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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 56

WorldDX 56

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Короткие Волны

7245, AUSTRALIA, CVC Int'l, 1354-1410, Feb.6,
Indonesian(listed)/English, YL and OM in language
between EG pop ballads. Poor listening in USB to avoid
LSB chatter. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - dxldyg 721)

7285 China Radio Int'l; 2018-2027+, 7-Feb; CRI News, News &
Reports w/M&W in EE; Tibet soil has increased 0.3-0.5 C deg. over past
50 yrs. (Harold Frodge, Midland MI, Usa - CumbreDX 1419)

11775 Caribbean Beacon (p); 1529-1540+, 8-Feb; Dr. Gene on
the Pyramids & star alignments. SIO=4+54 (Harold Frodge, MI, Usa - CumbreDX 1419)

15820/L UNID Relay; 2032-2048+, 11-Feb; Ad/promo string
2032-2040, some o/music, then phone interview. All in SS.  Mainly poor
w/peaks above QRN. (Harold Frodge-MI - CumbreDX 1422)

9965 Voz de Armenia, 03:30-03:45, escuchada el 14 de febrero en español,
locutor con presentación, frecuencia y dirección web, boletín
de noticias, mala modulación, 

SINPO 33232 (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - CumbreDX 1424)

Афганистан [non]
Wolfgang Buschel was wondering if R. Solh, US PsyOps
service via UK, was still going. Yes, 15265 there as usual, Sat Feb 11 at 1410
with M&M talk, a phone interview, frequent mentions of Afghanistan, 1413 some
music with produced announcement, 1414 wailing, but really too much talk and
too little music during the next semihour (Glenn Hauser, OK, dxldyg 721)

 4796.38, Radio Mallku, 1002-1010  Noted music 
and Spanish comments from a man.  Signal was poor. 
(Chuck Bolland, February 8, 2006)

5952.25, Radio Emisoras Pio XII, 1015-1107 
Noted either ADs or Promos at tune in followed with 
Spanish comments.  Still audiable at 1107 with ealier 
strength at fair level.  Lots of hets here however. 
(Chuck Bolland, February 8, 2006 - CumbreDX 1419)

5967.57, Radio Nacional Huanuni, (pres), 
1021-1030,  Noted a woman in Spanish Comments when the 
signal fades in but signal was threshold to nil. 
(Chuck Bolland, February 8, 2006 - CumbreDX 1419)

6105.50, Radio Panamericana, 1040-1050, 
Straight Spanish comments from a man during period. 
Signal was poor.  (Chuck Bolland, February 8, 2006 - CumbreDX 1419)

3309.89, Radio Mosoj Chaski, 1047-1054,  With 
just a hint of audio every once in awhile, noted music 
the the noise.  Even so, the station's carrier was very 
audible.  (Chuck Bolland, February 8, 2006 - CumbreDX 1419)

3344.64, Radio Ayopaya, Tentative, 1054, 
Caught carrier here with possible audio mixed in the 
band noise which could be my imagination?  (Chuck 
Bolland, February 8, 2006 - CumbreDX 1419)

4650.11, Radio Santa Ana, 1057 Noted another carrier 
here without audio.  Something tells me I should have 
checked earlier if I want to hear this station.  (Chuck 
Bolland, February 8, 2006 - CumbreDX 1419)

4732,3 Radio Virgen de Remedios, Tupiza, 1045+, January 27, Spanish, religious
talk, 24432
//5744,2 with 34443
(Arnaldo Slaen, Villa Giardino, Cordoba province, Argentina - CumbreDX 1420)

4865 Radio Centenario La Nueva, Santa Cruz de la Sierra,
1100+, January 26, Spanish.
Religiosu programme. Thanks for the help to Henrik Klemetz
& Rogildo Fontenelle Aragao, 23432
(Arnaldo Slaen, Villa Giardino, Cordoba province, Argentina - CumbreDX 1420)

4902,8 Radio San Miguel, Riberalta, 1018+, January 27, Spanish,
talk about Evo Morales, 24332 (Arnaldo Slaen, Villa Giardino, Cordoba province,
Argentina - CumbreDX 1420)

5983,7 Radio Cooperativa, Huanuni, 1116+, January 26, Spanish/Aymara,

Complete ID as:

"con caracter experimental, en transmision, Radio Cooperativa, en 5980 =
khz, banda internacional de 49 metros, desde Huanuni, Oruro, Bolivia".=20
Other ID in aymara language. Local advs:
"Atencion Huanuni, se viene el Primer Festival de la Musica del=20
Norte de Potos=ED...en la Cooperativa La Salvadora". More Adv..
At 1121 UTC with tropical songs non stop, 34433
(Arnaldo Slaen, Villa Giardino, Cordoba province, Argentina - CumbreDX 1420)

4885, Radio Clube do Par?, Bel?m, 0530-0540, 
11-02, canciones brasile?as, locutor, comentarios. 24322.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 12)

4915, Radiodifusora Macap?, 0625-0636, 11-02, 
canciones brasile?as y comentarios en portugu?s. 24322.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 12)

4985, Radio Brasil Central, 0540-0600, 11-02, 
comentarios en portugu?s, canciones, 
identificaci?n: "Radio Brasil Central".. 24222.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 12)

5030, Radio Burkina, 0630-0650, 11-02, 
locutor, franc?s, comentarios, identificaci?n: "Radio Burkina". 34333.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 12)

5030 Radio Burkina, 21:46-22:05, escuchada el 11 de febrero
en franc?s con m?sica afro-pop, locutor con comentarios, referencias a Burkina,
titulares y bolet?n de noticias con m?sica de fondo, 
SINPO 44444 (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 13)

6035, BBS, Thimpu, *0100-0120, Jan 26, Dzongkha talks, 
Buddhist Choir, weird instruments, 22332, heard best in USB due to QRM 
from R Japan on 6030 (Anker Petersen, Denmark, DSWCI DX Window Feb 8 
via DXLD 6-027)

4739,75 R Son La -1400* with nice Vietnamese mx. Close down at =
14 UTC. Signal strength S4 and overall reception poor to fair. Same time =
Voice of Vietnam, Xuan Mai was heard on 5925 kHz with pretty strong =
co-channel QRM by CNR 5, Taiwan Service. (Jouko Huuskonen Feb 10, Turku, Finland
- CumbreDX 1420)

3815U OZL coming nicely today (2/14) w/ vy little QRM and clear
signal from 2119 tune w/ men and woman talking, as in discussion...
(Bruce Churchill - CumbreDX 1425)

3815U OZL coming nicely today (2/14) via DX Tuner UK w/ vy little
QRM and clear signal from 2119 tune w/ men and woman talking, as in
discussion...to 2130 then what sounded like recorded OZL ID by woman, pgm mx
and into nx by woman w/ actualities to 2142, ending w/ pgm mx again. Woman
and man anns alternating to 2145 then into non-stop pop/rock/hip-hop vocals
by male to 2159.5. Woman ann and pgm mx to 2200 fol by same recorded anmt
and pgm mx as at 2130. Man ann w/ nx and actualities 2200.5 to 2210 pgm mx
and abrupt program termination. Sounded like there may have been a KNR ID at
2210 by the man ann. The 2200.5 program sounded like a repeat of the 2130
pgm except different ancr and lang. Best signal hrd yet on this station w/
continuous recording from 2119 to 2210 and only only ocnl QRM from the usual
ute around 2130 and 2200. SINPO 34543. (Bruce Churchill - CumbreDX 1425)

9585, 1600-, KSDA Feb 12 'From the regional headquarters in Singapore, this is
Wavescan'.  Not a great signal at S7 with much deep fades, but readable.  6th
edition of 

the program.  Is this program available yet for download like in the old days?
 Improving nicely during the program to SIO 4-4-4. and 5-5-5 by the end of the

(Walter Salmaniw, Victoria, BC - hard-core-dx 38, 13)

4780 Radio Djibouti, 19:27-19:35, escuchada el 8 de febrero en
arabe a locutor y locutora con comentarios, canciones populares y musica
folklorica. SINPO 34332 (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 720)

Poor but clear signal with slight fading on
4910 from 0330. Usual format with hi-life music in
local language. English MA at 0340 mentioning P.O.
adress in Lusaka and more greetings. After 0400 some
local adds in their local language. What this could
be? Fading comes around 0500. (Raul Saavedra, Costa Rica. - dxldyg 721)

11735, 1816-, Radio Tanzania Zanzibar Feb 11 Excellent reception this morning
with signals S9 + 10 in presumed Swahili.  Many mentions of Zanzibar.  Also heard

Nigeria mentioned at 18:17.  Darn, I must have just missed the English program,
Spice FM!.
11735, 1717-, Radio Tanzania Zanzibar Feb 12 Just a wonderful station to monitor.
Lovely African music and Swahili talk, with lots of mentions of Dar Es Salaam
and Zanzibar.  A 4-5-4 signal.  
I'm recording this one with Recall-Pro for listening on my MP3 player. (Walter
Salmaniw, Victoria, BC - hard-core-dx 38, 13)

7520 Kol Israel; 2154-2201+, 8-Feb; M in LL--didn't sound
like HB, but hrd couple of Shalom's; Doors tunes. ID @2200. SIO=352,
no QRM till 2200 when CW started. (Harold Frodge, MI, Usa - CumbreDX 1419)

6279.95 Kol Israel; 0443-0446+, 10-Feb; EE news to freqs @0444; con-
      tinued in FF @0445. SIO=322, LSB helps w/ute. (Frodge-MI)
6973.05 Galei Zahal (p); 2315-2325+, 10-Feb; Continuous electro-music.
      SIO=343, USB takes out ute buzz (Harold Frodge-MI - CumbreDX 1422)

6973 Galei Tzahal, Tel Aviv, 0112 - 0119, Feb 10, Hebrew, Comments by man 
and female announcer, ID "....Galei Tzahal...", 34333, (Nicloas Eramo, Argentina
- hard-core-dx 38, 13)

4970 AIR-Shillong, 1105+, January 26, Hindi,
s/on, =BFanthem?, ten minutes of song by male, 25432
(Arnaldo Slaen, Villa Giardino, Cordoba province, Argentina - CumbreDX 1420)

3960,1 RRI-Palu, 1015+, January 27, Vernacular, ann. By male, 25332
(Arnaldo Slaen, Villa Giardino, Cordoba province, Argentina - CumbreDX 1420)

4605,1 RRI-Serui, 1023+, January 27, Vernacular,
short ann., instrumental music, 25332
(Arnaldo Slaen, Villa Giardino, Cordoba province, Argentina - CumbreDX 1420)

7320, IRAN, VOIRI, 1953-2007, Feb.6, English,
Anti-US/European rhetoric re Mohammed cartoon.
Commentary re 27th anniversary of Islamic Revolution.
Fair. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - dxldyg 721)

6070 CANADA,   CFRX, Toronto, ON FEB 5 1840 - YL con programa de =
locuci=F3n sobre las politicas canadiensce, Steven Harper (the =
conservative party) vs. Gilles Duceppe (Bloc Qu=E9b=E9cois). SINPO =
35544. (Bogdan Chiochiu, Quebec, Pierrefonds, Canada - CumbreDX 1422)

CBC Radio One announces that it has Olympic updates at 6 minutes
before the hour in the mornings and afternoons. I see on the Ottawa schedule
for Sat that these run from 5:54 am thru 4:54 pm ET. If this is `breaking
news`, do they run live across Canada and thus at shifted local times? This
would be inconvenient, as certain programs are truncated and others not. Could
anyone bear to have 4-hour-old Olympic news? Or at the beginning and the end
new updates go out only to the zones where the local times fit the above

Also heard CKZN 6160 in the clear, Feb 11 at 0700 with CBC news, and 0705 into
WRN overnight. It must have been CKZN instead off CKZU since this starts at
1:05 am local, still two hours off in PST (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 721)

3990 Hunan PBS, Changsha, 0230+, January 27, Uighur,
talk by female, 25332//4980 with 34333
(Arnaldo Slaen, Villa Giardino, Cordoba province, Argentina - CumbreDX 1420)

6139.8, Radio Lider, 0610-0701, 11-02, 
canciones en espa?ol, latinoamericanas y 
espa?olas, locutor, comentarios, identificaci?n: 
"Una de la ma?ana y diecisiete minutos en Radio 
Lider". A las 0700 completamente eclipsada por la 
Deutsche Welle con programa en ingl?s en 6140 kHz. 23222.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 12)

La Voz del Guaviare, 6035 with impresive
signal but with a sudden fading a 1146 with splatter
from Radio Marti 6030. Local adds for funeraria,
Veterinaria El Gran Campeon, Motos Honda agency
followed by "La Voz del Guaviare, 1180 AM...RCN". Back
to new bulletin with the Colombia-Ecuador border
conflict. (Raul Saavedra, Costa Rica - dxldyg 721)

6139.84 Radio Lider, 0040 - 0042, Feb 09, Spanish, Comments by man 
announcer, Musical Program, ID "aqui por Radio Lider, Colombia, 34343, 
(Nicolas Eramo, Argentina - CumbreDX 1424)

5025, Radio Rebelde, 0624-0715, 11-02, 
locutor, informaci?n sobre temporal con viento y 
olas en la parte occidental de Cuba, programa "A 
Esta Hora". "A Esta Hora ha llegado a un lugar en 
donde la madrugada sonrie sola". "A Esta Hora, la 
revista de la madrugada de Rebelde". 34333.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 12)

6030 CUBA,   bubble jammer FEB 5 0114 - Extremely loud muy poderoso, =
completamente sobre totally overriding Marti. Cuba tenido un SIO 545 y =
Marti tenido =3D had un SIO 211. It was the first time primera vez que =
tenido casi unicamente las interferencias cubanas con una recepci=F3n =
tan buena. (Bogdan Chiochiu, Pierrefonds, Quebec, Canada - CumbreDX 1422)

5965 CUBA,   Radio Havana Cuba, Havana FEB 5 0115 - YL con un pgm =
curioso sobre como poner un preservativo. Sigue con identificaci=F3n. =
SINPO 45534. No es realmente DX, pero el programa fue muy especial y =
bastante interesante. Miro que Fidel Castro tiene el espiritu m=E1s =
abierto que Ceaus,escu en la sexualidad. Pero, Fidel pone en centro de =
detenciones 40 personas en en cuatro con solamente 3 vac=EDas y otras =
cosas como la pobresa si=F1ifica que su comunismo no es realmente mejor. =
When you look at the Cuban jails with 3 beds for 40 persons and the =
pauverty, you can't say Cuba was really better than Romania. Igualmente, =
Fidel Castro mato muchas personas m=E1s que Ceaus,escu. Also, Fidel =
killed much more people than Ceaus,escu. (Bogdan Chiochiu, Pierrefonds, Quebec,
Canada - CumbreDX 1422)

6010 CUBA,   bubble jammer / unID m=FAsica tropical hermosa (beautifool =
trop. mx.) FEB 5, 0117 - SIO 323 para las dos emisoras. (Bogdan Chiochiu, Pierrefonds,
Quebec, Canada - CumbreDX 1422)

5025 Radio Rebelde, 03:43-03:50, escuchada el 12 de febrero en espa?ol  
a locutor con retransmisi?n de escuentro de beisbol entre 
"Santiago de Cuba y Las Tunas", 17 a 14 a favor de Santiago de Cuba, 
" As? poco a poco, rompiendo la inercia",  SINPO 44333
(Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 13)

4010,2 Kyrgyz Radio, Dushanbe, 0225+, January 27, Vernacular,
local songs, short announcements by male, 25332
(Arnaldo Slaen, Villa Giardino, Cordoba province, Argentina - CumbreDX 1420)

4678,2 Radio Luang Prabang, Luang Prabang, 0952-1002, January 27,
Laotian, very nice song, announcement by female at 1000 UTC, bulletin news by
female, 25342 (Arnaldo Slaen, Villa Giardino, Cordoba province, Argentina - CumbreDX

Warm greetings, happened today 8 of February with respect to Al-amel
and Jammer transmissions to the 14:00 UTC to be of the following way:
17660 the transmission of Arab music with a finished SINPO 55544 to,
 nevertheless now is listened to in 17670 with a SINPO 43343. 
17780 Al-amel struggled with jammer of afro-pop music, SINPO 33342, at
the end of the transmission to which could listen to clearly the
speaker with the end of the program and the identification, to twice
referred Libya, on the other hand jammer of afro-pop music has lowered
the volume, but once to finished the emission it has become to burst
in with force and at these moments it is listened to with a SINPO
55544, also is appraised that it continues emitting the same musical pieces of
last days.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - CumbreDX 1419)

Sat Feb 11 from 1355, found 17655 with African hilife
music, apparently covering Al-Amel, as only a SAH could be detected; nothing
17660, 17665, 17670, 17675, and on 17680 nothing was heard but Voz Cristiana
during a modulation pause for a few seconds (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 721)

4845 Radio Mauritanie, 21:16-21:20, escuchada el 11 de febrero
en ?rabe a locutor y locutora con bolet?n de noticias, SINPO 44433
(Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 13)

6045v R. Universidad 1313-1359 Feb 8. Back on the air after a
long absence. Tuned in at 1313 during classical music (piano, as always),
uninterrupted until 1358 when YL spoke very briefly, then at 1359 male
announcer with ID; heard only "XEXQ...." and a few seconds later,
"...Universidad". Slight QRM throughout from a weak co-channel CH station
right on 6045.0; then clobbered by a station on 6040 that came on at 1359
UTC. Freq varied up to 6045.12 kHz. (John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado - CumbreDX

6010, Radio Mil, 0840-0913, 11-02, 
canciones en espa?ol, canciones rom?nticas, 
identificaci?n, locutor: "Radio Mil, tres diecisiete". Se?al muy d?bil. 13211.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 12)

Sat. 11, 1030, Rafaella Carra ending her 70s
hit "Fiesta" followed by short ID ..."Radio Mil
A.M."...Next Los Hermanos Carrion with 60s hit "Las
Cerezas". Well, they seem to have this oldies program
before dawn. 
Regular to poor signal and no interference this time
from La Voz de tu Conciencia, that seemed to be off
the air. (Raul Saavedra, Costa Rica. - dxldyg 721)

Since I have not had much success hearing the reactivated XEXQ
on 6045 in the mornings, I tried at 2148 Feb 10, but found instead Rai in
Arabic. Fortunately, this went off at 2150, but still nothing audible from San
Luis Potosi. Is it still reactivated? The 2200-2300 period ought to be a good
window, anyway. I should also have checked for Insurgente a few minutes earlier
on 6000v (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 721)

5985,9 Radio Myanmar, Yangon, 1036+, January 27, Vernacular, very nice songs,
shorts ann. by female,  23432
-strong QRM from 5985 Khz-
(Arnaldo Slaen, Villa Giardino, Cordoba province, Argentina - CumbreDX 1420)

7275, 0630-0640+ Feb 3, English talk, ID, Afro-pops.
Poor in noisy conditions. Caught an ID but reception just too poor to hear any
further program details. Covered by Tunisia prior to 0630.

V. of Nigeria, 15120, *1629-1735+ Feb 3, sign-on with opening theme music. 1630
into Arabic, 1631 Kor`an. 1700 English. F-G reception during the Arabic
programming but English was barely audible. Strong carrier but very weak
modulation (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 720)

4770 Radio Nigeria Kaduna, 21:10-21:15, escuchada el 11 de febrero
en ingl?s a locutor y locutora con comentarios, SINPO 43343
(Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 13)

Новая Зеландия
11980, 1632-, RNZI Feb 12 Looking for the listed KSDA Wavescan broadcast I instead
hear RNZI with a national weather forecast, cochannel over a weaker station,

which might be KSDA.  National Radio ID at 16:33. (Walter Salmaniw, Victoria,
BC - hard-core-dx 38, 13)

15140 Radio Sultantate of Oman ; 1432-1515+, 8-Feb; W host in
EE w/EE pop tunes; lcl TC @1439, matching Oman lcl time, UTC+4. Bells
IS @1459+ & continued in AR; news w/several ments of Oman.  ID @1515
at end of news & into chant. SIO=333, but got mushy near 1500 (of
course). (Harold Frodge, MI, Usa - CumbreDX 1419)

5080,3 Radio Pakistan, Rewat, Islamabad, 0245+, January 27, Vernacular,
bulletin news or talk by male, 25332
(Arnaldo Slaen, Villa Giardino, Cordoba province, Argentina - CumbreDX 1420)

3172.65  Radio Municipal,  Panao  0950 to 1030 good flutes and rustic 
Peru music, om ID as  "Radio Municipal". (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida
- CumbreDX 1419)

3234.91  Radio Luz y Sonido, Huanuco  0945 to 1020 "que linda que 
linda...Luz y Sonido"  best in synchro on R75, held in well. Difficult 
audio. (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1419)

3329.53 Ondas del Huallaga, Huanuco 1050 noted with excellent signal, 
"musica del Peru".
(Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1419)

4385.78  R Vision, Chiclayo  1050 Priest and congregation, good signal noted.
(Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1419)

5005.6 [t] Radio  LTC , Juliaca 1100 to 1110 interesting carrier on this 
good OA morning. (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1419)

3329,7 Ondas del Huallaga, 0234+, January 27, Spanish,
ID as: "Transmite desde Huanuco, Ondas del Huallaga, en sus tres frecuencias,
 ..Radio Ondas del Haullaga, para todo el Peru", 24332
(Arnaldo Slaen, Villa Giardino, Cordoba province, Argentina - CumbreDX 1420)

3375,2 Radio San Antonio, papua de Callalli, 1010+, January 27,
Quechua, local Adv., huaynos, 22432 with QRM from Radio Educadora,=20
Guajara Mirim on 3375 Khz
(Arnaldo Slaen, Villa Giardino, Cordoba province, Argentina - CumbreDX 1420)

4486 Radio Frecuencia VH, Celendin, 0215+, January 27, Spanish,
international pops, ann. & ID as:
"estamos escuchando esta cancion en Radio Frecuencia VH...", 25342
(Arnaldo Slaen, Villa Giardino, Cordoba province, Argentina - CumbreDX 1420)

4835,6 Radio Mara=F1on (p), Jaen, 1005+, Janaury 27,=20
huaynos non stop, 15331
(Arnaldo Slaen, Villa Giardino, Cordoba province, Argentina - CumbreDX 1420)

5486,7 Radio Reyna de la Selva, Chachapoyas, 1050+, January 26,=20
Spanish, greetings by male, TC as:
"5 de la ma=F1ana con 53 minutos", 23432
-QRM from bus communications in the same frequency-
(Arnaldo Slaen, Villa Giardino, Cordoba province, Argentina - CumbreDX 1420)

4855.55 Radio La Hora, Cusco, 0150 - 0155, Feb 09, Spanish, man announcer, 
comments, ID "...por Radio La Hora", 33333, (Nicolas Eramo, Argentina - hard-core-dx
38, 13)

5005.88 R LTC, Juliaca[?] 1100 to 1140 some audio. Looking for 
help on this from America Latina. Best in usb.
(Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - hard-core-dx 38, 16)

5960, RUSSIA, RS Tikhy Ocean, 0935-1000, Feb.7,
Russian, Same format as previously logged/reported
with IS, OM w/ presumed ID then YL w/ talks and music
bits. Interview(?) at 1945. OM at s/off. Poor with the
same signal strength I've been logging this winter;
audible enough to log but not strong enough to detail.
(Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - dxldyg 721)

6085, RUSSIA, R.Rossii, 0133-0145, Feb.6, Russian, RS
music, YL and OM w/ talks re Iraq, America and Osama,
IDs. Fair/poor listening in LSB. (Scott Barbour, Intervale, NH, Usa - dxldyg

7480, 1530-, AWR Samara Feb 12 'This is Adventist World Radio, the Voice of Hope'.
 Fair strength in the clear.  New frequency from 1 Feb into Wavescan program.

Too weak to copy much, so I'll try again at 1600 from KSDA. (Walter Salmaniw,
Victoria, BC - hard-core-dx 38, 13)

Северная Корея
4450, KOREA(DPR),(P)KCBS-AINDF, 1139-1206, Feb.6,
Korean, Ballads and vocal anthems. Announcer at 1200
with thru t/out. V.poor under "sweeper. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa
- dxldyg 721)

Соломоновы о-ва
Solomon Islands now being heard at good strength on 9534.30 [Tony corrected
to 9543.30 on Feb 15th] \\ 5020 kHz.
(Tony Magon-AUS  VK2IC - hard-core-dx 38, 16, Feb 14/06)

Sudan Radio Service, via UK: 7120, 0410-0425+ Feb 3, tune-in to
vernacular talk, ID. Occasional local Afro-pop music. Good but slight adjacent
channel splatter; M-F only.

15575, 1500-1659 Feb 3, English sign-on with sked, IDs, address, phone
numbers, station promos. 1505 English news, Afro-pops. 1530 ``Week in Review``
program. 1545 into vernacular to 1659 sign-off with multi-lingual IDs. Good;
M-F only.

11705, *1700-1710+ Feb 3, Sign-on with opening theme music and vernacular talk,
Afro-pops, IDs. Good; very weak co-channel station heard under Sudan. M-F only
(Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 720) Presumably V. of
People via Madagascar to Zimbabwe (gh)

18910.2 WBCQ Monticello ME (p), 1806-1835+, 7-Feb; EE rlgs pgm; per
WBCQ site, Global Spirit Proclamation.  Awfully weak for WBCQ.
SIO=1+42, SSB? QRM. Best in LSB. Not //9330, SIO=554 (Frodge-MI)
18930 WYFR Family Radio, Okeechobee FL; 1800-1806+, 7-Feb; SS rlgs
pgm, "Family Radio presenta...". SIO=333-, buzz QRM (Frodge-MI)
18980 WYFR Family Radio, Okeechobee FL; 1738-1800+, 7-Feb; EE Bible
thumping, but not Harold Camping. 
Sez that 2011 is the next date to watch out for. ID including call, QTH & freqs
 1758. Continued
in EE @1800. SIO=2+22+, buzzing QRM. (Harold Frodge, MI, Usa - CumbreDX 1419)

4635 Tajik Radio, Dushanbe, 0220+, January 27, Vernacular,
very nice instrumental songs, short ann. 25342
(Arnaldo Slaen, Villa Giardino, Cordoba province, Argentina - CumbreDX 1420)

4635 Tajik Radio(p), Yangiyul, 0026 - 0030, Feb 10, Tajik, Musical Program, 
comments or news by man announcer, mention several times Dushanbe, 34343, 
(Nicolas Eramo, Argentina - hard-core-dx 38, 13)

11735.08 Voice of Zanzibar (p), 1959 - 2025, Feb 10, Swahili, News and 
Musical program, mention Zanzibar and Tanzania several times, 23442, 
(Nicolas Eramo, Argentina - hard-core-dx 38, 13)

11805 THAILAND,   Radio Thailand, Udon Thani FEB 5 1810 - OM en lengua =
exotica. SINPO 25533. El =FAnico DX the only DX en 25 metros really =
exotic. Also a few pretty strong arabic stations. (Bogdan Chiochiu, Quebec, Pierrefonds,
Canada - CumbreDX 1422)
Эль Сальвадор
17838.2 Radio Imperial?; 2120, 8-Feb; Weak het at 17838.2
& barest hint of talk & music audio.  Anybody further south detecting
anything? (Harold Frodge, MI, Usa - CumbreDX 1419)

5880, UKRAINE, RUI, 0054-0106, Feb.6, English, Music
at t/in, IS/ID at 0100 then news re Ukranian WTO
membership. Fair. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - dxldyg 721)

6010 RADIO SWEDEN, site ? FEB 8, 0100-0300 - SD <-- 0200 & EE nx --> =
0200: rel. & env. --> cambios climaticos y dibujos de Mohamed. SIO 555 =
durante mucho tiempo, often. Cuba SIO --> 111 (Bogdan Chiochiu, Pierrefonds,
Quebec, Canada - CumbreDX 1422)

17680 Voz Cristiana, 14:36-14:42 escuchada el 10 de febrero en
espanol a locutora con comentarios y segmento de musica rock, SINPO
44333 (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 720)

Экваториальная Гвинея
5005, EQ.GUINEA, RN-Bata, 2244-2258*, Feb.7, Spanish,
Hi-life music, OM at 2253 w/ s/off announcements, NA
at 2255. Fair/good. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - dxldyg 721)

5005.02 Radio Bata, 2244 - 2253, Feb 09, Vernacular/Spanish, Musical 
Program, ID "Esta es Radio Bata emisora de Radiodifusión de Guinea 
Ecuatorial en banda de 60 metros...5005 KHz......", 34433, (Nicolas Eramo, Argentina
- CumbreDX 1424)

3345 Channel Africa, 03:55-04:00, escuchada el 12 de febrero en
ingl?s con m?sica afro-pop, locutor con comentarios, ID "Channel Africa", SINPO33232
(Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 13)

11890 Radio Okapi, 16:11-16:20, escuchada el 11 de febrero en franc?s a locutor
y locutora con noticias, entrevista a invitada, cu?a de ID, SINPO 45444
(Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 13)
Неофициальное вещание

11765 Sound of Hope, 16:00-16:10, escuchada el 11 de febrero
en chino con sinton?a y locutor con ID y presentaci?n, comentarios con m?sica
de fondo, locutora con comentarios, SINPO 44444
(Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 13)

Сев. Корея
5880 R. Free North Korea (p) 1500-1520 Feb 8.
Heard jammer-free with KR talks by man and woman to 1520 tuneout. Still
have not been able to pick out an ID, since the signal is not very
strong. The talk is laid-back and not strident in tone. Today (Feb 9) the
jammer was back in full force at 1500 UTC with nothing else heard on the
frequency. (John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado - CumbreDX 1419)

5890 Shiokaze - Sea Breeze via Irkutsk  *1430- with English programme on Tuesdays
first reported by Ohtake, Ritola and Liangas. List of missing Japanese persons

most probably captured by North Korea. Signal was strong but overall reception
only fair. Preceding programme in Japanese came with better reception. 
(Jouko Huuskonen Feb 14, Turku, Finland - hard-core-dx 38, 15)

4860, 0037-0050  Noted a man reciting(?) in 
the manner heard on Iranian area broadcasts.  In 
between a woman comments.  At 0047 a group of women 
sing briefly then at 0048 dead air indefinitely. The 
WRTH lists the Voice of Iranian Kudistan on this freq 
with not other details.  Signal was good.
(Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, Florida, February 15, 2006 - CumbreDX 1425)

Judging by the reception of other AIR stations tonight, I would say you 
had AIR New Delhi.
Also check the big signals on 4760, 4830, and 5010.
(Hans Johnson, Ochopee, Florida - CumbreDX 1425)

Босния и Герцеговина
612 Bosnia Herzegovina Donje Mostre in Serbo Croatian
(Patrice Privat, Paris, France - skywavesmw 109)

Aegean Sea: sun, fishes and pirates... From Bocca di Magra, with Dario
Monferini, I could hear a lot of them... Maybe many of them are fishermen
that in the night spend their time broadcasting with old, terrible
transmitters, drifting as a ski champion during a slalom in the Olympic
games of Torino. Real bad modulation and some explosion... Here a list, just
for fun, with two nordic pirates and a Finnish Maritime, what a confusion! 

1628,1  05...10/2 1858...0230 Greek pirate on/off
1630,1  05/2 0705-0712 UNID Greek pirate, blastering Testing "ena ena ena
dia tria...."  on this X-band channel .... so be very careful....  
1632,7 05...09/2  1645....2355 UNID Greek pirate, with liscas turk/greek
songs melodias ..... Monster signal 9+40 db
1635    05/2  1800-1803* Tornado, Dutch pirate, Ids suff/good
1638,1v 05/2 1810-1830   UNID Greek pirate, with sirtaki melodias. monster
signals 9+40 db  V.good
1643,2  05+09/2   1715....0200 Dramas Microphonis, Greek pirate with very
good Mix disco dance... (like an FM station in London !!!) good/v.good
1645,2  05/2 2330-2355  R. Barones, dutch pirate, sending greetings to other
pirate & listeners good/v.good 
1655,3-1657,2  05/2 -1643*,1720- UNID Greek pirate, TX problems, on/off
 ....blastering and moving up and down +/- 15 kHz, terrible. Good
1660,6   05+09/2 1812-1830  UNID Greek pirate, bad modulation, TX on/off
drifting .... horror ..... Good
1670,2   05+08/2 0045....1642  UNID Greek pirate, at 0045 with INDIAN sitar
music .... foolish .... bad modulation !  good
1675,8  05+06/2 0544-0634 UNID Greek pirate, with disco mix no stop ....
good audio ....  v.good
1677 07/2  0235-0242 Mariehamn Radio, Turku, Finland, maritime service with
info for fisher man in Baltic sea.... in finnish. suff/good
1679,2-1629,5 05/2  1815-1839 UNID Greek pirate, non stop SALSA music Mix
 .... talks in greek .... v.good
1684,5  05/2 1615-1630 UNID Greek pirate, disco mix greek sounds. v.good
1687,3  08/2 0048-0053 Helladio Radio, Greek pirate..... blasting on 1690
kHz.... horror modulation  v.good
1695,5 05+09/2  1730-1739* UNID Greek pirate, testing his TX, off after 9
minutes driving up/down 16 kHz
1699,6  05+09/2  1649-,2344- UNID Pirate sound Bosnian or Albanian ....
killed soon UNID Pirate Greek deliberating interferring on his frequency
 ..... this is a madness ....  v.good
1701,3  09/2 2030-2032*,2339- Galaxias amatori, UNID pirate Greek , testing
and "fighting" with another one clobbering the same frequency... madness...
1706,5 05/2 1639-1644  UNID Greek pirate, with Sirtaki sounds no stop. good
1708,8 05/2 1635-1659  Madedonska Radio, Pirate, UNID country. Qrm by Pireus
Dekafonis v.good
1718,6 05/2 1615-1619 UNID pirate, UNID country, folk songs... good
1725,8 09/2 2040-2044 Podgoriza Radia Studio Nesto, UNID pirate, folk music,
sending greetings to listeners. Good
1752,5 05/2 750-1752 UNID pirate Unid country but Balcan area, very bad
modulation from underground.  Good
1765,9 05/2 1753-1954 UNID Skopiera area ?? UNID pirate, TX going up and
down +/- 12 kHz... Good (the signal) (Giampiero Bernardini, La Specia, Italy

1431 Radio Sawa, 23:27-23:40, escuchada el 9 de febrero en
arabe con musica pop local y locutora con comentarios, cuna publicitaria,
SINPO 33322 (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 720)

1251 Voice of Africa, 23:20-23:25, escuchada el 9 de febrero en arabe
a locutor con noticias, SINPO 44433 (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg


 711 1300 Тайвань? Voice of Han?, так и не разобрал что они там говорят
 999 1302 Синьцзян на кит, сильно //738/1494
1458 1310 Внутр Монголия на монг? под Пермским радио, разобрать трудно, но похоже
 612 1330 NHK1? на япон минут 20, тихо жен. голос, на 774 вроде бы было что-то
1089 1400 CNR6, ID "Zhongyang Renmin Guangbo Diantai Shenzhou zhi Sheng",
          затем на хакка, временами очень хорошо
          ID, как обычно, попал на самый минимум
 891 1405-1430 Маяк Регион-Тюмень
 747 1415 на кхмер? Вьетнам, минут 10 неплохо
1188 1438 на каком-то языке ЮВА, очень громко, видимо, CRI via Юньнань
 675 1450 VOV1 Вьетнам на вьет, хорошо, только местное ВВС мешает
 225 1510- РР Регион-Тюмень //1485
(Виктор Рутковский, Екатеринбург, Россия - open_dx 1049)


 891 ~1009-1015~ Маяк Регион Тюмень, еще одно местное включение
 882 1230 VOR на монг, позывные, "Москва радио ярджвень" сквозь шумы
1476 1300 Таиланд, ID
в 1315 что-то вроде ID FM станции, потом реклама
чуть позже совсем хорошо на каком-то языке
 747 1310 NHK2, громко и хорошо //774
 765 1336 Петрозаводск, громко, скорее всего на вепсском(?)
1458 1356 Кудымкар на коми-пермяцком, этот язык, по-моему, чемпион по
          русифицированности, каждое пятое слово из русского
 891 1406 Маяк Регион Тюмень, начало:
(Виктор Рутковский, Екатеринбург, Россия - open_dx 1053)

Detalles de captaciones despues:
Bogdan Alexandru Chiochiu
4190 estrada Edward Higgins
H8Y 3M9
Pierrefonds (parte occidental de la isla de Montreal, en el sur
canadiansce), QC
Sanyo MCD-S830 con la barra de ferrite
Sangean CST-818 con la barra de ferrite (!) y con el hilo largo solamente
para recibir Bata-5005; el hilo largo no es bueno para las frecuencias de
onda larga y onda media
en el coche de mi padre, en un parking con la autoradio de la Mazda Prot?g?
fabricanda en 2002, en Dollards-des-Ormeaux

DX Trans-Atlantico:

585 ESPA?A,   Radio Naci?nal de Espa?a, Madrid 13 de FEB, 0203 - canci?n de
flamenco, locutor masculino hablando sobre los temas y la m?sica que fue en
el aire, sigue con un otro flamenco. Recepci?n m?s o menos buena (SIO 243)
con una peque?a salpicadura despues 580 y 590 en aquel momento y yo pod?
conseguir la recepci?n de est? emisora con mi Sanyo solamente, nada sobre mi
Sangean CST-818. Pero, fue ? mi mejor recepci?n de Espa?a en mi casa en la
mez de febrero ya ! ? Querido amigo Jos? Elias, creo que puede ser una
excelente idea de buscar Madrid-585 entre la anochecer y las peque?as h?ras
de la madrugada (--> 0600 UTC), usted puede tener suerte con esa emisora,
fue mi segunda recepci?n TA con un se?al acceptabil en el ecomenzamiento de
este mez de octubre ! Por alentarte, un DXisto Norte-Americana fue de
vacaciones en Santa-Lucia (cercano de Venezuela) en Diciembre 2000 y tenido
una hermosa recepci?n de esta emisora. El utilizo un Sony 2010 y antena de
tipo "loop". (Chiochiu-P*QC)

747 OLANDA,   Radio 747, Flevoland (prob.) 13 de FEB, 0313 - con m?sica
suave, bastante durante algun segundas y se vuelve desvanecimiento a nada y
algun interferenciad despues CKAC-730. SIO 322-0. Solamente en mi Sanyo
MCD-S830, porqu? no tengo se?al poderoso en 750 y CHWO-740 Toronto es
bastante lejo a 7 kHz - entonces no necesito selectividad excelente que mi
Sangean CST-818 tiene con el filter "AM Narrow", pero necesita la
sensibilidad excelente de mi Sanyo. (Chiochiu-P*QC)

774 EGIPTO,   Middle East Radio / Emisora del Medio Oriento, Abis (? muy
exp. !) 13 de FEB, 0236 - creo (? !) que o?do un hombre con canci?n pop
arabic? muy debilamente y esporadicamente con desvanecimiento r?pido durante
2 o 3 segundas y hasta 3 segundas, nada, desvanecimiento total y solamente
salpicadura despues WABC-770. La cosa que fue extra?a es que con mi Sanyo
MCD-S830 podi reducir casi completamente WABC, pero tenido muchisimas
interferencias despues Chicago-780 (aproximadamente 800 kilometros al oeste
de Montreal) y WBBM Chicago tamponada el se?al egipto completamente
tamponado, con mi Sangean CST-818, en la direcci?n oeste-este WBBM-780 fue
bastante d?bil, pero WABC fue bastante poderoso y continua haciendo algun
QRM en los 774, pero conseguido a tener est? fea captaci?n). ? Aunque que no
tenido una recepci?n acceptabil por nada y ningun ID, est? es el DX m?s
lejano que hizo en onda media ya ! (Chiochiu-P*QC)

864 FRANCIA,   France Bleue / La City Radio, Villeneuve-sur-Lot - en la
vecinidad de Paris (prob.) 13 de FEB, 0216 - casi seguramente est? emisora:
canci?n Adulta Contemporanea a un nivel bastante bajo y desvanecimiento
vulve nada. (Chiochiu-P*QC)

1134 CROACIA,   Hrvatski Radio, Zadar 13 de FEB, 0045-0200+ - a la 0054
tenido un ritmo bailable Croato europop en el estilo de los Fun Factory I
Wanna Be With You, pero en croato con cantante feminina con una voz imlaria
a la de Marie-Anett de los Fun Factory y la melodia de esto ritmo bailable
eurodance fue melancolica - un estilo querido, entonces. Otras canciones
croatas tambi?n y reportajes durante 0100 por algun minutos, tambien hasta
la 0200 auqnue la televisi?n fue abierta a la 0201 conseguido a tener una
hermosa recepci?n con locutor en croato. La mejor recepci?n, yo la hizo con
mi Sangean 818 "barefoot" que es mejor en los 1110s que mi Sanyo. Mi Sanyo,
tenido una "heterodyne" poderosa, pero sin sonido, por la raz?n que
WBBR-1130 Nueva York fue dificilmente reducida. (Chiochiu-P*QC)

1206 FRANCIA,   Bordeaux 13 de FEB (prob.) (? France Bleue ?) 13 de FEB,
0051 - cambio el canal de 1134 a 1206 en mi Sangean y escucho una
"chansonette" franc?s en el estilo de G?rard Lenormand. La mejor recepci?n
la hizo en 1207 no 1206, para reducir la poderosa interferencia de
Ottawa-1200. Lamentablemente, no pod? escucharla en un otro momento. Aunque,
no comprendo porqu? tenido m?sica sin noticias. Yo crio que Bordeaux-1206
hace la programaci?n de la cadena France Info, no France Bleue.

5005 GUINEA ECUATORIAL,   Bata 13 de FEB, 2215-2245 - con programaci?n de
m?sica africana, los estilos afropop y soukous. Locucutor masculino, pero no
pod? comprender nada. SINPO 34522 (Chiochiu-P*QC)

DX Pano-Americano:

670 CUBA,   CMBA, Radio Rebelde, Arroyo Arrenas (regi?n de La Havana) 13 de
FEB, 0036 - canci?n "dance" Latino muy alegre. Poderoso, pero con muchas
interferencias despues WFAN-660, WRKO-680 y muy peque?a de mi estaci?n local
en el canal proximo-de-adyacente CINF "Infos Six Quatre-Vingt Dix" 690, pero
la de los estaciones de 50 kW a 600 kM con distancia ionosferica muy corta
fueren los m?s importantes. (Chiochiu-P*QC)

890 CUBA,   CMDZ, Radio Progreso, Chambas 13 de FEB, 0041 - el programa
Nocturno, se podi oyer en mi Sangean y en mi Sanyo tambi?n con peque?as
diferencias en la calidad de la recepci?n entre los dos. (Chiochiu-P*QC)

910 VENEZUELA,   YVRQ, Caracas (Distrito Federal) (prob.) o WEGP (prob.
tambi?n) 13 de FEB, 0043 - probalamente est? emisora con m?sica tropical,
muy d?bil con interferencias Norte-Americanas. Fue un poquitismo mejor en mi
Sangean 818 que en mi Sanyo MCD-S830 que es un poquitisimo mejor en los 800s
y 900s que mi Sanyo. WEGP en New Britain, CT es posible tambi?n. Yo creo,
personalmente, con los pobres condiciones de recepci?n sobre America Latina
en onda media que fue WEGP, pero no soy seguro de nada. (Chiochiu-P*QC)

DX de corta distancia (h?ra normal del este):

1110 WCEC (? ?), Salem, NH 12 de FEB 1650 - m?s o menos 500 kilometros de
Montreal: programa de locuci?n sobre filmos y el cinema Mexicano,
promociones por "CNN noticias" y "CNN en espa?ol". Seguramente y
lamentablemente, no se trata de Radio Car?pano, pero de una emis?ra
Norte-Americana que creo fue est?. Poderoso, algun desvanecimiento y
interferencias despues WUHN en Massachussets que es situada a algun 550
kilometros de Montreal con m?sica nostalgica en el estil? de Frank Sinatra.
SINPO 53534 (Chiochiu-DDO*QC)

Tambi?n, me informa el estimado colego Robert Wilkner en Florida que Radio
Cristal Internacional est? reactivando su emisora onda corta en los 5010
kHz, entre 2100 y 2300 y que fue escuchada en el estado Massachussets, en el
norte-este de los Estados Unidos. Est? es contradictorio con la informaci?n
sobre Hard-Core DX que diga que no puede alimentar la transmisora.
Lamentablemente, no tenido la suerte de escucharla, porqu? cerrado mi radio
a la 2245 hasta escuchar durante una media-h?ra Guinea Ecuatorial. Espero
que voy a tener la suerte de escucharla proximamente. Es triste de mirar
como muchas estaciones regionales de onda corta en America Latina salga el
aire. Por est? raz?n, escucho mucho m?s la banda AM que las ondas cortas.
Como yo hablo de Cristal, necesito decir que la tenido en los 570 kHz este
oto?o con m?sica merengue y bachata.

Aunque soy feliz con mis captaciones trans-Atlanticas y que escucho una
hermosa canci?n bailable dance croata sobre Zadar-1134, espero que la
propagaci?n Latino-Americana va a mejorar en las proximas semanas. Uno de
mis objetivos por 2005-2006 es de conseguir a captar, por los menos, un
NUEVO estado bolivariano. Creo que por tener mi septeto estado YV, la mujer
suerte es con Carabobo, Nueva Esparta o T?chira si Ecos del Torbes 780 est?
en el aire. Tenido una segunda estaci?n en castellano con Radio Coro 780,
pero no podi comprender nada porqu? el SINPO fue MUY pobre. Yo creo tambi?n
escuchar un poco la America Central: mi ?nica captaci?n ahora es de Ya 600
de Nicaragua - creo tener suerte con Costa Rica y Guatemala. Aunque que 2006
es un a?o de actividad en el sol muy baja, espero que a la fin de este mez o
durante Marzo vamos a tener Aurora Boreal para tamponar las estaciones
canadiensce y estados-unidensce que transmiten en las mismas frecuencias que
las emisoras del sur que quero escuchar.

Como Venezuela tiene problemas bastante preocupante con Ch?vez, no creo que
voy a viejar por Isla Margarita. ? Parece que si usted critica Ch?vez, puede
tener entre 6 y 30 mezes de prisi?n ! Una proposici?n que hizo ya a mi madre
es de viejar a Cape Cod y de tener un motel en Cape Cod la noche y durante
el d?a visitar Boston, la ci?dad principal m?s cercana de Cape Cod, MA.
Algun QTHs como Yarmouth sobre el Cape, tienen agua en la direcci?n del sur
y la sinton?a de Venezuela, Brazil y Africa es excelente.
(Bogdan Alexandru Chiochiu, Pierrefonds, Quebec, Canada - hard-core-dx 38, 14)

585 SPAIN, Madrid FEB 15 0202 - Woman in Spanish, poor (SIO 232), fading.
(Bogdan Alexandru Chiochiu, Pierrefonds, Quebec, Canada - hard-core-dx 38, 16)

Here are other tips (Europeans), made in Bocca di Magra (La Spezia, Liguria,
Italy) with Dario Monferini since 5 to 10 February.

RX: AOR 7030, CiaoRadio H101, Drake SPR-4, RFspace SDR-14
ANT: Wellbrook LFL 1010 loop

207  07+09/2 1910-2110 R. Kiew, Ukraine mixed w DLF Germany + Morocco weaker
207  08/2    0115-    Morocco in Arab over DLF Germany  suff
225  05+07/2 1820-1850 TRT4 TX Van, Turkey over R.Polonia suff/good
243  05...09/2  1832-2215 DR Denmark over TRT4 Erzurum (at 1832-1915 TRT4) suff/good
252  07...09/2  1912-2126 RTA Algeria, in Fr, dominant 2126 prg "classic rock"
09/2  good
252  07...10/2  0108-0212 RTE R.1, Ireland in //567 good   
279  07/2 1915-  R.B1 Byelorussia synfonic music suff/good
594  08/2  2045-  Morocco TX Oujda, in //612 kHz   dominanting the cannel  good

603  08/2  2050-  Egypt TX Barnis, Arab choirs over R. France TX Lyon  good
612  08/2  2040- Morocco TX Sebaa al Ajoun dominanting the channel, in // 594
630  05...10/2  all day R. Tunis, Tunisia. Arab, at 2055 weak RDP R.1 Portugal
& R.Romania Actualitata. good/v.good
675  08/2  2105- Libya TX Benghazi over R. Superloustique, France & R. Arrow
Rock, Netherlands (looped) suff/good
693  07/2 0620-0629 RAI 1 Basilicata, regional service. Over BBC R.5, UK & RNE
R.1 TX Tortosa. poor/suff
702  06/2 0740- Truck Radio, TX Juelich, Germany, rock music, in //738 kHz suff/good
702  08/2  2110-  TRT4 TX Catalca, Turkey over/under R. Egypt, TX Asswan & R.
Regina, TX Kosice, Slovakia. poor/suff
738  07/2 0220- RFI TX Paris,France, 4 kW over/under RNE 1 (looped)  poor/suff
738  05...09/2  0740-0800,1530-1600 Truck Radio, Germany. Over !!! RNE R.1  suff/good.
774  05/2  2010-2015 Middle East Radio, Egypt over/under RNE R.1 & R.Varna,Bulgaria
783  05...10/2 1150-1159 Cope Barcelona, Catalunya, relay FM service FM 102.
08/2 2210-2230 noted "emision pirata" program from Rock'n gol studio Madrid (very

rock music program) E-mail : oyente@rockngol.com suff/good
792  07/2 0725-0729 SER R. Sevilla, Andalucia, Spain, "hoy por hoy Andalucia"
over R.France TX Limoges (weak) suff/good
810  07/2 0655-0659  SER R. Madrid, Spain, local news  suff/good
819  08/2 2130- R. Egypt TX Batrah in Arab, over RAI 1. good/v.good
819  07/2 0710-0719  Euskadi Irratia, TX S.Sebastian, Spanish service. Over/under
RAI 1.  suff/poor
819 07/2 0703-0709 Sud Radio, TX GuarИ, France, 1 kW News in French, ID Over/under
RAI 1 
819  07...09/10  1330-1340, 1730-1740 RAI 1 Trieste, Italy, regional Friuli Venezia
Giulia. (also 0620-0628 & 1120-1128) suff/good
828  07/2  2235-2248  R.Morocco "C" program, Arab, TX Oujda. Mixed with TX R.
Bulgaria, SER 828, Libya TX Sebbha. A very busy channel. poor/suff
828  06/2 0815-0820  NRD Info, TX Hannover, Germany. Mixed with SWF 1, TX Friburg,
Germany //1017 kHz. suff/good
846  05+07/2 1920-1930, 0230- UAE  Malay service, TX Um al Quwaim. Strong phading.
846 08+09/2 2116....0110   R. North Donegal, Ireland, country pop music no stop
, but no ids.  poor/good 
864 05+07/2 2140-2245 Holy Kuran, TX Santah, Egypt. over/under R.France Bleu,
Paris. suff/good 
873  07/2 1838-1932 R.Pecs,Funfkirchen, Hungary, German program, in Serbian 1932.
+ AFN Germany  suff/good
891  06/2 0825-0829 R.538, TX Hulsberg, Netherlands. Rock music & traffic news
report. suff/good
891  08/2 2150-2155 TRT4 TX Antalya,Turkey, string music. + RTA Alger suff/good
909  06/2 1900-1910 R.Romania Actualitata TX Ortisoara, Romania & R. Cluj, Romania,
local program news suff/good
927  07/2 2305-2310 R.RenascenГa, Tx Evora, Portugal + ERA Sport TX Zakynthos,Greece
+ RTA Algeria, TX Timimoun in Arab. all together a nice mess. poor/suff
927  09/2  2240-2250   Izmir Radio, Turkey, local + R. Reshet Bet, Tx Haifa,
Israel. (no traces of Belgium TX) poor/suff
936  07/2 2250-2255 RTC "C" TX Agadir, Morocco, in // 828 kHz. + RAI 1 Trapani,
Sicily. suff/good
954  05/2 0235-0240 Qatar BC, kuran, Qatar + Classic Gold, Torbay, UK, 400 watts
(HRD also with DEGEN 1103 !!!!) poor/suff
963  08+09/2 1400-1458  RTI R. Tunis Internazionale, Tunisia, Italian service,
News 3 minutes at 1430. suff/good
981  07/2 2318-2325  RAI 4 Trieste, Italy, relay news RAI 1 //900 after 2300
hours + R.Athens Greece + RTA Alger in Arab, poor/suff
999 07+08/2 0620-0628  RAI 1 Umbria, TX Perugia + RAI 1 Emilia Romagna, TX Rimini.
(local news). suff/good
999 08/2  0340-0343 R. Superloustique, France, 5 kW, in // 674 kHz + Cope Madrid,
Spain poor/suff
1008  09/2 1818- ERA Corfu, Greece (local) + SER chain + Radio 10 Gold, Netherlands
(partly looped) poor/suff
1017  06/2 0745-  TRT 1 Turkey + SWF Germany suff/good
1026 05...10/2  0750....2145 RTA Algeria, TX Hassi Messaud, new TX powerful signals
(loop to south) in //891 kHz suff/v.good
1026 05/2 0247-0249 R. Rashet Dalet, Israel, Arab talks + RTA Algeria (partly
looped). poor/suff
1035 06+07/2 0620-0628 RAI 1 Abruzzo, TX Pescara. "forti nevicate in regione"
"big snow falls in the area" good 
1035 08/2  0320-0330  R. North Sound Two, Abardeen, Scotland + Tartu Family Radio,Tartu,
Estonia. Halleluyah songs. (loop to north) poor/good
1062 06/2 0625-0629  RAI 1 Sardegna, TX Cagliari in //1143. From 07/2 channel
blocked by RAI 1 Coltano-Pisa now started operational with full power.  good
1062 07/2 1120-1128  RAI 1 Toscana, TX Coltano-Pisa. Intended to cover Toscana
coast and La Spezia area (so RAI 1 La Spezia 1296 kHz is out of service) v.good
1071  05/2 0255-0258   IRIB TX ? (location) Kuran + Euskadi Irratia + Egypt.
1071  05+06+08/2  1830-2150 Great Cairo Radio, Egypt, arab + R. Sirya TX Tartus
arab choirs + R. EI Euskadi (partly looped) suff/good
1080 05/2 0250-0305 ERA Orestiadas, Greece, local + Egyptian Radio TX El Mynia
+ Spain SER & Onda Cero (in //540 kHz) poor/suff
1089  07/2 2330- BSKSA 2 Saudi Arabia, TX Qurrayat, in //1467 kHz + BBC Talk
Sport (partly looped) suff/good
1107 07+08/2 0310-0755  AFN Bavaria, Germany & AFN Power Network, Grmany. separate
programs in English. suff/good
1116  07+08/2 0621-0628  RAI 1 Puglia TX Bari in //1431 & 1449 kHz + RAI 1 Piemonte
TX Cuneo suff/good
1125  09/2 2140-2159  R. Libya, TX EL Beida, ractivated !!! with full power +
R. VivacitИ Belgium in French, (partly looped)  suff/good
1134 09/2 1500-1530   R. Fiume, Croazia, in Italian, news 1501-1514.  suff/good
1143 07/2 1330-1340   RAI 1 Sardegna, TX Sassari suff/good
1152 08/2 0315-0323  LBC London,UK + RNE R.5 + Classic Gold Amber, UK (weak).
1161   05+08/2 0207-0320 Horizont, Bulgaria + VOIRI Ibadan + Mid Delta Radio
Egypt TX Tanta + Euskadi Irratia Tx San Sebastian in Euskera. Very busy channel.

1170 06...10/2 0300...1430 R. Capodistria, Slovenia, Italian service (at evening
covedered by Moldavia)
1179 06/2 0835...1520   Antenne Saar, Saarbrucken, Germany (with R. France International
service in French) +  SER R. Valencia, Spain.  suff/good
1188 09/2 2320-2330   IRIB Teheran, Iran + MDR Info 3 kW. poor/suff
1233 06+07/2 1355-0230  Pure FM, Belgium, in // 1305 kHz + R. Tanger TX Marrakech,

Morocco (1730 hours) with RFI news in french.   suff/good
1251 06/2 0840-0845  R.1 "747", Netherlands,in//747  kHz  suff/good
1251 05/2 0844-0850,1525-1532 R. Gyor,Hungary, (local) + R. Libya Tx Tripoli
(hrd all the day) suff/good
1260 06/2 2210-2228, 0805- Classic Gold 1260, Bristol, ID, oldies + SER Spain
+ SAWA TX Rhodos, Greece (carry advertising in Arab/English) poor/suff
1278 05/2 0330-0335  IRIB TX Kermanshah, in farsi + ERA Florina + R. France Bleu
(partly looped) suff/good
1278 06+07/2 0800-0815, 1400- R. France Blue Alsace , France. Alsacian news 0800-
1287 06...09/2  0555-0559,0655-0659,0755-0759,1825- 1855,2255-2259 SER R. Lleida,
Catalunya (mixed up down) SER R. Burgos, ID "Radio Castilla cadena SER 

Burgos" + Galei Zahal, Israel after 1825- suff/good
1296 08/2 0155-0159 R. Sudan + IRIB TX location ?? + Bulgaria Christo Botev (partly
looped) poor/good
1305  05...09/2  1542...2000 TVSH 1 Girokaster, Albania, (this is not a Greek
pirate !!!) + RNE R.5 Spain + PURE FM Belgium (partly looped) suff/good
1305 07+08/2 1726-1729, 1955-1959 RNE R.5 Ciudad Real,local Castilla La Mancha
+ RNE R.5 Leon local Castilla Leon + PURE FM Belgium + RTA 3 Algerie TX 

Constantine. poor/suff
1323 05/2 0740-0745 Capital Gold 1323 Brighton,UK,  ID & Jingles + R.Moscow English
TX Germany  (partly looped) poor/suff
1332 08/2 0140-0145  Classic Gold Digital 1332, Peterborough, UK + Romania TX
Galati (looped)  poor/good
1332 06/2 1755-1759  IRIB R.Tehran,Iran, in Farsi+ Romania+Cesky Rozhlas CR6
(with a radio drama) suff/good
1341 06/2 1653-1655  Egyptian Radio, TX Sawa in arab, + Katoliski Radio Hungary
(partly looped) poor/suff
1359 06+08/2 2205...0150 Capital Gold 1359 Breeze,UK, Chelmsford, UK + RNE R.1
Arganda, Madrid, Spain (they carry DRM before 1700 hours)  poor/suff
1368 07+08/2 0621-0628 RAI 1 Toscana, Firenze, local  //1062 kHz + BBC UK + Manx
Radio (weak) suff/good
1368 06+09/2 1650...2350 Galei Zahal, Israel, TX Shivta in //6973 & 1287 kHz
+ RAI + BBC UK.  poor/suff
1385,9v 05...09/2 1513....0200 UNID Greek Pirate, a real pest here. suff/v.good
1386 05...09/2 0243-0710, 1540- Egyptian Radio, Tx El Dakhala, in Arab.  suff/good
1386 07...09/2 2100-2200 R.China Int. in English, TX Bubiai,Lithuania. good/v.good
1395 05/2 0420-0434 Radio Yerevan, Armenia, pop mx  (look like a commercial station)
1395 06/2 1630-1650 R. Iraq, phonecalls "alooo Iraqi!" suff/good
1404 05/2 1600-1605  R. Sighet, Romania, local + RCFM Corse, TX Ajaccio in //1494
kHz. + R. France Bleu + ERA Komotini, Greece (local). (good channel to test your

loop) suff/good
1413 05/2 0735-0739 BBC Gloucestershire, UK + Premier Christian Radio, UK + RNE
R.5 Spain  poor/suff
1413 05+06/2 1515-1550 R. China Int., via TX Moldavia (with TX breaks !!) + RNE
R.5 Spain  good
1413 06/2 1629-1630  BBC Relay Oman, in farsi + Moldavia TX (partly looped) poor/suff
1430 09/2 0315-0320 IRIB TX Isfahan, Iran (not 1431 kHz) poor/suff
1431  05/2 *1900-1915 Voice of Russia, TX Kopani, Ukraina, in Greek, + SAWA Djibouti
+ RAI 1 (a real mad channel chaos) suff/ good
1431 06/2 0621-0629 RAI 1 Puglia, TX Foggia, in // 1449 kHz. suff/good
1449 06/2 0621-0629 RAI 1 Puglia, TX Squinzano, in // 1431 kHz + Libya in Arab
1467  05..10/2  0050-0355, 1550- BSKSA  Saudi Arabia, in Arab, in // 1521 kHz
1476  05+08/2 1555-1558, 0259- R. Araz, Azerbajan, relay BBC in Russian + R.
Dubai in  Arabic  (0259 hour) poor/good
1476 08/2 0320-0330  IRIB, R. Sanandaj, Iran, in farsi. suff
1494  05...10/2  0605...1400 RCFM R. Corse Frequence Mora, TX Bastia, Corse,
in corse/french. Local program, in // 1404  kHz  good/v.good   
1494  05/2 1559-1601 R. Moldova 1 + ERA Sport Rhodos, Greece + FCFM Corse  suff/good
1503  05/2 0732-0735 BBC Stoke on Trent,UK, local news ! + RNE R.5 Spain.   suff/good
1503  05....09/2 0105-0358 North Sinai Radio, Egypt, in arab, all nigth. + RNE
R.5 Spain.  suff/good
1503  06+10/2 1620-1750 R. Zavidovici, Bosnia Crne Gore, bad modulation + Egypt.
1512  05+06/2 1602-1655 ERA Sport TX Chania // 1494 kHz + Saudi Arabia TX Jeddah
+ Russia TX Yunost (wak). good
1521  05+08/2 2329-0050, 0722-0725 Classic Gold Reigate, UK, Jingles + SER Spain.
1539  06/2  1615-1620  R. Farda, Relay UAE, TX Abu Dhabi + SER Catalunya + Germany
TWR  suff/good
1548  05/2  0725-0729 BBC R. Bristol,UK, local + Capital Gold London (dominant)
+ UNID more weak with oldies. poor/ suff
1550  05+07/2 2030-0001* R.National Saharawi,Tx Algeria in Arab/Spanish(2300)
(splash Capital Gold,UK) poor/good 
1566 05...10/2 1610...0030 Greek Pirate UNID, stramodulated and horror audio,
a real desaster good/v.good
1566  05/2 0402-0415 R. Sawa, relay Kuwait, in arab + BBC Somerset relay BBC
R.5 & County Sound Guildfort,UK.  poor/good
1570  05/2 1812-1815 UNID Dutch pirate ....any ideas pls ??  splash RAI 1 1575
kHz. poor/good
1575  05+06/2  1601-1630 R. Farda , relay UEA, Al Dhabiya, in persian. + Jammimg
bubble (Iran ??) + RAI 1 (partly looped)  suff/poor
1575  05/2 0620-0628 RAI 1 Liguria, TX Genova, regional good/v.good
1584  05/2 0620-0628 RAI 1 Umbria, TX Terni in // 999 kHz + RMC Info France (looped)

1584 05+06/2 1100-1230 Studio X, Momigno, Italy, more weak signal respect past
BOC 3 in October 2005. poor/suff
1593  07/2 0038-0043 VOA special english, TX Kuwait  + R. Egypt with quran +
R. Romania Actualitata. suff/good
1593  08/2  1935-1940 R. Tirgu Mures, Romania, in German "Deutsche Zeintug Neumarktner"
ID by YL + R. Romania Actualitata. suff/good
1600,7 05+09/2 0405-, 1923- ERA Kavala, Greece, still out of frequency. suff/good
1602  05+07/2 1420-1605  R. Leskovac, Bosnia Crne Gore, relay Beograd 1. suff/good
1602  06/2 0925-1012  R. Waddenzee, Finkum, Netherlands,  only ID 0959, some
advertising, short WEB advertising in Dutch. Clean channel at this time ! poor/suff
(Giampiero Bernardini, La Spezia, Liguria, Italy - mwdx 1215)

Spain and Portugal heard from 5 to 10 February from Bocca di Magra (La
Spezia, Liguria, Italy), with Dario Monferini:

558 07+09/2 1851-1859 RNE R.5 Valencia,Spain, regional/local news Comunidad
Valenciana over R.Maribor, Slovenia  suff/good
567 07+09/2 1855-1859 RNE R.5 Murcia,Spain, local news sport/wather
comunidad Murciana, over RAI 1 & R. Romania Actualitata suff/good
585 07/2 1855-1859 RNE R.1 Madrid,Spain,local news, over Tunisia TX Gasfa in
Arab. good
603 07/2 1850-1859 RNE R.5 Sevilla,Spain, regional/local news Comunidad
Andalucia & Sevilla 1855-over/under R. Romania Actualitata & R. France Lyon.
621 07/2 1230-1259 RNE R.1 Mallorca, Baleares, Spain, local Comunidad
639 08/2 1850-1858 RNE R.1 La Coruna,Galicia & RNE R.1  Zaragoza,Aragon with
Regional/Local service over/under Cesky Rozhlas CR2. suff/poor
666 05...10/2 1310-1359 SER R. Barcelona,Catalunya, signal is more weaker as
the usual, TX reduced power ? Local service for Catalunya. poor/suff
684 08/2 1850-1855 RNE R.1 Sevilla, Andalucia, Spain over Serbia Crne Gore
Beograd 1 & R.Tunisia TX Mednine (weak)  suff/good
711 06/2 1810-1859 Cope Murcia,Spain, local program monday to friday. Over
R.France TX Rennes & R. Romania Actualitata TX Sighet.  poor/good
720 08/2 2120- RDP 1, many TX, Portugal, echos effect not syncronized TX
over/under R. Romania Actualitata echos effect not syncronized TX ... a real
mess ! suff/poor
738 05...09/2 1210-1259 RNE R.1 Barcelona,Catalunya, local prg suff/good
774 05...09/2 RNE R.1 Valencia, Comunidad Valenciana, Spain. Best signal
from Valencia daylight time.suff/good         
837 06/2 1807-1959  Cope Sevilla, Spain, Local program monday to friday.
Mixed with Cope Burgos, Spain, Local program. + R.France Nancy (looped)
873 07+08/2 0555-0559, 1925-1929 SER R.Zaragoza, Spain, "Radio Zaragoza
cadena Ser tu radio a tu costat" local news. AFN Germany looped. poor/good
882 05...10/2  0700-2230   COM Radio, Barcelona, Catalunya, Catalan
language. Good daylight. suff/good
900 06/2 1845-1858 Cope Grenada,Spain, local news. RAI 1 Milano partially
looped poor/suff
954  07+08/2 2315-2345 Onda Cero,Madrid,Spain, dominant, Czech R.Brn? S/off
2300 hours. suff/good
963 07/2 2315-2324 R.Renascen?a, TX Seixal, Portugal + R. Horizon, Bulgaria
(echo effect not syncronized TXs) + R. Suomi, Finland, id as Radio Suomi +
Euskadi in Spanish Tx Vitoria + tent. Cyprus with greek music(weak)another
channel full of signals. poor/suff
990 07/2 1840-1855 SER R. Bilbao,"FM 93 punto 6" + R. SAWA relay Cyprus
(weak) + DLF Kultur, Germany. poor/suff
990 07+09/2 1851-1855,2255-2259 SER R. Cadiz, "Hora 25 Cadiz" at 2255 & SER
R. Bilbao, Euskadi. "Hora 25 Bilbao" local service. poor/suff  
1008 08/2  1925-1929 SER R. Girona, Catalunya, "Hora 20 Catalyunya" + "SER
R. Alicante,Comunidad Valenciana, Mix with R. Extremadura, Badajoz "+ Radio
10 Gold (partly looped)  suff/good
1026 06+07+09/2  1835-1855,1925-1929,2145-2148,2255-2259,2334- SER R. Reus,
Catalunya. Dominant channel. regional/local news suff/good
1026 07+08/2 0725-0729, 1925-1929 SER R. Jerez, Andalucia,Spain.
Regional/local. (Mix with SER R. Reus) poor/suff
1035 05+07/2 2325-0750  R.Clube Portugues,Portugal, ID & good oldies pop
music, still via TX R. Comercial, Lisbon. suff/good
1044 07+08+09/2 1925-1929,2252-2259 SER R. Valladolid, Spain. Local news
"Hora 25 Valladolid" + ERA Thessaloniki (local) + RTM Morocco in arab.
(partly looped) poor/suff
1071 05....10/2 2213-0731 Euskadi Irratia, TX Bilbao, Euskadi, in Euskera in
// 1161 kHz. suff/good
1080 06...09/2 0725-0729,1835-1855,2254-2259 SER R. Huesca, Aragon, "Hora 25
Huesca" (2254) + SER Mallorca, Baleares, "Hora 25 Baleares" (2254) suff/good
1098 07+09/2 1955-1959  RNE R.5 Huelva, regional Andalucia. (last daily
bulletin monday to friday) + Slovakia (partly looped) poor/suff
1107 09/2 1955-1959  RNE R.5 Cantabria & RNE R.5 Logrono + AFN Germany  &
RAI 1 (partly looped) 
1116 09/2 2255-2259  SER R. Pontevedra, Galicia," Hora 25 Galicia"
Advertising Pontevedra  poor/suff
1215 07/2 1833-1838  Cope Cordoba,Andalucia, Spain, local program + R. China
Int. Rumeno Tx Albania. poor/suff
1224 09/2 2305-2314  Herri Irratia, San Sebastian, Euskadi, in spanish,
news+ID " Las noticias en Herri Irratia"+ Cope stations Spain + Bulgaria.
1260 06...09/2  0620-0629,1835-1855,1925-1929 SER Murcia & SER Algeciras,
local  (both up/down) + R. Vatican suff/good       
1269 06...09/2  1810-1859 Cope Comarques Girones, Figueres, Catalunya + DLF
Germany  suff/good
1413 06...09/2  0555-0559, 0725-0729, 1625-1629, 1725-1729, 1955-1959 RNE
R.5 Girona,Catalunya, regional/local news. First at 0555- hours. + Moldavia
1413 0625-0629 RNE R.5 Jaen, Andalucia, local news. suff/ good!
1503 06...09/2 0655-0659,0725-0729,1825-1829 RNE R.5 Campo de Gibraltar,
relay R.5 Cadiz, local ID , local/regional Andalucia news. suff/good
1521 06+07/2  0550-0559, 0720-0729 SER R. Castellon, Spain, "Hoy por hoy
Castellon" (0720-) suff/good
1602 09/2 0720-0729,1925-1929 SER R. Cartagena, Spain, "Hora 20 Cartagena"
(1925) local + a real total CHAOS !!!! poor/suff
1602  07/2 0300-0305 R. Vitoria, Euskadi, in spanish,ID "Radio Euzkadi Radio
Vitoria" news. + Romania + Greece + SER........ and more stations not
identified...  suff/good (Giampiero Bernardini, La Spezia, Liguria, Italy - hard-core-dx
38, 15)

Here are some TA DX made in Bocca di Magra (La Spezia, Liguria, North Italy)
together with Dario Monferini since 5 to 10 february.

We used:
RX: AOR 7030; Drake SPR-4; RF Space SDR-14; CiaoRadio H101; Degen 1103
Ant.: Wellbrook LFL 1010
Preselectors: MFJ 1020C; Palstar MW550P

740  06+09+10/2 0116....0430 R. Sociedade da Bahia, Salvador, Brasil. Talks

930  10/2 0110-0128 R. Montecarlo, Montevideo,  Uruguay. Gardel Tangos
songs. "Desde Montevideo capital de la republica del  Uruguay transmite CX20
Radio Montecarlo"  good peaks but fading. poor/suff

950  10/2 0045-0140 R.Libertad, Buenos Aires, Argentina. "esta es Libertad"
"las 11 e 30 minutos". poor/suff

970  10/2 0158-0202  Tent. in Spanish news LV2 R. General Paz, Argentina ???
splash 972.

1000  10/2 0142-0145  R. Record, Sao Paulo, Brasil. news + ID. , splash 999
kHz Cope Spain & RAI 1 (relay all night RAI 1 FM) poor/suff

1030  09+10/2  0028...0402  R. Del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina, "las
noticias Del Plata" YL speaker. Best signal from Argentina. good peaks but
long Fading. poor/good

1070  09+10/2  0041...0400 R. El Mundo, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Very low
audio level ....boring YM & YL talks. poor/suff 

1070  05+10/2 0042-0650 CBA, Moncton, Canada, CBC Radio One. Talk show (0042
10/2). poor/suff

1130  10/2 0049-0055  R. Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, ID
"Nacccciiiiioooooonnnnnalllll" poor/suff

1190  07+09+10/2 0050-0240 R. America, Buenos Aires, Argentina, news &
weather, sport 10/2. (splash 1188 kHz) poor/suff

1200  09+10/2 0054-0245  Tent. Cear? Radio Clube, Brasil, sport, poor/suff
1220  05+07+09/2  0138...0315 R. Globo, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, sport. good peaks.
1370  06+09/2 0216-0310 Unid Brasilian Religious, tent. R.Boa Vontade? poor/suff
1390  07/2 0335-0350  Unid Brasil Religious. poor/suff
1390  05+06/2 0220...0530 Tent. Radio Fe y Alegria, Caracas, Venezuela, light
music (weak signal) + Unid in Spanish. poor/suff
1470  05..07/2 0410-0645 WLAM, Lewiston, Me, USA, ESPN sports, news. suff   
1470  05/2  0605-0611  CPN, Lima, Peru, news poor/suff
1470  05/2  0613-0632  XEAI, R.Formula, Mexico DF, Mexico. suff/good
1470  10/2  0230-0245  R. Vibracion, Carupano, Venezuela. music & rare ids. poor/suff
1500  06/2  0635-0658  WTOP, Washington, DC, USA, news "WTOP 15 NEWS RADIO" suff/good
1510   06+09/2  2345...0650 WWZN, Boston, CT, USA. Sports Radio. poor/suff
1520  05+06+09/2 2333...0702 WWKB, Buffalo, NY, USA. "KB Radio 15-20" talk show
(last signal to fade out) poor/good
1560  06/2 0652-0659  WQEW, New York, NY, USA, R.Disney program, jingles & pop
music. (splash 1557 France) poor/suff
1570  06+07/2  0403-0653 CFAV, Laval, Qc, Canada, in french, oldies "quando quando
quando" Dean Martin, YL Dj. poor/suff
1620   06+07/2  0615-0706 WDHP, US Virgin, BBC news,  under Greek pirate on 1620,77
kHz !!!!!"kalimera studio tessera"  poor/suff
1630 05/2 0535-0538 WRDW, Augusta, Ga, USA, news talks. poor/suff
1640 06/2 0649-0650  Tent. in Spanish, R. Juventus Don Bosco, Dominicana. Poor
1650 05/2 0640-0655  WHKT, Portsmouth,VA,USA, R. Disney program, YL schizoid
IDs Jingles + KWHN, Fortsmith, AK,USA. talk show (First time for me tis one)
1660 05...07/2 0511-0655  WCNZ, Marco Island, FL, USA. "Relevant Radio" ID
program in English + WWRU, Jersey city, NJ, USA. changed format ?? all talks
(boring voice) in English. poor/suff
1680 05/2 0515-0525 WLAA, Winter Garden, FL, USA, in Spanish talks.
1690 05/2 0502-0533 WWAA, Avondale Estates,GA, USA, "Air Atlanta 16-90
weather forecast" + WPTX, Lexington Park, MD, USA. News radio. poor/suff 
1700 05+07/2 0450-0703  KVNS, Brownsville, TX, USA, news Public Service
Network, in English + WJCC, Miami Springs, FL, USA. with creole sound music
+ WEUP, Huntsville,AL,USA. "WE UP" slogan and gospel songs. poor/suff
(Giampiero Bernardini, Milano, Italy - hard-core-dx 38, 15)


RX: AOR 7030; Drake SPR-4; RF Space SDR-14; CiaoRadio H101; Degen 1103
Ant.: Wellbrook LFL 1010
Preselettori: MFJ 1020C; Palstar MW550P

846  05....09/2  2101-2110*, *0145-0359 VOK Kenya, in Swahili, id "KBC" good
afro pop music.  suff/good
1377  05/2 2050-2105  CNR 1, Henan, China, in //4800 kHz, QRM France Lille
(partly looped)  poor/suff
1377  07/2 2001-2015  TWR, TX Gavar, Armenia, in ITALIAN , only on tuesday?
reactivated? + QRM France suff/good
1377  07+08+09/2  2045-,0215-0330 R. Free Africa, Tanzania, afro pop mix, Id
swahili/english + QRM France (with some breaks in audio link, at 0315-0330
carry radio journal de R. Canada !!) poor/suff
1386  07...09/2  0210-0415  KBC, Kenya, "This is KBC" in english all nigth
stable signals (+ Egypt + IRIB Tx location?) suff/v.good !!!
1530  07/2 0310-0320  VOA relay Sao Tom?, VOA Africa in english + R. Romania
Actualitata (partly looped) suff/good
1539  06+08/2   1915-,0335- RTD, Djibouti, in // 4780 kHz good peaks ! + SER
+ TWR Germany.  suff/good
1566 05+08+09/2  1615-1950,0033- AIR Nagpur, India, in //9470 kHz (at 1940
english news) (at 0033 in // 4940 kHz) poor/suff
(Giampiero Bernardini, Milano, Italy - hard-core-dx 38, 15)

Сегодня начиная с 08.43 UTC замечено тестирование передатчика на
частоте 1377 кГц. передавались звуки разных тональностей, а также
периодическое выключение передатчика на полминуты-минуту.
Тест длился до 10:02, когда отключили совсем.
В общем, за час вырулили на несколько большую мощность, чем в 08.43.
На магнитную антенну S=3б. Направление север-юг (очевидно Черновцы?)
Такого же рода тестирование (звуки таких же тональностей) проходило и
на 657 кГц., поскольку сегодня среда ? день профилактики и на радио и
на телевидении. (Игорь Данилевич, Збараж, Тернопольская обл, Украина - open_dx

> 747 1415 на кхмер? Вьетнам, минут 10 неплохо
> http://victorcity.dxing.ru/Clips/747_Vietnam_khmer_08.02.06.1415utc.mp3

По WRTH 2006 RTI in Thai.
(Мауно Ритола, Финляндия - open_dx 1049)

Logs for 12/Feb:

  5097.0 CFH: CF HALIFAX 2154 RTTY 75/N/850 Marker "NAWS de CFH zkr f1
         2822 3394 4161 6260 8303 12377 16576 22182 ar" (12/Feb)(DW)
10377.0 -: UNID 1027 CW Brief msg "RGT397 = ppppp" followed by 5 ltr grps
         inc accentuated ltrs. (12/Feb)(DW)
16804.5 3ECE9: SHIP AMBER 1242 DSC 100/E/170 MMSI 355941000. Safety/test
         to Rio de Janeiro (12/Feb)(DW)
16804.5 C6003: SHIP ATLANTIC PRESTIGE 1247 DSC 100/E/170 MMSI309775000.
         Safety/Test to Lyngby (12/Feb)(DW)
16804.5 ---: SHIP UNID 1246 DSC 100/E/170 MMSI 247095600. Safety/test to
         Lyngby (12/Feb)(DW)
16809.0 WLO: MOBILE RADIO 1445 CW Chan free marker "WLO" (12/Feb)(DW)
16811.0 CBV: VALPARAISO RADIO 1241 CW Chan free marker "CBV" (12/Feb)(DW)
16811.5 A9M: BAHRAIN RADIO 1238 CW Chan free marker "de A9M tlx"
16813.0 UAT: MOSCOW RADIO 1446 CW Chan free marker "de UAT" (12/Feb)(DW)

Logs for 13/Feb:

10375.0 BU2: ROMANIAN IPJ BUCHAREST 0806 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb.
         Clng ZAL, also at 0813 0819 0826. Also CRA at 0808. Also CAL at
         0830. Also SLO at 0840 0846 0853 0859. Also FOC at 0842 0846
         0849. Also TMU at 0848 0857 0903 0908 (13/Feb)(DW)
10375.0 BU1: ROMANIAN IPJ BUCHAREST 0807 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb.
         Clng CRA. Also at 0813 0821 0828 0928 0935. Also BOT at 0810 0924
         0930 0937. Also PNM at 0823 0825 0927 0932. Also SMA at 0835
10375.0 BU3: ROMANIAN IPJ BUCHAREST 0814 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb.
         Clng TIM, also at 0820. Also PLS at 0922 0934. Also SLA at 0936
10375.0 BUZ: ROMANIAN IPJ BUZAU 0957 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng
         BU4. Also at 1002 (13/Feb)(DW)
10375.0 DEV: ROMANIAN IPJ DEVA 0838 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng
         BU3. Also at 0848 (13/Feb)(DW)
10375.0 FOC: ROMANIAN IPJ FOCSANI 0848 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng
         BAC. Also at 0949 (13/Feb)(DW)
10375.0 PNM: ROMANIAN IPJ PIETRA NEAMT 0823 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb.
         Clng BU1 (13/Feb)(DW)
10375.0 PLS: ROMANIAN IPJ PLOIESTI 1030 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng
         BU3 (13/Feb)(DW)
10375.0 SUC: ROMANIAN IPJ SUCEAVA 0759 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng
         BUZ. Also at 0806 0811 0817 (13/Feb)(DW)
10375.0 TIM: ROMANIAN IPJ TIMIS 0806 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng
         BU3. Also at 0814 0820 (13/Feb)(DW)
10375.0 MU3: ROMANIAN IPJ ?LOC 0848 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng BU3
10377.0 RGT77: CIS AF? ?LOC 0832 CW Short msg rptd. In slow morse. "XXX
         XXX RGT77 RGT77 86770 6066" and further grps. Similar at 1053,
         1124z (13/Feb)(Day Watson, Clevedon, UK - wun 22, 29)

18-е DX-соревнования датского клуба DSWCI "THE GRAND TOUR WITH CANCER 
AND CAPRICORN" пройдут с 24 марта по 9 апреля.

Условия можно скачать в формате DOC и PDF на странице:
(Дмитрий Мезин, Казань, Россия - open_dx 1049)

Схема Ишима-003
Я отсканировал схему "Ишима-003" по просьбе Сергея Рогова из Литвы. Если 
кому нужны картинки - пишите. 4 джипег-файла занимают 1,14 МБ.
(Владимир Коваленко, Томск, Россия - open_dx 1049)

New New Zealand station testing on 1278 AM

TRN [The Radio Network] is testing a new frequency, 1278kHz for a
possible new service to the southern Taranaki region in the western
North Island. The transmitter is located at Rotokare, near the small
town of Eltham. Maximum permitted power is 6.3kW. The tests have been
reported as a series of tone tests. TRN already operates NewstalkZB
from Napier on 1278kHz in the Hawkes Bay region on the eastern North
Island coast. The licence is valid until November 1 2006. 
(David Ricquish, Austtalia - hard-core-dx 38, 16)
enigma2000-subscribe@yahoogroups.com - Enigma2000 Discussion Club
Shortwave-Swl-Antenna-subscribe@yahoogroups.com - Обсуждение Антенн.
http://www.dxtests.info/ - DXTests

9290 kHz, RMRC (Rhein Main Radio Club) (Relay via Ulbroka), 
full data computer-printed QSL-card (incl. tx site), cards shows the 
RMRC QSL Calendar for 2006, v/s Harald Gabler. The letter also 
contained a clored info-sheet about the RMRC. In 70 days for a report 
in German with 1,10 EUR in German stamps to RMRC, Radiosendungen, 
Postfach 700849, D-60558 Frankfurt/Main.
(M.Schoech, Eisenach, Germany, February 2006 - CumbreDX 1424)

9290 kHz, Radio RTN (Radio Tele Niedersachsen) (Relay via 
Ulbroka), full data computer-printed/hand written QSL-card (excl. tx 
site), cards shows pirate radio symbols and RTN contact info, v/s Rolf 
Kern. The letter also contained 2 clored stickers and technical 
information sheet abour RTN. In 74 days for a report in German with 
1,10 EUR in German stamps to SRS Ytterby, R RTN, Östra Porten 49, 44254

Ytterby, Schweden. (M.Schoech, Eisenach, Germany - CumbreDX 1424)

Robert Wilkner
Pompano Beach, South Florida
R75 Kiwa  Drake R7

Chuck Bolland
Clewiston, Florida
Chilly Mornings
NRD545, Dipole

John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
Drake R-8, 100-foot RW

Harold Frodge, Midland MI, USA
Drake R8B + 215' center-fed RW, 85' end-fed RW, 125' bow-tie

Bogdan Alexandru Chiochiu
4190 estrada Edward Higgins
H8Y 3M9
Quebec, Canada
Sangean CST-818, connectado al codificador que yo utilizo para poner mi =
DX en real-audio que fue connectado al hilo largo en mi patio

Jose Miguel Romero EA5-1022
Burjasot (Valencia)


Nicloas Eramo
Lat:34?34'49S  Long:58?32'26W
Villa Lynch
Prov. Buenos Aires

Icom  IC-R75, Kenwood R-2000, Sony ICF 2010

T2FD with balun 3.1
V Inverted 15 mts with balun 1.1
V Inverted 11 mts with balun 1.1
Longwire 15 metros

MFJ-959B Receiver Antenna Tuner/Preamplifier

Giampiero Bernardini
Milano, Italy

Rx: Drake SPR-4 & R-4C (with DDS-4); RFT EKD 315; AOR AR7030+ AR5000+
AR3000A-DX; RF Space SDR-14; CiaoRadio H101; TenTec RX320 & RX321; Icom
R7000 & PCR1000; Lowe HF150; Kenwood R5000 & tuner KT-6040; Grundig Satellit
700 & 500; Yamaha T-85; Sangean ATS 909 mod. & DT 220; Degen DE1103; Alinco
DJ-X3 (In all FM rx I use 110/80/53 kHz filters)- Ant: wires 100 m. & 30 m.;
RKB 5, 9 & 10 elements FM; DX One pro; T2FD 15 meters; Wellbrook LFL 1010,
loops by A.Capra; DLA (GZ project) by P. Albini

Day Watson

QTH:    Clevedon, UK
Rec:    NRD545, NRD535, Aquila(SDR14), RX320D
WUN:    DR Col Editor
73 всем! И.Л.

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