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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 53

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WorldDX 53

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Короткие Волны

2310. ABC Northern Territory. Alice Springs. Nearly "armchair" 
level signal on 1/19 from 0950-1215 featuring ABC's broadcast of Australian 
Open tennis tournament including the Hewitt-Chela match
(Stephen Bass, Columbus, Ohio - CumbreDX 1393)

2310 ABC NT Alice Springs in parallel with 2485 Katherine at 1610
with interview in English; excellent signal but some interference on 2485
(Alexander Koutamanis, Jan 19 - CumbreDX 1393)

11880 Radio Australia; 2007-2016+, 19-Jan; Hard rock mx;
RA spot @2010 & into news. All in EE. SIO=252+
(Harold Frodge, Midland, MI, Usa - CumbreDX 1394)

2310, AUSTRALIA, VL8A, 1115-1131, Jan.17, English, OM
w/ sporting event coverage; "..3 games to 1, second
set". Still going at t/out. Poor, weak listening in
USB. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - dxldyg 691)

Saludos cordiales, no se cual es la situacion de las transmisiones de R. Tirana,
pero hoy en los 7465 Radio Tirana en frances a las 20:03-20:25, locutora con
boletin de noticias sobre Albania y Kosovo, a las 20:17 segmento musical de mas
de cinco minutos con canciones melodicas internacionales, buena senal, SINPO
(Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - CumbreDX 1392)

15820/L Radio Continente; 2005-2019+, 21-Jan; Lite mx to ID
 2007+ then M/SS cmtry & taking phone calls.  I believe this is the 1st
time I've hrd the 15820 relays not sports. SIO=252+ w//good peaks.
(Harold Frodge, Midland, Usa - CumbreDX 1398)

5952.40, R. Emisora Pio XII, 1051-1102  Noted 
a man in Sp comments until 1056
when a woman with canned ID.  Signal was buried in the 
noise until trying to us the NR function
(Noise Reduction) on the NRD545.  This reduced the 
noise and allowed the audio to come up.
Still the signal was threshold.
(Chuck Bolland, January 18, 2006 - CumbreDX 1391)

5967.8 R National de Huanuni (P) 1040 I could not stay with 
this one, but this is the best I have
heard it in years, if not ever.  Impassioned speech by man in Spanish.  
I rarely get audio out of this one, but it was a solid '3' today.  I generally
consider conditions 
pretty good if I can even get a carrier out of this one.  
Their modulation seems better, it used to be quite shallow. 
(Hans Johnson Jan 18, Ochopee, Florida - CumbreDX 1391)

4410 BOLIVIA, Radio Eco, Reyes, SS, 16/01 2310, identificacao completa, 
cancao OM, YL: informacao da hora local: ‘Son 19 horas y vinte 
minutos’. YL: Talks. 25322 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo, Brasil - CumbreDX 1392)

4650 BOLIVIA, R. Santa Ana, Santa Ana, SS, 16/01 2325, OM: anuncios 
para pessoas da regiao com mencao a Santa Ana. 25432
(Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo, Brasil - CumbreDX 1392)

7600, BULGARIA, R.Varna, 0142-0205, Jan.16, Bulgarian,
Pop music prg. w/ ID b/w selections. OM w/ presumed
news at 0200, mx at 0205. Fair. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - dxldyg

2460 Super R. Alvorado Catholic 1021 Ava Marias by a chorus, 
then a vocal song by a man.
1026 ID by woman in Portuguese, rapid talk by man and then an ID with 
frequency at 1028.  Very happy to
get this one as I have been trying for quite some time.   I checked for 
other 2 MHz Brazilians but this
is the only one I heard. (Hans Johnson Jan 18, Ochopee, Florida - CumbreDX 1391)

7842 BRASIL, Radio Diario da Manha (emissora pirata do Brasil), local de
transmissao desconhecido, PP, programa 'Sertanejo Apaixonado', locucao e
sinal de qualidade a desejar. Oferecimentos musicais para 'caminhoneiros que
rodam pelas estradas do Brasil'. 35543 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo, Brasil -
CumbreDX 1398)

Буркина Фасо
Unusual opening as early as 2230 for
reception in the 60 mb. from West Coast Africa.
Burkina Faso 5030, was literally booming by 2300,
overcoming the usual splatter we got here from R.
Rebelde 5025. Characteristic format with high life
music and DJ interventions for a SINPO 34443. 
(Raul Saavedra, Costa Rica - dxldyg 689)

4856.6, R. Amazonas, found their horribly distorted signal here 
this morning at 1042.  (21 Jan., Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1397)

R. Gabon, 4777, *0458-0520+ Jan 14, sign-on with NA. 0459 opening
French announcements, 0500 possible news. 0504, 0505, 0507 ``Radio Gabon`` IDs.
0508 local children`s chorus; fair (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg

Right now I'm listening to RFI on 4890 via Moyab=E9, Gabon with Mid-East =
music program hosted by a woman on a borowed Eton P10 rx. 
(Bogdan Chiochiu, Pierrefonds, Montreal, Canada - CumbreDX 1394)

9405 Save the Gambia Democracy Project/Voice of the Disapora via 
Julich.  Jan.14. 20oo-2030 Heard at sign-on with 
AfricanDrum/Instrumental Music, followed with sign-on with ID, reference 
to the Gambia Democracy project. Followed with a Live Speech, ( heard 
the microphone effects) by guest speaker, with reference to restoration 
of democracy and the raising tide of freedom. Interspersed with short 
selections of  Local music. Noted  with closing remarks, mention of 
their web site  and this final comment 'reform will come soon..no matter 
the time.. Off with African Instrumental Music. Signal was just marginal 
to peaks where it was quite good. (Edward Kusalik- Alberta, CANADA - CumbreDX

RTG Conakry 7125 (Thorsten, excuse my 7215
typo last week) a regular here after 2200, improving
as sunset approches, tho not heard some days, caught
my attention in the sense they were playing an Spanish
recitation. I guess they played only because is well
performed, but I wonder how much people for which this
transmission is intended got the meaning of those
words. (Raul Saavedra, Costa Rica - dxldyg 689)

9735 Deutsche Welle; 2054-2100*, 18-Jan; EE news cmtrys. One
IS & off. No sign of Paraguay. (Harold Frodge, Midland, Mi, Usa - CumbreDX 1394)

4780, 0406-0415, 19-01, canticos del Coran, locutor, 
comentarios en arabe. 24322. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 1164)

6165 Radio Two 2222 with woman announcer and pop music in 
English.   Time
check at 2227 for 23:27 and then a Britney Spears song.  ID by woman 
after this song as
"This is  ZNBC, Radio Two."  Strong and clear. 
(Hans Johnson Jan 18, Ochopee, Florida - CumbreDX1392)

Friday Jan.20 I just missed hearing English 1030 but the following Ladino at
1045 was on air followed by French at 1100-1115 on same 15640.  But listed
17535 was carrying Hebrew (sounded to be Bet) and this was heard to close
abruptly at 1455.
At c1458 frequency 13855 appeared in Hebrew but this suddenly switched to
Persian just after the hour. No jamming audible and strength of this signal
seems to indicate that it replaces 15760 (unheard) for NoAM/WeEUR.  Persian
was also heard via 7420 and jammed. Frequency 9985.1 also came up and was
jammed but this carried a Russian language service. Some time before 1600
this changed to Persian and was heard with ID at 1600 (Fri.only) close down.
Co-ch 9985 QRM from as yet unid. American religious station - WWCR?
1600 Russian (Fri.only) was heard via 13855, and 11605 came up later. No
transmission audible on 15760 or 17535 or other 'traditional' freqcy.
 1630 after IS had filled the "lost" five minutes of Russian time pips were
heard on 13855 and 11605 followed by local non-stop popular music/song. No
French at all. Listed 15760 and 17535 not heard.
1645 time pips and intro to announced Espanol - frequencies as at 1630.
(Noel Green, UK - dxldyg 691)

6973 ISRAEL, Galei Zahal, Tel-Aviv, Hebraico, 22/01 0200, YL: boletim
noticioso, mencao a 'Tel-Aviv', breve intervalo musical e uma comunicacao
por OM. Cancao 'Bridge over trouble water', com Simon & Garfunkel, e outras
cancoes internacionalmente conhecidas. 35433 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo, Brasil
- CumbreDX 1398)

4960, AIR Ranchi (pres.), 1222 beautiful lcl Indian mx w/W 
vclist.  1224 canned anmnt by W w/mx, then M at 1225.  1226 tlk by live M, 
and more mx at 1228.  Instru. mx bridge at 1229, 1230 M anncr briefly 
(ID??), then more Indian mx.  No EG nx at BoH, but then again there was no 
EG nx on 4860 Delhi either.  (21 Jan., Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1397)

4980 INDIA, All India Radio, Shimla, Hindi (?), 22/01 0144, OM,YL: talks
(QRM 4985 Radio Brasil Central). 23422 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo, Brasil -
CumbreDX 1398)

6060, RAI, Notturno Italiano, 0100-0250, 19-01, Noticias a la 
0100 en italiano, ingles, frances y aleman. Recuperadas las noticias 
en ingles, cuando en dias pasados habia desaparecido de los boletines 
horarios del Nocturno Italiano. Musica clasica y canciones. 33333.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 1164)

5775 Italian Radio Relay Svc. (p); 2208-2215+, 21-Jan; Relaying "Radio
Six Int'l"; M/EE DJ w/rock mx SIO=343- (Frodge-MI)
13765 Vatican Radio; 1747-1757*, *1800-1803+, 20-Jan; EE discussion
about Malawi. Bells IS & off @1757 for 1 min. then IS back on;
voice on in LL @1800. This differs from 06 Passport. (Harold Frodge, Midland,
Usa - CumbreDX 1398)

RCI Sackville spur: 9405. 1500-1515+ Jan 13, fairly strong, two
separate English programs mixing together. // 9515 RCI and // 9625 CBC Northern
Service. 110 kHz separation. Did not hear any other spurs. I noticed the CBC
announced frequency as ``96.25 kilohertz``. Yes, they said 96.25 kHz 
(Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 690)

4820, CHINA, Xizang PBS, 1127-1139, Jan.16, Mandarin,
Ballads w/ OM and YL talks. Tuned up to 4820.65 to
avoid het from Honduras. Fair/poor. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - dxldyg

6185, CHINA, Huayi BCS, 1200-1220, Jan.16, Mandarin,
Drums at t/in then pop-like ballads w/ OM b/w
selections. Fair listening in USB. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - dxldyg

3950 CHINA, Xinjiang People BC, Urumqi, Ch, 21/01 0036, OM: talks (aqueles
interminaveis comentarios nos idiomas daquela regiao). 25222 
(Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo, Brasil - CumbreDX 1398)

6139.8 Radio Lider 0000 UTC full top of the hour ID 9 melodic  chime 
notes Desde Bogota Colombia transmite Radio Lider en canal frequencia  HJCU.

Radio Lider AM estereo el transmiter en setecientos treinta kilociclos.  Otra

potente emisora de la Cadena Melodia de Colombia. (Jan 19, Edward Rausch - CumbreDX

6139.8, Radio Lider, 2320-2359, 18-01, Noticias del mundo, 
comentario sobre la ola de frio en Rusia, al finalizar las noticias, 
identificacion: "Musica y entretenimiento en Radio Lider". Canciones 
mexicanas. 24322. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 1164)

9505 Radio Habana; 2045, 19-Jan; "Radio Havana Viewpoint" EE
news cmtrys. SIO=333  Not in '06 Passport. (Harold Frodge, Midland, MI, Usa -
CumbreDX 1394)

4760, LIBERIA, ELWA Radio, 2250-2300*, Jan.16,
English, Religous music w/ announcer b/w selections.
ID and NA at s/off. Poor. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - dxldyg 691)

11705 Voice of the People (for Zimbabwe) heard with a nice 
signal. If there was jamming, it was bothering this signal.
It seems that the recent raid reported by Media Network in which the 
police confiscated computers and other equipment has had an effect, though.
The station was just playing music and IDing between each song.  
(Hans Johnson Jan 18, Ochopee, Florida - CumbreDX 1392)

11960 Radio Mali (P) 0855 with great local music.  Very solid 
modulation and signal.
Much better here than trying to hear them in the 60 mb.  Male announcer 
with short announcer
in language (Bamara?) but nothing in French and nothing sounding like 
an ID.  They went right
through the hour of 0900 and the reception was good until I tuned out 
at 0925. (Hans Johnson Jan 19, Ochopee, Florida - CumbreDX 1392)

11640 China Radio Int'l; 2019-2023+, 19-Jan; EE "CRI News" fea-
ture on Chinese railways. SIO=322+, fluttery QRM & occasional buzz.
(Harold Frodge, Midland, MI, Usa - CumbreDX 1394)

Minivan Radio is to restart short-wave broadcasts for a week from Monday 23
January. Special broadcasts will focus on protests planned across the country
on Tuesday. Minivan Radio, which can also be listened to online from the front
page of this website, will be broadcast between 9-10 pm on the usual frequency
of SW 11800 kHz, 25 meter band, starting from Monday evening.
(via Kevin Redding, AZ, ABDX via dxldyg 693)
I.e. same as before 1600-1700 UT (gh, dxldyg 693)

R. Nigeria, Kaduna, 4770, 0557-0610+ Jan 13, tune-in to Afro-pop
music. 0600 ID and English news; fair (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg, PA - dxldyg

Voice of Nigeria, 15120, *1630-1730+ Jan 13, sign-on with Arabic programming.
Koran. 1700 into English with news, commentary. Good signal strength but the
usual audio problems. Some programs with very good audio and some programs
distorted with low modulation (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 690)

R. Sultanate of Oman, 15140, *1404-1500 Jan 13, abruptly on midway
thru their English newscast. 1409 ID and into Euro-pop dance music. Fairly
strong carrier but very low modulation and barely audible by 1415 due to low
modulation which just got weaker and weaker. Not heard next day, Jan 14 
(Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 690)

Папуа-Новая Гвинея
7120, Wantok R. Light, 1235-1435, greetings/dedications 
pgm hosted by M anncr.  Mostly rel. Pop-like songs.  1301 nice clear canned 
ID in EG by M over mx "This is the Papua New Guinea Christian Broadcasting 
Network, Wantok R. Light, FM and shortwave".  Right back to mx.  1309-1314 
song anmnt, TC "9 minutes past 11", date, and ment of "final hour", the 
what sounded like lcl nx events (bank robbery, accident, economic nx), then 
more greetings and dedications.  Canned anmnt (possible ID) at 1401.  Still 
barely audible at 1435.  SP Hams before 1300, and horrendously stronge CW 
Hams after 1400.  (21 Jan., Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1397)

6114.80, Radio Union, 1125,  Signal was buried in 
the noise and the NR didn't help much.  Every
once in awhile, audio would pop up out of the noise and 
splatter.  (Chuck Bolland, January 18, 2006 - CumbreDX 1391)

6188, Radio Oriente, 1127-1140  Noted a program 
of music and Spanish comments from a
woman.  Live ID at 1128, "... Radio Oriente...".  Then 
another, but canned, at 1136 by a man.
This followed with either ADs or canned promos.  At 
1141 a man begins commenting.   At
that time the signal improved as a hint of sunrise 
appeared in the Eastern sky. Signal was fair.
(Chuck Bolland, January 18, 2006 - CumbreDX 1391)

5939.30, Radio Melodia, 0917-0930  Initially 
noted a man in Spanish comments.  At 0921, signal faded 
to Nil for a moment then came back, but only briefly. 
By 0935 the signal was gone.  (Chuck Bolland, January 19, 2006 - CumbreDX 1392)

4385.8  R. Imperio (Presumed)  0440-0500.  Talk by man, possibly
religious, in Spanish.  Echo indicated possible church or large hall.
Occasional response / reaction by audience.  A few music bridges.  Poor
signal.  Gone by 0500.  SINPO 24222 at best.  (Jim Evans, TN, Jan 20 - CumbreDX

6188, Radio Oriente, 1115-1130  At tune in, noted 
Spanish ballads.  And between music, a woman in 
comments.  Signal was good.  (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, Florida, January 20,
2006 - CumbreDX 1394)

5939.30, Radio Melodia, 0921-0935 Noted a man 
in Spanish comments. At 0921, signal faded to Nil for a moment then came back,
but only 
briefly. By 0935 the signal was gone.  (Chuck Bolland, January 19, 2006 - hard-core-dx
37, 21)

6047.14, R. Santa Rosa, A very weak carrier appeared around 1046 and 
considerably strengthened at 1049 w/audio already going; orch. mx w/chorus 
and canned anmnt by M.  Into rel. mx at 1051.  From what I've noticed, this 
signs on at 1045 daily, and always on the exact same freq.  The xmtr must 
be crystal controlled.  They must also s/on w/low power before either 
switching to high power or manually increasing it.  So its easy to log it 
as s/on time and freq doesn't vary, but you had to deal w/6050 HCJB 
QRM.  (21 Jan., Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1397)

4385.81 Radio Vision, Chiclayo 1100 to 1115, religious service 
"..en la iglesia....Senor Jesus Cristo..."  good signal, 18 January 
[Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1398]

4824.49 La Voz de la Selva, Iquitos 1030 to 1045"...companeros 
amigos.." and "..La Voz de la Selva"1045 22 January, excellent on 21 
January at 1110 with flauta andina y locutor [Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach,
Florida - CumbreDX 1398]

4826.45 Radio Sicuani, Sicuani 1100 noted in passing with strong 
signal 22 January [Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1398]

5005.92t Radio LTC Juliaca 1110 to 1125 fading out 22 January; 20 
January [Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1398]

5070.69 Ondas del Suroriente,Quillabamba 1030 to 1050 under the 
omnipresent Nahsville, om "sintonia...Peru ..Suroriente .."  18 January  
[Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1398]

6075, Radio Rossii, 1112-1120  Noted a man and 
woman in Russian language news during
the entire period.  Signal was poor.
(Chuck Bolland, January 18, 2006 - CumbreDX 1391)

5850 Special Radio, 19:35-20:00, escuchada el 19 de enero en
ruso a locutor con ID y cu?a publicitaria, sinton?a y programa de
m?sica pop y rock alternativo, SINPO 44343 (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain
- hard-core-dx 37, 22)

7145 Radio Romania Int'l; 2133-2140+, 21-Jan; W w/Romanian &
Euro news. ID @2138 then M&W w/last weeks headline items. All in EE.
SIO=433+, CW QRM (Harold Frodge, Midland, Usa - CumbreDX 1398)

Северная Корея
4450, KOREA(DPR), KCBS-Pyongyang, 1148-1205, Jan.16,
Korean, Ballads, pips and announcer at 1200. Weak,
fluttery under prop. QRN (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - dxldyg 691)

Сингапур (?)
6080, Radio Singapore International,(pres), 
1101-1111,  Noted a woman in English comments which 
sounded like news during the period.  At about 1111, a 
Spanish language transmission blocks the signal.  RSI 
was threshold.  (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, Florida, January 20, 2006 - CumbreDX

6055, Radio Slovakia International, 
0815-0827, Noted individuals in commenting in the 
German language.  At about 0826, man gives closing 
comments with ID in German.  Signal was good. 
(Chuck Bolland, January 19, 2006 - CumbreDX 1392)

3215 ESTADOS UNIDOS, WWCR, Nashville-TN, EE, 16/01 2302, px religioso, 
OM: talks, pergunta de um ouvinte ao telefone. Programa bastante ao 
estilo do falecido Dr. Gene Scott. 25222 (Рудольф Гримм, Сан Бернардо, Бразилия
- CumbreDX 1392)

9265.1 WMLK Bethel PA (p); 2023-2030+, 19-Jan; M/EE Bible, Mosiach & Yahweh thumping.
S20 sig.
11915, WWRB Manchester TN; 1945-2005+, 2030-2021+, 2052-2101+, 2157-
2205+, 19-Jan; Pgm "Investigative Report", ads for cures, gold, Fuel
Mule, etc. "Worldwide Radio B'cast" spot @2000, then new similar
cmtry pgm, "The Dan ? Pgm", "Here on RBN".  All in EE. Finally caught
WWRB ID inserted over pgmming @2200 then "The National Intel Rpt".
This freq not on their current web sked & not in 06 Passport. 
SIO=222, intermittant buzz QRM & LSB helps w/11930 Marti splatter. 
Cleaner @2200 w/weaker Marti, but some co-channel QRM.
(Harold Frodge, Midland, Usa - CumbreDX 1394)

11735, TANZANIA, Spice FM via RT, 1759-1816, Jan.17,
English/Vernacular, "Techno" mx at t/in, "It is now 9
o'clock east African time" by YL followed by African
and International news. ID at 1805, "This is the news
coming to you from Spice FM" and at end of news at
1810. OM in language w/ talks and music. Poor/fair,
best listening in USB. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - dxldyg 691)

11820 FILIPINAS, R. Veritas Asia, Palauig, Indonesio (conforme o BCLNews),
21/01 2321, YL: comentario, um breve intervalo musical, e o encerramento das
transmissoes por OM informando endereco eletronico. 35553
(Rudlof Grimm, Sao Bernardo, Brasil - CumbreDX 1398)

7580 R. Fard?, 20:20-21:00, escuchada el 19 de enero en
farsi con cu?as de ID y programa de m?sica pop local e internacional,
SINPO 55544 (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 37, 22)

11700 EQUADOR, HCJB, Quito, SS, 21/01 2310 , 2 OMs comentando sobre o
programa missionario que se desenvolve na Africa, e suas similaridades com o
que vem sendo realizado na America Latina. Programa 'Noticiero 1'. 33543
(QRM AWR). (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo, Brasil - CumbreDX 1398)

4815 R Buen Pastor has been off for a number of weeks.
Reception had been good. (Hans Johnson, Ochopee, Florida - CumbreDX 1398)

good signals from Ethiopia at 0410: Vo Tigray Revolution on 5500
and 6350, R Fana on 6210 and 6940, and the strongest R Ethiopia on 7110 only
(Alexander Koutamanis, Jan 20, Netherlands - CumbreDX 1394)

7380 Voice of Biafra; 2155-2159*, 21-Jan; Rlgs mx in LL.
M w/ID & close @2157. EE from 2100 per 06 Passport. (Harold Frodge, Midland,
MI, Usa - CumbreDX 1398)

530 TURKS Y CAICOS,   Radio Visi?n Cristiana, Caicos del sur JAN 19 0404 - Poderosa
con predicaci?n en espa?ol. SIO 454 (Chiochiu-QC)

555 ST. KITTS Y NEVIS,   ZIZ, Basseterre JAN 19 0505 - con una bell?sima canci?n
reggea melancolica y locutor en ingles caribe?o que dice que BBCWS va a seguir
hasta las 5 de la madrugada, sigue con BBCWS y politicos. El se?al fue muy bueno
con interferencias minoras de la emisora semi-anulada CHLN-550. SIO 444 (Chiochiu-QC)

600 CUBA,   CMKV, Radio Rebelde, Urbano Norris JAN 19 0405 - con Estac?on. Bueno,
pero en mezcla con WICC en Bridgeport. SIO 422 (Chiochiu-QC)

750 VENEZUELA,   YVKS, Radio Caracas Radio, DF JAN 18 0045 - corespondente en
un programa de locuci?n politico. El se?al fue bastante, pero tenido interferencias
despues WSB-750 y mi emisora local CKAC-730. (Chiochiu-QC)

890 CUBA,   CMDZ, Radio Progreso, Chambas JAN 19 0130 - con una canci?n flamenco
gitana (gypsy en ingles - Bogdan). Muy bueno cuando yo pone la radio on, pero
muy pobre a la 0130. SIO 454 a 0130 y SIO 122 a la 0133 Tiempo Universal (all
logs made by Bogdan Chiochiu, Pierrefonds, Quebec, Canada - hard-core-dx 37,

585 ESPA?A,   Radio Nacional de Espa?a, Madrid ENE 20 0035 - Hombre, mujer y
oyentes en espa?ol. Algunas palabras se podian comprender como "boca",
"para" y "deporte". El se?al fue bastante acceptabil por un DXisto como yo
con peque?a salpicadura despues 580 y 590, pero la modulaci?n no fue tan
buena. (Chiochiu-QC)

1134 CROACIA,   Hrvatski Radio, Zadar ENE 20 0054 - con m?sica croaciana.

DX Pano-Americano:

530 TURKS Y CAICOS,   RVC, Caicos del Sur ENE 20 0128 - con meteo sobre
various partes del Caribe, ex.: peque?a lluvia en San Juan, PR. Muy poderoso
como casi todav?a. SIO 454 (Chiochiu-QC)

550 VENEZUELA,   YVKE, Mundial, Caracas, DF ENE 20 0157 - Mujer hablia de
"el gobierno del pueblo". Bueno, sobre algunas interferencias de CHLN-550
que fue anulado bastante buenamente y otras emisoras Norte-Americanas con
se?ales m?s d?biles. SIO 332 (Chiochiu-QC)

555 ST KITTS,   ZIZ, Basseterre ENE 20 0204 - Programaci?n de m?sica reggea.
Poderoso con CHLN-550 en algun tiempos completamente anulado y en otro con
algun salpicadura del se?al residual de est? emisora semi-local de onda del
sol y corto-hop onda del cielo. SIO 433 (Chiochiu-QC)

600 CUBA,   CMKV, Radio Rebelde, Urbano Norris / Holguin ENE 20 0243 - Pobre
con mayor interferencia con WICC y posiblemente otras emisoras
Norte-Americanas; la misma programaci?n (Estaci?n) que CMBA-670.

670 CUBA,   CMBA, Radio Rebelde, Arroyo Arrenas ENE 20 0243 - Estaci?n, //
600. Poderoso, pero con desvanesamiento. SIO 432. (Chiochiu-QC)

750 VENEZUELA,   YVKS, RCR, Caracas, DF ENE 20 0206 - con el beisbol. Una de
las equipas fue Los Tigres de Aragua. Muy poderoso, SIO 444 (Chiochiu-QC)

760 COLOMBIA,   HJAJ, RCN Cadena Bas?ca, Barranquilla ENE 20 0108 - con
noticias colombianas. Pobre y interferencia de un se?al residual-anulado
igualmente d?bil de WJR Detroit. SIO 222. (Chiochiu-QC)

890 CUBA,   CMDZ, Radio Progreso, Chambas ENE 20 0033 - locuci?n en espa?ol,
sigue con una hermosa balada de Julio Iglesias, yo creo. SIO 433 cuando la
recepci?n fue buena (Bogdan Chiochiu, Pierrefonds, Quebec, Canada - hard-core-dx
37, 22)

1638   OFK: Turku Radio Vaasa 0635 USB nav wngs (21Jan06)(KB)
1677   OFK: Turku Radio Mariehamn 0640 USB nav wngs (21Jan06)(KB)
1719   OFK: Turku Radio Hailuoto 1840 USB wx & nav wngs and ice
        report in Finnish //2810 (19Jan06)(KB)
2600   PBK: Netherlands Coastguard 0940 USB wx robot voice. Freq
        not listed. Scheveningen site? Appears too weak here for
        Appingedam (the only? other CG HF stn) //3673 (15Jan06)(KB)
2810   OFK: Turku Radio Helsinki 1835 USB wx & nav wngs and ice
        report in English (19Jan06)(KB)
2819   VENI88: Unid 1819 ALE/USB clg VENI92 and VENI97 who both
        respond. Short serial-tone dig tfc and voice. Language id
        not feasible, domestic QRM on this freq. (19Jan06)(KB)
 3166.5 Unid 0736 ARQ-E 85.7/170 idling (21Jan06)(KB)
 3176.5 Unid 0737 ARQ-E 85.7/170 idling (21Jan06)(KB)
 3275.4 Unid. D AF? 0729 UNID 3*192/200 spaced approx. 700 Hz.
        Offair 0731 (21Jan06)(KB)
 3886.5 AEA1AP: US Army MARS stn, D 0820 LSB wkg AEA1AT and AEA1AP
 4317.9 Moscow Meteo 1531 FAX 120/576 700 hPa analysis. Slight
        multipath distortion (15Jan06)(KB)
 4750   3434: Unid 0910 ALE/USB sounding (21Jan06)(KB)
 8146.5 IMB55: Rome Meteo 0714 FAX 120/576 Unid 2-panel chart. 
Still unusable due to horiz. stretched black areas (21Jan06)(Klaus Betke, Germany
- wun 21, 38)

8462.0 9MR: Malay Navrad 1555 rtty 50/850 5LG
(20/01/01) (RH2)
12745.5 VTP13/14 IN shakhapatnam 1613 rtty 50/850
RY/ID + 3LG (20/01/01) (RH2)
12745.5 JJC: Kyodo Tokio 1620 fax 60/576 Nx/JJ
(20/01/01) (RH2)
12856.7 6WW: FF Dakar 1551 rtty 75/850 RY/ID/Testing
(20/01/01) (RH2)
13444.0 RDQP: FF Jibouti 1515 arq-e3 100/400 Idling
(20/01/01) (RH2)
13538.0 ZSJ: SAN Silvermine 1540 fax 120/576 Sfc anal - not on 7508.0
unusually! (20/01/01) (RH2)
16260.0 P6Z: MFA Paris 0655 fec-a 192/400 Call up string for N2g/Sana- "N2G
de P6Z bjr de qtc31
sur la pile 134 int QRV gimi" - repeated for 20 mins!
(21/01/01) (RH2)
16906.5 FUV: FF Jibouti 1541 rtty 75/850 RY/ID/Le Brick (20/01/01) (RH2)
(Robert C.C. Hall, Zambia - wun 21, 38)
http://swli05639fr.blogspot.com/ - Francesco Home
http://israelradio.org/sw.htm - Радио Рэка
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/de1103 - Обсуждение приемников Degen!
http://uk.geocities.com/dxsf/ - Robert Wilkner HomePage

6020 & 9570 CRI via Cerrik. Full data 'endangered rare animals series' 
card with site, in 45 days
(Edward Kusalik- Alberta, CANADA - CumbreDX 1397)

Сегодня, 20 января получил сразу две QSL от Радио Беларусь на частоты 5970
и 7440 кГц. QSL пришли открытками, т.е. без конвертов. Заполнены на
английском языке, авторучкой. Подпись:  Larisa Sud...( фамилия не
разборчиво ). Рапорты посылал по эл. почте.
(Дмитрий Кутузов, Рязань, Россия - open_dx 1018)

7380 Little Saigon  Radio ( via Taiwan Transmitters)  Full data 
multi-colored card with list of AM Stations carrying this program, Short 
wave listed too. Reply address: 15781 Brookhurst Street, Suite 101, 
Westminster, California, 92683  Web site: www.littlesaigonradio.com  
Reply in 63 days.   v/s Joe D.Dinh  (Edward Kusalik- Alberta, CANADA - CumbreDX

6235 IBB Kuwait Transmitting Station. Full data Verification letter, 
direct from Kuwait. Address for reports: Kuwait Transmitting Station, 
c/o American Embassy-Bayan, P.O. Box 77, Safat, 13001- Kuwait. Reply in 
44 days. v/s George Miller Transmitter Planet Supervisor.
(Edward Kusalik- Alberta, CANADA - CumbreDX 1397)

7210 Bible Voice Broadcasting via Dhabayya. Full data 'Reaching Nations' 
card with site, in 100 days, after sending follow-up to Toronto Ontario 
address. (Edward Kusalik- Alberta, CANADA - CumbreDX 1397)

7580 Family Radio via Novosibirsk. Full data 'three Decades of Faithful 
Service' card, with site, and religious material, in 46 days.
(Edward Kusalik- Alberta, CANADA - CumbreDX 1397)

Забыл сообщить, сегодня получил QSL от TWR Swaziland на частоту 9500 кГц.
Подпись: Mrs. Lorraine Stavropoulos. Рапорт так же отправлял по эл. почте.
(Дмитрий Кутузов, Рязань, Россия - open_dx 1018)

7415/9330  Hour of the Time BCB via WBCQ-The Planet. Full data 
Verification Statement Letter, with information /schedule and Tape 
purchases, from the USA Address.  v/s John Doyel Shamley
(Edward Kusalik- Alberta, CANADA)
9840  United Radio broadcasters of New Orleans/WWL, via WHRI, Cypress 
creek Transmitter. Full data Special QSL Card #23 in 15 days. v/s Joe 
Polett, C.E. WWL Radio  (Edward Kusalik- Alberta, CANADA - CumbreDX 1397)

6100 CRI via Meyerton. Full data 'endangered rare animals series' card 
with site, in 45 days (Edward Kusalik, Alberta, CANADA - CumbreDX 1397)
Jose Miguel Romero EA5-1022
Burjasot (Valencia)

Scott R Barbour Jr-Intervale,NH-USA
R75, 200' Beverages, MLB-1, DTS4

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