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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 52
WorldDX 52 18/01/06 WorldDX выходит с февраля 2005 года. Время везде UTC; чтобы получить зимнее московское, прибавьте к нему 3 часа. Редактор оставляет за собой право не включать в бюллетень информацию, не отвечающую его тематике. Архив предыдущих номеров бюллетеня можно найти по адресу www.worlddx.narod.ru Присылайте новости для бюллетеня по адресу: fmradios12[dog]hotmail.com -------------- Короткие Волны Албания 7465 R. Tirana, 20:10, franc?s, locutora con comentarios y segmentos de Mx, SINPO 33332. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 37, 15) Аргентина Following the tip here in this group I tried it this Saturday morning at 1 UT and actually heard the Port. program with about O=3! Guess they are Mon- Fri Argentine time. Long time since I've heard them on 11710 (and 15345 for that matter...) (Erik Koie, Copenhagen, DenMark - dxldyg 684) Асеншн 6005 BBC Ascension 0716 ID. Talk Px in EE Good (Nobuo Takeno Jan 9, Yamagata, Japan - CumbreDX 1388) Боливия 5967.91 Radio Nacional de Huanuni,Huanuni 1020 - 1035 $B!H(BRadio Nacional..." ID by om, $B!H(Ben el pais ...election nacional... en Bolivia hoy ....(B 10 Jan., also 12 Jan. (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1388) 6054.44 Radio Juan XXIII, San Ignacio de Velazco 1030 to 1040 om en espanol 11 January. (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1388) 4845.48, R Norten~o, Caranavi 1033 to 1055 per Hans Johnson tip, 12 January (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1388) 5952.43 Emisora Pio XII, Siglo Veinte 1050 om ments de Chile, Venezuela, Cuba - situation in latin america? 11 January (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1388) 4844.48 R Norteno, Caranavi 1033 to 1055 per Hans Johnson tip, 12 January (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1389) 6053.65t. Radio Juan XXIII, San Ignacio de Velasco 1040 to 1055 om en espanol, poor to fair signal, deep fades, xmitter drift? (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1389) Ботствана/США 4930, VOA, 0320-0329 Noted news and comments in English. Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, January 14, 2006 - hard-core-dx 37, 15) Бразилия 6180 R.Nac. da Amazonia 0706 Morning px. Radio Nacional ann heard several times. Vy Good signal (Nobuo Takeno Jan 9, Yamagata, Japan - CumbreDX 1388) 9564.90 BRAZIL Radio Tupi, Curitiba, Parana; 2231-2246 14 January, 2006. Presumed the one, good and in the clear, with Brazilian Portuguese male preacher (nonstop, emphatic, sing-song delivery). 9614.96 BRAZIL Radio Cultura, Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo;2207-2230 14 January, 2006. Nice program (as their format always is) with 1930's-era Brazilian and US jazz and film vocals nonstop till male briefly at 2215, then back to scratchy old songs. Varied 9614.96 to 9615.00. No parallels located at this time. (Terry Krueger, Florida - dxldyg 686) 9645.05 BRAZIL Radio Bandierantes, Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo; 2201-2207 14 January, 2006. Clear and fair with presumed soccer coverage, no crowd audio potted in, quick ad break at 2206. (Terry Krueger, Florida - dxldyg 686) 11815.00 BRAZIL Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, Goiania; 2152-2201 14 January, 2006. Braso-pop vocals, very hyper male DJ. Clear and good. (Terry Krueger, Florida - dxldyg 686) 11829.86 BRAZIL Radio CBN Anhanguera, Goiania, Goiania; 2132-2152 14 January, 2006. Blasting in with presumed soccer coverage, male host, lots of crowd noise, frequent and very short breaks with ID's and quick commercials. (Terry Krueger, Florida - dxldyg 686) Буркина Фасо 5030 R. Burkina 2210-2225. Talk by man and woman in French followed by West African pop music. Good signal, easily overcoming usually dominant interference from Rebelde on 5025. SINPO 33333. (Jim Evans, TN, Jan 13 - CumbreDX 1386) 5030 R. Burkina, 19:01-19:10, escuchada el 15 de Enero en franc?s a locutor con titulares y bolet?n de noticias, m?sica de fondo, conexi?n con corresponsales, SINPO 55544 (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 37, 17) Вануату 3944.76 R.Vanuatu, Vila 1946 Local pop and Island mx with talk by man. Radio Vanuatu ann. at 1057. Recently, good audio. (Nobuo Takeno Jan 11, Yamagata, Japan - CumbreDX 1388) Гавайи 10320/U AFN/AFRTS(p); 2050-2100+, 13-Jan; M/EE w/pop mx pgm. Poor @QRN lvl. Net news @!2100. Not //12133.5 Key West (Harold Frodge, Midland, Usa - CumbreDX 1389) Гватемала 4052.40, Radio Verdad, 0309-0315 Noted a man in English Religious comments. At 0311 a Hispanic man gives ID and Address for Station in English. Signal was poor to fair with noise crashes. (Chuck Bolland, January 14, 2006 - hard-core-dx 37, 15) 4779.97 R.Cultural Coatan , San Sebastian 1200 Music followed by Radio Cultural ID. Fair (Nobuo Takeno Jan 7, Yamagata, Japan - CumbreDX 1388) Гвинея 7125 RTV Guinea, Conakry (Presumed) 0727 African mx with talk by man, Weak (Nobuo Takeno Jan 8, Yamagata, Japan - CumbreDX 1388) Гуам KSDA on 11915khz at 1130utc. Good in English with transmission to Malaysia and Indonesia. (Ian Cattermole, New Zealand - CumbreDX 1386) Джибути 4780, DJIBOUTI, R.Djibouti, 1958-2002*, Jan.9, Vernacular, Ko'ran chanting, brief announcer at 2001, NA then off. Poor under static. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - hard-core-dx 37, 16) Диего Гарсия 4319U, DIEGO GARCIA, AFRTS, 2044-2105, Jan 9. English, "Ed Shultz Show" re gov't surveilance. AFRTS promos re DOD broacasting regulations and for Air Force base in Hawaii. AP R.News and Sporting Nx Flash at 2100. Poor. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - hard-core-dx 37, 16) Доминиканская Республика 2279.96H DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Radio Anacaona, San Juan de la Maguana;0009-0020 15 January, 2006. Good with local pop, male canned "Radio Anacaona, 11-40 A-M, A-M" at 0010, back to reggaton-ish vocals. First heard by Jay Novello this past summer, if I recall correctly. (Terry Krueger, Florida - dxldyg 686) Замбия 4910, GBC, 0318-0325 African music for a few then man in local language comments. At 0322 back to African music. Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, January 14, 2006 - hard-core-dx 37, 15) 4965, ZAMBIA, CVC, 2110+, Jan.11, English, Contemporary religous music then YL announcer preaching the gospel over instrumental music. I got a phone call so didn't stick around for ID. Fair. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - hard-core-dx 37, 16) 4910 Zambia Nat BC, Lusaka 2159 Closing ann. ID NA and signed off Good (Nobuo Takeno Jan 7, Yamagata, Japan - CumbreDX 1388) 4910 Zambia NBC Radio 1, 18:48-18:53, escuchada el 15 de Enero en idioma vernacular a locutor con entrevista a invitado, SINPO 43433. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 37, 17) Зимбабве 3320, Radio Sondergrense, (pres), 0300-0310 Noted a woman in comments. Believe she was speaking Africaans, since it didn't sound like English. At 0309 noted canned promos or ID. Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, January 14, 2006 - hard-core-dx 37, 15) 6612 Zimbabwe BC, Gweru 2158 African style mx 2159 NA and signed off Fair (Nobuo Takeno Jan 10, Yaamagata, Japan - CumbreDX 1388) 6612 [2 X 3306], Radio Zimbabwe at 0005 tune in with male announcer taking calls from listeners. Music, IDs and ads in English. French also noted. Nice IDs and some sort of addresses and phone numbers at 0034 UT, Jan 15/06 SIO 252. Noted very weak on 3306 kHz. New Country for me! Should have been armchair copy for anyone with good the equipment on the East Coast. (Glenn Hauser, Oklahoma, Usa - dxldyg 686) Индия 4830, INDIA, (P)AIR Jammu, 0043-0055, Jan.10, Vernacular, Hindi music and announcer poking thru the static on occasion. Very poor. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - hard-core-dx 37, 16) 4860 ALL India Radio, 18:43-18:48, escuchada el 15 de Enero en urdu a locutora con comentarios y m?sica folkl?rica, SINPO 44433. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 37, 17) 4990.00 INDIA All India Radio, Itanagar; 1159-1215 15 January, 2006. Tune-in to subcontinental pop vocal through 1200, ending at 1206, followed by another song, then presumed Hindi woman at 1209, then man. Fair. (Terry Krueger, Florida - dxldyg 686) Индонезия 3976.06 RRI Pontianak 1339-1409+ Jan 15. Vocal music to 1445, then M ancr chatting with YL on phone; into some sort of news program, local I think, at 1400. Fair signal but QRM'ed by W5NES and friends on 3977. (John Wilkins, Colorado - CumbreDX 1388) Ирландия 6295 Reflections Europe, 19:22-19:30, escuchada el 15 de Enero en ingl?s a locutor con comentarios y m?sica de los a?os 50, SINPO 34332 (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 37, 17) Италия 9385, IRRS, Test bdcst; was hearing what sounded like Brother Stair and the Overcomer Ministry first noted at 1344 to 1357, then choral mx. Slowly got stronger towards ToH mixing w/VOA in Korean. Convenient that VOA went off at 1358 allowing clear IRRS s/on ID by M, then into "Medialine R." 14th Jan. pgm w/host Henry Brown. VOA returned at 1400 causing QRM, and "Medialine R." was abruptly cut at 1400:12. Heard Brother Stair again come back on at 1404 and past 1500 presumably via WWRB. (14 Jan.) (Dave Valko, Usa - CumbreDX 1388) Канада 9625 CBC N.Q. service, Sackville 2203 News in EE. CBC News ann at 2209. Fair to Weak signal. (Nobuo Takeno Jan 10, Yamagata, Japan - CumbreDX 1388) 6030 CFVP 1405-1420+ Jan 14. Older C&W tunes; M&W announcers on program "Country Gold"; 1418 mattress ad, followed by another ad; at 1420 the following pronouncement was made: "There's only two types of music - country and western, and we play 'em both," and proceeded to do so. Good on peaks with deep fades and another station underneath. (John Wilkins, Colorado - CumbreDX 1388) 6069.98 CANADA CFRX, Toronto, Ontario; 2008-2050 14 January, 2006. Good with financial quack advise ad, later with a male canned "You're listening to Car Talk on Newstalk 10-10, CFRB" into program.(Terry Krueger, Florida - dxldyg 686) Китай 4980, CHINA, (P)Xinjiang PBS-Urumqi, 0047-0102, Jan.12, Vernacular, OM and YL w/ alternating talks continuous right over time-pips at 0100 then rapidly slipping under prop. QRN. Poor. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - hard-core-dx 37, 16) 4920, CHINA-TIBET, Xizang PBS,Lhasa, 1123-1133, Jan.14, Tibetan(listed), YL over music at t/in, ballad then YL and OM banter thru t/out. Fair. // 4905-fair, 5240-poor. (Scott Barbour, Intervale, NH, Usa - hard-core-dx 37, 16) 5000 BPM Lintong 1429 Jan 11. Noted underneath WWV with multiple "BPM" Morse ID's. (John Wilkins, Colorado - CumbreDX 1388) 6950.00 CHINA CPBS-1, Shijiazhuang, Hebei; 2344-2348 14 January, 2006. Fair with Chinese man and woman babble and filler music, best LSB to avoid SSB net junk. (Terry Krueger, Florida - dxldyg 686) 7305.00/9500.00 CHINA CPBS-1, Shijiazhuang, Hebei; 1002-1009 15 January, 2006. Chinese man and woman, filler music. 9500 very good, 7305 weaker and under fax QRM. (Terry Krueger, Florida - dxldyg 686) Колумбия 6139.78 R.Lider, Santafe de Bogota 0659 Chime followed by ID and freq. Ann. Nice latin mx and Very good signal. (Nobuo Takeno Jan 7, Yamagata, Japan - CumbreDX 1388) Коста-Рика 5054.6 Faro del Caribe, San Jose,0648 Presumed religious px 0658 ID Nice audio and strong signal (Nobuo Takeno Jan 9, Yamagata, Japan - CumbreDX 1388) Куба 5025 R.Rebelde, Havana 0658 Very nice Latin mx. ID several times. Good (Nobuo Takeno Jan 9, Yamagata, Japan - CumbreDX 1388) 640.00 CUBA Radio Progreso, Guanacaboa, Ciudad de la Habana; 1630-1640 15 January, 2006. This transmitter seemingly silent yesterday on a mid-day check, with WVLG, Wildwood, Florida (early 60's pop) present. Today, Progreso back, but seriously malfing with sometimes FMing, sometimes just muddy audio and relatively weak and WVLG coming through about equal level. Presume "Arnie's Angels" are on their way to the rescue as I type, in the 1957 Bel Air with toolbox secured in the trunk. (Terry Krueger, Florida - dxldyg 686) Лаос Checking Hmong Lao Radio, Sun Jan 15 at 1400 on 11785 via WHRI, they were playing some really rustic ``barnyard`` music, followed by talk mentioning Jakarta, Indonesia! I can imagine list-loggers concluding this was VOI on its actually dormant frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 686) Либерия 5470, LIBERIA, R.Veritas, 2116-2132, Jan.9, English, Talk re Liberian politics promoting next day's "Special Democratic debate live from the studio of Radio Veritas". Phone numbers and ID at 2130. Fair/poor. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - hard-core-dx 37, 16) Мавритания 4845 R. Mauritania, 18:38-18:43, escuchada el 15 de Enero en arabe con canto del Cor?n, SINPO 45443. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 37, 17) Мексика 5999.97 Radio Insurgente I have been trying for their listed 2100 UTC Fridays only broadcasts since they announced resumption of SW transmissions a few weeks ago. I had not heard anything until today! Got off the phone at 2107 and figured I'll go through the motions and try. Turned on the rig and could heard two stations, one of which was in Spanish. Once the guy started mentioning "compeneros" and "trabajo politico" my ears really picked up. Reception was not that good and the co-channel station and there was splash from a third station. I'd say 3/3/3 or 3/2/2. Once the man finished speaking there was a single male vocal song. Then a woman came on and IDed in Spanish as "Aqui Radio Insurgente, la voz de los sin voz." She talked a bit more and then there was another song. An impassioned man then came on at 2122, mentioning "pueblo Chiapas." He only talked a bit and then a woman came on. They went back and forth with one talking then the other, with the guy mentioning "compeneros" and "Marko" a few times. There was then a canned ID by a woman with the same text as above (minus the Aqui) and mentioning a frequency of 6 MHz. All the announcers talked calmly and slowly. While their signal was weak, their modulation sounded fine as did the program production. The transmitter was quite steady as well. When the station was peaking around 2120 it did not seem to make a difference which antenna I used but it was definitely best on 240 degree antenna instead of the 180 after 2130. The station faded quickly though and I didn't have much signal to work with by 2140. Radio Habana's carrier popped on at 2146 and killed the whole thing. It was an open carrier so if I cranked the audio up all the way I could still hear Insurgente and the other station but figured I was going to lose my hearing if Habana suddenly started putting out audio. I was very happy to get this one and most especially that I had the tape recorder running. It is real nice that this thing is really on SW, we need all the stations we can get. (Hans Johnson Jan 13, Ochopee, Florida, Usa - CumbreDX 1386) Папуа-Новая Гвинея 3204.97 R.Sandaun, Vanimo 1159 ID heard several times, 1200 News //4890 Port Moresby. Good (Nobuo Takeno Jan 7, Yamagata, Japan - CumbreDX 1388) Перу 4965.80, Radio Santa Monica, 1030-1110 Noted a commotion here with promos and music all going on at the same time it seemed. Annoucner with live ID, "...Radio Santa Monica..." using the echo effect. Everything over music. Typical morning wakeup format for a Peruvian station. Signal was good for awhile, then faded to poor as the DX window closed. (Chuck Bolland, January 13, 2006 - hard-core-dx 37, 15) 5005.9t Radio LTC, Juliaca 1100 to 1115 fair signal; per Slaen. 15 Jan.; same time 12 Jan. (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1388) 3329.53, Ondas del Huallaga, Hua'nuco 1100-1130 blasting in, $B!H(BOndas del Huallaga presenta$B!I(B by om, Much weaker signal 0000 to 0100. 12 and 13 January (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1388) 5039.21 Radio Libertad, Junin now signing on at 1045, 13-15 January. Not heard 2300 to 0100 (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida, Usa - CumbreDX 1388) 5699.79 Radio Frecuencia, San Ignacio 0100 to 0115*, One tentative ID, "flauta andina" with om talk over, suddenly pulled the plug in mid sentence (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1389) Польша 9525.00/11850.00 POLAND Radio Polonia; 1259-1355 15 January, 2006. Open carriers noted with the same, bad audio (low gurgling sound) on both channels, then up with inteval signal, alternating with man "Radio Polonia" until 1300. Female "This is Radio Polonia, the external voice of Poland" immediately into news about the Pope, Ukranian parliamentary crisis, bitching about the price of Russian oil suppliers, etc., address, off at 1355. Both channels clear, with 9525 fair, 11850 a little better and slowly improving to very good by 1340, with 9525 about equally going the opposite signal direction. The lousy audio remained throughout. Very Old School Soviet-style, stale production and delivery. This is the first time I can recall logging Poland in ages, and I must wonder how much longer this one will be around, what with the probable lack of budget and what sounds like seriously faltering equipment. (Terry Krueger, Florida - dxldyg 686) Разное 00.45-01.15 3900 2 5 3 3 2 CHN: НР Хулун-буира (Внутренняя Монголия) 4790 3 5 4 3 3 PAK: Р.Свободный Кашмир: чтение Корана 4795 2 5 3 3 2 KGZ: Бишкек I. // 4010 4800 3 5 4 3 3 CHN: ЦНР-1 4820 3 3 4 3 3 CHN: НР Тибета. QRM RTTY 4830 2 4 4 3 2 MNG: Р.Улан-Батор: "Турецкий марш" Моцарта, вальс "Амурские волны" и пр. // 4895 4840 3 4 4 3 3 IND: A.I.R. Мумбай (Бомбей) ... 4885 1 4 2 2 1 B : unid. (раньше тут было слышно Clube do Para, но иногда также RD Acreana) 4905 4 5 4 3 3 CHN: НР Тибета. Язык местный ... 4930 3 5 4 3 2 TKM: Ашхабад II 4980 4 5 4 3 3 CHN: НР Синьцзяна 4990 4 4 4 3 3 IND: A.I.R. Итанагар: "песни из индийских кинофильмов" 5010 3 4 4 3 3 IND: A.I.R. Тируванантапурам 5040 4 5 4 4 4 IND: A.I.R. Джейпур 5060 4 5 4 4 4 CHN: НР Синьцзяна. 00.14 ID "Синьцзян жэньминь гуанбо дяньтай" ... 12.20 3990 2 4 3 3 2 CHN: НР Синьцзяна (Сергей Никишин, Москва, Россия - open_dx 1013) Руанда 6055 R.Rwanda Kigali 2048 pop mx DJ px in FF. Vy Good 2058 ID and signed off. (Nobuo Takeno Jan 9, Yamagata, Japan - CumbreDX 1388) Свазиленд 3199.98 TWR Swaziland, Manzini 2028 Pop Music, TWR(Bs Station Jingle herad. Good (Nobuo Takeno Jan 14, Yamagata, Japan - CumbreDX 1388) Северная Корея While taking a break of my weekly cleaning duty, that?s dusting and vacuum-cleaning (this is Nordic equality) I tried some DX and heard Pyongyang Broadcasting Station with pretty good reception at 1425 UTC on 3320,2 kHz. They played patriotic songs with signal strength of S5-6. (Jouko Huuskonen, Turku, Finland - hard-core-dx 37, 15) Сингапур Checking out AWR for signs of Wavescan, UT Sat Jan 14 at 2229: carrier came on 11655 via Guam, but show was a mixture of advice on child wrangling, bible verses, and misc. preaching, originating with Voice of Hope in Pune, India, with Indian-accented English; off at 2259. Good signal tho, 34433, with flutter. Should be another good time for Wavescan 24 hours later on UT Sunday. I also checked 11960 just before 2200, and that was as expected, a heavy collision with Star Radio via Ascension to Liberia. AWR with music went off half a minute before SR, and then the frequency was clear. Then on Sunday Jan 15 I checked 12065 again at 1600, but reception was much worse this date, and could barely ascertain that the program was Wavescan. Also checked other frequency 9585, but not until 1627 when it seemed to be slightly better (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 686) Сирия 9330 R. Damasco, 22:24-22:45, escuchada el 11 de Enero en espa?ol a locutora con bolet?n de noticias, ID "Aqu? Damasco, radioemisora de la Rep?blica ?rabe Syria", m?sica folkl?rica, SINPO 54454. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 37, 15) США 3215, WWCR, 0220-0231 Noted a program called Powerline Radio in English with music and Religious comments. At 0227 end of program followed by Station ID as "WWCR etc" and into more Religous comments. Signal was Good. (Chuck Bolland, January 14, 2006 - hard-core-dx 37, 15) KJES tells Cumbre DX and hat their transmitter is down, but that they have ordered a new part and hope to be on some time next week. They don't seem to be comfortable operating the 5 kW transmitter these days as they have not used it the last two times their main unit has broken down. (Johnson Jan 13) WMLK 9265 is listed for 2100* but it sure seems like they often sign off earlier than this. For instance, at 1952 they were already off today. Already off on another day at 2005. (Johnson Jan) WWRB heard with the Overcomer Ministry on 9320, NEW FREQUENCY 9385, and 15250 at 2000. (Hans Johnson Jan 13, Ochopee, Florida, Usa - CumbreDX 1386) 6010, Radio Republica, 0150-0205 Noted comments by various persons with an ID at 0157 as, "esta es Radio Republica ..." Signal being interferred with by a bubble jammer. Using the "Beat Canceller" on the NRD545, the jammer can be reduce allowing the audio to be heard well. Signal of RR was fair. (Chuck Bolland, January 15, 2006 - hard-core-dx 37, 16) 9265NF, USA, WINB, 2333-2350, Jan.13, English, Rambling OM preacher, w/ heavy Irish accent, re interpersonal expressions of love. Recited Harry Chapin's "Cats in the Cradle". Fair w/ occasional fades. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - hard-core-dx 37, 16) 12133.50U/7811.00U/5446.00U FLORIDA AFRTS, Saddlebunch Keys; 1642-1654 15 January, 2006. Very good though slight fading with cooking show featuring South American food and libations. Presumed site, parallel fashizzle Saddlebunch 5446.5 and 7811 with no delay (Terry Krueger, Florida - dxldyg 686) Уганда 5025.90, Radio Uganda, (presumed)0329-0340 With a strong carrier here, I think I can hear some audio occasionally since this is Cuba's frequency and presently Radio Rebelde is very strong. Possibly a faint signal of music at 0340. (Chuck Bolland, January 14, 2006 - hard-core-dx 37, 15) 4976, UGANDA, R.Uganda, 2054-2100*, Jan.11, Vernacular, Announcers w/ talks; heard a mentions of "Uganda" then Hi-life music from 2056 until s/off. Fair. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - hard-core-dx 37, 16) 4976 R. Uganda, 18:54-19:01, escuchada el 15 de Enero en swahili con programa de m?sica afropop y regae, SINPO 34322 (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 37, 17) Филиппины 9505.00/11820.00 PHILIPPINES Radio Veritas Asia, Palauig; 2246-2325 14 January, 2006. Huge, local signal, and I had no idea who this could be. Tune-in to schlockfest of circa Pete Cetera-controlled Chicago "Baby, What A Big Surprise" followed by (for those who couldn't get enough of Pete) the Cetera/Amy Grant "Next Time I Fall In Love" duet and then -- just when you thought things couldn't get any worse -- three Kenny G instrumentals. At 2259, a heavily-accented English woman with ID, partial schedule and useless frequency references ("...16, 19, 25, 31 and 41 meter bands..."), then mention that the upcoming program would be in Indonesian. Indo man ID, into modern Christian Indo vocals, scripted Christian serial program in Indo. Parallel almost equal level 11820, which actually was better than 9505 by 2315, but abruptly off at 2327. (Terry Krueger, Florida - dxldyg 686) Финляндия 9595.00 FINLAND Radio Finland; *1315-1325 15 January, 2006. Carrier, abruptly up with no interval signal and into Russian woman ID, news in Russian. Very good, but multi or repeat path echoed audio. 13715 and 15400 in Finnish also audible and parallel, local level. (Terry Krueger, Florida - dxldyg 686) Чад 6165 R.N. Tchadienne 2140-2232*. West African pop music. 2202 Announcements by man in French followed by presumed news. 2218 Return to pop music. 2226 Talk by man followed by national anthem at 2231 to 2232*. Appeared to be a couple of minutes behind usual schedule. Heavy interference from cochannel Croatia at same signal level. Could not separate them to any satisfactory degree prior to 2200, after which Chad began to dominate, then returned to comparable level after 2220. SINPO 32332. (Jim Evans, TN, Jan 13 - CumbreDX 1386) Экваториальная Гвинея 5005, Radio Nacional, Bata, 2244-2258, 14-01, escuchada con canciones africanas, identificacion, himno y cierre de la transmision a las 2258. 24322. Esta emisora varia mucho sus horarios, tanto de inicio como de cierre de sus programas. Hace un par de meses estaba cerrando a las 2400. Algunos dias no sale al aire. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1388) 5005 R. Bata, 19:15-19:20, escuchada el 15 de Enero en espa??l a locutor con programa de caracter religioso y lectura de pasages de la Biblia, SINPO 34322. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 37, 17) Эфиопия 6940 R.Fana, 18:48-19:02, escuchada el 11 de Enero en oromo a locutora con entrevista a invitado, SINPO 45333. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 37, 15) ЮАР 3230 Family R, Meyerton 2034 Add info. Religious px in EE Good (Takeno Jan 14) 3255 BBC Meyerton 2045 News about Nuclear in Iran in EE. ID. Good (Takeno Jan 14) 3320 R.Sonder Grense, Meyerton (Presumed) 2029 Rock, Pop mith Afrikans DJ. 2045 QRV N.Korea co-channel. Fair (Takeno Jan 14) 3345 Channel Africa, Meyerton 2056 Pop mx then ID at 2100 in EE. Strong signal but Heavy Utility QRM co-channel. Poor (Takeno Jan 14) 3390 BBC Meyerton 2028 IS ID Px in PP. Good (Nobuo Takeno Jan 14, Yamagata, Japan - CumbreDX 1388) Юж. Корея The Korean numbers station carrier was on 6215 already at tune-in 1428 Jan 15, conveniently demodulating perfectly some 2-way SSB on the same frequency, one of whom by accent at first sounded like Defunct Gene Scott. They apparently gave up trying to communicate, knowing what was coming. From 1430, a Korean song, and starting up the YL 5-digit numbers at 1434 (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 686) Япония Some months ago, I heard almost an hour of Chopin music on R. Japan, Bonaire relay, UT Sat after 2300 on 17605, and wondered if it was really fill music from the transmitter while the feed was lost. Apparently not. UT Sat Jan 14 at 2305 there started on 11665, direct from Japan, a Japanese-language program presenting the music of Chaikofsky, so this may be a regular weekly feature. 17605 was barely audible on this occasion (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 686) -------------- СВ/ДВ Гранада 535 GBN has been poor for the last few weeks; 0900 and 0100 (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1389) ОАЭ Just heard 15 UTC, January 13 Radio Asia from Ras al-Khaimah on 1557 kHz with power of 100 kW. First newsbulletin in unidentified language, then 1505 UTC positive Radio Asia-ID. Reception was not too good. Pretty strong QRM by WYFR Kouhu, Taiwan. (Jouko Huuskonen, Turku, Finland - hard-core-dx 37, 15) Разное 530 TURKS AND CAICOS, RVC, South Caicos JAN 13, 0227 - Man preaching at a very good level, but with some fading distortion and residual CIAO bubbling way under. (Chiochiu-QC) 555 ST KITTS, ZIZ, Basseterre JAN 13, 0226 - Soca music, very poor and soon faded completly away. I was unable to completly null CHLN-550, but the adjacent channel slop was still very minor. (Chiochiu-QC) 600 CUBA, CMKV, Radio Rebelde, Urbano Norris / Holguin JAN 13 0223 - Man in apparent Cuban SS dialect. The signal wasn't too bad, but co-channel QRM from WICC was rough; also some fading. SIO 311. (Chiochiu-QC) 750 VENEZUELA, YVKS, Caracas, DF JAN 13 0228 - Man in SS mixing, under either WSB or weak CKAC-730 overspills. (Chiochiu-QC) 760 COLOMBIA, HJAJ, RCN Cadena Bas?ca, Barranquilla JAN 13 0226 - Ads, very poor in WJR null. (Chiochiu-QC) 890 CUBA, CMDZ, Radio Progreso, Chambas JAN 13 0221 - "Radio Progreso... nueve minutos" by man then apparent radio drama, but overspills from local-like WCBS were making this one essentially unlistenable. (Chiochiu-QC) Poor condx tonight; short-skip dominated. Also, VERY mild weather; 10 degrees C more than the average for this time of the year. Someone told me yesturday that if all houses in the world were painted in white, then the average will be 1 degree lower. Of course, this is because the white is reflecting the sun, while the black is absorbing it making the objects and streets radiating warmness. The question is wherever this is affecting DX ? Despite, excellent local-like short-skip signals, I had nothing in the mid distance between the 580 and 590 reception. I had a high-frequency growl around the high side of 590 as well as between 590 and 600, but this is more a local noise rather than needed Morocco-594. In fact, no TA and nothing decent from Latin America either. This sub-par Latin logs would have been nice in the spring or summer, but for January standards using an excellent portable in a pretty good QTH like the West Island of Montreal, this is misery. Another low-light was the absence of Vietnam-7220 for a nice possible SWDX catche. I saw on playdx the stimade collegue Jos? Miguel Romero Romero catched this onein eastern Spain, but the signal didn't reached this side of the pond or perphaps the Sangean CST-818 and the long-wire splitter antenna system combo isn't so powerful. I have more fun and plesure DXing MW with my Sanyo MCD-S830 AM-FM boombox portable, but SW using the above described equipment. Still, hadn't logged nothing from Bolivia or even Peru on SW, altough this summer had presumably Radio del Pacifico 4975. I'm looking forward logging these countries when someone on Cumbre, playdx or HCDX will have a great reception during special condx. I also wonder if anyone in North America, outside NF, ever logged Bolivia on MW. Since I'm just 18, I'm not aware of the spectacular long-haul MW foreign catches made in NA during the so popular Monday Morning Silent Periods. I know that in NF, Radio Canarari 1550 was logged! a few times, but is that all since 1933 since the NRC begun ? (Bogdan Alexandru Chiochiu, Pierrefonds, Canada - hard-core-dx 37, 15) ----------------- Связь 7622.0 CS002A: ALBANIAN NET ?LOC 0701 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng RS005A (13/Jan)(DW) 7622.0 CS002: ALBANIAN NET ?LOC 0713 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng RS0011 (13/Jan)(DW) 8480.0 HZY: RAS TANNURAH RADIO 1640 CW Wx fcst followed by Nav Wng then tfc list thru 1704z (13/Jan)(Day Watson, Clevedon, UK - wun 21, 27) On 14 Jan while scanning the bands noted a song by male vocalist on 6215 at 1432 UT. Then announcement by female in Korean and she started to read five-digit groups. I've heard this earlier on the same frequency and I think I read somewhere it's from South Korea. Good signal strength, mode was AM. (Jari Savolainen, Kuusankoski, Finland - dxldyg 684) 6362.1 MGJ: RN FASLANE 2054 RTTY 75/N/340 CARB. Only operational chan in 4 chan VFT (14/Jan)(DW) 4322.1 MGJ: RN FASLANE 2056 RTTY 75/N/340 CARB. Only operational chan in 4 chan VFT (14/Jan)(DW) 8149.2 IDR: IN ROME 1002 STANAG 4285 on usb. 600/L 5N1 ITA2. CARB, occ legend (14/Jan)(DW) 8414.5 HOHD: SHIP ASTERIX I 1530 DSC 100/E/170 MMSI 352248000. Safety/Test RQ to Istanbul (14/Jan)(DW) 8414.5 LARM4: SHIP HERAKLES 1529 DSC 100/E/170 MMSI 257994000. Safety/Test RQ to Istanbul (14/Jan)(DW) 8418.0 IAR: ROME RADIO 1527 CW Chan free marker "IAR" (14/Jan)(DW) 8421.5 LZW: VARNA RADIO 1543 CW Chan free marker "de LZW LZW" (14/Jan)(DW) 8424.0 SVO4: OLYMPIA RADIO 1545 CW Chan free marker "de SVO" (14/Jan)(DW) 8428.0 NMN: CAMSLANT PORTSMOUTH 1554 CW chan free marker "NMN" (14/Jan)(DW) 8430.0 RRR34: MOSCOW RADIO 1629 CW Chan free marker "3756" (14/Jan)(DW) 8434.0 TAH: ISTANBUL RADIO 1555 CW chan free marker "TAH" (14/Jan)(DW) 8446.5 HEB28: GLN BERN 1631 CW Chan free marker. CW ID every 3mins "CQ de HEB28". qsx 8333. Pactor-III at 1650z (14/Jan)(DW) 8453.0 FUO: FN TOULON 1601 STANAG 4285 on usb. 300/L 5N2 ITA2. Marker "FAAA de FUO testing RYs SGs figs voyez vous le brick int zbz nnnn" (14/Jan)(DW) 8454.0 UIW: KALININGRAD RADIO 1640 RTTY 50/R/170 End of broadcast (?) "nil sk de UIW". Then markers RYs de UIW ans 12464.5" (14/Jan)(DW) 8473.0 TAH: ISTANBUL RADIO 1554 CW Chan free marker "TAH" (14/Jan)(DW) 8480.0 HZY: RAS TANURAH RADIO 1643 CW Tfc list (14/Jan)(DW) 8484.5 HEB38: GLN BERN 1645 CW Chan free marker. CW ID every 3 mins "CQ de HEB38". QSX 8335.5 (14/Jan)(DW) 8551.5 CTP: PN LISBON 1702 RTTY 75/N/850 Marker "NAWS de CTP due to technical problems service unavailable ufn ar" (14/Jan)(DW) 8634.0 VTG: IN MUMBAI 2040 CW Marker "vvv VTG 4/5/6/7" - qrm fm Stanag4285 (14/Jan)(DW) 8642.1 MGJ: RN FASLANE 2049 RTTY 75/N/340 CARB. Only operational chan in 4 chan VFT (14/Jan)(Day Waton, Clevedon, UK - wun 21, 29) > 8414.5 HOHD: SHIP ASTERIX I 1530 DSC 100/E/170 MMSI 352248000. > Safety/Test RQ to Istanbul (14/Jan)(DW) Updated info 352248000 PACIFIC JADE/HOHD (IMO No. 8009428) 1982/17711 GRT. Products Tanker Ex ASTERIX 1 (Dec.2005) (Dick Ware, Gillingham, Dorset, UK - wun 21, 29) 8294.0Khz usb maritime coms in EE. Heavy southern accent on 2006-01-15 @ 01:13:06 UTC by Vambo in Colorado, USA on ZIRC:#monitor 8363.0Khz cw unIDed fast CW ended on 2006-01-15 @ 04:08:44 UTC by Vambo in Colorado, USA on ZIRC:#monitor 6055.0Khz am radio exterior de espana on 2006-01-15 @ 04:44:59 UTC by Milo_Bloom in Wheeling, WV on ZIRC:#wunclub 3215.0Khz am WWCR - World Wide Christian Radio on 2006-01-15 @ 04:57:31 UTC by Milo_Bloom in Wheeling, WV on ZIRC:#wunclub 8126.4Khz usb 21:35 ALE tws XSS on 2006-01-15 @ 20:41:28 UTC by Leo in (unknown) on ZIRC:#wunclub 7598.0Khz lsb Italian Carabinieri-s First National Frequency (IEA88 Mail) on 2006-01-15 @ 20:59:41 UTC by Leo in (unknown) on ZIRC:NSA 4850.0Khz lsb Italian Carabinieri-s Second National Frequency (IEA88 Mail) on 2006-01-15 @ 21:03:54 UTC by Leo in (unknown) on ZIRC:NSA ----------------- Интернет http://home.earthlink.net/~tocobagadx/flortis.html - Kruegers Home http://www.geocities.com/geigertree/flortis.html - Kruegers Home ----------------- QSL Италия Сегодня, 15 января 2005 г., я получил QSL-письмо от береговой станции ROME RADIO / IAR за приём 3 ноября 2005 г. на частоте 16820 кГц в режиме SITOR. Рапорт был отправлен обычной почтой по адресу: Stazione Radio Costiera - ROMA, Via della Cesarina, 282, 00139 Roma, Italia. Кроме данных рапорта о приёме, письмо содержит также поывные и частоты других береговых станций Италии: Civitavecchia/IPD - 1888 kHz Livorno/IPL - 2591; 1925 kHz Genova/ICB - 447; 2722; 2642 kHz Trieste/IQX - 512,5; 2624 kHz Venezia/IPN Ravenna/IPQ Ancona/IPA - 511,5; 2656 kHz Pescara/IPE San Benedetto del Tronto/IQP - 1855 kHz Cagliari/IDC - 444; 2680 kHz Porto Torres/IZN - 2719 kHz Porto Cervo/IPK Частотное расписание ROMARADIO/IAR: CW: 440,5; 521; 4292; 4235; 4320; 8530; 8670; 13011; 13015,5; 17160; 17206,1 kHz SITOR: 4210,5; 4216,5; 8418; 12602,5; 16820 kHz USB: 4417; 6511,6; 8779; 13137; 17302; 22756; 26172 kHz Navtex: 518 kHz, Cagliari T 0310 0710 1110 1510 1910 2310 UTC; Trieste U 0320 0720 1120 1520 1920 2320 UTC; Augusta V 0330 0730 1130 1530 1930 2330; ROMA R 0250 0650 1050 1450 1850 2250 UTC (Иван Зеленый, Нижневартовск, Россия - open_dx 1011) Сенегал 11 января сего года получил письмо из Сенегала от WADR. В конверте обнаружил QSL-письмо, буклет станции с расписанием и журнал OSIWA News ( на английском языке ). Вот расписание вещания и адрес: 07.00-09.00-12000 кГц, 09.00-11.00-17860 кГц P.O.Box 16650 Dakar-Fann, Senegal. E-mail: wadr@wadr.org (Дмитрий Кутузов, Рязань, Рязанская обл, Россия - open_dx 1012) ----------------- ДРМ На этой неделе удалось после месяца наблюдений принять передачу RNW из Flevo для Испании на новой для меня DRM частоте 7330 кГц с 22 часов UTC. Сейчас в коллекции 111 частот. Аналоговая станция на 7320 кГц создавала ощутимые помехи, периодически нарушая декодирование аудиосигнала. Параметры сигнала - AAC+ mono, 17.46kbps. Максимальная частота аудио - 11 кГц. Немного позже заметил MOI Kuwait для северо-востока Америки на частоте 11675 кГц со своими неизменными 11.64kbps aac mono и максимальной частотой аудио - 3 кГц. Для чего вещать в цифровом формате с таким битрейтом, который в результате дает качество аудио хуже, чем при АМ, честно говоря, не понимаю. На 9880 кГц для северной Африки Кувейт вещает с таким же битрейтом. В отличие от передач из Кувейта TDP radio по субботам с 14 до 16 часов транслируется с битрейтом 20.96 kbps (макс.аудио - 13.5 кГц) в стереорежиме, также как и Радио Люксембург на 7295 кГц. Еще с битрейтом 20.96 kbps можно принять ВВС, но в моноварианте, а большинство вещателей в последнее время остановились на компромиссном варианте 17.4 kbps, ниже которого DRM уже начинает заметно уступать по качеству аудио аналоговому вещанию. Пока не удается принять TDF на частоте 3965 кГц, который вещает с мощностью 1 кВт из Issoudune, возможно, что из-за высокого уровня локальных помех в этом диапазоне. (Владимир Казгунов, Латвия - open_dx 1013) ----------------- Прочее На моем сайте опубликована статья Владимира Дорошенко о спутниковом телерадиовещании. На нее можно попасть из новостей с главной страницы или через DX-читальню. Прямая ссылка: http://dxsignal.info/read/sat_rtv.htm Появление статьи не означает, что я стал фанатом спутникового DX-инга!!! Впрочем, и сам Владимир свой телерадиоприем DX-ингом не называет. Так что будем считать, что речь идет о техническом прогрессе (а также о том, куда деваются люди, оставившие свое DX-увлечение ;-)) В статье есть кое-какие упоминания пиратства, но я отредактировал их так, чтобы они звучали информационно-отстраненно, а не побудительно. Интернет-граббинг -- тоже штука довольно двусмысленная, хотя по большому счету это то же самое, что и прием служебной радиосвязи. Т.е. этические нормы не нарушаются, пока полученная информация используется в личных целях. (Дмитрий Мезин, Казань, Татарстан, Россия - open_dx 1011) На dxsignal.info опубликованы окончательные условия 8-го Российского DX-конкурса. http://dxsignal.info/rodxc2006/rodxc06ru.pdf На самом деле они окончательные уже с 9-го числа; похоже, я забыл объявить об этом, сорри... Прошу всех, кто имеет такую возможность, рассказать о конкурсе в DX-публикациях, программах -- в общем, где только можно. Анатолий Клепов и Ильдус Ибатуллин уже предоставили кое-какие призы. Как повелось в последние годы, это DX-литература. Если кому-то еще не жалко расстаться с хорошими DX-материалами, организатор с благодарностью примет их в призовой фонд. Вопросы принимаются по адресу dxc2006@dxsignal.info. Прошу всех, кто примет участие в конкурсе, в своих отчетах указывать, какие справочные DX-материалы у них есть (WRTH, PWBR и т.п.) Чтобы не получилось, что в качестве приза вы получите уже имеющуюся книгу. Отдельное обращение к тем, кто заинтересовался конкурсом, но боится не найти на него достаточное количество времени. Я всегда считал, что в таких мероприятиях главное -- это участие, массовость. Даже если вы наберете немного очков и займете невысокое место, никто не будет считать, что вы плохой DX-ист. Так что дерзайте и не комплексуйте! (Дмирий Мезин, Казань, Татарстан, Россия - open_dx 1011) China Radio International additional transmissions 15 January 2006 China Radio International has added some more transmissions for South Asia in different languages. Bengali 1500-1557 UTC on 9610 9690 kHz; Tamil 0300-0357 UTC on 13735 13600 kHz; Nepali 0130=0227 UTC on 13780 11860 kHz. TWR-India frequency changes 15 January 2006 TWR India has recently changed some of the frequencies for South Asia:. 1230-1530 on 7530 (ex-7535) kHz, 0000-0045 on 7410(ex-7405) kHz, 0015-0145 on 9825 (ex-9445) kHz, 1600-1630 on 7490 (ex-7360) kHz; 1230-1300 on 11730 (ex-11660) kHz. (Alok Dasgupta, Kolkata via www.dxasia.info - dxldyg 686) ----------------- Аппаратура Bogdan Alexandru Chiochiu 4190 Edward Higgins H8Y 3M9 (514) 685-0714 Equipment: Sanyo MCD-S830 with ferrite bar antenna Jose Miguel Romero Burjasot (Valencia) Espana SANGEAN ATS 909 Antena RADIO MASTER A-108 Day Watson QTH: Clevedon, UK Rec: NRD545, NRD535, Aquila(SDR14), RX320D WUN: DR Col Editor John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Drake R-8, 100-foot RW. Terry L Krueger Clearwater, Florida USA
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