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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 101

WorldDX 101
WorldDX выходит с декабря 2004 года.
Редкатор: Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия.
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Короткие Волны

Very unusual conditions on Dec 29 at 1448, as RA was very weak on
9590, versus enhanced signal from Japan on 9595; also weaker than normal but a
bit better on 7240 (Glenn Hauser, OK, Enid - dxldyg 1137, 30/12/2006)

15820 LSB, Radio Continental, Buenos
Aires, 1003-1012, 25-12, noticias,
identificaci?n: "Continental, informaciones
confiables, 7 de la ma?ana con 4 minutos, 21
grados nueve d?cimas, m?xima prevista para hoy,
27 grados". "Continental, la vida tal como
suena". "94.1, Cadena Continental". Locutor, locutora. 25322.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 26, 25/12/2006)

Сегодня 30.12.06 рано утром 0330-0415 впервые здесь в Киеве услышал на
6010 кГц Р.Бахрейн. Передавались спокойные англоязычные песни. В 0400
новости в женском исполнении (около 5 мин), затем джингл нараспев "Radio
Bahrain", мужской анонс.
Слышимость слабая типа 23432 с кратковременными прорывами. Мешают
соседние станции, а также интерференция порядка 100 Гц на основной
частоте. (Александр Егоров, Киев, Украина - open_dx 30/12/2006)

5985.792t. Radio Myanmar, Yangon 1130 to 1150 om in language, no
music, squeezed by splatter. (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1781, 26/12/2006)

4716.8, Radio Yura, Yura, 0034-0055, 25-12,
m?sica boliviana, flautas, canciones bolivianas,
canciones rom?nticas latinoamericanas, locutor,
comentarios, espa?ol. 24322 variando a 14321. (M?ndez)

5952.5 Radio Pio XII, Siglo XX, 2251-2312, 24-12,
m?sica boliviana, locutor, comentarios, espa?ol,
locutora, saludando a los oyentes en Nochebuena:
"Felicidades a todos nuestros oyentes, estamos
haciendo el programa la noche de los recuerdos",
"Escuchando la Radio Pio XII", canciones. 23222. (M?ndez)

6025, Radio Patria Nueva, La Paz, 0008-0015, 25-12, locutor, locutora, espa?ol, comentario
sobre la celebraci?n de la Nochebuena, canciones, villancicos. 23222.

6134.8, Radio Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, 0120-0145, 25-12, bonito programa de canciones latinoamericanas: cumbia, merengue y canciones bolvianas.

23322. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 26, 25/12/2006)

R. Pio Doce, Siglo Veinte, 5952.47, 0956-1005+ Dec 21, Spanish
talk, 0958, 1000 & 1001 several ``Pio Doce`` jingles. Surprisingly strong
signal; very good but must use ECSS-USB to avoid WYFR on 5950.

R. Yura, Yura, 4716.76, 0955-1010+ Dec 23, CP music, Spanish announcements, ID.
Weak in noise (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 1136, 29/12/2006)

R. Marabu (via IRRS), 5775, 2215-2240+ Dec 23. German talk, some
English, 2230 many Radio Marabu IDs. Strong, very good (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 1136, 29/12/2006)

4805, Radiodifusora do Amazonas, Manaus,
2356-2358, 24-12, canciones brasile?as y
comentario, por locutor. 24322. (M?ndez)

4895, Radio Novo Tempo, Campo Grande, 0804-0810,
25-12, locutor, comentario, canciones religiosas. 24322. (M?ndez)

4935, Radio Capixaba, Vitoria, 0609-0614, 25-12,
locutor, portugu?s, religioso, predicaciones. 25322. (M?ndez)

4985, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 0645-0653,
25-12, canciones brasile?as, locutor,
identificaci?n: "Brasil Central, 4 y 55 minutos".
Excelente se?al. 45444. (M?ndez)

9515, Radio Novas de Paz, Curitiba, 2230-2234,
24-12, locutor, portugu?s, comentario religioso.
"Nacimiento de Jes?s". 34333. (M?ndez)

9565, Radio Tupi, Curitiba, 2234-2237, 24-12,
portugu?s, comentario religioso, predicaciones, locutor. 34333. (M?ndez)

9615, Radio Cultura, Sao Paulo, 2237-2241, 24-12,
canciones brasile?as, locutor. 34333. (M?ndez)
Tambi?n 0930-0945, 25-12, m?sica, anuncio:
"Revista Linguia Portuguesa", identificaci?n: "Radio Cultura". 34333. (M?ndez)

9630, Radio Aparecida, Aparecida, 0853-0856,
25-12, canciones religiosas, portugu?s. 34333. (M?ndez)

9645, Radio Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo, 2241-2250,
24-12, canciones brasile?as. En paralelo con
11925, con igual se?al. 23222. (M?ndez)

9665, Radio Marumbuy, Florian?polis, 0856-0905,
25-12 canciones brasile?as, locutor, portugu?s,
comentarios. Identificaci?n: "Radio Marumbuy".
Se?al d?bil. 13221 variando a 23222. (M?ndez)

9685, Radio Gazeta, Sao Paulo, 0907-0918, 25-12,
locutor, portugu?s, comentarios, canciones, se?al muy d?bil. 13221. (M?ndez)

9695, Radio Rio Mar, Manaus, 1000-1030, 25-12,
Inicio de la transmisi?n, canciones religiosas,
identificaici?n: "Rio Mar, uma emisora cat?lica o
servicio da Amazonia", "6 horas 13 minutos".
"Compromiso con Vd. Radio Rio Mar, Manaus,
Amazonia, 6 horas 18 minutos". "6 horas y 23
minutos". Buena se?al. 34433 variando a 44444. (M?ndez)

11780, Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia,
1752-1812, 24-12, comentarios, anuncio:
"Madrugada Nacional", locutor, canciones brasile?as. 34333. (M?ndez)

11785, Radio Guabia, Porto Alegre, 2132-2137,
24-12, locutor, comentarios, identificaci?n:
"Radio Guaiba", programa "Viaxando com a Guaiba". 23322. (M?ndez)

11915, Radio Ga?cha, Porto Alegre, 2137-2144,
24-12, locutor, portugu?s, anuncios comerciales,
canciones, identificaci?n: "Radio Ga?cha". 34333. (M?ndez)

11925, Radio Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo, 2144-2153,
24-12, portugu?s, comentarios de la Navidad. 34333.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 26, 25/12/2006)

11815 Radio Brasil Central, 21:57-22:10, escuchada el 28 de Diciembre en idioma portugu?s, locutores con comentarios, cu?as ?Radio Brasil Central...?, segmento

musical, SINPO 45333.
11925 Radio Bandeirantes, 22:10-22:20, escuchada el 28 de Diciembre en portugu?s a locutores con comentarios, SINPO 34322.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 30, 29/12/2006)

No other time like Xmas season for
Brazilians around here, most of them listenable after
2300, with the exception of R.Nal de Amazonia, which
is a regular on 11780.
4915 Radio CBN Anhanguera, is the queen before
9645 Radio Bandeirantes SP is the least favored here,
and I'd guess everywhere: have to dance with so many
wolves, and its turn is after 0400.
11815 Radio Brasil Central, barely listenable after
2330 when Veritas Asia ends its inbooming on 11820.
11915 Radio Gaucha, Porto Alegre, with heavy splatter
from HCJB 11920 after 2300.
11925 Radio Bandeirantes, a little bit better than 31m
but has to deal with heavy splatter from Radio Marti
11930 until 2400. (Raúl Saavedra, Costa Rica - dxldyg 1136, 29/12/2006)

5000, YVTO, Observatorio Naval Cagigal, Caracas, 0644-0835, 25-12. Se?ales
horarias, identificaci?n cada minuto: "Observatorio Naval Cagigal, Caracas Venezuela, al oir el tono ser?n las 2 horas, 44 minutos, 0 segundos". Ligera interferencia

de WWV Fort Collins, en la misma frecuencia. 23222.
De acuerdo con la informaci?n de Jos? Elias, estuve chequeando la frecuencia de 5100, mientras escuchaba en 5000, en principio no logr? captar nada, pero a las

0826, pude escuchar, con se?al d?bil, pero perfectamente audible a YVTO tambi?n en los 5100, con se?ales horarias e identificaci?n "Observatorio Naval Cagigal,

Caracas Venezuela, al oir el tono...". 14221. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 26, 25/12/2006)

17705 Radio Nacional de Venezuela via Radio Habana Cuba facilities, 2031-2040,
December 29, Spanish, local music, announcement by female with hours and frequencies.
At 2038 UTC ID as: "Radio Nacional de Venezuela en su Canal Internacional", 34433
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - hard-core-dx 49, 1, 31/12/2006)

RTVG, 4777, 0621 Dec 25, no buzz, but very undermodulated, apparently
in French. Nothing on 19160 around 1445 (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 48, 26, 25/12/2006)

4777, R. Gabon, *0457-0516, Dec 26, on with open carrier for a minute, Anthem, French programming (news, high-life music, ID, etc). Mostly
fair, clear audio (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA - dxldyg 1132, 25/12/2006)

9580 Africa N1, 19:55-20:01, escuchada el 27 de Diciembre en idioma franc?s a locutor con programa musical, canciones pop africanas, se aprecia que el molesto

zumbido a desaparecido, no capto nada en 19160, SINPO 45444. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 28, 27/12/2006)

R. Gabon, 4777, *0459-0540+ Dec 25, sign-on with NA. 0500 ``Radio Gabon`` ID and French talk, IDs. Variety of French pops/ballads, Afro-pop
music. Fair-good (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 1136, 29/12/2006)

4780, Radio Cultural Coatan, San Sebastian de Coatan, Huehuetenango, 2358-0115, 24-12. Buena se?al hoy para esta emisora, que
s?lo se logra sintonizar por aqu? de tarde en tarde. Locutor, identificacion: "Radio Cultural Coat?n, departamente de San Sebasti?n de Coat?n,
Huehuetenango, a trav?s de la onda corta, 4780 kHz. banda de 60 metros". Espa?ol y vern?culo, canciones. A las 0030 nueva identificaci?n: "Radio Coat?n". A la

0102 programa: "Luis Palau responde", contestando cartas de los oyentes. A la 0107: "Siete de la tarde con siete minutos". 34333.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 26, 25/12/2006)

R. Cultural Coatán, 4779.98, *1031-1045+ Dec 23, sign-on with NA.
1035 opening Spanish ID announcements, 1036 organ music, Xmas music. Very good
(Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 1136, 29/12/2006)

3815U, Gronlands Radio, Nothing at 2040 but fog horn UTE.
Station on at /tune in/ at 2055, om in presumed Greenlandic. Followed by
few minutes of a female vocal. Voice UTE/ARO? with two way
communication in usb several times during broadcast. Long talks, to
2130 interspersed with vocals, one long tenor vocal 2150, news 2200
with several recorded segments, followed by one pop song and station off
2212. Fog Horn UTE was periodic and ear splitting. (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Fl, Usa - CumbreDX 1783, 27/12/2006)

Доминиканская Республика
5009.78, Radio Cristal, 1120-1130. Noted steady Salsa type music. Canned ID in Spanish and English at 1129 as "... Radio Cristal..." This followed with a promo

then back to music. Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, December 25, 2006 - hard-core-dx 48, 26, 25/12/2006)

5009.78 Radio Pueblo, Santo Domingo 1120 To 1135
with no doubt as to the ID today. At 1133 four clear IDs as "Radio
Pueblo" with no mention of Cristal or Mil [relays?] (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1781, 25/12/2006)

R. Cristal, Santo Domingo, 5009.78, 2235-2350+ Dec 24. 2239 & 2305 IDs. Local
music, Spanish talk, Spanish/English Xmas music. Poor in noise and QRM from
presumed Madagascar 5010, on late for Xmas (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 1136, 29/12/2006)

4965, R. Christian Voice, 0405-0450, Dec 26, religious
programming in English (with African accent), talks a lot about their
listeners waking up (jingle ?Getting On Up), religious songs and one
Christmas song, IDs (Radio Christian Voice. Reaching across Africa 365 days
a year. Your number one station.), BoH news headlines, into religious
program. Fair (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA - dxldyg 1132, 25/12/2006)

R. Zambia/R. One, 5915, 0113-0136, Jan 1, extended schedule, DJ
in vernacular, playing high-life music, many “Happy New Years Zambia” and
IDs (“Radio Zambia” and also many for “Radio One”), fair-good (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA - dxldyg 1139, 31/12/2006)

3396, R. Zimbabwe (tentative), 0243-0401, Dec 26, in vernacular, DJ playing nice selections of mostly high-life music, 0300 African drums, frequencies listed, more

high-life music, 0354 choral Anthem, ToH briefly mentions ?Anti-corruption Commission and drums again. Several mentions of Zimbabwe, but no positive ID. The

reception got better the longer I listened (Zimbabwe sunrise about 0320 UT) (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA - dxldyg 1132, 25/12/2006)

KOL Israel in English on new 6279.95 kHz at 2000 UT, but not as
strong as 7545 powerhouse. At same time army radio Galei Zahal on nighttime
channel 6973.05 kHz. (Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany - hard-core-dx 49, 1, 31/12/2006)

4880, AIR, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, 1726-1731,
24-12, locutor, comentarios en ingl?s. 44444. (M?ndez).

4920, AIR, Chennai, 1731-1733, 24-12, noticias en
ingl?s, locutora. Interferencia de China, Xi Zang
PBS, Lhasa, Tibet. 32332. (M?ndez)

4940, AIR, Guwahati A, Assam, 1733-1735, 24-12,
noticias en ingl?s, locutora. 24322. (M?ndez)

4950, AIR, Srinagar B, 1735-1737, 24-12, noticias
en ingl?s, locutora. 24322. (M?ndez)

4860, AIR, Delhi A, Kingsway, 1748-1752, 24-12, m?sica hind?. 45444. (M?ndez)

5010, AIR, Thiruvananthapuram, 1720-1726, 24-12, locutor, comentarios en ingl?s, m?sica hind?. 34333.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 26, 25/12/2006)

4860, AIR, 1250, 12/26/06. Fair signal w/
usual Hindi vocals. 5015, AIR, also in w/ similar
programing and better S6 signal. (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, Usa - CumbreDX 1786, 31/12/2006)

6125.29, coming in well at 1240 tune-in with Christmas tunes in English up to 1259, local announcements, then about one minute of SCI and into Jakarta news relay .

26 December 2006. (Steve Lare, Holland, MI - dxldyg 1132, 25/12/2006)

VOI The Hum, 9525, inaudible for a change Dec 28 at 1451, but
back to usual level the next day Dec 29 at 1450 check. That`s the sesquihour
wasted with open carrier (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1137, 30/12/2006)

As I have said before, getting a readable signal from RUV has been
difficult, but on its last day of SW, it was incoming on 13865, reduced
carrier/SSB at 1438, talk in presumed Icelandic, and the audio seemed to cut
out briefly at times. The whole thing just stopped abruptly at 1439, their
usual rude practice, up with which we shall no longer have to put (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1139, 31/12/2006)

6035, La Voz del Guaviare, San Jos? del Guaviare, 2319-2335, 24-12, locutor, comentarios, canciones, "Las seis de la tarde con veinte minutos", canciones

colombianas. 23222. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 26, 25/12/2006)

6009,49 La Voz de tu Conciencia, Puerto Lleras, 0810-0820, December 25, Spanish,
religious programme in spanish conduced by male:
"...es Jesus de Nazareth...tenemos la redencion querido amigo y la proclamamos a traves
de estas ondas de paz....", 24442 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - hard-core-dx 49, 1, 31/12/2006)

5470, Radio Veritas, Monrovia, 1859-1920, 24-12, ingl?s, locutor, comenarios, canciones navide?as. 35433.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 26, 25/12/2006)

6010.1, Radio Mil, M?xico DF, 0810-0930, 25-12, locutor, comentarios, canciones rom?nticas en espa?ol, comentario sobre "incremento del
salario m?nimo", comentario sobre "Tierra Madre Occidental", locutora: "Seguimos en Buenos D?as M?xico". Hoy parece que fuera del aire La Voz de
tu Conciencia, lo mismo que Marfil Estereo. 24322, variando a 14321. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 26, 25/12/2006)

4810 XERTA Radio Transcontinental de America, Mexico DF,0745-0721, December 25, Spanish, cristina songs non stop, short announcement by mae, 14441

(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - hard-core-dx 49, 1, 31/12/2006)

5005, Radio Nepal, 0110-0123, 25-10, m?sica del Nepal, canciones. A la 0115, locutora, comentarios, probablemente noticias. 24322.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 26, 25/12/2006)

9704,93 La Voix du Sahel, Niamey, 2045-2100, December 29, Vernacular/french,
interview in vernacular, short news in french, 24332 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - hard-core-dx 49, 1, 31/12/2006)

FRCN Kaduna, 4770, Dec 25 at 0619, as soon as I tuned in heard Xmas
and NY greetings in English (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 48, 26, 25/12/2006)

4770, Radio Nigeria, 2224-2300 Noted instrumental music with an Islamic flavor to it. At
2241 comments introducing a program of Jazz music. At 2253, noted an ID as, "...Voice of Radio Nigeria..." This followed with news. Signal was fair with fading

and went off at 2300. (Chuck Bolland, December 26, 2006 - hard-core-dx 48, 27)

V. of Biafra International, via South Africa, 7380, 2105-2159*
Dec 23, tune-in to religious music and opening ID announcements. Prayer and
English news about corruption in Nigeria. English religious program and prayer
concerning liberty and freedom in Biafra. Some vernacular talk. Good. Saturday
only (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 1136, 29/12/2006)

Новая Зеландия
9765, Radio New Zealand
International, 0731-0820, 25-10, programa especial de Navidad: "Radio New Zealand special Radio Heritage programme on Christmas Day".
Ingles, comentarios y canciones, saludos navide?os en portugu?s e italiano. 44444. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 26, 25/12/2006)

3935 ZLXA, Radio Reading Service, Levin 1130 to 1140 with some English audio, weak, but happy to hear this. ARO splatter
(Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1781, 25/12/2006)

6019.56, Radio Victoria, 1040-1100 Noted a religious program with preaching in Spanish. No ID on the hour. Signal was poor.

4775, Radio Tarma, 1105-1115 With Huaynos music during period and canned ID at 1110 as, "...Radio Tarma...". Signal was poor.

5486.66, La Reina de la Selva, Tentative, 1117-1130 This noted only for continuity with a man in Spanish comments. The carrier of this transmission is at a fair

level, but the audio is worst than threshold. It can barely be heard and only occasionally.
(Chuck Bolland, December 25, 2006 - hard-core-dx 48, 26, 25/12/2006)

4755, Radio Huanta 2000, Huanta, 0005-0023,
25-12, canciones en espa?ol, locutor, comentarios. 24222. (M?ndez)

7974.8, Radio del Pac?fico, Lima, 0554-0610,
25-12, locutor, espa?ol, programa religioso. Se?ala muy d?bil. 14321. (M?ndez)

4790.2, Radio Visi?n, Chiclayo, 0546-0625, 25-12,
locutor, espa?ol, predicaciones, comentario "Aqu?
est? el Se?or", identificaci?n: "Radio Visi?n, Chiclayo". 24322. (M?ndez)

6019.6, Radio Victoria, Lima, 0800-0835, 25-12,
locutor, espa?ol, predicaciones, "Continuamos
aqu? en la madrugada de Lima". Canciones religiosas. 23322. (M?ndez)

9720, Radio Victoria, Lima, 0046-0058, 25-12,
locutor, programa religoso, espa?ol, "La Voz de la Liberaci?n". 24322.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 26, 25/12/2006)

Am fairly familiar with the 60mb band in the 06-07 UT period when I
frequently tune around, so noticed a signal on 4790 Dec 25 at 0622 which
normally is not to be heard. Must be one of the Peruvians, constantly mixed
with CODAR swishes. Lively singing of some sort. 0645 recheck, demented
preacher in seeming Spanish throwing in ``Aleluya, aleluya, aleluya`` three at
a time, several times a minute. If there was an ID at TOH, missed it, but at
0700 was back in music. Due to format, presumably R. Visi?n rather than R.
Atl?ntida; did not try to determine whether this one was slightly off
frequency. Fortunately, Manuel M?ndez, Spain, was listening to same just before
I was and IDed it as R. Visi?n on 4790.2; evidently on late/early, all-night?
for Xmas (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 48, 26, 25/12/2006)

R. Ancash, Huaraz, 4990.94, 1030-1046+ Dec 21, Spanish announcements,
ads, talk. 1034 & 1046 IDs. Huaynos. Weak but readable (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 1136, 29/12/2006)

5960, Radiostantsiya Tikhiy Okean, 0939-1000 Tuned in a little late, but noted usual format of Russian comments and news. Towards the end of the sked, Russian

music presented. ID at 0958 and off at 1000. Signal was good. (Chuck Bolland, December 26, 2006 - hard-core-dx 48, 27, 26/12/2006)

6095, Voice of Russia, Irkutsk, 1050-1100 Noted comments and =
music until 1058 when IS/NA presented before going off the air. Could =
not determine the language used during this transmission. Previous copy =
a couple of days ago (reported as Unid), was fair, but copy this morning =
was worst than threshold, if that is possible? This sked is listed in =
HFCC b06. (Chuck Bolland, December 29, 2006 - CumbreDX 1784, 29/12/2006)

the latest VoR schedule =
shows that 6095 is in Korean at 1000-1100 at 125deg and there is one =
parallel frequency of 5920 also via Irkutsk at same 100kW but 115deg. =
But you may not be able to hear it in Florida due to WBOH, although that =
one usually operates very slightly LF of nominal frequency (Noel Green, UK - CumbreDX 1784, 29/12/2006)

R. Rwanda, Kigali, 6055, 2045-2102* Dec 21, variety of Afro-pops, US
pops, French pops, ballads. DJ chatter in French and some occasional English.
IDs, phone talk. Abrupt sign-off mid-song (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 1136, 29/12/2006)

6150, Mediacorp Radio, Singapore, 1425-1440, 25-12, m?sica pop en ingl?s,
identificaci?n: "93.8 Live". A las 1230 noticias en ingl?s, noticias del mundo. El tiempo en Singapore: "The weather, 32? Celsius". "93.8
Live", "Mediacorp Radio". 23322. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 26, 25/12/2006)

9330 Radio Damasco, 22:15-22:30 , escuchada el 28 de Diciembre en idioma espa?ol a locutora con ID, anuncian emitir por 9330 y 12085, m?sica folkl?rica local,

SINPO 34333. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 30, 29/12/2006)

WHRA, 15665, Dec 25 at 1512 UT IDed as Pulse FM and timecheck as
8:06! Pulse FM is their 96.9 outlet in South Bend, and is also the ``program``
on the WHRA schedule at 1505-1520, obviously a filler. Time check was 2 hours
and 6 minutes slow, close enough? (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 48, 26, 25/12/2006)

4990, R. Apintie, 0441, 12/25/06. Pop mx
pgm w/ Lionel Ritchie's "Three Times A Lady". S6
signal with t-storm static crashes (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA - CumbreDX 1786, 31/12/2006).

15325, FEBC Radio, Manila, 0953-1003, 25-12, M?sica de sinton?a e identificaic?n entre
las 0953 y las 1000: "This is FEBC Radio, broadcasting from Manila, Philippines". A las 1000 programa en ingl?s. 34333.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 26, 25/12/2006)

I caught DZRB Manila webcast Dec 31 at 1600 UT
Jahrwechsel, lots of drumming (or fireworx?) and countdown; announcer
couldn`t decide whether to use English or Spanish numbers. This is the
only Phil. station linked at http://www.publicradiofan.com which
people might also check for other needed countries. 73, (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1139, 31/12/2006)

11720, Scandinavian Weekend Radio,
1233-1240, 25-12, m?sica pop, locutor, comenarios
en finland?s. Se?al d?bil. 24312 variando a 14311.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 26, 25/12/2006)

3810, Estaci?n de Se?ales Horarias
HD21OA, Guayaquil, 0824-0833, 25-12, se?ales
horarias, "Al oir el tono ser?n las 3 horas, 24
minutos, 0 segundos". 25322. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 26, 25/12/2006)

3279.6, La Voz del Napo, Tena, 0614-0645, 25-12,
locutora, espa?ola, comentario religioso y
canciones, m?sica, leyendo cap?tulos de la
Bibilia, lectura del Rosario. 25322. (M?ndez)

21455 USB, HCJB, 1225-1232, 25-12, programa
religioso, identificaci?n a las 1230: "Esta es
HCJB, la emisora ecuatoriana con compromiso de
servicio, transmitiendo desde Quito, la capital
de la Rep?blica del Ecuador, son las siete
treinta horas en el Ecuador continental, seis
treinta horas en las Islas Encantadas". Programa "En contacto". 45444.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 26, 25/12/2006)

HCJB, 11960, Dec 25 at 1453 with usual very good signal aimed this
way, but now I can detect some squealing, as the transmitter is starting to
decay. YL preacher citing Lucas 2: 34-35, etc. If I had kept listening at
1459:30, you know what I would be saying (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 48, 26, 25/12/2006)

R. Chaskis, Otavalo, 4909.22, 1112-1125+ Dec 23, Spanish talk, HC
music, ID. Fair (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 1136, 29/12/2006)

Экваториальная Гвинея
5005, Radio Nacional, Bata, 0620-0644, 25-12, locutora, espa?ol, noticias de
Guinea Ecuatorial y de Africa, identificaci?n: "Radio Nacional de Guinea Ecuatorial". Canciones navide?as. 34333.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 26, 25/12/2006)

9704.0 fine signal from ETHIOPIA before 0600 utc; later check showed Niger
in French on 9705. (Patrice Privat, France - hard-core-dx 48, 27, 26/12/2006)

Ю. Африка
15240 UN Radio, meyerton, 1910-1916, December 29, French,
talk by male, identification, 32432 // with 9685 Khz with 22432
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - hard-core-dx 49, 1, 31/12/2006)

NHK Warido`s NYE special Dec 31: same as last few years, no
note was taken of the actual arrival of 2007 at midnight local time. 11705 via
Canada monitored from 1459:30, and announcer just kept talking thru 1500:00, no
timesignal, no gongs, no crowd cheers, but there was an NHK ID in passing, and
into another song (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxlyd 1139, 31/12/2006)


No other signal from the Caribbean has the
impact of ZNS Network, Radio Bahamas 1540. Is a
regular every night with an interesting mix of Xmas
Soul style carols and Classic Soul. Sometimes is
practically inbooming. To my surprise was still there,
12/29, at 1230, more than hour and a half after my
local sunset. (Raúl Saavedra, Costa Rica. - dxldyg 1136, 29/12/2006)

This morning I listen Rikisutvarpid Iceland on 189 kHz at 7 UTC with ID, news and music (Swing).
(Friedhelm, Germany - emwg 435, 29/12/2006)

Despite an early signal from 650 Greenland, the night was quite poor, the
morning did not look promising either with a few weak signals, even X-band was
gone. On other days it was usually filled despite being weak earlier in the

1000 0815 had a news/talk using ABC material and announcing an .com adress
probably WMVP Chicago. Did not sound like KOMO-1000 that I got last January

1410 0912 with C2C most probably CFUN Vancouver, weak
1130 0915 weak carrier tent CKWX Vancouver
1140 0940 CHRB High River, AB religious talk, fair, this is always the first
one to appear from that area
I checked all 50kW from Alberta and found these carriers
770, 910, 1060, 1370 all from the Calgary area but to weak for any intelligible

Interesting the condition of Greenland 650, if that was gone, so was Alberta.
It serves as a good indicator for that path
(Jurgen Bartels, Germany - mwdx 1414, 30/12/2006)

Итоги радиовещания за 2006 год в г.Барнауле.

101.0 fm – план Радио России
101.9 fm – Радио Шансон
102.4 fm – DFM
102.9 fm – Юмор FM
103.9 fm – Авторадио
104.4 fm – Радио-7
104.9 fm – Европа плюс
105.4 fm – Русское Радио
105.9 fm – Heart fm
106.4 fm – Серебряный дождь / Радио-22

2006 год был богат на события в fm-диапазоне Барнаула. В течении года в эфир вышли три новых радиостанции : 28 апреля на 102.4 fm вышла в

эфир радиостанция DFM.
22 августа вышло в эфир радио Modno fm и 21 сентября на 106.4 fm вышел совместный проект радио «Серебряный дождь на Радио-22».

Безусловно событием года для Барнаула следует считать переход Русского Радио на новую частоту 105.4 fm и,соответственно, «сворачивание»

проекта «Modno fm» . В течении 10 лет Русское Радио вещало на частоте 102.9 fm, демонстрируя наивысшие показатели по объёму аудитории и

объёму рекламы в городе. Всё это время партнёром РМГ в Барнауле была радиогруппа «FM-продакшн» (Шансон, Юмор-fm, Радио-7, Европа

По словам Артёма Рябцева директора ООО «Бизнес-радио»,владеюшего лицензией на вещание на частоте 105.4 fm “Радио в формате MODNO

FM, осуществлявшее вещание на волне 105,4 FM ранее, не достигло нужных рейтингов и не смогло бы в ближайшее время оправдать

финансовых ожиданий. Именно поэтому учредителями было принято решение о запуске на частоте 105,4 FM в Барнауле «Русского Радио»” Это

стало возможным после того как ЗАО "Русская медиагруппа" (Москва) приобрела ООО "Бизнес-радио". По решению "Русской медиагруппы"

продажа эфирных продуктов на данной радиостанции останется за Радиогруппой "FM Продакшн. Всвязи с тем что частота 102.9fm оказалась

свободной FM-Продакшн заключил договор с Вещательной корпорацией Профмедиа на ретрансляцию в Барнауле радио «Юмор-FM», которое

они запустили 1 января 2007 года сразу после боя курантов .(Павел, Барнаул - http://guzei.com/radio/, 01/01/2007)

Нижний Новгород
1 января 2007 г. началось вещание радиостанции "Милицейская волна" на 105,9 ФМ.Ранее на этой волне звучало Золотое ретро
(T - http://guzei.com/radio/, 01/01/2007)

С первого января 2007 года в Петрозаводске начнет вещание одна из самых популярных радиостанций страны "РетроFm".
Вещание будет производится на уже знакомой нам волне - 103.5 Fm (бывшая Мелодия)
(Кирилл Заворуев, Петрозаводск - http://guzei.com/radio/, 01/01/2007)

С 1 января Русское радио в Ростове переежает на 103 ФМ с 105.1 ФМ.
На 105.1 будет Шансон.
А Наше радио (до этого вещавшее на 103) покидает ростовский эфир.
Что то Наше радио последнее время теряет один город вещания за другим
(РадиоМан - http://guzei.com/radio/, 31/12/2006)

В Рязани с 1 января 2007 года на 9 метровом канале рязанские
телевизионщики запускают канал "Вести-24" ("ТелеСемь-Рязань", Андрей Серегин - open_dx 29/12/2006).

fm-bandscan (with a bit of tropo) 17/12/2006 in Khmil'nik, Vinnytsya
region, Ukraine.

90.50 UKR Love Radio, Vinnytsya VI
91.30 UKR Radio Sharmanka, Vinnytsya VI
100.30 UKR Avtoradio-Ukraina, Vinnytsya VI
100.90 UKR Radio 5, Vinnytsya VI
101.20 UKR Radio Lyuks FM, Khmelnytskyy KM
101.40 UKR Dorosle Radio, Vinnytsya VI
102.00 UKR UR 1 Vinnytsya, Nemyriv VI, mono
102.10 UKR Radio 5, Khmelnytskyy KM
102.60 UKR Hit FM Ukraina, Vinnytsya VI
102.80 UKR Radio Melodiya, Kamjanets-Podilskiy KM
103.10 UKR Nashe Radio, Khmelnytskyy KM
103.20 UKR Gala Radio, Vinnytsya VI
103.40 UKR Radio Zhytomyrska khvylia, Zhytomyr ZH
103.70 UKR Radio Takt, Vinnytsya VI
104.10 UKR Russkoye Radio Ukraina, Vinnytsya VI
104.60 UKR Radio Podyllya Tsentr, Khmelnytskyy KM
104.90 MDA RM 1, Balti, mono
105.40 UKR Vsim Radio, Khmelnytskyy KM
105.90 UKR Radio Shanson, Vinnytsya VI, ex Russkoye Radio Ukraina in fmlist
106.00 UKR Love Radio, Khmelnytskyy KM
106.40 UKR Nashe Radio, Vinnytsya VI
106.70 UKR Hit FM Ukraina, Khmelnytskyy KM
107.00 UKR Radio Europa FM, Vinnytsya VI
107.10 UKR Radio Kontakt, Khmelnytskyy KM
107.70 UKR Radio Lyuks FM, Zhytomyr ZH
107.80 UKR Radio Era FM, Vinnytsya VI
(Игорь Данилевич, Збараж, Украина - open_dx 30/12/2006)

Had RNE 5 from Lierganes-Pena Cabra on 105.0 this morning for about 10
mins at 11:50. No other Spanish stations noted. (Mike Fallon, UK - skywaves 2189, 25/12/2006)

A return of the tropospheric Band III, IV and V conditions on Tuesday 26 December 2006. Signals were generally quite weak and as I type this all is gone again.

Best regards, Janpeter van Dijk, Zoetermeer, The Netherlands.

December 26, 2006
Tropospheric Band III, IV and V TV-DX Logs:
R10 CZE Nova Plzen/Krasov
R31 CZE CT 1 Liberec/hotel Jested
R33 CZE CT 1 Ust? nad Labem/Bukov? hora
R35 CZE CT 2 Chomutov/Jedlov? hora
R38 POL TVP 3 Szczecin/Kolowo
R38 CZE CT 1 J?chymov/Kl?novec
R39 CZE CT 1 Ceske Budejovice/Klet'
R40 CZE CT 2 Trutnov/Cern? hora
R43 CZE CT 2 Liberec/hotel Jested
R49 CZE CT 2 Ceske Budejovice/Klet'
R58 CZE CT 2 Klatovy/Bar?k
R60 CZE Prima Liberec/hotel Jested
(Janpeter van Dijk, Zoetermeer, The Netherlands - TV 20, 5, 26/12/2006)

87.6 HR 3 Biedenkopf
89.3 HR 3 Grosser Feldberg
89.4 France Muaique Boulogne
90.2 France Musique Neufchatel-en-Bray
90.6 WDR 5 Teutoburger Wald
91.0 HR 1 Biedenkopf
91.1 SWR 1 Daun/Scharteburg (Eifel)
91.1 NDR 1 Niedersachsen? (Steinkimmen) faded in briefly over Eifel
91.5 MDR Jump Brocken
91.6 SWR 3 Koblenz
92.0 France Musique Rouen
92.2 SWR 3 Stuttgart
92.8 SWR 3 Bad Marienburg
93.2 WDR 2 Teutoburger Wald
93.8 SWR 2 Waldenburg
95.1 WDR 3 Langenberg
95.6 Classic 21 Liege
97.0 WDR 3 Teutoburger Wald
98.4 SWR 3 Hornisgrinde
98.6 WDR 5 Olsberg
98.7 AFN The Eagle Grosser Feldberg
99.2 WDR 2 Langenberg
99.6 HR 2 Biedenkopf
99.9 France Culture Boulogne
100.5 WDR 4 Teutoburger Wald
100.7 Soziokulturelles Radio Dudelange/Ginsterburg
100.7 WDR 4 Ederkopf
101.1 SWR 3 Donnersberg
101.4 Radio SAW Brocken
101.9 WDR 5 Aachen-Stolberg
101.9 unid
102.1 RPR 1 Daun/Scharteburg (Eifel)
102.5 HR 4 Grosser Feldberg
103.3 WDR Funkhaus Europa Langenberg
103.3 France Inter Boulogne
103.6 RPR 1 Kalmit
103.8 WDR 4 Nordhelle
104.3 HR 4 Biedenkopf
104.4 WDR 4 Dahlem/Barbelkreuz
104.7 WDR Eins Live Nordhelle
105.3 B5 Aktuell Kreuzberg
105.5 WDR Eins Live Teutoburger Wald
105.5 WDR Eins Live Dahlem/Barbelkreuz
105.6 SWR 4 Donnersberg
105.7 SWR 2 Stuttgart
106.7 WDR Eins Live Langenberg
106.8 Hitradio FFH Driedorf
107.4 SWR 4 Koblenz
107.9 Bayern 4 Klassik Kreuzberg
107.9 WDR Eins Live Munster
(Nick Gilly, UK - skywaves 2191, 27/12/2006)

Frustrating FM propagation in Holland last days.
All DX was above our Dutch heads reading the reports from you guys in the UK.
This is my poor list from last days (Maybe Janpeter had more luck on fm?):
26-12 evening:
90,10 D SWR 4 / BW Stuttgart 463km
91,10 D SWR 2 Aalen 502km
92,20 D SWR 3 Stuttgart 463km
95,10 D SWR 1 / BW Aalen 502km
96,50 D SWR 3 Waldenburg 452km
96,90 D SWR 1 / BW Aalen 502km
98,10 D SWR 3 Aalen 502km
98,80 D SWR 1 / BW Waldenburg 452km
101,30 D Hitr. Antenne 1 Stuttgart 463km
102,30 D AFN The Eagle Stuttgart 463km
103,70 D R.7 Aalen 502km
105,70 D SWR 2 Stuttgart 463km
106,60 D SWR 4 / BW Waldenburg 452km
107,10 D R.Ton Aalen 502km

23-12 evening:

88,30 G BBC R.2 Forfar 723km
88,70 G BBC R.2 Meldrum 771km
90,90 G BBC R.3 Meldrum 771km
92,70 G BBC R.Scotland Forfar 723km
93,10 G BBC R.Scotland Meldrum 771km
94,90 G BBC R.4 Forfar 723km
95,30 G BBC R.4 Meldrum 771km
97,90 G BBC R.1 Forfar 723km
98,30 G BBC R.1 Meldrum 771km
100,50 G Classic FM Meldrum 771km
103,70 G BBC R.n.Gaidheal Forfar 723km
104,20 G BBC R.n.Gaidheal Meldrum 771km
(Ruud Brand, The Netherlands - skywaves 2191, 27/12/2006)

28 dec 2006
possable german on 101.9 competing with classic fm at one point as
well wasn't there long enough to identify it

88 Culture weak to clear 15:52 alencon
91 Musiques clear 15:53 alencon
92 Musiques stereo 15:51 rouen
92.3 musique clear to stereo 15:57 cherbourg
92.6 inter clear 15:54 le mans
94.1 inter clear to stereo 15:56 cherbourg
94.6 inter clear 15:47 bourges
94.9 inter clear 15:48 chartres
95.1 inter clear to stereo 15:49 laval
95.4 inter weak to clear 15:55 brest
96.5 inter clear 15:58 rouen
96.6 fb mayenne clear 16:00 laval
98 culture weak to clear 15:45 lille
98.1 culture weak to clear 15:45 chartres
98.3 culture weak to clear 15:45 rennes
99.6 inter stere 15:03 caen
99.9 inter weak to clear 15:03 tours
100.7 fb cotentin stereo 15:03 cherbourg
101.8 fb loire ocean weak to clear 15:32 nantes
103.3 europe 1 weak to clear 15:35
caen was there as well on the usual freqs
(Mark P, Devon, UK - skywaves 2192, 28/12/2006)

87.6 Classic 21 Leglise, v weak
91.5 Vivacite Luxembourg Leglise v weak
92.3 Vivacite Hainault Anderlues good peaks wiping out R3
94.4 France Inter Hirson weak
96.6 Pure FM Anderlues fair
97.2 France Musique Hirson weak/fair
99.1 Classic 21 Anderlues good peaks wiping out R1
101.8 Vivacite Hainault Tournai stereo
102.6 Musique 3 Tournai fair
(Nick Gilly, UK - skywaves 2192, 28/12/2006)
Неофициальное вещание

Западная Сахара
7460 Radio Nacional Saharaui, 2300-2315, December 28, Arabic,
local instrumental music. At 2310 UTC talk by male in arabic, 34433
Back to old QRG (ex 7425, ex 6215; ex 6208v) (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - hard-core-dx 48, 30, 28/12/2006)

R. Voice of the People, 11695 via Madagascar, 1700-1753 Dec 23, sign-on with multi-lingual IDs, programming in English and vernacular.
Many IDs with mentions of frequency, address and e-mail address. Brief breaks of local music. 1749 closing multi-lingual IDs, followed by local music. Fair signal

strength but English difficult to understand due to accents (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 1136, 29/12/2006)

17860 West Africa Democracy R., 10:35-10:45, escuchada el 25 de Diciembre en idioma franc?s a locutora con invitado en conversaci?n, referencias al Paludismo

y el Colera. Segmento musical, SINPO 34443. (Jose Miguel Romero Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 28, 27/12/2006)

9570 Radio Farda, 19:50-19:55, escuchada el 27 de Diciembre en idioma farsi con emisi?n de m?sica pop espa?ola, cu?as de ID, m?sica disco, SINPO 45544.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 28, 27/12/2006)

6245 Radio Zamaneh. Dec.27.06 *1700 - Per a tip from Walt Salmaniw,
tried for this station at their 1700 sign-on. Heard the carrier open up
at 1657 with a whooping modulated carrier, then into a opening orchestra
with singers, noted with the distinctive flute and clarinet horn
musical instruments. Into opening announcements by male speaker,
intermixed with comments by a female speaker. Most of the program was a
variation of talks by the announcers. Initially the signal quality was
quite good, but as would happen by 1710 the signal literally disappeared
at times. Real strange propagation conditions..one minute a clear signal
then absolutely nothing. I was able stay with some of the programming
till 1725 hr.. Checked today and not a peep on from them. Thanks again
to Walt Salmaniw for pointing this out. (Edward Kusalik-Alberta, CANADA - CumbreDX 28/12/2006)


5035Khz 0102utc 24/12 B R.Aparecida Talks about Sao Paulo PR. 43333
5045Khz 2329utc 24/12 B R.Guaruj? Paulista ,Guaruj? Talks about "The president" PR. 43333
3900Khz 2351utc 24/12 ?? Verry weak station no id ???
3335Khz 2359utc 24/12 ?? Piraat
3920Khz 0000utc 25/12 ?? Piraat
4716.80Khz 0007utc 25/12 BOL. R.Yura ,Yura Cont. talks weak SP. 22222
4755.08Khz 0015utc 25/12 PRU R.Huanta 2000 ,Huanta Nice trad. PRU. music SP. 22222
4855.60Khz 0036utc 25/12 PRU R.La Hora ,Cusco Male singing and music with accordion SP. 33222
5460.10Khz 0058utc 25/12 PRU R.Bolivar,Ciudad Bolivar Non stop talks weak SP. 22222
(Maurits Van Driessche, Belgium - hard-core-dx 48, 26, 25/12/2006)

810 kHz - 7.28 UTC - BBC R. Scotland, telephoninterview, O=3
819 kHz - 715 UTC RAI Uno Trieste, Infomation, O=3
846 kHz - 7:26 UTC - Radio North, Oldies, O=2
1503 kHz - 7:30 UTC BBC R. Stoke, Talk, O=2
(Friedhelm, Germany - emwg 434, 28/12/2006)

3309.95Khz 2325utc 30/12 BOL Radio Mosoj Chaski ,Cochobamba Male and Female talks cont. Lang. is like ? dialect SP. 33333
3905Khz 2000utc 30/12 PNG Radio New Ireland Nice pop and Chrismassongs mix. lang. E. 43333
4755.12Khz 0021utc 31/12 PRU Radio Huanta 2000 ,Huanta Nice guitar mx. stronger than 25/12 SP.43333
4781.60Khz 0040utc 31/12 BOL Radio Tacana ,Tumupasa Male talks about Bol. SP. poor 22222
4845.20Khz 0111utc 31/12 B Radio Cult. Ond. Tropic ,Manaus Male singing trad. B. songs PR. 33222
(Maurits Van Driessche, Belgium - hard-core-dx 49, 1, 31/12/2006)

1645 31/12 23.20 R. Barones - Postbus 73 - 7160 AB Neede -
Olanda Olandese ID e MX buono
3258 26/12 23.50 Pirata Greca - ? Greco MX 1629x2 suff.
3928 23/12 22.45 R. Quintus - radioquintus@hotmail.com
EE ID e MX buono
4319USB 26/12 23.45 AFRTS - Diego Garcia EE NX suff.
4755 30/12 22.50 R. Educ. Rural - Campo Grande PP annunci
4775 30/12 23.05 R. Congonhas - PP MX suff.
4805 30/12 23.10 R. Dif. Amazonas - Manuas PP MX buono
4825 26/12 22.50 R. Educadora - Braganca PP MX suff.
4880 30/12 17.05 SW R. Africa - Meyerton Vern. MX afro suff
4925 26/12 22.55 R. Educ. Rural - Tefè PP NX suff.
5446.5USB 26/12 23.40 AFRTS - Key West EE NX suff.
5910 30/12 23.15 Marfil Estereo - Bogotà SS MX buono
6090 30/12 23.20 Caribbean Beacon - Anguilla EE predica
6220 26/12 09.50 R. Mystery - ? EE ID e MX ottimo
6260 25/12 09.25 R. Mistletoe - radiomistletoe@hotmail.com EE ID e MX
6272 25/12 10.10 Flux AM - info@fluxfm.nl EE ID e MX buono
6275 25/12 10.00 Delta R. - ? EE ID e MX buono
6280 26/12 10.25 R. Merlin Int. - radiomerlininternational@
hotmail.com EE ID e MX buono
6305 25/12 10.50 R. Boemerang - box72@gmx.net EE ID e MX
6375 31/12 10.00 R. Brigitte Int. - Postbus 2702 - 6049 ZG Herten - Olanda EE ID e MX suff.
7100 30/12 17.00 Voice of Broad. Masses of Eritrea - Asmara Tigrino talk OM suff.
7380 30/12 21.00 Voice of Biafra Int. - Washington EE ID e NX buono
9675 26/12 23.30 R. Cancao Nova - Cachoeira Paulista PP predica buono
(Roberto Pavanello, Italy - playdx2003 1210, 31/12/2006)

28 Dic. Firedrake Jamming en 9200 y 10400, a las 21:55, SINPO 34333
29 Dic. Firedrake Jamming en 7445, a las 18:05, se aprecia emisi?n en idioma asi?tico de fondo. Se trata de Radio Free Asia emitiendo en paralelo por 7535
(Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 30, 29/12/2006)


0619Z 4125.0 CAMSLANT wkg disabled vessel M/V MAERSK SCOTLAND to exchange email addresses

0659Z 4125.0 M/V MAERSK SCOTLAND reports no change in situation

1404Z 8983.0 CG 2140 (HU-25) departing Cape Cod for LE patrol requests guard from CAMSLANT

1411Z 6246.6 ANDVT

1422Z 10993.6 ANDVT

1424Z 4125.0 M/V MAERSK SCOTLAND reports situation unchanged. CAMSLANT advises to QSY 6215 kHz if comms are lost on this freq

1459Z 8912.0 CG 1720 (HC-130, CGAS Clearwater) airborne with 7 POB requests guard from CAMSLANT

1500Z 13907.0 JULIET 16 (HH-60J, CGAS Clearwater) ops normal report to CAMSLANT

1529Z 8912.0 CG 1720 position report to CAMSLANT. 29-55N 083-54W

[19:57:27][FRQ 05732000][TO ][CS9 ][TWS][X53 ][AL0] BER 28 SN 06 followed by 53A position report to PANTHER. Bearing 188, 25 miles

from ?4 with 10 POB. PANTHER requests to know if mission complete and if anything was found

2102Z 8983.0 B2C requests guard from CAMSLANT

[21:06:20][FRQ 05732000][TO ][OPB ][TWS][X53 ][AL0] BER 30 SN 06 followed by 53A position report to PANTHER. Bearing 321, 51 miles

from J6

[21:18:08][FRQ 05732000][TO ][OPB ][TIS][J33 ][AL0] BER 28 SN 08 followed by 33C position report to PANTHER. Bearing 184, 17 miles

from P1

[21:21:53][FRQ 05732000][TO ][OPB ][TWS][X53 ][AL0] BER 30 SN 09 followed by 53A position report to PANTHER. Bearing 321, 16 miles

from J6. Reports PANTHER 400 has their guard

ALE addresses monitored on Cothen: 503, 720, CS9, D31, FMK, I54, J01, J16, J33, LNT, OPB, PNR400, X53, X63
(MJ Cleary, Charleston, SC - udxf 335, 25/12/2006)

05762.0 035: Hng-Mil 1645 ALE/USB clg 082 (2006-12-24) (sw)
05334.0 035: Hng-Mil 1646 ALE/USB clg 082 (2006-12-24) (sw)
04795.0 035: Hng-Mil 1646 ALE/USB clg 082 (2006-12-24) (sw)
07705.0 YG53: Alg-Mil 1653 ALE/USB clg YG40 (2006-12-24) (sw)
07705.0 YG52: Alg-Mil 1654 ALE/USB clg YG48 (2006-12-24) (sw)
05414.0 YG53: Alg-Mil 1655 ALE/USB clg YG40 (2006-12-24) (sw)
05414.0 YG63: Alg-Mil 1656 ALE/USB clg YG40 (2006-12-24) (sw)
04457.0 RHP: Unid 1656 ALE/USB clg AAP (2006-12-24) (sw)
05476.0 000021040: Grc-Moi 1716 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-24) (sw)
04855.0 11043: Unid 1723 ALE/USB clg 1103 (2006-12-24) (sw)
05792.0 101: Civile Protection Marocaine 1724 ALE/USB clg 1113 (2006-12-24) (sw)
09200.0 201: Civile Protection Marocaine 1726 ALE/USB clg 2519 (Sam, UK - udxf 339, 25/12/2006)

8414.5kHz C6QG6: Sea Giant 2006DEC252005Z GMDSS/DSC

SELF IDENTIFICATION: 308981000 Bahamas
LONGITUDE 64 deg 34 min WEST
TIME UTC: 19 : 57
TELECOMMAND: J3E telephone
DECODED AT: 3:05:02 PM 12/25/2006
(Albert P, Boston, MA - udxf 339, 25/12/2006)

07990.0 JCI: Unid 1550 ALE/USB clg RFI (2006-12-26) (sw)
07705.0 YG52: Alg-Mil/Moi 1621 ALE/USB clg YG40 (2006-12-26) (sw)
07705.0 YG52: Alg-Mil/Moi 1624 ALE/USB clg YG46 (2006-12-26) (sw)
07705.0 YG46: Alg-Mil/Moi 1624 ALE/USB clg YG52 (2006-12-26) (sw)
05075.0 YG52: Alg-Mil/Moi 1626 ALE/USB clg YG46 (2006-12-26) (sw)
07705.0 VK40: Alg-Mil/Moi 1628 ALE/USB clg VK47 (2006-12-26) (sw)
07705.0 YG70: Alg-Mil/Moi 1635 ALE/USB clg YG57 (2006-12-26) (sw)
07705.0 YG52: Alg-Mil/Moi 1636 ALE/USB clg YG50 (2006-12-26) (sw)
07705.0 YG40: Alg-Mil/Moi 1636 ALE/USB clg YG53 (2006-12-26) (sw)
05075.0 YG52: Alg-Mil/Moi 1637 ALE/USB clg YG50 (2006-12-26) (sw)
08010.0 50: Dnk-Mil 1641 ALE/USB clg 45 (2006-12-26) (sw)
05788.0 50: Dnk-Mil 1642 ALE/USB clg 45 (2006-12-26) (sw)
09260.0 50: Dnk-Mil 1643 ALE/USB clg 68 (2006-12-26) (sw)
06712.0 50: Dnk-Mil 1644 ALE/USB clg 68 (2006-12-26) (sw)
05788.0 50: Dnk-Mil 1644 ALE/USB clg 68 (2006-12-26) (sw)
05058.0 50: Dnk-Mil 1645 ALE/USB clg 68 (2006-12-26) (sw)
02512.0 50: Dnk-Mil 1646 ALE/USB clg 68 (2006-12-26) (sw)
(Sam, UK - udxf 336, 26/12/2006)

08086.0 BENIN: Unid 1629 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-26) (sw)
08086.0 OMQC: Unid 1704 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-26) (sw)
08016.0 4101: Unid 1709 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-26) (sw)
08086.0 YOLA: Nig-Oil/Gas 1725 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-26) (sw)
07759.0 KADUNA: Nig-Oil/Gas 1728 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-26) (sw)
08086.0 KADUNA: Nig-Oil/Gas 1728 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-26) (sw)
(Sam, UK - udxf 336, 26/12/2006)

11175.0 was active at 2033z with CHIVALRY (or sounds like; strong
levels here) bcsting a 28-character EAM (LTBTAT) and simulcasting same
on 4724.0 (strong), 8992.0 (strong) and 15016.0 (strong).
(Jeff Haverlah, Coastal Texas, Usa - udxf 336, 26/12/2006)

08086.0 ILORIN: Nig-NNPC Ilorin 2145 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-26) (sw)
07759.0 JOS: Nig-NNPC Jos 2150 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-26) (sw)
06500.0 13252: Unid 2151 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-26) (sw)
08035.0 B22: Unid (LEN net) 2208 ALE/USB clg BR2 (2006-12-26) (sw)
08035.0 MS1: Unid (LEN net) 2209 ALE/USB clg BR2 (2006-12-26) (sw)
(Sam, UK - udxf 336, 26/12/2006)

to day, FUO TOULON
8543 khz
Stanag 4285 300 L
ASCII 7N1 (ITA2 5N1 usual )
(Christian Virenque, France - udxf 336, 26/12/2006)

8414.5kHz LACS4:CGG Duke 2006DEC262245Z GMDSS/DSC

SELF IDENTIFICATION: 003669998 United States of America
LONGITUDE 133 deg 16 min EAST
TIME UTC: 22 : 43
TELECOMMAND: J3E telephone
DECODED AT: 5:45:59 PM 12/26/2006
(Albert P, Boston, MA, Usa - udxf 336, 26/12/2006)

15016.0 was active at 0130z with FAST BALL (strong/good levels
here) bcsting a 28-character EAM (LTEQOI) and simulcasting same on
11175.0 (good/strong), 8992.0 (good/strong) and 4724.0
(Jeff Haverlah, Coastal Texas, Usa - udxf 336, 26/12/2006)

06516.0 ADVENTURE: Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race net 0155 USB wkg JBW
regarding transferring crew of RAY WHITE KOOMOOLOO to POLICE LAUNCH
ALERT after taking them on board when their vessel began sinking.
(Simon Denneen, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia - udxf 336, 26/12/2006)

Yesterday this seismic oil & gas survey vessel claimed to be aground in the
deep Pacific E of Japan.

Today she claims to be in distress off the Mediterranean coast of Spain .

According to this crewmember's website http://www.rappetibom.com/ she just
finished a survey in the Timor Sea and returned to Singapore for crew
change before (now?) heading to the Andaman Islands..

Nothing like incompetence and false alarms to destroy by "crying wolf"
whatever close attention people pay to what should be a life-saving system.

Way to go, guys, A big cheer for GC Rieber Shipping, AS of Bergen, Norway
for their crewing, training and discipline standards..

8414.5kHz LACS4:CGG Duke 2006DEC270134Z GMDSS/DSC

SELF IDENTIFICATION: 775065000 Venezuela
IDENTIFICATION OF SHIP IN DISTRESS: 304010885 Antigua and Barbuda
LONGITUDE 2 deg 47 min WEST
TIME UTC: 1 : 32
TELECOMMAND: J3E telephone
DECODED AT: 8:34:21 PM 12/26/2006
(Albert P, Boston, Ma, Usa - udxf 338, 27/12/2006)

07698.0 911: Nigeria Police Force 1643 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-26) (sw)
04795.0 035: Hng-Mil 2121 ALE/USB clg 082 (2006-12-26) (sw)
05140.0 FQ10: Unid 2138 ALE/USB clg FQ13 (2006-12-26) (sw)
(Sam, UK - udxf 338, 27/12/2006)

06500.0 1116: Unid 2210 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-27) (sw)
07759.0 KANO: Nig-NNPC Kano 2214 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-27) (sw)
08086.0 KANO: Nig-NNPC Kano 2215 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-27) (sw)
07759.0 KADUNA: Nig-NNPC Kaduna 2216 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-27) (sw)
08086.0 BENIN: Nig-NNPC Benin 2218 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-27) (sw)
(Sam, UK - udxf 338, 27/12/2006)

6535 khz Air Portugal 145 BQ-AF CS-TDI A310 c/n 573
(Patrice Privat, France - udxf 338, 27/12/2006)

8060.0 1359 CS003A ALE/USB call to RS008B 12/28 (PP1)

7870.0 1348 unid Russian net (CIS Airports ?) USB russian speaker help
needed 2/28 (PP1)

2345.0 1856 unid Russian Volmet USB russian speaker help needed 12/26

6998.05 1346 HWK7 long text in Italian, cw unid 12/28 (PP1)
(Patrice Privat, France - udxf 340, 28/12/2006)

03322 : Russian Air Defence 2109 CW Plotting messages: 990009??
0????? 990010??0????? etc. (28Dec06) (MPJ)

04008 : CIS Military 1912 MS-5/4800/DPSK/USB In traffic.
(28Dec06) (MPJ)

04179 REA4: AF HQ Moscow 2043 CW Routine sked bcast: REA4 =
28200 23746 93215 82117 10023 90300 20069 93456 82309 10075
91300 = REA4 K. (28Dec06) (MPJ)

04489.35 : Unid Diplo/Military Bcast 1811 FEC Encrypted. No plain
headers. Off the air 1823. (28Dec06) (MPJ)

04550 : Prob French Navy 1807 UNID/50/850 ACF=0. (28Dec06)
(MPJ - udxf 340, 28/12/2006)

04713.5 : Unid 1750 UNID/100/170 ACF=0. (28Dec06) (MPJ - udxf 340, 28/12/2006)
07759.0 YOLA: Nig-NNPC Yola 2233 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-27) (sw)
08086.0 YOLA: Nig-NNPC Yola 2234 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-27) (sw)
16240.0 1103: Protection Civile Marocaine 1127 ALE/USB clg 11031 (2006-
12-28) (sw)
16240.0 1001: Protection Civile Marocaine 1135 ALE/USB clg 2205 (2006-
12-28) (sw)
16240.0 1304: Protection Civile Marocaine 1140 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-
28) (sw)
17435.0 1001: Protection Civile Marocaine 11345ALE/USB clg 2403 (2006-
12-28) (sw)
07759.0 SARKINPA: Nig-NNPC 2135 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-28) (sw)
08086.0 KANO: Nig-NNPC Kano 2136 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-28) (sw)
(Sam, UK - udxf 340, 28/12/2006)

07698.0 911: Nigeria Police Force 2148 ALE/USB clg 9581 (2006-12-28)
07698.0 9113: Nigeria Police Force 2213 ALE/USB clg 9111 (2006-12-28)
07698.0 911: Nigeria Police Force 2217 ALE/USB clg 9111 (2006-12-28)
(Sam, UK - udxf 340, 28/12/2006)

08086.0 KADUNA: Nig-NNPC Kaduna 2227 ALE/USB SULEJA Suleja (2006-12-
28) (sw)
08086.0 SULEJA: Nig-NNPC Suleja 2227 ALE/USB clg KADUNA Kaduna (2006-
12-28) (sw)
08086.0 KADUNA: Nig-NNPC Kaduna 2232 ALE/USB MINNA Minna (2006-12-
28) (sw)
08086.0 ABAJI: Nig-NNPC Abuja 2235 ALE/USB clg KADUNA Kaduna (2006-12-
28) (sw)
07759.0 YOLA: Nig-NNPC 2238 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-28) (sw)
08086.0 YOLA: Nig-NNPC 2238 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-28) (sw)
08086.0 C5L: Nig-NNPC 2245 ALE/USB clg SUL (Suleja) (2006-12-28) (sw)
07759.0 ABAJI: Nig-NNPC Abuja 2247 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-28) (sw)
08086.0 ABAJI: Nig-NNPC Abuja 2248 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-28) (sw)
07759.0 LOKOJA: Nig-NNPC Lokoja 2252 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-28) (sw)
08086.0 LOKOJA: Nig-NNPC Lokoja 2252 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-28) (sw)
07759.0 MOSIMI: Nig-NNPC 2257 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-28) (sw)
07759.0 KADUNA: Nig-NNPC Kaduna 2257 ALE/USB SULEJA Suleja (2006-12-
28) (sw)
07759.0 SULEJA: Nig-NNPC Suleja 2257 ALE/USB clg KADUNA Kaduna (2006-
12-28) (sw)
05807.0 JOS: Nig-NNPC Jos 2302 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-28) (sw)
(Sam, UK - udxf 340, 28/12/2006)

07759.0 JOS: Nig-NNPC Jos 2305 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-28) (sw)
07759.0 KANO: Nig-NNPC Kano 2307 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-28) (sw)
05807.0 AUCHI: Nig-NNPC Auchi 2307 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-28) (sw)
08086.0 JOS: Nig-NNPC Jos 2311 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-28) (sw)
08086.0 KANO: Nig-NNPC Kano 2312 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-28) (sw)
06500.0 1106: Unid 2312 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-28) (sw)
07759.0 GUSAU: Nig-NNPC Gusau 2314 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-28) (sw)
08086.0 GUSAU: Nig-NNPC Gusau 2315 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-28) (sw)
07759.0 KADUNA: Nig-NNPC Kaduna 2319 ALE/USB ABAJI Abuja (2006-12-
28) (sw)
05807.0 ABAJI: Nig-NNPC Abuja 2322 ALE/USB KADUNA Kaduna (2006-12-
28) (sw)
05807.0 SARKINPA: Nig-NNPC 2326 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-28) (sw)
07759.0 AUCHI: Nig-NNPC Auchi 2330 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-28) (sw)
07759.0 SARKINPA: Nig-NNPC 2331 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-28) (sw)
05807.0 ACOVE: Nig-NNPC Atlas Cove 2336 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-28)
05807.0 BENIN: Nig-NNPC Benin 2338 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-28) (sw)
08086.0 BENIN: Nig-NNPC Benin 2340 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-28) (sw)
(Sam, Uk - udxf 340, 28/12/2006)

5680.0 0850 KINLOSS Rescue (Scotland) with helicopter Rescue 131 , USB,
gave her position as 56.55N/00.44W then seemed to working on ship OCEAN
SEEKER 12/29 (PP1, France - udxf 340, 29/12/2006)

08086.0 ACOVE: Nig-NNPC Atlas Cove 2343 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-28)
07698.0 911: Nigeria Police Force 2350 ALE/USB clg 911911 (2006-12-
28) (sw)
07698.0 911916: Nigeria Police Force 2350 ALE/USB clg 911911 (2006-12-
28) (sw)
07698.0 LD3: Unid 2351 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-28) (sw)
16240.0 13121: Unid 1005 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-29) (sw)
16240.0 2418: Protection Civile Marocaine 1009 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-
29) (sw)
16240.0 11113: Unid 1012 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-29) (sw)
14550.0 CD: Mrc-Mil 1037 ALE/USB clg B3 (2006-12-29) (sw)
18765.0 1316: Protection Civile Marocaine 1057 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-
29) (sw)
16240.0 2411: Protection Civile Marocaine 1057 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-
29) (sw)
18765.0 2201: Protection Civile Marocaine 1057 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-
29) (sw)
13499.0 2201: Protection Civile Marocaine 1057 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-
29) (sw)
18765.0 2411: Protection Civile Marocaine 1058 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-
29) (sw)
18765.0 11133: Protection Civile Marocaine 1059 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-
12-29) (sw)
16240.0 11133: Protection Civile Marocaine 1059 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-
12-29) (sw)
18765.0 1324: Protection Civile Marocaine 1100 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-
29) (sw)
16240.0 13061: Protection Civile Marocaine 1106 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-
12-29) (sw)
13499.0 13061: Protection Civile Marocaine 1109 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-
12-29) (sw)
18765.0 13061: Protection Civile Marocaine 1109 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-
12-29) (sw)
18765.0 2402: Protection Civile Marocaine 1110 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-
29) (sw)
18765.0 2518: Protection Civile Marocaine 1110 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-
29) (sw)
13499.0 11021: Protection Civile Marocaine 1110 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-
12-29) (sw)
09200.0 11021: Protection Civile Marocaine 1111 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-
12-29) (sw)
16240.0 2215: Protection Civile Marocaine 1111 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-
29) (sw)
13499.0 2215: Protection Civile Marocaine 1113 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-
29) (sw)
16240.0 11043: Protection Civile Marocaine 1118 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-
12-29) (sw)
16240.0 10111: Protection Civile Marocaine 1120 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-
12-29) (sw)
17435.0 10111: Protection Civile Marocaine 1120 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-
12-29) (sw)
13499.0 2204: Protection Civile Marocaine 1122 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-
29) (sw)
10390.0 11121: Protection Civile Marocaine 1123 ALE/USB clg 1112
(2006-12-29) (sw)
18765.0 11121: Protection Civile Marocaine 1125 ALE/USB clg 1112
(2006-12-29) (sw)
16240.0 1119: Protection Civile Marocaine 1120 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-
29) (Sam, UK - udxf 340, 29/12/2006)

13499.0 11111: Protection Civile Marocaine 1502 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-
12-29) (sw)
08016.0 4102: Unid 1503 ALE/USB clg 4201 (2006-12-29) (sw)
13499.0 13251: Protection Civile Marocaine 1505 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-
12-29) (sw)
13499.0 13112: Protection Civile Marocaine 1505 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-
12-29) (sw)
06921.0 DD1: Isr-Af 1542 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-29) (sw)
08135.0 DD1: Isr-Af 1548 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-29) (sw)
07780.0 LEN: Unid (LEN net) 1550 ALE/USB clg BR2 (2006-12-29) (sw)
07780.0 BR2: Unid (LEN net) 1550 ALE/USB clg LEN (2006-12-29) (sw)
07759.0 OMQC: Nig-NNPC 1614 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-29) (sw)
08086.0 OMQC: Nig-NNPC 1616 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-29) (sw)
07759.0 YOLA: Nig-NNPC 1618 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-29) (sw)
08086.0 YOLA: Nig-NNPC 1620 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-29) (sw)
09200.0 2001: Protection Civile Marocaine 1505 ALE/USB clg 2514
(Sam, UK - udxf 341, 29/12/2006)

[18:12:22][FRQ 6305000][TO ][MB1HB1 ][TWS][GS1 ][AL0]
BER 12 SN 04 [AMD]...
[17:41:29][FRQ 6305000][TO ][MB1 ][TIS][GS1 ][AL0]
BER 24 SN 08
[17:28:47][FRQ 6305000][TO ][MB1 ][TIS][GS1 ][AL0]
BER 21 SN 09 (Patrice Privat, France - udxf 341, 29/12/2006)

07705.0 YG47: Alg-Mil 1915 ALE/USB clg YG43 (2006-12-29) (sw)
06921.0 TSM: Isr-Af 1928 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-29) (sw)
06921.0 AA3: Isr-Af Ben Gurion 2014 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-29) (sw)
08600.0 13241: Protection Civile Marocaine 2020ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-
29) (sw)
04910.0 RFP: Unid 2030 ALE/USB clg JCP (2006-12-29) (sw)
06921.0 DD1: Isr-Af 2043 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-29) (sw)
09260.0 50: Dnk-Mil 2102 ALE/USB clg 45 (2006-12-29) (sw)
(Sam, UK - udxf 341, 29/12/2006)

[16:47:42][FRQ 05732000][TO ][LNT ][TIS][J01 ][AL0] BER 30 SN 09 followed by JULIET 01 (HH-60J) ops normal report to CAMSLANT
[19:17:13][FRQ 05732000][TO ][OPB ][TIS][X53 ][AL0] BER 20 SN 00 followed by 53A position report to PANTHER. Bearing 267, 19 miles

from G1
2153Z 7527.0 RESCUE 1500 (HC-130, CGAS Elizabeth City) airborne from Bermuda with 10 POB for SAR requests guard from CAMSLANT
2203Z 8983.0 CG 1704 (HC-130, CGAS Clearwater) ops normal report to CAMSLANT
2215Z 5696.0 CG 2114 (HU-25, CGAS Miami) ops normal report to CAMSLANT
2231Z 11175.0 RANGER 51 (KC-130T, VMGR-234) p/p via McClellan HF-GCS
2325Z 8983.0 CG 1504 (HC-130, CGAS Clearwater) departing Miami with 8 POB requests guard from CAMSLANT
ALE addresses monitored on Cothen: 500, 504, 704, 716, D02, D31, FMK, J01, J03, J16, J18, J19, J31, LNT, OPB, PNR400, X53
(Mark, Charleston, SC - udxf 341, 29/12/2006)

05544 B-6050: China Eastern A340 1746 HFDL Logs on. (30Dec06) (MPJ)

05544 G-VATL: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Atlantic Angel' 1747 HFDL Logs
on to Al Muharraq. (30Dec06) (MPJ)

05544 G-VFIT: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Dancing Queen' Flt VS0301 1750
HFDL Logs on. (30Dec06) (MPJ)

05544 A6-EHA: Etihad A340 Flt EY0303 1754 HFDL Posn report 5122N
00015W. (30Dec06) (MPJ)

05544 VT-INC: IndiGo A320 1802 HFDL Logs on. (30Dec06) (MPJ)

05544 HS-TND: Thai International A340 1807 HFDL Logs on. (30Dec06)

07927 : Russian Military 1458 MS-5/4800/DPSK/USB In traffic.
(30Dec06) (MPJ)

08561.06 : Unid UNID/50/OOK On/off keyed 50 Baud printer. Spurious
of FUB on 8565 kHz. (30Dec06) (MPJ)

09360 OXT: Copenhagen Meteo 1257 FAX/120/576 Cape Farewell ice
chart. Perfect copy. (30Dec06) (MPJ)

10186.2 : Unid 1237 STANAG-4285/300L/USB Encrypted. (30Dec06)

12577 V7IF3: Gas Amazon 1514 DSC Safety RQ to MRCC Australia
Charleville/Wiluna. (30Dec06) (MPJ)

13404 : Russian Military 1221 MS-5/4800/DPSK/USB In traffic.
(30Dec06) (MPJ - udxf 342, 30/12/2006)

4929 8PNX:M89 19:08utc 29-Dec-06 CW
text as sent:
282/8240/8090/12/30/0340/041/A/43/45 AR
resumed tape:

message repeated at 19:30 utc
(Alex Topeki, Anchorage, Alaska - udxf 342, 30/12/2006)

08191.5 REA4: 0441 F2A 1000 Hz shift. Revs then 5fig tfc w/cut zeros,
ends with " = REA4 K " ID please? 31Dec06 (jr)

08888.0 Novosibirsk-Meteo: 0447 USB YL auto VOLMET ends at 0450.
31Dec06 (jr)

08428.0 NMN: 0455 A1A/F2B USCG Portsmounth VA. SITOR-A free signal.
31Dec06 (jr)

08427.5 A9M: 0457 A1A/F2B P+T Bahrain. SITOR-A free signal. 31Dec06

04331.0 4XZ: 0504 A1A (M22) call and tfc. 31Dec06 (jr)

04216.0 TAH: 0506 A1A/F2B Istanbul Radio. SITOR-A free signal.
31Dec06 (jr)

05883.0 Cuba: 0519 A2A (M08a, or b, or c) in progress, tfc w/cut
numbers. Vy weak signal. 31Dec06 (jr)

06316.0 NMN: 0625 A1A/F2B USCG Portsmouth VA. SITOR-A free signal.
31Dec06 (jr)

06317.0 WLO: 0627 A1A/F2B Seattle, WA. SITOR-A free signal. 31Dec06

08420.0 Unid: 0710 F2B 1800 Hz shift. Continuous mark then approx 4
sec burst of data every 5-9 secs. Strong signal. 31Dec06 (jr)

08424.0 SVO: 0716 Olympia Radio. SITOR-A free signal. 31Dec06 (jr)

08734.0 SVO4: 0719 Olympia Radio USB YL. Radiotelephone service auto
announcement in Greek and English, also 13170.0 SVO55: 0725. 31Dec06
(Jerry, UK - udxf 342, 30/12/2006)


According to my sources a new religious station
"Dunamis Shortwave" will start broadcasting 1 Feb 2007 on
4750 kHz. Located near Kampala, Uganda and using a 1kW
Crown transmitter with wire NVIS antenna. Starts with 4 hrs/day
in Luganda, Swahili and English. Later 9 hrs/day. No exact schedule
available yet. Not too good frequency choice when Sudanese Radio
Peace is on the channel too. I told them there will be co-channel
interference and it seems they had forgot the Sudanese station
being on this frequency. (Jari Savolainen, Finland - dxldyg 1138, 30/12/2006)

http://www.voiceofkorea.org - Голос Кореи
http://www.allindiaradio.org/ - Всеиндийское Радио


5990 Radio Praha via Sackville. Full data 70th anniversary card & Josef
Ressel QSL Card ( with site) plus a whole lot of goodies in 28 days.
(Edward Kusalik-Alberta, CANADA - CumbreDX 1784, 28/12/2006)

Получил QSL за электронные рапорта от Голос Православия, Радио Полония, RHC, FEBC, KFBS, VOA, NAV-3 (станция ВМС США).
На рапорта посланные обычной почтой ответили Радио Гардарика, DSWCI подтвердил на своих карточках приём с острова Святой Елены,

через Австрийское QSL бюро подтвердили приём станций Красного креста - OEH20, OEH9101, OEH81, купон вернули.
(Владимир Рожков - open_dx 29/12/2006)

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