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_English_: Подготовка к тестированию
за 2 года

  Выпуск No31 (32) от 2008-07-12
Подписчиков: 1142 чел.

Проверим  домашнее задание.

1.    While we were fishing someone came to the house and left
this note for us.

2.    The exam has just begun and the candidates are writing their
names at the top of their papers.

3. I lit the fire at 6.00 and it was burning brightly when Jane
came  in at 7.00.
4. When I arrived the lecture had started already and the professor was writing something on the blackboard.
5.. He was very polite. Whenever his wife entered the room
he stood up.
6. The pupil asked the teacher how that word  was pronounced.

1.He worked hard but achieved little.
2. I have  a few friends.
3. Does she want any new dresses?
4. He isn't going  anywhere today.
5. This isn't his book, it is  mine.
6. I couldn't find  any books  by  this  writer  at  the  school library.

7.I haven't  much time for study.
А теперь поговорим о Past Perfect.
 Если вы правильно поставили глагол в четвертом предложении, то знаете кое-что о Past Perfect.

4. When I arrived the lecture had started already and the professor was writing something on the blackboard.
Лекция началась до того, как я прибыл.
Еще пример.

I went to a party last week. Tom went to the party too. Tom  went home at 10.30. So, when I arrived at 11 o'clock, Tom wasn't there. When I arrived at the party, Tom wasn't there. He had gone home.

We form the Past Perfect with HAD+ the past paticiple. Sometimes we talk about something that happened in the past. I arrived at the party.
We use the Past Perfect to say that something had  already  happened  before this time: When I arrived at the party, Tom had already gone home.

 When I got home, I found that someone had broken into my flat and  had stolen my fur coat.
 Bill did not want to come to the  cinema  with  us because he had already seen the film twice.
 It was my first time in an aeroplane. I was very nervous because I hadn't flown before.

Compare the Past Perfect and Past Simple.                                 ¦

Was Tom there when you arrived? No, he had already gone home.                                 
but: Was Tom there when you arrived?
Yes, but he went home soon afterwards.                                 ¦ Ann wasn't in

Ann wasn’t in when  I phoned her. She was in London.                                 ¦
but; Ann had just got home when I phoned her. She had been in London.                               

Очень внимательно перечитайте примеры со слова Compare...

А теперь новые предложения для самостоятельной работы.

8. The manager (may, had to, is) not come to work today.
He isn't well.
9. Не doesn't have (much, a lot, many) work to do this afternoon.
10.  My sister is (economical) than me.
11    I asked  him what he (be) going to do with his old car.
12.    The policeman asked if any of us actually (see) the acci
dent at the crossroads.
13.    My friend asked if it (be) all right if she (come) a little
14.    I asked them where they (go) for their summer holidays
the previous year.
15.    She asked if I (like) to go to the concerts but I answered
that I (have) no spare time because I (have to) prepare for
16.    Originally the book (write) in German and a few years
ago it (translate) into English.
17.    There are plenty of hotels in the town. It (must, should,
can) not be difficult to find somewhere to stay.
18.    He is not so (bad) as you think, but, perhaps he is (good)
than me.
19.    Is this (a, an, the) first time you have been to (a, an,
the, -) Crimea?
20.    The accident looked serious but fortunately (nobody,
anybody) was injured.

  Хочу обратить ваше внимание на  рассылки, на которые я сама подписалась на днях:
"Размышления замужней женщины" -
"Счастливая семья" - http://subscribe.ru/catalog/home.woman.zolushka

 Дружественные  нам рассылки:
Параллельные тексты в формате Драгункина http://subscribe.ru/catalog/job.lang.ptlib

Математика. Подготовка к ЕГЭ и ЕНТ


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Желаю успеха!

А. Соболевская

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