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  1. Статья о торнадо
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Статья о торнадо
(Перевод сложных слов записан в скобках)

Tornadoes are one of nature's most violent storms. In an average year, 800 tornadoes are reported across the United States, resulting in 80 deaths and over 1,500 injuries. What is a tornado? According to the Glossary of Meteorology (AMS 2000), a tornado is "a violently rotating (вращающийся) column of air, pendant (дополненый) from a cumuliform (кучевообразный) cloud or underneath (под) a cumuliform cloud, and often (but not always) visible as a funnel (воронка) cloud." In order for a vortex (вихревое движение) to be classified as a tornado, it must be in contact with the ground and the cloud base. Weather scientists haven't found it so simple in practice, however, to classify and define tornadoes. For example, the difference is unclear between a strong mesocyclone (parent thunderstorm (гроза) circulation (водоворот)) on the ground, and a large, weak (слабый) tornado. Tornadoes come in all shapes and sizes and can occur (произойти) anywhere in the U.S at any time of the year. Intensities are ranked by the Fujita (F) Tornado Scale. In the southern states, peak tornado season is March through May, while peak months in the northern states are during the summer.

What direction do tornadoes come from? Does the region of the US play a role in path direction? Tornadoes can appear from any direction. Most move from southwest to northeast, or west to east. Some tornadoes have changed direction amid path, or even backtracked. [A tornado can double back suddenly, for example, when its bottom is hit by outflow winds from a thunderstorm's core (центр).] Some areas of the US tend (тенденцию) to have more paths from a specific direction, such as northwest in Minnesota or southeast in coastal south Texas. This is because of an increased frequency of certain tornado-producing weather patterns (шаблон).

Does hail (град) always come before the tornado? Rain? Lightning? Utter (полная) silence? Not necessarily, for any of those. Rain, wind, lightning, and hail characteristics vary from storm to storm, from one hour to the next, and even with the direction the storm is moving with respect to the observer. While large hail can indicate the presence of an unusually dangerous thunderstorm, and can happen before a tornado, don't depend on it. Hail, or any particular pattern of rain, lightning or calmness (тишина), is not a reliable predictor (предсказатель) of tornado threat (угроза).

What is a waterspout (водяной смерч)? A waterspout is a tornado over water. Waterspouts are common along the southeast U.S. coast -- especially off southern Florida and the Keys -- and can happen over seas, bays (залив) and lakes worldwide. Although waterspouts are always tornadoes by definition; they don't officially count in tornado records unless they hit land. They are smaller and weaker than the most intense Great Plains tornadoes, but still can be quite dangerous. Waterspouts can overturn small boats, damage ships, do significant (значительный) damage when hitting land, and kill people. The National Weather Service will often issue special marine (морской) warnings when waterspouts are likely or have been sighted (наблюдать) over coastal waters, or tornado warnings when waterspouts can move onshore (к суше).

What is the F-scale? Dr. T. Theodore Fujita developed a damage scale (Fujita 1971, Fujita and Pearson 1973) for winds, including tornadoes, which is supposed to relate the degree of damage to the intensity of the wind. The F-scale should be used with great caution. Tornado wind speeds are still largely unknown; and the wind speeds on the F-scale have never been scientifically tested and proven. Different winds may be needed to cause the same damage depending on how well-built a structure is, wind direction, wind duration, battering (долбление) by flying debris (осколки), and a bunch of other factors. Also, the process of rating the damage itself is largely a judgment call -- quite inconsistent (противоречивый) and arbitrary (произвольный) (Doswell and Burgess, 1988). Even meteorologists and engineers highly experienced in damage survey (обозрение) techniques may come up with different F-scale ratings for the same damage. Even with all its flaws (ошибки), the F-scale is the only widely used tornado rating method, and probably (вероятно) will remain so until ground-level winds can be measured in most tornadoes.

Can't we weaken or destroy tornadoes somehow, like by bombing them or sucking out (высасывая) their heat (гнев) with a bunch (куской) of dry ice? The main problem with anything which could realistically stand a chance at affecting a tornado (e.g., hydrogen bomb) is that it would be even more deadly and destructive than the tornado itself. Lesser things (like huge piles (кучи) of dry ice or smaller conventional weaponry (обусловленное вооружение)) would be too hard to deploy (развертывание) in the right place fast enough, and would likely not have enough impact (удар) to affect the tornado much anyway. Imagine the legal problems one would face, too, by trying to bomb or ice a tornado, then inadvertently (невнимательно) hurting someone or destroying private property in the process. In short -- bad idea!

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