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_English_: Подготовка к тестированию
за 2 года

  Выпуск No33 (34) от 2008-07-26
Подписчиков: 1162 чел.

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А тепeрь немного о Past Perfect Continuous.

Yesterday morning I got up and looked out of the window. The  sun  was shining. But the ground was very wet. IT HAD BEEN RAINING. It wasn't raining when I  looked  out  of  the  window,  the  sun  was shining. But it HAD BEEN RAINING. That's why the ground was wet.
You can use the Past Perfect  Continuous  to  say  how  long  something  had  been happening before something else happened.
The football match had to be stopped. They had been playing  for  half an hour when there was a terrible storm. Ken had been smoking  for  30 years when he finally gave it up.

Внимательно прочитайте каждый пример. Подумайте, как это звучит на родном языке.

А теперь новые задания.
1.    My cat catches a lot of....
1.    mouse    3. mices
2.    mice    4. mouses
2.    My ... friend is in Kiev now.
1.    fathers'    3. father's
2.    father    4. fathers's
3.    The weather is... today than it was last night.
1.    good    3. nice
2.    better    4. best
4.    Cats are much ... than dogs.
1.    more entertaining    3. most entertaining
2.    more entertainier    4. most entertainer
5. He looked..., though tired.
1.    calm
2.    calmly
3.    less calmly
4.    more calmly
6.... greeted the British representatives.
1.    The thousands people     3. Two thousands people
2.    Two thousand people      4. Two thousands in people
7. She heard steps behind....
1.    herself    3. hers
2.    her    4. she
8. When the old lady returns to her flat she... at once that somebody has broken in during her absence.

1.    will see    3. has seen
2.    see    4. saw
9. I ...to smoke cigarettes but finally stopped.
1.    use    3. amused
2.    used    4. was used
10. I rang my friend to London yesterday and he said it ... heavily there.
1.    is raining    3. has been raining
2.    was raining    4. had been raining
11.. My father is sure that most people ... bicycles to work in twenty year's time.
1.    would ride    3. will have been ridden
2.    will be riding    4. will be ridden
12.    She has the most beautiful smile I ever....
1.    saw    3. have seen
2.    had seen    4. see
13.    This new washing machine is completely different... the other
1.    from    3. on
2.    to    4. with
14.1 would be glad to answer... questions you may have.
1.    some    3. any
2.    every    4. the
75. The suspect... that he had been to the bank that day.
1.    told    3. rejected
2.    refused    4. denied
16.1 do wish you ... make less noise.
l.to    3. did
2. will    4. would
17.1 am really looking forward... to camp again this summer.
1.    go    3. to going
2.    be going    4. to go
18.    How much are you expecting to...?
1.    sell for your car    3. sell your old car
2.    get for your old car         4. buy for your old car
19.    ...my PA phone for a taxi?
1.    Shall I had    3. Has he
2.    Shall I have    4. Had I
20.    Open your mouth, it's time... your medicine.
1.    you take    3. for you to take
2.    for you taking    4. you will take

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Желаю успеха!

А. Соболевская

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