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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 105

WorldDX 105
WorldDX выходит с декабря 2004 года.
Редкатор: Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия.
Время везде UTC; Mосковское время = UTC +4 часа - летом, а зимой - +3 часа.
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Короткие Волны

MI, 24.01., 05.15...UTC, mit O=3 auf 9494,8 kHz ungestoert, in Vn und
schlechter Audio, Radio Republik Abchasien. (Herbert Meixner - A-DX 24/01/2007)

The 14-15 UT Wednesday hour is one of many good times for
stimulating discussion on Radio Australia, 9590. Jan 24 until 1435, All in the
Mind featured Daniel Bennett discussing his latest book on religion; and
Philosophers Zone from 1435 presented a talk by John Searle about
consciousness. Fortunately, RA is back to relaying R. National instead of Local
Radio (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1177, 26/01/2007)

6079.95, R. San Gabriel, La Paz, 1020-1040+ Jan 19 and 20, CP
music, Spanish announcements, 1028 ID. Surprisingly strong signal but QRM from
unID station on 6080 at their *1030 (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 1178, 27/01/2007)

Bolivia, 6079.96, Radio San Gabriel, 1005-1030 Noted a program of Spanish Comments from a female with music and promos interspersed. At 1019, canned ID
where I caught "Bolivia" and "Nacional" mentioned. Signal was really poor this morning. (Chuck Bolland, January 27, 2007)

Bolivia, 4650.26, Radio Santa Ana, 1030-1050 Noted steady Spanish Comments with mentions of "Bolivia".
Signal wasn't much better that the noise floor and by 1050 had almost faded to nil. (Chuck Bolland, January 27, 2007)

Bolivia, 6105.45, Radio Panamericana, 1057-1105 Briefly heard Spanish comments then music at 1058. At 1100 completely blocked by Radio Nederlands.
Prior to that, Panamericana was threshold. (Chuck Bolland, January 27, 2007 - CumbreDX 1816, 27/01/2007)

Auf 4779,98 spielt R.Cultural Coatan aus GTM schone
romantische Lieder O=3.Hore seit 0150 UTC mit
(Erwin Duldner, A-DX 25/01/2007)

4865.03 R. Verdes Florestas, Cruzeiro do Sul, Brasil. Full id with mentions of 940 kHz AM and "Funda?ao Verdes Florestas" at 0025 then avisos in pp. Finally

caught after years and years! Fine and readable signal. The previously reported unid in german (?) afrikaans (?) was heard few minutes before.

5014.5 tent. R. Altura, 4925.07 R. Educacao Rural, Tef?, Brasile. and 5035.1 R. Educacao Rural Coari, (which was missing here since a lot), were also heard.
(Renato Bruni, Parma, Italy - hard-core-dx 49, 24, 23/01/2007)

R. Brasil Central, 11815 is often audible here around 0700, much
weaker than 11780, of course. Jan 25 at 0656 talking about Goiás and Goiânia,
``Brasil Central, programa de qualidade 24 horas``, SINPO 35533. Presumably the
same station with music amidst CODAR on 4985.0 at 0647 (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1177, 26/01/2007)

4777, R. Gabon, *0458-0510+ Jan 12, sign-on with Afro-pop music, 0500
ID and French talk. Many IDs. 0508 Afro-pop music. F-G but did notice a slight
very weak hum in audio (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 1174, 22/01/2007)

DW`s A World of Music show was very enjoyable, Monday Jan 22
at 2130-2200 on 11690 via Rwanda ? tune high to avoid RTTY. This week was about
the tango; next week, Philip Glass. Also ondemand but for only one week? Via
(Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 49, 24, 23/01/2007)

5900 Deutsche Welle, 1115-1150 (REF. Relayed via Komsomolsk, Russia), Noted Mandarin comments from a number of different individuals. Checked
parallel freqs of 15190 and 17820 KHz, but nothing heard, Signal bearing should be 337.47 Degrees over the top and was poor. Broadcast went off the air at

1150 after ID in Mandarin followed by a bar of the Interval Signal. (Chuck Bolland, January 27, 2007 - CumbreDX 1816, 27/01/2007)

9810, AWR via KSDA, 1415, 1/28/07. Noisy S2
signal w/ religious pgm featuring solo and choral mx
(Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA - CumbreDX 1817, 28/01/2007)

You can see a 2 minute item from the Danish TV News (in Danish, that is) about the closure of the Danish LW tx at:
Choose out right under 'TV Avisen': Tors (=Thursday) 18.30. Then go down to item no. 19:
'Virkeligheden overhaler langbølge-radio' (Reality overtakes Long Wave Radio)
I wonder why also a mobile telephone antenna is shown!

forgot to mention that the last broadcast will be up to midnight Danish time on Febr. 14 - or rather: the final closure is around 23.30 UT, Febr. 14. 243 kHz.
(Erik Koie, Denmark - dxldyg 1178, 27/01/2007)

Доминиканская Республика
5009.76, R. Pueblo, Santo Domingo, 1100-1115+ Jan 19,
tune-in to Spanish talk, 1101 ID. Very good; strong at 1100 but quickly being
overcome by local noise by 1115. Not heard next day, Jan 20 (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 1178, 27/01/2007)

Hoy 23 de Enero a las 20:45, Radio Cairo en su emision en arabe por los 9470 con muy buena senal y con graves problemas en la emision, se aprecia el audio

entrecortado, a pesar de llegar con una senal de 5, libre de interferencias, ruido y fading, no se escucha practicamente nada. ?Problemas de modulacion?. Una pena.

Sin embargo el servicio en frances por 9990 sin problemas. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - NoticiasDX 1516 23/01/2007)

4965 The Voice; 2240-2250+, 23-Jan; End rlgs advice pgm; ID
promos @2241 & 2248; pop-style music. All n EE. SIO=322, LSB helps
w/swiper, covered by clatter burst @2242. (Harold Frodge, MI, Usa - CumbreDX 1812, 24/01/2007)

5915, ZNBC, Lusaka, *0242-0255+ Jan 20, sign-on with Fish Eagle IS.
0250 choral NA, followed by local tribal music and vernacular talk; fair (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 1178, 27/01/2007)

6985 Kol Israel; 2036-2046+, 25-Jan; News in FF to ID/pips @2045, then
news in HB. SIO=453 (Frodge-MI)
7545 Kol Israel; 2055, 25-Jan; M in HB & HB pop music //6985. SIO=534
w/squeak QRM. (Harold Frodge, MI, Usa - CumbreDX 1814, 25/01/2007)

Derzeit testet All India Radio DRM (Digital Radio Mondiale = Digitale
Kurzwelle). Das meldet Alokesh Gupta aus New Delhi in der
DRM-L-Yahoogroup. Hier seine Angaben:

28th Jan 2007
0330 - 1230 UTC
Freq : 6.100 kHz.
Site : Delhi (Khampur) 250 kW

Schon gestern beobachtete Alokesh um 1340 UTC DRM-Versuchssendungen von
All India Radio auf 7.270 und 6.100 kHz. (Tom DF5JL - A-DX 28/01/2007)

3995.04 RRI Kendari 1418-1458 Jan 27. Uninterrupted music
which sounded like a blend of sub-continental and Javanese music; a male
announcer appeared at 1458 but was too weak to copy. I did not detect any
programming after 1500, although the carrier stayed on, so presume the
man was doing the s/off routine. Fair at best, competing with band noise
and hams. (John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado - CumbreDX 1817, 27/01/2007)

4869.93 RRI Wamena 1346-1400* Jan 25. Indo vocals to 1359,
then into Love Ambon after a short anmt. Rough copy, about even with the
local noise. (John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado - CumbreDX 1817, 27/01/2007)

13864.95(U) Rikisutvarpid (Reykjavik), 1837-1908*, 1/26/2007,
Icelandic. 1837 Talk by man and woman, probably news. Included were
short segments with other reporters. 1901 Short theme/tones,
announcement by man, and continuation of the same program. Usual abrupt
end of broadcast at 1908. Signal was at threshhold at tune in,
improving to SINPO 24222 at 1855, then slowly deteriorating. My first
(and possibly last) log of them this year after many futile attempts.
(Jim Evans, TN - CumbreDX 1816, 26/01/2007)

, 17595, at 1607 Jan 22 opening El Vestuario program. When I saw
it on the schedule I figured it was about the theatre, or politics (dressing
room, literally, or cloakroom), but no! It`s about silly ballgames, so in this
sense it must mean locker room. If there is any doubt, their motto is ``toda la
actualidad deportiva, al desnudo.`` Too bad it`s just on radio (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 49, 23, 22/01/2007)

REE, 9630, starting maritime show Espa?oles en la Mar, Fri Jan 26 at
2106; heard no mention of Santa Cruz de Tenerife; does it still originate at
that studio? (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 49, 27, 26/01/2007)

11810 [tentat. via Noblejas Spain?] Test series of CRI via Spain

Thanks to a tip of Noel Green-UK of Jan 22nd, CRI Beijing in French language
heard again from 0800 UT today Jan 23rd. Is a test series of CRI via
Noblejas-Spain relay underway? Maybe CRI will use the Spain facility in
coming A07 season too?

>From Dec 28th onwards CRI has been heard regularly on 6125 kHz in our night
at 2100-2200, some days [Mo-Fr] also extended up to 2300 UT. Audio feed
bandwidth via satellite feeder is very limited, like an old army field phone

11810 - heard a Chinese program already around 0730-0745 UT, when underneath
Jordan Radio Arabic co-channel. So the Spanish[?] technician switched on the
tx already 30 mins before program start. From 0745-0759 UT only the Spanish
carrier noted underneath of Jordan Radio.

0800 UT CRI French ID and IS, into nxcast. Small audio width like night
service on 6125 kHz. S=7 signal, not as strong as CRI Cerrik-ALB (11785 and
11855 at this time) S=9+10dB, or Noblejas-ESP S=9+20dB. But equal signal
level like Noblejas-ESP on 11945 towards SoAM in 230 degr, S=7.

So, CRI 11810 kHz target could be as towards NoAF/NoWeAF/WeAF at 130 to 200
degrees from Spain. Co-channel Jordan cl-d at 0810 UT. Did put all three
channels on three neighbouring E1 Radio memory channels, in order to check
signal strength very easily. Then fiddled very fast between these three
Noblejas frequencies on the memory channels.

At 0820 UT:
11810 S=9 up to +10dB
11945 S=9+20 dB
12035 S09+30dB up to +40dB
(Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany, Jan 23 - hard-core-dx 49, 24, 23/01/2007)

TX switch off at 08.55:41 UT.
(Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany, Jan 23 - hard-core-dx 49, 24, 23/01/2007)

Afghanada, the CBC Radio 1 drama on Canadian forces in Afghanistan,
was supposed to be 12 episodes thru January 19, but current CBC schedule shows
another episode Jan 26 and the program`s page displays this self-contradictory
info --- so is this a rerun, or has it been extended with new episodes, and
until when? It`s UT Fridays at 0030 and 1530, +1/2/3/4 hours in timezone
repeats. Nice for the Canux they are doing something like this, but after
listening to ep 1, decided there were better ways for an Okie to spend 6+ hours
(Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1177, 26/01/2007)

A big buzz mixed with talk in Mandarin, on 11785, VOA scheduled, Jan
26 at 1456; not your usual type of jamming from China, but can hardly be
coincidental (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 49, 27, 26/01/2007)

6009.49, LV de tu Conciencia, Puerto Lleras, 0210-0250+ Jan 13,
local Spanish ballads, talk. Possible religious talk. Poor, weak with splatter
from Cuba on 6000. Must use ECSS-LSB to avoid a strong R. Sweden via Sackville
on 6010. Overall, a poor, difficult signal.

5910.05, Marfil Estereo, Puerto Lleras, 0210-0235+ Jan 13, nice local romantic
ballads, Spanish announcements, IDs. Good-strong (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 1174, 22/01/2007)

Now I'm listening to R.Lider, Colombia, has appeared again on 6139.78kHz.
Poor receiving condx in Japan.

As for my all information it is for all people.
(Kenji Takasaki, Mie pref, JAPAN - hard-core-dx 49, 24, 23/01/2007)

Am DO, dem 25.01., RHC auf 15190 kHz, px //12000 kHz (dort mit O=3), in S
mit O=2 (Rauschen) zwischen 13.30 und 14,xx UTC gehoert. (Herbert Meixner - A-DX 26/01/2007)

17735 Radio Rebelde; 1815-1827+, 23-Jan; M&W in SS w/news-sports.
Noticiero Nacional de Radio; ID @1826+. SIO=534-, QRM from music jammer
on 17730; //5025, SIO=322 (Harold Frodge, MI, Usa - CumbreDX 1812, 24/01/2007)

6049.65, Asyik FM (RTM), 1052-1133 Jan 27, segment of
indigenous chanting/singing; “Asyik FM” jingles, pop songs/ballads; 1126
Islamic call to prayer (maghrib - sunset prayer), their fourth prayer of the
day - Kuala Lumpur sunset at 1125, fair (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA, RX340 + T2FD antenna
(Ron Howard - dxldyg 1178, 27/01/2007)

Another post-midnight check Jan 26 at 0625 did not find any signal
on 9599.2 from XEYU, no longer 24 hours, or just not propagating some nights?
Was audible around 1445, and also around 2100 when it again has a het from
something on 9600.0. Presumed XEXQ is still running late, with classical music
after 0630 Jan 26 on 6045. Has anyone heard this in Europe or Australia/NZ yet?
(Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 49, 27, 26/01/2007)

9599.24, XEYU, R. Universidad, Mexico City, 0940-1005+ Jan 20,
classical music, Spanish talk; 0945 classical piano music. Presumed; no ID
heard. Weak but in the clear. Started to get noisy conditions by 1000 (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 1178, 27/01/2007)

9599.25, XEYU R. UNAM (p), 1314, 1/28/07.
Contemporary classical mx. Thin audio on S2 carrier
(Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA - CumbreDX 1817, 28/01/2007).

9599.3 R. UNAM 1515-1635 Jan 28. Operatic vocals to 1601; male
announcer with credits at 1601 but no ID; back to orchestra music at
1602. Fair signal, improving to good by 1630 with some fading. Heard
every day this week; guess they're on regular schedule now.
(John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado - CumbreDX 1817, 28/01/2007)

9705, La Voix du Sahel, 2150-2301* Jan 20, tune-in to local tribal
drums, ID, French talk, variety of hi-life music, Afro-pops, French pops, phone
talk. Sing-off with choral NA. Good signal until hit by co-channel QRM from
India at their *2243 making reception very difficult. Niger very weak under
India after 2243 (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 1178, 27/01/2007)

15120, V. of Nigeria, *1700-1830+ Jan 13, sign-on with Afro-pop
music. 1704 ID and English news. Fair signal strength but typical VON audio
with some programs giving very good audio and other programs with poor, muffled
audio and low modulation (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 1174, 22/01/2007)

15140, R. Sultanate of Oman, 1433-1502+ Jan 13, tune-in to English
news to 1440 ID, Arabic talk and pop music. 1459 Kor`an. F-G. Sked change? In
the past English was at 1400-1500 with news at 1400 (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 1174, 22/01/2007)

5014.39, R. Altura, Cerro de Pasco, 0120-0205+ Jan 13, Spanish talk,
0129 ID. Ads, promos, variety of OA music, Spanish pops/ballads. Weak in noisy
conditions. Must use ECSS-LSB [sic] to avoid unID broadcast station on 5010
[sic] (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 1174, 22/01/2007)

5039.18, Radio Libertad, 1118-1130 Noted Spanish comments at 1120 followed
by music. Signal was Threshold at this late time. (Chuck Bolland, January 23, 2007 - hard-core-dx 49, 24)

Peru, 4855,23, Radio La Hora, 1050-1105 Huaynos type music until 1058 =
when canned Spanish Language promos and ADs presented. Canned ID on =
the hour. Live Spanish comments at 1103. Signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, January 24, 2007- CumbreDX 1812, 24/01/2007)

Peru, 4890.34, Radio Chota, (pres) 1105-1115 Music and Spanish =
comments. At 1114 ADs and promos. At 1116 Huaynos music presented. Signal was poor to =
threshold. (Chuck Bolland, January 24, 2007 - CumbreDX 1812, 24/01/2007)

6193.4, R. Cusco, Cusco, 1040-1100+ Jan 19, Spanish announcements,
huaynos, ID. Fair but some adjacent channel splatter (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 1178, 27/01/2007)

5602.55, Radio La Voz de los Andes, 0002-0010 At tune in, noted =
full ID by man
a couple of times as, "Radio La Voz de Los Andes" which is located in El =
Higueron, Distrito De
San Miguel as previous sources. Following ID, typical music. Signal =
was good. Thanks
for tip from Robert Wilkner. (Chuck Bolland, January 28, 2007 - CumbreDX 1817, 27/01/2007)

RRI IS Jan 26 at 0629 on 7180, 0630 opening English. Poor signal
but good modulation except mixed with roaring noise which in this case one must
suspect is in its own transmitter (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 49, 27, 26/01/2007)

I think WYFR is the only US station using 49m all day long; Jan 22 at
1555 very weak music I could not // to higher WYFR frequencies, so was not sure
what it was, but at 1559 usual frequency announcements by YL dutifully in
English. This is aimed due south, so not surprising it`s barely audible here.
Scheduled until 1945 (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 49, 23, 22/01/2007)

VOA, 15185, extremely strong in Hausa, Fri Jan 26 at 2058 talking
about Singapore, Nigeria, Iraq to abrupt 2059* amid VOA theme music. Current
VOA language sked shows this 2030-2100 M-F on 4940 9780 9815 11775 12080 15185.
So 15185 must be Greenville, directly off the back here. However, HFCC B-06
does not list 15185 for this, but instead 9815 as Greenville. BTW, the 9, 11
and 12 MHz frequencies are also on the air Sat/Sun during this semihour in
French but from different sites than weekdays. EiBi shows both 9815 and 15185
as Greenville for Hausa. Did not check 9815 for super-strength too (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 49, 27, 26/01/2007)

WTJC, 9370, back on the air after missing several days, first noted
Jan 26 at 0627 with piano music; VG signal and modulation; perhaps they were
working on improving that. Now how about WBOH 5920v which has been off
frequency and with spurs?? (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 49, 27, 26/01/2007)

WBCQ, 18910-LSB, at 2055 Jan 26 with preacher, very little carrier
and hard to copy without BFO; must be suppressed a lot more than 6 dB (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 49, 27, 26/01/2007)

VOA Talk to America on Jan 23, tune-in 1432 on 11655 via
Lampertheim, Germany, was a rerun from November 1, complete with promos for
upcoming elexion coverage. But it was a good one, about the New Seven Wonders
of the World, http://www.new7wonders.com whereupon one may vote (once; how do
they control that? It`s all in the FAQ --- you have to register, free, as a
member first, etc., etc.) from 21 finalists, all to be revealed on 7/7/07 in a
ceremony from Lisboa.

Here`s another story about it:
Eliane Engeler & Alexander G Higgins, Associated Press
Article Launched: 12/24/2006 12:00:53 AM PST

The VOA show is available OD via
for Jan 23, and also still for Nov 1 --- I see that the archive now only goes
back thru October (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 49, 24, 23/01/2007)

Французская Гвиана
DRM test on 21615-21620-21625 inaudible Jan 22 at 1605, so
perhaps they left it early as had been speculated; instead quite strong on
17870-17875-17880; 13m propagation was not very good, with 21570 Spain JBA, no
BBC Ascension 21470 (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 49, 23, 22/01/2007)

R. Quito, 4819.9, at 0644 Jan 25 with ID, timecheck and Andean
music; not too distorted (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1177, 26/01/2007)

eben, heute 28.1., bis 1630* war auf 5100 vermutlich das bereits von Patrick
Robic u.a. berichtete R. Bana aus Eritrea zu horen, O=2, mehr auf keinen Fall,
gegen 1626 vermutlich Nationalhymne aber entgegen der offiziellen Version
gesungen von Frauenchor. (Thorsten Hallmann - A-DX 28/01/2007)

Changes in Hungary from 1 February 2007

Hungarian Radio launches its new domestic program MR4 (Magyar Radio 4) focused on national
minorities from 1 February 2007.

Frequencies (kHz):

873 Budapest (100 kW)
873 Pecs (100 kW)
1188 Marcali (500 kW)
1188 Szolnok (300 kW)

Schedule (8:00 - 20:00 local time = 0700-1900 UTC):

Times UTC

0700-0900 Croatian (daily)
0900-1100 German (daily)
1200-1230 Slovenian (Mon), Russian (Tue), Bulgarian (Wed), Greek (Thu), Ukrainian (Fri),
Armenian (Sat)
1230-1300 Roma (=Gypsy) (Mon-Fri), Polish (Sun)
1300-1500 Serbian (daily)
1500-1700 Romanian (daily)
1700-1900 Slovak (daily)

Also on HotBird satelite on 13 degrees - 12.149 GHz.

Hungarian Radio closes all its transmitters (Kossuth Radio program) in the CCIR FM band
(66 - 73 MHz) on 31 January 2007.
(Karel Honzik, Czechia - hard-core-dx 49, 24, 23/01/2007)

Die Mittelwellenfrequenz 1188 kHz ist bereits reaktiviert. Zur Zeit
(27.1., 1630 UTC) hier mit einem Jazzprogramm mit SINPO 45444 zu
empfangen. Ab 1.2. soll hier ja ein neues Minderheitenprogramm
ausgestrahlt werden. (Patrick Robic - A-DX 27/01/2007)

power of the txs are a little bit lower, in order to save budget money.
Tue 1200 UT is Ruthenian language instead, not Russian.
73 wb

Hungary is testing on 1188 kHz (probably Marcali) at this moment
with test tones (22 Jan, 0930 UT) . They intend to use this frequency for
minority languages. This is the first short message only as I have no
sufficient details at hand at this moment...
(Karel Honzik-CZE, mwdx Jan 22)

Hungarian radio - MR4 The ethnic programme of the Hungarian Radio (Magyar
Radio) is going to broadcast under the name of MR4 from 1. Febr 2007, daily
0800-2000 CET on the following frequencies: [UT +1 now, UT +2 in summer]

Marcali 1188 kHz 300 kW (reduced)
Szolnok 1188 kHz 100 kW
Lakihegy 873 kHz 20 kW (spare old 135kW as reserve)
Pecs 873 kHz 20 kW

On Satellite Hotbird 3, the ethnic programmes broadcast 36 hours
earlier are going to be repeated every day from 2000 to 0800 CET.
The ethnic programmes can be heard at the following time:

Monday - Friday: times in CET
0800-1000 croatian 1000-1200 german 1200-1300 music
1300-1330 on Monday slovene, Tuesday ruthenian, Wednesday bulgarian
Thursday Greek, Friday ukrainian, Saturday Armenian
1330-1400 Mon-Fri gypsy/roma, Sunday Polish
1400-1600 serbian 1600-1800 romanian 1800-2000 slovak

Saturday times in CET
0800-1000 croatian 1000-1200 german 1200-1300 music
1300-1330 armenian 1330-1400 polish 1400-1600 serbian
1600-1800 romanian 1800-2000 slovak

0800-1000 croatian 1000-1200 german 1200-1300 music
1300-1400 hungarian ? (Sun Polish) 1400-1600 serbian
1600-1800 romanian 1800-2000 slovak
(Istvan Kiss-HUN, dxld Jan 19)

Also on HotBird satelite on 13 degrees - 12.149 GHz.
Hungarian Radio closes all its transmitters (Kossuth Radio program) in the
CCIR FM band (66 - 73 MHz) on 31 Jan 2007.
(Karel Honzik-CZE, mwdx/hcdx Jan 23)

Dates of maintenance:
JАszberИny SW site 2x250 kW, 2x100 kW, broadcasting stopped at 0600-1500 UT,
first Monday in each month.

Maintenance schedule of transmitters broadcasting the SW and MW program of
Hungarian Radio (transmitter equipment, feed lines, antennas, power supply
systems etc.)


Maintenance schedule of transmitters broadcasting the MW program of
Hungarian Catholic Radio Co. (transmitter equipment, feed lines, antennas,
power supply systems etc.)

(via wwdxc BC-DX Jan 24)
(Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany - A-DX 27/01/2007)

In Ostsachsen ist das ggf. umgekehrt zu sehen ...

Kann eigentlich mal jemand mit Hotbird-Empfang uberprufen, ob das Petofi
ist, was da gerade auf 1188 kHz lauft? Es handelt sich namlich weder um
Kossuth (540, 1251 kHz) noch um das Mantelprogramm der Regionalsender
(1116, 1350 kHz). (Kai Ludwig, Germany - A-DX 27/01/2007)

Beide Kossuth und Petofi ubertragen zur Zeit das Hallenhandballspiel
Spanien-Ungarn aus Mannheim.

Auf 1188 lauft aber like Jazz Musik.
1188 - 80% Ungarn, darunter 20 % Gorlitz Reichenbach.
- in Stuttgart (Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany - A-DX 27/01/2007)

Ich bin wieder in Leibnitz angelangt, und habe das Programm auf 1188 kHz
mit den UKW-Frequenzen von Bartok und Petofi verglichen - es lauft ein
komplett anderes Programm.
Ich vermute hier wird einfach ein Testpx ausgestrahlt, Ansage sind ja
auch ziemlich rar gestreut.
Auf jeden Fall war der Sender heute Nacht auch au?erhalb der
kolportierten Sendezeit ab 1.2. aktiv, wie checks um 2350 UTC und 0450
UTC ergeben haben. (Patrick Robic - A-DX 28/01/2007)

Am 26.1. konnte ich beim Empfangsversuch von US-X-Band-Stationen um 0637
UTC MRCC Bremen in USB "mit einer Versuchssendung auf 1660 kHz" im
Sprechfunkkontakt mit mehreren (kaum bzw. nicht horbaren)
Gegenstationen, von denen man sich immer mit "ruhige Wacht" verabschiedete.
(Patrick Robic, Austria - A-DX 26/01/2007)

1314 kHz RNE Radio 5 Tarragona am 22.1. um 0645 UTC mit dem Regionalpx
RNE Cataluna. SINPO 22332.

1503 kHz RNE Radio 5 Campo Gibraltar und RNE Radio 5 Monforte de Lemos
am 23.1. um 0645 UTC mit den jeweiligen Regionalprogrammen (Andalucia
via Campo Gibraltar und Galicia via Monforte de Lemos). Beide mit O=2-3,
mal war der eine besser zu horen, mal der andere. (Patrick Robic, Ramsau am Dachstein, Austria - A-DX 23/01/2007)

9780 Republic of Yemen Radio (Sana'a) (presumed), 0402-0433,
1/28/2007, Arabic. Program of traditional Arabic music with short
comments by man and woman. Moderate signal with very deep fades (SINPO
34322), deteriorating after 0420. Best reception of them in recent
months. (Jim Evans, TN - CumbreDX 1817, 28/01/2007)

MI, 24.01., 05.35 UTC...., auf 6150,05 kHz mit O=2/3 und klarer Audio in LSB, Radio Bayrak in E.
Ab 05.45 kam der Prediger auf QRG leise "durch". (Herbert Meixner - A-DX 24/01/2007)

171 Medi Un, Morocco; 2333, 25-Jan; AR vocal music; weak but //9575, SIO=4+43+. Only LWBC w/any audio.
(Harold Frodge, MI, Usa - CumbreDX 1814, 25/01/2007)
1470 kHz XEAI Radio Formula um 0537 UTC in Spanisch mit haufiger Ansage
der Offnungszeiten eines Arztezentrum, ausfuhrlicher ID um 0558 UTC, ab
0600 UTC "emision de la noche". 24432.

1500 kHz UNID-Station in Englisch um 0515 UTC mit der Erwahnung von
"God" und "Lord Jesus Christ". Vom Programm her zu schlie?en durfte es
sich wohl um WTWP gehandelt haben. O=1-2

1500 kHz XEDF Radio Formula um 0606 UTC in Spanisch, Programm wie eine
halbe Stunde zuvor auf 1470 kHz gehort (gleiches Artzezentrum) und
ansage der web page radioformula.com. 22332 (Patrick Robic - A-DX 26/01/2007)

> 1500 kHz UNID-Station in Englisch um 0515 UTC mit der ErwA¤hnung von
> "God" und "Lord Jesus Christ". Vom Programm her zu schlieAYen dA?rfte es
> sich wohl um WTWP gehandelt haben. O=1-2

Hoppla, da haba? ich wohl was durcheinandergebracht. Habe nach "WTWP"
gegoogelt und bemerkt, daAY man auf 1500 kHz noch als Washington Post
Radio sendet. Ich war der Meinung, die wurden an einen relig. Anbieter
verkauft. (Patrick Robic - A-DX 26/01/2007)

Und hier europaische Logs auf MW von heute morgen:

1305 0600 BEL O=3 /Pur FM(RTBF),frz, nx
1332 0620 ROU O=4 /R.Actualidad,rum.,studio talk
1350 0630 HNG O=4 /MR-Gyor,ung.,folc-mx
1368 0635 G O=2 /Manx R.,engl.,adv,ID,popmx
1368 0655 G O=2 /BBC-R.Lincolnshire,engl.,Kirchl.mx, anns
1377 0720 F O=3 /France Info,franz.,meteo
(Harald Suss - A-DX 26/01/2007)

180 kHz TRT TX POLATRI TURCHIA in // 1017 kHz 1820-1825
882 kHz R. CRNE GORE, MONTENEGRO ID & NXs 1800-1810
954 kHz R. QATAR in ARABO + R. BRNO + ONDA CERO MADRID 2115-2130
1030 kHz R. DEL PLATA,ARGENTINA 0130-0150 forte phading
1040 kHz R. CAPITAL S.PAOLO,BRASIL 0100-0115 forte phading
1060 kHz Tent. R.TAPUYO MOSSORO',BRASIL 0020-0040 forte phading e grandinata sul Bocca di Magra.......
1150 kHz UNID Brasile splash 1152 kHz 0035-0039
1190 kHz UNID Brasile splash 1188 kHz 0158-0201
1200 kHz R.CULTURA S.PAOLO,BRASIL 0032-0230 forte phading
1220 kHz R. GLOBO, RIO DE JANEIRO,BRASIL, miglior segnale della nottata.... forte phading 0010-0310
1370 kHz SUPER RADIO IGUATEMI, BRASIL religious program 0012-0115
............... alla fine qualcosa anche dal Sud America .....
(Dario Monferini - playdx2003 1233, 23/01/2007)
На выходных соорудил переносную рамочную (если я её правильно называю)
антену на СВ диапазон и вынес её в поле, подальше от ЛЭП и прочих
компьютерных помех.
В частности удалось словить помеху, на которую жаловался Вячеслав на 972
кГц. Её еле слышно только в том случае, если "занулить" поворотом рамки
николаевский передатчик. Не удивительно, что без рамки на магнитную
антенну он не принимался. Частота помехи около 973.2 кГц. Есть запись.

А вообще с рамкой в местный полдень (10:00 utc) можно принимать
Болгарию, Грецию, Турцию, Белоруссию (1008 и 1026), хорошо проходят
Тарту (1035) и Подмосковье? (846) и даже слышно Иран на 531 кГц
(Ярослав, Одесса, Украина - open_dx 24/01/2007)

1470 OAU4B CPN R, Lima. Id over the top of the hour. Unusual to
hear this so early. Thanks to Henrik Klemetz for listening and
confirming my clip. Vw 2359 22/01 JF

The last few days have seen a few North American stations on the band
but there has been nothing of any great strength. One of the most
regular stations has been 1480 WSAR. Conditions are still quite poor.
I recorded 1420 this morning around sunrise but the recording stopped
mysteriously shortly before 06:00. There was a light pops station
(Boyzone, etc. and not C&W) mixing with an English talker. A couple of
other North Americans: 790 WAXY and 1100 WTAM were also audible.

Following Jurgen's comments on Winrad and the Virtual Audio Cable I
decided to give them a try. I am very impressed! Winrad is indeed a
superb addition and renderd the IF audio beautifully, resulting in nice
clean audio. I have already had a very positive comment from Henrik
commenting on the nice audio quality. This was despite me making heavy
use of the Winrad noise filtering to reduce some buzzing I had overnight
and fairly narrow SSB (about 2.5kHz).

The VAC software was not necessary in order for me to record the IF
while simultaneously demodulating it via Winrad and blocking out the IF
stream, however, the VAC IS necessary for playback on my main PC as the
IF playback stream can still be heard.

Many thanks to Jurgen for putting me in touch with this excellent
software. (John Faulkner, UK - skywavesmw 296, 23/01/2007)
891 Маяк / Маяк Регион-Тюмень (1405-1430, вероятно, и утром) (1 кВт)
1485 Радио России / Регион-Тюмень (1 кВт) //225
1602 Юность (1 кВт)
(Виктор Рутковский, Екатеринбург, Россия - open_dx 24/01/2007)

С января 2007 года на 801 кГц Народное Радио прекратило вещание в Петербурге.
Время выхода в эфир было с 8 до 19 часов. (Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия)

1620 Radio Republica - 2300-UTC Jan 22, 07; OM in SS giving station
call letters and address in Miami before slow fade. Still recording this so
cannot play it back as yet. Who is the Spanish interpreter on this site-can
send mp3 - but I'm sure someone will send the details before I can find
anythin' on the 'net? (Konnie Rychalsky, Connecticut - hard-core-dx 49, 23, 22/01/2007)

This has been pinned on relay via WDHP in US Virgin Islands. See if you can
catch a local ID at hourtop. Or compare to their webstream via WRRA site.
(Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 49, 23, 22/01/2007)

Thanks Glenn Hauser, Bill Harms & Paul Crankshaw:

Radio Republica-1620 was WDHP US Virgin Islands. "R Republica" is listed on
the RMI-Radio Miami International webpage, and was "mentioned" at the top of
the hour just before the Miami address. Glenn had a handle on it - must be
from WRMI streamming. Signal went EE TOH ID as "WDHP." Wow, this has been
a regular this year during this dx season, better than I can remember.
(Konnie Rychalsky, Usa - hard-core-dx 49, 23, 22/01/2007)

Heute gaba?s am morgen nicht nur etwas Schnee sondern endlich auch
brauchbaren MW-Empfang von jenseits des Atlantiks.

1660 kHz WCNZ Naples, FL "Relevant Radio" in Englisch mit einem relig.
Talk/Phone-in-Programm, und vielen Relevant-Radio-IDs aber ohne
callsigns. 24332

1680 kHz WLAA Winter Garden, FL "La Que Buena" in Spanisch mit
mexikanischer Folklore und zahlreichen IDs mit und ohne callsigns. 24332
(Patrick Robic, Austria - A-DX 24/01/2007)
Радио 7, Тюмень
никакого отношения к московскому не имеет

юг Тюменской области

69,32 Голышманово
70,88 Тюмень
71,00 Казанское
71,18 Ялуторовск
101,8 план Ермаки
102,0 Омутинский
102,0 Сладково
102,1 Ярково
102,2 Аромашево
102,2 Казанское
102,2 Упорово
102,3 Армизонское
102,3 Нижняя Тавда
102,3 Уват
102,4 Викулово
102,4 Юргинское
102,6 Байкалово
102,7 Бердюжье
102,7 план Ингаир
102,8 план Емуртла
103,0 Абатское
103,0 Вагай
103,0 Демьянское
103,1 Тюмень
103,2 Большое Сорокино
103,9 Исетское
104,0 Ишим
104,4 Голышманово
105,3 Заводоуковск
106,2 Тобольск
информация Игоря Ваганова
(Виктор Рутковский, Екатеринбург, Россия - open_dx 25/01/2007)

У нас, в Костанае, Казахское Радио вещает на 105,4 FM. Я иногда его
слушаю в машине, но программу на каких либо иностранных языках не
слышал. В основном идет вещание на казахском и иногда русском языках.

FM вещание:

100,2 - Европа +
100,7 - Радио Алау
101,5 - Радио КН
103,0 - Русское радио
105,4 - Казахское радио
107,0 - Радио NS

103,3 - Радио Сана
105,1 - Радио Алау
106,9 - Радио Рудный Даусы

100,5 - Европа +
104,0 - Радио Рауан

Еще есть Радио NS и Казахское Радио, но частоты не помню, т.к. был там
проездом и не записал все данные. (Лисаковск - 106 км от Костаная и
63км от Рудного, но в Рудном в некторых местах, как правило ближе к
реке Тобол можно принять Европу + из Лисаковска с нормальным
качеством). Буду там через 2 недели, постараюсь записать точно все что
там вещает, если это кому-то интересно. (Дмитрий Пузанов, Казахстан - open_dx 28/01/2007)

Still some troposcatter about. Listenining for about 20 minutes earlier on I heard Lille,
Langenberg, Wavre and Bruxelles (91.2). Langenberg was in for a few minutes weak
but clear at times, although levels from Lille was a little down on recently.
I wonder if the cold spell will have killed it all off by the end of the week.
(Nick Gilly, UK - skywaves 2217, 22/01/2007)

Yes a bit about here too. I find Einslive 107.9 seems to be the German that's in all the time at present
(Cyril, UK - skywaves 2217, 22/01/2007)

105.00 09:21 2007-01-22 HRV HRT Radio Dubrovnik Srd
Unattended rx 644F R.DUBROV
105.00 09:56 2007-01-22 POL Radio Zet Gdansk -
Chwaszczyno Unattended rx 3205 RadioZET
105.00 01:01 2007-01-23 CVA Radio Vaticana 105 Live Citta
Vaticana Unattended rx 4104 VATICANA
105.00 05:39 2007-01-23 CVA Radio Vaticana 105 Live Citta
Vaticana Unattended rx 4104 VATICANA
105.00 08:36 2007-01-23 CVA Radio Vaticana 105 Live Citta
Vaticana Unattended rx 4104 VATICANA
(Mike Fallon, UK - skywaves 2218, 23/01/2007)

105.00 01:04 2007-01-25 HRV HRT Radio Dubrovnik Srd
Unattended rx 644F R.DUBROV
105.00 03:09 2007-01-25 CZE Radio Frekvence 1 Zlín/Tlustá
hora Unattended rx 2205 F1_105.0
(Mike Fallon, UK - skywaves 2219, 25/01/2007)

I had a good tune around for an hour or so ysterday evening 2100-2200z and I
looged the following: Lille (all main channels), Langenberg (95.1), Liège (90.5/95.6),
Profondeville (92.8 - a regular to add to the list), Dudelange/Ginsterburg (100.7) and
Tournai (101.8/102.6). Conditions aren't as good as last week when it was milder but
I'm quite happy with that lot.

Profondeville on 92.8 looks like it is going to be a regular as it popped up several
times, sometimes with noise-free peaks (all in dynas mode).

Hopefully we will get some tropo proper by early next week as the Hepburn forecast is
looking quite promising. (Nick Gilly, UK - skywaves 2220, 25/01/2007)

Had a good tune around for around an hour yesterday and logged Liège (90.5/95.6),
Langenberg (95.1), Lille (all main channels), Dudelange/Ginsterburg (100.7),
Profondeville (92.8, looks like this is a regular), Bruxelles (91.2), and Tournai (101.8/

I don't think conditions are as good as last week when it was milder but I was
pleasantly surprised by that lot - Profondeville looks like one I can add to the regular
list as it faded up several times in dynas mode with clear peaks.

Hopefully by early next week we will get some proper tropo as the Hepburn forecast
looks quite encouraging. (Nick Gilly, UK - skywaves 2220, 25/01/2007)

Lille has some strong peaks at the moment, also Tournai in almost continuously on
101.8. Other Belgian txs like LiХge, Profondeville and Wavre have been in, Liege with
good peaks on 95.6! (Nick Gilly, UK - skywaves 2221, 27/01/2007)

Have got some tropo now

All London stations are coming in with RDS and stereo

And also picking up Time 106.8

A french station on 104.7

Wave 105.2

Invicta FM 97.0 Dover

BRFM 95.6

Kool FM 94.6

Some dutch stations on 104.4 98.6 and more noise than usule.
(David - skywaves 2222, 27/01/2007)

Had some nice Irish tropo last night:
100.9 today fm competing with classic fm
101.4 today fm stereo on peaks
101.9 today fm though this is actually 101.8 due to classic fm being
very strong
102 beat 102-103 fm competing with spire fm
107.2 talk radio competing with star 107.2 from bristol
107.4 talk radio competing with quay west fm

other stations;
90.8 bbc r3 stereo (usually 90.7 and 90.90)
93.0 bbc r4 stereo (do not normally get it here usually 92.9 an 93.1)
93.7 bbc cymru clear on peaks
93.7 bbc r 4 stereo on peaks
94.7 bbc H & W clear on peaks
95.0 france bleu cotentin clear on peaks
95.0 bbc cymru clear on peaks
95.1 bbc wales clear on peaks
95.2 bbc oxford and bbc wales competing
95.3 bbc wales clear on peaks
95.5 bbc bristol rds on the h(BBC_Bstl)
95.6 musiques clear to stereo
96.1 bbc solent stereo on peaks
96.2 lantern fm clear
96.3 gwr relaying same as lantern but different from other gcap network
96.4 gemini torquay
96.8 bbc cymru stereo rds
97.4 red dragon clear on peaks
97.9 bbc r1 stereo on peaks
98.9 bbc r1 stereo on peaks
100.1 classic stereo on peaks
100.1 fb haute normandie stereo on peaks
100.2 r manche clear on peaks
100.3 classic fm stereo rds
100.7 classic fm competing
100.7 heart fm competng
100.7 fb cotentin clear
100.8 classic clear
100.9 today fm and classic fm
101 kiss fm stereo rds(Kiss_101)
101.1 classic weak to clear
101.2 south hams radio clear
101.3 classic fm clear to stereo
101.4 today fm clear to stereo
101.5 classic fm clear to stereo
101.9 both classic fm and today fm
102.0 beat 102-103 and spire fm competing
102.1 swansea bay radio clear to stereo
102.4 quay west fm clear to stereo
102.5 radio pembrookshire clear at best
102.6 orchard fm stereo
102.6 fb basse normandie stereo
102.8 pirate fm clear
103.1 fb armorique clear
103.2 red dragon rds(REDRAGON)
103.6 bbc swindon clear on peaks
103.6 bbc r4 clear on peaks
103.7 bbc r4 clear on peaks
103.8 bbc r4 stereo
103.9 bbc r wales rds trying
104.0 bbc r4 clear
104.0 rfm clear
104.1 bbc berkshire stereo(very hissy)
104.5 mixed audio possabble bbc scr
104.6 bbc cymru clear on peaks
104.7 bbc gloucester stereo on peaks
104.8 bbc scr clear on peaks
104.9 bbc r4 clear to stereo
105.1 atlantic fm clear
105.2 both wave and real competing
105.4 real radio stereo
105.5 palm fm clear to stereo
105.7 real radio stereo on peaks
105.9 real radio stereo on peaks
106.2 heart weak at beast
106.3 bridge fm clear and stereo on peaks
106.6 ival fm stereo
106.7 europe 1 clear
106.9 gtfm clear on peaks
107.0 atlantic fm clear
107.2 star 107.2 competing with talk radio
107.4 quay west fm competing with talk radio
107.5 rtl stereo on peaks
107.7 star radio clear on peaks
(Mark P, Devon, UK - skywaves 2222, 28/01/2007)
Неофициальное вещание

am vergangenen Wochenende hatte ich mal etwas Zeit, um vornehmlich nach
afrikanischen Stationen
im Bereich <6MHz Ausschau zu halten.
Gleich zu Beginn um 14:12 UTC kam mit O=3 auf 7165.13 eine Station aus
Athiopien mit schoner Musik und langeren Wortbeitragen in arabisch
Zeitlich gesehen etwas spater um 15:25 jedoch am vorherigen Freitag
konnte ich das (neue) Bildungsprogramm aus Eritrea auf 5100 kHz horen.
Leider war der Empfang im oberen Seitenband relativ stark durch eine
Wetterfaxstation und im unteren Seitenband durch russische
Sprachkommunikation gestort. Nur kurz vor Sendeschlu? waren einige
Minuten storungsfrei aufzunehmen.
Bereits gegen 15:57 UTC waren auf 6209.66 kHz die ersten Wort- und
Musikfetzen von Radio Kahuzi horbar. Sprachlich gesehen, hatte ich den
Eindruck das Programm sei in franzosisch gewesen. Ferner wurden in
diesem Zeitraum auch langere Musikstucke gespielt. nach 16:00 UTC kam
ein religioses Programm in englisch eines US Predigers in typischer
Manier. Zeitweise waren insbesondere im oberen Seitenband heftige
Storungen durch PSK Bursts zu vernehmen. Um 17:00 kam eine langere
Ansage des Stationsmanagers zu Sendezeiten, Frequenzen, Anschrift und
Informationen zum allgemeinen Auftrag der Station. Durch die nun
herrschende Dunkelheit stieg die Signalstarke auf schone O=5!
Sendeschlu? war 17:08 UTC nach einem Countrymusikstuck.
Im unteren Bereich des 60m Bandes waren beim Ruberdrehen um 16:45 UTC
Libreville/Gabun auf 4777 mit O=4 und afrikan. Musik sowie auf 4760 kHz
TWR Manzini mit IS und ID in O=5+ aufnehmbar.
Nach 17:30 UTC war auf 90m 3396 die ZBC Harare mit sehr gutem Signal und
Musik- sowie Wortbeitragen horbar.

UTE: Kleiner Nachtrag, im Grenzwellenbereich konnte ich um 14:46 UTC
folgende italienischen Kustenfunkstationen in italienisch horen:
1852 kHz USB IPP Palermo Radio
1855 kHz USB IQP San Benedetto Radio
1876 kHz USB IQN Lampedusa Radio
1888 kHz USB ??? Civitavecchia Radio
Aus Danemark war Lyngby Radio auf 1734 kHz USB//1758 kHz USB mit
nautischen Warnnachrichten in englisch sehr gut aufzunehmen.
Am Sonnabend morgen lohnte das etwas fruhere Aufstehen. Um 05:57 UTC war
Radio Formula auf 1470 mit spanischen Ansagen, ID, Nationalhymne,
Nachrichten usw. in ungekannter Gute mit O=3/4 aufzunehmen. Selbst die
beiden Zeitzeichen von WWV und WWVH(naturlich etwas schwacher) waren
gegen 06:40 UTC auf 2500! und 5000 kHz gut horbar. Der islandische
Inlandsrundfunk brachte kurz zuvor auf 189 kHz ein Programm mit Musik
inlandischer Interpreten mit durchgangig O=4 zu Gehor.
Ein wirklich harter Brocken war eine Station auf 1500 kHz. Sie kam um
07:12 UTC mit (wahrscheinlich) spanischem Programm nur bruchstuckenhaft
herein. Wer mochte kann von allen genannten Stationen Mitschnitte im MP3
Format per Mail erhalten. Mit interessiert, ob jemand trotz der sehr
starken Seitenbandstorungen was aus dem 1500 kHz Mitschnitt heraushort.

In diesem Sinne viel Spa? beim Dxen und 73
(Thomas Lindenthal DO3TL - A-DX 23/01/2007)

hier meine Ausbeute von gestern Abend undheute Morgen

1314 Pure FM 20.30 UTC O = 3 // 1233 O = 2
5840 R. Ukraine Int'l 18.35 UTC Wellenforum DX-Programm O = 4

3255 BBC 20.35 UTC O = 2
3345 AWR Africa english 20.45 UTC O = 2-3
4780 R. Djibuti MX 18.59 UTC O = 2-3
4860 VoA english 04.35 UTC O = 4

4905 PBS Xinang MX 21.10 UTC O = 2 // 4920 O = 4

5025 Radio Rebelde 04.46 UTC O = 3
5070 WWRC 04.50 O = 3
(Friedrich-Walter Adam - A-DX 25/01/2007)

Hier mein Log von vergangener Nacht. Gute Bedingungen aus
Sud-Amerika im Tropenband. Unterstutzt auch durch eine
neu aufgebaute " Mini " Beverage.

UTC 26.1.07
0555 1470 XEAI, R. Formula, Formula ID, 0559 Hymne, O=2-3
0615 1700 KVNS, ranchera mx, " la preciosa ", O=2-3
2230 4894,85 R. Novo Tempo, PP, Predigt, QRM de MNG, O=2
2240 4915 R. CBN, PP ID mention Goiania, O=3-4
2245 4935 R. Capixaba, PP, Predigt, O=2-3
2249 5035 R. Aparecida, PP, YL ID, sanfte mx, Sta. Maria..O=2-3
2255 5045 R. Guaruja Paulista, PP pops, jingle, ID: R.Guaruja AM O=2
2310 4855,36 R. La Hora, SS reports, Chota u. Mendoza erw. O=2-3
2315 4845,2 R. Cultura, PP talks u. songs, O=1-2
2322 4825 R. Cancao Nova, PP, Christo.. Esperanza.. O=2
2322 4825 R. Educadora, PP, Predigt, O=2
2333 4815 R. Difusora, rel.mx m. flote u. chor, PP, sanftes Wort, O=2
2343 4805 R. Difusora do Amazonas, PP pops, Difusora ID, O=2
2348 4746,75 R. Huanta 2000, SS, Rede bzw Vortrag, O=1-2
2353 4716,79 R. Yura, SS reports, O=1-2

UTC 27.1.07
0008 6150 Mediacorp R. Singapore, ID, traffic info, Edu talk, O=3-4
0620 1470,02 UNID LA Stn tent. R. Vibracion, LA Sprechgesang, keine ID, O=3
0636 1500 UNID LA Stn, schone LA mx mit Gitarre u. Violine, keine ID, O=3
0640 1660 WCNZ, Relevant R. talk, O=2-3
0643 1620 WDHP, BBC WS relay, QRM Piraten, O=2
0703 1520 UNID LA Stn, SS talk, O=2
0710 4985 R. Brasil Central, PP, IDs, tolle LA mx, O=3-4

Erganzend noch ein Programmtipp solange noch moglich (-14.2.07):

Ein Dinosaurier in seiner Form, die Morgengymnastik auf DR Kalundborg
auf 243 kHz zwischen 0730 - 0740 UTC. In alter Manier wird gedehnt und
gestreckt, begleitet von ermunternder Klaviermusik. Als Osterreicher
fuhlt man sich an Ilse Puck?s Sendungen fruherer Tage erinnert.

Um 0740 folgt eine Art Pausenzeichen. Ein Thema wird in
Instrumentierung dargeboten. Schon anzuhoren! Hier in OE meist mit O=3-4
horbar. (Hans Pammer - A-DX 27/01/2007)

Auch heute morgen war wieder T/A Empfang passabel
moglich, wenn auch nicht in der Qualitat von gestern.

UTC 28.1.07

0602 1680 WLAA, SS songs, O=2
0615 1470,03 R. Cristal, Uruguay, LA songs, ID 0622, O=2-3
0635 1660 WCNZ, Relevant R. ID, O=2
0638 1640 WTNI, talk abt. Superbowl, O=2
0647 1390 UNID Stn, soft instr. mx, O=2
0707 6300 RASD, arabic, koran, O=4
0710 1550 RASD, arabic talk // zu 6300, O=3
(Hans Pammer - A-DX 28/01/2007)

Here are some of the stations I heard earlier this month in Skovlunde on my AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 metres longwire:

3396 2213-2215 ZWE 06-01 ZBC, Guineafowl, Gweru Vernacular ann, songs 33343 AP-DNK

3815 2209-2211* GRL 06 & 07-01 KNR Tasiilaq Danish news and song 15211 AP-DNK

3945.0 1510-1540 IRN 07-01 VOIRI, Zahedan Pashto ann, Iranian songs, 1530 Urdu ID: "Yeh Tehran", talk, Call to Prayer 44343 AP-DNK

4760.0 1410-1602 IND 04-01 AIR Port Blair Vernacular/English talks, choir singing, 1530 news in English from Delhi heard // 4775, 4820, 4910, 4940

and 5010, 1545 Hindi also from New Delhi // 5010, 1600 local programme 24333 AP-DNK

5066.3 1553-1620* COD 03-01 R Tele Candip, Bunia UNID language talk, 1619 orchestral music and closing ann, CWQRM 14211 AP-DNK

6035 0005-0015 CLM 04-01 La Voz del Guaviare, San Jose del Guaviare Spanish ann, LA pop songs 34233 AP-DNK

6150 0008-0025 SNG 04-01 Mediacorp R, Singapore English ID, traffic update, ID: "On 93.8 Live...", "Singapore News", talk 43444 AP-DNK

N6485.93 2110-2400* CLA 18-01 National R of RASD, Algeria Arabic/Spanish political talks with shouting, native songs, 2158 four IDs in Arabic,

2300 Spanish programme, ex 6458 45434 AP-DNK

More tips will follow........................

Here are more loggings from Skovlunde:

N3930.04 0317-0340 CLA 11-01 Voice of the Kurdistan Democratic Party Kurdish New station with non-stop Kurdish songs until 0330 45434. It

had not signed on when checking at 0230. At 0330 abrupt stop of a song and IDs by man and woman: "Erah Radyoy Dengi Kurdistana", Kurdish National hymn,

fanfare, 0334 ID once more and political talk about Kurdistan, martial music, 0337 another ID, Call to Prayer. A few seconds of bubble jamming at 0323, but

continuous jamming began at 0334 43433 AP-DNK

N3935 0359-0435 CLA 14-01 Voice of the Kurdistan Democratic Party Kurdish ID: "Erah Radyoy Dengi Kurdistana", music and talk, 0318 martial song

about Iranian Kurdistan, 0430 Farsi programme, all jammed 43433 AP-DNK

4760 0238-0250 IND 11-01 AIR Leh, Ledakh, Jammu & Kashmir Urdu/English/Laddakhi news, adv, talks, 0245 E news from New Delhi, 0300

Laddakhi ann, folksongs. They just verified my e-mail report! 35343 AP-DNK

4790.06 0233-0250 PAK 11-01 R Pakistan, Rawalpindi (10 kW) Kashmiri talk, local songs, heterodyne 34333. This weak transmitter was inaudible

on Jan 21 AP-DNK

N4810.08 0242-0305 ARM Su 21-01 Armenia National R, Yerevan Kurdish new programme, native songs acapella, 0253 flute, 0259 ID several times:

"Dangi... (Kurdi ?)-stan", piano played "Fur Elise", followed by usual relay of Home Service in Armenian with folksongs from 0303 34343 AP-DNK

4845 1745-0100* MTN 20/21-01 R Mauritania, Nouakchott Mostly programmes in Arabic dialect, but at times French and Vernacular talks and ann

were also heard, native music 25232 - 45444 AP-DNK

N5100 1557-1630* ERI 14 & 15-01 R Bana - new station Vernacular talks, native song with drums 25232. On 15-01 drifted to 5099.21 and weaker:

14221 AP-DNK

5965 1300-1400 D Su 21-01 European Music R, via Juelich English/French Special broadcast with oldies from R Caroline and R London, ID: "EMR

- From Europe to Europe", e-mail address: studio@emr.org.uk . Mentioned reports e.g. from Erik Koie and Vladimir Boshkov. 55544

5965 1400-1530 D Su 21-01 R Traumland, Belgium, via Juelich German tips about travelling in Austria, pop music, splashed from RNW on 5955

54544 AP-DNK

6010.1 0255-0305 BHR 11-01 R Bahrain, Ras Hayan English talk, pop music 23432 AP-DNK

6150.0 0253-0305 SNG 11-01 Mediacorp R, Singapore English ann, Reggae songs 45434 AP-DNK

6185 0030-0040 CLA 14-01 R Republica Spanish ID, political talks about Cuba 44444 AP-DNK

N7200 2223-0105 BUL Su-Mo 07/08-01 R Varna, Varna Bulgarian relay of HS programme "Zdravei More", ex 7600. Bulgarian and international pop

songs and short talks about new Bulgarian membership of the EU and about tourism 45444 AP-DNK

15325 0957-1029 PHL 11-01 FEBC, Manila English IDs: "This is FEBC Radio broadcasting from Manila, Philippines", 1000 Charles Morris talking

about "Haven today" 45444 (Anker Petersen, DNK - playdx2003 1233, 23/01/2007)

666 17/1 22.58 R. Barcelona,SER - SS pubblicita locale buono
1008 16/1 21.58 R. Alicante,SER - SS ID e pubblicita locale suff.
1170 20/1 17.05 R. Sawa - UAE - arabo MX buono
1224 18/1 22.55 COPE - Mallorca SS ID e pubblicita locale buono
1314 20/1 23.30 Loisirs AM - La Plaine Saint Denis,Francia, FF MX suff.
1602 20/1 17.00 R. Orient - Nimes,Francia, FF NX buono
1650 20/1 05.25 Tent. WHKT - Virginia Beach,USA EE MX insuf.
1660 20/1 05.40 Tent. WWRU - Jersey City Koreano talk OM insuf
4760 20/1 16.50 TWR - Manzini Shona talk OM buono
4805 16/1 22.30 R. Difus. Amazonas - Manaus PP talk OM buono
4825 16/1 22.35 R. Educadora - Braganca PP talk OM buono
4865 20/1 22.50 R. Alvorada - Londrina PP predica suff.
5995 20/1 23.10 R. Mali - Bamako FF MX afro buono
6265 14/1 09.30 Orion R. - Postbus 9 - 8096 ZG Oldebroek - Olanda EE MX
6280 14/1 09.35 Holland AM - radiohollandam@hotmail.com EE MX buono
6400 16/1 22.20 PBS - Pyongyang Koreano talk YL // a 6250 KHz suff.
7185 20/1 16.30 R. Bangla Desh - Dacca Bengali MX buono
9615 16/1 22.40 R. Cultura - Sao Paulo PP MX buono
9675 16/1 22.45 R. Cancao Nova - Cachoeira Paulista PP predica buono
9705 20/1 16.45 Voix du Sahel - Niamey Vern. MX afro buono
11735 20/1 16.40 R. tanzania - Zanzibar Swahili talk OM buono
11815 16/1 20.15 R. Brasil Central - Goiania PP predica buono
(Roberto Pavanello, Italy - playdx2003 1233, 23/01/2007)

date: 19 january - 23 january 2007
RX: AOR 7030, RFSpace sdr-14, CiaoRadio H101
ANT: Wellbrook LFL 1010

khz - day - time UTC - station - details

2325 20+21/01 2039-2110 ABC Tennant Creek, Australia, in // 2485 khz.

2485 19+20/01 2100-2110 ABC Katherine, Australia, better on 20 jan., good
also with Degen 1103

3200 19+22/01 1924-2024 TWR Swaziland, religious talks in English fair/good

3230 19+20+22/01 1929-2035 Family Radio, South Africa, English program.

3255 19+20+22/01 1950-2040 BBC Relay, South Africa, in English fair/good

3266,4 20+21/01 *2100-2130 RRI Gorontalo, Indonesia, better in USB better,
is, id, s/on poor/fair

3273,6 20/1 2035-2045 unid Greek pirate, H 1624,5 x 2, bad audio. fair/good

3320 19+20/01 2030-2100 SABC, South Africa. fair/good

3330 20+21/01 0410-0535 CHU, Ottawa, Canada, pips time signal, id EE & FF

3335 20...22/01 2015-2106 Radio East Sepik, Papua New Guinea, id 2059, news
in English at 2100 poor/fair

3345 19...22/01 2030-2120 Channel Africa, South Africa, in English, good

3390 19+22/01 2038-2045 BBC relay, South Africa fair

3396 19....22/01 2010-2245 ZBC Zimbabwe, Afro pop, vernacular talks,

3810 22/01 0710-0714 Instituto Oceanografico de la Armada, Guayaquil,
Ecuador, pips, id SS poor/fair

3905 19/01 2025-2030 unid, USB, utility presumed in arab, talks fair -
occorre attenzione per non fare confusione con la Papua

3905 21/01 2039-2054 R New Ireland, Papua New Guinea, 2039-2050 in // 3335
khz Local program 2051 id. poor/fair

3925 20+21/01 *2056-2120 Radio Nikkei, Tokyo, Japan, s. on, is, id repeated
for 3 minutes. id, news fair/good

4319 USB 19+20+22/01 1950-2310 AFN, tx Diego Garcia, report news in EE.

4605 20/01 2132-2145 RRI Serui, Indonesia, local news 2132 poor/fair boc7

4770 19+20/01 1800-1900 FRCN Kaduna, Nigeria, in EE fair

4777 20+21/01 0515-0545 R.TV Gabonaise, Afro pop, FF, fair/good

4780 19...22/01 0410-0516;1700-1906 R.TV Djibouti, phone calls, raggae mx

4790 20+22/01 2120-2140 RRI Fak Fak, Indonesia, regional news 2130.

4835 19+20+22/01 *2130-2205 ABC Alice Springs, Australia, s/on, id, nxs EE
//4910, 5025 fair /good

4870 20/01 2119-2124 RRI Wamena (tent.), Indonesia, music. poor/ fair

4873,5v 19/01 2022-2045 unid Greek pirate, H 1624,5 x 3. be carefull ! poor/

4874,6 20+22/01 2125-2140 RRI Sorong, Indonesia, local news 2130, id poor/

4885 19...23/01 2120...0715 R. Clube do Para, Belem, Brasil, one of the few
signals from Brasil! poor/fair

4895 21/01 2232-2302 Mongolian radio, home service, in //4830 khz. fai/good

4925 19/01 2159-2207 RRI Jambi, Indonesia, nx RRI National sce. 2200

4950 19/01 1952-1955 R. Nacional Angola, Portugues talks. fair/good

4965 19...22/01 1830-2120 The Christian Voice, Zambia, religious EE gospel
songs. fair/good boc7

4976 19/01 1910-1940 R Uganda, Kampala, vernacular progr. fair/good boc7

4985 21/01 2122-2155 R Brasil Central, Goiania, Brazil, fade out 2155.
poor/fair boc7

5005 22/01 2245-2255 R Nacional Bata, Equatorial Guinea, in ss, audio
muffled fair/good boc7

5025 20...22/01 2005-2045 R. Parakou, Benin. in FF fair/good

5025 19...23/01 2255...0815 R. Rebelde, Cuba, "la emisora de la revolucion".

5026 19+20/01 1845-2003 R Uganda, Kampala English service, afro pop.
poor/good boc7

5030 19...22/01 1840-2305; 0705-0713 R. Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, in
French. poor/good

5066,3 20+21/01 0430-0515 La Voix du Peuple (R. Candip), Bunia, Congo. id
French, nxs 0500. fair/good

5100 21/01 0410-0430 Radio Bana, Eritrea, Vernacular talks. poor/fair

5470 22/01 2030-2045 R. Veritas Liberia, talks in English poor/fair

5770 lsb 21/01 1455-1500 Myanmar Defences Forces, talks in burmese poor/fair

5964,9 19/01 1420-1435 RTM Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Suara Islam fm + after
1430 QRM China in Korean 5965 kHz. fair

6000 21/01 1425-1429 City Sound, Singapore, Mandarin program. talks. good

6010,1 20/01 0809-0814 La Voz de tu Conciencia, Colombia, palabras de Dios.

6049,6 19/01 1425-1435 RTM Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, syik fm program + PBS
Tibet China QRM 6050 khz ( //7385 khz) fair/good

6055 19+20/01 2025-2050 R Rwanda, afro pop, dj in Swahili, phone calls. good

6185 20/01 0805-0810 R.Educacion, Mexico, Vatican Radio s/off at 0804.

6220 19...22/01 1900-0105 Mystery Radio, Italian pirate, ids jingles, pop
electronic mx. fair/good

6458 20+22/01 2040-2330 R. National Saharaui, problems with Utility marine. fair/v.good

6485,9 18+19/01 1934-0000* R. National Saharaui, in Arab then in Spanish 2315, free channel, but moved to 6458 khz. fair/v.good

6973 19...22/01 1555-2205 Galei Zahal, Israel, // 1287 kHz. News & songs. good

7185 19+20/01 1415-1630 R. Bangladesh, in hindi, with QRM CBS Taiwan in Mandarin. fair/good

7235 19+20/01 1415-1510 R. Warna, Singapore, Malay service, web url, id yl. fair/good

7270 19/01 1420-1433 RTM Kuching, Malaysia, in Iban, popular songs. fair/good

9610 21/01 *1000-1030 AWR Italy, tx Julich, Germany, Italian dx program "Studio Dx" nr.186, with Scaglione good

9704,15 20/01 1755-1805 R. Ethiopia, home service, talks vernac. live chanting. fair/good

9705 20/01 1645-2000 la voix du sahel, niger, news in french & vernacular. fair/good

11735 20/01 1615-1640 R Tanzania, Zanzibar, id, news, local program, in Swahili. good

11860 19+20/01 1500-1538 RRI Jakarta, Indonesia, National program, pop music good
(Giampiero Bernardini, Milano, Italy - CumbreDX 1816, 27/01/2007)

6220, Mistery Radio, 0219-0235 Noted Rock/Rap music. At 0221 canned ID as "Mistery Radio. This is probably a pirate and possibly located in Europe?
Since I don't follow "Pirate" activity, my assumptions could be way off. Signal was good. (Chuck Bolland, January 23, 2007 - hard-core-dx 49, 23, 22/01/2007)

fair to bad conditions, noisy and unstable signals. Sometimes
complete fade out of 48m band.
greetings achim

Logs at home:

Date 16/01

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT
QTH: Remark

6.220,0 1610 Mystery Radio 34433 8

Date 20/01

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT
QTH: Remark

6.220,0 1445 Mystery Radio 34333 8
6.280,0 1257 Zender Quintus 24433 7

6.305,0 0951 Orion Radio 23433 6

Date 21/01

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT
QTH: Remark

5.965,0 1300 EMR 54434 9+10d

6.206,0 0859 Radio Scotland 34433 9
6.207,0 0936 unid 24333 7

6.216,0 1014 King Shortwave 24333 6

6.220,0 0803 Mystery Radio 45444 9+5dB
6.260,0 1100 Zender Robby 24333 7

6.280,0 1021 Radio Merlin International 33443 8

6.290,0 0920 Radio Lancelot 22332 7
6.300,0 1310 Lycos Radio 33433 8

6.300,0 0928 unid 34444 7

6.301,0 0932 Zender Scirocco 23433 7
6.305,0 1001 Westcoast Radio 34433 8

6.305,0 1031 Radio Zoulou Kilo 24433 7

6.305,0 1109 Radio Shadowman 44444 9
6.325,0 0806 RWI 24333 6

6.401,0 1226 WMR (tent) 23322 6

Logs at dxtuners.com:

Date 17/01

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT
QTH: Remark

1.635,0 1959 unid 34433 8
1.645,0 2009 Radio Happy Miner 34433 8

6.220,0 1745 Mystery Radio 43443 9

Date 18/01

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT
QTH: Remark

1.635,0 2021 Radio Tijdbreker 23433 8

1.645,0 1959 unid 34433 8
6.220,0 1440 Mystery Radio 34433 8

Date 19/01

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT
QTH: Remark

1.635,0 2331 Radio Tijdbreker 43443 9

1.645,0 2253 Radio Barones 44444 9

1.645,0 2300 Zender Digital 24333 9
1.645,0 2249 Zender Borion 24333 8

1.645,0 1541 Zender Digital 24333 8

1.650,0 2300 Zender Monte Carlo 34444 9
1.650,0 2304 Zender Jan Schnabel 44444 9

1.652,0 2309 Radio Toekomst 44444 9

6.220,0 1529 Mystery Radio 44444 9

Date 20/01

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT
QTH: Remark

1.635,0 1711 Zender Monza 44444 9
1.645,0 2246 Zender Alpenjager 23433 8

1.645,0 0006 Zender Barcelona 44444 9

1.645,0 0021 Nachtparade 23433 7
1.645,0 2234 Zender Spanningzoker 44444 9

1.645,0 0009 Radio Monte Carlo 44444 9

1.647,0 2316 Radio Nordzee 44444 9
1.670,0 2325 Cupid Radio 44444 9

3.925,0 2335 Westcoast Radio 33433 8

3.925,0 0042 Westcoast Radio 34433 8
6.216,0 0953 King Shortwave 23433 6

6.275,0 0957 Laser Hot Hits 24322 5

6.280,0 1311 Zender Quintus 33433 8
6.295,0 1506 On Air AM 33433 8

6.300,0 1231 Radio Valencia 34433 8

6.305,0 0854 Orion Radio 45444 9
6.325,0 1625 RWI 23433 7

Date 21/01

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT
QTH: Remark

1.620,0 2105 unid 44444 9

1.655,0 0010 Zender Frijbeuter 44444 9

1.660,0 0016 Polkaman Radio 33433 8
1.670,0 2049 unid balkan 44444 9

5.725,0 0813 Orion Radio 54444 9+5dB

6.240,0 1420 Laser Hot Hits 43433 9
6.275,0 1241 Laser Hot Hits 23333 8

6.275,0 0820 unid 24433 8

6.305,0 0850 unid 22322
6.305,0 1049 Piet Amateur (tent) 23333 7

6.401,0 1234 WMR 44444 9
(ACHIM BRUECKNER, Germany - playdx2003 1233, 23/01/2007)

6878 28/1 0205 Radio Planet FM, id in Italian: "Alla consolle di Radio
Planet FM...", and in English "You are listening to Radio Planet FM". House
music "House party". It is the same tx of Power FM that I reported in
December... no doubt because the spectrum. Strong signal, perfect
modulation... (Giampiero Bernardini, Milano, Italy - CumbreDX 1817, 28/01/2007)

auf Grund der nun winterlichen Star?enbedingungen in den Alpen, gibt es heute (24. Jan.) von Radio Nederlands Sondersendungen auf Kurzwelle. Media Network


5955 kHz: 1300-1600 UTC to Germany, Central France, Switzerland and Austria
6120 kHz: 1300-1600 UTC to Central France and Northern Italy
9895 kHz: 1300-1500 UTC to Southern France, Italy and Austria
(Klaus Spielvogel, Koln, Germany - A-DX 24/01/2007)

um 20.40 UTC wird die britsche Kustenwache aus Yarmouth einen Seewetterbericht fur die Seegebite Themse und Humber ausstrahlen samt Seewarnnachrichten,

1770 kHz USB, Ankundigung auf 2182 kHz. Der Beginn der Ausstrahlung kann sich um einige Minuten verzogern.
(Klaus Spielvogel - A-DX 25/01/2007)

08600.0 6043: Unid 2355 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-22) (sw)
08180.0 4033: Unid 2358 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-22) (sw)
07801.0 4101: Unid 0000 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-22) (sw)
07801.0 7201: Unid 0001 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)
08180.0 9001: Unid 0003 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)
07801.0 8401: Unid 0003 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)
08600.0 6047: Unid 0005 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)
08600.0 6041: Unid 0008 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)
08180.0 SFA: Unid 0010 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)
07801.0 6901: Unid 0013 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)
07801.0 6869: Unid 00123ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)
(Sam, UK - udxf 374, 22/01/2007)

6640USB, 1/23/07 0525-0630 San Francisco ARINC and Hawaiian 9
through a medlink. Landing around 0800 and will be checking in again.
(Martin, Southern California - udxf 374, 22/01/2007)

08016.0 4101: Unid 0920 ALE/USB clg 4102 (2007-01-23) (sw)
08016.0 4102: Unid 0920 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)
13499.0 13182: Unid 0941 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)
08725.0 13082: Unid 0946 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)
08600.0 13252: Unid 0950 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)
13499.0 11042: Unid 0957 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)
13499.0 11011: Unid 0959 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)
13499.0 13051: Unid 1004 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)
08016.0 4201: Unid 1005 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)
13499.0 13112: Unid 1007 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)
13499.0 11031: Unid 1011 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)
13499.0 13111: Unid 1017 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)
13499.0 2001: Unid 1018 ALE/USB clg 2405 (2007-01-23) (sw)
13499.0 1001: Unid 1025 ALE/USB clg 1307 (2007-01-23) (sw)
13499.0 1001: Unid 1038 ALE/USB clg 1309 (2007-01-23) (sw)
17435.0 2001: Unid 1045 ALE/USB clg 2408 (2007-01-23) (sw)
13499.0 1001: Unid 1049 ALE/USB clg 1312 (2007-01-23) (sw)
13499.0 1112: Unid 1057 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)
17435.0 2001: Unid 1057 ALE/USB clg 2512 (2007-01-23) (sw)
13499.0 11133: Unid 1058 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)
18765.0 2416: Unid 1102 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)
16240.0 2001: Unid 1102 ALE/USB clg 2513 (2007-01-23) (sw)
16240.0 1119: Unid 1106 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)
18765.0 2413: Unid 1107 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)
13499.0 1308: Unid 1107 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)
13499.0 11021: Unid 1108 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)
16240.0 13191: Unid 1108 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)
13499.0 1309: Unid 1109 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)
13499.0 2001: Unid 1110 ALE/USB clg 2514 (2007-01-23) (sw)
16240.0 2001: Unid 1117 ALE/USB clg 2514 (2007-01-23) (sw)
16240.0 11043: Unid 1117 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)
16240.0 10111: Unid 1118 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)
13499.0 10111: Unid 1118 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)
13499.0 1313: Unid 1121 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)
16240.0 1315: Unid 1122 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)
16240.0 1313: Unid 1123 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)
13499.0 11141: Unid 1128 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)
16240.0 2205: Unid 1132 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)
134990.0 1305: Unid 1136 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)
16240.0 1305: Unid 1137 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)
09200.0 1116: Unid 1138 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)
134990.0 1303: Unid 1138 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)
10390.0 2203: Unid 1147 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)
16240.0 2002: Unid 1149 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)
16240.0 1103: Unid 1157 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)
(Sam, UK - udxf 374, 22/01/2007)

Маяки принятые, 22 января 2007
12:00-12:30 UTC
362 Севастополь(Бельбек) BP
535 Гвардейское RB
580 Кача KC
(Андрей Булака, Симферополь, Украина - open_dx 23/01/2007)

20474.0 E04: 1004 USB Cherry Ripe music and YL EE clg 28166 into tfc at
1010. 23Jan07 (jr)

18864.0 E04: 1102 USB vy weak Cherry Ripe music fades into noise.
23Jan07 (Jerry, West Afrika - udxf 375, 23/01/2007)

13499.0 11032: Unid 1313 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)

13499.0 1011: Unid 1325 ALE/USB clg 1117 (2007-01-23) (sw)

17435.0 2011: Unid 1439 ALE/USB clg 2214 (2007-01-23) (sw)

13499.0 13052: Unid 1443 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)

18765.0 1326: Unid 1446 ALE/USB clg 1011 (2007-01-23) (sw)

16240.0 13222: Unid 1447 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)

13499.0 2206: Unid 1448 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)

10390.0 2206: Unid 1449 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)

17435.0 2011: Unid 1449 ALE/USB clg 2413 (2007-01-23) (sw)

16240.0 13122: Unid 1451 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)

16240.0 11142: Unid 1455 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)

13499.0 11142: Unid 1455 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)

10390.0 11142: Unid 1455 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)

18765.0 2011: Unid 1455 ALE/USB clg 2419 (2007-01-23) (sw)

16240.0 2011: Unid 1457 ALE/USB clg 2419 (2007-01-23) (sw)

13499.0 13122: Unid 1502 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)

16240.0 13181: Unid 1504 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)

13499.0 13221: Unid 1506 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)

10390.0 13221: Unid 1506 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)

16240.0 13121: Unid 1507 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)

16240.0 13221: Unid 1508 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)

08600.0 13241: Unid 1517 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)
(Sam, UK - udxf 375)

13499.0 1314: Unid 1551 ALE/USB clg 13161 (2007-01-23) (sw)

13499.0 11033: Unid 1557 ALE/USB sndg, (2007-01-23) (sw)

13499.0 1102: Unid 1557 ALE/USB sndg, (2007-01-23) (sw)

10390.0 2214: Unid 1602 ALE/USB sndg, (2007-01-23) (sw)

13499.0 2214: Unid 1604 ALE/USB sndg, (2007-01-23) (sw)

16240.0 13061: Unid 1605 ALE/USB sndg, (2007-01-23) (sw)

13499.0 2011: Unid 1606 ALE/USB clg 2418 (2007-01-23) (sw)

13499.0 1109: Unid 1607 ALE/USB clg 9109 (2007-01-23) (sw)

10390.0 11121: Unid 1608 ALE/USB sndg, (2007-01-23) (sw)

13499.0 13061: Unid 1608 ALE/USB sndg, (2007-01-23) (sw)

13499.0 1323: Unid 1609 ALE/USB sndg, (2007-01-23) (sw)

13499.0 1301: Unid 1611 ALE/USB clg 13031 (2007-01-23) (sw)

16240.0 2011: Unid 1613 ALE/USB clg 2416 (2007-01-23) (sw)

10390.0 2011: Unid 1614 ALE/USB clg 2416 (2007-01-23) (sw)

10390.0 3001: Unid 1618 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)

10390.0 11143: Unid 1619 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)

13499.0 3001: Unid 1619 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)

16240.0 2011: Unid 1622 ALE/USB clg 2522 (2007-01-23) (sw)

10390.0 2011: Unid 1624 ALE/USB clg 2522 (2007-01-23) (sw)

16240.0 2011: Unid 1628 ALE/USB clg 2524 (2007-01-23) (sw)

16240.0 2011: Unid 1632 ALE/USB clg 2519 (2007-01-23) (sw)

16240.0 2215: Unid 1632 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)
(Sam, UK - udxf 375)

5702 khz 1304 CROSPR USAF Croughton with sounding ALE
5708 Khz 1345 UKE302 RAF Boeing E3D Sentry AEW1 ZH103 squadron Waddington with sounding ALE
5720 khz 1145 RAF Boulmer with trackings USB
(Ronny Peeters - udxf 375, 23/01/2007)

received today on 8414.5 in Roma Italy:

[Tema]-GHA (distress) from GENMAR HOPE,V7BR4-MHL DISTRESS relay CAP
SAINT PAUL,FPYO-F undesignated S01A 33' W009A 07' 05:31UTC J3 REQ
[07-01-23 19:10:20] (A. Borgnino, Italy - udxf 375, 23/01/2007)

Distress Relays for the GENMAR HOPE on 12577.0 from TERNA GHANA (West
Africa), CAPETOWN South Africa and RECIFE Argentina at 1910, 1933 and 1945Z
(Jack Painter, Virginia Beach VA - udxf 375, 23/01/2007)

3260.0 S4S000OGBMRM1; Air defence Battalion LTU 18:20 USB/ALE calling

5372.0 PL3J;unid CIS military 19:54 CW/A1A ILN4 DE PL3J ZAL ZDX ZVU
(PPA 23 Jan)

6485.0 --- ; unid NATO station 20:15 ISB/Link-11/1364 bps/1850 (PPA 23

6486.0 T1Z82; 1/82nd aviation brigade IRQ 19:52 ALE/USB sounding (PPA
23 Jan)

6486.0 TC3Z25 ; unid US military IRQ 19:56 USB/ALE sounding (PPA 23 Jan)
(Peter Poelstra, The Netherlands - udxf 375, 23/01/2007)

04855.0 1301: Unid 2026 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)

04855.0 2407: Unid 2034 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)

08600.0 13161: Unid 2036 ALE/USB clg 1314 (2007-01-23) (sw)

05792.0 2418: Unid 2038 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)

05792.0 2411: Unid 2042 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)

04855.0 2412: Unid 2045 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)

04855.0 1112: Unid 2049 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)

08045.0 4001: Unid 2100 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)

08600.0 1119: Unid 2108 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)

08045.0 4072: Unid 2114 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-23) (sw)
(Sam, UK - udxf 375, 23/01/2007)

04750.0 3411: Unid 0912 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-24) (sw)

13499.0 1001: Unid 0914 ALE/USB clg 1105 (2007-01-24) (sw)

14550.0 J5: Unid 0929 ALE/USB clg C3 (2007-01-24) (sw)

14550.0 Z2: Unid 0930 ALE/USB clg C3 (2007-01-24) (sw)

14550.0 Q201: Unid 0932 ALE/USB clg C3 (2007-01-24) (sw)

11130.0 Q201: Unid 0932 ALE/USB clg C3 (2007-01-24) (sw)

08875.0 Q201: Unid 0933 ALE/USB clg C3 (2007-01-24) (sw)

14550.0 J5ALE4: Unid 0935 ALE/USB clg LA5 (2007-01-24) (sw)

14550.0 A4ALE4: Unid 0936 ALE/USB clg C3 (2007-01-24) (sw)

08875.0 A4ALE4: Unid 0937 ALE/USB clg C3 (2007-01-24) (sw)

14550.0 ZS1ALE1: Unid 0938 ALE/USB clg O5 (2007-01-24) (sw)

11130.0 ZS1ALE1: Unid 0938 ALE/USB clg O5 (2007-01-24) (sw)

08875.0 J5: Unid 0940 ALE/USB clg C3 (2007-01-24) (sw)

11130.0 Z2: Unid 0941 ALE/USB clg O5 (2007-01-24) (sw)

14550.0 Z2: Unid 0956 ALE/USB clg C3 (2007-01-24) (sw)

08875.0 Z2: Unid 0957 ALE/USB clg C3 (2007-01-24) (sw)

14550.0 C3ALE2: Unid 1009 ALE/USB clg H401 (2007-01-24) (sw)

08875.0 C3ALE2: Unid 1010 ALE/USB clg H401 (2007-01-24) (sw)

14550.0 C3: Unid 1014 ALE/USB clg H4 (2007-01-24) (sw)

14550.0 G2: Unid 1028 ALE/USB clg C3 (2007-01-24) (sw)

14550.0 C3: Unid 1030 ALE/USB clg P3 (2007-01-24) (sw)

08875.0 C3: Unid 1030 ALE/USB clg P3 (2007-01-24) (sw)
(Sam, UK - udxf 375, 24/01/2007)

10390.0 2206: Unid 1050 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-24) (sw)

16240.0 11142: Unid 1053 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-24) (sw)

13499.0 11111: Unid 1100 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-24) (sw)

13499.0 13181: Unid 1103 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-24) (sw)

13499.0 13121: Unid 1103 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-24) (sw)

08600.0 13112: Unid 1104 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-24) (sw)

10390.0 13112: Unid 1104 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-24) (sw)

13499.0 13112: Unid 1105 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-24) (sw)

16240.0 13221: Unid 1106 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-24) (sw)
(Sam, UK - udxf 375, 24/01/2007)

02187.5 477020300: Hong Kong flagged vessel 0206 DSC with test REQ for
safety to COMMSTA Kodiak. 21/Jan/07 (ALF)

02187.5 312142000: Belize flagged vessel 0214 DSC with test REQ for
safety to Olympia Radio, Palermo Radio. 21/Jan/07 (ALF)

02187.5 FRC: CROSS Corsen 0245 DSC with EOS to all ships for urgency
msg "J3 02182.0kHz/02182.0kHz". 21/Jan/07 (ALF)

02187.5 334480000: Honduras flagged vessel 0315 DSC distress-msg:
"!# all ships (distress) from [Jeddah]-ARS DISTRESS relay
334480000-HND undesignated N2957' E03231' 00:00UTC
mode unk". 21/Jan/07 (DL8AAM)

02187.5 -: MRCC Novorossiysk, RUS 2303 DSC with test ACK for safety
to 357510000. 20/Jan/07 (ALF)

02187.5 -: Milford Haven CG, G 0119 DSC with test ACK for safety to
276572000. 21/Jan/07 (ALF)

02187.5 -: Las Palmas CCR, CNR 0154 DSC with test ACK for distress
to 636006949. 21/Jan/07 (ALF)

02187.5 -: Malaga Radio, E 0056 DSC with test for safety
to RUNAWAY BAY (C6PX2). 21/Jan/07 (ALF)

02187.5 371079000: unid vessel 0534 DSC with test for safety to
Lyngby Radio. 20/Jan/07 (ALF)

02187.5 468242000: Syria flagged vessel 0534 DSC with ACK test
for safety to Istanbul. 20/Jan/07 (ALF)

02187.5 319991000: Cayman Islands flagged vessel 0532 DSC with REQ
test for safety to Falmouth CG. 20/Jan/07 (ALF)

02187.5 412276000: PR China flagged vessel 2307 DSC with test REQ
for safety to 353954000. 20/Jan/07 (ALF)

02187.5 412250000: PR China flagged vessel 2311 DSC with test REQ
for safety to Hellenic CG. 20/Jan/07 (ALF)

03322.0 -: PVO/Russian Air Defence 1838 CW time-marker:
"=992138??t????? ...". 20/Jan/07 (ALF)

04022.0 RIT: Russian Navy Severomorsk 1825 CW simplex wkg RJD80
"RJD80 de RIT ZZD ? k". 20/Jan/07 (ALF)

04078.0 RMP: Russian Navy Kaliningrad 1730 CW wx-QTC #502 to REO.
21/Jan/07 (ALF)

04463.0 FTJ: Israeli Intelligence 0433 AM vmf/E "FTJ". 21/Jan/07 (ALF)

04616.0 BMF: Taipei Meteo, TWN 2000 FAX FE Asia chart. 22/Jab/07 (DL8AAM)

04718.0 GFF: Kinloss Rescue, G 2017 J3E/USB "transmitting to clear up the
frequency from interfence" (by pirate stations).
19/Jan/07 (DL8AAM)

04771.0 MALI: Albanian MOI (or Military?) 2035 ALE/USB [TIS] to DRINI.
22/Jan/07 (ALF)

04848.0 -: RAF Volmet, G 2020 J3E/USB YL/Volmet. Another "new" freq.
19/Jan/07 (DL8AAM)

04951.5 -: PVO/Russian Air Defence 2325 CW tracking details and
time-marker: "=99t225??t?????". 23/Jan/07 (ALF)

05036.0 OHT30P: SONATRACH Ohanet, ALG 1715 ALE/LSB [SND][TIS].
20/Jan/07 (DL8AAM)

05075.0 YG43: unid Algerian (National Guard, Military or MOI ?)
2158 ALE/USB [TIS] to YG53. 21/Jan/07 (ALF)

05075.0 VK52: unid Algerian (National Guard, Military or MOI ?) 2149
ALE/USB [TIS] to HA40. 21/Jan/07 (ALF)

05075.0 YG46: unid Algerian (National Guard, Military or MOI ?) 2106
ALE/USB [TIS] to HA40, at 2112z to YG40. 21/Jan/07 (ALF)

05083.0 13241: unid, MRC?2116 ALE/USB [TWS][SND]. 19/Jan/07 (DL8AAM)

05117.0 MALI: Albanian MOI (or Military?) 2033 ALE/USB [TIS] to DRINI.
22/Jan/07 (ALF)

05224.0 RCV: Russian Navy Sevastopol, UKR 433 CW wx-QTC to RKZ.
20/Jan/07 (ALF)

05236.0 NNN0TWT: USN MARS Citra, FL 0250 J3E/USB wkg AFA2AK
(Greenville, NC), AFA2PG etc. 24/Jan/07 (ALF)

05251.0 MALI: Albanian MOI (or Military?) 2032 ALE/USB [TIS] to DRINI.
22/Jan/07 (ALF)

05260.0 DELTA03RS1006: unid Uzbek Army 2025 ALE/USB [TIS] to
DELTA02RS1006, at 2038z to KAMAR99RS1006. 19/Jan/07;
at 0159z to LARZA02RS1006, at 0208z to MUROD02RS1006
at 0211z to OSMON02RS1006. 20/Jan/07 (ALF)

05270.5 DELTA03RS1006: unid Uzbek Army 2031 ALE/USB [TIS] to
KAMAR99RS1006, at 2133 to BURON22RS1006.
After here he clg on 5260/USB. 19/Jan/07;
at 0123 to MAKON02RS1006. 20/Jan/07 (ALF)

05379.0 TXX1: Spanish Guadia Civil Madrid 2043 ALE/USB [TIS] to TXCR2
(Orense ?). 22/Jan/07 (ALF)

05646.0 -: Djeddah Aero, ARS 2351 J3E/USB wkg INDIA BRAVO, IB had
technical problems and asked for extracts of the aircrafts
manual CD via FAX, Djeddah req IB to call by phone 6841800.
19/Jan/07 (ALF)

05665.0 -: unid 0448 ALE/USB tent. Link Protection, PC-ALE wrote:
Strong signal, and 100% "synchro". 21/Jan/07 (ALF)

05702.0 CROSPR: US DoD SIPRNet Gateway USAF Croughton (RAF AFB), G
0117 ALE/USB [SND]. 20/Jan/07 (DL8AAM)

05750.0 JDI: unid 2310 ALE/USB [TIS] to RGI & at 2354. 21/Jan/07;
& at 0012z & 0030z. 22/Jan/07 (ALF)

05750.0 JDP: unid 0018 ALE/USB [TWS] to RGP & 0028z. 22/Jan/07 (ALF)

06486.0 T1Z82: US Army Aviation, IRQ 0327 ALE/USB [SND][TWS].
24/Jan/07 (ALF)

06668.0 344: unid 0400 ALE/USB [TIS] to 225. 24/Jan/07 (ALF)

06739.0 ISF662Q: unid Flight 0127 J3E/USB wkg ARCHITECT req pp, after
neg try on 4742 kHz, req QSY 9031 kHz. 24/Jan/07 (ALF)

06778.0 2010: unid (any MRC/EGY Net?) 0135 ALE/USB [TIS] to 2011.
24/Jan/07 (ALF)

06823.5 -: PVO/Russian Air Defence 1222 CW tracking details and
time-marker: "=12519338328622 =15242611719622 =99?1523?9?????
=1252t614653922 =2252t9t1t9t722 ...", very busy airspace.
20/Jan/07 (ALF)

06846.5 20: unid, tent Frech Military 1200 CW wkg 7Q, "7Q de de 20 nr 1
ii r ii 231100z jan 07 ii zeu ii fm PC28RT ii 2rei ii ==".
Typical style of these french military CW training nets.
23/Jan/07 (ALF)

06873.0 RMP: Russian Navy Kaliningrad 1118 CW wkg RGV82 "QYT 4 QSX 4944
QWH 3804". (24/Jan/07 (ALF)

06973.0 -: unid 0952 ALE/USB tent. link protection, PC-ALE wrote only:
"[AQC SND][TIS][X?GK56][AL0] BER 27 SN 08 NOISE 12".
Strong signal, 100% "synchro". 19/Jan/07 (ALF)

06992.0 AAA: Israeli AF Tel Aviv 0113 ALE/USB [SND]. 20/Jan/07 (DL8AAM)

07968.0 -: unid 1119 ALE/USB tent. link protection, PC-ALE wrote only:
"[AQC SND][TIS][HUY02Q][AL0] BER 11 SN 06 NOISE 10".
Strong signal, 100% "synchro". 19/Jan/07 (ALF)

08444.0 -: Murmansk Meteo, RUS 1340 FAX/120/576 Meteo. 20/Jan/07 (DL8AAM)

09200.0 2011: unid, MRC/EGY? 1436 ALE/USB [TIS] to 2216, at 1443z to
2415, at 1450z to 2414, at 1453z to 2212, at 1514z to 2523,
at 1616z to 2215. 20/Jan/07; at 1534z to 2213. 21/Jan/07 (ALF)

09200.0 1011: unid, MRC/EGY? 1447 ALE/USB [TIS] to 1322. 20/Jan/07 (ALF)

09200.0 2201: unid, MRC/EGY? 1617 ALE/USB [SND][TWS]. 20/Jan/2007

09202.0 EZI: Israeli Intelligence 1432 AM vmf/EE "EZI2". 20/Jan/07

10201.0 RCV: Russian Navy Sevastopol, UKR 1435 CW wx-QTC to RIP90,
for South Atlantic Ocean 40S/20W. 20/Jan/07 (ALF)

10611a -: unid Russian Meteo 1500 FAX meteo charts viewed from about the
North Pole. 21/Jan/07 (DL8AAM)

11437.5 -: Algerian Customs Algiers 1235 Pactor-I/100 1235 simplex
wkg unid (tent. Regional HQ Illizi), with msg from:

12750.0 NMF: USCG Boston, USA 1408 FAX schedule. 21/Jan/07 (DL8AAM)

12790.0 NMG: USCG New Orleans, USA 1430 FAX schedule. 21/Jan/07 (DL8AAM)
(Thomas M. Rosner, Germany - udxf 375, 24/01/2007)

08130.0 RS009D: Mkd-Mil 1152 ALE/USB clg CS004A (2007-01-24) (sw)

08130.0 CS004A: Mkd-Mil 1152 ALE/USB clg RS009D (2007-01-24) (sw)

07965.0 CS002: Mkd-Mil 1206 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-24) (sw)

12160.0 Z3ALE1: Unid 1324 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-24) (sw)

11130.0 B3: Unid 1327 ALE/USB clg H4 (2007-01-24) (sw)

14550.0 B3ALE3: Unid 1342 ALE/USB clg G6 (2007-01-24) (sw)

14550.0 G6: Unid 1342 ALE/USB clg B3ALE3 (2007-01-24) (sw)

14550.0 G6ALE1: Unid 1349 ALE/USB clg B3 (2007-01-24) (sw)

14550.0 B3: Unid 1349 ALE/USB clg G6ALE1 (2007-01-24) (sw)
(Sam, UK - udxf 376, 24/01/2007)

08502 XSG: ShanghaiRadio PRC 1601 CW CQ de XSG PLS UP 3...
Weak. (24Jan07) (MPJ)

09202 : NATO Air Defence Data 1536 LINK-11/2250/ISB 2-channel
TADIL-A. (24Jan07) (MPJ)

10275 RNO: Sonatrach Net Rhourde Nouss, Algeria 1459 ALE/LSB
Sounding. (24Jan07) (MPJ)

11495 0000001240: Greek Police 1445 ALE/USB Sounding. (24Jan07)

14550 Z3ALE1: Moroccan Army 1550 ALE/USB Calls Z2. (24Jan07)

16804.5 SVO: Olympia Radio/JRCC Piraeus 1226 DSC BQs safety test
from MSC Dymphna/3FJS8 (Panama Flag) giving simplex frequency of
4125 kHz. (24Jan07) (MPJ)

16804.5 D6CJ4: Vessel Ina (Comoros) 1237 DSC RQs LyngbyRadio/OXZ
for safety check. (24Jan07) (MPJ)

16804.5 VIC: MRCC Australia, Charleville/Wiluna 1254 DSC Safety
BQ to Shinzan Maru/JCGJ (Japan). (24Jan07) (MPJ)

16804.5 VRAV6: Hebei Pioneer (PRC) 1312 DSC Safety RQ to RCC
Larnaca/5BA. (24Jan07) (MPJ)

16804.5 9VCM7: Gas Malkuku (Singapore) 1334 DSC RQs MRCC
Capetown/ZSC for safety test. (24Jan07) (MPJ - udxf 376, 24/01/2007)

9044.0 T3Z126: 3/126 Avn US army IRQ 16:12 sounding (PPA 24 Jan)

6486.0 R00930: US army helicopter IRQ 17:06 Calling T3Z25 (PPA 24 Jan)

6486.0 T3Z25: 3th battalion 25th Avn IRQ 17:08 sounding (PPA 24 Jan)

6486.0 T2Z25: 2nd Battalion 25th Avn IRQ 18:15 sounding (PPA 24 Jan)

4985.0 T3Z126: 3th Battalion 126th Avn IRQ 18:10 sounding (PPA 24 Jan)

4421.1 ---: unid RUS Military 18:30 81-81/81/200 encrypted
(Peter Poelstra, The Netherlands - udxf 376, 24/01/2007)

Just noted on 6433 whats believed to be NATO Air defense Link 11
serial/USB slew. It is not however noted on 4068 tonight
(S&D, 24/01/2007)

05782.0 055: Unid 1707 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-24) (sw)

04855.0 11043: Unid 1719 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-24) (sw)

08135.0 AAA: Isr-Af Tel Aviv 1917 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-24) (sw)

04795.0 035: Hng-Mil 1921 ALE/USB clg 082 (2007-01-24) (sw)

04910.0 RFP: Unid 1921 ALE/USB clg JCP (2007-01-24) (sw)

04855.0 2001: Unid 2117 ALE/USB clg 2206 (2007-01-24) (sw)

04855.0 13241: Unid 2117 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-24) (sw)

04855.0 2001: Unid 2132 ALE/USB clg 2203 (2007-01-24) (sw)

04855.0 2201: Unid 2136 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-24) (sw)

04925.0 0000210502: Grc-Moi/Police 2140 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-24) (sw)

07839.0 T2Z25: Usa-Mil 2nd Battalion 25th Avn IRQ 2200 ALE/USB sndg.
(2007-01-24) (Sam, UK - udxf 376)

1652Z 5778.5 R26611 (UH-60L # 95-26611) clg B1Z171 (1-171st AVN) in ALE USB

[17:32:47][FRQ 05732000][TO ][LNT ][TIS][J36 ][AL0] BER 30 SN 06 followed by JULIET 36 (MH-60J, CGAS Elizabeth City) position report

to CAMSLANT. 35-27N 077-01W

[18:59:10][FRQ 05732000][TO ][LNT ][TIS][J42 ][AL0] BER 13 SN 00 followed by JULIET 42 (MH-60J, CGAS Elizabeth City) position report

to CAMSLANT. 27-57N 082-50W

2104Z 5732.0 19C wkg PANTHER reporting ATC has guard while training in area of O7

2123Z 7361.5 R26954 (UH-60L # 02-26954) clg R26857 (UH-60L # 00-26857) in ALE USB

2132Z 8983.0 CG 2105 (HU-25D, CGAS Miami) requests guard from CAMSLANT

2140Z 8983.0 CAMSLANT instructs CG 2105 to contact Sector Key West for SAR case

2154Z 11232.0 CHALICE FOXTROT (E-3 AWACS) p/p via TRENTON MILITARY to BEST DEAL with line code report

2209Z 8983.0 CG 2120 (HU-25, CGAS Cape Cod) requests guard from CAMSLANT

2213Z 10993.6 CG 2105 wkg SECTOR KEY WEST to pass 10 minute ETA to SAR scene

2259Z 14364.0 Link-11 data transmission

2331Z 4721.0 ADW (Andrews HF-GCS) clg R26594 (UH-60L # 94-26594) in ALE USB

ALE addresses monitored on Cothen: 501, 503, 504, 703, 716, D31, J29, J33, J36, J41, J42, LNT, PAC, T9A, TSC, W617CG
(Mark, Charleston, SC - udxf 376, 24/01/2007)

03326.5 5HIV: Russian Military 2111 CW 5HIV QLW QSA? QRK? QXS
FOR AJYZ AR. (24Jan07) (MPJ)

05478 9206: Unid 2010 ALE/USB Sounding. (24Jan07) (MPJ)

05544 VS0603: Virgin Atlantic A340 2158 HFDL Posn report 4555N
00048E via Muharraq Air. (24Jan07) (MPJ)

05547 LX-NCV: CargoLux B747 'City of Vianden' Flt CV0737 2226
HFDL Logs on to Shannon Air. (24Jan07) (MPJ)

05547 B-2461: China Southern B747 Flt CZ0451 2228 HFDL Logs on.
(24Jan07) (MPJ)

05547 D-ABBP: Air Berlin B737 Flt AB941W 2233 HFDL Posn report
4928N 01123E. (24Jan07) (MPJ)

05547 NCA088: Nippon Cargo Flt 2241 HFDL Posn report 5844N 02436E.
(24Jan07) (MPJ)

06433 : NATO Air Defence Data Modem 2200 LINK-11-SERIAL (SLEW).
8-phase DCPSK, 1800 Hz tone, up to 4800 bps. S&D tip. (24Jan07)

06966 0000001275: Greek Police 1813 ALE/USB Sounding.
(24Jan07) (MPJ - udxf 376)

05555.0 288: Unid 2214 ALE/USB clg 334 (2007-01-24) (sw)

05555.0 Unid: Unid 2217 ALE/USB clg 587 (2007-01-24) (sw)

04855.0 11141: Unid 2229 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-24) (sw)

04855.0 2001: Unid 2232 ALE/USB clg 2407 (2007-01-24) (sw)

04855.0 2215: Unid 2232 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-24) (sw)

04855.0 2519: Unid 2233 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-24) (sw)

04855.0 1106: Unid 2237 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-24) (sw)

04855.0 2409: Unid 2239 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-24) (sw)

04855.0 1001: Unid 2244 ALE/USB clg 1307 (2007-01-24) (sw)

04855.0 2001: Unid 2245 ALE/USB clg 2409 (2007-01-24) (sw)

04855.0 1001: Unid 2252 ALE/USB clg 1308
(Sam, UK - udxf 376)

8414.5kHz FPYO: Cap Saint Paul 2007JAN232300Z GMDSS/DSC

SELF IDENTIFICATION: 309566000 Bahamas
LONGITUDE 9 deg 8 min WEST
TIME UTC: 9 : 19
TELECOMMAND: J3E telephone
DECODED AT: 6:00:22 PM 1/23/2007
(Albert P, Boston, MA - udxf 376, 24/01/2007)

0027Z 5851.5 G23552 (UH-60A # 81-23552) clg STPOPS (AASF, St. Paul) in ALE USB

0109Z 11175.0 NAVY CW 880 (C-130T, VR-54) with radio check

0238Z 11175.0 LL 24 (P-3C, VP-30) p/p via Puerto Rico HF-GCS to DSN 942-3030 VP-30

1422Z 11232.0 OMNI 01 radio check with TRENTON MILITARY

1423Z 7527.0 JULIET 36 (MH-60J, CGAS Elizabeth City) p/p via SERVICE CENTER to E-CITY AIR. E-City passes request from D5 to fly western line of

area looking for vessel NEW HOPE which is turning transponder on and off

1446Z 8983.0 CG 2121 (HU-25, ATC Mobile) requests guard from CAMSLANT

1455Z 11175.0 SKULL 29 (B-52H, 2 BW) p/p via McClellan HF-GCS to DSN 781-7957

1511Z 7527.0 Parkhill encryption

1513Z 8983.0 CAMSLANT clg CG 6598 (HH-65C)

1618Z 8971.0 PELICAN 71A (P-3C) wkg FIDDLE in ANDVT

1637Z 5732.0 COE (US Army Corps of Engineers, Mobile, AL) clg C02 (Rapid Response Vehicle # 2) in ALE USB

1643Z 11175.0 SUMMIT 23 (C-130H, 302 AW) p/p via Offutt HF-GCS to 850-XXX-XXXX Florida

1701Z 11494.0 SERVICE CENTER wkg OMAHA 1MR (Bombardier Q400) followed by Parkhill encryption

1748Z 11175.0 LF 16B (P-3C, VP-16) with Mainsail call

1905Z 5708.0 R26594 (UH-60L # 94-26594) clg ADW (Andrews HF-GCS) in ALE USB

1924Z 11175.0 71A (P-3C) p/p via Puerto Rico HF-GCS to DSN 942-4066 FIDDLE with off deck and ETA report

2028Z 5732.0 NC4FMA (North Carolina FEMA station) clg TSC (Service Center) in ALE USB

2134Z 7361.5 R24609 (UH-60A # 87-24609) clg T12 (12th Aviation Bn) in ALE USB

[22:26:13][FRQ 05732000][TO ][OPB ][TIS][X93 ][AL0] BER 28 SN 04 followed by 93A position report to PANTHER. Bearing 296, 50 miles

from O7

2237Z 8184.5 G24387 (UH-60A # 85-24387) clg STPOPS in ALE USB

[22:49:42][FRQ 09025000][TO ][OFF ][TIS][GS2 ][AL0] BER 30 SN 07 [AMD]CCCCD8,8842011NNNN followed by SENTRY 62 (E-3

AWACS) line code report to RAYMOND 24

2325Z 7361.5 R26079 (UH-60A # 88-26079) clg C211AA (Co. C, 2-211th AVN Iowa NG) in ALE USB

ALE addresses monitored on Cothen: 504, 711, 712, 716, C02, COE, D02, FMK, J19, J23, J29, J33, J36, J41, LNT, NC4FMA, OPB, PNR400, T72, TSC,

W617CG, X53, X61, X93 (Mark, Charleston, SC - udxf 376, 24/01/2007)

20759.0 055: Unid 1007 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-25) (sw)

13499.0 11032: Unid 1012 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-25) (sw)

08875.0 OUJ: Unid Mrc-Army? 1015 ALE/USB clg MARRAKEALE2 (2007-01-25) (sw)

14550.0 OUJDAALE2: Unid Mrc-Army? 1046 ALE/USB clg MARRAKEALE2 (2007-01-25)

07740.0 FU30LP90: Unid 1138 ALE/USB clg LP30LP90 (Sam, UK - udxf 376, 25/01/2007)

08180.0 TUD: Tun-Moi Tunis 1217 ALE/USB clg STAT24 (2007-01-25) (sw)

08180.0 STAT24: Tun-Moi 1217 ALE/USB clg TUD Tunis (2007-01-25) (sw)

11111.0 Unid: Tun-Moi 1228 ALE/USB clg STAT24 (2007-01-25) (sw)

14550.0 E4: Unid 1331 ALE/USB clg C3 (2007-01-25) (sw)

14550.0 S30: Unid 1334 ALE/USB clg J5 (2007-01-25) (sw)

12160.0 OUJDAALE2: Unid Mrc-Army? (Oujda)? 1346 ALE/USB clg KHEMISSALE2
(Khemmiset)? (2007-01-25) (sw)

08875.0 OUJDAALE2: Unid Mrc-Army? (Oujda)? 1347 ALE/USB clg KHEMISSALE2
(Khemmiset)? (2007-01-25) (sw)
(Sam, UK - udxf 377, 25/01/2007)

8971.0 USB at 1605 utc, 25-Jan-07: "Wafer 22" clg "Goldenhawk". "Wafer
22" adv. "Goldenhawk" now SPI Group 5 and request QSL.
(Steve C, Xenia, Ohio - udxf 377, 25/01/2007)

Your Wafer callsign belongs to VP-92 based at NAS Brunswick, ME.
(Larry Van Horn - udxf 377, 25/01/2007)

13927.1 kHz USB 2121z: USAF MARS Operator AFA1WP (MA) wkg "Sentry 61"
(Tinker AFB 552ACW 966ACS E-3 AWACS) for radio check. (25 Jan 2007) (ALS).

11232.0 kHz USB 2124z: Trenton Mil wkg "Canforce 866" re wx forecast for
several locations including CYVP (Kuujjuaq Quebec), CYFB (Iqaluit NWT), CYOW
(Ottawa); then phone patch to Area Code 613-969-xxxx (Ontario). (25 Jan 2007)

11232.0 kHz USB 2130z: "Canforce 3250" calls Trenton Mil, but is unheard.
(25 Jan 2007) (Alan Stern, FL - udxf 377, 25/01/2007)

16240.0 1011: Unid 1421 ALE/USB clg 1116 (2007-01-25) (sw)

13499.0 1111: Unid 1423 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-25) (sw)

16240.0 1011: Unid 1430 ALE/USB clg 1314 (2007-01-25) (sw)

03896.0 T236AA: US Army:236th Medical Company Europe ALE/USB sndg.
(2007-01-25) (sw)

07698.0 LD3: Agl-Mfa Luanda 2022 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-25) (sw)
(Sam, UK - udxf 377, 25/01/2007)

04855.0 1301: Unid 2230 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-25) (sw)

05792.0 1303: Unid 2252 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-25) (sw)

05792.0 1011: Unid 2252 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-25) (sw)

04855.0 1302: Unid 2256 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-25) (sw)

05792.0 1112: Unid 2256 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-25) (sw)

05792.0 1302: Unid 2256 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-25) (sw)

04855.0 11133: Unid 2257 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-25) (sw)

05792.0 11133: Unid 2257 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-25) (sw)

04855.0 2203: Unid 2257 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-25) (sw)

04855.0 1306: Unid 2259 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-25) (sw)

05792.0 2203: Unid 2300 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-25) (sw)

04855.0 13161: Unid 2304 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-25) (sw)

04855.0 1317: Unid 2312 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-25) (sw)

10390.0 2518: Unid 2316 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-25) (sw)

05414.0 YG40: Alg-Mil/Moi 2331 ALE/USB clg XL40 (2007-01-25) (sw)

03300.0 YG40: Alg-Mil/Moi 2334 ALE/USB clg XL40 (2007-01-25) (sw)

03300.0 XL40: Alg-Mil/Moi 2334 ALE/USB clg YG40 (2007-01-25) (sw)

03300.0 YG43: Alg-Mil/Moi 2338 ALE/USB clg YG40 (2007-01-25) (sw)

03300.0 YG40: Alg-Mil/Moi 2338 ALE/USB clg YG43 (2007-01-25) (sw)

03798.0 VK54: Alg-Mil/Moi 2341 ALE/USB clg HA40 (2007-01-25) (sw)

03161.0 XSS: Unid 2353 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-25) (sw)
(Sam, UK - udxf 377, 25/01/2007)

I heard the Cubans today and yesterday. The last numbers in the IDs
seem to go together:
2007-01-25, UTC:1700-, Freq:8010, V2a, ¡Atención! 98672 09142 24832
2007-01-25, UTC:2100-, Freq:6855, V2a, ¡Atención! 61142 57192 54332 QRM
from WYFR
2007-01-26, UTC:0200-, Freq:5417, V2a, ¡Atención! 13391 03591 05281
Badly distorted (Dan Malloy - udxf 377, 26/01/2007)

05075.0 YG40: Alg-Mil/Moi 0003 ALE/USB clg YG56 (2007-01-26) (sw)

05075.0 YG53: Alg-Mil/Moi 0004 ALE/USB clg HA40 (2007-01-26) (sw)

05075.0 YG56: Alg-Mil/Moi 0008 ALE/USB clg YG53 (2007-01-26) (sw)

05075.0 YG40: Alg-Mil/Moi 0009 ALE/USB clg YG43 (2007-01-26) (sw)

06865.0 491: Unid 0011 ALE/USB clg 201 (2007-01-26) (sw)

05075.0 YG53: Alg-Mil/Moi 0013 ALE/USB clg YG40 (2007-01-26) (sw)

07997.0 BYDGOSZCZ: Pol-Moi Bydgoszcz 1256 ALE/USB clg POZNAN Poznan
(2007-01-26) (sw)

05410.0 CS003: Mkd-Mil 1559 ALE/USB clg RS0013 (2007-01-25) (sw)

06880.0 PESHTANI:Alb-Mil/Moi Peshtani i Madh Alb. 1608 ALE/USB clg QESARAKU
(2007-01-26) (sw)

06880.0 QESARAKU: Alb-Mil/Moi 1608 ALE/USB clg PESHTANI Peshtani i Madh Alb.
(2007-01-26) (sw)

04771.0 MALI: Alb-Mil/Moi 1608 ALE/USB clg DRINI (2007-01-26) (sw)

05075.0 XL40: Alg-Mil/Moi 1624 ALE/USB clg YG5 (2007-01-26) (sw)

05379.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol Madrid 1634 ALE/USB clg TWLL2 (2007-01-26) (sw)

08180.0 STAT22: Tun-Moi 1634 ALE/USB clg TUD Tunis (2007-01-26) (sw)

09200.0 2011: Unid 1639 ALE/USB clg 2414 (2007-01-26) (sw)

09200.0 2011: Unid 1639 ALE/USB clg 2412 (2007-01-26) (sw)

06934.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol Madrid 1656 ALE/USB clg TWLL2 (2007-01-26) (sw)
(Sam, UK - udxf 378, 26/01/2007)

06486.0 T1Z82: Usa-Mil Europe? 2234 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-26) (sw)

04952.0 035: Hng-Mil 2251 ALE/USB clg 100 (2007-01-26) (sw)

04795.0 035: Hng-Mil 2251 ALE/USB clg 100 (2007-01-26) (sw)

04507.0 035: Hng-Mil 2252 ALE/USB clg 100 (2007-01-26) (sw)

04507.0 100: Hng-Mil 2252 ALE/USB clg 035 (2007-01-26) (sw)

04855.0 1324: Unid 2318 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-26) (sw)
(Sam, UK - udxf 378, 26/01/2007)

4442.0 KFD905, US Department of Agriculture HQ, Washington D.C. &
WGY9030, FEMA, unid location: 2025 USB voice, ALE & AMD text check-in
on the weekly NPHRN (National Public Health Radio Network). The net
meets each Thursday at 1400z+. ALE IDs USDAHQ1 & WGY9030 (25/JAN/2007) (JLM)

5820.0 WGY9470/NCS106, FEMA & National Communications System
Auxiliary station, unid location & WGY9030, FEMA, unid location: 1642
USB voice, ALE & AMD text. AMD text from WGY9470/NCS106 included
temperature, wind chill, dew point, wind direction & speed, relative
humidity, altimeter & cloud conditions (25/JAN/2007) (JLM)

11485.0 WGY9030, FEMA, unid location calling WGY9470, FEMA, unid
location: 1646 USB voice & ALE (25/JAN/2007) (JLM)

Other stations checking in & frequencies used:


18264.0 all USB
(Jack L. Metcalfe Stanford, KY - udxf 378, 26/01/2007)

6836.7 RFTPA:FAF N'djamena TCD 04:17 ARQ-E3/200/400 idle (PPA 25 Jan)

6953.4 ---:unid station 04:49 STANAG 4529/300Long/1200 short messages
,Transmitter switched off between messages,KG84C UUUUU lead-in and
lead-out (PPA 25 Jan)

6835.0 ---:unid station 05:06 Mil-std 188-110 serial modem + link
protected ALE call ,very short msgs ,to short to find interleaver
settings and internal modem speed (PPA 25 Jan)

12678.0 LFI: Rogaland radio NOR 20:12 GW-Pactor/100/200 channel free
marker (PPA 25 Jan)

5321.0 ---:unid Georgian station 04:31 USB/ALE calling PMR (PPA 26 Jan)

5321.0 11141 : unid Moroccan station 04:31 USB/ALE sounding (PPA 26 Jan)

5321.0 ---:unid Georgian station 04:39 USB/ALE calling 5GS
(Peter Poelstra, The Netherlands - udxf 378, 26/01/2007)

>6835.0 ---:unid station 05:06 Mil-std 188-110 serial modem + link
>protected ALE call ,very short msgs ,to short to find interleaver
>settings and internal modem speed (PPA 25 Jan)


this net is run by Romanian MIL. BTW, what decoder
were you using? MIL-STD 188-110A serial supports
autobauding, so the decoder should find the correct
settings for datarate and interleaver automatically!
(Leif Dehio, Munich, Germany - udxf 378, 26/01/2007)

08514.0 XSQ: 1611 A1A calltape CQ DE XSQ PLS UP 356 CLG K // 8356.0
nothing heard. Guangzhou Marine Radio, China. 26Jan07 (jr)

08010.0 02001: 1632 USB/ALE snd tws 02001 // 10240.0 nothing heard (ref
log 25Jan07). Poss Moroccan Mil. 26Jan07 (jr)

08636.0 HLW: 1636 A1A Calltape CQ DE HLW QSX 8 MHZ K Seoul Marine
Radio, Korea. 26Jan07 (jr)

08810.0 951: 1637 A1A clg 951 and off at 1640. M23. 26Jan07 (jr)
(Jerry - udxf 378, 27/01/2007)

00147,3 ddh47: DWD Hamburg D 0900 rtty 50/83 cq cq cq de ddh47 ddh9
ddh8 frequencies 147.3 khz 11039 khz 14467.3khz
27Jan07 (wp3)

11175,0 andrews: US GCS Andrews AFBase USA 0825 usb EAM: sqo3u6 stby
sqo3u6takizwassgqx4l agn: sqo3u6takizwastgqx4l this is andrews out
27Jan07 (wp3)

12594,5 a9m: Hamala Radio BHR 0944 cw/marker de a9m tlx mcmcmc
27Jan07 (wp3)

12649,5 xsg: Shanghai Radio CHN 0947 cw/marker xsg 27Jan07 (wp3)

12654,0 tah: Istambul Radio TUR 0948 cw/marker channel marker tah
27Jan07 (wp3)

12683,0 : unid Nato 0952 kg84/75/836 tfc scr 27Jan07 (wp3)

12700,0 xsq: Guangzhou Radio CHN 0955 cw cq de xsq pls up 446 clg k
27Jan07 (wp3)

12823,5 ctp: NATO Lissabon POR 1006 rtty 75/850 naws naws de ctp ctp
ctp ship shore not avaiable ufm 27Jan07 (wp3)

12857,0 6ww: F Navy Dakar SEN 1016 stanag4285/300L/5n2 FAAA FAAA DE

12930,7 : unid (verm. Spanish Navy) ESP 1025 stanag4285/600L/8n1 100%
synch, no tfc till 1030 then scr with kg84 27Jan07 (wp3)

13042,5 fuv: F Navy Djibouti DJI 1054 stanag4285/300L/5n2 VZCZC.
M OO YPAA DE FUV ZN. UUUUU A.1 2 3 4 5 6 7'! 9 0 . TESTING

13170,0 svo: Olympia Radio GRC 1100 usb this is Olympia Radio call us
on channels 806 1232 1640 2217 27Jan07 (wp3)

13303,0 : CANARIAS E 1104 hfdl tfc to ac ay2553 co0017 lh8412 su0112
qr0003 .. all slots assigned without 14 27Jan07 (wp3)

06507,0 vtp13: IN Vishakhapatnam IND 2016 rtty 50/1060 vtp 13/14
rbsl vnr vnr ryryryryrz vtp 13/14 rbsl vcs vnr sgsgsgsgsg 24Jan07

02804,2 igj41: I Navy Augusta I 2203 stanag4285/600L/5n1 IDR.2
/.IGJ.42 /.IGJ.43 /.IDR.8 /.IDR.3 /.IGJ.41 / 22Jan07 (wp3)

04563,2 : Spanish Navy (Mont) ESP 1937 stanag4285/600L 88 % synch
22Jan07 (wp3)

06316,2 idr3: I Navy Rom I 1100 stanag4285/300L/5n1 IDR.2 /.IGJ.42
/.IGJ.43 /.IDR.4 /.IDR.3 /.IGJ.44 / 22Jan07 (wp3)

06331,7 igj43: I Navy Augusta I 1027 stanag4285/600L/5n1 IDR.2
/.IGJ.42-.H.-.QSL .0001/.IGJ.43 /.IDR.4 /.IDR.3 /.IGJ.44 / 22Jan07

06348,0 fue: F Navy Brest F 1104 stanag4285/600L/5n2 VZCZCABC.001

08149,2 igj: I Navy Augusta I 1055 stanag4285/600L/5n1 .IDR.2
/.IGJ.42 /.IGJ.43 /.IDR.4 /.IDR.3 /.IGJ.44 / 22Jan07 (wp3)

08453,0 fuo: F Navy Toulon F 1114 stanag4285/300L/5N1 FAAA DE FUO VV
(Wolfgang Palmberger, Munich, Germany - udxf 378, 22-27/01/2007)

09264.0 Unid: 1634 USB/ALE. TO 991991 TIS 991994 27Jan04 (jr)

09000.9 Unid: 1645 USB/ALE. SND TWS 211211 (frequency measured on
more than one txm) 27Jan07 (jr)

07824.6 Unid: 1655 FSK CW. QRJ 3 K then AR and into continuous mark.
Russia or other CIS? 27Jan07 (jr)

04312.0 NATO Air Defence: 0603 FSK. Link-11 28Jan07 (jr)

04190.0 West/Southern Africa Oil Industry: 0605 USB voice in Russian
or Ukrainian, supply vessel crews conversations 28Jan07 (jr)

06786.0 Cuba: 0627 MCW. In progress w/cut figures 02881 92944 89651
28Jan07 (jr)

08618.0 Unid: 0634 USB/ALE TIS 1108 28Jan07 (jr)

06101.0 Unid: 0711 USB voice in Spanish, poss fishing boat crews
conversations 28Jan07 (jr)

10617.5 Unid: 0734 USB/ALE SND TWS 01003 Poss Moroccan Mil 28Jan07
(Jerry - udxf 380, 28/01/2007)

Проводить 9-й конкурс вызвался Ильдус Ибатуллин. За неимением времени он
попросил меня кратко озвучить предварительные условия.

По условиям конкурс будет похож на 7-й (который тоже проводил Ильдус), но
без викторины -- только части 1 и 2. Сроки -- ориентировочно с вечера 9
марта по утро 19 марта. С оплатой участия будет ясно позднее. Возможно, она
повысится, чтобы можно было купить нормальные дипломы, а не печатать их на
халявном черно-белом принтере. В прошлом году кое-кто обратил на эту
несерьезность внимание организатора.

Условия 7-го конкурса лежат на http://dxsignal.ru/rdxc2005/rdxc05ru.pdf.
(Дмитрий Мезин, Казань, Россия - open_dx 26/01/2007)

Polish radio to air in Hebrew

In March, Poland’s state-run radio will start broadcasting a few hours of news each day in Hebrew.
The government said the move would strengthen Poland’s ties with Israel and help shed the country’s reputation for anti-Semitism, according to Reuters.
“We want good relations between Poland and Israel and to provide the worldwide Jewish community with information about Poland’s Jewish minority,” Adam

Burakowski, deputy director of Polish Radio’s foreign department, said Friday. “These programs are another battle in the war to disprove the unfair opinion that

Poland is anti-Semitic.”
Poland had the largest Jewish population in Europe before World War II, but most were killed in the Holocaust. Approximately 10,000 Jews live in Poland today.
(Fred Waterer, Canada - dxldyg 1178, 27/01/2007)

5050 ARDS QSL e-mail from station manager Dale Chesson in 8 days
for reception on 1/15 @ 0915-1010 from home QTH. Attached Google Earth
Placemark shows the transmitter antenna site for those who might have Google
Earth installed. Dale sent a picture of the antenna site in his e-mail. I
had rcvd the KMZ file from an earlier e-mail from Dale, but based on the
photo I moved the placemark to the actual antenna site. This site (Humpty
Doo) is just a few miles SE of Darwin. (Bruce Churchill - CumbreDX 1812, 23/01/2007)

6350U Forces Network via Guam. Full data card in 5 days for a e-mail
report to: qsl@dodmedia.osd.mil v/s: Robert Winkler (Edward Kusalik, Alberta, CANADA - CumbreDX 1817, 27/01/2007)

9855 Adventist World Radio Hindi BCB to India, via Wertachtal. Full data
'Short wave Coverage' QSL, with blank QSL & 2007 Calendar Cards, in 20
days. v/s: Adrian M. Peterson, DX Editor. (Edward Kusalik, Alberta, CANADA - CumbreDX 1817, 27/01/2007)

Ms. Ivalu Sovndahl Pedersen, the Communications Assistant from KNR in
Greenland, who was kind enough to answer some reception reports last year,
apparently is no longer at the station - an e-mail to her last week was
returned as non-deliverable by KNR's e-mail server. Don't know if there's a
new English-speaker there or not. (Bruce Churchill - CumbreDX 1812, 23/01/2007)

5765U Arm Forces Network via Guam. Full data card in 8 days for a
e-mail report to: qsl@dodmedia.osd.mil v/s: Robert Winkler (Edward Kusalik, Alberta, CANADA - CumbreDX 1817, 27/01/2007)

13.770 kHz All India Radio - Bangalore
Recebido bonito cartao QSL, estilo cartao postal, contendo foto de um tanque de agua do templo Mahanavami -dibba, no verso dados tecnicos completos da

36 dias.
V/S: Y. K. Sharma.
Informe enviado atraves do site www.allindiaradio.gov.in, no link Reception Report.
QTH : Directorate General, All India Radio, Akashvani Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi - 110001, India
(Arthur Antonio Raimundo, Sao Jose dos Campos SP Brasil - radioescutas 2688, 22/01/2007)

13735 Radio Nederlands World Cup Special via Sackville. Full data
'Winter of the Lakes' card in 7 months, four months after CD MP3
follow-up report. (Edward Kusalik, Alberta, CANADA - CumbreDX 1817, 27/01/2007)

7130 Radio Polonia via Wertachtal. E-mail verification in 9 days from
DTK-Telekom, Julich. V/s: Walter Brodowsky E-mail:
walter.brodowsky@t-systems.com (Edward Kusalik, Alberta, CANADA - CumbreDX 1817, 27/01/2007)

Фарерские о-ва
letzte Woche kam die QSL-Karte von Utvarp Foroya (jetzt Kringvarp Foroya),
531 kHz, fur einen Bericht vom 8.11.2006.

Die Station habe ich bei mir zu Hause in Oberursel gehort und neben dem RR
eine Audiokassette hingeschickt. (Horst Schmidt - A-DX 26/01/2007)

7812.5 U Arm Forces Network via Key West.. Full data card in 5 days for
a e-mail report to: qsl@dodmedia.osd.mil . v/s: Robert Winkler (Edward Kusalik, Alberta, CANADA - CumbreDX 1817, 27/01/2007)

Французская Гвиана
17705 Radio Nederlands World Cup Special via Montsinery. Full data
'Winter of the Lakes' card in 7 months, four months after CD MP3
follow-up report. (Edward Kusalik, Alberta, CANADA - CumbreDX 1817, 27/01/2007)

7285 Hrvatske Radio via DTK-Telekom, Wertachtal Xmitter. E-mail
verification in 9 hours from DTK-Telekom, Julich. V/s: Walter
Brodowsky E-mail: walter.brodowsky@t-systems.com (Edward Kusalik, Alberta, CANADA - CumbreDX 1817, 27/01/2007)

Fecha/ Date : 29-Jul-06
Hora/ Hour : 21.30 UTC
Frec: 5990 kHz.
(Cesar Perez Dioses, Chimbote, Peru)

Fecha/ Date : 12-Nov-06
Hora/ Hour : 00.50 UTC
Frec: 7285 kHz.
Vrs. Zlatko Kuretic
(Cesar Perez Dioses, Chimbote, Peru)

Fecha/ Date : 15-Mar-06
Hora/ Hour : 03.25 UTC
Frec: 10320 kHz USB.
Vrs.: Robert Winkler
(Cesar Perez Dioses, Chimbote, Peru)

Fecha/ Date : 15-Mar-06
Hora/ Hour : 03.35 UTC
Frec: 125790 kHz. USB
Vrs. Robert Winkler
(Cesar Perez Dioses, Chimbote, Peru)

Fecha/ Date : 20-Feb-06
Hora/ Hour : 04.05 UTC
Frec: 15575 kHz.
Vrs. Afrah Al Orimi
(Cesar Perez Dioses, Chimbote, Peru)

Fecha/ Date : 28-Oct-06
Hora/ Hour : 03.00 UTC
Frec: 1050 kHz.
Vrs. Juan lobato Yarango / Administrador
(Cesar Perez Dioses, Chimbote, Peru)

Fecha/ Date : 27-Oct-06
Hora/ Hour : 04.50 UTC
Frec: 970 kHz.
Vrs. Doris Machuca / Gerente
(Cesar Perez Dioses, Chimbote, Peru)

Fecha/ Date : 29-Oct-06
Hora/ Hour : 02.00 UTC
Frec: 1510 kHz.
Vrs. Gonzalo Urteaga / Gerente
(Cesar Perez Dioses, Chimbote, Peru)

Fecha/ Date : 12-Sept-06
Hora/ Hour : 23.00 UTC
Frec: 1580 kHz.
Vrs/ . Dr.Juan Jose Grandez / Gerente
(Cesar Perez Dioses, Chimbote, Peru)


Fecha/ Date : 17-Jul-04
Hora/ Hour : 01.00 UTC
Frec: 6520 kHz.
Vrs. Roberto Villasante / Administrador
(Cesar Perez Dioses, Chimbote, Peru)

Fecha/ Date : 03-Sept-06
Hora/ Hour : 00.50 UTC
Frec: 4825 kHz.
Vrs. Doris Ochoa Vargas / Directora
(Cesar Perez Dioses, Chimbote, Peru)

Fecha/ Date : 13-Jul-06
Hora/ Hour : 14.30 UTC
Frec: 10354 kHz.
Vrs. Julio Tello Aguilar / Gerente
(Cesar Perez Dioses, Chimbote, Peru - playdx2003 1233, 23/01/2007)

Patrick Robic
Rx: AOR AR7030
Ant: 40m Langdraht
QTH: Ramsau am Dachstein, AUT

Jerry Strawman-Des Moines, IA-41.38N 93.40W
NRD-545 + 60M Dipole


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