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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 55
WorldDX 55 09/02/06 WorldDX выходит с февраля 2005 года. Время везде UTC; чтобы получить зимнее московское, прибавьте к нему 3 часа. Редактор оставляет за собой право не включать в бюллетень информацию, не отвечающую его тематике. Архив предыдущих номеров бюллетеня можно найти по адресу www.worlddx.narod.ru Присылайте новости для бюллетеня по адресу: fmradios12[dog]hotmail.com ------------------------ Короткие Волны Австралия 2485, AUSTRALIA, VL8K, 1137-1147, Feb.3, English, "Nightlife(?)" music program featuring folk/country music. ID as "105.7 ABC Darwin" and "ABC Radio" at 1145. Poor. // 2310 VL8A-fair. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - hard-core-dx38, 6) 9475, 1540-1601, 04-02, locutor, ingl?s, Noticias a las 1600: "This is Radio Australia, National news". 44444. En paralelo con 11660, tambi?n con SINPO 44444. (Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 6) 15335, CVC International, 0745-0758, 05-02, ingl?s, locutora, canciones y comentarios. 24322. (Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 6) 9475, Radio Australia, 1540-1601, 04-02, ingl?s, locutor, comentarios. A las 1600 identicaci?n y noticias: "This is Radio Australia, national news, good morning". Noticias de Australia. 44444. En paralelo con 11660, tambi?n con SINPO 44444. (Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 6) Alemania 6130, MV Baltic Radio, 1300-1330, 05-02, locutor, identificaci?n en alem?n, comentario. Identificaci?n en ingl?s: "MV Baltic Radio, we broadcast on Short Wave 6130 kHz. Information about our transmission: www.mvbalticradio.de . We broadcast every first Sunday of the month 1300 on 6130 kHz". M?sica y canciones. 45444. (Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 6) Алжир Noted Algerian broadcast (using both Drake R4-C, Sony 2001 and 20 m dipole/East-West) with a good signal here in South West of Finland on 9735 kHz (S8) and 12020 kHz (S6) on saturday Feb 4 at 0755 UTC. When changing into 13570 kHz at 0800, strong QSB. I wonder what are the transmitter antenna angles for those frequencies, or are they omnidirectional? (Matti Ponkamo, Naantali, Finland - CumbreDX 1416) Андаманские и Никобарские о-ва 4760, ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS, Air Port Blair, 1150-1203, Feb.3, Vernacular, OM and YL w/ banter, Hindi music at 1152, more talks and ballads thru t/out w/ (P)ID at 1200. Poor. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - hard-core-dx 38, 6) Ангола 4950 kHz, RNA, Mulenvos, logged on 04 Feb 2336-2350, Portuguese, talks, program announcements, infos, music; 45333. I've been noting a similarly strong silent carrier on 4950 - transmitter problems at RNA? (Carlos Goncalves, Portugual, DXLD 6-025) Аргентина 15345, Radio Nacional, 2230-2303, 04-02.Identificaci?n: "La mejor audiencia, Radio Nacional, si pens?s en m?sica, pens?s en Nacional". A las 2231, todos los sab?dos Radio Nacional tiene un programa dedicado al Islam: "Aqu? comienza Simplemente Islam, el programa del centro isl?mico de Buenos Aires, media hora de un viaje apasionante por el Islam". A las 2300: "Aqu? finaliza simplemente Islam". "Argentina se informa por Nacional, la se?al horaria indic? las 20 horas en todo el pa?s, 26 grados en Buenos Aires". 44444. (Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 6) Афганистан 9345 Feb 7 1230-1400 AFG: Tentative: R. Peace. No clear ID noticed, although the signal was good at times. R Peace has used three frequencies: 9325, 9345 and 9365 kHz, all irregularly and only two of them simultaneously. Today's signal strength suggests improvement in transmitter facility. Also programming has changed to include 15 minute news bulletin at 1230. I checked and this was not in parallel of 15265, 1296 or 1107 kHz. (Mauno Ritola, Finland - hard-core-dx 38, 8) Бенин 5025 ORTB R Parakou 1935 with news in French. Reception was very = nice: SIO 343. Good propagation to Africa this Friday evening.. Also = noted possibly Madagascar on 5010 kHz still past 1930 UTC. WRTH tells = their closing time is 19 UTC, except SS 2100. (Jouko Huuskonen Feb 3, Turku, Finland - CumbreDX 1413) Боливия 4409.2, BOLIVIA, (P)R.Eco, 2241-2300, Feb.3, Spanish, SP music , OM and YL at 2243 then continuous music until abruptly off at 2300. Poor but gradually improving. 23223 re-check revealed very weak music. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - hard-core-dx 38, 6) Бразилия R. Cancao Nova, 4824.98, 0630-0645+ Jan 28, Portuguese religious programming with radio-drama, religious music; weak. // 6105 weak and // 9675 good (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 709) 4935, Radio Capixaba, 2235-2242, 04-02, locutor, portugu?s, comentarios religiosos. 24222. Tambi?n escuchada 0553-0615, 05-02, con predicaci?nes religiosas. El mismo programa que transmit?an a la misma hora Radio Tupi, Curiba en 9565 y Radio Victoria de Per?, en 9720 kHz. (Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 6) 4985, Radio Brasil Central, 0648-0710, 05-02, locutor, portugu?s, comentarios: "Faltan nove minutos para as cinco, Radio Brasil Central, comunicando para o mundo". 34333. (Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 6) 9565, Radio Tupi, Curitiba, 0614-0623, 05-02, locutor, portugu?s, predicaciones religiosas, en paralelo con Radio Capixaba, 4935 y Radio Victoria de Peru, 9720 kHz. (Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 6) 9675, Radio Can?ao Nova, 2105-2115, 04-02, locutor comentarios religiosos, identificaci?n: "Sete horas e sete minutos en Brasilia, Radio Can?ao Nova". 44444. (Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 6) 11830, Radio Anhanguera, 2144-2151, 04-02, locutor, portugu?s, comentarios. 24222. (Manuel Mendez, Friol Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 6) 11925, Radio Bandeirantes, 2152-2154, 04-02, locutor, portugu?s, comentairos de f?bol. 24222. (Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 6) 11915, Radio Gaucha, Porto Alegre, 2154-2205, 04-02, portugu?s, locutor, comentarios. 23222. (Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 6) 11780, Radio Nacional da Amazonia, 1033-1040, 04-02, locutor, portugu?s, comentarios, locutora, identificaci?n: "Radio Nacional da Amazonia". Canciones brasile?as. 33333 (Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 6) 4784 R. Brasil, 21:23-21:30, escuchada el 29 de enero en portugu?s a locutor con comentarios y m?sica de fondo acompa?ada de fuerte zumbido, SINPO (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 6) Буркина Фасо 5030 R. Burkina Faso, 21:18-21:28, escuchada el 2 de febrero en franc?s a locutor con identificaci?n, comentarios y m?sica pop y regae, entrevista, SINPO 44333 (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 6) Габон R. Gabon, 4777, *0501-0515+ Jan 29, abrupt sign-on with French talk, 0502 local vocal music, Afro-pops. F-G (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 702) Гайана 3291.12 GBC Returned to the air on 2 Feb noted with extensive local news broadcast 2300 to 2310 discussion of parliamentary debates, quotes by internal affair official. "Have a safe and pleasant evening"by yl, into 70's pop music. "Guyana Broadcasting Corporation" by om ID. (Roert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1412) Гватемала 4052.5, Radio Verdad, Chiquimula, 0453-0559, 05-02, comentarios religiosos en espa?ol, identificaci?n: "Esta es la estaci?n educativa Radio Verdad, Chiquimula, Guatemala", locutor. A las 0500 programa en ingl?s y cierre a las 0559. 24322. (Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 6) Гондурас 3340, Radio Misiones Internacionales, 0506-0550, 05-02, Buena se?al para este emisora. Comentario: "La verdadera situaci?n del hombre frente a Dios". A las 0550 la se?al desapareci? repentimante, probable corte de electricidad, pues la emisora cierra a las 0601. 24322. (Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 6) Доминиканская Республика By way of review, Radio Cristal was thinking about trying to reactivate but could not do so because there generator didn't have enough capacity to run the SW transmitter as well. I always assumed that the Dominicans were off because of damage, but I wonder now if the above is the reason they are off. My father has just started a job in Santo Domingo and he says that they have what amounts to "rolling blackouts" with the power going out two or three times a day. He says generator sets are for sale everywhere and that there are power generations stations on barges that he has noted in a number of harbors that have been set up to try and keep up with the demand for power. It seems that it would be just too expensive and difficult to operate on SW from the Dominican Republic these days. (Hans Johnson Feb 3, Ochopee, Florida - CumbreDX 1412) R. Anacaona, 2279.96, 0245-0304* Jan 28, continuous local music, 0302 Spanish announcements with ID, 0303 NA; fair. Also next night, Jan 29 at 0256* (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 702) 5010, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, (P)R.Cristal, 2306-2319, Feb.3, Spanish, Lite SP music w/ brief announcer at 2313. Weak/poor w/ summer-like static crashes. No ID noted. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - hard-core-dx 38, 6) Израиль 7545 Kol Israel; 1943-2005+, 1-Feb; pop mx; ad/promo string in HB @1946 & 1956; took calls @1950. EE ID @2000 & continued in EE w/news. SIO=353, no QRM except for brief clatter burst @1951. Not in 06 Passport at this time. (Harold Frodge, Midland, Usa - CumbreDX 1412) 6973 Galei Zahal, 19:55-20:00, escuchada el 30 de enero en hebreo con cu?as de identificaci?n y cu?as publicitarias, comentarios, SINPO 45443 (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 6) Индия 7250 AIR Panaji *0128-0137+ Feb 2. IS, opening anmt in listed Nepali, then musical selection to 0136 news. Poor with co-channel QRM. (John Wilkins, Colorado, Usa - CumbreDX 1412) 4830 AIR Jammu (P) An ID here continues to elude me but this was probably the strongest signal I have ever hear from this station. *0025 sign on with interval signal, Vande Mataram, and then mostly music. Still in there at a fine level when I tuned in to the below. I'm having a lot of fun hearing what I believe is this station, but I just have yet to catch an ID. (Johnson Feb 3) 4950 AIR Srinagar (P) Certainly my best reception of this one as well. My experience has been that on the ECNA you can catch the Indians that sign on earlier but that the peak conditions have pasted by the time(s) stations such as Srinagar sign on so you miss them. Not tonight. *0120 with IS, Vande Mataram song, and talk which I could not really get. Very pleased to hear anything out of this one, that's a first for me. (Hans Johnson Feb 3, Ochopee, Florida - CumbreDX 1412) 5010, INDIA, AIR Thiruvananthapuram, 0130-0150, Feb.3, Vernacular, Presumed ad string at t/in, Hindi music at 0135, 2 OM; one brief the other with lengthy prayer-like talk. Various announcers/music bits at 0148. Poor. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - hard-core-dx 38, 6) Иордания R. Jordan, 11690 doing well against RTTY, Feb 6 at 1555 with usual western pop music; 1600 timesignal and immediately into 96.3 FM news in English, mostly about King condemning cartoons and aftermath; news already done at 1603:30, back to music, Annie Lenox? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DXLD 6-025) Иран V. of Justice, 6120, 0150-0230* Jan 28, tune-in to English broadcast with weather forecast. Political commentary, usual anti-America rhetoric. ID, 0224 news. 0225 closing announcements with mentions of website, satellite frequencies, address, e-mail address followed by lite instrumental music until sign-off. Fair but some adjacent channel splatter, best in ECSS-LSB. // 9665 very weak under unID co-channel station (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 702) Исландия 13865 Rikisutvarpid, 12:17-12:30, escuchada el 5 de febrero en island?s a locutora con bolet?n de noticias y locutor con comentarios, m?sica de sinton?a, SINPO 34232. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 6) Колумбия 2320H ? My best reception of this one yet. I believe the station is in Colombia, but I am not sure which station it is a harmonic of. During the 0900 hour, there was nothing but talk. There were UTC -4 time checks and many mentions of Colombia and Bogota. The format did not seem to be commercial, rather it seemed to be a program talking about religion. There were several mentions of a church in the city of Cali. Just before 1000, a carrier (my guess is Radio Izabal, Guatemala) pops up on the frequency and this makes reception much more difficult after this time. (Hans Johnson Feb 1, Ochopee, Florida - CumbreDX 1412) 6139.8, R. Lider, 1216 good signal at this time w/2 men anncrs w/lcl camposino events to 1230. Different M anncr w/nx at 1230. 1232 ad then M again w/accurate TC and cont. nx. 1233 promo, then usual full canned ID anmnt by M. Starting to fade by 1245. Still readable by 1330. 1400 weak audio but caught promo or outro w/ment of "...Colombia y el mundo..." and internacional, then full canned ID again at 1401, and into mx pgm. Audio still barely detectable at 1420 when the MD ran out!! That's abt 2 hours after lcl sunrise here. (Dave Valko, 4 Feb. - CumbreDX 1413) 6139.8, Radio Lider, 2244-2303, 04-02, canciones en espa?ol, identificaci?n: Radio Lider", "Las canciones de Colombia y el mundo escuch?las en Radio Lider, 730 AM". A las 2300 identificaci?n completa: "Radio Lider, 730 AM... otra pontente emisora de la Cadena Melod?a de Colombia". 23322. (Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 6) Коста-Рика 5054.6, 0945-0959, 05-02, Faro del Caribe, comentarios religiosos, m?sica, identificaci?n: "5055 y 9645 kHz. Faro del Caribe, en el nombre de nuestro Se?or Jesucristo". 24322. (Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 6) Куба 5025, Radio Rebelde, 0835-0900, 05-02, preciosas canciones espa?olas de los a?os 60 y 70, canciones de Los Brincos, Formula V, Cristina y Los Stop, locutora : "Los Brincos, Formula V, Cristian y Los Stop, de famosos se trata". 45444. (Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 6) 9505, Radio Rebelde, 1034-1120, 04-02, locutor, noticias deportivas, identificaci?n: "Seis horas y 35 minutos, estamos haciendo radio". Noticias culturales, el tiempo, "Son las seis con 38 minutos y vamos a conocer el pron?stico del tiempo". Buena se?al. 45444. (Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 6) Либерия 5470, Radio Veritas, 2210-2300, 04-02, Ingl?s, comentarios, identificaci?n: "Your are listening to Radio Veritas, studios in Monrovia". Noticias, canciones africanas. 34333. (Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 6) Ливия 17660...........I tuned the frequency at 1155 and high pitched tones were heard (I don't think Issoudun does this - do they?) and at 1200 there was a lengthy version of the Libyan national anthem followed by ID in Arabic by a woman sounding like 'Idhaat-il Jumhuriyah til Ozma'. Arabic style music and song followed. There appeared to be some distortion or overmodulation present. I could not hear any noise-jamming at all. Meanwhile on 17665 I assume it was Al-Amel with their usual Arabic language broadcast. This started with 'plain' carrier (ie no tones). Both signals were more or less the same strength here - strong 20dB over 9 - but the modulation of 17660 was splashing onto 17665 more than the other way around. (Noel Green, UK - CumbreDX 1412) Мексика 6010, Radio Mil, 0858-0930, 05-02, canciones espa?olas, identificaci?n a las 0900: "Sintonizan Radio Mil AM 50.000 watts de potencia". "Radio Mil, tres y cinco". "Mil AM, tres quince". No interferencia de La Voz de tu Conciencia. 24222. (Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 6) 6010, Radio Mil, 1012-1045, 04-02, canciones rom?nticas en espa?ol, identificaci?n entre canciones, locutor: "Radio Mil, cuatro dieciseis", "Radio Mil,cuatro cuarenta y uno". A las 1045 UTC dej? de escucharse, por ser ya muy de d?a en mi lugar de escucha. Se?al d?bil. 13221. (Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 6) 6185, Radio Educaci?n, 1023-1050, 04-02, m?sica instrumental y canciones, canciones en portugu?s. Identificaci?n: "Radio Educaci?n". 34333. (Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 6) Монголия 4830 kHz, Mongolian R, Altay, observed on 03 Feb 2232- 2245, Mongolian, orchestral arrangements; 35342. 4895 kHz, Mongolian R, Murin, observed on 03 Feb 2233-2246, (same as on // 4830); 35332 (Carlos Goncalves, Portugual - dxld 6-025) Нигерия 4770, NIGERIA, RN-Kaduna, 2216-2232*, Feb.3, English, OM w/ ID, SW and MW freqs and local TC at t/in. Diff. OM w/ "National Service of Radio Nigeria-Kaduna" in passing, rap music. S/off announcmentat 2230, NA at 2232 s/off. Poor/fair. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - hard-core-dx 38, 6) 4770 R. Nigeria Kaduna, 18:25-18:30, escuchada el 29 de enero en ingles a locutor con comentarios, SINPO 33332 (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 6) Новая Зеландия 15720 Radio New Zealand Int'l; 1932-1940+, 1-Feb; "Head- line News about NZ from RNZI"; 1935 Pacific News Rpt. All in EE. SIO=3+53+ (Harold Frodge, Midland, Usa - CumbreDX 1412) 13839.98, R.N.Z., 1108 W anncr giving pgm rundown, then into mx at 1110. TC and National R. ID at 1129. Into NPR pgm. 1200 time ticks, R.N.Z. ID and nx. Nice signal at t/in but fading by 1145. Mixing badly w/IRRS after 1230 and possibly signed off at 1258. No sign of DRM tests. This freq not on every day. (Dave Valko 3 Feb., CumbreDX 1413) Оман R. Sultanate of Oman, 15140, *1406-1500 Jan 28: 1400 open carrier, 1406 abrupt sign-on, just in time to catch the end of English news bulletin. 1408 ID and into techno-pop dance music; music from the movie Grease and other pop tunes. 1500 chimes and English ID, into Arabic. F-G signal but slight hum in audio. Also heard next day, Jan 29, *1400 at correct time and able to hear entire English news bulletin. 1412 into a variety of techno-pop dance music, pop music, country music. 1500 Arabic programming. Good signal (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 702) Пакистан 11570, PAKISTAN, R.Pakistan, 1502-1531*, Jan.31, Urud(listed), OM and YL w/ news re Iraq, Iran, and Pakistan. Various announcers from 1522 b/w music bits. S/off announcments w/ clear ID at 1530. NA at s/off. Fair. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - hard-core-dx 38, 6) Палау 9965 Feb 7 , 1055 -1105 Palau, T8BZ, Koror with Christian px in Chinese (female announcer) and at TOH an ID read by male. "T8BZ (zed, not zee). To be sure I have listened to my recording of this id at least ten times. Best heard n LSB mode due to qrm from 9970 La Premi?re, Belgium. SIO 344. This is my first logging of this station in 9 years, but of course I haven't made many attempts after I received a QSL in 1996. (Johan Berglund, Trollhattan, Sweden - hardc-ore-dx 38, 8) Папуа Новая Гвинея 2410 R. Enga There was a report of this one on a few months ago. Since that time, I have tried for the station a number of times via DX Tuner Australia and have also asked a number of other DXers if they can hear it. No one else has been able to log the station, so I don't think it has reactivated. (Hans Johnson Feb 3, Ochopee, Florida - CumbreDX 1412) 4890, NBC Port Moresby, 1901-1954, 04-02, Noticias en ingl?s de Radio Australia, noticias de Australia y Nueva Zelanda. Entre las 1905 y las 1954 canciones ininterrumpidas. A las 1954 la se?al se debilit? y dej? de escucharse. 24322. (Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 6) Перу My dear friend, the DXer Alfredo Ca?ote, from Peru, report about the new peruvian station on 49 meters. He listened the new station on 6060,8 Khz to 6061,2 Khz It?s Radio Sina?, QTH: Jr Abtao 287 Cercado, Huanuco, Huanuco, Peru Telefono :(62) 51-6288 e-mail : radiotvsinai21@hotmail.com The General Manager is Ruben Matias Lopez (Arnaldo Slaen, Buenos Aires, Argentina - hard-core-dx 38, 3) R. Union, Lima, 6114.86, 0840-0900+ Jan 28, Spanish pops, OA music, IDs, Spanish announcements, poor-fair. R. Huancabamba, 6536.01, 0200-0220* Jan 28, continuous Spanish talk, mentions of Huancabamba. Abrupt sign-off; weak but readable (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 702) 9720, 0618-0633, 05-02, locutor, predicaciones religiosas en portugu?s, en paralelo con Radio Tupi, 9565 y Radio Capixaba, 4935. 24322. (Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 6) Россия 6235 Radio Rossii, 20:05-20:10, escuchada el 31 de enero en ruso a locutor y locutora con bolet?n de noticias y cu?a de identificaci?n, SINPO 54433. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 6) Румыния 6150, Radio Romania International, 0100-0200 Noted in English with features and news. Signal was fair here in Clewiston while it was mixing with the University Network broadcast on this freq. Checked the parallel freq of 11970 KHz and nothing was heard there.(Chuck Bolland, February 4, 2006 - hard-core-dx 38, 6) Свазиленд/Монако 3240, SWAZILAND, TWR, 0311-0331, Jan.31, Vernacular, OM w/ religous talks, mx at 0328 with Harare, Zimbabwe POB, ID at 0330. Fair. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - hard-core-dx 38, 6) Сингапур/Великобритания 3915 BBC; 2306-2311+, 1-Feb; EE news cmtry. SIO=3+22, need USB, right on gray-line. Don't recall catching this one before. //5975 via French Guiana, SIO=4+53+ (Harold Frodge, Midland, Usa - CumbreDX 1412) США 15385 KJES Vado NM; 1919-1930+, 1-Feb; Monotone EE death & suf- fering Bible thumping; no robo-kids. ID by small child @1929. SIO=554 (Harold Frodge, Midland, Usa - CumbreDX 1412) Филиппины 9430, PHILIPPINES, FEBC-Bocaue, 1314-1332, Jan.31, Mandarin, 2 YLs w/ banter over lite instrumental music. Ballads. Fair/good. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - hard-core-dx 38, 6) Финляндия 11690, SWR Scandinavian Weekend Radio, 1051-1128, 04-02, locutor, comentarios en finland?s, m?sica pop en ingl?s, identificaci?n en ingl?s: "This is Scandinavian Weekend Radio on short wave, send your reception report to SWR, P.O. Box 99 34801 Virrat FINLAND Web: http://www.swradio.net/. Interferencia de HCJB con programa en espa?ol en la misma frecuencia. A las 1127 comienza transmisi?n en 11690 la Deutsche Welle, eclipsando a SWR y a HCJB. 22222. (Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 6) Чили/Австралия 11655, CVC La Voz, 0522-0545, 05-02, espa?ol, canciones religiosas, identificaci?n: "CVC La Voz, Noticias". "CVC La Voz, cambiando la historia de la radio". 24322. (Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 6) 17680, CVC La Voz, 1501-1635, 04-02, espa?ol, identificaci?n: "Lo mismo nos puede escuchar un ateo que un religioso". "Noticias de primera en CVC La Voz, una se?al diferente". Programa "Megachicos, megachicos@vozcristiana.com". Programa deportivo "Juego Limpio, la cita deportiva en CVC La Voz". "CVC La Voz, cambiando la historia de la radio". "CVC La Voz, la se?al del hispanohablante del nuevo tiempo". 34333. (Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 6) Эквадор 3279.6, La Voz del Napo, Tena, 0502-0620, 05-02. Muy buenas condiciones en los ?ltimos d?as para escuchar esta emisora, y en general toda la banda de 90 metros. Locutor y locutora, comentarios religioso: "Alabemos al Esp?titu Santo". Lectura del Rosario. Identificaci?n: "O horas 47 minutos, Radio Mar?a". "Somos Radio Mar?a, acomp??enos acerc?ndonos a Dios". 34333. (Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 6) Экваториальная Гвинея 5005 R. Bata, 21:05-21:15, escuchada el 2 de febrero en espa?ol a locutor con bolet?n de noticias, conexi?n con corresponsal de R. Malabo, noticias, SINPO 34232. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 38, 6) ЮАР/Конго 11890 - RADIO OKAPI - 1600 IS & ID 'Okapi'several times, cont. with news by man in French ( ? ) , mentioning 'congo' often. Good audio & signal. Sinpo 55444 (Lim Kwet Hian, Jakarta, Indonesia, Feb.4, 2006 - hard-core-dx 38, 6) ------------------------ Неофициальное Вещание CLANDESTINE (N. Korea) - 5880 R. Free North Korea. Loud jammer noted here at 1500 last 2 days. Heard the station (presumed) on 30 January apparently jammer-free, but not since. (John Wilkins, Colorado, Usa - CumbreDX 1412) CLANDESTINE (Vietnam) - 7380 Little Saigon R. *1459-1520+ Feb 1. Brief vocal mx to 1500 opening anmt by M first, then W; these two talked until 1512 when there was a musical interlude, followed by more talk. No ID heard but was definitely VT language. Fair/poor. (John Wilkins, Colorado, Usa - CumbreDX 1412) ------------------------ СВ/ДВ Разное Сегодня с ~0000 225 РР (Сургут) 279 РР (Екб) 540 Маяк (Оренбург) 576 Маяк (Ояш) 585 РР (Пермь) 594 Маяк (Сургут) 612 Киргизия //1287/4010 639 РР (Омск) 693 РР (Уфа) 738 Маяк (Челябинск) 918 Маяк 936 РР (Матвеевка) 990 Маяк (Юрюзань) 1026 ГР, слабо (Ояш) 1053 РР (Оренбург) 1107 Синьцзян 1395 РР (Бугуруслан) 1458 РР (Кудымкар) 1485 РР (Тюмень) с ~0100 666 ВВС (Екб) 846 Юность (Пермь) 891 Маяк (Тюмень) 1278 Юность, очень слабо (Балезино?) 1287 Юность (Уфа) 1305 Маяк (Серов) 1359 Маяк (Пермь) 1377 Юность (Екб) 1602 Юность (Тюмень) (Виктор Рутковский, Екатеринбург, Россия, Feb 3/2006 - open_dx 1041) 558 1410 Синьцзян на уйгур, //1044 801 1405 Азербайджан?, на рус новости о Азербайджане, громко, но глухо и невнятно 1080 1410 Туркмения на туркм, очень хорошо в течение 30 минут 1161 1407 Таджикское радио, новости на рус (Виктор Рутковский, Екатеринбург, Россия , 04/02/06 - open_dx 1044) 26.01.2006 22.15 177 4 5 5 4 4: D DR Kultur: не заметил, когда они вернулись с DRMа в АМ 25.01.2006 00.00 540 4 3 5 3 3: RUS "Маяк" (Оренбург?) 21.01.2006 17.25 639 4 4 5 4 4: CZE Cesky Rozhlas 04.02.2006 22.16 657 4 4 5 3 3: UKR RUI на румынском 05.02.2006 17.00 657 4 4 4 3 3: UKR Культура (УР-3) з ретрансляцiгю Канадського Мiжнароднього Радiо; QRM RUS "Маяк" (не знаю откуда) 25.01.2006 00.05 738 5 4 5 4 4: E RNE 26.01.2006 00.00 738 5 3 5 3 3: RUS Радио России (откуда?); QRM E 25.01.2006 00.30 756 5 4 5 4 4: D DLF 26.01.2006 19.46 801 4 4 4 3 3: D Bayern 1: очень приятная ретромузыкальная программка 16.01.2006 21.40 837 5 4 5 4 4: F France Info; QRM IRN 26.01.2006 00.14 873 4 4 4 4 4: D AFN 17.01.2006 23.40 918 5 4 5 4 4: SVN R.Slovenija 04.02.2006 22.06 954 4 3 5 3 3: CZE Cesky Rozhlas 6; QRM TUR 04.02.2006 21.45 963 4 3 5 3 3: BUL Р.Шумен (?); QRM FIN 03.02.2006 22.48 1548 5 4 5 4 4: KWT Sawa 03.02.2006 22.30 1557: bubble jamming (непонятно кого глушили) (Сергей Никишин, Москва, Россия - open_dx 1045) ------------------------ УКВ January 30, 2005 Tropospheric Band II Logs: 88.1 DNK DR P1 ?rhus/S?sterh?j 88.3 NOR NRK P2 - Kulturkanalen Lyngdal 88.5 G BBC Radio 2 Pontop Pike 88.7 DNK DR P1 ?lgod/Bavensh?j 89.0 DNK DR P1 S?nder H?jrup 89.6 D NDR 1 Welle Nord Flensburg (Engelsby-Fuchsberg) 89.9 D NDR Kultur Bungsberg/Eutin (NDR Turm) 91.2 S SR P2 Halmstad/Oskarstr?m Sl?tt?kra-Teracom 91.5 F France Culture Caen/Mont Pinson 91.7 DNK DR P3 ?rhus/S?sterh?j 91.9 D NDR 2 Bungsberg/Eutin (NDR Turm) 92.3 DNK DR P3 ?lgod/Bavensh?j 92.4 S SR P2 H?rby/Sallerup-Teracom 92.5 NOR NRK P2 - Kulturkanalen Greipstad 93.2 D NDR 2 Flensburg (Engelsby-Fuchsberg) 93.3 DNK DR P1 Aalborg/Frejlev 94.2 NRK NRK P1 Bjerkreim 94.5 D N-Joy Kiel (Kronshagen-Heischberg) 94.8 DNK DR P1 N?stved/Kobanke 95.0 NOR NRK P3 - Petre Lyngdal 95.3 D DeutschlandRadio Kultur Schwerin (Zippendorf-Neu Zippendorf) 95.4 S SR P3 Halmstad/Oskarstr?m Sl?tt?kra-Teracom 95.9 DNK DR P4 ?stjyllands Radio ?rhus/S?sterh?j 96.1 D NDR Kultur Flensburg (Engelsby-Fuchsberg) 96.9 D DeutschlandRadio Kultur Dequede/Osterburg (TV/UKW-Turm) 97.0 NOR NRK P3 - Petre Greipstad 97.3 NOR NRK P2 Bokn 97.3 S SR P4 Radio Halland Halmstad/Oskarstr?m Sl?tt?kra-Teracom 97.5 DNK DR P4 Regionalen N?stved/Kobanke 97.7 DNK DR P4 Radio Midt & Vest ?lgod/Bavensh?j 98.1 G BBC Radio 1 Pontop Pike 98.1 DNK DR P4 Nordjyllands Radio Aalborg/Frejlev 98.3 D NDR 2 Kiel (Kronshagen-Heischberg) 98.5 DNK DR P4 Radio Midt & Vest Holstebro/Mejrup 98.5 D NDR 2 Schwerin (Zippendorf-Neu Zippendorf) 98.5 G BBC Radio 1 Llangollen 98.7 NOR NRK P2 - Kulturkanalen Bjerkreim 99.0 DNK DR P4 Radio Syd ?lgod/Bavensh?j 99.6 DNK DR P3 N?stved/Kobanke 99.6 F France Inter Caen/Mont Pinson 100.0 G Classic FM North Hessary Tor 100.2 D RSH Bungsberg/Eutin (Elisabethturm) 100.5 DNK DR P2 Musik S?nder H?jrup 101.1 DNK DR P2 Musik Skamleb?k/Odsherred 101.4 D RSH Flensburg (Freienwill-Kl. Wolstrup 101.6 DNK DR P2 Musik N?stved/Kobanke 101.9 D Deutschlandfunk Bungsberg/Eutin (Elisabethturm) 102.3 DNK DR P2 Musik K?benhavn/Gladsaxe 102.5 DNK DR P2 Musik ?lgod/Bavensh?j 102.6 F France Bleu Basse Normandie Caen/Mont Pinson 103.0 DNK DR P2 Musik ?rhus/S?sterh?j 103.3 D Deutschlandfunk Flensburg (Freienwill-Kl. Wolstrup) 103.6 D Radio Hamburg Hamburg (Moorfleet) 104.1 D delta radio Bungsberg/Eutin (Elisabethturm) 104.3 G BBC Radio Cymru Llangollen 104.5 D NDR 1 Welle Nord M?lln (Talkau-Lehmberg) 105.3 D NDR Info Schwerin (Zippendorf-Neu Zippendorf) 105.6 D delta radio Flensburg (Freienwill-Kl. Wolstrup) 106.8 D 106!8 pop'n rock Hamburg (Rahlstedt-H?ltigbaum) 107.3 D Ostseewelle Schwerin (Zippendorf-Neu Zippendorf) 107.8 D MDR Figaro Brocken/Harz 107.9 D delta radio M?lln (Berkenthin-Klosterberg) - January 30, 2005 Tropospheric Band III, IV and V Logs: E05 DNK DR 1 ?lborg E06 DNK DR 1 N?stved E07 DNK DR 1 Rangstrup E08 DNK DR 1 ?rhus E09 NRK NRK 1 Lyngdal E10 DNK DR 1 Holstebro E11 D Das Erste - Reg. NDR Schwerin-Zippendorf E22 DNK TV 2 Tommerup E24 S SVT 2 Halmstad E26 DNK TV 2 Hadsten (?rhus) E26 S SVT 2 Karlshamn E27 DNK TV 2 ?benr? E29 D Das Erste - Reg. NDR Nieb?ll (S?derl?gum) E31 DNK DR 1 K?benhavn Vest/Hove E32 DNK TV 2 Svendborg E33 S SVT 2 H?rby E35 DNK TV 2 Nibe (?lborg) E40 DNK TV 2 Videb?k (Ringk?bing) R40 CZE CT 2 Trutnov/Cerna hora E41 S SVT 1 Finnveden R42 POL TVP 3 Wroclaw/G?ra Sleza E43 S SVT 1 H?rby R43 CZE CT 2 Liberec/hotel Jested E44 S TV 4 Karlshamn E45 S TV 4 Halmstad E48 DNK TV 2 Jyderup E48 S SVT 2 Finnveden E50 S TV 4 H?rby R50 CZE CT 2 Ust? nad Labem/Bukov? hora E53 DNK TV 2 K?benhavn Vest/Hove R53 CZE Nova Jesen?k/Praded E56 DNK TV 2 Viborg Vest (Skive) E58 D NDR Fernsehen Uelzen (Bokel-Bokeler Busch) E58 S TV 4 Finnveden E58 DNK TV 2 Vordingborg E60 D NDR Fernsehen Nieb?ll (S?derl?gum) R60 POL Prima Liberec/hotel Jested (Janpeter van Dijk, Zoetermeer, The Netherlands - FM 17, 3) FREQ TIME DATE STATION TX PS NAME SIGNAL ITU 94.40 19:15 31/01/2006 NDR Kultur Steinkimmen clear GER 96.00 22:37 31/01/2006 BBC Shropshire The Wrekin clear G 96.10 22:37 31/01/2006 BBC Solent Rowridge stereo G 97.40 22:43 31/01/2006 Red dragon Newport clear G 98.10 22:31 31/01/2006 NDR2 Aurich-Popens clear GER 99.80 22:17 31/01/2006 NDR 2 Steinkimmen clear GER 99.90 22:17 31/01/2006 DR P4 R.Syd Rangstrup clear DNK 100.70 22:35 31/01/2006 France bleu Cherbourg clear F 100.80 22:35 31/01/2006 WDR 2 Aachen-Stolberg clear GER 101.60 21:43 31/01/2006 NOS-4 Weiringermeer clear HOL 102.10 22:14 31/01/2006 DR P2 Musik & Kultur Rangstrup clear DNK 102.10 11:18 31/01/2006 studio brussells Egem stereo B 102.60 19:33 31/01/2006 France Bleu Caen stereo F 102.70 19:13 31/01/2006 DR P2 Musik & Kultur Alborg-Frejlev clear DNK 103.60 11:18 31/01/2006 ? ? clear GER 103.70 23:09 31/01/2006 inter lille clear F 104.10 11:17 31/01/2006 4FM Egem clear B 104.10 19:11 31/01/2006 BBC Berks Hannington clear G 104.10 11:17 31/01/2006 BBC Berks Hannington clear G 104.20 19:10 31/01/2006 BBC Northampton clear G 104.20 22:49 31/01/2006 BBC Northampton clear G 104.60 11:20 31/01/2006 unknown ? stereo GER 104.70 19:09 31/01/2006 BBC Gloucester Churston hill clear G 105.20 11:20 31/01/2006 Info lille stereo F 105.20 19:08 31/01/2006 Wave 105 Chillerton Down stereo G 105.30 19:08 31/01/2006 NDR Info Schwerin-Zippendorf clear GER 105.40 19:07 31/01/2006 Century poss Winter hill com G 105.40 19:07 31/01/2006 Real St Hilary com G 105.60 19:07 31/01/2006 Info Caen clear F 105.70 18:46 31/01/2006 Antenna Steinkimmen stereo GER 105.70 22:48 31/01/2006 Real Presely clear G 105.80 18:47 31/01/2006 Virgin Crystal Palace stereo G 105.90 18:47 31/01/2006 Real Christchurch stereo G 106.00 11:20 31/01/2006 premiere Tournai clear B 106.40 11:20 31/01/2006 Einslive Aachen-Stolberg stereo GER 106.40 18:48 31/01/2006 Vibe fm Mendlesham clear G 106.50 19:05 31/01/2006 unknown ? clear 106.70 19:44 31/01/2006 Einslive Langenberg clear GER 106.70 13:54 31/01/2006 Einslive Langenberg stereo GER 107.10 19:04 31/01/2006 DLF Bremen-Walle clear GER 107.30 23:14 31/01/2006 Ostseewelle Schwerin-Zippendorf clear GER 107.70 18:53 31/01/2006 Star 107.7 Worlebury Hill clear G 107.80 22:44 31/01/2006 The saint Midanbury clear G 107.90 19:43 31/01/2006 Einslive Munster clear GER 93.00 21:54 01/02/2006 bbc r4 bow bricknall stereo G 96.80 21:56 01/02/2006 BBC Cymru Wentvoe BBCymru stereo G 102.20 21:56 01/02/2006 GWR FM Nash hill com G 102.20 21:56 01/02/2006 JFM Croydon com G 103.20 21:55 01/02/2006 Red dragon Wenalt REDRAGON stereo G 103.90 21:54 01/02/2006 BBC Wales Wenalt BBCWales stereo G (Mark P, Devon, Wales - skywaves 1809) ------------------------ Связь 11309: Martinair 663 (AMS-PMV, B-767), Selcal Check/w New York, 2-3-06 @ 1914Z 11309: Air France 652 (ORY-FDF, B-747), ATC Clearance/w New York, 2-3-06 1939Z 13354: Alitalia 666 (MXP-CCS, B-767), Position/w New York, 2-3-06 @ 1507Z 13354: Virgin Atlantic 31 (LGW-UVF, B-747), Position/w New York, 2-3-06 1510Z 13354: Britannia 720, Position/w New York, 2-3-06 @ 1513Z 13354: Air France 488 (CDG-SXM, B-747), Position/w New York, A-340), 2-3-06 @ 1523Z 13354: Santa Barbara 1335, Position/w New York, 2-3-06 @ 1524Z 13354: Red Comet 901, Position/w New York, 2-3-06 @ 1530Z 13354: Cubana 481, ATC Clearance/w New York, 2-3-06 @ 1532Z 13354: N104AR (ILG-NHT, Gulfstream), ATC Clearance/w New York, 2-3-06 @ 1536Z 13354: Air France 620 (ORY-PTP, B-747), Selcal Check/w New York, 2-3-06 1539Z 13354: Britannia 798, Postion/w New York, 2-3-06 @ 1554Z 13354: Britannia 740, Selcal Check/w New York, 2-3-06 @ 1555Z 13354: BWIA 901 (LHR-ANU, A-340), Positon/w New York, 2-3-06 @ 1603Z 13354: Corsair 924, Position/w New York, 2-3-06 @ 1606Z 13354: Iberia 6635 (MAD-UIO, A-340), Position/w New York, 2-3-06 @ 1628Z 13354: Iberia 6741 (MAD-BOG, A-340), Position/w New York, 2-3-06 @ 1630Z 13354: Iberia 6501 (MAD-SDQ, A-340), Position/w New York, 2-3-06 @ 1634Z 13354: Iberia 6703 (MAD-CCS, A-340), Position/w New York, 2-3-06 @ 1635Z 13354: Expo 852, Position/w New York, 2-3-06 @ 1641Z 13354: N939QS (?-MMU, Citation), Selcal Check, 2-3-06 @ 1651Z 13354: Air France 608, Position/w New York, 2-3-06 @ 1654Z 13354: Iberia 6301 (MAD-SJO, A-340), Position/w New York, 2-3-06 @ 1711Z 13354: Iberia 6523 (MAD-SJU, A-340), Position/w New York, 2-3-06 @ 1731Z 13354: Avianca 11 (MAD-BOG, B-767), Position/w New York, 2-3-06 @ 1756Z 13354: N977CP (Falcon), Position/w New York, 2-3-06 @ 1759Z 13354: Jet Set 92, ATC Clearance/w New York, 2-3-06 @ 1838Z 13354: Condor 110, Position/w New York, 2-3-06 @ 1848Z 13354: Europa 71, Position/w New York, 2-3-06 @ 1907Z (Mark Holmes, Marion, Illinois, Usa - wun 22, 7) ------------------------ Интернет http://www.peterone.com - Домашняя страница радиолюбителей с острова Петра 1. ------------------------ Прочее Россия С 1 февраля продолжительность вещания радиостанции "Радонеж" на частоте 846 кГц увеличилась на целый час. Программы Радио "Радонеж" жители Москвы, Подмосковья и центральных областей России теперь могут слушать на этой частоте с 20.00 до 24.00 мск. Программу последнего часа выпускает в эфир редакторская группа под руководством клирика московского храма Благовещения о. Андрея Спиридонова, выпускника Литинститута. Эти передачи будут посвящены, в основном, проблемам культуры и искусства. Радонеж (Сергей Колесов, Россия - open_dx 1043) ------------------------ QSL Коста-Рика 5054.6, TIFC- Faro del Caribe, 2-sided, p/d (date and time) "TIFC-Lighthouse of the Carribean" card, window decal and personal letter stating that I can listen to 1080AM by internet at www.farodelcaribe.org which is what I heard via SW. V/S, Lic.Ronald Ortiz R.,Admistrative Mgr. This in 42 days for $1 and an EG rpt. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - hard-core-dx 38, 6) Папуа-Новая Гвинея 3350, R. Northern, Was very surprised to get a great personal verification letter from Mrs. Magarette Embahe (Assistant Director) in 9 wks for $2. She stated "...the frequency some how tripped up to 3350 kilohertz which was restored by our technicians, that is the time you picked us up. Unfortunately after a couple of days it tripped off again, which means we are off the air at the moment. The station does not have any technician as yet so we are awaiting one from Port Moresby to come and put the station back on. Similarly, we do broadcast on 90.6 FM that is also off the air 31/12/05 caused by lightning. We hope to get back on both shortwave and FM band shortly". One of my best PNG QSLs. (Dave Valko, CumbreDX 1413) США USA FLORIDA, Miami WX4NHC - Amateur Radio Station at the National Hurricane Center. Full color photo with f/d stickers on back; also DVD of News clips off local TV broadcasters covering station operations. Report durring Hurricane Watch Net of August 25 2005 on 14.325 mHz for Florida's first landfall of Hurricane "Katrina" (who knew that day?) Received in 138 days for SWL report, CD, rp, SWL card. (K Rychalsky-CT Jan '06 - hard-core-dx 38, 3) Эритрея QSL: CLANDESTINE (Eritrea). 15650, Voice of Delina: One week after sending a follow-up report, I received my report back with a personal note that they do not have QSL-cards at this time, and "please be assured you heard us." Signature not legible. My report was sent to Voice of Delina, c/o Tesfa Delina Foundation, Inc., 17326 Edwards Rd., A-230, Cerritos, CA 90703, following up a Mar 5, 2005 report for reception on that day. Site? At the time of this logging various sources suggested Bulgaria, although Russia is mentioned for more recent frequencies (Wendel Craighead, KS, DX-plorer via DXLD 6-025) -------------------------- Аппаратура Robert Wilkner Pompano Beach, South Florida R 75 and Sony 2010 Scott R. Barbour Jr-Intervale,NH-USA R75, 200' Beverages, MLB-1 antenna, DTS-4 Manuel M?ndez Lugo, Spain Escuchas realizadas en Friol, 27 Km. W de Lugo Grundig Satellit 500 y Sony ICF SW 7600G Antena de cable, 10 metros, orientada WSW Jose Miguel Romero EA5-1022 Burjasot (Valencia) Espa?a YAESU FRG-7700 SANGEAN ATS 909 Antena RADIO MASTER A-108 ---------------- 73 всем! И.Л.
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