locutor, español, comentaros. Señal muy débil. Audible en LSB. 14321. (Méndez) 5952.5, Radio Pió XII, Siglo XX, 2304-2315, 10-03, locutor, locutora, anuncios y comentarios municipales, español. Señal débil y con interferencia en 5950 y 5955 kH. 22222. (Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain - captacionesondacorta 255, 11/03/2007) Бразилия 3365 Radio Cultura Araraquara, 0246 - 0302, Mar 8, Portuguese, Musical Program, advs, Ids "Cultura" "Cultura a Radio" ".....Cultura Araraquara Limitada.....3365 kilohertz faixa de 90 metros", SINPO 24332, (Eramo, Argentina) 3385 Radio Guaruja Paulista, Marilia,SP, 0305 - 0311, Mar 08, Portuguese, Musical Program, Id by man announcer "per la Guaruja", SINPO 23332, (Nicolas Eramo, Argentina - CumbreDX 1871, 11/03/2007) 5940.2, Radio Guarujá Paulista, Guarujá, 0653-0658, 11-03, locutor, comentarios y canciones. Señal muy débil. 14321. (Méndez) 11725, Radio Novas de Paz, Curitiba, 2114-2125, 10-03, canciones religiosas, locutor, comentarios, portugués, identificación: "Radio Novas de Paz". 34333. (Méndez) En paralelo con 9515, con peor señal. 24322. (Méndez) 11735, Radio Guaiba, Porto Alegre, 2142-2254, 10-02, portugués, transmisión partidos de fútbol. 33333. (Méndez) 11805, Radio Globo, Rió de Janeiro, 2050-2052, 10-02, locutor, comentarios partidos de fútbol campeonato brasileño. Luego de llevar escuchándola 2 minutos, se cortó bruscamente la transmisión. Parece que sigue con muchos problemas en esta frecuencia. 34333. (Méndez) 11815, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 2100-2130, 10-03, comentarios partidos de fútbol de los equipos de Goiania. 44444. (Méndez) 11830, Anhanguera, Goiania, 2107-2112, 10-03, locutor, portugués, comentarios. 34333. (Méndez) 11915, Radio Gaúcha, Porto Alegre, 2110-2135, 10-02, portugués, locutor, comentarios de fútbol. 24322. (Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain - captacionesondacorta 255, 11/03/2007) Буркина-Фасо 7230, R. Burkina, *0801-0825+ March 2, sign-on with IS, 0803 French announcements and local music, French talk. Poor to fair in noisy conditions and occasional ham QRM (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 1232, 08/03/2007) Венесуэла/Куба 11670 Radio Nacional de Venezuela via RHC facilities, 2250-2300, March 03, Spanish, talk abt Venezuela-USA relations, ID as: de nuestras fronteras por Radio Nacional de Venezuela-Canal Internacional, 24432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1867, 08/03/2007) So much for YVTO being a standard frequency station. March 10 at 0624 on 5000 I was hearing WWVH with a SAH of about 10 Hz between the pips, easier to count that way, and also the higher-pitched pips from YVTO and minutely Spanish announcements audible underneath. WWV was also in there but weaker than WWVH and stronger than YVTO. I cannot imagine WWV or WWVH being 10 Hz off frequency, so therefore it must be YVTO (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 51, 12, 10/03/2007) Вьетнам 4739.7 Son La BC Stn (p) 1344-1400* Feb 28. Exotic vocals, flute mx, no anmts heard between songs or at xmsn end. Generally poor although improved very slightly by 1400 closedown. Heard on other occasions since this logging with about the same format, as near as I could tell, with the signal generally right around threshold level (John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, Usa - CumbreDX 1866, 07/03/2007) Гайана 3291.14, V. of Guyana, 0700-0800+ March 1, BBCWS, 0700 The World Today news program, 0800 time pips, BBC news. No actual Guyana ID heard. Poor with T-storm static (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 1232, 08/03/2007) Гватемала 4052.5, Radio Verdad, Chiquimula, 0540-0559*, 11-03, programa religioso en inglés, comentarios por locutor, canciones religiosas, identificación: "Radio Verdad, P. O. Box 5, Chiquimula, Guatemala, Central America". Himno y cierre a las 0559. (Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain - captacionesondacorta 255, 11/03/2007) Гвинея 7125, R. Nationale, Conakry, 2235-2400* March 3, vernacular and French talk, variety of local music, Afro-pops, IDs. Sign-off with NA. Very good but 2356 co-channel QRM from Russia signing on with test tones (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 1232, 08/03/2007) 15190 Radio East Africa, Malabo, 1020-1030, March 05, English, long talk by male (religious), 23432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1867, 08/03/2007) RTG, 7125, 0718 March 9 with hilife music, no sign of co-channel RN Flevo. Tropical paths have the advantage, but wonder if RN is still there (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 51, 12, 10/03/2007) 7125, Radio Guinea, Conakry, 2159-2215, 10-03, locutor, vernáculo, comentario. A las 2200 identificación "Içi Conakry, Radio Guineé". Noticias en francés. 34333. También 0648-0655, 11-08, canciones africanas. 33333. (Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain - captacionesondacorta 255, 11/03/2007) Германия 11670 kHz, Aventist World Radio, 03-03-07, 1547-1533 UTC, Musica con comentarios de locutores, en ingles, SINPO 55544 (Javier Robledillo Jaen, Elche -Espana - FrecuenciaDX 410, 06/03/2007) Гондурас 3340, La Voz de Misiones Internacionales, Comayaguela, 0545-0550, 11-03, canciones religiosas, comentarios, locutor. Señal muy débil hoy. 15321. (Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain - captacionesondacorta 255, 11/03/2007) Греция ERA5 via SVO, 15630. Is it still testing and still cutting off every few seconds? Yes, as it took only that long to confirm at 1500 March 8 before and after a timesignal (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 51, 10, 08/03/2007) Сегодня ночью был немало удивлен, обнаружив на указанной частоте (5865, USB) в 22.45 передачу греческого радио в режиме с одной боковой полосой USB. Я уже и не помню, когда слышал какую-то солидную радиостанцию, работающую с такой новой для нее модуляцией, а не с DRM. Прием был без проблем, причем была полная отстройка от RTTY помехи, работающей на нижней полосе. (Александр Егоров, Киев, Украина - open_dx 07/03/2007) Гуам 11760 KTWR with IS on 2258 then program in Chinese S7 35423 (Zacharias Liangas, Greece - hard-core-dx 51, 12, 10/03/2007) Доминиканская Республика 5009.78, R. Pueblo, Santo Domingo, 1115-1135+ March 2, tune-in to Spanish talk, 1127 LA music, 1129 ID. Poor in noisy conditions. Audio somewhat distorted and difficult to understand; irregular (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 1232, 08/03/2007) Западная Сахара Have never had much luck with RN de la RASD here on 48mb, but March 7 at 2303 on 6300, better signal than before altho still wanting, on the ATS-909 in the yard, during brief check when playing music. How long will this last? Others report the signal has definitely improved since its previous appearance after a few weeks off (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 51, 9, 07/03/2007) RN RASD, 6299.9, March 9 at 0717 in Arabic singing, fair against noise level. On the FRG-7 with BFO on I compared frequency to MW 1300 and found it slightly off. However, also audible March 9 around 2225, closer to 6300, it seemed (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 51, 12, 10/03/2007) Израиль 6985 Kol Israel; 2050-2054:55*, *2057:43-2103+, 6-Mar; W in SS; off abruptly; back on w/same pgm but weaker; @2100, tone, ID & M continued w/news in HB. SIO=343 before break & 252 after; covered by brief ute bursts before 2100. (Harold Frodge, MI, Usa - CumbreDX 1866, 07/03/2007) Индия 10330 kHz, AIR New Delhi, 03-03-07, 1511-1513 UTC, Musica y comentarios de locutores, en hindi, SINPO 34322 (Javier Robledillo Jaen, Elche -Espana - FrecuenciaDX 410, 06/03/2007) With reference to the recent test by CVC on 15735 at 1300-1600 from ARM in Hindi............. "CVC The Voice Asia" is being heard at 1400 tune in today (March 5) on 15735 with intro's by Tanya in English on her programme "Sunset" at 6.30-9.30 IST - as announced. I assume that's 1300-1600UTC. Music is Indian style, and the station is being announced as the new English service, on air to SoAsia morning and evening. Schedule details not heard as yet. Reference to their web site >www.thevoiceasia.com< details their Hindi service and English (Coming Soon) with no details. With thanks to Harold Frodge via Cumbre. And BTW - referring to the recent reports about the good audio from Bulgaria on some frequencies - their transmission on 15700 at 1400 is sending out audio breakthrough/spurs at least 100 KHZ on either side and causing QRM to CVC and several other adjacent stations. (Noel Green, UK - dxldyg 1227, 05/03/2007) 5040, AIR Jeypore, 1228 end of mx, M anncr in lang, 1229 brief mx bridge then different M anncr, time ticks, and EG nx starting w/ID "This is All India R. The news read by ??". Not that bad in LSB to avoid Myanmar. (Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1871, 11/03/2007) Индонезия 11785 Voz de Indonesia, 17:40-18:00, escuchada el 7 de Marzo en espanol a locutor con ID, segmento musical y el espacio ?Noticias en breve?, SINPO 43443 (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 51, 9, 07/03/2007) 4604.95 RRI Serui 1357-1434 Mar 6. Island vocals to 1417, then M ancr gabbed for a few minutes, followed by another block of lite pop mx with "island" flavor; after some more yak, they changed gears with an Engelbert Humperdinck vocal at 1434. Good signal. (John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, USA - CumbreDX 1866, 07/03/2007) 9526, VOI, March 11, has been absent for several days now. 9680, RRI Jakarta, 1011-1031, March 11, KGRE program #5405, played several Marcia Hines songs, above average reception, no trace of WYFR, which normally would be mixing with RRI (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA, Eton E5 - dxldyg 1235, 11/03/2007) 11784.87, V.O.I., 1954 pgm in lang to 2000, then AR-like instru. mx for 2 min. and nice EG ID by W "This is the V.O. Indonesia in Jakarta". Fanfare and W opening anmnts. Same W w/ID and into EG nx. Not very strong and QRM from 11780 and 11775. No sign of 15150. Thanks Jose Miguel Romero logging. (Dave Valko 10 March - CumbreDX 1871, 11/03/2007) Иордания 11550 kHz, Radio Jordania, 03-03-07, 1555-1604 UTC, Cancion “No ordinary love”, comentarios de locutora, noticias, id. emisora “Radio Jordan ......” y musica, en ingles, SINPO 53443. (Interferencia de DW en 11685) (Javier Robledillo Jaen, Elche -Espana - FrecuenciaDX 410, 06/03/2007) 4604.95 RRI Serui 1357-1434 Mar 6. Island vocals to 1417, then M ancr gabbed for a few minutes, followed by another block of lite pop mx with "island" flavor; after some more yak, they changed gears with an Engelbert Humperdinck vocal at 1434. Good signal. (John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, Usa - CumbreDX 1866, 07/03/2007) Иран The Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran Spanish Service, heard March 7 around 0245 UT with serious problems on 7225 kHz. The carrier went on and off continously, and while on (which was for about one or two seconds each time) the audio was intermitent, garbled, totally unusable. I kept waiting for a while to see if the tx was fixed, noticed that the audio was getting a little better but still intermitent, and the carrier kept going on and off for a couple of seconds each time. I finally gave up and went to bed. Let's see today if the tx has been repaired. (Moises Knochen, Montevideo, Uruguay - dxldyg 1230, 07/03/2007) 6255, V.O.I.R.I. 2013 in EG w/feature abt "The March of Victory" in Iraq w/ment of the American occupiers and the martyrs. 2025 ID and sked by W. Good signal but lcl noise a problem. Also hrd in SP via Lithuania on 6250 at 2133*. (Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1871, 11/03/2007) Испания 9710 Mar 3 0705-0730 Spain: R. Exterior de Espana. Noblejas. I heard a weekend program, that is "Amigos de la onda corta". Main theme: SW worldwide propagation forecast of March, following by reading listeners letters. SINPO 44434 Podcast is available for download at http://www.rtve.es/download/podcast?IDPODCAST=141 (Nino Marabello, Triesto, Italy - hard-core-dx 51, 9, 07/03/2007) Канада 6030, Calgary - CFVP relaying CKMX (AM 1060), 1251-1300, March 9 (Fri.), poor, under CNR-1, but clearly them with C&W songs (observed // 1060), first time I have heard them on a day other than their usual Monday clear day, when Marti and jammer are off. Totally covered by Firedrake at *1300 (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA, Eton E5 - dxldyg 1235, 11/03/2007) Кипр 9760 Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation, Nicosia, 2240-2245, March 03, Greek, report by male, local music, s/off at 2245 UTC, 24332//7210 Khz with 23432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1867, 08/03/2007) Колумбия 6139.77, R. Lider, 0638 E-Z LA song sounding like a remake of "Whiter Shade of Pale" but it wasn't. 0641 nice promo/ID by M, and back to mx. Very strong. (Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1871, 11/03/2007) Radio Líder, Colombia, 6139.8, de nuevo en el aire este fin de semana con buena señal. Veremos lo que dura. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - captacionesondacorta 255, 11/03/2007) 5910, Marfil Estereo, Lomalinda, 2315-2340, 10-03, canciones latinoamericanas, rancheras, saludos a los oyentes, identificación: "Marfil Estereo". 34433. (Méndez) También 0643-0750, 11-03, bonito programa de canciones latinoamericanas, identificación: "Marfil Estereo, en el corazón del Meta". 45444. (Méndez) 6009.6, La Voz de tu Conciencia, Lomalinda, 0759-0830, 11-03, programa religioso con su locutor habitual, "Cristo nos llama desde la Tierra Prometida". Señal muy débil, mejor en LSB. Hoy no se logra escuchar a Radio Mil. 14221. (Méndez) 6035, La Voz del Guaviare, San José del Guaviare, 2324-2342, 11-03, locutor, comentarios en español, canciones colombianas. 22322. (Méndez). 6139.8, Radio Líder, Bogotá, 2325-2350, 10-03, programa de canciones latinoamericanas con identificación entre las canciones: "Esta es su mejor amiga, Radio Líder". A las 2330 noticias, nueva identificación: "Desde Bogotá, Colombia, transmite Radio Líder, el canal preferencial HJCU, Radio Líder, AM esterero, 730 kilociclos, otra potente emisora de la cadena Melodía de Colombia". "Radio Líder informa de la hora oficial, seis horas treinta minutos", "Radio Líder, la radio que llega más lejos". 33333. (Méndez) También 0608-0940, 11-03, precioso programa de canciones españolas y latinoamericanas, canciones de Nino Bravo, noticias a las horas y medias horas, muchas identificaciones: "Donde quiera que estés, está Radio Líder", "Muchos te acompañan, pero solo una te es fiel, Radio Líder, siempre contigo", "Radio Líder, la tecnología del futuro ya está en tus oídos", "Vaya donde vaya, usted tiene una gran compañía, Radio Líder, la radio que llega más lejos". "Radio Líder le informa de la hora exacta, 3 horas 32 minutos". Muy buena señal. 44444. (Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain - captacionesondacorta 255, 11/03/2007) Куба RHC, 15370 with usual big signal, March 7 at 1452, but lacking in modulation; just some weak noise and traces of audio. Wiggle that patch cord! OK on 15190 with usual much weaker signal aimed toward SSAm (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 51, 9, 07/03/2007) Либерия 5470, Radio Veritas, Monrovia, 2055-2115, 10-03, canciones africanas, locutor, comentarios en inglés, identificación: "Radio Veritas". 34333. (Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain - captacionesondacorta 255, 11/03/2007) Ливия 17725, V. of Africa, 1400-1500+ March 3, English talk about African Union, many IDs, comments about anniversary celebration concerning AU, Afro-pop music. Fair. Weak // 21695 (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 1232, 08/03/2007) Литва 6255 KBC Radio, 22:33-23:00, escuchada el 10 de Marzo a locutor con identificacion en ingles, cu?as de identificacion en alem?n y arabe, testimonios sonoros de oyentes, programa musical, SINPO 45554. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 51, 12, 10/03/2007) Мавритания RADIO MAURITANIE, REACTIVATED ON 4835 KHz DATE: 11-02-2007 TIME: 19.00 - 19.30 UTC FREQUENCY: 4845 KHz SIGNAL: SUFF.-GOOD WTH QSB LANGUAGE: ARABIC PROGRAM: MUSIC, WITH FEMALE VOICE TALKS (Francesco Cecconi, Italy - hard-core-dx 51, 13, 11/03/2007) Мадагаскар RN Malagasy 5010, sign on at 0257z with anthem and voices. I don't know if it is intentional but the audio was way down on the left sideband. Good quality on the right sideband. (Jerry Lenamon, Waco, USA - dxldyg 1230, 07/03/2007) Марокко Radio Medi 1, Nador, 9575kHz, at 1300Z and on. Very strong signal (S=9+20dB), and enjoyable African (and other types of) pop music. Announcements in Arabic and French. (Matti Ponkamo, Naantali, Finland - hard-core-dx 51, 6, 05/03/2007) Монголия 4895, Mongolian Radio, Murum, 2340-2355, 10-03, canciones en mongol. 24322. En paralelo con 4830 Monolian Radio, Altay, con igual señal. 24322. (Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain - captacionesondacorta 255, 11/03/2007) Пакистан 11570 kHz, Radio Pakistan, 03-03-07, 1528-1530 UTC, Id. emisora “Radio Pakistan”, himno nacional y fin de emision, en urdu, SINPO 45444 (Javier Robledillo Jaen, Elche -Espana - FrecuenciaDX 410, 06/03/2007) Палау 9965 T8BZ-Gospel Radio, 1040-1045, March 04, Chinese, long talk by female, 24332 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1867, 08/03/2007) Перу 4746.86, R. Huanta Dos Mil, Huanta, 1045-1055+ March 3, OA folk music, ID, Spanish talk. Poor, weak (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 1232, 08/03/2007) 6193.08, Radio Cuzco, 1101-1122 Noted steady Spanish comments which may have been news, during the period. Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, March 8, 2007 - CumbreDX 1867, 09/03/2007) 6173.87, Radio Tawantinsuyo, 1048-1100 With a very weak signal, steady Huaynos music until about 1053 when a person comments in Spanish. Noted a canned TC every minute or so over the music. Lot's of QRM here. (Chuck Bolland, March 9, 2007 - CumbreDX 1867, 09/03/2007) 6114.83, Radio Union, 0923-0945 Noted live and canned announcements in Spanish when music isn't playing. Signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, March 10, 2007 - CumbreDX 1869) 3172.57, Radio Municipal,(pres) 0940-0945 Noted music and Spanish comments from a male. Signal was in the noise and would fade in periodically to a threshold level, then back into the noise. (Chuck Bolland, March 10, 2007 - CumbreDX 1869) 4790 Radio Vision (p), Chiclayo, 0333 - 0338, Mar 08, Spanish, Religious program (man preacher), SINPO 23332 (Nicolas Eramo, Argentina - CumbreDX 1871, 11/03/2007) 4746.8, Radio Huanta 2000, Huanta, 2253-2320, 10-03, locutor, locutora, comentarios en español, canciones peruanas, anuncios comerciales en español y quechua. 24322. (Méndez) 4790.2, Radio Visión, Chiclayo, 0604-0730, 11-03, locutor, comentario religioso en español, hablando con oyentes sobre curación de enfermedades. 25322. (Méndez) 4955, Radio Cultural Amauta, Huanta, 2337-2350, 10-03, locutor, quechua, señal muy débil. 24322 variando a 14321. (Méndez) 6019.6, Radio Victoria, Lima, 0620-0640, 11-03, locutor, comentarios religiosos, "El misionero David Miranda", "La 1 de la mañana con 19 minutos, nos están escuchando con el programa La Voz de la Liberación". 33333. (Méndez) 9720, Radio Victoria, Lima, 0651-0710, 11-03, locutor, español, programa "La Voz de la Liberación". 23222. (Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain - captacionesondacorta 255, 11/03/2007) Россия 6075, R. Rossii – Petropavlovsk-Kamchatka?, March 10 & 11. Has something happened to their transmitter? Have checked a number of times around 0930-1200 and note an overwhelming buzzing sound (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA, Eton E5 - dxldyg 1235, 11/03/2007) Словакия 11600 kHz, Radio Eslovaquia Internacional, 03-03-07, 1531-1547 UTC, Noticias sobre economia, introduccion del euro en Eslovaquia en 2009, musica, id. emisora y comentarios sobre festival de teatro, en espanol, SINPO 55444 (Javier Robledillo Jaen, Elche -Espana - FrecuenciaDX 410, 06/03/2007) США Now it`s certain that the pulsing spurs around 5889 and 5951 are indeed coming from the WBOH 5920 transmitter. March 7 at 0720, when there were no other stations on 5890, I could detect some music along with the pulses, and it matched what was playing on 5920 at the time. On 5950 a very strong signal from RTI in English via WYFR almost overrode the pulses, but they were still audible. This led me to send the following e-mail to Fundamental Broadcasting Network: WBOH CAUSING HARMFUL INTERFERENCE Dear FBN, Your WBOH transmitter is putting out rather strong spurious noises. I have logged this repeatedly the last few days. There are two matching spurs just below 5890 and just above 5950 kHz. Around 0600 UT (1 am EST) 5890 interferes with VOA, and 5950 interferes with WYFR. I have also heard these around 1330 UT (8:30 am) at that time interfering with VOA on 5890, and New Zealand on 5950. The spurs are normally a rapid pulsing noise. At first I was not positive they were from WBOH, altho it is typical for such pairs of spurs to be coming from a maladjusted transmitter exactly halfway between them, i.e. 5920. Last night, however, after 0700 UT, when there was nothing else on 5890 (or more like 5889), I was able to match some music on that frequency with the music playing on 5920. At some other times I have not heard the spurs, but this is generally when the 5920 signal is weaker, so your spurs may not be propagating; or they may be intermittent. However, you should be able to detect them yourselves if you look for them. You are causing harmful interference to VOA, WYFR, RNZI, and no doubt other stations which are on the affected frequencies. You need to take this transmitter off the air immediately and keep it off the air until it is repaired and functioning properly. Sincerely, Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, WORLD OF RADIO PS: if no action is taken promptly, this notice will be copied to the affected parties and the FCC (gh to FBN, March 7, cc to DX LISTENING DIGEST) No reply yet, and WBOH was still on the air around 2220 March 7, the spurs not audible then. Altho I have no doubt WBOH is responsible, it would be nice if some other monitors would back me up in case I am challenged (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 51, 9, 07/03/2007) WTJC noted fading-out around 0850-0900 UT on 9369.91 kHz, religious singer, ID and address at 0900 UT. (Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany - hard-core-dx 51, 13, 11/03/2007) Таджикистан 4635 Tajik Radio(p), Yangiyul, 0210 - .0218, Mar 08, Tajik, comments and local news by man and female announcer, mention Tajikistan, SINPO 24332 (Nicolas Eramo, Argentina - CumbreDX 1871, 11/03/2007) Таиланд 6676 Bangkok meteo , meteo weather etc on 2240 , max S5 34433 (Zacharias Liangas, Greece - hard-core-dx 51, 12, 10/03/2007) Центрально-Африканская Республика Some more comments on that new missionary station on 6030. They say the antenna is almost as large as a football field --- is that as in American football, or as in soccer? Surely the latter would be more apt in the CAR. This is probably a ``lazy H`` NVIS antenna, which the HCJB engineers have been pushing and installing at various other remote missionary stations, the anti-DX design which maximizes vertical incidence and minimizes low-angle radiation suitable for long-distance reception. Nevertheless, some DXers will eventually pull it in, no doubt. Since NVIS works in the daytime in the tropical bands, it could be that most or all of their 8-hour broadcast day is in the daytime, thus also avoiding DX QRM. If I were picking a frequency for my new station, 6030 would be close to my last choice with megawatts of dentroCuban jamming and R. Mart? on it for much of the day --- unless I could be sure those would not be propagating when I`m on the air. Note also that the press release on this does not specify the name of the station, just the organization running it, ICDI. So what will it actually be called on the air? All ears on 6030, UT Monday at 0400 or whenever the R. Mart? jammers go silent, which should be our best shot at it propagationally, until somewhat past local sunrise 0500 or so, IF it is on the air then. There might be another window, especially in Europe, at 2100 after BBC Oman closes 6030, but is VOR Kaliningrad really colliding with BBC for hours and hours, and running another hour until 2200 when Mart? comes on? [Later:] With DST in effect in both Miami and Cuba by this coming UT Monday, the Mart?/DCJC silent period should start at 0300 UT, tho CAR unlikely to be on that early (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 51, 10, 08/03/2007) Чили/Австралия 9635 V Christiana 2324 with songs , possibly spiritual , [on 2327 song was full of the word cora?on] . On 2329 with several IDs as La Voz . QRM by IRIB [p] on 2330 12342 on AM narrow (Zacharias Liangas, Greece - hard-core-dx 51, 12, 10/03/2007) Швеция 11550 kHz, Radio Sweden, 03-03-07, 1526-1528 UTC, Noticias deportivas con referencias a Zlatan Ibrahimovic, musica y fin de emision, en sueco, SINPO 54433 (Javier Robledillo Jaen, Elche -Espana - FrecuenciaDX 410, 06/03/2007) R. Sweden, 15240 via Canada, March 10 at 1443 playing announcement that they will change March 5 from 11550 to 12070 at 1330 due to QRM. Time warp (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 51, 12, 10/03/2007) Эквадор 3279.6, La Voz del Napo, Tena, 0600-0640, 11-03, hoy esta emisora no tenía su programa religioso habitual, emitía un bonito programa de canciones románticas españolas y latinoamericanas, canción de Nino Bravo "Un beso y una flor", etc. 25433. (Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain - captacionesondacorta 255, 11/03/2007) Экваториальная Гвинея 5005, Radio Nacional, Bata, 2150-2210, 10-03, canciones africanas. A las 2200 identificación y noticias de Guinea Ecuatorial. 24322. (Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain - captacionesondacorta 255, 11/03/2007) Япония We can depend on NHK Warido R. Japan for a wide and entertaining variety of tunes, some of them funny or for children, on Music Time, or whatever they call the mandatory 5-minute music break between the 10-minute news at hourtop and Asian Top News at :15 or on weekends whatever follows. Such as at 1510-1515 UT on 9505, 9875 March 10 (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 51, 12, 10/03/2007) -- СВ/ДВ Алжир 252 kHz, Radio Algeri Internacional, 23-02-07, 2227-2230 UTC, Tertulia sobre religion y fe, en frances, SINPO 55454 (Javier Robledillo Jaen, Elche -Espana - FrecuenciaDX 410, 06/03/2007) Багамы 1240 Bahamas ZNS 0955 to 1010, // 810 with hyperactive pastor screaming into the mike. 9 March (Robert Wilkner, Florida, USA - hard-core-dx 51, 13, 11/03/2007) Испания 1287 kHz, Radio Castilla, SER Burgos, 02-03-07, 2253-2304 UTC, Final del programa Hora 25, informacion deportiva local, id. emisora “97.1 FM Radio Castilla de Burgos 1287 Onda Media” “Cadena SER Burgos”, publicidad y programa El Larguero, en espanol, SINPO 55444. (Javier Robledillo Jaen, Elche -Espana - FrecuenciaDX 410, 06/03/2007) Марокко 171 kHz, Radio Mediterranee Medi 1, 23-02-07, 2231-2234 UTC, Musica y comentarios de locutor, en arabe, SINPO 35453 (Javier Robledillo Jaen, Elche -Espana - FrecuenciaDX 410, 06/03/2007) - 1330 05/03 0545- R Vision Cristiana, Santo Domingo (DOM) 2 Mx, annunci e ID in S alle 0559 1640 05/03 0450- Radio Juventus Don Bosco, Santo Domingo (DOM) 2/3 Mx, comunicazioni su incontri religiosi, ID in S (Saerio de Cian - playdx2003 1274, 05/03/2007) 970 WFLA Tampa FL. “Newsradio 9-70 WFLA” ID at toh mixing WZAN. W 0500 05/03 (John Faulkner, UK - skywavesmw 325, 05/03/2007) 1420 YVNZ R Marabina, Maracaibo. Lively OM IDs, Latin rhythms W 0000 06/02 JF 1420 CKDY Digby NS. “AVR” vocal insert between country songs. W 0616 06/02 JF Marabina dominated 1420 throughout the night. An unidentified talk station was also present, chiefly between 23:00 and midnight. (John Faulkner, UK - skywavesmw 325, 05/03/2007) 1206 kHz 2117 France Info, Bordeaux, Talk YL/OM SIO 333 1215 kHz 2118 Voice of Russia, kaliningrad, Russian Talk, SIO 444 1224 kHz 2113 Radio Horizont, Vidin, Px Radio Bulgaria, Bulgarian folk music, SIO 222 1233 kHz 2110 Pure FM, Recour, music, SIO 433 1242 kHz 2120 France Info, Marseilles, ID and talk, SIO 222 1251 kHz 2122 Kossuth Radio, Hungarian information, SIO 222 1269 kHz 2124 Deutschlandfunk, Neumunster, pop music, SIO 555 1278 kHz 2126 France Blue, French song, SIO 333 1278 kHz 2127 Radio Rossii, Dubrovka, YL Russian Talk, SIO 121 1289 kHz 2130 SER Radio various, Spanish talk (OM) SIO 333 (Friedhelm, Lunen, Germany - emwg 448, 06/03/2007) 1161 kHz 2300UTC BBC Southern Counties, Bexhill-on-Sea, ID and News - SIO 222 1161 kHz 2307UTC Tay AM Dundee, pop music and talk - SIO 333 (Friedhelm, Lunen, Germany - emwg 449, 06/03/2007) 819 Mar 10 0900-0910 France: Sud Radio. ID "Sud Radio" news in french SIO: 233. Vincent L. - Poitiers - F 819 Mar 10 0855-0910 Spain: Radio Euskadi. ID "radio euskadi" SIO:455. Vincent L. - Poitiers - F 1449 Mar 10 0820-0829 England: BBC Asian Network. ID "BBC Asian Network..." SIO 233. Vincent L. - Poitiers - F 1458 Mar 10 0830-0900 England: BBC Asian Network. // 1449 KHz. Vincent L. - Poitiers - F 1458 Mar 10 0830-0900 England: Sunrise Radio, London. Jingle "Sunrise Radio" + Musi SIO: 455. Vincent L. - Poitiers - F 1521 Mar 9 0800-0805 England: Classic Gold. ID "Classic Gold" news + weather SIO: 233. Vincent L. - Poitiers - F 1530 Mar 9 0810-0820 England: Pulse Classic Gold. ID // 1521 KHz. (Vincent L, Poitiers, France - hard-core-dx 51, 12, 10/03/2007) 1470 KRJJ MN Brooklyn Park 03/10 1815 Fair signals with Gospel music. Now using these calls and ReJoicing in Jesus as a slogan. This explains calls RJJ. NEW (SA-MB, Canada - mwdx 1464, 10/03/2007) -- УКВ Россия В Липецке больше нет LШансона¦ В Липецке из эфира пропали программы радио LШансон¦. Сейчас на частоте 104,6 FM звучит LLove-радио¦. Пока в Липецке ведется техническое вещание этой российской радиостанции. Но с 8 марта в эфир начнут выходить местные рекламные блоки, поздравительные и информационные программы, которые готовят сотрудники LЛипецкой радиогруппы¦. Благодаря этому медиа-холдингу (сюда входят МРК LЛ-радио¦ и ООО LИнтерсвязьсервиз¦, которые принадлежат отцу и сыну Маланиным) в Липецке с конца 90-х слушают LРусское радио¦, LРадио 7 на Семи холмах¦, и до последнего времени v LШансон¦. В совокупности, Холдинг контролирует в Липецке треть радиорынка. Но, несмотря на то, что рейтинги LШансона¦ были очень хорошими, коммерсанты не спешили размещать здесь свою рекламу. LАудитория очень большая, но не платежеспособная, смысла размещать здесь рекламу не было¦, - пояснили нам в одном из рекламных агентств Липецка. Это подтвердил и генеральный директор ООО LИнтерсвязьсервиз¦ Борис Маланин: LДля нас LШансон¦ - это убыточный формат¦. По его данным, по той же причине LШансон¦ исчез из эфира уже в 55 городах. По мнению и Бориса Маланина, и наших экспертов из рекламных агентств, появление LLove-радио¦ изменит радиорынок в Липецке. LЧуть-чуть оторвет у LАвторадио¦, чуть у LРусского радио¦, что-то у LЕвропы¦. Кстати, в Москве LLove-радио¦ с некоторыми из названных радиостанций не конкурирует. Слишком разные форматы. Но Липецк v город своеобразный¦, - вздохнул один из рекламистов. (http://lipetsknews.ru/today/?id=4403, Валерий Шептухин, Липецк, Россия - open_dx 07/03/2007) Копыль (Олег) 104,8 Минская Волна Мосолово, Рязанская обл (Костя) 69,68 Народное радио с 8 марта Вязьма 100,2 Русское радио с 27 февраля Бийск 103,1 Юмор FM с ~22 февраля Мордовский РТПЦ http://moris.rtrn.ru Миасс (Илья) 107,5 Love Радио с 1 марта Тамбов 103,4/69,02 Европа+ Геленджик (Серж) 89,4 Европа+ Камышин 102,8 Ретро FM с марта Арзамас 67,37 Юмор FM Красноярск 104,6 Дорожное радио с марта Ухта 101,9 Дорожное радио с марта Рыбинск (Волга) 66,20 Народное Радио (Валерий Гончаров) На частотах Радио Рокс вновь заработало Русское радио-Беларусь в 0-7 Брест 101,2, Гродно 106,9 Витебск 103,0 Могилёв 103,4 Гомель 102,6 Тюмень 73,97 NRJ Оренбург 104,3 DFM Добавил на сайт Самарскую область http://victorcity.dxing.ru/Russia/samarskaya.htm Форумы и сайты про ТВ, радио, СМИ Камчатка http://www.pkforum.ru/board/index.php/topic,10541.new.html Вязьма http://vyazma.ru/forum/index.php?topic=3.0 Серов http://forum.a2tec.ru/index.php?showtopic=474 Камышлов http://www.kam1.ru/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?2146.0 Урюпинск http://forum.urup.ru/showthread.php?tid=363 Сальск http://forum.salsknews.ru/viewtopic.php?t=54 Тюмень http://www.nashgorod.ru/forum/viewforum.php?f=35 Пенза http://www.pnz.ru/forum/viewforum.php?f=8 Благовещенск http://www.amur.info/forum/viewforum.php?id=23 Чебоксары http://www.forum.na-svyazi.ru/?showforum=59 Горно-Алтайск http://www.altai-republic.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2042 Чукотка http://www.anadyr.org/poll/-1/20030904_Radio.html http://forum.chukotken.ru/index.php?showtopic=50 Барнаул http://fmbarnaul.ucoz.ru Вязьма http://www.vyazmacity.ru/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=1192 Екб http://forum.e66.ru/showthread.php?t=748 Новосибирск http://forum.ngs.ru/postlist.php?Cat=0&Board=fm Кузбасс http://www.kuzbassfm.ru/forum/192/ Ульяновск http://forum.evroproekt.ru/index.php?showforum=36 Омск http://forum.omsk.com/viewtopic.php?t=21040 http://forum.omsk.com/viewtopic.php?t=35603 Красноярск http://www.reklama-mama.ru/forum/?type=22 Новые лицензии на вещание за декабрь-январь http://new.rosohrancult.ru/licences/members/radio/all/?action=show-all&page=77 и дальше избранное и новое 104,1 Радио Звезда, Елец 102,9 Бумбокс, Новоуральск 10 Вт 106,8 Радио Ксения, Мохсоголлох Якутия 101,2 Love, Кодинск Красноярского края 100,3 Радио Спорт, Красная поляна Краснодарского края 102,3 Милицейская волна, Междуреченск 107,3 [Радио-Интелком], Нефтеюганск 105,6 Кукуруза, Касимов 100,0 Юмор FM, Ржев 105,7 Love, Камышин 103,3 РГВК Дагестан, Ленинкент Республика Дагестан 10 Вт 101,7 Европа+, Усть-Илимск 105,0 Авторадио, Советск Калининградской области 103,5 Авторадио, Черняховск 105,8 Радио Рекорд, Шексна 106,9 Европа+, Юрга 103,4 Авторадио, Вятские Поляны 97,5 Русский край, Светлогорск Калининградской области (Виктор Рутковский, Екатеринбург, Россия - open_dx 10/03/2007) - Франция in Corse, France, the CSA it granted forty new authorizations. Tnx to Cristian Ghibaudo, from Nice. Good dx, Fabrizio Carnevalini fmdxITALY group - www.fmdx.altervista.org (red= new; blue= modification) AJACCIO 88 FRANCE MUSIQUE 88.6 FRANCE INTER 89.6 RFM 91 EUROPE 1 92 LE MOUV' 92.4 FRANCE INTER 93 NOSTALGIE 93.5 RTL 2 94.5 RCF nouveau programme 96 CHERIE FM 97 FRANCE BLEU R CORSE FQ MORA 97.6 FRANCE CULTURE 98.1 SKYROCK 99 FREQUENCE JAZZ 99.8 EUROPE 2 100.5 FRANCE BLEU R CORSE FQ MORA 101.2 NRJ 102.4 Rire et Chansons nouveau programme 103.2 ALTA FREQUENZA 103.9 FRANCE CULTURE 104.3 RMC 105.2 FUN RADIO 105.6 FRANCE INFO 106 RTL 107.2 CORSICA RADIO nouveau programme BOCOGNANO 91.4 FRANCE CULTURE 94 FRANCE MUSIQUE 96.5 FRANCE INTER 101.8 FRANCE BLEU R CORSE FQ MORA BONIFACIO /87.9 FRANCE CULTURE frequence modifiee/ 88.3 NOSTALGIE nouveau programme 92.3 FRANCE INTER 93 RTL 2 94.8 FRANCE MUSIQUE 98.2 FRANCE BLEU R CORSE FQ MORA 99.8 RTL nouveau programme 101.2 ALTA FREQUENZA nouveau programme 105.1 NRJ CONCA 89.5 FRANCE MUSIQUE 96.1 FRANCE CULTURE 98.2 FRANCE BLEU R CORSE FQ MORA 103.9 FRANCE INTER FIGARI 89.5 FRANCE MUSIQUE 93.9 FRANCE INTER 96.1 FRANCE CULTURE 103.9 FRANCE BLEU R CORSE FQ MORA FRASSETO 89.1 FRANCE MUSIQUE 94.2 FRANCE INTER 96.3 FRANCE CULTURE 101.6 FRANCE BLEU R CORSE FQ MORA OLMETO 90.4 FRANCE CULTURE 94.9 FRANCE INTER 102.2 FRANCE BLEU R CORSE FQ MORA 104.6 RTL 2 106.5 FRANCE MUSIQUE PIANA 90.2 FRANCE INTER 2A PIANA 94 FRANCE MUSIQUE 2A PIANA 95.7 RTL 2 2A PIANA 99.4 FRANCE CULTURE 2A PIANA 102.1 FRANCE BLEU R CORSE FQ MORA PORTO-VECCHIO 87.9 FRANCE CULTURE 88.6 SKYROCK nouveau programme 90.2 RMC nouveau programme 90.8 FRANCE CULTURE 91.9 NRJ 92.6 FRANCE INTER 93.7 ALTA FREQUENZA nouveau programme 94.6 FRANCE MUSIQUE 95 NOSTALGIE 96.8 FRANCE INTER 97.8 RCF nouveau programme 98.9 FRANCE MUSIQUE 99.6 EUROPE 1 nouveau programme 100 RTL 2 101.8 FRANCE BLEU R CORSE FQ MORA 105.4 FRANCE BLEU R CORSE FQ MORA 106.4 CORSICA RADIO nouveau programme 107 RFM nouveau programme PROPRIANO 90 RTL 2 97.2 SKYROCK nouveau programme 106.9 RMC nouveau programme STE-LUCIE-DE-TALLANO 88.5 FRANCE MUSIQUE 91.8 FRANCE INTER 95.8 FRANCE CULTURE 100.1 FRANCE BLEU R CORSE FQ MORA VICO 89.1 FRANCE INTER 95 FRANCE MUSIQUE 98.6 FRANCE CULTURE 106.4 FRANCE BLEU R CORSE FQ MORA ZONZA 104.6 RTL 2 BASTIA 88.7 FREQUENCE JAZZ nouveau programme 89.2 FRANCE CULTURE 89.7 SKYROCK nouveau programme 90.3 EUROPE 1 90.8 BEUR FM nouveau programme 91.4 NOSTALGIE 92.7 CHERIE FM 93.1 RADIO CLASSIQUE 93.9 FRANCE MUSIQUE 94.9 CORTI VIVU nouveau programme 95.9 FRANCE INTER 96.4 RTL 2 97.9 RADIO SALVE REGINA 98.5 RFM nouveau programme 98.9 ALTA FREQUENZA 99.4 FUN RADIO 100.8 NRJ 101.7 FRANCE BLEU R CORSE FQ MORA 103.4 BFM nouveau programme 103.8 RTL frequence modifiee 104.3 RMC 105.5 FRANCE INFO 106.1 Rire et Chansons nouveau programme 107.2 EUROPE 2 nouveau programme CALENZANA 90 FRANCE MUSIQUE 94.4 FRANCE INTER 101.4 FRANCE BLEU R CORSE FQ MORA 104.6 FRANCE CULTURE CALVI 87.9 ALTA FREQUENZA nouveau programme 89.2 FRANCE CULTURE frequence modifiee 90.4 EUROPE 1 nouveau programme 91.7 RADIO CALVI CITADELLE 92.6 CHERIE FM nouveau programme 93.6 RADIO SALVE REGINA nouveau programme 94 FRANCE MUSIQUE frequence modifiee 95.5 NOSTALGIE 95.9 FRANCE INTER frequence modifiee 96.4 RTL 2 nouveau programme 97 FREQUENCE JAZZ nouveau programme 99.4 FUN RADIO frequence modifiee 100.8 NRJ nouveau programme 101.7 FRANCE BLEU R CORSE FQ MORA frequence modifiee 102.1 RMC nouveau programme 103.9 RTL nouveau programme 106.1 Rire et chansons nouveau programme CERVIONE 89.5 FRANCE CULTURE frequence modifiee 91.8 FRANCE MUSIQUE 95.1 VOCE NUSTRALE 97.5 FRANCE INTER 99.1 NRJ 99.6 FRANCE BLEU R CORSE FQ MORA 103.2 RTL nouveau programme 104 CHERIE FM 105.1 VOCE NUSTRALE CORBARA 89.6 RADIO BALAGNE CORTE 87.7 FUN RADIO 89.8 SKYROCK nouveau programme 91.6 NRJ 92.6 CORTI VIVU 93.9 FRANCE MUSIQUE frequence modifiee 95.5 EUROPE 1 nouveau programme 95.9 FRANCE INTER frequence modifiee 97.5 NOSTALGIE 99 FRANCE CULTURE 100.4 RADIO SALVE REGINA 101.7 FRANCE BLEU R CORSE FQ MORA frequence modifiee 102.5 CORSICA RADIO nouveau programme 104 ALTA FREQUENZA 105.9 RTL nouveau programme ANTISANTI 91 FRANCE CULTURE 94.8 FRANCE MUSIQUE 98.2 FRANCE INTER 100 FRANCE BLEU R CORSE FQ MORA COTE EST 88.2 FRANCE BLEU R CORSE FQ MORA 92.3 FRANCE CULTURE 96.8 FRANCE INTER 99.8 FRANCE MUSIQUE frequence modifiee GHISONACCIA 88.7 FREQUENCE JAZZ nouveau programme 2B GHISONACCIA 95.5 CHERIE FM 100.6 NRJ frequence modifiee 101.1 CORTI VIVU nouveau programme 105.9 RMC nouveau programme 106.3 COSTA SERENA FM 2B GHISONACCIA, Solenzara 104.7 RTL 2 LA PORTA 94.5 RADIO SALVE REGINA L'ILE-ROUSSE 88.3 NRJ 90.9 FRANCE MUSIQUE 94.8 FRANCE CULTURE 97.6 FUN RADIO 98 FRANCE INTER 98.6 RADIO BALAGNE 100 CHERIE FM nouveau programme 100.4 FRANCE BLEU R CORSE FQ MORA MOROSAGLIA 88.8 FRANCE CULTURE 93.4 FRANCE MUSIQUE 97.1 FRANCE INTER 104.6 FRANCE BLEU R CORSE FQ MORA VENTISERI 89.9 FRANCE CULTURE 93.4 FRANCE MUSIQUE 97.1 FRANCE INTER 103.7 FRANCE BLEU R CORSE FQ MORA VIVARIO 89.4 FRANCE INTER 96.1 FRANCE MUSIQUE 101.1 FRANCE CULTURE 103.2 FRANCE BLEU R CORSE FQ MORA (Fabrizio Carnevalini, Italy - skywaves 2259, 05/03/2007) - Тропо very strange only r3 open 77.248.309 ish .. no other signals (David, UK - skywaves 2259, 06/03/2007) got spannish stable on 95.2 and french on 94.4 with echo to it also rennes,brest,nantes ie 101.8 fb loire ocean in stereo at the moment fb briez izel on 93.0 in stereo,skyrock on 90.0. speaking of which 94,4 is getting stronger. (Mark P, Devon, UK - skywaves 2265, 10/03/2007) Paris on 88.6 and 91.7 here now (Mark P, Devon, UK - skywaves 2265, 10/03/2007) BBC Essex 103.5 is at fair to good levels, also Boulogne weak to clear on 89.4, Rouen stereo 92.0 and 94.0, Contact FM weak 87.9 and other fringe regulars enhanced such as Heathfield and Dover. (Nick Gilly, UK - skywaves 2265, 10/03/2007) Lively here ATM, Got BBCLondn at 30dB on 94.9 alongside R4 on 94.8 from CI at same level, MUSIQUIE powerhouse on 95.6 at 39dB, R1 S. Coldfield 97.9 at 35dB, Kiss on 106.4 at 35dB and something that sounds like a pirate on 108 playing soulful / US house music, weak at 18dB... Any ideas? I'll leave it recording while I'm in bed, hopefully get an ID! (Mungo - Weymouth, UK - skywaves 2265, 11/03/2007) Some strong signals on the band this morning, including Lille (powerhouse levels), Tacolneston - BBC Radio Norfolk good on 95.1, Invicta FM stereo on 97.0 and 103.1, Boulogne tx stereo 103.3, and BBC Essex good on 103.5 and 95.3. Also Egem stereo on 98.6 and Wavre stereo on 101.1. (Nick Gilly, UK - skywaves 2265, 11/03/2007) still tropo here though it looks like it might have moved a little bit caen at power house levels ie 102.6,95,6at 42db to 45db nrj on 101.9 at stereo,96.7 sing sing from st malo stereo levels no germany or london yet though but i am aimed squarley at france (Mark P, Devon, UK - skywaves 2265, 11/03/2007) Egem coming in here on 90.4, 95.7, 98.6, 100.1 and 102.1. 90.4 is the best, a very good signal, with 98.6 not far behind. Also getting Radio Mango weakish on 87.6 and have had an unid on 101.2. Wrotham tx is stronger than my local, 2-Ten FM! (Nick Gilly, UK - skywaves 2265, 11/03/2007) France has appeared at RDS levels: TIME FREQ PI PS TRANSMITTER ITU 09:34 92.00 F203 MUSIQUE_ Rouen F (William Kitching, Telford, Shropshire. U.K. - skywaves 2265, 11/03/2007) I am getting many French stations here this morning. I suppose this must be the sporadic conditions that some members mentioned to me in their emails. Hope it lasts. (Tony Bowyers, Bournemouth, UK - skywaves 2265, 11/03/2007) 87.60 08:50 2007-10-11 BEL Radio Mango Oostende Music/Jingle ID 6B0C _MANGO__ Good 87.90 14:30 2007-03-10 F France Culture Parthenay (79) Talks F202 _CULTURE Good 87.90 12:25 2007-03-11 F France Inter Pic du Midi (65) Talks F201 __INTER_ Good 88.80 12:50 2007-03-11 G BBC Jersey Les Platons Talks Good T MF 93.00 12:25 2007-03-11 F Brance Bleu Breiz Izel Brest/Roc Tr?dudon (29) Talks FF05 BLEU.BRE Good 93.20 12:30 2007-03-11 G BBC Guernsey Les Touillets Talks C517 BBC.Gnsy Good 93.50 12:55 2007-03-11 F France Inter Rennes/St.Pern (35) Talks F201 __INTER_ Good 93.90 12:35 2007-03-11 F Nostalgie St.Brieuc/Pl?rin (22) Music/voice ID F218 NOSTALGI Good 95.40 12:35 2007-03-11 F France Inter Brest/Roc Tr?dudon (29) Music F201 __INTER_ Good 96.60 22:00 2007-03-10 F France Bleu Mayenne Laval/Mont Rochard (53) Music Good 101.20 14:45 2007-03-11 G South Hams Radio Kingsbridge/Soar (Devon) Ads/ID Good 101.80 12:40 2007-03-11 F France Bleu Loire Oc?an Nantes/Haute-Goulaine (44) Music FA05 BLEU.L.O Good 102.80 22:55 2007-03-10 G Pirate FM Redruth (Cornwall) Talks/Ads C486 PIRATE Good 102.90 12:15 2007-03-11 E RNE 3 Lierganes Music E213 RNE_3___ Good 104.30 12:15 2007-03-11 F RMC Info Bayonne/La Rhune (64) Talks/voice ID F211 RMC_INFO Good 104.40 12:15 2007-03-11 E RNE 5 Gamoniteiro Talks ED15 RNE_5___ Good 105.00 12:10 2007-03-11 E RNE 5 Li?rganes-Pe?a Cabra News E515 RNE_5___ Good 105.00 18:15 2007-03-11 E RNE 5 Li?rganes-Pe?a Cabra News/Voice ID E515 RNE_5___ Good 105.80 12:45 2007-03-11 F M'FM Collin?e/La Petite C?te (22) Music F225 __M_FM__ Good 106.30 12:20 2007-03-11 F RTL 2 St.Brieuc/Pl?rin (22) Music F215 __RTL2__ Good 106.90 12:20 2007-03-11 F Hit West St.Brieuc/Pl?rin (22) Music FA31 HIT_WEST Good (Mike Fallon, UK - FM 29, 3, 11/03/2007) It's all starting to lift up again here after several hours of normal conditions. Strong signals from Brighton and Heathfield, Lille at good levels, Contact FM weak on 87.9, France Inter Boulogne weak 103.3 and also Langenberg was fluttering up nice and clearly on 95.1 although it has faded out for now. (Nick Gilly, UK - skywaves 2266, 11/03/2007) Coming in here at weak levels on 105.6, probably from Flensburg near the Danish border. 101.8 DLF Aurich also in at weak levels. (Nick Gilly, UK - skywaves 2266, 11/03/2007) 98.1 NDR 2 Aurich fair (dynas mode) 101.4 Radio Schleswig-Holstein Flensburg poor (dynas mode) 101.8 DLF Aurich good in stereo 102.1 unid classical (I suspect Denmark) poor (dynas mode) 103.1 Hitradio ffn fair stereo Aurich 105.6 Delta Radio Flensburg weakish but clear 107.4 Delta Radio Kaltenkirchen weak (Nick Gilly, UK - skywaves 2266, 12/03/2007) The tropo continued to improve last night and I managed to log the following stations in addition to those mentioned already: 87.7 NDR Info Flensburg v weak 87.9 NDR Info Heide weak 89.0 DR P1 Sønder Højrup weak 89.6 NDR 1 Welle Nord Flensburg fair 90.0 NDR 3 Aurich stereo 90.5 NDR 1 Welle Nord Heide weak 97.2 DR P3 Rangstrup weak/fair 98.1 NDR 2 Aurich stereo 100.2 RSH Bungsberg stereo 100.5 DR P2 Sønder Højrup stereo! 101.9 DLF Lingen stereo 102.1 DR P2 Rangstrup clear 103.8 RSH Heide weak 104.9 Hitradio Antenne Aurich good over XFM! Aurich was strong on 101.8 for quite a while and Flensburg on 105.6 was up to stereo levels. All this was heard up until 0115z. All the German/Danish stations gone this morning. The London area is nicely enhanced though and I logged Resonance FM earlier on 104.4, a first for me. (Nick Gilly, UK - skywaves 2266, 12/03/2007) Nice tropo last night in southern Sweden, too, mainly towards southwest but also some from the UK. This is some of the stations received using a modified Kenwood KT-1100SD (with calibrated signal levels) and 14 element FM antenna (predecessor of FM17.5): 88.3 Nordwestradio, Bremen-Walle, 48dBf 89.0 89.0 RTL, Brocken, 47dBf 90.6 WDR5, Bielstein, 25dBf (510km) 90.7 NDR2, Lübeck, 12dBf (500W) 91.0 NDR1 MV, Marlow, 38dBf 91.1 NDR1 NS, Steinkimmen, 58dBf 91.2 NDR1 SH, Kiel-Kronshagen, 35dBf 91.4 Berliner Rundfunk, Berlin-Alex, 36dBf (in spite of new local TV2Radio Copenhagen on the same frequency) 91.5 MDR Jump, Brocken, 59dBf 91.7 RBB Kultur, Pritzwalk, 25dBf 91.8 NDR1 NS, Visselhövede, 30dBf (5kW) 91.9 NDR2, Bungsberg, 57dBf 92.1 NDR2, Torfhaus, 61dBf 92.3 NDR Info, Hamburg, 41dBf (5kW) 92.5 MDR1 Radio Thüringen, Inselsberg, 36dBf (569km) 92.7 DKultur, Boosen, 22dBf (5kW) 92.8 NDR1 MV, Schwerin, 42dBf 93.0 BFBS1, Drachenberg, 33dBf 93.1 NDR SH, Lübeck, 10dBf (500W) 93.1 RBB Info, Berlin-Scholzplatz, 14dBf 93.5 NDR2, Marlow, 39dBf 93.5 BBC R4, Wrotham, 22dBf 93.6 Klassik Radio, Berkenthin, 19dBf (1kW) 93.8 Antenne MV, Röbel, 36dBf 94.0 N-Joy Radio, Lübeck, 12dBf, (500W) 94.1 BBC R4, Tacolneston, 18dBf (860km) 94.3 RS2, Berlin-Alex, 19dBf 94.4 NDR Kultur, Steinkimmen, 61dBf 94.5 N-Joy Radi, Kiel, 40dBf 94.6 MDR1 Radio Sachsen-Anhalt, Brocken, 45dBf 94.9 MDR1 Radio Sachsen-Anhalt, Dequede, 27dBf 95.2 Radio Zet, Szczecin-Kolowo, 38dBf 95.3 DKultur, Schwerin, 57dBf 95.5 N-Joy Radio, Garz, 48dBf 95.6 Radio SAW, Dequede, 26dBf (1.6kW) 95.8 RBB1, Berlin-Alex, 42dBf 96.0 NDR Kultur, Helpterberg, 48dBf (Peter Körner, Lund, Sweden - skywaves 2266, 12/03/2007) -- DRM Новая Зеландия RNZI DRM again being heard, such as at 1504 March 7 on 7145; not sure if they are still taking a break not shown on schedule, in the 14-15 UT hour. Also noticed around 0630 on 9890 along with analog on 9870. Note the currently posted schedule no longer shows DRM on 15720 at any time, but it also omits any DRM at 1059-1259. Since 13840 was previously shown erroneously as 2259-1259, we cannot be sure this be totally correct either, and 13840 is now not specified as either AM or DRM, at http://www.rnzi.com/pages/listen.php (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 51, 9, 07/03/2007) RNZI is still turning off DRM during at least one hour they claim it is running on their revised schedule: no sign of it on 7145, March 8 at 1430; the day before I heard it back after 1500 (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 51, 10, 08/03/2007) Эквадор DRM has appeared on 15135-15140-15145, March 8 at 1458 check and continuing past 1500. HCJB has done this on 15140 before, and Media Network confirms that`s what it is from a DRM forum: ``Doug, HC7AW, from HCJB writes: "The Voice of the Andes is doing some new DRM test transmissions to North America for the next couple of weeks. We will start on 15140 kHz from 1200 to 2400 each day and then move to 9820 kHz from 0000 to 0800 UT. "Our heading will start on the east coast of the USA and then shift toward the middle of the country at 0630. I know that is pretty late for most of you, but we are broadcasting to a shortwave listeners convention in the USA and we expect them to be up and listening to us :-)" (Source: DRM Software Radio Forums, 6 March 2007 via Media Network blog March 8 via DXLD)`` That will ruin reception of Oman`s only English hour at 14-15 on 15140. I wonder if the super signal from WYFR all day on 15130 will be a problem for this. From HFCC it looks like 9820 will not bother much on 9815, 9820 or 9825, however (Glenn Hauser, Enid, OK - hard-core-dx 51, 10, 08/03/2007) We hear HCJB DRM on 15140 as previously reported, but strangely enough the DRM schedule sites http://www.radionetherlands.nl/features/media/dossiers/drm_schedule.html and http://www.baseportal.com/cgi-bin/baseportal.pl?htx=/drmdx/main&sort=Country,UTC both say 15200, and furthermore 9595 instead of 9820; last minute changes one way or the other? 9595 would have messed a lot of stuff on 9590-9600: 0000-0630 daily 9595 5 N America 4 HCJB test EQA various Quito Ecuador 0630-0800 daily 9595 351 N America 4 HCJB test EQA various Quito Ecuador 1200-2400 daily 15200 5 N America 4 HCJB test EQA various Quito Ecuador 5, 351 being the azimuths and 4 being the kW. I guess it`s on their still existing huge high-gain antenna? (Glenn Hauser, Enid, OK - dxldyg 1234, 09/03/2007) Re this (below) via Glenn..............there was digital noise on 9595 today (March 10) at around 0755 at weak strength. I didn't note what time it went off air. On Friday I heard a 'ditter' (continuous fast pips) on this same frequency after 0800, but that wasn't detected this morning (or the RTTY type signal on about 9698.8USB heard same time). There was no audible DRM signal on 15140 on Friday at around 1530 - Oman was a loud 9+10dB at my location. (Noel Green, UK - dxldyg 1234, 09/03/2007) - На этой неделе всего один результат - удалось принять CVC из Santiago на частоте 17860 кГц с 19.18 до 20 часов. Трансляция предназначена для Бразилии и в эфире с понедельника по пятницу с 18 до 20 часов. Расстояние 13155 км по информации программы DRMCalc 6.3Pro. Это рекорд по дальности в моих наблюдениях цифровых радиотрансляций и первый радиоприем из Южной Америки с момента начала наблюдений в 2003 году. В расписании на официальном сайте DRM указывается, что язык трансляции - португальский, но радиостанция передает в своей идентификации - Spanish. Битрейт 20.96 kbps, mono. Еще добавил на сайт http://www.travelradio.lv аудио фрагмент передачи из Индии от 4 марта - на английском языке. (Владимир Казгунов, Лиепая, Латвия - open_dx 11/03/2007) -- Неофициальное вещание -- Наблюдения |
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