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Are you ready to go back to Titanic?

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REAL'ный английский

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Cегодня в рассылке: 14 апреля 1912 года корабль мечты пошел ко дну.
Are you ready to go back to Titanic?

Советую почитать: У нас , в Голливуде. Как снимали ТИТАНИК
Сценарий на английском:
Видеоролик (32 сек):
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IN A HOVERING DOWNANGLE we see Jack and Rose floating in the black water.
The stars reflect in the mill pond surface, and the two of them seem to be
floating in interstellar space. They are absolutely still. Their hands are
locked together. Rose is staring upwards at the canopy of stars wheeling
above her. The music is transparent, floating... as the long sleep steals
over Rose, and she feels peace.

CLOSE ON Rose's face. Pale, like the faces of the dead. She seems to be
floating in a void. Rose is in a semi-hallucinatory state. She knows she is
dying. Her lips barely move as she sings a scrap of Jack's song:


"Come Josephine in my flying machine..."

ROSE'S POV: The stars. Like you've never seen them. The Milky Way a
glorious band from horizon to horizon.

A SHOOTING STAR flares... a line of light across the heavens.

TIGHT ON ROSE again. We see that her hair is dusted with frost crystals.
Her breathing is so shallow, she is almost motionless. Her eyes track down
from the stars to the water.

ROSE'S POV... SLOW MOTION: The silhouetter of a boat crossing the stars.
She sees men in it, rowing so slowly the oars lift out of the syrupy water,
leaving weightless pearls floating in the air. The VOICES of the men sound
slow and DISTORTED.

Then the lookout flashes his torch toward her and the light flares across
the water, silouetting the bobbing corpses in between. It flicks past her
motionless form and moves on. The boat is 50 feet away, and moving past
her. The men look away.

Rose lifts her head to turn to Jack. We see that her hair has frozen to the
wood under her.


                             (barely audible)


She touches his shoulder with her free hand. He doesn't respond. Rose
gently turns his face toward her. It is rimed with frost.

He seems to be sleeping peacefully.

But he is not asleep.

Rose can only stare at his still face as the realization goes through her.


Oh, Jack.

All hope, will and spirit leave her. She looks at the boat. It is further
away now, the voices fainter. Rose watches them go.

She closes her eyes. She is so weak, and there just seems to be no reason
to even try.

And then... her eyes snap open.

She raises her head suddenly, cracking the ice as she rips her hair off the
wood. She calls out, but her voice is so weak they don't hear her. The boat
is invisible now, the torch light a star impossibly far away. She struggles
to draw breath, calling again.

IN THE BOAT Lowe hears nothing behind him. He points to something
ahead, turning the tiller.

ROSE struggles to move. Her hand, she realizes, is actually frozen to
Jack's. She breaths on it, melting the ice a little, and gently unclasps
their hands, breaking away a thin tinkling film.


I won't let go. I promise.

She releases him and he sinks into the black water. He seems to fade out
like a spirit returning to some immaterial plane.

Rose rolls off the floating staircase and plunges into the icy water. She
swims to Chief Officer Wilde's body and grabs his whistle. She starts to
BLOW THE WHISTLE with all the strength in her body. Its sound slaps across
the still water.

294 IN BOAT 14 Lowe whips around at the sound of the whistle.


                           (turning the tiller)

Row back! That way! Pull!

Rose keeps blowing as the boat comes to her. She is still blowing when Lowe
takes the whistle from her mouth as they haul her into the boat. She slips
into uncosciousness and they scramble to cover her with blankets...

                                                              DISSOLVE TO:


EXTREME CLOSEUP of Rose's ancient, wrinkled face. Present day.

                                 OLD ROSE

Fifteen hundred people went into the sea when Titanic sank from under us.
There were twenty boats floating nearby and only one came back. One. Six
were saved from the water, myself included. Six out of fifteen hundred.

interstellar space - межзвездное пространство
Pale - бледный
semi-hallucinatory - полу - галлюцинация
shallow - поверхностный, мелкий
rowing - грести
DISTORTED - искажать
Rime - иней
Faint - слабый
Snap - мгновенно
Struggle - бороться
Unclasp - отстегивать
staircase - лестница
plunge - погружать
whistle - свистеть
haul - тянуть
blankets - одеяло
wrinkled - сморщенный

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