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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 104

WorldDX 104
WorldDX выходит с декабря 2004 года.
Редкатор: Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия.
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Короткие Волны

RA has changed its transmission schedule, apparently due to silly
ballgames. Jan 16 at 0617, 9580 was already on much earlier than usual *0800
with cricket and tennis coverage intermixed (unless 6-love has something to do
with wickets). Then at 1412, I found 5995 with Australian Open Tennis,
apparently live even tho it was after 1 am local time. Maybe they are playing
late at nite to avoid the heatwave. A bit earlier on the news at 1403 it was
reported that there was a major power failure in Victoria and use of
air-conditioners might have to be restricted (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 49, 17, 16/01/2007)

Gerade ist der Australier auf 2.325 kHz recht gut zu hören (2.485 kHz
schwach und 2.310 kHz gar nicht) in Nord-DL zwischen Hamburg-Bremen-Hannover.
(Kai Hoefs, Germany - A-DX 15/01/2007)

15820 LSB, Concepto AM, 1132-1150,
17-01, locutor, noticias y comentarios,
identificacion: "Informo Concepto AM, una amplia
cobertura de la actualidad en tres ediciones
diarias, de 6 a 7, de ... a... y de 20 a 21, El
Noticiero Federal". "Somos Concepto AM, un nuevo
concepto en radio". "Escuchan La Ma?ana de
Concepto, 7 de la ma?ana con 36 minutos, 18
grados la temperatura en la capital". Locutor y locutora. 24322.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 49, 18, 17/01/2007)

I reported some time ago about (tentative) R Peace -
R Solh broadcasts on 6700. They've been audible here
again past few days. The reception is rather weak. Today
20 Jan at 1440 UT noted them again on 6700 with
non-stop Afghan music. While scanning upwards, there was another
station on 6800 with Afghan music too, but not in parallel. 6800 was
stronger and peaked to good level after 1500. Sudden decrease
in signal at 1525. Both stations passed their local TOH 1530
without any announcements.
What I've learned (thanks to Mauno Ritola and various websites)
there's been (or still is) at least three tx sites for U.S. Psyops
Radio Peace on shortwave (lately in the 9300 kHz region).
These are Bagram, Kandahar and Orgun.
I guess the listmembers in India/Middle East have a good
signal from these stations and possibly can get a local id.
(Jari Savolainen, Kuusankoski, Finland - dxldyg 1172, 20/01/2007)

7420 Radio Belarus, 19:00-19:05, escuchada el 20 de Enero en alemán con sintonía, locutor y locutora con presentación y cuña de identificación, locutora con

boletín de notcias, SINPO 45544. (Josw Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 1172, 20/01/2007)

5025 Radio Parakou, 22:55-23:02, escuchada el 15 de Enero en franc?s a locutor con fin de transmisi?n, comentarios e himno nacional, SINPO 24332.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 49, 17, 16/01/2007)

Excelente epoca para escuchar las emisoras
brasile?as en las bandas de 25 y 31 metros entre las 0800 y las 1100 horas.

4885, Radio Clube do Para, Belem, 0859-0903,
17-01, locutor, portugues, comentarios, canciones brasile?as. 25322. (Mendez)

9615, Radio Cultura, Sao Paulo, 0905-0907, 17-01,
canciones brasile?as. 34333. (Mendez)

9515, Radio Novas de Paz, Curitiba, 0918-0921,
17-01, locutora, programa religioso, portugues. 23222. (Mendez)

9565, Radio Tupi, Curitiba, 0921-0935, 17-01,
comentario religioso, portugu?s. 24322. (Mendez)

9630, Radio Aparecida, Aparecida, 0907-0913,
17-01, locutor, noticias de Brasil, noticias del
accidente metro de Sao Paulo. 34333. (Mendez)

9645, Radio Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo, 0915-0925,
17-01, noticias y comentarios en portugues. 23322. (Mendez)

9695, Radio Rio Mar, Manaus, 1034-1055, 17-01,
noticias de la Amazonia y de Brasil, locutor: "6
horas 33 minutos en Manus". Anuncios comerciales. 34333. (Mendez)

11725, Radio Novas de Paz, Curitiba, 0935-0952,
17-01, programa religioso, locutor, locutora. 23322. (Mendez)

11780, Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia,
1047-1050, 17-01, locutora, comentarios,
identificacion: "Radio Nacional da Amazonia". 34333. (Mendez)

11804.7, Radio Globo, R?o de Janeiro, 0913-1100,
17-01, noticias de Brasil, noticia sobre los
heridos del accidente del metro de Sao Paulo,
identificacion: "Radio Globo". Se escucha hasta
las 1100 que empieza a transmitir su programa en
espa?ol Radio Habana Cuba en 11805 kHz. 34333. (Mendez)

11815, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 1107-1115,
17-01, locutor, noticias y comentarios,
identificaci?n: "Radio Brasil Central". Ligera
interferencia de R. E. E. desde Costa Rica en la
misma frecuencia. 43443. (Mendez)

11830, Radio Anhanguera, Goiania, 1050-1056,
17-01, locutor, noticias, anuncios comerciales, portugu?s. 33333. (Mendez)

11915, Radio Ga?cha, Porto Alegre, 1040-1046,
17-01, locutor, portugu?s, noticias y comentarios. 23322. (Mendez)

11925, Radio Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo, 1052-1057, 17-01, comentarios en portugu?s, locutor. 23322.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 49, 18, 17/01/2007)

9675 Radio Cancao Nova, 20:57-21:05, escuchada el 19 de Enero en portugués a locutores con comentarios, locutor anunciando frecuencias, cuñas musicales,

SINPO 34433. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 1172, 20/01/2007)

5030 Radio Burkina, 23:03-23:06, escuchada el 15 de Enero a locutor con comentarios, SINPO 24332.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 49, 17, 16/01/2007)

Vatican Radio IS on 9310, Jan 15 at 1429, Latin at 1430 but only
for catch-phrase, into another uncertain language, but Hindi scheduled, aimed
SE from Tashkent (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 49, 16, 15/01/2007)

Auch am FR war kein deutschsprachiges Programm der "Stimme Vietnams" auf
3985khz zu der üblichen Sendezeit zu hören. Auf 9730khz war um diese Zeit
EE//FF zu hören. 5955 in EE war auch hörbar. (Paul Gager - A-DX 20/01/2007)

Afropop Music Distraxion, Jan 15 at 1452 was on 17685. Usually it`s
below CVC on 17680. ANU also at similar level in French on 17630, S9+20. At
1454 found // ANU harmonic 19160, S9+12 (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 49, 16, 15/01/2007)

4780, Radio Djibouti, 1654-1701, 14-01, vernaculo, locutor, comentarios y m?sica. 44444.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 49, 18, 17/01/2007)

4780 RTV Djibouti, 18:35-18:40, escuchada el 19 de Enero en idioma vernacular a locutor con comentarios, locutora, SINPO 34232.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003, 19/01/2007)

10330 AIR Vividh Bharati, 14:30-14:40, escuchada el 16 de Enero en Hindi a locutor y locutora con comentarios, radionovela, se aprecia mala modulaci?n, SINPO

35443. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 49, 17, 16/01/2007)

4830, AIR Jammu, 1706-1710, 14-01, musica hindu. 24322. (Mendez)

4840, AIR Mumbai, 1651-1654, 14-01, musica hindu. 25432. (Mendez)

4860, AIR Delhi A, Kingsway, 1609-1615, 14-01, musica hindu. (Mendez)

4910, AIR Jaipur, 1704-1706, 14-01, musica hindu. En paralelo con 4920 AIR Chennai. 34433. (Mendez)

4920, AIR Chennai, 1702-1704, 14-01, m?sica hind?.34333. (Mendez)

4980, AIR Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, 1659-17-02, 14-01, vernaculo, locutor, comenarios, m?sica. 34333. (Mendez)

5010, AIR Thiruvananthapuram, 1656-1759, 14-01, locutor, comentarios, musica hindu, identificacion: "All India Radio". 24322.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 49, 18, 17/01/2007)

RRI Serui, 4605, presumed, Jan 16 at 1427 with song; best
Indonesian on band, tho on 4870 there was a good carrier, but could detect no modulation (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 49, 17, 16/01/2007)

Eben auf 4790-RRI Fak-Fak um 2130Pausenzeicen ,Zeitzeichen nx O=2
Auf 4874.55 RRI Sorong auch nx O=2
(Erwin Duldner, Germany - A-DX 18/01/2007)

11690 R. Jordan (Qasr el Kharana), 1628-1630, 1/18/2007,
English. Pop music followed by "Radio Jordan" identification by man at
1630. Pop music then resumed. Strong signal with utility interference
on low side (SINPO 43333). (Jim Evans, TN - CumbreDX 1807, 19/01/2007)

17 Jan at 1345 noted R Voice of Kurdistan (Voice of Democratic
Party of Kurdistan) on 3930.1 in Kurdish and at 1400 in Farsi.
Sign-off was at 1432. The jammer was late and arrived at 1428.
We'll see if this is additional broadcast or change of schedule.
They announce website www.radiokurdistan.net which gives
their schedule 2000-2130 and 0700-0830 Tehran time, that's
1630-1800 and 0330-0500 UT.
E-mail address seems to be info @ radiokurdistan.net
which uses "active spam filter" so you have to validate
your message before it gets through. (Jari Savolainen, Kuusankoski, Finland - CumbreDX 1804, 17/01/2007)

9780 Republic of Yemen Radio,19:11-19:20, escuchada el 19 de Enero en idioma árabe con emisión de música folklórica local, locutora con ID, locutor y locutora

con comentarios y música de fondo, SINPO 35433. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 1229, 19/01/2007)

5964.87, China Radio International, 1046-1110 Noted steady comments in Korean (pres) thru the time frame above. At 1057, station stops for 3 minutes then
back on the air at 1100. No parallels listed anywhere on this particular language/schedule. Signal was poor to threshold.
(Chuck Bolland, January 17, 2007 - CumbreDX 1804, 17/01/2007)

12000 Radio Habana Cuba, 12:20-12:30, escuchada el 13 de Enero en espanol a locutor con comentarios politicos, conexion con corresponsal en El Salvador,

locutora con comentarios, SINPO 35433. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 49, 16, 15/01/2007)

9290 Latvia Today, 08:47-09:00, escuchada el 13 de Enero en ingles a locutora con comentarios y locutor con ID Latvia today..Riga..Latvia, musica pop melodica,

SINPO 44444. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 49, 16, 15/01/2007)

4835 RTV du Mal?, 23:06-23:08, escuchada el 15 de Enero en franc?s a locutor con comentarios, SINPO 23232.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 49, 17, 16/01/2007)

R. Educacion, made another of its unscheduled daytime
appearances on 6185. Jan 15 at 1521 found good signal during interview show
about some ``obra`` being presented for 23 performances starting Jan 19 at
Teatro de la Paz, Cozumel 33. I never caught the title of it, nor whether it
was theatrical, operatic, musical, or what. 1537 mentioned ``en su casa`` and
the title of the 9-10 am show, per playlist, is ``SU CASA Y OTROS VIAJES``.
Steady 12 over S9 signal; when rechecked at 1550, it was gone. Did they forget
to turn off the SW transmitter at 1200, or is this deliberate for some reason?
Wish they would run more in daytime, free of QRM (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 49, 16, 15/01/2007)

XEYU is back after about 3 weeks of inactivity. Jan 16 at 0622 heard
classical piano sonata on 9599.4, a dead giveaway it`s R. Universidad Nacional;
no het at this time. Had not been heard at night in previous December tests;
not to be outdone by XEXQ? Europeans should try for these now. Fair signal; not
so good at next check 1424, discussion in Spanish re festivals; at 1530 piano
concerto. Music does not match AM or FM schedules at
http://www.radiounam.unam.mx/htm/programa.htm (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 49, 17, 16/01/2007)

XEXQ, 6045, presumed, Jan 16 at 0629 with Badinerie, in clear after
KBS via Sackville went off; also just barely audible with piano at 1414
squeezed between FE stations (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 49, 17, 16/01/2007)

6185, Radio Educacion, Mexico DF, 1018-1040, 17-01, locutor comentando y presentado programa musical, musica clasica y canciones latinoamericas. 24322.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 49, 18, 17/01/2007)

12015 Voice of Mongolia, 15:24-15:30, escuchada el 20 de Enero en idioma inglés a locutor con comentarios, locutor con ID, SINPO 34343
(Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 1172, 20/01/2007)

Remarkable presence of La Voix du Sahel at 2230 with
fair to good signal, Jan. 15 on 9705. AIR didn't
appear at usual 2245, so I enjoyed hearing the Niger
station after many days until with their vernacular
music followed by muslim worship, and NA sung by a
children chorus at 2301. (Raul Saavedra, Costa Rica - dxldyg 1165, 16/01/2007)

5080,3 17/1 0220 R.Pakistan, Islamabad, talks, poor to fair, fading
(Giampiero Bernardini, Milano, Italy - playdx2003 1227, 18/01/2007)

4890.37, Radio Chota, 1115-1130 Noted Spanish comments between musical
selections. Signal was threshold at this time. (Chuck Bolland, January 16, 2007 - hard-core-dx 49, 17, 16/01/2007)

5014,4 16/1 0200-0320 Radio Altura, Cerro de Pasco, with nice signal here in Milano. Music, talks, commercials and several announcements: "Alturaaa!".

(Giampiero Bernardini, Milano, Italy - hard-core-dx 49, 17, 16/01/2007)

6019,6, Radio Victoria, Lima, 0853-0858, 17-01,
locutor, espa?ol-portugues, programa "La Voz de la Liberacion". 23222. (Mendez)

9720, Radio Victoria, Lima, 0858-0904, 17-01. En paralelo con 6019.6, programa "La Voz de la Liberaci?n". 23322.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 49, 18, 17/01/2007)

4746.79, Radio Huanta Dos Mil, 1052-1110 Noted canned promos and live SP comments during period.
Typical Music at 1104. Signal was fair to poor during period. Last week this station was on 4751 KHz, but has moved here(4746), at least for today.
(Chuck Bolland, January 18, 2007 - CumbreDX 1805, 18/01/2007)

Peru, 4835.41, Radio Maranon, 1050-1105 Noted a male in Spanish comments prior to the hour. On the hour as series on canned ID's "Radio Maranon, La =
Voz de ..." Following that, Spanish comments continue along with TC's. Signal was good during period.

Peru, 4746.74, Radio Huanta Dos Mil, 1106-1115 Promos and Spanish =
comments. Announcer mentins Cuba often during comments. Signal was fair with QRM.

Peru, 5039.17, Radio Libertad, (pres).1117-1130 At tune in, Huaynos music heard.
Canned Time Check over music every minute or so. At 1123, canned ID in Spanish. Signal was poor.
(Chuck Bolland, January 20, 2007 - CumbreDX 1807)

9660 Radio Polonia, 22:15-22:20, escuchada el 11de Enero en polaco a locutora con entrevista a invitado, titulares, noticias internacionales, referencias a Irak,

SINPO 55444. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 49, 16, 15/01/2007)

7310 Radio Rossii, 15:08-15:15, escuchada el 20 de Enero en idioma ruso, cuñas de identificación por locutor y locutora “..program..Radio Rossii...”, cuñas y

segmento musical, SINPO 35343. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 1172, 20/01/2007)

Two odd frequency broadcaster noted at same time today.
VoINS on odd v9525.97 kHz tiny noted from 1800-1902 UT, but then covered by
appearence of TWR IS from Manzini SWZ on odd 9524.96 kHz, scheduled
1905-2020 UT. One SWZ tx observed on odd frequ since at least Sept 2006,
also when used on 6129.96 1600-1715 UT.

Other odd channels are 7335.69 kHz of IRIB Kamalabad in Hausa 1830-1930 UT -
terribel whistle tone, and Galei Zahal ISR Forces station on 6972.75 kHz.
(Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 1170, 19/01/2007)

9795, Radio Nederland, 1115-1140 Noted persons in Indonesian language comments. Heard a canned ID, "... Radio Nederland..." in
Indonesian. Checked listed parallels but not propagating here. PPWBR07 says this is relayed via Singapore. Signal on 9795 was poor.
(Chuck Bolland, January 18, 2007 - CumbreDX 1805)

12085 R. Damascus (Adhra), 1803-1815, 1/19/2007, German(?).
1803 Traditional Arabic music. 1805 Identification as "Radio Damascus"
by woman followed by talk. Poor signal with utility interference, made
much worse by low audio with excessive base (SINPO 22322). Per
schedule, language should have been German, but bad audio made it
impossible to determine. (Jim Evans, TN - CumbreDX 1807, 19/01/2007)

9535 Voz de America, 12:08-12:20, escuchada el el 13 de Enero en espanol a locutor con reportaje sobre la Esclerosis m?ltiple en el programa Avances en la

Medicina, segmento musical, locutor con ID Esta es la Voz de America, noticias sobre avances cient?ficos, SINPO 25432.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 49, 16, 15/01/2007)

R. Prague via WRMI, 7385, Sunday Jan 14 at 1510
starting Insight Central Europe, and mentioning that it is only on certain ones
of their Saturday broadcasts. Last I checked, this relay had the current day`s
transmission, but now it seems to be one day late, like the Sackville 15160
relay at 1500 used to be. Maybe caused by WRMI no longer getting the audio thru

Glenn: Yes, I think that is the case (Jeff White, WRMI, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

And Monday Jan 15 at 1451, Mailbox, which is on their Sunday schedule,
mentioning new 2007y QSL cards --- that broadcast started very early; at 1444
it had been Viva Miami in Spanish (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 49, 16, 15/01/2007)

11735 Radio Tanzania Zanzibar, 17:17-17:30, escuchada el 16 de Enero en Swahili a locutor y locutora con comentarios, segmento musical, SINPO 35433
(Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 49, 17, 16/01/2007)

11735 R. Tanzania Zanzibar (Dole), 1900-1910, 1/18/2007,
Swahili. News by woman. Poor signal at tune in (SINPO 24222), slowly
improving. Checked the frequency at 2050 and found much stronger signal
with pop music, talk by man at 2055, identification by woman at 2058,
anthem, and end of broadcast at 2059. (Jim Evans, TN - CumbreDX 1807, 19/01/2007)

9805 Radio Thailand, 19:10-19:15, escuchada el 20 de marzo en idioma inglés a locutor y locutora con comentarios, SINPO 22332.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 1172, 20/01/2007)

С 25 января ВСРУ/RUI изменит частоту 5820 на 7440 кГц для трансляций на
Сев. Америку с 0000 до 0500 UTC. Причина: жалобы слушателей на плохой
прием на 5820 в Америке (очевидно из-за условий прохождения радиоволн и
помех от WEWN c 5810 кГц), а в Европе и окрестностях - от "шпионской"
станции YHF2. Российские станции на 7 МГц слышны хорошо. Кроме того,
весна не за горами - повышение частоты неизбежно.
(Александр Егоров, Киев, Украина - open_dx 21/01/2007)

Three different stations are doing well here Tiquicia
by 2300.

11820 Radio Veritas Asia in Indonesian is practically
a local signal with SINPO 45544. Were not for that
slight fading, they deserve a clean 5. This prevent me
to listen Radio Brasil Central on 11815 during that
half hour due to heavy splatter. //9505 slightly weak

7120 // 11725 VOA in English, with better signal on
the latter frecuency altho suffering splatter from
Radio Taiwan International in Sp. via Okeechobee.
15185 // 15290 were not propagating this Friday 1/19.
Or were they off the air?

9445 FEBC Manila in Khmer (?) with the poorest signal of the group: 25332
(Raul Saavedra, Costa Rica - dxldyg 1170, 19/01/2007)

Французская Гайана
Big DRM buzz on 21615-21620-21625 at 1500 Jan 16, which is
temporary test this week from TDF toward NAm. Demonstrates how this band is
going to waste; analog stations from SAm, or anybody relayed via GUF could be
broadcasting successfully to NAm on it (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 49, 17, 16/01/2007)

6165 Croatian Radio (Deanovec), 2145-2200, 1/18/2007,
Croatian. Mellow pop music with announcements by man. Beeps at 2200
followed by news by man. Moderate signal with fading and interference
from Chad (SINPO 32333 at best). (Jim Evans, TN - CumbreDX 1807, 19/01/2007)

6165 R.N. Tchadienne (N'Djamena), 2152-2200, 1/18/2007, French.
Talk by man. Moderate signal with interference from Croatian Radio.
Fading at some times put Chad on top of Croatia, but about 75% of the
time below (SINPO 32333 at best). Found them again on the next day
(1/19) at 2225 with talk by man in French followed by anthem at 2228,
and close of broadcast at 2229. Signal was stronger (SINPO 43333), with
Croatia much weaker. (Jim Evans, TN - CumbreDX 1807, 19/01/2007)

3810, Estaci?n de Se?ales Horarias
HD2IOA, Instituto Oceanografico de la Armada,
Guayaquil, 0851-0857, 17-01, Se?ales horarias,
voz de hombre cada minuto anunciando la hora: "Al
oir el tono ser?n las 3 horas, 53 minutos, 0
segundos". Se?al d?bil. 25322 variando a 15321.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 49, 18, 17/01/2007)

9704 Radio Ethiopia, 20:35-20:40, escuchada el 19 de Enero en idioma Ahmarico a locutor con invitado en conversación, música de sintonía, SINPO 35433.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 1172, 20/01/2007)

Ю. Африка
4880 SW Radio Africa, 18:40-18:50, escuchada el 19 de Enero en idioma inglés con emisión de música pop, SINPO 34332.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 1229, 19/01/2007)

1125 kHz RTBF Vivacité am 18.1. um 1529 UTC in Französisch mit ID,
Werbung und Verkehrsinfos schwach unter Glas Hrvatske hörbar.
(Patrick Robic, Ramsau am Dachstein, Austria - A-DX 19/01/2007)
1314 kHz Loisirs AM am 16.1. um 0705 UTC in Französisch mit IDs und
einem wilden Musikmix von Rap bis Jazz. 33333

1602 kHz Radio Seagull am 15.1. um 1900 UTC mit englischer ID &
Adressansage. 22332

1620 kHz WDHP am 16.1. um 0500 UTC mit BBC Nachrichten. Kurze Zeit SINPO
23332, danach QRM durch Piraten.
(Patrick Robic, Austria - A-DX 16/01/2007)

1287 kHz SER Burgos in Spanisch und SER Lleida in Katalanisch mit lokaler Werbung um 0757 UTC, ab 0800 UTC Cadena-Px.
1602 kHz Radio Waddenzee um 0640 UTC mit Popmx und Oldies, ID um 0700 UTC. 22332
(Patrick Robic, Austria - A-DX 15/01/2007)
Great and unusual signal this morning in Milano, at 0325, VOA on 1530 kHz, from Sao Tome e Principe, over Romania. But stopped by Vatican Radio starting at

0328. (Giampiero Bernardini, Milano, Italy - hard-core-dx 49, 17, 16/01/2007)


Радио-рынок Архангельска представлен следующими радиостанциями:


1) 101.6 Шансон
2) 102.0 Радио Юность/ Радиоканал "Архангельск"
3) 102.8 Европа плюс
4) 103.4 Дорожное радио-Архангельск
5) 103.8 Русское радио
6) 104.7 Наше радио
7) 105.4 Общественное Российское Радио
8) 106.4 Авторадио (Архангельск)
9) 107.4 Р29 (Архангельск)


1) 66.08 Радио России/ГТРК "Поморье" (Архангельск)
2) 68.60 Радио Маяк
3) 69.32 Шансон
3) 72.26 Европа Плюс

1) 99.85 TV Channel "Russia"
(Антон - http://guzei.com/radio/, 18/01/2007)


ООО «Бизнес-радио»
Управлением Алтайского края по печати и информации и ЗАО «Русская Медиагруппа» было заключено соглашение об информационном

взаимодействии. Его целью является реализация продвижения информации о социально-экономическом развитии Алтайского края в эфире

федеральных радиоканалов.

Соглашение подразумевает собой совместную работу, которая будет включать в себя обоюдное участие в подготовке информационных

материалов и выпусков новостей о событиях экономической, культурной и общественной жизни края, а также, своевременной, объективной и

достоверной информации о деятельности органов исполнительной власти Алтайского края. Распространение всей информации будет

осуществляться ЗАО «Русская Медиагруппа».

Помимо этого, планируется совместное участие в создании на территории Алтайского края новых радиостанций, входящих в активы ЗАО

«Русская Медиагруппа». Это будет способствовать качественному наполнению информационного пространства и созданию медиа-продукта

нового уровня.

ЗАО «Русская Медиагруппа» – управляющая компания, производящая программный продукт для электронных СМИ и региональных

радиокомпаний. В состав РМГ входят федеральные станции «Русское радио», «Русская служба новостей / РСН» (ранее -«Русское радио–2»),

«Радио Монте-Карло», «DFM» (ранее- Динамит FM) и «Максимум», информационная редакция «Русская служба новостей», звукозаписывающая

компания «Граммофон-Рекордс» и рекламное агентство «Граммофон-реклама».
При содействии ЗАО «Русская Медиагруппа» в Алтайском крае уже осуществляют вещание станции «Русское Радио» в Барнауле, Бийске и

Рубцовске и радио «DFM» в Барнауле.

Генеральный директор «Русского Радио» в Барнауле Артем Рябцев: «У руководства Алтайского края имеется четкое представление о

необходимости конструктивного взаимодействия как с государственными, так и с частными средствами массовой информации. Такой подход

приводит к тому, что крупные федеральные теле- и радиоканалы, информационные агентства и печатные издания расширяют свое присутствие

на территории края. Ожидается, что в ближайшее время не только в Барнауле, Бийске и Рубцовске, но и в других городах и районах края

появятся новые теле- и радиостанции».

«Русское радио» в Барнауле
ООО «Бизнес-радио»
Полина Ветрова,
директор по развитию
тел.: 666-907
ICQ: 261-011-765
(? - http://guzei.com/radio/, 18/01/2007)

Седьмая по счету радиостанция начала сегодня вещание в брянском эфире. На частоте 106,5 МГц горожане теперь могут слышать позывные

популярного радио "Ретро FM".
Конкурс на эту частоту для Брянска Федеральная комиссия по телерадиовещанию проводила еще два с небольшим года назад, сообщили

агентству "Татар-информ" в областном телерадиопередающем центре, но компания одержавшая победу, смогла запустить проект лишь сейчас.

Пока вещание ведется в тестовом режиме, ретранслируются только московские программы, но очень скоро владелец частоты - компания "ТВК

Брянск" намерена запустить в эфир и собственные программы.
"Татар-информ", (Николай Симонов - http://onair.ru/index.php?CLNAME=enews&act=view_msg&NMID=17436&tt=main&hook=1-5046171-default-1)

На начало года в городе можно слышать следующие станции:
70,13 FM "Радио России
99,13 FM звук "ОРТ"
105.6 FM радио "Лайт" (Эфир "Серебрянного дождя" круглосуточно
106.7 FM радио "Радио Семь" круглосуточно
107.1 FM радио "Мост" круглосуточно
(Денис - http://guzei.com/radio/, 14/01/2007)

Эфир Пензы на 21.01.07:
100.7 план
101.4 план
101.8 Русское Радио
102.8 Мост Радио
103.3 Авторадио-Заречный
103.8 Европа Плюс
104.8 Русская Служба Новостей
105.2 план 02.07 тест Динамит FM/план 1.04.07 Радио Экспресс
105.9 план
106.4 план Love Радио
106.7 план Радио Маяк/Золотое Ретро (с 6:00 до 10:00 и с 11:00 до 12:00)
107.5 Эхо Москвы/Эхо Пензы
(Василий - http://guzei.com/radio/, 21/01/2007)
К РЕТРО FM присоединились: Вышний Волочок - частота вещания 105,7 МГц; Петрозаводск - частота вещания 103,5 МГц; Максатиха -

частота вещания 107,3 МГц; Абакан - частота вещания 106,7 МГц.
Сеть РЕТРО FM насчитывает 63 города. (http://onair.ru/index.php?CLNAME=enews&act=view_msg&NMID=17447&tt=main&hook=1-5046171-default-1)

К РАДИО 7 присоединились: Вышний Волочок - частота вещания 105,7 МГц; Губкин – частота вещания 106,0 МГц; Шебекино - частота

вещания 89,0 МГц; Валуйки - вещания 104,4 МГц; Новый Оскол - вещания 105,2 МГц; Волоконовка - вещания 105,8 МГц; Ракитное - вещания

105,3 МГц; Строитель - вещания 100,1 МГц; Красногвардейское, Белгородская область - вещания 106,0 МГц; Ивня, Белгородская область -

вещания 104,4 МГц; Короча, Белгородская область - вещания 101,4 МГц; Прохоровка, Белгородская область - вещания 103,8 МГц.
Сеть РАДИО 7 насчитывает 52 города (http://onair.ru/index.php?CLNAME=enews&act=view_msg&NMID=17439&tt=main&hook=1-5046171-default-1)

К сети вещания ЕВРОПЫ ПЛЮС присоединились: Тобольск - частота вещания 101,5 МГц; Углич - частота вещания 103,1 МГц; Шадринск -

частота вещания 101,7 МГц; Инта - частота вещания 102,2 МГц. Сеть ЕВРОПЫ ПЛЮС насчитывает 190 городов

FM 102,6 Маяк FM (0-24)
Работает по следующему принципу:
новости, каждые пол-часа,Московский Маяк.
Всё остальное время, только местный эфир,
в основном направлен на музыку 90-х и настоящее время и
развлекательные программы.
70 % музыка, 30 % информация и дугое.
Кстати возобновилось вещание на
УКВ 68,24 Маяк (5-1)- чисто московский эфир
(Бумеранг FM - http://guzei.com/radio/, 15/01/2007)

Сегодня в обед 15 января в 12:00 началось вещание на
FM 102,6 Маяк (0-24)
"KYPC" "US 26,35" "EU 34,56" "CLOCK" " "16 18 56" "+5 C"
(Бумеранг FM - http://guzei.com/radio/, 15/01/2007)

Черногорск (Хакасия)
Новая радиостанция Хакасии.

В Черногорске на частоте 102,9 FM начало тестовое вещание «Радио Рекорд»(Санкт-Петербург)
Об этом сообщает Радиопортал. Несмотря на прежние заверения руководства Вещательной Корпорации PRO «MEDIA» (бывшей телестудии

«Виктория») сделать из нового радиоэфира городское СМИ, программа передач пока никак к городу не привязана. (Денис, http://guzei.com/radio/,

Немецкая волна в 2007 году транслируется из передающего центра Woofferton в Англии с 7 до 9 часов на частоте 6130 кГц, с 9 до 13 часов на

частоте 7275 кГц и с 13 до 16 часов на частоте 6130 кГц, а также из Moosbrunn с 8 до 14.29 на частоте 9655 и с 14.30 до 16 часов на частоте 9815

кГц. Пробовал принимать все эти передачи, качество приема значительно хуже, если сравнивать с трансляциями из Wertachtal. Давно так плохо

не слышал Немецкую волну в цифровом режиме. Надо сказать, что НВ ко всему еще и снизила битрейт, и трансляции из новых передающих

центров идут со скоростью только 14.56 kbps в монорежиме, что, естественно, отражается на качестве аудиосигнала. Максимальная частота

аудиосигнала на частотах 6130 и 9815 кГц не превышает 5 кГц с заметным "металлическим" оттенком. Неужели еще не надоело тестировать

такие режимы работы. Кто еще желает сравнить ЭТО с качеством аудио сигнала в ФМ диапазоне? По-моему, даже местное аналоговое АМ

вещание на СВ звучит лучше. Надо отметить, что битрейт жестко не связан с максимальной частотой аудио сигнала - например, у RTL radio на

6095 кГц, также транслирующегося сейчас с битрейтом 14.56 kbps, аудио сигнал достигает частоты 10-11 кГц.
Голос России появился на новой частоте 6105 кГц со своими стандартными параметрами - 17.46 kbps, моно с 20 до 23 часов. Расписание на

официальном сайте консорциума отмечает языки вещания как "various". Я принимал трансляции до 21 часа на французском, а с 21 до 23 часов на

русском, причем в первый час вещания транслируется Всемирная служба, а с 22 до 23 часов радиоканал "Содружество".

Еще хотелось бы отметить совместимость, или точнее, несовместимость цифровых и аналоговых вещателей. На частоте 6095 кГц давно уже

транслируется RTL radio из Люксембурга в цифровом режиме, на 6100 бывшее радио бывшей Югославии, в последнее время на этой частоте все

чаще слышу Международное радио Китая, и в этом зимнем сезоне, как уже отмечал выше, на 6105 к ним добавился еще и Голос России. Можете

посмотреть на сайте скриншот, снятый на частоте 6100 кГц (слева RTL radio, справа - Голос России). Хорошо видно, сколько места оставили

цифровые вещатели для передач из Югославии, несущая еще кое-как пробивается через плотный заслон радиопомех, а все остальное напрочь

задавлено шумом. Это - если слушать в аналоговом режиме, а если в цифровом, тоже впечатляет и внушает, очень показательно - как русские и

немцы вместе, синхронно давят вещание из Югославии. Надо полагать, техническая служба Голоса России очень долго думала, прежде чем

выбрать и занять частоту 6105 кГц для цифрового вещания.

Полная информация о результатах приема на сайте http://www.travelradio.lv
(Владимир Казгунов, Лиепая, Латвия - open_dx 21/01/2007)
Неофициальное вещание

RASD noted playing usual Saharan guitar music and ID by female
around 2140 UT on 6485.15 kHz Jan 19. Not 6458 !

Signal strength lower than former 7425 / 7460; S=7 on AOR 7030 / E1 Radio,
on Sony ICF 2010 3-4 diodes luminous. (Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 1170, 19/01/2007)

Good move for them, Wolfy. Thanks to your log I went
to 6485 and RASD is there in their usual Spanish at
2233. I have been tuning the past few days 6458 and
heard nothing but a jammer that I (got to be f.....up)
don't know why nobody seems to notice, and I know is a
jammer. Didn't you and José Miguel have my same
impression of a better signal from 7460?.
(Raul Saavedra, Costa Rica - dxldyg 1170, 19/01/2007)

Saludos Raúl y Wolfgang, parece evidente que la RAS comienza en 6458 y luego cambia a 6485, desconozco el motivo, a muy tempranas horas de la tarde

comienza emisión en 6458, señal pobre y con mucho ruido, quizás para evitar alguna interferencia de emisora utilitaria o quizás jammer Marroquí cambia a 6485,

entonces se aprecia una mejoría en la calidad de la señal, sin embargo intentarlo en 7460 parece misión imposible, esa frecuencia sufre el terrible ruido de una emisión

en DRM. Veremos pues cual va a ser la tactica de los proximos días de ésta emisora. (Jose Miguel Romero Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 1170, 19/01/2007)

11530 Dengue Mesopotamia, 14:05-14:15, escuchada el 16 de Enero en kurdo a locutor y locutora con cu?a de identificaci?n, programa de m?sica folkl?rica local,

locutor con comentarios, referencias al Kurdistan, SINPO 25332. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 49, 17, 16/01/2007)

7480 Radio Payam-e Doost, 18:00-18:05, escuchada el 16 de Enero en farsi con sinton?a, locutora con ID, locutor con presentaci?n, SINPO 35433.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 49, 17, 16/01/2007)

7480 Radio Payam-e Doost, 10:10-18.20, escuchada el 19 de Enero en idioma farsi a locutor con comentarios, SINPO 45343.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 1229, 19/01/2007)

7410 кГц, 22:20-22:30 (22:33 откл. пер.) UTC, ALL INDIA RADIO, Delhi-Khampur, SINPO 45544, Индийские песни...
7315 кГц, 22:36-22:56 UTC, CHINA RADIO INT. Kashi?, SINPO 55544-45433, Передача на эсперанто
7470 кГц, 23:02 UTC, Chinese Jammer, Xian Area, SINPO 34532, глушилка "пляска дракона", цель: R.FREE ASIA.
4450 кГц 23:19 UTC, KCBS Pyongyang, Pyongyang, KOREA-NORTH, SINPO 25421, очень плохо разбиралось, еле узнаваем был только язык
(Вячеслав Олейник, Кишинев, Молдавия - open_dx 16/01/2007)

1520 WVOZ R Voz, San Juan. Puerto Rican baseball. “llegando al corazon
del puerto puertorriqueno”
and ad for “El Vocero de Puerto Rico” newspaper. Fair at this time but
weak when ID
heard prior to 0100. F 0035 15/01 JF
1520 HJLI Vida AM Musica, Bogota. "Vida AM Musica" ID in promo. W 0035
15/01 JF

No prizes for guessing who helped me with the Spanish in my WVOZ
logging! Thanks once again Henrik.

Still several Latin stations around I'd like to ID. For the second night
running 1490 has produced a Latin station. 1330 had two Latins but both
were very weak. WMDD continues to dominate 1480. 740 may have been WIAC.

Spanish also heard on 750, 760, 790, 890, 970, 1010, 1130(?), 1140,
1190, 1250, 1270, 1310, 1370, 1380, 1390, 1420, 1430, 1450, 1470 & 1500.

North Americans heard on 930, 1010, 1130, 1510, 1520, 1560 & 1680.
(John Faulkner, UK - skywavesmw 290, 15/01/2007)

BRAZIL 4915 Arhangueira 2322 with news S4 2x3x2 co QRM. Also
0508 on 12th with songs adn S3 Liangas 11 THS Greece
BRAZIL 11815 RBC 2317 with song amor amor , IDed on 2326 //4885
with S5 , 45534 Liangas 11th THS Greece
BRAZLL 9565 Tupi? 2319 with religious program S5 34433 Liangas
11th THS Greece
BRAZIL 9645 Bandeirantes 2320 rep[orts S0 14432 Liangas 11th THS
BRAzIL 9635 2332 songs S3 24533 Liangas 11th THS Greece
JAPAN 9695 NHK? 2323 Japanese talks S4 22xx2 Liangas 11th THS
BAHRAIN 9745U Bahrain 2335 under V of Han and Arabic songs S0 ,
123x2 Liangas 11th THS Greece

NIGER 9704.2 Tele Sahel 0504 news read by man . Mention of
Somalia Liangas 12th THS Greece
BRAZIL 4935 Capixaba? 0507 talks in PP Greece
BRAZIL 4885 Para 0510 old songs , ad on madrugada 34433 Liangas
12th THS Greece
BRAZIL 4825 R Cancao Nova? 0511 with slo song , S3 Liangas 12th
THS Greece
GABON ? 4777 RTG 0515 with afropop . Talks by woman in French S8
42332 Liangas 12th THS Greece
DJIBUTI 4780 RTV Djibouti 0516 muslim preaches 33422 strong and
fast fades Heard again 1705 with S9 level and talks in local lang
Liangas 12th THS Greece
ALGERIA 6458 RASD 1710 +2047 S8 under very strong FDM carrier ,
is quite dificult to listen even in sdebands 32533. ON 2047 speaker
reading a poem or with islamic inspirational talks Liangas 12th THS Greece
BRAZIL 4805 RD Amazonas? "journal..." and many mentions of Brazil ,
report by woman S1 @2131 Liangas 12th THS Greece
MALI 4835 RT Malienne , back again . talks in VN S9 45323
undermoded Liangas 12th THS Greece
BRAZIL 11830 not heard . Stopped?
JAPAN 9595 2117 with talks by to men and a piano play on TOH . talks
by woman in Jap 15331 S2with preamp #1 Liangas 12th THS Greece
CYPRUS 9760 RIK2125 in Greek with theme on sculptures as
modified in the turkish part of the island. S3 354x3 //7210 S20!
Liangas 12th THS Greece
USA AFN Key west 7811 with `NR News' and laughs .Seems //4319
but clear from any QRM Liangas 12th THS Greece
ETHIOPIA 5100 ??? 1514 . heard music type horn of Africa. S7 over S3 noise level.
At 5100 qrmed by local pirate. I think language today is Amharic /Eritrean at 1523 Liangas Jan 14 THS Greece
RUSSIA 4965 VOR 1604 with news , ID at 1604 S9 , 44334 Liangas Jan 14 THS Greece
(Zacharias Liangas, Thessaloniki, Greece - CumbreDX 1803, 14/01/2007)

1470 ZYJ616 R Rural de Parelhas, Parelhas. Several IDs by OM, IDs
ranging from “R Rural”, “R Rural de Parelhas” and “R Parelhas”. Local
ads heard at 0118. Vw 0015 16/01 JF

1470 WWNN Pompano Beach FL. First noticed at 06:45 with talk show. Ads
at 07:10 including “bestvision,com” ophthalmology consultants in Margate
FL. ID at 07:13 “AM 14-70” and the Steve Kane Show as per schedule.
Still present at 08:00. Vw 07:13 16/01 JF

Conditions getting worse. Ks of 5 and 6 during the last 24 hours have
made the poor conditions even worse.

I recorded 1470.

23:00 > 01:15 - Brazilians. R Rural dominant but one other heard faintly
in background at times.
02:00 > 04:00 - Little heard.
04:06 - Venezuelan national anthem heard in noise. Then two Spanish
stations dominated. I think one was R Cristal del Uruguay.
06:45 - English talk show. Suspect WWNN.
07:03 & 07:07 - I heard what sounded like English Christian programming.
07:10 - English adverts then WWNN ID at 07:13.
(John Faulkner, UK - skywavesmw 291, 16/01/2007)

6134,8 17/1 0125 Radio Santa Cruz, Bolivia, talks, comercials, ids SS, fair
6180 17/1 0030 Radio Nacional Brasilia, //11780 nice songs good
9565 17/01 0112 Radio Tupi, Brazil, religious, fair
9630 17/1 0105 Radio Aparecida, Brazil, talks, good
9720 17/1 0100 Radio Victoria, Peru, usual talks, poor
11710,85 17/1 0045 RAE, Buenos Aires,PP talks & tangos & old songs, very good
11815 17/1 0039 R Brasil Central, Goiana BRA, religious talks, fair
11915 17/1 0033 Radio Gaucha, Porto Alegre, BRA, talks, fair
(Giampiero Bernardini, Milano, Italy - playdx2003 1227, 18/01/2007)

The Japy DX Group made in the latest week one trip to Comprida Island
(GG68, Sao Paulo, Brazil) for VHF and UHF DXing. Following the log and
some informations:

1 - Despite the hours noted as "TEP Open" and "TEP closed", the
propagation did not show constant all over that period: sometimes
appears with 2 maximums, other times seems like one good first opening
to then several short good openings on the night;

2 - FM5CS was on 144,200 MHz in USB with distorted but strong workable
audio. We did this QSO point-to-point that covered 4600 km. When FM5CS
made QSY for FM we just noted the carrier with usual TEP effects
(fading, distortion, Doppler), unable to identify any word;

3 - We also heard the APRS QRG used in Carib but just for seconds, maybe
because the low traffic or the propagation indeed. In our old expedition
to Itapoah, Santa Catarina, Brazil, we daily listen these signals and
identify APRS stations from Martinique;

4 – Different of the latest DX Camp did in November, 2006, now we
clearly heard broadcasting stations in 88 MHz band that was not located
in Barbados only. They came from Martinique but in less time than all
opening to Barbados. For Brazilian Comprida Island, Barbados is the main
area in the opposite side of America covered by TEP;

5 - The station The One (Barbados) was the best reference for TEP. We
heard it for minutes after and before considering the others stations.
In the past we noted it with Hott FM (Barbados). In 2 meters the
Barbados repeater 146,910 MHz gave to us the best return signals to
our calls. By there we made the QSO with 8P6JB around 4400 km far.
Without beacons in 2 meters from Carib, it turned in one of our main
reference in the band. On 6 meters 9Y4AT was the louder and long time

6 - However we could not achieve major conclusions because we stay there
for short time, with low number of transceivers and operators for
multiband monitoring. We have precisely and limited informations about
propagation behavior for what we found on that time with these stations
and locations;

7 - In 88 MHz band we used Degen 1103 and Sony 7600. In the first
receiver we worked with the jacket devoted for external antenna and in
the second receiver we used one simple system made by Mr. Martin Jenny
for radios that does not have that jacket for external antenna. The
difference was amazing considering the traditional way of listening
FM-DX in Brazil using only the telescopic antenna. Both receivers was
sharing the same antenna (Thevear 416-C Band 2) with one splitter;

8 - About Brazilian paths we had propagation to the interior of Sao
Paulo. In 88 MHz we heard stations 300 - 400 km far inside the
country. In 2m SSB we also heard stations from these areas but no
takers. Nothing on 432 MHz. The majority of the intra PY QSOS reach 200 km.

9 - As usual we went to the field with some simple HF and we heard 1A4A
at 21 MHz CW. Several USA stations on the pile up. The noise was quite
high for low bands so we did not made any NDB/LW listening.

Thanks a lot for who followed the skeds and spread the previous
informations about this portable station.

So check the LOG and till the next Japy DX outdoor operation!

- - -
Ilha Comprida GG68bx
Japy DX Group
- - -
- - -
144 MHz Yagi PY2NI 12 ele
432 MHz Yagi PY2NI 15 ele (not used)
432 MHz Yagi PY2NI 7 ele
50 MHz dipole, 21 MHz dipole
88 MHz Thevear 416-C Band 2
- - -
02 JAN 2007

2340 - TEP Open

03 JAN 2007

0004 - 144,200 - PY2MTV x PY2OC - USB 57/53
0038 - 144,200 - FM5CS x PY2OC - Remy, USB 55/52 audio distortion
0044 - 144,200 - FM5CS x PY2ZX - Remy, USB 55/52 audio distortion

0227 - 95,3 - Hott FM - Barbados, black mx, 32332
0228 - 94,7 - Caribean Best Connection CBC - Barbados, sports, live
transmition, 54445
0230 - 98,1 - The One - Barbados, reggae mx, YL talks, 55455
0232 - 98,1 - Unid, weak, under The One, Antigua? St Vinc?
0235 - 100,7 - Quality FM (Tent) - Barbados, weak, old mx, 22322
0237 - TEP down 100,7 / 102,1 / 95,3 / 94,7

0258 - TEP return with CBC 98,1 loud
0326 - TEP closed

04 JAN 2007

0140 - TEP Open, only The One 98,1 on the air fr Carib

0142 - 98,1 - The One - Barbados, ID, abt Barbados mx, tel call from
Orlando, 55455 on peaks, unstable
0152 - 94,7 - CBC - Barbados, TEP more stable
0153 - 145,310 - 146,910 - Barbados repeaters, no takers
0202 - 100,7 - QFM - Barbados ID, "Rarity music, rarity talk", rlg mx,
beginning of rlg px, OM "from the high mountain of Sta. Lucia church",
YL Monica "Glad all who listening our voices, god bless you, Yeah man",
"we are in new year and I hope that you have good plans... God has the
better plan", 55454
0205 - 104,1 - Love (Tent) - Barbados, romantic mx, 45343
0213 - 92,9 - Voice of Barbados VOB (Tent) - abt mx, YL talk EE, 35233
0215 - 145,310 - 146,910 - Barbados weak repeaters, no takers

0227 - TEP closed - Brazilian Terra FM 98,1 return

2109 - 144200 - PY2REK x PY2ZX - USB 57/55
2110 - 144200 - PY5AQ x PY2ZX - USB 58/57
2113 - 144200 - PU5YFT x PY2ZX - USB 56/53
2133 - 144200 - PY2DA x PY2ZX - USB 56/57

05 JAN 2007

0015 - TEP open: 92,9 / 98,1 / 50,013 9Y4AT hrd.

0036 - 89,3 - Sud Est - Martinique, FF, mx, 33333
0036 - 88,9 - Unid, FF (Horizon Martinique?)
0037 - 146,910 - Barbados repeater, unstable, no takers
0042 - 146,910 - Barbados repeater not hrd
0042 - Sud Est - Martinique not hrd, Barbados FM stations still hrd

0107 - 146,910 - 8P6JB x PY2ZX - 53/53 FM by Barbados repeater
0121 - 146,910 - Barbados repeater unstable
0131 - 146,910 - Barbados repeater not hrd
0141 - 146,910 - Barbados repeater still not hrd
0141 - 50,015 - 9Y4AT - Trinidad and Tobago, bcn 539
0141 - 98,1 - The One - Barbados, 44444
0218 - 92,9 - VOB (Tent) - Barbados, reggae mx, 34333
0224 - 95,3 - Nativa FM - Brazil, Hott FM Barbados not hrd
0224 - 50,013 - 9Y4AT - Trinidad and Tobago bcn, 539
0224 - 98,1 - The One - Barbados, ID "98.1 The One", black mx, 54444.
The only Barbados st hrd nw.
0240 - 98,1 - The One - Barbados still hrd but weak
0240 - 98,1 - Unid - mx "Here comes your man"
0240 - 50,015 - 9Y4AT still hrd
0314 - 50,015 - 9Y4AT weak

0323 - TEP closed

1930 - 21200 - YY1LCR x PY2ZX - USB 55/57 - Lorenzo, Trujillo, Venezuela
2200 - 21035 - VP8NO - Stanley, Falklands calling CO8TR, CW 559

2330 - TEP open (FM and 6m)
2356 - TEP open in 2m, Barbados rpt hrd

06 JAN 2007

0010 - 144,200 - FM5CS - Remy, USB loud, audio distortion, QSY for FM.
0010 - 145,540 - FM5CS (tent) - FM carrier well noted with TEP effects
but too much fading, unable to identify any word.
0029 - 144,390 - APRS - strong sigs but for a short time, freq used for
data in Martinique Carib.
0039 - 89,3 - Sud Est - Martinique, loud in Sony rcver with ext ant, 55455
0121 - 92,9 - VOB - ID, YL talk, 33222
0123 - 95,3 - Hott not heard
0125 - 98,1 - The One weak sig
0125 - 50,015 - 9Y4AT weak

0129 - 98,1 - The One, return loud sigs
0132 - 146,910 - Barbados rpt hrd
0135 - 89,3 - Sud Est - Martinique, pop mx, FF, ID OM, 35333
0137 - 92,2 - Unid - OM talk FF (Radio Caraibes Int?), 32232
0140 - 93,5 - Unid - rap mx, deep fading, 54434 peak
0142 - 94,0 - Radio France Outremer RFO (Tent) - Martinique, tel talk 2
YLs, 54334
0142 - 94,7 - CBC - Barbados, reggae mx, 55455 loud Barbados sig nw
0143 - 94,9 - Radio Vanguarda - Sorocaba SP Brazil, adv Top 50, OM, 55555
0144 - 95,3 - Hott - Barbados, black mx, "Yo", 55455
0147 - 98,1 - The One - Barbados, rap mx, like local st 55555
0155 - 96,9 - Mix - Barbados, pop mx, 53343
0157 - 94,0 - RFO - Martinique, vy weak
0158 - 98,1 - The One - Barbados, only carrier noted, quickly fading

0200 - 98,1 - The One - Barbados, good return 54444
0200 - 146,910 - Barbados rpt hrd
0257 - 50,015 - 9Y4AT not hrd
0257 - 146,910 - Barbados rpt not hrd
0257 - 98,1 - The One - Barbados, good sig with ext ant Sony.
Nothing hrd with telescopic ant.
0303 - 98,1 - The One - Barbados, still loud with ext ant Sony. On
DE1103 and telescopic ant weak with Terra FM Brazil.
0307 - 98,1 - The One - Barbados, deep fading with ext ant Sony.

0313 - 98,1 - The One - Barbados, return loud
0320 - 146,910 - Barbados rpt return unstable
0342 - 98,1 - The One - Barbados, first audio of Terra FM Brazil hrd under.
0345 - 98,1 - Nothing hrd from any st, silence
0350 - 98,1 - Terra FM - Brazil, return weak

0350 - TEP closed

1300 - 77,25 - carrier with fast fading
1305 - 87,9 - Transmar - Cananeia SP Brazil, ID "Associacao Radio
Comunitaria Transmar, ZYM 865, Canal 200, 87,9, transmitindo em
Cananeia, litoral sul de Sao Paulo", px "Alo Transmar", 55555
1330 - 89.5 - Nova Regional - Tiete SP Brazil, Brazil, ID, adv, "cyber
desafio" 35333
1400 - 88,3 - Antena 1 - Sorocaba SP Brazil, ID, adv Chico Rosa
Churrascaria, 35433
1404 - 88,7 - Clip FM - Indaiatuba SP Brazil, adv "informou Camara
Municipal de Indaiatuba", "Parada Night Clip", 43433
1407 - 88,9 - Noticia FM - Americana SP Brazil, adv.Cariobas, 54555 peak
1420 - 91,7 - Educadora - Campinas SP Brazil, mx Madona, 55444, hrd only
with ext ant.

1507 - 21010 - 1A4A - SMOM, Malta, CW 559

1521 - 91,9 - Band FM - Araraquara SP Brazil, net, adv "Conexao Samba",
"Festa que e show em Salvador", 35333
1529 - 93,7 - Canal 1 - Taquaritinga SP Brazil, popular mx, adv "Silvana
Magazine, Supermercado Cobal, Juca Veiculos", 45444 peak

2100 - 144,500 - PY2BW x PY2ZX - FM 55/59
2100 - 144,500 - PY2REK x PY2ZX - FM 59/59
2105 - 144,500 - ZZ2TIB x PY2ZX - FM 58/59
2110 - 144,500 - PY2EX x PY2ZX - FM 55/59

2323 - 50,015 - 9Y4AT - only Caribbean on dial, 539

2323 - TEP Open (50 MHz)

2330 - 89,9 - Jovem Pan - Campinas SP Brazil - adv Gold Street Bar, 45323
2332 - 90,7 - Jovem Pan - Capao Bonito SP Brazil - tel talk, "vc esta
levando Kit da Jovem Pan", 33232

2336 - 90,7 - heavy QSBs
2336 - 50,015 - 9Y4AT - strong 579
2337 - 50,055 - V44K - weak
2339 - 98,1 - The One - Barbados first hrd

2339 - TEP Open (88 MHz)

2348 - 92,9 - Barbados Broadcasting Service BBS - abt Barbados Museum
and Historical Society, tel, then rlg px, 55455
2356 - 90,9 - FM90 - Salto SP Brazil, eletro mx, abt misterbeat, 54444

07 JAN 2007

0015 - 92,67 - 92FM - Piracicaba SP Brazil - adv "a melhor musica
sertaneja", "Hora Sertaneja", 55555
0030 - 92,9 - VOB - Barbados, rlg mx, 54555
0035 - 94,0 - RFO - Martinique, mx OM talk FF, 42333, interf from 93,9
0040 - 94,0 - RFO not hrd
0048 - 90,7 BBS / 92,9 VOB / 94,7 CBC / 95,3 Hott / 98,1 The One were
loud like local st
0050 - 96,9 Mix / 100,7 QFM / 102,1 Faith / 104,1 Love are loud but
lower than others Barbados st
0110 - Barbados st sig down, Brazilians Terra 98,1 and Nativa 95,3
returned to the dial. 6m bcn not hrd.

0118 - 98,1 - The One - only Barbados st return, no 6m bcns.
0121 - 98,1 - The One Barbados and Terra Brazil hrd, unstable
0130 - 50,015 - 9Y4AT vy weak, no signal of any Barbados st on FM Broadc

0135 - 98,1 - The One - Barbados return with loud sig 54444, no bncs or
other Barbados st on FM Broadc
0143 - 95,3 - Hott FM Barbados return but unstable
0146 - 94,7 CBC / 100,7 QFM return loud, bcns es 144 MHz rpt not hrd
0150 - 98,1 - The One - Barbados not hrd, no FM, no bnc, no repeaters
0152 - 98,1 - Terra - Brazil return, unstable

0155 - 98,1 - The One - Barbados return with 95,3 Hott / 92,9 VOB /
100,7 QFM / 102,1 Faith / 104,1 Love. The 92,9 VOB with higher signal
than 95,3 Hott FM.
0217 - 98,1 - The One vy weak and unstable, Terra FM and silent moments.

0217 - TEP closed

0329 - 3,798 - ZS6CCY - South Africa, LSB 59
(Flavio Archangelo, Бразилия - skywaves 2212, 17/01/2007)

1470 ZYJ676 R Rondonia, Cacoal. Distinctive ‘child and OM’ ID at the top
of the hour. JOINT UK FIRST! (Also logged at the same time by Andrew
Brade!) W 0600 16/01 JF

1680 WLAA Winter Garden FL. “La que buena” ID. Lively Mexican rhythms,
then a string of ads. Vw 0323 17/01 (John Faulkner, UK - skywaves 292, 17/01/2007)

4605 2139- RRI Serui
6055 2015-2045 R. Rwanda
3396 1940-2045 ZBC Zimbabwe
7185 1415 R. Bangladesh

1080 UNID mx pop + SER + IRAN Ibadan !!!
1314 R. Loisir AM Francia !! IDs !!
1566 Air Nagpur - India 1532-1542 nx E
(Dario Monferini & Giampiero Bernardini - playdx2003 1229, 20/01/2007)

Date 08/01

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT
QTH: Remark

1.645,0 2032 Radio Armada 54444 9+20d
6.220,0 2048 Mystery Radio 44444 9+5dB

Date 10/01

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT
QTH: Remark

1.636,0 1955 Radio Unique 34433 8

1.670,0 2046 unid 24433 7

6.220,0 1945 Mystery Radio 44434 9

Date 11/01

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT
QTH: Remark

3.927,0 1935 Cupid Radio 25433 7
6.220,0 1755 Mystery Radio 44444 9

Date 12/01

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT
QTH: Remark

1.645,0 1610 unid 34433 8

1.650,0 1744 unid 54444 9+10d

6.220,0 1555 Mystery Radio 34433 8

Date 13/01

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT
QTH: Remark

1.620,0 2232 unid 34433 8
1.635,0 1754 Zender Santana 44444 9

1.636,0 0038 Radio Tijdbreker 45434 9+10d

1.645,0 1747 Radio Barones 55444 9+20d
1.648,0 2214 Alpenjager 24433 8

1.649,0 0122 Zender Barcelona 33433 9

3.276,0 2355 Mac Shortwave 24333 7
3.922,0 0027 Westcoast Radio 34433 8

3.927,0 2302 Cupid Radio 45444 9+5dB

6.275,0 0938 Radio Kentucky 34433 8
6.275,0 1440 Laser Hot Hits 23322 5

6.300,0 1429 Finnhits Radio 34433 8

6.300,0 1423 unid 34433 8
6.300,0 1404 unid 24322 5

6.300,0 0844 Lycos Radio 34433 8

6.305,0 1451 Westcoast Radio 23433 7
9.275,0 0920 Radio Spaceshuttle 24433 7

Date 14/01

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT
QTH: Remark

1.645,0 0044 Radio Delmare 34433 8

1.645,0 0038 Kreut (tent) 34433 8

1.647,0 0028 Alpenjager 43443 9

1.647,0 0021 Radio Bandong 44444 9
1.648,0 0017 Radio Armada 44444 9

1.655,0 0010 Toekomst (tent) 54444 9

6.211,0 1228 Radio Bonofox 34444 8
6.220,0 0745 Mystery Radio 45444 9+5dB

6.260,0 0953 Zender Robby 24333 5

6.265,0 1421 Westcoast Radio 23433 6
6.265,0 0759 Orion Radio 45444 9

6.275,0 1130 Laser Hot Hits (tent) 24333 6

6.280,0 0952 unid 34433 8
6.280,0 0808 Radio Merlin International 33433 8

6.290,0 0935 Zender Scirocco 43443 9

6.295,0 0929 Radio Atlantis International 44444 9+5dB
6.300,0 0811 Finnhits Radio 34433 8

6.300,0 1255 Radio Skywire 24322 5

6.301,0 1224 Zender Shadow 34433 8
6.303,0 1028 unid 23333 5

6.305,0 1425 Zender Markies 34444 8

6.310,0 0911 Radio Fox 48 34433 8
6.325,0 0814 Zender Paardenkracht 33433 8

6.326,0 1230 Zender Paardenkracht 24433 6

6.387,0 1010 unid 33443 8
6.401,0 0749 WMR 24333 7

15.810,0 1042 Radio Spaceshuttle 14321 6

Date 16/01

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT
QTH: Remark
6.220,0 1610 Mystery Radio 34433 8
(Achim BRUECKNER, Detmond, Germany - playdx2003 1226, 16/01/2007)

unid, Gr, local pop, coments

unid, Gr, romantic song

unid,D,polka, Schlager, ID and hotline, 03 3 4 impossible to understand, sorry

R.Spanningzoeker?,D, coments, polka

unid,Gr, folk music, coments

unid,Gr, traditional greek songs, talks

R.Westcoast,E; pops, schlager, Knock on wood, Sex Machine, ID,

unid, pop ballads

Cupid R, E, ballads, ID, hotline, thanking me for report

Cupid R, E;D, hotline,email, jingle, rock,greets to Fox 48, live chatting with ME on MSN

Mystery R,disco music, jingle

Mystery R,disco music, jingle

Mystery R,disco music, jingle + 2310 same music

Mystery R, disco dance, jingle

Mystery R, disco dance, jingle

Mystery R, disco dance, jingle

Skyline International R, E,D, rock, ID, hotline 0031 641710224, Sugar sugar

R.Malaysi,?, non stop dance, no Ids

R.Paardenkracht, E, rock, Good vibrations, ID, spelling!!!

WMR, E, ID, Dj coments, Rock and roll, Suzie Quattro
(Silveri Gomez, Fraga, Catalunya, Spain - playdx2003 1226, 16/01/2007)

Altered States R.: 6925U, 1/13, *0600-0910+ Nice to
hear ASR 2X again recently after years without.
Christmas show repeating numerous times. Gotta love
these overnight shows! (Yoder,PA)

Captain Morgan: 6924.85U, 1/14, 2315-2330 (approx).
Pretty good signal with Peter Gabriel "Sledgehammer"
Elton John "Benny & the Jets" rap song "Wild, Wild
West" Clear ID, said QSLs are in the mail. Big signal
that gradually faded away. Pse QSL (Yoder,PA)

Laser Hot Hits (NA relay): 6925U, 1/14, 0540-1107+ LHH
with dance music & promos. I listened until about
0630, went to bed, got up at 0830, listened a little
longer & went to bed again. In all, I recorded this
for about 6 hrs & still didn't catch the sign-off!
Signal went huge around sunrise. LHH got their $'s
worth for this relay! Thanks much for the show!

Radio Three: 6850, 1/14, 1840+ Caught the very end of
the show 1/2 song & IDs before into WBNY relay Ids

Random Radio: 6925U, 1/13, 2220-2235 Heard one ID as
"Esta es Random Radio". Played "Ring of Fire" "The
Beat Goes On" & some others. Said to stay tuned next
time for Part 2 of "'50s Smorgasboard." QSLs to those
who list reports on Grapevine & gave the URL
phonetically. Strong signal. (Yoder,PA)

Take It Easy R: 6925U, 1/14, 0430-0455* Dean Martin
music & Desperado drinking. Sounded kind of like an
odd cross between TIER and Random Radio. Hi at end to
George Zeller & L Cee Int'l. Strong sig (Yoder,PA)

WBNY 6925U 1/15 1645 "I had a dream" broadcast
involving "monkeys" being locked up. Unusual to hear a
pirate just before noon on a Monday! (Andrew Yoder, PA - CumbreDX 1805, 17/01/2007)

European Music Radio in 2007:
21/01/2007 13.00 5965 kHz
18/03 13.00 5965 kHz
17/06 12.00 wait
16/09 12.00 wait
18/11 13.00 wait
(Vladimir Bochkov, Saint-Petersburg)

The Mighty KBC will start the 27th of January from 23.00 till 24.00
hours CET on 6255 kHz shortwave.
Also at the same time on mediumwave 1386 kHz AM
Every saturday evening on mediumwave and shortwave.
Mail it to your DX club, your friends, etc.

KBC International
Argonstraat 6
6718 WT Ede
Tel ++31 318 552491
Fax ++31 318 437801
(Rudolf Sonntag, Germany - A-DX 19/01/2007)

Firedrake with VG S9+20 signal on 9200, Jan 15 at 1456.
Recheck at 1503, it was off, and then back on a few seconds before 1505.
Presumably vs Sound of Hope but nothing else audible here during the break.
Also at 1514, // Firedrake on 9450 and this one mixing with some other audio,
reported to be SOH from a higher-powered transmitter, and by now 9200 FD was
much weaker. Then at 1612 something odd accompanying the FD on 9200. Another
carrier was rapidly changing frequency back and forth roughly between 9195 and
9225, causing variable hets as it went past other signals, some of them
utility. When it paused briefly on 9205 I could hear some indistinguishable
audio. If this was SOH, it was not an effective countermeasure to the jamming
(Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 49, 16, 15/01/2007)

since a week I'm playing with PC-ALE, still as a bloody
newcomer, but some stations already heard. As they are
a kind of beacons, it is some kind of legal here to monitor...hi

Some are UNIDs for me, maybe anybody has any idea?

e.g. SBR and 5GS on 5415/USB, the numbers on 4855/USB, 5435/USB,
and 11390/USB, MB1 & GS1 on 9305/USB and LEN on 6950/USB.
Also unid is a AQC-ALE (?) net on 6835/USB (see down).

And I have a question refering to the "USAF Net":
I got last night on 5708 kHz good readings from
Diego Garcia, Roosevelt Roads and Offutt but I can't really believe
that the conDX were such good, specially to OFF in Nebraska!

Do I really heard them? Or were these SNDs relayed by any
other ground station, like the voice EAMs.
Many of them are "This is Offut"-EAMs, but the transmissions
itself come mostly via european relays (at least here).

Here they are:
(sorry not in the usual "WUN format" so far, will try for
later logs)

5414.0/USB [19:59:35][TO ][YG63] [TIS][YG43] ALG NG
5209.0/USB [20:09:11][SND] [TWS][AAA] ISR Airforce
5410.0/LSB [20:32:06][SND] [TIS][OHT30P] ALG SONATRACH
6790.0/LSB [20:41:14][SND] [TIS][OHT30P] ALG SONATRACH

4855.0/USB [22:24:45][TO ][1306] [TIS][1001] XXX unid
4855.0/USB [22:19:39][TO ][2404] [TIS][2001] XXX unid
4855.0/USB [22:25:42][TO ][101_] [TIS][1316] XXX unid
4855.0/USB [22:57:57][TO ][2408] [TIS][3001] XXX unid
4855.0/USB [22:55:31][TO ][2409] [TIS][2001] XXX unid
4855.0/USB [23:02:52][TO ][2408] [TIS][2001] XXX unid
4855.0/USB [23:14:59][TO ][2514] [TIS][2001] XXX unid

5036.0/USB [04:34:56][SND] [TIS][RNOUSLR1] ALG SONATRACH
10375.0/LSB [12:33:28][TO ][ ] [TIS][MAE] ALG MFA
10375.0/LSB [12:33:19][TO ][MAE] [TIS][TRP] LBY Alg. Emb.
11390.0/USB [13:15:41][TO ][2417] [TIS][2011] XXX unid
10172.5/USB [15:15:24][SND] [TIS][OPERATIVADPC] ITA Civil Def.
4771.0/USB [16:38:12][TO ][DRINI] [TIS][DIAMANTI] ALB MOI
5117.0/USB [16:42:27][TO ][DRINI] [TIS][DIAMANTI] ALB MOI
5251.0/USB [16:41:44][TO ][DRINI] [TIS][DIAMANTI] ALB MOI
5285.0/USB [16:41:02][TO ][DRINI] [TIS][DIAMANTI] ALB MOI
5379.0/USB [16:39:37][TO ][DRINI] [TIS][DIAMANTI] ALB MOI
5414.0/USB [16:48:45][TO ][YG40] [TIS][YG52] ALG NG
5414.0/USB [16:48:03][TO ][HA40] [TIS][YG48] ALG NG
5414.0/USB [16:58:37][TO ][YG48] [TIS][YG52] ALG NG
5414.0/USB [19:15:24][TO ][HA40] [TIS][YG60] ALG NG
5414.0/USB [19:44:48][TO ][YG43] [TIS][YG40] ALG NG
5435.0/USB [19:53:12][TO ][10111] [TIS][11141] XXX unid
5435.0/USB [19:55:01][SND] [TWS][11042] XXX unid

9305.0/USB [14:13:34][TO ][MB1] [TIS][GS1 XXX unid
11475.0/USB [16:19:26][TO ][TRP] [TIS][MAE] ALG MFA
6950.0/USB [16:46:02][TO ][BR2] [TIS][LEN] XXX unid
5075.0/USB [19:06:58][TO ][VK52] [TIS][VK5] ALG NG
5075.0/USB [19:19:21][TO ][YG57] [TIS][YG53] ALG NG
5075.0/USB [19:24:03][TO ][VK40] [TIS][VK47] ALG NG
5414.0/USB [19:34:26][TO ][YG40] [TIS][YG43] ALG NG
5075.0/USB [19:38:33][TO ][YG52] [TIS][YG48] ALG NG
5414.0/USB [20:22:41][TO ][HA40] [TIS][VK47] ALG NG
5414.0/USB [20:22:26][TO ][YG46] [TIS][HA40] ALG NG
5075.0/USB [20:37:10][TO ][YG57] [TIS][HA40] ALG NG
5075.0/USB [20:38:48][TO ][HA40] [TIS][VK47] ALG NG
5414.0/USB [21:11:43][TO ][YG52] [TIS][YG40] ALG NG
5075.0/USB [21:18:19][TO ][YG51] [TIS][YG40] ALG NG
5708.0/USB [22:31:09][SND] [TWS][ICZ] ITA USN AS
5708.0/USB [22:36:17][SND] [TWS][PLA] AZR USAF
5708.0/USB [22:51:55][SND] [TWS][JDG] BIO USAF
5708.0/USB [23:19:16][SND] [TWS][JNR] PTR USAF
5708.0/USB [23:23:32][SND] [TWS][OFF] USA USAF

4768.0/USB [00:37:34][SND] [TIS][OPERATIVADPC] ITA Civ.Def.
5435.0/USB [02:11:59][SND] [TWS][11031] XXX unid
5415.0/USB [03:05:57][TO ][SBR] [TIS][5GS] XXX unid
5415.0/USB [03:05:55][TO ][5GS] [TIS][SBR] XXX unid
10375.0/LSB [10:26:32][TO ][RBT] [TIS][MAE] ALG MFA
10375.0/LSB [10:26:30][TO ][MAE] [TIS][RBT] MRC Alg.Emb.
9025.0/USB [11:25:20][SND] [TWS][JNR] PTR USAF


??? Station 6835.0 kHz USB ???
PC-ALE said:
[18:34:04][FRQ 00000000][AQC SND][][TWS][NSJGKE][AL0] BER 30 SN 11 NOISE 04
[18:31:16][FRQ 00000000][AQC SND][][TIS][B*KU0Y][AL0] BER 20 SN 07 NOISE 08
[18:14:13][FRQ 00000000][AQC SND][][TIS][VSIMN][AL0] BER 30 SN 07 NOISE 11

then into unid data (serial modem?) mode
Very strong, but the TISs looked garbled, coded ALE/Link ptrotection?
Swiss diplo?
(Thomas M. Rosner, Germany - udxf 362, 15/01/2007)

8414.5kHz UNID 2007JAN150816Z GMDSS/DSC

SELF IDENTIFICATION: 005030001 Australia
min NORTH LONGITUDE 210 deg 0 min EAST
TIME UTC: 10 : 91
DECODED AT: 3:16:09 AM 1/15/2007
(Albert P, Boston, MA - udxf 362, 15/01/2007)

a) 4149 kHz with an english robot voice ukrainian navigation warnings
of KERCH RADIO is really new to me! Strong but was very hard to
understand, the robotted modulation was quite bad

b) 9MB on 5065 kHz was logged before as 9MB13 (on 5064 kHz), now it was
9MB19 on 5065 kHz, different station?

c) RAF Volmet is logged on 5717 kHz too, much stronger then the
usual 5450 kHz. Maybe RAF Volmet took over the weather b'casts from

d) The unids KAL, MAD, BCV on 6685.0 in CW look interessting,
3-letter-callsigns are unfamiliar (at least for the CIS MILs) ?

e) The unid voice stations on 6832.0 (METRO 75) look interesting
too ...hi


05248.0 -: unid Military 1359 CW 5FGs QTC (T=0) after
"NW NW 45t 31 17 1359 1212 FM 31488 FOR 45455 = ....",
end "... = 1358 k" into cfm-tfc "rpt k", "cfm qtc k" etc.
Note that time is UTC! (17/Oct/02)(ALF)

05467.0 -: unid Intelligence 1410 CW callings wothout any messages:
"736(x3) 333 852T2(x2)", "333 86922(x2)",
"736(x3) 333 8674T(x2)" and s/off. (17/Oct/06)(ALF)

05286.0 -: unid Intelligence 1433 CW callings "836(x3) 65418(x2)" &
s/off. (17/Oct/06)(ALF)

05260.0 -: unid Military 1440 CW simplex message exachanges,
A: "rpt pbl k" / B:"=208 40 17 15tt 208 k / A: "r 208 k" /
B: "qtc 3 k" / A; qrv k" / B: "=305 40 17 15tt 305" into 5FGs
(0=0), next msg ("qtc 2") start with "= 288 70 17 1500 288"

05379.0 -: unid Military 1500 CW 5FGs message (T=0) end with "=561=k"
into simplex cfm-tfc "r 164 k", next msg "KPV8 727 53 19 18t5
727=378 552=5_7=" into 5LGs to CMIW. (19/Oct/2006)(ALF)

06685.0 KAL: unid 1100 CW wkg MAD, BCV "MAD de KAL rpt msg ...",
"msg v317 fpt nw pt03ag k", "r msg v317 fpt nw pt03ag k", "r k"
... "msg v318 e pv0 e pf00ar k"; "KAL de MAD msg v319 fpy nw
pt00ar k", "MAD de KAL msg v319 fpy nw pt00ar k", "r k" and
s/off. (24/Oct/2006)(ALF)

03638.5 WRNS: unid CIS Military 1655 CW wkg duplex with PMWE, XQPX for
"rk"-radio/checks. (25/Oct/2006)(ALF)

06697.0 MKL: RAF, G 1510 J3E-USB clg S1J. (30/Oct/06)(ALF)

06694.0 Black Dog: unid RAF, G 1454 J3E-USB wkg sx with 8DM with tracking
details for aircrafts, e.g. "Joker JK110", "Joker JK612",
"Joker JH117". (30/Oct/2006)(ALF)

06690.0 -: unid spanish Military (AF ?), E 1535 J3E-USB OM/SS sx with
positions reports. (30/Oct/2006)(ALF)

06832.0 METRO 75: unid Military (german accent) 1240 J3E-USB
wkg ROUND 54 (benelux? accent) with spelled messages:
"WHATS YOUR NATO RANK", answer from ROUND 54:
"Time 151340A Group 2 message number 10 I AM WARRANT OFFICER
CLASS TWO ABD YOU break over", "change frequency to A6"
(ROUND maybe RAMM ?)(15/Nov/06)(ALF)

06290.0 RLA88: Russian Naval Vessel 2130 CW clg RIT fr QSA.

7080.0 RMW32: Russian Navy Vessel 1245 CW duplex wkg RMW58 for "ZSA4
ZSW 25TT K" into encrypted RTTY. In HAM-Band. (8/DEC/2006)(ALF)

04149.0 -: Kerch Radio, UKR 1835 J3E-USB OM/Robot voice EE "Securite"
"Ukrainian Coastal Warnings". (14/Jan/2007)(DL8AAM)

05065.0 9MB19: Malaysian Navy, MLA 1905 CW "vvv(x3) 9MB 19".
Had before 5064 kHz with 9MB13, another station ?

05717.0 -: RAF Volmet, G 1914 J3E-USB YL/EE Volmet for Mombassa etc.
//5450 kHz but much much stronger. Ex ARCHITECT's wx b'cast?

03275.0 GILO: unid CIS 0230 CW wkg sx with msg "3CII RXXX PLASTECNYJ
76006406 ARAGUARN 83015730 AMAKUSA 65373348 k" into sx many
"read back". (14/JAN/2007)(ALF) (Thomas M. Rosner, Germany - udxf 362, 15/01/2007)

07698.0 9112: Nig-NPF 2144 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-15) (sw)

07954.0 9113: Nig-NPF 2152 ALE/USB clg 9111 (2007-01-15) (sw)

07954.0 9113: Nig-NPF 2210 ALE/USB clg 911911 (2007-01-15) (sw)

05730.0 611616: Nig-NPF 2213 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-15) (sw)

05782.0 511511: Nig-NPF 2218 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-15) (sw)

08001.0 211217: Nig-NPF 2226 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-15) (sw)

06860.0 7803: Unid 2235 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-15) (Sam, UK - udxf 362, 15/01/2007)

04342.2 : Unid 2305 CIS300/300.1/170 ACF=17. Mode ID tentative.
Appears to be // 6444.15 kHz, by ear. (19Jan07) (MPJ)

06823.5 : Russian Air Defence 1225 CW =99?1523?9????? =1252024653922
=22520901070722 =12520614659924 =11012616832324 99?1525?0?????
(20Jan07) (MPJ)

11055 : Unid 1110 RTTY/50/500 ACF=8. Enciphered Baudot. No
plain headers. Tentative bearing 045/225 - Scandinavia, Russia.
Stops on mark at 1133. (20Jan07) (MPJ)

11080 : Unid 1134 RTTY/50/500 Enciphered Baudot. Poss QSX to
11055. Not // 11055. Same bearing. Goes mark idle at 1153. (20Jan07)

12164 LCR155: Polish Military, Prob Janki Commcen 1251 ALE/USB
Calls 3ZB202/unid. (20Jan07) (MPJ)

13467 : Swiss Diplo 1302 ALE/USB Long bursts. Link protected.
Also 13457. (20Jan07) (MPJ)

13499 1305: Moroccan Civil Defence 1330 ALE/USB Sounding.
(20Jan07) (MPJ)

15959 : Unid 1403 NATO-75/75/850 Enciphered, continuous. Bearing
090/270 continental Europe/Canada. (20Jan07) (MPJ)

16331.9 S: MX Beacon Severomorsk 1412 CW With S-Moscow on 16332.0.
(20Jan07) (MPJ - udxf 369, 20/01/2007)

6715 Khz 1523 CROSPR USAF Croughton with soundinf ALE
11181 khz 1359 ICZSPR USAF/NAS Sigonella with sounding ALE
11226 khz 1445 470117 USAF KC10 Extender tail 87-0017 with sounding ALE
(Ronny - udxf 370, 20/01/2007)

07516.0 CCM23: Venezuelan Army Mobile Command Center 23rd Special Ops and
Security 2249 ALE/USB clg CCM53 (2007-01-19) (sw)

06870.0 CCM: Venezuelan Army HQ 2312 ALE/USB clg CCM51 (2007-01-19) (sw)

09200.0 2417: Unid 2325 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-19) (sw)

03300.0 VK53: Alg-Mil/Moi 2353 ALE/USB clg VK40 (2007-01-19) (sw)

07759.0 YOLA: Nig NNPC 1610 ALE/USB clg GOMBE (2007-01-20) (sw)

08086.0 YOLA: Nig NNPC 1618 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-20) (sw)

04550.0 S4S000OGBMRM1: Ltu-Air Defence Battalion 1632 ALE/USB clg
V1S000OEKCOPER (2007-01-20) (sw)

09200.0 2011: Unid 1654 ALE/USB clg 2412 (2007-01-20) (sw)

08180.0 9001: Unid 1703 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-20) (sw)

09200.0 13181: Unid 1704 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-20) (sw)

05075.0 YG52: Alg-Mil/Moi 1705 ALE/USB clg YG48 (2007-01-20) (sw)

05075.0 YG48: Alg-Mil/Moi 1705 ALE/USB clg YG52 (2007-01-20) (sw)

09200.0 13251: Unid 1705 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-01-20) (sw)

05285.0 MALI: Alb-Mil 1710 ALE/USB clg DRINI (2007-01-20) (sw)

05117.0 MALI: Alb-Mil 1711 ALE/USB clg DRINI (2007-01-20) (sw)

06950.0 LEN: UNid (LEN net) 1713 ALE/USB clg BR2 (2007-01-20) (sw)

09200.0 13241: Unid 1722 ALE/USB sndg. (Sam, UK - udxf 370, 20/01/2007)

13927.1 kHz USB 1939z: USAF MARS Operator AFA6PF (Los Angeles, CA) wkg "Soda
55" (TN-ANG KC-135 tanker out of McGhee-Tyson ANGB, Knosville TN), over
western OK, for M&W phone patch to 865/712-45xx. (Alan Stern, Fl, Usa - udxf 370, 20/01/2007)

03207 B1X3: Russian Military 2102 CW Comms check with BS6G,
DT??, MTVF, MZX1, 6GZO and KYIS. (20Jan07) (MPJ)

03207 L6YC: M89 2124 CW Very weak. (20Jan07) (MPJ)

05203 925: Unid Illicit 2021 CW Repeating QRU call 925 0 0 0.
(20Jan07) (MPJ)

05544 VP-BQT: Aeroflot A321 2028 HFDL Logs on to Al Muharraq.
(20Jan07) (MPJ)

08086 YOL: NNPC Yola, Nigeria 1618 ALE/USB Sounding. (20Jan07)

08948 G-VGAS: Virgin Atlantic A340 "Varga Girl" 2040 HFDL Logs on
to Las Palmas. (20Jan07) (MPJ)

08948 HS-TNE: Thai International A340 Flt THA704 2055 HFDL Posn
report 4835N 00239W via Las Palmas. (20Jan07) (MPJ)

08948 LX-UCV: CargoLux B747 "City of Bertrange" 2059 HFDL Logs on.
(20Jan07) (MPJ)

08948 HL-7747: Asiana A330 2114 HFDL Logs on to Las Palmas.
(20Jan07) (MPJ)

09070 055: Chinese Net 1435 ALE/USB Sounds 9070, 9075 and 9080.
(20Jan07) (MPJ)

09200 1011: Egyptian Border Guard or Moroccan Civil Defence 1454
ALE/USB Calls 1323. (20Jan07) (MPJ - udxf 370, 20/01/2007)

Вышел из печати и рассылается подписчикам 13-й выпуск справочника
"Радиовещание на русском языке". Он содержит зимние расписания
радиостанций, работающих на русском языке на коротких и средних
волнах. Приведённые в справочнике расписания действительны до 25 марта
2007 года.
В справочнике указаны расположение и мощность передатчиков,
направление вещания, почтовые адреса станций, номера телефонов,
факсов, адреса Web-страниц и электронная почта, а также QSL-политика станции.

Заказать справочник можно в Санкт-Петербургском DX Клубе по адресу:

Березкину Александру Алексеевичу
а/я 463
Санкт-Петербург 190000

- или по электронной почте: alex@nrec.spb.ru.

Стоимость справочника для жителей России – 80 руб. в случае предоплаты
или 140 руб. при высылке наложенным платежом. В стоимость включена
пересылка заказной почтой.
Стоимость справочника для жителей Белоруссии – 100 руб. (или 4 IRC
нового образца), для остальных стран СНГ – 120 руб. (или 5 IRC), для
стран дальнего зарубежья – 5 евро (или 8 IRC).

Жители Белоруссии для приобретения справочника могут перечислять
деньги в сумме 8000 белорусских рублей по адресу:

Малашенковой Инне Васильевне
ул.Восточная 133 – 66
Минск 220113

На Украине распространением справочника занимается Владимир Осауленко.
К нему по вопросам приобретения справочника можно обращаться по
электронной почте: VladiMir Osaulenko <vladimir.osaulenko@gmail.com>

Возможна высылка электронной версии справочника в PDF-формате по
электронной почте. Стоимость электронной версии – 25 руб., или 1 USD,
или 1 IRC. Возможна оплата российскими почтовыми марками по указанному
выше адресу в Санкт-Петербурге. (Александр Березкин, Санкт-Петербург, Россия - open_dx 18/01/2007)

Поскольку информация по Молдове на FMList-е уже слабо кореллирует с реальным
положением вещей, всем интересующимся рекомендуется посетить следующий сайт:


Сайт "заточен" преимущественно на ТВ, но есть и инфа по молдавским
Присутствует и опция вывода списка всех радиостанций по частотам (т.н.
сводная таблица частот):

(Леня, Кишинев, Молдавия - open_dx 20/01/2007)

(A-DX, 16/01/2007)

Just received, in 41 days, a nice letter (v/s illegible), a small
stn. sticker, and 2 postage stamp-sized (large postage stamps)
stickers, one commemorating 200 yrs. of "Profetas Do Aleijadinho" and
the other commemorating 500 yrs. either of the city or of Brasil.
Also received a very nice and colorful tourist brochure in Portuguese
and English. In it, it states "Congonhas has got its name from a
plant named Congonha. In tupi, an indian language, Kõ gõi means 'the
one that feeds and supports.'" Very happy w/this QSL, especially as
it's only 1 kw. on 4775 kHz.
Thought this might interest some who like me had wondered about
the name of the city and the station, and also explains the name of R.Tupi.
(Alex Vranes, Jr., Harpers Ferry, WV - dxldyg 1170, 19/01/2007)

R. MISTLETOE 6242 kHz, QSL elettronica e lettera in circa 5 ore. E-rpt con
MP3 inviato a radiomistletoe@hotmail.com V/s: Kris Kingle

R. RAMONA 6524 kHz, QSL elettronica e lettera in 3 giorni. E-rpt con MP3
spedito a: radioramona@hotmail.com
(Luca Botto Fiora, Italy - bclnews 1710, 19/01/2007)

Voice of Strait, 7280 kHz, no-data verification card entirely in Chinese (except for my name) and a schedule pamphlet (mostly in Chinese) in 2 months for a

Chinese-language report and $1, no signer. Address: P.O. Box 187, Fuzhou, Fujian 350012, China.

Some info gleaned from the schedule:

Channel 1 News & Public Affairs, 666 & 11590 kHz
Channel 2 Lifestyle, 90.6 FM and 7280 kHz
Channel 3 Fujianese-dialect programs 783 & 6115 kHz
Channel 4 Music 99.6 FM

all channels 2225-1700 UTC (0625-0100 Beijing time). FM stations are presumably in Fuzhou.

Listed English programs on Ch. 1 (11590 kHz):
M-F "Happy English" 0550-0600 UTC
Sa/Su English 0500-0530 UTC, repeated 0800-0830 UTC

The schedule pamphlet also had this information in English, presented with original grammar:

Introduction of the Voice of Strait

Voice of Strait (VOS), one of the most comprehensive national broadcasting stations, was founded on August 24th, 1958, serves most areas of Mainland, Taiwan

Province, Hong Kong, Macau SAR and almost the globe every day in Mandarain, Minnan dialect [aka Fujianese] and English.

After more than forty years' development, VOS has become an very influential media in China and the world. In addition to our short-wave broadcasts, we also try to

make ourselves heard on the local AM and FM frequencies in many parts of the world through different forms of cooperation. We can now be heard locally in

countries like Japan, Malaysia, Thailand, USA, Philippine, France, Germany, Denmakr, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and South Pole area, as well as more

than forty countries across the world.

VOS now has got its autumn after forty-year explore. In the early 1980s, our "Friend of the Youth" was one of the earliest emcee programs. "Crossroad on the Air"

in 1990s was highly praised by the experts. According to "New Ideal, New Situation, New Appearance", VOS is always changing for better.

Now VOS's programs include news, current affairs, military affairs and features on politics, culture, science and technology. News channel, Entertainment life channel,

Minnan Dialect channel and Music and Information channel are the four major channels on VOS. We broadcast to the whole world from 6:30 every morning to 1:00

early next morning, 74 hours amazing programs and shows on air everyday. Our "666 Morning News", "Morning Digest", "Straits' wide-angle lens", "Military Online",

"Vogue China", "Good Morning", "Travelogue", "Go throughout South Fujian", "My Family", and many other characteristic programs is loved by listeners from all

around the world.

And through our website www.vos.com.cn users can read program transcripts, view illustrations and hear our programs as well.

[M. Schiefelbein, Missouri, USA - dxldyg 1172, 20/01/2007]

PPC mit allen Daten, incl. Senderstandort Äthiopien von der
"Voice of Democratic Alliance of Eritrea", gehört am 19.11.2006
von 1500 bis 1600 UTC via Radio Ethiopia auf 7.165 kHz.
(ging übrigens auch heute wieder ganz gut)

Mein Empfangsbericht ging an:

Voice of Democratic Alliance
c/o Eritrean Democratic Alliance
P.O. Box 13043

Die Antwort kam im Brief mit schönen Marken von

M. Asmerom
Box 123065
Addis Abeba

handschriftlich ergänzt wurde: "Yes, you are right. That is
the Radio of Eritrean Democracy Alliance"

Meine Empfangsberiche über die letzten Stündchen von YLE
Radio Finland auf KW und MW erbrachten heute leiden nur
ein paar Miniaturaufkleber im Riesenumschlag, zusammen mit
einem veralteten Programmheft.

Vielleicht kommt ja direkt von der Sendestation noch etwas.
Hat jemand eine schon eine QSL der letzten Sendetage
bekommen? (Ralf Bessler, Germany - A-DX 15/01/2007)

Jose Miguel Romero
Burjasot (Valencia)

Sangean ATS 909
Grundig YB-80
Radio Master A-108

Sutton-in-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire.
AOR AR7030, ewe antenna, Wellbrook ALA1530, Antenna phaser

Giampiero Bernardini
Milano, Italia

Rx: Drake SPR-4 & R-4C (with DDS4); RFT EKD 315; RFSpace SDR-14; CiaoRadio H101; Winradio G33EM Marine; AOR AR7030+ AR5000+

AR3000A-DX; TenTec RX320 & RX321; Icom R7000 & R71E (both mod. by Capra), PCR1000; Lowe HF150; Kenwood R5000 & tuner KT-6040; Grundig

Satellit 700 & 500; Yamaha T-85; Sangean ATS 909 mod. & DT-220; Degen DE1103; Alinco DJ-X3 (In all FM rx I use 110/80/53 kHz filters)- Ant: wires 30 m.;

RKB 5, 9 & 10 elements FM; RF Systems T2FD 15 meters; Wellbrook LFL 1010, loops by A.Capra, PA0RDT Mini Whip, Magnetic Loop L101

Jim Evans
Germantown, TN
Ten-Tec RX-340, Drake R8B, 90' Random Wire, 65' PAR EF-SWL, LFE H-800

Western European Union.
Yaesu FT-847/PC-HFDL/Ears. Icom IC-736/PC-ALE. Wellbrook ALA1530

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