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Медицинский представитель
SANOFI-AVENTIS, Russia Место работы: Москва, Санкт-Петербург Подразделение: Бизнес-подразделение кардио и госпитальных препаратов Основные обязанности: ∙ Осуществлять ежедневные визиты в медицинские учреждения с целью информирования врачей и других медицинских специалистов о продвигаемых препаратах. ∙ Организовывать и активно участвовать в круглых столах, презентациях по продвигаемым препаратам. ∙ Участвовать в выставках, конференциях и других специальных мероприятиях, организуемых местными органами здравоохранения и/или дистрибуторами с целью дальнейшего развития продаж. ∙ Взаимодействовать с лидерами мнений (opinion leaders) по подготовке научных симпозиумов или публикаций по продвигаемым препаратам, обеспечивать включение продвигаемых препаратов в перечень жизненно необходимых и важнейших лекарственных средств (ЖНВЛС), региональную льготу (РЛО), формуляры и др. с целью дальнейшего развития продаж. ∙ Сотрудничать с местными представителями органов здравоохранения, ответственными за формирование тендерных заявок, с целью обеспечения включения продвигаемых препаратов в региональные тендеры и бюджетные закупки. ∙ Активно участвовать в пост-маркетинговых исследованиях. ∙ Регулярно взаимодействовать с пациентскими ассоциациями и школами для пациентов с целью повышения известности продвигаемых препаратов. ∙ На регулярной основе собирать, анализировать и предоставлять региональному менеджеру, менеджеру по продукту и Менеджеру по работе с ключевыми клиентами, информацию о рыночной ситуации на вверенной территории. ∙ Своевременно выполнять план по продажам. Осуществлять перспективное планирование своей деятельности, согласовывать планы деятельности и предоставлять регулярные отчеты по продажам/прогнозам продаж вышестоящему менеджеру. Квалификация Образование: Высшее образование в области медицины/фармацевтики или другое естественнонаучное Опыт работы и знания: Опыт работы медицинским представителем не обязателен, знание MS Office Ключевые компетенции: Нацеленность на результат, умение эффективно устанавливать и поддерживать отношения с клиентами, ответственность, готовность учиться, умение работать в команде Знание языков: Владение английским языком является преимуществом Другое: наличие водительских прав категории В Компенсационный пакет: ∙ Конкурентная заработная плата ∙ Бонусы по результатам работы ∙ Добровольное медицинское страхование (для сотрудника и членов семьи) ∙ Страхование жизни и от несчастных случаев ∙ Оплата мобильной связи ∙ Служебный автомобиль Пожалуйста, направляйте свое резюме и сопроводительное письмо по адресу: СV.Russia@sanofi-aventis.com
Младший консультант по правовым вопросам
SANOFI-AVENTIS, Russia Место работы: Москва Подразделение: Юридический департамент Основные обязанности: ∙ Корпоративное право: o обеспечение соблюдения предусмотренных законодательством процедур в отношении российских компаний группы (АО, ООО, представительство иностранного юр.лица); o правовая поддержка реструктуризации российских компаний группы (в т.ч. ликвидация компаний); o ведение переписки с иностранными материнскими компаниями; o техническая помощь в организации заседаний совета директоров. ∙ Договорное право: правовая экспертиза договоров. ∙ Подготовка доверенностей; ∙ Подготовка правовых заключений. Квалификация Образование: высшее юридическое Опыт работы и знания: 1 год (по специальности) Ключевые компетенции: Организованность, ответственное отношение к работе, внимание к деталям, способность выполнять задачи в сжатые сроки без потери качества Знание языков: Английский свободный Компенсационный пакет: ∙ Конкурентная заработная плата ∙ Бонусы по результатам работы ∙ Добровольное медицинское страхование (для сотрудника и членов семьи) ∙ Страхование жизни и от несчастных случаев ∙ Оплата мобильной связи ∙ Оплата питания Пожалуйста, направляйте свое резюме и сопроводительное письмо по адресу: CV.Russia@sanofi-aventis.com
Business Analyst
SANOFI-AVENTIS, Russia Job location: Moscow Department: Pasteur (vaccines) Business Unit Key accountabilities: ∙ Participate in evaluation of market potential and preparing of calculations on regular basis of budget and forecast and market share of sanofi paster within defined markets; ∙ Assist in preparation of Market Monitor and maintaining regular reporting system to provide and interpret market data for decision-making; ∙ Participating in managing market research activities conducted by external agencies; ∙ Work on routine Operational Departments market information requests; ∙ Collect and structure the statistical data of different sectors of the market as they affect the marketing of sanofi pasteur products ∙ Analyze and interpret market intelligence from a range of sources, including market research to ensure that knowledge is up to to date and appropriate for input into the decision making ∙ Monitor pharmaceutical literature and editions related to the marketing of sanofi pasteur products; ∙ Search for new information sources; ∙ Monitor internal Web-sites; regular update of information ∙ Regularly to get feedback from different departments to improve the business information delivery. Qualifications Education: Higher Experience and knowledge: At least one year experience in the same position Core Competencies: Analytical and administrative skills, advanced computer user (Windows, Microsoft Office: Excel, Word, and Power Point, as a must) Languages: English fluent Compensation package: ∙ Competitive salary ∙ Bonuses based on performance ∙ Health Insurance (for employee and family members) ∙ Life and accident insurance ∙ Corporate mobile phone ∙ Lunch allowance To apply, please, send us your CV and cover letter to CV.Russia@sanofi-aventis.com
Paralegal role
MICROSOFT Corporation <a href="http://hh.ru/employer/4771 "> MICROSOFT Corporation</a> Department: Legal and Corporate Affairs Department Role Purpose: As a member of the team you will support the activities of the Intellectual Property Attorney for Russia, dealing with issues of protection of Microsoft intellectual property, interacting with outside legal counsel and members of the worldwide Microsoft anti-piracy team. Key Accountabilities: -Researching & responding in a timely manner to questions from counsel; -Preparing draft responses to inquiries from state authorities; -Building a library of standard responses; -Collecting highlights of activities for a monthly report and newsletter; -Collecting statistics of enforcement actions, analysis of statistical information; -Review of verdicts and legal documents, analysis, creating best practices library; -Tracking and updating activity on cases in a case management tool; -Managing billing and PoA issues; -Researching potential leads and clearing potential cases. Key Success Criteria: -Professional legal research and drafting; -Professional keeping of case management tools; -Professional communications. Knowledge, Skills and Experience: 1) Essential Experience: -Drafting legal documents -Communication with state authorities and counsel 2) Technical / Functional Skills: -Computer literate -Typing 3) Personal Attributes / Interpersonal Skills: -Clear and effective communications -Willingness to learn -Great team player and sharing of best practice -High energy ‘can do’ attitude -Drive for results -Problem solving 4) Qualifications: -Law degree or last years of study in a law school Special Requirements/Additional Information e.g. Language skills: -English intermediate level v-emkiri@microsoft.com
Paralegal role
MICROSOFT Corporation <a href="http://hh.ru/employer/4771">MICROSOFT Corporation</a> Department: Legal and Corporate Affairs Department Role Purpose: As a member of the team you will support the activities of the Intellectual Property Attorney for Russia, dealing with issues of protection of Microsoft intellectual property, interacting with outside legal counsel and members of the worldwide Microsoft anti-piracy team. Key Accountabilities: -Researching & responding in a timely manner to questions from counsel; -Preparing draft responses to inquiries from state authorities; -Building a library of standard responses; -Collecting highlights of activities for a monthly report and newsletter; -Collecting statistics of enforcement actions, analysis of statistical information; -Review of verdicts and legal documents, analysis, creating best practices library; -Tracking and updating activity on cases in a case management tool; -Managing billing and PoA issues; -Researching potential leads and clearing potential cases. Key Success Criteria: -Professional legal research and drafting; -Professional keeping of case management tools; -Professional communications. Knowledge, Skills and Experience: 1) Essential Experience: -Drafting legal documents -Communication with state authorities and counsel 2) Technical / Functional Skills: -Computer literate -Typing 3) Personal Attributes / Interpersonal Skills: -Clear and effective communications -Willingness to learn -Great team player and sharing of best practice -High energy ‘can do’ attitude -Drive for results -Problem solving 4) Qualifications: -Law degree or last years of study in a law school Special Requirements/Additional Information e.g. Language skills: -English intermediate level
Стажер отдела фондирования и управления капиталом
ЗАО "Райффайзенбанк" Требования: - студент факультетов экономики или финансов, готовый работать полный день; - опыт подготовки письменных материалов; - опытный пользователь пакета Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint); - свободное владение английским языком; - развитые аналитические способности, внимательность, аккуратность. Основные обязанности: - сбор и обработка информации; - подготовка отчетов и презентаций; - участие в различных проектах подразделения. Отдел по работе с персоналом, тел. (495) 721-99-00, факс (495) 721-99-01 hr@raiffeisen.ru www.raiffeisen.ru Пожалуйста, в теме письма указывайте код: VMSK4339.HOL15.T
Специалист группы продаж рублевых инструментов с фиксированной доходностью
ЗАО "Райффайзенбанк" Требования: - высшее экономическое/финансовое образование; - базовые знания в области рынка инструментов с фиксированной доходностью; - хорошие аналитические способности; - превосходные навыки общения, способность устанавливать долгосрочные взаимоотношения с клиентами; - хорошее знание систем трейдинга и расчётов; - свободное владение английским языком. Основные обязанности: - поиск клиентов и установление эффективных взаимоотношений; - поддержка клиентской базы; - обмен информацией с клиентами и трейдерами; - участие в первичном размещении, организуемом Райффайзенбанком; - проведение сделок репо; - подготовка еженедельных отчётов по продажам и сделкам репо. Отдел по работе с персоналом, тел. (495) 721-99-00, факс (495) 721-99-01 hr@raiffeisen.ru www.raiffeisen.ru Пожалуйста, в теме письма указывайте код: VMSK4138.HOL15.JFIS
Стажер в отделе розничных продаж Москвы
ЗАО "Райффайзенбанк" Требования: - студент ВУЗа (3-й курс и выше); - владение английским языком на среднем уровне; - опытный пользователь ПК; - отличные коммуникативные навыки, ответственность, энергичность, позитивный настрой. Основные обязанности: - прием и проверка документов клиентов, работа с клиентской базой данных; - сканирование и архивирование документов; - информирование клиентов по телефону о недостающих документах; - участие в подготовке отчетности. Отдел по работе с персоналом, тел. (495) 721-99-00, факс (495) 721-99-01 hr@raiffeisen.ru www.raiffeisen.ru Пожалуйста, в теме письма указывайте код: VMSK3812.SoG.T
Стажер-ассистент (работа с физическими лицами)
ЗАО "Райффайзенбанк" Требования: - студент ВУЗа, обучающийся по любой специальности и желающий развиваться в банковской сфере; - готовность к 5-дневной рабочей неделе с плавающими рабочими часами (полный день); - отличные коммуникативные навыки, инициативность, ответственность; - приветствуется знание английского языка. Основные обязанности: - консультирование клиентов в отделениях по всему спектру банковских продуктов для физических лиц (счета, депозиты, кредиты, пластиковые карты, банковские переводы); - операционное обслуживание клиентов; - открытие/закрытие счетов. Мы предлагаем: - профессиональное обучение, которое будут проводить сотрудники и руководители различных подразделений банка; - возможность выбора направления деятельности в рамках отделения банка: в отделах клиентского обслуживания или документарного сопровождения; - получение практических навыков работы в одном из отделений банка с возможностью выбора предпочтительного месторасположения отделения. Этапы отбора: - рассмотрение резюме; - тестирование; - собеседование с представителем службы персонала и руководителем отделения. Отдел по работе с персоналом, тел. (495) 721-99-00, факс (495) 721-99-01 hr@raiffeisen.ru www.raiffeisen.ru Пожалуйста, в теме письма указывайте код: VMSK4101.SS28.PFB
Стажер отдела развития риск-инфраструктуры
ЗАО "Райффайзенбанк" Требования: - высшее образование (экономическое/финансовое/техническое) или студент, готовый работать полный день; - опыт работы в Банке/финансовой организации является преимуществом; - умение работать с большими массивами данных; - опытный пользователь MS Excel (работа с массивами данных, сводные таблицы), Access, навыки программирования (VBA, SQL), приветствуются навыки работы с BI системами; - знание английского языка на уровне чтения со словарем; - аналитический склад ума, аккуратность, внимательность. Основные обязанности: - подготовка и отправка отчетности в бюро кредитных историй; - обеспечение качества информации; - автоматизация внутренних бизнес процессов средствами Excel и Access; - участие в проектах, направленных на развитие риск-инфраструктуры розничного бизнеса; - разработка и постановка задач на модификацию информационных систем Банка. Отдел по работе с персоналом, тел. (495) 721-99-00, факс (495) 721-99-01 hr@raiffeisen.ru www.raiffeisen.ru Пожалуйста, в теме письма указывайте код: VMSK4292.SS28.T
Media sector 1) Reports into CFO in UK 2) Will manage small accounting teams in Moscow and Kiev 3) Responsible for financial management and internal control business across Russia and Ukraine 4) Responsible for annual and long term business planning and balance of year reforecasts (Profit and Loss Accounts and Cash Flow) 5) Responsible for delivery of monthly management results and analysis for the region (Profit and Loss Accounts and Cash Flow) 6) Ensure compliance with all statutory, fiscal and filing requirements in Russia and Ukraine 7) Responsible for management of financial systems 8) Provide commercial and contract support to Russia and Ukraine businesses as required 9) Participate in ad hoc projects with Group CFO in London Requirements: 1) Big 4 Qualified accountant in UK GAAP / IFRS 2) Previous FC / FD experience (5 to 10 yrs) in an international business (preferably media / consumer goods) 3) Highly motivated self starter 4) Track record of building and developing strong teams 5) Strong commercial / business planning / Profit and Loss / cash management experience 6) Good knowledge of Russian / Ukrainian tax systems and statutory requirements 7) Track record of system and process improvement 8) Previous exposure to import / export operations would be ideal 9) Russian national, based in Moscow. Willing to travel to Kiev and London (and possibly other Russian speaking markets) 10) Fluent English speaker
Accounting Manager
Leading international company Managing Accounting Department for the Accounting Department of the Company. Includes the following main areas of responsibility: Strategy and policy - Develop and implement strategy for Accounting Department - Enforce Company's accounting and reporting standards as well as local GAAP and tax compliance. - Implement and continuously optimize practices to gain efficiencies and drive productivity gains - Ensure Financial Reporting compliance and reporting with SOX within the Accounting department - Business advisory role in regards to complex accounting transactions within the country People management and development - Coach, guide, motivate and develop the Accounting staff - Manage relationships with business partners - Promote professional ownership of services provided to business partners Business Excellence - Ensure timely and accurate monthly, quarterly and annual reporting of internal reporting package and associated disclosures - Commit to customer focus and customer satisfaction - Ensure transparency in financial reporting and manage internal control environment - Identify opportunities for process improvement leading to best practices - Actively participate in and contribute to periodic review meetings with internal customers to action steps for further process and service improvement Company's Initiatives - Support and participate in safety, compliance, business ethics, communications and other related activities - Actively work towards the goal of harmonized and standardized processes Requirements: Mature accounting / controlling professional with excellent knowledge of RAS and US GAAP/IFRS. Management Experience with SOX Fluent English (both verbal and written) Communication skills (with customers, management and stakeholders)
Internal Audit Manager
Leading National metals and mining holding company Leading Russian metals and mining company is looking to fill a position of manager in internal audit department. A successful candidate will be responsible for one or several subsidiaries of the company abroad in terms of internal audit and business-risk procedures, including: - Evaluating the risk environment and effectiveness of internal control system of the company, deficiencies in internal control procedures - Analysis of effectiveness of business processes - Carrying out internal audit procedures and preparing reports, proposing recommendations, follow-up on effectiveness of measures and decisions Requirements: A successful candidate will have the following skills and experience: - Extensive experience in internal audit and external audit - 2+ years experience in metals and mining and/or energy and/or oil&gas sector is mandatory and general knowledge of mining and metals industry - Good knowledge of basic accounting and auditing principles - Good communication and presentation skills, ability to work in a multi-task environment in teams and independently - Good upper-intermediate level of English, fluent/native Russian, both spoken and written - Western finance/management accounting and/or internal audit certification complete or in progress (CPA, ACCA, CMA, CIA, etc.) - Ability to travel abroad for business trips, between 20 to 40% of time
Internal Audit Manager
Leading National metals and mining holding company Leading Russian metals and mining company is looking to fill a position of manager in internal audit department. A successful candidate will be responsible for one or several subsidiaries of the company abroad in terms of internal audit and business-risk procedures, including: - Evaluating the risk environment and effectiveness of internal control system of the company, deficiencies in internal control procedures - Analysis of effectiveness of business processes - Carrying out internal audit procedures and preparing reports, proposing recommendations, follow-up on effectiveness of measures and decisions Requirements: A successful candidate will have the following skills and experience: - Extensive experience in internal audit and external audit - 2+ years experience in metals and mining and/or energy and/or oil&gas sector is mandatory and general knowledge of mining and metals industry - Good knowledge of basic accounting and auditing principles - Good communication and presentation skills, ability to work in a multi-task environment in teams and independently - Good upper-intermediate level of English, both spoken and written - Western finance/management accounting and/or internal audit certification complete or in progress (CPA, ACCA, CMA, CIA, etc.) - Ability to travel abroad for business trips, between 20 to 40% of time
Business Process Optimization Specialist
Manufacturing company The main purpose of the role would be Business Processes Optimization with the organization along with the team of inhouse professionals. Requirements: The problem to be addressed, expressed in terms of measurable objectives, quantified and planed the stakes Mobilize all the actors, Identify actors and their key contributions. Describe and Analyze current situation. Manage the solution conception and define the scenario to implement. Develop actor's adhesion. Support and rhythm the implementation and the deployment. Measure the progress made. Define during all the studies, change management and support it The list of principal views of activity: 1. Collect, analyze and share all the elements to address the problem. Be sure that we can measure the progress (stakes, results and delay) . 2. Propose the team to solve the problem (key actors, good profile ). 3. Mobilize the actors, be sure that they understand the reason why we must change if not report to the client and commanditaire the difficulties. 4. Analyze current situation; Animate description and characteristics of process to be improved. Define the details needed to understand the situation and to be able to improve at the good level. 5. Animate the conception phase, to define the solution. Bringthe necessary knowledge in process and organization conception. Animate transverse reflection. 6. Build the new scenario to implement or/and deploy the solution. Support risks analysis. 7. Identify the key actions to success in change management, and implement the good tools and methods to do it. 8. Planed, and define the timeframe of deployment plan. Define resources needed (Quantity and quality). Define where the support is needed to success the transform action. 9. Advise and challenge project managers and/or commanditaire, supply them if necessary to achieve the objectives.. 10. Every time, as it's difficult, measure the real progress improvement (quality or quantity). 11. Capitalize the knowledge of each study made, and give it to the network OPP.
Country Manager
A famous consumer products company To lead the development of the Russian market and: - Develop relations with local suppliers - Develop and oversee a local marketing strategy - Create local operations, oversee team operations and daily mgmt of business Requirements: An experienced executive with a commercial understanding of the Russian market and its distribution mechanisms
Специалист по автокредитованию
Ренессанс Кредит Обязанности: ∙ Консультирование клиентов по вопросам автокредитования ∙ Подбор кредитного продукта клиентам ∙ Прием, оформление документов для выдачи кредита ∙ Работа с клиентами Банка, получившими положительное решение ∙ Продвижение кредитных продуктов на территории Автосалонов Пожелания к кандидатам: ∙ Хорошее знание ПК ∙ Желание строить карьеру в банковском секторе ∙ Способность выполнять и координировать несколько задач одновременно ∙ Хорошие навыки коммуникации, энергичность, динамичность, целеустремленность, стрессоустойчивость ∙ Наличие навыков прямых продаж приветствуется Условия: ∙ График 2/2,5/2 ∙ Оформление по ТК ∙ Обучение и развитие ∙ Перспективы карьерного роста Подробности по телефону: (495) 783 46 07 E-mail: job@rencredit.ru Контактное лицо: Морозов Сергей
Менеджер по работе с клиентами (дополнительный офис Банка)
Ренессанс Кредит Основные обязанности: ∙ Обслуживание частных клиентов в дополнительном офисе банка ∙ Консультирование и продажа розничных банковских продуктов ∙ Обеспечение сервисной поддержки действующих клиентов ∙ Участие в организации и проведении микромаркетинговых акций, с целью привлечения новых клиентов в отделение ∙ Проведение переговоров и консультаций с крупными клиентами Банка Пожелания к кандидатам: ∙ Образование: высшее, неполное высшее ∙ Опыт продаж финансовых продуктов от 0.5 лет желателен ∙ Личные качества: o Клиентоориентированность, вежливость o Хорошие коммуникативные навыки o Внимание к деталям o Умение работать в команде o Умение расставлять приоритеты, ответственность, самостоятельность o Быстрообучаемость ∙ Уверенные навыки работы с ПК Условия: ∙ График работы: 5/2 ( рабочий день с 10 до 19 ) ∙ Оформление по ТК ∙ Обучение и развитие ∙ Перспективы карьерного роста Подробности по телефону: (495) 783 46 07 E-mail: job@rencredit.ru Контактное лицо: Токунова Антонина
Кредитный представитель
Ренессанс Кредит Обязанности: ∙ консультирование клиентов по вопросам кредитования ∙ продвижение кредитного продукта ∙ первичная оценка кредитоспособности клиента ∙ работа с заявками на получение кредита ∙ работа на территории магазинов-партнеров Пожелания к кандидатам: ∙ хорошее знание ПК ∙ хорошие навыки коммуникации, энергичность, динамичность, целеустремленность, стрессоустойчивость ∙ наличие навыков прямых продаж приветствуется Условия: ∙ график 2/2,5/2 ∙ Оформление по ТК ∙ Обучение и развитие ∙ Перспективы карьерного роста Подробности по телефону: (495) 783 46 07 E-mail: job@rencredit.ru Контактное лицо: Фукалова Елена
Tax Compliance Manager
Our client is one of leading oil company - Business advisory on tax related issues to create the tax software modules - Providing tax advice to sites and Group personnel as required on various income (and other direct) tax matters - Keep abreast of changes in tax legislation and tax administration as they impact the company and advise relevant personnel as necessary - Assisting the Group Tax Manager in managing global tax requirements and providing tax advice on various projects - Participating in the formation, development and implementation of appropriate and agreed Group tax strategies - Ensuring timely and accurate lodgement of income (and other direct) tax returns - Developing and maintaining relationships with relevant site personnel to facilitate smooth and effective processes - Reviewing processes in the tax compliance function and assist with implementing improvements to ensure they are meeting customer needs and legislative requirements - Providing support on VAT and Profit tax Requirements: The ideal candidate will have: - University degree in Business Administration / Tax / Financial Education - Excellent knowledge of Russian taxation - Minimum 3 years of work experience as Accountant / Tax Consulting and knowledge of financial instruments - Experience in Accounting / Legal desirable - High degree of personal responsibility and team-player attitude - Fluent English - Good communication, business partnering, problem solving and prioritization skills are required. - Strong self-motivation
Qualitative Research Project Manager(pharma)
Международная исследовательская компания 1. Формирование текущих и перспективных планов работы. 2. Выполнение полного цикла проекта: основная занятость - в категории Healthcare (60-80% общей загрузки) 3. Проведение презентаций (на русском и английском языках) - по результатам проектов; об отделе; при продаже проектов. 4. Участие в первичных и вторичных продажах проектов. 5. Осуществление руководства сложными проектами. 6. Осуществление руководства проектами в случае участия в них двух и более менеджеров. 7. Организация проведения проектов в регионах. 8. Разработка инструктивно-методических материалов. 9. Оказание методической и обучающей помощи сотрудникам отдела, Компании 10. Перевод материалов для исследований (скринер, гайд, концепции и т.д.) с русского языка на английский и обратно. 11. Проведение тренингов по качественным методам. Требования: ў Знание качественных методов (знание количественных - приветствуется) ў Обширная практика модерирования и написания отчетов в различных категориях и проектах различного дизайна и уровня сложности ў Презентационные навыки
Account Manager, Healthcare Research
A world's leading market research agency - Business Development and account management - Department strategy development - Department budgeting and control - Full operational and administrative management of the department, including personnel training and development. Requirements: The successful candidate will have: - University degree and good level of English - Experience of full-cycle quantitative research project management (from customer proposals and questionnnaires to final presentations) - Agency work experience (a must)
Account Manager, Research Specialist
Leading international market research company We are looking for senior researcher for the department of automotive market research for the following functions: - Preparation of graphs, diagramms - project calculation - oraganisation of research - specialised analysis conduction - new client search - account work - presentation of research results to the client - consulting clients - communication with other companies in the group Requirements: Higher education, preferably mathematics, economics, ideally international diploma Fluent English MS applications From 3 years relevant work experience
Business Development Manager
Major international industrial pumps producer - Russian Distributor - Achieve pumps, valves, spare parts and service bookings targets as per Company business Plan. - Lead technical and commercial negotiations with customers on major projects. - Keep IP Management up to date on opportunities and risks in the Region. - Identify and strengthen relationship with key customers - Develop business plan for channels, products & services - Establish and develop distributors in key markets. Requirements: Education: University Degree in Engineering, Mechanical preferred Experience: Two/three years pumps sales experience Other Skills/Knowledge/Experience: - Products/ market knowledge - Strong Negotiations Skills - Strategic Planning. - Result orientation. - Strong Customer development skills.
Area Sales Manager
Международная Компания, FMCG, лидер сектора 1.Переговоры с региональными сетями: МОС-Март, Твой Дом, Авоська,Элизе и тд.(Переговоры, презентации, документооборот, расчет бонусов и тд.); 2.Работа с дистрибьюторами.(Поиск дистрибьюторов в Москве и МО, подбор, постановка задач, контроль работы, договоры, документация, бонусы); 3.Работа с региональными и локальными сетями. (Отгрузка товаров в сети и магазины, установка оборудования). Требования: Возраст ? 25-37; Опыт работы в FMCG с региональными и локальными сетями от 3х лет; Англ.яз. желателен, но не обязателен
Key Account Manager
Our client, one of the leading global premium consumer goods companies, is looking for Key Accout Ma - Take responsibility for a major key retail account at the national level - Promote company products and brand presence in the dedicated national retail chain across Russia - Conduct negotiations (including annual) with the key customer, ensure achievement of sales and promo plans Requirements: - Higher education, conversational English - Solid key account management experience within fmcg environment - Proactive, result-driven personality, excellent communication and negotiation skills
Brand Manager - Shopping Mall
Our client, a diversified holding with assets in retail, is looking to fill in the Brand Manager pos - Take responsibility for the for the marketing and communication strategy - Develop, plan and implementing the annual marketing plan and budget - Work on the outlet branding and positioning - Plan and implement ATL/BTL campaigns; cooperate with external providers (media/atl/btl agencies, design studios, etc.), be responsible for research and tracking Requirements: - Higher education, conversational English - Solid successfull marketing experience with a retail background - Result-driven personality, excellent communication and negotiation skills - Ability to meet deadlines and multitask
Group Pr Manager
Our client, a large diversified holding company, is looking to fill in the position of Group PR Mana - Develop corporate communication strategy both for external audience and for company's employees including the owners - Establish and maintain contacts with the media, communicate the corporate brand as a whole and different projects/investment intiatives in particular - Take responsibility for top-level events, product placement and digital PR Requirements: - Higher education, fluent English - Solid PR/marketing communication background with a proven track record - Result-oriented, outgoing personality, excellent communication skills - Able to multi-task and meet deadlines, absolutely stress-resistant
Ifrs / Ras Controller
Multinational manufacturing company 80% accounting job with active methodological consulting of colleagues locally and remotely, reporting to European HQ on periodic basis. o Month close, Financial Reporting (IFRS + RAS) - 5 days o IC balance confirmations/settlements o Tax Reporting (RU), Tax accruals, Deferred Tax, DTA, DTL o Methodology (IFRS + RAS) (Revenue recognition, Claims, FA recognition, etc) o AR, Invoicing customers, BDP o Inventory, Obsolescence Provision, PPV (Capitalized, Released) o Audit (IFRS and RAS) o Act as a contact person with auditors, communicate Requirements: Accounting professional with extensive experience in IFRS / RAS and good communication skills. Requirements: A financial qualification (ACCA, DipIFR, CMA or silmilar) finished or studying Advanced user of 1C Accounting; Warehouse, Payroll application, user of Western ERP system(s) Fluent English is a must
Senior Ras/ifrs Accountant
Multinational manufacturing company 80% accounting job with active methodological consulting of colleagues locally and remotely, reporting to European HQ on periodic basis. o Month close, Financial Reporting (IFRS + RAS) - 5 days o IC balance confirmations/settlements o Tax Reporting (RU), Tax accruals, Deferred Tax, DTA, DTL o Methodology (IFRS + RAS) (Revenue recognition, Claims, FA recognition, etc) o AR, Invoicing customers, BDP o Inventory, Obsolescence Provision, PPV (Capitalized, Released) o Audit (IFRS and RAS) o Act as a contact person with auditors, communicate Requirements: Accounting professional with extensive experience in IFRS / RAS and good communication skills. Requirements: A financial qualification (ACCA, DipIFR, CMA or silmilar) finished or studying Advanced user of 1C Accounting; Warehouse, Payroll application, user of Western ERP system(s) Fluent English is a must
Internal Audit Manager
One of the leaders on production market Main Accountabilities Execute in the following areas under the overall guidance from the Regional Head of Internal Audit and referring to the standards of the worldwide Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) framework: Operational and Financial audits Lead the execution of large and complex operational and financial audits (pre-, on-site and post- phases) Prepare and / or perform quality review of audit work papers i.e. sufficiently complete, detailed and accurate to ascertain the audit work done and to support conclusions reached Responsible for the preparation of audit reports summarizing findings, risks and recommendations Responsible for the communication of audit results to audited management Identify and evaluate risks within the audited unit besides the audit scope performed Assist in the development of understanding of internal controls in the units audited Communicate with other relevant departments / external auditors Compliance audits / reviews Lead the execution of compliance audits / reviews (pre-, on-site and post- phases) Prepare and / or perform quality review of work papers (as noted above) Responsible for the preparation of compliance reports Communicate audit / review results to Regional Head of Internal Audit Special Assignments As requested due to special competence (e.g. risk review participation, development of directives / instructions, SOX, due diligence) Additional Roles Support Regional Head of Internal Audit in various tasks including annual risk assessment, audit planning and management of audit team. Requirements: At least 5 years in Audit or equivalent operational experience in relevant business roles if big 4 then: advisory, risk-management and forensic practices University degree or equivalent in business administration / economics or engineering Preferably CIA / CISA / CPA Leadership skills and ability to manage teams from different cultures Strong analytical and IT skills Managerial courage to confront difficult issues with the appropriate response Strong oral and written communication skills, proficiency in English International business experience
Key Account Manager
Global leader in home appliances - Focus on personal sales targets, new business development, and troubleshooting on problem or key markets - Prepare annual trade partner plan by month and product category in accordance with model matrix - Negotiate annual Trade Partner plan and annual contract with trade partners - Control accounts receivables - Coordinate actions within sales team and with marketing department - Carry out trade marketing activities and gather competitive intormation Requirements: - Good English, native russian - Minimum 2 years experience in similar role - built-in equipment experience is a great plus - Experience in multinational organization. Preference on white goods industry. - Energetic with 'can do' approach
Accounting Manager / Chief Accountant
Leading international management consulting company Our Client is looking for an experienced accounting professional to be leading the accounting and reporting function in the sphere of consulting and professional services. A successful candidate will be responsible for a range of tasks related to preparation of financial statements for legal entities presented in Russia. He/she will be responsible for liaison with 3rd party accounting provider, ensure compliance with internal and external rules, regulations and reporting obligations, be involved in business processes and procedures covering the activities of the company in Russia. Special focus will be made for intercompany transactions, reconciliations for western-accounting purposes, tax issues, etc. Requirements: A successful candidate will have relevant experience in finance and accounting, will be coming from a business services and/or consulting environment. He/she will be able to demonstrate good knowledge and understanding of the Russian regulatory framework. The candidate will be proactive and reactive, able to work and communicate effectively with staff at all levels. Fluent English and Russian are required.
Category Specialist (marketing)
A world's leading toy company - Help to develop boys toys business in Russia, according to the Company's Growth Plan and strategies. Maintain and develop Brand Management solutions, consistently achieving company set turnover and profitability targets. - Fulfill the full set of marketing tasks on Marketing Specialist level, including market analysis and planning, agency management and monitoring, execution of marketing activities and communication with HQ on the matters of localization, local marketing activities and feedback. Requirements: A successful incumbent should possess - Relevant education and/or experience in marketing - Experience in toy or fashion industry (an advantage) - Hands-on and flexible personality able to react quickly in constantly changing business conditions - Fluent Russian and English
Key Account Executive
A world's leading toy company Responsibility of customer performance and sales plans execution. Focus on modern trade / key retail chains. Full support for Key Accounts of the company including: - Controlling and organizing shelf presence and solving all ensuing problems - Category analysis and competitor market analysis. - Close cooperation with marketing function and the European HQ, including finance&operations, customer service, etc. - Organizing and controling promotion activities. Requirements: A successful candidate will have the following: - Sales/Marketing education or adequate professional experience - 1-2 years successful experience in a similar position in FMCG - toy industry would be a plus - Experience in Consumer and Trade Marketing (preferably category management) - Fluent Russian + working knowledge of English - Good knowledge of the whole Office package, excellence in Excel and Power Point) - Ambitious, determined, results-oriented, convincing and extroverted nature, strong presentations skills - Willingness to travel
Pos Manager
International cosmetics company - Coordinate the PoS Team with Customer Development to oprimize their work; - Detect new opportunities in PoS (free spaces, cancelled competitors promotions, etc.) - Support Customer Service with incidents related to service - PoS Executive: Ensure PoS Executives Control PoS agreements and activity Provide brand guidelines (give priorities, focus on activities) Definition of merchendandising objectives per customer and follow-up of the achievement Recommendation of product display per customer in line with merchendaising guidelines according to client's assortment Confirm routes of propose changes Control routes (activity), shop (PDA) use and expenses - BAs team management: Inform of long term Client Strategy Provide brand guidelines (give priorities, focus on activities, timing) Inform of promotional activities and control of its implementation - Record other PoS information - Communicate the right and necessary field informations to KA/Sales reps and customer development - Create reporting to Commercial Area - Arrange PoS Visits - Coordination and support in promotional activities in the PoS - Make sell-through (direct sales to consumers, if applicable) Requirements: - Background & profile - Management of field force - Well structured - Target oriented - Not compulsory from Fragrance business, FMCG welcome - Fluent English

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