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Английский для каждого

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28 мая
2003 года

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    Содержание выпуска:
  1. Статья о цунами
Статья о цунами
(Перевод сложных слов записан в скобках)

What does the word tsunami mean?

A tsunami is a Japanese word which translates as "harbor (гавань) wave", now used internationally to refer (посылать) to a series of waves traveling across the ocean with extremely long wavelengths ( up to hundreds of miles between wave crests (гребень волны) in the deep ocean). When these waves approach shore, the speed of the wave decreases as they begin to "feel" the bottom. It is at this time that the height of the wave drastically (чрезмерно) increases. As the waves strike shore they may inundate (затоплять) low-lying coastal areas resulting in mass destruction and in many instances (случаях) loss (утрата) of life. Often a tsunami is incorrectly referred to as a tidal wave (приливная волна). Tidal waves are simply the periodic movement of water associated with the rise and fall of the tides produced by the gravitational attraction of the sun and moon. Tsunamis have no connection with the weather nor with tides.

Is there a Hawaiian word for tsunami?

There are two words used to describe tsunamis. "Kai e'e" is a general word for tsunami waves and "Kai mimiki" used to describe the withdraw (отход) of the water before the Kai e'e arrives. Please note though that the withdraw of the water is actually the trough of the tsunami reaching shore.

What causes a tsunami?

Oceanographers often refer to tsunamis as seismic sea waves as they are usually the result of a sudden rise or fall of a section of the earth's crust (корка) under or near the ocean. A seismic disturbance (нарушение) can displace the water column, creating a rise or fall in the level of the ocean above. This rise or fall in sea level is the initial formation of a tsunami wave.

Tsunami waves can also be created by volcanic activity and landslides occurring (обвалы, происходящие) above or below the sea surface. These types of activity produce tsunamis with much less energy than those produced by submarine faulting (потеря подводки). The size and energy of these tsunamis dissipates rapidly (разгоняется быстро) with increasing distance from the source, thus resulting in more local devastation (опустошение).

What was the highest tsunami?

The highest, reliably measured tsunami on record occurred in Lituya Bay, Alaska. This unusual event as caused by a massive landslide that fell into the bay on July 9, 1958. The resulting wave surged up the slope (подняла наклон) on the opposite side of the narrow bay to a height of 518 m(1,700 ft). Some scientists believe that even higher tsunamis have occurred a long time ago when asteroids, or large meteors, fell into the ocean. Two areas where studies are underway to look for evidence (очевидность) of such tsunamis are Hawaii and the coast of the Gulf of Mexico.

Usually, a tsunami is generated when an offshore earthquake (землетрясение) moves the ocean bottom in the vertical direction. The waves then propagate towards the coast, growing larger as the water becomes more shallow (мелкий).

Measurements in the last 10 years have documented a 32 m maximum wave height in Okushiri, Japan, and 26 m height on Flores Island Indonesia. These were exceptionally high values due (должное) to topographic and bathymetric (батиметрический) situations that were somewhat special. More typically, the heights of 10 destructive tsunamis in the Pacific since 1990 ranged from about 3 to 15 m; these claimed more than 4000 lives.

How fast does a tsunami travel?

The approximate speed of a tsunami, c, is given by
c = sqrt(g*h), where
g = 9.8 m/s^2 = acceleration due to gravity
h = water depth in meters
c = wave celerity(or speed)
in m/s

The speed is given in m per sec by the rule, so you have to convert to km per hour by multiplying the answer by 3.6. This expression is derived from linear long wave theory, and the approximation (приближение) is good from about

100 m to the deepest ocean depths.

The average depth of the ocean is about ~ 4500 m or so, therefore
c ~ 210 m/s ~ 756 km/hour
A tsunami in only 1000 m of water would travel at 99 m per sec = 356 km/hour
A tsunami in 5039 m of water would travel at 800 km/hour.
A tsunami in 6000 m of water would travel at 873 km/hour.

So a tsunami travels at different speeds in the ocean, slow in shallow water and fast in deep water. There are many places in the ocean deeper than 5000 m, but you should probably (вероятно) use the average depth, and therefore an average speed of about 750 km per hour.

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