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Деловой английский Twitter celebrates its fifth birthday

Курс английского языка “English as a Second Language"   

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         Деловой Английский! 

         Наша Школа английского языка предлагает вашему вниманию рассылку, цель которой - помочь специалистам в различных областях использовать английский язык в своей повседневной профессиональной практике.
     Мы расскажем вам о том, как вести деловую переписку, оформлять e-mail, письма с запросом информации и многое другое. Вы познакомитесь с основными выражениями, которые используются при ведении бизнеса в англоязычных странах и расширите свой лексический и грамматический запас знаний.

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 Twitter celebrates its fifth birthday

 Rory Cellan-Jones: Well, I'm just looking at another tweet right now from a journalist, saying: "Twitter's five today - the most important innovation (новшество) for journalists in that time. Not much good for insomnia (бессонница) though," and I think that's about right (похоже на правду). The first thing I do every morning is have a look at it, because it's become an extraordinary (удивительный, необычный) means of communicating news. I find that the first I see of news is it breaking on Twitter (свежие новости).

Rachel Burden: Rory, can you just literally (буквально) explain how it works for those people who don't know, who don't use it?

Rory Cellan-Jones
: It's a system for putting out messages (сервис микроблогинга: коротких сообщений) that are no more than 140 characters (знак) long, so, the length (длина) of a text message, really. And you put your message out there, and gradually you hope that more and more people follow you (читать сообщений). It's a system slightly like Facebook, where you've got friends, but much more public. And on Twitter you have followers, and you follow people. So, I'm following you, Rachel. I hope you're following me. I'm following about 1,000 people. I think we've all learnt over the years, those are the people who use Twitter, to, you know, walk this little line between the personal and the professional. 
And I certainly find it useful professionally - a, to see news, and b, to get news. If you put a message out there and say: "Who knows about X?" - you'll find the world's experts on Twitter, and they will come to you.

Nicky Campbell: Completely, and also to share links (делиться ссылками) with people as well?
Rory Cellan-Jones: That's right. I think that's become more and more important. You see an interesting article, and you put it out (публиковать) there, and everyone can see it. And it’s a quick way of reading the news in the morning.


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