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Corporate Account Manager

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Corporate Account Manager
Западная компания - разработчик решений для управления виртуальными серверами Dislocation - St.Petersburg. Requirements: Proven track record of successfully selling into enterprise accounts; Experience of 2+ years software or IT sales; Knowledge in selling complex software or technology products; Ability to travel; Be a self-starter with the ability to learn quickly; Knowledge of Eastern Europe IT market is a plus. Job functions: Achieving revenue targets and goals; Developing and closing business with major accounts in EMEA; Solution selling to existing customer base and new prospects. We offer: Modern, energetic working environment; Opportunities for professional growth and promotion; Salary ranges depending on skills and expertise; Flexible working hours.
Corporate Account Manager
Западная компания - разработчик решений для управления виртуальными серверами Requirements: Proven track record of successfully selling into enterprise accounts; Experience of 2+ years software or IT sales; Knowledge in selling complex software or technology products; Ability to travel; Be a self-starter with the ability to learn quickly; Knowledge of Eastern Europe IT market is a plus. Job functions: Achieving revenue targets and goals; Developing and closing business with major accounts in EMEA; Solution selling to existing customer base and new prospects. We offer: Modern, energetic working environment; Opportunities for professional growth and promotion; Salary ranges depending on skills and expertise; Flexible working hours.
International Finance Manager
HSBC is one of the largest banking institutions globally. Over recent years the bank has experienced The International Finance Programme offers unique opportunities to outstanding individuals. It has been created to support HSBC's strategic effort to leverage its global distribution capability. International Finance Managers (IFMs)will work in business critical positions providing strong financial management, business partnering support and financial expertise to local, regional and Group finance functions. The roles are high profile, requiring individuals to quickly build credibility with local and regional CFOs and CEOs. They will help address the key issues and challenges finance functions face and implement simple, effective and sustainable solutions. Assignments could be anywhere in the world and typically last for 18-36 months. We envisage that IFMs will significantly accelerate their career progression and undertake roles within Global finance throughout their careers. The positions are proactively created as part of a long term strategic agenda for Finance. Training & Development: During the recruitment process IFMs will be matched to and interviewed for possible roles. Once in a role, IFMs will experience a tailored on-boarding programme where they will be introduced to relevant Finance and business professionals; this programme has been designed specifically to ensure IFMs are equipped to hit the ground running. Requirements: You will have a college or university degree and internationally recognised qualification in Finance (ACA/CA/CPA/CCA/CIMA/MBA). A strong controls mindset with experience from a finance, regulatory, risk and/or compliance business unit. Backgrounds must be from a leading blue chip, or financial services institution, demonstrating a proven finance track record and solid career advancement. Must possess strong leadership skills. Committed to being permanently globally mobile. IFMs will thrive on the challenge of working in diverse cultural, political and geographical environments. Fluency in English and preference for a second language. Where specific UK qualifications are required we will take into account overseas equivalents. A competitive salary, plus bonus and benefits is offered within each location. Total remuneration will be commensurate with the quality and experience of the candidates. If you are interested in being part of this exciting and challenging programme, we require a well structured CV as well as a concise personal statement reflecting why you are interested in joining the HSBC IFM Programme. Please send you application in English to hsbcifm@uk.michaelpage.com quoting job reference: 13064562
Заместитель главного бухгалтера по налогам
Динамично растущая логистическая компания. - Участие в организации и ведении бухгалтерского учета Компании по стандартам РСБУ в рамках своих должностных полномочий; - Участие в организации и ведении налогового учета Компании, подтверждении ставки НДС 0% по международным перевозкам, составление деклараций по прочим налогам в рамках своих должностных полномочий; - Участие в составлении и представлении в установленные сроки внешней и внутренней отчетности Компании; - Участие в обеспечении соблюдения технологии обработки бухгалтерской информации и порядка документооборота, а также сроков закрытия отчетного периода; - Участие в методологических разработках политик и процедур Компании в пределах своей компетенции; - Содействие Главному бухгалтеру в контроле над работой других сотрудников бухгалтерии. Требования: - Высшее экономическое образование; - Опыт работы в должности заместителя главного бухгалтера или главного бухгалтера западной компании от 3 лет; - Свободное владение офисными приложениями, входящими в пакет Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Outlook, Visio и пр.) и 1С-бухгалтерия (предпочтительнее 8-ой версии); - Знание английского языка на уровне не ниже Upper-Intermediate; - Глубокие практические знания в области RAS, налогов, не ниже базовых норм и правил, знание гражданского законодательства РФ, деловой практики российских компаний; - Практический опыт работы в логистических компаниях с международными перевозками будет рассматриваться как серьезное преимущество.
Finance Controller
A leading international company of branded consumer products for skin and beauty care Main duties: - Develop the Financial Plan & Forecast - Monitor performance & budgets - Guide and coordinate planning and forecast activities with other functions and achieve alignment with management board - Drive local performance improvement - Ensure the correctness of financial reports - To be the key contact of of auditors for year-end closing - Prepare monthly commentary with major business events for headquarters Requirements: We are looking for a person who posses great communication and analytical skills and like to work in a dynamic multinational environment. This is an excellent opportunity in which you can utilize both strong technical and personal qualities. Key requirements: - Good knowledge and understanding of SAP - Strong skills of International Accounting Standards (IAS) - Deep understanding of difference between RAS and IAS - Business English - Business-minded - Previous experience in audit preferred
Tax Manager
One of the largest international automobile companies Direct responsibility for tax planning matters in Russian Federation and CIS states: - Tax advising to business (support for Branches): tax risks management, strategic tax planning, knowledge of tax regulations in Russian Federation and CIS countries - Relations with tax authorities and business tax organizations - Tax reviews and company internal tax audits, participation in tax courts - Oversight and review of income tax compliance - Transfer pricing documentation and advice - Tax review and control over global tax projects Requirements: - University/College degree in the sphere of Tax Law (as an advantage), Accounting or Finance - Minimum 7 years experience in corporate tax practice - Tax controversy experience - Experience in tax advising and/or consulting - Experience in managing tax disputes/audits with tax authorities - Experience in Russian tax matters required - Experience in CIS tax matters preferred - Strong time management and coordination skills to navigate varied substantial workload. - Communication & Team Player - Problem solving/analytical capabilities - Managing the job & results orientation - Quality orientation - Pro-active attitude, take-charge person - Excellent command of written and spoken English - Ms Office, LOTUS - Strong competency in Standard PC software
Loss prevention manager
Lotte Lotte Hotel aims to go beyond the borders and be the best global hotel chain where oriental and western cultures are completely harmonized Lotte Hotel Moscow is looking for internationally experienced HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR, ASSISTANT FRONT OFFICE MANAGER, LOSS PREVENTION MANAGER Other management positions are available. Please, send resume in English only. Location: Moscow, Novinski bul., 8-10, near Trade Center Lotte Plaza HR@lottehotel.ru
Assistant front office manager
Lotte Lotte Hotel aims to go beyond the borders and be the best global hotel chain where oriental and western cultures are completely harmonized Lotte Hotel Moscow is looking for internationally experienced HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR, ASSISTANT FRONT OFFICE MANAGER, LOSS PREVENTION MANAGER Other management positions are available. Please, send resume in English only. Location: Moscow, Novinski bul., 8-10, near Trade Center Lotte Plaza HR@lottehotel.ru
Humen Resources Assistant
Lotte Lotte Hotel aims to go beyond the borders and be the best global hotel chain where oriental and western cultures are completely harmonized Lotte Hotel Moscow is looking for internationally experienced HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR, ASSISTANT FRONT OFFICE MANAGER, LOSS PREVENTION MANAGER Other management positions are available. Please, send resume in English only. Location: Moscow, Novinski bul., 8-10, near Trade Center Lotte Plaza HR@lottehotel.ru
Expat Position In Krasnodar - Finance Supervisor
An agriculture farm with foreign investment As the deputy of the GM, take charge of all finance and audit activities and provide the foreign investors with visibility and tracking of the operations while also participating in the execution of the daily operations of the business Requirements: - Operational in Russian and fluent in either English or French - Experience and understanding of Russian legislation and financial/tax requirements - Hands on approach - Previous experience in audit a plus
Руководитель (директор) филиала в Санкт-Петербург
Торгово — производственная компания (производство упаковочных материалов) ОБЯЗАННОСТИ: руководство филиалом (оптовые продажи): кол-во подчиненных — от 10 чел., соблюдение плана продаж, расчет окупаемости, контроль затрат, работа с наценками, развитие филиала. ТРЕБОВАНИЯ: муж., 28-40 лет, образование — высшее техническое/управленческое, опыт работы на руководящей должности от 2 лет, желательно в оптовых компаниях, знание специфики оптовых продаж и умение просчитывать результаты, умение работать самостоятельно, в автономном режиме, умение принимать решения, нести за них ответственность, умение управлять коллективом, доброжелательность, исполнительность, желание развиваться, ПК — уверенный пользователь (MS Office, Internet, e-mail), УСЛОВИЯ: график работы 5 дн, 9.00-18.00 оклад (обсуждается) + премии оплата мобильной связи компенсация расходов на использование автомобиля дотации на питание Контакты: Тел.: 812-324-46-46, Светлана Мишина E-mail: smishina@manpower.ru
Sales Department Manager
Supplier of advanced engineering solutions and products Supplier of advanced engineering solutions and products Opens a job Sales Department manager Requirements: -Experience in sales and sales management in the field of aviation of at least 10 years, -Experience in managing a group of at least 7 people, -Fluent English speaking and writing, -Experience in working with international companies, -Excellent human relations skills, -Excellent negotiation skills, -Preferred experience in selling technical material, -Target oriented personality, Contact: Tel.: 812-324-46-46, Svetlana Mishina E-mail: smishina@manpower.ru
Руководитель филиала
Крупная российская компания Управление филиалом c большим штатом (отдел продаж, доставка, службы персонала, финансовый отдел) Решение административно-хозяйственных, финансовых вопросов, бюджетирование, планирование. Участие в разработке маркетинговой политики компании. Управление персоналом. Отчетность перед головным офисом.
Главный юрисконсульт
JSB ORGRESBANK Nordea company Основные функции сотрудника: - осуществление претензионно - исковой работы; - представительство интересов Банка в судебных органах; - представительство интересов Банка в процессе исполнительного производства. Требования: -Умение эффективно организовывать работу отдела. -Умение готовить претензии и иные документы в адрес должников (юридических и физических лиц)и для суда, готовить и предъявлять в суд документы для взыскания просроченной задолженности и для принятия обеспечительных мер. -Умение представлять интересы Банка в суде, в собраниях кредиторов, перед судебными приставами-исполнителями и проч. органами государства. Опыт создания методологических документов. Приветствуется опыт работы по уголовным делам.
Главный юрист консульт
JSB ORGRESBANK Nordea company Основные функции сотрудника: - осуществление претензионно - исковой работы; - представительство интересов Банка в судебных органах; - представительство интересов Банка в процессе исполнительного производства. Требования: -Умение эффективно организовывать работу отдела. -Умение готовить претензии и иные документы в адрес должников (юридических и физических лиц)и для суда, готовить и предъявлять в суд документы для взыскания просроченной задолженности и для принятия обеспечительных мер. -Умение представлять интересы Банка в суде, в собраниях кредиторов, перед судебными приставами-исполнителями и проч. органами государства. Опыт создания методологических документов. Приветствуется опыт работы по уголовным делам.
начальник управления реструктуризации и мониторинга
JSB ORGRESBANK Nordea company Обязанности: -Общая организация и координация работы Управления сопровождения исполнительного производства. -Работа с судебными приставами-исполнителями и с другими органами судебно-исполнительной системы государства по эффективному взысканию задолженности с юридических и физических диц - должников Банка. Требования: -Опыт работы в исполнительном производстве как по юридическим так и по физическим лицам. - Знание порядка осуществляемых действий судебными приставами-исполнителями, тонкости взаимодействия органов исполнительной власти между собой. -Умение выстраивать порядок работы по взаимодействию с органами исполнительной власти таким образом, чтобы максимально эфективно по времени и затратам Банка взыскать задолженность с должника. -Умение ставить и эффективно распределять задачи между сотрудниками Управления, направленных на достижение целей. -Умение обобщать опыт работы и создавать методологические документы по тематике работы.
Sales Department manager
Supplier of advanced engineering solutions and products Supplier of advanced engineering solutions and products Opens a job Sales Department manager Requirements: -Experience in sales and sales management in the field of aviation of at least 10 years, -Experience in managing a group of at least 7 people, -Fluent English speaking and writing, -Experience in working with international companies, -Excellent human relations skills, -Excellent negotiation skills, -Preferred experience in selling technical material, -Target oriented personality, Contact: Tel.: 324-46-46, Svetlana Mishina E-mail: smishina@manpower.ru
Руководитель (директор) филиала в г. Санкт-Петербург
Торгово — производственная компания (производство и продажа упаковочных материалов, полиэтиленовых п ОБЯЗАННОСТИ: руководство филиалом (оптовые продажи): кол-во подчиненных — от 10 чел., соблюдение плана продаж, расчет окупаемости, контроль затрат, работа с наценками, развитие филиала. ТРЕБОВАНИЯ: муж., 28-40 лет, образование — высшее техническое/управленческое, опыт работы на руководящей должности от 2 лет, желательно в оптовых компаниях, знание специфики оптовых продаж и умение просчитывать результаты, умение работать самостоятельно, в автономном режиме, умение принимать решения, нести за них ответственность, умение управлять коллективом, доброжелательность, исполнительность, желание развиваться, ПК — уверенный пользователь (MS Office, Internet, e-mail), УСЛОВИЯ: график работы 5 дн, 9.00-18.00 оклад (обсуждается) + премии оплата мобильной связи компенсация расходов на использование автомобиля дотации на питание Контакты: Тел.: 324-46-46, Светлана Мишина E-mail: smishina@manpower.ru
Sole Chief Accountant
International equipment importer, Moscow office upto 20 people Responsibilities -Prepare and submit to HP monthly reports with US GAAP balance sheet, income statement and other corporate month end reports, etc. -Reporting and taxation activities, including financial reporting, statistics reporting, tax reporting, fixed assets accounting, inventories and finished goods accounting -Preparation of the Budgets, Forecasts and operational Planning -Analyzing of actual/budget revenue,cost and expenses -Day-to-day accountant operations in the Acc. system 1C 7.7 solving difficult accounting issue -Management and control of V.A.T. and Tax reconciliation -Cash forecasting and cash utilization -Supervise contracts and legal affairs.Tracking potential legal and/or tax issues - Payments (Bank control and treasury management) - Payroll administration - Relation with the external and internal auditors Requirements: Solid knowledge of Russian Accounting and International Financial Reporting Standards , Skills to make decisions, Very good analytical skills,Initiative and autonomous , Excellent communication and people management skills , Well organized, able to keep the deadlines , Team oriented
Chief Accountant
Leading FMCG comapny The candidate will be responsible for compliance and process procedures within shared services center of the company. Among core responsibilites will be restructuring within the department, writing up procedures, etc. Senior person to come in an lead the accounting team (operational accounting, excluding tax & IFRS reporting). Will fill the role of Chief Accountant and be tasked to improve/optimize processes in accounting ensuring leverage and successful start-up of the SAP system. High potential person who could accomplish the previous task quickly and start to assume some of the role of Director of Shared Service. Requirements: - Education: University - Educational background: Economics/Accounting - Work experience: 5 - 10 years; - Experience in various disciplines of accounting, compliance, & possibly IT - Merit: SAP experience - Technical skills: accountancy, controlling - Language skills: Russian, & English
Sole Chief Accountant
International equipment importer, Moscow office upto 20 people Proper management of RAS and tax accounting of the company Ensure proper and timely reporting to EU HQ Inter communicate with EU HQ on different issues Intercompany payments and communications Requirements: Good experienced Chief accountant or deputy with sound practise of IFRS reporting and stable experience (by CV) Independant Team worker
Finance Controller
Company leads the international market in the supply of products and solutions for the in-store com - Responsibilities: deadlines in cooperation with the Finance Manager; -produce sales/finance/stock reports for review as requested by Management; -participate in annual budget processes; -provide sales & profitability analysis; -active participation in work with ERP-system. Requirements: -Education: High Degree in Finance and Economy, Engineering, IT. -Experience: 3+ years experience in Accounting, Finance with controlling/analysis functions, RAS, IFRS. -Skills: 1C, knowledge of Excel and experience with ERP-systems . Good IT skills is a plus. -Language: Native Russian, Fluent English (written and oral
Sales Manager (russia & Cis)
A leading international cooling and refrigeration equipment manufacturer - Driving the company sales by developing new business and maintaining and improving relations with the existing accounts across Russia and CIS countries. - Provide marketing support to maximize sales results. Requirements: - Higher education. - Fluent English, proficiency in other languages is a plus. - Dynamic personality with a proven track record in B2B sales (experience in refrigeration is a plus). - Ready to travel. - Excellent communication and presentation skills.
Tax Advisor
One of the most established consulting companies -Provide tax advise to business (including large orders) -Lead tax projects, represent taxes in cross-functional project teams Requirements: Education Degree with good grades in Tax law taken in a well known Russian University; Master on tax law or specialized courses on Russian GAAP and/or International accounting standard are very appreciated Languages Advanced knowledge of spoken and written English Knowledge of Italian language is very appreciated Work experience 4-6 years experience in "big four" tax firms. A 3-years experience in "big four" tax firms and a 2-3 years experience in the tax department of a International law firm may be accepted too. It is extremely important that the candidate accrued an extensive and consolidated experience on the assistance of corporations located in Russia. A consolidated experience on the assistance of non Russian corporation operating in Russia through a subsidiary/Joint venture or through a branch structure is very appreciated too. Principal personal features Ability to work in team; fair and well educated person;

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