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WorldDX 51

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Короткие Волны

7240 Radio Australia; 1424-1436+, 2-Jan; EE phone interview
with BBC's Ray Clarke who apparently speaks for Brits on every topic.
SIO=4+43+ (Harold Frodge-MI - CumbreDX 1376)

6155 Radio Osterreich 1, Wien, 0506-0511, January 03, German
news & talk. After, classic music, 24442
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1375)

New additional transmission for Adventist World Radio from 
Jan. 1: 1500-1530 on 15150 MOS 300 kW / 120 degrees Daily to ME in 
Turkish, new language (Observer, Bulgaria, Jan 10 via DXLD 6007)

7285 China Radio Int'l; 2107, 2-Jan; "China Drive on CRI".
M&W in EE w/peppy chat pgm. SIO=544, awfully strong to be coming from
Albania. (Harold Frodge, Midland, usa - CumbreDX 1376)

Уже второй день наблюдаю аргентинское радио RAE на японском языке на 
частоте 11710.75 кГц. Передача начинается в 10.00, сразу после 
Р.Япония на япон. языке. Из-за сдвига несущей и биений с китайской 
станцией слышен постоянный гул на частоте. Очень помогает при этом 
электромеханический фильтр, который резко обрезает гул. СИНПО 23442. В 
начале передачи были анонсы на различных языках о том, что это РАЕ, 
Аргентина. Далее слышна японская речь и много аргентинской музыки. В 
11.00 снова включается Р.Япония, но биения с РАЕ прослушиваются 
по-прежнему. (Александр Егоров, Киев, Украина - open_dx 1000)

15820/L Radio Rivadavia (t); 1903-1915+, 5-Jan; 2M in SS;
sounds like a phone interview.  Mention of "Rivadavia" very tentative.
Weak/poor (Harold Frodge, Midland, Usa - CumbreDX 1380)

4810 Voz de Armenia, 20:33-20:38, escuchada el 4 de Enero en
Armenio con programa de musica pop arabica y pop internacional,
SINPO 44333 (Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Бурхасот, Испания - CumbreDX 1378)

7440 Radio Belarus, Minsk, 2247-2252, December 31, Belarusian,
tlk by male, 24432//7125 with 24442
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1375)

5025, Radio Benin, 1902-1920, 07-01, 
franc?s, noticias y comentarios, locutor y locutora, noticias de Africa. 34333.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 37, 10)

7500 Radio Bulgaria; 1851-1900*?, 5-Jan; EE cmtry re Bul-
garia; tough copy in white QRN. Operatic vocal started @1856 & sig
dropped off about 1859:40 w/o s/off anmt. SIO=352 (Harold Frodge, Midland - CumbreDX

R. Varna, 7600, 0325-0354* Jan 2. Pop music by Kool & the Gang and
others. YL announcer. Talk in Bulgarian by M&W. Weak; Monday only for this time
period (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 678)

6054.23 Radio Juan XXIII   1020 to 1040 on 30 December, om en 
espanol, very difficult signal, fading up and down, 1, 2 and 3 January 
same time. (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1380)

4600.12  Perla del Acre seemingly, Hans Johnson log as Harmonic 
another possibility. Seems to follow the fade in pattern of Bolivian 
stations at the QTH (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1380)

11829.9 Radio Anhanguera Int'l; 1937-1949+, 5-Jan; M&W in PP
w/current events discussions. RAI & RA IDs @1944 & 1948. SIO=2+53-,
muted audio (Harold Frodge, Midland, Usa - CumbreDX 1380)

4765, Radioemisora Rural, Santarem, 2140-2155, 
07-01, locutor, portugu?s, comentarios de f?tbol. 24322. 
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 37, 10)

4805, Radiodifusora do Amazonas, Manaus, 
2135-2143, 07-01, locutor, portugu?s, comentarios 
y canciones brasile?as. 24322.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 37, 10)

4885, Radio Clube do Par?, Belem, 2125-2135, 
07-01, Portugu?s, noticias deportivas, comentario 
sobre Ronaldo y Robinho, comentario sobre equipo Paysand?. 34333.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 37, 10)

9630, Radio Aparecida, 1024-1035, 07-01, locutor, 
portugu?s, comentarios religiosos, identificaci?n: Radio Aparecida". 24322.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 37, 10)

9695, Radio Rio Mar, Manaus, 1017-1045, 07-01, 
locutor, portugu?s, comentarios, "sete dazanove", 
"Ministerio de Facenda", "O Goberno Federal, 
Brasil, un pais de todos". A las 1030 noticias 
internacionales, noticia sobre la enfermedad de Ariel Sharon. 24322.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 37, 10)

11735, Radio Transmundial, 0925-0935, 07-01, 
portugu?s, locutor contestando cartas y e-mails 
de los oyentes. Identificaci?n: "Radio Transmundial". 34333.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 37, 10)

4915, Radiodifusora Macapa, 0754-0810, 08-01, 
canciones brasilenas, identificacion, locutor: 
"Radiodifusora Macapa". A las 0800 Noticias y comentarios de futbol.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1381)

4985, Radio Brasil Central, 0739-0754, 08-01, 
locutor, canciones en ingles y canciones 
brasilenas. Identificaicion "Brasil Central". 34333.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1381)

Буркина Фасо
5030 R.Burkina Ouagadougou 2318 Nice African mx with talk by man. 
Radio Burkina ann heard several times . Vy good. 
(Nobuo Takeno Jan 3 - CumbreDX 1375)

R. Burkina, 5030, Dec 31 2300-0250+ Jan 1, Afro-pops, French
talk, phone talk. Very good; on late for New Years. Normal sign-off is 0000
(Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 678)

5030, Radio Burkina, 0616-0630  At tune in,
noted a woman in French language
comments.   At 0617 Hilife music.  Signal was good.  
(Chuck Bolland, January 5, 2006 - CumbreDX 1376)

5030, Radio Burkina, 1910-1930, 07-01, 
franc?s, comentarios sobre ministerios de Burkina Faso, locutor. 45444.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 37, 10)

6025 Radio Budapest, Budapest, 0455-0459, January 03, Spanish,
"..y asi estimados oyentes finaliza  la emision en espa=F1ol de la radio
hungara. Gracias por la atencion dispensada, muy buenas noches y hasta ma=F1ana",
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1375)

4777 Radiodiffusion Television Gabonaise, Libreville, 0520-0526,
January 03, French,
talk by female, short song, other talk, 25432
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1375)

9580 Radio Africa No. 1, Moyabi, 0538-0545, January 03,
French, news in french by male, reports, 25442
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1375)

4777, RTV Gabonaise, 0549-0630  Noted a woman in
French language comments until about 0554.  At
that time music was presented until the hour when ID and
news presented by a man.  At 0626, the music
changed to Hilife type.  Signal was poor.  (Chuck Bolland,
January 5, 2006 - CumbreDX 1376)

4777, GABON, (T)RTVG, 0542-0606, Jan.3, French, OM and
YL w/ talks b/w music bits. Afropops and ballads.
Tentative ID at 0554. Fair. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH - dxldyg 675)

4776 R.TV Gabonaise 1, 18:36-18:45, escuchada el 7 de Enero en
frances a locutor con comentarios y locutora con ID "Radio Gab?n",
bolet?n de noticias, SINPO 44333. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx
37, 10)

3291.10, Guyana Broadcasting Corp., 0800-0825  Noted
a woman in English comments.  Signal was
poor.  (Chuck Bolland, January 4, 2006 - CumbreDX 1375)

[non. Via Germany, Voices of the Diaspora, 9405, 2000-2030 Dec 31;
presumed. Sign-on with instrumental music, possible ID. English talk concerning
Gambia, some local music, 2022 some vernacular talk. Good signal strength but
poor, muddy audio and a lot of adjacent channel splatter made reception
difficult. Sat only (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 678)

7125 R Conakry in French with excellent signal rivaling local R
Nederland from Flevo at 0650 (Alexander Koutamanis, Jan 6 - CumbreDX 1378)

7125 R Conakry in French with excellent signal rivaling local R
Nederland from Flevo at 0650 (Alexander Koutamanis, Jan 6, Holland - CumbreDX

5915 Deutsche Welle, Irkutsk, 2302-2306, December 31, Mandarin,
Bulletin news by female, 24432
// 6225 Khz from Alma Ata, Kaz, 23432
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1375)

3815U KNR relay from coastal station OZL Ammassalik via DX Tuner
UK hrd 1/9 w/ S4 sigs - usual ute and ARO QRM at lower than normal lvls.
SINPO 44534. Pop dance music from 2155 tune to 2200. Then what sounded like
a station ID by a woman (perhaps the OZL ID) fol by KNR pgm mx and into nx
by man in presumed Danish. Several actualities hrd in the nx. Pgming
abruptly ceased at 2211. A few minutes later (around 2220 or so, women in
Russian hrd w/ ute SSB msgs, probably another coastal sta. Wouldn't you know
- best ever signal lvl and I tune late! (Bruce Churchill, Fallbrook, California
- CumbreDX 1382)

Диего Гарсия
4319(USB), AFRTS/AFN - I attributed my lack of reception on
Jan 7th as being due to poor reception conditions but maybe it was more than
that. Darryl Burks at the Navy Media Center, Anacostia Annex, D.C.,
indicates that DG has had problems with the transmitter recently and they
may still be experiencing some problems. (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA - dxldyg 678)

4910 Zambia Nat BC Lusaka 1955 African pop mx 2000 Radio one ann. 
Good signal (Nobuo Takeno, Yamagata, Japan, Jan 1 - CumbreDX 1375)

4910, ZAMBIA, ZBC, 0311-0332, Jan.3,
Vernacular/English, Local music w/ OM b/w selections.
ID at 0317 w/ EG "Zambia BC Corp." annmt. Fair and
improving. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH - dxldyg 675)

7420 AIR-FM Gold (t),  Guwhati, 1130-1138, January 01, Vernacular,
modern local songs, ann. by female, 25442
//9470 Khz from Aligarth with 35443
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1375)

9445 All India Radio; 1935-1945*, 4-Jan; M&W India news to 1937
then sub-con't mx w/M host. M w/sked @1944.  All in EE except tunes.
SIO=333 (Harold Frodge-MI - CumbreDX 1376)

5040 AIR Jeypore coming in now (1/5 -0054) at best lvl in long time -
Indian vocal/inst mx - female and male singers w/ woman ann - into man ann
at 0101. Low voice of man makes it much harder to read programs. No QRM or
QRN but polar flutter. SINPO 35533.(Bruce Churchill, usa - CumbreDX 1376)

07/01/2006, 1023-1042, 17510кГц, All India Radio на английском.
Сначала играла индийская музыка, затем ID и программа о национальных
парках Индии, описание природы, далее - музыка. SINPO - 45433.
(Дмитрий Пузанов, Костанай, Казахстан - open_dx 1002)

programa en cadena de todas las emisoras.
4760, AIR, Port Blair, 1645-1650, 08-01, musica hindu. Canciones. 14321.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1381)

4800, AIR, Hyderabad, 1636-1640, 08-01, musica 
hindu. Canciones. Interferencia de China National 
Radio en la misma frecuencia. 23222.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1381)

4910, AIR, Jaipur, 1650-1656, 08-01, musica hindu, canciones. 24322
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1381)

4920, AIR, Chennai, 1653-1657, musica hindu, 
canciones. Fuerte interferencia de China/Tibet 
Xizang PBS en la misma frecuencia. 21221.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1381)

4940, AIR, Guwahati, 1628-1633, musica hindu, canciones. 24322
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1381)

5010, AIR, Thiruvananthapuram, 1624-1735, musica 
hindu, canciones. A las 1730 Identificacion "All 
India Radio", noticias en ingles y cierre a las 1735.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1381)

7270, AIR; Chennai, 1707-1713, 08-01, musica hindu, canciones. 23222.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1381)

9425, AIR, Bangalore, 1714-1730, musica hindu, 
canciones, identificacion a las 1730 "All India 
Radio", "This is All India Radio". Noticias en ingles. 33333.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1381)

3231.86 RRI Bukittinggi(Presumed) 1940 Traditional mx and Talk px. in 
Indonesian. Radio Republik Indonesia ann. heard several times, 
but not hear local ID. 
4874.57 RRI Sorong 2128 IS 2130 Local ID as Radio Republik Indonesia Sorong 
by woman followed by Morning local news. Good (Nobuo Takeno Jan 2 - CumbreDX

4871.1, INDONESIA-PAPUA, (P)RRI Sorong, 1051-1111,
Jan.7, Indonesian, Ballads until 1100 then possible
SCI into anncr w/ continuous talks thru t/out. Forgot
about listed 1115* or I would have stayed longer. Gone
at 1122 re-check. Poor/weak under static. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH -
dxldyg 675)

3344.8 RRI Ternate 1341-1410+ Jan 10. Lite vocal music past
ToH; YL at 1402 with "Radio Republik Indonesia" ID, did not hear site
mentioned, and into talk including correspondents' reports to 1410
tuneout. Fairly good signal, a bit better than the S-8 noise level here.
(John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado - CumbreDX 1383)

11530 Denge Mesopotamia via TDP, 0531-0536, January 03, Kurdish,
very nice local songs, 24342 with QRM from Family Radio in french =
language (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1375)

6295 Reflections Europa,20:15-20:25, escuchada el 8 de Enero
en ingles a locutor con comentarios, horarios y frecuencias, web,
SINPO 43343. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 37, 10)

13865 08/01 1332 Iceland Radio, Reykjavik, in Icelandic, talks as reports, mentioning
the capital. USB. Fair to good
(Giampiero Bernardini, Milano, Italy - playdx2003 868)

6045 RAI; 2005-2020*, 3-Jan; W/cmtry in SS to 2013 then lite SS vocals.
ID as "RAI Italiana" @s/off. SIO=3+33-, muted audio. Pretty sure
it was SS rather than IT. (Harold Frodge-MI - CumbreDX 1376)

6100, RAI, 0630-0800  Noted various persons in
Italian language comments.  Once in awhile,
Italian pop music presented.  Couldn't find this freq listed
in any of my references  (don't have the
newest WRTH yet).  Went to RAI's web page and found the freq
listed for Eastern Europe between
0630 to 0800 all in Italian.  Earlier the signal was fair
but seemed to be some Jamming type splatter
interferring.  Seemed like the jammer was on 6090 or nearby.
By 0740 signal was still audible while
the interference mentioned above, was fading.  (Chuck
Bolland, January 5, 2006 - CumbreDX 1376)

5775 IRRS; 2254-2301*, 7-Jan; Pop mx pgm w/M host; 2300 "This
is I-double-R-S shortwave..."; QSL PO addy; sung anthem & off w/tone.
All in EE. SIO=333 (Harold Frodge, Midland, Usa - CumbreDX 1380

6100 R. Sedaye Kashmir via Delhi 1433-1445+. VG
signal, best in a long time, topping the Korean with Qur'an, then M&W in
upbeat talks to 1438, then sub-continental. music; back to chat at 1444,
but by then the North Korean had taken over. Kanggye has been right on
6100 for some time, after being "6100v" for a long time.
(John Wilkins 1/8, Wheat Ridge, Colorado - CumbreDX 1381)

6100 R. Sedaye Kashmir (via Delhi) *1429-1444+
Jan 10. 1000-hz tone to 1430, then nice ID, followed by a minute of mx, a
brief anmt, then more mx at 1433. Best on LSB to avoid RTM below; good at
tune but fading away slowly; no sign of N. Korea today, but Malaysia
noted on 6099.72 with fair signal. (John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado - CumbreDX

9760 Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation, 2240-2245, December 31, Greek,
very nice local songs, 34443
//6180 Khz with 22432 (QRM stn in chinese). S/off at 2245
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1375)

6180 Cyprus BC Corp 2215-2244 Jan 8. Suddenly appeared on freq
with "I Kypros Kondatas" or similar ID, followed by an animated
conversation between 3 or 4 people, possibly a radio drama; Greek vocal
music rounded out the xmsn from 2234-2244; off w/out anmt at 2244. Good
signal. (John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado - CumbreDX 1383)

4905, CHINA-TIBET, Xizang PBS, 1120-1135, Jan.7,
Tibetan(listed), YL w/ talks in lang. Ballads at 1125.
Om and YL at 1134 over music. Presumed prg. intro at
1135 into YL. Fair. // 5240. Pile-up of activity on
4920. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH - dxldyg 675)

6937 Yunnan PBS(p) 1403-1410+. Slow throaty vocals in local lang;
still there at 1440 re-check. Fair signal. (John Wilkins 1/2, Wheat Ridge, Colorado
- CumbreDX 1381)

4920, Xizang PBS, Lhasa, 1627-1640, 
08-01, canciones y comentarios en tibetano, locutora. 33333.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1381)

6139.78 R.Lider, Santafe de Bogota 0715 Many Latin mx and Radio Lider ann.
Good sinal (Nobuo Takeno Jan 3 - CumbreDX 1375)

5910, Marfil Estereo, 2301-2315, 07-01, canciones 
latinoamericanas, anuncios comerciales: "Su 
tienda favorita en Puerto Lleras", locutor, 
identificaci?n: "Marfil Estereo". 23222.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 37, 10)

6139.8, Radio Lider, 2312-2330, 07-01, canciones 
latinoamericanas, identificaci?n por locutor: "En 
Radio Lider, toda la m?sica". 23222.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 37, 10)

6010, La Voz de tu Conciencia, 
0825-0905, 08-01, comentarios religiosos por su 
locutor habitual, comentario "?Que hace nuestra 
conciencia?. Interferencia de Radio Mil, y a las 
0905 ya solo se escuchaba Radio Mil y no La Voz 
de tu Concienca. Senal muy debil. 12321.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1381)

2020.18H R. Panzenu 1010.09 x 2 harmonic. 1115 with an ad 
in Spanish by a man. One of the ads gave a telephone number and said 
it was for
the town of Monteria. Talk by man followed who gave an ID at 1118. 
Pretty good
signal, suspect this one will make it up to northern ECNA. (Hans Johnson Jan
9, Ochopee, Florida - CumbreDX 1381)

5965 REE Costa Rica 0719 Only ID. Px in SS. Vy Good 
(Nobuo Takeno Jan 3 - CumbreDX 1375)

5054.6, Faro del Caribe, 0605-0807, 
08-01, locutor, comentario religioso: "Hay un 
solo Dios verdadero", locutora, direcciones del 
programa en Puerto Rico y Cochabamba, Bolivia. 
"El programa de David, que el Senor los bendiga", 
identificacion: "97.1 FM, onda corta 5055 y 9645 
kHz, Faro del Caribe, en el nombre de nuestro 
senor Jesucristo, www.farodelcaribe.org, Faro del 
Caribe". A las 0800 programa "En contacto". "Esta 
es Faro del Caribe". 24322. Parece que esta 
emisora mejora cada dia en su modulacion y 
resulta claramente audible e incluso con buena 
senal. Curioso que, al identificarse anuncien la 
frecuencia de 9645 kHz. que lleva bastante tiempo fuera del aire.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1381)

5025, Radio Rebelde, 0920-1010, 07-01, programa 
"Haciendo Radio", locutor y locutora"5 de la 
ma?ana con 21 minutos, nos vamos a Santiago de 
Cuba en Haciendo Radio". "Sucesos, anecdotas, 
acontecimientos, hechos que fueron noticia en Rebelde". 34333.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 37, 10)

9505, Radio Rebelde, 1000-1015, 07-01, "6 de la 
ma?ana con 4 minutos, seguimos Haciendo Radio". 34333.

17885 Radio Kuwait, 1120-1125, January 01, Tagalog,
transmission for Philipine, tlk by male & female, 22432 (QRM from BBC)
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1375)

9290, Radio Joystick, 0940-1000, 07-01, m?sica 
pop, comentarios en alem?n. A las 0954, 
identificaci?n y direcci?n en alem?n e ingl?s. 45444.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 37, 10)

9290, Radio Casablanca, 1102-1201, 07-01, 
canciones alemanas, comentarios en alem?n, 
identificaci?n: "Radio Casablanca". Fin del programa a laas 1201. 45444.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 37, 10)

9290, Radio RTN, 0900-0921, 08-01, programa en 
alem?n, m?sica pop. Identificaci?n: "Radio RTN International". 45444.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 37, 10)

4759.90, ELWA, 0600-0625,  Noted a man in English
comments until 0604 when rel. type
music was played.  Copy was difficult and the audio had
disappeared by 0625.  (Chuck Bolland, January 5, 2006 - CumbreDX 1376)

5470, Radio Veritas, 2224-2250, 07-01, 
ingl?s, locutor, comentarios, canciones 
africanas, identificaci?n: "Radio Veritas", "This is Radio Veritas". 25322.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 37, 10)

5010 RTV Malagasy(Presumed) 2101 Chorus mx then talk by man, mention of 
Madagascar, African pop mx. Good (Nobuo Takeno Dec 31 - CumbreDX 1375)

12060 Radio Nile (t) via Madagascar, 0433-0440, January 03, Arabic,
tlk by male, local songs, ann. by male, 24432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX

5010 Radio Nasionaly Malagasy (p), Antananarivo, 2310-2316, December 31,
electronic music, pops, 25442 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1375)

4784.4, Radio TV Malienne, 0630-0650, 
08-01, Musica vernacula y comentarios en frances 
y vernaculo por locutor. 24322. El dia 15 de 
Diciembre habia escuchado esta emisora en 4782.4, 
parece que varia su frecuencia entre los 4782 y 4785 kHz.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1381)

6010, Radio Mil, 0849-1009, 07-01, canciones 
rom?nticas y otras canciones en espa?ol, locutor 
present?ndolas e identificaci?n entre canciones: 
"Radio Mil, 1000 kHz.", Radio Mil, 2,54". Se?al 
d?bil a muy d?bil y muy escasa interferencia de 
La Voz de tu Conciencia en la misma frecuencia. 
Tambi?n algo de interferencia de Deutschland 
Radio Berlin en 6005 kHz. 23222 variando a 13211.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 37, 10)

6185, Radio Educaci?n, 0852-1015, 07-01, bonita 
m?sica instrumental y canciones caribe?as, salsa 
y merengue. A las 0952 identificaci?n: "Radio 
Educaci?n, el oasis del cuadrante". 34333.

12085, Voice of Mongolia, 1000-1010, 
07-01, inicio programa en ingl?s, locutora 
"Welcome to the Voice of Mongolia in English to 
South East Asia and Europe on 12085 kHz.". Noticias. 24322.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 37, 10)

4770, Radio Nigeria, 0605-0625  Man in English
comments.  At 0606 ID'd as "...Radio Nigeria..."
Entire period was comments.  Signal was fair.  (Chuck
Bolland, January 5, 2006 - CumbreDX 1376)

15120, NIGERIA, VON, 2006-2017, Jan.2, English, YL w/
news and soundbites re Nigerian politics. Cut-off at
2014 for several minutes. Back at 2029 re-check. IDed
as "VON-Abujan". Fair. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH - dxldyg 675)

4770 R. Nigeria Kaduna, 18:30-18:35, escuchada el 7 de Enero
en ingles a locutora con comentarios, Mx, SINPO 33432.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 37, 10)

Новая Зеландия
9885, Radio New Zealand International,
0820-0836 Noted a Radio Drama in English during the
period.  Signal was Good.  (Chuck Bolland, January 4, 2006 - CumbreDX 1375)

15720 Radio New Zealand; 1806-1814+, 1-Jan; News-sports-
weather to 1810 then feature on NZ traffic. Spot for Radio National
FM 101. All in EE. SIO=353+ (Harold Frodge-MI - CumbreDX 1376)

11570 Radio Pakistan, Islamabad, 1205-1210, January 01, Bangla,
Koran, news by male, 35443
//9385 with 34443 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1375)

Папуа-Новая Гвинея
Radio East New Britain(presumed). 3385. During several 
tune-ins from 1225-1315, "island" music noted. Signal level strongest since 
last spring.(1/5). (Stephen Bass, Columbus, Ohio - CumbreDX 1378)

R Victoria with excellent signal and apparently religious programming
on 6020.3 from 0530. No trace of usually easier 9720 
(Alexander Koutamanis, , Nl, Jan 6 - CumbreDX 1378)

4835.47, Radio Maranon, 0955-1020  Noted a program of Huaynos type
music and Peruvian MOR.
Generally between tunes, TC and live Spanish comments.  At 1008 live ID
as, "... Radio Maranon....". 
Signal was good at tune in, but faded to poor by 1020.
(Chuck Bolland, January 6, 2006 - CumbreDX 1378)

5014.44 R.Altura, Cerro de Pasco 1046 ID with Freq.ann Good (Takeno Jan 3)
6020.28 R.Victoria(Prresumed) , Lima 0438 Only religious talk in PP. Fair
(Nobuo Takeno Jan 3 - CumbreDX 1375)

4949.92 R Madre de Dios, Puerto Maldonado 2325 to 2340 Roman 
Catholic mass "Santa Maria... Ave Maria"  alternating priest and 
congregation, into hymn sung by congregation, second hymn, 2333, " 4950 
kilohertz ...Madre de Dios" followed by more music. 4 January (Robert Wilkner,
Fl - CumbreDX 1377)

5039.22  Radio Libertad, Junin  1100 "en la reiviste?  La Libertad" 
"...y cuatro minutos... Radio Libertad" 1 January (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach,
Fl - CumbreDX 1377)

5460.54 Radio Bolivar 2303,  om en espanol, transmitter drifting, 3 
January (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1377)

5470.79   Radio San Nicholas, Mendoza  1110 to 1120, 2240 to 2255 4 
January,  1140 on 5 January [Robert Wilkner, Florida, Usa - CumbreDX1377]

5636.98.  Radio Peru seemingly,  2300 to 2307 break in 
transmission. 2310 to 2312 back on,  4 January [Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach,
Florida - CumbreDX 1377]

R Victoria with excellent signal and apparently religious programming
on 6020.3 from 0530. No trace of usually easier 9720 (Alexander Koutamanis, Jan
6, Holland - CumbreDX 1378)

4835.47, Radio Maranon, 0955-1020  Noted a program of Huaynos type =
music and Peruvian MOR. =20
Generally between tunes, TC and live Spanish comments.  At 1008 live ID =
as, "... Radio Maranon....". =20
Signal was good at tune in, but faded to poor by 1020.  
(Chuck Bolland, January 6, 2006 - CumbreDX 1378)

4716.98, PERU, R.Yura, 0931-0953, Jan.5, Spanish, OM
w/ talk b/w music. Quick ID at 0940. Fair.
(Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH - dxldyg 675)

6536.07, PERU, R.Huancabamba, 0132-0145, Jan.4,
Spanish, Lively instrumental music, OM w/ talks and ID
in passing. Poor under static. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH - dxldyg 675)

3234.90  Radio Luz y Sonido 1000 to 1020, poor modulation. om tk, 
several mornings 3, 4, and 6  January (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida
- CumbreDX 1380)

9720, Radio Victoria, 0858-0905, 07-01, 
predicaciones religiosas en portugu?s, locutor. 23222.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 37, 10)

9720, Radio Victoria, 0618-0625, 08-01, 
locutor, portugues, predicaciones religiosas.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1381)

Вчера, т.е с 5-го на 6-е января предпринял вылазку на дачу в Подмосковье с ночевкой:
 хотелось испытать недавно приобретенный DEGEN.
Помня о хороших отзывах про прием на низких частотах, начал с "самого низа",
а именно с 2310. К своему удивлению обнаружил там АВС с местным вещанием на английском
(то бишь VL8А). На параллельной 2485 сигнал тоже присутствовал (с той же программой),
но прием на ней был невозможен. А вот 2310 с очень громким сигналом я слушал
с 16 до 19 UTC. Может за городом оно всегда так, но я эту станцию принимал впервые.
Также 5-го, с 17 до 19 очень громко проходило R. Burkina Faso на 5030. Тоже:
никогда не принимал. Но, видимо станция сейчас проходит неплохо.
Из Африки  удалось услышать R.Chad, на 6165 он заглушал Хорватию, и  R.Mauritania
на 4845. Вот такие наблюдения.
А с утра 6-го наблюдал за московской станцией точного времени RBU на 66 и 2/3
кГц. Тоже интересно. Кто знает, в какие часы или минуты передается идентификация?
Мне ее услышать не удалось.
(Василий Кузнецов, Москва, Россия - open_dx 1001)

5960,  Radiostantsiya Tikhy Okean, 0939-0959 Noted a
program of music and Russian comments. Signal never
improved beyond poor this morning.  (Chuck Bolland, January 4, 2006 - CumbreDX

6055 R.Rwanda, Kigali 2010 African style mx, ID in FF Good 
(Nobuo Takeno Jan 1 - CumbreDX 1375)

7145 Radio Romania Int'l; 2134-2140+, 2-Jan; News to 2138,
ID then cmtry.  All in EE. SIO=4+43 (Harold Frodge-MI - CumbreDX 1376)

Observed via DX Tuners web receiver sited at Johannesburg, SA, fading in
around 1600 UT 6 January 2006 and going ota around 0010 UTC the following
day: A station broadcasting on MW 1377 kHz from Sandlane, SWZ, formerly
known as Radio Cidade International, was observed variously identifying as
"Liberty Radio" or "Radio Liberty, 1377 k of love" [yuk!]. Programming
continues to be in Portuguese and English, with lots of music - including a
show presented in Portuguese called "Cidade Tropical" - spiritual messages
and some religious programming. Reception varied from poor to fair.
A Google search only turned up one reference to the station - "Liberty Radio
13.77 AM" - with a programme guide, which didn't seem to bear much relation
to what I was hearing, even allowing for local time (UTC +2). This is on the
website of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God, at
An audio clip of both Liberty Radio and it's predecessor Radio Cidade
International can be heard at the Interval Signals Online website at
(Dave Kernick - hard-core-dx 37, 11)

Северная Корея
6399 R. Pyonyang, 23:26-23:29, escuchada el 4 de Enero en koreano a locutora
con comentarios y segmento musical, 
SINPO 33232 (Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Бурхасот, Испания - CumbreDX 1378)

9335 Voice of Korea; 1443-1456*, *1500-1504+, 2-Jan; M&W
in FF; cmtrys & choral mx. IDs as La Voix du la Corea. SIO=3+43,
//11710 covered. OC stayed on, then s/on in EE @1501 after IS.  Still
//11710 which was much better after 1500, SIO=343
(Harold Frodge-MI - CumbreDX 1376)

11710khz Voice of Korea, Pyongyang, North Korea Jan. 09, 2006, 1500z s/on in

English. Good signal peaks (S9) with deep fades, fading almost entirely into

noise by 1530z. NEW! (RZZ-WI - CumbreDX 1381)

3915 BBC, 21:00-21:05, escuchada el 4 de Enero en ingles a
locutor con ID, tonos horarios, locutora con cuna, sintonia, titulares
ID "BBC News Broatcasting", SINPO 54343
(Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Бурхасот, Испания - CumbreDX 1378)

12000 West African Democraci, 08:45-08:59, escuchada el 8 de
Enero a locutor con entrevista a m?sico Guineano, m?sica, cu?a de la
emisora, SINPO 55544. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 37,

6980 Radio Galkayo has been off due to a failed transmitter, 
but Jan 19th a 7
person amateur radio DX pedition team from Italy will arrive in Galkayo 
and they will donate
a replacement SW transmitter and linear amplifier. So look out on 6.980 
MHz. (Voron, 11 Jan via Hans Johnson - CumbreDX 1382)

7200 SNBC, Omdurman, 0443-0447, January 03, Arabic,
very nice local songs, announcement by female, 23432
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1375)

9525 Sudan Radio Service, 0500-0505, January 03, Arabic,
s/on, identification by female very clear,
local music and bulletin news by female, many identifications & mentions =
to "Sudania...", 344433 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1375)

6010 R. Republica, 00:30-00:40, escuchada el 5 de Enero en
espanol a comentarista con proclamas contra el regimen cubano, sufre
jammin cubana, SINPO 43343. (Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Бурхасот, Испания - CumbreDX
7365 R. Marti, 00:41-00:45, escuchada el 5 de Enero en 
espanol a locutores con programa deportivo, noticias de la liga de
beisbol, SINPO 44343 (Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Бурхасот, Испания - CumbreDX 1378)

12133.5/U AFN/AFRTS, Key West FL; 1919-1928+, 5-Jan; CBS News,
Jim Rome Show; PSA for the Nat'l Invasive Species Council (Is my tax
money involved here?). SIO=2+54  //10320/U via Hawaii; SIO=152+ w/delay
& echo. //5446.5/U via Key West; SIO=252+/hvy white QRN.  No other
//'s found. (Harold Frodge, Midland, Usa - CumbreDX 1380)

9335 Radio Farda; 2028-2051+, 2-Jan; Pop tune at tune-in.
News/cmtry from 2030.  All in LL except tune was in FF and brief anmt
in FF before news.  ID's pronounce "Farda" w/emphasis on the "da".
SIO=3+33, USB takes out hiss.  (Harold Frodge-MI - CumbreDX 1376)

4635 R. Tajikistan, 23:31-23:33, escuchada el 4 de Enero en 
tajiko a locutor con comentarios, SINPO 34332
(Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Бурхасот, Испания - CumbreDX 1378)

9510, BBC 1130-1144 Noted program in
English.  Subject concernned school
learning process.  "this is a presentation of the BBC...".
Although the BBC is on this freq earlier,
I can't find any reference for this time frame on 9510 KHz.
At 1144 the BBC shuts down here.
I wonder if this is just a fluke?  Signal was good.  (Chuck Bolland, January
5, 2006 - CumbreDX 1376)

7115, THAILAND, RT, 1152-1201, Jan.7,
Lao/English/Malay (listed), Music at t/in, OM w/ talk
in (listed) Laotian, IS and RTWS ID annmt in English
at 1200 into (listed) Malay service. Fair.
(Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH - dxldyg 675)

5050 R.Tanzania Dar es Salaam  1937 African style mx with talk by woman 
2000 News and ID. extend px over 2100 for New Year? Good (Takeno Dec 31) 
11735 R.Tanzania Zanzibar 2054 Music then ID, NA and signed off Good (Nobuo Takeno
Jan 2 - CumbreDX 1375)

5050, TANZANIA, RT, 2030-2102*, Jan.2, Vernacular,
Announcer w/ talks b/w local music selections. Diff.
anncr from 2055-2100 w/ drop in audio level. Original
anncr at 2100 w/ s/off and NA. Poor/fair. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH -
dxldyg 675)

11735 V. of Tanzania Zanzibar  1812-1830+ Jan 8. Afghan or
Persian-sounding music; nice ID at 1815:30 by M "Sauti ya Tanzania
Zanzibar" and into talks and correspondents' reports in Swahili. Good
signal, maybe "best ever" here. Still there at 1944 UTC re-check with
fair/good signal. (John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado - CumbreDX 1381)

6055 Voice of Turkey; 1945-2005+, 3-Jan; "Life in Turkey", EE
discussion of immigration, housing & lifestyles in Europe. TT music.
SIO=3+33 (Harold Frodge-MI - CumbreDX 1376)

11720, Scandinavian Weekend Radio, 
1203-1610, 07-01, comentarios en finland?s, 
identificaci?n a las 1204 en ingl?s "This is 
SWR", direcci?n, e-mail, m?sica rock. A las 1300 
ocultada por AWR en la misma frecuencia con 
programa en mandar?n hasta las 1600 y a las1600 
horas ocultada por D.W. con programa en ruso, 
tambi?n en 11720. Hasta el momento de ser 
interferida SINPO 24322 variando a 14321.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 37, 10)

Центрально-Африканская Республика
5035, Radio Centrafrique,
0620-0630  Again noted a woman in French
language comments.  Shortly after tune in she conducted an
interview with a man on the phone.
The signal was fair.  (Chuck Bolland, January 5, 2006 - CumbreDX 1376)

6165 R.Nationale , N$B%f(BDjamena  1935 African pop mx with talk in FF. 
Radio Nationale ann heard. Good 2000 R.Japan signed on. 
(Nobuo Takeno Jan 1 - CumbreDX 1375)

From Sunday, January 22nd, Radio Six International will once
again be available via the WBCQ facility in Monticello, Maine, USA.
Transmissions will be on 7415 kHz (50 kW) on Sundays between 2200 and 0000 UT
(5.00-7.00 pm Eastern) 

Revised winter schedule: 
0000 - 0200 Sat/Sun 88.2 MHz (Tawa, New Zealand - 500 mW) 
0700 - 0800 Sat 9290 kHz (Ulbroka, Latvia - 100 kW) 
0800 - 0900 Sun(2nd of mth) 13840 kHz (IRRS, Italy - 20 kW) 
0930 - 1030 Sat (2nd of mth) 13840 kHz (IRRS, Italy - 20 kW) 
1200 - 1300 Sun 9290 kHz (Ulbroka, Latvia - 100 kW) 
2000 - 2100 Thu (2nd of mth) 5775 kHz (IRRS, Italy - 20 kW) 
2000 - 2100 Fri/Sat/Sun 945 kHz (Riga, Latvia - 2.7 kW) 
2200 - 0000 Sun 7415 kHz (Monticello, Maine, US - 50 kW) 
2300 - 0000 Fri/Sat 88.2 MHz (Tawa, New Zealand - 500 mW) 
We're particularly keen to receive reception reports for 945 kHz and 7415 kHz
over the next few weeks. 

Although 9290 isn't beamed to North America, we received a number of reports
from there for our 25th December broadcast. Perhaps some brave souls would care
to listen out and let us know if 9290 is regularly being heard across the
Atlantic? Regards (TONY CURRIE, Programme Director, radio six international,
Jan 9, dxldyg 678 via Glenn Hauser)

Радиостанция Голос Анд с января переходит на новую частоту 5865 кГц.
(по сообщению самой станции) (Константин Асеев, Курск, Россия - open_dx 1000)

3279.6, La Voz del Napo, 0521-0701, 
08-01, canciones religiosas y villancicos, 
comentarios sobre la Navidad: "El nacimiento de 
Jesucristo. No dejemos pasar esta oportunidad". 
"Que esta Navidad traiga la prosperidad para 
todos nosotros". 0700 Lectura del rosario. 24322.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1381)

7165.12  V. of Democratic Alliance(p) *1500-1530+ . Opening
anmt, then talk in AR to 1508; a selection of northeast African vocal
music was followed by more talks. Fairly good signal, although beginning
slow deterioration. Was // to 9560.1, which was much weaker than usual
and rough copy in QRM. (John Wilkins 1/8, Wheat Ridge, Colorado - CumbreDX 1381)

6209.95 R. Fana 1500-1535. YL with ID, then man with talk to
1512; a short HoA mx bridge and brief anmt were followed by vocal music
to 1529, at which time more talk commenced, possibly in a different
language. Fair at best and // to 6940, which was marginally stronger but
bothered by a strong Ute. (John Wilkins 1/4, Wheat Ridge, Colorado - CumbreDX

3215 South African Radio League, Meyerton 1934 ID, amateur radio info. 
Fair (Nobuo Takeno Jan 2 - CumbreDX 1375)

7215  TWR via Meyerton 0329-0345. IS, opening talk, then a
mix of talk and mx in listed Amharic. Xmsn ended at 0345 with EG ID and
IS. VG signal. (Johh Wilkins 1/2, Wheat Ridge, Colorado - CumbreDX 1381)

11690 Radio Okapi via SENTECH, 0449-0454, January 03,
French, long interview by female to male, ID as:
"Ici Radio Okapi...", 24432
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1375)

15355 Radio Japan; 1753-1801+, 1-Jan; M&W in EE w/hard rock mx.
1759 sked w/relay sites!  Continued in JJ @1800.  SIO=3+43
(Harold Frodge, Mi - CumbreDX 1376)
FinnHits Radio from Finland will have a test to USA on 48mb on
Saturday the 7th of January 2006 at 21.30 UTC and 22.00 UTC.

Both times the station will be on the air for 10-15 minutes only.
Frequency will be 6300 kHz (or 6275/ 6273 kHz).
Power only 15 Watts .

All information of the reception is wellcome to 
Possible QSO's are also wellcome.

During transmision we will be in the chatroom at 

FinnHits had QSO with Radio Blackbird from Holland on Sunday
18th of December around 08.00 UTC on 6300 kHz.
(FHR Team, Finland via Martin Schoech - PF 101145 - D-99801 Eisenach - CumbreDX

Manana sabado, como todos los primeros sabados 
del mes, sera una buena oportunidad para tratar 
de sintonizar una emisora que resulta bastante 
dificil de captar, por la escasa potencia con la 
que transmite. Se trata de la finlandesa 
Scandinavian Weekend Radio, que esta en el aire 
los primeros sabados de cada mes. En realidad 
comienza sus transmisiones a las 2200 UTC del 
viernes, para finalizar a las 2200 UTC del sabado.

Sus frecuencias y horarios seran las siguientes:

2200 Viernes a 0700 Sabado en 5980 y 11720 kHz. 100 watts de potencia
0700 Sabado a 1200 Sabado en 6170 y 11690 kHz. 100 watts
1200 Sabado a 1900 Sabado en 5980 y 11720 kHz. 100 watts
1800 Sabado a 1900 Sabado en 5990 kHz. 100 watts.
1900 Sabado a 2200 Sabado en 5980 y 11690 kHz. 100 watts.

En su pagina web tienen un modelo de informe de 
recepcion para imprimir y enviar a la emisora: 
http://www.swradio.net/rec_repo_4.pdf ,y para 
conseguir su tarjeta QSL hay que adjuntar 2 IRC, 2 US $ o 2 Euro.

P.O. Box 99
FI-34801 Virrat
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 1149)
4734v heard an Unid Latin here at 0030. Signal was ok, 
modulation fair, but
it was constantly drifting so one had to retune. It was mostly singing 
by kids and I did hear
"Silent Night" at 0038. This may have been in Spanish but I could not 
tell for sure. I also
heard some flute music later on. No announcements heard. (Hans Johnson Jan 8,
Ochopee, Florida - CumbreDX 1381)
Неофициальное Вещание
Free Southern Cameroon, via Russia, 12130, 1800-1900
Jan 1. Sign-on with English ID and choral anthem followed by talk about S
Cameroon. Local music, choral music. 1859 ID and short music bridge at
sign-off. Weak but in the clear. Sunday only (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg
PA, dxldyg 678)
USA Pirate, V. of the Islands, 13887.8v, 1550-1640+ Jan 1,
TENTATIVE. Oldies pop music. Not able to make out any further details; weak
with deep fades. (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 678)
Undercover Radio, 3480-USB, 0220-0230+ Jan 1. Another odd frequency for
a USA pirate. IDs, gave e-mail address and Merlin, Ontario mail drop. Recap of
stories from the past year. Story about the announcer`s journey to the West
Indies. T-shirt giveaway. Very good (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg

1550 R. N.Saharaui, 23:02-23:17, escuchada el 5 de Enero en 
espanol a locutor con ID "Esta es la Radio Nacional Saharaui, la voz 
del pueblo Saharaui", anuncia emitir por los 1550 de AM y 7470 de OC, 
chequeo esta frecuencia y no escucho nada, tampoco en 7460 ni en 7466, 
emitiendo musica pop y regae, SINPO 33332
(Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Бурхасот, Испания - CumbreDX 1378)

Radio Six International in January starts relays on 945AM Riga every
Fridays,Saturdays and Sundays 20.00 - 21.00UTC.
This weekend relays.
January 6
20.00 - 22.00UTC
January 7
20.00 - 21.00UTC
January 8
20.00 - 21.00UTC

More information www.radiosix.com
Radio Six International have a nice QSL cards .
January 7
Planned relay Radio Joystick on 945AM  21.00 - 22.00UTC

Best regards Raimonds
(Jari Savolinen, Finland - hard-core-dx 37, 6)

530 TURKS AND CAICOS,   RVC, South Caicos JAN 3 2249 - Spanish religion; pretty
good at this early time ! (Chiochiu-QC)

555 ST KITTS AND NEVIS,   ZIZ, Basseterre JAN 3 2246 - English talk by a man
squeezed between WEVD-550 (with CHLN nulled) and the 560 mess at very poor levels.

585t SPAIN,   RNE, Madrid JAN 4 0203 - at extremely threshold level with some
slops from CFRA-580 and WEZE/CKRS-590 cuaght what sounded like the RNE news jingle.
This was, surprisingly, the only TA reception for me the past night, in spite
of several West Coast reports from center-northern European DXers. (Chiochiu-QC)

670 CUBA,   CMBA, Radio Rebelde, Arroyo Arrenas JAN 4 0003 - "en Rebelde", nx.
Pretty good with growl from a QRM source in our neighborhood, in WSCR null. (Chiochiu-QC)

750 VENEZUELA,   YVKS, Radio Caracas Radio, DF JAN 3 2250 - greetings to "nuestros
amigos" (a probable reference to the friendly listeners) followed by Informe
RCR. Good peak at 2251 ! My earliest reception of this station ! Faded and came-back
after 2300 with economical talk program. With WSB nulled, the QRM is from next-to-adjacent
CKAC, so for the clearest and most pleasant reception, I have to wait for WSB
to fade and / or for this to became strong. (Chiochiu-QC)

760 COLOMBIA,   HJAJ, RCN Cadena Bas?ca, Barranquilla JAN 4 0157 - Ads followed
by music program. Poor last night with flutter, but WJR was quite easily nulled.

890 CUBA,   CMDZ, Radio Progreso, Chambas JAN 3 2238 - Bolero song followed by
radio drama. Already fair with minor WCBS splash at this early hour ! Very surprising
! (Chiochiu-QC)

1330 UNITED STATES,   WRCA, Boston, MA JAN 3 2303 - Ads, mostly for restaurants,
one of them had "La mejor friptura en Boston" followed by sports program. Mostly
excellent, local-like ! This isn't really rough, but my best reception of them
in quite a while ! (Chiochiu-QC)

6000 BULGARIA,   Radio Bulgaria, Plovdiv JAN 3 2010 - Presumed w/ slavic talk.
My 2003 PWBR do not show Russia at this time here, but things may has changed
since. The next time I hear this I will listen with my girlfriend. In any event,
it's only my third station I rember having heard on 6000. RHC pretty much block
that channel and I heard Brazil here once or twice. (Chiochiu-QC)

7160 GABON,   RFI relay, Moyabi JAN 3 2001 - Political news, SIO 322 w/ heavy
interference from adjacent ham. Readable only in AM narrow mode where the QRM
could be reduced a little bit. I see this station came from the same town as
Africa Num?ro Un. (Chiochiu-QC)

7255 UNITED STATES,   W2LLQ, Chester, NY JAN 4 1558 - also giving the temperature
for his QTH; other hams here as well. (Chiochiu-QC)

Last evening began with some extremely early Latin American receptions, even
though the opening wasn't really good. I was surprised to hear Cuba way before
1800 EST, since Cuba is SSW from Montreal and the more western directions (and
southern ones too at this time of the year) weren't experiencing sunset yet.
This leads to a question: what is the earliest reception time of a Latin American
station in North America or Europe ? Have Cuba and especially Venezuela been
logged ever before 2200 UTC (1700 EST) ?
I'm especially curious as far as European DXers go, since they are much more
able to pick up high-band Latins which escape D layer absorption much earlier,
what is the earliest audio record out of Vibraci?n 1470 ? Has anyone ever received
Vibraci?n audio before 2200 UTC ? I already asked this question a few weeks ago,
but got no answer.

Last, but not least, I'd really like to know on what kind of shops, can I find
the 2006 PWBR or especially the WRTH ? My 2003 PWBR is becoming a tiny bit obsolete.
(Bogdan Chiochiu, Pierrefinds, Canada - hard-core-dx 37, 6)

Пн., 9 января, 00.30-02.05
1593 ROU: RRA: // 1404 и др.
1584 BUL: Хоризонт: SINPO 54533, // 1161
1575 KWT: Фардо
1566 00.43 должен быть Иран (IRIB1), но язык мне почему-то показался 
арабским. То же на 1440, 990, 936
1548 KWT: Sawa
1512 ???: 00.55-01.05 unid. en francais
1422 D : DLF
1341 G : BBC, не разобрал какая пр-мма. SINPO x2532, QRM Magyar 
Katolikus R.
1215 G : Virgin R., QRM маяк WT
1188 D? : вроде бы MDR-Info
1089 G : Talk Sport UK, SINPO 55555, // 1053
1017 D : MDR-Info, ID @01.30
1008 HOL: Tien Gould, SINPO 55555
990 D : DR Kultur
972 E? : RNE?
936 D? : unid.: пр-мма на немецком, а в 01.39 джингл с ID 
наподобие "эф-пи-ай". По EMWG тут должно быть R.Bremen
918 RUS: Радио России в 01.40. Откуда - фиг его знает. SINPO 54554
909 G : BBC R.5 Live
882 G : BBC WS
810 MKD: Р.Скопье

Вт., 10 января, 01.43-02.15
882 D : MDR-Info?
873 G? : что-то по-английски, вроде бы религиозная пр-мма. Очень 
слабо в 01.45 на фоне несущей Электростальского прдтчика.
855 ROU: RRA, // 567, 603, 630, 711, 720, 1179, 1458, 1530, 1593
819 EGY
774 BUL: Р.Варна в 01.50
747 HOL: 747AM
729 GRC
702 SVK: R.Slovensko
675 HOL: Arrow Rock R.
666 ???: unid. Рэп на французском языке. Выяснять было некогда.

Почти на всех каналах СВ "S-метр" DEGEN'а показывает максимальное 
значение. (Сергей Никишин, Москва - open_dx 1006)

> 918 RUS: Радио России в 01.40. Откуда - фиг его знает. SINPO 54554
Архангельск. Других нет. (Виктор Рутковский, Екатеринбург, Россия - open_dx 1006)       

583 21/12 1331 MD Min. Vody 2x15sec (id=7s) Zheleznovodsk

171 03/01 1705 R.Ch. Free Tbilisskaya 1200 Russian Zheleznovodsk
531 21/12 1851 R. Sarasarye Iranshahr 600 Farsi Zheleznovodsk
540 21/12 1907 Kossuth R. Solt 1000 Hungarian Zheleznovodsk
549 22/12 1634 UR2 Kiev 150 Ukrainian Zheleznovodsk
558 22/12 1635 R. Farhang Gheslagh 1000 Farsi Zheleznovodsk
567 22/12 1648 RR Volgograd 1000 Russian Zheleznovodsk
576 22/12 1649 Christo Botev Vidin 500 Bulgarian Zheleznovodsk
585 22/12 1737 Radio Quran Tehran 600 Farsi Zheleznovodsk
594 22/12 1753 Mayak Vladikavkaz 25 Russian Zheleznovodsk
603 23/12 1539 RR1 Bucuresti 50 Romanian Zheleznovodsk
621 24/12 1738 RR Makhachkala 50 Russian Zheleznovodsk
621 25/12 0243 Vo of Arabs Batra 1000 Arabic Zheleznovodsk
630 25/12 0226 RR1 Timisoara/Voi 400 Romanian Zheleznovodsk
639 26/12 1454 VIRI Bonab 400 Kurdish Zheleznovodsk
648 26/12 1756 UR1 Oktyabrskoye 150 Ukrainian Zheleznovodsk
657 26/12 1758 R. Sarasarye Zahedan 100 Farsi Zheleznovodsk
666 26/12 1950 R. Sarasarye Shushtar Farsi Zheleznovodsk
675 26/12 1952 UR1 Uzhgorod 25 Ukrainian Zheleznovodsk
684 26/12 2038 R. Sarasarye Mashdad 100 Farsi Zheleznovodsk
702 28/12 1527 TRT4 Catalca 1200 Turkish Zheleznovodsk
702 28/12 1530 VIRI Kiashahr 500 Azerbaijani Zheleznovodsk
711 28/12 1951 UR1 Dokuchaevsk 50 Ukrainian Zheleznovodsk
837 03/01 1637 UR2 Taranovka 150 Ukrainian Zheleznovodsk
846 03/01 1622 RR Elista 42 Russian Zheleznovodsk
882 03/01 1548 Mayak Stavropol 30 Russian Zheleznovodsk
1026 21/12 1335 IRIB Tabriz 100 Farsi Zheleznovodsk
1053 03/01 1531 Radio Iasi Iasi 1000 Romanian Zheleznovodsk
1413 02/01 1733 R. Yunnost Stavropol 30 Russian Zheleznovodsk
1440 02/01 1717 BSKSA Dammam 1600 Arabic Zheleznovodsk
1458 02/01 1628 RR1 Constanta 50 Romainan Zheleznovodsk
(Сергей Колесов, Киев, Украина - open_dx 1007)

1188 Jan 4 1455-1505 RUS: RFI/DW via Sankt-Peterburg. This tx seems to carry
 both RFI and DW at the moment while 1440 kHz is off. At 1458 RFI in Russian,
changing to DW in Russian at 1500. RFI still announcing 1440 kHz. (Mauno Ritola,
Finland - hard-core-dx 37, 6)
Изменения в Черкассах: с 1 января ОГТРК ?Вика? ретранслирует программы канала
ОАО ?Киевтелемонтаж?. Логотип канала . слегка растянутая буква К и арабская цифра
1 в 
кружочке, расположенные в левом нижнем углу экрана.

А над ТЕТом сгущаются тучи. После отключения его в Запорожской и Хмельницкой
возможно выключение 22 ТВК в Черкассах.
(Илья Клепко, Черкассы, Украина - open_dx 997)

9 января на протяжении около 6 часов, начиная с 12.00 UTC хорошее
тропо, особенно с киевского направления:

30 ТВК - Киев, местами с цветом.
> Киев

32 ТВК - ICTV, местами с цветом.
> Киев

48 ТВК - 5 канал
> Киев

50 ТВК - СТБ
> Киев

67.22 Белорусское Радио
> Сметанычи, Гомельская обл.

72.08 Студия Майдан
> Киев

69.02 Gala Радио
> Киев

71.30 Проминь
> Киев

102.40 Люкс FM
> Черновцы

103.10 Наше Радио
> Хмельницкий

106.90 Люкс FM
> Луцк-Подгайцы

106.60 Блеск FM
> Черновцы

Сегодня, 10 января, слабое тропо, однако, неожиданно для себя,
обнаружил Польшу:

22 ТВК - TV Polonia 2, пару минут в цвете.

и пару польских станций в FM диапазоне, однако все это длилось только
около 10 минут. (Игорь Данилевич, Збараж, Украина - open_dx 1006)

Сосновый Бор
99,7 Радио Тера <http://www.terastudio.com>

91,0 Белорусское радио

107,4 Европа+ с 20 декабря

106,7/68,48 Наше Радио вместо Радио Сибири с 09.01.06 должно быть

104,2/66,68 Радио Энергия с 1 января

91,1 Эхо Москвы с 29 декабря

106,0 Эхо Москвы с 30 декабря

101,0 Апекс-Радио с 1 декабря

101,9 Love Радио

67,47 Шанья FM

Союз FM
101,1 Пермь
67,10 Соликамск
68,09 Губаха

72,71 Юмор ФМ
(Виктор Рутковский, Екатеринбург, Россия - open_dx 1006)

Frequen Date Time Station Location Power Language QTH
68.30 06/01 1528 Pervoye R. Gelendzhik(?) Russian Kavkazskaya
68.36 15/12 1828 RR Kanevska 17 Russian Kuschevka
68.36 07/01 0644 UR1 Dnepropetrovsk 4 Ukrainian Dneprodzerzhinsk
68.72 16/12 1020 Radio Rus Kurskaya 0.1 Russian Zheleznovodsk
68.96 16/12 0748 RR Pyatigorsk 4 Russian Zheleznovodsk
68.96 19/12 0450 R. Stavropol Pyatigorsk 4 Russian Zheleznovodsk
69.44 15/12 1645 Ekho Moskvy Rostov/Don 1 Russian Rostov
69.74 16/12 0952 5-ya Vershina Pyatigorsk 1 Russian Zheleznovodsk
~69.80 15/12 1646 RR ? Russian Rostov
~69.80 15/12 1646 Mayak ? Russian Rostov
69.89 06/01 1533 Roks FM Kropotkin Russian Kavkazskaya
70.04 16/12 1004 Mayak ? Russian Zheleznovodsk
70.31 16/12 1005 Mayak Cherkessk 17 Russian Zheleznovodsk
71.09 16/12 1006 Energy FM Pyatigorsk 5 Russian Zheleznovodsk
71.24 19/12 1517 "Alania" Vladikavkaz 17 Osetian Zheleznovodsk
71.39 15/12 1523 Mayak Rostov/Don 17 Russian Taganrog
71.63 06/01 1424 Mayak Stavropol 17 Russian Kubanskaya
71.90 16/12 1019 Radio Rus Neftekumsk 4 Russian Zheleznovodsk
72.11 19/12 0735 Cherkessk r. Cherkessk 17 Cherkess Zheleznovodsk
72.23 20/12 0413 Mayak Nalchik 17 Russian Zheleznovodsk
72.41 06/01 1430 Russkoye R. Stavropol 4 Russian Kubanskaya
72.44 06/01 0700 RR Urup 0.4 Russian Zheleznovodsk
72.8 23/12 0841 "Alania" Vladikavkaz 4 Russian Zheleznovodsk
72.95 15/12 1530 RR Rostov/Don 17 Russian Taganrog
73.49 15/12 1833 RR Kuschevskaya 0.4 Russian Kuschevka
73.49 19/12 1510 GTRK KBR ? Russian Zheleznovodsk
73.76 15/12 1700 ORR Rostov/Don 1 Russian Rostov
88.5 07/01 0711 Music Radio Dnepropetrovk 1 Ukrainian Dneprodzerzhinsk
90.1 07/01 0713 Love Radio Dnepropetrovsk 0.5 English Dneprodzerzhinsk
90.5 07/01 0716 Jam FM Dnepropetrovsk 0.1 Russian Dneprodzerzhinsk
92.4 07/01 0921 Radio 5 Kiev 1 Ukrainian Alexandria
98.5 06/01 1325 Love Radio Armavir Russian Nevinnomysk
99.1 07/01 0941 Radio 5 Poltava 1 Ukrainian Znamenka
99.3 06/01 1328 Shanson Armavir 0.8 Russian Nevinnomysk
100.0 07/01 0944 Avtoradio Poltava 1 Ukrainian Vodyanoe
100.1 15/12 1600 Hit Rostov Rostov/Don 1 Russian Taganrog
100.2 07/01 0737 Gala-radio Krivoy Rog 4 Ukrainian Volnogorsk
100.4 03/12 0430 Maximum Pyatigorsk 0.27 Russian Zheleznovodsk
100.5 07/01 0740 Lux Dnepropetrovsk 2 Russian Volnogorsk
100.6 16/12 1557 Radio Fanat Kislovodsk 0.18 Russian Zheleznovodsk
100.7 15/12 1707 Ekho Moskvy Rostov/Don 1 Russian Rostov
100.7 22/12 0626 Radio 7 Stavropol 2.818 Russian Zheleznovodsk
100.8 06/01 1541 R. Shanson ? Russian Kavkazskaya
100.9 07/01 0949 Radio 5 Donetsk 0.1 Ukrainian Vodyanoe
100.9 16/12 1408 R.Provintsiya Pyatigorsk 1 Russian Zheleznovodsk
100.9 15/12 1752 Avtoradio Kuschevskaya 1 Russian Rostov
101.0 07/01 0752 R. Shanson Krivoy Rog 1 Ukrainian Volnogorsk
101.0 06/01 1331 Pervoye R. Otradnaya 1 Russian Nevinnomysk
101.1 15/12 1602 Ser. Dozhd' Voronezh 1 Russian Taganrog
101.2 15/12 1604 Nashe Vremya Rostov/Don 1 Russian Taganrog
101.2 15/12 0949 Hit FM Donetsk 1 Ukrainian Yasinovataya
101.4 07/01 0753 Lux FM Krivoy Rog 0.1 Russian Pyatikhatki
101.5 07/01 0957 Russkoye R. Krasnogorovka 1 Russian Vodyanoe
101.5 06/01 1435 Roks FM Maykop 1 Russian Gul'kevichi
101.6 16/12 1626 Avtoradio Kislovodsk 2 Russian Zheleznovodsk
101.6 15/12 1611 R. Rostova Rostov/Don 1 Russian Taganrog
101.6 15/12 0951 Jam FM Donetsk 2.24 Russian Yasinovataya
101.7 07/01 0957 BBC ? English Vodyanoe
101.7 07/01 1005 Visma Radio Kremenchug 0.1 Ukrainian Lukovoye
101.8 16/12 1702 Russkoye R. Stavropol 1 Russian Zheleznovodsk
101.8 15/12 0954 Avtoradio Lugansk 1 Ukrainian Yasinavataya
101.9 15/12 1613 Radio TVS Taganrog 1 Russian Taganrog
102.0 07/01 0808 Hit FM Dnepropetrovsk 2 Rus, Ukr Pyatikhatki
102.0 16/12 1706 Europa Plus Vladikavkaz 1 Russian Zheleznovodsk
102.1 15/12 1000 Klassnoye Donetsk 1 Ukrainian Yasinovataya
102.2 15/12 1615 Evropa Plus Rostov/Don 1 Russian Taganrog
102.3 07/01 0809 Hit FM Poltava 1 Rus, Ukr Pyatikhatki
102.3 06/01 1337 Avtoradio Armavir 3.715 Russian Konokovo
102.4 15/12 1835 Evropa Plus Tikhoretsk 3.8 Russian Krylovskaya
102.5 06/01 1338 Roks FM Maykop Russian Konokovo
102.4 04/02 0955 Ser. Dozhd' Karabulak 5 Russian Zheleznovodsk
102.5 07/01 0810 Europa Plus Dnepropetrovsk 1 Ukrainian Pyatikhatki
102.5 16/12 1721 5-ya Vershina Pyatigorsk 1.58 Russian Zheleznovodsk
102.6 06/01 1722 R. Courier Taganrog 0.2 Russian Krylovskaya
102.6 15/12 1719 Radio N Novocherkassk 1 Russian Rostov
102.6 15/12 1002 Melodia Donetsk 1 Ukrainian Yasinovataya
102.7 07/01 0810 Nashe/ Radio Krivoy Rog 4 Ukrainian Pyatikhatki
102.8 19/12 0915 Ekho Moskvy Vladikavkaz 1 Russian Zheleznovodsk
102.9 06/01 1341 Roks FM Armavir 20 Russian Konokovo
102.9 15/12 1006 Russkoye R. Lugansk 1 Ukrainian Yasonovataya
102.9 07/01 1023 Nashe Radio Dnepropetrovsk 3 Ukrainian Kamenka
103.0 15/12 1629 R. 103 Nashe Rostov/Don 1 Russian Rostov
103.0 15/12 1834 Pervoye R. Kuschevskaya 0.38 Russian Kuschevka
103.1 15/12 1006 Klassnoye Gorlovka 0.1 Ukrainian Yasinovataya
103.2 07/01 0821 Radio 5 Krivoy Rog 1 Ukrainian Zholtoye
103.2 16/12 1724 Russkoye R. Pyatigorsk 2.95 Russian Zheleznovodsk
103.3 06/01 1342 Pervoye R. Tbilisskaya 1 Russian Konokovo
103.3 15/12 1723 Ser. Dozhd' Rostov/Don Russian Rostov (Puls TR)
103.3 15/12 1012 Melodia Krasnoarmeysk 0.1 Russian Yasinovataya
103.5 15/12 1804 Rst.Yunnost Kuschevskaya 0.38 Russian Kuschevka
103.5 15/12 1014 Radio Tochka Donetsk 0.4 Russian Yasinovataya
103.6 06/01 1307 Europa Plus Stavropol 1 Russian Nevinnomysk
103.7 07/01 1034 Russkoye R. Cherkassy 1 Russian Kamenka
103.7 15/12 1733 Radio 7 Rostov/Don 1 Russian Rostov
103.8 16/12 1847 Europa Plus Pyatigorsk 1 Russian Zheleznovodsk
103.8 07/01 0851 Russkoye R. Kirovograd 1 Rus, Ukr Soloveyka
103.9 07/01 0852 Russkoye R. Kremenchug 1 Rus, Ukr Soloveyka
103.9 15/12 1023 Klassnoye R. Kramatorsk 1 Rus, Ukr Yasinovataya
104.0 06/01 1456 Russkoye R. Maykop 4 Russian Kavkazskaya
104.1 07/01 1-35 Hit FM Cherkassy 0.5 Rus, Ukr Kamenka
104.1 15/12 1630 Avtoradio Rostov/Don 1 Russian Rostov
104.1 15/12 1049 MFM Donetsk 1 Rus, Ukr Yasinovataya
104.2 07/01 0852 Shanson Kirovograd 0.1 Rus, Ukr Soloveyka
104.2 16/12 1924 Hit FM Yessentuki 1 Russian Zheleznovodsk
104.3 06/01 1150 Radio Rus Stavropol 1 Russian Kursavka
104.3 15/12 1844 Radio RSN Tikhoretsk 3.55 Russian Krylovskaya
104.5 15/12 1815 Pervoye R. Kanevskaya 20 Russian Kuschevka
104.6 17/12 0433 Radio 7 Pyatigorsk 1 Russian Zheleznovodsk
104.6 15/12 1631 Dinamit Rostov/Don 1 Russian Rostov
104.7 15/12 1049 Russkoye R. Donetsk 1 Ukrainian Yasinovataya
104.7 06/01 1312 Russkoye R. Armavir 0.316 Russian Nevinnomysk
104.8 06/01 1736 Europa Plus Lugansk 1 Russian Krylovskaya
104.9 17/12 1828 Radio MCC Vladikavkaz 1 Russian Zheleznovodsk
105.0 07/01 1039 Kiss FM Cherkassy 0.5 Ukrainian T. Shevchenko
105.0 15/12 1816 Pervoye R. Shedok 10 Russian Kuschevka
105.1 07/01 0859 Gala-Radio Alexandria 0.5 Ukrainian Alexandria
105.1 06/01 1313 Avtoradio Stavropol 1 Russian Nevinnomysk
105.1 15/12 1634 Rusradio Rostov/Don 1 Russian Rostov
105.1 15/12 1051 Sport FM Donetsk 4 Ukrainian Illovaysk
105.3 15/12 1401 Russkoye R. Mariupol 1 Ukrainian Uspenskaya
105.4 06/01 1317 Pervoye R. Armavir 1 Russian Nevinnomysk
105.4 23/12 1156 Groznenskoye Groznyy 1 Rus, Chec. Zheleznovodsk
105.5 21/12 0647 Russkoye R. Nalchik 4 Russian Zheleznovodsk
105.5 15/12 1407 Shanson Lugansk 1 Rus, Ukr Uspenskaya
105.5 15/12 1427 Stilnoe Radio Donetsk 4 Russian Uspenskaya
105.7 15/12 1635 Love Rostov/Don 4 Russian Rostov
105.8 07/01 1044 MFM Kirovograd 1 Ukrainian T. Shevchenko
105.8 17/12 0823 Dinamit FM Pyatigorsk 4 Russian Zheleznovodsk
105.8 15/12 1821 Roks FM Tbilisskaya 16 Russian Kuschevka
106.0 15/12 1446 Avtoradio Donetsk 1 Ukrainian Matveev Kurgan
106.1 07/01 1046 Lux FM Cherkassy 1 Rus, Ukr T. Shevchenko
106.1 06/01 1349 Pervoye R. Sochi (?) 2 Russian Konokovo
106.2 07/01 1047 Lux FM Kirovograd 1 Rus, Ukr T. Shevchenko 
106.2 06/01 1321 D FM Stavropol 1 Russian Nevinnomysk
106.2 17/12 0628 Retro FM Pyatigorsk 2.95 Russian Zheleznovodsk
106.2 15/12 1735 Pervoye R. Pavlovskaya(?) 2.24 Russian Rostov
106.7 07/01 1047 Skifia-Centre Kirovograd 1 Ukrainian T. Shevchenko
106.7 07/01 0906 Melodia Kirovograd 1 Ukrainian Alexandria
106.8 06/01 1201 ORR Stavropol 1 Russian Kursavka
106.8 15/12 1449 Europa Plus Donetsk 5 Ukrainian Matveev Kurgan
107.0 07/01 0908 Sharmanka Kremenchug 0.5 Rus, Ukr Alexandria
107.0 15/12 1740 Roks FM Kanevskaya 17.8 Russian Rostov
107.1 07/01 1055 Sharmanka Cherkassy 1 Rus, Ukr T. Shevchenko
107.1 17/12 0818 Khoroshee R. Pyatigorsk 1 Russian Zheleznovodsk
107.2 06/01 1232 Europa Plus Armavir 1 Russian Kursavka
107.3 06/01 1551 Roks FM Belaya Glina 0.562 Russian Mirskaya
107.5 07/01 1107 Shanson Cherkassy 0.5 Ukrainian T. Shevchenko
107.5 06/01 1235 ORR Karachaevsk 1 Russian Nevinnomysk
107.6 07/01 0910 Radio Mayak Alexandria 0.1 Rus, Ukr Alexandria
107.6 15/12 1458 Nashe Radio Donetsk 1 Ukrainian Matveev Kurgan
107.8 15/12 1741 Pervoye R. Kuschevskaya 2.24 Russian Rostov
107.8 15/12 1451 Radio Era Lugansk 1 Ukr, Rus Matveev Kurgan
107.9 07/01 0916 Nashe Radio Kirovograd 1 Ukrainian Alexandria
107.9 15/12 1852 Avtoradio& Tikhoretsk 1 Russian Krylovskaya
Tikhoretskoye Radio
(Сергей Колесов, Киев, Украина - open_dx 1007)

> 68.30 06/01 1528 Pervoye R. Gelendzhik(?) Russian Kavkazskaya

Скорее Белореченск, 68,33

> 73.49 19/12 1510 GTRK KBR ? Russian Zheleznovodsk

Есть 73,40 Верхний Чегем

> 100.8 06/01 1541 R. Shanson ? Russian Kavkazskaya

Тбилисская, скорее всего.

> 104.6 17/12 0433 Radio 7 Pyatigorsk 1 Russian Zheleznovodsk

Это Пятигорск или Кисловодск?

> 106.1 06/01 1349 Pervoye R. Sochi (?) 2 Russian Konokovo

Сочи далеко слишком. Есть еще Апшеронск.

> 106.2 15/12 1735 Pervoye R. Pavlovskaya(?) 2.24 Russian Rostov


> 107.1 17/12 0818 Khoroshee R. Pyatigorsk 1 Russian Zheleznovodsk

Шансон. Хорошее радио - заставка.
(Виктор Рутковский, Екатеринбург, Россия - open_dx 1007)
Местная ГТРК "Лотос" информирует, что с 16 января с.г. меняется сетка
вещания. Выход в эфир по следующему расписанию:

04.10 - 05.00 - новости и тематические программы под общим названием "С
добрым утром!";
07.00 - 07.10 - информация и новости;
10.00 - 11.00 - новости, различная информация, тематические программы;
15.10 - 16.00 - новости, различная информация, тематические программы,
"Прямые линии".

Все вышесказанное - по будним дням.

В выходные - расписание без изменений, т.е. с 07.00 до 08.00 -
тематические и национальные программы.
Время везде в UTC.

Вещание ГТРК "Лотос" на 792 кГц по-прежнему не ведется,
только в диапазоне УКВ.

Следует отметить, что это распоряжение пришло из ВГТРК, очевидно, и
другие ГТРК России сменят свое расписание, раз они все являются
филиалами ВГТРК?

Интересно, что "Маяк" на средних волнах и после Нового Года в полном
объеме, в том числе и через передатчики Волгограда, Махачкалы и т.п.
В Астрахани на СВ с 02.50 до 22 UTC.
(Василий Гуляев, Астрахань, Россия - open_dx 1007)

12.590,5 3756: Moscow Radio 1530 fec B V G D E J Z I K L M N O P R S T U F H
/QSX 8390,0  (6Jan06) (wp3)
12.590,5 3756: Moscow Radio 1230 fec CQ CQ CQ DE 3756  C 12/09/05 
RADIOTELEKS QSW 8430,0 /QSX 8390,0  0700-2000 MSK QSW 12590,5/QSX 12488,0
0700-2000 MSK (6Jan06) (wp3)
12.599,5 uat: Moscow Radio 1202 fec tfc list (6Jan06)
16.813,0 uat: Moscow Radio 1403 fec ....MIN  DE UAT NNNN (6Jan06) (wp3)
16.833,5 uiw: Kaliningrad Radio 1109 fec nawip - tfc (6Jan06) 
(Wolfgang Palmberger, Munich, Germany - wun 21, 11)

utc            qrg         call/s       rst            dist/kms
10:36    28,200.-    CS3B         478             2,947
(Walter Cappoza, Venezia, Italy - wun 21, 11)

04166.3 XSS: ALE sounding, 1721 utc (06/jan/06) (AA)
08108.5 XSS: ALE sounding, 0718 utc (06/jan/06) (AA)
and here's the rest of my logs:
05268.0 2016: ALE  sounding, 0600 utc (05/jan/06) (AA)
05611.0 FLA: ALE  "TIS:FLA", 0628 utc (05/jan/06) (AA)
05212.0 CS002: ALE  "TO:RS009 TIS:CS002", 0710 utc (05/jan/06) (AA)
05410.0 CS003: ALE  "TO:RS0017 TIS:CS003", 0816 utc (05/jan/06) (AA)
15043.0 JDG: ALE  sounding, 1221 utc (05/jan/06) (AA)
17435.0 2011: ALE  "TO:2413 TIS:2011", 1333 utc (05/jan/06) (AA)
17451.5 OEY51: ALE  "TO:OEY71 TIS:OEY51", 1336 utc (05/jan/06) (AA)
18003.0 UKE: ALE  sounding, 1342 utc (05/jan/06) (AA)
18276.0 unid ALE,  not able to decode, 1408 utc (05/jan/06) (AA)
07785.0 HA4: ALE  "TO:HA43 TIS:HA4", 1604 utc (05/jan/06) (AA)
07785.0 LZ51: ALE  "TIS:LZ51", 1606 utc (05/jan/06) (AA)
07957.0 AA1: ALE  sounding, 1643 utc (05/jan/06) (AA)
05476.0 0000210588: ALE  sounding, 1747 utc (05/jan/06) (AA)
14572.0 5705: ALE  sounding, 1323 utc (06/jan/06) (AA)
14930.0 CER: ALE  "TO:AMMAN TIS:CER", 1457 utc (06/jan/06) (AA)
14740.0 1204: ALE  sounding, 1507 utc (06/jan/06) (AA)
05750.0 2Z4: ALE  sounding, 1515 utc (06/jan/06) (AA)
05750.0 2Z4CP1: ALE  sounding, 1515 utc (06/jan/06) (AA)
05718.9 10D: ALE  "TO:IGFIAFALE TIS:10D", 1545 utc (06/jan/06) (AA)
05718.9 8DIVIAFALE: ALE  "TIS:8DIVIAFALE", 1546 utc (06/jan/06) (AA)
(06/jan/06) (AA)
05784.0 000 ALE  sounding, 1842 utc (06/jan/06) (AA)
(Alex, oe3dma, Austria - wun 21, 11)

3161.0 XGH: UNID 0822 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng XSS (06/Jan)(DW)
  3227.4 XSS: UNID 1343 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Also 1345
Logs for 7/Jan:
2608.4 FUO: FN TOULON 2116 rtty 75/N/850 Marker "FAAA de FUO testing RYs SGs
figs voyez vous le brick int zbz nnnn". Period of lettershifts then repeat (07/Jan)(DW)
2617.5 GYA: RN NORTHWOOD 2100 FAX 120/576/N/800 Sfc anal. M/path fading (07/Jan)(DW)
2780.0 FUC: FN CHERBOURG 2136 rtty 75/N/850 Marker "aa de FUC testing RYs SGs
figs voyez vous le brick int zbz nnnn" (07/Jan)(DW)
2789.0 FUE: FN BREST 2140 rtty 75/N/850 Marker "zczc abc001 all de FUE testing
RYs SG figs int zbz nnnn" (07/Jan)(DW)
2845.0 PBB: DN DEN HELDER 2143 rtty 75/N/850 CARB. All channels inactive (07/Jan)(DW)
(Day Watson, Clevedon, UK - wun 21, 16)

0.254 EV: NDB 0651utc 9Jan06 CW
Inuvik, Canada. 68.19.34N 133.35.34W
(Ian Yutani, Alaska - wun 21, 19)

0.411 ILI: NDB 0655utc 9Jan06 CW
Iliamna, Ak. 59.44.42N 154.54.34W
(Ian Yutani, Alaska - wun 21, 19)

0.404 GCR: NDB 0700utc 9Jan06 CW
Cordova, Ak. 60.29.55N 145.28.28W
(Ian Yutani, Alaska - wun 21, 19)
Last night due to the poor conditions on both MW and SW bands, I decided to
do some work with the wire.

I cut with my scissors piece of a broken headphone and I placed the short
amount of its wire inside of it to the long-wire I had. Then, I connected it
to the headphone jack of some CD player's speakers I had with the encoding
cable (the one I use to transfer some of my DX and some of the music I taped
from the radio into real-audio) connected to the speakers and the wires's
terminals were standing right on one of the end of the encoding cable. The
other end was obviously connected to the radio, not too much, because
otherwise I would have extreme attenuation of signals, but in the position
where the most gain could be obtained. Connecting the long-wire I have in
our interior yard right into the radio is pretty tough and mostly I either
do not have enough gain, get extreme overload, get some overload enough
everywhere below 4.76 MHz and some higher like on 6010. Now, while I'm still
plagued by overload on the botton of 60 meters and below, I get nothing bad
on 6010 with still quite some gain over the telescopic antenna of my Sangean
CST-818 alone and the rest of the 60 meters band above 4760 is as nice as
one could get. I'm also looking forward trying some Peruvians, as it is a
country from which I never positively identified something yet.

In spite of seeing a DXer in Northern Germany with what I believe was
trans-arctic DX (several west coast stations on MW), condx here were lousy
on both MW and SW. For exemple, on 49 meters, I couldn't get at all Radio
Educacion which is a station both me and Geroge Maroti qualifies as non-DX.
At least, with this little work on my antenna system, I heard some weak, but
new for me signals like on 4910, I think (very weak, with apparent Spanish)
or 4810 which would be a nice Mexican (didn't note anything down), 6125
(probably HCJB which was clearer and without neighborhood QRM). Radio
Rebelde 5025 was more pleasant to listen to only very late last night, but
way much clearer with this new improovement on the way my long-wire was

On MW, Latins were extremely poor. Only RVC-530 and even them were only fair
to good at times. Rebelde poor on all the frequencies. 600 had short-skip
WICC dominating instead of Radio Rebelde in the Holguin area. 670 had
Rebelde way under a tiring growl from our neighborhood. No TA MW DX and not
even CKEC-1320 or CKAT-600. Of course, I was visiting friends in the very
early part of the evening, so I may have missed sunset enhancement on
CKEC-1320 and other interesting Maritime targets theoritically, but
pratically even later last night the channel of 1320 had mostly weak US
stations from presumably even shorter haul distances than CJMR Mississauga
which was VERY messy (and the CJMR is a pest for me !). On 1330, I had the
Boston station with, since several months, Haitian programming instead of
Spanish tropical and pops. I wonder when they changed the format. The only
noteworthy DX was hearing Quebecor rigodon on 800 under semi-nulled CJAD for
my clearest reception of Quebec City yet. There is a place, where CJAD can
almost be completly nulled, but CHRD faded out at the time. A short-skip
signal like it would have been present with continuous signal just to
illustrate how poor the conditions were for both foreign and domestic DX.

I initially thank that the auroral zone, due to the pretty recent
geomagnetic activity, extends farther south here, than in Europe, but I'm
not sure wherever this is plausible, since the German DXer was actually
hearing stations from my own country. And hearing Vancouver and Seattle in
Germany requires quite a bit in the way of propagation assistance and the
retirment of the auroral zone. But nothing, just weak slops when I tuned at
the middle of the distances between CFRA/residual WTAG-580 and CKRS-590.

On FM, while working on my antenna system, I had tropo-scatter from Trois
Rivieres on 93.9 and Ottawa (CBOF-90.7 and also 93.9). Still not even the
faintest trace of skip, but of course the mini-Es season related to the
summer peak in the Southern Hemisphere is not much of a thing here up north.
When I was a member of the WTFDA, Mike Bugaj told me the same thing. Maybe
southern TX, Central America or Venezuela have some in the way of
Sporadic-Es at this time of the year. Of course, southern Venezuela gets Es
every day, because of it's proximity to the equator and diurnal Es available
during the daylight hours at weak levels. I'm still thinking if Venezuela,
at least the northern part of it, is well placed for evening TEP or too
close to the equator so that both the afternoon TEP and evening TEP signals
skip over it.

But something as far as FM DX goes is was anyone able to tell that near the
magnetic pole, during the polar nights, Es is permanently received in the
same way diurnal Es happens in the equatorial regions ? Are there at least
some stations in the barely populated areas of northern Russia or northern
Norway ? Are there, on the web, any results about nocturnal Es ?

Finally, I think we will install the Yagi antenna this spring. When we
transported it from friends I have in the Labelle region in the Laurentians
area, one element of it broken, but it would be a great antenna.

In spite of going very late to bed last night, I woke quite early this
morning, way before 10 o'clock. Since Mexico is also a favorite target of
mine, I still hope I will enter in a normal schedule of sleep and going to
bed early for waking very early in order to get Radio Mil 6010 and others.
XEHHI-640 is high on my wanted list, but the right aurora will be in order
for me to be able to get them. With CJAD nulled to the WSW bearing, XEROK
whould be bringed with little trouble too, during the right conditions.
(Bogdan Chiochiu, Pierrefonds, Canada - CumbreDX 1375)

Report from:
Bogdan Alexandru Chiochiu
4190 Edward Higgins
H8Y 3M9
Pierrefonds (Montreal's West Island), Quebec, Canada
Sanyo MCD-S830 with ferrite bar antenna
Sangean CST-818 with long-wire antenna in our interior yard

Pan-American DX:

600 CUBA, CMKV, Radio Rebelde, Urbano Norris JAN 10 0403 - Feel asleep listening
to this one often very good and fighting WICC in Bridgeport with Spanish ballads
and a bolero, woman with talk about woman issues and about communism. She saied
that when everyone (psychiatres, teachers, sellers, etc.) would be equal, it
will help to build the society. (Obviously, this is not true, since it's the
difference, not the equality that makes one motivated in life and apt to success
- Bogdan). (Chiochiu-QC)

670 CUBA, CMBA, Radio Rebelde, Arroyo Arrenas JAN 10 0402 - Almost as strong
as 600 but with much more distortion due to fadings. This one is a pest for me,
because it makes Radio Rumbos a difficult catche and mostly impossible to enjoy.

750 VENEZUELA, YVKS, RCR, Caracas, DF JAN 7 2335 - Fair reception with WSB partly
nulled with YV baseball. +JAN 09 0330 - w/ talk about the biography of a poet.
Good and completly atop channel at this time. (Chiochiu-QC)

760 COLOMBIA, HJAJ, RCN Cadena Bas?ca, Barranquilla JAN 09 0327 - Ads and several
IDs. Poor and fadey. (Chiochiu-QC)

780 unIDs (prob. YVNM in Coro, Falc?n and a second Latin) JAN 09 0336 - Threshold
with Tropical music followed by an ID that was almost completly burried in next-to-adjacent
local CJAD-800 splatter; the only word readable was "AM" and "AM" is often used
on Radio Coro so almost certainly them. What was interesting that I had what
seemed to be a second Latin station here from which I couldn't copy nothing.
The most likely possibility would be Ecos del Torbes, YVOD. Are they still actives
on MW ? I know they left
SW a few years ago, sadly. (Chiochiu-QC)

890 CUBA, CMDZ, Radio Progreso, Chambas JAN 09 0342 - Nice tropical tune followed
by ID. Quite good and for a minute or so at 0344 was even very good. However,
not only my Sanyo MCD-S830 powerhouse is less sensitive in the 800s and 900s,
but it seem as well MUCH less selectif. On all the other channels adjacent to
NYC powerhouses, I only get splash and / or het, but around 890 I get true overspills
with comprehensible but distorted content from WCBS-880. (Chiochiu-QC)

1140 unID (poss. the Isla Margarita station) JAN 10 2203 - Spanish talk very
weak and very intermittent. WRVA and a day-timer were the only usable signals
here. 1140 is probably my best bet for the Nueva Esparta "estado" of Isla Margarita.
But, Cuba and WQBI are possibles too, so I'm not even labelling this one as tentative.


5030 BURKINA FASO, Radio Burkina (also IDing as RTB !), Ougadougou JAN 10 2124
- FF announcer presenting a nice mixture of Afropop, soukous and R&B until 2156
when I hear some IS followed by newscast at 2200 with political news. SIO 342
with fadings and minor growl from a computer in the neighborhood. Around 2202,
powerline QRM begun to be heard at which point, I switched to AM broadcast band
listening on my Sanyo MCD-S830. (Chiochiu-QC)

6140 COLOMBIA, HJCU, Radio Lider, Santaf? de Bogota JAN 09 2344 - w/ romantic
Spanish music. The signal was quite good, but with lots of splatter from 6135.
SIO 311, since the splatter was intense and tiring. It was the first time I tuned
to Radio Lider during the evening ! (Chiochiu-QC)

First of all, a very good news arrived yesturday via the Italian list playdx:
the A Index is 0; that means, if it continue to be very low or even nil, that
excellent east-west high-latitude paths can be achieved on MW. It also means
I should try to get Norway-1314, if it continues that way.

Secondly, I really don't understand why a radio that is capable of splitting
Croatia-1134, Spain-585 and ZIZ-555 is getting distroted, but GOOD WCBS audio
blending over Progreso. A filter should work the same around the band or not
? I'd really appreciate an explanation, since it is really intriguing me. It
is sad, since it makes Romania-855 out of question for me. What are the other
Romnian outlets I could have at least a slim chance of picking up here in Montreal,
on MW ? I know Mark Connelly did not even
put Romania among "Your first 50 Trans-Atlantic countries"...

However, I'm really happy with the possibles Spanish signals on 780 and 1140,
channels dominated usually by strong Radio Coro (well, at least quite regularly)
and WRVA in Richmond, VA. I couldn't get an ID, but this season wasn't too productive
in term of LA DX on MW so far. I haven't listened to too many "new" Latins in
2005-2006 so far. At least, my radio and it's ferrite bar antenna is good enough
for some limited TA DX during decent conditions. Of course, if everything is
all right, I may have a Drake R8B
within the next months.

As you can see I haven't reported Caicos-530, but the program content of this
station isn't really appelling to me, some of you know why.

Last evening, I listened to a radio station in Belgium (over the Internet of
course) and since the discussion was very appelling to me, I wrote an e-mail
to the announcer and he read it over the air. This reminds me of David Gleason
when he was over the air on XEB-1220 in Mexico in the early 70's according to
what I saw on his web-site, requesting songs from Cleveland. It's always exciting
to pass on the radio !

I hope someone will be able to explain to me why the selectivity of my Sanyo
MCD-S830 is varying so much and is so poor in the 800s and 900s as compared to
the other parts of the dial where it is excellent for such a radio.

Let's hope we'll have extra-good trans-Atlantic condx on the AM band very soon
Be the good DX stuff with you! (Bogdan Chiochiu, Pierrefonds, Canada - hard-core-dx
37, 12)
Сб., 31 дек. 2005
09.43 15073 2 5 4 3 2: HOL: Alfa Lima International: песни; 
объявления на ан., нем. и голл. яз. Зачитывание рапортов, в т.ч. из 
Москвы :) Затух после 1330.

Вс., 01 янв. 2006
13.15 15073 2 5 4 2 2: HOL: Alfa Lima International. Вскоре затух. 
Объявлял также 6275 кГц.

5, 7, 10 января - необычайно хорошее для зимы вкупе с приближающимся 
солнечным минимумом ночное прохождение из Ю.Америки на 25 м.

Пн., 05 янв. 2006
02:40 11711 3 5 4 3 3: ARG: RAE на ан. яз. Как раз шла программа "DX 
03:00 11711 3 2 4 3 2: ARG: RAE на фр. яз. QRM CRI на русском на 
11710. Сильный интерференционный писк.

02:45 11745 2 5 3 2 2: CHL: A Voz Crista

03:17 11815 3 5 3 3 3 : B : RBC. Песня на порт. яз.; 0320 ID 
jingle "Radio Brasil Central". На // 4985 кГц станцию было едва 

03:28 11925 2 4 3 3 2 : B : R.Bandeirantes

Прочие на 25 м 0245-0330:
CHN: CNR1 на 12055 и 11885; CNR2 на 11835 и 11845; CRI (на разных 
яз.) на 11730 и 11770; Tibet PBS на 11950...
CLN: SLBC на 11905; "Свобода" на туркменском на 11975;
IND: All India R. (на разных яз.) на 11620, 11735, 11840...
THA: "Свобода" на таджикском на 11795 и на узбекском на 12015 (обе 
передачи через Удонтхани);
TUN: RTT на 12005
 ... и мн. другое...

Прочие станции:

03:37 3960,5 4 5 3 3 3: вероятно, Голос Иранского Курдистана. Яз. 
персидский. Звучали песни борьбы, между тем как булькающая глушилка 
работала на 3971 кГц. Погоня иранских глушилок за подрывными 
станциями, перескакивающими с частоты на частоту, - обычное дело. 
Когда-то так советские глушилки гонялись за Пекинским радио. Пока 
успеют перестроиться...
03:42 OM ID "Барноми седо е..." и не успело прозвучать название, как 
глушилка включилась на 3960.

03:43 3930 4 2 4 3 2: возможно, Голос Комалы. Передача на 
персидском языке сопровождалась булькающим глушением.

Чт., 08 янв. 2006
23:20 5030 4 5 4 3 3: BFA: R.Burkina на фр.: звонки в студию и 
африканские песни по заявкам. Довольно регулярно слышная станция. На 
сей раз принималась на одном уровне с Туркменским радио на 5015 и НР 
Синьцзяна на 5060.

23:45 4795 3 5 3 2 2: KGZ: Бишкек снова тут как тут. 1-я пр-
мма // 4010

Пт., 09 янв. 2006
00:20 11925 2 4 3 3 2: CHN: CNR1

Про MW завтра раскажу :)))))
(Сергей Никишин, Москва - open_dx 1006)
Всем, в ком еще жив соревновательный дух, предлагаю заглянуть на

Это результаты проходивших в ноябре-декабре соревнований северных стран
NORDX, в которых вне конкурса могли участвовать абсолютно все. Комментарии,
к сожалению, все на шведском языке, а у меня с ним не очень.

Я в этот раз решил наконец-то присоединиться. И все опасался, не окажется ли
дебют неудачным -- в смысле, не окажусь ли я со своими несчастными четырьмя
странами (из 29 возможных) на последнем месте... Теперь, как неувядаемый
оптимист, заявляю, что дебют был удачным!!! Занято предпоследнее место,
26-е. ;-)

Соревнования вообще серьезные; с кондачка не прыгнешь. Победил Герт
Нильссон, на втором месте Ян Эд (оба из Швеции). Я не совсем понял, как
организаторы расставили их по местам -- число очков одинаковое. Эти великие
люди приняли по 25 стран из списка, в том числе Фареры, Сеуту (1584 кГц),
Мадагаскар, Казахстан, Багамы, Пуэрто-Рико, Гондурас и Гайану.

Из предложенного списка никому не удалось послушать Лесото и Ливан.
Некоторые участники сообщили о приеме Французской Гвианы и Парагвая, но в
таблице за это у всех них стоит "N.A." -- видимо, не засчитано. Может быть,
знатоки шведского прочитают результаты и расскажут нам, почему.

Зачет подводился еще и по клубам. Тут, видимо, мое участие как члена DSWCI
пошло клубу на пользу. В этой номинации меньше трех не собираются (и больше
трех тоже) -- т.е. клубы, от которых выступило 1...2 участника, просто не
рассматриваются, а у клубов, представленных четырьмя диексистами и более,
бралась сумма очков трех лучших. А я от DSWCI как раз оказался третьим,
вслед за Роберто Паванелло (Италия) и Каем Бредалем Йоргенсеном (Дания).
Роберто занял 11-е место, и благодаря ему мы опять же стоим не последними (
т.е. четвертыми) в клубном зачете, обойдя шведский клуб "Эвига Вогор".

А в остальном рулили шведы и финны. 1-е клубное место занял шведский Delsbo
Radioklubb (Эд - Форслунд - Ларссон), второй стала финская ассоциация SDXL
(Хелопалтио - Лехтинен - Хютонен), третьи опять шведы, Volvo DX-Club
(Саарман - Эльгборн - Вострем).

К сожалению, никто больше из наших в NORDX в этом году не зарисовался. А
зря... (Дмитрий Мезин, Казань, Россия - open_dx 1004)

Сегодня разместил на сайте картинки, принятые в течение последних двух
месяцев. Набралось немногим более пятидесяти. Частота - 14230 кГц,
плюс-минус 5 кГц, программа - MixW2, приемник - Icom PCR 1000. Время приема
местное - с 10 до 16 часов, т.е. пока светло. С наступлением темноты
диапазон закрывается. На других, выделенных под SSTV частотах, пока ничего
принять не удается, также пока не принимал трансляции hamDRM. Больше всего
активны радиолюбители, как показалось, в режиме BPSK31, а на SSTV больше
всего итальянцев, немцев и французов.
http://www.travelradio.lv (Владимир Казгунов, Лиепая, Латвия - open_dx 1004)

1 января наблюдал утреннюю передачу RNW на частоте 7240 кГц. ID -
"Wereldomroep", а текстовое идентификационное сообщение такое - "Radio
Nederland Wereldomroep in DRM naar zuidwest Europa en de Canarische
Eilanden", аудио спектр до 11 кГц, AAC+ mono, 17.46  kbps. Вечером принимал
Голос России и Немецкую волну из Талдома по следующему расписанию - до 18
часов Голос России работает на частоте 5810 кГц, затем с 19 до 23 часов на
этой частоте транслируется Немецкая волна, а с 20 до 22 часов Голос России
появляется на частоте 5820 кГц. Таким образом с 20 до 22 часов в эфире два
передатчика из Талдома, можно сказать, рядом, на соседних частотах 5810 и
5820 кГц. Программа Dream  позволяет зафиксировать оба сигнала, если
настроить приемник на частоту 5815 кГц, что я и сделал. Скриншоты имеются на
сайте. Битрейты одинаковы - 17.46 kbps. Качество приема обеих трансляций
примерно одинаковое, CDA 60-90%.
4 декабря я уже принимал трансляцию Радио Швеция из Sackville на новой для
меня DRM частоте 17880 кГц с 15 до 18 часов, но слышно и видно было очень
плохо. Сегодня качество приема было вполне удовлетворительным, в течение
последних 15 минут записи логфайла коэффициент CDA достиг 77%, спектр
аудиосигнала не превышал 5 кГц при битрейте 14.56 kbps и моносигнале.
Текстовое идентификационное сообщение - "17880 kHz 15:00 - 15:58 UTC **Radio
Sweden to Europe from CBC Transmissions Sackville NB, Canada**".
(Владимир Казгунов, Лиепая, Латвия - open_dx 1004)
http://www.harrikujala.tk/ - FM/MW Pirate webpage
Появился из печати 11-й выпуск популярного справочника
"Радиовещание на русском языке" с расписаниями зимнего
сезона. Наш новый справочник содержит текущие частотные и
тематические расписания ВСЕХ радиостанций (как зарубежных,
так и российских), вещающих на русском языке на коротких
волнах, а также ряда станций средневолнового диапазона. По
каждой радиостанции даны почтовые и электронные адреса,
описание наиболее интересных передач и исторические справки. 
Все приведённые в справочнике расписания действительны до 26
марта 2006 года.

Цена нового справочника с учётом пересылки по России
составляет 80 рублей. Для жителей других стран, кроме
Украины, - 5 евро или 6 долларов США за один экземпляр,
также с учётом стоимости пересылки. Заявки и оплату
необходимо направлять по адресу: БЕРЁЗКИНУ АЛЕКСАНДРУ
РОССИЯ. Цена указана при условии предоплаты.
Наложенным платежом справочник высылается только по России и
цена его в этом случае составляет 140 рублей.

Жители УКРАИНЫ могут приобрести справочник, отправив перевод
на 18 гривен по адресу: Осауленко Владимиру Игоревичу, а/я
273, Макеевка-7, Донецкая область, 86107 Украина.

Жители Санкт-Петербурга могут приобрести справочник в DX
клубе своего города. Для этого нужно позвонить по телефону в
Питере 444-01-98 и спросить Алексея Осипова.

Доступна также электронная версия справочника, получить
которую можно всего лишь в течение нескольких часов после

Все подробности опубликованы на сайте справочника по
адресу: <http://www.dxbook.da.ru> , а также на зеркале:

Составители благодарят всех мониторов и помощников
справочника за помощь в его подготовке.
(Игорь Яременко, Новосибирск, Россия - open_dx 1006)

3340, HRMI, La Voz de Misiones 
Internacionales, Comayaguela,  recibida tarjeta 
QSL con datos completos en 16 dias,  firmada por, 
V/S,  J. K. Planeck. En la tarjeta se hace 
constar que transmiten con 1.000 watts de potencia en 3340 kHz.
El informe de recepcion, con el que se acompano 1 
US $ para ayuda del sello de retorno, se envio a 
la direccion que tienen en USA:

Radio Misiones Internacionales
P. O. Box 6321
San Bernardino
CA 92412
U. S. A.
(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - CumbreDX 1375)

Today I got a very nice QSL card from the Voice of Joy and v/s Dean 
Phillips. Postal address is: Box 610411, Dallas, Texas 75261, USA. He can 
also be reached at voiceofjoy@comcast.net. Their programmes are transmitted 
via WRN Network on 6220 kHz.
(Bjorn Fransson, DX-ing on the island of Gotland, Sweden - hard-core-dx 37, 6)

7480 Family Radio via Komsomolsk-na-Amure. Full data '3 decades of 
Faithful Service' ( with site) Card, with schedule, religious material, 
and Postcard of San Francisco in 39 days (Edward Kusalik-Alberta, CANADA - CumbreDX

7415 /9330 Hour of the Time BCB via WBCQ. Xmas Card ( with verification 
statement) , verifying my rpt, mentioned I would be getting QSL 
certificate from the USA Address. Canadian address for Rpts: 2446 Bank 
Street, Ottawa, Ontario, KIV 1A8   Web site: www.hourofthetime.com
(Edward Kusalik-Alberta, CANADA - CumbreDX 1380)

1700 KKLF TX, Richardson, rec. a really nice QSL certificate in
32 days for CD report. I now have all 3 of the call/location veries on
this one. V/S: Hue Beavers-Tech Dept. Texas QSL #72. Address: 3500 Maple
Avenue #1600, Dallas TX 75219-3945. (Patrick Martin, Oregon, Usa - hard-core-dx
37, 11)

1071     JAPAN, Obihiro, JOWM, 5 kw,
rec. full detail QSL card, personal letter, sticker, progr sked, etc. in
80d for CD report with $2 US rp. V/S: Y. Matsuzaki-Technical Section.
Really a nice letter with a lot of info on Obihiro and area too.
Address: The STV Radio Broadcasting Co, Ltd; Nishi 8 - chome; Kita 1 -
jo; Chuo-ku; Sapporo; 060-8705, Japan. Also a really nice QSL showing
all of their station locations on a map on the front. I have heard
several of them through the years.  Japan MW QSL #111
I am really pleased with this. (Patrick Martin, Oregon - hard-core-dx 37, 9)
Приобрел (приблизительно за $10) активную антенну "Триада 50 super" ( <http://triadaboush.nm.ru/prRADIO.htm>
). Это автомобильная антенна и имеет два режима работы "город" / "трасса" (TURBO).

ТТX (из инструкции): 
- диаппазоны: ДВ, СВ, КВ, УКВ, FM
- выходное сопротивлекние на УКВ, FM: 75 Ом
- коэффициент усиления: 6 - 27 дБ
- радиус приема до 150 км.

Установил её в окне на высоте 7-го этажа. Попробовал послушать на всех заявленных
диапазонах. С ДВ и СВ её производители явно погорячились :). На КВ в режиме TURBO
несколько шумит. А вот на УКВ и FM таки она SUPER.
Вот как бы поточнее (не на слух) померить шумы и коэффициент усиления в домашних
условиях? (Вячеслав

Jose Miguel Romero EA5-1022
Burjasot (Valencia)

NRD-535D with 10meters wire

Harold Frodge, Midland MI, USA
Drake R8B + 215' center-fed RW, 85' end-fed RW, 125' bow-tie

Chuck Bolland
Clewiston, Florida

Robert Wilkner
Pompano Beach, Florida

Stephen Bass, Columbus, Ohio, 
Icom 746PRO, Wellbrook 330S Loop 

Scott R Barbour Jr-Intervale,NH-USA
R75, 200' Beverages, MLB-1

Day Watson
QTH:    Clevedon, UK
Rec:    NRD545, NRD535, Aquila(SDR14), RX320D
WUN:    DR Col Editor

Manuel Mendez
Lugo, Spain

Grundig Satellit 500 y Sony ICF SW 7600 G
Antena de cable, 10 metros, orientada WSW
Escuchas realizadas en Friol, 27 Km. W de Lugo

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