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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 57
WorldDX 57 23/02/06 --------------------------- WorldDX выходит с декабря 2004 года. Время везде UTC; чтобы получить зимнее московское, прибавьте к нему 3 часа. Редактор оставляет за собой право не включать в бюллетень информацию, не отвечающую его тематике. Архив предыдущих номеров бюллетеня можно найти по адресу www.worlddx.narod.ru Присылайте новости для бюллетеня по адресу: fmradios12[dog]hotmail.com. ----------------------------- Короткие Волны Антарктида 15476, hola Arnaldo, respecto a tu observación y pregunta, sobre si alguien sabe algo de LRA 36, Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel, coincido contigo, para mí está inactiva, probablemente durante todo lo que va de año 2006. Yo por lo menos no he logrado escucharla desde que se produjo el relevo de personal en la Base, y por aquí suele entrar bién, sobre todo en su última hora de emisión. He enviado varios mails a su dirección de correo electrónico para que me dijesen si están saliendo al aire, pero no he tenido respuesta. Probablemente estarán familiarizándose con la emisora, haciendo pruebas, etc. Esperemos que en un corto periodo de tiempo estén en el aire y que no la dejen abandonada. Saludos. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 1194) Антильские о-ва 6,165.0, NETHERLANDS ANTILLES, Radio Nederland Wereldomroep, 0145-0200, Feb 13, English, Talk show. Good. (Bob Branaugh - hard-core-dx 38, 17) Аргентина 15820 LSB, Radio Continental, 1002-1015, 19-02, noticias sobre conflicto de las celulosas, los Rolling Stones llegan hoy a Buenos Aires, luego de concierto en Río. "El tiempo, 24,8º en Buenos Aires, cielo despejado". "Servicios Informativos Continental, información confiable, en todo el país, desde Buenos Aires, Continental". "En la mañana del domingo, Naturalmente, la revista de actualidad del domingo, naturalmente por Continental". Muy buena señal hoy. 45444. (Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - NoticiasDX 1194) Армения 9965 Voz de Armenia, 03:30-03:45, escuchada el 14 de febrero en espa?ol, locutor con presentaci?n, frecuencia y direcci?n web, bolet?n de noticias, mala modulaci?n, SINPO 33232 (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 19) 4810 Public Radio of Armenia, 19:25-19:30, escuchada el 17 de febrero en armenio a locutor con comentarios, m?sica cl?sica y pop local, SINPO 44433 (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 19) 4810, Public Radio of Armenia, 1759-1225, 18-02, locutor, comentarios y música de Armenia. Programa en árabe, menciona "Erevan". 34333. (Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - NoticiasDX 1194) 9965, Public Radio of Armenia, 1930-1940, 18-02, programa en francés, identificación: "Ici Yerevan, vous etes a l'ecoute de la Voix de la Armeni", horarios en y frecuencias, noticias. 34333. (Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - NoticiasDX 1194) Армения/Россия 11510 Vice of Russia; 1910-1916+, 16-Feb; M&W EE discussion of Russian energy policy. 1915 VoRWS ID & more cmtry. SIO=2+53- (Harold Frodge-MI, Usa - CumbreDX 1428) Асеншн 15105 BBC; 1755-1802+, 19-Feb; BBC EE sports getting beat up by WHRI World Harvest Radio, Cypress Creek SC in EE. WHR continued in EE after 1800 & BBC continued in FF which is not in 06 Passport. (Harold Frodge-MI, Usa - CumbreDX 1431) Бенин 5025 ORTB Radio Parakou, 19:33-19:38, escuchada el 17 de febrero en franc?s a locutor con bolet?n de noticias, SINPO 43343. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 19) 5025, Radio Benin, 2216-2250, 18-02, locutor, francés, noticias de Benin y de Africa, identificación: "Radio Benin, Parakou", música africana. A partir de las 2245 comienza la interferencia de Radio Rebelde en la misma frecuencia. 33333. (Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - NoticiasDX 1194) Боливия 5744,38 Radio Virgen de Remedios, Tupiza, 1110-1115, February 19, Spanish. Catholic religious talk by male. All in spanish. 34433 Best reception in LSB mode (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1429) 5952,48 Radio Pio XII, Siglo XX, 1102-1107, February 19, Aymara/Spanish, short ann. by male & female in aymara, , ID by male & female in spanish: "Somos Pio XII.....Somos Pio XII", andean music, 43443 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1429) 5983,79 Radio Cooperativa, Huanuni, 1043-1100, February 19,=20 andean music non stop, 32432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1429) Бразилия 9645.1 Radio Bandierantes; 2259-2310+, 14-Feb; Phone reports; rooster crow @2304+ then ad string; ID promo @2307+ & back to phone reports. SIO=3+33 (Frodge-MI) 11780 Radio Nacional da Amazonia; 1904-1910+, 16-Feb; Caught ID passing by! M in PP w/upbeat cmtry, mentions of R.Nacional & pop mx. Mucho QRM de Dr. Gene on 11175; USB SIO=4+43 (Harold Frodge-MI, Usa - CumbreDX 1428) 5980 Radio Guaruja, Florianopolis, SC, 2005-2010, February 16, = Portuguese, Sports short news, ID & ann. as : "Guaruja....sporti...",34433 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1429) 4985, Radio Brasil Central, 0500-0545, 19-02, inicio de la transmisión en esta frecuencia, a una hora no habitual por lo temprano, coincidiendo con el cambio de hora a horario de invierno en muchos estados de Brasil. Locutor: "2 horas aquí na Radio Brasil Central, Radio Brasil Central, comunicando para o mundo, madrugada na Brasil Central". -3 horas UTC, en lugar de -2 que había ayer día 18. Canciones brasileñas, locutor: "duas y vintesete". "duas y cuarenta y tres". 34333. (Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - NoticiasDX 1194) 9615, Radio Cultura, Sao Paulo, 0921-0933, 19-02, locutor, comentarios, canciones brasileñas. 24322. (Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - NoticiasDX 1194) 11725, Radio Novas de Paz, Curitiba, 0954-0958, 19-02, locutor, portugués, comentarios religiosos, canciones. 24322. (Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - NoticiasDX 1194) 11780, Radio Nacional da Amazonia, 0915-0923, 19-02, locutor, portugués, comentarios. 22222. (Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - NoticiasDX 1194) 11815, Radio Brasil Central, 1940-1956, 18-02, canciones brasileñas. "Faltan seis minutos para as seis da tarde, Brasil Central". Locutor, canciones brasileñas y canciones en inglés. (Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - NoticiasDX 1194) 11830, Radio Anhanguera, Goiania, 1945-2030, 18-02, locutor, fútbol, comentarios Copa Libertadores, partido fútbol Sao Paulo. 33333. (Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - NoticiasDX 1194) 11925, Radio Bandeirantes, 1943-1955, 18-02, locutor, comentarios de fútbol, equipo "Guaraní". "No micrófono da Bandeiranates". 33333. (Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - NoticiasDX 1194) Буркина-Фасо 5030 R. Burkina 2250-2305. Pop music with occasional talk by woman in French. Good signal, better than usual, with some low side interference from R. Rebelde. SINPO 33333. (Jim Evans, TN, Feb 15 - CumbreDX 1427) 5030 Radio Burkina, 21:53-22:05, escuchada el 16 de febrero en franc?s con m?sica afro-pop, locutora con ID, locutor con titulares y noticias, SINPO 44444 (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 19) Венесуэла 5000, Observatorio Naval Cagigal, 0605-0810, 19-02, señales horarias, identificación a cada minuto: "Al oir el tono serán las .. horas, .. minutos, 0 segundos". Interferencia de WWVFort Collins, Colorado en la misma frecuencia. 22222. (Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - NoticiasDX 1194) Венесуэла/Куба 13680, Radio Nacional de Venezuela, 2000-2100, 18-02, Excelente señal habitualmente para la transmisión de esta hora y por esta frecuencia. Inicio y fin del programa: "Esta señal identificaa la Antena Internacional de Radio Nacional de Venezuela, transmitimos desde Caracas, República Bolivariana de Venezuela". "Agradecemos reporten esta transmisión al Apartado Postal 3979 1010 Caracas, Venezuela, e-mail: internacional@rnv.gov.ve, página web: www.rnv.gov.ve". Programa: Temas sobre el tapete, Forjadores del socialimos del siglo XXI, Efemérides, Librería Medíatica, Pensamiento del Libertador Simón Bolivar, Cosas de Venezuela. SINPO 45444 (Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - NoticiasDX 1194) Гватемала R. Coatan, 4779.98, *1028-1055+ Feb 11, sign-on with long choral NA, 1032 opening Spanish announcements with IDs and into local religious programming with talk and traditional religious music; fair (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 729) Гондурас 3340, Radio Misiones Internacionales, 0045-0559, 19-02, sigue habiendo muy buenas condiciones para escuchar esta emisora, que hoy cerró transmiones a las 0559, una hora más tarde de su horario habitual, 0500 UTC. Locutor, comentarios religiosos, identificación: "Transmite Radio Misiones Internacionales, a través de la frecuencia de 3340 kHz. onda corta". Comentario: "La droga y la juventud, un problema social que nos atañe a todos". Programa "Encuentros". A partir de las 0500: programa "La unidad de nuestro cuerpo", anuncios comerciales, identificación: "Radio Misiones Internacionales, la voz del evangelio completo". "Por qué Vd. necesita estar informado, escuche Radio Misiones Internacionales". Cierre a las 0559. 24322, variando a 34333. (Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - NoticiasDX 1194) 4819.2, HRVC, La Voz Evangélica, Tegucigalpa, 0734-0805, 19-02, locutor, comentarios religiosos, español. 24322. (Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - NoticiasDX 1194) Джибути 4780 Radio Djibouti, 0310 - 0313, Feb 13, Arabic, Man announcer praying the Kuran, ID "..Arabya Djibouti", comments by man announcer, 34443, (Nicolas Eramo, Villa Lynch, Argentina - CumbreDX 1431) Египет 9990 Radio Cairo; 2112-2120+, 14-Feb; AR vocal to pips @2114; then W in EE ID & pgm sked. 2118 news headlines. S20 sig, clean & clear; they really cleaned up this sig! (Harold Frodge-MI, Usa - CumbreDX 1428) Замбия R. Zambia, ZNBC, 6165, *0242-0255+ Feb 11, weak under RN with Fish Eagle IS. 0250 instrumental NA. Separate programming on 4910, not // (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 729) 4910 ZBC, 0310 - 0313, Feb 13, Vernacular, Musical Program, female announcer, ID ".....Zambia", 44444, (Eramo, Villa Lynch, Argentina - CumbreDX 1431) Занзибар 11735 V. of Tanzania Zanzibar 1818-2000+ Feb 14. Assorted talks by man and woman; occasional music to 1900, after which there was a higher ratio of music to talk, and what a nice variety of music! Sub-continental, North African, HoA, hi-life, Turkish-sounding, and blends of the above were all heard. This is fast becoming my favorite casual-listening station, while I'm doing other things around the shack. Hard to believe this was once a rare catch here in western USA - they now have a good signal almost every day. (John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado - CumbreDX 1428) 11735 kHz 1600 UTC R. Tanzania Zanzibar is regular catch in = Swahili/Arabic and sometimes English. Very good signal and nice music. I = am surprised that it is audible all over the world these days with only = 50 kW power. (Kanwar Sandhu, India - CumbreDX 1432) Индия 9950 All India Radio; 2105-2112+, 14-Feb; Asian news by W in EE. M ID @2111, then music. SIO=332+, //11620, SIO=2+42+ (Harold Frodge-MI, Usa - CumbreDX 1428) 4830 AIR Kashmir, Jammu, 17:02-17:07, escuchada el 18 de febrero en idioma vernacular a locutora con comentarios y m?sica folkl?rica ind?, SINPO 34222 (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 19) 4840 AIR Mumbai, (Maharastra), 17:07-17:12, escuchada el 18 de febrero en idioma vernacular a locutor con comentarios, SINPO 34322. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 19) 5010 AIR Thiruvananthapuram, 17:06-17:20, escuchada el 18 de febrero en idioma vernacular con programa de m?sica folkl?rica local, SINPO 34322 (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 19) 9445 All India Radio; 2041-2048+, 20-Feb; Sub-Cont'l music; 2045 LL & EE ID & sked; 2046 E news. SIO=3+53 (Frodge-MI) (Harold Frodge, MI, Usa - CumbreDX 1431) Исландия/США 9340/U AFN/AFRTS; 2144-2200+, 18-Feb; Kim Komando Show. 2159 "This is AFN". SIO=353, //7590 Iceland, SIO=333, ute clatter; not //12133.5 Key West or 7811 Key West, both carrying bkb game. (Harold Frodge, MI, Usa - CumbreDX 1431) Испания 9680 Radio Exterior de Espana; 2015-2033+, 20-Feb; Iberian Peninsula & Canary Is. weather; Spanish news. All in EE. 2020 pop music. SIO=353- Pips @BoH but no sign of Thailand s/on. //9595, SIO= 4+43+ (Harold Frodge-MI, Usa - CumbreDX 1431) Италия 5775 IRRS; 2219-2234+, 18-Feb; Dave Iverson pgm Forum(?) w/discussion & calls re Haiti; Focus on Life spot @2130 then extensive IRRS spot. All in EE. SIO=323- (Frodge-MI) 7250 Vatican Radio; 2104-2119*, *2120, 20-Feb; EE "News in the Catholic World"; ID & off @2119. Back on in ~30 sec. w/IS & on in SS@2120. SIO=4+23-, need USB to kill AROs. EE not in 06 Passport. (Harold Frodge-MI, Usa - CumbreDX 1431) Китай 6,040.0, CHINA, China Radio International, 2309-2340, Feb 12, English, News and commentary. Strong signal that faded as the sun went down. Good. (Bob Branaugh - hard-core-dx 38, 17) 9640 Radio Int'l de China; *2100, 14-Feb; CC flute mx to IS 2100, IDs in CC & SS, then continued in SS. SIO=3+53. Checking for Faro del Caribe on 9645, but only a het at 9645.1, probably Brasil. (Harold Frodge-MI, Usa - CumbreDX 1428) 9490 China Radio Int'l; 2035-2040+, 20-Feb; Feature on teen crime! CRI ID spot @2039. All in EE. SIO=3+53, not in 06 Passport (HAROLD Frodge-MI, USA) Коста-Рика 5054.6, Faro del Caribe, 0646-0720, 19-02, locutor y locutora, programa religioso en español, comentarios. 24322. (Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - NoticiasDX 1194) Куба 9505 Radio Habana; 2123-2130+, 14-Feb; Arnie Coro's DXers Unlimited in EE to 2126, then SS balada. 2130 continued in FF. SIO= 433, xmtr hum? Differs from 06 Passport. (Harold Frodge-MI, Usa - CumbreDX 1428) Либерия 5470, Radio Veritas, 2240-2255, 18-02, música africana, locutor, inglés, comentarios. 34333. (Manuel Mendez, Friol,, Spain - NoticiasDX 1194) Мавритания 4845 R. Mauritanie 2250-2305. Talk by man in Arabic. Poor signal, not at usual strength. SINPO 24332. (Jim Evans, TN, Feb 15 - CumbreDX 1427ss) 4845 Radio Mauritanie, 21:31-21:36, escuchada el 16 de febrero en ?rabe a locutor y locutora con comentarios, segmento de m?sica folkl?rica instrumental, SINPO 45433 (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 19) Мексика 4810 XERTA has reactivated. Heard from 0010 to 0200 with religious programs such as Esperanza para la Familia. Nice signal, but co-channel UTE means you have to listen in LSB. (Hans Johnson Feb 17, Ochopee, Florida - CumbreDX 1427) 6010, Radio Mil, 0801-0945, 19-02, canciones en español, identificación: "Radio Mil, dos y cinco", "Mil AM, tres y treinta y cinco", y a las 0300: "Radio Mil, 1000 AM, onda corta 6010 kHz. y en internet www.radiomil.com.mx, desde la Ciudad de México, para llegar hasta donde tus oidos nos sintonicen". 24322. (Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - NoticiasDX 1194) 6185, Radio Educación, 0810-0920, 19-02, música merengue, canciones mexicanas, identificación: "Radio Educación, el oasis del cuadrante, 1060 AM". 34333. (Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - NoticiasDX 1194) Монголия 4895, Mongolia National Radio, 2212-2235, 18-02, locutor, locutora, mongol, comentarios, música de Mongolia. 34333. También por 4830 con SINPO 24322. (Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - NoticiasDX 1194) 12085, Voice of Mongolia, 0959-1010, 19-02, música de sintonía, locutora, identificación: "Welcome to the Voice of Mongolia in English". Horarios y frecuencias. Noticias y comentarios. 33333. (Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - NoticiasDX 1194) Нигерия 4770 Radio Nigeria Kaduna, 22:07-22:10, escuchada el 16 de febrero en ingl?s a locutora con comentarios y m?sica pop local, SINPO 33232. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 19) Обзор Some SW Loggings in this order: kHz - UTC - DDMMYY - ITU - station - language - program - S I N P O 3223 - 0100 - 290106 - IND - AIR Shimla - Hindi ? - Indian songs - 2/3 5 3 4 2 15665 - 1255 - 290106 - USA - WHRA Greenbush ME - EE - "Radio Weather": interview of Allan Weiner, WBCQ, on his book 'Access to the Airwaves' - 5 5 5 4 4/5 9870 - 1310 - 020206 - NZL - RNZI - EE - a song/tribute to Elvis - 4 4 3/4 3/4 3/4 11690 - 0950 - 040206(SAT) - GUM - KTWR - Mandarin - EE lesson, "My eyes are bigger than the stomach", etc. - 3 3/4 3 4 2/3 4970 - 1540 - 070206 - IND - AIR Shillong - EE - "news at 9" (delay of 3 sec. compared with 5010 Thiruvananthapuram) - 2/3 5 3 3 2 9330 - 2145 - 130206 - SYR - R. Damascus - EE - Arab songs - 3/4 5 4 3/4 3 3200 - 1845 - 140206 - SWZ - TWR - EE - rel. address - 2/3 5 2/3 3/4 2 5019.9 - 1905 - 140206 - SLM - SIBC - EE - news - 2 5 2 4 1/2 7120 - 1910 - 140206 - MDG - RN - EE - on WTO / gobalization - 4 3 5 4 3 5025 - 0620 - 160206 - CUB - R. Rebelde - SS - temperatures - 3/4 5 3/4 3 3/4 5074.73 - 0645 - 160206 - CTR - Faro del Caribe - SS - male speaker - 2/3 5 3 3 2 (Gunter Jacob, Passau, Germany - CumbreDX 1428) Соломоновы о-ва 9543.30, Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corp, 1124-1200 Noted typical music selections with comments from a woman between each tune. 1147 woman gives ID as, "You are listening to the Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation, broadcasting from .... (missed)" The time is 13 minutes .. 11 o'clock ..." Audio was very muffled. At 1148 ADs presented. Noted this being reported on 9534 kHz the other day, but judging from what I am hear today, that freq was probably a typo and should have been 9543 instead. Signal here peaked around 1145 UTC to good, but still muffled. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, Florida, February 16, 2006 - hard-core-dx 38, 17) 9543.2 khz. Heard SIBS fair to good signs 0800 ID //5020 over DW..(you Beauty), sometimes DW dominated but by 1000 SIBS at good level. 16/2. I think Nigel Holmes on a visit to SIBS about a year ago said that it was about 500 w to a 1kw at that time, and that he helped with the loaded dipole being errected. Power supply and simple air conditioning to disapate the heat were the major problems. Well good news about the reactiviation of this frequency. (John Wright, Australian Radio DX club, Australia - hard-core-dx 38, 17) США 15,590.0, UNITED STATES, KTBN (Trinity Broadcasting), 1610-1630, Feb 11, English, Childrens Program Excellent. (Robert Branaugh - hard-core-dx 38, 17) WMLK, 9265.10, *1600-1800+ Feb 10, sign-on announcements with ID and into the usual religious talk about Yahweh. Weak but readable; M-F only (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 729) Таджикистан 4635 Radio Tajikistan, 22:13-22:16, escuchada el 26 de febrero en tajiko a locutor y locutora con comentarios y segmento de m?sica coral, SINPO 24322. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 19) 7245 Tajik Radio, Yangi-Yul, 0300 - 0305, Feb 13, Tajik, s/on, Comments and News by man and female announcer, ID "Jumburi Tajikistan" also mention Dushanbe not in parallel with 4635 KHz, 34443, (Nicolas Eramo, Villa Lynch, Argentina - CumbreDX 1431) Эквадор 3279.6, La Voz del Napo, 0601-0710, 19-02, comentarios religiosos, identificación: "Somos Radio María", comentario sobre el Evangelio. A las 0656: "Una cincuenta y seis minutos". canciones religiosas, comentarios, locutora. 24322. (Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - NoticiasDX 1194) Экваториальная Гвинея 5005 Radio Bata; 2211-2217+, 18-Feb; M cmtry in SS re reina (whose reina?); I've seen IDs reported many different ways, but hrd "Radio Bata" spot @2214 followed by drum chant. Poor at QRN lvl + occasional ute clatter. (Harold Frodge-MI, Usa - CumbreDX 1431) Япония 3925 R. Nikkei 1351-1420+ Feb 17. Mozart music, perhaps a belated birthday dedication, to 1359, followed by an anmt mentioning "Nikkei," maybe an ad; at 1400 one long pip, followed by "Let's Read the Nikkei Weekly," a sort of language lesson with newspaper stories and phrases in both JP and EG; key phrases translated included "come down with a cold," "put on the back burner," and "nipped in the bud". Bodacious S9 + 35 dB signal on both 3925 and 6055; // 9595 was just fair with co-channel QRM. (John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado - CumbreDX 1428) ----------- Неопознаное 7295, 2315-2330+, 14-Feb; M in EE w/typical DJ chit-chat, phone calls & pop mx. Traxx FM Malaysia? SIO=3+22 to zilch, LSB helps w/7300. Been quite a while since I've hrd them this time of day. (Harold Frodge-MI, Usa - CumbreDX 1428) ------ Неофициальное Вещание Афганистан 15265 Radio Solh, 14:30-14:45, escuchada el 19 de febrero en afgano a locutor con entrevista a invitado en conversación telefónica, SINPO 34433. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - NoticiasDX 1194) Гамбия V. of the Diaspora, 9405 via Germany, 2000-2030 Feb 11; sign-on with local African music, then English sign-on announcements with ID. Talk about Gambia election results. Some talk in vernacular. Local children`s chorus at sign-off. F-G; Sat only (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 729) Зимбабве R. Voice of the People, 11705 via Madagascar, 1705-1756* Feb 11, tune-in to English talk. Gave IDs, frequency and Box 5750, Harare, Zimbabwe address many times throughout broadcast. Many ``Radio VOP`` IDs. F-G reception but much was difficult to understand due to thick accent of announcers (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 729) 11705 Radio Voice of the People, 17:00-17:05, escuchada el 19 de febrero en inglés con sintonía e identificación por locutor, segmento de música con guitarra, SINPO 32232. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - NoticiasDX 1194) Ирак 6335 Voice of Iraqui Kurdistan, 0432-0437, February 19, Kurdish, long talk by male, 25432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1429) 7590 Dengue Mezopotamía, 15:02-15:15, escuchada el 19 de febrero en kurdo con programa musical con canciones pop local, locutor con ID "...Dengue Mezopotamía", anuncian frecuencias y página web, nueva ID " Dengue Mezopotamía Radyoya", locutor con comentarios, SINPO 43343 (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - NoticiasDX 1194) Камерун 11840 Radio Free Southern Cameroons via Armavir. Feb.19. 18:30-1859* Noted at tune-in with strong to fair signal, with a program in English. During this commentary talked about standing up for Independence and supporting democratic rights in the Cameroon's. Noted a nice ID @ 1839 as 'you are listening to excerpts from ...on Radio Free Southern Cameroon..tune in next week...' Then followed High Life African Vocals( in vernaculars) to 1858. Nice ID as 'you are listening to Radio Free Southern Cameroon...same time, next week...' off with drums and some sort of anthem to 1859 sign-off. (Edward Kusalik-Alberta, CANADA - CumbreDX 1431) Конго 11890 Radio Okapi, 16:05-16:15, escuchada el 19 de febrero en idioma vernacular con ID y programa de debate con varios invitados, tema de carácter político con referencias a la democracia y la economía, SINPO 45444 (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - NoticiasDX 1194) Мальдивы 11800 Minivan Radio, 16:17-16:30, escuchada el 19 de febrero en dhivehi a locutor y locutora con comentarios y canciones populares, templando a 11799 para evitar interferencias de Radio Liberty en ruso emitiendo por 11805, SINPO 43343 (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - NoticiasDX 1194) Сев. Корея 3912 Voice of the People 1300-1309 Feb. 17. Presumed with YL talks in Korean // to 6600. Both freqs jammed and copy was rough. Sometimes the signal overrides the jammer but not today. (John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado - CumbreDX 1428) 3985 Echo of Hope 1332-1348 Feb. 17. Techno-pop tunes, male and female announcers // 6348. Both freqs jammed but both freqs easily readable above the jamming. (John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado - CumbreDX 1428) Эритрея 7560 Voice of Delina, 18:00-18:10, escuchada el 19 de febrero en tigrina con sintonía y locutora con identificación, locutor con comentarios y referencias a Delina, segmento de música folklórica, SINPO 45433 (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - NoticiasDX 1194) 9485 Voice of Liberty, 16:32-16:40, escuchada el 19 de febrero en tigrina a locutor con comentarios y referencias a la democracia, segmento de música instrumental y locutora con comentarios, SINPO 45444 (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - NoticiasDX 1194) --------- Пираты Флорида 1620 FLORIDA (PIRATE) KQV, Parkland; 1804+ 18 February. Station jingles, Maria Muldaur "Midnight At the Oasis" down in mix under the Florida panhandle station with sports coverage. (Terry Krueger, Clearwater, Florida - hard-core-dx 38, 19) ---------- СВ/ДВ Армения/Монако 1377 As from Febr 11, TWR via Gavar Yerevan extended daily 1825-1925 UT service in various NE/ME languages. Now on Sat only also addit 1925-2025 UT in Tatar, Farsi, Farsi/En, Farsi, Kurdish-Soraniю (Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc BC-DX Feb 14 - dxldyg 729) Багамские о-ва 810 ZNS 1255 - 1320 with News by yl "for patients and relatives flying to Cuba for eye surgery". "Families granted up to ten day sick leave by Bahamian government". // 1240 and 1540. (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida 18/02/06 - CumbreDX 1428) Обзор 20/02/06 1350 1515 Абхазское радио на рус, новости, погода, хорошо и чисто 882 1520 Радио Ставрополь?, слабо на рус под мощными арабами и Шри-Ланкой 1080 1520 Радио Мордовия на татар, отлично 621 1520 Махачкала на рус, погода, хорошо 1377 1525 ГР на рус //1431, слышно даже под местной Юностью! (Виктор Рутковский, Екатеринбург, Россия - open_dx 1060) Сахара 1550 Radio Nacional Saharaui, 18:16-18:31, escuchada el 19 de febrero en árabe con programa de música folklórica local y locutor con comentarios, lectura de un poema en árabe, SINPO 44444. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - NoticiasDX 1194) ------------- УКВ Утреннее тропо до 09.10 utc: 8 - 1+1, Винница 21 - УТ-1, Каменец-Подольский/Хотин Хмельн. область 22 - TVR1, Румыния, хорошо, местами телетекст, www.tvr.ro 27 - 1+1, Ровно 29 - ОРТ, Унгены Молдова, среднее качество 30 - ОРТ, Страшены Модова, слабо + помехи 30 - 1+1, Хмельницкий 31 - ОРТ, Единцы Молдова, хорошо. 33 - 1+1, Каменец-Подольский/Хотин Хмельн. область 35 - Интер, Хмельницкий 41 - TVR1, Новые Мындрешты Молдова, хорошо, но без телетекста 48 - NIT?, Единцы Молдова //ретр. ТВЦ: 08.45 заставка "tvci, международная версия ТВЦ", потом Новости (Игорь Данилевич, Збараж, Тернопольская обл., Украина - open_dx 1060) -------- Связь Coalition Maritime Radio - Radio One was heard today Feb 16 at 1430 UTC on 9134,5 kHz (ex -9133) USB with station information in Farsi. Signal strength only S3, but reception was quite good. (Jouko Huuskonen, Turku, Finland - hard-core-dx 38, 17) Logs for 16/Feb: 5223.0 RIR96: CISN UNID 2306 CW "RCV fm RIR96 qdw 6295 k" "rpt txt k" (16/Feb)(DW) 5263.0 HA56: ALGERIAN ARMY ?LOC 2320 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng HA5? (16/Feb)(DW) 6914.0 VENI94: UNID 0723 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng HUGIN. Also clng VENI89 at 0727, 0729, 0731. 0926 clng VENI98, also 0928. 0928 responds to VENI96 (16/Feb)(DW) 6914.0 VENI89: UNID 0727 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Responds to VENI94. Aslo at 0729z (16/Feb)(DW) 6914.0 VENI97: UNID 0855 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng VENI88 (16/Feb)(DW) 6914.0 VENI98: UNID 0926 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Responding to VENI94. 0955 clng VENI96 (16/Feb)(DW) 6914.0 VENI96: UNID 0928 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng VENI94. 1054 clng VENI98 (16/Feb)(DW) 6914.0 VENI99: UNID 0943 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng VENI97 (16/Feb)(DW) 6914.0 VENI88: UNID 1006 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng VENI92. Also 1008. 1108 clng VENI99 (16/Feb)(DW) 6915.1 VCO: CCG SYDNEY 1145 FAX 120/576/N/800 Ice analysis chart for SE Newfoundland (16/Feb)(DW) 8083.0 288: UNID 0004 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng 587, also at 0408z. Clng 514 at 0206 (16/Feb)(DW) 8084.3 ISC7: UNID 0951 CW "DZK2 de ISC7 k" "qrj3 k" (16/Feb)(DW) (Day Watson, Clevedon, UK - wun 22, 37) 8414.5 ELWE7: Vessel "Moscow River" with safety call to USCG Stations Group Call. 0538 (9-Feb-2006) (MDM) 8414.5 P3KY8: Vessel "Delfinaki" with safety call to Madrid Radio, Spain. 0705 (9-Feb-2006) (MDM) 8414.5 CAMSPAC Point Reyes, CA, USA: safety call to TCOD4, "Ince Istanbul", freq change to 8291. 1622 (9-Feb-2006) (MDM) 8414.5 VRZJ6 "Cemtext Sincerity": safety call to Merauke, Indonesia. 1337 (10-Feb-2006) (MDM) 8414.5 Istanbul, Turkey: ACKing several TEST reqs, including 4JDR, "Uzeyir Hajybeyov". 0545 (12-Feb-2006) (MDM) 8414.5 C4BN2: Vessel "Baffin" with TEST req to La Garde, France. 0738 (12-Feb-2006) (MDM) 8414.5 C4BN2: Vessel "Baffin" with TEST req to Valencia Radio, Spain. 0749 (12-Feb-2006) (MDM) 8414.5 C4BN2: Vessel "Baffin" with TEST req to Malaga Radio, Spain. 0740 (12-Feb-2006) (MDM) 8414.5 JG5583: Vessel "Dejima" with safety call to Sasebo, Japan. 0839 (12-Feb-2006) (MDM) 8414.5 VRYS7: Vessel "Sir Ivor" with test req to Valparaiso Playa Ancha, Chile. 0839 (12-Feb-2006) (MDM) 8414.5 Unid (636024005): with safety call to MRSC La Coruna, Spain. 0843 (12-Feb-2006) (MDM) 8414.5 Unid: with safety call to Inchon Marine Police Radio, Indonesia. Freq change to 8291 USB. 0949 (12-Feb-2006) (MDM) 8414.5 SYQH: Vessel "Olympic Future" test request with Puerto Montt, Chile. 1239 (12-Feb-2006) (MDM) 8414.5 Olympia Radio, Greece: test ACK for 3EJY2, "Crystal Ace". 1515 (12-Feb-2006) (MDM) 8414.5 S6AJ8: Vessel "Garden City River" with test request to Tokyo, Japan. 1840 (12-Feb-2006) (MDM) 8414.5 3ECG9: Vessel "Victoria Bridge" with TEST req to Naha (Naja), Japan. 1845 (12-Feb-2006) (MDM) 16804.5 Sydney, Australia: ACKing test req from unid (416359000). 0212 (13-Feb-2006) (MDM) 8414.5 Mobile Radio/WLO, USA: routine call to C6LI6, "Victoria Sprit". 0606 (13-Feb-2006) (MDM) 8414.5 Unid: with safety call to COMMSTA Miami. 0631 (13-Feb-2006) (MDM) 8414.5 Unid: with safety call to COMMSTA Portsmouth. 0631 (13-Feb-2006) (MDM) 8414.5 Unid: with safety call to Paita, Peru. 0636 (13-Feb-2006) (MDM) 8414.5 COMMSTA, Boston: ACKing TEST requests. 0638 (13-Feb-2006) (MDM) 8414.5 Unid: with safety call to Horta, Azores. 0651 (13-Feb-2006) (MDM) 8414.5 Callao, Peru: Various safety calls. 0703 (13-Feb-2006) (MDM) 8414.5 Unid: test REQ to USCG Hampton Roads, USA. 0725 (13-Feb-2006) (MDM) 8414.5 Shanghai Radio, China: ACKing various ships' TEST requests, including BPMQ, "Zhen Fen 17". 0947 (16-Feb-2006) (MDM) 8414.5 Charleville, Australia: ACKing TEST requests, including VRAQ3, "Brilliance". 1001 (16-Feb-2006) (MDM) 8414.5 Chilung-Kilung, Taiwan: ACKing TEST requests, including UVCS, "Amour". 1038 (16-Feb-2006) (MDM) 8414.5 Unid: MMSI Ship 311293000, with safety call to Semarang, Indonesia. Change to 8291, USB (J3). 1123 (16-Feb-2006) (MDM) 8414.5 Hong Kong Marine Rescue: ACKing TEST request from V7IO3, "Hellespont Trinity". 1130 (16-Feb-2006) (MDM) 8414.5 VRVL3: Vessel "Great Bless" working Easter Island, Chile, with TEST request. 1137 (16-Feb-2006) (MDM) 8414.5 VRXU8: Vessel "Heng Xin" working Guanzhou Radio, China, with TEST request. 1349 (16-Feb-2006) (MDM) 8414.5 Taupo Radio, New Zealand: Area call South zero degrees to 90 degrees, East 155 degrees to 90 degrees. 2351 (16-Feb-2006) (MDM) 8414.5 COMMSTA Honolulu: ACKing various TEST requests. 0839 (17-Feb-2006) (MDM) 8414.5 301805000 (Unid): with safety call to Lyngby Radio, Denmark. (Mark, Auckland, New Zealand - wun 22, 37) 06331.7 IDR/IGJ: Roma/Augusta Radio, Italy 2142 STANAG-4285/600L/5N1 "IDR2/IGJ42/IGJ43/IDR8/IDR3/ IGJ41". (16Feb06) (RGA) 11184 N14106: Continental B757 Flt CO0039 1157 HFDL Acks weather message from ground: "00Z 14015KT 3SM -SN OVC025 FM0000Z 14015KT 5SM -SN OVC020 FM0200Z 15015KT 3SM -SN -PL OVC012 FM0400Z 15020KT 2SM -RA BR OVC008 RMK NXT FCST BY 12Z". (17Feb06) (RGA) 11184 7T-VJZ: Air Algerie A330 Flt DAH100 1204 HFDL Logs on. (17Feb06) (RGA) 11184 VT-JWA: Jet Air India A340 1208 HFDL Logs on. (17Feb06) (RGA) 11184 F-OHGV: Royal Jordanian A320-232 Flt RJA152 1221 HFDL Posn report 5059N 00752E via Reykjavik. (17Feb06) (RGA) 11184 N271AV: Brendan/USA3000 A320 1225 HFDL Logs on. (17Feb06) (RGA) 11184 G-VEIL: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Queen of the Skies' 1226 HFDL Logs on. (17Feb06) (RGA) 13303 RJA101: Royal Jordanian Flt 1307 HFDL Posn report 4139N 01216E via Las Palmas. (17Feb06) (RGA) (Jim - wun 22, 37) 6912.0 RMGB: Unid RUS Navy ship 1630 MORSE calling RCV who response with qsa3 qrv. RMGB repeats message nr 413 (see 12464 kHz) (17FEB06) (piri) 7909.0 TRIPOLI: FEMB Tripoli LBY 0624 USB/ALE TO BALTAZAR MFA Paris (17FEB06) (piri) 7960.0 MOB2MSS: Balkan mil? 0545 USB/ALE TO OKROKANMSS (17FEB06) (piri) 7997.0 WARSZAWA3: POL- mil 1630 USB/ALE TWS (16FEB06) (piri) 10201.0 RCV: RUSNAVY Sebastopol 1617 MORSE qrl with RMGB and RJT22 Ships on 12464 kHz. At 1626 RMGB DE RCV QDW 6912 K (17FEB06) (piri) 12464.0 RMGB: Unid RUS Navy ship 1624 MORSE RCV DE RMGB 413 77 171915 413 = FOR RJT22 = 11111 68730 77570...... (17FEB06) (piri) 12587.0 LZW5: Varna Radio BUL 1602 FEC qrl Bulgarian nx (16FEB06) (piri) 13050.0 UDK: Murmansk Radio RUS 1515 RTTY 50Bd M2 alphabet 3th shift Latin msg to unid ship (17FEB06) (piri) 13564.9 : UNID 1527 4-tone system 195.3 Shift 200Hz between the tones. Probably English military(17FEB06) (piri) 14631.7 : MFA Cairo EGY 1327 ARQ S/C OOVK Egyemb Jakarta INS. Receiving Tfc and shut off with wfy aman bay bay (17FEB06) (piri) 14779.9 : UNID 1340 4-tone system 195.3 Shift 200Hz between the tones. Probably English military (17feb06) (piri) 16009.7 : UNID EGYDIPLO 1512 ARQ qrl plain Arab msg. shuts off with aman alle bay bay (16FEB06) (piri) 16278.6 7RQ20: MFA Alger ALG 1217 COQUELET-8 plain F msg to 7RV60 emb Belgrade. (17FEB06) (piri) 16336.5 7RQ20: MFA Alger ALG 1126 Alcatel 8-tone modem var. speed working Unid amba. (17FEB06) (piri) 16811.5 A9M: Hamala Radio BHR 1430 MORSE Call and sitor bursts. (17FEB06) (piri) 16812.5 NRV: USCG Apra Harbour GUM 1113 MORSE Call and torfree burst (17FEB06) (piri) 16819.5 NMN: USCG Portsmouth USA 1232 MORSE Call and torfree burst (17FEB06) (piri) 16879.9 XSQ: Guangzhou Radio CHN 1110 MORSE Call and torfree burst (17FEB06) (piri) 16898.5 XSG: Shanghai Radio CHN 1106 MORSE Call and torfree burst (17FEB06) (piri) 16922.1 VTH: IN Mumbai IND 1101 RTTY 50Baud VTG5/7/9 RBSL BNS RY/SG (17FEB06) (piri) 17224.4 A4M: Muscat Radio OMA 1047 MORSE DE A4M (17FEB06) (piri) 18272.5 : UNID RUS 1033 CROWD-36 10Baud Shuts off with TKS GB SK (17FEB06) (Pim Ripken, Eemnes, The Netherlands - wun 22, 37) 6.379,0 4xz: IN Haifa 1616 cw fgzcl zadfj fdxe = = nr 542 1618z: vvv de 4xz 4xz (17Feb06) (wp3) 6.912,0 rmgb: 1630 cw (very strong sig) qso with rcv: qrv k rmgb 413 77 17 1915 413 - for rtj22 - rmgb 431 77 17 1915 413 - for rtj22 - 11111 68730 77570 37054 (cut 0=t) (17Feb06) (wp3) 6.912,0 rcv: RUS N Sevastopol 1630 cw ok (weak sig) qso rmgb: rcv ok (17Feb06) (Wolfgang Palmberger, Munich, Germany - wun 22, 37) Logs for 17/Feb: 5254.0 QC31: ALGERIAN ARMY ?LOC 0613 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng UM32 (17/Feb)(DW) 5254.0 UD30: ALGERIAN ARMY? ?LOC 0617 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng RM30 (17/Feb)(DW) 5254.0 RM30: ALGERIAN ARMY? ?LOC 0617 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Responds to UD30 (17/Feb)(DW) 5263.0 HA48: ALGERIAN ARMY ?LOC 0557 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng HA50. 0600 clng HA51. 0603 clng HA52 (17/Feb)(DW) 5263.0 HA52: ALGERIAN ARMY ?LOC 0603 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Responds to HA48 (17/Feb)(DW) 5263.0 LZ50: ALGERIAN ARMY ?LOC 0646 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng LZ40 (17/Feb)(DW) 5268.0 4015: TURKISH RED CRESCENT ?LOC 0244 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. (17/Feb)(DW) 5286.0 TYMC2: GUARDIA CIVIL CACERES 0014 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng TXX2 variously thru 0719 before apparent response (17/Feb)(DW) 5286.0 TXX2: GUARDIA CIVIL CENTRAL HQ 0009 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. 0719 responding to TYMC2. 0739 clng TWVB2 (17/Feb)(DW) 5290.0 GB3WES: R/AM BEACON CUMBRIA 1546 CW 1 min starting H+01/16/31/46 (17/Feb)(DW) 5290.0 GB3RAL: R/AM BEACON DIDCOT 1545 CW 1 min starting H+00/15/30/45 (17/Feb)(DW) 5290.0 GB3ORK: R/AM BEACON ORKNEY 1546 CW 1 min starting H+02/17/32/47 (17/Feb)(DW) 6914.0 VENI99: UNID 0909 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng VENI97 followed by a number of bursts of Mil.std 188-110A serial tone (encrypted) (17/Feb)(Day Watson, Clevedon., UK - wun 22, 39) -------- Интернет http://groups.yahoo.com/group/drm-shortwave-dx/ - Обсуждение цифровой КВ-связи QSL-Коллекции Попробую хотя бы иногда сканировать свои подтверждения. Я прекратил посылать рапорты лет пять назад, так что моя коллекция представляет, скорее, не практический интерес для текущего момента, а исторический. ГПР-10 (Иркутск), приём Радио России на 7440 кГц, январь 1999 года: http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/479/qsl19990203gpr10rrosii74406we.jpg (62,4 кБ). (код для сайтов: http://img218.imageshack.us/my.php?image=qsl19990203gpr10rrosii74406we.jpg" target="_blank">http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/479/qsl19990203gpr10rrosii74406we.th.jpg" border="0" alt="Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us" />) ТЦР-4 (Краснодарский край), приём Радио России на 5895 кГц, январь 1999 года: http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/628/qsl19990224tcr4rrossii58953uj.jpg (84,9 кБ). (Владимир Коваленко, Томск, Россия - open_dx 1060) http://groups.yahoo.com/group/domestiacasytropicales/ -------- QSL Венгрия Magyar Katolikus Radio 1341 KHz, lettera QSL formato word come allegato email in 9 giorni. Rapporto d'ascolto inviato via email all'indirizzo info@katradio.hu . V/S (Mihaly Gyomore) Chief Operating Officer Magyar Katolikus Radio. (Франческо Кеккони, США - CumbreDX 1427) Гуам 9980 EDXP via AWR via KSDA, Agat. Full data 10th Anniversary QSL 'G'Day Mate' electronic e-mail verification for a posting on EDXP web site. Reply in 4 - 5 hours. (Edward Kusalik- Alberta, CANADA - CumbreDX 1430) Италия 9385 European Gospel Radio/ IRRS / Test BCB to NA. Rec'ed a nice full data 'real Teatre della Scala' card, with no mention of the program other then it was a Test Broadcast (indicated). Sent a HEXUS-IBA Promotion Brochure. Reply in 13 days for a e-mail report. (Edward Kusalik- Alberta, CANADA - CumbreDX 1430) Папуа-Новая Гвинея 7120 Wantok Radio Light. F/D "Grass hut w/locals listening to radios" card, as reported by others, and nice letter from Sarah Good in 5-1/2 months. Good timing, as I was just getting ready to send a f/up! 21st different PNG station verified here. (John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado - CumbreDX 1428) Перу Radio Victoria, 9720, recibida carta de confirmaci?n, no datos completos, firmada por v/s Henrique Silvio Ramos, administrador de la emisora, as? como varios stickers y bonita postal de Lima. Tard? en llegar 165 d?as y junto al informe de recepci?n se envi? 1 US $ para ayuda del sello de retorno. La carta, hace menci?n al informe de recepci?n, enviado el 14 de Julio de 2005, y sigue: "Nos da gusto saber que nuestra emisora llegue tan lejos. Nosotros prestamos servicio a la Iglesia Pentecostal Dios es Amor en el programa La Voz de la Liberaci?n, que transmite una palabra de fe para los corazones, anunciando a Cristo como el salvador del mundo". Tambi?n se puede leer: " Radio Victoria, Una Radio para todos, una nueva potencia en el aire. AMPLITUD MODULADA 780 kHz. ONDA CORTA, 31 metros, 9720 kHz, ONDA CORTA, 49 METROS, 6020 Khz. Transmitimos las 24 horas del d?a, Lima, Per?". El informe de recepci?n se envi? a la siguiente direcci?n: Radio Victoria Avenida Arica 248 Bre?a Lima, PERU (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 19) Россия/Монако 7535 TWR via Irkutsk. Full data ( with site) "Chapel & Alps' QSL Card, with schedule, reply from Austria Address, in 83 days. v/s Beth Clark (Edward Kusalik- Alberta, CANADA - CumbreDX 1430) Япония Japan continues their tradition of being excellent verifiers. Here are some QSL's received over the past few weeks JOHB Sendai 1089 kHz. Full data NHK Sendai QSL card, stickers & postcard from NHK Sendai Office. I sent my report to NHK HQ Tokyo & requested they forward my report to the regional station. (CE) JOUK Akita 1503 kHz. Friendly verification letter, nice JOUK QSL card, postcards and NHK sticker for CD report, v/s Hirokazu Toyota, Manager, Akita Broadcasting Station, 1-1-2 Sanno, Akita, 010-8501 Japan (CE) JOUB Akita 774 kHz. Received a week after JOUK QSL also from Akita station. Verification letter, JOUB QSL card, postcards and NHK sticker v/s Hirokazu Toyota, Manager, Akita Broadcasting Station, 1-1-2 Sanno, Akita, 010-8501 Japan (CE) JOKP Kitami 1188 kHz. No data card and NHK Kitami colour brochure for EE report sent direct to address simply as Radio Station JOKP, Nippon Hoso Kyokai NHK, Kitami City, Kitami, Japan (CE) JOPG Kushiro 585 kHz. Full data JOPG NHK Kushiro QSL card for CD & nrp. Report sent to Radio Station JOPG, Nippon Hoso Kyokai (NHK), Kushiro City, Kushiro Japan. (CE) JOGB Kumamoto 873 kHz. Full data NHK Kumamoto network QSL card for report sent to Radio Station JOGB Nippon Hoso Kyokai (NHK), Kumamoto City, Kumamoto Japan. Return address as NHK Kumamoto Station, 2-7 Chibajo machi, Kumamoto-shi, Kumamoto-ken 860-8602 Japan. (CE) JOGK Kumamoto 756 kHz. Full data NHK Kumamoto network QSL card for report sent to Radio Station JOGBNippon Hoso Kyokai (NHK), Kumamoto City, Kumamoto Japan. Return address as NHK Kumamoto Station, 2-7 Chibajo machi, Kumamoto-shi, Kumamoto-ken 860-8602 Japan. 2 separate cards for JOGK & JOGB sent in same envelope. (CE) JOQG Morioka 531 kHz. Full data JOQG/JOQC NHK Morioka QSL for report sent to Radio Station JOQG, Nippon Hoso Kyokai (NHK), Morioka City, Morioka, Japan. However EE address on QSL card as Japan Broadcasting Co. of Morioka Station, 4-1-3, Ueda, Morioka Shi, Iwate, 020-8555 Japan. (CE) JOQM Abashiri 1449 kHz. Full data HBC network QSL for CD report & nrp. No v/s, Hokkaido Broadcasting Co Ltd, Nishi-5 kita-1, Chuo-ku, Sapporo Hokkaido 060-8501 Japan (CE) JOBR Kyoto 1143 kHz. Full data JOBR QSL card, address as KBS Kyoto Broadcasting System Co Ltd, Kamichojamachi, Karasumadori, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto 602-8588 Japan (Craig Edwards, Nhulunbuy (Gove), Northern Territory, Australia - mwdx 1218) -------- Аппаратура John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Drake R-8, 100-foot RW. Bob Pompano Beach ~ South Florida Icom 746Pro Day Watson QTH: Clevedon, UK Rec: NRD545, NRD535, Aquila(SDR14), RX320D WUN: DR Col Editor Jose Miguel Romero EA5-1022 Burjasot (Valencia) Espa?a YAESU FRG-7700 SANGEAN ATS 909 Antena RADIO MASTER A-108 Terry L Krueger Clearwater, Florida USA 27.55.83 N, 82.46.08 W Visit my "Florida Low Power Radio Stations" at: http://home.earthlink.net/~tocobagadx/flortis.html http://www.geocities.com/geigertree/flortis.html Nicolas Eramo Location: Lat:34º34'49S Long:58º32'26W Villa Lynch Prov. Buenos Aires Argentina Receivers: Icom IC-R75, Kenwood R-2000, Sony ICF 2010 Antennas: T2FD with balun 3.1 V Inverted 15 mts with balun 1.1 V Inverted 11 mts with balun 1.1 Longwire 15 metros Others: MFJ-959B Receiver Antenna Tuner/Preamplifier -------- 73 всем!И.Л.
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