There is established the procedure for ascertaining the size of single payments for use with bowels of the earth on plots granting in use without competitions and trades
The Rules, which has been approved by
the Decree of the RF Government N 94 of February 4, 2009
(document is in Russian), establishes the procedure for ascertaining
the size of single payments for use with bowels of the earth
on plots granting in use without competitions and trades for
prospecting and extraction of bowels of the earth or for geological
investigation of bowels of the earth, prospecting and extraction
of bowels of the earth made on the basis of a combined
license, except plots of land granting in the short-term use
(for the period up to one year).
Ascertaining the size
of single payments shall be provided by the Federal Agency on
Subsurface Management at drawing up single licenses on use with
bowels of the earth.
There are approved the temporary rates of import customs duties in respect of certain kinds of pipes
The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N 99
of February 10, 2009 (document is in Russian) makes amendments
to the structure pf classification codes of
the TN VED of Russia in respect of pipes for oil or gas
pipelines (code
7305 11 000 of the TN VED of Russia). There are approved
the rates of import customs duties for pipes with weightening
concrete jacket (cod 7305 11 000 4 of
the TN VED of Russia) in the size equal to zero and for
other pipes (cod 7305 11 000 8 of
the TN VED of Russia) in the size equal to 15 percent of
customs cost, for 9 months. The Decree shall putt into effect
upon expiration of 2 months since the day of its official publication.