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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 103
WorldDX 103 16/01/2007 -- WorldDX выходит с декабря 2004 года. Редкатор: Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия. Время везде UTC; Mосковское время = UTC +4 часа - летом, а зимой - +3 часа. Редактор оставляет за собой право не включать в бюллетень информацию, не отвечающую его тематике. Архив предыдущих номеров бюллетеня можно найти по следующим адресам: http://worlddx.narod.ru/dx.html, http://worlddx.by.ru/dx.html и http://subscribe.ru/catalog/radio.worlddx/ Конференция бюллетеня: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/worlddx/ Подписка: worlddx-subscribe@yahoogroups.com Выходит по вторникам. Адрес для писем и новостей: worlddx@yandex.ru -- Короткие Волны Австралия 17750 R.A. 0407on Jan 12. nx, then cricket play. QRK 3, QSB (Horacio Nigro, Uruguay - hard-core-dx 49, 15, 14/01/2007) Ангола 4950, Radio Nacional de Angola, Luanda, 2308-2345, 06-01, locutor, portugu?s, comentarios y noticias de municipios de Angola. 24322. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 49, 11, 10/01/2007) 4950 R. Nacional (Mulenvos) 0327-0405 1/11/2007 Portuguese. 0327 Pop music with occasional announcements in Portuguese. 0400 Time pips followed by talk by man. Very poor signal, at threshhold until 0400, then just above noise level. This station has been a very difficult catch in recent years. (Jim Evans, TN - CumbreDX 1798, 11/01/2007) 4950, Radio Nacional de Angola, Luanda, 2328-2340, 13-01, canciones africanas, locutora: "Aquí na Radio Nacional de Angola", portugués, comentarios. 24322. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - dxldyg 1162, 14/01/2007) Аргентина 15820 LSB, Concepto Radio 1050 AM, 1010-1101, 14-01, locutor, comentarios y noticias sobre mercados agrícolas de Mendoza, identificación: "Siete veintiseis minutos, 13 grados la temperatura, esto es Concepto Radio, 1050 AM", canciones latinoamericanas. 24322 (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - dxldyg 1162, 14/01/2007) 6030 spur from R. Nacional, B.A. on 6060, 2200, Jan 13. FMing, distorted. Strong signal, dominating the channel.( (Horacio Nigro, Uruguay - hard-core-dx 49, 15, 14/01/2007) Афганистан 9 Jan at 1550 noted a station on 6700 with programs that sound exactly the same as was earlier heard on 9345 from R Solh, Bagram, Afghanistan. Last time I heard them on 9345 was around 1300 some 2-3 days ago. NF, additional channel or evening/night channel? (Jari Savolainen, Kuusankoski, Finland - hard-core-dx 49, 10, 09/01/2007) Боливия 5580,43 Radio San Jose, San Jose de Chiquitos, 2320-2330, January 09, Spanish, romantic songs in spanish, short announcements by male, 24332 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina) 5967,68 Radio Nacional de Huanuni, Huanuni, 1020-1030, January 08, Spanish, Nacional and regional news by male, 23432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - dxldyg 1154, 10/01/2007) 4650.2 Radio Santa Ana, Santa Ana del Yacuma 1030 to 1040, yl with "/...y 35 minutos en Bolivia..../" 4717.19 Radio Yura, Yura "/...cinco en la manana...Santa Cruz ...Santa Ana ...en el dia de..../" (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1800, 13/01/2007) 4409.8, Radio Eco, Reyes, Beni, 2349-2357, 13-01, locutor, español, comentarios, música boliviana, flautas. Señal débil. 24322 variando a 15321. (Méndez) 4695.2, Radio San Miguel, Riberalta, 2243-2330, 13-01, español, locutor, transmisión partido de fútbol. Señal muy débil. Mejor en LSB. 15321. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - dxldyg 1162, 14/01/2007) 3310 R. Mosoj Chaski, 2313 on Jan 13, nice huayno mx with female singer. QRK 2. 4409.8 R. Eco, Reyes, 2321 on Jan 13, traditional flute and drum ("caja") song, OM ancr. QRK 2. (Horacio Nigro, Uruguay - hard-core-dx 49, 15, 14/01/2007) Бразилия 4805, Radiodifusora do Amazonas, Manaus, 2223-2237, 06-01, locutor, portugu?s, canciones brasile?as. 25322. (M?ndez) 4925, Radio Educa?ao Rural, Tefe, Amazonas, 0026-0033, 07-01, portugu?s, locutor, comentarios, anuncios comerciales, canciones religiosas. 24322. (M?ndez) 4935, Radio Capixaba, Vitoria, 0634-0639, 07-01, comentarios religiosos, locutor, portugu?s. 25432. (M?ndez) 9515, Radio Novas de Paz, Curitiba, 0931-0946, 07-01, canciones religiosas, portugu?s. 24322. (M?ndez) 9565, Radio Tupi, Curitiba, 0834-0837, 07-01, programa religioso en portugu?s, locutor. 34333. (M?ndez) 9615, Radio Cultura, Sao Paulo, 2203-2212, 06-12, canciones brasile?as. 34333. (M?ndez) 9630, Radio Aparecida, Aparecida, 0830-0834, 07-12, canciones reliosas, portugu?s. 44444. (M?ndez) 9645, Radio Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo, 0837-0840, 07-01, canciones brasile?as, locutor, anuncios comerciales, comentarios, programa "Artigo Musical na Radio Bandeirantes". 24332. (M?ndez) 9665, Radio Murumbuy, Florian?polis, 0840-0849, 07-01, locutor, portugu?s, comentarios. 23222. (M?ndez) 11785, Radio Guaiba, Porto Alegre, 2000-2012, 06-01, locutor, noticias de Brasil, identificaci?n, locutor: "Radio Guaiba, seis horas, noticias", noticias de Brasil. 24322. (M?ndez) 11830, Radio Anhanguera, Goiania, 1943-1951, 06-01, locutor y locutora, noticias de Paran?, "CBN Noticas". Anuncios comerciales. 34433. (M?ndez) 11855, Radio Aparecida, Aparecida, 2013-2019, 06-01, portugu?s, programa religioso, canciones, locutor, identificaci?n: "Radio Aparecida, 6 horas 17 minutos". (M?ndez) 11925, Radio Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo, 2020-2027, 06-01, locutor, portugu?s, comentarios de f?tbol, programa deportivo: "Terceiro Tempo na Radio Bandeirantes". 34333. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 49, 11, 10/01/2007) Having noticed Radio Nacional da Amazonia, 11780, coming on around 0645 the night before, I was waiting for it Thu Jan 11, and it did pop on at exactly *0645:00 with music in progress. In the past it has been going much earlier on weekends, and maybe still. WRTH 2007 shows it at 0900-0200. PWBR `2007`, I now see, does show it at 0645 (approx.) until 0230, but 24 hours on UT Sundays; does not show power which WRTH has at 250 kW (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1157, 11/01/2007) The night before caught RNA 11780 cutting on abruptly at *0645, but Fri Jan 12 tuning in at 0644 I found it already on. So much for precision and pinning down its true schedule (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1159, 12/01/2007) 4785.1, Radio Caiari, Porto Velho, 2314-2320, 13-01, locutor, portugués, comentario. Señal débil. 24322 variando a 14321. (Méndez) 4805, Radiodifusora do Amazonas, Manaus, 2321-2328, 13-01, canciones brasileñas, locutor, comentarios, identificación: "Radiodifusora do Amazonas, Manaus". 25322. (Méndez) 4825, Radio Cançao Nova, Sao Paulo, 0555-0620, 14-01, locutor, comentarios religioso, identificación: "Radio Cançao Nova, Cachoeria Paulista, Sao Paulo". 25322. (Méndez) 4895, Radio Novo Tempo, Campo Grande, 0540-0559, 14-01, canciones religiosas, portugués, identificación: "Radio Novo Tempo, Campo Grande". 24322. (Méndez) 4915, Radiodifusora Macapá, Macapá, 0743-0757, 14-01, programa de canciones brasileñas, identificación: "Radiodifusora Macapá, a nosa voz", "Difusora AM". 34333. (Méndez) 4935, Radio Capixaba, Vitoria, 2336-2342, 13-01, programa religioso. Portugués. 24322. (Méndez) 6019.7, Radio Gaúcha, Porto Alegre, 0800*-0810, locutor, inicio del programa, identificación: "Sintonizan a Radio Gaúcha". Canciones brasileñas. En paralelo con 11915 kHz. A partir de las 0810 interferida por Radio Victoria en 6019.6. 23222. (Méndez) 9565, Radio Tupi, Curitiba, 0925-0928, 13-01, portugués, religoso. 33333. (Méndez) 9615, Radio Cultura, Sao Paulo, 2239-2247, 13-01, canciones brasileñas. 24322. (Méndez) 9630, Radio Aparecida, Aparecida, 0916-0919, 14-01, comentario religioso sobre el Papa, identificación: "Aparecida". 34333. (Méndez) 9645, Radio Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo, 0919-0925, 14-01, locutor, comentarios, canciones, portugués. 24322. (Méndez) 9665, Radio Marumbuy, Florianópolis, 2143-2150, 13-01, canciones brasileñas. Interferencia de Radio Exterior de España en la misma frecuencia con el programa "Tablero Deportivo". 23322. (Méndez) 9695, Radio Rio Mar, Manaus, 1001-1045, 14-01, comentarios y noticias de la Amazonia y de Brasil, anuncios comerciales, "Seis horas y tres minutos", identificación: "Radio Rio Mar, Onda Media 1290kHz., ondas curtas, 9695 kHz, faixa de 31 metros, 6160 kHz, faixa de 49 metros, Radio Rio Mar, Manaus, Amazonia, Brasil". 34333. (Méndez) 11725, Radio Novas de Paz, Curitiba, 0928-0940, 13-01, locutor, locutora, comentario religioso, identificación: "730 Onda Media, 49 metros, 6080 kHz, 31 metros, 9515 kHz, 25 metros, 11725 kHz, ondas curtas, Radio Novas de Paz, Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil". 24322. (Méndez) 11780, Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, 2043-2103, 13-01, canciones brasileñas, locutor, locutora, comentarios. A las 2100 noticias: "Nacional informa". 24322. (Méndez) 11785, Radio Guaiba, Porto Alegre, 0904-0915, 14-01, locutor, portugués, comentarios. 23322. (Méndez) 11804.7, Radio Globo, Río de Janeiro, 0835-0925, 14-01, transmisión de la misa del domingo hasta las 0907. Identificación: "Radio Globo, Radio Globooooo". "Sete horas y nove minutos horario de veran brasileiro". "Aqui na Radio Globo a crónica", anuncio programa: "Bon día Globo, de segunda a sábado". Buena señal hoy. 34333. (Méndez) 11815, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 1037-1045, 14-01, canciones brasileñas, identificación: "Radio Brasil Central, comunicando para o mundo", locutor. 44444. (Méndez) 11830, Radio Anhanguera, Goiania, 2033-2040, 13-01, locutor, locutora, noticias, "CBN Noticias". 24322. (Méndez) 11855, Radio Aparecida, Aparecida, 2236-2239, 13-01, locutor, locutora, comentario religioso. 24322. (Méndez) 11915, Radio Gaúcha, Porto Alegre, 2025-2032, 13-01, locutor, transmisión partido de fútbol. Menciona "Gremio de Porto Alegre". Interferencia de Arabia Saudí en la misma frecuencia con programa en árabe. 22322. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - dxldyg 1162, 14/01/2007) Буркина-Фасо 5030 Radio Burkina, 19:23-19:30, escuchada el 9 de Enero en franc?s a locutor con comentarios y segmento m?sica afro-pop, SINPO 34333. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 49, 11, 10/01/2007) Венесуэла/Куба 13680 Radio Nacional de Venezuela via RHC facilities, 2340-2355, January 09, Spanish, Programme “Conciencia Ambiental”: news and talks about ecology, Announcement as: “El Canal Internacional de Radio Nacional de Venezuela...” Identification as: “Canal Internacional-La Voz de la Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela en el exterior”, 34433 //15250 Khz with 33333 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - dxldyg 1154, 10/01/2007) Габон Jan 8 at 1523, Afropop music on 17650 for a change, off abruptly about 1530:30. Wasn`t paying attention and missed my chance to measure how long it took to come up with ANO on 17630. But it was already going when I retuned at 1532 to find two programs in French mixing, seemingly both from same Moyabi transmitter (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 49, 10, 09/01/2007) 4777 RTV Gabonaise (Moyabi) 0456-0515 1/11/2007 French. 0456 Clear carrier. 0459 Anthem. 0500 Identification by woman followed by news by man with frequent short IDs by woman. 0511 Pop music. Strong signal with noticeable (but not severe) utility interference (SINPO 43333). (Jim Evans, TN - CumbreDX 1798, 11/01/2007) Гватемала 4780 Radio Cultural Coatan (p); 0215-0245+, 9-Jan; M in SS w/variety of slow tune styles; brief rlgs spot @0227; talk re campe- sinos @0242. SIO=322+, swiper QRM (Harold Frodge, MI, Usa - CumbreDX 1798, 11/01/2007) 4780, Radio Cultural Coatán, San Sebastián de Coatán, Huehuetenango, 2255-2355, 13-01, locutor, identificación a las 2300: "Radio Cultural Coatán, 4780 kHz en la onda corta, transmitiendo desde San Sebastián de Coatán, departamento de Huehuetenango, Guatemala, Centroamérica, 5 de la tarde con 1 minuto". Comentarios y canciones religosas, español y vernáculo. Sigue la época de muy buena propagación para este emisora. 25322. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - dxldyg 1162, 14/01/2007) Германия 6005 kHz DLR seit heute Morgen wieder in der Luft. Die Telefunken Leute haben den S4001 wieder gerichtet. (Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany - A-DX 13/01/2007) DW, 6140 AM in English, Jan 8 at 0650 with music feature; 0700 IS and news in English as another hour starts. This has been on the schedule, but I don`t recall hearing it so well (or at all) recently. Perhaps the switch from J?lich to Woofferton has inadvertently made a big difference in reception here, even tho it is now aimed due east at 0600-1000. Meanwhile DRM on 6125-6130-6135 which is now also Wooferton at 0700-0900 (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 49, 10, 09/01/2007) Джибути 4780 RTV Djibouti (Djibouti) 0333-0410 1/11/2007 Arabic. 0333 Talk by man. 0340 Enjoyable pop music with Horn of Africa flavor. 0400 Talk by man, followed by music at 0410. Moderate signal initially, improving to solid SINPO 34333. (Jim Evans, TN - CumbreDX 1798, 11/01/2007) Замбия 4965 R. Christian Voice (Lusaka) 0320-0410 1/11/2007 English. Religious talk by man and woman with short segments of religious music. Poor signal initially (SINPO 24222) improving throughout the broadcast (best 34333). (Jim Evans, TN - CumbreDX 1798, 11/01/2007) Зимбабве 3396, ZIMBABWE, ZBC, 2103-2134, Jan 8, Vernacular. Presumed news at t/in. Music prg at 2110 w/ OM b/w selections. Fair. (Scott Barbour Jr-SHDX/NH - CumbreDX 1798, 11/01/2007) Израиль 6973 Galei Zahal, 19:31-19:35, escuchada el 9 de Enero en hebreo con emisi?n de m?sica pop local, SINPO 34232. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 49, 11, 10/01/2007) 6972.61/AM Galei Zahal (p); 2234-2250+, 6-Jan; M in LL & pop music. Not their usual crisp sig if them--further off 6973 than I've hrd GZ. SIO=242 (Harold Frodge, Mi, Usa - CumbreDX 1798, 11/01/2007) Индия 4760 kHz AIR Leh um 1515 UTC in Lokalsprache mit Nachrichten und Werbung, um 1530 UTC englische Nx aus Delhi, lokale ID um 1546 UTC. SINPO: 23332 (Patrick Robic, Ramsau am Dachstein, Austria - A-DX 12/01/2007) Индонезия 3976 RRI Pontianak noted at 1130 with excellent signal, Indonesian music. (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1800, 13/01/2007) Иордания 11810, Jan 8 at 1402 going from Qur`an to Arabic talk; 1511 Arabic music, lo-fi; wasn`t sure what this was till I looked it up, as Amman. Above-average reception from there, as at 1408 I also found 11690 English pop music at about equal mix with HCJB in Spanish. At 1509 recheck after HCJB quit, Jordan was OK with even more pop music, flutter, but RTTY evitable by side-tuning a bit high without narrow filter (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 49, 10, 09/01/2007) Испания 9680 Radio Exterior de Espana (p); 2041-46+, 5-Jan; W in EE w/ music lesson to 2045 Espanol by Radio, EE/SS. SIO=343 (Harold Frodge, Mi, Usa - CumbreDX 1798, 11/01/2007) Испания/Коста-Рика Once again, REE via Costa Rica, 5965, was marred by another signal, strong open carrier with fast SAH of, I estimate, 15 to 20 Hz, making it almost an audible heterodyne, at 0647 Jan 11. Cuba is the suspect as RHC uses same frequency at other times (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1157, 11/01/2007) Колумбия 5910, Marfil Estereo, Lomalinda, 0905-0940, 07-01, bonito programa de canciones latinoamericanas, llaneras, rancheras, etc. identificaci?n: "En su dial Marfil Estero, ondas de paz", "Marfil Estero, una estaci?n que cubre todo el Meta". 34333. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 49, 11, 10/01/2007) Куба 9505, Radio Rebelde, Bauta, 1133-1153, 07-01, estupendo programa de canciones latinoamericanas de ayer, presentadas por locutor titulado "Memorias de Rebelde". 34333. (M?ndez) 11655, Radio Rebelde, Bauta, 1241-1332, 07-01, programa "Memorias de Rebelde, canciones de ayer y de hoy, cada domingo entre las 6 y las 9 de la ma?ana". Canciones de Antonio Mach?n. 34333. (M?ndez) 12000, Radio Habana Cuba, 1345-1352, 07-01, programa DX "En Contacto", preentando por Manolo de la Rosa. Fin del programa a las 1350 horas. 34333 (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 49, 11, 10/01/2007) Либерия 5470, LIBERIA, R.Veritas, 2020-2034, Jan 8, English. Phone-in prg w/ studio guest taking listener questiong re Scriptures. Discussion becomes quite “heated” at time! Announcer reminding listeners of station phone number. Poor/fair. (Scott Barbour Jr-SHDX/NH - CumbreDX 1798, 11/01/2007) Мадагаскар 5010, Radio Nasionaly Malagasy, 1850-1942, 06-01, locutora, comentarios, canciones y m?sica de Madagascar, identificaci?n: "Radio Madagasikara". 35433. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 49, 11, 10/01/2007) Мали 5995 RdTV du Mali; 2218-2230+, 9-Jan; M in FF taking phone calls till 2227, then promos & music to ID @2030. SIO=343-; //4835.4, SIO= 242-, poor but can tell it's // (Harold Frodge, Mi, Usa - CumbreDX 1798, 11/01/2007) Мексика 4910 LSB, XERTA, Radio Transcontinental de Am?rcia, 0817-0830, 07-01, locutor, comentarios religiosos en espa?ol. Se?al d?bil a muy d?bil. 24321 variando a 14321. (M?ndez) 6010, Radio Mil, M?xico DF, 0757-0910, 07-01, locutor, comentario sobre Ciudad de M?xico, canciones, "Recorridos tur?sticos por M?xico", canci?n identificativa: "Radio Mil". A las 0859: "Y por hoy finaliza Buenos D?as M?xico. Nos escuchan de nuevo ma?ana, gracias por acompa?arnos en este recorrido maravilloso, les habl? Pepe Montano". 24322. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 49, 11, 10/01/2007) Note recent reports in DXLD 7-004 about an unID around 0900 UT on 6045 Jan 2 and 6: Jan 12 at 0641 I find classical piano music on 6045, G signal but here and there takes rapid deep fades, such as when brief announcements are inserted, like 0650, ``Radio ----``, after some Beethoven, into Recuerdos de la Alhambra on classical guitar; then other brief classical pieces on other instruments. Slightly overmodulated, same sound as XEXQ has after sunrise when I hear it, but much more weakly, around 1400 (which I have not lately, nor later on Jan 12 at 1457 check). Bothered by CVC Chile 6050 after its *0659. KBS World Radio in Spanish to Europe via Sackville is on 6045 until 0629, so must be quite a collision then, and 0629-0659 is the best window for XEXQ to be heard, if that`s what it is. Hunting around the Universidad de SLP website for anything specific about XEXQ, let alone a playlist, is futile. WRTH 2007 shows 6045 schedule as 12-04, except Sat & Sun 12-24, so this would represent quite an expansion if running all night now. Certainly gives us a better chance to hear it when the frequency be clear (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1159, 12/01/2007) Back in the early 1980s, when I lived in Santa Barbara, CA, I often enjoyed their classical music programs. Sent them a reception report, which resulted in my receiving their program schedule (Boletin Cultural - Publicación Mensual de la Radiodifusora XEXQ de la Universidad Autónoma Potosina. / Radio Universidad XEXQ. -- San Luis Potosi), with a daily schedule. Received it for several years, but believe this publication ended sometime in the 1980s. Anyone know for sure if it did stop publication or do they have a similar publication now? (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA, dxldyg 1159, 12/01/2007) Монголия 4895, Mongolian Radio, Murum, 2250-2310, 13-01, canciones y comentarios en mongol. 25322 (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - dxldyg 1162, 14/01/2007) Нигер 9705, NIGER, LV Du Sahel, 2038-2102, Jan 8, French. Phone-in prg w/ music bits b/w callers. Fair. (Scott Barbour Jr-SHDX/NH - CumbreDX 1798, 11/01/2007) Новая Зеландия RNZI, 9765, Jan 10 at 0700 with news, and a low het, which I had not noticed before 0700 or on previous occasions. What could it be? PWBR ``2007`` has HCJB in German to Europe, but that is obviously wrong, as we hear that inbooming on 9740, ascending from Low to High at 0700. The only other possibility appears to be Turkey-?akirlar, known for its off-frequency operation, now scheduled at 0700-0730 in Albanian (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 49,11, 10/01/2007) Перу PERU 5323.61 La Voz del Anta, Acobamba, ID at 1043 by om as "/...La Voz de Anta.../" this a tune in followed by music and back to om. Followed this one for a week before tis ID. 9 January. [Wilkner-FL] PERU 4950 Radio Madre de Dios, Puerto Maldonado 1030 - 1040 "/creo en la justicia...espirtu santu...en la relaidad........viente cinco.../" 8 January [Wilkner-FL] PERU 4790.2 Radio Visión, Chiclayo is here. Radio Atlantida may be long off the air. At 1040 on 8 January, _gave the unhelpful ID as "/Radio Peru/_" followed by a time check. (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1800, 13/01/2007) 4790.2, Radio Visión, Chiclayo, 0544-0650, 14-01, locutor, español, religoso: "Gloria a Dios, en el nombre de Jesús". "Iglesia Pentecostal La Cosecha". 35433 variando a 25332. (Méndez) 4955, Radio Cultural Amauta, Huanta, 2330-2345, 13-01, locutora, quechua, comentario, música andina. Señal débil. 24322 variando a 14321. (Méndez) 5939.3, Radio Melodía, Arequipa, 0625-0652, 14-01, locutor, comentarios en español y canciones latinoamericanas. Señal muy débil e interferencia de University Network en 5935. 13321. Mejor en LSB. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - dxldyg 1162, 14/01/2007) 5460.4 R. Bolivar, 0124 on Jan 13, pop mx ID by man: "R. Bolivar, la especial diferencia". QRK 2. (Horacio Nigro, Uruguay - hard-core-dx 49, 15, 14/11/2007) Польша Polskie Radio via Guiana French on 9660 with some nice classical music. That stayed on a few secs past 2300 for one iteration of the modernized IS (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1159, 12/01/2007) Россия 7330 Radiostancia Tikhy Okean, Vlandivostok, 0938-0945, January 10, Russian, bulletin news by male, announcement of “....Rossi.....”, at 2040 talk by female, 24342 // 5960 Khz with 34333 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - dxldyg 1154, 10/01/2007) 5960, R. Tikhiy Okean, with R. Rossi program relay, // 7330, 0950-1000* Jan 14, Russian pop song, IDs for R. Rossi, 5+1 pips. Also noted // 6075, which continued past 1000 (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA, Etón E5 - dxldyg 1161, 14/01/2007) Свазиленд 4775 Trans World Radio (Manzini) 0339-0355 1/11/2007 Lomwe. IS and identification in English by man. 0340 Religious music and talk by man. Moderate signal (SINPO 33333). (Jim Evans, TN - CumbreDX 1798, 11/01/2007) С. Корея 4450 KCBS, Pyong Yang 2324 on Jan 13, melodic mx w/female singer. QRK 3. (Horacio Nigro, Uruguay - hard-core-dx 49, 15, 14/11/2007) Сингапур 6150, Mediacorp Radio, 1525-1540, 14-01, locutora, inglés, comentarios. A las 1530 noticias de Singapore y del mundo: "93.8 Live News", "93.8 Live", "Mediacorp Radio". A las 1536 musica pop. 23322. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - dxldyg 1162, 14/01/2007) Судан 7200 Republic of Sudan Radio (Omdurman) 0340-0410 1/11/2007 Arabic. 0340 Talk by man and woman with occasional bridges of traditional Arabic music. 0400 Identification and news by man. Rather poor initial signal, improving to SINPO 34333. (Jim Evans, TN - CumbreDX 1798, 11/01/2007) Судан/Великобритания Once again this Wednesday, heard Sudan Radio Service on unlisted 9660, Jan 10 at 1444 with slow talk in English, but somewhat distorted typical of Moldova site, and lite echo (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 49, 11, 10/01/2007) Sudan Radio Service has been heard on two Wednesdays in a row during the 1400 hour on 9660, but no sign of it on Thursday Jan 11, further evidence that this is a Wednesday-only extension of the 15-18 UT broadcast on other frequencies (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1157, 11/01/2007) Суринам 4990, Radio Apintie, Paramaribo, 0537-0547, 14-01, canciones, locutor, Dutch, comentarios. 25322. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - dxldyg 1162, 14/01/2007) Турция 9865 Voice of Turkey, Ankara, 0220-0240, January 08, Spanish!!!!, New transmission in spanish language on air from January 01, Programa “Viaje Azul” about the country, Music, Programme “Tras un concurso”, local song, Identification: “...La Voz de Turquia.....”, 44444 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - dxldyg 1154, 10/01/2007) Уганда 4976 R. Uganda (Kampala) 0404-0415 1/11/2007 English. Talk by man in apparent English with short pop music segment. Very poor signal with bad sweeper interference, at noise level, but definitely there. No identification heard, but little doubt it was Uganda. (Jim Evans, TN - CumbreDX 1798, 11/01/2007) 4976, UGANDA, R.Uganda, 2001-2019, Jan 8, Vernacular. Hi-life music and talk b/w 2 announcers. Several mentions of Uganda. Weak but improving w/ mild “sweeper” QRM. (Scott Barbour Jr-SHDX/NH - CumbreDX 1798, 11/01/2007) Чад 6165 15/11/2007 0430-0500 Чад, афр. музыка, франц. Речь, в 0453 услышал ID "Radio Nationale Tchadienne", SIO 232, до 0430 слышны IS, QRM-R. Nederland, в ~0430 заканчивается передача BBC (слышны джинглы) и следующие полчаса, пожалуй, единственный временной отрезок в течении суток, когда 6165 "свободен" от Хорватии и можно более менее внятно слушать Чад. В 0455 включилась Хорватия. (Germanas Politika, Vilnus, Litva - open_dx 15/01/2007) Эквадор 3279.6, La Voz del Napo, Tena, 0558-0620, 14-01, programa religoso, identificación: "Somos Radio María, una emisora eminentemente social, haz tu donativo, Banco del Pacífico, cuenta corriente 55531..., colabora con nosotros, contamos contigo. 25322. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - dxldyg 1162, 14/01/2007) Экваториальная Гвинея 5004.97. EQUATORIAL GUINEA, R. Bata, 2240 1/10/07. Group chanting and local language chatter. Signal fair but ruined by continuous data bursts. Pulled plug @2257 (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA - CumbreDX 1800, 13/01/2007) Эфиопия 7110 R. Ethiopia (Gedja) 0437-0450 1/11/2007 Amharic. 0437 Talk by man and woman. 0444 Slow, Horn of Africa vocal music followed by more talk. Initially poor signal, improving to SINPO 34333. No parallels noted. (Jim Evans, TN - CumbreDX 1798, 11/01/2007) Эритрея 7100 Voice of the Broad Masses (Asmara) 0418-0425 1/11/2007 Tigrinya. 0418 Man and woman talking. 0424 Horn of Africa music. Good signal (SINPO 34333). Also noted on 7175 during same time period with similar, but not identical, program in another vernacular, and similar quality signal. (Jim Evans, TN - CumbreDX 1798, 11/01/2007) ЮАР 3345. SOUTH AFRICA, Channel Africa, 0402, 1/11/07. OM doing English news. Nice S6 signal (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA - CumbreDX 1800, 13/01/2007) -- СВ/ДВ Разное 8 Января 2007г. 612 Радиоканал Содружество 13:00 UTC,прием хороший. 873 Радио Молдова 13:05 UTC, прием хороший. (Андрей Бурлака, Симферополь, Украина - open_dx 09/01/2007) 1100 WTAM Cleveland OH. Sports commentary, many references to Cleveland. F 0035 08/01 JF 1250 WSSP Milwaukee WI. Presumed. Numerous Fox Sports promos. W 0046 08/01 JF (WEAE is on ESPN Network) 1329.71 HJER RCN, Pereira. Presumed with sports commentary. F 0108 08/01 JF 1480 WMDD Fajardo PR. "Tropical" IDs and lively music. Over presumed WSAR. G 0044 08/01 JF 1490 WUSS Atlantic City NJ. "TKU FM" ID heard so checked internet stream and heard a string of adverts in // for several minutes. (relays WTKU - their FM station) W 2355 07/01 JF 1490 WBAE Portland ME. Adverts, then a string of IDs "14 Hundred and 14-90 The Bay". Nostalgia. W 0022 08/01 JF 1500 WTWP Washington DC. "Washington Post Radio, WTWP" F 2300 07/01 JF 1500 YVRZ R Dos Mil, Cumana. ID and references to Venezuela. F 2301 07/01 JF 1540 CHIN Toronto ON. Oriental programming over WDCD. G 2326 07/01 JF 1580 CKDO Oshawa ON. Sports // internet stream. Checked for several minutes. 100%. W 0002 08/01 (John Faulkner, Uk - skywavesmw 283, 08/01/2007) 7. to 8 Jan 2007 ------------- 1200 2134 unid SS briefly 1660 2221 WGIT, Canovanas on 280 (320 10dB weaker, EWE 5dB weaker) 1620 0110 Carribean Beacon religious wk 1370 0916 WDEA Ellsworth, ME 1140 0950 CHRB High River, AB religious 770 0959 CHQR The night started earlier than usual at 2100 with VOCM on 590 At 2134 a SS station popped up briefly at 1200, that was an early alert from carribian, later on I found on 1660 WGIT with a very loud signal carrying great Salsa/Reggaton music. I just listened and enjoyed it until it ended, after that they had a different px. The usual strong WCNZ Marco Island FL was very far in the background. WGIT came in well on the 280 BOG, the 320 BOG delivered a very weak signal. The morning favoured the East Coast, nothing really eciting. At 0950 CHRB near Calgary made it through. Along with 770 tent CHRQ but very weak. ---- 8 to 9. Jan 2007 Nothing really exciting beside the usuals from the east coast and the x-band usuals despite the low A-index At 0047 on 1370 I heard an ID out of the mush sounding like WxCO or WxCL and then continued with oldies. I started the recorder, but too late, only the last letters got recorded. Nothing really fits, Hmh? I wrote a snall plugin for Winradio, on frequency change it sends that value to RecAllPro's Annotation. So on playback I now can see what fx was set. Before that I had to enter the value manually which I often forgot. On 890 and 1180 appear almost every night or morning silent carriers, seems that those are beacons. (Jurgen Bartels, Germany - skywavesmw 284, 09/01/2007) 660 WFAN New York NY. WFAN ID after promo and sportstalk. F 0523 09/01 JF 1470 YVSY R Vibracion, Carupano. Union R Noticias programme. Not heard much recently. V w 0600 09/01 JF 1470 XEAI R Formula, Mexico City. "Formula de la Noche" ID and Spanish love songs. Hanging on v weakly beyond 0900! W 0745 09/01 JF 1470 WLAM Lewiston ME. Alone on channel at 0910 W 0910 09/01 JF (John Faulkner, UK - skywavesmw 284, 09/01/2007) 720 WGCR Pisgah Forest NC; 2142-2207+, 5-Jan; Gospel music; local wx 2144; USA Radio News @2155; local news w/Christy Johnson @2200; North Carolina News Network spot & sports. Occasional copiable peak u/WGN before 2200, then mainly o/WGN after 2200! 2nd rlgs music stn. also there. (Frodge-MI) 880 KRVN Lexington NE; 2306-2318+, 9-Jan; KRVN Weather Watch; KRVN Beef Boosters spot; WY-NE Livestock Rpt; C&W tune. Copyable u/WCBS; another C&W also there. (Frodge-MI) 1070 CBA Moncton NB; 2251-2306+, 10-Jan; As It Happens just part of the mix before 2300 then on top w/CBC News to 2304+ then Moncton Weather. "This is CBC Radio 1, 10-70 in Moncton". 2305 As It Happens continued. (Frodge-MI) 1070 KHMO Hannibal MO; 2250-2300, 10-Jan; Sean Hannity & "News-Talk 10-70 KHMO". ID'd & disappeared suddenly @2300. Fair+ peaks mixing w/CBA? MO #26 Need USB to avoid IBOssssssss. (Frodge-MI) 1070 WAPI Birmingham AL; 2259, 10-Jan; Peaked up & hrd "The Big Talker WAPI Birmingham" & gave way to CBA? (Frodge-MI) 1090 WCRA Effingham IL; 2230-2235+, 10-Jan; Call ID & spot for Inde- pendent Oil & Gas Producers of IL & into UNID talk pgm. Suddenly on top @2230 for 5 min. till rlgs stn. took over. IL #54 (Frodge-MI) 1090 WTNK Hartsville TN; 2238, 10-Jan; C&W music, call ID. Poor in mix. Not new but very rare. (Frodge-MI) 1090 UNID; 2220-2230, 10-Jan; Hrd a NC spot then into almost oldy tune. Covered @2230 by WCRA & didn't come back. Possibly WTSB Salem NC, as they've increased pwr to 9 KW. New if them. (Frodge-MI) (Harold Frodge, Midland MI, USA - CumbreDX 1797, 11/01/2007) 09/01/07 1458 1100 Юность, Пинюг, на фоне РРоссии 963 1112 Синьцзян на казах, хорошо //1107 936 1202 Юность, Красноярск 1440 1236 Радио Звезда, СПб //729 1287 1243 Киргизия на укр, укр песни, помеха от Юности из Уфы //4010 после и до 1300 1089 Радио Теос, СПб ненадолго 1116 Христ. канал, Москва, тоже недолго 1188 DW 846 РТВ-Подмосковье - слышно неплохо весь вечер 1044 Свобода - временами можно даже нормально слушать 1260/1440 BBC/RFI - всплывают частенько 1503 Центр - очень часто очень заметно, что 1044 и 1503 сильнее других 729 Радио Звезда, Самара - слышно отлично весь вечер Зимой в полдень кроме местных хорошо слышны 585 РРоссии, Пермь - вообще как местная, 300 км 738 Маяк, Челябинск - эту и летом слышно, 200 км 1287 Юность, Уфа - хорошо, 360 км - на рассвете очень мощно 10/01/07 1395 2134 TWR?, на словац/чеш 1602 2200 2 испанских и ещё что-то, слабо 3925 2200 Radio Nikkei на япон, ID, хорошо 1197 2209 Белоруссия на рус, слабо 5745 2224 CNR1 4678 2257- Лаос, музыка, ID, очень слабо 576 2300 Узбекистан, гимн, начало 1116 2305 Радио Кошут на венг, класс муз //1251 1287 2300- Киргизия, отлично //4010 1458 2319 Внутренняя Монголия на монг, попеременно с Румынией 1386 2330 Тяньцзинь? RGD, ID, Китай 1629 2347 пират греческий, музыка средиземноморская 846 2348 Синьцзян на тюрк //1413, позже вперемешку с Индией 1197 0014 Virgin, слабо //1215 846 0027 Индия на хинди //918/1566 (Виктор Рутковский, Екатеринбург, Россия - open_dx 12/01/2007) 740 ZYH446 R Sociedada da Bahia, Salvador. Clear ID by OM with frequency. W 0159 12/01 JF 870 WWL New Orleans LA. Up briefly out of the noise. Surprised to receive this as conditions were very poor with only a handful of the regular North Americans elsewhere. YL with news, ID The Big 8-70 WWL, mentioning 105.3 FM and wwl.com, then weather and the Bob Mitchell programme. W 0133 12/01 (John Faulkner, UK - skywavesmw 287, 12/01/2007) 620 CMGN R Rebelde, Colon. Sports // 710 & 5025kHz. Vw 0343 13/01 JF 640 CBN St Johns NL. Classical music // 750 & 1140. F 0347 13/01 JF 790 CMAQ R Reloj, Pinar del Rio. Usual time pips and RR IDs. Mixing presumed WAXY. W 0331 13/01 JF 800 PJB TWR, Bonaire. Usual religion, regular lately. F 0330 13/01 JF 890 CM-- R Reloj, Santiago de Cuba. ID at top of hour. W 0500 13/01 JF 1130 WBBR New York NY. Bloomberg Business Radio financial news. W 0350 13/01 JF 1180 CM-- R Rebelde, 2 sites. Presumably both transmitters received as long echo heard between the two, however, one kept dropping out of // and into own music programming. Monitored for ano hour or so. One // 5025kHz. F 0335 13/01 JF 1560 WQEW New York NY. Radio Disney ID after ads. W 0338 13/01 JF Sports on 790 at 0330. 890 - English discussion at 0530, not sports. WLS? This carried on beyond 07:00 but no ID was heard over the hour, etc. 890 was interesting as there were several stations on here, sometimes peaking to fair levels. (John Faulkner, UK - skywavesmw 288, 13/01/2007) Not much heard the last nights. Sleeping was better than listening Last night was a bit better but signals faded very quickly and the splatter of Europeans were worse than mormal. This morning was better many carriers but only few produce listenable audio 1470 0711 R Formula, Mexico City. "Formula de la Noche" much louder this time 1290 0757 CFRW Winnipeg MB, ID, oldies finally I got the ID, often saw its carrier 1190 got briefly to audio levels but only music (oldies?) and english announcements but no ID. I wished I knew who that is. I hoped for less splatter later in the morning but then 1190 got weaker, too On 171 after 2200 UTC R.Rossii can still be heard after Bolshakovo closes. It is not Tomsk, because that is much weaker, in fact I tried to ID Tomsk but this R.R blocks it. Any ideas what Tx it might be? The 30x2m EWE looked promising with Europeans, but TA signals were always lower, so the reduction of rear signals did not help at all. The BOG was better. Only on x-band both were pretty much the same. So today I raised it up to 4m again. (Jurgen Bartels, Germany - skywavesmw 288, 13/01/2007) -- УКВ - Тропо Bit of tropo last night and this morning. normal tropo scatter signals + on the v 107 Skyrock Granville weak to clear 107.3 Skyrock St Brieuc weak 104 rfm weak to clear cherbourg 98.9 Sea Fm while on the H Musiques on the h- 92.8 musiques-Auxerre? weak 91. Musiques Alencon weak to clear 88. Culture Weak to clear 93.8 was suffering interference this morning so possible another signal trying here 87.5 had signal come in stereo for over a minute this morning, don't think this was ms (Weak e's?) Around 07:30 utc (mark10538, UK - skywaves 2203, 09/01/2007) -- Неофициальное вещание Курдистан/Ирак Having heard V. of Mesopotamia earlier on 11530, Jan 10 at 1538 I checked their 1500+ channel 7590. I could hear some broadcast there, but marred by much stronger RTTY centred around 7592-7593 (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 49, 11, 10/01/2007) 10 Jan at 1630 (sign-on) noted clandestine station Voice of the Kurdistan Democratic Party on 3925.1 in Kurdish. At 1726 a Farsi program started. S-off around 1800. Strong signal and no jammers at all. This was reported earlier (by BBC Monitoring 5 Jan via DX Listening Digest) to be on air 0400-0430 on 3930. (Jari Savolainen, Kuusankoski, Finland - hard-core-dx 49, 11, 10/01/2007) -- Наблюдения 4955 -R.Cultural PRU O=2 Werbung 4950- R.Madre de Dios O=2Predigt 4775-R.Tarma mensajes O=2-3 (Erwin Dudlner, Germany - A-DX 11/01/2007) PIA28 29-30 Dec 2006. At Piancada, Laguna Friulana (Udine), N-E Italy by/from Mosquito Coast DX Team. With EB Enzo Bianco, EF Elio Fior, FC Francesco Clemente, PLC Pierluigi Calligaro, VC Valter Comuzzi ANT: Beverages 240 of 750m, 300 of 550m, 330 of 350m, 60 of 200m. RX: JRC NRD-545 (2), Ten-Tec RX-340, AOR 7030Plus (2), Icom R-75, Icom IC-746Pro II, RF-Space SDR-14 Splitters and PreAmpls at usual. QRG QTR UTC DATE C ITU NOTES QRK COLL 950 0240-0255 30/12 7 ARG La 9.50 Buenos Aires - Px parlato in S (platense) 2 VC 960 0152-0202 30/12 7 B UNID - Px parlato in P 1 VC 960 0154 30/12 7 B UNID Bras talk 1/2 FC 1030 0109-0110 30/12 7 ARG AM del Plata, Buenos Aires - Px parlato in S 1 VC 1040 0055-0102 30/12 7 B R. Capital, Sao Paulo - Px Mx, parlato in P 2 VC 1060 0310-0320 30/12 7 B UNID - Px religioso in P 1 VC 1060 0315 30/12 7 B UNID Bras talk 1/2 FC 1070 0117-0119 30/12 5 CAN CBA, Moncton - Px parlato in E 1 VC 1160 0402-0418 30/12 7 B UNID - Px parlato in P 1 VC 1190 0110-0114 30/12 7 ARG R.America, Buenos Aires - Px parlato in S 2 VC 1190 0116 30/12 7 ARG Radio America, Bs. As. SS and ID "once noventa" 2+ FC 1190 0126 30/12 7 B UNID Bras talk 1/2 FC 1190 0503-0508 30/12 7 B CBN, Natal (tent) - nxs in P 21 VC 1200 0130- 30/12 7 B UNID - Px parlato in P 1 VC 1200 0427 30/12 7 B R Ceara, Fortaleza. PP talk and ID "Ceara, Fortaleza" 2 FC 1200 0429-0435 30/12 7 B R. Ceara, Fortaleza - ID in P 2 VC 1220 0022-0030 30/12 7 B R. Globo, Rio de Janeiro - Px parlato in P, ID 2 VC 1230 0135- 30/12 7 B UNID - Px parlato in P 1 VC 1270 0346-0354 30/12 7 ARG R. Provincia de Buenos Aires (tent) - Px parlato in S platense 1 VC 1300 0357-0401 30/12 7 B UNID - Px religioso in P (nomima igreja pentecostal) 1 VC 1370 0140-0146 30/12 7 B Super Iguatemi, Sao Paulo - Px Mx, ID on P 2 VC 1370 0144 30/12 7 B R Super Iguatemi, Sao Paulo. ID "Super Iguatemi" at 0153 3 FC1470 0005-0045 30/12 7 B R. Mais, Sao Jose SC - Px Mx e parlato in P, ID 2 VC 1470 0037 30/12 7 B UNID Bras talk 1/2 FC 1470 0048 30/12 7 URG R Cristal, Las Piedrs. SS with ID "Radio Cristral" and mentioning "Las Piedras" many times 2 FC 1470 0528 30/12 6 MEX XEAI Radio Formula, Mexico City. Px "Biblia de la salud" In // at 1500 kHz! 2/3 FC 1470 0528-0534 30/12 6 MEX R. Formula, Ciudad del Mexico - Px parlato in S 2 VC 1480 0257-0305 30/12 7 ARG La Red, Buenos Aires (tent) - Px parlato in S (platense) 1 VC 1500 0210- 30/12 5 USA WTWP, Washington DC - px parlato in E 2 VC 1500 0530 30/12 6 MEX XEDF Radio Formula, Mexico City. // 1470! 1/2 FC 1500 0534-0540 30/12 6 MEX R. Formula, Ciudad del Mexico - Px parlato in S //1470 1 VC 1510 0105-0108 30/12 5 USA WWZN, Boston - Px parlato in E 1 VC 1520 0208- 30/12 5 USA WWKB, Buffalo - Px parlato in E 2 VC 1566 1835 29/12 3 IND AIR Nagpur. English news and talk 2 FC 1640 0213 30/12 5 USA WTNI Biloxi MS. EE 2/3 FC 1640 0213- 30/12 5 USA WTNI, Biloxi - Px parlato in E 2 VC 1650 0524-0528 30/12 5 USA WHKT, portsmouth VA - "R. Disney" 2 VC 1680 0222- 30/12 5 USA WLAA, Winter Garden - Mx mex 2 VC 1680 0237 30/12 5 USA UNID SS with relg. Programm. WLAA or WTTM? 2+ FC 1690 0226 30/12 5 USA UNID EE 2 FC 1700 0213 30/12 5 USA KVNS Brownsville TX. New SS format and ID. "La Preciosa!" 2+ FC 1700 0218- 30/12 5 USA KVNS, Brownsville TX - Px Mx in S 2 1700 0439 30/12 5 USA UNID SS. 2 FC 1700 0555 30/12 5 USA KBGG Des Moines ID. SS talk and clear ID: "La Indomable" 2 FC 1700 0555-0600 30/12 5 USA KBGG, Des Moines IA - Px parlato in E 2 VC 2485 1745 29/12 4 AUS ABC Katherine. Talk 2+ FC 3235 2348- 29/12 7 B R. Garuja Paulista, Ma 3279.59 2345- 29/12 7 EQA La Voz del Napo, Tena- Px parlato in S, Mx 2 VC 3310 2246- 29/12 7 BOL R. Mosoj Chaski, Cotapachi - Px Mx 2 VC 3310 2318 29/12 7 BOL R Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba. Flaute and vernacular talk 3+ FC 3385 0003 30/12 7 B R Guaruja Paulista, Guaruja. Bras talk 2 FC 3396 0202 30/12 2 ZWE ZBC Gweru. English news, mentioning Harare 2+ FC 4409.78 2250- 29/12 7 BOL R. Eco, Reyes - Px Mx 2 VC 4650.3 2255- 29/12 7 BOL R. Santa Ana, Santa Ana del Yacuma - Px parlato in S 2 VC 4695.15 2212- 29/12 7 BOL R. San Miguel, Riberalta - Px parlato in S 2 VC 4716.83 2225- 29/12 7 BOL R. Yura, Yura - Px Mx 2 VC 4775 0409 30/12 2 SWA TWR Manzini. Relg. Mx 3 FC 4780 2342 29/12 6 GTM R Cultural Coatan, San Sebastian. SS and Local talk "Dios, Cristo Jesus" 3-4! FC 4780 2344- 29/12 6 GTM R. Cultural Coatan, San Sebastian Coatan - Px relin vernacolo 2 VC 4781.15 2229- 29/12 7 BOL R. Tacana, Tumupasa - Px parlato in S, canti 2 VC 4781.15 2340 29/12 7 BOL R Tacana, Tumupasa. SS talk 2 FC 4796.44 2216- 29/12 7 BOL R. Mallku, Uyuni - Px parlato in S 2 VC 4799.98 0401 30/12 6 GTM R Buenas Nuevas, San Sebastian. ID and frequencies. C/n at 0433 2-4 FC 4800 0134 30/12 3 IND AIR Hyderabad. 2 FC 4805 2254 30/12 7 B R Dif. Do Amazonas, Manaus. Mx 3+ FC 4810 0611 30/12 6 MEX XERTA R Transcontinental de America, Mexico City. SS and QRM 2 FC 4865 2239 29/12 7 BOL R Centenario, Santa Cruz de la Sierra. Talk and mx in SS 2/4 FC 4865 2300- 29/12 7 BOL R. Centenario, Santa Cruz de la Sierra - Px parlato in S, ID 2 VC 4869.97 2157 29/12 3 INS RRI Wamena. Mx 2+ FC 4874.59 2155 29/12 3 INS RRI Sibolga. BA talk 3- FC 4855.38 2326- 29/12 7 PRU R. La Hora, Cusco - Px Mx 2 VC 4935 2331 29/12 7 B R Capixaba, Vitoria. PP talk 3 FC 5029.98 0422 30/12 6 CTR University Network, Cahuita. EE sermon 2/3 FC 5030 1802 29/12 2 BFA R. TV Burkina, Ouagadougou. French talk and vernacular mx 3+ FC 5952.42 2314 29/12 7 BOL R Pio XII, Siglo Veinte. Mx flaute 3 FC 5952.5 2220- 29/12 7 BOL R. Pio XII, Siglo XX - Px parlato in S, Mx 2 VC 6010 0416 30/12 7 B R Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte. Bras talk 2 FC 6089.90 0631 30/12 7 CHL R Esperanza, Temuco. Relg. Program and folk music. "Es grande el nombre del Senor" 1/2 FC 6090 0649 30/12 6 AIA Caribbean Beacon, The Valley. University Network sermon program in EE 1+ FC 6155 2312 29/12 7 BOL R Fides, La Paz. SS mentioning "La Paz" many times 2+ FC 9705 2228 29/12 2 NGR LV du Sahel, Niamey. FF talk 3+ FC 11735 1807 29/12 2 TZA Voice of Tanzania, Zanzibar, Dole. English news 2/3 FC (Francisco Clemente, Italy - bclnews 1699, 08/01/2007) 3230 02/01 2320-2321 E10, ID KPA2 FAIR SMK 3235 02/01 2321-2322 SEMERKA, ZAPOROZHZHYE, UKR PIRATE GOOD SMK 4220 04/01 0010-0025 QINGHAI PBS, XINING, TIBETIAN POOR SMK 4460 02/01 1957-1958 E10, id FTJ FAIR SMK 4775 05/01 0118-0133 AIR, IMPHAL, ENGLISH POOR SMK 4780 03/01 1651-1652 E10, CIA2 FAIR SMK 4780 03/01 1652-1707 RTD, DORALEH, SOMALIAN GOOD SMK 4810 04/01 0025-0040 AIR BHOPAL, IHNDI POOR SMK 4880 02/01 2033-2034 E10, ID ULX2 GOOD SMK 4940 02/01 1725-1730 AIR, GUWAHATI, HINDI, S/OFF FAIR SMK 4965 05/01 0029-0044 AIR, SHIMLA, HINDI POOR SMK 4970 05/01 0044-0059 AIR, SHILLONG, HINDI FAIR SMK 4990 05/01 0059-0014 AIR, ITANGAR, HINDI POOR SMK 4990 03/01 2345-0000 HUNAN PBS, XIANGTAN, CHINESE POOR SMK 5770 05/01 1455-1519 MYANMAR DF BC, TAUNGYYI POOR SMK 6212 31/12 1540-1607 RECH/V.O.T.N., DUTCH PIRATE, POOR SMK 6245 31/12 1611-1623 CUPID RADIO, DUTCH PIRATE POOR SMK 6937 03/01 1724-1739 VO TRAFFIC, KUNMING, CHINESE POOR SMK 7225 03/01 1354-1409 PBS SICHUAN, CHENGDU, CHINESE POOR SMK 9345 03/01 1257-1340 RADIO SOLH, KANDAGHAR (PRES.) FAIR SMK 9745 04/01 2357-0012 VO HAN, KUAHNYIN, CHINESE GOOD SMK 11590 03/01 1120-1135 VO STRAIT, FUZHOU, CHINESE FAIR SMK 15265 03/01 1232-1257 RADIO SOLH, RAMPISHAM, DARI/PASH. GOOD SMK 11860 02/01 1610-1625 RRI JAKARTA, INDONESIAN GOOD SMK (Сергей Колесов, Киев, Украина - open_dx 10/01/2007) PIRATA 6/1 10.18 - 10.30* 10.41 - 10.46* 6305 kHz R. SHADOWMAN Olandese - Inglese IDs OM e mx pop anni '80/NL. Segnale buono -> molto buono Trasmissioni molto brevi, di prova o QSOs. 10.33 - 11.54 6309.7 kHz DRP R. Tedesco Musica varia e solo due ids OM. Segnale insufficiente -> sufficiente 11.46 6275.0 LASER HOT HITS, solo mx. IN/SF 19.33 6220.0 MYSTERY R., mx anni '80. SF - 7/1 07.39 6220.0 MYSTERY R.,mx anni '70. IN/MB! 07.42 6266.5 R. SCOTLAND INT.,EE,ids OM. MB! 07.45 6275.0 LASER HOT HITS,sempre solo mx. IN/SF 07.47 6280.0 ORION R. NL,DD,id OM. SF/BN 08.09 6324.5 R. WAVES INT.+QRM UTEs. IN/SF 09.31 - 10.20 6279.6 kHz R. SCIROCCO mx e tk OM. Segnale insufficiente -> sufficiente 09.54 6308.5 R. PAARDENKRACHT,DD,id OM. IN/SF 09.56 6269.6 R. FANTASY,II,ids OM. SF/MB! 10.26 6209.8 THE BOGUSMAN,EE,tk OM. IN/SF 10.33 6295.0 R. ENJOY DE LUXE,EE,ids OM. MB! 10.43 6300.8 s/off @10.50. IN/SF -- BCs 8/1 Deve esserci stata una propagazione eccezionale, forse un A-Index altissimo, per riuscire a fare certi ascolti intorno a mezzogiorno!!! 11.07 6120.0 NHK,Sackville,Canada,EE,nxs e id OM. SF/BN!!! 11.13 5745.0 R. MARTI,Greenville,USA,SS,tk OM. IN/SF 11.17 6855.0 WYFR,Okeechobee,USA,SS,tk OM. IN/SF 11.19 6890.0 WYFR,Okeechobee,USA,EE,mx melodica. IN/SF 11.20 6973.0 GALEI ZAHAL,Israele,mx pop. IN/BN! 11.21 7485.0 KTWR,Guam,Mandarino,tk OM. IN/SF - 9/1 11.00 12150 kHz WYFR - Almaty (Kazakistan) Mandarino, int/sig e tk YLs. Segnale sufficiente -> buono Qualhe giorno fa era al limite della comprensibilità: misteri e miracoli della propagazione come quelli di ieri. 11.16 17562 kHz VOICE OF TIBET - Yangi Yul (Tagikistan) Tibetano, tk OM/YL. Segnale insufficiente -> buono Il jamming di musica cinese era su 17565 kHz: evidentemente non si erano ancora accorti della fuga in basso di Vo Tibet oppure non possono andare oltre gli steps di +/- 5 kHz. 11.30 - 11.55 7285 kHz R. POLONIA - Wertachtal (Germania) Polacco, ids e nxs OM. Segnale molto buono 11.37 15295.0 SUARA MALAYSIA,Mandarino,tk YL. IN/BN 11.38 15365.0 CVC Int.,Australia,Indonesiano, tk YL/OM. IN/SF 11.40 15400.0 HCJB Australia,Mandarino,tk YL. IN/SF 11.41 15410.0 CVC Int.,Cile,PP,samba-Gospel. IN/BN 15.10! 1548.0 Capital Gold,UK,EE,tk OM e oldies. MB!!! - 11/1 Ad un passo dal mezzogiorno, sulla parte più bassa delle onde medie (fino a circa 800 kHz) una manciata di segnali - potenti ma a tale ora da me normalmente non ricevibili - sono letteralmente apparsi dal nulla con dei segnali impressionanti!!! 10.20 684 kHz RNE 1 - Sevilla (Spagna) Intervista. Segnale molto buono 10.24 630 kHz VOICE OF RUSSIA - Burg (Germania) Tedesco, tk YL. Segnale sufficiente -> buono La Tunisia che normalmente arriva tutto il giorno non era ricevibile. 10.26 585 kHz RNE 1 - Madrid (Spagna) Sempre intervista come su 684 kHz. Segnale molto buono 10.29 639 kHz Rep. Ceca+Spagna Segnali molto buoni Identificata grazie a Dr. Tim's Piraten News Identificata grazie a shortwavedx -- JAMMERS 9/1 11.35 15285.0 CNR1 -> BBC Mandarino 11.36 17855.0 CNR1 -> ? 11.39 15375.0 CNR1 -> RFA Tibetano (Luca Botto Fiora, Genova, Italy - bcl-ita 830, 12/01/2007) -- Пираты Radio Bila Hora - a pirate station from the Czech Republic (3334 kHz) has a new web site: http://rbh.czechian.net/ It contains photos, copies of reception reports and a text on history of this station (in Czech). The station has been on the air always on the last day of the year. (Karel Honzik, the Czech Republic - hard-core-dx 49, 10, 09/01/2007) 1170 23.50 13/1 R. Slovenija Int. - Studio Maribor, TX Koper, Sloveno MX suff. 1431 23.40 13/1 R. Sawà - Gibuti - Farsi MX buono 3927 21.00 11/1 Cupid R. - Postbus 9 - 8096 ZG Oldebroek - Olanda EE greating a Roberto Pavanello buono 4955 23.30 13/1 R. Cultural Amauta - Huanta SS MX suff. 5580.3 23.10 13/1 R. San Josè - S. Josè de Chiquitos SS talk OM suff. 6035 23.15 13/1 La Voz del Guaviare - S. Josè del Guaviare SS NX suff. 6295 23.15 14/1 R. Merlin Int. - ? EE ID e MX buono 7175 17.30 13/1 Voice of the Somali People - Asmara Somalo NX buono 9530 22.50 13/1 R. Transmundial - Santa Maria PP predica suf (Roberto Pavanello, Italy - playdx2003 1224, 14/01/2007) -- Расписания Турция Voice of Turkey's New Frequencies Effective from 01.01.2006 Asia: Georgian 9840 0800-0900 English 7240 0400-0500 English 11735 1330-1400 English 9525 2130-2230 Kazakh 7205 1600-1630 Kyrgyz 9655 1430-1500 Uzbek 11805 1300-1330 Russian 11980 1400-1500 Russian 6135 1800-1900 Tatar 6140 1600-1630 Turkmen 6065 1500-1530 Europe French 7155 2030-2130 English 6020 0400-0500 English 12035 1330-1430 English 6055 1930-2030 English 5960 2300-2400 (Mustafa Cankurt, Turkey - hard-core-dx 49, 9, 09/01/2007) -- Связь 03161.0 XKW: Unid 1411 ALE/USB clg XSS (2007-01-08) (sw) 03161.0 XSS: Unid 1411 ALE/USB clg XKW (2007-01-08) (sw) 04226.5 XSS: Unid 1413 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-08) (sw) 03227.4 XKW: Unid 1415 ALE/USB clg XSS (2007-01-08) (sw) 03227.4 XSS: Unid 1415 ALE/USB clg XKW (2007-01-08) (sw) 06425.0 XSS: Unid 1418 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-08) (sw) 06243.0 XKW: Unid 1422 ALE/USB clg XSS (2007-01-08) (sw) 09025.0 170027: USAF C-5 Galaxy 87-0027 436th AW Dover AFB De 1422 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-08) (sw) 04166.3 XKW: Unid 1425 ALE/USB clg XSS (2007-01-08) (sw) 04166.3 XSS: Unid 1425 ALE/USB clg XKW (2007-01-08) (sw) 12160.0 X201ALE1: Mrc-Mil 1550 ALE/USB clg C3 (2007-01-08) (sw) 14550.0 X3: Mrc-Mil 1608 ALE/USB clg X32 (2007-01-08) (sw) 08875.0 X3: Mrc-Mil 1609 ALE/USB clg X32 (2007-01-08) (sw) 14550.0 X3ALE1: Mrc-Mil 1611 ALE/USB clg X2 (2007-01-08) (sw) 11130.0 X3ALE1: Mrc-Mil 1612 ALE/USB clg X2 (2007-01-08) (sw) 11130.0 X32: Mrc-Mil 1613 ALE/USB clg X3 (2007-01-08) (sw) 11130.0 X2: Mrc-Mil 1623 ALE/USB clg C3 (2007-01-08) (sw) 08875.0 X2: Mrc-Mil 1627 ALE/USB clg C3 (2007-01-08) (sw) 11130.0 S3ALE2: Mrc-Mil 1648 ALE/USB clg S301 (Sam, UK - udxf 351, 2007-01-08) 05091.0 JSR: E10 1705 H3e msg grp 101 [XSXKW] (2007-01-08) (sw) 07698.0 9113: Nig-Police 1709 ALE/USB clg 9111 (2007-01-08) (sw) 07954.0 911914: Nig-Police 1713 ALE/USB clg 911911 (2007-01-08) (sw) 06840.0 EZI: E10 1717 H3e msg rpt grp 89 [BIOSD] //9130 (2007-01-08) (sw) 07954.0 9113: Nig-Police 1719 ALE/USB clg 9111 (2007-01-08) (sw) 07698.0 9113: Nig-Police 1721 ALE/USB clg 9111 (2007-01-08) (sw) 09142.0 9113: Nig-Police 1724 ALE/USB clg 9111 (2007-01-08) (sw) 07954.0 9117: Nig-Police 1730 ALE/USB clg 9111 (2007-01-08) (sw) 07698.0 LSL: USCG ? 1739 ALE/USB clg LNT USCG CAMSLANT Chesapeake Va. (2007-01-08) (sw) 06635.0 411: Nig-Police 1750 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-08) (sw) 04270.0 PCD: E10 1750 H3e msg rpt grp 108 [RBKHR] (2007-01-08) (sw) 04270.0 PCD: E10 1805 H3e msg rpt grp 35 [XKAMQ] (Sam, Uk - udxf 351, 08/01/2007) [17:27:26][FRQ 7698000][TO ][9111 ][TIS][9113 ][AL0] BER 21 SN 09 [18:09:55][FRQ 7698000][SND][ ][TWS][LD3 ][AL0] BER 26 SN 12 Ministry of Interior, Luanda, Angola [18:03:23][FRQ 5379000][TO ][DRINI DPY ][TIS][DIAMANTI ][AL0] BER 28 SN 18 MoI Albania [17:53:06][FRQ 10285000][SND][ ][TIS][INAS30P ][AL0] BER 25 SN 08 [17:52:38][FRQ 10275000][SND][ ][TIS][OHT30P ][AL0] BER 26 SN 08 Sonatrach Algeria, oil and gas [17:37:45][FRQ 8086000][SND][ ][TIS][ILORIN ][AL0] BER 27 SN 02 Nigerian Oil NNPC (Patrice Privat, France - udxf 351, 08/01/2007) 05091.0 JSR: E10 2005 H3e msg grp 28 [CMJEA] (2007-01-08) (sw) 05865.0 TYMA2: Spa-Pol Avila 2006 ALE/USB clg TYMV2 Cuenca (2007-01-08) (sw) 04461.0 FTJ: E10 2012 H3e msg grp 41 [VIZRP] (2007-01-08) (sw) 05435.0 11113: Protection Civile Marocaine 2013 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-08) (sw) 05319.0 TYMA2: Spa-Pol Avila 2014 ALE/USB clg TYMV2 Cuenca (2007-01-08) (sw) 04988.0 TYMA2: Spa-Pol Avila 2015 ALE/USB clg TYMV2 Cuenca (2007-01-08) (sw) 07527.0 LNT: USCG CAMSLANT Chesapeake Va 2017 ALE/USB clg J34 USCG MH-60J 6034 CGAS Clearwater Fl (2007-01-08) (sw) 05435.0 ART: E10 2020 H3e msg rpt grp 109 [ZBTXB] (2007-01-08) (sw) 05435.0 ART: E10 2035 H3e msg grp 24 [XISTI] (Sam, UK - udxf 351, 08/01/2007) 04952 : Russian Military 1456 CW Sends 5LG message... ETMPA XaAKO EKWUh OOSGN NAOEA ... (faded). (08Jan07) (MPJ) 04457 I: Saudi Air Defence/Aero Associated 2052 ALE/USB To AAI. TWS corrupt, should be RHI. Two bursts. ARQ-E again active on 4455.8 kHz. (08Jan07) (MPJ) 05403.8 : Saudi Air Defence/Aero 2140 ARQ-E/46.1/160 with associated ALE. QSY from 4455.8 kHz (08Jan07) (MPJ) 09086 RHI: Saudi Air Defence/Aero Associated 2053 ALE/LSB Calls AAI. No ARQ-E seen on associated frequency 9048.8 kHz. (08Jan07) (MPJ - udxf 351) 07698.0 9113: Nig-Police 2149 ALE/USB clg 9111 (2007-01-08) (sw) 05405.0 RHP: Unid 2244 ALE/USB clg AAP (2007-01-08) (sw) 06924.0 RFI: Unid 2256 ALE/USB clg JCI (2007-01-08) (sw) 06924.0 RFP: Unid 2323 ALE/USB clg JCP (2007-01-08) (sw) 03300.0 HA40: Alg-Mil/Moi 2326 ALE/USB clg VK43 (Sam, UK - udxf 351, 08/01/2007) 05075.0 VG56: Alg-Mil/Moi 2335 ALE/USB clg VG53 (2007-01-08) (sw) 05868.0 TWVA2: Spa-Pol Leon 0946 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (2007-01-09) (sw) 07584.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 0947 ALE/USB clg TWBE2 Teruel (2007-01-09) (sw) 04988.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 0949 ALE/USB clg TWBE2 Teruel (2007-01-09) (sw) 05892.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 0951 ALE/USB clg TWBE2 Teruel (2007-01-09) (sw) 05319.0 TWBH2: Spa-Pol 0956 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (2007-01-09) (sw) 05319.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 0956 ALE/USB clg TWBH2 (2007-01-09) (sw) 10182.0 PIR023: Pol-Mil 0959 ALE/USB clg OLI021(2007-01-09) (sw) 05286.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 1001 ALE/USB clg TWBH2 (2007-01-09) (sw) 05352.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 1002 ALE/USB clg TWBH2 (2007-01-09) (sw) 07527.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 1003 ALE/USB clg TWBH2 (2007-01-09) (sw) 05868.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 1004 ALE/USB clg TWBH2 (2007-01-09) (sw) 07584.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 1005 ALE/USB clg TWBH2 (2007-01-09) (sw) 05892.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 1006 ALE/USB clg TWBH2 (2007-01-09) (sw) 05319.0 TWVA2: Spa-Pol Leon 1007 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (2007-01-09) (sw) 06955.0 TWVA2: Spa-Pol Leon 1009 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (2007-01-09) (sw) 04988.0 TWVA2: Spa-Pol Leon 1009 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (2007-01-09) (sw) 05865.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 1010 ALE/USB clg TWBM2 (2007-01-09) (sw) 05892.0 TWVA2: Spa-Pol Leon 1011 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (2007-01-09) (sw) 04988.0 TWBL2: Spa-Pol 1012 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (2007-01-09) (sw) 06955.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 1012 ALE/USB clg TWBM2 (2007-01-09) (sw) 05865.0 TWBL2: Spa-Pol 1014 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (2007-01-09) (sw) 05868.0 TWBL2: Spa-Pol 1014 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (2007-01-09) (sw) 07584.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 1015 ALE/USB clg TWBM2 (2007-01-09) (sw) 04561.0 TWBL2: Spa-Pol 1015 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (2007-01-09) (sw) 07584.0 TWBL2: Spa-Pol 1016 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (2007-01-09) (sw) 04874.0 TWBL2: Spa-Pol 1017 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (2007-01-09) (sw) 04561.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 1018 ALE/USB clg TWBT2 Tarragona (2007-01-09) (sw) 05319.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 1018 ALE/USB clg TWBT2 Tarragona (2007-01-09) (sw) 06796.0 TWBL2: Spa-Pol 1019 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (2007-01-09) (sw) 05352.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 1021 ALE/USB clg TWBT2 Tarragona (2007-01-09) (sw) 07527.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 1022 ALE/USB clg TWBT2 Tarragona (2007-01-09) (sw) 05286.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 1023 ALE/USB clg TWBT2 Tarragona (2007-01-09) (sw) 05868.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 1023 ALE/USB clg TWBT2 Tarragona (2007-01-09) (sw) 06955.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 1023 ALE/USB clg TWBT2 Tarragona (2007-01-09) (sw) 05319.0 TWBL2: Spa-Pol 1024 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (2007-01-09) (sw) 05892.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 1025 ALE/USB clg TWBT2 Tarragona (2007-01-09) (sw) 05352.0 TWBL2: Spa-Pol 1026 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (2007-01-09) (sw) 05868.0 TWBL2: Spa-Pol 1026 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (2007-01-09) (sw) 05892.0 TWBL2: Spa-Pol 1027 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (2007-01-09) (sw) 05778.0 TWCO2: Spa-Pol 1031 ALE/USB clg TXX1 Madrid (2007-01-09) (sw) 05778.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol Madrid 1032 ALE/USB clg TWCO2 (2007-01-09) (sw) 05871.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol Madrid 1036 ALE/USB clg TWCO2 (2007-01-09) (sw) 07512.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol Madrid 1038 ALE/USB clg TWCO2 (2007-01-09) (sw) 05379.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol Madrid 1039 ALE/USB clg TWCO2 (2007-01-09) (sw) 06874.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol Madrid 1040 ALE/USB clg TWCO2 (2007-01-09) (sw) 04594.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol Madrid 1042 ALE/USB clg TWCO2 (2007-01-09) (sw) 06934.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol Madrid 1043 ALE/USB clg TWCO2 (2007-01-09) (sw) 05865.0 TWBM2: Spa-Pol 1044 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (2007-01-09) (sw) 05871.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol Madrid 1045 ALE/USB clg TWCP2 Pontevedra (2007-01-09) (sw) 04561.0 TWBM2: Spa-Pol 1045 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (2007-01-09) (sw) 06796.0 TWBM2: Spa-Pol 1046 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (2007-01-09) (sw) 05868.0 TWBM2: Spa-Pol 1047 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (2007-01-09) (sw) 05379.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol Madrid 1049 ALE/USB clg TWCP2 Pontevedra (2007-01-09) (sw) 06955.0 TWBM2: Spa-Pol 1050 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (2007-01-09) (sw) 04594.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol Madrid 1052 ALE/USB clg TWCP2 Pontevedra (2007-01-09) (sw) 06934.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol Madrid 1053 ALE/USB clg TWCP2 Pontevedra (2007-01-09) (sw) 10182.0 MAP024: Pol-Mil 1057 ALE/USB clg OLI021 (2007-01-09) (sw) 10182.0 OLI021: Pol-Mil 0959 ALE/USB clg MAP024 (2007-01-09) (sw) 05871.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol Madrid 1053 ALE/USB clg TWLL2 Logrono (2007-01-09) (Sam, UK - udxf 351, 09/01/2007) 04542.5 RADAR90RS100: Uzbek Military 1754 ALE/USB Calls MAKON02RS1006. (09Jan07) (MPJ) 05075 YG57: Algerian MOI/Military 1714 ALE/USB Calls YG60 and YG4 Calls YG57. YG43 calls YG52. (09Jan07) (MPJ) 05116 OTHV: CIS Military 1907 CW LEN9 de OTHV QBE QYT6 K. R K. (09Jan07) (MPJ) 05179.5 OLI021: Polish Military 1908 ALE/USB Calls KSM042. RAT038, TOP022 and PIR032 also seen. Busy net. (09Jan07) (MPJ) 05200 LEN: Georgian Net 1632 ALE/USB Calls BR2. (09Jan07) (MPJ) 05220 LCR152: Polish Military Prob Janki Comms Stn 1828 ALE/USB Calls CUKIERNIA/Polish Contingent, MNDCS Camp Echo, Iraq. (09Jan07) (MPJ) 05268 303101: Prob Turkish Red Crescent Net 1716 ALE/USB Sounds. (09Jan07) (MPJ) 05319 TXX2: Spanish Guardia Civil Valdemoro 1751 ALE/USB Calls TWVE2/unid. (09Jan07) (MPJ) 07928 : CIS Military 1535 MS-5/4800/USB In traffic. (09Jan07) (MPJ) 11427.5 RBT: Algerian Embassy Rabat 1141 ALE/USB Calls MAE/MAE Algiers. TRP/Tripoli calls at 1157. (09Jan07) (MPJ) 11489 055: Chinese Net 1218 ALE/USB Sounding 11489, 11480 and 11475. (09Jan07) (MPJ - udxf 352, 09/01/2007) 11130.0 X3: Mrc-Mil 1112 ALE/USB clg S4 (2007-01-09) (sw) 08875.0 S3: Mrc-Mil 1121 ALE/USB clg X2 (2007-01-09) (sw) 12160.0 J5ALE2: Mrc-Mil 1126 ALE/USB clg J601 (2007-01-09) (sw) 14550.0 S3ALE3: Mrc-Mil 1141 ALE/USB clg X321 (2007-01-09) (sw) 08875.0 S3ALE3: Mrc-Mil 1143 ALE/USB clg X321 (2007-01-09) (sw) 14550.0 C3: Mrc-Mil 1152 ALE/USB clg J5 (2007-01-09) (sw) 11130.0 C3: Mrc-Mil 1152 ALE/USB clg J5 (2007-01-09) (sw) 08875.0 C3: Mrc-Mil 1153 ALE/USB clg J5 (2007-01-09) (sw) 14550.0 X301ALE: Mrc-Mil 1154 ALE/USB clg S3 (2007-01-09) (sw) 12160.0 S3ALE3: Mrc-Mil 1503 ALE/USB clg X321 (2007-01-09) (sw) 08875.0 X3: Mrc-Mil 1511 ALE/USB clg X32 (2007-01-09) (sw) 14550.0 X3: Mrc-Mil 1521 ALE/USB clg X301 (2007-01-09) (sw) 08875.0 X3: Mrc-Mil 1523 ALE/USB clg X301 (2007-01-09) (sw) 14550.0 X2ALE3: Mrc-Mil 1526 ALE/USB clg X3 (2007-01-09) (sw) 08875.0 X2ALE3: Mrc-Mil 1527 ALE/USB clg X3 (2007-01-09) (sw) 08875.0 X3: Mrc-Mil 1537 ALE/USB clg S401 (2007-01-09) (sw) 08875.0 7801: Unid 1608 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-09) (sw) 08875.0 X3: Mrc-Mil 1623 ALE/USB clg O7 (2007-01-09) (sw) 08875.0 X3: Mrc-Mil 1631 ALE/USB clg X301 (2007-01-09) (sw) 11130.0 X321: Mrc-Mil 1631 ALE/USB clg X32 (2007-01-09) (sw) 08875.0 A4: Mrc-Mil 1637 ALE/USB clg A401ALE1 (2007-01-09) (sw) 08875.0 X321ALE1: Mrc-Mil 1637 ALE/USB clg C3 (2007-01-09) (sw) 07014.0 KP20: Mauritania 1908 ALE/USB clg KP66 (2007-01-09) (sw) 07014.0 KP66: Mauritania 1915 ALE/USB clg BENNICHAB Bennichab MTN (Sam, UK - udxf 352, 09/01/2007) 2230 86335 cw 18WPM sending infomation as follows RIMES/DRILLED SHIPS AS FOLLOWS T NILDER TEE SUTTHN 080-00EAHTE RIG - 31 62HON - TE ELFORD HOEPHIN H 07 AT 2235 GAVE ID AS VVV VVV VTG 4/15/6NR7 VTN 4XE5/E/MS ENDED AROUND 2244 (S&D, UK - udxf 352, 09/01/2007) VTG = Indian Navy, Mumbai. (Jim Pogue, Memphis, Tennessee, USA - udxf 352, 09/01/2007) 04855.0 1001: Unid 2244 ALE/USB clg 1307 (2007-01-09) (sw) 04540.0 RCP: Unid 2245 ALE/USB clg NAP (2007-01-09) (sw) 04855.0 10111: Unid 2245 ALE/USB clg 1318 (2007-01-09) (sw) 04855.0 1001: Unid 2255 ALE/USB clg 1311 (2007-01-09) (sw) 04855.0 1308: Unid 2300 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-09) (sw) 04925.0 0000210588: Grc-Moi 2301 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-09) (sw) 04855.0 1302: Unid 2307 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-09) (sw) 05672.0 035: Hng-Mil 2320 ALE/USB clg 082 (2007-01-09) (sw) 05476.0 0000211088: Grc-Moi 2330 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-09) (sw) 05270.5 TUMOR02RS1006: Unid 2332 ALE/USB clg RADAR90RS1006 (2007-01-09) (sw) 05260.0 TUMOR02RS1006: Unid 2333 ALE/USB clg RADAR90RS1006 (2007-01-09) (sw) 04542.5 TUMOR02RS1006: Unid 2339 ALE/USB clg RADAR90RS1006 (2007-01-09) (sw) 04542.5 DELTA03RS1006: Unid 2348 ALE/USB clg KAMAR20RS1006 (2007-01-09) (sw) 04542.5 KAMAR20RS1006: Unid 2348 ALE/USB clg DELTA03RS1006 (Sam, UK - udxf 352, 10/01/2007) 03155 1106: Moroccan Civil Defence Net 2256 ALE/USB Sounding. (10Jan07) (MPJ) 05075 VK52: Algerian MOI/Military 2207 ALE/USB Calls HA40. (10Jan07) (MPJ) 05680 KINLOSS RESCUE: Wkg Rescue 177 1229 USB Advises 177 that if fuel required to call EDINBURGH APPROACH on 121.2 MHz. 177 is inaudible here. (12Jan07) (MPJ) 05680 KINLOSS RESCUE: Wkg unid 1656 USB Gives helicopter 4718 kHz as alternative. Not heard there. (12Jan07) (MPJ) 06790 INAS30P: Sonatrach Pumping Station, In Amenas, Algeria 2124 ALE/LSB Sounding. (10Jan07) (MPJ) 09086 RHP: Prob Saudi Net1639 ALE/USB Calls AAP. (12Jan07) (MPJ) 09180 216: Unid Illicit 1933 CW Repeating 216 callup. Then msg 879 1? 103 = = 38166 38166 93959 93959 ... (10Jan07) (MPJ) 10211 RNOUSLR1: Sonatrach's Rhourd Nouss LR1 Pipeline 1507 ALE/LSB Sounding. (12Jan07) (MPJ) 10390 11021: Moroccan Civil Defence 1508 ALE/USB Sounds. (12Jan07) (MPJ) 10390 1116: Unid 1508 ALE/USB Sounds 10390 and 10400. Only Italian Carabinieri is common to both frequencies. (12Jan07) (MPJ) 10618 055: Chinese Net 1503 ALE/USB Sounds on 10618, 10627, 10635 and 10640 kHz. (12Jan07) (MPJ) 11475 MAE: MAE Algiers 1505 ALE/USB Calls NKT/Noukachott. (12Jan07) (MPJ) 17198 055: Chinese Net 1256 ALE/USB Sounding. (12Jan07) (MPJ - udxf 356, 12/01/2007) 1546Z 8983.0 CAMSLANT wkg CG 2134 (HU-25, ATC Mobile) to inform them homeplate requests they RTB [15:57:09][FRQ 05732000][TO ][LNT ][TIS][J42 ][AL0] BER 24 SN 03 followed by JULIET 42 (MH-60J) position report to CAMSLANT. 28-18N 082-??W 1611Z 9007.0 TRENTON MILITARY wkg CANFORCE 85 1612Z 9007.0 TRENTON MILITARY wkg ASCOT 6734 1620Z 11232.0 PEACH 33 (E-8 JSTARS) p/p via TRENTON MILITARY 1642Z 8983.0 CG 2104 (HU-25, CGAS Corpus Christi) ops normal report to CAMSLANT 1655Z 13927.1 DARK 21 (B-1B, 7 BW) p/p via AFA1WP, Ohio to DSN 461-7453 BAT OPS. Requests they call MANIAC squadron to make sure they can make AR. BAT OPS passes 1840z IP time with MAINE 85 1659Z 13927.1 LOBO 71 (B-52H) p/p via AFA6PF, California to DSN 781-5442 WOLF PACK. Reports they were doing weapons check and got an ECU fault. Requests ground party contact _____ at Tinker. LOBO 71 wants to continue to range 1738Z 13206.0 Link-11 data transmission [18:22:25][FRQ 09025000][TO ][OFF ][TIS][B99 ][AL0] BER 18 SN 00 followed by BANDSAW LIMA (E-3 AWACS) ALE initiated call to DSN 884-3918 CHARLIE FLIGHT with training scenario. No Joy. CHARLIE FLIGHT's airmen out to lunch 1904Z 5732.0 JULIET 14 (MH-60J, CGAS Elizabeth City) position report to CAMSLANT. 34-00N 077-43W 1915Z 11232.0 TRENTON MILITARY wkg CHALICE GOLF (E-3 AWACS). QSY 9007 kHz 1915Z 11232.0 LF 161 (P-3C, VP-16) wkg TRENTON MILITARY. QSY 9007 kHz 1924Z 5732.0 JULIET 17 (HH-60J, CGAS Clearwater) secures guard with CAMSLANT 1944Z 11232.0 SENTRY 60 (E-3 AWACS) p/p via TRENTON MILITARY to DSN 884-2011 with line code report 2002Z 8983.0 I4N position report to CAMSLANT. Bearing 308, 71 miles from CARDINAL 2007Z 11232.0 580117 (KC-135T) Selcal check JSAL with TRENTON MILITARY 2017Z 8983.0 CAMSLANT wkg CG 6536 (HH-65C, CGAS Miami) 2021Z 11232.0 DRAGNET VICTOR (E-3 AWACS) p/p via TRENTON MILITARY to DSN 884-5714 Tinker AFB Meteo for 2200z WX 2036Z 9007.0 CANFORCE 4463 p/p via TRENTON MILITARY to OPS. Req. WX at Trenton 2046Z 11232.0 LF 161 (P-3C, VP-16) p/p via TRENTON MILITARY to DSN 942-4065 TSC Jacksonville 2101Z 11232.0 SENTRY 61 (E-3 AWACS) p/p via TRENTON MILITARY to RAYMOND 24 2113Z 11232.0 CHALICE FOXTROT (E-3 AWACS) p/p via TRENTON MILITARY to DSN 268-XXXX BEST DEAL. Passes "Tab D, Part A" line code report. Followed by p/p to DSN 587-6854 NORTHERN LIGHTS. Followed by p/p to DSN 939-1852 LOYAL SON to request freqs for connectivity check 2156Z 8983.0 CG 6536 (HH-65C) position report to CAMSLANT. 20-25N 073-58W 2158Z 8992.0 GUARD 841 p/p via Offutt HF-GCS to DSN 847-8448 OPS. Reports 14?? local departure en route Fort Worth 2210Z 13927.1 KING 55 (HC-130P) p/p via AFA1WP, Ohio to DSN 228-6598 for 2330z WX at KNUQ (Moffett Field) [22:14:31][FRQ 07527000][TO ][LNT ][TIS][712 ][AL0] BER 27 SN 02 followed by CG 1712 (HC-130, CGAS Clearwater) airborne with 7 POB en route search area requests guard from CAMSLANT 2240Z 11232.0 SENTRY 50 (E-3 AWACS) p/p via TRENTON MILITARY to DSN 884-2011 RAYMOND 24 with line code report 2244Z 10242.0 Parkhill encryption 2309Z 6761.0 RHINO 50 clg LIFTR 53 2318Z 13927.1 EVAC 6323 (prob KC-135) morale p/p via AFA6AY to 310-XXX-XXXX California 2335Z 5696.0 CG 2134 (HU-25, ATC Mobile) airborne with 5 POB for training requests guard from CAMSLANT ALE addresses monitored on Cothen: 501, 503, 707, 712, 718, A44, C35, EST, F40, FMK, J01, J03, J14, J17, J19, J31, J38, J39, J42, LNT, M70, OPB, PNR400, TSC, X53 USAF ALE monitored: 150007, 40192, 450030, ADW, AE1, AED, B99, JNR, JSEH, MCC, OFF, PLA, RIC (Mark, Charleston, SC - udxf 357, 13/01/2007) 1403Z 3065.0 Link-11 data transmission 1403Z 4703.0 Link-11 data transmission 1404Z 4772.0 Link-11 data transmission 1405Z 7527.0 JULIET 38 (HH-60J) position report to CAMSLANT. 27-50N 082-31W 1408Z 9120.0 NIGHTHAWK 6 clear and ANDVT radio checks with NIGHTHAWK 7. Reports standing by for clearance 1408Z 8998.0 Link-11 data transmission 1421Z 9007.0 CANFORCE 86 opening watch with TRENTON MILITARY. Departed Thule 1305z 1443Z 5696.0 CG 1720 (HC-130, CGAS Clearwater) en route Key West requests guard from CAMSLANT 1454Z 4372.0 0TC and another USN vessel in Link-11 coordination net 1501Z 8992.0 TAZZ 51 (KC-135R, 145 ARS/121 ARW) with Mainsail call 1515Z 11175.0 RAIDER 10 (KC-130J, VMGR-352) p/p via Puerto Rico HF-GCS to NAS Fort Worth for 2200z WX and WX at Little Rock AFB 1519Z 11175.0 COBRA 28 (RC-135) p/p via Puerto Rico HF-GCS to RAYMOND 21. Reports AR complete. Proceeding to next destination. Requests they pass info to 45th RS 1532Z 11232.0 CANFORCE 86 MEDEVAC p/p via TRENTON MILITARY to AOC. Discuss Medevac of individual to Thule. Requests WX at Thule, Resolute, and Alert 1549Z 11175.0 ETHYL 55 (KC-135) wkg Lajes HF-GCS for EAM traffic 1605Z 14364.0 Link-11 data transmission 1625Z 9025.0 CHALICE FOXTROT ALE initiated p/p to CHARLIE FLIGHT & BLUE KNIGHT COMM regarding both Satcom systems inoperative. Ground party believes it is a LOS issue with orbit area rather than equipment malfunction [19:35:00][FRQ 05732000][TO ][OPB ][TIS][X63 ][AL0] BER 30 SN 10 followed by 63A position report to PANTHER. Bearing 159, 8 miles from J7 2102Z 8912.0 Parkhill encryption followed by ground party passing WX 2113Z 10194.0 Link-11 data transmission 2113Z 9010.0 Link-11 data transmission 2122Z 13927.1 SUMMIT 23 (C-130H, 302 AW) morale p/p via AFA1RE Maine to 281-XXX-XXXX Texas. Followed by p/p to DSN 834-4416 HIGH COUNTRY at Peterson AFB to pass 1600 local ETA 2137Z 13927.1 REACH 375 wkg AFA1RE Maine. QSY 7633.6 kHz 2212Z 8776.0 FOGHORN with EAM broadcast 2235Z 11175.0 ? 28 p/p via Puerto Rico HF-GCS to DSN 318-437-2506 2249Z 5696.0 CG 2127 (HU-25, ATC Mobile) airborne with 5 POB for training requests guard from CAMSLANT 2251Z 5320.0 ANDVT 2255Z 11175.0 BIG CASE radio check with McClellan HF-GCS. Requests HF data check from Andrews HF-GCS 2312Z 11175.0 SKULL 25 (B-52H, 2 BW) with Mainsail call 2322Z 8971.0 PELICAN 71B (P-3C) clg FIDDLE [23:31:34][FRQ 05732000][TO ][M69 ][TIS][TSC ][AL0] BER 30 SN 11 followed by SERVICE CENTER radio check with OMAHA 69A ALE addresses monitored on Cothen: 501, 704, 707, CS1, D02, F40, J01, J11, J14, J15, J19, J38, J41, J42, LNT, M69, OPB, PNR400, TSC, X63 (Mark, Charleston, SC - udxf 361, 14/01/2007) -- Новости -- Интернет Антенны ABOUT - FM Radio Antennas for Better FM Radio Listening both Local and DX For many people an all-around general VHF/UHF/FM TV Antenna that has 8-12 Elements will do 'ok' as an FM Antenna. => http://www.starkelectronic.com/allant.htm http://www.fanfare.com/antenna.html http://www.winegard.com/offair/fm.htm http://www.starkelectronic.com/ac.htm http://www.starkelectronic.com/winegard.htm http://www.lashen.com/vendors/winegard/fm_antennas.asp RADIO-SHACK TV ANTENNAS => http://tinyurl.com/varfy Sub-Urban {Distant} Area FM Radio Listeners The AntennaCraft # FM-6 Fringe Six (6) Element Antenna will work 'ok' for most people within a 50 Mile radus. http://www.starkelectronic.com/acantena.htm#FM Urban {Local} Area FM Radio Listeners For Urban Areas with FM Radio Stations in all directions the AntennaCraft # FMSS "Turnstile" type of FM Antenna will pick-up most of what is out-there to be heard within a 25 Mile radus. http://www.starkelectronic.com/ac.htm TV & FM ROOF-TOP ANTENNAS In-the-Air -and- Out-of-the-Noise The key thing wit most of these Roof-Top TV & FM Antennas is that they are "Up-There" Above-and-Out-of-the-House : * Without anything in the way of the TV-FM Radio Signal. * Plus Out-Side the RFi-EMF Noise Envelope of the House. the mast, The Mast. THE MAST ! A grounded 5-10 Foot Metal Mast is a Key-Part of making a Roof-Top TV and FM Antenna work right and produce the best results. The Mast puts the Antenna "Up-There" : In-the-Air -and- Out-of-the-Noise FM Antennas for Reception : 87-108 MHz http://www.fmdxantenna.com/reception.htm -from the- FM DX Antenna website FM DX => http://www.fmdxantenna.com/ http://www.fmdxantenna.com/fm8.htm FM DX Antenna -Guides- http://www.fmdxantenna.com/guides.htm * FM Reception Antenna Guide * FM Transmission Antenna Guide * FM Dipole Modification Improvement Guide * AM Reception Guide * Links Read About The : "Simple FM Loop Antenna" http://www.skywaves.info/index.php?entityType=HTML&id=139 Skywaves : The Hobby of FM and TV DXing in the UK SKYWAVES => http://www.skywaves.info/ Build Your Own Yagi Antenna for the FM Radio Band DO-IT-YOURSELF => http://www.geocities.com/zbtaz/ Rediscover FM Stereo -by- Marv Southcott FM RECEPTION => http://www.fanfare.com/rfms-bk.html The "Hows" and "Whys" of FM Radio Reception and How To Improve It for Better Stereo Listening ! Improving FM Reception in Outlying Areas http://www.weru.org/reception.html FM Reception Tips http://www.easyradioinc.com/reception.html http://www.kmud.org/tech/reception.html http://www.kqed.org/help/radio/radio-tips.jsp http://www.vpr.net/about_vpr/reception.shtml http://www.wbgo.org/info/tips/default.asp http://kalx.berkeley.edu/recept/antsurvy.htm http://www.ccrane.com/library/fm-reception.11.12.01.aspx About TV and FM Antennas http://www.kyes.com/antenna/antennadex.html TV and FM Antenna Tips, FAQ, Reception Help, Interference and Amplifier Guide, etc Starting with the "Fundamentals of Antennas" Welcome to The World of FM DXing ! -by- Bruce Elving http://members.aol.com/fmatlas/home2.html (RHF, Shortwave-SWL-Antenna 1264, 10/01/2007) -- QSL Либерия/Конго Anfang Dezember schickte ich an die Fondation Hirondelle je einen Bericht fur Star Radio/Liberia 9525 khz und Radio Okapi/Kongo 11690 khz. Heute lag die QSL von Radio Okapi im Kasten. Leider bestatigte Nihada Omerovic die QRG 9525 khz. (Peter Vaegler, Stralsund, Germany - A-DX 09/01/2007) Украина Получил QSL-письмо от Херсон радио. Оно выполнено на бланке Херсонского морского торгового флота. Ответил на рапорт инженер службы связи порта Корчагин В. И. К рапорту я прикладывал купон. Адрес: пр-кт Ушакова, 4, Херсон, 73000. E-mail: admin@seaport.kherson.ua, seaport@ukrincom.net. За электронные адреса получил QSL от Радио Тирана и Радио Ватикана. (Владимир Рожков, Россия - open_dx 10/01/2007) Тибет Получил вчера QSL от Tibet Broadcasting Station. Без IRC, за 24 дня. Писал по обычной почте, на карточке также указан e-mail: xzzbs2003@yahoo.com.cn. (Сергей Винокуров, Россия - open_dx 12/01/2007) Шотландия RADIO SIX INTERNATIONAL. 9290 KHz. QSL-CARD AND SCHEDULE 13 dd. Report send to PO BOX 600 - GLASGOW - G41 5SH - SCOTLAND - U.K. with 1,00 ?. The pictures they are availabl on http://swli05639fr.blogspot.com (Francesco Cecconi, Italy - hard-core-dx 49, 14, 13/01/2007) -- Аппаратура Jim Evans Germantown, TN RX-340, R8B, 90' Random Wire, 65' PAR EF-SWL, LFE H-800 Scott R Barbour Jr Sugar Hill Outlook, Kancamagus Highway-NH R75, 150’ longwire Jerry Strawman-Des Moines, IA-41.38N 93.40W Drake R8A + Winradio 313e+ 60M Dipole -- 73! |
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