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What increasingly looks like (выглядеть как) a civil war (гражданская война) in Libya is
an unusual conflict, since outside humanitarian agencies (гуманитарная организация) have so little role in the country. Independent eyes and ears (независимые свидетели) on the ground (на месте событий) are essential (необходимый) if there is to be any proper assessment (определить, расценить) of the humanitarian conditions, and where urgent medical aid (срочная медицинская помощь) needs to be sent.
The lack (отсутствие) of any clear picture of the course of the fighting adds to the uncertainty (неуверенность). The United Nations (сотрудник ООН) relief (освобожденный от обязанностей) co-ordinator, Valerie Amos, pointed especially to the western city of Misrata, where there has been heavy fighting (ожесточенные бои), and which the Red Crescent (Красный Полумесяц) has
been unable to reach with ambulances (карета скорой помощи) or aid (помощь). The UN Secretary General (генеральный секретарь ООН), Ban Ki-Moon, says that the Libyan authorities (власти) have agreed to a humanitarian assessment team going in, but initially, they will only be heading (возглавлять) to Tripoli.
There seems to have been a significant misjudgement (глубокое заблуждение) by the outside world as to the pace and trajectory (линия движения) of events in Libya. The battery of sanctions (огромное
число санкций), diplomatic measures (дипломатические меры) and the referral to (ссылки на) the International Criminal Court (Международный уголовный суд) were pursued at great pace (стремительно появлялись), almost on the assumption that (исходя
из того, что) the Libyan leader, Colonel Gaddafi, would have been gone by now. The fact that he's fighting back raises the possibility of a lengthy or sporadic (случайный) conflict, which neither side may be able to win. In the meantime the humanitarian situation will get worse and the calls for outside intervention (вмешательство извне) may grow.
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