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_English_: Подготовка к тестированию
за 2 года

  Выпуск No42 (100) от 2009-11-28
Подписчиков: 1951 чел.

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It is surprising what you can find in dustbins. A short time ago the Camden dustmen went on strike, because the authorities were going to prevent them from sorting through the rubbish for things they might sell. In the Daily Mirror of 4th November, Christopher Ward wrote an amusing article on the contents of 5 dustbins.
'I was walking along Carnaby Street at three o'clock the other morning when I met a well-dressed man with his head in a dustbin. Carnaby Street is always a good place for a laugh at someone else's expense, and I certainly wasn't going to miss 10 this one. But before I could offer to put the lid on for him, he emerged from the bin triumphantly holding a John Stephen Flower Power jacket.
'Fabulous, isn't it?' he said, dusting down his prize. 'I get
all my clothes like this - except my underwear of course.'    
'What else have you found in dustbins?' I asked. The man put the lid back on the bin and sat on it.
'You see this shirt? Well, it came from Simpson's dustbin.
My tie and matching silk handkerchief were in a dustbin in
Wardour Street.'    
'Those shoes you're wearing, they're very smart too,' I said.
'They come from a dustbin in Regent Street. I even got a six-month guarantee with them. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must go. If I stay here all night talking to you, someone else   25 will get all the good things before me.'
As soon as he had gone, two Hippies came round the corner and started to look through what was left in the bin. To my sur¬prise, they discovered an ivory paper-knife and a long piece of silk. They seemed disappointed that they hadn't found at least    four Hardy Amies suits.

I explained that someone had been there before them. They didn't mind. There was plenty for everybody. One of them said that a short time ago, they had put on a play with a cast of thirty and all the costumes had come out of the dustbins in Carnaby    Street.'
Christopher Ward does warn his readers that it is illegal to steal from dustbins. 'The reasons are obvious. For a start, Carn¬aby Street shopkeepers would be ruined if everyone helped
himself to a binful of rubbish round the back, instead of buying it over the counter.
You can imagine what the dustmen must think of all this stealing. When they arrive, there's nothing but rubbish left.'
1.    What did the Camden dustmen do a short time ago?
A    They helped themselves to clothes.
В    They looked surprised at what they found in dustbins.
С    They refused to sort the rubbish any more.
D   They stopped work.
2.    Why did the Camden dustmen go on a strike?
A   The authorities did not want them to work any more.
В    The authorities were going to sell all the dustbins.
С    The dustmen did not want to search the dustbins with their hands
any more. D   The dustmen were not allowed to take things from the dustbins
any more.
3.    What did Christopher Ward write an article about? (line 4)
A    About the advantages of dustbins.
В    About the disadvantages of dustbins.
С    About the reasons why people are content with their dustbins.
D   About what is to be found in dustbins.
4.    What struck him when he was walking in Carnaby Street?
A   That he saw a well-dressed man there. В    That he saw someone there at that hour. С   That he saw such a man nosing in a dustbin. D   That the man seemed to have no head.
5.    What does (one) in line 11 stand for?
A   place b laugh С    someone D   bin
6.    What did the man do with the jacket?
A   He cleaned it a bit.
В    Не hid it under his coat. С   Не put it down into the dustbin again. D   He put it on.
7. As soon as he had gone, two Hippies came round the corner
А   Как только он отошел два хиппи зашли за угол.
В    Как только он ушел два хиппи обошли угол.
С   Как только он ушел два хиппи вышли из-за угла.
True or false.
1.    Carnaby Street is always a good place for a ride.
2.    They seemed glad that they hadn't found Hardy Amies suits.
3.    I explained that nobody had been there before them.
Complete each sentence with one of the endings
1.    A short time ago the Camden dustmen went on strike...
2.    But before I could offer him to put the lid on for him...
3.    I get all my clothes like this...
4.    If I stay here all night    
5.    One of them said....
A.    -except my underwear of course.
B.    because the authorities were going to prevent them from sorting
through the rubbish.
C.    someone else will get all good things.
D.    he emerged from the bin triumphantly.
E.    that a short time ago they had put on a play with a cast of thirty.
Ответы в следующем  выпуске.
 Проверим для новичков.
Надеюсь, что вы делали упражнения с удовольствием. Теперь можно их проверить.

1. I  live in London and I  work there too. I'm  a  computer engineer.
2. Are  you  angry with me? - Yes, but why do you   ask me?

У нас глагол to be. Поэтому общий вопрос будет Are you...?
Запомните предлог to be angry WITH- запишите в свою тетрадь.

3.They   speak only English in class
4. She often  takes my dictionary but seldom  remembers to  bring it back.

5.I'm an engineer, аnd what about you? What do you  do?
Вот камень преткновения. Часто ученики делают здесь ошибку.

Читаем первое предложение. Я - инженер, а вы? Его интересует, кем работает собеседник. Поэтому- What DO YOU DO?

6.Nancy  lookS like her father.
7.Do you  know the student over there?
Эта структура вопроса вам знакома. Главное - заметить вопросительный знак.

8. Mr.Taylor  keeps his money in the bank.
9. It is cold today. It is  snowing. It often  snows at  this  time of the year.

Сравните предложение It is snowing и It often snows....

Продолжим работать с Present Simple.

Строчки из учебника.

PRESENT SIMPLE with a future meaning.
We use Present Simple when we are talking about timetables, programmes.

What time does the film begin?
The train leaves Plymouth at 10.30  and arrives in London at 13.45.
The football match starts at 8 o'clock.
Tomorrow is Wednesday.
Обратите внимание на Tomorrow IS Wednesday.
А теперь проверим остальные предложения прошлого урока..
1. We usually ask our teacher  to explain  difficult problems to us.
2. Playing the guitar is an interesting hobby.
Запомните – to play the guitar, to play the piano.
3. Our city is famous for its beautiful ancient buildings.
4. Her hair is long and fair. Everybody admires it.
Волосы - неисчисляемое существительное. Но….. С этим НО мы познакомимся позже.
5. Last summer our neighbour decided to drive to Scotland  for a short holiday.
 To drive for a short holiday.
  А теперь новые  задания.
1. Do we have ( some, any) bread left?
2. There is (anything, nothing) interesting at his exhibition.
3. We know (them, they) very well, and both Peter and Nell  know  (we, us).
4. A friend of ( you, yours,  your) came to see me yesterday.
5.If you have ( much, many) friends you  probably  have  (  little,  a little, few) time.
1.Television has many advantages. It keeps  us informed about the latest news, and also ....entertainment at home.
a) provide,    b) provides,   c) is provided,   d) provided
2. Excuse me, do you speak English?  I.... for a hotel.
a) look,  b) am looking , c) was looking, d) have been looking
3. In the past people lived in ... harmony with the environment.
a) a,   b) an,  c) the,  d)-
4. When they arrived.... the station, they rushed to the platform not to miss the train.
a)to,  b) at, c) in,  d) for.
5.Someone is calling you. Will you answer ...phone?
a)a, b) the, c) -, d) these
работайте систематически. Это очень важно.

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Желаю успеха!

А. Соболевская

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