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Английский для каждого

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Английский для каждого

От знаний к опыту,
от опыта - к мастерству.
1 октября
2001 год


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    Содержание выпуска:
  1. тест
  2. интересный рассказ о двух Биллах (Клинтон и Гейтс)
  3. шутка на английском и русском языках
Тест (английские поговорки)


Complete these well-known English sayings. Choose the correct word:

1. A Man's best friend is his.......
a) wife
b) son
c) dog

2. An Englishman's home is his......
a) castle
b) church
c) house

3. ......makes the world go round.
a) love
b) gravity
c) money

4. I'm so happy - I'm over the.......
a) moon
b) sun
c) stars

5. I'm so hungry I could eat a .........
a) mountain
b) horse
c) whale

Answers: 1 dog, 2 castle, 3 money, 4 moon, 5 horse

Интересный рассказ о двух Биллах (Клинтон и Гейтс)


When Bill Clinton and Bill Gates played golf on Martha's Vineyard a few years ago, they didn't click. The President gave Gates a heavy dose of the Clinton Treatment, oozing charm and seeking emotional common ground in the fact that both had recently lost their mothers. Clinton must have been disappointed by the cool response of Gates, who sew the subject as unduly personal. Gates, for his part, was put off that Clinton didn't engage him on his favourite topic, technology. When the golfing ended, the two men went their separate ways. Gates didn't take sides in the Clinton-Dole election a couple of years later. Clinton let his Justice Department pursue a potentially devastating antitrust lawsuit against Microsoft.

It's not hard to see why these two larger-than-life figures - one word's most powerful man, one the richest - didn't Become fast friends. The two Bills are as different as the two ends of the generation they represent.

But Clinton and Gates are remarkably alike in other ways, particularly in their flaws. Both have almost limitless drive and self-absorption, and a willingness to push the rules to the edge - or past it - to get what they want.

The two Bills began life worlds apart. Clinton's childhood in small-town, 1940s Arkansas was shaped by a mother who worked as a nurse and played at the race-track, and an alcoholic stepfather. Gates, by contrast, was born into the Seattle upper crust, his father a lawyer and his mother president of Junior League. Gates was a skinny prep school kid who spent all his free time in the computer lab. Clinton, even in his schoolboy days, was the smooth saxophone player who used his music to meet women.

Both men found their callings early. Clinton was elected a senator at Boys Nation at 16. On a Washington field trip that year, he shook hands with President Kennedy - an iconic moment captured in a photo. After Yale Law school and a Rhodes scholarship, Clinton, at 32, became Governor of Arkansas.

Gates was, in his own field, just as much the boy wonder. He started his first computer company, Traf-O-Data, in high school. After dropping out of Harvard to build Microsoft, he hit the big time at 25. Gates spent most of his waking hours among computers. New acquaintances traded tales of his bad haircuts. dirty glasses and odd rocking motion. His early reluctance to give to charity - which he's recently begun to abandon - added to a perception that he lacked the Clintonian ability to feel others' pain.

During their meteoric ascents, both Bills came to be regarded as unstoppable forces of nature. Clinton turned setbacks - being voted out as Governor at 34 - into triumphs. Gates crushed his competition, to the point that his dominance of the software field began to seem godlike. In the end both landed at the top of the world. Clinton was elected and re-elected President; Gates' software controls more than 90% of the world's PCs, and his personal fortune tops $73 billion.

Both Bills have been survivors all their lives, and for now that pattern seems to be holding. Clinton's approval ratings have risen since the Lewinsky scandal broke. And Gates' personal wealth has increased over 500% since the antitrust case was filed.

How will these two epic biographies end? When Gates built his sprawling $60 million mansion, he had a quote from The Great Gatsby inscribed in the library: "He had come a long way to this blue lawn, and his dream must have seemed so close that he could hardly fail to grasp it." It was an odd choice, and the software magnate may have missed its tragic import. In the end of the novel, Jay Gatsby does fail to grasp his dream, and success destroys him. The two Bills are already modern Gatsbys of a sort, having achieved their very different versions of the American Dream. Whether their flaws, like the original Gatsby's, pull them down remains to be seen.

From "Time"

click - [клик] - ладить (друг с другом)
ooze - [у:з] - перен. излучать
unduly - [ан'д юли] - чрезмерно
pursue a lawsuit - предъявлять иск
flaw - [фло] - ошибка
drive - [драйв] - напористость
edge - [эдч] - критическое состояние
racetrack - ['рейстрэк] - ипподром
drop out - [драп] - выбыть, выпасть
hit the big time - иметь огромный успех
ascent - [э'сент] - восхождение, подъем
setback - ['сетбэк] - неудача
file - [файл] - сдавать в архив
sprawling - ['спро:линн] - просторный
mansion - ['мэншн] - большой особняк
"The Great Gatsby" - ['гэтсби] - "Великий Гэтсби", роман Ф.С.Фитцджеральда
import - ['импо:т] - суть, смысл
Шутки на английском и русском языках

Can you pay me a hundred dollars?

An eldery ex-soldier is showing his leg to a well-known Chicago surgeon.
Patient: I have acute pain in my knee. What is to be done?
Surgeon: (after examining the leg) Can you pay me a hundred dollars if I find an operation necessary?
Patient: Will you find an operation necessary if I cannot pay you the hundred dollars?
Surgeon: There is a very good surgeon round the corner. Better consult him.

Можете заплатить мне сто долларов?

Пожилой бывший фронтовик показывает свою ногу известному в Чикаго хирургу.
Пациент: У меня сильнейшие боли в колене. Как тут быть?
Хирург: (после осмотра) В состоянии ли вы уплатить мне сто долларов, если я найду операцию необходимой?
Пациент: Найдете ли вы операцию необходимой, если я не в состоянии уплатить вам эти сто долларов?
Хирург: Здесь за углом живет очень хороший хирург. Лучше обратитесь к нему.

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