father and son went fishing one day (отецисынпошлинарыбалкуводиндень). While they were out in the boat (покаонибыливлодке), the boy suddenly became
curious about the world around him (вдругсталлюбопытнымпоотношениюкмирувокругнего). He asked his father (онспросилсвоегоотца), "How does this boat float? (как
эта лодка держится на воде)"
The father replied, "Don't rightly know, son (точно не знаю, сынок; rightly - правильно, верно, точно)."
little later, the boy looked at his father and asked (немногопозжемальчикпосмотрелнасвоегоотцаиспросил), "How
do fish breath underwater? (какрыбадышитподводой)"
again (ещераз, снова) the father replied, "Don't rightly
know, son."
little later the boy asked his father, "Why is the sky blue? (почемунебоголубое)"
the father replied, "Don't rightly know, son." Finally (наконец), the boy asked his father,
"Dad, do you mind my asking you all of these questions? (папа, ты не против "моего задавания" тебе
всех этих вопросов)"
The father replied, "Of course not, you don't ask
questions, you never learn nothin' (конечно нет, /если/
не задаешь вопросов, никогда ничего и не узнаешь)."
A father and son went fishing one day. While they
were out in the boat, the boy suddenly became curious about the world
around him. He asked his father, "How does this boat float?"
The father replied, "Don't rightly know, son."
A little later, the boy looked at his father and
asked, "How do fish breath underwater?"
Once again the father replied, "Don't rightly know, son."
A little later the boy asked his father, "Why
is the sky blue?"
Again, the father replied, "Don't rightly know, son."
Finally, the boy asked his father, "Dad, do
you mind my asking you all of these questions?"
The father replied, "Of course not, you don't ask questions, you never
learn nothin'."
Don't rightly know.
Do you mind my asking you all of these
Three Englishmen were in a bar (три англичанина были в баре) and spotted an
Irishman (заметили ирландца). So, one of
the Englishmen walked over (один из англичан подошел)
to the Irishman, tapped him on the shoulder (хлопнул
его по плечу), and said, "Hey, I hear (я
слышу) your St. Patrick was a drunken loser (был
пьяница-неудачник; to lose - терять;
really, hmm, didn't know that (правда? Яэтогонезнал)."
(озадаченный), the Englishman walked back to
his buddies (вернулсякприятелям). "I told him St. Patrick
was a loser, and he didn't care (аегоэтонезадело; емубыловсеравно; to care - заботиться, волноваться)."
second Englishman remarked (заметил), "You just don't know how to set him off... (ты просто не знаешь как вывести его из себя)
watch and learn (смотри и учись)." So, the second Englishman walked
over to the Irishman, tapped him on the shoulder and said, "Hey, I
hear your St. Patrick was lying (быллживым), idiotic (идиотичным), low-life scum! (нищим, влачащимжалкоесуществованиемерзавцем; scum - пена, подонок)"
really, hmm, didn't know that."
beyond belief (невероятнопотрясенный: beyond - запределом; belief - вера), the Englishman went back to his buddies. "You're right
(ты прав). He's unshakable! (он не "потрясаем"; его не расшевелить; to shake - трясти, встряхивать)"
third Englishman remarked, "Boys (парни), I'll really tick him off... just watch (ядействительноего
"заведу"... толькосмотрите)." So the third Englishman walked over
to the Irishman, tapped him on the shoulder and said, "I hear St.
Patrick was an Englishman!"
that's what your buddies were trying (пытались) to tell me."
Three Englishmen were in a bar and spotted an
Irishman. So, one of the Englishmen walked over to the Irishman, tapped him
on the shoulder, and said, "Hey, I hear your St. Patrick was a drunken
"Oh really, hmm, didn't know that."
Puzzled, the Englishman walked back to his buddies. "I told him St.
Patrick was a loser, and he didn't care."
The second Englishman remarked, "You just
don't know how to set him off... watch and learn." So, the second
Englishman walked over to the Irishman, tapped him on the shoulder and
said, "Hey, I hear your St. Patrick was lying, cheating, idiotic,
low-life scum!"
"Oh really, hmm, didn't know that."
Shocked beyond belief, the Englishman went back to his buddies.
"You're right. He's unshakable!"
The third Englishman remarked, "Boys, I'll really tick him off... just
watch." So the third Englishman walked over to the Irishman, tapped
him on the shoulder and said, "I hear St. Patrick was an
"Yeah, that's what your buddies were trying to tell me."
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