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English-подготовка к тестированию за 2 года:новый тест по просьбам

_English_: Подготовка к тестированию
за 2 года

  Выпуск No40 (98) от 2009-11-14
Подписчиков: 1947 чел.

 Приходят письма с просьбой давать чаще  предложения из тестов, больше заданий для самостоятельной работы.
Учту. И сегодня предлагаю вам сделать тест.
 1 Jack  dances very ( good, well)  and never steps on people’s feet.
2. This train goes ( fast, fastly).
3. The soup smells ( awful, awfully).
4. Helen worked very ( hard, hardly) and was given an extra holiday.
5. One boxer hit the other really ( hard, hardly) right on the chin.
6, Everyone in the team played ( good, well).
7. She was fatally, deadly) injured in the crash.
8. Take it ( easy, easily).
9. That suits me ( fine, finely).
10. You can speak ( free, freely). I won’t tell anyone what you say.
2. 1 I hate arriving ( late, lately).
2. I haven’t  been to the theatre much ( lately, late).
3. Throw  it as ( highly, high) as you can.
4. I can ( highly , high) recommend it.
5. he can jump really ( high, highly).
6. My friends are ( mostly, most) non- smoker.
7.you are a ( most, mostly) unusual person.
8. She is sleeping ( sound, soundly).
9. Can you be there at 6 o’clock ( sharp, sharply)?
10. She looked at him ( sharply, sharp).
3.1. The door was ( widely, wide) open.
2. She travels ( wide, widely). 3. ( Than, then) I went home.
4. I go there ( always, quite often).
5. I’m going to do my exams and ( after , afterwards) I am going to study medicine.
6. Your idea sounds ( greatly, great).
7. You sound (unhappily, unhappy).
8. It tasted ( nice, nicely). What’s in it?
9. Are you going ( somewhere, anywhere) tomorrow?
10. The plane flew very ( low, lowly).
4 1. He lives quite ( near, nearly).
2. It’s ( near. nearly) 5 o’clock.
 3. I haven’t seen the postman ( yet, already).
4. I received a letter from him ( recently, lately).
5. I saw him ( lately, recently). 6. he has read ( a lot, a lot of), many).
7.Mmy room is ( more, much) larger than yours.
8. I shall be there ( either, too). 9. I haven’t seen him ( too, either). 10. They came ( more, much) later than I.
51. They played badly ( at Wembley on Sunday, on Sunday at Wembley).
2. We arrived ( on Sunday morning at the station, at the station on Sunday morning).
3.Can you come ( at six o’clock to my office, to my office at six o’clock).
4. He treats his dog ( terribly, terrible).
5. I’ll be ( with you in a moment, in a moment with you.).
6. You must drive more ( careful, carefully).
7. Did  I do ( good, well) in the test?
8. He was (publicly, publically) humiliated.
9. Read the letter ( loud, loudly, aloud) . I want to know what Mary says.
10. The dentist told him to open his mouth( wide, widely).
61. John bought Maria a pair of ( black leather, leather black) gloves.
2. A ( new Japanese car, Japanese new car)  factory will be opened in the north.
3. She was  wearing a ( red  lovely , lovely red) dress.
4. He’s bought a ( German sports  posh, German posh sports, posh German sports, posh sports German ) car.
5. Winning the Nobel prize has made her  ( highly, well, generally) known throughout  the world.
6.If you feel (boring, bored) , why don’t you go to the cinema?
7. You  look  ( worried, worrying). Is anything  the matter?
8. We won’t go camping  until the weather  is ( more boiling, warmer).
9. Jill couldn’t drive  any further that day as she was so ( tired, tiring).
10. I’m getting ( prettily, pretty) fed up.
71. The first part of the film was really ( exciting, excited).
2. It was the best film I’ve ever seen. It was ( fantastic, good,)
3. I didn’t think you were  ( interesting, interested) in ancient history.
4  It made me ( tired, tiring).
5. Too much exercise  can make you feel ( tiring, tired).
6. I’m not really (interested, interesting) in this car.
7. The skyscraper is one of the ( tallest, taller) buildings in the world.
8. Could you work ( more quietly, more quieter), please?
9. The test wasn’t ( as hard as, hard as) I expected.
10. Nothing is ( worse, worst) than being stuck in the traffic jam.
81. The fish was ( so tasty as, as tasty as) the meat.
2. The temple  is the ( eldest, oldest) in Europe.
3. can you work ( quicklier, more quickly) ?
4. The film is not  as ( interesting, less interesting, more interesting)  as that one.
5. This house is ( much, more, most) bigger than that one.
6. She’s not as intelligent ( as, than) her sister.
7. She works ( as, like) an accountant in a local bank.
8. she is getting ( richer, more rich) and ( richer, more rich) every year.
9. The film was not ( such, so) good as I had expected.
10. She worked ( so, as) hard as she could to finish early.
9.1. The ( least, less, little) intelligent they are the ( most, much, many. More) difficult  they will find  the test.
2. The ( elder, older, oldest) I get, the ( wiser, wisest, more wisest) I become.
3. I was ( too, very) happy when I received your letter.
4. Meno  Park in Tokio  is very  ( huge, very huge).
5. he had ( such a, such) bad breath, no woman would go near him.
6. She’s got ( such a, such)lovely hair.
7. He is ( older, elder) than me.
8. She is the (shyest, shyerest, shiest) young woman I have ever known.
9. Stop playing inside before you do any (further, farther) damage.
10. It was the (least, less) successful of all his films.
10.1. Do you think the last hotel was (slightly less. More least) modern than this one?
2. I hope Mike will be (more lucky, luckier, lucky) than we are.
3. His ( last, latest) words were, “ The end”.
4.It’s a long journey by train : it’s much (quickly, more quick, quicker, more quickly) by road.
5. This is the (most modern, modernist)  dress I’ve ever seen.
6.Heathrow is the (most, busy, busiest) airport in Europe.
7. Shakespeare wrote his (last, latest, latter, later )play in 1613.
8. My new job is far better than the old one. I work ( fewer, less, much less) hours and earn more.
9. Which of the boys works (best, better) of all the boys?
10. She  always wears( the last, the latest) fashion.
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Желаю успеха!

А. Соболевская

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